Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why are you black farmers whining? Didn't you pick cotton for free back in the day?

You Obamaholics might want to skip this next post. I will give you a little time to click away before I start........

Okay, for those of you who are still reading, Quick, raise your hands if you have ever heard of the Pigford Case. If you haven't let me help you out a little bit: It was a class action lawsuit filed by a bunch of black farmers because the federal government denied them loans and assistance that went to whites. (Gee, there is a surprise) Anyway, they filed a class action lawsuit, and there must have been some fire to go with the smoke because Uncle Sam settled for damn near a billion dollars with my overall clad brothers.

Happy ending right? Wrong. As is always the case with our slick Uncle, the deadline period to file was so short that thousands of farmers with legitimate claims missed out on the filing deadline and got zilch. So in comes Johnny Boyd and other farmer activist; they started pressing the government to open back up the case and give some of the farmers who missed out on the filing deadline to refile their claims.

Well guess who stepped up to the plate to help them? Yep, you guessed it; his O ness.

Let me give you a little passage from the AP story:
"...The cause gained momentum in August 2007 when Obama, then an Illinois senator, introduced Pigford legislation about six months into his presidential campaign.
Although the case was hardly a hot-button political issue, it had drawn intense interest among African-Americans in the rural South. It was seen as a way for Obama to reach out in those areas, where he was not well-known and where he would need strong support to win the Democratic primary.

The proposal won passage in May as sponsors rounded up enough support to incorporate it into the 2008 farm bill. The potential budget implications were huge: It could easily cost $2 billion or $3 billion given an estimated 65,000 pending claims.

With pressure to hold down costs, lawmakers set an artificially low $100 million budget. They called it a first step and said more money could be approved later.
But with 25,000 new claims and counting, the Obama administration is now arguing that the $100 million budget should be considered a cap to be split among the successful cases.
The position — spelled out in a legal motion filed in February and reiterated in recent settlement talks — would leave payments as low as $2,000 or $3,000 per farmer. Boyd called that 'insulting.'

Boyd noted that Obama's legislation specifically called for the new claimants to be eligible for the same awards as the initial lawsuit, including expedited payments of $50,000 plus $12,500 in tax breaks that the vast majority of the earlier farmers received.
'I'm really disappointed,' Boyd said. 'This is the president's bill.'
'They did discriminate against these farmers, maybe not all of them, but a lot of these people would prevail if they could go to court,' he said.

The administration wouldn't discuss specific budget plans or commit to fully funding the claims. But in a statement to The Associated Press, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the department agrees that more needs to be done and is working with the Justice Department to 'ensure that people are treated fairly'"

Now I know that his O ness is the President, and he has a lot on his plate, BUT HE SPONSORED THIS BILL! So now that he is the President would it kill his administration to give these farmers a fair settlement? You better be careful O man, these farmers literally have the pitchforks.

"You can't blame it on the Bush administration anymore," said John Boyd, head of the National Black Farmers Association, which has organized the lawsuits. 'I can't figure out for the life of me why the president wouldn't want to implement a bill that he fought for as a U.S.

Well I would tell you why John, but I want my Obamaholic friends to come back.


  1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Yeah... This one has been rolling around since Clinton - and is the reason Rethugs shafted Mike Espy...

    And the answer is - The Federal cupboard is bare.

  2. Whelp, people can always put in a request and ask Bush and Cheney to come back and rule.

  3. Hi Field or should I say Future Pulitzer Prize Winner,

    If the American Black Community were to ever eliminate the Socio-Economic status crap which so hurtfully divides us (you know the "Bourgies" vs. Regular Folk") and learn to work together, we could be a force one dare not attempt to mess with!

    But alas that day may never arrive. Thus this type of Inequality will continue to destroy us regardless of whomever sits in the Oval Office.

  4. Laurel:

    Granny over in the amen section, shouting amen Sister, amen, and amen again!

  5. This isn't surprising at all. Obama is quickly proving that he's just another politician. He sponsored the Bill because he was running for President... and needed to at least look like a leader. I'm not suggesting that he doesn't have leadership qualities, but his actions don't always seem to be motivated by the right kind of principles and conviction. He comes off as too opportunistic.

