Thursday, June 04, 2009

Micky and a fake Muslim are on my mind.

So I am blogging from Buena Vista Florida, how I got into this I don't know. But Mrs. Field promised her niece a trip to Disney World (AKA Rip Off Land) on her fourth Birthday and today was the day to deliver. So here I am in the kiddy Mecca until Sunday, my hand forced by powers way beyond my control.

I have made the trip to Disney World before, but it was more like the adult version. This time, my movements, not to mention my pocket book, is at the mercy of a drooling four year old who wants all things Micky and Minnie. Yep a hundred large before I even get out of the airport tells me that this trip is going to set back field inc. just a bit.

But anyway, I didn't just want to talk about my trip tonight. What I wanted to talk about was the FAM (Fake ass Muslim) who shot up the recruiting station in Little Rock, Arkansas. I have been getting a bunch of e-mails calling me coward and daring me to blog about this clown. What made people believe that I was afraid to call out this Negro, I don't know. But just to let you all know that the field isn't afraid to call a spade a spade, let me say a few things.

First, that Negro is a domestic terrorist, and he is no different than the white supremacist terrorist who I call on the carpet for taking the lives of fellow A-merry-cans because of their twisted beliefs. This Negro was upset because of how he thought the US Army was treating Muslims. Okay,that may or may not be a legitimate beef, but is that enough reason to go sniper on a US Army recruiting station? All you are doing Negro is giving the rest of us a bad name, and giving wingnuts and their apologizers a chance to say they do it too. We kill an abortion doctor, they kill a soldier. More ammo for the FOX propaganda machine.

Oh, and Abdulhakim, the next time you decide to commit an act of terror, it might be a good idea to skip the trip to Yemen. Just a thought.
I'm out folks it's been a long day. Tomorrow I will be in the theme park "where dreams happen", and where pocket books go dry.


  1. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Read the Koran; it's okay to kill non believers. This is Sura 4.89 from the Koran: 4.89 : They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

  2. Okay, now they'll be adding to the list of stereotypes for black folks--Muslim terrorist. Smh!
    I can just hear ole Hannity and the Fox gang now. They'll be attacking Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam and claiming that all blacks are terrorist. I'm sorry but homeboys need their behind kicked.

  3. Gregory1:28 AM

    Read the Bible, anony. It is chocka with with passages where non-Chosen are slaughtered. I would give the usual cut and paste references but, frankly, I just don't really care that much tonight to do that.

    The world would be a better place if you nutters would stop killing one another trying to prove who has the bigger invisible friend.

  4. Read the Bible. Rabbi tells his followers:

    The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle),” Friedman wrote in response to the question posed by Moment Magazine for its “Ask the Rabbis” feature.

    Friedman argued that if Israel followed this wisdom, there would be “no civilian casualties, no children in the line of fire, no false sense of righteousness, in fact, no war.”

    “I don’t believe in Western morality,” he wrote. “Living by Torah values will make us a light unto the nations who suffer defeat because of a disastrous morality of human invention.”

  5. Lady-Cracker1:42 AM

    IMHO four years old is too young to go to Disnyland/world. They should by at least 5 or 5 1/2+

    They are then usually old enough to go through the day without drooping and whining. Usually tall enough for some of the better rides too.

  6. FN please enjoy your stay in Florida with the niece. You threw a bone to the denizens of planet wingnuttia on this issue. Let them bloviate on this topic with that fat tub of goo that his name escapes me. The drug addict, you know.

  7. grinder6:14 AM

    Field, you're not obligated to go after every black person who misbehaves. Just sayin'

  8. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Preparing for Disney World:

    Go to the bank and get a LARGE stack of cash, 20's and 50's.

    Open a nice bottle of wine.

    Build a nice fire in your fireplace.

    Throw money into the fire.

    When it doen't bother you anymore, you are ready to go see Mickey and Friends!

  9. Great, now. we have dueling holy instructions.

    Gregory,I co-sign with you 100 percent.

    Anon.6:33AM,thanks for the advice.
    But I am afraid it's too late,I was not prepared.:)

  10. SickupandFed8:55 AM


    That is the dream, to make your pocket dry.

  11. Enjoy! My only regret is that you didn't postpone the trip until after July 4, when President Obama's animatronic likeness will be up and running in the Hall of Presidents.

  12. Shabazz10:24 AM

    Don't forget to say hi to bonnie!

  13. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Read the Bible, anony. It is chocka with with passages where non-Chosen are slaughtered. I would give the usual cut and paste references but, frankly, I just don't really care that much tonight to do that.

    You are correct! The Bible and the Koran are both choke full of hate. People need to stop living their lives based on 1,000 plus years old books that were written by whack jobs.

    They'll be attacking Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam and claiming that all blacks are terrorist. I'm sorry but homeboys need their behind kicked.


