Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hey Texas, when are you going to start this little secession thing? The rest of us are getting impatient.


That was the sign on Gayle and Sheila Muh's property in Liberty County, Texas. Seems like they are serious about property rights down in the -soon to be-country of Texas. You all remember the case of old Joe Horn (Didn't he play for the Saints?) down in Houston, right? He walked free and is now appearing at a "Tea Party" near you after killing a couple of illegals who were breaking into his neighbor's home.

Anyway, back to the Muhs. Unfortunately the Coffey family either didn't see the sign or chose to ignore it, and as a result, it cost their seven year old son his life. The poor little guy died at a Houston hospital just a couple of days after being struck in the head with shot gun pellets.

Apparently this unsuspecting family had the nerve to be off- roading near the Muh's property and stopped to go to the bathroom. According to the Houston Chronicle the couple fired when they "mistakenly" thought the family was trespassing on their property. And apparently in the great state of Texas, killing trespassers is a family sport.

"Liberty County Chief Deputy Ken DeFoor said Sheila Muhs fired a 12-gauge shotgun once, then handed it to her husband who also fired once." (It's a good thing that they[the Muhs] didn't have kids or the whole [Coffey] family would have been wiped out. The family that shoots together stays together) "DeFoor said Sheila Muhs then called 911 and told the dispatcher: They are out here tearing up the levee, so I shot them." See folks, in Texas, levees are very important. But there is just one little problem; the levee in question belonged to the subdivision and was not on private property.

So now a seven year old is dead; a family friend is in serious condition; and a wounded father is left to mourn the loss of his son. But hey, that's how they roll in Texas. I bet governor "good hair"loved this story.

You know Governor, I was thinking; maybe that Ordinance Of Secession wasn't such a bad idea.


  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    If they bail out CA and NY Times, I'm gonna support seccecion too. Maybe OK has the right idea.


  2. Well, these bubbas may find out that even in Texas, you can't go around shooting little kids..... If a Texas jury doesn't find them guilty, then I really DO hope that Texas secedes, cuz I don't want any part of this kind of disgusting ugly.

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    My list of States I wish would seceded already:
    1) Texas
    2) Louisiana
    3) Alabama
    4) Mississippi
    Hell, the entire south should just freaking leave already. I'm sure the terrorist would love taken over there areas along with the illegals aliens. It would be so asomeone to sit at home watching on TV as they dumb asses struggle to survive without the protection of the Federal government in the 21st century. Jeez, you'd think after getting the shit kicked out of them by the North they'd learn to come down by now with all this state rights and secession talk.

  4. Very very scary. These white folk look like serial killers. Yikes! Alfred Hitchcock couldn't have made a more scary movie! I say to hell with Tex-ass and Alask-ass and let 'em go. I am tired of cowboys! This is disgraceful! A child is dead, the family is grieving and no one cares. That's Tex-ass!

    I lived there under Shrub. Truly outlaws, the lot of them! Shrub killed a lot of folks on death row, mostly black, and even a developmentally disabled person. Go and start your own state.

    I despise small minded folks!

  5. I'm from Texas and I can tell you that people here are shocked and outraged.

    Why do you have to blame the crimes of two people on the entire state of Texas?

    You are stereotyping, something that you rile against when someone does it against blacks.

    Most Texans don't want to secede and most Texans don't kill children for the sport of it.

    Sure, we got some nuts down in some of the smaller counties but it is absurd to paint Texas with one broad brush.

  6. This is definitely a sad story!

  7. They'll never get Austin to go along. It'll end up like West Berlin.

  8. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Saleema, I'm still a little bitter about the SWC days but I haven't met many Texans in person I didn't like. We used to convoy through there in trucks on the way to FT. Hood and they always treated us like guests.


  9. Saleema, don't take it personal, some of my best friends are from Texas.

    "My list of States I wish would seceded already:
    1) Texas
    2) Louisiana
    3) Alabama
    4) Mississippi"

    Care to add Arkansas & Kentucky to the list? And I am sorry,I have to disagree with you on "The Boot" (#2). We can't give up all that great food, music, and beautiful women. I tell you what; let's split the state in half. The Northern part can go but the Southern half stays.

    OK Bob, Austin and some parts of Dallas and Houston can stay. But that's it for Texas.

  10. szpork,

    I'm now in Mississippi. We were going to meet in Arkansas. How 'bout it? Click on my name and send me a message.


  11. Field,

    Kentucky, the western part of the state, have at it. As for Arkansas, leave Little Rock and Hot Springs, and take the rest.

    I have a house in the W part of KY and I have to agree, it's gotta go. Just cut a swath down Tornado Alley and let's be done with it.


  12. This is sad and disgusting. I remember this story, but I also have a question, were the victims white? Just wondering.

  13. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Field, I'm not smart enough to understand this and wouldn't be at all surprised if I'm completely wrong... But didn't Oklahoma secede last week? And the boot includes Arkansas. LSU baseball is gonna sweep the College World Series.

    Arkansas is legally bound to have a balanced budget every year. Wish CA was.


  14. Anonymous11:43 PM

    If the kid is white, there will be some serious jail time. Otherwise, all bets are off because this did not happen within Houston's city limits.

  15. Wow there field, did you just really pull a "I'm not ______ because my best friend is a ______?" Let's not copy the white man's most common trick, unless you have a penchant for hipster irony now.

  16. old white guy11:59 PM

    I live way out in the country in Tennessee and I have a shotgun, a rifle, and several pistols. I need those weapons for varmints and , yes, self defense. If I called 911 it could be an hour before anyone got here. I also have one of those signs mentioned in the article. It is in my basement. As long as it is in my basement, it is sort of funny. But when people start taking that shit serious, they are sick, whether from Texas or not. If they are mentally competent to stand trial, I hope they fry. But from the pictures there may be some question about their mental capacity. In any case, a child is dead and that just tugs at the heartstrings.
    Bruce Campbell

  17. I heard this teaser on the news and googled it this morning. Two very young babies were shot here in run-bys. When children are injured or killed in this kind of violence, it makes me want to persally secede from the union and form my own state. I'd call it The State of I'm Sick of You People. I just weep over these stories. Seriously, what kind of people are we?

  18. Give up the birth place of jazz? Over my dead body. The entire south can go but we are keeping NOLA. Oh, yes.

  19. Anonymous12:27 AM

    "I need those weapons for varmints"

    For the benefit of us clueless city types, what's a varmint, according to you? They must be bothering you a lot, if you need "several pistols" to deal with them. Sir, I'm not being sarcastic, just trying to find out more about a way of life that I've little knowledge of.

  20. old white guy1:19 AM

    "For the benefit of us clueless city types, what's a varmint, according to you? They must be bothering you a lot, if you need "several pistols" to deal with them. Sir, I'm not being sarcastic, just trying to find out more about a way of life that I've little knowledge of."

    A varmint is an animal that causes problems. Rabbits eat the garden. Ground hogs dig holes that my horses can step in and break a leg. Poison snakes near the house. Field mice near the house, even near the barn if they overpopulate. Stray dogs. Damn city folks drop off their dogs out in the country to get rid of them thinking, I guess, that they can survive but they cannot. When they get hungry they can be a danger to kids, cats, chickens, etc. Animals of any size with rabies can be a problem. I have only shot one skunk with rabies.

    The shotgun and one .38 caliber pistol are for self defense. One .22 caliber pistol I carry while on the tractor to shoot field mice. Two .22 caliber pistols are for target practice. It is not safe to own guns unless you shoot enough to be comfortable handling the weapons. Now don't laugh. I grew up watching western movies and TV shows. I had a toy pistol and holster that I really enjoyed. So in my second childhood, I have two real .22 caliber western pistol just to practice quick draw and other fancy maneuvers. Neither have ever been fired or even loaded.

    Hey, you asked.

    Not everyone that owns or shoots a gun is a lunatic.

  21. I just saw this story again on our local news (also had a story about Dirk Novitsky's Baby-Mama-Drama (she's from 'hurr'), and a New Black Panther Parter leader leading a protest against the killing of a Black suspect by a local police department).

    Yes - the victims were white (well the mother of the child was).
    All involved looked as though they were on the porch with that kid pickin' the banjo in Deliverence.

    The cities in Texas are okay - but other than within the city limits of Austin, San Antonio, Dalls and Houston - you may as well be living in the Antebellum South.

    (Yep, while hella' poor - the lower part of The Boot has too much culture to give up.)

  22. Let's not kick out the entire South, ok. I live here.

    Saleema, calm down. It amazes me how anxious some people, and Saleema I'm gonna guess you're not black, get when they have the opportunity to say to black people, "See look. You're racist, too."

    There're lots of differences between stereotyping a state and an entire race of people. One is a state and the other is a group of people.