    And the cupboard isn't bare. $3 Billion? Are you kidding me? With all the hundreds of billions going to bailouts of Wall Street, of Banks, going to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and filling the accounts of government contractors, and with all the funding going towards stimulus packages... there is no excuse for not dealing with this issue. $2-3 Billion is a drop in the bucket. The government has spent at least 2 trillion in the past year above and beyond the standard budget.

    They could have put this money into the stimulus package... and perhaps they tried... If you recall the original stimulus proposals were trimmed down by Senate moderates.

    Perhaps Obama didn't want to anger White farmers... perhaps Vilsack didn't want to anger the folks back home in Iowa... but it wasn't because there was no money floating around.

    There was tons of money wasted or poorly appropriated in the stimulus package... with funds going to all sorts of pet projects that wouldn't necessarily create jobs. Some of that misappropriated money could have been redirected. This seemed more like a lack of Will...and a lack of interest on the part of the Obama team.

    Not really surprising though.

    Obama is a practical politician for the most part and likes to take the pragmatic approach... but sometimes you have to stand by a set of principles...even when the goal may not be politically popular in the beginning. He should not have used the Black farmers issue for some sort of PR effort, just to turn around and walk away from it.

    And I have to wonder about the legal advice that these farmers got. The initial application period should not have been so short... those details should have been part of settlement negotiations.

  6. "And I have to wonder about the legal advice that these farmers got. The initial application period should not have been so short... those details should have been part of settlement negotiations."

    Good point AI, but this was a class action, and I think the firm or firms that handled the case should have done a better job of getting the word out to the potential litigants in the class.

    And you are right about the $ as well. $3 Billion funds a useless pork project for one of those clowns in Washington. They could have certainly used it to make these folks whole.

    "If the American Black Community were to ever eliminate the Socio-Economic status crap which so hurtfully divides us (you know the "Bourgies" vs. Regular Folk") and learn to work together, we could be a force one dare not attempt to mess with!

    But alas that day may never arrive. Thus this type of Inequality will continue to destroy us regardless of whomever sits in the Oval Office."

    Joining Granny in the back pews of the Church of Laurel shouting, Amen!

  7. You know what I thought about he put a Republican in charge of that department. I don't like the fact that President Obama is not keeping his promise on something he fought for.

    The Somalian pirate is being tried as an adult and could get life in prison. How do you try someone for trying to survive when a wrong is being done to them? No conscience! That's it!

  8. whitey loves you10:01 PM

    Black farmers??? Theres no such thing.If there was such a thing i would done saw it on FOX NEWS.

  9. Laurel said...
    If the American Black Community were to ever eliminate the Socio-Economic status crap which so hurtfully divides us (you know the "Bourgies" vs. Regular Folk") and learn to work together, we could be a force one dare not attempt to mess with!
    And as long as "Bourgie" Blacks are considered "tokens", sell outs, ect, by some of their own people, as long as education is seen as "acting white", and as long as the majority of black women being single is accepted as normal, we won't have to worry about "da man" keeping us down.

    This post reminds me. It's a dam shame Blacks went from being land owners in GREATER numbers at the turn of the 20th century than they are now.

  10. How is it that in America, one of the so-called richest nations, in the world can find money to build more prisons but can't find money to fund education and rebuild schools; build shopping malls but can't find money to build shelters and housing for the homeless; can find money to spend on wars but can't find money to fund health care; can find money to bail out the rich but can't find money to help the poor? They can find money to fly a man to the moon but can't find money to take care of the elderly and ease some of their suffering.

  11. whitey loves you10:14 PM

    Granny those would be perfect questions to ask Obama.

  12. And as long as we have blacks that seem to think everyone is beneath them and their BM don't stank we sure don't have to worry about the "da man" keeping them down because "da man" will use black folks with that type of attitude to do it for them.

  13. Whitey:

    I was thinking the same thing, but only I was going to go one a little further and ask the Congress, Dems and Repub, as well. You was reading my mind. (wink)

  14. Off Topic:


    Have you heard from black diaspora or Christopher lately? They've both been on my mind.

  15. It's a betrayal. Those farmers should be paid at 100 cents on the fuckin' dollar. It would serve justice, and oh by the way, it would stimulate the economy.

    True, it would stimulate the economy in the South, which gives me pause, but I'm willing to live with it. For much of my adult life I've argued that black people who work (the large majority) are the hardest workers we've got, more often than not doing the hardest jobs for the least money.

