Friday, July 24, 2009

I bet some of his best friends are black.

Okay white A-merry-ca, you can relax now. Black Barry is back to being race neutral Barry again. Move along folks, there is nothing left to see here. Just an "over reaction", another "teachable moment" here in A-merry-ca.

It must be nice; put the uppity Nigger in check, and get a call from the President. The book deal and FOX News gig can't be far behind.

'"I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Sgt. Crowley specifically,'.... 'I could have calibrated those words differently, and I told this to Sgt. Crowley.' Watch Obama describe talk »

He reiterated his assertion that he believes police overreacted, but said Gates 'probably overreacted as well.

'"My sense is you have got two good people in a circumstance in which neither of them were able to resolve the incident in the way that it should have been resolved,' he said."

"TWO good people"? Really? "Gates probably overreacted as well"? Really? Is that what happens when you are dragged off of your own porch in handcuffs (after a trip half way around the world) for demanding to know what police officers are doing in your house and having an attitude about it? Wow! O man, please tell me you are not throwing another one of your friends under the bus. (Although, this Negro, Gates, could probably use some tire marks over his mug. More on him in a minute)

Now I don't know what is in Officer Crowley's heart. He could be the secret Grand Wizard of the Boston chapter of the KKK, or he could be married to a black woman. Personally, I don't give a fuck. What I do know is that neither do the other people in A-merry-ca and his fellow officers who are jumping to his defense and declaring that he is not a racist. Fellow officers- including the black one who was hugging him like he was some long lost frat brother or some shit.- (If there is a bigger house Negro in A-merry-ca today than Leon Lashley I would like to meet him, or her ) who held a big ass press conference today to admonish the president of these divided states for even questioning the integrity of one of their finest.

"I was a little surprised and disappointed that the president, who didn't have all of the facts by his own admission, then weighed in on the events of that night and made a comment that really offended not just officers in the Cambridge Police Department but officers around the country,"

Of course the 24 hour cable news shows are all over this latest little racial dust up. They are having multiple orgasms over the fact that his O ness had to do a mea culpa to that white police officer who was "just doing his job". But as I said: I don't know what's in the guy's heart and in a lot of ways this is not even about him. This is about the woman who called the damn cops in the first place, after seeing an old ass black man and his driver fiddling with a door in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY! And yeah I heard some of you saying that she was being a good neighbor and that is what you would want your neighbors to do blah blah blah. Well that's all bullshit! Because I guarantee you that if Gates and his driver was white, this incident would not have happened. It's that damn simple! No 911 call. No cops. No ugly incident in the house. Why? Because nosey white neighbor, "Mrs. Kravitz", doesn't call the cops. She would just have assumed that the white man trying to push the front door open belonged there. End of story.

Now that fact that I am just 44% Negro, Skippy Gates, wanted to send her flowers and didn't hold her accountable, says as much about his self delusional ass as it does about anything else. I guess having over 50% white genes didn't prevent his black ass from getting hauled off to jail. Let's just call it the education of Dr. Henry Gates.

Still, maybe some good will come out of this, and he will devote some of his obvious intellect and talents to chasing the big R. I am tired folks. You can stop sending me the e-mails with the stories now. (That one was today from DH) From now on you can send them to Dr. Gates. I am sure he will pay attention this time.


  1. grinder7:52 PM

    It's always possible that Obama backed off because he realized that the word, "stupid" was the wrong one, given that he'd remarked that he was biased in favor of Gates and that he didn't have all the facts.

    I, for one, am heartened to see a quality in Obama that is all too rare in human beings, let alone politicians: the ability recognize a mistake, admit it, and move on. We could use a lot more of that in A-merry-ca.

    Who knows, maybe in the next few days the arresting officer and Gates might just step up to the plate too. Not that I expect it, but wouldn't it be amazing to see two adults act like adults and eat some crow?

    Nah, forget it. Can't happen.

  2. Black folks betrayed once again.Tell me again why ya'll vote Democrat 90% of the time?

  3. '"My sense is you have got two good people in a circumstance in which neither of them were able to resolve the incident in the way that it should have been resolved,' he said."

    *in Rick James voice*

    That was coooooooooold bloooooded!! Damn!

    This man went from being "stupid" to "good" in less than 48 hours.

  4. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Field, Obama has learned now it's okay to tell Black people about themselves but leave White people
    Anyway, this was such a non damn issue to began with Mr. Gates with all his money and connections was taking care of the matter and didn't need Obama stepping into the middle of it. What Obama should have done is spoke up for poorer minorities that suffer in then country everyday that lack the connections rich ass Mr. Gates had.
    I hope now the media can move on to a new outrage about Obama. Because this one with Mr. Gates was getting old for me.

  5. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Black folks betrayed once again.Tell me again why ya'll vote Democrat 90% of the time?
    Because the person Republicans are pushing is racist as Sarah Palin, Rush, Hannity, Glenn etc... The list goes on for Republicans. I'm and independent and voted for Obama for one porpose only to keep that bitch Sarah Palin out of office. And don't regret doing
    Also, until Republicans give me a reason to vote for them I will until then they kiss my Black ass.

  6. Meezie8:05 PM

    You people wear me out. This is all about the 24 hour news media and apparent lack of reporters' obligation to report actual, substantive news. President Obama wanted this ish to shut the EFF UP. He has health care to handle. This was ALWAYS about the press more than the President.

    I'm pissed so many Black commentators seem only able to focus on one thing at a time. I understand how horrible racist cops are to deal with; they are the WORST. But, I think a FEW more Blacks will be far better served with the passage of universal health care coverage and a public option than they would've been had the President stood firm on his word (choice). FOCUS, dammit! Police brutality and racial profiling are serious issues; this was NOT that opportunity -- as you've now learned -- for all racist cops to be fired, the President to go all John Shaft, or the heavens open up and rain fire down on bad cops. SORRY.

  7. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I think some Blacks wanted Obama to go Black panther for 44% African Mr. Gates. People Mr. Gates was not worth Obama pushing back issues on "Health Care, two wars and failing economy." Mr. Gates has the money and connections to fight this issue alone with out Obama.
    I'm glad Obama stepped up and said enough over the media dragging this shit out on TV.

  8. Field, I fuckin love you man. No seriously, I loved the tone of this. And, I especially love the REVOKED Field Negro of the day award. In Leon Lashley's defense, Gates did say that it was the brother who showed him compassion and convinced them to handcuff him in-front instead of behind as they did originally. Not exactly Field Negro behavior yes, but hey...

    *standing ovation*

  9. grinder8:12 PM

    This man went from being "stupid" to "good" in less than 48 hours.

    Obama never called the officer stupid. He said that the Cambridge police handled the matter stupidly. There is a world's worth of difference between those two statements.

  10. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Damn so the Black cop name is LEON
    He most likely will be prompted after this incident is settled. People seem to forget Black cops are just as dangerous as White ones.

  11. grinder8:18 PM

    People seem to forget Black cops are just as dangerous as White ones.

    Yeah, keep on bashing all police. I'll keep that in mind the next time Field highlights some outrageous mayhem on the streets of "Killadelphia."

    If you're going to have police, you'd better get used to the idea that the police are going to screw up. If you're not going to have police, then if you think "Killadelphia" is bad now, just wait.

    Paint with a narrower brush.

  12. grinder8:22 PM

    By the way, if anyone's got reason to have a chip on their shoulder about black cops, I do. I damn near got fired from a job when I was in college because some asshole of a black cop gave me a jaywalking ticket on a deserted street, took 20 minutes to write it, and made me late for a factory job.

    But you know what? He was just an asshole cop. Whether he was an asshole because I was white, or because he was just an asshole, I'll never know. I've dealt with plenty of other cops, both black and white, who were anything but assholes.

  13. Worth postin' again...

    Pin them big ears backs,pucker them lips up and kiss the white man's ass Obama.While your tossin' dat salad never forget who put you in the Whitehouse.

    Obama calls white policeman who arrested scholar

    "The president said he had telephoned the white policeman who arrested Gates, and he said the conversation confirmed his belief that the officer was a good man and an outstanding officer. "

  14. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Wonder what the outrage level would be, and where it'd be coming from, if a black officer arrested a white man in his own home in the same situation?


  15. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Having a Black cop stand next to him means nothing to me. He is still a cop. I have represented cops and can assure you that the Black cops can be worse than the White ones when it comes to mistreating Black men. Plus, he owes his job security to his White superiors, so his word means absolutely nothing. I'm glad Obama is shutting this nonsense down, but he is correct in standing by his original assessment that the arrest was inapropriate.

  16. grinder8:36 PM

    Wonder what the outrage level would be, and where it'd be coming from, if a black officer arrested a white man in his own home in the same situation?

    Let's see. If the black cop filed a report saying that the white homeowner had refused to provide proper identification, was yelling at him and accusing him of being a racist, and followed him onto the porch while yelling, I suspect that there'd be a bunch of people on this blog bitching about the white racist homeowner.

    Plus, he owes his job security to his White superiors, so his word means absolutely nothing.

    Hmm. I wonder what you'd be saying about the value of that black cop's word if he was out there giving interviews that took Gates's side of the story.

  17. You know. I bet James Crowley are one of those white males who are quick to argue about how they don't have white privileges in America.

    That was some serious 'white privilege' right there.

    Field, just consider your self privileged to not have Obama as a personal friend, he seems to like throwing his black friends under busses. You got insurance?

  18. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I've been lurking on here for a while and I just had to get some input into what is perplexing me. The President's carelessness in his answer about the Prof Gates incident is uncharacteristic of his style. He even said, "I don't know all the facts...but...the police acted stupidly." That is so unlike him. He usually chooses his words carefully. I even cringed when he used the word "stupidly" to describe the police in the incident, though it was accurate. As skillful a politician that he is, I think that he knew that the reporter was going to ask the question and he was ready to answer it. As a skillful politician, I wonder what effect he was aiming for. Any thoughts?

  19. Anonymous8:51 PM

    MR.R said...Pin them big ears backs,pucker them lips up and kiss the white man's ass Obama.While your tossin' dat salad never forget who put you in the Whitehouse.
    Yeah, your right if only Obama had went Black nationalist on there ass. It would have really showed all those White, Asian, Latino and Blacks that voted for him that Obama won't let that cracker slid.Obama should have abandon the issue of Health Care and focused only on the injustice of his rich Harvard friend. God your brilliant!!! You should run for President you'd get so many votes.

  20. Anonymous8:55 PM

    8:51 PM...As a skillful politician, I wonder what effect he was aiming for. Any thoughts?
    Maybe he wanted America to discuss serious racial profiling. However, all the media wanted to talk about was how he used the word "stupid". Go figure, our media is not ready to talk serious race issues. Who knew?!! I bet Obama does now.

  21. Hepzibah8:55 PM

    Maybe I missed this on this page but here is good Sgt. Crowleys
    license plate...
    He sure seems like a good white man...LOL

  22. trickster2068:56 PM

    My thing is many cops speak highly about their intuition and having a gut feeling. It was obvious that Gates lived there, so apologize and keep it moving. He intentionally led Gates outside with Gates in an agitated state to have the neighborhood see that the brother was showing out.

