Thursday, August 02, 2007

Quotes of the day!

"I know that I would not engage in a cover-up. I know that no one in the White House suggested such a thing to me. I know that the gentlemen sitting next to me are men of enormous integrity and would not participate in something like that." ~~~Donald H. Rumsfeld~~~

I know that I would never touch Lark Voorhies; even if she jumped into my bed naked, and begged me to make mad passionate Mandingo love to her. ~~~Field Negro~~

I will let you decide whose statement is more credible.


  1. Rummy must have been paid off big time (more so than Colin) because he knows damn well they want him to take the rap for this, just like Gonzalez will fall on his sword when the hammer comes down on him finally. Frankly, I expected Rummy to go after these turds. Perhaps it's another indication of the bee-otchnicity of Democrats. Should've squeezed him harder and gotten a slush fund together behind the scenes (paid into by Spielberg, babs Streisand et al) as the carrot. That's how the GOP rolls.

    PS--want to see more bullsh*t? Check out my post about Bush and this bridge collapse...

  2. Well you know Field, after much thought, discussion, and even a couple scientific studies, I gotta go with Rummy. Because I know you hate Lark Voorhies almost as much as you love correcting my poor spelling.

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    This is totally unrelated, FN, but I'd keep coming back to your site for the When-Is-Bush-Leaving? Countdown Clock alone. I think it's brilliant.


  4. hmmmmmm...(jeopardy music playing for 30 secs)....wait, wait...what was the question again? it's kinda hard.'re something else, field.

  5. All about the money huh chris?

    I will check out your site bro.

    BTW, are you still feuding with you know who "Rising"?

    dc_speaks... you could take none of the above :)

    And woozie,unlike me, you happen to be a great sppelllor, so what does that tell you about me and Lark ;)

  6. FN,

    you are hilarious.


    PS- the latest breaks my heart. It's those kinds of stories that just stabs in the gut. Know what I mean? Man taking care of his business, being snuffed out by foolishness done by fools. Enough to make you bitter.

  7. I find your statement about Voorhees to be more credible (you wouldn't sex her even if she jumped into your bed naked and begged you), which is to say that I don't believe you and I believe Rumsfeld quite a bit less still.

  8. Field Negro and Exodus Mentality are quoted at the Democratic Afrosphere blog concerning the (near total futility of) Black participation in the 2008 presidential election.

  9. I hate trick questions.

  10. Field,

    As much as you've sweated Lark Vorhees on this blog, your statement totally lacking in credibility. LOL.

    As for Rummy, if his mouth is moving, he's lying. How many troops were wishing they could have done an injury to them when he flipped "You don't go to war with the Army you wish, but you go with the Army you have".

    I swear I could see the ghost of Gen. Douglas McArthur rising out of Arlington and going for Rummy's throat with his fists clinched that day on the Hill...