    Sorry to the other commentors if I shouldn't take it some personally. It just bothers me the quickness with which non-black, especially white, people will try to compare some largely trivial matter to the very large matter of institutional racism.

    As for the story, if it's true that the kids were white, then these 2 will see sometime. And I mean all 16 grandparents being white. If anyone in the family has a hint of "nigra" or Latin in them, they'll probably go free. Just like the guy who shot two men in the back after they robbed his neighbors house and was leaving the neighborhood. Yes, I know the situations are vastly different. Two grown, criminal men and two perfectly innocent little kids. But none of them should've been shot and/or killed. Period.

  23. Those two look like death warmed over twice. The article said they were both 45 yrs old. That's GOT to be a mistake.

  24. "Wow there field, did you just really pull a "I'm not ______ because my best friend is a ______?" Let's not copy the white man's most common trick, unless you have a penchant for hipster irony now."


    old white guy, isn't a "varmint" also a republican voter? Just asking.

    "The article said they were both 45 yrs old. That's GOT to be a mistake."

    Yeah that's an old looking 45.

  25. There are many who don't look like those two, believe property rights have a higher value than human life.

  26. Gayle and Sheila might be spending some serious time in jail.

  27. I read the news reports Saturday about the Texas man who was jailed for 83 days for skipping jury duty.

    Yep, 83 days. In 2009 -- not 1909.

    So, for 83 days, the man didn't go to work, lost his job, couldn't provide for his family and acquired a record.

    Don't even get me started on Texas billing rape victims for their rape kits.

    I've seen two polls by national polling organizations on the topic of Texas seceding from the Union and both polls indicate a majority of the American people would like to see it happen. Washington DC is ready and willing to take Texas' place at the Union table.

  28. "Just like the guy who shot two men in the back after they robbed his neighbors house and was leaving the neighborhood. Yes, I know the situations are vastly different. "

    no1kstate, they are not as different as you might think. That was one of the points of my post. Whenver you get a culture in a place where guns are almost as important as food, and where property is as valuable as human life,(see what Hathor said) you are going to have incidents like this. It's not always the dirty brown illegals who are going to lose their lives.

    Christopher, I think I have to co-sign.

  29. Anonymous7:37 AM

    You know, basically, this country was founded (that would be by white people, never mind that it was already "founded" by Native Americans, who didn't realize that's what they were...oh, never mind...) by criminals. Religious criminals at first. Then, we sent OUR criminals to the south of this fine part of the continent, where mosquitos and malaria ruled, copperheads and bugs galore. Anyway, not that all southerners are idiots (plenty of those, worldwide), but there seems to be a particular type of idiot that the Muhs (come on, what kind of name is that) exemplify. Scary. Shoot anything that moves. Their house is probably full of bullet holes.....
    These folks are primitives, atavistic, truly scary - yet..and yet...still too much with us. Why, I dunno. Guess they just haven't killed one another off yet.

    Spare us...please.

    Sarah Deere

  30. "These folks are primitives, atavistic, truly scary - yet..and yet...still too much with us. Why, I dunno. Guess they just haven't killed one another off yet."-Sarah Deere


    You can go to many rural areas in this country and find these types to one degree or another. Muh's?!
    Sort of like that Catholic priest caught w/ a beach babe. His name...Father Alberto Cutie. Look it up!

  31. texas is not alone...

    obama's adopted states of HI and IL are also quietly yet seriously considering secession...

    see more on this at:



  32. those herein bashing the south are feigning that the north is some sort of racial utopia...

    all regions of the usa are racist...perhaps moreso now than ever due to our blackish prez...

    and all regions have contributed great

    ebony and jet mags are creations of the arkansan john

    in many ways chicago and nyc are FAR more racist than ar/tx etc...

    lynchings were and are national events

    even dubois and mlk spoke about the north being far more rabidly racist than the south in more subtle ways...that is unchanged

    ie northern KKK wear designer suits and don briefcases...

    housing in the north to date is FAR more segregated than southern

    keep it real,

  33. obama's adopted states of HI and IL are also quietly yet seriously considering secession...Sigh.

    Hawaii, IS NOT, Obama's "adopted state."

    Hawaii, IS, Obama's place of birth.

    Just keeping it real (and accurate.)

  34. uptownsteve9:40 AM


    Seems that you're ready to defend everyone except black men.

    What's up with that?

  35. uptownsteve9:44 AM

    Did anyone check out the far-right website that ab linked?

    Whoa baby!!!!

  36. i am defending no one

    racism in indefensible on all states in all regions of the usa

    the jury is still out on obama's birth place


  37. "As for the story, if it's true that the kids were white, then these 2 will see sometime."
    Then yes, they will be prosecuted fully. That's the only time these crazy ass uncivilized toothless wonders get prosecuted by other white people. 

    Also, I actually suspected the victims were white. I say this because you won’t find the average black individual/family so trusting and naive to walk around a white "bubba" area like this in the first place.  Not blaming victims, just making an observation. It's a shame.

  38. i embrace truth wherever it is posted

    that is not a far right site

    it is an anti-govt drone site

    rather than bash the site
    count the states that are seceeding
    that is the point on topic!

    and even a broken clock is right twice a day


  39. more on obama's birth is here:


  40. Those two look like they've been doing mammoth amounts of meth. No wonder they're paranoid and taking potshots at kids.

  41. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Steve and Alicia, not tody. Please.

  42. uptownsteve10:06 AM


    I disagree with you of course.

    I'm originally from NYC and have lived in the DC are most of my adult life and definitely have noticed a difference in the way blacks and whites deal with each other up here and in the deep South.

    I'm not really concerned about anyone feels about me but I'm definitely concerned about behavior toward me.

    And in my visits to Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, a lot of whites are still overt with their anti-black sentiment in ways that wouldn't be tolerated in the North.

    There's a reason why the Deep South is all red electorately.

  43. anon:

    read the posts

    you will see that steve is always the one attacking me while blatantly ignoring my points...

    so admonish him
    not me


  44. steve

    cc that to:

    yusef hawkins
    sean bell
    gavin cato
    amadou diallo
    eleanor bumpers
    bernard getz


    spare me,

  45. If a Producer hired me to find a "Texas redneck" couple and I brought back pictures of the Muhs...he would fire me for being too obvious ;-)

    Yet, If I saw the Muhs walking towards me on a country road I would run screaming in the opposite direction.....sorry.

  46. us:

    i will raise your ms to bensonhurst
    ...and cicero, il

    and throw in one abner louima...


  47. uptownsteve10:18 AM


    You really don't want to get in a tit for tat here do you?

    James Byrd
    Garnett Johnson
    Jena LA,
    Tunica MS,
    Bernard Monroe
    Marcus Dixon

    Gavin Cato was hit by a car BTW.

    Spare you?

  48. uptownsteve10:21 AM

    "...and cicero, il"

    Cicero, Il is mostly hispanic these days sweetie.,_Illinois

  49. thanks you steve for proving my ORIGINAL point yet again!

    BOTH the south and north are equally racist!!!

    the first bf lynched was in illinois!


  50. mlk said cicero was the only place he had ecer truly felt afraid of death...

    and many hispanics are racist too

    like the SOUTH, cicero has changed

    my name is spanish alicia
    uh lee see uh

    save your sexist obama "sweetie" cloned slurs for someone else


  51. uptownsteve10:37 AM

    okay snookums.

  52. us:

    i see that your sexist disrespect is posted in lieu of a valid point

    duly noted,

  53. uptownsteve10:55 AM

    I bet you wouldn't get mad if Mr. Whitey called you "snookums".

    You'd probably be grinnin' from ear to ear.

    Don't worry ab, I'm done with you.

    You're just another internet clown.

  54. anon:

    see the racist envious sexist drivel that steve posts routinely?

    admonish him solo


  55. us:

    the classic racist case of gavin cato in nyc is infamous for what happened AFTER he was hit by that car

    sane people know that...


  56. Good God.

    Getting back to the subject of the post-- WTF is up with the rules of engagement?

    I have always been taught that it is only legal to use deadly force in the defense of life and limb. That is-- even if there are trespassers on your property and you don't want them there, you TELL THEM TO LEAVE FIRST AND GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO LEAVE.

    Were they under the impression that they are in a freakin' free-fire zone where any target may be engaged with impunity?

    And the worst part is that it's only because the victims were white that these people will see any legal consequences!Speaking as another responsible gun owner... this shit just pisses me right off.

    OH-- and these people are the reason that I will continue to BE a gun owner. Who wants to bet that after a few weeks of listening to Hannity and Beck and Limbaugh et al that Gayle and Sheila and their cousins wouldn't be out gunning for n*ggers and w*tbacks?

