Saturday morning, time to get a straight razor to my dome. With that in mind, I head to my favorite barber so that he can do his thing. As usual, while sitting there this morning,all lathered up and relaxed, I had some thoughts:
Like do people realize that if Hillary is elected President and goes on to win two terms, we will have had 28 years of the Clintons and the Bush Klan in the White House?
Like why are people even considering Mitt Romney as a serous Presidential candidate when the man is obviously a sleaze ball, and a charlatan? And speaking of Mitt; why didn't he get in more trouble with the MSM for his dumb ass comments about his five sons helping the country by not going to war but working for him.
If there is a God I hope he (or she) forgives me. But sometimes I hope the batteries in Dick Cheney's pace maker would stop working.
Like I wonder if those horrific shootings in Newark of those three college kids will be the tipping point, and America will start realizing what we have a serious crisis in our inner cities.
Is it me, or has these mining disasters increased under the Bush administration?
Why can't Halle Berry keep a freaking man?
Why is Oprah, and Gayle ( her best friend) still single?
Does Condi ever get her freak on?
Why is it that every time I see Harold Ford I want to take a shower?
Is there any woman in Washington that Fred Thomson hasn't slept with?
Why can't we use our cell phones on an airplane?
If milk does a body good, why are cows so damn fat?
Why isn't Roger Clemens under as much scrutiny as Barry Bonds? They are both dealing into their forties , and they have both broken a bunch of baseball's precious records.
These people that are always insisting we close our borders, and that the government should not encourage open borders. Would they feel the same way if the government banned travel the other way too? How would they like it if our government said we can't leave the country during the winter months? I mean that is closing the borders isn't it? The State Department does it now with Cuba and it's bullshit.
I am thinking people who delink me from their site, or ban my IP address, can kiss my ass.
I am thinking the most exciting attraction this summer in Philly was the big dig under George Washington's home where the slave quarters were discovered. History was being dug up right before our very eyes. Yep, looks like old George had him some slaves hidden away too.
I am thinking after reading some of these big and popular left wing blogs; that those ass holes, pin heads,and wanna be policy wonks, are just as clueless, and boneheaded as their republican buddies to the right of them.
I am thinking it's going to take a real revolution in this country before poor people will even have a shot. Cause right now the system is stacked against them. They could pursue happiness from now until I go to bed with Lark Voorhies, and it ain't gonna change shit for them.
Do I really give a damn if the Yearly Kos convention had people of color? No!
Do I give a damn about the people at Kos and what they do, and who the want to ban or exclude from their wonder bread liberal club? No!
Do I care about other bloggers of color and how we can come together to address the shit that effects us? Yes!
And is that Colin Powell's picture I saw on the back of my milk carton this morning at breakfast?
I am thinking my dome looks pretty good, and I should leave my barber a nice tip.
08 10 07
ReplyDelete"Do I give a damn about the people at Kos and what they do, and who the want to ban or exclude from their wonder bread liberal club? No!
Do I care about other bloggers of color and how we can come together to address the shit that effects us? Yes! "
And there you have it FN; the reason why I like you so much. In the end, results are what matters and I deign to produce results by whatever means are necessary!
Gina McAuley's conversation with the Naacp was exceedingly disturbing and showed the consequences of Blacks defining ourselves in terms of white racism.
I don't care how they define me and mine because I define myself. If more of us had that attitude, we would be unstoppable. After all, we are only a few generations outside of slavery. In time, I believe we will be a strong and powerful minority- if we don't go extinct first.
Thanks for sharing your musings FN.
I think Barack needs to just write a check to Colin and bring him on as an advisor. Colin has no reason to show any damn loyalty to these other fools now.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm about to convert to Giulianism b/c I am sick to death of black on black crime...
"Thanks for sharing your musings FN."
ReplyDeletemahndisa, thanks for reading.
Damn chris, what's wrong with you man? I swear any day now you are going over to the dark side. And I think you know where I mean :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"I am thinking people who delink me from their site, or ban my IP address, can kiss my ass."
ReplyDeleteSo, does that mean I should have YOU kiss MY ass?
What is Giulianism?
ReplyDeleteGiulianism is the myth that Giuliani got rid of black on black crime in NYC.
ReplyDeleteThe reality is, that in NYC during the Giuliani years the crack dealers' wars ended up victorious for some and not so for others.
This thing about kids killing kids at random is a whole other ballgame. That's not about crime, its about suicide.
"So, does that mean I should have YOU kiss MY ass?"
ReplyDeleteOnly if you look like Lark Voorhies. Otherwise,no thank you.
