Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Bullet Or The Burger?

City Council here in my fine city convened recently to pass legislation on banning trans fats in the food served in our restaurants. Now this might very well have positive long term effects, and there is no doubt that some of these elected officials might have their hearts in the right place. But I am sorry, banning trans fats was just not at the top of the list of things that we needed to do in Philly right now.

I read this fine article from Daniel Rubin in my local paper, and it was heart breaking to say the least. I mean here we have two generations of black men slaughtered in our streets by other black men as if their lives meant nothing. How sick is that shit? When does it end? It seems I write a post like this at least once a month. I am always moved to write when the Kill in Killadelphia gets to be too much even for me.

Anthony Harris, Peter Styles, Kosai Barouki, and Khalid Trice are all names you are hearing here for the first time, and they are names that you will never hear again. These men were all slaughtered on our mean streets over a three day period, bringing our murder count to 319. But the killings here of young black men by other young black men has become so ordinary, so mundane , that in terms of importance it ranks below the cost of our parking meters going up in Center City. No one notices, and no one cares. Just make sure those Negroes keep shooting each other and no one else. And the real sick thing is that the people who seem more effected by these senseless killings don't care either. Read the story in the link that I gave you again: the young man was shot in broad daylight in front of countless witnesses, yet no one will come forward. This is the culture we live in, where even potential witnesses live by the code of the streets.

I am following a story down in Mississippi, where a young black man allegedly committed suicide after being stopped by a police officer. If it turns out that the police officer's hands were less than clean there will be hell to pay, and rightfully so. But why does it take a white police officer shooting one of our own to send us into rage? Why aren't we outraged at these animals who are terrorising our neighborhoods and causing us to live in fear? Because they look like us? Because they are our own brothers and sons? I don't think so.

These animals are no better than the racist who were lynching us back when the South's most famous crop was "strange fruit" hanging from trees. These animals who kill without conscience and remorse should be priority number one for the people who we elect to look out for our best interest. We are in a war on terror alright, but it ain't against Al Qaeda, it's against our sons.

Yeah it's cool to ban trans fats. But what good will that do if we are killed by a bullet way before the trans fat takes its toll on our hearts? I think I speak for all of us when I say that I would would rather be killed by a burger than a bullet every time.


  1. Powerful post Mr.Field and I have no real answer.

    DistributorCap made a post about disco music a while back. Could never understand why people in the middle of no where would have any interest in this glitzy music that originated in big cities.

    Why are young white men again in the middle of no where listening to gansta rap is beyond me.

    The media has played a role in this tragedy I think.

  2. maybe they enjoy the beat? sheesh

  3. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Field, I agree with you on the senseles violence, but let me tell you for every death due to gun violence, you probably have two or three deaths by hamburger. That's no joke! Black people are killing themselves with poor dietary regimen in epidemic proportions.

  4. Anonymous1:04 AM

    I think Little Rock is at something like 38 murders this year. Most of the victims and alleged killers happened to be black. The police have not had a zero tolerance policy for many years now. I like the idea of backing off when thing improve and that's what they did. The baptists preachers played a part in our "low" murder rate too. I'm an atheist that cheers Christians on every chance I get, go figure.


  5. Anonymous2:00 AM

    IMO, black murderers have replaced the old KKK lynch mob. They are much better at killing and terrorizing Blacks in greater numbers than the KKK ever dreamed of.

    Apparently no one cares. Otherwise, there would be an uproar in the Black community.

    After MLK, the Black community has consistently shown a lack of moral courage and potency to do what's necessary--STOP THE MURDERING OF ITS YOUNG ONES.

    It FEELS hopeless.

  6. You guys gotta read this story here. You think that story with the young man's alleged shotgun suicide is something, wait until you read what happened in this article.

    Police Get The Wrong House In Galveston, Allegedly Assault 12-Year-Old Girl

  7. You don't talk when the "law" on the street is gang law. You talk, you die. This isn't a new code. It's hard to get away from it. In Jersey, you move to garden apartments in the "burbs," or you think it's the burbs. But then you find out the 'hood is there too, there are satellite 'hoods, nearer the white customers, distribution centers. A couple of apartments rented by gangbangers. One night, somebody's shot dead in front of your door. Same deal. You saw nothing. Crazy.


    Sorry, here is the right link to that story.


    For some reason the whole address is not coming through. I hope this works

    hairballs/2008/12 /galveston_false_arrest.php

    Maybe, if I try it this way it will work, I split the address up.

  11. Yeah, now that's it, please everyone read that article, it is shocking.

  12. Granny, the whole address is there. You just have to widen the narrow Post a Comment screen to see it.

    Thanks for the link. I'm checking it out now.

  13. Black diaspora:

    Thank you Black diaspora, I thought the whole address wasn't showing up, and I wanted to make sure everyone read that article.

  14. Black diaspora:

    Did that link work, because it won't work for me?

  15. Granny, the link worked perfectly. I only had to widen the comment screen to capture the complete link.

    Plain-clothed police attack a 12 year old black girl, who fights back, and she and the dad are arrested for resisting arrest?

    And the cops targeted the wrong perp. What kind of mad world are we living in?

    This is just another case of a police screw up that's blamed on the victims so that the city can avoid a lawsuit.

    We have U.S. troops patrolling Baghdad streets to provide security there while our own streets are overrun with terrorism and violence.

    I say bring them home and have them patrol the mean streets of our cities.

  16. Granny thanks for that link. *Sad*

    Good point Bob, but somehow I think the burbs are coping much better than our inner cities. The people trrapped in these neighborhoods can't get out.

    "After MLK, the Black community has consistently shown a lack of moral courage and potency to do what's necessary--STOP THE MURDERING OF ITS YOUNG ONES.

    It FEELS hopeless"

    Well put anon.

  17. Field,
    I'm sure you know I check out your site just about everyday. I have spent the last two hours checking out the Billie Joe Johnson story in Lucedale, Mississippi.
    I have reviewed the George County Sheriff's Department report, WLOX13, WKRG5, The Clarion Ledger, Sun Herald, Hattiesburg American, The Mississippi Press, George County times [page 8] and all comments on them and websites.
    The NAACP if all the articles are read do not say it was a killing. They just do not feel that it was a suicide. The investigation has been turned over to the Missippi Bureau of Investigation and the case is on-going. The family and NAACP wanted a second autopsy.
    The local police in Lucedale got a 911 call a few minutes before the shooting and two officers responded. Billie Joe Johnson's ex-girlfriend called the police and said "three people, including Johnson, her ex-boyfirend, had knocked on doors and windows wanting to get into the house shortly after her father left for work." Her and her mother went to the police department to make out a report on attemped break-in which is still not clear.
    A few minutes later Johnson ran a stop sign and red light in Lucedale. Dep. Joe Sullivan [Sheriff's Department] stopped him and was calling in his license when he head a shot and glass breaking. He then saw Johnson fall on the ground with a 12 gadge shotgun on top of him. He was not 18, had a loaded weapon [since he was under 18 the family by state law is responsable for his death]somewhere in his truck and may have shot himself accidentally trying to unload the shotgun or something else.
    This was 5:34 am on a school day, he was a hunter but nobody knows if he had been hunting. But he was due at an awards event that day according to the coach.
    But until the MBI complete their investigation the truth will not be known. The CSI data will tell them what happened at the stop and if it was murder, self inflicted or suicide [over the breakup with his girlfriend]. Based on "heresay" from students at the school he had beatup his ex-girlfriend several times and was suspended from one game during the season because of it. The report will be completed sometime in January.

    Second I really don't know what people can do about the killings all over the country. There sure aren't enough police and people are afraid for their lives if they turn someone in. It would be easy to say lets take our streets back and that looks good on paper. But putting it into effect requires everyone and that is not going to happen[anywhere]. Taking away the weapons, then only the bad guys will have weapons, which they have right now. In some cases better weapons than the police. Let everyone carry a concealed weapon [those who have no recods], well that would lower the crime rate in the longrun but it will never happen. I feel for you and we have about one death or murder a week here including police officers. I have an answer, but it likely isn't in the Constitution.
    Three, as long as the city council enforces the law in the "entire city" relating to trans-fat at least it will be fair. So your frustrations are the same as mine. I live across the four lane from a war zone. The only thing that saves me is most of the people living here are ex-military or retired. There's enough firepower here in this complex to fight a small war. In fact I really don't want to know what some of them have stashed in their homes!

  18. Never trust the cops.


    Try to get a conviction against a lawless cop? Ain't gonna' happen.

    Cops are a protected class in these here U-nited States.

    I've seen it dozens of times. Cops preying on citizens like we're wildebeests being eaten by hyenas.

  19. I have a feeling that one step toward slowing (could stopping actually be possible? I hope so...) the fratricide could involve each of us grabbing onto one of those boys and holding him tight and long and hard until his fight tempers down and his shoulders relax and his breathing changes and the tears start to fall. There is a lot of pain in this place that leads to ignoring the HUMAN in each other, and somebody has got to acknowlege that pain, give license to that pain, give support as that pain works its way all the way through and out the other side. These children need some human touch; grab onto a child.

  20. Mrs C you are a beautiful human being.But I dont know if even that will work.

    Ernesto, I feel you on the poor eating habits. But I still think the gun violence is a more serious problem right now.


  21. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Damn right, bro. One cop kills one of our sons, and we're ready to riot.


    All roads lead back to teenage pregnancy. Honestly, how many of those brothers mentioned in your post were probably born to teenage mothers. 100% ? The sperm-donar is basically the invisible man, and the mother is a child herself. How can she show anyone how to be an adult if she doesn't have a clue about adulthood herself.

    In truth, my patience for these violent brothers ran out in 1996, when some dog killed a brother that was as close to me as blood kin. I don't pet them, or make up endless excuses for their foolish behavior.

