Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Few Of My Favorite Things

People always ask me why I am so angry; why all the negative posts, and the venom towards a certain...ahem ahem, President. So I thought about it, and you know what; with the election just two days away, and my rethuglican friends that much closer to losing one and possibly both houses of congress, life ain't so bad after all. Now if I wake up Wednesday morning and both houses of congress are still republican...well, the bridge police on the Benjamin Franklin had better be on high alert. Because the field might just jump off that bad boy.

So anyway, I figured I would post about some of the little things in the fields life that makes it worth getting up every day. So with my apologies to the Sound of Music; here are a few of my favorite things:

The Spring and Fall on the East Coast. I love feeling the weather change, and watching the colors change on the trees.

Pretty calves with no stockings.

Coltrane at 2:00 AM.

Listening to a preacher give a good sermon.

Watching the FAKE NEWS NETWORK when the White House f#@#s up.

Festival and fried fish from Middle Quarters in St. Elizabeth Jamaica.

Halftime at a SWAC football game.

The PCH1 in December.

People watching at the airport.

Playing 18 holes with my homey and fellow yawdie John.

Hanging with my boys in Louisiana.

Mandeville, Jamaica. (If there is better year round weather anywhere in the world, I would like to know just where it is)

Boat House Row in Philadelphia.

An A.I. crossover. (I could watch that Michael Jordon clip over and over)

The feeling I get when I am in court.

Opelousas women.

Watching Saved By The Bell reruns. (it's a Lark thing))

A good political debate with someone whose opinion I respect. (My sister comes to mind)

Watching Jet Li kick some ass on the big screen.

Watching Denzel act his ass off.

Reading other people's blogs. (You can learn so much)

The California sunset.

That burning sensation I always feel after a good workout.

Old City Philadelphia.

Black Women.

Putting my thoughts on paper.

Marley in the morning. (It's better than breakfast)

The rain when I'm in bed.

Milk and cookies.

Acing someone in tennis.

Oxford Road in London.

Anywhere in New York or DC.

My Italian and Irish friends in Philly. ( I owe a great deal of my knowledge about how white folks really think to them)

Soccer played the Brazilian way.

Ackee and salt fish for breakfast.

Main street in Manayunk.

Any Jamaican restaurant in West Philly.

Women over fifty who look like they could be thirty five.

Datsun 280-z's

My 1986 Jeep Wrangler CJ. (Even if it's always in the shop)

Hip hop music.

Haitian art.

Amish baked goods.

Hiking through Fairmont Park.

Bicycling along Kelly Drive.

Leaving New Jersey.

"When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I am feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite
things, and then I don't feel so bad."

Damn I hope I can sing that song come Wednesday morning.


  1. big up london! nah field, ur posts are venomous for a good reason as opposed to saccharine speeches u get from ex-spin doctors like alistair campbell.

    by the way, is lark voorhies dutch or from aruba? her name has always intrigued me because have just wanted to know where she hails from.

  2. Field, man, you have GOT to let go of this single-issue mono-mania and let some sunshine in your life. Listen to some music. Take a walk. Check out some hot women.



    I'll come in again.

  3. Thanks aulelia. I am not sure just what Lark Voorhies roots is, but I am pretty sure she was born in Nashville, Tn.[Whooa, that was pretty scary; the fact that I knew where girlfriend was born off the top of my head]

    neil, you are seriously funny :)

  4. Yo what up field

    I am feeling you on the black women 50 looking like thier 35, riding bikes and rocking Marley in the Morning. Hell rocking Marley anytime is a pleasant thing also most of the things list I can feel. Righteous list field peace.

  5. Grace and Peace

    I think that maybe I will try some of your favorite things. Along with keeping some of my favorite things. I hope that you don't mind, I have added you to my links list. I am always here, I feel like I live here.

    Grace and Peace

  6. Thaks for the love bliss. You are always welcome in the fields. Stay as long as you like.

    BTW, I love your site too, and I have reciprocated.


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