Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Condi The Liar!

I have now come to the sad conclusion, that Condoleeza Rice is a liar!

"We were not left a comprehensive strategy to fight al Qaeda"

Really Condi? Well then how do you explain this:

'As the Clinton administration drew to a close, Clarke and his staff developed a policy paper of their own [which] incorporated the CIA’s new ideas from the Blue Sky memo, and posed several near-term policy options. Clarke and his staff proposed a goal to “roll back” al Qaeda over a period of three to five years …[including] covert aid to the Northern Alliance, covert aid to Uzbekistan, and renewed Predator flights in March 2001. A sentence called for military action to destroy al Qaeda command-and control targets and infrastructure and Taliban military and command assets. The paper also expressed concern about the presence of al Qaeda operatives in the United States.” [p. 197]'

Yes girlfriend you lied to me. So from now on, I am going to paint you with the same broad brush that I usually reserve for frat boy and his minions. Of course Condi, I have always suspected you were a liar. I am not buying for a minute your child of the segregated South turn the other cheek on Bull Conner crap. That script might have endeared you to white folks and made you seem heroic to them, but the field negro smelled a rat all along. A house rat masquerading as an intellectual, who pulled herself up with her smarts, gravitas, and her above reproach honesty. But even though I suspected you, I always gave you the benefit of the doubt, because I wanted to believe in you. I loved the fact that a black woman was just a heart beat away from the most powerful position in all the world, and that she could even run for the position herself one day. But now....

So sorry Condi, it's been slowly building for awhile. This resentment I feel for you now. I feel like a lover that's been scorned. I mean come on, I forgave your Jimmy Choo and Steve Madden shopping spree while your people drowned. I forgave you for back stabbing my homey Colin to get his job, I excused your terrible mishandling of the Israel Lebanon crisis, not to mention your continuous inaction and silence while hundreds of thousands of your people are being slaughtered in Darfur. But no more. The field has had it with your need a perm lying ass. It's time to call you out Condi!

our latest lie now involves Bill Clinton and Bob Woodward. When Slick Willy laid a smack down on that FAKE NEWS reporter,- Chris Wallace- you came out and said that the black President was not telling the truth about leaving your sorry ass a plan to fight terror. Well now, as it turns out, the facts prove that he did. And like all the rest of the slime balls in Washington, you are giving us the I don't remember speech. That's funny though Condi, because a lot of other people sure do remember.

When the guy that broke Watergate, Bob Woodward, exposed you and basically called you on your lie in his book, "State of Denial", you denied that too. So let's look at that shall we: Woodward said in his book that you were warned of a possible 911 style attack in an intelligence briefing that occurred in July of 2001. At that meeting, was George Tenet, the Director of the CIA, as well as a top counter terrorism officer in frat boy's administration. Still don't remember Condi? Well let me see if I can help you a little more: Does the name Sean McCormick ring a bell? It should, -unless you forgot that too-you see Condi, he is your chief spokes person, and he said that the aforementioned meeting did take place. At the time, you were the National Security Adviser to the Pre...frat boy, and the meeting took place on July 10, 2001. Remember now? Of course you don't, you have no shame. Not when the day after you were exposed on national television, you still gave the country the I don't remember defense. At the meeting, according to Woodward's book, a report was given to you which said: "The attacks were expected, among other things, to have a dramatic consequence on government..there will be casualties...attack plans have been made, and they will occur with little warning. " Of course we all know by now what happened a few months later.

So Condi, I don't want to hear your we were not informed defense any more. Yes, Clinton should take responsibility for not catching the NBA sized man with the beard, but so should you and your inapt pals in this administration. At least the first black Prez. admitted his mistakes. You, on the other hand, seem to have bought into frat boy's mantra. Deny deny deny, until FAKE NEWS reports your denials as fact. But hey, "stand by your man" girl, you just keep pulling that Tammy Wynette while our young men die, and you keep looking more and more like the band from the Titanic. You just keep on playing while the ship goes down.

On a sad note; I would like to say that the sex tape of a former "Saved By The Bell" star was made by the one and only, SCREECH!!! And not, " Lisa Turtle", AKA Lark Voorhies.
Now you tell me if life is fair.

1 comment:

  1. 10 27 06

    Well FN:
    As much as I like Condi, I must admit that this looks quite bad. Oh well. I guess I cannot be in denial anymore. Too bad, power always is attractive. But honesty is even more attractive!