  57. Anonymous11:26 AM

    If Baja Oklahoma does secede, I will happily reconsider my opposition to the border fence.

  58. I don't mean to make light of this tragedy, but the typical response to an incident like this is that if the boys and father were carrying weapons this sort of killing wouldn't have happened.

    Yeah, right, there would be 5 people killed instead.

    Sad, sad story. Two families ruined.

  59. Ivan,
    They passed a "Castle Law" in Texas that is being interpreted thus far by the courts that you have the right to use deadly force in protection of property... AND, you cannot be sued in civil courts for said death or injury.....

    Seriously, this mindset of property over people is just sad. And, now we have this tragedy. The "Extras from Deliverance" (the muhs), if they have a decent attorney will argue that under Castle, they had the legal right in the dead of night (what the law says) to shoot because they believed these people were coming onto the property (never mind it wasn't their property)... they THOUGHT they were on their property. Under Castle, they might just win that fight..

    Fucking crazy!!! Again, if this is how Texans want to be, Secede now please!

  60. I'm sure that there are many decent, sane people in Texas, but the majority of Texas voters chose the secessionist governor and the Texas school board who just voted 11 to 3 to that the age of the universe is determined by religion, not science:
    And that's just the latest salvo in the board's long anti-science jihad. Not to mention calling Pr. Obama a terrorist and claiming he intends to proclaim martial law.

    There's a reason Texas has aquired the reputation which makes people so quick to judge it. If Texans don't want to be seen as a state of ignorant, bigoted yahoos, they should stop voting for ignorant, bigoted yahoos.

  61. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Wow. Further proof that fuckwads and assholes exist on either side of the political spectrum. What is with the desire to turn a tragic story like this into an excuse to bash Texas? The state has more than it's share of problems, but I'll take it and the people there over you ignorant loudmouths any day of the week.

  62. uptownsteve12:02 PM

    Remember the Alamo!!!

  63. "...the north being far more rabidly racist than the south in more subtle ways...that is unchanged"

    I agree 1000% with this and I've lived in Metro DC for the past 10 years.

    As for Texas, they have top cancer research institute in America MD Anderson, but I have NEVER regret passing on that opportunity due to my concerns about living and raising a kid in Texas.

  64. Uptown. "snookums"? Havent heard that word in, well, forever. Welcome to 1950.

    These people are 45 yrs old? Holy crap. I have one word...EXFOLIATE.

    The mans face looks like a catchers mitt with a beard.

    I think there is a different mentality with country folk. They cant just dial 911 and wait 5 minutes till the cops show up. Even when they do show up its usually Barney Fife strollin up the walk pickin his teeth with a matchbook cover.
    Not making excuses for these people, but people get killed all the time breaking into the homes of city-folk. Its tough given we live in "A-murder-ca" after all, to always interpet the intentions of strangers. Its just the society we live in. Dont like it but it is what it is.

    NOTE; I was in Europe and was talking to a bunch of kids. When they found out I was American the first thing they asked me was "Have you ever killed somebody". We have that reputation.

    Kind of wierd that Mr. Field chose to focus on these freakish hillbillies when the big story seems to be the number of black school kids in Chicago killed this year. Gee, come to think of it, kids in Oakland, Miami, Memphis and maybe even Philly. But that would just be "pickin on the black man, right Steve?
    Just sayin.

  65. hey fly


    i have lived on all coasts...
    and i still live on 2...way north and deep south...

    so i know pervasive racism in the usa very well


  66. Field Negro said: "The article said they were both 45 yrs old. That's GOT to be a mistake."

    Yeah that's an old looking 45."
    Cocaine and meth will do that.

  67. mw:


    southern kids are not slaying each other nearly as bad as those in my hometown of chicago...


  68. Fark, fark, fark, fark!! Another decent topic goes down in flames thanks to Uptown and Alicia. PLEASE FN, send them away. It makes it hard to wade through their whiny shit to get to real commments.

    Back on topic. Black folks here are getting pretty upset about these white folks. You know, like the negroes who shot the one-year old and the 4-year old (and the 14-year old) in Oakland last month weren't black. Is it okay to shoot youngsters as long as you are black? Seriously, folks get off your high horses. How exactly are these white people, who look like they should have the lifetime achievement award in crank, any more worse than your cousins who open fire on a crowd of people because they THOUGHT they someone they wanted to shoot and shot up a bunch of babies in the process? Some of you even made excuses for Lovell Mixon (whose rapes tied to his DNA now stand at 3 and counting).

    Negro, please.

  69. uptownsteve12:32 PM

    "Not making excuses for these people, but people get killed all the time breaking into the homes of city-folk."

    They do?

    Any recent examples?

    Please link.

  70. If Texans don't want to be seen as a state of ignorant, bigoted yahoos, they should stop voting for ignorant, bigoted yahoos.I would actually comment on that, but, being from California, I have zero room to talk about an electoral base that keeps electing ignorant, low-IQ, shitheads into the governors office.

  71. sick freak12:46 PM

    God bless Joe Horn.

    Using this tradgy to promote your agenda and taking cheap shots at people is sicking.But its not shocking.

    Why not write a story about Jasmine Sanders???A 8 year old black female was shot and killed by her 13 year-old cousin who was aiming and trying to shoot another person.

    Can't do that though.That would put the focus on black behavior.Than we would have to look at the causes.Than we would have to look at failed liberal democrat social programs.

    We sho nuff can't do that. We must keep blacks on the democrat plantation.

  72. Oh Steve, are you really arguing that nobody gets killed breaking into homes? Lets take race out of it (if you can).

    Im not going to go on an internet search to prove a point that people shoot intruders or perceived intruders. Im sure the NRA will gladly share with you example after example of why you need to have a gun in your home. Im not agreeing with them, simply stating they will have any info you need.

    We live in a gun-oriented violent society. When you throw in drugs, alcohol, paranoia, low IQ (read; stupidity) unchecked testosterone, bad economy, etc...Im not surprised there are so many gun deaths.

    Solutions anybody?

  73. They passed a "Castle Law" in Texas that is being interpreted thus far by the courts that you have the right to use deadly force in protection of property... AND, you cannot be sued in civil courts for said death or injury.....All from a state government dominated by the "culture of life."

    Ah, conservatives, able to hold more contradictions in their pointy little heads than the rest of us could dream of.

  74. uptownsteve1:13 PM

    "Back on topic. Black folks here are getting pretty upset about these white folks. You know, like the negroes who shot the one-year old and the 4-year old (and the 14-year old) in Oakland last month weren't black. Is it okay to shoot youngsters as long as you are black?"


    West Coast "gets back on topic" by launching into another black conservative shuffle about inner city crime.

    The topic was about the Texas 'necks who killed a child on the periphery of their property.

    Can you believe these Toms and their self-hatred?

    The subject could be global warming and some kind of way the "West Coast Storys" of the world are going to divert to "black on black crime".

  75. Anonymous1:17 PM

    West Coast Story:

    AMEN to that farking post!

  76. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Ms. Ah Lee Sha B Go A Way

  77. uptownsteve1:27 PM

    "Can't do that though.That would put the focus on black behavior.Than we would have to look at the causes.Than we would have to look at failed liberal democrat social programs."

    Oh okay let's follow this logic.

    The deaths of Cayley Anthony and the other missing white kids of the month should cause a focus on white behavior?

    Failed conservative policies?

  78. grinder1:36 PM

    Secede, huh? I have a different idea: We kick them out.

  79. "when the big story seems to be the number of black school kids in Chicago killed this year....But that would just be "pickin on the black man, right Steve?"

    I was thinking about this story myself!

  80. anon:

    you are a selctively blind cowardly fool

    you actually sound like steve...

    posting twice herein us?


  81. wcs:

    at least you attacked steve

    4 the record
    i finish what he starts

    and i always post on topic initially


  82. Anonymous1:59 PM

    MY god Alicia Banks, what kind of House Nigger do you have to be to believe that Obama was not born in the U.S.


  83. us=anon:

    i am a scholar

    and this lawsuit re obama's birth is pending PUBLIC litigation

    house niggers are uneducated iliiterate people like you...


  84. as u blindly defend obama herein

    he just slashed funds to all hbcu's

    go holla at your blackish prez boy

    obama is the house nigger

    dogging us field niggers more each day..

    see more at OUTLOOK


  85. Anonymous2:06 PM

    LOL hahahaha, please stop this is so pathetic.

    Instead try to get some bleach for your skin, that might make you feel better about yourself, you seem so ashamed of your own ethnicity!


    You're a scholar?


    a scholar in what? Let me me, you have a Ph'd in "I love racist white massa and I'll obey him no matter what!"?


