Sunday, March 19, 2006

Catching Up On The News

Well it's Sunday morning on a beautiful sunny day in the city of brotherly love. As I always do on Sunday mornings, I am reading from my local paper- The Philadelphia Inquirer- about the latest news of the day.

Allow me to share some thoughts with you.

The first headline that jumped out at me said this:
"U.S. warships fire on pirate suspects"
Now I have to ask myself, are these pirates insane?
They were in a thirty foot fishing boat and they fire on a war ship?
Why would you fire on a war ship from a fishing boat for crying out loud?
Anyway, the news goes on to say that one suspect was killed, and five were wounded. Obviously there were no injuries on the war ship.
Geeez! Where is Black Beard when you need him?

Let's see what else?
The Inquirer has a huge piece on the war effort in Iraq (It's been three years folks) and how it's not going all that great. "A Mission Imperiled" reads the headlines.

I have to ask this quesiton; after a quarter of a billion dollars, the sacrifice of 2,315 lives, and the squandering of good will with the world community, was it worth going to war with Iraq? I know there are people who mean well on the other side of this argument, people who will say that it was absolutely worth it. Their argument continues to be that it is better to fight the enemy on their turf than on ours.

I am sorry I am not buying it. This might have been the case if our entire war effort was focused in Afghanistan a country whose government protected bin Laden while he plotted 911. But to try to make an argument that we had to go into Iraq to protect us from Mad-man Hussein is ludicrous.

Also in the news; there are editorials calling for the impeachment of frat boy for allegedly lying about the war, and allegedly spying on Americans without authority.

Sorry, I gotta pass on this one . I have lots of issues with frat boy, one of them being that I think he is totally incompetent and should not be running a major league baseball team, let alone a country. But to call for his impeachment is a bit much. Democrats, take a lesson from history and don't make the same mistake those wack job republicans in congress did when they tried to impeach the first black President for having sex with that plump intern.

Finally, if you will recall I posted last week about the new President of Chile being a woman, and what a good thing it was for democracy and equal rights all over the world.

Well it looks like this stuff is contagious, because my home- land Jamaica, is on the verge of electing its first female Prime Minister. (Portia Simpson) You go girl!

That's my take on the news, and now I want to talk a little sports.

T.O. T.O. T.O. you are breaking my heart. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I am a HUGE Eagles fan. And of course, in order to be an Eagles (or as we say in Philly, Iggles) fan you MUST hate the cowgirls. There is no compromising here, your love of the Iggles must be as strong and as pure as your hatred for the cowgirls.

So how do you think I felt when I woke up this morning and saw T.O.'s mug plastered all over the front page with the owner of the cowgirls Jerry Jones? To say that I am a conflicted man is an understatement. On one hand I am happy, because I will get to see the man I consider to be the greatest receiver EVER (Yes that includes Jerry Rice) play at least twice a year. On the other hand, I feel like a guy who used to date the home coming queen, and now I have to go to the prom and watch her dance all night with my arch enemy.

It's a sick feeling, but Eagles fans we better get used to it because something tells me we are going to be watching T.O. do some serious dancing in our end zone this year :(

Madd props to Bill Lester, who will be the first African American to drive in a major NASCAR race since Willie Ribbs. (Golden Corral 500 in Atlanta). My man blazed to a 19th place pole position ahead of NASCAR veterans like Toney Stewart and Dale Earnhardt, Jr.

I am not a big NASCAR fan for obvious reasons, but I think I will be watching this one just to see how things turn out for my man.

No chants of U.S.A. U.S.A. in world baseball. Even with the obvious blown call by the old homer umpire who had already robbed Japan, the Americans still choked and went on to lose to our friends from south of the border. Isn't this supposed to be our national pastime?

Finally in sports; good bye John Chaney.
You are a true field- negro and Temple basketball will not be the same without you. I love the fact that you are in the hall of fame, that you developed the match up zone, that you won a division two championship at historically black Cheyney State, that you had Temple in the tournament every year, that you didn't back down from any other program, and that you produced some classy and solid kids including pros like Eddie Jones, and Aaron McKie.

What I loved most about you though; is that like a true field- negro, you were never afriad to stand up to the "Man". Be it the NCAA, newspaper reporters, or phony college academic types; no matter who it was, you always kept it real.

You will be missed.

Now if you will excuse me, this field-negro has some house work to do.

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