    There's a big difference between the Nation and regular Islam: Islam condemns all non believers to to burn; however, the Nation only believes the whites will be destroyed when the "mother ship" returns.

  14. old white guy11:20 AM

    Damn, field! I love children, but Disney World? You should have called me before that shit got out of hand. She is four years. Spin her little butt around till she can't sit up, hand her a mouse, and ask her how she liked Disney World.

  15. I have been commenting about Dr.Tiller, the Arkansas guy, and a local murder this week at my blog. I read a piece about "uneven media coverage" of the first two killings, and chose one out of the Atlanta area to compare them two. The local one is a 18 yo killed his mother, then asked the police if he was going away for a long time.
    Killing is killing, and it is almost always wrong. Connecting the dots can be good for your blogging statistics, however.

  16. uptownsteve12:19 PM

    Since when does the media "underreport" black criminality?

  17. ditto

    it is a disgrace!

    and the neocons/kkk here are having way too much fun with it on radio...

    here is some local info on that coward:


  18. holy hatred/slaughter is universal in all religions

    that is why i have always been spiritual but NEVER religious...

    my newest favorite book is:


    superb history of many religious slaughters therein


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I feel your pain brother, I am in Las Vegas, adult Disneyland at a convention. Everything here is fake and a ripoff as well.
    By the way: "a spade, a spade" That's a good one!
    Anyhoo, back to the this crazed negro (he doesn't deserve a capital N). All he did was run from one house to another. If you think the racist crackers here are bad, try some of my less enlightened Arab brothers! They still have African slaves!
    What the hell do you think the genocide in Darfur is about! Goes to show you.. You can take the negro out of the house but you can't take the house out of the negro!

  21. Disney World. You have arrived!

  22. anonymous2:08 PM

    "They'll be attacking Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam and claiming that all blacks are terrorist."

    "Attacking" FarraKKKhan and the black KKK. Cry me a river. They are just a buch of white sheet wearing black folks and I'm sick of being told by people like Granny that I need to lay off them. Respect is a two way street and it takes a lot of nerve for black folks to be OUTRAGED that someone is disgusted by these white sheet wearing black folks. I should add (listen closely Steve)
    I am equally disgusted by the white KKK yet I do not hear screams of "Leave them allllooonne" when someone speaks ill of them.

  23. There's a guy in the New Testament who lost his temper only once, because the bankers had set up branch offices inside the Temple & were ripping everybody off.

  24. Anony 10:45:

    "There's a big difference between the Nation and regular Islam: Islam condemns all non believers to to burn; however, the Nation only believes the whites will be destroyed when the "mother ship" returns."

    What do they believe?
    This is actually more like a mission statement. The following is also taken from their official website and as printed on the back of every Final Call newspaper:

    What The Muslims [Nation of Islam] Believe

    WE BELIEVE in the One God whose proper Name is Allah.
    WE BELIEVE in the Holy Qur'an and in the Scriptures of all the Prophets of God.

    WE BELIEVE in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it.

    WE BELIEVE in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to the people.

    WE BELIEVE in the resurrection of the dead--not in physical resurrection--but in mental resurrection. We believe that the so-called Negroes are most in need of mental resurrection; therefore they will be resurrected first. Furthermore, we believe we are the people of God's choice, as it has been written, that God would choose the rejected and the despised. We can find no other persons fitting this description in these last days more that the so-called Negroes in America. We believe in the resurrection of the righteous.

  25. WE BELIEVE in the judgment; we believe this first judgment will take place as God revealed, in America...

    WE BELIEVE this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negroes and the so-called white Americans. We believe the black man should be freed in name as well as in fact. By this we mean that he should be freed from the names imposed upon him by his former slave masters. Names which identified him as being the slave master's slave. We believe that if we are free indeed, we should go in our own people's names--the black people of the Earth.

    WE BELIEVE in justice for all, whether in God or not; we believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in equality--as a nation--of equals. We do not believe that we are equal with our slave masters in the status of "freed slaves." We recognize and respect American citizens as independent peoples and we respect their laws which govern this nation.

    WE BELIEVE that the offer of integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black peoples into believing that their 400-year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends." Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing that the time in history has arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation. If the white people are truthful about their professed friendship toward the so-called Negro, they can prove it by dividing up America with their slaves. We do not believe that America will ever be able to furnish enough jobs for her own millions of unemployed, in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 black people as well.

    WE BELIEVE that we who declare ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for.

    WE BELIEVE our women should be respected and protected as the women of other nationalities are respected and protected.

    WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims.

  26. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no god and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.

    Anonymous 10:45, I know that my eyesight gets a little bad at times but tell me where you see that at? I actually have a Koran that was given to me when I used to live in another city that was predominately white. A doctor gave it to me, she was an Eastern Indian. She gave them free to all her patients it was her way of fighting racism towards Muslims. I have it somewhere packed away in one of my book crates.

