Sunday, March 05, 2006

My Take On The Latest News

OK, Just browsing through my local paper "The Philadelphia Inquirer"
and I happen to have some thoughts about today's news.
Here goes:

Props to W for at least attempting to play some cricket in Pakistan. I grew up in Jamaica, and I know a little about cricket it's a tough game. So he got hit by a pitch, big deal, trust me, it's tougher than standing in a batters box in baseball. Those bowlers (Their term for pitchers) can chuck it over a 100 miles an hour, and unlike baseball, they can bounce the ball off the pitch or come straight at you through the air.

Having given props to my man W, I have to rip him now. Not such a good idea to change the terms and cave in to India on our nuclear agreement with that country. Yes they are a democracy, and yes their economy is growing. (Trust me I know, I use my credit card customer service too ) but someone should remind frat boy of the constant fighting in that region between India and Pakistan. I mean do we really want to piss of the Pakistanis now? I don't think so; giving India essentially a blank check with their already thriving nuclear program is not a good thing, especially when we need the Pakistanies more than we need the Indians right now with our was on terror. Soon other countries will start asking for the same deal, what will we tell them? Sorry, no nukes for you, we gave it the Indians because they have good customer service reps.

OK another bombing in Baghdad, so what else is new? "Seven people killed when a bomb explodes at a bus terminal". The real news is that the President of that country declared that he was assured by America that we would be in Iraq as long as needed; no matter how long it takes. Mmmm....was that very smart Mr. Pakistani President?
Now someone should teach this President a thng or two about diplomacy. Yes someone from our government might have told him that, but is this really something we want to tell the press? Mr. Talabani you have just made it much harder for those in our country who want to stay the course with you, by creating another political problem for them right here in America with your careless rhetoric.

Mmmm... lets see now, what else is in the news? "Files offer glimpse into Guantanamo... "
Don't care, we move on. (Yeah I am a field negro, and I am used to hard work and abuse at massa's plantation. Like I really care about some guy in a prison on an Island in the Caribbean bitching about abuse?)

"Hammas Chief calls Russia key to peace".
Now this is troubling. Khaled Mashaal went on to say that "Russia can be a significant force in promoting stability in the Middle East" Yea, well how did they do in Afghanastan Khaled? Or in their own republic for that matter? Yeah I bet those Chectnians really see the Russians as a stabilizing force for peace. Give me a break!

Mmmm.. "Chinese lawmakers focus on poverty." Good for them. ARE YOU LISTENING CONGRESS? Can we focus on poverty here in America. It might actually solve some of our other social problems; like crime for example.

On a lighter sports note:
This is a message for coach K , Jerry Colangelo, and all the people at U.S.A. basketball. By not selecting A.I. to the olympic team you have destroyed all basketball credibility you ever had. How can you not select A.I.? Yes I am a homer, and I love the man, so I might be a bit biased in my opinion. But Allen Iverson gives you scoring, tenacity, and quickness. (Which the last time I checked, is about the only area the rest of the world hasn't caught up to us in) Not to mention, he is one of the five top players in the NBA, and probably one of the top fifty of all time. And please don't give me the behaviour and not a team player crap when you have solid citizens like Kobe Bryant, and gunners like King James on the squad. Hey, I know A.I.'s sponser is Reebok, and Nike will suit up the team for these upcoming games therefore a lot of cynics are saying that this influenced your selection. But hey, I am trying very hard to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you leaving my man off the team had nothing do with politics and money. Somehow though, in the end, I am sure it will be about politics and money. Having said that, I hope team U.S.A. loses every game by forty points, and you people come home hanging your heads in your Nike warmups in disgrace.

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