Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Uncle Al.

"In order to successfully exploit the population of nignoramuses whoactually do believe that the inordinate number of blacks killed by policeis not the result of committing crimes and stupid actions in the vicinity of armed police at a rate far above their prevalence in the general population for profit and political influence (power), Sharpington must publicly believe there ought to be more whites being shot by cops until the numbers of such shootings are between eight and nine times as many as those of blacks.In other words, I'm saying he (officially) wants *more* white people shot by cops, but he gets to avoid being a "racist" because he claims to believe more blacks are shot by cops than is warranted by the extra-criminal nature of the black population the police deal with every single day and must respond to if they want to go home alive every night instead of politically-correct heroes-of-the-revolution in-a-box.Sharpton is an exploiter of ignorant wishful-thinking . He happens to be fortunate (for him) to be the same basic color-scheme as those in whose group this type of oversimplification is rampant and so is taken as "letitimate" within the group who can be exploited by such sophist canards.In another time and another skin, he'd have made a fortune traveling around in a wagon selling snake-oil."

That was one of the answers given on yahoo answers to the question: why doesn't Al. Sharpton rally and plead for the cause of whites who are killed by police officers?

I thought about that, and I think I know at least one answer; there aren't any. I mean I tried to find such an incident, but I couldn't. Lord knows I wore out google searching, but nothing. No white man killed in a questionable shooting by police officers. So for now, one of A-merry-ca's crazy uncles in the attic, will be allowed to continue to embarrass the family.

But hey, it's late, and I must confess my search was not as thorough as it could have been. I am sure that someone reading this post will do the research for me and come up with at least one such incident. I bet there is one certain commenter who is searching right now :)

So the good Reverend and some other protesters were arrested today in New York for protesting the Sean Bell killings, and as is usually the case when the good Reverend is involved, folks are crying race hustle. Honestly, they just might be right. But I don't know what's in the Reverend's heart -although I do know that he loves the camera- so I don't want to assume that I know what his motives are.

But I will say this: lately the good Reverend could find lots of stuff to keep him busy right here in Philly. Over the past few days we have witnessed a gang in blue beat three unarmed men in a car, literally put some minority neighborhoods under siege and in fear, as SWAT teams storm from house to house looking for a cop killer. Ahh field stop it, if these young black thugs didn't commit such a disproportionate number of crimes in our country, the police would not be so involved with these types of clashes with them. That might or might not be true, but how can we tell? How can we tell that if the color of the skin of these perps were different the police reaction to them would not be different as well? A female colleague of mine asked me today, if I think police officers "would have dragged some white youths from their car like they did on that video." And I had to be honest with myself and with her, and say no. Which is why us black folks (Uncle Al or not) still march and write and protest when we see incidents like Sean Bell, Ronald Madison, Amadou Diallo,Khiel Coppin, Patrick Dorismond....(you get the point), taking place here in A-merry-ca. It's why Reverend Al, bad perm and all, has been allowed to thrive. It's why he can continue what some folks see as his race hustle here in the land of the free.

Sorry A-merry-ca, you can't blame anyone for folks like the Reverend, but yourself.


  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I remember a white guy escaped from the mental health facility in Little Rock and the cops beat him to death. You're right that it doesn't happen often from my recollection. And Al can take up for who he wants anyway.

  2. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Word, FN because he was carping about the poor mistreated youths who were in lockup for 'allegedly' raping and beating a woman and her child in West Palm Beach, FL at a news conference no less but had no such outcry of injustice for the actual victims, until he was called on it publicly by several bloggers and reporters. Then it was back-pedal city.

  3. heartsandflowers, you are right, "Dunbar Village" was a low point for the good Rev.

    szechaunpork, thanks for that example.

  4. On my blog (in the fake news sidebar) I joke about Al Sharpton posing shirtless for AARP to counteract Chris Brown doing it for next month's Ebony.

