Friday, July 20, 2007

Frat boy please get well soon!

Today was an extremely busy day for me. Of course there was my usual case load and the back and forth of my daily grind. Then I found out that the frat boy was getting a colonoscopy tomorrow, and since he was going to be under anesthesia for a few hours, he would be transferring the power of the Presidency to Vice President Dick anyway, this is when my day got really busy. I immediately started checking air fares down to my native Jamaica on the Internet to see if I could at least spend the weekend on the rock. The fact that I am writing this post from my crib in the cradle of liberty, also known as Killadelphia, should tell you that I couldn't quite get a flight--too small of a lead time and too expensive. So as much as it pains me, I decided it wasn't worth it.

So sadly folks, like most of you, I will be in America tomorrow when dead eye Dick takes over. Of course it won't be the first time. Cheney was President for two hours back in 2002 as well. Only the second time in our history that the little known Presidential Disability Clause was invoked. (Memo to people who think that the frat boy is dumb; he is not. Why do you think he keeps giving power to Cheney every time he has a bad cough? It's to let us know what could happen if he something happens to him. Now that's genius in my book)

So I am bracing for tomorrow, and I don't mind telling you folks that I am scared. Just think, Cheney could invoke some type of Martial Law and start rounding up all dissenters. He could give Scooter a full pardon, he could invade Iran, hell, he might even cancel all "Saved By The Bell" reruns for crying out loud! No more Lark Voorhies? How could the republic survive?

Seriously folks, I don't know how well I will sleep tonight. Just knowing that the man with the dark heart will have access to that little red telephone which can trigger Armageddon for even a few hours, gives me the creeps. I never thought I would say this; but frat boy please get well soon!


  1. 07 20 07

    hehehehehe Now that is truly hilarious!

  2. Well since Dick didn't do anything high profile, anyone have any guesses as to what he did?

  3. no woozie, nothing to report yet; all is quiet on the republic front.

    mahndisa where have u been girl? All these people beating up your boy on the web and not a peep from you. What's up with that?

    I am going to have to fire you as my fave republican :)

  4. Field, I've been laying low. Trying to get some work done... Checking you out, but not commenting... But I still got your back.

    I'll holla atcha in a week or two.


  5. 07 21 07

    Hey there FN:
    Well I have been busy with my offline life! As to being a Republican, you are mistaken. I am an independent. Furthermore, although I respect the office of the President, that does not mean that he is my favorite. I respected Bill Clinton when he was President as well! GWB has made some good and some very questionable choices in his tenure. You will not see me vote for any person based upon party affiliation. Never. I vote my conscience, which is why if you ever reviewed my voting record you would see votes for GOPers, Dems, Greens and Libertarians.

  6. Angie, thanks I know you always have my back. And it's cool to lurk sometimes.

    Mahndisa, sorry to misrepresent your political affiliation, I should have known better.

    For the record;if you were a repub. we would be still cool :)

  7. I'm gonna keep voting Democratic until my head explodes. I figure Dick Cheney hid all of W's "How to talk like a Cowboy tapes" so there will be no more, "We just about got this thang won" speeches until his locates another set.

    Worst of all the guy's give people who talk like me a bad reputation.

  8. Well, Cheney's heart knows something because that ticker's been trying to quit on him for the last 20 years.

    I mean, four heartbypasses, and wearing a pacemaker?
