Sunday, June 14, 2009

A stunning statement and a couple of not so stunning wins.

A few months ago I said the exact thing that Leon Penetta said recently. I bet some of you thought back then that it was just pure hyperbole. But now, since the head of the CIA is saying the same damn thing, maybe you will give the field a little credit for picking up what old Dick was putting down.
The only thing that bothers me a little is that Penetta actually says that Darth Dick "smells some blood in the water." Ahh hello, Leon, is there something you should be telling us ? Should I cancel all future trips to New York City? Should I stay off the mass transit system when commuting? Inquiring field Negroes want to know.

Come on folks, is it only me who thinks that the head of the CIA calling out a former VP in such a manner is stunning?

"It's almost, a little bit, gallows politics. When you read behind it, it's almost as if he's wishing that this country would be attacked again, in order to make his point. I think that's dangerous politics." No shit Sherlock! I have been saying the exact same thing all along. But I have some news for you Leon; it's not only him, it's the entire right wing machine in this country. Starting with their blogs and ending in their halls of power. They want his O ness to fail so bad that if it will cost a few A-merry-cans their lives..... well, so be it.

Give me liberty or give me someone else's death. I am just saying.

Finally, a couple of congratulations are in order: Congrats to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for winning his election in Iran. Mahmoud, I see you learned something from the man who declared your country a part of the "axis of evil. " Question; do they have a Florida in Iran? Just curious.

And congrats to Kobe and his La-girls for being the new NBA champions. At least you didn't steal the title, Kobe. (Although the NBA sure tried o steal it for you) To many people here in A-merry-ca Kobe and Mahmoud is the same guy. But don't believe it. Mahmoud is much shorter.


  1. old white guy12:49 AM

    So you think Iran had a 'hanging chad' problem? I thought that would be fixed by now.

  2. Anonymous12:53 AM

    What? It's supposed to be some big surprise that the right wingnuts are panting for a catastrophic attack on this country? It's a win-win for them. If it had happened before the election, they might have stood a snowball's chance; if it happens now, it's all Obama's fault. So what if a few extraneous citizens get squashed. It's all for a good cause.


  3. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Great Blog tonight for you Field. A three pointer at least, all net. You calling out Darth Dick reminded me of something else I read today over at L.A Times regarding Zombie Politician Newt, is Marc Cooper copying your sytle of humor or is it just my imagination?,0,5845519.story

    Aloha from Makaii on Maui

  4. The Iranian middle class (which we always overestimate) has been reminded that democratic theocracy is an oxymoron. Call me a cynic, but I think Ahmadinejad could defuse the protests by promising free iPods for all with gift certificates for ten free downloads. But he doesn't have to. He has council of clerics, the military, the secret police, the bureaucrats, & the Iranian equivalent of rednecks on his side. He's a puppet president, & so would be the "reform" candidate.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Is it just me?? Do you want Chenney to shut the *&^% up?? I did not hear much from this man for the past 8 years and now all of sudden he has so much to say. He needs to SIT HIS AZZ DOWN.

    We all see who was really running this country for the past 8 years. SMH

    5:48 AM

  7. Maui,I love the basketball analogy.

    "So you think Iran had a 'hanging chad' problem? I thought that would be fixed by now."

    Knowing how they get down over there they might have a little hanging something else soon.

    Great points Bob.I always wondered how Iran did that balanciing act.

    Anon. 12:53AM. I got a very nasty e-mail from someone wondering how dare I accuse the repubs of wanting death for political expediency. Should I tell them to go to hell?

  8. I've been saying it ever since Tricky Dick II pulled that nonsense during the 2004 campaign against Kerry... scaring voters by saying that a vote for Kerry would lead to another 9/11. And Americans - being the boneheaded voters they are- bought it hook, line, and sinker. Tricky Dick II is simply picking up where he left off in 04.