    Well, keep fighting the good fight. The ability to influence thought is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. The internet will only make this power for good grow.

    George M

  22. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Field, as a Black woman who lives in Maine, thanks for recognizing Jill as your FN of the day.

    I also wanted to let you know that John Jenkins who is also Black is another Black mayor (Auburn) here in Maine. I am not a native Mainer but for such a homogenous state, the fact that two of our largest cities have Black mayors is noteworthy, by the way this is Jill's second time serving as mayor.

  23. The Huffington post has a report of a 12 year black girl attacked by under cover police at Galveston, Texas out side her home for being a prostitute, beating her.
    Then big suprise they were at the wrong house. I for one think they were wrong even if she had been a pro.
    Then they had the nerve to arrest her for hitting them.
    This is sick.

  24. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Field Please allow me to throw something at you and the good people on your post, first I AM NOT A RACIST. I am a white police officer and have been for the last 15 yrs of my life working in a city of well over hundred-thousand people.
    I read your post occasionally but not after today. I am sickened by your reader’s responses. My sisters and brothers go out 24/7 365 and love our jobs. I feel it is my duty (obligation) to protect those that cannot protect themselves that is the way my Mother raised me. I have no doubt there are bad cops all over the world but the vast majority of us are good and decent people. I have black brothers and sisters that I love dearly and most of the last 15 years have been spent in the black community so I see what goes on, the good the bad and the ugly. I have put my life on the line time and time again for good people and yes even the bad when they call. That’s right can you imagine having a job where one day you have a person spit vial racist crap like on this post in your face and then the next call you for help?
    Such is my world and the world of thousands of good men and women. We are just like you believe it or not and have trouble paying our bills, our cars breakdown, we get divorced, have loved ones die and kiss our children good bye when we go to work just like everyone else.
    So, thank you all for allowing us to serve you. And yes no matter what you say to me here or out on the street when you dial 911 I will come running as fast as I can to help you.

  25. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Human life has no value to someone who hates himself/herself. What I can't figure out is how do you hate yourself so much that you lose your humaness and become worst than an animal?

  26. Police Get The Wrong House In Galveston, Allegedly Assault 12-Year-Old Girl
    Wed Dec 17, 2008 at 12:37:01 PM
    It was a little before 8 at night when the breaker went out at Emily Milburn's home in Galveston. She was busy preparing her children for school the next day, so she asked her 12-year-old daughter, Dymond, to pop outside and turn the switch back on.

    As Dymond headed toward the breaker, a blue van drove up and three men jumped out rushing toward her. One of them grabbed her saying, "You're a prostitute. You're coming with me."

    Dymond grabbed onto a tree and started screaming, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy." One of the men covered her mouth. Two of the men beat her about the face and throat.

    As it turned out, the three men were plain-clothed Galveston police officers who had been called to the area regarding three white prostitutes soliciting a white man and a black drug dealer.

    All this is according to a lawsuit filed in Galveston federal court by Milburn against the officers. The lawsuit alleges that the officers thought Dymond, an African-American, was a hooker due to the "tight shorts" she was wearing, despite not fitting the racial description of any of the female suspects. The police went to the wrong house, two blocks away from the area of the reported illegal activity, Milburn's attorney, Anthony Griffin, tells Hair Balls.

    After the incident, Dymond was hospitalized and suffered black eyes as well as throat and ear drum injuries.

    Three weeks later, according to the lawsuit, police went to Dymond's school, where she was an honor student, and arrested her for assaulting a public servant. Griffin says the allegations stem from when Dymond fought back against the three men who were trying to take her from her home. The case went to trial, but the judge declared it a mistrial on the first day, says Griffin. The new trial is set for February.

    "I think we'll be okay," says Griffin. "I don't think a jury will find a 12-year-old girl guilty who's just sitting outside her house. Any 12-year-old attacked by three men and told that she's a prostitute is going to scream and yell for Daddy and hit back and do whatever she can. She's scared to death."

    Since the incident more than two years ago, Dymond regularly suffers nightmares in which police officers are raping and beating her and cutting off her fingers, according to the lawsuit.
    Griffin says he expects to enter mediation with the officers in early 2009 to resolve the lawsuit.

    We've got calls in to the officers' lawyer; we'll let you know if we hear something.

    Update: This is from the officers' lawyer, William Helfand:

    Both the daughter and the father were arrested for assaulting a peace officer. "The father basically attacked police officers as they were trying to take the daughter into custody after she ran off."

    Also, "The city has investigated the matter and found that the conduct of the police officers was appropriate under the circumstances," Helfand says. "It's unfortunate that sometimes police officers have to use force against people who are using force against them. And the evidence will show that both these folks violated the law and forcefully resisted arrest."
    -- Chris Vogel

  27. Field Negro,

    When black men get real sick and tired of watching how fatherless black boys self-destruct and lash out against each other....they will do something about it...and not merely complain about it.

    They will do more than have a Million Man March...they will begin to identify and implement solutions that have far-fetching long-term outcomes.

    No one cares about the annihilation of black men in Washington. Is it me...or do black men seem to have this delusion that they are wanted in America?

    Black men are under attack and it's happening on a broad scale.

    They are wanted in this country when more bodies are needed to be positioned on the front line in needless die. They are heavily recruited THEN!

    There aren't too many black men who are alarmed about the rate of black-on-black crime committed by black male teens and black male adults. There would be more urgent and persistent outcry from black men that results in solutions.

    I don't see where self-preservation is a high priority for black men in this country.

    There are black men who are expressing their concern about this issue of black-on-black homicide (committed primarily by black men against black men, who are under the age of 30)....but are those black men putting up consistently financial resources to address these issues on a broad scale?

    Just how much have you invested in time and money to attack this problem in 2008? Honestly.

    Have you led other black men online to blog about this issue and present solutions? I see bloggers coming together online to raise consciousness about everything from "save the whales" to "puppy rights for Sasha and Malia's new pet".

    If black men who SAY that they are so deeply concerned fail to generate mass action and response then there will never be a long-term set of solutions that lawmakers and policy-influencers will embrace on a national level.

    Where's the long-term action plan presented?

    You blog about everything else.

    Where are the solutions that you have identified from your online engagement with other black men?

    If you are serious about this issue then use your blog to influence public policy....50,000 visitors show up here every month.

    It's wonderful to be an engaging pundit...but why not use your platform (on occasion!!) to leverage collective power that results in actions that impact the longevity of empowered black men?

    Where's your links on the side bar to all of the black men's organizations who are making a tangible investment in addressing this problem?

    Are you TRULY alarmed by this epidemic?

    When 50,000 people click into this site, do they SEE what set of issues matter most to you? Should they?

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  28. I wrote about the same story yesterday on my blog: regarding Billey Joe Johnson in Mississippi. There is a video there as well telling you more about the story. The whole thing is senseless!

  29. To the Anonymous white police officer:

    I appreciate your service. But I have to ask your thoughts on the 12-year old girl in TX. How do you explain (1) having the wrong suspect - who doesn't match the race of the targets, and worse (2) suing the girl and her father who believed that a kidnapping was underway.

    These stories make me leery of Men in Blue - and I am a law abiding citizen.

    Hawa, author of
    Fackin Truth Blog (Personal Blog)
    Cleanse Master Remix (Health Blog)

  30. "...can you imagine having a job where one day you have a person spit vial racist crap like on this post in your face and then the next call you for help?"

    Anonymous White Cop,

    No one put a gun to your head forcing you to become a cop. If you don't like being faced with the reality of bad cops roaming America's streets and people discussing it, then I would suggest you go down another career path.

    But, if I were you, I wouldn't worry because juries almost never come back with conviction against cops. In America, cops are free to steal, pillage and even rape victims and then they walk -- Scott free.

    As to calling 911 for help, I have never called 911. If I woke up to someone breaking into my home they'd get a bullet in their head. I don't need to bother your ass for any help.

  31. Anon Cop,
    As one white guy to another, you can never start a sentence with "I am not racist". Your actions and attitude should show this without you having to spell it out. In fact saying this about yourself usually arouses suspicion and undermines anything else you say afterward. I am surprised that you haven't learned this during all your years of serving with and amongst, black people.

    Lots of people are frustrated by bad cops and as a result don't trust cops in general. This generalization is wrong, but so is a cop dealing with so many scum bags that they start to see everyone as a scum bag.

    If you truly want to protect and serve everyone, leaving this blog will not change anyones attitude. Maybe you should stick around and listen a bit to find out why people are so upset and then try to do something constructive??

    I swear I just posted this and it dissapeared... you blockin me field??

  32. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I'm white, look conservative, and have lived in Texas most of my life. I avoid the cops if I see them ahead of me, either as a pedestrian or a driver. I'm scared of them and do not see them as my protectors. And woe to anyone who dares complain about civil rights violations, because you'll get an earful of "how much we sacrifice to keep you safe". For more information, look up the Texas Tort Claims Act, which further limits our rights to sue.

  33. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Did some mention Bullet?

    I Bullet, am sorry

  34. We all know racism exists. It occurs for a variety of reasons. Whatever they are they're 'justified' in our own minds. As a light skin woman I've been a recipient from Blacks as well so I know the racism doesn't just come from outside your race.

    As with most professions we know that not all cops are guilty of the crimes mentioned in earlier comments; some are. I'm grateful for the ones that try hard everyday to uphold the law. My dad was a cop in my youth and he tried to faithfully and honestly do his job each day. There are some officers out there that are doing things right.

    I think that there should be such outrage in our communities about the rate of murders, rapes, abuse and other crimes that are committed by other Blacks. I read about the outrage of what happened to some blacks during Hurricane Katrina resulting in deaths...true it's awful. But some of our people are committing horrendous crimes against other Blacks every day...and some of us are oblivious, or unwilling to snitch or whatever...

