Monday, June 24, 2013

"Stephen" strikes again.

The Supremes punted to the lower court today in the University of Texas affirmative action case. No new groundbreaking law, just a note to the lower court to use a stricter level of scrutiny when considering things such as affirmative action. This is the toughest judicial evaluation allowed to consider whether government action is proper.

No problem. I am quite sure that universities have their ducks in a row and can justify how their admissions process works to create a better student body for learning. 

The Supremes were pretty much unanimous in their decision, except for our favorite Uncle, who, although he wrote a concurring opinion, had to go out of his way to point out why affirmative action is a bad thing. (This from a man who himself benefited from affirmative action.) Clarence actually compared affirmative action to Jim Crow segregation and slavery. Think about that for a minute. Slavery!
"Slaveholders argued that slavery was a 'positive good' that civilized blacks and elevated them in every dimension of life," Thomas wrote in his separate opinion on Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin. "A century later, segregationists similarly asserted that segregation was not only benign, but good for black students."

Thomas cited Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case that led to the desegregation of public schools, in drawing a comparison between segregation and affirmative action.

"Following in these inauspicious footsteps, the University would have us believe that its discrimination is likewise benign. I think the lesson of history is clear enough: Racial discrimination is never benign," he wrote in the 20-page opinion. "The University’s professed good intentions cannot excuse its outright racial discrimination any more than such intentions justified the now-denounced arguments of slaveholders and segregationists." [Source]

But Uncle Clarence, race is but one of many considerations schools such as the University of Texas use to make up a diversified student body. They consider things such as your economic background, geography, family history, and whether you served in the military. Sadly, this Negro is so full of self hate that all he sees is the racial aspect of what schools are trying to do with their student body.

People like Clarence Thomas will never understand this, because he does not live in the real world. The poor man is still running as far away from Pin Point, Georgia as he can.

Anyway, while Clarence was comparing affirmative action to slavery, his fellow republican, Rand Paul, was comparing the NSA surveillance program to slaves being lynched back in the day. Something about the lack of due process.

Excuse me Rand, but there is no moral equivalence between the two. 

"One of them was when we judged the guilt of African Americans by lynching. People say, ‘Oh, that’s a dramatic comparison.’ Well that’s why we have steps and processes you go through to make sure you don’t have adjudication of guilt without a trial, without a lawyer, without a judge involved.”

Yes, but the last time I checked, Edward Snowden was not hanging from a tree with his eyeballs popping out and his skin turning gray.

*Pic from jobsjusticedreams



PilotX said...

Clarence Thomas is a sad and bitter man. He complains that his Yale degree is worth $0.15 but the fact is he wouldn't be sitting on the most powerful judicial body on the planet if he didn't have that Yale degree. Sad, bitter and ungrateful. He has so much potential to be a force for good but instead he spends his time playing the victim card. He is a good conservative, he lacks a sense of irony and has the self pity thing down pat.

Anonymous said...

From the previous thread:


"There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must do it because conscience tells him it is right.”

They mustve forgot MLK was in vehement vocal opposition to the needless wars going on at the time...

and just because a bi-racial President is in office doesnt mean vehement vocal opposition should cease....

STEPHEN has been laying low on any news of real substance...

Im sure he doesnt want to have to endlessly defend the indefensible....

6:12 PM
This is a brilliant and insightful comment. Probably too deep for STEPHEN and his FN followers. Following the ethics of one's CONSCIENCE is something quite foreign to most. Then there is the moral potency to put doing the right thing into action. THAT is not STEPHEN'S style.

But thank you for this comment. It has stirred something good in me that I want to follow.

Anonymous said...

Field, "Yes, but the last time I checked, Edward Snowden was not hanging from a tree with his eyeballs popping out and his skin turning gray."

Field, you left out that male slaves were castrated. You see, that would not happen to Whites because their lives are valued more than Blacks in America. Black lives seem to be throw aways,

Even Justice Clarence Thomas recognizes this. That's why he is against a level playing field for Blacks despite the history of racism in this country. I believe he no longer associates himself with Blacks. There are no Blacks in his life. Even his wife is White. But can you blame him?

