Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's late folks

so this post will be brief. I am writing from my Northwest D.C. hotel at the start of the bloggers summit down here. Honestly, I have no idea what to expect. I got in kind of late....OK, I actually got here in time for the "meet and greet", but I hung out with some of my boys who were visiting D.C. as well for another conference.

But tomorrow I will get a chance to meet everybody. There are bloggers here (mostly of the left leaning persuasion) from all over the country, and the conference officially kicks off tomorrow. Already my girl Lola called to welcome a brotha to her city (that's what's up), and as is usually the case, I am feeling D.C. I always get a good vibe here, so I have mad love for the "chocolate city".

The folks here seem very organized and on the ball, so let's see what happens. I am not sure about out all the topics, but whatever it is, I will let you know how it went down. I am sure someone will bring up the whole "whitosphere v. blackosphere" thing, and I am sure that there are lots of Hillary supporters here.

Should be fun :)


  1. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Brother Field,carry the message.. there is nothing "short" about your program. Enjoy the experiance. Bless you Brother. SillaPanther2.

  2. Enjoy yourself man! You've built the GRANDDADDY of black blogs, and we thank you for it.

  3. Tell me how many black hotel workers give you the gas face as the expert of black folks, NSangoma says.

  4. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Have a nice weekend over there, Field. I'll be looking forward to your next post from DC.

  5. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Have fun!!!! We are envious!!!! We hope you will describe it in detail so we can experience it vicariously!!!

  6. Anonymous3:07 AM


    One last thing. Be careful out there. John McCain says you're in The City of Satan

    If you run into him, tell him how much of a tool he is for us.

  7. I may be going out on a limb here, but this isn't just the grand daddy of black blogs (no offense, SillaPanther2), but this is a genuine from the heart piece of work.

    "Original" is probably the right word.

    Have a great time and learn some stuff you can pass on to us! :)

    Hugh aka Repairman

  8. Thanks fam. I feel the love. Thank you StillPanther2 and Zack, but I prefer hugh's characterization :) I don't wan't to feel like a "grand daddy" just yet :)

    But I swear I can't sleep. (Check the time from this comment and my post) ButI will try to have fun and stay focused.

    I know one thing; I will be telling folks down here to read the comments on my blog. You mofos are off the hook! And that's the truth. I have been on quite a few other blogs and I do not see the type of comments that I see here on other blogs. Even though sometimes you all get too deep for even my black ass. But that s**t makes me feel really good.

    "One last thing. Be careful out there. John McCain says you're in The City of Satan"

    robster, he ought to know :)

    OK, gotta go to breakfast with the "folks"... I will holla.

  9. Washington DC is a splendid town.

    So much to do and see, and much of it is free. I can be pretty damned boring I suppose, but I just love being a tourist and visiting the National Museum and the Air and Space Museum and the US Capitol. I swore to Jim I wouldn't set foot in the White House again until the Motherfucker from Midland was out of office. Next year, when Barack Obama is president, we will go back and visit the White House again.

    Can't wait to read about the "whitosphere v. blackosphere" thing, as you put it. This is a new view for me to take in, as I organize the world more along the lines of leftwing v. rightwing.

    Have fun.

  10. Enjoy yourself! Please share any tips on how baby bloggers like myself can be more informative.

  11. Field,

    Have a great time! I also am waiting for your next post. Hoping it lift me up---kinda heart broken, sad.. *sigh*

  12. "whitosphere v. blackosphere" thing, as you put it. This is a new view for me to take in, as I organize the world more along the lines of leftwing v. rightwing."

    I see it as both; You would think that there should be lines between left and right, but from what I've read when I first heard the term, 'black blogosphere' SOME white bloggers started mocking black bloggers for 'pointing out differences', or something like that. Anyway I do know of a black left and black right dynamic in the blogosphere. I'd like to see that talked about as well as the class differences that exists in the black blogosphere as well.

  13. "Whitosphere" vs "Blackosphere?" Well, you can rest easy in my hometown, Mr. F. Negro, knowing that the bulk of your numerous constituents are eager to keep doing their bit toward maintaining that divide and even widening it as best they can, most recently by joyously and gallantly whipping up on some ladies, and into which they the hip hoppers, far more than those on the other side, are likely to fall.

  14. Brother komrade I feel you,and we will be start that session at 3:15

    Carl(sofarsogoo)are you at this conference?

  15. Live it up, field.

    Hang out, have a drink or two, laugh a lot, and tell a joke or two. I'm sure you're going to meet a number of good brothas and sistahs and fellow bloggers who respect you very much.

    On the other hand, don't back down from from any Clinton or McCain black blogger. Call them shameful, swine-eating house nigras out for supporting a deceitful, race-baiting woman who puts ambition AND her nation and a warmongering grandpa in serious need of an intensive anger management class.

    May the spirit of Marcus, Malcolm and all field negroes be with you. Blessings.

  16. As a DC resident, enjoy the not-so Chocolate City.

  17. As a DC resident, enjoy the not-so Chocolate City.

  18. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Have fun, Field! If you'd said a month ago you were going to be in the company of Hillary supporters, I wouldn't have thought twice about it...Now I worry for your safety ;-) That's a scary bunch. Let us know that you get back okay :)

  19. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Field, you did take Mrs. Field to Washington with you, didn't you?!

    You don't won't to expose that other head to opportunity and means, do you? ;)

  20. Speakng of drank...I got mine and the whole house to myself on a Saturday night and I can't get the words out on my own blog about Spitzer, liberal racism, or Al Sharpton's punk-move to defend the Dunbar Village rapists when he went all year without saying anything about the crime. Couldn't blog worth a damn during the week because I'm building a lab at a family housing center/shelter (instead of doing homework) or the work that pays my bills. Oh well. I can't remember the last time I attended a tech conference. It's funny, when I was unemployed or on a living stipend I got around more. Have fun, Field.

    Whiskey and an empty house is almost holy, y'all!!!!!!

  21. WTF? a brother can travel by himself without rolling like that.
    Damn what's up with that comment?

  22. Anonymous9:04 PM


    "WTF? a brother can travel by himself without rolling like that.
    Damn what's up with that comment?"

    Lighten up, bro! You're taking it all too serious.

  23. Field,
    Enjoy DC man. That is my second home. I wish I could be there for this one. But I am not a high priced legal man like you. I got bills and not enough scratch to pay them. However, I will be in PG County in April for my Aunty's B-Day.

    Oh and by the way...

    I do not look at you like a "grandfather", You are more like that crazy-ass Uncle that everyone has.

  24. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Just turned off my local news. They're playing that Wright tape like its one of their new shows. What a fool.

  25. "They're playing that Wright tape like its one of their new shows"


  26. Hey Field,

    On taylor marsh blog he has the 3:00 am girl as a sista. Now on other sites it shows a sista too. But how about before the controversy ? Let's think logically. Why would a black girl be sleeping in white peoples beds ? Is she afraid of the big bad brother too ?also check out sugarnspice. She called me a cult member. Out of all the people that loves Barack , the one that pulled my coat was holland and P6. Seriously, check out taylor marsh, later.