For the record, I don't remember delinking you from this site, and the fact that you are commenting here would pretty much suggest that your IP address has not been banned.
Not sure what that was about, but to each his own I guess.
"I don't remember delinking you from this site"
ReplyDeleteExactly. Can't undo something that you did not do...
No matter.
"Gina McAuley's conversation with the Naacp was exceedingly disturbing and showed the consequences of Blacks defining ourselves in terms of white racism."
Well, you should consider.
The NAACP is beholden to white men, and Gina McCauley loves white men.
What kind of conversation is gonna come outta that?
I see; I honestly thought you were linked with the "spear", but looking at the sites on that link, I sse that you are not.
ReplyDeleteIn keeping with my philosophy; that oversight has been corrected.
Christopher, normally I would agree with you but America is just getting used to ONE Black man. Put two of us together and they're going to call the riot police or the gang squad!
ReplyDeleteField, a friend who works in construction told me that when pouring the foundation of a building he put a ticking clock inside the cement. Once the cement hardened, the clock would have created a chronic ticking that no one could identify or remedy. Doesn't DailyKos and the whitosphere deserve at least one clock like that?
I like what I'm seeing over at Blogging While Brown, about having a national Black bloggers' conference in 2008. That blog would make a good addition to our AfroSpear, right? So, why isn't it on the list yet?
I started a new blog this weekend called the "Police Brutality Blog." I've been thinking about this for a white, but when you see the video posted there, you'll see why I was prompted to start up the blog right now. Anyone with an incident of police brutality is welcomed to inform us all about it at that blog. I warmly invite AfroSpear bloggers to join with diary posting privileges, etc.
This morning, I was explaining to my daughter why we blog. I told her to imagine that she's in long canoe with fifty rowers. It doesn't matter if she rows right, cause her rowing "doesn't make any difference?" What if nobody rows?
The world is like a big canoe. In nobody rows, we're not going to get anywhere.
I guess Giulianism is the wrong term. I think the time is now to go Kevin Costner-Sean Connery Untouchables out there on the damn street, dude. Knuckleheads are not only defining us, they are killing us. I know I'm tripping, but this whole thing makes me so angry I don't know what to do. It's nothing I'm going to pin on whitey.
ReplyDeleteAs for Condi, she was going out with some brother who played for the old Houston Oilers back in the Pastorini-Earl Campbell days. I think that relationship's done. Folk would see her rolling around DC and Va very discreetly. Now, it figures it would be a retired football player etc. because many of those clowns are the biggest house negroes going.
I like your blog. I liked this post today too, especially these parts:
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't Roger Clemens under as much scrutiny as Barry Bonds? They are both dealing into their forties , and they have both broken a bunch of baseball's precious records.
These people that are always insisting we close our borders, and that the government should not encourage open borders. Would they feel the same way if the government banned travel the other way too? How would they like it if our government said we can't leave the country during the winter months? I mean that is closing the borders isn't it? The State Department does it now with Cuba and it's bullshit.
I am thinking people who delink me from their site, or ban my IP address, can kiss my ass.
I am thinking after reading some of these big and popular left wing blogs; that those ass holes, pin heads,and wanna be policy wonks, are just as clueless, and boneheaded as their republican buddies to the right of them.
"In keeping with my philosophy; that oversight has been corrected."
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Ok. I already thought you didn't like us... ;)
@ Field Negro,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you sir on your one year blogoversary (anniversary).
I wish you well and swell, and it is good that the blogging world has given you an outlet to express your self.
Take care,
i love this post. the barbershop can be one amazing think tank huh? lol.
ReplyDeleteThanks sean. And ghostface, where have you been?
ReplyDeleteNatural muze, you are right about the barber shop; it's where I do most of my thinking :)
And MF, I don't even know you. But even if I didn't like you, I would link you here, because of your work. I don't always agree with you, but you have strong opinions and that's all one can ask for.
Why can't Halle Berry keep a freaking man?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Halle, why come she can't be with a Black man in a movie??? I saw a preview of her upcoming movie & almost threw up in my mouth!!! When she is with a Black man, her is either a crack head or cheating on her with a white man
"Does Condi ever get her freak on?" Hmmmmmmm, I wonndering if you wanna hit that on the DL???
Why is it that every time I see Harold Ford I want to take a shower?
ReplyDeleteBecause he looks like a DUCK and DUCKS love the water.QUACK
That comment wasn't aimed at you Field. I love your blog. That comment was for Harold Whore Jr. only. Quack
ReplyDeleteLark Voorhies wants white men...and white lookin' children...self hater...