Where in America are Blacks shouting "I am Black and I am proud"? NOWHERE. It's just the opposite...we are killing each other off because we hate being Black. CT just happens to be in a position of power to destroy Blacks like Blacks destroy themselves on the street.

It's a funny thing, though. YOU attack Clarence, but say little about the wholesale killings of Blacks in the streets. WHY?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Field, you probably have figured out that I am White when I say I believe you have misjudged Justice Thomas.

This Supreme Justice is trying to make sure Whites 'also' have a level playing field. For that, I am extremely grateful. Clarence Thomas has softened my heart toward your people and you have CT (as you disrespectfully call him) to thank. Be grateful for Justice Thomas, for he is playing a big role in changing America.

Anonymous said...

PilotX, your comment about CT is very offensive. Your pop psycho-analysis of the good Justice is out of bounds and quite perverse, considering you haven't had a day of therapy, let alone read a self-help to improve your own mind and heart.

Anonymous said...

You know, Mr. Field, I used to think that Clarence was just an old self-hating idiot but, then I realized that his work on the Bench is bringing in truckloads of money through his wife's connections with Conservative organizations.

We're sitting around calling him all kinds of fools and he and his wife are getting rich!


Wesley R said...

Uncle Thomas used the race card to get on the Supreme Court (remember high tech lynching?. Once he got on the high court he turned his back on his community. By the way the people who benefit the most from affirmative action are white females.

George Zimmerman will be found guilty of something besides the fact that he did it )because his lawyer sucks. The wingnuts should ask for their donations back.

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

But Uncle Clarence, race is but one of many considerations schools such as the University of Texas use to make up a diversified student body.


You're funny, field.


Your on the fence with this one Field...

I know your trying to confuse me by speaking out against the ULTIMATE House Negro Clarence...

Hes almost as detestable as O-bomber for me... LOL

Good job on that HALF of your post...

Now I see your talking about the NSA mess. However you still approach it with this foolish
Left vs Right Paradigm...

Rand loves salacious comments to keep his name in the press..

A consummate politician..just like O-bomber...

In a effort to shame ol Rand Paul you MISS the point he is trying to convey..

Our First Amendment Rights are important, and its not really about Snowden, and certainly not about Rands's "Slavery" comment...

Its the hypocrisy that this administration displays on these such issues.

The man campaigned specifically against these over reaches when they were in infantile stages under Bush...

Where .. or What is the "Change" you voted for if he expands , and emboldens the same policies he was against while he campaigned??

Where would we be if the Panthers werent spied on...

Where would we be if Malcolm, if Martin ..werent spied on??

and you still tow the Administration line on this...

Bullet to the head said...

"Yes, but the last time I checked, Edward Snowden was not hanging from a tree with his eyeballs popping out and his skin turning gray."

He should be. But we don't hang traitors anymore, we make them Secretary of State.

The end is very near.

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

"No problem. I am quite sure that universities have their ducks in a row and can justify how their admissions process works to create a better student body for learning."

I love that rationale: Having minorities around 'enriches' the learning atmosphere for the white kids.

I guess the black and Hispanic students are like pets for the white students. Is that it?

How does admitting underqualified students create "a better student body for learning"? By setting some up to fail? Is it a cautionary tale about playing out of your league? Or perhaps it is to teach the white and Asian students that a lot of minorities can't graduate from college?

I guess to you, any harm done to black kids by failing out of college after a couple years and a few thousand dollars is outweighed by the 'vibrancy' added to the experience of the white students (the ones who got in, not the ones who got pushed aside by minorities with lower test scores).

How white of you.

Anonymous said...

BlackisBeautiful said, "Our First Amendment Rights are important, and its not really about Snowden, and certainly not about Rands's "Slavery" comment...

Its the hypocrisy that this administration displays on these such issues.

The man campaigned specifically against these over reaches when they were in infantile stages under Bush...

Where .. or What is the "Change" you voted for if he expands , and emboldens the same policies he was against while he campaigned??

Where would we be if the Panthers werent spied on...

Where would we be if Malcolm, if Martin ..werent spied on??

and you still tow the Administration line on this... "

11:09 PM
I am so glad we have an intelligent, clear-seeing mind such as yourself on this blog. Thank you for being here.