  86. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The problem in Texas is the "Castle Law" which went into effect last September - which encourages the sort of vicious activity by backwater cretins as in this case.

    Up until 1973 Texas has a "Threshold" Law, which defined the point at which a citizen could use force as the threshold of the home. Ergo, if a criminal invaded the house, then it was reasonable to use deadly force.

    Probably due to the number of blood trails leading from outside to inside the house - Texas passed a "Retreat" Law in 1973, requiring the prospective victim to retreat wheresoever possible, and utilize deadly force only where there was a threat of life or limb. Ergo, you couldn't kill somebody because they were trying to walk off with a yard rake.

    The Muhs committed Capital Murder plain and simple - which, in reflection on the fibne work done by some of the rural local juries in that state in the past few years...

    Probably will earn them a slap on the wrist and a shooting Merit Badge.

  87. anon-us:

    also house niggers crave urine colored skin as you do...

    see my bio here:

    then cc your resume to:


  88. I dont know Mr. Steve, if kids (and grownups) were being killed in my community at the rate it is in some communities global warming wouldnt mean shit to me either.

    What would I care about polar bears when my kids were dodging bullets, gangs, drugs and terror on their way to school? I wouldnt care about two genetic freaks in Texas when 70% of kids in my community were fatherless.

    I cant say a whole lot about problems in the black community since Im not part of it and dont make myself part of it. I say plenty in right-leaning blogs that blame anybody but themselves for what is happenning in them. Believe me, there is plenty bad to go around.

    I make no excuses for those in my neighborhood that do wrong. I have no respect or sympathy for a man who doesnt work or support their children. They are not men to me. I support any effort of law enforcement to rid my community of crime, violent or not. If kids are killing kids then Ive got no problem for cops stopping ANYBODY at ANY TIME for ANYTHING. I dont accept any excuse for peddling hard drugs in my neighborhood. If they raise the punishment for meth (which is in my community) over crack cocaine..fine, hooray! I dont whine that mainly people with my skin color are being arrested.

    I hear alot of excuses for those who do wrong from various people. I believe that in part is responsible for the problems.

    Im not going to have sympathy for these trolls because they are white (ugh!). I want these folk in jail. Not gonna whine that your "pickin on the 'necks again". When you make excuses for criminals you excuse criminality.

    Id love to hear from the folk here who live in these communities what to do to stop it. Please lets not have the same old "midnight basketball", arts and crafts camps, government program crap. It hasnt helped and it wont.
    And Steve; some men of all colors need to be "picked on" if they are doing wrong.

  89. Anonymous2:19 PM

    ab, you're an idiot.
    I live in Hawaii, and Obama's actual birth certficate has been shown on our news shows many times (even the Fux News channel, for ill-informed dipshits like you). Second, you clueless dumbass, there has never been a call for secession in Hawaii. Third judging by your comments, I'm guessing you're a fifty-something yr. old conservative male with a fake picture. Yet another attempt a sock-puppetry by a lame conservative douchebag. Here's 5 cents, buy a clue.

  90. Anonymous2:20 PM

    MY GOD!!

    Let me tell you something Alicia Keys: there is nothing as pathetic, ridiculous and which inspires as much pity as a black person who is ashamed of its own ethnicity and skin color.


    I bet you're not black, you're just some random racist justifying your propaganda hinding behind a picture of a black women.

    Otherwise, go vote for Michael Steel when he'll run for president, LOL!

  91. uptownsteve2:22 PM

    "Id love to hear from the folk here who live in these communities what to do to stop it."

    Folks like you are great at complaining about things that are wrong and then assigning them a color.

    I live in a 90% black community which is virtually street crime free.

    As far as inner city ghettoes, what do you suggest the law abiding citizens, who are merely trying to survive there, do about criminals that we don't pay the police to do?

    I'll await your answer to THAT question.

  92. anon-us:

    what does your bragging about your overall cluelessness have to do with pending litigatiion?

    did you read the article on secession?

    i am an ultra liberal black female
    who researches these truths as you clearly do not!

    i also believe nothing i see on the news/obama tv...


  93. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Jesus Christ, The post was about some idiot shooting a kid. And you have morons posting about Obama birth certificate and which part of America is more racist.

    Listen up trolls racism is found all over planet "Earth." Also, Obama birth certificate issue "NO ONE SANE IN AMERICA GIVES A SHIT ABOUT IT BUT YOU" if Americans did he would have never gotten past the White House front doors. Hell, if Hillary thought for one minute she could use this info while still in the race she would have and so would McCain & Sarah Palin. Moving on the original topic Field post just proves crazies are every where in the world. The End :)

  94. cinco2:30 PM

    aaah the internet blogging drama....

    The color of these idiots is not the issue. Their behavior is. Sure I believe in the rights of people to bear arms, to defend themselves when necessary and to keep their family safe. I don't support idiotic violence by anyone.

    I don't promote succeeding by any state, but if their individual leaders want to then they should be allowed. I thought the governor of Texas was electing this route.

    Texas, by no means has a monoply on fools. Every state can list someone that fits the bill. There are plenty of dummies to go around.

    They will be prosecuted and in the end hopefully they will live long enough to regret their severe lapse in judgment.

  95. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Did Y'all see what Buckwheat said about Rush Limbaugh's Kidney's??? At least if he needs a transplant he won't have trouble findin a match, y'see %90 of donated kidneys come from white peoples, and 90% of recipiants are black peoples...Ironic, dontcha think??
    Personally, If I make $200million a year I'd just get my own Dialysis machine...


  96. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Y'all so full of crap I think you just turned 2 shades darker... Y'all know if anyone took a leak on y'alls "Crib" you'd shoot em too... Jeez, here in the A-T-L y'all shoot each other for...heck I don't know why, why do Chimpanzee's throw s***???


  97. Anonymous2:38 PM

    AB , I live in Hawaii and there is no pending litigation here. You're a liar. And probably an angry white conservative male. What could have happened to a " ultra-liberal black woman" to make her sound like a mentally ill white guy? Sock-puppet, fake bullshit redneck, I bet.
    I do research too, and my research say you're douchebag. Please link to your "research" so I can further prove you to be the fake, white, hater that you are. Guaranteed to be a Texas inbred, guaranteed.

  98. anon

    you are late

    fix that

    being a wm neocon is no pre-requisite to seeing the truth about obama


  99. uptownsteve2:46 PM

    ab sez,

    he (Obama) just slashed funds to all hbcu's

    Nah sweetie, that was Bush.

  100. anon-us:

    i am a native of chicago

    houston is in tx

    and SOUTHERN states top all lists for "best 4 blacks" etc


  101. sharon in ct2:49 PM

    Sorry to weigh in late. I was sick all weekend.

    Is it just me, or do I detect a bit of inbreeding in the Muhs' faces? It's probably a Good Thing they are childless.

    sharon in ct, soon to be sharon in nh

  102. us-anon:

    blaming bush is layed out and tired

    obama nazis like you are all displacers and dyslexic...


  103. cinco2:53 PM

    I appreciate the commentators here that try to based their opinions on facts and back them up as well.

    Anyone can make a statement, clain that's it's a fact, provide a link that supports their rhetoric but is also not factual info. is full of many of these so called 'facts'.

    btw....before the cyberhate attacks begin, I'm not talking about any one person in particular.

    I'm just saying...

    is even better cinco...


  105. Anonymous3:01 PM

    uh lee see uh!!! Banks (or is it Keys?)

    Forgive me for miss phonicking (sic) your name before. And, no, the 2 anons in a row were not from Steve.

    We who post in protest to you, Ms. Uh Lee See Uh! B! do so anonymously because we are normally intelligent, thoughtful human beings (vs. thoughtless trolls) who like to keep this blog ON TOPIC. Unlike West Coast Story who always keeps it real and on topic after slapping you egocentrics around, the rest of us reduce ourselves to your level in times of crisis. Which proves that the squeally wheel attracts grease.

    Furthermore, Ms. Arrogant AB, you are no scholar because you can't construct a sentence.

    You are no field negro for you know not how to plant seeds of enlightenment.

    You are nothing but a shrill shrew, and you would be better off with a bit of taming and manners.

    Someone needs to start a secret blog for Black, White, and Colored Negroes so we can get back on topic.

    As Granny would sum it up: smh!!!

  106. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The Windy City got it's name from the windbag politicos in Chi-Town. Which may explain why AB is such a gasbag.

    Go back to your own sandbox since you don't know how to play with others.

    Shovel anyone?

  107. anon/us:

    your weak defense of your cowardice herein is even more amusing than your feigned concern for grammar...


    see full sentences at OUTLOOK


    see why obama must man up and stop sblaming bush here:

    i wear each of your slurs as badges of honor as you are a rabidly racist and sexist loon


  108. cinco3:08 PM was a site worth checking out. And I did just that...