  27. Anonymous 2:08:

    ""Attacking" FarraKKKhan and the black KKK. Cry me a river. They are just a buch of white sheet wearing black folks and I'm sick of being told by people like Granny that I need to lay off them."

    First of all, show me where I said lay off of them.

    Second, give me an example of who they have they beaten, burned, and lynched.

    Third, I was just making a statement of how whenever a black person does something MSM and white folks tend to lump all blacks together instead of looking at us as individuals like they do their own. Furthermore, I was commenting about that RETARDED HANNITY and how he operates.

    Therefore, can you tell me where you came up with your conclusions? One more thing, Granny is very straightforward, always have been and always will be. I don't fear man. No one has to put words in my mouth. I know how and will express myself and don't need any help to do it. If you don't believe me, I'm sure you can ask anyone on this blog who has been posting as a regular, white, black, hispanic, Asian, etc, and they'll all tell you that.

  28. Saleema,

    You post Friedman’s remarks as if his comment were a tractate in Jewish law.

    It is his sole opinion and nothing more. As a matter of fact, there was a backlash from the very article you linked:

    Friedman’s use of phrasing that might seem more familiar coming from an Islamic extremist has generated a swift backlash. The editor of Moment, Nadine Epstein, said that since the piece was printed in the current issue they “have received many letters and e-mails in response to Rabbi Friedman’s comments — and almost none of them have been positive.”

    While I agree that it’s disingenuous to cherry-pick from any Scripture to further an agenda, such as the earlier post referencing a passage from the Koran, it’s also dishonest to use one person’s opinion as if it is representative of a given faith.

  29. BTW, before you really get things twisted, I am not a Muslim either. However, I am a Christian, but I'm not that type of Christian like those rightwing Christians or a Christian fanatic. I don't have no heaven or hell to put anyone in. Nor do I try to shove Jesus down anyone's throat or will I try to. Jesus was a gentleman and that's a person own individual choice. I will not make that choice for them because it is not my right. It's theirs.

  30. fn:

    ot - i just read your blurb on the drug mule who got life in prison

    i am not defending her suicidal foolishness at all!

    i am always amazed at any americans who dare to break any/drug laws while in foreign lands...(2 fav films


    since she was doomed by guilt from day 1,it was very field negro rebel criminality to get pregnant after being imprisoned, to make sure she dodged execution, while simultaneously making sure that she may be eligible for extradition to a far more humane imprisonment in britain...

    sometimes house negros must be facing death before they dare to become field negros under duress...



  31. "There's a guy in the New Testament who lost his temper only once, because the bankers had set up branch offices inside the Temple & were ripping everybody off."

    Amen Bob! He had righteous anger.

  32. President Obama made a good point yesterday in his speech where all religions and non religions have a common ground and that is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

    If everyone would follow that golden rule, the world wouldn't be in the turmoil it is today. Because people would treat everyone with the same dignity and respect that they would want others to treat them with. For example, no one wants anyone to kill them so they shouldn't kill others. Whatever, you do in life to others comes back on you and it comes back worse. That's the bottom line.

  33. It was a drive-by terrorist attack, FN.

    This shiftless Negro of such supposed dedication couldn't even be man enough to face them as he killed him.


  34. As far as DisneyWorld is concerned...

    open up the wallett and keep it open.

  35. Excuse me Alicia, but could you please provide the proof or at least the supporting links that would back up your take on how Samantha got pregnant in prison? Thanks.

  36. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Granny- you said NOI has never participated in KKK like activity?

    Also, perhaps you should look up some notible quotes by NOI leadership.

    They act like the KKK, talk like the KKK.... they just don't look like the KKK

  37. that is why it was such a smooth rebel field negro move

    no one is quite sure just how she got pregnant in prison

    a rebel guest may have passed sperm to her clandestinely?...


  38. here is a more recent link too:


  39. sick freak5:52 PM

    Thats very brave of you FN.You even fired some cheap shots at FOX NEWS.

    I was hoping that you would blog about David Carradine who died while trying to have a orgasm.

    Or you could have blogged about Cheney having higher approval ratings than the botox queen Nancy Pelosi.

    Maybe you could have mentioned the 9.4% unemployment rate.

    Or maybe you could have talked about Rush again.

    Rush--I can’t remember who said this, but you know this is something that I’ve thought long and hard about repeating in this interview with you: If Al Qaeda wants to demolish the America we know and love, they’d better hurry because Obama’s beating them to it.

    You go Rush.Calling Obama out while the rest of the liberal msm watches him destroy America.

  40. fn:

    here is more local news on amm

    have a great weekend

  41. Your Black Muslim Bakery had no ties to NOI. Just because a person is black and a Muslim doesn't mean they are part of NOI.

