Sunday, February 11, 2007

I Have Your "Amnesty Day" Right Here!

I have removed the My DD and Eschaton links from my blogroll. Why? Because those elitist mother fu****s with their "Amnesty Day" bull sh** pissed me off that's why! And I was never on, nor was I ever going to be on their blogrolls, but it's just the thought of them excluding smaller blogs who could use some shine from their site that pissed me off. Like who died and made them the "Mr. Bug Stuffs" of the blogosphere? The sad thing is, that these are both so called liberal progressive blogs, and they should know better. But it just goes to show you that a big head has no particular political affiliation.

Ironically, it was while reading a conservative blog that I really started thinking and getting pissed off at what these cats were doing.

So here is hoping that all us little guys and fringe bloggers do the same thing, and purge our blogrolls of these so called big boys on the block. Hopefully, this will wake them up, and let them realize that they were little guys at one point too.


  1. Thanks for this post, FN. Just spent an hour reading blogs concerning this topic. It was really sad that I had to admit that what the conservative blogger said was true about liberal bloggers and their links (using them as punishment)

  2. Hey man,now you've made us curious about My DD et al and will point traffic their way just so we can label them the disloyal, fool-made be-yotches they are LOL. Nevertheless, it's good you're showing some principle. Some progressive black bloggers love to glom onto liberal white bloggers the way the leeches and unimaginative clowns in the Congressional Black Caucus love to support a Hilary C over a Barak O b/c Hilary C promises them trivial little goodies and photo ops for the bammas back home, and Barak says you should support based on doing what's right. Sorry, I got a worked up at the end there.

    Got a hot tip on a Philly-related book for you: Crystelle Mourning by Eisa Ulen. Much takes place on Frazier Street in West Filthydelphia, then shifts to Manhattan years later. Deep book.

    Peace, and please by all menas let us attack these vacuous morons attending the Grammies tonight...

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Thanks Chris, i will check out that book.

    Hopefully more smaller blogs (and by smaller I mean less than 100 links, and over say 25,000 on Technorati) will do likewise and kick some of these bullies off their blogrolls.

  4. First time stopping by. Interesting post.

  5. Interesting as usual Field, I'm definitely going to have to give this some thought.

  6. I gave up on trying to get linked by bigger blogs a long time ago.
    Although I am linked to a couple of large sites.

    Instead I concentrate on good topics and posting good material.

    Just write what you feel.... to hell with worrying about what anyone else thinks. My blog is my canvas. Does a painter ask someone else what he should paint on his own canvas???

    I just concentrate on writing what I want... if folks don't like it... so be it. I try to tell the truth (something that big media often doesn't do).

    Write what YOU want... that's the beauty of having your own blog. Once you start writing to please the big bloggers or to please anyone else, then it is no longer your becomes someone else's.

  7. I hosted the radical progressive carnival and one of the bloggers (progressive conservative) talked about the same topic. It's ironic that big Conservative Blogs will add the little people before big Liberal blogs.

  8. right on!

    the part that makes me laugh is how much these cutting edge bloggers want to imitate the establishment status quo.


  9. One thing you might want to realize about that "conservative Blog" is that Jon Swift is sort-of a parody of conservative thought. His Blog made it's mark by writing bad reviews of conservative books on that usually started something like: "I haven't actually read the book but..."

    I am not sure if you know that it is a parody, because OFTEN people think that he really is a conservative.

    To be honest, I wasn't sure what I was going to find on the other end of your link when I looked at the name that left a comment in a diary on my back-up Blog "Blue Note Bloggers."

    I am still re-tooling my main Blog "Drinking Liberally in New Milford" so I will gladly link to you there. Given that I am a liberal, I agree with Jon Swift's "liberal linking policy." I alos believe that someone has to carry "single issues" and other issues that are part of what makes up the entire left side. Something dKos is really against IMHO.

    In one of your other posts you remarked:

    "If you read most black blogs, we address political and social issues as they effect us as a community, and not society as a whole. So maybe we can never really become as one with our white web counterparts because our interests are so diverse."

    I may be white, but I think that is a fair assessment of the situation concerning dKos and MyDD since they are driven to elect Democrats, not driving issues. The "Pie Wars" and, more recently, the bashing of "Impeachment Porn" at dKos are examples of them belittling "single issue" ideas with the goal of pushing Democratic party brand of "progressive" idealism.

    I never had MyDD or Atrios on my links list, but I did de-link dKos on principle. They say it doesn't effect most Blogs when they purged their Blogrolls, but it isn't true.

    It lowers those Blogs on search engine results. And, in turn, it lowers the search engine results of all of the smaller Blogs those "dKos purged Blogs" are linked to. It has a domino effect on the entire Blogosphere.

  10. I have a better idea! Let's cross-post our most radical stuff on their blogs and drive them the hell crazy!

    White people rarely hear what Black people think, because the rarely have to. They don't work, play, worship or live with us, and they're all too often in a position to tell us to shut up. Well, let's sign up on their blogs and tell them what we think, whether they like it or not!

  11. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Thelonious Monk: “I say, play your own way. Don’t play what the public want — you play what you want and let the public pick up on what you doing — even if it does take them fifteen, twenty years.”

  12. Anonymous12:36 PM

    This topic is causing more controversy than I assumed it would, back when I first read Kos's post. BTW, FN, I found this post via Jon Swift (he who was good enough to link to me so long ago).

    Though I didn't think of it at the time, I suppose a number of smaller blogs will be suffering after being drop from the "A List" blogs. I wasn't linked there, so I didn't give it much thought.

    But, I did drop Eschaton from my blogroll many months ago, mainly because I thought his blog sucked. Lots of links, and a lot of "go read this" and open threads, but never much in the way of useful commentary.

    Okay, I'll shut up now...