Unfortunately for Field, you make him look sorely inadequate. Nevertheless, he is who he is. And he can always count on being supported from the bakery in PR, and the 'airport' in Chicago where X-Pilot once flew.

Anonymous said...

Affirmative Action Jackson, "How does admitting underqualified students create "a better student body for learning"? By setting some up to fail? Is it a cautionary tale about playing out of your league? Or perhaps it is to teach the white and Asian students that a lot of minorities can't graduate from college?

I guess to you, any harm done to black kids by failing out of college after a couple years and a few thousand dollars is outweighed by the 'vibrancy' added to the experience of the white students (the ones who got in, not the ones who got pushed aside by minorities with lower test scores).

How white of you."

11:32 PM
Wow. You make a good point, even though it really hurts me to admit it. You've got me seeing and hearing what brother CT has been saying in a new way. And, he might be right after all. Oh well, what does it matter?
Aren't we finished as a nation anyway? Everything that demanded excellence has been ruined.

PilotX said...

How does admitting underqualified students create "a better student body for learning"?

It doesn't. That's why they admit the top ten percent of a graduating class. This program has not only made UT more diverse it is an overwhelming success. The problem is people assume AA means admitting underqualified kids but in reality it means recruiting qualified kids who may have gone elsewhere. If this program wasn't a success UT wouldn't be defending it.

PilotX said...

"You know, Mr. Field, I used to think that Clarence was just an old self-hating idiot but, then I realized that his work on the Bench is bringing in truckloads of money through his wife's connections with Conservative organizations.

We're sitting around calling him all kinds of fools and he and his wife are getting rich!"

He's not a fool but he is ungrateful. He's rich beyond imagination, more powerful than almost any other human on the planet but all we hear from him are sob stories. He is a waste of talent.

Unknown said...

There is a reason the rest of the Conservatives didn't sign on with Uncle Clarence. The biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action for diversity today are native born white males. If schools admitted solely on grades and test scores, women would be the majority on most elite school campuses. They test better then men an get better grades when it counts. Also, lets not forget who are the test Masters. Watch reruns of the National Spelling Bee. Then there are Marie and Tina Vachovsky, twins in San Diego who have perfect scores on their SAT and 4.5 GPA. Their parents are immigrants from Bulgaria. Whachall gon'do?

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

You know what else is like slavery Field? Parking ticket! And speed limits are just like the holocaust. And driving on freeways during rush hour is almost worse than the rape of Nanking

Anonymous said...


Sandy248 said...

Since Clarence is so bothered by affirmative action, he should do the right thing and step down from the SCOTUS. After all, if it were anybody but Thurgood Marshall who had stepped down, would Clarence be on the court?

Anonymous said...

And... If niggas really don't like the "N" word, g'damit, boycott EVERY single entity that makes $$ from its use. Or, we need to tell white a-merry-kkka, "It's okay to use the "N" word".
And, leave Paula Dean alone; she and folks liker her have enough trying to hang on to (rapidly vanishing) white privilege.

field negro said...

Anon@10:09 pm, you must be new here.

The Purple Cow said...

Quote: Bullet To The Head

"He should be."

Snowden is a hero of the highest order, he has given up a good job and a decent life to expose the evil and the hypocrisy at the dark heart of the American establishment.

"But we don't hang traitors anymore, we make them Secretary of State."

Blag, blah fucking blah

Black men are in a position of power, these fake scandals you guys keep inventing are not going to change that.

Get over yourselves.


"The end is very near."

I'd like to think so, but sadly I suspect you are wrong.

field negro said...

AA Jackson, the entire premise of your comment is false. You are assuming the AA kids are less qualified. This is how the mind of the racist works.

BTW, as someone above stated, white females benefit more from Af action than blacks.

A Black Panther Forever said...