  35. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Slightly off-topic:

    Thompson wrote a piece on the killings at Algiers Point around the time of Hurricane Katrina.

    "In each case the targets were African-American men, while the shooters, it appears, were all white.

    The new information should reframe our understanding of the catastrophe. Immediately after the storm, the media portrayed African-Americans as looters and thugs--Mayor Ray Nagin, for example, told Oprah Winfrey that "hundreds of gang members" were marauding through the Superdome. Now it's clear that some of the most serious crimes committed during that time were the work of gun-toting white males.

    So far, their crimes have gone unpunished. No one was ever arrested for shooting Herrington, Alexander and Collins--in fact, there was never an investigation."

  36. Anonymous12:35 PM

    " can never start a sentence with I AM NOT RACIST. Your actions and attitude should show this without you having to spell it out. In fact saying this about yourself usually arouses suspicion and undermines anything else you say afterward."

    Very well said Brohammas! I'm going to need you to teach a course on that, lol.

    FN I have worked for a news station in Philadelphia for several years and I cannot tell you how many stretchers and bullet shells I've seen. And the sad thing is that you're right, we are desensitized when it is black men killing each other. You should hear some of the sound bites we get, people waiting in line to talk about how "senseless" the murder was, or how bad their street is getting...but nobody, NOBODY willing to speak to the police.

    On a particularly violent day in the city, a coworker of mine was saying that everyone should be given the right to carry a concealed weapon (I think rainywalker said something to that effect earlier). My coworker explained that a crook would think twice about attacking a woman with a concealed gun. Really, I think he just wanted an excuse to shoot someone, because to me, he seemed a little too excited about the opportunity of someone attacking his wife or kid. I guess he imagined that he would save the day AND get to see what it feels like to end someone's life.

    Personally, I think that unless we're all "Quick Draw McGraw" walking around holding a gun out all the time, this probably wouldn't work in the mean streets of Killadelphia where a large part of the murders are drive by and random shots fired. I'd rather just be shot, then to have to worry about some of the 'normal' people who suddenly have a little fire-power in their hands.

    There has to be a better way...but then again, this is a sign of the times that we are living in.

  37. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Reducing the violence-

    I think that the best way to reduce the violence is to increase employment in non-violent trades, particularly for young males. This works in most real former war zones, it works in many civil wars- so I think it should work for Philadelphia.

  38. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Also, in response to anonymous cop I think that the city of Philadelphia loves and supports their police officers. The boys (and girls) in blue have a kind of fraternity going in this city (as they do everywhere else) and their support systems are solid enough. Not everybody is going to send you guys a Christmas card every year or give you a high five when they see you coming and this is something you're going to have to live with.

    I think in the ghetto, and other places (as True Blue Texan can agree) people have had some really f***ed up experiences with police officers. In my particular New Jersey town growing up, the police officers were drug sellers, wife-beaters and child molesters; they rarely served and they almost never protected...the few bad seeds, I guess. I have a million personal stories from that town and know more than one person who has been wrongly picked up and thrown in jail. Honestly, I really believe that there are some good ones out there, and I've met some, but to this day I physically shake when I see that uniform. And most times when I'm seeing it, it's not because they are ridding the streets of crime.

    To me it seems like some police officers are afraid to deal with the real bad guys. No thorough patrolling of the neighborhoods and trouble spots in Philly. No checking on people and getting a feel for the families that live in these streets and really connecting with everyone in order to eliminate the overall suspicion of cops.

    Only showing up to pistol whip someone or throw someone in the slammer, showing up long after a crime and asking, "what happened?" these are the reasons that people do not trust or respect cops. I am not defending the idea of disrespecting them, but I know what it feels like as a law abiding citizen, middle class female to wonder why I'm more afraid of the police than these murderers walking around everyday. I'd openly embrace the idea of seeing a police officer and having a sense of security, rather than the sense of fear and anguish. I think that the criminals should have that fear, not me.

    And again, I am not trying to paint a picture of evil police who are not doing anything good. I just think it's time for the "good cop majority" to come out of the woodwork and turn around the reputation that the "few bad seeds" have given them.

  39. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Okay, I'm done.

    (Walks to back of field again)

  40. I support the right to own a gun. I even support the right to conceal carry just about everywhere. I grew up with more guns in the house than toys. I could shoot a rifle before I could ride a bike.

    That being said, if I catch you stealing my TV I will not shoot you. Property is not worth taking a life over, no matter who's life.

    Guns aren't the real issue, even if they were its too late, they are already everywhere. The problem is that people are both too intimidated, too apathetic, too hopeless or dissenfranchised, or too dissasociated to get up and do the individual leg work it takes to recapture community.

    Wild Wild West shootouts and "drawing down" on every percieved criminal by random citizens will only cause more unarmed grooms to be, getting shot at the club after the bachelor party.

  41. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Brohammas you are absolutely correct about what I said earlier. Our department works single officer units(cars) we share districts and one of my favorite officers to work with is a black female. Hands down the most caring person I have ever worked with! We have joked between ourselves for years about white folks who say “I have black friends” those are the ones that have never had a black friend. I have no problem in admitting when I make a mistake and I do make my share of them.
    I certainly didn’t join this profession to get hugs or high fives or pats on the back. And you are all right about the “bad cops” in my opinion we should not only be held accountable, we should be held to a much higher standard than most other professions. This is in fact the one of the problems with my profession. We're not!
    And to those that support us THANK YOU we do appreciate it more than you can ever imagine. It makes me sad to hear of those that fear/dread/hate/despise us. Oh, just read the article about the Katrina killings, and not sure why they’re not being investigated? Our military have crews that can go back decades after the fact and investigate/search for missing military personnel. I feel certain that a department the size of New Orleans has the means? The Galveston PD thing, if in fact this story is accurate then there needs to be criminal charges filed on some GPD folks.
    I didn’t intend to turn this into a pity-party for the poor popo. Just trying to give a prospective from our side.

    Peace Out
    White Texas Cop

    Have a Safe holiday too

  42. There is a simple, common-sense solution to this.

    Unless I'm greatly mistaken, the great majority of those murders in the City of Brotherly Love are "drug-related." Disputes over bad deals or sales territory allocation are resolved with flying lead; and understandably so because the cheated party cannot scream "You'll hear from my lawyer" (accompanied by the traditional shaken fist.)

    The 12 year old girl was allegedly attacked by undercover drug cops. Why? Because they were looking for "drugs."

    Yes, brothers and sisters, there is a simple, common-sense and eminently ethical solution to these problems; but it is one that most here will reject:

    Legalize "drugs."

    Eliminate the obscene profits that make it worthwhile to shoot someone over a spot on some corner.

    Eliminate the profits that pay for the weapon used to shoot someone over a spot on some corner.

    Eliminate the need for a secret police force (let us be honest-- is a "plainclothes detective" not a secret policeman?).

    Eliminate the enormous costs of arresting, trying, and imprisoning non-violent drug offenders.

    And no, it is not perfect. There will be people who will get high that shouldn't, just as today there are people who drink and shouldn't-- but we don't put alcoholics in prison just for getting drunk and we don't kick in doors looking for bottles of whisky, either.

  43. Anonymous3:13 PM

    THANK you (BLACKWOMENBLOWYOURTRUMPET)SPEAK!! and yes where are the BLACK MEN that complain about, black men being out of control, well, they are out of control because, they are allowed to be, when will BLACK MEN MOUNT UP? I refuse to blame the WHITE for this one, oh no, this is on you, you cannot continue to use the WHITE MAN'S past transgression as your scapegoat.

    I lived in a neighborhood, with beautiful home's and beautiful lawn's, some of the BLACK KID'S, were even able to go to PRIVATE SCHOOL'S, and if that is not enough, when they completed high school, they had SCHOLARSHIP'S to go to COLLEGE, but guess what people? they chose to become DRUG DEALER, which mean's that they chose to turn the community into a living HELL, and trust me it was HELL, my house was shot up, because BULLET'S FLY, and their aim is to KILL.

    PEOPLE I am blowing my trumpet because, enough is enough and to much STINK'S, so I would like to see the day when REAL BLACK MEN will MOUNT UP, and face the DISGRACEFUL TO THE RACE, BLACK DRUG DEALER'S, that have decided to turn OUR COMMUNITY'S INTO WASTELAND'S. and oh, let's not forget the BLACK MEN that boast about having FATHERLESS baby's all over the community.

  44. As a fellow Philadelphian like yourself, I have long felt outrage over the cheapness of life on our streets...I don't know what to do..but I know we can't throw money at this problem. I try to talk to the guys that live around my way who hang out in front of the Chinese Restaraunt..I don't know if what I say get to them or not.

  45. Anonymous3:26 PM

    THANK YOU, (grannystandingforthetruth), this is the PROPHETESS, I read your comment on the last blog, and I receive your word's, they are true and then some.

  46. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "As a light skin woman I've been a recipient from Blacks as well so I know the racism doesn't just come from outside your race."

    Sigh...really cinco? Racism? Racism is redlining a neighborhood and making it hard for people of color to move it which means not having access to quality schools, grocery shops, safe parks, etc. I'm assuming you were called some unflattering names as a child/young girl due to your complexion. That is NOT Racism.

    *back on topic*

  47. I see it is a breakdown of the family unit that has contributed to a breakdown of the culture. Boys need a dad to help them on their path to manhood. The increase in crime rate correlates to the rise in illegitimacy in ALL races. I also see the hereditarian factors you've alluded to in a previous post as being a huge factor.

    "Why are young white men again in the middle of no where listening to gansta rap is beyond me.