    It will be Sharpton's greatest protest. Making America vomit until injustices are cured.

  5. Anonymous12:58 AM

    two of the three cops that shot Bell are black. How is this point reconciled? Whitey held a gun to the black cops heads and made them shoot another black man?

  6. Police brutality and relations between officers and the black community have nothing to do with the color of the officer. It has everything to do with the image of black people as criminals. That means that black officers think the same way the white ones do. The two black officers that shot Sean Bell wouldn't have done that outside of a white strip club. If you hang around white people sometimes you can see the difference and it's not subtle.

  7. Anonymous1:08 AM

    After searching Arkansasmatters for a while, it seems that the urban areas are more likely to involve AA, and the rural areas are more likely everyone else. This isn't as obvious as it seems since there's a lot of AA country folk in Arkansas. Anyway, the police will gladly shoot meth dealers here.

    I was also reminded of the West Memphis police shooting of a 12 year boy which Al came to assist the family with.

  8. Anonymous1:13 AM

    I don't know how far you want to back, but in the 70s the Houston PD was a trigger happy bunch. They didn't seem to care about race though. Look up Jose Campos Torres and Randall Webster.


  9. Anonymous2:05 AM

    two of the three cops that shot Bell are black. How is this point reconciled? Whitey held a gun to the black cops heads and made them shoot another black man?

    12:58 AM

    Proof positive that Ignoramuses are thriving well in A-merry-ca.

  10. I live in a semi rural California county. In the past year three mentally ill white people were killed by local cops. In every case the family had called the cops because a family member had become agitated and was in a delusional state. None of them were armed, only one of them, a women, was under the influence. The youngest was a sixteen year old boy who kicked an officer after refusing to get out of a car. He was shot while sitting in the back seat of his family's car.

    This is not to deny the overwhelming evidence of systematic racism in cop violence. I'm just pointing out that cops are being allowed to kill with complete impunity. Cops are not law enforcement any more. They're trained killers, more like soldiers, and they are encouraged to believe they can and should kill anyone they see as a possible threat.

  11. Anonymous2:47 AM

    cops are being allowed to kill with complete impunity. Cops are not law enforcement any more. They're trained killers, more like soldiers, and they are encouraged to believe they can and should kill anyone they see as a possible threat.
    I co-sign this statement.

    I know cops are under pressure but that comes with the job, nobody forces these people to become cops and if some people can't handle pressure then they shouldn't be qualified to become cops.

  12. Anonymous3:01 AM

    "The two black officers that shot Sean Bell wouldn't have done that outside of a white strip club."

    Two black cops are just mindless idiots? Is that what you are saying. Black men cannot think when white men are around? White men have the juju power to make the black cops hate black people. When are black people responsible for what they do to other black people? It's whitey's fault so black men can keep murdering black men. Got it.

  13. Anonymous3:19 AM

    I'm glad you got it.

  14. Anonymous4:08 AM

    off topic: i think al's perm looks pretty good. i wear my hair salt & peppa natural, closed cropped, but he has more hair than i do.'s just trying to keep a check coming. have you ever known him to hold an 8 to 5?

  15. Anonymous4:49 AM

    OK. I'm not an Al Sharpton supporter but I will tell you this. White folks and some black folks can't stand him. I remember when he went to speak on behalf of the people in the Enron case BOTH WHITE AND BLACK. Those white folks were NOT happy about Sharptons presence.

    Let's face it. Sharpton advocates for black men. He rarely advocates for black women, white folks, latinos, etc. That's his NICHE. Do you see McDonalds serving fillet mignon. Sharpton is needed. Somebody has to stand up, and fight for those who have a difficult time fighting for themselves. Sorry, folks America is racist as hell. It's not just the street thugs that get it. Corporate racism is systemic, blatant and depressing. Racism regarding medical treatment is widespread. I could go on but I'll stop.

    The Al Sharptons will die down when race relations have turned a corner. We're still in the process of doing soo.