    The Zebra murders were not ordered by NOI.

    If you can make that case, then the Catholic Church should be tried and convicted for organized crime over the priest molestation scandal. And same for Jewish faith over the molestations in NY.

    I lived here for both of these events and this is just bullshit.

    I am not a fan of NOI and especially no fan of Louis Farakhan but it's pretty low class to make up nonsense or pull something out of one's butt to make the case. Anybody who believes, or worse yet, quotes, Wikipedia is a full blown idiot.

  42. grinder6:15 PM

    I was just making a statement of how whenever a black person does something MSM and white folks tend to lump all blacks together instead of looking at us as individuals like they do their own.<>

    Without a doubt this happens, and it happens too often. You can't be white in America and not have baggage in your railroad car.

    Yet, there is progress. Last November, roughly 43 million white voters helped elect a black man president of the United States. His black vote was 16 million.

    I am not for a millisecond arguing that racism is finished in this country, but I am arguing that we've made progress. What happened last year would NEVER have happened in the America of my youth.

    It's hard to overstate the significance of that. The reason I say it is because, when it comes to the presidency, there is no such thing as affirmative action. Obama got those white votes because of the content of his character. White voters looked at the individual and decided that he was the best candidate.

    Isn't it time to paint the fence with a slightly narrower brush with respect to the white population of America? We've definitely got our baggage, no question about it. But we aren't the only ones will a full railroad car.

  43. West Coast Story:

    Thank you for enlightening Anonymous. I had left to go and take care of some business and just got back. Although, I normally leave my computer up, but I don't always sit at it, unless I'm kick back, relaxed and have nothing to do that day. However, what you said is similar to what I would have said and I cosign with. I get tired of people accusing black organizations of what they are not guilty of. You and I live in the Bay Area so we know what the Black Panthers were about and most black people know what NOI is about. That doesn't mean that all of us agree with everything NOI believes in even Farrakhan could tell them that.

    Anonymous 5:13:

    BTW, Anonymous, from what I gathered from what the NOI believes in is this. They just don't want to be bothered with white people and feel that both need to go their separate ways. They don't trust you to be fair and equal in treatment because of past history and treatment of black people, and they feel like they'd have a better chance and more opportunities building their own community free from racism. You know sort of like "Black Wall Street." No where in their beliefs does it say kill or commit a violent act towards white people.

    However, the Klan went around terrorizing, stealing, vandalizing, and killing innocent black people.

  44. Grinder:

    Yea, we all have some baggage. I've said many times before on this blog that no race is perfect or without flaws. Stop thinking that every time someone makes a comment they are directing it at you personally, because they are not. Like I said before it is aimed at white folks with racist views and white supremacy beliefs, and unless that shoe fits, well it shouldn't bother you. Black folks do know the difference after all they've been the victims of it since they were brought over here on a slave ships. I told the truth, that is what Hannity and folks like him will do. I'm not taking that back.

    BTW, yes, in some ways we've come a long ways but there is still a lot of work to do because most of the strides we've made are symbolic. Most of our civil rights statues and court decisions have been more symbol than enforceable laws. We praise and celebrate these laws but none of them have been fully honored at the bank.

  45. Farrakhan is a joke. He had his million man march. Great rave. Where was the follow through? Exactly what problems has his movement addressed or solved?

    Look, he didn't have to solve everything. No one can expect that. But he had to solve something real. Or at least make a noticeable change in people's daily lives somewhere. Where's the change?

    The Nation of Islam wants separation. As an expression of frustration, I can understand it. But as an actual platform, it is a foolhardy joke. The whole world is shrinking, and they want separation? Give me a break.

    But let's say, for purposes of argument, that I am flat wrong. Well, one way to prove the doubters wrong would be if Farrakhan could pop up later and have something to point to.

    It has been nearly 14 years since the million man march. That's plenty of time to come up with something. Where is Louis Farrakhan these days, anyway? What in hell has he done?

    I could even accept the idea that he's done a whole lot that the mainstream media has ignored. I'm no big fan of the media. But at some point, the media would eventually have to confront improvement. So where is it?

    It's been 14 years. Where's the beef?

  46. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Hey Field:

    As you are really sorry about Samantha, who was trafficking drugs in to an independant country (yes, Laos doesn't have the same equal and transparent system like in the US and UK, but they are an independant country) please have a look what the people in UK are capable of:

    May be Khyra's mother and oartner were influenced by the corrupt authorites in 'that' country to let that mother to let her daughter starved to death... Becasue 'that' country is a third world poor country in Europe!!!