  23. mellaneous8:57 PM

    Field I think you nailed it these folks (Gates nor Obama) are really interested in putting their butts on the line to really address the issue of racial profiling. Either its real or its not.

    From my perspective it appears that ole Skip Gates was surprised that he of all Negroes would be questioned about anything, let alone whether he lives in his own home and rightfully he was upset. But everybody who has had to deal with real cops know that you don't ask them for ID while you are being harrassed and you don't accuse them of being racist when its just you and them in a room alone. Thats always a bad move but brother Gates thinks he is someone special( guess he knows better now).

    Now the cop was wrong because he could have overlooked the whole thing, especially since he teaches about racial profiling and is a good liberal and friend of the Negro, he should know that a cop coming to a black mans door asking him if he really belongs there would likely piss most brothers and sisters would be pissed.

    But Crowley arrested Gates because his job is to remind black, brown and poor working people of their place in this society. He had to show who is running things and it aint us.

    And add Kelly King to the lawn she too came out in defense of her felllow cop, proving that most of these folks who look black give their allegiances to the uniform once they put it on and not to the community.

    And to show how backwards these Negroes King and Lashley are they are sticking their necks out needlessly, you know there colleagues would be cowering away if the situation were reverse. But us Negroes are so loyal. And they are wrong Gates was clowning and a bit out of control verbally but he shouldnt have gone to jail.

  24. I watched the Obama tape, and you know what, Obama knows for sure that white people are STUPID so he had to change his wording, but still, at the end of the day, white people are, in gen, Stupid!!!so he wants to get police brutality on the table,give him credit for that, he knows for sure that, in general, white people are STUPID, and white people demand that shit be said in the most proper fucking way, i knew when he said illuminate, that Obama still reads the internet, KaiChang wrote that,at Zuky, read him,
    the cop who arrest Gates, he didn't like it that Gates asked for his name, fuck that profiling shit he voluntears for, he is one big fucking racist piece of shit,
    Whitney I dont mean you.

  25. Anonymous9:00 PM

    mellaneous said...And to show how backwards these Negroes King and Lashley are they are sticking their necks out needlessly, you know there colleagues would be cowering away if the situation were reverse. But us Negroes are so loyal. And they are wrong Gates was clowning and a bit out of control verbally but he shouldnt have gone to jail.
    Don't worry Mr. Crowley will remind them too soon what he thinks of them one day. Kama is a bitch!

  26. I hate that Rush and co. are riding this thing into the gorund, telling middle and lower class whites that the POTUS hates them.

    Did you see the pic of on Bossip of the Cambridge Policeman with vanity plates "WHY-TEE"?

    Nothing to see here...move a long...

  27. Jazzbeaux9:22 PM

    Police are Gods. Genuflect, Genuflect, Genuflect.

  28. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I had a conversation with a reporter who attended college in the Boston/Cambridge area, and she mentioned that the police cannot stand people from academica. So I have question how much of a role did classism play. One side of the fence you have the uppity black professor and the side the working class bloak. I think and this my opinion, but some people become cops to gain some status authority and automatic respect. I also think some of them were criminals who never got and became police officers.

    It is a matter power and I like to call my penis is bigger than yours. Race did have some factor, but class reared its head as well. However, Crowley should have let the matter go, but no his ego got in the way. How of a police officer is he if he did not notice Skip's photographs in the house. That would have been a sign that he might live there. I would not mistake Crowley for Ms. Marple as he is not a very observant person.

  29. Isn't it amazing how these Ph.D racial "experts" from the Ivy league elite are, in reality, so far removed from the very reality that they are supposed to understand. This lackey was supposed to STAND THE F*** UP FOR THE "LITTLE NIGGERS" UNDER THE RADAR, WHO HAVE THIS HAPPEN TO THEM DAILY.

    His education is a wasted one. I'll bet he's never spent time talking to brothers on a street corner. That's why he wants to talk, while he should be itching to slap the living hell out of some ofay in a blue uniform.

    So, I won't be listening to anything this weak kneed man has to say about anything. We can expect the Jesse Jacksons, Farrakhans, Cornel Wests, Tavis Smileys, etc., etc., etc. to have some sort of useless talk-a-thon in the near future. In the meantime, "nice cop" will receive accolades. And if the woman who made the call is some cute blonde, oh boy, talk about a book deal and spot on Fox News.

    Finally, it's becoming a little hard for me to remain a fan of a certain important man in Government. These Ivy league folks DO think they have a special corner on all things intellectual. Despite the grade inflation, good connections, and high-society affirmative action that gets people into these schools (didn't George W. Bush go to Yale?), they only listen to one another behind closed doors.

    So, there we have it. The "talented tenth" is showing just how talent deprived they really are. They are the ones that are handling things "stupidly" while settling this ordeal.

  30. Black folks betrayed once again.Tell me again why ya'll vote Democrat 90% of the time?

    Ever hear of the phrase, "the lesser of two evils"?

    At the end of the day, each party has its "racist wing." I suspect the Republicans have a slightly bigger wing.

    I guess most blacks, including myself, vote Democrat, because a Democratic president signed the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and most Republicans voted against it. Democrats, excluding the Southern Democrats, tend to be more accepting of blacks, gays and other minorities than Republicans.

    I have more conservative views than liberal views, but I can never bring myself to vote Republican. I'd rather pay more taxes than support a party that has a history supporting policies that are offensive to blacks, gays and other protected groups.

    In closing, FUCK the Republicans.

  31. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Field my man…bad day to be a negro huh? Or should I say one of those sensitive field negros? RAOFLMFAO
    I’m starting to like this Barry more and more! I mean DAMN I’ve blogged here before about how sensitive you guys(negros) can be at times jezzz sometimes you can be like a woman having her period…..LOL.
    Anyway it was pleasant to see Barry basically telling the brother he should have shut the fuck up and done what the man told him.
    As Barry would say “Look” this is what gets you negros in so much trouble, When the man is driving the short bus and tells you to sit down and shut the fuck up you got to do it or suffer the consequences. No like it one is telling you that you have to like it but you got to do it, just like everybody else!
    You’re going to see more and more of this from Barry. He’s expecting all negros house or field to act like mature adults and stop all this fucking complaining about little things (he’s looking at me).
    Mark J.

  32. When has it ever been a good day to be a negro in America?

  33. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Things that make you say hmmmm :

    What happened to the Latino officer (Figueroa) with Crowley and Lashley? I missed the first minutes of the Police Association's press conference, but I caught an a reference to a Latino member who wasn't there because he had to stay home babysitting. . . I'm not saying it was the same man, but, how interesting that we haven't heard from the Latino cop.

  34. Anonymous9:44 PM

    ["You know. I bet James Crowley are one of those white males who are quick to argue about how they don't have white privileges in America.

    That was some serious 'white privilege' right there."]

    Now ain't that the damn truth.

    Great blog Field Negro!

  35. It's amazing how Obama manages to make heroes out of smucks. First it was Joe The Plumber now Crowley.

    I guess Crowley will be announcing his book deal and leave of absence from the force any day now.

    I bet Joe is pissed.

  36. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Anon-"People seem to forget Black cops are just as dangerous as White ones."

    I didn't know black cops abused black folks like the white ones. I hope you know what you are talking about.

    From my experience it's only been the white cops. Black cops tend to treat Blacks with some respect.

  37. Why is it that liberals/democrats capitulate when things gets tough? They never stand their ground. Obambi just threw Gates to the wolves.

  38. grinder10:01 PM

    Maybe I missed this on this page but here is good Sgt. Crowleys
    license plate.

    If that's actually Crowley's license plate, I agree that it's strange.

  39. "Field my man…bad day to be a negro huh?"

    Nope, it's never a bad day to ba a Negro. Well, unless you stay in the house. :)

    "Isn't it amazing how these Ph.D racial "experts" from the Ivy league elite are, in reality, so far removed from the very reality that they are supposed to understand. This lackey was supposed to STAND THE F*** UP FOR THE "LITTLE NIGGERS" UNDER THE RADAR, WHO HAVE THIS HAPPEN TO THEM DAILY.

    His education is a wasted one. I'll bet he's never spent time talking to brothers on a street corner. That's why he wants to talk, while he should be itching to slap the living hell out of some ofay in a blue uniform."

    Co-sign with you Mr. Negro. The Ivy Towers don't prepare you for everything. Sometimes you have to come down.

    hennasplace, you are right. There are class issues at play here as well. But whatever the reason, what happened to Gates should not have happened, and it started with "Mrs. Kravitz."

    Anon 8:55PM. I agree, the O man probably did want to talk racial profiling. To his credit, that's a big issues with him. But he backed away just a little too soon for the kid. And as someone above said, he is a very slick politician, and he knows how trifling the 24 hour news stations are, so why even go there? I am sure that all his pollsters and Axelrod were in his ears screaming damage control.

    Kellybelle, my man's plates might say more about his ego than his attitude about race.

  40. Anonymous10:11 PM


    I agree that it begins with Lucia Whalen, who called the cops in the first place.

    She works for Harvard Magazine...which is located right near Gates' house.

    She needs to be called on the carpet. And Harvard too.

  41. Sorry Rippa, no love for Leon.

  42. I didn't know black cops abused black folks like the white ones. I hope you know what you are talking about.

    I do not know how often art reflects life. But this is an excerpt from N.W.A. famous song, "Fuck the Police:"

    I don't know if they fags or what

    Search a nigga down and grabbin his nuts
    And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none
    But don't let it be a black and a white one
    Cuz they slam ya down to the street top
    Black police showin out for the white cop

  43. As the day goes on the angrier I get.

  44. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "Isn't it amazing how these Ph.D racial "experts" from the Ivy league elite are, in reality, so far removed from the very reality that they are supposed to understand."

    Scholars in academia do research, write scholarly reports, give lectures, and develop theories and concepts. Gates has been insulated from the actual world like 'most' scholars are. Generally, scholars don't go out in the streets to talk to folks. Others such as Grad-students do that. Still, scholars can be a good source of information because they usually are on the cutting edge of a lot of things.

    Still, there is a BIG difference between a scholarly professor who does research, write books and lectures about the art of war and the warrior who has been on the battle field.

  45. the "neigbor" is a fucked up white asshole, she is an asshole.

  46. Where were these mother fuckin' cops when three of their brothers , one black two white were murdered in Pittsburgh? Why didn't any of these sorry ass son of a bitches say a got damn word about that? Why didn't Glenn Beck get fired or arrested?Why didn't any lawyers in Pittsburgh sue FOX and Beck. Why didn't any of these cops talk about the FEMA camp that the President is going to lock white people in?Yes the FEMA stuff is made up and no one is talking about it. A officer get murdered in Washington in a museum thanks to the Free Republic, but the President is a racist. The play that was suppose to be preformed at the Holocaust museum that day the story of Emmett Till and Anne Frank.Those who forget the pass are condemned to repeat it. Looks like the Police failed history.

  47. kid said...
    Where were these mother fuckin' cops when three of their brothers , one black two white were murdered in Pittsburgh?

    Why don't you tell us??

    Why didn't any of these sorry ass son of a bitches say a got damn word about that?

    Please provide proof that they didn't say anything.

    Why didn't Glenn Beck get fired or arrested?

    Cause Glenn didn't do anything.