    The media has played a role in this tragedy I think."

    So true. The media continue to portray the white male as a group that is somehow simultaneously oppressors while being worthless and weak, especially in commercials. Most of the media is run by self-hating white liberals that enjoy poking fun at their own race. This is the effect of 20 years of university level PC indoctrination. Even the geekiest white dudes despise the dorks in SONIC ads.

    Very little music by white musicians in the last 15 years has that aggressive, dominant, masculine quality that speaks to the male nature. Alternative rock is usually performed by weepy, forlorn pussies.

    Underground heavy metal and punk are still around for these kids, but rap is so readily available and tends to attract these kids before they find out about hard rock more in line with their background.

  48. Field, come on. Trans fats bans are cool. The killing? Well, I think you'll have to become a wingnut Ted Nugent to staunch that. Take children out of the hood and educate them in the countryside in buccolic dorm-academies. Tell ERs not to treat gunshot wounds of thugs popping each other. let them die on the streets, then bill their families for the clean up. Lock up parents for truancy (and send kids to countryside). Impeach local black pols who won't get with this program. Defrock black preachers who do not use Bush's faith base payola for child care and afterschool programs and who do not commit themselves to wiping out crime (as it's the sons and grandsons of their parishioners who are out there doing this stuff). Invest in Norplant and Depro. Seriously.

    Of course all of this is some Nazi type stuff, and would never see reality, but how else to cut the nihilism off? Afro centric charter schools? Mentor programs? Barack as role model? Come on. There is no solution without a concurrent cultural paradigm shift, but we are too chicken shit to enforce that.
    Easier to make healthy Big Macs. Though some folks in W Philly would still try to find a way to eat the greaziest crap out there, thus increasing healthcare costs for us all.

    By the way Field, Andy Reid still needs to go, and Number % should think about CBS Sports and a pension. I don't care about the win streak.

  49. Anonymous4:38 PM

    @ Anon,

    Your definition may or maynot be mine. Who cares?

    Any black person person that that denies racism/discrimination among each other is not honest.

    M main point was we're our own worse enemies no matter the atrocities by others our people are but free of crimes against each other!

  50. Daaaaamm. It's gotten serious over here the past couple of days Field. So here's a joke...

    How does every racist joke ever told start out?

    **looks carefully over both shoulders...**

    ok, it's actually a lot funnier when someone is in front of you doing that for the visual...

  51. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Thank you Ivan...Renko:.. "Legalize drugs...". Now that IS a long-term solution, BUT!, if we were to legalize drugs tonight, tomorrow would see an explosion of unemployed at our employment offices. There are countless legal industries - prison construction; correction officers; law enforcement; etc., - picture a captioned "Drugs in America", bloated sow with countless teats being suckled by...______________you fill in the blank. In the immediate meantime, one possible solution might be for REAL black MEN to man up and immediately form (masked and unarmed?)patrols to take back our streets; surreptitiously break the knee caps of the miscreant terrorists regardless of whose son, cousin, nephew he (or she) might be. If we were Jewish, d'ya think the JDL would allow terrorist thugs take over their neighborhoods; do Italians allow terrorist thugs take over their neighborhoods? A resounding HELL NO! They either shoot or beat 'em to death.
    Come on Black people! Wake up! We survived post-Civil War murders and lynchings; we can do much better than this current spate of hand-wringing and blaming others.

  52. Ivan Ivanovich Renko

    "The 12 year old girl was allegedly attacked by undercover drug cops. Why? Because they were looking for "drugs."

    Ivan, I'm sorry but you misread that article, because it was not a drug bust.

    Nope, Ivan, they were looking for WHITE PROSTITUTES SOLICITING a white man and a black drug dealer, and they stereotyped, insulted, brutality assaulted, and degraded that little girl because she had on shorts. Not only that they gave her a blackeye, and bruises on her neck, and damaged her eardrum, which means she will develop a hearing problem soon in life. Three grown men brutality beat up a little girl, a child, by punching her in her face and the side of her head with their fist. They must have hit her awful hard in order to damage her eardrum.

    This is what they told the little girl, "You're a prostitute. You're coming with me." And if that wasn't enough they went to her school days later to arrest her for fighting them back and she is an HONOR ROLL student adding some more insult to injury by embarrassing her in front of her school mates.

    Imagine, just for once, if you can, how that little girl felt, or if that was your daughter and three strangers dressed in ordinary clothes, jumped out of an unmarked van grabbing her, didn't identify themselves, calling her a prostitute when all she went outside to do is turn on the breaker switch for her mother. In other words, she was being obedient to her mother's command.

    Then these same strangers come to her school days later to arrest her at her school making her look like she is some type of criminal in front of her classmates, teachers, and other school personnel, which more than likely will cause her some additional problems for her in school as well as psychological.

    If they were looking for drugs, they would have went straight to the front door, knocked, or busted the door in, with guns drawn, but that is not what they did. Nah, these cops know they were in the wrong, but they're trying to cover it up and save their own behind.

    I would even go so far as to say that their intentions might have been to do something else to the little girl. Why else did one of the officers try to cover her mouth to keep her from screaming? If the child would have been a prostitute or drugs were involved, the police would have cared less about her screaming, because she wouldn't have been the first one to scream or get loud during an arrest.

    Those police officers have some splaining to do. Its long overdue, but the police department need to do some cleaning up too, and get rid of the bad element in their departments. When you can't trust the police because of the bad ones they have, that right there ought to tell law enforcement something. Its time to clean house.

  53. Anonymous7:16 PM

    And another thing - while we're at it... I wish it were possible to have a national broadcast (that also included 'smell-o-vision') of the sources of our beef. I challenge those who live anywhere near central California, for one, to drive I-5 near King City or Coalinga, and take a good whiff - I guarantee your nostrils will sting; you might refuse to put another bite of beef in your mouth ever again. More to the will, as usual, prove to be an ineffective gesture to somehow legislate the public posting of trans-fat foods, or the ban on such products. Check out the (willing and aggressively 'dull') patrons at your local fast/convenient-food eatery; then check out the patrons at your local eatery that eschews legislated food prep practices.
    BTW...why/when/how and where did it become fashionable for so many of my cousins to become bloated and obese?

  54. Ivan,you know i have long been with you and Peter Tosh on this one.Yes, we need to "Legalize It". But that's only one solution.We need to work on these families as well.

    Anon, no blaming whitey here.I admit that we need to step up to the plate to try and save our children.

  55. Anonymous8:40 PM

    This is my first comment as a long time reader. Allow me to offer a modest proposal. Since this country and its current Supreme Court have an almost religious obsession with everyone's right to possess handguns, why not take another approach?
    Require ammunition manufacturers to encode identifiers in their products. Both bullets and casings. Record the personal information of ALL purchasers. If the ammunition is used in a crime or murder,that buyer would be subjected to a MANDATORY jail term.
    This I think would prompt people to secure their ammo,provide law enforcement with tools to solve crimes and take the focus away from guns.(Those Holy American tokens) After all guns don't kill people, ammo does!

  56. [quote]. No one notices, and no one cares. Just make sure those Negroes keep shooting each other and no one else. And the real sick thing is that the people who seem more effected by these senseless killings don't care either[/quote]

    Hi Field-Negro.
    How are you brother?

    I read your post and I was quite moved. I am convinced that you have a consciousness inside of you. I always have.

    I am going to put aside any particular notion that I have to ask you and some of your readers WHY when I am on this same beat for several years they call my reporting "seeking to make Black folks look bad" while your reports on the carnage that is going on in my hometown of Philly as being news worthy of the Blog version of a Pulitzer.

    Instead Field-Negro I am going to take this time to make note of our one-ness of vision as to the grave threat that is facing our people as they simply seek to live in peace IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES.

    This part hit me Field-Negro:
    . But why does it take a white police officer shooting one of our own to send us into rage? Why aren't we outraged at these animals who are terrorising our neighborhoods and causing us to live in fear? Because they look like us? Because they are our own brothers and sons? I don't think so.

    These animals are no better than the racist who were lynching us back when the South's most famous crop was "strange fruit" hanging from trees. These animals who kill without conscience and remorse should be priority number one for the people who we elect to look out for our best interest. We are in a war on terror alright, but it ain't against Al Qaeda, it's against our sons.

    [quote]Yeah it's cool to ban trans fats.[/quote]

    Field-Negro - I am sure you are familiar with Dr Marc Lamont Hill, frequent guest on Fox News? I called him "the Cherry Picking Professor" on his blog. The reason why, Field Negro - is that JUST LIKE "banning trans-fats" in a city where upwards of 90% of the homicides are Black men AND a significant portion of them WILL NEVER SEE THE KILLER SERVE JAIL TIME........the "Cherry Picking Professor" in his leisure time chooses to focus on FREEING THE MOVE 9 than on advocating for the 319 who are homicide victims TO-DAMNED-DAY.

    I do not want to provoke you to "Go Left" Field-Negro in response to my "threat" from the Right. My only point is that WHEN I WAS SAYING THE VERY DAMNED SAME THING FOR THE LONGEST OF TIME - you and others attacked me.

    Please forgive me as I say "Welcome to the club" what are you planning to do to voice your DISPLEASURE to the Philadelphia City Council? 14 of the 17 are Democrats. Surely they are open minded then to correct their course of malicious lack of concern.

    Let me be clear however - THIS AIN'T ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT. No GOVERNMENT can make a people do what is not already in their hearts and minds to do.

    What are you willing to YIELD in your BONDAGE as a pretext of fixing this problem in your fair City? I am tired of the killing.

    I am tired of the INEFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP.

    I am tired of Black Folks being SOLD OUT to their political and ideological interests while so many of our people DIE IN THE STREETS.