  47. Somebody shoot me please!!!

    Supposed to do Epcot tomorrow;it ain't happening.:(

  48. Stop thinking that every time someone makes a comment they are directing it at you personally, because they are not.

    I didn't take it personally. Didn't even take it as an attack on my race, even though it seems like I did. I was trying to make an observation about reality today. There's all this heated words, including my own, but sometimes I'd like to pause and look around and see what's actually there.

    There's all kind of bad shit. Field's posting about the Texas cop who tried to arrest the black paramedic was depressing as hell. The Bush administration's handling of Hurricane Katrina, well, let's put it this way, Granny: It was the only time in my life that I literally broke down crying while watching the news.

    I'm not denying a damn thing. We've got work to do, a whole lot of it. But we owe it to ourselves to look at the progress we've made, too. That's all I was trying to say.

  49. Supposed to do Epcot tomorrow;it ain't happening<>

    I have purposely avoided Disney World except for the time I got shanghaied down there on business, but even then I avoided the park. So I am sort of curious about what the hell Epcot is, and I'd especially like to hear your take on it, Field. If you can possibly stand it, that is.

  50. Anonymous6:48 PM


    Just give in to it, man. Pretend you're a kid again. It can't hurt. lol

  51. Anonymous6:53 PM

    This is my continued discussion with field about Laos:

    I work in Laos as a foriegner and knows the place. Yes, they are corrupted and bad as any place in the world... They are coming out from a very bad period... My experience of going to Laos is not different from coming to USA to elsewhere...

    My dear Field; have you thought that Samantha made her pregnancy in the prison (may be, Yes a Big may be) with an American, English, Australian, French, etc... drug dealer, who is serving their term in the prison? It is an easy choice... Because the law in Laos does not put pregnant women down like the 'coalition' does in Iraq or Afghanistan..

    SOmething to think about...

    I am not trying to make ou all Field Negros in the US angry...We love you all from Africa, Middle East and Asia...

  52. Anonymous7:05 PM

    By the way, Holy Quran doesn't promote the idea that it's okay to kill non believers. Islam is a religion that was born in necessasiy and growing at the momemhbt because the 'free wolrd' do not offer a community... You can argue about the concepts in Holy Quran against peace, like anyone can do about the Bible...

    Love to you all..

  53. Anonymous7:12 PM

    BTW, Anonymous, from what I gathered from what the NOI believes in is this. They just don't want to be bothered with white people and feel that both need to go their separate ways.

    Look up the myth of Yakub: the Nation believes that a mad scientist created the 'devil' race of whites to trick blacks and rule over the world. Elijah believed that a "mother ship" would one day return to destroy the whites and take blacks to paradise. Of course, it's only racist thinking that separates the loony tune ideology of the Nation from that of Christianity or Islam. All three do have one thing in common though: they represent a short cut to actual thinking.

  54. Anonymous7:17 PM

    By the way, Holy Quran doesn't promote the idea that it's okay to kill non believers.

    Have you ever read the book?!

    "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Submission to Allah), Never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost ." (Koran 3:85; cp. 5:10; 25:68)
    Those who "believe not in Allah and His Messenger, He has prepared, for those who reject Allah, a Blazing Fire!" (Koran 48:13)

    O Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Be harsh
    with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. -

    O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends
    of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them.
    God does not guide an unjust people. - 5:54

    Allah will humble the unbelievers. Allah and His apostle are free from
    obligations to idol-worshipers. Proclaim a woeful punishment to the
    unbelievers. - 9:2-3

    Great book to live your life by!!!!!

  55. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Hmmm, I have read the book and didn't take the concepts literaly, similarly I didn't take the literal meaning of the Holy Bible. You seems to be taking the book by the words as the Pope would do...

    I have my own experience with the nomads in the desert (not the dessert) who lives their lives PRACTICALLY, but not taking the book by the words.

    The moment you take the book (whether it is Holy Quran or Holy Bilble) by its words you are going to follow something bogus. Have you seen what happen to George W. Bush?

    My sister or brother, please be creative and follow our compassion. Not your rage.

  56. grinder7:43 PM

    the Nation believes that a mad scientist created the 'devil' race of whites to trick blacks and rule over the world. Elijah believed that a "mother ship" would one day return to destroy the whites and take blacks to paradise.<>

    What did someone do? Find a Scientology book and copy it??

  57. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Dear Grinder:

    I am glad that there are people who can think and think compassionately in the USA...

    Loads of love

  58. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I love it when black folks argue about religions they got from the master.
    Field,Your hero Marcus Garvey was a friend of a KKK grand wizard .

  59. Grinder;

    Katrina was close to my heart too because that is where my dad's side of the family was and had lived since 1802. I watched one of my cousins, a nurse, being lifted off her roof. She didn't leave, because she was suppose to report back to work. The year 2000, we had our family reunion there on Lake Ponchartrain and stayed in a hotel suite in the French quarters on Bourbon Street.