    Those farmers? They should be paid. EVERYTHING. Goldman Goddamn Sachs got 100 cents on the dollar. So should those people, goddamn it.

  16. I say fuck all humanitarian aid to any country other then here. I think recent statistic I read show that in my state 1/6 children go hungry every damn day. Plenty of children only survive off of federal lunch programs. In my state even the afterschool programs provide large amount of fruit/snacks in after school programs and Saturday Parks and Rec programs; several churches provide meals...it really is sad that this 'rich' country is Hell bent on helping the rich get richer...

  17. One more thing souring me on President Obama; HRC, Holder, the Barazini Citicrew(Rubin, Emanuel and Summers) and Fredo at Treasury. I think the Big 3 crisis is going to be what makes him a one term President unles he cn pull healthcare out o the bag.

  18. I disagree with this decision. I disagree with Obama's decision on attending the World Forum on Racism. I do not now, nor ever thought I would agree with him on everything he does.
    That said.... he is STILL a thousand times better than McCain would have been or than Bush ever was.
    I have never thought politicians were going to be able to solve everything or that we should wait for them before we act... as the saying goes, when the people lead, the leaders will follow.....
    To that end, instead of being just pissed off about this, we all need to take the time and let him know how we feel about this.

  19. Jody:

    "That said.... he is STILL a thousand times better than McCain would have been or than Bush ever was."

    You catch on quick. I knew you would catch on to what I meant when I posted this, "Whelp, people can always put in a request and ask Bush and Cheney to come back and rule." Because it, definitely, could be worst. I agree, after all, President Obama himself put up that Web Site and sends out e-mails asking for our input. That is what it is there for so we should write him and let him know how we feel about it.

    Jody, when you gone run for house of representatives? Granny would move to your state just to vote for you. :>)

    This is one I'm still trying to figure out why people say this: Why do people keep saying remember President Obama is still a politician? Yes! That is his occupation, a politician, so why wouldn't he use the tools of a politician? He is just not crooked like the prior administration was. President Obama is not perfect, but he beats what we've endured for eight years by anyone's standards, that is, of course, except the teabaggers.

  20. Well if you're going to sue the Federal Gov't you know you have to be on top of things. Also if it's a class action suit that means other people were benefitting from the work of other people fighting. You have the option to join or refuse. So no Obama isn't going to hold the hands of those disenfranchised and lead them down the path to legal victory. Plus as we know the gov't is broke. Yup Obama is a politician and not the Messiah. The sooner Black people who want to leave him on a pedestal realize that the better.

  21. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Seems to me when I looked at this at the beginning of the Bushit Administration, it was a hell of a lot more than a "measley" $1-2 billion.I believe the minimum was $2-3 billion - and that didn't count the cases arising from the Bushit Agriculture implementing the same discriminatory policies that caused the suits in the first place.

    Now here's what's interesting. In 2000, frustrated with progress on payments to the farmers by USDA, some black farmers groups threw their support to the Bushit -


    That support for the Bushit was based on the Black Caucus opposing a bill proposed by two Republicans to get their money -

    Republican Reps. Jay Dickey of Arkansas and J.C. Watts of Oklahoma picked up the farmers' cause and sponsored legislation to help them collect on their lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and to prevent foreclosure on their land. Rather than join the Republicans and help the black farmers, the Black Caucus killed the GOP bills. It was politics as usual in Washington.By 2002 -

    They weren't happy again...


    And BTW, I am a black farmer - although to be honest the land is leased to a company who farms it.

    Winter Wheat and Soybeans.

    About all I grow myself by my own hand in my little 10 x 10 plot is some Tomato Plants, different herbs, peppers, and Eggplant.

  22. "the deadline period to file was so short that thousands of farmers with legitimate claims missed out on the filing deadline and got zilch."


    Ok devil's advocate... how could they have missed said deadline? I am sure they were aware that a case was in litigation, especially when it won a near billion dollars to give away. Didn't they have a little organization among themselves while all this was going on? Did they miss the deadline because of something sinister, or was it their careless error? (RIF)


  23. grinder12:05 AM

    how could they have missed said deadline? I am sure they were aware that a case was in litigation, especially when it won a near billion dollars to give awayBunch of poor farmers, many not well educated, and used to being shit on their whole lives. And you want to blame them for not following a class action lawsuit? Please.