Echo the fact that white women benefited more than the AA as a class From being there....women were WACs in the army. An inferior status that required them (women) to only hold certain noncombatant roles. I went thru Vietnam and never saw any women in job that could put her in harms way. With equal opportunity, I as a qualified combat medic was recruited for a "dust-off" medic 1969 when EO opened door for Blacks to be used in some higher echelon jobs in the military. AA was first tried out in the military where we were a controlled group. Then the women-white girls- were affirmative action(ed) into many jobs that the Blacks to this day still have road-blocks. Look at the number of female pilots, combat medics, engineers and so on. White women has made the transition due to her likability and familiarity with the dominate white male bosses of everything. (used to be). Now after an intendant class has transited big time... time to close the door and to be closed by someone -(whom he says)-that benefited greatly.I am of the opinion that the majority race still have "pets" -(CT)-that they can go to.. to dilute the animus derived by these conversations. I find it strange that there is not a white ground-swell when Black athletes are taking smarter (by their measurements) whites place. Wonder what Brother Thomas would say to that form of slavery. I used the word pet in a neutral way. Justice Thomas may one day be forceful in a non-racial issue. That why I used the word pet because that the only time I hear from him is when he has to tamper down some race issue. Compare the data for white women versus Blacks and come back and let me know if this program was designed with the African American as an afterthought. Still receiving crumbs from the master's table.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the hell Clarence Thomas is, but I know if I had to wake up beside that sucka every morning, I'd instantly turn into Usain Bolt. I may have spelled Usain's name wrong and I apologize. God, Clarence is horrific!!

Anonymous said...

Anon8:26am, CT is not a bad looking man. He is rather handsome. You are a racist and you are jealous of him! And what the hell is that Usain Bolt about?

Why are you attacking bm who have relationships with ww, you racist freak.

Field, do something about this slave catcher...he's attacking one of the most successful bm in American history. Why are you allowing this?

Anonymous said...

who has abused blacks more?????

potus trumps scotus!!!!!!!

ct = uncle tom

hobama = big bro/uncle remus

that BLACKISH HITLERISH cia uncle tom mulatto hnic bankster hobama has turned the entire world into a rainbow slave plantation!!!!!!!

even clarence thomas has called out hobama as a bankster drone

that makes ALL who excuse and adore hobama EVEN WORSE than clarence!!!!!!

what a gd shame!!!!

Anonymous said...

kudos to uncle tom/ct for slaying uncle remus/hobama!!!!

Anonymous said...

racist bankster big bro drone man hobama makes gwb look like a wise afrocentric pacifist slacker libertarian!

history will prove that hobama was the worst and most lethal house nig EVER!!!!!!


that bradley manning and edward snowden were true heroes

rebel govt warriors ALWAYS trump sold out bankster/neocon slave nigs

cc assata/harriet/huey/malcolm/mlk/africom etc

cc eternal wars and eternal racism etc

privacy is a relic

no lies live forever

Anonymous said...

hobama = the new mulatto massa bankster on a global slave plantation

cc wwiii/africom/ndaa/jobless/homeless/hunfry/droned/fema camps/dhs/irs/hobamacare etc


Anonymous said...

wwiii/africom/ndaa/jobless/homeless/hunGry/droned/fema camps/dhs/irs/hobamacare etc

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

PilotX said...
The problem is people assume AA means admitting underqualified kids but in reality it means recruiting qualified kids who may have gone elsewhere.

This is as dumb as you get, X. If the students admitted under AA were not underqualified, then they would have been admitted without AA.

Favortism does AA beneficiaries an injustice by putting them in situations where it will be very difficult to succeed. It also teaches them that they do not have to apply themselves 100% in high school in order to get ready for college, since they will get in anyway. Thirdly, it casts aspersions on the achievements of the majority of black kids who actually do have the chops to succeed in college and the work world.

But the biggest injustice is to white kids who would have made it in on merit but were denied a spot because they were white.

Affirmative action just isn't right.

NSangoma said...


Lest we forget the original intent of the founding, mothers.

Key Part of Voting Rights Act Invalidated

The SCOTUS decisions on PunkPower come down tomorrow morning.


Affirmative Action Jackson said...

field negro said...
"AA Jackson, the entire premise of your comment is false. You are assuming the AA kids are less qualified. This is how the mind of the racist works."

If they were not less qualified, they would not need AA. That's not "racist", that's simple logic.

"BTW, as someone above stated, white females benefit more from Af action than blacks"

I think that is probably true, but why should anyone benefit because of the group they belong to? Shouldn't we work toward a system where every individual is treated fairly?


Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Favortism does AA beneficiaries an injustice by putting them in situations where it will be very difficult to succeed


You dont know every scenario...

The only way your statement is true is by concluding without any evidence that black students cant suceeed in those situations.

