Thursday, March 08, 2007


I have been quite upset about the FAKE NEWS NETWORK for some time now, and I think it's about time I dedicate a post to my angst.

For the record, their house negro and bimbo commentators annoy the hell out of me, and so does their obvious right wing bias, as well as their constant stacking of the deck on their talk shows against moderate and left leaning commentators. But all of that pales in comparison to the fact that they are allowed to call themselves FOX NEWS. I mean come on, that sh** is entertainment and opinions, not news. News is supposed to be "fair and balanced" (where have I heard that before), and journalists, regardless of their own personal beliefs, are supposed to project an image of being impartial. None of that at the FAKE NEWS NETWORK, where they are more like a propaganda arm of the Bush White House than a legitimate news outlet. I mean one of their former anchors is now the White House press secretary for crying out loud! (isn't it funny that they have barely mentioned the Walter Reed fiasco, or the purging of over seven U.S. attorney's by the frat boy's administration, yet they constantly talk about sh** like Obama's church, and Anna Nicole's now rotting behind )

But hey, I am not knocking Rupert's hustle, this is America, and the man can do what he wants with his television network and his money. But for Gods sake man, must you pretend to have a news outfit ,when the world knows (even the people that worship at the church of Fox) know that your station is nothing more than a cheep entertainment ratings stunt for gullible red state republicans? At some point we have to say enough, and demand that the FAKE NEWS NETWORK reveal themselves and stop spitting out the "fair and balanced bull sh** line.

So which leads me to another reason for my post. I would like to congratulate John Edwards for not accepting the FAKE NEWS NETWORK'S invitation to participate in their Nevada debate. Good for you John, I will be watching Hillary's ass. I hear she has been getting blood money from Murdoch, so I would really love to see what she does here. If she has any shred of decency she will decline like you did and say no thanks to that joke of an outfit and their phony ass debate. If she accepts, sorry Francis Holland, I won't be supporting her ass even if she is the democratic nominee for the general election. (third party anyone?) And half and half man, you are not off the hook either. I am waiting to see if you decline to participate in the FAKE NEWS debate as well. I love how you have refused to appear on their network, and frankly my man, the way they have been dissing you lately, I wouldn't either. So I hope you (Obama) decline to appear as well, that would send a very strong message and go a long way in showing those people that you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. Although I gotta give it to the FAKE NEWS people, they sure fooled allot of people.

If you want to go to a great web site without actually having to watch the FAKE NEWS people go to News Hounds. (They are actually one of my links) And even if you do watch it, if one of those Arbitron people call and ask you if you do; please deny it.


  1. Anonymous10:17 PM


    You did not call him half and half man.

    That's so wrong...


    But, I'm feeling you on Faux News Network. I give Edwards serious props for declining, though the CBC should be bitchslapped up and down Pennsylvania Avenue for even agreeing to ANYTHING Faux News Network associated.

  2. I have on occasion watched that channel, I wanted to get an even view. Liberal & Conservative. I quickly learned that it was not just news that favored Conservatives, but only supported them and doesn't even regard the other side as legitamite. I see now that, that is not even news. I is just a private sector of the Bush administration.

  3. Half & Half man (LOL).

    I can't stand watching Fox. It is shameful.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I will be highly disappointed if Obama takes this bait, and Clinton would be stupid to take it. At worst, the candidates can hold their own debate - if enough candidates come, the cameras will be there.

  5. LOL @ Half & Half man!

    It really does pain me to watch Fox News. I really hope Obama rises above and decides not to participate in their foolishness.

  6. I agree with your opinion of Fox news BUT...this entire debate is doing us much damage. At this point I'd just as soon see the entire debate cancelled rather than continue watching the Democratic party self-destruct.

    We've done that enough times in the past, not up for another go at it.

    Edwards, truth is I don't care one way or the other if he declines. He has a right to do whatever he wants and he wants to play to the hardcore base.

    That's fine. The problem is "the base" nearly always selects candidates who are not electable at the national level. It's been our losing strategy for decades.

    I'm very vested in not going through another 4 years of Republican rule so I'm more interested in putting up a nominee who can win a national election than I am in fighting in an ideological pissing match.

  7. Anonymous7:35 PM

    "not your mama", I understand where you are coming from. But here is the problem; 80% of the people that watch the FAKE NEWS NETWORK ain't voting for a democrat anyway.

  8. Done ducky now though, debate is cancelled and good riddance, the issue has done us more harm than good. Cancelling was the only realistic "damage control" at this point.

    Was funny, I had posted exactly that sentiment about an hour before the news came out.

  9. Wow, I didn't know that. Thanks for the update. I actually went to your site today. ("Coyote Ugly",linked here) good job!

  10. Ok I have movies on my mind. Sorry not your momma, the name of your site is "Coyote Angry"