    Why didn't any lawyers in Pittsburgh sue FOX and Beck.

    Why didn't you and every other leftnutt sue FOX and Beck??



  50. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Anon 8:51pm-"...As skillful a politician that he is, I think that he knew that the reporter was going to ask the question and he was ready to answer it. As a skillful politician, I wonder what effect he was aiming for. Any thoughts?"

    I think he took advantage of the moment highlight racial profiling by law enforcement on Blacks and Latinos. The incident between a black Harvard Professor and a Cambridge Policeman was the perfect vehicle for the President to use.

    I also cringed when he used the word "stupidly" but later thought it was an ingenious way to 'rattle the cage' nationally about racial profiling. Otherwise, he could have easily stayed out of it. It worked.

  51. Excellent commentary, Mr. Field Negro. Bill Maher just joked: what burglar attempts to break into a home with LUGGAGE?

    Mr. Field Negro brought up a great point -- had Professor Gates been white, Mrs. Kravitz would have ASSUMED that he was having difficulty entering HIS residence. Black people in the U.S. are never given the benefit of the doubt in most situations.

    It is disheartening, although not surprising, that the media is focusing on the perceived slight to the police officer, as oppose to Obama's more important statement:

    “Separate and apart from this incident is that there’s along history in this country of African-American and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately…That’s just a fact.”

  52. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Mr. Negro-"So, there we have it. The "talented tenth" is showing just how talent deprived they really are. They are the ones that are handling things "stupidly" while settling this ordeal."

    I think Obama handled it very smartly. He knew exactly what he was saying when he used the word "stupidly". He is an expert in using words. Maybe it's you who lacks the foresight to see what might come from this. I am not sure, but I am just saying.

  53. MR.R said...

    kid said...
    Where were these mother fuckin' cops when three of their brothers , one black two white were murdered in Pittsburgh?

    Why don't you tell us??

    Why didn't any of these sorry ass son of a bitches say a got damn word about that?

    Please provide proof that they didn't say anything.

    Why didn't Glenn Beck get fired or arrested?

    Cause Glenn didn't do anything.

    Why didn't any lawyers in Pittsburgh sue FOX and Beck.

    Why didn't you and every other leftnutt sue FOX and Beck??

    10:42 PM
    Hey Mr.R make my duck sick,(you'll figure it out).Yea it's no telling what a man who's 60 ist on a cane, drinking Geriatol can do. It could be equivalent to being on crack and angel dust, You know how supre human and dangerous us blacks can be.Bullshit !

  54. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "I'm not saying it was the same man, but, how interesting that we haven't heard from the Latino cop."

    Yes, it is interesting since he filed a report also.

  55. To all you fucking Toms that bitching about Dr. Gates someone who's actually doing something in the black community although limited STFU !When you are fired from your job or get your house taken , who do you call David Duke, Sarah Palin, or maybe Rush Limbaugh? If you're lucky you get Jesse or Minister Farrakhan if not you get Rev.Al.You sound like a bunch of sorry ass crabs.

  56. Field that black cop that was in the photo maybe he could tell us why they're so mad about a old ass black man on a cane but not pissed about Glenn Beck's friends killing three cops cuz he said so. What is this black cops job, posing for pictures when prominent blacks get arrested?Hey brother, where's your shine kit?

  57. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Field, seriously, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (is that enough, with sugar on top?) DONT stop these Gates related Threads...Y'all funnier than Curious George trying to climb an electric fence in the rain.... More hilarious than a 3 Stooges Marathon, including the episodes where the Black Cook's eyes bug out like Louis Armstrong...Y'all made me laugh harder than when Lamont wore those African clothes....

    Please keep it coming,,,


  58. Anonymous11:23 PM


    Why are you always so angry? Must be an addiction.

  59. Well, Field, it didn't take long for the POTUS to backtrack (I expected it), and I'm not suprised Crowley found House Negroes to go in public and sing "He's not a racist" theme song.


    I'm just happy that Roland Martin bitch-slapped Lou Dobbs:

  60. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Y'all be honest,,

    Gates looks like a frightened Orangatang in that arrest photo...took me hours to calm down enough to realize it wasn't photoshopped... Y'all just pissed he's dressed sort of ummmm like a Preppy White College Boy??? Which he 44% is I guess,,,


  61. Look, I'm not saying the cop was racist. But am I the only one bothered just a lil bit that his name is Jim Crow(ley)...?

  62. Anonymous11:36 PM


    It does start with Mrs Kravitz, a woman who did not notice the luggage that was brought onto the porch while Gates and the driver were trying to get the door open. That is really played the role. She just two black men on the porch. I would have called campus police before anyone from the outside, but Gladys does not call the campus police.

    It's like when Borat is singing at a country and western bar Throw the jew down the well and the patrons are clapping and singing the refrain along with him without realizing what he is singing. Apathy is so entrenched in human behavior, and lack of awareness that you do not recognize your neighbor and fellow faulty member.

  63. Anonymous said...


    Why are you always so angry? Must be an addiction.

    11:23 PM
    At least she doesn't hide behind Anonymous like your punk fucking weak ass.She got her shit together, do you bitch?
    This is from the AP ,pretty bias if you ask me.

    "Knocked off stride by a racial uproar he helped stoke, President Barack Obama hastened Friday to tamp down the controversy."

    What the President should have done was told everyone to kiss his ass.Jeff Beaurigarde Sessions didn't apologize,Pat Buchanan didn't apologize,know liar G.Gordon Liddy didn't apologize. The day of black people apologizing for being black is fucking over.

  64. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Has anybody noticed where the haters of bm have gone? It's usually the same three to four bw who will not wear the t-shirt in support of bm. Why are they so silent?

    Maybe it's because it's Friday and they went together to see a movie and then to IHOP for dinner.

  65. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Kid said, "At least she doesn't hide behind Anonymous like your punk fucking weak ass.She got her shit together, do you bitch?"

    Kid, my brotha. LOL. I have been supporting you all of this time and now you turn on me? You are a wild man. What have I ever done to you? I think I am going to cry. I don't appreciate you calling me a punk. I am going to tell ab about this. She will kick your gay hating ass all over this blog. It will be so bad that Field will have to call a time out on your stupid Gates loving ass.

  66. Could not agree more with you revoking the Field Negro Of The Day from President Obama. He caved in and folded like a tent. I know he wants to be post-racial and everything, but I can't help but feel a painful sense of disappointment.

  67. "Kid, my brotha. LOL. I have been supporting you all of this time and now you turn on me? You are a wild man. What have I ever done to you? I think I am going to cry. I don't appreciate you calling me a punk. I am going to tell ab about this. She will kick your gay hating ass all over this blog. It will be so bad that Field will have to call a time out on your stupid Gates loving ass."

    not to worry anymouse, tell ab,lol, and jack my name too while u at it. ab that is so funny, lol.

    "stupid Gates loving ass" lol!

  68. Field Negro G12:49 AM

    By the way, shouldn't these dumb cops have known WHO'S RESIDENCE THEY WERE APPROACHING? Don't they get this kind of information before arriving at some destination? Shouldn't they get some description of who lives in a residence?

    Dumb ditty, dumb ditty, dumb, dumb, dumb !

  69. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Everything is allright when its all white.

  70. Anonymous1:05 AM

    RiPPa said...
    Look, I'm not saying the cop was racist. But am I the only one bothered just a lil bit that his name is Jim Crow(ley)...?

    11:36 PM

    yes,you caught us.its all a green eyed devil plot.FOOL.

  71. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Another perspective.As the old folks used to say, "he thinks who he is"

  72. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Kathy "not to worry anymouse, tell ab,lol, and jack my name too while u at it. ab that is so funny, lol.

    "stupid Gates loving ass" lol!"

    What's with you and Kid? Y'all got something going on the side? Surely you can do better. He's just a Kid, get a real man.

  73. Obama struck me yesterday as a Black man who has had his shared of snears from cops. Remember, this negro grew up in Hawaii -- population wise, its Iowa with Pineapples.

    He's probably seen racism that we couldn't imagine. But, at the end of the day, he's a politician with a job to do. And unfortunately, until white folks openly confront their own racism, no Black man, even if he the leader the free world, can't talk openly about the issue with out the Limbaugh and his band of merry rednecks calling for a lynching.

    Am I disappointed Obama backed down? Yes. That being said, the man who usually function from his intellect spoke from his heart. Unfortunately, he allowed the wingnuts to bait him into a sideshow and was forced to backpedal, just keep the focus on healthcare.

    I'm disappointed, but I understand.

  74. Field,

    It really hurt me to see that you had to revoke the president's field negro award.

    Don't you think you are being too hard on him?

  75. "And if the woman who made the call is some cute blonde, oh boy, talk about a book deal and spot on Fox News."

    For some reason I keep picturing this person as looking like the crazy lady at the McCain rally last year that said Obama was a Arab.

  76. Field Negro G1:53 AM


    Lavena Johnson, Rodney King, Gladys and Jamie Scott, Troy Davis, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Assata Shakur, Eric Frimpong, Sean Bell, an Oklahoma Paramedic STOPPED FOR SPEEDING, the Jena Six, Kathryn Johnston (92 year old great grandmother killed by rogue cops), George Jackson, Amadou Diallo, Abner Louima (who police ass f***ed with a broomstick), and "your's truly".

    They "we" are all Negroes that "the scholar" has yet to read about.

  77. It's nice to see the President snap on Limbaugh or some other Republiklan. Some days he need to tell them to go to hell and not issue any retraction like Shrub did the NAACP.I seriously thin this shit was planned. Since last year at this time the right has been trying to start riots. Remember Limbaugh tried to start one in Denver during the Convention. He seemed almost giddy. Now in Obama's best friends state Gov.Duval Patrick they're trying to set up Dr. Gates. This makes black people really furious because Dr. Gates believes in America.His family is the elite. If you pissed him off something is wrong. This would be like Clarence Thomas stomping a mud hole in Limbaugh because he's racist.It's out of character for him.When Oprah was locked out of a Hermes' store in Paris , it was racism. Oprah never uses race unless it's racist.

  78. Anonymous2:09 AM

    I am not disappointed in the President at all. I felt that he said "stupidly" intentionally, knowing that it would create a firestorm and that as President he would have to soften it to be fair to everyone. Rush Limbaugh had nothing to do with his decision and never will. That's just never-satisfied-angry black folk talk who give Limbaugh more power than his loyal followers do, by talking about him all of the time.

    I guess some Blacks are very afraid of ole pig face Rush and 'Imagine'in their fearful minds that he has the power to control and move the President about at will. Frank D. is right, we are funny.

    Field, the President stepped up made it possible to put racial profiling on the table from the Oval Office. That will give Skip's documentary about it more power and interest. As President, he didn't have say a damn thing and could have left it as a local matter.

    Field, please put up his picture again.

  79. Think about it this year white neo-cons have been acting , rude, disgusting, racist,and sick. They want blacks to act violent.they want a riot so that they can make the President look bad. Look how peaceful we been so far. We haven't killed three policemen in Pittsburgh. We aren't hurting doctors in their church.We haven't blasted a museum, but the right has.