  24. Grinder, I already took that into consideration, and it's unfortunate this had to happen to them in the first place, but there is no excuse with something this serious. The litigation process didn't happen over night. I'm sure these men know how to communicate everything else under the sun.

    I bet if it had something to do with women of all skin hue giving away free boom boom to black male farmers, they wouldn't have missed that deadline. Please.

  25. grinder12:25 AM

    I bet if it had something to do with women of all skin hue giving away free boom boom to black male farmers, they wouldn't have missed that deadline. Please.<>

    Cute. Real cute, ya fuckin' racist.

  26. "I bet if it had something to do with women of all skin hue giving away free boom boom to black male farmers, they wouldn't have missed that deadline."

    Granny covering her eyes with both hands. (wink)

  27. ut oh! Counting one...two...three...four...

  28. oh Grinder, cut the drama. And please stop the over performance like you even care that much about those black farmers.

  29. Sorry Granny, I tried to say it as nicely as I could (I usually have you in mind before I over do it with my potty mouth) wink.

  30. Good Post, FN.

    Great Post.

    I will point out that Three Billion is what we give to the 51st State EVERY YEAR.

  31. I feel like they should give those black farmers the same amount they gave the others. What they are offering them is almost like they giving them what they give poor people when they have an automobile accident. Just enough to pacify them because they don't think they deserve all that money. Only rich folks need that much money in their opinion.

    I bet the lawyers got the biggest slice of it. That's usually how those class action suits work. They could leave out the class part of that title if you ask me because its more like a scam action suit.

    I remember when the Oakland hills caught on fire and burned all those wealthy folks out. Those people were living in million dollar homes. You would have thought that they were the poorest people in the world the way the charitable spirit of giving was in the air like it was Christmas. But let some real hope to die poor people's neighborhood burn down like that and they would have had them poor folks fill out a questionaire telling all their personal business, ask them for at least 10 references, fingerprint them, and do a background check just to give them a blanket, a can of condensed milk, and a loaf of stale bread.

    Sometimes I wonder about America, truly I do. Smh!

  32. I forgot to add that's probably why didn't too many of those farmers know about the scam action suit, because that would have ate into some of those lawyer's money. Can't have that now can we. Smh!

  33. Hey and that's a forty page questionaire at that. Smh!

  34. What's this, you won't tell us why Obama did this, FN? Please, pretty please, I want to know now! ;-)

    I hope this story gets more press, but if it does, will that mean he starts to pick up more conservative votes?

    He goes overboard sometimes trying to "reach consensus" aka bend over and grab your ankles compromise.

    But he's still better than the last guy we had in the Oval Office.

  35. The compromises & evasions are starting to accumulate. & i think, if he's saving himself for something really major & long-lasting, like universal health care, well maybe I can accept him not pushing to renew the assault weapon ban. But at the same time, I wonder if he's showing that he hasn't got the political mojo to get health care reform passed.

  36. Off topic... kinda... your sidebar has the I heart the earth... Today is Earth Day. I hope everyone today will take a moment, touch a tree, and thank it for cleaning our air, cooling our climes and adding beauty to our lives... I know I will.

  37. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Maybe, just maybe, Obama is starting to realize that there is a limited amount of money in the treasury, and is trying to cut back. Oh, I forgot, he can just print more, so he can give it away.....

  38. [quote]But with 25,000 new claims and counting, the Obama administration is now arguing that the $100 million budget should be considered a cap to be split among the successful cases.[/quote]

    Filled Negro:

    I have a "win / win" solution that I'd like to run past you.

    Since the current cap is at $100 million and since Obama is seeking to slash $100 million out of his $3,600,000 MILLION dollar ($3.6 trillion) budget why don't we make use of the fact that many of these farmers have been driven out of the business and at least some of them are likely unemployed - (to the delight of Bush)

    Let's make these former Black Former-Farmers GOVERNMENT AUDITORS!! Allow them to keep .0001% of all government waste that they find in this $3,600,000 million budget. Thus they would have the cap lifted to $360 million in potential proceeds to work with.

    What do you say Filled Negro?
    Why not allow these Black Former-Farmers to help Barack Obama successfully cut more money out of the budget just as he says is needed?