  57. [quote]Since this country and its current Supreme Court have an almost religious obsession with everyone's right to possess handguns, why not take another approach?[/quote]


    Your post almost brought me to tears after I just watched an episode of "The First 48 Hours" in which chaos broke out at a night club and nearly everyone pulled out their piece and started shooting randomly.

    Brian - (excuse me Field Negro) "What do you do to a person who DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR LAWS"?

    If they are able to get large quantities of drugs into their hands - what are the chances that BULLETS being stamped and thus having to be controlled at the POINT OF PURCHASE is going to solve the problem?

    Do you realize that there are machines that allow people to fill THEIR OWN BULLETS with gun powder AT HOME? Do you really believe that your plan is going to accomplish the goal?


    Why didn't you ban ROPES and GASOLINE CANS during the time of rampant lynching?

    You simply cannot avoid the painful truth! You must ADDRESS THE HUMAN BEINGS that are causing the carnage - not centrally focus on the WEAPONS that they are using.

    If there is enough DEMAND for the weapons, just like DRUGS - they are going to obtain them.

  58. What they need to do is cut it off at the root and start cracking down on those folks that are smuggling drugs into this country. Busting down street dealer's doors is fine, but it is not solving the problem, and it won't be solved until the SUPPLY is CUT OFF completely. In order to do that the law has to start busting some of the BIG folks behind that's bringing the drugs into this country.

    We just had a couple of murders here in my city. A couple of months ago, they had a grandmother who got caught in the crossfire of someone shooting at a person running. The grandmother was outside in the courtyard, of her building, sitting on her mobile scooter, watching her grandkids play,and waiting for her daughter to get home from work.

    The person the people were shooting at ran inside the garage that led into the courtyard to duck the bullets. The intended victim walked unharmed, but the grandmother died instantly.

    A lot of folks think and say that people don't want to cooperate with the police and come forth in situations like this, but that is not totally true. The reason they don't risk coming forth is because the police turn around and give witnesses' names to the newspapers and next thing you know their house is getting shot up, or one of their family members are coming up dead. That is why they hesitate in being witnesses. This happened a few times out this way, now, people refuse to talk to the police. Can't say that I blame them.

  59. I agree. Seems to me they have their priorities in the wrong order. However, the problem you outline is a tough one, undoubtedly one they haven't got a handle on. So, being politicians, what do they do? They solve a "non-problem" to make it look as though they ARE doing something. The only way we are going to tame this problem is with a grass roots effort community by community with everyone, including local law enforcement, working together.

  60. That being said, if I catch you stealing my TV I will not shoot you. Property is not worth taking a life over, no matter who's life.

    Let's put it this way. If someone breaks into my house, I will make modern art of him. Don't care if he's white or black. He's dead.

  61. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
    -Edmunde Burke

    A lot of talking going on here. But it's the same talk that has been going on for years in the black community...JUST WORDS.

    Meanwhile, killings are increasing instead of decreasing. The black community has become more fearful, weaker, and gutless.

    Let's face it. Blacks aren't going to do a damn thing. Over time, the end of the African-American race will finally die out. I bet we ALL secretly know that.

    We are so paralyzed by fear and low self-worth that we lack the moral potency to do what's necessary.

    "If you haven't found anything you are willing to die for, you aren't fit to live."
    - Martin Luther King, Jr.

  62. What they need to do is cut it off at the root and start cracking down on those folks that are smuggling drugs into this country. Busting down street dealer's doors is fine, but it is not solving the problem, and it won't be solved until the SUPPLY is CUT OFF completely. In order to do that the law has to start busting some of the BIG folks behind that's bringing the drugs into this country.

    You can never destroy supply, because the demand is too high. On top of that, you have entire narco state, i.e. Mexico, that are in chaos and would require a military invasion to shut down.

    Ultimately, the only choice is to legalize all drugs. With narcotics legalized; the major source of revenue of for gangs will be gone and their backs will be broken. Will that stop the black on black violence in the inner cities? Who can say for sure? Bu such a move would no doubt contribute to a tremendous drop in violence and homicide.

  63. Anonymous 11:34:

    Why don't you set an example and be the first one to step up to the plate.

  64. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Mr. Field Niggah, INCOG MAN here to answer your soulful questions.

    Negroes cannot live in modern society, plain and simple. The Negro mind is geared to small, tribal environments with Alpha male enforcement that broaches no Niggah-style acting-up.

    Mud huts in a jungle clearing set the stage nicely.

    Gun control won't help. Negroes will just use whatever comes in handy, like a machete or a bag of frozen Chicken or something.

    CONCLUSION: You need to ditch the clothes and bling-bling and head on out to the nearest jungle. Say Brazil?

  65. "Let's face it. Blacks aren't going to do a damn thing. Over time, the end of the African-American race will finally die out. I bet we ALL secretly know that."

    There is no african-american race. It's basically a social construct. There's also no reason to suggest that a growing population will randomly dramatically decline in the future.

  66. classical one:

    The thing is that most of the killings don't always involve drugs or fights over a turf. Some of the murders believe it or not, are caused by some petty grievances, something as small, as someone stepped on their shoes, or looked at them wrong, and over a girl, money owed, or they got too high and dranking, and a few other things. None of these reasons are really worth killing another human being over, is sad, and crazy, but is some of the reality of causes of the senseless killings.

    One of my cousin's husband used to do a lot of work in the community working with kids and well-respected in their community. He and his wife gave one of their kids a birthday party. Anyway, this young man came and I guess he was a little rowdy, so my cousin's husband asked him to leave. The young man left and came back and killed my cousins husband.

    We do have a major problem with kids killing kids, and its unnatural for children to die before their parents and die in such a horrible fashion. However, the cause of the problem is deeper than just drugs, it's more complex than that, and I believe that is why people are so perplexed on how to solve the whole situation.

  67. Anonymous12:24 AM

    It's amazing that Field could start a thread on the hundreds of black Philadelphians murdered this year by other black people and have so much of it turn into a festival of ragging on a racist police incident in Galveston, Texas.

    You know what? I don't live in the ghetto in Philly. If the people in this thread don't give a shit about people dying there and would rather talk about some idiot cop in Texas, a state this is filled with idiots in general, and about the latest racist in Mississippi, and then take a swipe at some white cop who makes the mistake of saying he's not a racist, well fine.

    If you don't give a shit about black people killing thousands of black people every year, then you've just given me permission not to give a shit, too.

  68. Anonymous 12:24:

    I hope you feel better after getting that off your chest. I think you must have missed a few comments because people are concerned about the killings. Let me play back some of their concerns for you because you seemed to have slept through the conversation.

    "We have U.S. troops patrolling Baghdad streets to provide security there while our own streets are overrun with terrorism and violence. I say bring them home and have them patrol the mean streets of our cities."

    "the fratricide could involve each of us grabbing onto one of those boys and holding him tight and long and hard until his fight tempers down and his shoulders relax and his breathing changes and the tears start to fall.These children need some human touch; grab onto a child."

    "But I still think the gun violence is a more serious problem right now."

    "I don't pet them, or make up endless excuses for their foolish behavior. The ability to influence thought is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal."

    "When black men get real sick and tired of watching how fatherless black boys self-destruct and lash out against each other....they will do something about it...and not merely complain about it."

    "There aren't too many black men who are alarmed about the rate of black-on-black crime committed by black male teens and black male adults. There would be more urgent and persistent outcry from black men that results in solutions."

    "There are black men who are expressing their concern about this issue of black-on-black homicide (committed primarily by black men against black men, who are under the age of 30)....but are those black men putting up consistently financial resources to address these issues on a broad scale?"

    "If black men who SAY that they are so deeply concerned fail to generate mass action and response then there will never be a long-term set of solutions that lawmakers and policy-influencers will embrace on a national level."

    "I think that there should be such outrage in our communities about the rate of murders, rapes, abuse and other crimes that are committed by other Blacks."

    "I think that the best way to reduce the violence is to increase employment in non-violent trades, particularly for young males. This works in most real former war zones, it works in many civil wars- so I think it should work for Philadelphia." (Which granny thinks is one of the best ideas.)

    "To me it seems like some police officers are afraid to deal with the real bad guys. No thorough patrolling of the neighborhoods and trouble spots in Philly. No checking on people and getting a feel for the families that live in these streets and really connecting with everyone in order to eliminate the overall suspicion of cops. "

    "I'd openly embrace the idea of seeing a police officer and having a sense of security, rather than the sense of fear and anguish. I think that the criminals should have that fear, not me." Amen!

    "As a fellow Philadelphian like yourself, I have long felt outrage over the cheapness of life on our streets...I don't know what to do."

    "I see it is a breakdown of the family unit that has contributed to a breakdown of the culture. Boys need a dad to help them on their path to manhood. The increase in crime rate correlates to the rise in illegitimacy in ALL races."

    "Take children out of the hood and educate them in the countryside in buccolic dorm-academies. Tell ERs not to treat gunshot wounds of thugs popping each other. let them die on the streets, then bill their families for the clean up. Lock up parents for truancy (and send kids to countryside). Impeach local black pols who won't get with this program. Defrock black preachers who do not use Bush's faith base payola for child care and afterschool programs and who do not commit themselves to wiping out crime (as it's the sons and grandsons of their parishioners who are out there doing this stuff). Invest in Norplant and Depro. Seriously." This one was a little extreme, but its a thought.

    "Anon, no blaming whitey here.I admit that we need to step up to the plate to try and save our children."

    "Require ammunition manufacturers to encode identifiers in their products. Both bullets and casings. Record the personal information of ALL purchasers. If the ammunition is used in a crime or murder,that buyer would be subjected to a MANDATORY jail term."

    "I am tired of Black Folks being SOLD OUT to their political and ideological interests while so many of our people DIE IN THE STREETS."

