Saturday, June 29, 2024

The old man and the felon.


   I watched what was promoted as a Presidential Debate by CNN Thursday night, and it was painful. The old man, in spite of all his accomplishments, and the obvious successes of his administration, could not convey that to the American people. First, because he is old, and second, he has a stuttering problem. His handlers and the paid DNC consultants should all be charged with political malpractice by the millions of people who support the old man. Whether you think it was because he was out campaigning the day before, or he had a cold, his voice was not ready for prime time. (We could barely hear the poor guy for crying out loud!) And they crammed him with too much information. You could see the information overload freezing his bran in real time. This is not how you win an election and save democracy.

  The felon, on the other hand, was in his wheelhouse. Telling lie after lie unchecked, and having his way with the CNN anchors, the old man, and most importantly, the truth. I was embarrassed for America. When your Presidential Debate is reduced to which one of the candidates has a better golf game, and whether one of the men on stage actually had sex with a porn star while his pregnant wife was at home expecting his child, you might just have a problem. The truth is, the felon should not have been out on that stage in the first place. He should be in jail, just like the sycophants who support him, and are members of his cult. (FYI, Steve Bannon will be reporting for lock up on Monday) But here we are. Oh to be a wealthy powerful white man in America. Just think, you can literally have a bunch of Supreme Court Justices in your pocket, and avoid having to own up to your misdeeds because a Judge you appointed is beholden to you.     

The dems are now in full-blown panic mode, as they should be. The old man's numbers are not good, and they don't seem to be getting any better.  There is talk now of an open convention. "He must be replaced" comes the screams from the talking heads and pundits on television. This, in spite of the fact that his administration is kicking ass by all objective measures. I can understand the fear, though. The thought of giving the felon four more years in the White House is frightening. It's not hyperbole to say that he most likely will end democracy as we know it. It's what he and his Christofascist friends have promised.  You have to take them at their word when they say that they will do something. It's already started. (Google Louisiana and the 10 Commandments, and Project 2025 when you get a chance.)

 The old man has some soul searching to do. Only he knows if he can see this thing through. He sure didn't look like he was up for the job of beating the felon in a debate Thursday night. If he truly believes that the felon is such a threat do democracy, and he has no chance of beating him, he should step aside, and give the dems a shot. That would be the patriotic thing to do. If, on the other hand, he believes that he is up for the job, well then go for it.  Personally, I would vote for a dead turtle before I even consider voting for the felon. The man who said he created more "black jobs" than any other president on Thursday without batting an eye. (Like WTF is a "black job"?)  It just goes to show you who we are dealing with.  If the felon thinks he will win the White House with black votes, he is in for a big surprise. Sadly,  he could very well win it all because of white folks, who don't see the threat because of their shared skin color and the lies. 