    BTW, Farrakhan has done a lot in the black community, but he is very ill now and not active as he once was. Ed Rendall has recognized him and given him an award and so have other well-known leaders.

    Anonymous 7:30:

    I agree with you about not taking them literally, because they are both spiritual books. However, like the bible says, "He who has ears, let him hear."

    "Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the LORD is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it."

  60. Anonymous 8:04:

    Christianity and Muslim faith were in Africa centuries before it was invaded.

  61. One of my ancestors that was a slave from Africa was a Muslim. After slavery they named their rural town Kiblah, which means The direction of the Kaaba, in Mecca, toward which Muslims face when praying.

  62. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hmmm, I have read the book and didn't take the concepts literaly, similarly I didn't take the literal meaning of the Holy Bible. You seems to be taking the book by the words as the Pope would do...

    Hmm.. if you can't a book literally (by what it actually says) than what's the point? There is nothing holy about the Bible or Koran. People quote the "good" passages of the Bible all the time. Should we not take those literally either?

  63. Whelp, "you will know them by their spirit."

  64. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Hmm.. if you can't a book literally (by what it actually says) than what's the point? There is nothing holy about the Bible or Koran. People quote the "good" passages of the Bible all the time. Should we not take those literally either?

    Well,... where is our brain that you have developed? Isn't your brain suppose to think better than a DOG - Sorry I mean GOD...

  65. Alicia, something does not smell right about the circumstances surrounding this "deal".

    This situation got some unexpected attention, and It appears she's been given a "deal" out of the ordinary. If I was in her situation, I too might have agreed to just plea guilty and not say certain things in order to survive. I don't know, but I feel something similar could have gone down. I give her the benefit.

  66. ditto

    anything is possible


    even rape by a guard...but even that is karmic irony in her favor

    the same rapist dog who probably would have had an additional twisted orgasm by murdering her is now unable to do so...and his forced seed may be her salvation via extradition etc

    whatever happened
    she is alive only by the skin of her belated field negro teeth


  67. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Yes La♥Incognita; the smell from Laos is not good always. It is always dodgy and shady. I don't argue against that...

    But can the 'brothers' who are in Guantánamo Bay could say the same thing? Or the brothers and sisters who are in Jordan, Poland, Slovania and Yamen under the name of protecting USA can get the same deal?

    The reality (and the DEALl) is that Samantha will be transfered to UK (there is an agreement between UK and Laos based on funding) soon and then she will be released on parole by January next year.... That is the reality we are talking about here.... Check BBC...

    But the question is that a woman from Malawi (It is a country in African region) could bring some drugs in to USA where she actually plans to take the drugs in to Mexico could have the same benefit?

    That is the advantage you have whether you are black, brown, or yellow... if you are coming from a 'developed' country....

    Then living in the UK, I know that the young people are not THAT innocent.... So, please expect Samantha to be an innocent baby girl....


  68. StillaPanther210:02 PM

    Brother Field....get a T-shirt with your picture and your neice and ten years you can poll it out and it will bring a smile. My last trip there was when King Kong was the in thing to throw money at. Just suck it up and let the little boy in you come out. I complained the whole trip but to no avail, Nobody listens when there is sooo much fun to be had,My son has been gone for three years....but I still have that T-shirt with him and that King Kong. :) :)

  69. sick freak11:19 PM

    If Samantha would have just said no to drugs than she wouldn't be in the trouble she's in.

    She should have gotten " put down".That would have taught all your black folks to " just say no".

    God bless Nancy Reagan.She tried to get you people to just say no.

    Why can't you just say no?

  70. sick freak11:24 PM

    Christians and Muslims,The Bibble or Quran, who cares??

    There is only one way,that is the white way.

  71. Sick freak is trying so hard to put poor Frank out of business. It's just not right, Frank already put in so much time and effort into this blog.


  72. @ Sharon from WI,

    I'm so glad that you agree that it's wrong to take a person's opinion (and I assume action as well) and blame it on the entire nation/group/religion. I hope Muslims and Islam are included.

    Please tell others around you as well.

    By the way, my point was to hold up a mirror to him.

  73. Shabazz12:37 AM

    You know sick freak, someone should string your ass up by your turkeyneck,cut your balls off and shove them down your throat, you piece of shit.
    Why don't you just kill yourself???

  74. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Who is Samantha and what does she have to do with Field's post?

  75. Anonymous12:54 AM

    @Saleem. can you turn down the patronizing dial a little. your modesty is not coming through. remember a few years ago when muslims went bezerk over a cartoon in denmark which they deemed 'disrespectful'? weeks of protests on every contitent that left almost 200 dead. guess what? it was no more offensive than the crap openly published about jews on any given day in any muslims country. strangly enough there sure weren't a lot of muslims pointing this out. police your own people, then maybe you can be taken seriously by non-muslims.