    "What they need to do is cut it off at the root and start cracking down on those folks that are smuggling drugs into this country."

    "The reason they don't risk coming forth is because the police turn around and give witnesses' names to the newspapers and next thing you know their house is getting shot up, or one of their family members are coming up dead. That is why they hesitate in being witnesses. This happened a few times out this way, now, people refuse to talk to the police."

    "The only way we are going to tame this problem is with a grass roots effort community by community with everyone, including local law enforcement, working together"

    "the only choice is to legalize all drugs. With narcotics legalized; the major source of revenue of for gangs will be gone and their backs will be broken. Will that stop the black on black violence in the inner cities? Who can say for sure? Bu such a move would no doubt contribute to a tremendous drop in violence and homicide."

    "the cause of the problem is deeper than just drugs, it's more complex than that, and I believe that is why people are so perplexed on how to solve the whole situation."

    People are concerned about the black on black killings and they're trying to come up with a solution. BTW, Brohammas was not ragging on the guy, what he did was imparted some wisdom to that other copwhich let me know that he is experienced and a professional that doesn't go off half-cock and listens before he jumps the gun like you just did.

    One more thing, YES, we are concerned about that 12 year old girl and we should be, she is a part of our community too. Its not just about the cops, it is about what that child suffered, went through, and her rights being violated, and she has just as much right to live in peace free from harm. When it comes to children, granny does not PLAY.

  69. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Christopher Chambers said... "Invest in Norplant and Depro. Seriously."

    If we could keep girls of all hues from having babies before they are grown and self sufficient. It would save untold misery. It would ease the increase of needy desperate people. Babies should not be having babies. Somewhere I heard of a pregnant 12 year old. God save us all.

    Grannystandingfortruth said that black women were good about taking in their daughters babies. Maybe they should keep their daughters from having the babies.

    Field said that black women should not have more babies by a man that would neither marry nor support them or their babies.

    Field wasn't real happy about the woman moving from New York with her 10 kids. (I feel that she was doing what she could. Sometimes it boils down to that, not the best, just what you can do.)

    If the babies were born to older women they would have better jobs and maybe fewer babies so they could properly take care of their children. Or to women that had the support of a man to take care of them then there would be good male figures in those boys lifes...maybe.

    It would take 15 to 20 years for this kind of a solution to take effect. Can you imagine no baby mamas? no babies without daddies?

    Is it racism? I read somewhere that there were not even birthcontrol clinics in the poorer parts of many cities--that "Planned Parenthood" did not go there.

    According to a site on the web, It takes approx $136,224 to raise a child to 18 with a salary under $38,000 a year in a Northwest City for a single parent. A fifteen year old has the start of this for one? a seventeen year old for 2 a 19 year old for 3 kids?

  70. Furthermore Anonymous, tell me how you gone teach a child that the police is not her enemy when she experienced an ordeal like that?

  71. Anonymous 1:47:

    "I read somewhere that there were not even birthcontrol clinics in the poorer parts of many cities--that "Planned Parenthood" did not go there."

    That's not true. They have them have "Planned Parenthood" in their cities as well.

  72. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Granny said, “Why don't you set an example and be the first one to step up to the plate.”

    Granny, I have been at the “plate” for decades. But I am not the first one to do so. Fortunately there are others out there. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough people stepping up—it’s not enough.

    Why would you assume that I am doing nothing unless it’s your own projection?

    Chris said, “There is no african-american race. It's basically a social construct. There's also no reason to suggest that a growing population will randomly dramatically decline in the future.”

    Chris, in America, race and racism is a reality. Just ask anyone who is not in denial. Don’t try to MINIMIZE the problem. The black community has a GROWING problem where more and more Blacks are being killed-- whether you acknowledge it or not. There is EVERY reason for concern about the future decline of the black race.

    Just the numbers in Philly by itself are frightening. Of course, if it’s just a “social construct” to you, then like so many others, you don’t care.

    What non-racial social construct of people do you belong to?

  73. Anonymous 2:13:

    The reason I said that to you is because of what you said. You said: "Let's face it. Blacks aren't going to do a damn thing. A lot of talking going on here. But it's the same talk that has been going on for years in the black community...JUST WORDS. We are so paralyzed by fear and low self-worth that we lack the moral potency to do what's necessary."

    And that is why I came at you like I did. Because there are a lot of people out there that are trying to make a difference. I know quite a few of them and what you said up above discredits them and makes it seem as if all black people in our community do not care and all are worthless, which is not true.

    However, now you say this: "Granny, I have been at the “plate” for decades. But I am not the first one to do so. Fortunately there are others out there. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough people stepping up—it’s not enough."

    Which is more closer to the truth. Give credit where credit is due, that's all I'm saying, stop making it seem like no one in our community cares, because there are many people that care and that are doing something, but more help is needed.

  74. Anonymous 2:13:

    BTW, I understand your frustrations, because they are frustrations that have been voiced by others. However, you BE ENCOURAGED!

  75. Anonymous3:02 AM

    It is from my experience of working in the black community that I KNOW there aren't enough people stepping up to the plate.

    You can come at me all you want but the TRUTH is Blacks are doing less and less while young kids are dying in the streets.

    Black-on-black crime and murders continue to rise and the black community is not addressing it. That is the TRUTH.

  76. Anonymous 3:02:

    Whelp, I don't understand what's wrong with the black folks in your community, because the black folks and other [races] people in my community care and we have people here who are making a difference. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was built.

  77. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Well, Granny, I don't know what else there is to say.... Except read Field's post again. You might get another perspective and find another target!

    Maybe you live in a black community where Rome IS being built. From where I am standing Rome is burning to the ground. So I guess we'll have to agree to disagree about that.

    I have worked in black communities for years. It is quite different from what you claim.

    I KNOW blacks are being killed in record numbers while the black community remains silent and spineless. No one is outraged. Again, read FN's post.

    Outrage is expressed only when a white policeman shoots a black person. But nothing is said when blacks kill blacks. To me, that sucks!

    Anyway, it is sad that you are unwilling to face the TRUTH. These kids need adults such as yourself to hear their desperation and to fight for them.

    Anyway, have a nice holiday.

  78. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Sorry Man I just think It's the thinning of the Herd, Cleaning out the gene pool for the next generation


  79. Anonymous8:08 AM

    great comments, but who can stop Bullet ?

  80. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Brother Field and all... this topic has numbed me because there is no solution that the young Brothers can abide to. Year after year...we as a race have transformed negative behavior into acceptable behavior. But continue the fight to restore sanity to us. We are worth it. Reading comments lets me know that this is not a dead (pardon the unintended} issue. I am late with this comment.

  81. [quote]What they need to do is cut it off at the root and start cracking down on those folks that are smuggling drugs into this country. Busting down street dealer's doors is fine, but it is not solving the problem, and it won't be solved until the SUPPLY is CUT OFF completely. In order to do that the law has to start busting some of the BIG folks behind that's bringing the drugs into this country.[/quote]

    Granny - have you been reading about what is going on in the country of Mexico?

    Over the past several decades as the evil US government has focused on destroying the supply chains for cocaine from Columbia into the USA the Mexican criminal cartels have stepped up to the plate and taken over the distribution system. Where as there was a large body of water between Columbia and the USA, Mexico in its adjacency to the USA provides a wealth of opportunity for distributing contraband into the USA.

    There is currently a blood bath going on in Mexico as various factions fight for control of the distribution chain. On top of this - as the USA cracks down on the DOMESTIC supply of Meth, for example, the Mexican cartels have set up meth labs in their country and are smuggling them into the states just as well. Production and Distribution and Demand. These are all 3 distinct concepts.

    You appear to be caught up on some fanciful notion of THE BIG GUYS are being allowed to get over. The truth of the matter is that where there is money to be made from the DEMAND people are going to step up to the plate and find a way to supply that demand.

    Let me ask you Granny - what has thus far prevented you from becoming a drug addict? Certainly there is the PRESENCE of drugs around you from a supplier. Does the fact that you have thus far remained clean point to the fact that DEMAND is more powerful than supply?

  82. [quote]this topic has numbed me because there is no solution that the young Brothers can abide to. Year after year...we as a race have transformed negative behavior into acceptable behavior. But continue the fight to restore sanity to us.[/quote]


    Let's go further with your statement.

    The truth is that the Black community has SOLD OUT its intrinsic interests for the sake of IDEOLOGICAL and POLITICAL short term gain.

    So much of our activism recently has been focused on EXTERNAL boogie men. Ideological enemies have trumped those who are a known physical threat to us and our material interests. As far as I can tell the burglar bars that are a necessary element for all houses in some of the communities that I drive through were not put in place to keep night riding Klansmen out of the house nor were they purchased for decoration.

    I fully understand the conundrum that the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser faces. He does not want to initiate a "war against the Drug Thugs". There are already "too many Black men in jail". If he were to use this blunt instrument he would simply be adding to the count.

    As a person who is in frequent disagreement with the prevailing sentiment within our community AND as a witness of the frustration that Field-Negro has allowed to come out from inside of his minds eye - I must ask - "IS IT NOW TIME FOR SOME OF YOU TO OPEN YOUR MINDS AND LISTEN TO ALTERNATIVE STRATEGIES SINCE WHAT YOU HAVE INITIATED IS NOW WORKING, per your own admission?"

    The best way to keep Black men out of jail is to FIGHT FOR the UPKEEP OF THE INTEGRITY of the culture that they are born into as babies.

    All Drug Thug have someone who loves them and who has birthed them. What my good friend Field-Negro needs to be looking at is the direct COMMUNITY which made the person have such an abject lack of consideration for the value of human life.

