Wednesday, July 01, 2009

There is nothing worse than an ungrateful Negro.

Now you listen up Jamie Foxx: White folks done allowed you to make all this money in A-merry-ca and you done went and dissed them on BET? Oh they were watching you Jamie; they heard when you said that we only loaned Michael to them, and he was really ours. ( I wish someone would have told him that). I heard some white folks on the radio this morning and they were aaaaaangrrryyy at you, Negro. "How dare Jamie Foxx say something like that? Michael was a human being and a worldwide star, he didn't belong to anybody. "I am so sick of this segregation and racism." (yeah right) "What if we had a white television network?" "What if a white person had said that? 'Elvis is really ours we just lent him to you black people.'" Well, actually, they couldn't say that, because most black people don't think Elvis is worth a damn. But I get the idea.

Jamie, you sure know how to piss off white folks. First you mess with A-merry-ca's little daughter, and now this. You are lucky you have talent, Negro, or you would be out begging for food like every other Negro who dissed folks in the majority here in A-merry-ca.

"We want to celebrate this black man - he belongs to us - and we shared him with everybody else....It don't matter what he looked like ... what his nose looked like ... it was what he sounded like,....Who was the best?" [the audience] "Michael!"

I don't know Jamie, we didn't always claim him, and honestly, you couldn't blame us when we didn't.

But you know what's really sad Jamie? That Mike didn't finally come home to his people until he was dead.


  1. starrie11:15 PM

    i can name two white stations off the top of my head: fox and the country music channel...

  2. Anonymous11:20 PM

    He belongs to us? Do the "people" you know, the monolithic black and white races, actually own things? Do whites actually own the English language and you are just borrowing it? Do blacks own the elevator and whites (and presumably Asians, hispanics etc.) are just borrowing it?

    "It was what he sounded like"? Do black and white people have different sounds? What else is biologically different about the races?

  3. Anonymous11:29 PM

    White stations? In addition to what starrie said, we'd have to name just about every talk radio station on the AM that deals with politics.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have been amazed over the last week that so many Black people have seemingly decided to overlook certain aspects of Michael’s life which would normally bring a lot of criticism from the Black community at-large.

    Things such as Michael; only marrying White women (well I guess we over-look that with Quincy and Sidney too), that his children where obviously parented by two White people, the sexual molestation charges (well I guess some Black people still support R.Kelly) and his transformation from Black to White. (Vitiligo my a**)

    Anyway Michael was not ours in his mind. He was really busy trying to be White or at least racially ambiguous. So Jamie is delusional as are a whole lot of other people.

    I'm not trying to be harsh but all of this pretending Michael was something he wasn't is getting a little annoying.

    Michael was a giant among entertainers but he had gigantic flaws as well.

  6. I have got a little sick and tired about how Michael Jackson's music crossed over. He is not the descendant of Elvis and someone as musical as Jamie Foxx knows that. I am concerned that in another century blacks will have no history. It seems that every time white folks become ecumenical, our stuff becomes theirs.

  7. There were a lot of things wrong with the awards show...and Jamie Foxx's comments were one of them.

    "Reclaiming" him to the black community didn't make the true mourners feel better: his family.

    Janet definitely said it best:
    "To you he was an icon, but to us, he was family."

    It's sad that we're using the death of a man to add to an already hurtful racial tug-of-war. I think we should let the man rest. And rejoice in his musical legacy. Period.

  8. The reason that black videos got played on MTV was really because of a guy named Don Letts.He had a appointment at MTV and the people wouldn't let him in. Later on they did, he proved that he did The Clash's videos.He was black. They explained to him that they didn't play "soul", only rock videos.The word got to Michael and his people threaten to not put one video on MTV if they didn't let black artist on. Later Rick James, Prince and George Clinton got played there.Mike did that.If he didn't everyone else wouldn't have gotten through the door.

    BTW, African Americans only have one T.V. station,TVOne. BET is owned by Viacom.In England blacks own three TV stations.Maybe we should ask them for their help ?

  9. "I am so sick of this segregation and racism." (yeah right) "


    You know, some white folks really get to me. It has to be their way or nothing at all. For the last couple days or so many white folks were showing so much love and support. Now that some of them found out that the 'white' kids aren't even his, he willed everything back to his 'black' family, and Debbie whatsherface and the other white leeches get nothing - Look how things are going to flip in the hearts of so many of them. There will always be hell to pay when they don't feel 'included' in some way.