  39. [quote]I feel like they should give those black farmers the same amount they gave the others. What they are offering them is almost like they giving them what they give poor people when they have an automobile accident. Just enough to pacify them because they don't think they deserve all that money. Only rich folks need that much money in their opinion.[/quote]

    Granny -

    Do you ever notice that you and other folks LOVE to give out "the Public's Money" to VICTIMS of the government but hate with a passion various government contractors who submit invoices for payment of services provided to the government per their request?

    For many of you - your ideology is only checked when a VICTIM sues your LOCAL GOVERNMENT and thus drains millions of dollars in a punitive damage lawsuit against a city, for example, which is already under budget duress and is shutting down needed public services because they don't have money (the libraries in Philadelphia, for example)

    THIS IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE about how some of you DON'T MIND sending PUBLIC MONEY into PRIVATE HANDS.......VICTIMHOOD changes everything with you.But I am happy about the PROGRESS. At a recent gathering of progressives instead of complaining about Iraq War spending - AIG is your new target in your commentary "How is it that the government can give AIG hundreds of billions but can't spend money on............"

  40. Constructive Feedback said...
    THIS IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE about how some of you DON'T MIND sending PUBLIC MONEY into PRIVATE HANDS.......VICTIMHOOD changes everything with you.But I am happy about the PROGRESS. At a recent gathering of progressives instead of complaining about Iraq War spending - AIG is your new target in your commentary "How is it that the government can give AIG hundreds of billions but can't spend money on............"


    You know I wonder sometimes when folks around here are going to click their heels and come on back to Kansas.......or increase their dosage of aricept.

  41. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Field, you will do and say anything to get out of this Broad street run. lol


  42. @Laurel
    You are correct, they Bourgoise prefers to maintain the status quo, then colloborate colletively to win.
    This Black Farmers issue is a on going saga, they have been suing the USDA for decades old discrimination. In the words of Elon White...I knew Obama was going to piss me off and do something I didnt like, well this is one of those issues!

  43. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Several things need to be followed up on with this story.

    First of all is the promise by the administration to "do more" at a later date...the idea that this is just a first step. Well, we'll see. And we should definitely demand a specific plan about how this will move forward.

    Second, at issue is not just whether claims/affidavits were "late" or not, but whether the burdens of proof were reasonable or not. From http://www.federationsoutherncoop.com/pigfordleg07.htm:

    The requirement that each farmer who made a claim in the Pigford case had to list one or more white farmers in his or her community who were similarly situated and did receive benefits from USDA, when these benefits were denied to the Black farmer, proved to be difficult. Many Black farmers did not know the specific white farmers who received USDA loans and assistance. There were problems in determining who was “similarly situated” and what that meant in practical terms after decades of discrimination that prevented fair and equitable comparisons.Finally, there have been a few cases of fraud with this lawsuit. That is not unique to this particular case, but it will be important for the administration, as they want to be seen as "transparent" and "accountable," to simultaneously move forward with investigations, prosecutions, and restitution of fraudulent claims as they insure that those who are owed receive a full and fair amount.

  44. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Interesting takes on this issue.

    What about Oprah?

    She's always looking for something to get her name out there! This is a perfect platform and the price would be nothing compared to all of the admiration she would receive. Heck, she might even get a Nobel prize out of it!

  45. Hey Field Negro,

    I am glad you are covering this issue!

    Obama is still a biracial...still loyal to whites... and surely we know that he must appease the white electorate at all costs since THEY gave him his job.

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  46. cinco1:09 PM

    To who/whom do the black farmers distribute their products to? Perhaps this would be another angle to approach to encourage their suppliers to make sure that they are given their fair share. Shop at those markets/stores that support the plight of all farmers, especially those within their communities.

    I still get pissed. I never expected any other President to do or say anything about anything...too many people have expectations of Pres. Obama. I'm glad in a way because if he doesn't do another damn thing, he has accomplished at least this- he has made many people feel like someone is listening' and someone in government actually gives a damn!

  47. "But he's still better than the last guy we had in the Oval Office."

    Yeah. Several people have said that, and I agree. Yet, it's a foregone conclusion that has yet to be proven.

    Obama/Bush comparisons in order to compensate for Obama screwing these 'poor' black farmers doesn't make it right.