    If there was ever a time for the notion of "People over Profits" to be adopted - THIS IS IT. This concept is applied to the CORPORATION normally. It, in truth, needs to be applied to the actors within the community as they decide on a mode of making money, on where to invest their money, on if the education of our young people is more important than material acquisition.

    I like Field-Negro. He is my pal.
    I am not yet convinced that he FEELS STRONG ENOUGH about this issue to where he is willing to FIGHT AGAINST the controlling forces that are PRODUCING this deadly cocktail for Black folks living within its domain of control.

  83. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Mr. Field Niggah, it's your favorite Racist INCOG MAN here.

    I know that you summarily dismiss me for being another Evil Whitey, but listen up:

    You commentators do indeed touch on things beyond the usual Niggah propensity for acting Black.

    And that's drugs.

    Here me out. Whites and "African A-merry-cans" are considered Niggahs by these same people behind the drugs in this country.

    Now, I know that you'll blow me off for being a "conspiricy theorist" and all. But it so happens that I personally know of some things.

    You and your commentors can blabber all day long about Klansman and slavery etc etc., but these people won't you to spend your energies doing precisely that.

    That way you don't see the Ozman's movements behind the curtain.

    You LA brothers were once right about the Narco pipelines uncovered by some LA detectives. It's still going on my brothers.

    For example: Afghanistan is ruled by a family who makes all their change growing poppies. The Taliban outlawed poppie growing in 2000, did you know?

    There is a pipeline thru Turkey and on into Europe and the US. They fly captive Muslims one way and drugs back. This is a ZOG/CIA dealy and it's been going on since an old whitey named William Casey created a evil CIA offshoot called COREA.

    Oh yeah.

    Truth of the matter? Us Evil Whiteys and you Ghetto Niggahs are nothing but a "market" for this criminal network.

    So you can flail on about Whites being Evil and all, but you'll never get to the root of the matter that way.

    No friggen lie.

  84. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Oh yeah, I forgot:

    While you Niggahs self-obsess about the color of your skin and your victimhood sad stories every which way, these same people are in the process of installing the ultimate in "House Niggahs" as POTUS.

    Sure, you can sit there and say that's BS. But is it "black pride" that's saying it when you get down to brass tacks?

  85. Quetion: Constructive feedback, how do you feel about incog...? You do know that he is a self described conervative, right?

  86. Anonymous4:26 PM


    Incog doesn't bother me. Every now and then, a “token” off-the-chart-neo-con comment is good for—‘WTF? Amusement.’

    IMO, Incog adds "color" to your blog. And yes, I know that he is a self-described white reptilian conervative.

    I feel sorry for him because everyone ignores him on this blog….It must be a "black-and-white" thing.

  87. Anonymous4:45 PM


    "Incog doesn't bother me. Every now and then, a “token” off-the-chart-neo-con comment is good for—‘WTF? Amusement.’"

    Let's get this straight, OK? I am not a "NEOCON." Hell, I hate FOX NEWS as much as I hate MSNBC. More so, maybe.

    It's just like Field Negro here putting up a photo of Bernie Madoff and calling him a evil Whitey.

    NEOCONS are Jews. Until you get the real deal going on, then you'll just keep hating Whitey while pissing in the wind. Malcolm X got the deal. Sure, he gave real Whitey hell, too, just like I give Niggahs hell on my blog.

    But think deeply on this in your mind's eye: If Whitey and Niggahs joined together on the streets -- who do you think would be shitting in their pants and doing every kind of evil thing to put a stop to that business?

    Yeah, I give the Niggah hell -- but it's to awaken pussy Whites out there. You know who I'm speaking of. Those fools who sputter nonsense when talking to you because they are so scared to say something to offend you.

    Dig it?

  88. Anonymous5:26 PM

    And don't be labeling me "Conservative" either. I smoked a big fat bowl with some old butch dyke just the other day.

    And I get along with blacks real fine. They "sense" I'm not some pussy White to trifle with and know they'll get a fair shake without all the bull. Even a couple of them agree 100% with where I'm coming from (that I confide in).

    I've noticed they are plenty of with-it Niggahs who've figured out the real deal.

    Until America figures out the deal (the traitorous owned-media won't) all of us "Niggahs" will just be yelping non-stop in each other's faces. That's been the game, my friends.

    Come by and read this post of mine:

  89. Anonymous 4:40:

    "You might get another perspective and find another target!"

    Let me make myself perfectly clear, I'm not attacking you or targeting you. What I was trying to say to you, is stop painting a broad brush on blacks, because ALL are not worthless, and ALL are not sitting back doing nothing to help solve the problem. There are some people in the black community that are trying to make a difference. I admitted to you that it's not enough. However, the way I understood you NONE are, and when you discredit the few that are trying to make a difference you're, also, discrediting and including yourself in that equation and others who are working towards making a difference. I apologize if you took offense at what I was trying to say, but I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say to you.

    Back when Field showed that picture of the Philadelphia ghetto, I stated then, ours out this way don't look like that, and they don't. I live in the hood as you call it, four doors down from the house I was raised in. My children moved out of the hood when when they became grown and started their own families. My children tried to get me to move out of it, but I tell them, "I don't live outside, I live inside." However, the truth of the matter is that I stay for a reason, my work is here.

    I live in a city that used to have more than one killing a day like Philadelphia. The murder rate had gotten so bad at one while, until, the city was talking about putting up cameras throughout the city, marshal law, and everything else. I went to five funerals of friends I had grew up with grandsons and people I had watched grow up son's, children I knew since they were babies, in one day back to back.

    We had a couple of places out here was so bad with the drug mess, until whole large apartment complexes were taken over and people had to lie down on their floors, on a daily basis, to avoid being hit by stray bullets. One apartment large complex, young boys would come through there shooting on a daily basis. The police would take their time and wait until the shooting was over before they would go to the scene, and in some ways I couldn't blame them, because they didn't have the fire power those thugs had.

    We had another place where they would shoot out the city street lights every time they put them in, and no one dared to even go out that way, it was so bad, not even the police, buses, or taxi. We had mom and pop grocery stores, and a popular hamburger stand that lost business, because of the drivebys that would occur at them. One of my friends owned the hamburger stand and she wind up going out of business, behind a driveby shooting that occurred there. The number of bullet holes would amaze you.

    On just about every corner, there were drug dealers standing on them out in the open. They would flag down every car passing with no respect for the law, and one day they even tried to flag down the mayor of our city trying to sell him some drugs. Yup, we had those drive through illegal drug corners and more drivebys. It got so bad, until innocent people were being killed. Grandfathers, children, mothers, grandkids, uncles, aunts, cousins, good kids. They even did drivebys at churches passing out food to the poor if someone they were looking for happen to pass by or be in that vicinity.

    Oh, and to show you how much they had no respect for the law or people or cared, one time they had a driveby on one block, the police came and taped it off, and three blocks down they did another driveby while the police were still taping it off the first murder, and turned around and did another one two more blocks down and around the corner while the police was there. BTW, that was a normal occurrence as well. Yup, it got so bad out this way, until when people heard gunshots they didn't even duck for cover anymore, they had become numb I guess you can call it, to it.

    I can tell you part of the reason these kids act so crazy now is because they're using that drug called estasy. It's worser than that Sherm and LSD. I know some of you can remember how LSD had kids jumping off of buildings back in the 60's and 70's. Or how that Sherman had them acting a fool, or better yet how crank made them act crazy.

    Whelp, after the citizens took a stand, law enforcement started work on cleaning up the streets and putting their behinds in jail. Police began concentrating on street blocks heavily infested with drugs, walking the beat in them, riding motorcycles, bicycles. They had the highway patrol men come in and do road stops searching cars for drugs and guns. They started busting drug houses. We had neighborhood watches. As fast as the drug dealers were on the street, the police were there taking them to jail. The police turned up the heat and it got so hot, those that didn't go to jail started looking job and moving away from here.

    Granny could tell you some horror stories that she has witnesses with her own eyes. Like the man who lie dying in my driveway taking his last breath, or the time one of my neighbors and someone else had a shootout in front of my house, and much, much more, and I am sorry that my experience doesn't seem to qualify as knowing anything about the black community or living in the real world. Therefore, I'll just hush on the subject and keep my two cents to myself.

    I agree with incogman on a couple of things he said:

    "You LA brothers were once right about the Narco pipelines uncovered by some LA detectives.It's still going on my brothers. For example: Afghanistan is ruled by a family who makes all their change growing poppies. The Taliban outlawed poppie growing in 2000, did you know? There is a pipeline thru Turkey and on into Europe and the US. They fly captive Muslims one way and drugs back. This is a ZOG/CIA dealy and it's been going on since an old whitey named William Casey created a evil CIA offshoot called COREA."

    Incogman is telling the truth there, but what he forgot to mention is that Bush daddy and a lot of politicians and other influential people are some of the drug czars, and one of the bigger reasons they don't want to cut off the supply. Excuses, excuses, but it's not impossible to do, they just don't want to do it. In LA, Ricky was the scrapegoat, oh he was guilty too, but they let him take the whole rap.

    Constructive Feedback:

    Granny keeps a clear head at times, not trying to defile my temple. I like to stay aware of my surrounding.

    My son works in law enforcement and so do quite a few of my relatives, some are lawyers, some are police, some are Sheriffs, some are probation, parole officers, and correctional officers.

  90. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Incogman is telling the truth there, but what he forgot to mention is that Bush daddy and a lot of politicians and other influential people are some of the drug czars, and one of the bigger reasons they don't want to cut off the supply. Excuses, excuses, but it's not impossible to do, they just don't want to do it. In LA, Ricky was the scrapegoat, oh he was guilty too, but they let him take the whole rap.

    Look, I didn't forget to mention Bush, sr. et al. for no other reason than not having the time to write out everything.