  80. Field,

    Oh, you revoked my president's FNOTD status. Don't you think that's a bit harsh? He didn't apologize and walk back anything. He meant what he said and said what he meant.
    Please give it back!:)

    How is Crow(ley) gonna live down being called "stupid" by the most powerful man in America?
    Serves his white cracka ass right. Fuck him!

  81. Anonymous2:39 AM

    black up yonder ms. rashida quoting ricky james said "cold blooded" naw sistah i gots to correct that on da one, that was:"FREEEZE!" but reality check is in order, is your mr. O now pandering to law enforcement and/or to whites whilst trying to shove the real truth of racism black under the dusty carpet of he carpetbagger descendants? all of this falling shortly after that overt display of racism cum misogyny by a certain cracker senate from another 'bama for a neuyourican hermana judge just aint no coincidence.

    how is it that the architects of jim crow and racism are all of sudden allowed to claim victimization rights and benefits against people of colour and/or to cover their overt nazi fascist practices under some vain attempt of "just doing your job"? What exactly the policeperson job's anyway? Are they of a mind enough to recite their damn penal codes of municipality and give insight how that code aligns with the statutes of the USCA criminal sections blah blah blah...naw they aint. When has a cop every show up in the hood like some kinda flash gorden [i.e. in fuking nano new your seconds] such that by the time you are unloading your luggage post a 10 plus hour flight and putting the same into you house that they could be standing you in alcove whilst you are in the other room, entry with no warrant and unannouced. When they drove up didnt they see parties taking such in and not out! Its all bullshit... and O man should have let his first comment stand and refused to talk with either party but let they attorneys work it out.. He aint Moses, nor as a child with one foot in white and the other in Kenya, is he really quantify to dissect police profiling against brown and black folks of colour precisely as it is needed.

    As for that display of all the officers dressed alike like some kind of Hilter fascist brown shirts youth, we the people must come to the realisation that a so-called officer skin colour does not exempt them from being indoctrined to perceive their own heritage folks as the other and enemy to be stopped at all costs to maintaining the white man's ideals of law and order. whose law and whose order again?

  82. Hey Justice58 , I know you're mad when you start cussing. I never seen you curse.

  83. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Post at 1:53 an Oklahoma Paramedic STOPPED FOR SPEEDING
    The driver stopped in the incident you mentioned is white.


  84. Kid,

    Hey Justice58 , I know you're mad when you start cussing. I never seen you curse.

    Ssshh, don't tell no one! It's our secret!;)

  85. Kid,

    I'm tired of the brothas being mistreated & shot in the damn back(Oscar Grant) while in police custody. Then you have lying white ass bitches claiming 2 black men kidnapped her and her kid in broad daylight. It's time to cuss!


  86. Anonymous2:56 AM

    oh yeah another thingie... shifted into my dirty old bastard persona what the kind of name is Leon Lashley for knee grows? some of my folks up yonder in the northeast done gone snow blind and bind..

    and field cut with the ms. kravitz shizzle ok i also bit my tongue laughs so hard thinking of noisy as little white schoolmarm bun and all on her kind damn eyephone scanning the damn horizon for black male in da hood and texting abner abner i gots a siteing at 12:00 high on da door of the Gates man crib... abner!!

  87. Anonymous3:03 AM

    The President didn't cave in! some of you so called FIELD NEGRO'S did!

    Boyce Watkin's the so called FREEDOM FIGHTER came on CNN and threw the President under the bus!!Boyce said (the President should have waited before he spoke! and BOYCE said he was a FRIEND of GATE'S!! what a pitiful friend!!

    FIELD NEGRO you say, (the President should have hung tough for your sake!! well he is, and this was just one of many thing's he has to deal with from day to day! he is on the battle field twenty four seven!!!!while you want him to be the Black President, he is trying to run a entire COUNTRY!!!!

    You people have a nerve!!! you want him to prove his Blackness to you or else you will THROW him under the BUS!!

    You people want him to turn MALCOM twenty four seven or else!! well did any of you E-MAIL all of those Black Men I've seen on TV for the last two day's criticizing what the PRESIDENT said!!!

    Field Negro you are something else at time's!! have you been watching CABLE NEW'S for the last two or three day's? did you see how many Black Men turned from FIELD NEGRO to HOUSE NEGRO over night!! they are the one's that CAVED IN!!! why not show the face of the Black police woman, she was the one MAD at the PRESIDENT for trying to defend Black and Hispanic men!!!

    The President has been watching everything that has been going on! and I'm sure he know's the BLACK people that, had his back and the one's that STABBED him in his back!!! from now on, trust me he will leave you ungrateful men alone, deal with the WHITE policemen on your own!!

  88. With Rat Buchanan's spiel of this is white man's land and for whites only one thing strike me as strange. They are trying to make us riot.They insult women, minorities, it just doesn't make sense.I don't see any journalist other than Rachel and Olbermann(he's on vacation)sticking up for minorities.The nonsense has got to stop.

  89. Field Negro G3:17 AM

    At 2:40 a.m., a woman named Joy, who probably thinks a newspaper was invented to house train pets, said the following:

    "The driver (of the ambulance) stopped in the incident you mentioned is white."

    Joy, that Paramedic is one of the Blackest Black men to be involved in any recent racially charged event. Oh, you haven't seen the guy getting choked, while his heart patient is suffering in the back of an ambulance? And, the cop just received a five day suspension as "punishment" for pulling over an ambulance speeding to the hospital.

    Look, before you start commenting about the news, you may want to start watching it.

  90. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Check Youtube and you will see the driver of the ambulance stopped for speeding is white. Please get your facts correct.


  91. Mack Lyons3:52 AM

    Yeah, keep on bashing all police. I'll keep that in mind the next time Field highlights some outrageous mayhem on the streets of "Killadelphia."

    If you're going to have police, you'd better get used to the idea that the police are going to screw up. If you're not going to have police, then if you think "Killadelphia" is bad now, just wait.

    Paint with a narrower brush."

    The problem people have with the police is the same as folks back in the Middle Ages had with knights -- those given great power and responsibilities are liable to get "the big head". Cops get their ego levels boosted over 9000 (dbz joke) and expect people to defer to them the same way a peon would defer to a knight. If it's a white cop/black man interaction, it's worse. Much worse.

    Meanwhile, Sarah Palin, the GOP and the legions of RUSHBOTS and other assorted assholes and idiots would like to bring America back to 1955 or there abouts, presumably a time when it was ey-okay to call a black man a "nigger". He knew his place (the bottom), you knew yours (above him) and your white ego was safely satisfied.

  92. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Kid "I don't see any journalist other than Rachel and Olbermann(he's on vacation)sticking up for minorities.The nonsense has got to stop."

    Why should they stick up for minorities when they see Blacks are throwing the President under the bus? From the comments on this blog, many of you don't think much of Obama anymore. You have joined Rush Limbaugh in helping to denounce the President. If I were Obama I would be leary of speaking up for you Negroes ever again.

    Over the past few days some of you folks have waffled back and forth to the extent that nobody knows where the hell you stand, including yourselves. One day you are down on Gates. The next day you are up about Gates. The next day you love the President because he spoke up about racial profiling. The next day you don't love him, even take down his picture because you think he shouldn't have retracted the word "stupidly", which was insulting to the police department. Also, it was the neighbor's fault because 'IF' there was a White person involved, it would have been different. Some Black folks like to play that unfair game called "IF". If, If, If. Hell, "If" a buzzard had a harp in its ass we'd have music in the air, too. But what "if" the eagle would want the harp? if, if, if. Some black folks would rather play that mindless miserable "if" game than to actually think about positive outcomes.

    Again, you have joined Rush in being against the POTUS. Right about now, I believe Obama could use some Black love and support, but you are too busy acting fools against him. I am sure racists like Limbaugh and others really appreciate your support. You might be disappointed in the President, but I am sure the feeling is mutual.

    BTW, it's not the President who is losing credibility it's those fickle-faced needy Black folks who fluctuate day-to-day with their childish moods swings.

  93. grinder4:13 AM

    would like to bring America back to 1955 or there abouts, presumably a time when it was ey-okay to call a black man a "nigger"

    It's okay to call a black man a nigger in 2009, as long as you're black. And if you're a hip-hop "artist," you might make some serious money doing it.

  94. I'd hope Mrs. Kravitz would call the cops if she saw anyone she didn't imemdiately recognize trying to push in a neighbor's door. If only black guys alarm her, that's her problem. I wouldn't qwant her to deal with tit by ignoring all suspicious activity she sees when she peeks out her window. Smart burglars don't knock over houses at night anymore; there's always somebody home. But if I lived across the street from her, I'd make sure my shades were drawn at night.

  95. grinder4:31 AM

    Interview with Leon Lashley, the black Cambridge cop.

  96. Anonymous:
    Kid "I don't see any journalist other than Rachel and Olbermann(he's on vacation)sticking up for minorities.The nonsense has got to stop."

    Why should they stick up for minorities when they see Blacks are throwing the President under the bus? From the comments on this blog, many of you don't think much of Obama anymore. You have joined Rush Limbaugh in helping to denounce the President. If I were Obama I would be leary of speaking up for you Negroes ever again.
    Black people aren't united,hun.McPain/Palin only got 2% of the black vote. The President got 90%.We are united and that what scares the right.The crab in a barrel crap don't work. You better run to Alaska and worry about Palin being sent "up the river".She's a hot mess.

  97. grinder said...

    would like to bring America back to 1955 or there abouts, presumably a time when it was ey-okay to call a black man a "nigger"

    It's okay to call a black man a nigger in 2009, as long as you're black. And if you're a hip-hop "artist," you might make some serious money doing it.
    I don't know about that. While your at it ask James Gandolfini about that word he uses about Italian/Americans on "The Sopranos"?Then ask Denis Leary about the word he uses about Irish?Americans? Maybe Sean Klannity can get Denis fired for saying it.

  98. grinder4:40 AM

    Gates, Obama, and Crowley are going to have a beer. Note that Gates used the occasion to promote his PBS documentary, and note in the the interview with Lasley, the black cop, that Lashley supported the arrest and described the situation as "getting out of control" once Gates left his house.

    Of course, Lashley, Gates and Obama are race traitors, and Crowley is a member of the KKK. Oh, and I am King Neptune.

  99. MR.R said...
    "Black folks betrayed once again.Tell me again why ya'll vote Democrat 90% of the time?"

    That's easy: we don't like picking fights with countries that haven't attacked us.

    We don't like to be spied upon.

    We don't want international treaties broken using escape clauses.

    We want a government that responds quickly in emergencies.

    We want a Supreme Court that reflects our multiracial character.

    We want a government that doesn't retaliate against those that criticize it.

    We want a government with a heart and a soul.

  100. Monie said...
    "It's amazing how Obama manages to make heroes out of smucks. First it was Joe The Plumber now Crowley."

    I hear ya: But it's not directly of his making--Obama haters jump to the chance to elevate anyone who becomes a thorn in his side, or who can be used as a thorn in the side.

  101. Kat said...
    "Why is it that liberals/democrats capitulate when things gets tough? They never stand their ground."

    Because it's important to pick your battles, and not be the Party of No that battles everything, large and small.

  102. It was a mistake for Obama to apologize for his statement. He should have just stuck by his words. He is after all the President.

