Sunday, December 16, 2007

I Am Barack

I caught my homey Will Smith's new flick today, and as a movie, I must say, it was average. ---Although I loved all the Bob Marley references and the soundtrack--

Will needed a hit, and I think he has one with this movie. (77 million this weekend).

But something deeper is going on here, and I am on to those pagans out in Hollywood.

First of all they are trying to get us to vote for Obama for president by putting out this movie now with all its subliminal messages and hidden meanings.

Think about it; black man (who looks a lot like Obama by the way) is one of the few people left on earth and it's up to him to save mankind and future generations from extinction. So not only does he have to concoct an antidote for a deadly virus that's infected humankind, but he has to fight off a bunch of freaky mindless humans in the process. (Think republicans on steroids) He does all this by throwing in a little Rastafarian philosophy of peace and love along the way. He waxes poetic about Bob Marley, and his vision of solving the world's problems such as racism through song and music. (Think other "Magic Negroes" like Oprah)

If all this sounds eerily like Obama's campaign for president, I don't think it was by accident. I am telling you the Hollywood crowd has it in for Hillary. Think about it. Obama, like Will in this movie, preaches optimism and hope for the future. But instead of music he wants to use political speeches and catchy campaign slogans. In the movie Will has to find a cure for a virus that has destroyed most of humanity. Obama has to find a cure for the virus that's effecting the A-merry-can psyche. It's called eight years of George Bush. The movie is so anti republican that Will Smith's character actually declares at one point in the movie that "there is no god". That line was a shot from Hollywood at the Huckabee crowd as well as the other holy roller republican candidates. (But who is complaining?) And the producers of the movie were smart, because in order to keep white folks attention Will Smith's best friend and companion throughout the flick happened to be a dog. (I hope that's not a shot at Barack's wife). That is, of course, until he went to that kennel in the sky...whoops, I said enough about the movie itself, I don't want to ruin it for you.

So sorry Hillary and Bill, the better this flick does at the box office the worse it will be for you. Because the more A-merry-ca watches this little subliminal number, the more a bunch of them will go into the voting booth next November and see Will Smith and not Barack Obama.
If that happens, the words "I Am Legend" will take on a whole different meaning.


  1. Not sure if I was going to see the movie, but now that you've said what to expect, maybe I will.

    I still say African-Americans need to quit waiting for the next coming of Captain Save-A-Negro in the form of Malcolm, Martin and Medgar, and save our own damned selves.

    Just like Will Smith's character probably does in the black version of "Soylent Green".

  2. Anonymous11:30 PM

    very interesting. Im not quite as conspiratorial as you are.

    Of course the fact that Will is itching to campaign for Obama a' la Oprah will only encourage your idea

    I cannot say i share your belief, but your logic and reasoning are on point as usual.

  3. ink, take that post with a grain of salt. Some of my tongue was in my cheeks when I wrote it. (I tend to be like that at times, my writing is never perspicuous))

    But I do think there is something to the "Magic Negro" phenomenon which could propel Obama to higher heights.

    "I still say African-Americans need to quit waiting for the next coming of Captain Save-A-Negro in the form of Malcolm, Martin and Medgar, and save our own damned selves."

    Well said christ.prog., I couldn't agree more.

  4. It's just a movie dude. I doubt the script writers were thinking about Barack parallels. But I do want to see it, seeing as I like Smith.

  5. Field,

    That's a fucking brilliant analogy.


  6. FN,

    You are CRAZY!

    Man, I thought I had heard some conspiracy theories..but, this one pretty much tops it for me right now.

    This was pretty funny though.

    I'm not into Sci-Fi, so I doubt I'll ever see the movie. Happy to see that it did so well, because I like for our Brother Movie Stars to get that Box Office.

  7. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I'm not really a sci-fi movie-goer, but I might check out the new film, and, of course, I'll be sure to look for those parallels that you mentioned. I teach college English, so perhaps I'll have a bit of new movie material to flow with next semester.