  109. anon:

    funny how you erroneously view yourself as a model playmate

    you are dunce dung in this sandlot

    and i will continue to bury you like the true feline that i am!!!


  110. cool cinco

    glad u like it...

    it has a great search engine too


  111. Anonymous3:14 PM


    No, you are the racist and a fool to boot. Go away!

    Another Anon (us?) weighing in.

  112. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Who makes up this kind of gibberish? It would be actually funny if it were fiction!

  113. anon:

    you are a generically clueless liar

    the windy city is a ref to the actual windy climate and "the hawK" that whips through chicago all year round off of lake mi...


  114. This is becoming a textbook case on how to kill a good website.

  115. and

    i would never defend our corrupt politicos

    but i find it ironic that the chicago politico/poisoned and groomed obama is seen as some untainted saint...

    i guess his evil mentors reserved all their gasbag lessons for obama's he is incoherent or mute without it...


  116. 9:44 AM
    Blogger alicia banks said...

    i am defending no one

    racism in indefensible on all states in all regions of the usa

    the jury is still out on obama's birth place


    9:53 AM

    Study history. His mother couldn't have given birth in Kenya during the "Mau-Mau" rebellion.THEY WERE KILLING WHITES AT THE TIME ! The blog was about some rednecks killing a kid.WHAT'S UP WIT YOU?
    If he was born in Kenya during the "Mau-Mau" rebellion,HE IS JESUS !

  117. kiddo:

    the blind and suicidal worship that obama receives from blacks has proven that he is jesus long ago...


    you ignored hundreds of on topic posts and how obama has slashed hbcu funds to attack me!


  118. "uptownsteve said...
    I live in a 90% black community which is virtually street crime free."

    If you live in PG County MD, you may want to double check that stat. And if you do live in PG County recgnize that your "peaceful" street has the highest death by cop rate for black men in the entire US.

    Changing topics, I just want to know what is it about so called intelligent people that makes them gang up on one person? You're obviously too chicken to have a profile, so why not just send whomever you disagree with an email and show some dignity and class? Or borrow some, and then send an email.

  119. thank you fly!

    and how many times have i posted my private email so they can stay on topic and get off of me herein?

    haters never play fair!


  120. "west coast story said...
    This is becoming a textbook case on how to kill a good website"

    Trust me, those of us truly interested in this web site and in supporting Field, won't leave with you should you decide to go.

    Being open to opinions that differ from your own is TRUE field behavior.

  121. WC Story,

    Whew, just checked back in and what a mess. Agree, ditto, signing on to everything you said.

    I thought we were rid of the poison fingers a few blogs ago, but sheeee's baaaaack!

    Chicago, Philly and any inner city ghettos, whatever ethnicity they are, have same folks killing same folks. That actually was not the point of this blog.

    Goodness, how far A-Field this one has strayed. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

    When Granny doesn't weigh in, things get outta hand around here!


  122. thank you fly!

    and only FN can tell me to go...

    i am ignoring the other selective and transparent cowards/whiners herein...

    just as i do not allow the KKK or or morons or anon cowards to post
    peace at my sites...ONLY FN makes the rules here


  123. uptownsteve4:13 PM

    "If you live in PG County MD, you may want to double check that stat."

    Double check what, my existence?

    PG County is almost 500 square miles with over 800,000 people.

    Is there rampant street crime in the poverty stricken areas of the county that border the District.


    But the affluent eastern region of the county (still predominately black) are among the safest communities in the state of Maryland.

    My point to Whitey (and I noticed he still hasn't answered my question) is that crime has nothing to do with race.

    It's particularly sad that I have to explain that to a black person.

  124. us:

    this thread began as a racist rant on two WHITE criminals...morphing into an attack on the entire south...then an attack on me...

    so spare me your noble postering

    fly exposed your flawed racist stats

    deal with that!

  125. To quote the guy talking to Joe Pesci in Goodfellows,Alicia and Fly, "where's your shine kit".

  126. God damn Field...WTF happened to this place?
    It looks like you've been invaded by 20-something year old, bored suburban white-kid posers. At least that's what the atrocious grammar, complete lack of any real insight, and tons of time on their hands tells me.
    Did you do something to catch the wrath of some /b/ trolls or something?
    I'll check with ya later buddy...

  127. Whitney and West Coast.... I am with you.....

  128. uptownsteve said...
    "But the affluent eastern region of the county (still predominately black) are among the safest communities in the state of Maryland."

    Safe my ass. Double murder in a million dollar GATED community in PG County. Beloved Howard Med graduate/naval Officer MURDERED in front of his million dollar home. BOTH in PG County.

    Know how many EXACT cases I can quote you from where I live in Montgomery County??? ZERO!

    And 911 shows up and on time too!

  129. uptownsteve4:34 PM

    "fly exposed your flawed racist stats."

    Fly, as is typical with you types, shaded the truth.

    From her link:

    "President Barack Obama's education budget, unveiled Thursday, included major spending increases in many areas — but didn't include an extra $85 million that black institutions have received annually for the past two years thanks to a 2007 change to the student loan laws.

    That two-year-old program provided direct funds to federally recognized HBCUs — historically black colleges and universities.

    Other direct federal support to the schools would increase from $238 million to $250 million, but with the expiration of the HBCU fund the schools effectively would see a $73 million cut."

  130. tjwash said...
    ".....bored suburban white-kid posers...."

    It's so ironic to see blatantly racist Black folks on a Black run blog. Dam hypocritical shame!!!!

  131. Anonymous4:41 PM

    This thread has now become infested with "Internet Trolls some pretending to Black". You can always tell the trolls when they start posting about Obama birth

  132. ditto fly!

    suppose this thread began with 2 black crackheads' crime...

    then posters attacked all blacks in all southern states...

    that would never be ok!
    so why should it be ok for white math heads/all whites in southern states etc?

    there are multiracial drug addicted psychos and red and blue voters in EVERY us state!



  133. DuchessDee4:43 PM

    You guys are funny today. Thanks FN for starting topics and letting them swing from the extreme right to the extreme left and all points in between.

  134. Anonymous4:46 PM

    You really need to develop a method to block the troll attacks. Because every time you post something about White people doing something crazy these stormfront KKK losers come out the wood work to change the subject.
    Heaven forbid we talk about the original posted article. Should these folks be investigating Obama certificate then hanging around your blog?!!! Just saying

  135. uptownsteve4:48 PM


    White folks all over America can sleep soundly tonight knowing that you are on the case for them.

  136. us:

    you are very confused
    refusing to sudicidally adore obama does not make me a neocon/tom


    my job is to ensure YOUR insomnia
    i am doing that quite well...
    your sleep deprivation induced dementia is quite evident herein!


    keep your compliments coming,

  137. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Alicia Banks is the Al Sharpton for all those poor defenseless White's in America. God Bless her soul if it was not for her no one would stand up for the White race. So, Alicia go ahead girl an get your trolling on!

  138. "My point to Whitey (and I noticed he still hasn't answered my question) is that crime has nothing to do with race."

    Sorry so late Uptown, Mr. Whitey sometimes has to get back to work. Let me enjoy my leftover Mothers day Paia and respond.

    If you look at my 12:47 post you will see I asked you to forget about race. I doubted you could, I was right. My 2:12 post mentioned that I can make no comment about the black community. I can only comment with some gravitas about my own, which I did.

    You asked what I would suggest. My suggestions were only to my community. You dont really want a white man telling you what to do to solve your problems do you?

    Be VERY careful of what you ask. I may just give it to you.

    My solutions in my community might not crack the nut in yours given the historical distrust of police. I suggested that the intelligent people here try to come up with some. My invitation still remains.

    In my opinion, all the secession talk is silly. Having a laugh at the expense of these hillbilly cretans is a dallyance at best. In my opinion Mr. Field is a bit more serious than other like-minded blogs. I believe he has the ability to take an honest look at the problems in "his" community. To look within for both blame and solutions. I always applaud him when he does.

    To say I have any answers to the problems of lower class blacks is arrogant. I have opinions and suggestions. Many, Im sure are crap. Many I believe would be helpful if accepted in the spirit they are given. Im not trying to change a militant like you. The giant chip you carry doesnt seem to be a burden at this point in your life. Maybe others here are looking to lighten their load, I speak to them.

    Guys like you are all over the net. They revel in their victim status. You wear it like a shiny new suit. An excuse for every behavior and a scapegoat for every condition. If that makes you feel secure, then enjoy. There will come a time when the hackneyed old line just wont cut it. You will always be welcomed into the conversation of those looking to stop the madness. ALWAYS.

    If you REALLY want my opinion for solutions, then just ask. I dont think you do.