    It's not just the wingnuts anymore.... this is increasingly a mainstream Republican dream....They are hoping for another big attack...and for Obama's failure, downfall...and even for the Country's failure as a way to resurrect their Party. It's almost as if they are no longer trying to hide it. It's some really sick stuff indeed.

  9. Sidebar: Kobe to Shaq, "Now tell me how my ask taste."

  10. Well, as least the Irani people are resisting in ways WE never did when Bush stole the election. I always have great admiration for resistance to injustice and I admire the courage of the people in Iran who have taken to the streets and refuse to shut up.... even as they and their leaders have begun being arrested. This indicates to me that even if Ahkmadinijad succeeds in quashing them for the moment... the passions for change have been inflamed and they will not die.

  11. Field,
    Make that Florida and Ohio, please. I worked voter protection in OH and believe me, the district (black) where I worked did not vote Kerry 65%/Bush 45%, but those were the figures.

    Yippee about Leon Penetta!!! I nearly fell of my chair when I heard about this! 'Bout time someone put the whoop ass on that monster demon Chaney. What a slime ball creep.

    As for his statement about smelling blood in the water, I think he was just trying to point out what a snarky shark Chaney is.

    Old Leon has got some big balls to say what he did, slapping around those neo-cons. Especially since he's the chief of the CIA. I am very delighted and impressed.

    Wonder what kind of fall out this will create for the administration with the FOXNoise making public.

    Should be an interesting week.

  12. Stating that obvious stuff w/ Cheney. It's almost comedic in how the right-wing are acting these days.

    Congrats to the Lake-Show!

  13. false9:56 AM

    I'm with Jody. At least the Iranians have the balls to complain.

    And to all the Laker haters out there, you better hope that the Lakers don't resign their free agents next year cause they're about to dominate for the next half decade. ;-)

  14. Of course the right-wingers are praying for an attack. It's their only hope of returning to power any time soon. Don't be surprised if they get impatient and pull off something Oklahoma City-style themselves, wearing turbans or burkhas.

    No doubt Mahmoud points out that of course Iran is a democracy - they've got the same system as the good-ole-USA, and he even got elected the same way as our last president!

    Oh, and Kobe speaks better English, too - somewhat.

  15. uptownsteve10:02 AM

    "What? It's supposed to be some big surprise that the right wingnuts are panting for a catastrophic attack on this country? It's a win-win for them. If it had happened before the election, they might have stood a snowball's chance; if it happens now, it's all Obama's fault. So what if a few extraneous citizens get squashed. It's all for a good cause."

    Yeah, don't you just love those conservative "patriots"?

    They want Obama to fail and they wish for a major terrorist hit on American soil.

    So they can regain political power.

    So much for love of country.

  16. uptownsteve10:03 AM

    Congratulations to Kobe and the Lakers.

    They deserved it.

  17. Gregory11:37 AM

    Of course Cheney and his ilk are secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) praying for a catastrophe to be visited on the US, because fear is their stock in trade.

    Their entire political message is based on fear, generally fear of the "other" (Muslims, Socialists, Darkies, [Fill In The Blank] Boogymen). Despite the GOP's proven ineptitude at governance, this is a message that plays well with the predominantly white electorate in flyover country.

    Cheney's regime already sacrificed one coastal city, NOLA, so what's one more urban center full of white lib-ruls and coloured folk to a monster like him?

  18. A Person of Interest12:12 PM

    So says Panetta, "When you read behind it, it's almost as if he's wishing that this country would be attacked again, in order to make his point. I think that's dangerous politics."

    Well, Panetta is entitled to his opinion. So is Cheney. Cheney has as much right to voice his opinions on the Obama administration aas anyone. Clinton, Gore, and that boob Carter have all been running their mouths for years. Cheney has just as much right. You can choose to listen to him, or not.

    There were a LOT of folks in this country that tried to warn FDR's administration that they feared an attack by the Japanese.

    That didn't mean they WANTED to be attacked by the Japanese.

    You can decide for yourself the rumors concerning FDR's complicity into Pearl Harbor.

    Me, I don't trust ANY damn politician.