    Hell, I've got so much stuff in my head that it's hard to know when to stop. I have to be careful of exactly of what I can relate, if you catch my drift.

    And you go on and on and on about the dead Negro and little shit drug stuff. Like I say, you'll just keep railing about the end results instead of the source to the problems.

    I've said on my blog often-times that Niggahs and Whites are both in the same commode.

    You people are too dam busy playing the victim than getting pro-active to the real deal.

    Spineless, cardigan-wearing White liberals are not the answer -- these people are "useful idiots" as Lenin once described them. They are too busy dealing with embedded guilt trips by the real powers behind the curtain to be of any real help.

    Those politicians are not part of the real deal. The ones you want would never be in the open like that. They are mere figureheads to the power structure above that you have no idea exists.

    Ask yourself this: Why the hell is the state of Arkansas such a big deal? The state is an midwest outpost for the Rockefellars and their criminal network. And so too is Texas with the Bushes and LBJ.

    Hell, these people have snowed the country for so long it ain't funny. Yet people still yuk it up and call it all tinfoil hat talk.

    They'll be laughing right on up to the time they hear a knock on the door in the middle of the night.

    I'll probably be dead by then.

  91. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Incogman said:
    “Let's get this straight, OK? I am not a "NEOCON." Hell, I hate FOX NEWS as much as I hate MSNBC. More so, maybe.”

    “And don't be labeling me "Conservative" either. I smoked a big fat bowl with some old butch dyke just the other day.”

    “…Malcolm X got the deal. Sure, he gave real Whitey hell, too, just like I give Niggahs hell on my blog."

    Incogman, I apologize for calling you a Neocon. Didn’t mean to put you in a hole where you don’t belong. So are you more like a combination of a White Malcolm X and George Carlin?

    IMO, for Blacks and Whites to get together in order to stop the drugs and bring order in America is a pipe dream.

    Hell, if Whites were to do that, they would have to give up their identity as ‘superior’ to Blacks. I think they would be lost without that identity.

    Isn’t that a big part of the problem-- which makes everything else impossible? Since when did anybody(or race) at the top give up power in order to share it with those at the bottom?

  92. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Granny said,
    “What I was trying to say to you, is stop painting a broad brush on blacks, because ALL are not worthless, and ALL are not sitting back doing nothing to help solve the problem. There are some people in the black community that are trying to make a difference.”

    Granny, I agree. There are some Blacks who are trying to make a difference. BTW, I never said ALL are worthless. I said, "We (the community)are so paralyzed by fear and LOW SELF-WORTH that we(the community)lack the MORAL POTENCY to do what's necessary." There is a difference between 'low self-worth' and being 'worthless'.

    Anyway, the black community as A WHOLE is in trouble. You can’t keep gunning down black boys and men, and/or incarcerating them in prisons in increasing numbers each year, and expect the African-American race to survive.

    A 'sense of urgency' is needed in the black community to stop this daily erosion of black males in our communities. Otherwise, we are headed in the direction of the dinosaurs.

    The bottom line is this: We have some good people working in our communities, but WE ARE STILL LIKE THE TITANIC THAT’S HEADED FOR A HUGE ICEBERG.

  93. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Incogman, I apologize for calling you a Neocon. Didn’t mean to put you in a hole where you don’t belong. So are you more like a combination of a White Malcolm X and George Carlin?

    LOL. Yeah, I guess that's one way of looking at it. No, the Neocons were mostly Jews and Zionist dupes in DC and in the media (like William Krystol on FOX).

    These are the SOBs having us kill innocents all over the world for the lousy state of Israel, who is now in the process of starving Palestinians in the Gaza -- which the US media is completely ignoring.

    IMO, for Blacks and Whites to get together in order to stop the drugs and bring order in America is a pipe dream.

    Forget the drugs! And the shootings! Get to the source of the immoralities plagueing the country.

    It's the Jews, Stupid!

    It's always been the Jews from day-one. What don't you get?


    The ICEBERG is dead ahead and I'm a lookout yelling about it.

  94. Anonymous7:10 PM

    “It's ALWAYS been the Jews from DAY-ONE. What don’t you get?”

    Really? Are you saying that the Jews(excluding Sammie Davis Jr, of course) were responsible for 246 years of slavery, plus 100 years of Jim Crow laws and the lynching of 5000+ Blacks?

    That’s the part I don’t get. How did it ALL begin?

  95. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Oh God, please. What don't you know? The Jews have been behind slavery since before the Middle Ages.

    Jews owned and crewed most of the slaver ships on the triangle run. Go to my "Revealing Quotes" page under my banner to see the bastards bragging about it.

    You probably won't bother going to that page so here's one quote and a link:

    “Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and early 1770s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”
    – Marc Raphael (Jew): “Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History”

    White people were made into slaves by these Jews many times in the past.

    All you Negroes only care about is your own dam selves. From the moment you get up in the morning to when you sleep -- you just go on and on about what victims you are because of being born Black, that's all you think about.

    You're running this country right into the ground. Whites have had it up to here with your non-stop "victimhood" bull.

    The blow-back from Whites, on you people will one day make you think back on my words -- should you even bother to read them.

    And besides, Sammie Davis Jr. was a pretend Jew -- never considered real by most Jews. After all, you cannot really be a Jew unless your mother was one. Most Jew Rabbis won't convert you -- unless you give them a lot of money.

  96. Anonymous2:42 AM

    “You're running this country right into the ground. Whites have had it up to here with your non-stop "victimhood" bull.”

    Sounds like YOU are imprisoned in your own “victimhood” bull.

    “The blow-back from Whites, on you people will one day make you think back on my words -- should you even bother to read them.”

    Your racist 'blow-backs' are like fishes flopping about in a dried-up stream. Your racist thinking is dying a hard death.... Isn't it? But good luck anyway. Will you be leading the charge against Blacks?

    Try to have a nice holiday-instead of obsessing about Blacks and Jews. Obsessing will only make you crazier than you already are.

    Soon you will be so miserable and paralyzed with depression that you might end up hanging yourself with a black cord of white blinking Xmas tree lights.

  97. UPDATE:

    Field-Negro. How are you doing to day my friend?

    I started scrolling down from my original post. I copied the post below from Incogman which I had planned to respond to because of its rating on the ignorance scale. Then I saw your question of me about him.

    Thus YOUR question did not trigger my response to this FOOL.

    [quote] incogman said...
    Mr. Field Niggah, INCOG MAN here to answer your soulful questions.
    Negroes cannot live in modern society, plain and simple. The Negro mind is geared to small, tribal environments with Alpha male enforcement that broaches no Niggah-style acting-up.

    Mud huts in a jungle clearing set the stage nicely. Gun control won't help. Negroes will just use whatever comes in handy, like a machete or a bag of frozen Chicken or something.

    CONCLUSION: You need to ditch the clothes and bling-bling and head on out to the nearest jungle. Say Brazil?[/quote]

    In-con-man - first of all - you are ignorant - just to get this off of my chest and make it clear.

    Of the advances that I see the subset of the population of scientists and technologists who are White making - you clearly are not from among this group.

    But I also want you to note the key difference in my rebuttal strategy to your IGNORANCE. I will not find "IGNORANT WHITE PEOPLE" to counter your arguments. This does nothing to lift up Black folks but only serves to pacify those of my people who don't want to deal with the problem and address it accordingly.

    You seek to mock the problems that our community has. I seek to bring FOCUS upon them so that a FIX can occur by applying new tactics.

    You say that the Negro "can't live in a modern society". What does this mean? I am a "Negro" and here I am. In this holiday season, In-con-man, I have gone to parties in and eaten dinner at homes owned by Black folks who put your claim to shame. (One party even had a white catering service SERVING Black people their food and taking our dirty plates. What has the world come to In-con-man?)

    The Negro mind is geared to small, tribal environments with Alpha male enforcement

    In-con-man - you might be on to something. You see the "small tribal environments with patriarchal" orientation that you speak of is found in today's:

    * Churches
    * Traditional Family
    * Governments (by common preference)
    * Military

    This is not a "racial thing" this might be an effective organizational model.

    Small groups are able to "eat at the elephant one bit at a time".
    Every business training session that I have gone to, In-con-man, has taken the large group of us and broken us down into small, functional groups.

    There is a problem for each group to solve. Such small factions allow individuals to converse with a peer, get to know them and reach consensus. Then each of these small groups directly compete against other groups so that the BEST IDEA IS PROMOTED and is ACCEPTED BY THE LARGER GROUP.

    Thank you In-con-man!!! You have effectively shown that there is little organizational difference between WHITE FOLKS and BLACK FOLKS.

    But wait a minute In-con-man. Let me tell you what I figure you fear the most. Imagine you and your beer buddies were DETACHED from the greater society and had to fend for yourself. Would you be able to maintain your present standard of living? You will soon see that this is not a function of your WHITENESS but instead a function of your connectedness to the greater society and its acceptance of YOU on your face value. If another small group seeking to connect into this same society was repudiated for their attributes that had little to do with their character then it doesn't seem so hard to see that they would have a tough time of things - all on their own, fighting against the onslaught of the larger group.

    At the same time In-con-man - I am a Black man who fully accepts that things have indeed fundamentally changed in this nation. The same "small group" concept that our "brains" are attuned to needs to be adopted in our communities to begin to address the problems that we have. Since the greater society is far less hostile to our interests today than in the past it is time to focus WITHIN rather than on fighting this omnipresent external enemy.

    From what I know about you In-con-man - let's just hope that you are never ship wrecked and left alone with you and a small band of like-minded individuals. I suspect that we will hear a report about CANNIBALISM being told by the surviving soul. It won't likely be you as you will likely be the first one eaten. The ignorant ones are typically the first to go.