  76. @ Anon 12:54,

    Taken seriously by non-Muslims? You seem to be speaking for them all? What an idiot.

    I am taken seriously by many non-Muslims, speak for yourself only.

    The crap that's printed in Hebrew in ISrael on a daily basis, justified by the Torah and Rabbis and sages, shows Israelis to be racist bastards.

    Just one example of the many:

  77. Shabazz1:47 AM

    Thank you Saleema, somebody had to call out "the untouchables".

  78. Gregory1:55 AM

    When I first started visiting this blog I was really disturbed by sick freak. S/he is truly sick, and not in the good or amusing way.

    Then I realized s/he was only doing her/his sick shtick to get attention. Sad, very sad. S/he is to be pitied, not hated.

  79. Anonymous2:35 AM

    What did someone do? Find a Scientology book and copy it??

    They've got even wackier shit than that. Google "Farrakhan and the Mother Ship" it's a real hoot. He was apparently taken into some black supremacist UFO in the 1980s!? Maybe he should start writing sci fi books? He couldn't do any worse than Battlefield Earth!

  80. Field, I suspect the man who shot up the US Army recruiting station was trying to make a point, and that's the only way he could think of to make it. When you consider how many people are getting blown away in the Gaza Strip, Afghanistan and Pakistan right now, it's a wonder that we think we can be immune to feeling the fire at home that we are fueling with our weapons and soldiers and military budget overseas.

    I admit that I don't know anything about this particular case, but I can imagine that someone might think (misguidedly) that seeing people get shot in the US would remind the US of all the people who are getting shot overseas.

    Unfortunately, mass shootings have become so common in the United States that he's probably have to shoot everyone on the eastern seaboard to get the nation's attention for more than one news cycle.

    On a different topic, here's a link to a site with HTML for a widget that leads to a petition in support of President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

    Here's the text of the petition:

    "View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

    To: Members of the US Senate

    I strongly support and urge immediate Senate confirmation of President Barack Obama’s nominee for the US Supreme Court: “wise Latina woman”, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, who now sits on U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

    At present, the US Supreme Court has nine members, of whom seven are white men. This is unfair and unbalanced. According to the US Census, the nation is less than 33% white male, while it is approximately 51% female, 15% Latino and 13% Black. Although white males are the minority of America, they remain the vast majority of the US Supreme Court, just as was the case before women and minorities gained the right to vote.

    It is impossible in a pluralistic society for a Court comprised of 78% white men to make wise, reasoned and sound decisions affecting the lives of a nation which is less than 33% white male. A wise and just Supreme Court requires a diversity of experiences, with the participation of representatives of the majority of Americans.

    For far too long, there has been a quota system at the United States Supreme Court. The de facto quota system required that all or the vast majority of the nine members of the Court be white males. In the history of the nation, there have never been more than three members of the court who were not white males at any one time. The anachronistic white male quota system is no longer tenable as the nation strives to treat all Americans equally and to have a government all of whose branches have the consent and participation of the nation’s diverse populace.

    The US Supreme Court cannot function wisely, justly, and fairly without the full participation of wise women and wise members of the nation’s minority groups, including the nation’s largest minority – Latinos. Therefore, we urge our elected representatives in the US Senate to immediately confirm the “wise Latina woman” who has earned our respect and support: soon-to-be US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.


    The Undersigned

    View Current Signatures"


  81. @Francis L. Holland Blog:
    "Field, I suspect the man who shot up the US Army recruiting station was trying to make a point, and that's the only way he could think of to make it."

    Let's hope that this man's method of "making a point" doesn't catch on!

  82. Prophetess Wallace:

    Are you signed on tonight? I started having problems with computer after I signed on today and have been trying to correct it every since. I might wind up reformatting my disk and reinstalling my software all over again.

    In a way, I guess it was a blessing in disguise because I wasn't in the mood to be reading no hateful, mean-spirited mess today, especially, sickfreak's sick comments.

  83. BlackDiapora:

    How are you tonight? And amen, I hope that man's methods don't catch on either. However, you know sin is just like leprosy it starts out small and spreads until it consumes the whole being.

    BTW, when I went back to read some of the comments of the prior post on other topics when I was away, I meant to tell you I enjoyed reading what you had to say.

  84. Granny: "I meant to tell you I enjoyed reading what you had to say."

    Granny, thank you. Your words always fill me with light and an occasional smile. I'm well for now, and pray that you are too.

    I don't always post, but I do lurk a lot to read what others have to say.

    I would have responded sooner--but I've been away from my computer.

  85. alicia banks said...

    i am not defending her suicidal foolishness at all!


    since she was doomed by guilt from day 1,it was very field negro rebel criminality to get pregnant after being imprisoned, to make sure she dodged execution, while simultaneously making sure that she may be eligible for extradition to a far more humane imprisonment in britain...
    Alicia there's only one way to get pregnant in prison, rape.