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Make that two cities, Greg - 911 was America's Reichstag fire.

    The right wing in this country has slithered it's way off the edge - and it isn't just the usual whack-jobs...

    It's what's left of the whole damn Republican Party. Since racial politics became the key strain of Republican support during Raygun, resulting in the Party being taken over in 1994 by Neut's troops - the Party has become the White People's Party.

    The idea that those "mud people" could elect a black man - with significant white support is deeply galling.

    The Dick, and his cohorts hate an America where political and economic power is in any way shared with the non-white population...

    And will do anything, up to and including Treason to prevent that...

    Wouldn't be the first time The Dick committed treason.

  20. Anonymous12:31 PM


    When did Cheney commit treason?

  21. sick freak1:03 PM

    Remember when questioning someone's patriotism was bad and dissent was what all the cool kids were doing? Now it's fine to claim someone wants to see Americans killed in an attack because they dared to criticize the Obamessiah.

    You moonbats are such hypocrites .

  22. uptownsteve1:19 PM

    "When did Cheney commit treason?"

    Cheney was directly involved in the strategy to discredit former ambassador Joe Wilson and the outing of his wife Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA agent.


  23. sick freak1:22 PM

    "Cheney was directly involved in the strategy to discredit former ambassador Joe Wilson and the outing of his wife Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA agent."

    And when was Cheney convicted of this crime???


  24. A Person of Interest1:23 PM

    That ain't treason, Steve.

    And you know it.

    If he's so guilty, why don't the Democrats indict him? They rule the roost now.

  25. sick freak1:31 PM

    They may rule the roost, but that deasn't make them roosters.

  26. sick freak1:39 PM

    "doesn't "

  27. uptownsteve1:44 PM


    The outing of an undercover CIA Agent is illegal.

    Scooter Libby's taped testimony says he got Valerie Plame's name from the Vice-President. I'm surprised DICK CHENEY wasn't indicted as a co-conspirator.

    But the Democrats are taking the higher ground and not getting into politically motivated hearings and indictments.

    Right now there are bigger issues at hand right now like the economy, heathcare and the continuing conundrum in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    See with the righties it was politics first last and always which is why the GOP sucks at governing.

  28. Anon 12:31 PM to btx3:

    The Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines treason as : "the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or assisting it's enemies in war."

    The entire Bushite Reich was complicit in aiding and abetting Saudi Arabians (Bin Laden's kin folk) after the attacks on September 11. The only planes allowed up in the air after the attacks were military planes and the shuttle services for the Bin Laden family, picked up and ferried back to enemy territory from more than one US city. That's treason in my book.

    Treason, perjury, you name it, Cheney has committed it.

    Those masters of the Carlyle Group precisely would love to tear down this country and a couple of others, as well. I told everyone when Shrub was elected that we would see an administration only interested in the World Domination League and by my estimates, they succeeded pretty damn well in breaking this country without owning it.

    Here's a teensy glimmer of what I am talking about, based on what I noticed when Shrub, et al, first got into office. The advertisements for home equity loans and credit consolidation went up fourfold after King George was installed as the supreme Reich Wing took power.

    This is not conspiracy theory, this was the plot and plan to bring down this country. Remember, this was prior to September 11 when all of this began, when we were in a time of wonderful prosperity already. But, greed is greed and more than half the population is gullible, so let's just "get us some money so's we can be like the Jone's."

    Why was the anthax plotter never found? Hmmmmm.....

    Nothing would thrill these rabid maniacal doom trolls more than a big bang to happen in Amurdica under Obama's watch.

    I'm just saying and praying I am wrong......
    Whitney B.

  29. A Person of Interest1:54 PM

    Which brings us full circle to my man Sandy Berger. This man admitting stealing classified documents from the National Archives, stuffing them down his pants socks, hiding them under a trailer. And admitting DESTROYING those documents. What was in those documents? We'll never know. The man should be in jail.

    What crime would you call that?

