Friday, March 24, 2006

Shooting the Messenger

Boy didn't frat boy look fired up the other day? My man was all over the press about their coverage of the war in Iraq. I mean did you see him? He even called on his arch nemesis, Hellen Thomas, the one hundred plus year old lady from the AP. Maybe he shouldn't have, becasue she did what so many other reporters have failed to do since the start of this Presidency; she asked a tough question.

Now frat boy and Rove are slick, and I am sure he knew exactly what he was doing when he called on grandma. He was saying, bring it on press I am ready for you. And ready he was. He was combative, argumentative, and just down right rude to the little old lady in the front row. Frat boy chastised old lady Thomas and the press in general for focusing on the bad things happening in Iraq. What about the progress in Iraq, the schools, the hospitals ? None of this is being reported he wailed , and it's the liberal media's fault. He implied that we are in it for the long haul, and if the press doesn't help by getting the right message to the American people it will cause the people to become impatient.

Hey frat boy, I have some news for you. It's a WAR! There is no good news to report from a war where dozens of people are dying every day. There are car bombs, suicide bombs, mosque bombs, assassinations, and on and on. There just isn't any good news to report from a WAR! I mean, well, OK, I guess you could say that Iraq has more television stations now, and the Iraqis are finally enjoying more personal freedoms. But what good is personal freedom if you are too afraid to leave your home? What good is a television station if you have no electricity to watch it with?

One of frat boy's minions-Laura Ingram- was on NBC preaching to that network about how irresponsible they were for not covering the war in a fair and balanced way. -You know, kinda like the white house propaganda machine FAUX News does- Yeah right Laura, let's just conveniently forget that one of their reporters was killed in Iraq covering the war. And while we are on that subject, more reporters have been killed covering this war than were killed in Vietnam. I didn't hear you complaining at the start of the war when reporters were embedded with the troops and sending home reports of the great shock and awe of the U.S. military.
Of course you didn't complain, the news was good for your republican gang -The red state bloods- so it was all good.

This strategy of attacking the press is yet another attempt by frat boy to play the old three card monty with the American people. Focus on the evil press, and not on my stupid irresponsible foreign policies. This will help me to get away with being totally incompetent just a little longer. And who knows, if enough of my gang members keep shooting the messenger, heck, we might just convince the American people that we are doing the right thing after all.

Go get em frat boy they are evil doers too. Because we all know that the pen is mightier than the sword.

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