    I'm just sorry MJ flattered them so much with his black self-hatred to begin with.

    As for Foxx, he better watch it. Perhaps he should rent a white girlfriend now. It will show allegiance and earn foreignness for a while. [tongue in cheek]

  10. @Kid

    TVONE is not fully Black wned. Comcast is part owner of TVONE along with Radio One and others.

  11. Anonymous12:59 AM

    BTW, African Americans only have one T.V. station,TVOne. BET is owned by Viacom.In England blacks own three TV stations.Maybe we should ask them for their help ?

    The BBC owns TV in the UK, why do you think all the black actors come here for work!

  12. @Monie

    Out of all the others TVone is more so than others.BET was sold by Bob Johnson a long time ago.I think Univision is owned by some Hispanic investors and NBC/Universal.

    About 20 years ago there were several of black owned hair companies. Now there are only five.The way you can tell is to look at the back of your hair care product for the "proud lady" logo.

    I also forgot England has four black owned stations.

    Garvey was right we need our own companies.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    12:59 AM

    The BBC is their PBS . There are several stations in the UK. All of the British actors aren't here Lenny Henry is still in England.

  14. What did Jamie Foxx say?

  15. Never mind...

  16. Gotta go off topic here, because I'm about Jacksoned out. I nominate for FNOTD and HFNOTD the people standing against the tanks and guns in Honduras.

    The MSM has been MIA on this story, especially compared to the wall to wall coverage they gave Iran. I guess a military coup in our backyard is a non-story compared to a disputed election halfway across the world.

  17. Anonymous1:35 AM


  18. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Let us not forget that Michael and his siblings black self hatred came from Papa Joe Jackson. He hated his ethnic looks and teased and taunted his kids about their negroid features. Even papa Joe cut off his own nose with surgery and and brainwashed his kids with this sick black self hatred shit that is passed down from generation to generation. If you notice, practically the whole damn family got their noses cut off and skin lightened. Look at Katherine, Janet, Latoya, and Jermaines noses 30 years ago. Joe Jackson was a "monster" and a physically and verbally abusive father. As you can see, it had deep psychological affects on each of the Jackson children. Parents out there should learn a lesson from this and stop putting down your ethnic beauty and features. Self hating blacks need to remember that the melanin in your skin is not a curse... it is a blessing from god that protects you from the damaging rays of the sun. The darker you are the healthier you are. And all of the self hating blacks need to remember that even though god loves all colors, he must have a special fondness for brown because heck, we come in about 5 different shades of brown. From the darkest of dark, to the lightest of light. And let us not forget, that the very earth from which living things grow is BROWN!
    All of you "self hating" N----r parents.. wake up and start teaching your children that they are BEAUTIFUL!

  19. Jamie Foxx done did so much other stuff (act, sing, etc.) that people have forgotten that he is a COMEDIAN. My homeboys and I were just talking about this the other day. Jamie Foxx is rarely serious, and people really take him to literally.

    And forgive my English, why master a language that I'm only borrowing anyway...

  20. I'm with you on this, field, but hold up---I don't claim Miley Cyrus. I don't have to, do I?

    lol - my word verification is "sanity"

  21. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Excellent post, Field.

    Jaime Foxx is talented, no doubt about it. Unfortunately, talent does not supersede ingnorance, and Jaime has displayed his share of ignorance. Unless he hires someone to script his remarks in the future, Jaime would do well to keep his mouth shut.

  22. Can't believe nobody's told Field about this yet. Dailykos has been going ballistic over this.

    That Glen Beck is a damn fool -

    MICHAEL SCHEUER: The only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States. Because it's going to take a grassroots, bottom-up pressure, because these politicians prize their office, prize the praise of the media and the Europeans. Only -- it's an absurd situation. Again, only Osama can execute an attack which will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary.

    BECK: Which is why I was thinking this weekend if I were him, that would be the last thing I would do right now.

    SCHEUER: Absolutely.

    BECK: Michael Scheuer, as always, sir, thank you very much.

  23. F*ck that shit son! As much as I hate Jamie Foxx, I give him props on keeping it real about this. All you Black folks who think he was wrong better get a clue. Lets be honest: was White America feelin' big nose Michael?


    Yeah that's what I thought.

    Umm, yeah, White chicks were not hyperventilating and fainting over big nose Michael.