  103. grinder said...
    "Interview with Leon Lashley, the black Cambridge cop."

    God forbid that I go outside my house and lose control!

    Lose control? What's that? Kick the officer, spit on him, curse him?

    No, there's no evidence that Professor Gates did that: He was just loud and obnoxious.

    Okay, I get it: If I go outside my door, behave loud and obnoxious, in the presence of a police officer, who's just responded to a burglary call at my residence, then its okay to arrest me!

    Iran, anybody!

    Caution: Black folks don't lose control on your own property--don't become loud and obnoxious. That's a cause to be arrested in A-merry-ca.

  104. Shady_Grady said...
    It was a mistake for Obama to apologize for his statement.

    I think that we all knew he would. As he was saying it, I think he knew that he would.

    He knew his words would be fodder for the wingnuts, but he wanted to, for the moment, support his friend, fully knowing that he would have to partially retract his statement and make amends.

    Had we taken bets on this blog, most here would have wagered he'd capitulate at some point or another--if for no other reason than the media's disproportionate response.

  105. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Negroes are always trying to soothe ignorant ass white people.

  106. BD, you have never lied.

    The cop was wrong, he should have apologized and left. Period. But nooooo, he has to ask Gates to come outside so he can arrest him. For what? Who was really disturbing the peace? It was the cops, including that black buffoon of a cop. Go out and catch a real criminal instead of parking your ass at Dunkin Donuts!

    And the hypothetical scenario someone came up with where the races are reversed and a white man gets arrested by a black cop... that has probably never happened! But if it were to happen I would still take the side of the person chilling in their home being arrested by a jackass cop!

  107. Oh hell yeah I found it...


    "The only disturbance is u fckin wit me"
    "head look like whisk broom"

  108. Anonymous7:29 AM

    WAKE UP KNEEGROWS!!! Those housekneegrows gonna get us all killed, cuz everyday black folks don't go back the station and say I'm sorry. 'Mista officer JIM CROW(ley), I's sorry sir, I's lost my head for a question or two, me's-za-just forget me's real title [The New Face of White Emperialism, BLACKFACE]ah I's ah just gets back into character soons az I's apologizes. Fast forward, press conference Blackbarry shows up again kneegrows and I 'somewhat' quote "I could have chose more appropiate wording when I used 'stupidily' (in my best Bernie Mac voice) but I meant what the fluck I said, maybe Jim Crow(ley) would like to come to my Big Ole' White House and sit around and have a few Bud's with my Black A$$, (In Dave Chappelles voice "I'm Rich B*t*h!) I heard that's how you 'Good Ole' Boys' like to coon off,opps, I mean cool off. Mean while Gates is back at the florist(you know what it is kneegrows)and on his cell phone to his most thrusted, opps, trusted film crew and P.R. scheduling the for the first shoot of "I AM BLACK?! IT'S A MIRACLE THE ODDS BEAT ME 56/44" coming to a flat screen near you. Seriously Gates never once took the time to explain in this opportune public forum that the very profiling that was happening to him was being done at that very minute to poor & middle of the road income blacks that probably couldn't afford bail or a lawyer would still be locked up and convicted once going to trail, with even more incendinary false charges pressed against them. Bottom line, the police knew who Gates was before they got to his house, when blacks live in up scale prodominately white areas the police know the owners name, any criminal history, political affiliation, approx income, date of birth, etc., this case is a typical case of re-issuing Skip's kneegrow pass he dropped, and yt's don't care if it's house or field, whatever, when you start demanding rights it's all the same to them, to the back of the bus and say mister when you address me boy, and like FN said it's nothing left to see here,better them than me, I'll swallow my blood before I swallow my 'black' pride KNEEGROWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!

  109. Sorry I haven't jumped in on the hundreds of comments on this issue over the past few days....

    See... I have been too busy researching mitigation info on a kid that the state wants to execute, despite the fact that the only "evidence" is a confession taken after 3 days of interrogation and no insulin unless he confessed.

    And, talking to the family of the kid who runs, and thus is suspicious,and keeps getting arrested. But you see, every time he hears gun fire he runs because he has been shot before.

    Field, I only wish these folks would get one tenth of the passion, attention, concern, etc as Mr. Gates, Mr. Crowley and a president was weighing in...... then maybe, just maybe the REAL ISSUE HERE would get addressed.

  110. Anonymous7:47 AM

    The President did not apologize, he regretted using the word stupidly. If you are a police officer and is thin-skinned, perhaps you should reconsider your career choice. He still meant what he said, but what interesting that Rachel Maddow brought that both of his statements were unscripted with him saying what he felt. You can look at what he did yesterday as a disappointment or as an opportunity.

    It is urgent that something is done about healthcare reform, and now the President is off message about the topic. There 50 million people did not heathcare and a disportionate number are black and latino. Which means your barber may not health insurance.

    Black women are likely to develop a more agressive breast cancer that is harder to treat which I can attest to because my mother died from the disease nine years ago this month. She was 62. I remember one prescription called neupogen which cost $900 even after her insurance covered the 85%. Fortunately, the mom and pop pharmacy worked an arrangement. He had to over charge so that my mother's payment portion would be lower.

    I can get the community and work with the police reduce tensions, but we need to let the Pres get healthcare reform done. He cannot fight every battle particularly the local ones. We need to get our mayors and council people and make them do their jobs.

  111. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Now that fact that I am just 44% Negro, Skippy Gates, wanted to send her flowers and didn't hold her accountable, says as much about his self delusional ass as it does about anything else. I guess having over 50% white genes didn't prevent his black ass from getting hauled off to jail. Let's just call it the education of Dr. Henry Gates.

    My reply:

    But could he have really gone there, when he is married to a white woman? If you look at this interview, you can see where he talks about his upbringing and his mother's reaction to his fiancee:

    I quote:

    GATES: My mother hated white people.

    LAMB: All her life?

    GATES: Probably.

    But she wanted us to go to integrated schools. She wanted us to live in an integrated economy. She wanted us even to live in integrated neighborhoods. She wanted us to be able to get the best that American society offered. She wanted us to be articulate, to speak white English, as we would call it, as well as black vernacular English. You know, she wanted us to know how to dress, how to talk, how to act, how to behave. She wanted us to go to private schools, to the Ivy League. I mean, she wanted us to be as successful as it was humanly possible to be in American society. But she always wanted us to remember, first and last, that we were black and that you could never trust white people. And so when I brought my fiancee home, who happened to be a white American, I thought World War III was about to break out between me and my mother, not to mention between my mother and my fiancee.

    LAMB: And is your wife white?

    GATES: Yeah. She's white.

  112. Meezie7:59 AM

    Anon. at 4:08 a.m.: MARRY ME!!!

  113. metricpenny9:21 AM

    Field, It may not have been your intent, but I am LMBAO at this post. From the title to, "Now that fact that I am just 44% Negro, Skippy Gates, ...".

    I hope revoking President BrObama's FNOTD award is just part of the bit. Cause you have to know by now how shrewd he can be. He gonna work this situation like a MLK clone.

    Since all of this has gone down, I'm thinking you should take that naked run you promised us if Obama won the election down Ware Street in Cambridge, MA. They wouldn't dare arrest a brother now!

  114. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Grinder, thanks for pointing us to Lashley's interview with Anderson Cooper, it's one of the most important things posted on this running commentary yet !

    1. Lashley never went in the house, and from outside, he first heard (normal) conversational tones, then heard Prof. Gates' voice rise. Hear for yourself what he claims Prof. Gates said. Whether we want to debate that Prof. Gates got overly emotional or not, in Lashley's view, he didn't start out yelling, and what Lashley claims he heard was did not include abusive language, Gates articulated without profanity or personal belitting the sort of things one would expect someone who perceives he's being profiled might say. Why was Crowley, the profiling expert, so surprised at Gates' reaction?

    2. Lashley states that he believes things would have gone differently had he been first on the scene. He even says outright that as a black man speaking to a black man. . . So, is Lashley admitting that sensitivity training failed Crowley in this case? Looks like Crowley really could use that teaching moment.

    3. "He was outside.": Lashley's reaction to AC's clarification that Gates was on his front porch. Did you see Lashley's facial expression then, and other tics and fumbles earlier? Talk about Obama being put in a difficult position !

  115. Obama demonstrated true house negro behavior by "retracting" his statement And it's not a good look.

  116. Anonymous10:06 AM

    When I was in High School 30 Years ago, I had to break into my parents house because I forgot my key. I heard a commotion outside and saw 4 cruisers pull up to the front of the house. I was half way down the stairs going for the front door to greet them when they busted in with guns drawn. I stopped, put my hands in the air and tried to ask what was going on.

    They were having no part of that and instructed me to lay on the ground. They cuffed me and were getting ready to question me when my Mom got home. She told them that I lived there and the cops let me go. They were a little dissapointed that I wasn't a burglar, but since I cooperated with them there was no reason to do anything more.

    Did the police act stupidly? Maybe, but put yourself in their place...going into a residence where a report of a burglary was made. Did they over react? I felt they did at the time, but in retrospect I feel they believed that the handled this well. They captured the subject for questioning and diffused the situation. Could this have turned out differently? Yeah, I could have resisted and been shot.

    Let's be reasonable here. The cops did their job. Cooler heads did not prevail and we have a situation that has been blown waaaaay out of proportion. Since I believe that this has absolutely nothing to do with color I don't need to tell you mine.

  117. Gates is married to a white woman? Interesting. That's why he sent flowers to his neighbor.

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Oh Brother,

    You are so on point. But to me the bigger issue is, those in power who control and steal all of our money, love to keep us distracted with this BS so they can keep on oppressing the world....


  120. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I'm glad this is the most important story going because there certainly isn't anything else of importance to report.

    I love all the black women sticking up for a guy who married a white woman (just a coincidence, Im sure) You guys really are the doormats of the black community aren't you?

  121. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Hey Field,
    Watta ya think about the Mullatto in Chief's offer to have the Racist Cop and Dr. Gates over for a Beer???
    Sounds like another example of bein outta touch, don't y'all drink Malt Liquor??
    And somehow I don't see Skippy Gates chuggin down some "Iron City" after a hard day of Black Scholaring...


    my word verification is "Yayclan" how DO you do this stuff??

  122. Anonymous1:02 PM


    I'll double co-sign that one babygirl.

    And another thing...when is SOMEBODY gonna put that fat drug-addled, overeating, racist windbag bitch Rush Limpdick and that race-baiting Klansman Rat Buchannan in their place...I would love for one of them to walk thru my hood...them mofos always invoking and stokin' that good ole lynch-mob mentality in white folks...I would love to play Reggie Jackson on just one of them crackas.

    It infuriates me that racist white boys like the fake moralist Bill Bennett can insinuate that aborting black babies to reduced the crime rate would be a good thing...but he rejects a woman's right to control her own body and life. Has ANYONE in the media confronted this cracka on that strange dichotomy?

    OR...that Rat Buchannan can go on tv and make statements like we should be glad we were brought to amerikkka and enslaved...but draw no parallel to the prosperity and wealth of this nation created on the destruction of one civilization and enslavement of Africans.