    Also most foreigners get drugs PLANTED on them. Laos has a history of that.A so called feminist such as yourself should know that.

  86. Now about this joker in Arkansas,he made it harder for Muslims everywhere.He didn't get this from reading progressive blogs. No one I know read "Dreams of my Father" and go out and shoot people.He might have gotten the idea from FOX,seriously.

  87. Anonymous11:27 AM

    It is impossible in a pluralistic society for a Court comprised of 78% white men to make wise, reasoned and sound decisions affecting the lives of a nation which is less than 33% white male.

    And it's impossible for a court entirely made up of of upper class, ivy league graduates to make wise reasoned and sound decisions either.

  88. sick freak3:35 PM

    A crazy leftwing Muslim fanatic tried to disrupt a memorial service for a victiim of a leftwing terrorist attack.

    No doubt she was a reader of liberal blogs and she watched Olbermann every night.

    The left knows no shame.

  89. Sickfreak:

    "No doubt she was a reader of liberal blogs and she watched Olbermann every night."

    Yup, I knew it. I knew it! You have Dyslexia. I mean there really is no other explanation other than you're not playing with a full deck for you to get stuff so upside down backwards like you do. Smh! Well, there is one more thing that could explain it and that is that your mentally challenged. Nah, scratch the mentally challenged off because they are way more intelligent than you and they have a good heart.

  90. ghetto whiteboy9:53 PM

    I said in another post about this,
    Islam man who shot the army guy,I'm 313 born and raised, something not right. its all to clean cut.look at the man close. does he look like he got the money to be flying in an airplane that far? to me he don't look smart enough to be Islam.Looks to me like he got caught big time doin some dumb ass shit and cut a deal .My gut tells me government playing funny.I don't know just got that feeling.
    Granny standing for truth, back in the 80ies in Detroit we had a D.J. MOJO from the Mothership, you saying that made me times weren't that good then,cheap hotel had gun on headrest and chair against door, anyway he gave me at the time some words to live by.i'd like to share. Mojo at the end of his show would always say .When you come to the end of your rope! tie a knot.

  91. ghetto whiteboy11:04 PM

    Field do like i do when I'm at the state fair with kids, put a 1/2 pint in your back pocket,vodka so no smell the kids can tell , buy one of the big lemon aide,Tell the kids you gotta go to the john, get your drink on. then walk around sipping your straw ,the day will get sunnier by the hour,
    how to end the race problem, all races get together bag the hell out of each other till we all have three mixed kids.that take care of that problem, don't worry ladies. i,m a ghetto white boy, but trust me I;m one size fits all ,ha For me you can send Gracie Jones over to my crib anytime,cause if i'm gonna die thats the way I want to go

  92. ghettowhiteboy:

    "all races get together bag the hell out of each other till we all have three mixed kids.that take care of that problem"

    I think they tried that before back during slavery and up to this present times. It didn't seem to work. If it did it would be all good as far as human relations go.

    "When you come to the end of your rope! tie a knot."

    Excuse me? Do you mind being a little more specific? Were you aiming that at me or in another direction?

  93. ghetto whiteboy9:25 AM

    No Granny Standing for Truth.
    you got it all wrong! what MOJO was saying was when all things are bad in your life and your at your wits end.catch your self don't jump off the bridge its gonna get don't be jumpin on me cause i got white in my title, your right first time was slavery,it wasn't everybody
    doing everybody doing everybody.but just think ,if everybody had a bit of black white brown yellow,it would be all good, but then again would work, the short would be raciest against the tall.damn thought i had a plan for a sec.

  94. Whiteghettoboy:

    Nah, you got me wrong I wasn't jumping on you. You alright with me. I asked you that question, because I didn't understand what you were saying. Understanding is always better than misunderstanding. BTW, your title has nothing to do with it as far as I'm concerned if you could see my family album you would truly understand what I mean. I could care less what color a person is because Granny looks for what is in a person's heart and my discernment is keen.

    As for the "they did that during slavery" remark I was jesting.

  95. Oh,yea, BTW, ghettowhiteboy, granny does have a little bit of everything in her. My own daddy use to pass for white when it was convenient and I still have some relatives passing to this day.

  96. Ghetto whiteboy8:40 PM

    Good. so do I.except on my daddy side
    all we know is he wondered or a hill.
    See you have a little everything.
    and I'm trying to get a little of every thing.Just kidden.
    Detroit .My papa was a rolling stone!

  97. sick freak:

    as nancy reagan was telling us to just say no

    her husband ronnie raygun was flooding black america communities with crack to fund contras...

    when your own hubby is a global drug dealer kingpin, slogans tend to pale by comparison


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