    The truth is: everything as far as Black culture and in this case music has been stolen by White America. If any of you have a problem with that, come to Memphis and meet me so we can talk about Elvis. Matter of fact, forget that. Just give Little Richard a call and tell him that shit.

    *drops mic and walks off stage*

  24. Hey Swiff, peopel want the so-called MSM to talk about it.Remember when Bill Maher made a less contraversal comment. He was fired.Beck and company are only asking bin Laden to bomb us again.Ever heard of IOKIYAR ? It's ok if you're a republican.

  25. Anonymous3:12 AM

    "Michael was a giant among entertainers but he had gigantic flaws as well."

    Why not honor MJ for his talent as one of the best ever and accept that he didn't want to be Black? Why not leave it at that?

    Besides, MJ isn't/wasn't alone in his hated of being Black. Look at the Black community. A lot of Blacks are fed up with Blacks and fed up with being Black. I bet a lot of Blacks would leave the race if they could. Some have even said that the race is cursed.

    So why are we still talking about MJ's self-hatred? Because many Blacks know that 'self-loathing demon' all too well. It has been haunting Blacks for centuries and they are scared to death of it. But many are in denial about it. They try to pretend as though it doesn't exist. And that it is something rare that happens to a few self-haters like OJ, both MJ's, Tiger Woods, CT and a few other Negroes that we know. But in truth it permeates the entire race in varying degrees.

    Even the new perverse meaning of the word "nigger" today is now a term of endearment. That says a lot about how we feel about ourselves. We have taken the most degrading word in the english language and fallen in love with it. Now, someone please tell me... who wants to be part of a group who thinks and feels like that? You really have to be pretty low and dysfunctional to want that...which 'maybe' we are.

    MJ's behavior 'visibly' reminded many folks how painful it was to be Black in America. Isn't that why many Blacks can't stop stompin' their feet about MJ's hatred of being Black?

    MJ is dead, folks. But you Negroes are still alive and that demon seems to have been eating away at you almost every day since MJ's death....

    The sooner Blacks face the truth that's staring them flat in their faces, the sooner we will be able to find solutions to our internal malady. Until then, we will continue to grasp at shadows until there is nothing left of us.

  26. Anonymous3:13 AM

    And all this time I was thinking that as a white-ish looking bisexual with black ancestry that Michael was mine.


  27. RiPPa, I used to think that Little Richard was full of it until I read his book.He said he would have a table in his mouth holding it up while a woman danced on it. I laughed until I SEEN THE PHOTOS. A keyboardist for Funkadelic was asked who invented Funk, he said Little Richard.I'm not going to tell someone from P-Funk that he wrong.

  28. Michael Jackson crowned himself the King of Pop, not the King of the Blues, or the King of Soul. Even so, Prince & Madonna damned near knocked his crown off. Michael used any kind of music & style he believed would get him a hit record. He did prove he was just as screwed up as that other "king" Elvis. Maybe even more. Elvis made a comeback & a few more great rekkids. Like with Elvis, Jim Morrison of The Doors, & Jimi Hendrix, Michael's death will be the gift that keeps on giving to everyone who owns a piece of his music.

  29. grinder4:33 AM

    Billy Ray Cyrus and Jamie Foxx? Will someone please tell me who to take less seriously?

  30. janeo5:26 AM

    Michael Jackson was our mirror in many ways.

    I am a dark as blackberry sister and 50 years old. I grew up in North Philadelphia. It was only Black people who told me to open my eyes in the dark so they could see me by the white of my eyes. Or that my nose was too big. Or I was too dark. Lucky I had 'good' long and thick hair or maybe those folks would have stoned me.

    The boys wanted to date the 'redbone' girls from Girls High or Yardley. When I was growing up, they were the epitome of black beauty.

    Look at your Lisa Turtle, a beautiful woman for sure, but she is certainly the lighter side of dark.

    My mother told me stories about growing up medium colored. She sat at the middle of the table, with the lighter towards the head and the darker towards the end. The lighter ones were the 'It' people.

    If you were light skin you could get a job working the elevator in Wanamaker's or be a mailman. So light skin was important.

    I knew girls whose parents did not want them dating dark skinned men.

    So don't go and blame Michael Jackson for feeling this way. This has been the way of Black Americans for generations.

    House Negroes and Field Negroes.

    They trained us well those Massas, we'll just hate each other based on the color of our skin, the texture of our hair and the size of our noses. We'll just hate ourselves forever.