    It amazes me that most black folks in amerikkka don't realized that the OLD laws of Jim Crow still apply in this nation...that white folks don't have to respect anything when it applies to black folks!...our homes, our children, our women, our HUMANITY! Skip Gates found out that regardless of his status as a "well-educated, Harvard kneegrow", and being married to white female...HE'S STILL A NIGGA! And Obama's tacit retraction of what he, I truly feel indicative of the white man being offended and even though his half-black azz is the CIC...he's gotta apologize like a good nigga!

    For clarification to all here...I was NEVER a supporter of BO...Cynthia McKinney is a real leader to me. This sista stands for REAL EQUALITY AND FREEDOM. But see, ya'll niggas here to fuckin blinded by amerikkkan politriks and excess than worryin about what really matters..right?

    Oppressed people are catching hell all over the world but we to busy worryin about Chris Brown and Rihanna...or Jay Z and Beyonce...WAKE THE FUCK UP FAMILY!

    Family...the real war is manifest spiritually...we have emulated the nature of the devil as we have bought into his culture of individualism, materialism, excess and this charade called "demoncracy".

    We have ignored and of course, been led astray thru deception and tricknology; the warnings of OUR "cognizant" ancestors of rebellion...Frederick Douglass...Fannie Lou Hamer...Medger Evers...Bro. Malcolm...Dr. King...Marcus Garvey ...Bro. Fred Hampton...who are now nothing more than a sidebar commentary in the lexicon of so-called black history and conversation.

    We have settled for the amerikkkan dream, rather than the dream of our fathers...FREEDOM and RESPECT FOR OUR HUMANITY.

    Do you really think you're free in amerikka?


    "Nobody can give you freedom...if you're a man you take it."

    Malcolm X

  123. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Kathy said,"i knew when he said illuminate, that Obama still reads the internet,"

    Yes, Obama does read the internet and this blog is(was) probably one of them. He knows his picture has been taken down and support on this blog is lacking. After standing up for Gates, and using the incident to speak out against racial profiling-even said the police handled the matter stupidly-you Negroes find fault with him for having to retract an insulting word to Whites. You talk about Whites being stupid? You aren't so smart either. That's like the pot calling the kettle black.

    I hope from reading this blog, that Obama has learned that it doesn't pay to stick his neck out for folks who hate Whites so much that they WILL turn against him over bs!

  124. Ugh.

    Another Drudgetacular Rent-A-Controversy. I'll be staying away from the "comments" section of news or political websites for the time being because I know what I'll find. And I don't feel like wading through the standard threats of revolution and demands for birth certificates.

    Same old same old.

  125. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Rudy "Gates is married to a white woman? Interesting. That's why he sent flowers to his neighbor."

    Yes, Gates is married to a white woman and he loves her. Yes, he sent flowers to his neighbor. Gates has the right to marry whomever he damn well pleases without pleasing your judging ass. How would you like for everyone to judge you based on who you married?

    You conclude because he is married to a white woman is why he sent flowers to his neighbor? How does that mode of negative hate thinking work? Does it mean that all white women just might get flowers from him?

  126. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Anon"I love all the black women sticking up for a guy who married a white woman (just a coincidence, Im sure) You guys really are the doormats of the black community aren't you?"

    That's the most racist statement ever. David Duke wants you.

  127. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Gates really has it tough.. he was asked for his ID by a police officer. I guess it interrupted his life in his nice white neighborhood with his nice white trophy wife.

  128. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Hey, anon 1:28, I can't help that all these men are color struck and marrying white and light skinned trophy wives. Do you know how many available single black females there are? I guess Skippy just couldn't find one though huh?

  129. grinder1:30 PM

    Okay, I get it: If I go outside my door, behave loud and obnoxious, in the presence of a police officer, who's just responded to a burglary call at my residence, then its okay to arrest me!

    I don't know how many times I've said this now, but I for one do not think the arrest of Gates was justified. The reason I am interested in Gates's behavior is for the purpose of ascertaining the nature and extent of the cop's misjudgment.

    I think Lashley's account is of interest, not just because he's a black police officer but because he was on the scene and is therefore a witness. I don't agree with him that the arrest was justified, but nor do I think he's some sort of "race traitor" or coward.

    Quite to the contrary, Lashley comes across as a tough but even-tempered cop; reminds me a bit of the black motorcycle cop in Boston who pulled me over after I made a classic stupid driving move. He gave me a ration of shit for what I did, but when I flat out admitted I was about 200% wrong he let me off with a warning rather than a ticket. It might be the only time in my life that I've ever been grateful for being yelled at.

    I really wish people here would back off of their hair-trigger reactions. For God's sake, we are all fallible human beings who regularly fail to meet our own and others' expectations. AS I look at this, the president of the United States has just set a national example that everyone would do well to examine: He said something he shouldn't have said, and then he went out and publicly corrected himself.

    I might have written on this blog last year that one of my judgments about Obama would come during his presidency when he fucked something up, as presidents always do, because they are also human beings and not robots or gods. At that point, would he do what politicians usually do and deny his mistake, or would he face it head on even if it was not to his advantage to do so?

    I think President Obama just passed that test with flying colors. I have been waiting an awfully long time to see that sort of character in a president, and now we have it. I really hope that some people are seeing what I see, and will take it to heart. Obama didn't come right out and say, "I was wrong," but it was close enough for horseshoes in my book, and I was mightily impressed.

    Now, what would really< impress me is if, after that beer at the White House, Gates and Crowley would come out of there both eating some crow and shaking hands. Folks, if we can't get along, all hope is lost.

  130. Anonymous1:33 PM

    No question about it, Blacks are as racist as Whites. There is no hope for America.

  131. I feel a little let down by how this went down. President Obama totally caved. Sure he was elected but he most definitely was nominated and given the go-ahead/thumbs-up/seal of approval by the people who really run this country (federal reserve/bankers/lobbyist/special interest groups). I keep forgetting that President Obama was not put here to defend the interests of citizens, he is in that spot to advance American empire and the interests of about 10% of the citizens of this nation.

  132. grinder1:37 PM

    p.s.: If I get my wish with respect to Gates and Crowley, does that mean all's well between black and white in A-merry-ca? Hell no. You can't expect that. But would it be anokissther bit of progress in the shitstorm? Hell yes.

    And it wouldn't just be progress between black and white. It would be a nice little moment of civility and grace in a society sorely lacking in these things. Might be a little corny to have these guys kiss 'n make up in front of the whole country, but there are times when that sort of thing is exactly what's needed.

    Damn it, folks, set an example. People are watching. I don't think that cop is a racist idiot, and Henry Louis Gates is an educated man. So, guys, do the right thing.

  133. grinder1:39 PM

    I feel a little let down by how this went down. President Obama totally caved. Sure he was elected but he most definitely was nominated and given the go-ahead/thumbs-up/seal of approval by the people who really run this country (federal reserve/bankers/lobbyist/special interest groups). I keep forgetting that President Obama was not put here to defend the interests of citizens, he is in that spot to advance American empire and the interests of about 10% of the citizens of this nation.

    Obama is everyone's president. He's not just president of black people. He is on a larger stage. Thank God he knows it.

  134. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Anon 1:30pm#1 "Do you know how many available single black females there are? I guess Skippy just couldn't find one though huh?"

    Maybe you don't get it. Skippy married who he wanted to marry and loves, not who you think he should have married. To be free to marry whomever you want is ok with me. Of course, Black and White racists have a problem with that. Well, hope it doesn't interrupt your sleep at night.

    You should be happy for Skippy, his wife and his kids. You call his wife a trophy. Well, obviously you consider her a 'thing' and not a human being. But I bet you want to be treated like a human being. How self-righteous and repulsive you are. Your mentality fits nicely with the ugly Americans at Stormfront.

  135. Anonymous1:57 PM

    grinder "Obama is everyone's president. He's not just president of black people. He is on a larger stage. Thank God he knows it."

    Amen. It's too bad some Americans can't grasp that thought.

  136. Anonymous1:59 PM


    Everything will be alright if we just have a beer together.......

    Let's all bow down to the great leadership of BO!!!!!

  137. Gregory Wojowski2:06 PM

    As a white male, I can finally understand the varied perspective of most blacks here. I have witnessed personally racism's sting with my own eyes and ears. The foul treatment of my friend and co-worker by police in Danville, California was evidence enough for me that racism is anathema to our democracy and has perpetually kept us from respecting each others "humanity" as another person here opined.

    I've been most grateful to have this man as a friend for a long time and after this incident and a long discussion (over three days) about race and racism, I can say that I have a better perspective and can now truly empathize without the blinders of my whiteness...for my white bretheren that may be visiting know what I'm talking about...that condition, psychologically and socially...that which black americans deal with daily in this nation, that we don't ever have to think about...and that's race.

    Race to most whites is a subject that is all-too familiar but one that is a pain for them to address. Most whites see race as a "problem" of black people...particularly, black americans. Whereas, black americans see race as a constant abberation and hinderance to their human-ness, i.e., humanity.

    Oppression and poverty was not created by black people...particularly black americans. Racism, greed and politics created those things in this country.

    I believe that we as a nation must dialogue about racism. IMHO it is a destructive and evil force that MUST be eliminated from all perspective of our society...for the future of our children and survival of our nation. I believe our President has a great opportunity to create such a dialogue and I believe Holder would be more than capable as he has shown his interest in doing this from the start.

    We must not let archaic and hateful institutions and structures of inequality and racism be constructs for the future of our nation...our children deserve better.

  138. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Maybe you don't get it. Skippy married who he wanted to marry and loves, not who you think he should have married. To be free to marry whomever you want is ok with me. Of course, Black and White racists have a problem with that. Well, hope it doesn't interrupt your sleep at night.

    Skippy is one more educated and upper class man sending an indirect message to other, younger black men: light is right when it comes to women. How many white men in similar positions do you see married to nonwhite women? Is this a coincidence? How many white athletes are married to black women? Black women have one of the lowest rates of marriages and yet guys like Skippy (who call on the black community when it benefits them) chase after light skin and white skin.

  139. Yes, Gates is married to a white woman and he loves her. Yes, he sent flowers to his neighbor. Gates has the right to marry whomever he damn well pleases without pleasing your judging ass.

    I never said he did not have the right to marry whomever he That's not the issue. I cited the fact that he's married to a white woman as a contributing factor to his quick proclivity to forgive and send flowers to a white woman who assumed that he attempting to break into his residence with his luggage.

    How would you like for everyone to judge you based on who you married?

    I don't place much credence in what people

    You conclude because he is married to a white woman is why he sent flowers to his neighbor? How does that mode of negative hate thinking work? Does it mean that all white women just might get flowers from him?

    Nope, just the ones how assume he's a burglar and call cops in err.

    Any other questions? If not, go back to lala land.

  140. Anonymous said...
    No question about it, Blacks are as racist as Whites. There is no hope for America.

    What is Newton's third law?

    For every action, there is an equal and opposite (in terms of direction) reaction.

    Let's apply this law to racism in America.

    Whites direct racism towards blacks. What the fuck are blacks supposed to do? Act unnaturally? Please, some, that are conscious, generate and equal and opposite (directed away from them) reaction.

    Yeah, blacks can be just as racist as whites.

    Who started this construct of racism in America?