    Two of those officers in the Bell case we're black. I'm sorry but as a black woman - some officers both BLACK AND WHITE are unprofessional, corrupt, ego-centric bullies. Yes, I've been harassed by both! The problem that I have with the black community is it's always about black men. Black women get harassed by the police and shot AND killed. Unfortunately, the black community always turns a blind eye the victimization of black women UNLESS whitey's involved.

  16. Ahh field stop it, if these young black thugs didn't commit such a disproportionate number of crimes in our country, the police would not be so involved with these types of clashes with them.

    I gotta' say, Field, I was truly taken aback by the number of people posting yesterday in support of the lawless, cretin cops, who rough up and beat suspected criminals.

    The cops are a protected class who are free to ignore the the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and practice old Roman law that reads you're guilty until proven innocent.

    Yeah, I know not all cops do this and a few are OK and actually follow the law , but they are few and far between.

  17. Uncle Al might be the crazy uncle in the attic, but how many times has the crazy old uncle in the attic has been found to be telling the truth, only to have it dismissed because we thought he was crazy.

    Think back to the scene in the movie "Soul Food" when Big Momma dies, the crazy uncle in the attic came downstairs with the TV in which he had been hoarding money for decades.

    Everyone heard of the mystery that Uncle Joe had money hid somewhere.

    Right there in the old TV set he used to carry around.

    So, sometimes, maybe we need to start paying attention to those "crazy" uncles because they might drop some knowledge in the fields.

    As for Sharpington - a man has to get his hustle on. I'll give him props for being willing to go to jail in protest, though.

  18. If some unjustifiable s*** happens to me Rev. Al is who I want to call.

    He's the only one that has a track sheet of helping Negro's in trouble. Rev. Al has always said that he protest to bring attention to a problem in order to bring change.

  19. Field,

    Did you happen to catch the Borg Queen telling USAToday that only whites matter in the General Election?

    She told the paper she would be the stronger nominee because she appeals to whites who say they won't support Barack Obama:

    "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on. Sen. Barack Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

    The Borg Queen can take comfort in the knowledge she's the KKK's whoregirl.

  20. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Well.... overwhelmingly it is black folk that are gunned down by the street cops...
    Bbt the whites that are, have been so by the feds... Ruby Ridge and Waco.... dead men, women and children.
    Also, during protests against the war and against corporate globalization, there have been BAD beat downs. I was in Miami in 2002 for the FTAA demos... cops used rubber bullets, wooden bullets, pepper spray, concusion grenades, water cannons, chemical pellets. They formed a wall 5 blocks wide and just shot anyone and everyone in their way. They left one kid blind, shot a journalist's ear off, put one kid in the hospital with a severe concusion, metal plate in his head.... it was one of the ugliest scenes at demonstrations I had ever witnessed.
    Doing legal support for activists has shown me just how often cops lie and abuse and sadly, just how often John Q Public gives them a pass.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Al only gets involved if the family of the victim wants him to. I remember the Gideon Busch case, when the police killed Busch, a mentally unstable Jewish man. Al offered his assistance to Busch's family, and they refused, so he didn't get involved.

  23. "I was truly taken aback by the number of people posting yesterday in support of the lawless, cretin cops, who rough up and beat suspected criminals."
    Christopher: I have to say that i'm not surprised. True, cops shouldn't rough up or kill anyone. But, given the high level of daily violence in our communities, many folks I talk to want not less but more cops. But they want them to do their jobs: Stay on these drug dealers's assesses, arrest them over and over; Stay on these kid's assesses, telling them to stop the gangbanging or get gangbanged in prison. Like everyone else, 95% of inner-city folks are just trying to survive; and this small group of things are making it hard to do the little things civilized people do: Go to work or look for work, and come home without being robbed or humiliated. Go to school without having your lunch money or your life taken away in a flash. And they're saying, "Cops, don't break the law, but do your jobs; and, if in the course of keeping me and yourself safe, and you HAVE to resort to violence, that's the a price we have to pay."

    field, thanks for mentioning daddyBstrong on your sidebar. Thanks for the love.