    "You can't blame it on the Bush administration anymore," said John Boyd, head of the National Black Farmers Association, which has organized the lawsuits. 'I can't figure out for the life of me why the president wouldn't want to implement a bill that he fought for as a U.S. Senator'"

    Field 'claims' that he knows 'why' but doesn't want to tell for fear of losing his Obamaholic readership. One 'could' infer that Field has determined that the TRUTH might be too much for Obamaholics to handle. The TRUTH must be 'horrible'.

    Obama's political move against black farmers really sucks. Furthermore, to 'minimize' Obama's actions with talk of- "At least he is better than Bush"--doesn't cut it anymore. Besides, it remains to be seen.

  48. Constructive:

    "Do you ever notice that you and other folks LOVE to give out "the Public's Money" to VICTIMS of the government but hate with a passion various government contractors who submit invoices for payment of services provided to the government per their request?"

    Could it be because a lot of those contractors was exaggerating their services like Haliburton did over in Iraq and being overpaid? Or did you think what they charged for a box of nails was reasonable? Victimhood? Yeah, like the BANKS and CORPORATIONS who play victimhood for instance? Or maybe, you're referring to Haliburton. Talk about Victimhood, Corporations have been playing Victimhood for ages.

    And why not give the black farmers some money when they need help, the government couldn't get that money to those white farmers quick enough when they needed it. They probably delivered them that money federal express one day service. Black farmers are trying to maintain a business just like any other businessperson. You see, according to your way of thinking if they are rich and jacking the money off on luxury items, paying exorbitant prices for trips, and paying $50,000 for a motorcycle to decorate the office with, or importing elephants for their office party and get down on their luck they deserve it.

  49. Anonymous 11:48:

    "What about Oprah?
    She's always looking for something to get her name out there! This is a perfect platform and the price would be nothing compared to all of the admiration she would receive. Heck, she might even get a Nobel prize out of it!"

    You got to be talking about the another Oprah because Oprah Winfrey is a multi-billionaire, she doesn't have to go out seeking attention or earn any admiration. If she were to become a recluse, folks would be trying to climb her fence, hide in her closet, and hide in the trees to put her on camera and flash it on television.

    She is a successful intelligent black woman and she doesn't have to stoop to pettiness to make a name for herself, she already has one. Smh!

  50. Bush didn't give the farmers one red cent. In fact, discrimination and racism ran rampant during his administration. I'm not making any excuses for Obama on this farmer's deal because I don't like that one myself.

    However, don't overlook the fact that he has a Republican over that particular Federal branch of government, I'd like to know what his report says, and like someone said on a prior post, "there have been a few cases of fraud with this lawsuit. That is not unique to this particular case..." Which is understandable that usually happens when a large sum of money is being given out.

    Nevertheless, I still feel that the farmers should receive equal treatment and equal money and that President Obama should uphold his end of the bargain. Right is right and wrong is wrong!

  51. It's not really about black farmers. It's about justice.

  52. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Just Wonderin......

    are Y'all embarassed to buy Watermelon at the Sto'? Or at one of those roadside stands?? now its mostly Mexicans and I don't gotta tell y'all what they use for fertilizer... Mail Order Watermelons... could be a money maker, probably alot of y'all pay a pretty penny to have a Big-un delivered in a Brown Paper Wrapper just like Porn... Sure, those overnight delivery prices are high, but beats havin to see that smirkin red neck Cashier at Winn-Dixie...


  53. cinco2:33 PM

    @Field Negro...

    Must you continue to allow race baiters, people haters, and plain old ignorant assholes to take up the space here?

    It's a stretch sometimes to continue to read the comments while weeding our the trash...

  54. Frank,

    You never fail to make life seem like one GIANT insult, which makes it seem both ridiculous and hilarious.

  55. "It's not really about black farmers. It's about justice."

    Grinder, you hit the nail on the head. No more argument is necessary...Thanks.

  56. LMAO at Constructive Criticism.

    I gotta say CC, that there's a whole lot of nothing. Lotsa words, but no gift whatsoever.

    To be honest, I can't really read your ranting, but I am fascinated/impressed that it actually takes several seconds to down-arrow away from it.

    Are you one of those 45 year old folks that still lives with his mom, or a meth-head tweaker?