  141. I said nothing about President Obama defending "black" citizens. You said that. I said citizens. He caved to the police and what that agency represents. This is a police state and instead of him standing by his statement and asserting that the citizen had rights, he backtracked.

  142. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Gregory W.,

    Beautifully said. Thank you. Racism is evil. It is an outrageous indignation to humanity.

    America needs more people like you. Then maybe the much needed shift in consciousness and heart will occur before its too late.

    I hope there will be a national discussion about race, but I am not sure it will happen. IMO, it's too painful for most. Some Blacks and Whites have been so hurt and damaged by racism they can't talk about it without having a vitriolic meltdown.

    Still, it must be done. We have to wade through the anger and grief in order to become free of it. Here's hoping and praying...

  143. grinder2:49 PM

    Gregory Wojowski, great posting.

  144. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Rudy said,
    "Nope, just the ones how assume he's a burglar and call cops in err.

    Any other questions? If not, go back to lala land."

    I think you meant to say 'who' instead of 'how'? It makes more sense to what you 'might' be trying to convey. Are you dyslexic and without an education? You poor sap.

    I entered lala land when I tried to reason with you.

  145. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Eve "I said nothing about President Obama defending "black" citizens. You said that. I said citizens. He caved to the police and what that agency represents. This is a police state and instead of him standing by his statement and asserting that the citizen had rights, he backtracked."

    Oh, please. To whom is it a police state? Blacks or Whites?

  146. Grinder:

    You beat me to it. I was just getting ready to tell Gregory Wojowski the same thing. LOL! I thought it was an excellent post that hit the nail on the head, broke it down to a tee, and got to the heart and root of the problem.

    Now, granny going back to her corner and sit this one out. I'm trying to avoid a headache today.

  147. Anonymous said...
    Rudy said,
    "Nope, just the ones how assume he's a burglar and call cops in err.

    Any other questions? If not, go back to lala land."

    I think you meant to say 'who' instead of 'how'? It makes more sense to what you 'might' be trying to convey. Are you dyslexic and without an education? You poor sap.

    I entered lala land when I tried to reason with you.

    Sure, attack my spelling instead of my position. Engage in name calling. You call that an reasoning with me? Yeah, that is the

    In the future, I will make sure to proofread. By doing so, that will deprive you of an ad hominen. Without an ad hominen, what else do you have? Nothing.

    As I said previously, go back to lala land. At least there you can create strawmen.

  148. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Rudy "Whites direct racism towards blacks. What the fuck are blacks supposed to do? Act unnaturally? Please, some, that are conscious, generate and equal and opposite (directed away from them) reaction."

    By your analysis, it sounds hopeless. It's like the lions and the hyenas...forever enemies with no chance of becoming free.

    Could you clarify what you are saying in terms of Newton's Third Law of Motion? I don't quite get what you are saying in your above quote.

  149. It's simple. Racism begets racism. Wait, it is more like racial prejudice begets racial prejudice.


  150. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Thank you for revoking President Obama's FN Card.

  151. Anonymous3:49 PM

    By your analysis, it sounds hopeless. It's like the lions and the hyenas...forever enemies with no chance of becoming free.

    i think you are getting it? I mean after all, this is an amusing and educational blog but is it making a fig leaf's worth of difference? No.. it's simply preaching to the choir. Lions and hyenas is still the status quo.

  152. Anonymous3:50 PM

    There are an estimated 1.5 million Black men in prison and another 3.5 million on probation. Black males make up more than 70 percent of the total prison population, even though they make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population.

    Although blacks are 12% of the population in reality it is just 2% of the blacks that commit 50% of the murders and a greater percentage of other crimes. Consider: black females - 6%. Blacks from zero yrs. to 12 yrs. and black males from 50-100 years commit an infinitesimal percentage of the crimes. Therefore we are left with two percent. If we eliminate crimes committed by this two percent from the U.S. statistics our country compares very favorably with all Western countries. Fact -- blacks kill 7 times more than whites kill. Fact -- blacks kill whites 20 times more than whites kill blacks. Fact -- blacks mug or commit group crime against whites 50 times more than whites commit against blacks. Fact -- blacks rape white women 2000 (yes 2000) times more than whites rape black women. In New York City, about 300 white women are raped by blacks every year BUT there has not been a black woman raped by a white male in anybody¢s memory (going back over 20 yrs.) Consider: Al Sharpton had to go upstate New York to find a hoax and that was almost 20 years ago. (Source NYT 4/22/05)

    According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2004 report (released May 2006), blacks commit 54 percent of the homicides in America even though they constitute only 12 percent of the population.

    An individual black male is seven times more likely to commit murder than an individual white male. It so happens that black felons commit 43 percent of aggravated assaults, 66 percent of armed robberies, 27 percent of rapes and 85 percent of interracial crimes of violence, mainly against whites (this last figure from a Justice Department report 2003). However, it's not just in the United States. The greatest dicators in recent years have emerged in Africa. People like Idi Amin of Uganda, Hastings Kamuzu Banda in Malawi, Mobutu Sese Seko, in Zaire, self-anointed Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Republic, Mohammed Saidi Barre in Somalia, Sani Abacha of Nigeria, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe -- the list is endless

  153. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "An eye for an eye, leaves everyone blind."

    - Dr. Martin Luther King

    Wake up people...we are being manipulated.

  154. Trollkillr4:01 PM


    Can you come better than repeating the same ole cliches and stats re: black folks?

    What about what's been going on in the former Iron Curtain countries over that past 30 years?

    And what about your former president?

    Go back to stormfront or back to listening to Tush Limpballs....

    Pathetic troll.

  155. I hate when other whites say, "I wonder how people would act if this situation were reversed with the victim being white, and the police being black."

    There's a reason you have to "Wonder," and that's because that kind of shit never happens.

    Do white people get the crap kicked out of them by police?

    Hell, yes. But not by a bunch of black cops. That would be career suicide.

    Only white people are allowed to kill other white people.

    I will say, Gates' "outrage" comes across as bullshit.

    I get the "Don't you know who I am?" vibe from him.

    If Obama wants to address profiling, he needs to come out, and address it. Straight up, no chaser.

    Don't give the Wingnuts an opportunity to roll out that "Reverse Racism" bullshit.

    I'll tell you right now. I'm white, I'm 40 years old, and I've been everywhere in this country.

    Not once, not one single time has anyone ever said, "Sorry, we don't serve Crackers here," or "What's your white ass doing? You know you're not welcome.," or "Come up out with your mother fuckin' hands in the air, Honkey, and no one gets hurt!"

    Shit doesn't happen.

  156. Anonymous said...

    There are an estimated 1.5 million Black men in prison and another 3.5 million on probation. Black males make up more than 70 percent of the total prison population, even though they make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population.
    Like Rudy Ray Moore said "Dear Bitch while taking a shit I read your letter, the more I read I shit much better".

    You blame blacks for every damn thing except the Lindgergh kidnapping. What's your solution to gas us all to death? Kill us. The Government tried it several times.We are the only people in America that the U.S. Gov't used its spy operations on. It's called COINTELPRO . If you have complaints about American blacks remember America MADE us.

    Listing African dictators , what are you trying to say that we are inferior? All those dictators you named had one thing in common, they were helped by the US .Patrice Lumumba was killed with the help of the US Government.Then Uncle Sam put in Motubu. Most of those African dictators have something else in common, Pat Robertson.For someone who don't post a hyperlink , you're a real PUNK. So what's you're solution for black Americans.The law of the jungle? Rugged individualism.
    ? Limbaugh and Klannity never had to go that route, they used white skin privilege.They are just like you a punk and a coward.

  157. Another thing 3:50 PM Anonymous , most whites are lightly to die at the hands of another white usually a acquaintance or a relative.The same with other races.You should be more scared of your spouse or kid than the brother outside.

  158. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Jeez, wheres all the H8 comin from??? I mean if you suffered through all the boring Kum-ba-ya classes Skippy did, you'd want a hot blonde too...
    Only reason the Mulatto in chief married a sister was to get elected...
    Thats why KFC lets you have it your way, you can have White meat, OR Dark Meat, or be really wild and crazy and get a mixed bucket...
    OK, its Burger King that lets you have it your way, same concept...
    I still think skippy looks like a monkey in that pic...


  159. @Grinder: "I don't know how many times I've said this now, but I for one do not think the arrest of Gates was justified."

    Grinder, I referenced your post because of the link.

    Never meant to state or imply more than that.

    My comments were directed at the interview.

  160. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Frank "I still think skippy looks like a monkey in that pic..."

    Frank, I love it when you post. I learn so much from you. You are funny too. Have you seen his wife? Well, if you saw her, you would never say a bad thing about Skippy again. In fact, you would bow down to Skippy because she looks like the kind of woman you've always wanted, but could never have. Plus she's smart and sophisticated too. None of that backwoods white trailer park talk.

    That was probably another good reason to arrest him. But after all of that, they are still happily married and more in love and supportive of each other than ever before. Go figure.

  161. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Have you seen his wife? Well, if you saw her, you would never say a bad thing about Skippy again. In fact, you would bow down to Skippy because she looks like the kind of woman you've always wanted, but could never have. Plus she's smart and sophisticated too. None of that backwoods white trailer park talk.

    Those lovely white women!

  162. Anonymous5:56 PM

    don't response to racist trolls, their feet hurt from walking to the lie-brary to use the internet, their water got cut off and they haven't been able to wash it for a week, it smells awful and it's a greasy mess. Matter fact their entire trailor is falling apart and they tried to talk to Rush Limpballs but he even said, 'all that white skin and you still live in a trailor' I don't know what to tell you, so they just trying to make friends the only way they know how with fire breathing red flame hatred, these trollers are a hot mess and silence is golden, plus yt's like that don't like to be around serenitly too long, it throws off their reason for living, kneegrowssssssssssssssssssssss

  163. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "Have you seen his wife? Well, if you saw her, you would never say a bad thing about Skippy again. In fact, you would bow down to Skippy because she looks like the kind of woman you've always wanted, but could never have. Plus she's smart and sophisticated too. None of that backwoods white trailer park talk.

    Those lovely white women!"

    LOL Now I HOPE (and I sincerely believe) you were being sarcastic.

    Because I've seen Skip Gates wife, and she's a short, sloppy fat, pasty and homely WW that Skip wouldn't have given the time of day to if she had been black.

    She and his daughters were featured in one of his PBS specials years ago. When they went to Africa. I thought DAMN how pathetic. This is all he could attract?

    Now MAYBE she has a heart of gold, and an intellect, but looks wise she fits that trailer trash label to a tee.

    But hey, whatever floats ones boat...

  164. Thanks for the laugh FN seriously. You'd think some people took the blue pill and decided to stay in the Matrix. Some black ppl actually think the O Man was trying to do a head fake on whites. Ha the joke's on them. This is really quite serious actually. Black ppl were thrown under the bus. But you can write about this and still give it a humorous tone. I appreciate that. This is as serious as a heart attack though. Glad you revoked his FN pass. Bill Cosby was of course correct all along. Please let me know if you've prepared a little get-a-way spot ala Atlas Shrugged. A few of us may need to join you and the Missus.