  24. So, sometimes, maybe we need to start paying attention to those "crazy" uncles because they might drop some knowledge in the fields.

    True, Christian Liberal. But so long as America can't get past Al being the 'crazy uncle' we'll continue to suffer. Its a lot easier for America to caricature Black leaders than to actually listen to them. Obama has so far confounded them (Rev. wright not withstand).

    But let's be honest, the MSM was insulting MLK and Malcolm in their day too. And there were plenty of "good upstanding negroes" who wanted nothing to do with those 'demagouges'. That is -- until was it was their asses in the fire and they only wished Malcolm or Martin would show up.

    Al is certainly not of the caliber of these two giants -- but one has to admit that he's right more often than he is wrong. Of course, we live in a country where we know more about American idol than the civil rights movement.

  25. Al is the canary in the mine. Unfortunately, the canary brings too much attention to itself.

  26. The cops have become militarized -- the public has become the enemy, and the instinct now seems to be to shoot first at the smallest provocation. There have been quite a few cases of cops busting in the wrong doors in drug cases and killing whoever happens to be home. Race is definitely a factor in some parts of the country, but so are poverty, powerlessness, and outsider status. Ruby Ridge is the classic example of the last one: an FBI sniper killed Randy Weaver's wife when she was unarmed and holding a baby.


    the article doesn't explicitly state that he's white, and you know with US - you never can really tell, but this happened here recently and he looks pretty yt to me.

  28. When the issue of lawless cops comes up, I am always reminded of the infamous case I read about in Austin, TX involving an Officer Samuel Ramirez.

    Seems good ole' Officer Ramierez slept through the class in Police 101 that says, "The police are supposed to serve the public -- the public isn't supposed to serve the cops sexual needs."

    Ramirez was accused of raping an Austin woman in her home who made the mistake of calling the police after she heard what she thought was a break in to her home.

    Despite having DNA evidence (Ramirez semen) a jury in Austin refused to convict Ramirez of the rape and continues to "serve" the people of Austin, collect a taxpayer-paid salary with benefits.

    Now, whether this case is common, or one-in-a-million, it goes to the idea that a cop raping a woman in her own home should never happen. Not once and not a million times.

    I'm just sorry his victim didn't have a pistol to plunk a bullet into his head. All too often the cops in this country break the law and manage to get away with it because the burden of proof falls to their victim and people -- especially jurors, just can't or won't accept the idea that cops abuse the very people their take a sworn oath to serve and protect.

  29. Now I didn't sit down and do any research but it seems to me from what people have commented is that most of the white folk who get shot by the police are mentally unstable. Maybe the police believe that being Black in America leads to a likelihood of mental instability? Personally, my experience as a Black woman has led me to do a few irrational things, nothing worth getting shot for of course but a trigger happy cop may have disagreed.

    I have to add that I have never seen that many cops itching to jump on some young men as I did in that video. The numbers were staggering.

  30. Anonymous10:53 AM

    When you pay a lot of attention to police abuses, you notice not only a numbers discrepancy based on race, but a difference in consequences. On those few occations where a cop actually gets fired over a botched no-knock raid or shooting, the victim is pretty much always white. Fuck up and hurt a black person, and you're usually looking at some variety of paid adminstrative leave (altho nan correctly points out that in much of the country class has taken the place of race--progress or the legacy of mid-20th-century sundown towns? you decide).

    However, it's not just a racial issue, in my opinion. And others agree--some of the best reporting on this issue is from the Cato Institute, which I'm sure has a pretty high albedo. vdubjb says that Sharpton is the canary in the coal mine; black people as a whole, and especially black men, are also canaries, for freedom itself. If fascism if comes to this country, the black community will be the first to know. Kudos, tho, to that same community for (in part) producing the candidate who is most likely to turn this country around from the path to authoritarianism that Bush II took us down.