  139. anon/coward:

    when you post bs like this

    all you are doing is PROVING that you have no idea who i am and that you are an attacj moron...

    only an absolute stranger to my legendary afrocentrism would dare spew such baseless venom at me...

    only black obama nazis equate daring to do less than adore obama with being white...

    slide on away snake,

  140. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Uhhhh... Flysquat - This is a map of murders to date in Montgomery County Maryland -

    Which is more than "Zero".

    Seems murder is a common disease of a small portion all people, including those in Montgomery County - as well as PG.

  141. Mack Lyons5:07 PM

    "These people are 45 yrs old? Holy crap. I have one word...EXFOLIATE."

    Meth tends to do that to people. And I bet dollars to donuts that there's a meth lab somewhere on that property, and that being two highly paranoid little meth-heads, they shot at this poor family in an effort to run them off, just to keep them away from the meth lab.

    I wonder if the Texan LEOs handling the case will uncover either the lab or unravel a rap sheet listing a history of meth/drug abuse among the Muhs.

    Muhs. Damn, gotta love that name. Sure they weren't picked up from central casting?

  142. Mack Lyons5:10 PM

    And in regard to the person posting under the name of Alicia Banks.....well, I don't think there's enough Prozac or Xanax in this world to better his or her mental condition. That's generally true of trolls who take their mission too seriously -- it turns them into raving, frothing loonies in real life :D

  143. uptownsteve5:12 PM

    Whitey sez....

    "If you look at my 12:47 post you will see I asked you to forget about race."

    Yeah, right after you said this...

    "Kind of wierd that Mr. Field chose to focus on these freakish hillbillies when the big story seems to be the number of black school kids in Chicago killed this year. Gee, come to think of it, kids in Oakland, Miami, Memphis and maybe even Philly. But that would just be "pickin on the black man, right Steve?"

    You're so EASY.

  144. ml:

    my only drug is reality

    try it and wake up asap!

  145. They look like a couple of Meth heads.

    Poor child.

  146. Hey Field sorry your blog went on a tangent.My Moms and Aunt's club group decided to not go to West Virginia for their gambling trips.Wheeling is not getting any Cleveland money.Greektown a Detroit Casino is giving hotel rooms away to Cleveland folk.My Aunt and Mom did this on their own.That makes me feel proud. Not only is my Mom & Aunt in the fields,she's showing Nat Turner what to do.

  147. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Whitey tries - I suggested that the intelligent people here try to come up with some. My invitation still remains.No you didn't. What you suggested is a series of problems you perceive. The fact that your perception is faulty...

    Is the problem. And why such perception should continue to be faulty - is the question you should be asking yourself...

    Not anyone here.

    You are sort of like the guy, standing next to a tall building who gets hit on the head by a falling brick which lands at your feet. He reaches down, cursing the brick, and asking passerby who are quickly moving to the other side of the street - if any of them know the name of the bricklayer who set the brick in the construction of the building, because you would like to report his shoddy work...

    As the whole building which was being demolished comes down on your head.

    While Field may be lately infested with trolls and morons, there are certainly folks here who can answer honest questions...

    Honest questions.

  148. I was just wondering, was the Muhs' named shortened from something like Muhtha fkr? No way they could only be forty five.
    I do not believe their story, I hate to admit this, but I know how to shoot a squirrel in the head, I won't do it anymore, but I wouldn't miss either, I do not believe that they didn't know they were shooting a little kid in the head. This is disgusting. As far as the most racist state of the nation, probably all have their own unique style of hatred.

  149. Kind of wierd that Mr. Field chose to focus on these freakish hillbillies when the big story seems to be the number of black school kids in Chicago killed this year. Gee, come to think of it, kids in Oakland, Miami, Memphis and maybe even Philly. But that would just be "pickin on the black man, right Steve?"

    You're so EASY.

    Oh Steve; Mr Field, If I remember correctly, is black. This blog, if I may be so bold, discusses black issues. I dont think its a stretch to suggest that Mr. Field might be concerned about these things. If he were, Im sure you might think that black men, once again are being picked on. The same problems exist in my community as I stated. Never made it race specific. Parse away, if you like.

    Mr. Btx3; is my perception wrong really? Do you mean that 36 black school kids HAVENT been gunned down in one chicago school district this year? Do you suggest there is no problem with black kids murdering black kids in our inner cities? Is Mr. Fields side bar about Killys murder tally just a silly game? Are there not 70% fatherless children in AA homes? Or is it just you dont want the problems in the mouth of a white man?
    Your fable escapes me. Since you are here, share your wisdom with us. I assume you are black, dazzle us with your problem solving. Lets hear your recipie to safe neighborhoods, strong families, educational success.....oh wait... blacks dont have those problems. It just must be us whites then.

    Im going to write every newspaper, TV station and most political blogs and let them hear the news that there are no problems in the inner cities. Theyll be happy to hear that.

  150. btx3 said...
    "Seems murder is a common disease of a small portion all people, including those in Montgomery County - as well as PG"".

    If you had paid attention to what I'd written, I said where I live in Montgomery County, which FYI is called Potomac.

    Now even an idiot knows that crime is everywhere but I can only recall MAYBE 2 murders in the 10 years I've lived here in Potomac. And no, the sniper killings don't count, so don't try to pull that one out your ass.

    Now do you have an equally ridiculous reason for why despite educated folks like uptwons steve living in PG county, why the schools are crap? Better yet, I bet uptown doesn't send HIS kids to public school in PG County, whereas I'm quite comfortable sending mine to one. We call that putting our tax dollars to work, somthing white folks seem REAL good at, LOL!!!

    Mr. Whitey, GREAT post!

  151. Why is it that some people feel it is necessary to point out black crime no matter what the subject is. This; as if the constitution doesn't apply to black people and our lives are not developed enough for us to be citizens. It would seem that if the discussion had lead to black crime with this post, it would have lead to a discussion of what if our community had "The Castle Law". Or we might have discussed how pervasive the thinking of that couple is in our society or whether we believed what that couple did was morally right or wrong: whether property has more value than human life. Trespassing is not the same as attempted murder or robbery, how does self defense become involved with protecting one's property?

  152. Hathor..... great questions... I wonder if now, where there are these Castle Laws, there will be reconsideration... btw3 gave a great explanation of the earlier laws, threshold and retreat... I wonder why that wasn't seen as good enough and they thought they needed to go further with Castle? I find these property over life laws quite distressing, but it does say something about our society and how we really value life... personally, I have never thought "things" were worth harming or getting harmed over....

  153. Say It Loud6:34 PM

    "Hell, the entire south should just freaking leave already." anon

    Have you forgotten: The South tried once, but, because we believed we would miss them, we fought to keep them in the family.

    Serves us right!

  154. Say It Loud6:46 PM

    @Mr. Whitey "You dont really want a white man telling you what to do to solve your problems do you?"As long as you think that the problems of the black community are exclusively ours, makes you, too, the problem.

    It's this mine and yours attitude that has created the problem in the first place.

    Until we can see that the problems of the U.S. are ALL our problems, the problems will persist.

    Are we not all Americans? Let's stop this foolish balkanization of our country and realize that what affects one affects all.

  155. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Forty Five?No, those people look like they are in their sixties or something like late middle age!Wow, hate sure has taken a toll on these people's looks because they look worn down and tore up!I pray that the family will be able to heal and grieve eventually down the line because the poor child did not deserve to be shot down like a wild animal in the woods.Boy,this is pure madness!

  156. Texas justice. Hang-um high!

  157. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Whitey capitulates - Im going to write every newspaper, TV station and most political blogs and let them hear the news that there are no problems in the inner cities.Seems Mr Accuracy now wishes to confine his comments to "the inner city" instead of the "black community". That only took two bricks falling on his head!

    Let's go through the rest, one more time for our newest resident conservative bigot -

    Do you mean that 36 black school kids HAVENT been gunned down in one chicago school district this year? 36 kids have been killed in the Chicago School System this school year - however, as the article points out, it is MINORITY kids -

    Which include black, Hispanic, and Asian - not just black kids as your racist assertion. Indeed, this Google map shows the killings, spread across both North and South-side, with at least 1/2 of the victims having Hispanic surnames.

    Now a question... Hispanics used to be counted as white. If they live in a city, and get shot...

    Do they become black folks?

    Do you suggest there is no problem with black kids murdering black kids in our inner cities?I'd suggest we have a national problem with youth violence, and black kids in the ghetto are just one small part of it. The average thug in my neighborhood is a misanthropic white kid in baggy pants, tattoos, and a lip piercing who is high on either prescription drugs, meth, or heroin who tries real hard to emulate inner city kids toughness - but is a wannabe. He is far more likely than any black kid in the ghetto to steal Dad's arsenal and kill a dozen or more of his classmates, often with the help of one or two equally sick friends.