  165. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "How would you like for everyone to judge you based on who you married? "

    Most people who are psychology and emotionally healthy will partner with one similar to themselves. While that physical similarity can manifest it self in many ways, it is usually a valid predictor of self-esteem.

  166. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I saw a picture of SKIP GATE'S on TV today, and maybe I was seeing thing's but, this BLACK MAN looked as if he had on BLUE contac's!

    When he was younger, his eye's were BROWN! and now his eye's are BLUE!!!

    I wonder if RUSH LIMBAUGH know's that, GATE'S is married to a WHITE WOMAN!! oh, I forgot! of course he know's! so I'm sure by next week, he will be attacking WHITE WOMEN that marry BLACK MEN!

    Rush Limbaugh is going to milk this thing for all it is worth!

    You people must be in lala land, Crowley saw picture's of GATE'S WHITE WIFE in his house and decided to teach him a lesson!!

    People are we forgetting the fact that, Black Men were Lynched for looking at WHITE WOMEN in the SOUTH year's ago!

    RUSH, BILL, HANNITY, and BECK will find a way to GET GATE'S!! and they will do it in a way to let him know that, he had no right to look at a WHITE WOMAN, let alone, MARRY one!!!

  167. LloydTate6:59 PM

    Field, I have not had time to check the blog out the past couple of days up until a couple of hours ago.

    166 comments on this subject as of present have failed to shine light on what is assuredly the most spectacular comment so far IMHO.

    I would typify myself as an Obama supporter in general and usually classify most anti-Obama comments as the opinion of racists, bitter Toms, or radicaly confused fools who would bitch about anything no matter the circumstance.

    There have been a great deal of ignorant comments directed towards Obama and I generally just shake my head and move on with my reading.

    I witnessed the media assult on Obama's "Mom Jeans" and found a paticular story on CNN during Rick Sanchez's show discussing the topic to be one of the funniest things I have heard in recent history.

    I have heard Obama called some of everything but I did not think it could get very much worse (or accurate) than Obama being accused of wearing "Mom Jeans" until I logged onto your blog earlier.

    One particular attribute to Obama from you made me laugh past the point of tears and has had me laughing internally for the last couple of hours.

    Why does Obama have to be
    "Black-barry", Field?


    You are a creative genius my friend, and I would not want to get on your bad side.

  168. Anonymous6:59 PM

    FN, this is probably the best post you have ever done! I am totally in agreement with your decision to revoke Barry's FN status....I'm a tad pissed at him at the moment. Come on Prez, stop throwing folks under the bus.

  169. Anonymous7:35 PM

    There are an ABUNDANCE of single black women looking for a man. Black female beauty is both denigrated and found wanting when compared to white standards of beauty. Yet, Skippy, a man who would be considered a huge catch for black women, marries a plain-jane white girl. It's just another in a series of powerful messages to black men on the make about the desirability of white and light skin and the inferiority of black female beauty.

  170. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Trying to find an image of Gates and his family to see which commenter was correct in discription, I came across the following:

    "Henry Louis "Skip" Gates has for years been methodically promoted by white and Jewish America as the officially approved representative of the Negro constituency, but never so openly and controversially as in this Boston Magazine article.

    The article is a typical Skip Gates promotional piece, but with two major differences--it is brutally frank about white America's role in conjuring this "leader" out of its hat and it demonstrates, wittingly or otherwise, the contempt which white America reserves even for Black folk who do its bidding. The Head Negro (really "Nigger") in Charge designation is one of the most eloquent of African America's multitudinous expressions of hatred for traitors to the race. It is said to have its origins in slavery among the field slaves who viewed with contempt and disgust the antics of the sellouts that ole massa handpicked to lead them."

    The full piece is at

  171. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Who care's about THE FIELD NEGRO revoking the President's PASS? I'm sure the President could care less!

    White Men have been buying GUN'S the moment the President won the ELECTION! and who do you think they can't wait to use those gun's on? take a wild guess? how many black folk's got money to buy GUN'S with?

    The President was bold enough to come forth and tell AMERICA that the WHITE MAN was out of line!!

    The President was speaking to white men in general!! and look what happened the next day! SPOILED WHITE MEN had a Temper Tantrum as usual!!

    FIELD want's the President to prove he care's about BLACK PEOPLE, but,yet it is okay for White Folk's to come on this BLOG and ATTACK a Black President!! now tell me is their PASS REVOKED!! NO!! they have free PASSAGE!!!

    The President was trying his best to let BLACK AMERICA know that, he he was tuned in as far as the mistreatment of Minority Men! he was sending out a message, this was not about PROFESSOR GATE'S!!

  172. Anonymous7:53 PM

    White Men have been buying GUN'S the moment the President won the ELECTION! and who do you think they can't wait to use those gun's on? take a wild guess? how many black folk's got money to buy GUN'S with?

    Guns are being used on black men and women all the time. Yet, who's doing the killing? It sure isn't the white man. So why are you so worried about the chimera of racial war when black men, women, and children are being gunned down on a regular basis by their own?

  173. LloydTate7:57 PM

    I disagree with the posts concerning "Skip" Gates' white wife. Gates being an TOM is not indicative of his wife being white anymore than someone like say Pastor Manning, the devilish self hating Obama hater. If someone is a TOM they are a TOM because of their beliefs and actions, not because of who they marry.

    Didn't Fredrick Douglass have a white wife as well?

  174. Off topic I am sure and I have not read anything on this blog or thread:

    Y'all know what's going on down in Tex-ass?

    KKK and Panthers gathering over a killing where justic seems not to be served up. Where is the press, where is the outcry?

    Find out about this and do something!

    Your humble servant,

  175. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Man, I keep thinking what if something similar had happen to Maulana Karenga (CSU-Hayward). We probably would've heard a blurb here or there about the founder of Kwanza and former black panther gettin' clubbed and arrested for "disorderly conduct" in his own home. Would Skip Gates be all over the Cable TV talking about his next documentary on blacks and the criminal justice system?

  176. This site used to have thoughtful discussion sprinkled with a few wingnuts but the wingnuts have taken over.

    Mostly what I'm hearing is a lot of class envy. How interesting that Gates is considered an Uncle Tom because he is not walking around paranoid, defensive, and weighted down with a big fat chip on his shoulder. Imagine the gall of a black man expecting to be treated like anyone else and not a victim.

    You better be damn glad for the "ivory tower negroes" because they are doing a hell of a lot more for black folks than the crabs in this barrel.

  177. Not only was Frederick Douglass' wife white, so was his father. And I think he wore blue contact lenses

  178. Not only was Frederick Douglass' wife white, so was his father. And I think he wore blue contact lenses.

  179. She would just have assumed that the white man trying to push the front door open belonged there. End of story.

    Spoken like a true racist ... assuming what another person's actions would be based on their color.

  180. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Anon 3:49PM "i think you are getting it? I mean after all, this is an amusing and educational blog but is it making a fig leaf's worth of difference? No.. it's simply preaching to the choir. Lions and hyenas is still the status quo."

    Good point. With a few exceptions, it looks like most people here want to perpetuate racism through their unexamined presuppositions about each other and even apply ‘Newton’s Third Law of Motion to justify their racist views and behavior. It's amusing high drama, but as you have said, it isn’t worth one fig leaf.

  181. Anonymous10:42 PM

    First of all, I am TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED IN OBAMA! Isn't he a lawyer? And aren't lawyers supposed to keep their mouthes shut until they have all the evidence? Aren't they supposed to know when to speak, and then pick and choose their words carefully?

    Second of all, I am not suprised to hear the Gates has a white wife. After all, he is like most other "SELF HATING" NEGROES. They claim to be so proud of their "African Heritage" but then GRIN LIKE A LAWN JOCKEY WHEN THEY FIND OUT THAT THEY HAVE A SINGLE DROP OF THE "SLAVE MASTER'S BLOOD" IN THEIR VEINS. Like their is something to be proud about carrying the blood of the people who RAPED AND SODOMIZED, AND WIPED OUT YOUR ANCESTORS.

    Lastly, as for the
    "Good N_ _ _ _ R" officer who jumped to the defense of the white guy...this is also typical of self hating black folks who are constantly seeking ACCEPTANCE FROM THE "SLAVE MASTER." BLACK FOLKS WILL LITERALLY "DIE" TRYING TO BE OBEDIENT SLAVES. We're no longer in physical chains but our MINDS ARE FOREVER ENSLAVED.

    THESE 3 are a perfect example of SORRY ASS N _ _ _ _ _ S!

  182. Well if she doesn't like flowers, there's always 'free beer'.

  183. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Flowers? The only kind of flowers that I would send to that "good neighbor" is poison ivy. When I am outside in my yard in the daytime hours, I can identify any of my neighbors even if I can't see their faces just by the way they move, or the shape of their bodies. That is because I have taken the time to get to know the people who live around me. Maybe if the "good neighbor" had taken the time to get to know the people who live around her (instead of banging her head on the wall because a black man lived in close the way that is a classic symptom if "white woman syndrome") she would have known that was her neighbor trying to get into the house and maybe even offered him help.

  184. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Amazing how many people know his neighbor and what her intentions were. And she should have made the effort to get know Gates. And it's all her fault because she is a racist. Why are Blacks so all-knowing and Perfect? I mean, Blacks don't have to be there and right away they know what went down.

    I can't wait to hear the 911 tapes. I got a bad feeling about them. It'll be interesting to read the comments after it is revealed that Gates acted a pure ass and the police report was It'll be both hilarious and shocking to hear Gates say on tape, "ya momma". LOL

  185. It's amazing when people such as the commenter above me constantly side with the police no matter what they do. These were the same idiots who said that Abner Louima was gay when he was sodmized by officer volpe. These were the same fools who said that Kathryn Johnston was CLEARLY a drug dealer when she was shot in her own home by the police. They'll gladly bow to someone so long as they have a badge and a uniform. That Gates, he was just too much of an uppity Negro. That's why he was so angry and I'm sure these 'patriots' would love to be able to hear those tapes so that they can say "See, Gates deserved what he got because he had the nerve to get mad. If he had just been more 'polite' and subservient maybe Officer Crowley would have given him a pet on the head and some cookies."

    I don't know much about Gates but it amazed me to see him on CNN the other day talking about how he finally understood how minorities and the poor felt about being persecuted by the police. Does he watch the news? Hell, he's supposed to be a historian of African history; he should already know these things. It really pissed me off to hear him say that.

  186. Anonymous8:26 PM

    "Does he watch the news? Hell, he's supposed to be a historian of African history; he should already know these things. It really pissed me off to hear him say that."

    He DOES know these things. It just that you want to believe him no matter what. Any AA historian can give you reams of info about police profiling and police brutality of Blacks. Why would you believe someone who is Black, an AA historian, and 58 years old who claimed his ignorance of what has been happening to Black men well beyond 58 years?

    You are amazed at me? You should be amazed at yourself.

  187. This police officer looks just "Officer Mark Furhman", prosecution witness in the O.J. Simpson case. Remember the one who said he had never used the "N" word, and then the late Johnny Cochran brought tapes into court proving that Furhman had used the "N" word over one hundred times?

    I suspect that if this officer's background were investigated a bit, it would become clear that he has more than a little bit in common with Mark Furhman. But since the charges against Gates were dropped that intense investigation is not as likely to occur.