  31. Anonymous11:49 AM

    On the subject of Al Sharpton, my suburb-bred white guy sensibilities left me ill-equipped to understand the source of his support in the African-American community. What I found to be very helpful in understanding that was a November 2006 post by the late (and much-missed) NYC blogger Steve Gilliard, Why Do the Families Call on Sharpton?

    I assume there is nothing new in that post for most of the folks who read here, but for others wandering by who are ignert like me, it would serve you well to give it a read.

    [FYI, some of the links there are suffering from blog-rot, but the text comes up fine. His old crew now posts at A good blog, but not quite the same, unfortunately. The proprietor of this fine site seems to capture some of Gilly's vibe, which is why I like it here. Keep on keepin' on!]

  32. White people get the crap beaten out of them by cops all the time. As for shootings, do some google search in San Francisco. You will find some.

    I remember when a white architect from Marin County (the wealthiest county in the Bay Area) was dragged from his car and beaten by SF cops for pretty much nothing.

    I recall a young adolescent who was smacked around by a SF police baton during a post super bowl parade in SF. His father was a second or third generation blue collar white guy who said he had always been a supporter of the police. He said he was the type of guy who always poohed poohed accusations of police abuse and if he hadn't seen his own son attacked for no reason, he wouldn't have believed it.

    I can only recall one shooting from memory in SF of a white male (unarmed) that caused an uproar. I believe that is the Tims case referenced in the link below. SF cops are a pretty scary bunch.

    Keep in mind there are not very many black people in SF. Even the historic Mission District is mostly white now.

  33. I really like Rev. Al. He is one of the only true liberal voices in Amurkkkan politics. His perspective is usually spot on in my opinion.

  34. I blogged about Sharpton today, saying that, although he never saw a microphone he didn't like, some of his work is because the traditional organizations like the NAACP has become less effective in many cities, even irrelevant in others. Consequently, black advocates like Sharpton have stepped into a vacuum left by traditional civil rights organizations.

  35. Anonymous3:34 PM

    This is serious field negro behavior Field thanks for putting it in perspective.

    Here in Miami a few years ago the cops killed a crazed white guy who was supposedly waving a stick. And more recently they broke in on and old white guy because he was being loud and raucous as a result of being intoxicated and they blew him away. Yep he was white.

    Yeah Field the cops beat up white folks as well especially the counter culture and revolutionary white youth and they seem to pick on white women and other vulnerable whites. And I am sure you saw the women in Ohio get brutalized on TV and the white woman in the Chicago bar and the woman brutalized in the Phoenix airport before mysteriously dying in jail.

    As I have said before brother Field the cops hit us with the stick to remind us of our place in society.

    I'll never forget and I think Mac Daddy remembers this as well while in Minneapolis a white woman was protesting a George H Bush visit and she was wearing a Bush mask and was leaning near the police tape and a cop hit her in the stomach with his stick so hard that she almost died and really never recovered.

    But your point is right on. They beat and kill us because they want to reinforce the racial stereotypes and keep us in our place. General society accepts this crap most of the time because they have been led to believe that blacks are mainly criminal anyway so the cops have to shoot and beat them. But its becoming harder to use that justification as it becomes more and more obvious that the real reason for their vamping on our folks is straight up racism.

    And brother Sharpton wouldn't exist and we wouldn't have to spend time fighting this injustice if it didn't exist. This finger pointing at Sharpton and Jackson makes me sick because the issue is the problem itself not the folks trying to do something about it, even if they do benefit in some way from pointing it out.

  36. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Field, it's been a long time since I've written, but I've still been reading the blog.

    Just wondering: Obama pretty much just clinched the nomination (Hello, Naysayers) and you haven't posted about it... what gives?