  8. "Think other "Magic Negroes" like Oprah"

    You say there is no such thing as a "magic negroe"?! I just saw one live and in person yesterday at the Pats game and his name is RANDY MOSS. He made a catch yesterday that was nothing BUT magical!

  9. This was interesting, I enjoyed your little review. I didn't think of it like this (now Snith's previous Obama comment comes to light). I'll try to see the movie soon.

    "Will Smith's best friend and companion throughout the flick happened to be a dog. (I hope that's not a shot at Barack's wife)."

    Or the "support a black man" black female population in America. Interesting.

  10. I dunno Field--the movie was uber hyped and had little (some at least some) texture. They had to re-shoot the ending because the one from the book wasn't Hollywood-Will-silly enough. Hell even in the Charlton Heston version The Omega Man he dies violently (and trivia--ol Moses NRA himself bones a sista, Rosalind of the first times in the movies this his wingnut pals would think we're lying now!).

    All said--is that Barack's formula: over hype yet over-sincerity? Not much texture yet just enough to sway the the average fool? I'm hoping not.

    If you want some shit, check out Lieberman endorsing John McCain. Gore's probabl saying "WTF?!"

    By the way congratz on the Iggles (and I finally saw Marky mark in Invincible playing Papalia), and I have some Desperate Housewives nudie photos of that dumb skank Marcia Cross on my blog. Will post more b/c I HATE celebrities...

  11. Will Smith is no dumb actor either.

    Besides being smoking hot, he's smart and ambitious.

    Years ago, he told some reporter that his longterm goal is to become president.

    Talk about audacious.

    But why not? Saint Regean ran for governor and president and he had less than half the intelligence of Will Smith.

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    i was just about to see the movie until your review. i just can't stand seeing anymore of the neutered negro movies. i suffered through the 80's with beverly hills cop etc.. young black man , high paying job, fancy car, no black female friends, no black friends, saves the world for white people. same theme over and over, thank god for "mo better blues" and "boomerang". as for obama, bill clinton called him black this week and hillary was scared to answer. bill's quote went something like this" if america elected obama, it would be like rolling the dice with the country". will the others step in and step up the attack and make america realize that obama is black? kind of a catchy tune ain't it?

  13. billy clint is beginning to scare me. the whole fucking clint machine is shaping to be as bad as some of the more aggressive rethug campaigns of recent history. they came up with the madrassa rumor, they came up with the drug attack. obama should really just say 'fuck it' and go after the salacious clinton history (billy AND hilly).

  14. Not to hijack the but does anyone know anything about this:

  15. Field,
    Love the film analysis, professor!

    For a little while there I was kinda depressed by what seemed like a lack of black support for Obama, but every day now it seems to be snowballin' in his favor.

    A few things to note about Obama:

    1. The Iowa caucus process works in a way that supporters of less popular candidates throw their vote to their "second-choice" candidate. I think far more Edwards and Kucinich backers are going to go for Obama than Hills.

    2. The Republicans are way, way, way more scared of a general election with Obama than with Hillary. Hillary's "negatives" among undecided voters are way, way, way higher than Obama's.

    3. The race issue is actually an asset to Obama if you can use it as a classic Karl Rove-style "wedge" issue that forces opponents into embarrassing political positions. The bigots will actually turn more voters TOWARD Obama, I think.

  16. I'm assuming your tongue is in the cheek. But just in case...

    Except for Oprah, who in the HOllywood crowd is supporting Obama? Just like the fairytale that all black people are liberals, it's also a fairytale that Hollywood types are all liberals.

    I googled and found a handful of names. I don't see any studio heads and distributors on the list and those are the folks who decide when a movie is released. Names, please. And keep in mind that people who wrote checks to Obama might also be writing checks for Clinton.

    This sort of reminds me of black folks who go see a movie with a white actor playing a racist and conclude the actor is a racist because he was so good at it. It's make believe. No movie is going to determine the outcome of this elections unless a movie star is actually running for president. Oh, wait. A movie/TV star IS running for president and he's doing really badly in the polls.