It also teaches them that they do not have to apply themselves 100% in high school in order to get ready for college, since they will get in anyway

More the form of Generalization ... None of these things can be proven....

But the biggest injustice is to white kids who would have made it in on merit but were denied a spot because they were white.

Affirmative action just isn't right.

Now this is just stupidity being regurgitated....

At least TRY to bolster your ridiculous claims with some outdated articles...

Thats usually where this kind of argument goes...

Anonymous said...

cc that racist black agendaless massa hobama


Affirmative action is mandatory for affirmative discrimination. Racist employers have proven that they will only be fair when forced to be so legally. Affirmative action ensures fairness in increasingly hostile and ruthless workplaces.

Neoconservatives paint affirmative action as a program that favors the hiring of community college graduates over Ivy League graduates. It does no such thing. It does INCLUDE Black Ivy Leaguers in otherwise exclusively white Ivy League personnel pools. Racism forces most Black college graduates to be academically superior to their white peers. Whatever we do, racist professors force us to do it better than white students to achieve the same grades. Fortunately, we excel with habitual ease.

Masterfully, neocons are revamping affirmative action programs to benefit white South Africans and conservative white, female Americans exclusively. Actually, it has always benefitted whites more than Blacks, as “quotas” are always predominately white numerically. Sexism is still more rampant than racism. Black men still earn more than Black women in similar jobs. White women fare better than all Blacks in every occupational arena.

In 1984, author George Orwell coined the term “Newspeak”. Neocons speak it fluently. “Affirmative action reform” really means “securing the good old white boy networks in offices everywhere”. Racism is STILL a reality, especially in employment. The playing fields in the offices of America have never been made level. And, the racist coaches never changed the rules of the game. Don those helmets. This game is getting tougher daily. The New World Order is in progress. The Revolution is in the streets...




Abra Hill Johnson said...

NSangoma said...
Key Part of Voting Rights Act Invalidated

Too late to stop the massive voting fraud that got Obama re-elected, but maybe this will make future elections cleaner.

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Favortism does AA beneficiaries an injustice by putting them in situations where it will be very difficult to succeed


You dont know every scenario...

The only way your statement is true is by concluding without any evidence that black students cant suceeed in those situations.


I didn't say "black students", I said "AA beneficiaries". I do know that scenario: If you put someone in a position based on a criteria other than their straight up qualifications, it will be difficult for them to do well.


AA beneficiaries= Black

If you put someone in a position based on a criteria other than their straight up qualifications.

Once again those are YOUR projections , and not indicative of any facts..

Your assumption is that African Americans are unqualified regardless of Affirmitive Action or Not...

Sorry...Affirmitive Action doesnt mean "Unqualified" ....

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Sorry...Affirmitive Action doesnt mean "Unqualified" ....

What does it mean then? Why would someone who was qualified, as evidenced by objective standards such as grades and test scores, need special consideration to be admitted or hired?

Anonymous said...

al sharpton needs an eye exam

no one has disgraced mlk more than that racist global warlord bankster hobama


Im going to let you answer that question.....

Just so we can have a punctuation mark for your stupidity on this issue...

I'll wait....


Affirmative Action Jackson said...

What does it mean then? Why would someone who was qualified, as evidenced by objective standards such as grades and test scores, need special consideration to be admitted or hired?

Im going to let you answer that question.....

Just so we can have a punctuation mark for your stupidity on this issue...

Anonymous said...

this is why we need our legal guns!!!

Dr. Nuwang said...

Sorry...Affirmitive Action doesnt mean "Unqualified" ....

You're absolutely right about this.

What MANY racist white folks need to admit is that the primary way many of them are admitted to colleges/universities is through "legacy action". And that is far more capricious than AA will EVER be.

Just ask George "I barely made it out of Yale" Bush.

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Dr.Nǚwáng said...
What MANY racist white folks need to admit is that the primary way many of them are admitted to colleges/universities is through "legacy action". And that is far more capricious than AA will EVER be.

That is ridiculous.

Legacy admissions to educational institutions are the reserve of the donor class, the upper 1%.

And even if legacy admissions were common, why not work to end them, rather than set up a whole other unjust favoritism system?