    Is that intentional, too sensitive somehow? Has it just not sunk in yet, or do you prescribe to the "don't believe it until it's in writing" school. (You are a lawyer, lol.)

    Keep up the good verse,

  37. Anonymous6:06 PM

    If we (black folks) didn't have Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who would we have? Nobody, that's who. It irks me to no end to hear people who aren't doing a darn thing, haven't done a darn thing and will never do a darn thing to improve the conditions of black people to complain and criticize those that put their lives on the line time and time again for them.

    Field, you fight in the Blogosphere, Al Sharpton fights in the trenches.

    Either way, it's all good.

  38. @ Anonymous

    You said:
    "Field, you fight in the Blogosphere, Al Sharpton fights in the trenches.

    Either way, it's all good."

    No the two are not the same.

    The Field Negro is not attempting to manipulate black people with false loyalty and "press-bait" activism like Al Sharpton.

    There is a huge difference.

    Al Sharpton has not put his behind or his Dark-N-Lovely permed hair on the line for black America. He's not risking his life for black America. He is always trying to chase whatever story involves black men that the media is chasing. Always.

    The reality is that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have lost a great deal of credibility in black America.

    I understand what you mean about people doing NOTHING who are criticizing those who are doing SOMETHING... but sometimes the SOMETHING may as well be the same as doing NOTHING.

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  39. Not really relevant to shootings, but at least relevant to disparate treatment of minorities by cops:

    In my experience (I'm a criminal defense lawyer), it seems to me that a chief reason for minorities being treated worse by cops (not always, but frequently) is that cops can get away with it, where they couldn't with most white people.

    I can't tell you how many times I've had white, middle and upper class people hem and haw, even threaten lawsuits, over very minor mistreatment by officers. I rarely have black or hispanic clients do the same, even for fairly serious inappropriate conduct. This may very well be because their complaints won't be taken seriously, I don't know. Whatever the reason, it seems to be the case.

    Not that most officers are actively trying to mess with people, but I think they can't help but know they can usually get away with messing with a nonwhite person. This holds true regardless of the race of the officer, and I see plenty of complaints about hispanic officers mistreating hispanic defendants. (there is not a large black community or many black officers in my area.)

  40. "I think Mac Daddy remembers this as well while in Minneapolis a white woman was protesting a George H Bush visit and she was wearing a Bush mask and was leaning near the police tape and a cop hit her in the stomach with his stick so hard that she almost died and really never recovered."
    mellaneous: I remember. And you're right: They'll beat up on young white leftist and white counterculture types. But they combine it with attempts to buy them off with good jobs in universities, non-profit agencies and a few corporations. Black folks aren't so lucky.

    Good post, field.

  41. Far too often I hear mainly white people, make ridiculous arguments, some of which i have addressed on my blog with regards to the Sean Bell case. But in general, there is the feeling that this type of thing is ok, because it is happening to people with criminal records, pr innocent blacks who have their criminal brethren to blame. IN the same breath they are saying its not racist, its because all the criminals are black. However, their disregard for fairness as it applies to black people tells me that they know its racist because what goes unsaid is that they have no fear at all of this type of thing happening to them.

  42. "SF cops are a pretty scary bunch."

    I'll second that, they will crack your head if you get in their way, I've seen it. They are rough on the homeless here as well.

  43. Thing about Al is the message he brings is valid most of the time, & the cameras in New York love him as much as he loves the cameras, so people who need to be heard go to him. But he can't admit when he's wrong.

  44. [quote]Which is why us black folks (Uncle Al or not) still march and write and protest when we see incidents like Sean Bell, Ronald Madison, Amadou Diallo,Khiel Coppin, Patrick Dorismond....(you get the point), taking place here in A-merry-ca.[/quote]

    Interesting that while there are t-shirts of the 5 Black men who had controversial police shootings over the past 20 years in NYC......few people take the moment to do a "Chickens Come Home To Roost" evaluation of the situation Jeremiah Wright style.