    Why didn't the Republicans prosecute him to the full extent of the law?

    Because they're ALL a bunch of damnable lying thieves. Dems & Repubs alike. They'll do ANYTHING to hold on to their power, and make sure the American people will never have any other choice.

    Sooner I get out of this country with my money, the better. I'll be sitting on a beach somewhere laughing at you deluded rubes.

  30. Another thing:

    When the stock market tanked after September 11, it didn't take too damn long for it to rebound, did it? How could that be? Little loan bundlers, the betting by insurance companies (wrongly and I think they knew it) that the loans were good, and a yes, hedge funds...

    And more hedge funds. This little piece of legislation was manufactured and shoved into an 11,000+ page bill signed by Mr. Clinton prior to leaving office.

    While the whole country was a twitter with hanging chads and didn't pay attention to Step 1 in the collapse of the economy. This lovely little document was written by one of King George's future appointees, by the way and a person of interest in this whole debacle!

  31. I'm not mad, nor mad, I am furious! I hope now that Penetta brought to light what a bunch of thugs where people were, more will do the same.

  32. "uptownsteve said...
    The outing of an undercover CIA Agent is illegal."

    This is a perfect example of just how weak the Dems are. If a Dem had outed a CIA agent, they would have had their head handed to them on a stick.

    As it stands with Dems, they let their President get impeached, help approve a war based on weak evidence, and watched an election they won get stolen.

    I don't personally think ANY American wants to see us get attacked but it's pretty obvious that doing so with a diplomat in office is preferable to a Prez that would start a war with your ass. I'm just saying..........

    The GOP obviously have issues but at being weak isn't one of them. Man, I'm so glad I'm an independant!

    FYI, I'm an old school, Johnson, Worthy, Lakers fan and Kobe is aiight, but he'll NEVER be a Magic and could die and be born again and NEVER, EVER be a Michael Jordan!

  33. uptownsteve3:28 PM

    "As it stands with Dems, they let their President get impeached, help approve a war based on weak evidence, and watched an election they won get stolen."

    That was then, this is now.

    You do realize that all that occurred when the GOP controlled the Congress and the Supreme Court, don't you?

    BTW, it seems to me that you confirming that the Repubs are more dedicated crooks than the Dems.


  34. uptownsteve said...
    "BTW, it seems to me that you confirming that the Repubs are more dedicated crooks than the Dems"

    Weak crooks versus strong crooks, what is the effing difference?

  35. A Person Of Interest3:38 PM

    Yeaaaah. Speaking of crooks:,CST-NWS-durbin13.article

  36. Seda:

    "It's their only hope of returning to power any time soon. Don't be surprised if they get impatient and pull off something Oklahoma City-style themselves, wearing turbans or burkhas."

    You not to far off on this comment, they've been planning something.

  37. Well yes,both parties do only care about holding on to power.But,is it me,or does it just seem like the repubs will do anything it takes to keep it? The dems are more ideologically driven,whereas the repubs just want to get paid.

    So Fly,you. are right,
    the dems are weak,and over the years the repubs have taken full advantage of it.

    And yes,Darth Dick should have been prosecuted right along with my boy Scooter.

  38. A Person of Interest3:52 PM

    What about Sandy Berger, field?

    Ya missed him.

  39. Uncle Sam Needs the Neo Nazis?

  40. uptownsteve4:21 PM


    "Weak crooks versus strong crooks, what is the effing difference?"

    Are you on the sherm again?

  41. uptownsteve4:25 PM

    "the dems are weak,and over the years the repubs have taken full advantage of it."

    So Field you think that the Dems should indict Cheney and have hearings on the Bush Administrations rhetoric that led up to the Iraq Invasion as wel as their behavior afterwards (Gitmo, Abu Gharib)?

    And if not, why not?

  42. A Person of Interest4:31 PM

    GrannyStanding, it's not just the Nazi gangs you have to worry about in the military:

    Hell, maybe they'll at least learn to shoot straight, and quit hitting innocent bystanders.