Obviously in the current system, non-elite whites, particularly males, are the ones who pay the price.

PilotX said...

Sorry AA Jackson, white males have never paid the price for anything. There would be no need for the current system of AA if there hadn't been white male AA for centuries. Not a peep about that but hell even then white males played the victim card.


Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Why would someone who was qualified, as evidenced by objective standards such as grades and test scores, need special consideration to be admitted or hired?

You should really answer your own question so we can move on to other subjects...

The issue has been settled , and your certainly NOT going to gain any sympathizers here...

Try TheBlaze..or Rush's followers... They have all the sympathy you need...

PilotX said...

What do you think of Stephen's er I mean clarence's vote on the VRA Field? I mean other than the fact we knew how it was going to go down.

Lt. Commander Johnson said...

Hey field.....I've always wondered....who is that that's always calling you "STEPHEN", and why? Is that your middle name, or, what's the supposed "joke"?


I call Field STEPHEN when hes posting "House Negro" Garbage...

I call him Field any other time...

Your probably know me as Frustrated Negro...

Anonymous said...

Field have to give you major props for the picture, that was funny. Stephen and Clarence look alike LOL!

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

PilotX said...
Sorry AA Jackson, white males have never paid the price for anything. There would be no need for the current system of AA if there hadn't been white male AA for centuries.

"White male AA"? Who was giving special preference to those white males?

eah said...

The Texas Top Ten Percent system brings in top students from impoverished all black schools who aren't prepared for the competition at UT, while excluding higher scoring blacks from tougher integrated middle class schools where they got lower GPAs because they had to compete with Asians and whites. Is that wise?

Of course it's manifestly unwise, not to mention egregiously unfair, to send a lot of unqualified Blacks to the best schools just because they finished in the top 10% of their uncompetitive school, when it's been more than amply demonstrated that they flunk out in large numbers. Rather than admitting more qualified Blacks from more competitive schools, who didn't quite manage to finish in the top 10%, but who do a lot better at university.

Stupidity like that, which is representative of majority opinion, is just one more reason why America will continue to fall down its very own rathole, until it reaches some kind of bottom.

blackcon said...

Most people don't even know that Jews are perhaps the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action in the Ivy League, something that Ron Unz has documented.

Anonymous said...

AA Jackson, "I think that is probably true, but why should anyone benefit because of the group they belong to? Shouldn't we work toward a system where every individual is treated fairly?"

11:25 AM
We ARE working toward a system where every individual is treated fairly. It took centuries of slavery, lynchings, and Jim Crow laws by Whites perpetrated on Blacks to get where we are today. AA didn't happen out of a vacuum. It happened in an effort to level the playing field, ie, to bring about fairness to those who were mistreated unfairly by white men. Do you not know the history of your country? Or are you pretending to be so moralistic that you have never noticed that America is a racist country that perpetrated many injustices on Blacks? Maybe you should read and listen to Tim Wise?

Anonymous said...

So far the GZ trial seems to be going to hell in a hand basket The prosecutor s witnesses are making him look like a hero neighborhood watchman! They all love him! So he seems to have two defense teams! Lol! Now I've really seen everything! I don't know where the h**l this is going fast!

Anonymous said...

AA Jackson, ""White male AA"? Who was giving special preference to those white males?"

3:59 PM
America's foundation is based on white privilege. It still goes on today and quite frankly, you need to learn the lyrics of "Amazing Grace" by John Newman. He was White and thought like you do today before he realized his sinful mistake against humanity. I am not saying you will realize much but give it the old white male 'try' anyway.

Anonymous said...

Desertflower said...
So far the GZ trial seems to be going to hell in a hand basket The prosecutor s witnesses are making him look like a hero neighborhood watchman! They all love him! So he seems to have two defense teams! Lol! Now I've really seen everything! I don't know where the h**l this is going fast!

4:17 PM
My dear Desert, this is America with an American justice system IN FLORIDA. What did you expect? I told you AND Field that Zimmerman would walk. Of Course, you can't tell Field shit. He actually thinks Zimmerman is guilty and will be put away! Imagine that!

Field is a criminal lawyer IN AMERICA, and he still doesn't know how the justice(injustice) system works. Where has this Jamaican been?