  17. I guess Alvin & The Chipmunks is about Bush, Cheney & Rice!

    Great post!

  18. OT: Field, in your sidebar; about "Mittens" (as we call him here in DC)

    He probably started crying at the thought of having to share his pew with Black people after 1978 - not out of gratitude that the Church saw the error of her ways in being the church of bigots...

  19. Hey West Coast Story,

    Here is a damned good list of who in Hollywood, music, and technology, is backing Barack Obama:

    Chris Albrecht, HBO chairman
    Big Kenny Alphin, recording artist
    Marc Andreessen, Internet pioneer
    Jennifer Aniston, actress
    Rosanna Arquette, actress
    Tyra Banks model, talk show host
    Lawrence Bender, producer
    Halle Berry, actress
    Valerie Bertinelli, actress
    Arthur Blank, Falcons owner
    Judy Blume, author
    Steven Bochco, producer, writer
    Andy Borowitz, satirist, writer
    Zach Braff, actor
    Steve Brill, Court TV founder
    Christie Brinkley, model
    James L Brooks, producer, director
    Jackson Browne, musician
    Warren Buffett, billionaire
    Mark Burnett, game show producer
    Peter Buttenwieser, political fundraiser
    Kate Capshaw, actress
    Michael Chabon, author
    Jay Chandrasekhar, director, writer
    Peter Chernin, News Corporation president
    Richard A Clarke, security expert
    George Clooney, actor
    Cindy Crawford, model
    Drew Curtis, founder
    Jamie Lee Curtis, actress
    Larry David, comedian, writer
    Laurie David writer, activist
    Barry Diller, media mogul
    Paul Dooley, actor
    Michael Douglas, actor, director
    Michael Eisner, Disney CEO
    Kenneth Feinberg, attorney
    Tom Ford, fashion designer
    Jodie Foster, actress
    Jamie Foxx actor, comedian
    Morgan Freeman, actor
    David Geffen, Dreamworks co-founder
    Jami Gertz, actress
    Charles Gifford, Bank of America chairman
    Cuba Gooding Jr., actor
    Berry Gordy, record producer, entrepreneur
    Lou Gossett Jr., actor
    Brian Grazer, producer
    Jasmine Guy, actress
    Herbie Hancock, musician
    Tom Hanks, actor
    Tom Hayden, activist, author
    Dennis Haysbert, actor
    Christie Hefner, Playboy CEO
    Hugh Hefner, Playboy founder
    Cheryl Hines, actress
    Bruce Hornsby, recording artist
    Ron Howard, director, producer
    Phil Jackson, NBA coach, player
    Samuel Jackson, actor
    Michael Jordan, basketball star
    Vernon Jordan, Washington power broker
    Jeffrey Katzenberg, Dreamworks co-founder
    Gayle King, editor, Oprah's BFF
    David Koepp, screenwriter
    Cedric 'the Entertainer' Kyle, comedian
    Christine Lahti, actress
    Sherry Lansing, Paramount Studios CEO
    Sharon Lawrence, actress
    Norman Lear, television producer
    Julia Louis-Dreyfus, actress
    Seth MacFarlane, animator, screenwriter
    Tobey Maguire, actor
    Norman Mailer, author
    Natalie Maines, recording artist
    Barry Manilow, singer/songwriter
    Stephon Marbury, pro basketball player
    Branford Marsalis, musician
    Greg Mathis, TV judge
    Bette Midler, singer, actress
    John Morgridge, Cisco chairman
    Rob Morrow, actor
    Alonzo Mourning, NBA star
    Eddie Murphy, actor, comedian
    Paul Newman, actor, philanthropist
    Craig Newmark, founder
    Leonard Nimoy, actor
    Edward Norton, actor
    Rosie O'Donnell, actress, comedian
    Stan O'Neal, Merrill Lynch CEO
    Adrian Pasdar, actor
    Holly Robinson Peete, actress
    Sidney Poitier, actor
    Ellen Pompeo, actress
    Maury Povich, talkshow host
    Penny Pritzker, hotel heiress
    Harold Ramis, director, actor
    Phylicia Rashad, actress
    Jerry Reinsdorf, Chicago White Sox owner
    Paul Reiser, comedian, actor
    Chris Rock, comedian, actor
    Robert Rubin, US Treasury Secretary
    Edward Rust, State Farm CEO
    Susan Sarandon, actress
    Thomas Schlamme, producer, director
    Howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO
    Terry Semel, Yahoo CEO
    Ben Silverman, NBC Universal chairman
    James Sinegal, Costco CEO
    Tom Skerritt, actor
    Emmitt Smith, pro football player
    Jada Pinkett Smith, actress
    Will Smith, actor, recording artist
    George Soros, financier
    Steven Spielberg, filmmaker
    Leigh Steinberg, sports agent
    Fisher Stevens, actor
    Ben Stiller, actor
    Oliver Stone, director
    Christine Taylor, actress
    Richard Thalheimer, The Sharper Image CEO
    Heather Thomas, actress
    Garry Trudeau, cartoonist
    Isaiah Washington, actor
    John Wells, television producer
    Jann Wenner, Rolling Stone CEO
    Tom Werner, Boston Red Sox co-owner
    Forest Whitaker, actor, director
    Paula White, megachurch "life coach"
    Bradley Whitford, actor
    Gene Wilder, actor
    Rita Wilson, actress
    Oprah Winfrey, talk show host, actress
    Joanne Woodward, actress
    Jeffrey Wright, actor
    Robert Wright, NBC Universal head
    Andrew Young, civil rights activist
    Edward Zander, Motorola chairman
    George Zimmer, Men's Wearhouse CEO