ReplyDeleteHarold is way light...what is that about....his mom is no where near that light....WHERE IS THE MELANIN ?
A Black Blogosphere convention....let me see.....NAAAAA....all tho it would be a beautiful thing.....I take that back...lets do it !...I want to be on the coordinating committee.....
Has it been a year ? You go 'head on with your bad self !
Barack has to win visit please and join....http://my.barackobama.com/page/group/blackgirlsupportsobama
What's with the commentary about celebrity black women? How about a question about why Mike Tyson can't get near a woman without beating the shit out of her?
ReplyDeleteIf Barry Bonds isn't on steroids, how did his head grow to the size of a giant watermelon and his ass the size of Mt. Sinai?
How come black male celebrities can travel in posses but Oprah and Gayle have to be lesbians?
And why do people marginalize strong black women by labeling them as lesbians?
Why is DL Hughley not a pariah in the black community?
How come black journalists went batshit over Don Imus but seem to be strangely silent over the Third World assassination of a black journalist by self styled black Muslims? In their official statemenst they use words like "deeply troubled." And yet they lost no time castigating the white media for ignoring the story. So just how did NABJ manage to make Don Imus a national hysteria and resign themselves to merely whining about Bailey?
Why is BET, a station owned by white people who are committed to portraying blacks as coons, still on the air with little or no protest to sponsers from black people? Oh, wait, I know! Because black people eat that stuff up with a big spoon. Never mind.
"wonndering if you wanna hit that on the DL???"
ReplyDeleteOK BB, you got me :)
west coast story, good observations,but I focus on the female celeb's because....well I am a man. I agree with you about BET, DL, and the double standatd with Oprah and Gayle. (even though I am guilty of it too) And I never said Barry doesn't do roids, I just said that he more than likely isn't alone.
But this is why I encourage comments, you had a pretty nice list of things you worry about yourself ;)
What's with the commentary about celebrity black women? How about a question about why Mike Tyson can't get near a woman without beating the shit out of her?
ReplyDeleteIf Barry Bonds isn't on steroids, how did his head grow to the size of a giant watermelon and his ass the size of Mt. Sinai?
How come black male celebrities can travel in posses but Oprah and Gayle have to be lesbians?
And why do people marginalize strong black women by labeling them as lesbians?
Why is DL Hughley not a pariah in the black community?
How come black journalists went batshit over Don Imus but seem to be strangely silent over the Third World assassination of a black journalist by self styled black Muslims? In their official statemenst they use words like "deeply troubled." And yet they lost no time castigating the white media for ignoring the story. So just how did NABJ manage to make Don Imus a national hysteria and resign themselves to merely whining about Bailey?
Why is BET, a station owned by white people who are committed to portraying blacks as coons, still on the air with little or no protest to sponsers from black people? Oh, wait, I know! Because black people eat that stuff up with a big spoon. Never mind.
West Coast; girlfriend, I agree with you on all of the above. I also pointed out that Chauncey Bailey was killed by the NOI chapter out in Oakland (my hometown) cause he busted their leader, Yusef Bey, with the corruption and his being a pedophile under the guise of being the "honorable" head of the Oakland NOI chapter.
I've already said what I'm going to about Barroids Bonds. Hank Aaron is the only homerun leader, until Barry comes clean about his steroid use. I refuse to celebrate Black men who cheat to break records - it wasn't a thing for baseball, but for his own self-aggrandizement, and people need to realize that. He envied Mark McGwire breaking Maris' record, and set out to eclipe that.
I'm wondering how many bats does Rojerk Clemens needs to throw at players before it's connected to his steroid use? Curt Schilling has already ratted him out in Sports Illustrated a couple of years ago, and yet, no investigation of Clemens is going on.
As for Gayle and Oprah, I could care less. I stopped being concerned about Oprah when she dissed kids here in her own backyard, and went to Africa to open a $40 million elite school for girls - which only trains them to become as materialistic as she claimed the African-American kids are here in the states - and that was her reason for not helping out kids here, but to self-aggrandize.
I'm also sick of the self-hating Negroes that cross my path, too. One hand, you feel sorry for them because they have Stockholm Syndrome and keep taking it up the wazoo hoping the "man" will accept them. The "man" doesn't accept his own people - so why do they think they will be any different.
And, I'm wondering what will it take for Harold Ford, Jr., to realize that being a well-paid House Negro is not worth self-dignity or respect. I've given up on that brother - they will literally have to put his head in a noose before he gets the picture - and even then, I'm not sure he'll get the memo.
I got your back on this...