  57. blackwomenblowthetrumpet.blogspot.Obama is still a biracial...still loyal to whites... and surely we know that he must appease the white electorate at all costs since THEY gave him his job.

    I've been saying it since Obama was elected, when we get a Prez, male of female, that looks like Eddie Murphy or Wesley Snipes, ONLY then can we say that America has looked beyond "color" and elected a Black man or Woman President. Not to take anything away from the achievement because I get the historicaL significance of it. But the fact is that Obama was acceptable to White America because his Mother was White.

  58. Field Negro,

    You should know better than to believe ANYTHING AP says. Both the President AND AG Holder are invited guest speakers at the National Black Farmers Association's Legislative Conference:

    Here's the schedule for the April 29 event in Washington. Check out the invited guest speakers.

    The Liaison Capitol Hill Hotel

    415 New Jersey Ave NW

    Washington DC 20001

    Ph 202 434-0115

    Note Invited Panelist

    National Black Farmers Association

    April 29th 2009 Legislative Conference

    8:00 am-9:00 Breakfast

    9:00 am – 10:00 am Panel #1:

    “Availability of Federal Funds to Small and Black Farmers”

    Invited Speakers: USDA Undersecretary James “Jim” Miller, Rep. Sanford Bishop (AG Appropriations), Rep. Lincoln Davis (AG Appropriations), Sen. Tom Harkin (Chair Ag Committee), Farm Service Agency and USDA Undersecretary Dallas Tonsager

    10:00 pm – 11:00 pm Panel #2

    “The Cost to the Black Farmer of Anti-Competitive Practices in the Bio-Tech Seed and Chemical Industries”

    Invited Speakers: Rep. Conyers (MI) , Rep. Johnson (GA), Rep. Jackson-Lee (TX), Rep. Watt (NC), Sen. Kohl (WI), Sen. Leahy (VT)

    12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch

    "Update on the status of the Pigford Lawsuit”

    Dr. Boyd, Jim Farrin, Lawrence Lucas
    Invited Speakers: President Obama, Attorney General Holder, Secretary Vislack ******(USDA), Rep. McIntyre (NC), Rep. Bosewell (IA), Rep Scott (GA), Rep. Scott (VA), Sen. Cardin (MD), Rep. Lee, Sen. Grassley (IA)

    2 pm

    Dr. Boyd Comments and call to Action



    Vienna Wolf Trap Hotel

    430 Maple Avenue West

    Vienna, Virginia 22180

    Phone: (703) 281-2230

    Only $88 per night

    Holiday Inn Central

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  59. cinco said...
    @Field Negro...
    Must you continue to allow race baiters, people haters, and plain old ignorant assholes to take up the space here?

    I don't agree with the point you made previously, but no one knows better than I do that the answer to this question is HELL YEAH, LOL!!!!I guess I'm fortunate I don't deal much with idiots much in my real life (except when driving) so I can appreciate the diversity!!!!

    But look at it this way, it takes all types to make the world go 'round.

  60. Hi Granny!

    I admit it, I was Anon 11:48! I was trying to be funny while being mean. I was FOR the O'Ness before Oprah was for him!

    Remember when Oprah pulled that stunt of giving a car to everyone in her audience and half the folks couldn't keep it due to taxes, insurance, etc? Oprah is all about Oprah; she is a House Negro. That's how she got where she is. If you'll remember, she was little better than Springer when she first appeared in syndication (from my fair city, Chicago).

    As for her book club, she is getting book stores to order lots of copies of whatever book she is going to announce far in advance. This is called blind selling. Blind selling has taken the Left's best friend :), Ann Coulter, straight to the top of the NY Times Best Seller list. Now, do you think this is an ethical practice? Blind selling ended up being a disaster for the publishers of O Jay's book.

    While I didn't directly comment on this blog, I am baffled by the O'Man not jumping right on this and taking care of business. This is not a hand-out, it is a fair settlement for a group of people who were wronged by the Federal Government.

    Black farmers, by the way, are not all from the South, like a lot of y'all seem to be thinking.

    Glad you've still got your guns loaded, Granny. Keep us in line!


  61. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I gotta side with "Cinco"... can't y'all do sumthin bout the Race Baiters, People Haters, and ignorant A-holes that post here???
    Umm "Cinco", y'all know that means "Five" in Mexican??? It's like those dummasses that get "I'm Gay" tatood on their arm In japanese...