    More than a "few" as you said and a very, very respectable and distinguished list of accomplished Americans, some are black, many are white, men and women. In other words -- America supports Barack Obama.

  20. Hollywood's had a hard-on for a black president for years. Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact. Denzel in the Manchurian Candidate remake. Dennis Haysbert in 24.

    They want a happy, clean-cut conjure man to lay some good mojo for their business.

    And I think they can't wait for the first black president to get shot. Oliver Stone will be all over that sh!t.

  21. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Jewish people control Hollywood and politics, and Hillary is about as pro-Israel as they come. Why would Hollywood go against Hillary?

  22. Field, it sounds like you're really feeling Barack right now, if only because the possibility that he could win Iowa and New Hampshire, and then find himself on an unstoppable roll to the presidency, really is a revolutionary idea in the A-Mery-KKKA that you and I grew up in. It would mean that white people are willing to make decisions that you always believed to be completely out of character for them.

    Hell, electing a woman president would also be completely out of character. But both of these are worth trying for because an America governed interminably by the dictates of the white male supremacy paradigm isn't worth the feces in all of its toilets.

    So, let's see what happens. Let's end the 43-term white male monopoly of the presidency! As Obama does better and better, Blacks seem all to have forgotten about that representative of the white male supremacy paradigm who's running third, and that is as it should be, in my opinion.

  23. lollolololololol

    It's a Vast Jewish Conspiracy! First they did WTC, and now this!

  24. Actually, I believe it was Chris Rock who was the last Black president in "Head of State", and Denzel wasn't a president at all, but the dude who was supposed to take out the Manchurian Candidate Liev Schriber, but that's pretty much it. But anyways, I highly doubt people will seriously entertain the idea of a Black man as a president. As much as Hollywood wants it (he's a weed-smoking liberal), it's all just fantasy, just what Hollywood's built on.

    And if they went for Hillary, that wouldn't be a departure for them, because according to the ideas of intersectionality (a system of checking all the isms and combinations to see what their social status would be), Hillary would be higher on the totem pole than Barack.

