Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dog Day Afternoon.

In between doing some house and legal work today, I tried to watch a little television. It was a very bad decision for me, because it totally fucked up my day and my mood.

Forget the fact that my "Iggles" lost to the stinking Bears when they were leading by four points with less than two minutes to go, and the Bears went the length of the field to score the winning touchdown without so much as a time out. Forget the fact that FOX NOISE and some of these other silly ass television stations were featuring stories on Iggy the dog, instead of focusing on real issues. FOX NOISE dedicated an entire segment complete with two (yes two) lawyers to talk about this fucking dog.

All this was happening while the Vice President of the United States was talking about going to war with Iran. "Iran is a growing obstacle to peace in the Middle East." If you don't think that means that we want to bomb the living daylights out of them, well then you belong in a little dog house with Iggy. Oh, did I mention that our wonderful Congress (our girl Hilary included) voted to declare their (Iran's) "Revolutionary Guards a terror organization? Think about that for a minute. That's like China's government voting to declare the FBI a terrorist organization. That will just make it easy for us to bomb them into oblivion when we so please, and justify it by referring to the fact that we declared them a terrorist state.

Then, to top it off, I watched some of the republican debate (can these mother fuckers talk about Hilary enough?) and......well, let me say this; if any of those suits I saw tonight win the presidency, we will be in for some serious trouble. RUDY? MITT? FRED? Maalox please!

Honestly, there are days when I wish I was Amish.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Field, check out this lecture. SMH. Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America:

    ALSO: There's a book I read some years ago called "Destined to Witness" by a bi-racial man who survived Nazi Germany. It's scary because a lot of the same stuff in that books is happening here.

    I am encouraged as a person of real faith that this shift will turn again for the better. America seems to go into cycles. The problem is that the bad guys always come out of the cycle with stronger goals for the next go-round. And the good guys tend to forget how bad these people are.

    signed: Former Philly resident

  2. The very reason I cancelled my cable. I could not take it anymore!

  3. I cannot take television, either. Can I vote for Hillary if she becomes the Democratic nominee is another question. Supposedly it would be "even worse" with a Republican but I really wonder. Now I'll listen to the Wolf lecture.

  4. Dude, they cannot exist without creating an enemy or demon proxy of some kind. Of course, the Dems are kidding themselves that Hillary can win, but hey, Barack's a lightweight so what choice do we have. Besides, on a basic level, is she much better? Depends. I just wish someone had the balls to step up in public and attack these GOP candidates.

    Then again, the Iranians are a bunch of crazy fucks, too, and give Cheney this ammo. They can't exist without demons either. Meaning--as Bill O'Reilley hangs with Al Sharpton--I bet Cheney's opn the phone to hios boys in Terhan already saying: "OK, we need each other to save each's asses, so what shit can we perpetrate?"

    BTW, how is it tha the white athletes are getting it done in the NFL and baseball (Ortiz and Ramirez with all their ego didn't do shit to help the Red Sox win). Hmmm. Sports imitating life? The brothas loafing, counting their money? Hell where'd Randy Moss be without tom brady. ;-)

    As for your Iggles, man they need you to join the team a la Marky mark in "Invincible."

  5. The video/lecture is good.

  6. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Chris Chambers, don't be so hard on Randy Moss. He gets the job done, he just needed a winning team to motivate him. The Pats are dominating this year in large part due to him.

    Field, the stakes couldn't be any higher on Iran, I agree. I'm glad to know others out there in the ether are following this too, because everyone I talk to here at home is almost catatonic when I bring it up... not that I can blame them.

    The window of opportunity is the next six months. They don't want to bomb Iran in the six months before the handover for fear of it looking too "political."

    Honestly, this administration has sped up the gradual decline of this nation, but any war with Iran with hasten that decline even further. Iraq and Afghanistan will explode, the Straits of Hormuz will be blocked, oil prices will soar and the U.S. economy will take a nose dive.