    P.S. Whats with your Sixers?? Watched the whole game and didn't see Iverson once.

  62. B# said...
    "One 'could' infer that Field has determined that the TRUTH might be too much for Obamaholics to handle. The TRUTH must be 'horrible'.... "At least he is better than Bush"--doesn't cut it anymore. Besides, it remains to be seen.

    Funny stuff, LOL!!

  63. Whoa Nelly!3:25 PM

    Fewer than two percent of Americans are farmers today. Farming has already gone the way of corporations, this is a moot point. You should be more worried about HR 875.

  64. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The big corporation of america is done,i cant wait until all the real mayhem starts.It's over for the white man.All you sports/clothes hoes & bankroll niggers are going down with the devil,all you bible thumping amen church negroes are toast as well.
    have fun heathens time is short.

    the god of perfect blackness 33

  65. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Anon 33,

    Where will you be when the mayhem starts, Heaven? Will you be the only one St. Peter lets through the gate? Then I'd rather go to hell, cause it'll be more peaceful there.

  66. Whitney:

    Hey, Granny is so glad to see you posting again. I missed you so much and you would come to my mind often. I've even asked people on here had they heard from you. Glad to see you though.

  67. Would someone please call the mental hospitals and check around to see if they have a patient missing? Let them know that one of their patients is posting on the Field. Smh!

  68. Whitney:

    I had left to go do some shopping at one of my favorite places the book store. I just got back a few minutes ago. Folks not gone believe this, I did not buy one single book today.

    The clerks in the bookstore thought something was wrong with me. They asked me, "Are you okay today?" And I said, "Yes, I'm doing great." Then they said to me, "I thought, maybe, you weren't feeling well because your not buying a book today."

    Now you know, I really must end my addiction to books. I mean when clerks start thinking something is wrong with you because you didn't buy a book that is saying a lot. (wink)

    I am going to go and take a nap for a little bit and might come back on later on.

  69. no diss to all the sun colored people herein

    but the piss colored obama is pissing on us all harder each day...

    and daring to call it "hopeful" rains

    he is a typical house nigger
    showing his true stripes
    and cloning massa gwb moreso each day

    and even some obama nazis will soon rudely awaken!!!


  70. laurel

    i feel u
    but the middle class is dead and dying

    the intraracial divide is no longer about class as most of us are poor and will be so asap...

    my divide is a moral one
    ie young heathen parents who teach their kids to torture/gaybash civilized peers to death

    many poor parents are excellent

    and most are at the club...with 40 yr old grandmas in tow


  71. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Alicia, get a grip!

  72. hey coward/anon:

    if you had a grip
    you would show an id

    i have a grip

    did you cc this "advice" to any black farmers too?

    perhaps they can grip onto the items they are packing up on the lost acres...huh?

    my grip lends me clarity about obama

    it is the obama nazis and kool-aids drinkers who are way gone!

    see more here:


  73. @FlyNMy40s...

    In retrospect, I do see your point. Even those with mental health issues deserve a moment or two to 'speak'-so I agree, let them bring it on!

  74. c/a:

    you grip this:



  75. It would be one thing if this mess fell on the O-man's lap and he had to say to the farmers "Hey, we're broke!", but that is not the case. PBO, spearheaded this issue while he was a Senator on the way to the White House, so it's time to pay the piper as they say.

  76. ditto mn!

    why are corp ceo crooks and bankers the only ones obama is writing huge checks to?

    why can't he write any check to these black farmers?

    because even food must be used as a weapon of class in the new world order

    bo = gwb2!

    and his blackish mask and afro swag will make that moron gwb and shadow prez dick look like HIS proteges...

    see more here:



  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. @FlyNMy40s
    I leave defense of the booty shakers to you and Karrine Steffans!

  79. Dailyfare6:07 PM

    What's preventing President Obama from helping black farmers in other ways, regardless of what happens with this particular class action? Just because this action was compromised doesn't preclude other benefits from occuring. Just because they don't get THIS money doesn't mean they won't get any money.

    Is it this or nothing? I hope that's not the case.

  80. ditto.

    see "show and tell":


  81. Hey Granny,

    Were those comments and the "Smh" directed at the queen (do you get my drift)?

    You kill me w/ the Smh :):):). My granny used to do that, too.

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