    So - do you believe there is no problem with sociopath white kids in the suburbs who mass murder their classmates and teachers?

    I mean, should I go on conservative (white) sites and ask them what they are going to do about their f'ed up mass murdering kids?

    Is such a reflection upon the entire white community?

    Or do you just not want to hear about your problems...

    From a black man?

  158. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Flysquat sez - If you had paid attention to what I'd written, I said where I live in Montgomery County, which FYI is called Potomac.That's nice. Mommy and Daddy moved into a nice neighborhood with plenty of help for their child who spends all day on the internet instead of at school!

    I live across the river...

    I'm unimpressed.

  159. Loud; you missed my point entirely. I said I have my opinions and I will be happy to share them. I have been on this blog long enough to know that many would not appreciate MY opinion on what happens in THEIR neighborhoods.

    I am happy to share my opinions on MY neighborhood since we share many of the same problems. If you want to hear about how "I" would look to fixing stuff in black need to ask.

    THANKX FLY. You are one of the few posters here whos opinion I value.

  160. anon:

    "taming and manners"

    from the like of you?

    only in your sexist psychotic dreams

    and even threre i will slay you just as i do herein!

    what revealing bs you type,

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. AlicSSSeee Ya, nobody here give one shit where Obama was born, do you understand that point? We don't give one shit where he was born, we are a nation of immigrants,but i still believe that Obama was born in the UNITED STATES and btw, i think you are probably a very nice person, but it looks like your picture was phtoshopped.

  163. Come on guys, someone needs to be the bigger person and.. let it go!

  164. btx3 said...
    "That's nice. Mommy and Daddy moved into a nice neighborhood with plenty of help for their child who spends all day on the internet instead of at school!"

    This is FIRST generation Potomac money dumbass and maybe if you spent more time working instead of wondering what I'm doing while I'm WRITING MY THESIS, then maybe YOU could live in safe, clean, 911 responing, vitrually crime free neighborhood with great schools.

  165. alicia banks stated:only an absolute stranger to my legendary afrocentrism would dare spew such baseless venom at me...

    only black obama nazis equate daring to do less than adore obama with being white...
    Damn alicia, narcissistic much? I don't think I have ever encounter someone so blissfully unself-aware.

    Why is it the every time you deign to make an appearance in this blogs comment section it devolves into The Alicia Banks/Obama Nazis Hate-A-Thon?

    Still, I marvel at your ability to spew afrocentric "paternalism" while luxuriating in a vat of pure venom being constantly whipped into a turgid apéritif by a 110 IQ...okay 120!

    That's quite the parlor trick.

  166. Well Hathor, we tried...sigh....

  167. uptownsteve8:22 PM

    "Oh Steve; Mr Field, If I remember correctly, is black. This blog, if I may be so bold, discusses black issues. I dont think its a stretch to suggest that Mr. Field might be concerned about these things."

    But this thread was about a murder in two idiots.

    And then you divert to a rant about "black" crime.

    YOU'RE the one who is obsessed with race.

    You insist on correlating bad behavior with being black, thus your reflexive reference to black criminals after seeing a thread about two Texas morons who happen to be white.

    Did Field mention anything about their race?

  168. kathy:

    do not hate me because i am beautiful and refuse to worship obama

    actually, my flawless chocolate skin and i look even better in person

    and my flowing locks are my real hair too

    send me your pix via:

    glad you love the photo...thanks
    see more here:



    you are a selective and blatant liar!

    the parlor trick is how your eyes refuse to see and critique any posts other than my own herein...

    your fallen halo may be blocking your vision?...

    since when did haters get to "heaven"???


  169. i am noticing that all the fools bucking herein have no profiles


    and anon:

    how do you figure you have the courage tp "tame and teach" me when you do not have the courage to even post with a real id???

    your arrogant ignorance is truly amusing,

  170. what u call narcissism
    i call factual self defense herein...


    i had a documented IQ of 250 at age a full time undergrad at uiuc at age 12


  171. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Flysquat sputters - This is FIRST generation Potomac money dumbass and maybe if you spent more time working instead of wondering what I'm doing while I'm WRITING MY THESIS, then maybe YOU could live in safe, clean, 911 responing, vitrually crime free neighborhood with great schools.ROFLMBAO!

    Field School brat, huh?

    That 8th grade "thesis" is a lot of work!

  172. DuchessDee9:23 PM

    okay ab enough for today. save some for tomorrow.

    thank you.

  173. Jody and WC Story,

    To use twitter and text mail phrase, OMG, WTF...base instinct.

    "and only Field can tell me to go" AB

    As West Coast Story put it, "Negro, please!"


    'Nighty night. Don't let the headbugs bite!

    Sighing off...

  174. Say It Loud9:30 PM

    "If you want to hear about how "I" would look to fixing stuff in black need to ask." Mr. Whitey

    You keep missing my point. What you believe is going on in the black community is everybody's problem, not just those who live in those communities.

    You're quick to offer solutions without acknowledging your part in the creation of some of the problems that you see.

    We all contributed, and continue to contribute, to the problems. And it's going to take all of us to fix it.

    The problems are not local, they're pervasive and woven into the social fabric of this country.

    It's going to take people of goodwill on all sides to fix America's problems.

    It's not a black problem, or a white problem, or a Latino problem, or a Native American problem--it's an American problem.

    It we don't address what we perceive as "what's wrong with America" in that spirit, then the problem will persist--and persist long after we're both dead.

  175. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "okay ab enough for today. save some for tomorrow.

    thank you."

    Do not encourage.

  176. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Uh Lee She Uh! B! or whatever...

    "taming and manners"??? That was yonks ago and now you comment?

    What do you do? Fire off your idiotic remarks before you read what has been parced (posted)? You really are a twit and you need to get the eff off this site; you and your adopted adoring fans!

    As you can see, we are sick to death of your ill informed ignorant ilk!

    Be gone!

  177. A native Houstonian [living in Metro DC area] ***shakes head from side to side and shrugs***. Isolation and fear breeds this kind of crazy and those mug shots defy description!

  178. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Wow AB!

    There is no such effing thing as a "documented IQ" of 250.

    As for undergrad at the age of 12, well negroes please!

    Oh Lawd.

    Visions of something or another.

    Field, Anon 9:33 how can one not encourage such nonsense?

    It's rather fun, no?

    Call the doctors.

  179. This is Damn shame.

    #1. You can't compare this to a situation where there was a burglary (although I am not defending Joe Horn... he was an idiot and was wrong).

    #2. To use a shotgun you have to be at fairly close range (unlike a rifle) they should have had a clear view of what/who they were shooting.

    Idiots shouldn't have guns. There should be a common sense aptitude test for gun owners. If you don't know when and when not to shoot...then you shouldn't have a firearm.

    I hope they are both charged with Murder (along with any other charges that police can find). Unfortunately there's no law against stupidity...

  180. ""You keep missing my point. What you believe is going on in the black community is everybody's problem, not just those who live in those commun""

    Loud; I think we see each others points. I agree fully with you. It is ALL OUR problem. I believe that if I came in here with my moniker and proceeded to "tell all you" what I thought the solutions were it would be disrespectful and presumptious. People would get their backs up and not hear what I said.

    ""You're quick to offer solutions without acknowledging your part in the creation of some of the problems that you see.""

    I have offered no solutions actually. Only the willingness to do so if asked. I have not been asked. You might be surprised at my answer about my (whites) role in them. Dont presume too much.

    Your embarassing post at 6:57 was a tribute to stupidity. I interchanged "black neighborhoods" and "inner cities" and what? How does that change a thing? Is there or is there not an epidemic of black kids killing black kids. Dont admit it to me, you wont admit anything to me, look for yourself. Ask Mr. Field. Ask him about the cry for 10,000 black foot soldiers to stop the violence. Ask Father Phlegar in Chicago if there is a problem. Ask any grassroots community activist in any major city if theres a black on black crime epidemic. Ask West Coast about Oakland. Ask Rippa about Memphis. Ask Granny about the young people she has seen put in the ground. JUST FUCKIN ASK! Why do you give a shit what I will think? Do you think that if your hood is safe there is no problem? Get a fuckin clue!

    Never once did I say its peaches and cream in the white community. Quite the opposite dumbass. If you, as a black man have any solutions to fix them...Im all fuckin ears. I dont care where the good ideas come from, even if you do. I dont care about fixing blame or scoring childish brownie points with militant racist fools. I care about making neighborhoods safe for decent people of all races. Like I said botox, you got ideas...lets fuckin hear them.

