"Goodbye America...you are not the country that I love and I finally realized that no matter how much I sacrifice, I can't make you that country unless you want it" ~~Cindy Sheehan writing in Daily Kos~~
Gee Cindy, when exactly did you discover that?
But thanks for your sacrifice; you lost your son, and I am quite sure that very few of the talking heads and right wing crack pots who bashed you on a daily basis could make that claim. It was easy for them to pick on you while you were on center stage, because you had the nerve to speak truth to power, and very few people in America have the guts to do that.
Still, you had to have felt betrayed when not even those in the Democratic party would take a real stance against this insane war. Hey, it can be lonely when you stand up for your principles and your beliefs. This is, after all, America, where everyone is busy pursuing happiness.
"I have endured a lot of smear and hatred since Casey was killed.." You sure have Ms. Sheehan, but consider the source: Slimy, gutless, greedy fear pimps, who prey on the ignorance and faux patriotism of a particular segment of our population. But don't feel bad, you did all that you could do. Now it's time for you to head back to Cali and try and get your life together.
So the anti war movement needs a new face, and I am thinking of a couple of people who could take Ms. Sheehans place right now. How about Paris Hilton? She is certainly prettier than Cindy Sheehan, and I am sure that given her popularity, Americans would pay attention to her. And she is on about the same intellectual level as the President and many of those on the right, so she would certainly be able to go toe to toe with them in debating the issue. I mean think about it. Between her stints in rehab, and her club hopping; girlfriend could make a statement like: "This war is terrible, let's get out of Iraq. How can those poor people shop with all the killing going on?"
If Paris doesn't work for you, how about Dr. Jack Kevorkian? Hey, home boy will be free soon after serving eight years for second degree murder. Now, of course, as it turns out, most people agree with old Dr. Jack, and actually think that assisted suicides is not such a bad thing after all. So who better to lead the anti war movement than a guy known for assisting suicides? Hey, most politicians seem to think that if you vote against this war you are committing a form of political suicide, so why not the face of suicide, Dr. Jack, to lead the movement? The movement is dying anyway, so we might as well put Dr. Jack out there to put it out of it's misery without any real pain. "Hi, I am Dr. Jack Kevorkian, and I am against the war in Iraq, and as someone who will assist you in committing suicide, please feel free to join me in this movement. I promise you that your death will be painless."