    And Cheney is so stupid and naive that he thinks he can limit the military campaign to the air... why he doesn't understand that Iran will turn this into a ground war (when we can't even contain the two ground war we're already stuck in) I can't for the life of me understand.

    I'm so afraid for this country and the next six months, I can only hope Gates and Condi and the JCS can contain Cheney until he's out of office.


  7. I am a Black Republican by protest. I am disgusted with most of the Republican candidates.

  8. Former Philly resident,thanks for that link, and the book. I wil make it a point to check them both out. (Why former?)

    august, I think I would have cancelled too if it wasn't for HBO. (Yes I have some Wire issues)

    Prof. zero, as much as I hate to say it, I will have to vote for the ice queen, if only to piss off her enemies. I absolutely despise those people.

    "Then again, the Iranians are a bunch of crazy fucks, too, and give Cheney this ammo. They can't exist without demons either."

    True dat!

    But like Jimbo said; stop hating on Moss. he is the truth. Oh if the iggles even had a receiver that was half as good.

    Jimbo, nice to see you survived that last comment section with my man "truthspitter". Wow, and people call me radical. But hey, I am glad TS is posting. Now maybe the rest of America will see how angry some people are in this country. Hell, they might even start calling the field a moderate :) Shit, that anger is real out here.

    attorneymom, you are not a republican; you are an independent. If you were republican, you would blindly vote for the repub candidate regardless.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I've made it known that I will write in Stephen Colbert's name if Hilary gets the nomination. I mean...why not? She's just as much of a joke as he is. She comes off as Bush except she's a democrat. That just means she'll pillow talk us before screwing us.

  10. Anonymous8:55 AM

    lmao @ kriss and pillow talk! Hill and Bill both like good head, but they ain't gonna return the favor, not even on your birthday.

    and if you think Sunday is bad in Iggle town you should come stew in Atlanta Falcons country for a while. I think Miss Celie done gone and put the roots on my Falcons. Till they do right by Mike Vick everything they even think about gone turn to dust.

    And why does it surprise any of you intellgent Black folks that these crazy white folks are still planning to kill even more brown folks in North Africa (aka the Middle East). I'm sitting here wondering what is taking them so long. Election cycles ain't got nothing to do with it, because they already know who is going to win; the election is simply a formality to give the rest of you A-merry-cans the delusion that your vote actually matters. Which reminds me that I'm also rather surprised that you intelligent Negroes still believe in the A-merry-can electoral process.

  11. Moss is the perfect example of the "demonized", black thug, learning to play the game.

    Not football, but the media. Don't say a word!! (listen up TO, Ocho Cinco) Manny does the same thing for the Sox. Don't talk unless you have something real to contribute. No comment leaves the media with no fodder.

    Field: You are not that radical, although at times the truth appears radical (Boston Tea Party).

    My brother is a huge Eagles fan and I had lots o' consoling to do last night.

  12. Picking a candidate from this field is like picking the shiniest turd from a septic tank.

  13. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I'm starting to believe that this "two party system" is some bullshyt. two party my arse... I don't get how Dems cleanup after the rethugs... they fuk it up again with Dem help...and the cycle starts all over again. those of us who don't know need to figure it out... we're currently under fascism... no question about it. I think it's gonna take that for some of these YT folks to figure out it ain't about race anymore cuz they'll take what you got too. Then they'll be some realizing.
    All this political gangbanging is just a plot to fool everyone into thinking that we count or our votes count... We need political campaign finance reform like it aint nobody's business. Only then can we get some people in the government thats not corporate bought.

  14. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Still here! :) Yeah Field, that guy was angry. But the all-caps, rambling diatribes and six or seven posts all indicated an unstable mind to me more than a revolutionary mind.

    Anyways, I come here for alternative points of view and I certainly get them. I love freedom of speech though, God bless.

    Enjoy it until Cheney takes it away!