    Then again, I also see how much the presidential position has truly whittled down to a figurehead position, so whoever they put up there will give the American people a false sense of hope that true change will happen. Despite what most people in this country believe, they're not ready for that dramatic a shift in their politics.

  25. "Hollywood's had a hard-on for a black president for years. Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact. Denzel in the Manchurian Candidate remake. Dennis Haysbert in 24."

    I'll be damned!

    "Field, it sounds like you're really feeling Barack right now, if only because the possibility that he could win Iowa and New Hampshire, and then find himself on an unstoppable roll to the presidency,"

    Francis, you might be right. I am fascinated with this whole Barack phenomenon. Honestly, I still don't beleive that he can win, because I am just not there yet with A-merry-ca. Sorry, I am not as optimistic as some people when it comes to a color blind society. Now if he does win; I will be the first to say that I was wrong.

    west coast story, did you see that list? I swear christopher is a Barack operative :)

  26. Anonymous10:10 PM

    This theory tickled me!

  27. Anonymous10:38 PM


    You can add Denzel Washington to that list too.

  28. I'm back reading this thread, and you guys are giving me a well-needed laugh. :)

    FN, seems like you aren't alone in your conspiracy theory....LOL

    Though, I will admit, if David Palmer ran, I'd work for him 24/7 for no pay. Don't ya luv how fantasy and reality blend sometimes?

  29. Not to hijack the but does anyone know anything about this:


    Paul was against the Civil Rights Act...therefore, I could never be for Paul. I don't know if everything on that list is true, but being against the CRA is #1 and I don't need a #2.

  30. rikyrah, I am losing more respect for Paul every day. Someone from the last post actually said that the "Ron Morris" wacko was a Paul plant, and that they have been infiltrating blogs with their crazy ass rhetoric.

    If it's true it's kind of scary.

    Thanks for the link.

  31. You think "Ron Morris" is actually "Ron Paul"? Cause that would explain the attempted infiltration on this board.

    For which he got a royal beat down.

  32. Christopher: I picked just one name, Sherry Lansing, and as I suspected (and stated earlier), she has written checks to Hillary, Barack, Richardson, and Dodd. The check she wrote for Hillary was twice as big as the ones she wrote for Barack and Richarson. My guess is that a lot of liberal Hollywood is hedging its bets (or covering its progressive rhetoric). will do, vote

  33. Hey guys, about Hollywood and black presidents: Don't forget in the movie "idiocracy" there was also a black president. (So in a future time, idiots will outbreed the intellectuals, and create a future society of total rampant idiots. It would only make sense they should have a womanizing black president). I just love Hollywood.

    -sarcasm off

  34. The portrait of Barack Obama smiles and declares, "I am Barack!" George W. Bush sulks and mumbles, "I am an Island." And Barack feels your pain. And the Island never tried. Strum strummida strummida strum. Strum strummida strummida strum.
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  35. Rod Blagojevich apologized Monday for saying he's "blacker than Barack Obama, bet basketball but the disgraced former Illinois governor said he probably won't try to make amends directly to the president.
    "I'd be happy to but, you know, I don't have the phone number," he told reporters outside his Chicago home. sportsbook In the February issue of Esquire magazine, the ousted governor, semi-professional Elvis impersonator and reality TV contestant refers to Obama as "this guy" who was elected based simply on hope, implying that the president isn't genuine.
    "What the (expletive)? Everything he's saying's on the teleprompter," Blagojevich told the magazine. march madness The story hits newsstands on Jan. 19. "I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived," Blagojevich said. "I saw it

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  37. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I still say African-Americans need to quit waiting for the next coming of Captain Save-A-Negro in the form of Malcolm, Martin and Medgar, and save our own damned selves.

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  38. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Hey guys, about Hollywood and black presidents: Don't forget in the movie "idiocracy" there was also a black president.
    Yasemin Ünlü Köylü Kızı Turk thank nice blogs post goo....

    So in a future time, idiots will outbreed the intellectuals, and create a future society of total rampant idiots. It would only make sense they should have a womanizing black president.

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