  43. Fox still doing what they do best, beating the racism and hatred drum, and inciting assassination. And their commenters are in agreement with them. How long must we wait for the FBI and Secret Service to finish their coffee break before they go and get warrants for the Fox Crew's arrest and send them to their new

  44. sick freak5:36 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    So Field you think that the Dems should indict Cheney and have hearings on the Bush Administrations rhetoric that led up to the Iraq Invasion as wel as their behavior afterwards (Gitmo, Abu Gharib)?

    The Dems should have hearings on how FDR let Pearl Harbor be attacked so we could be drawn into WWII.Also we need to investigate the role the Democrats played in placing the Japanese in internment camps.

  45. sick freak5:38 PM

    *Fox News Derangement Syndrome Alert*

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Fox still doing what they do best, beating the racism and hatred drum, and inciting assassination.

    Please get help.Your FNDS is getting out of hand.

  46. Sickfreak:

    LOL! You're the one that should be seeking help, and I'm not referring to medical help either. Nah, your problem goes far beyond the medical field. I doubt that you will get it though, because you probably haven't seen the inside of a church that offers the kind of help you need. And they don't offer the kind of help you need at that backwoods reptile church.

  47. Sandra6:40 PM

    Panetta is right about Cheney. I said the same thing about Cheney wanting America to be attacked. It's like he knows something is going to happen and soon, maybe he was giving orders.

  48. cinco6:53 PM

    It's very suspect that Chaney has found his 'voice' after 8 yrs. He had plenty of time and reasons to exercise his free speech and voice concerns. (Oh, that's right he was more concerned with hunting and. Skeet shooting!). Now he has all the answers!

    President Obama is too much of a gentleman and/or politican to dive deeper into the shaded past of the past 8 years- but perhaps that's what's needed to provide the 'Immodium' that Cheney needs.

    I say let him keep on blathering' Karma can be a bitch...

  49. "So Field you think that the Dems should indict Cheney and have hearings on the Bush Administrations rhetoric that led up to the Iraq Invasion as wel as their behavior afterwards (Gitmo, Abu Gharib)?"


  50. Congrats to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for winning his election in Iran.

    HA! Man I don't know why I stay away from here for as long as I do but I gotta break that pattern.


  51. stop bein' a hater Field... while Kobe is a lil' creepy-sexual-predator-like, on the court he's the real deal. too bad L.A. ain't got no cash to throw them a celebratory party...

  52. So...the ADD didn't read my rant. Well, you now have houses you can't pay for and a retirement that is gone...not from a corporation but your own little nest egg. That's all my husband and I had and we didn't buy into any of the crap being dished out. We just saved and invested incorrectly (not in corporate greed but with co's that were supposedly secure).

    C'est la vie.

    Good night sweethearts, we loved you so........Whitney B.

    I, like others, may be signing off due to the fact that reasonable speak is not heard over the shouting of others. Ah, well. So be it.

  53. in reference to the Iranian elections; some of that sounds vaguely familiar... 2000 elections anyone? only it's clear Americans weren't feelin' as passionate about their political leaders then as they do in Iran.

    also, the Ayatollah or the Iranian elections regulstory system's law states that they weren't supposed to publish the results until few days AFTER the election and somehow or another Ahmadinejad won by a "landslide" in the hometown of his opponent Mousavi. that seems a little unlikely. i mean is Katherine Harris running that election?

  54. Ms. Granny,

    Keep in touch somehow. Maybe click on my link and talk to me. I will miss you if you don't. Tears in my eyes....Whitney

  55. Meant to add, I love you soooo...Whitney

  56. Say It Loud,

    Please write to me at:

    a Voice of Freedom is a Million Voices in All.



  57. Anonymous2:37 PM


    Don't see how the NBA Finals and the Iranian elections brouhaha are related. Didn't see how before the post. Really don't see why now. One is important. The other was a basketball game.

    And I'm a Laker fan.

    Love ya field. But you lost me this post.