It'll be interesting to read what Field has to say about his own deluded judgment and 'why' Zimmerman got off....(racism, of course).


To Anon at 4:17 .....

We ARE working toward a system where every individual is treated fairly. It took centuries of slavery, lynchings, and Jim Crow laws by Whites perpetrated on Blacks to get where we are today. AA didn't happen out of a vacuum. It happened in an effort to level the playing field, ie, to bring about fairness to those who were mistreated unfairly by white men. Do you not know the history of your country?

Hes just being willfully ignorant....

Just like this clown...

"White male AA"? Who was giving special preference to those white males?

They live in some vacum bubble where slavery never happened, and black folks just forced themselves upon poor unsuspecting land owners...

People like this LOVE to Re write History...

Anonymous said...

BlackisBeautiful, "Hes just being willfully ignorant....

Just like this clown...

"White male AA"? Who was giving special preference to those white males?

They live in some vacum bubble where slavery never happened, and black folks just forced themselves upon poor unsuspecting land owners...

People like this LOVE to Re write History.."
Racism is a wretched persistent evil perpetrated by AA Jackson and other unconscionable people with like character. Their history in America defines who they are: "Untrustworthy and Against The Human Race."

Thanks for the heads up about these creatures.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. The Supremes struck down Section 4 of the VRA. Blacks continue to lose ground as citizens. I wonder what Field and BlackisBeautiful are thinking?

Does anyone know if this law will affect PR, or the VIs? Jamaica is looking better and better.

Does anyone know if A Panther Forever has a blog?

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Anonymous said...
AA didn't happen out of a vacuum. It happened in an effort to level the playing field, ie, to bring about fairness to those who were mistreated unfairly by white men. Do you not know the history of your country? Or are you pretending to be so moralistic that you have never noticed that America is a racist country that perpetrated many injustices on Blacks?

Anyone who is perpetrating an injustice against anyone else should be held accountable. Name names, don't whine about generalizations.

AA doesn't "level the playing field", it just tilts it in a different direction.

Affirmative Action is wrong.

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Hes just being willfully ignorant....

Just like this clown...

"White male AA"? Who was giving special preference to those white males?

Can you answer the question, or are you just being willfully ignorant?

Who was it that granted special privileges to males of the white race?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I'm not surprised. No Sir. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, those racist white folks are working on trying to bring back legalize killing of black males. Yep,

Word for today:

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...

Credulous Johnson said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...
I'm not surprised. No Sir. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, those racist white folks are working on trying to bring back legalize killing of black males. Yep,

You're right Granny. Why I wouldn't be surprised if those Raciss Rethuglicans don't introduce a bill tomorrow legalizing the killing of black males. Yes, no surprise at all.

Do you think the President will veto it?

Anonymous said...

Uncle Clarence IS *LYING*!!! He himself does NOT BELIEVE what he is saying! He is insulting your intelligence and that OF EVERY reader! He CLAIMS to think that
"Racial discrimination is never benign", but the Texas case occurs in a context of the "8% rule" (10% back when the case arose) where the top 8% of graduates OF ANY Texas high school get admitted to a University of Texas campus! THAT IS *BLATANTLY* racially discriminatory BECAUSE Texas has such a racist and segregated public education system! If you REALLY had a problem with discrimination then you would have HAD to begin THERE, WITH THE 10% RULE! But he never worries about THAT, OR ABOUT THE INEQUITY IN EDUCATION THAT LED TO IT, AT ALL!!
All I can say is that I pray that WE as a people can be VIGILANT.
If WE had condemned Clarence Thomas as what he was WHEN HE WAS NOMINATED, then Wyche Fowler and Terry Sanford WOULD HAVE KNOWN to do THE RIGHT THING and Clarence Thomas WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN on the Supreme Court! And we would still have a Voting Rights Act.

Anonymous said...

If these people REALLY considered Africans to be CITIZENS, they wouldn't have been treating us this way for the past 500 years. We're so insane, we took the name of the country of people who OWNED us and still do. Jesse gave us the name "Americans", Paula Deen knows the real deal. We're Africans FORCED to Native Lands, STOLEN by Europeans to claim as their own. Truth be told, the Natives are the ones who belong here, the rest of us are playing house. We're Africans stuck in No-Man's Land.

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