    The police shootings in NYC as with the police shooting of the 92 year old Black woman in the ATL happened in the context of a POLICE CRACK DOWN ON CRIME WITHIN A GIVEN COMMUNITY THAT WAS CRIME PRONE.

    In the same city of NYC where gun control is popularly supported with theoretical discussions many are loathed to make note that the officers who did the shooting were carrying out the zero tolerance for hand guns that most would agree with. (Indeed they violated procedure in unloading their weapons so vociferously).

    Kathryn Johnston in Atlanta was shot dead by the police in the context of a crime ridden community who just about 2 months prior I had debated the state representative on the radio as she demanded that her impoverished community receive the very same police coverage as they get in Buckhead (where the White folks live).

    No doubt that my words will be perverted to say "SO they deserved what they got in both cases?" NO this is not what I am saying.

    I AM saying that the context of a crime ridden and violence prone area sets the tone for the policing that takes place within. Most are pacified with the notion that WHITE FOLKS' areas don't suffer from the same aggressive policing. This would be wrong. Check out many of the impoverished areas where drug use is rampant and you see the same "stop and frisk" type policing taking place.

    As to the key difference between Black and White - go check out the Department of Justice data on DRUG RELATED HOMICIDES broken down by RACE and tell me that the often repeated fact that "More White people use drugs than Blacks" does anything to negate the much higher rate of Black deaths in Drug related violence.

    The statement "We need to control our communities" typically has the POLICE in mind as the adversary. In truth if the PEOPLE maintained a standard that was higher than anything the police could hope to enforce - the "Police on Black" conflict and shootings would magically disappear.

    The tendency is to put the police in check but do little or nothing that deals with those performing criminal actions within.

    Thus these victims of policing are caught up in the current of activity that surrounds them.

  45. Anonymous1:52 AM

    If the police shoot someone that you love 50 times for no reason who are you gonna call, Al Sharpton or The Field Negro?

    If the police drag you or someone that you love out of your automobile and beat you or someone you love up for no reason, who are you gonna call, Al Sharpton or The Field Negro?

    If the police bust into your 92 year old grandmothers house and kill her because they had to wrong house, the got an informant to lie and say she was a drug dealer, who you gonna call, Al Shaprton or The Field Negro?

    If you or someone you love are prosecuted as an adult and charged with attempted murder for a school yard fight, who are you gonna call Al Sharpton or The Field Negro?

    Don't say those things could never happen to you Lisa. And don't say Al Sharpton shouldn't be protesting them. Instead of questioning Al's motives you should support his efforts.

  46. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Someone said "Al never met a microphone he didn't like".

    You can't be heard without a microphone.

    Speak out loud and clear Rev. Al, silence is never golden~

  47. "If you or someone you love are prosecuted as an adult and charged with attempted murder for a school yard fight, who are you gonna call Al Sharpton or The Field Negro?"

    Well if it's in Philly and you really want to beat the charge, you better call the field Negro ;)

  48. "That was one of the answers given on yahoo answers to the question: why doesn't Al. Sharpton rally and plead for the cause of whites who are killed by police officers?"

    That is almost as obtuse as the anggry old white guy who said to me, "Hell, they even have their own cable channel."

    Y'all are privileged now,, your own cable channel, your own drinking fountains, your own bullets (free delivery). And if it's a little chilly in Philly, the police will warm things up for you.

    You young whippersnappers probably don't remember that last reference.

    Now get off my damn lawn.

  49. Anonymous10:55 AM

    They want Al Sharpton to shut up and be a nice negro. BTW, Is that an appeal for Rev. Al to come to Philly in regard to the police beating of the three black men? Rev.Al is already dealing with the Sean Bell case and can't be in two places at one time. Isn't there someone in Philly that can organize a peaceful protest? Why you waiting on Rev. Al. Do it yourself. Rev. Al has taught you how.

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