    To say it took Mr. Whitey to bring up race in THIS room is beyond silly. Start from the top and work down. Race was, and is, topic one here kid.

  181. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Wow. Another thread of 175+ comments. Alicia and Uptownsteve must be having diarhea of the mouth again.

    ab you need to get a grip, girl. Did you take your meds today?

    US, we all know you and ab are in love. Nobody in their right mind would engage in off-topic dumb conversations unless they really were attracted to each other. Best of luck to you both.

    Alicia, take your meds!

  182. Say It Loud11:20 PM

    "I believe that if I came in here with my moniker and proceeded to "tell all you" what I thought the solutions were it would be disrespectful and presumptious. People would get their backs up and not hear what I said. "Mr. Whitey

    I've presumed nothing. I know the problem has no quick and easy fix, and that it's going to take the collective efforts of us all to begin to heal the wounds hundreds of years in the making.

    You seem like a reasonable fellow, and I believe that you're sincere when you say, "It is ALL OUR problem."

    That's a good beginning, and one that can be built upon.

    We can build a better America, but we must do it as Americans, not black Americans and white Americans, and we all must have a stake in the outcome.

    That's what's been missing in earlier dialogs meant to bridge the racial divide. We've felt that the onus was upon us to rectify conditions that we only partly had a hand in making.

  183. don't hate

    news flash:

    some kids go to medical school at age 8!

    doogie houser was based on real life child prodigies like me


  184. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Eff U A B. U R NOT LISTED IN MENZA. Google it so you can prove your geniusity. U R NO PRODIGY.

    Negroes, please!

  185. Anonymous12:00 AM


    Anon 11:49p I agree. ab is listed on the roll of a mental institution in Chicago. They are still looking for her crazy ass.

  186. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Hey Anon @ 11:19!

    Thanks for the tip. I finally know what AB meant with Anon:us! Funny girl. She was wrong! It was I, the language fairy!

    Call the doctor!

    "Oh Frankenstein?"

    Delusions of grandeur she suffers from. Meds will not help.

    At least I am not slinging the mud telling her to troll in her own sandbox. Trouble is, no one reads HER blog because...............

    One has to admit baiting is quite fun. Especially when one doesn't have to reduce oneself to idiotic insults.

    However, I wish this blog could be rid of such wretches, so we can go back to being PC and po-lite!

  187. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Cummon ab ya gotta be the last word. Ya know your ego can't stop ya now. After all, yer brilliant.

  188. Anonymous1:02 AM

    "However, I wish this blog could be rid of such wretches, so we can go back to being PC and po-lite!"

    Anon 12:04a, I feel the same way. But forget it! AB and US are natural born exhibitionists whose lives center around the FN blog. It's where they meet. The 'topic' is not important because they will create their own.

    This month's Mental Ward Journal labels their behavior as "blog sex," which is a derivative of "phone sex". The Ward Journal claims that these people actually have orgasms while typing crazy comments to each other.

    That explains why they can't stay on topic. LOL.

  189. I read most of the 187 comments. Not the last twenty, though. And some people's comments I just skipped.

    But, I would like to address some issues raised in the comments I did read.

    1 - Black people do address black-on-black crime. Just because not everybody sees it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    2 - Once you hold for socio-econ status, crime rates are no different from one race to the next. Black people suffer from two problems, both of which are due to racism. The first problem is our disproportionate proverty, which can be explained by several decades of racism even after slavery. The other problem is the disproportionate amount of news coverage, especially local, given to black criminals.

    I gotta say, though, cause I was really excited. One a local station in SC tonight, they covered a story of a guy breaking into a home, thinking no one was in. But a man was there with his two kids. He beat up the guy so bad, the guy started begging for mercy. The reporter started the story off with, "A man thought to have broken into several other homes broke into one house tonight. He was unprepared for the beatdown." Of course, the guy defending his home, without a gun I should add, was the hero. What was shocking was that the man was black and the intruder was white. I'm just really glad that news in SC, South Carolina!, is progressing to the point that they'll tell the truth even if the black guy looks good.

    3 - I'm not sure of other people's reasons for not blogging or commenting about issues within the community as much as how racism effects the community. But I will tell you mine. In every way measurable, the black community is no better or worse than anyone else when it comes to moral issues. Our problem is anti-black racism.

    Plus, why give anti-black bigots more ammo which they won't discuss honestly anyway?

    4 - I co-sign some complaints about ab and us. While I do side with one more than the other, I skipped the last 10 or so of y'all's comments. And as an addendum - again, I don't know anyone else reason. But my reason for not email someone at their personal email is that I don't want them to have my email address so they can fill up my inbox with their nonsense.

    Ok. That's all. I'll try to read comments 188+.

  190. uptownsteve9:01 AM


    "I interchanged "black neighborhoods" and "inner cities" and what? How does that change a thing?"

    Are you saying that there is no such thing as a safe black neighborhood?

    No suburban black neighborhoods.

    No blacks out in the country?

    You really are a stupid inbred racist, aren't you?

  191. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Alicia Banks opines: "i had a documented IQ of 250 at age a full time undergrad at uiuc at age 12"

    Alicia Banks is a bald faced, psychotic liar too.

    There is no IQ test that goes as high as 250. None, zip, nada.

    Furthermore, if by "uiuc" this ugly, lying hag is referring to the The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, an email to the university confirmed they have no academic record of an "Alicia Banks" and they never had a 12 year old graduate.

    Alicia Banks is a sick bitch who needs psychiatric attention. She was clearly let out of the nut house too early.

  192. ha

    the haterade is amazing herein

    uiuc yes

    and i have documents to prove my 1976 IQ along with a 5.0 GPA that also no longer exists at uiuc

    and i also have a MA with a summa cum laude 4.0 cum. gpa to match

    funny how i am so awesome that you have to pretend that i and my awards and honors do not exist

    it makes me feel even more awesome that you lie and slander to try to erase my outstanding life...rather than deal with the points i make

    and it is


    Who’s Who of American Women 2008-2009

    Who’s Who in America 2008 & 2009

    Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008

    Who’s Who in the World 2007

    Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006

    Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/27 2004

    Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001

    University of Arkansas at Little Rock MAIOC
    Summa Cum Laude - 4.0 Cumulative GPA 2001

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996

    Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986

    Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984

    UIUC Dean's List 1984

    UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984

    UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983

    UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982

    UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982

    "Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000

    "Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997

    "Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996

    "If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996

    "Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

    "Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993

    "Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993

    thanks for letting me know just how wonderful i am....


  193. Anonymous9:38 AM

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996So, 13 years ago, at the age of 12, would make Alicia Banks a mere 25 years of age today?

    ROFLMAO! Look at her picture.

    Bitch is a hella lot older than 25. Even on her best day with those tired, tired extensions glued on good and the ash under control, she looks at least to be 50.

    The only thing that's "250" about this lying wench is her weight.

  194. you are a moron

    i was so awesome at uiuc that i received an award in 1996 after i graduated in 1984

    it happens all the time to legendary alumni like me


  195. each day one lives is a blessing...

    i have posted my age here often

    i am very beautiful and very proud to be 45...


  196. anon:

    tmi: you sound weaved/bald...

    you are a sexist, vulgar, uneducated, envious, illiterate
    and lying dog...

    my lovely mane is all natural
    and i am beautiful all over

    LEOS are typically beautiful with great's a lioness thing...

    i have been growing and pampering my gorgeous, groomed, and neat flowing locks since 1998

    cc me a picture of you:


  197. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Here's the thing. Check this.

    For the sake of Alicia's fantasy vision of herself, let's concede she has an IQ of 250.

    Why then isn't she involved with finding a cure for cancer, AIDS, MS, or Sickle Cell?

    Why then isn't she working for the United Nations? A member of the Obama administration? A CEO of a multi-national corporation?

    Instead, Miss "250" is loitering in this blog for 12 and 14 hours, wasting her 250 IQ and contributing nothing to her world.

    You're a liar, Princess. A liar.

    Liar, Liar, Weave on fire.

    We're all on to you and it ain't going to be pleasant for your fat ass now.

  198. anon

    cc me your resume/bio asap:

    i am not het or fat, so the curious fat slurs are meaningless...

    my brain is fat as hell though
    sorry yours is clearly so emaciated
    and dumb...


  199. Anonymous12:10 PM

    My point has been made.

    No one with an IQ of 250 would be loitering on a blog, spewing meaningless tirades at her imagined accusers.

    A person with a 250 IQ would be putting it to good use. In science or the arts or public service.

    You're tiny intellect renders you only able to work in fast food restaurants or retail sales.

    You Alicia are a fraud. A psychopathic liar. What a sad excuse for a human being.


  200. your evasions, hallucinations, and twisted fantasies will never protect you from your dementia or erase my awesome life...

    au revoir fou!