  15. Hey, do not fuck with Da Bears, it was a great game

  16. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Kill yo TV, man! Or just watch DVDs of 'The Wire' like I do. It saves me a lot of stressing and pain.

    I wanna put my foot thru the tube when I hear Cheney go on about the 'threat' Iran poses. Especially since him, Wolfowitz, Kissinger, and others, DELEVOPED Iran's nuclear program back in the 70s under the tyrant Shah (US-backed of course).


  17. "Especially since him, Wolfowitz, Kissinger, and others, DELEVOPED Iran's nuclear program back in the 70s under the tyrant Shah (US-backed of course)."

    Shit! that's right, I forgot all about that!

    james must be from the "Chi". I love my man Lovie, but they stink! So what does that tell you about my birds. Geeez :(

    "Picking a candidate from this field is like picking the shiniest turd from a septic tank."

    that woozie does have a way with words doesn't he? That's why he is my resident lbrarian and English prof.

    David, tell your brother to dump the iggles now before it's too late. Tell him to pick another team if he doesn't want to go through life with ulcers every fucking day like I do!

    And I am sorry, I have had it with Andy Reid. Yeah yeah I know there is some sad shit going on at home with him, (both sons in jail for drugs) but maybe it's time he stepped back and started spending more time with his family.

    Folks, can you tell I am still pissed about yesterdays game?

  18. I feel you. Yesterday I watched my Titans blow a 32-7 lead over the Texans ALL IN THE 4th QUATER! That's right, the Texans scored 29 straight points.

    It took a record breaking 8th field goal by the kicker to pull that one out. It was exciting, but not in a healthy way in my opinion. Sheesh...

  19. awb, I saw bits of that game. It was historic. Didn't the Titans kicker have eight field goals to break an NFL record? That Jeff Fisher can straight coach. And to think we had him here and let him go.

    But you know the beauty of that game? The older Bush was in the house and he bailed out on his team before the game was over. Typical!

  20. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Field: I left Philly to go work for a big university and then, after meeting my husband him, moved to Northern NJ upon our marriage. :)

    Former Philly Resident.. again.

    The author of the Book is Hans Massaquoi.. I think. :)

  21. Man, it's frustrating. Everytime Fisher's contract comes up the Titans go through this whole "will we sign him or not" song an dance. It's like they don't realize that he would have a million job offers the moment they let him walk out the door without a new deal.

    I feel for you with Andy Reid. Felt like they should have gotten a bruiser of a running back at this point and getting rid of Trotter was a mistake in my opinion. Sometimes veteran leadership in a locker room can be underrated.

  22. Well, Fiedl Negro. I guess I am an independent. Thanks for clearing that up for me. LOL.
    "The Blog Where Hip Hop Meets Scripture!!"

  23. Congrats Field on the Bloggers Roundtable. I will be listening.

    I think I am going to give it a shot and do at least one...

  24. Anonymous7:41 PM

    We are getting played[america]if we fuck with Iran it's on!!! russia & china will fuck us up real nice,mark my words.

  25. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Still here! :) Yeah Field, that guy was angry. But the all-caps, rambling diatribes and six or seven posts all indicated an unstable mind to me more than a revolutionary mind.

    Anyways, I come here for alternative points of view and I certainly get them. I love freedom of speech though, God bless.

    I see your still thinking on it,my work is done.& i never lied once.

  26. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Jimbo, nice to see you survived that last comment section with my man "truthspitter". Wow, and people call me radical. But hey, I am glad TS is posting. Now maybe the rest of America will see how angry some people are in this country. Hell, they might even start calling the field a moderate :) Shit, that anger is real out here.
    My approach was truly fucked up,i admit that.I was lighting cigarettes with a blow torch,but i am not crazy or unstable just passionate about how one sided everything is here in america.we arent treated right,& it pisses me off.bad white people are so quick to dismiss thier actions from the past,& blame us for all that is wrong.they fail to realize thier own hand in all this bad 4 letting it rip. peace.