    Rest in Peace Michael, I for one will miss your presence in the world, no matter what, because when I was 7 and you were 8, you had my heart and never let it go.

  31. Well said Monie. But I think it's out of respect.We were all taught not to speak ill of the dead.

    Rippa, where are you playing next?:)

    Janeo, I am curious, do you still live in Philly? And you are right about the colorism issues: I hear the young kids talking about a "red bone" as if that is the ultimate all the time. Sad.:(

    "And all this time I was thinking that as a white-ish looking bisexual with black ancestry that Michael was mine.


    Rippa, I think j is ready to go on the road with you. LOL!

    Swiff,I am all over that story. But honestly, this kind of stuff is just becoming par for the course for the clowns at FOX.

  32. Sarge7:00 AM

    Who's the best? I always thought it was Sammy Davis, Jr.

  33. Based on anon's statements, am I to believe that if many black folks had the chance they would leave the race or bleach their skin?

    I do not believe this. If given the chance, many of us would excommunicate those who are an embarassment to the race.

  34. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Forget Foxx, he is like all other black jumping on the "I Loved Michael Jackson's Wagon", this is so stupid. If you had asked any black person about Michael Jackson last month the would have called him all kind of names, now black are so in love with him. How many listened to a Michael cd lately. Jackson death just brought out the black hypocrites, no blacks cared about Michael, thats the truth. After Michael start changing his looks blacks dis' him, we talked about his nose, his skin tone, his marriage, his sexuality, his children, his songs, his antics, his voice, his allegation of pedophilia. Now we claim to be so into the history of Michael. All this is a bunch of bull!!

  35. uptownsteve9:08 AM


    "Lets be honest: was White America feelin' big nose Michael?"

    I would say to a certain extent, YES.

    I saw the Jackson 5 at Madison Square Garden in 1973 at 13 years old and 1/3 of the audience were white girls screaming like they were the Beatles.

    That's the real perversity of the whole thing.

    His black face was beautiful and others could see it.

    Michael could never love himself for some reason.

  36. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Foxx is not that talented. Doing an impersonation of a real talent like Ray Charles can open doors, but Foxx's work since then is pretty weak. He runs the risk of being the next Gary Busey - who did a bang-up impersonation of Buddy Holly, and then became a joke.

    - KXB

  37. A Person of Interest9:33 AM

    Hey now! Gary Busey can still get bit-parts in some original movies made by the Sci-Fi channel.

    Come to think of it, that must be where A LOT of former "stars" go to die.

  38. uptownsteve9:37 AM

    Hey, Gary Busey was the shit in "DC Cab".

    Mr. T gave a riveting performance as well.

  39. fn:

    thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i despised the mutilated white monster that mj became!!!

    i will always cherish and adore the beautiful black boy he once was...

    elvis/no other entertainer ever has or will touch mj's talents/gifts...

    i love jamie
    but he was dead wrong!!!
    we did not LOAN mj
    we LOST MJ!!!

    because mj CHOSE to surgically and chemically become a single white female with 3 white children bilked and drugged to death by white leeches....tragic!!!
    mj GAVE himself

    mj was a black boy who become a white monster!!!

    and now those white leeches hire a black MD 2 mos before they murder mj for a black man can be the fall guy for the DATED train wreck that was mj

    As you watch soulless black people defend the racially mutilated adult Michael Jackson, who did absolutely everything he could to flagrantly reject his black blood, from bleaching his ghastly white skin, to purchasing three exclusively white children, remember this: White supremacy is STILL rampant and revered in Black America!!!

    Sadly and undeniably, the adult Michael Jackson was a disfigured, demented, and definitive poster child for the perils of extreme white supremacy…

    “I think it is symbolically very significant that Michael Jackson, after introducing a vehicle, the music video, that promotes colorism and the supremacy of White standards of beauty, proceeds to remove any and all vestiges of his identity as a Black man.”

    the blackish obama and music videos etc have only INCREASED white supremacy in america!!!

  40. single elite black females who grew up with mj are passing on adopting dark skinned children

    this cycle of colorist hatred never ends!

  41. i say mj was sicker than elvis!

    and elvis had no huge family to REJECT as mj did...even beyond psycho joe!

    elvis never changed his face/race etc!!!

    As a 41 year old eternal fan of the young Michael, I will always adore the memory of that beautiful, gifted, ebony skinned, African-American boy that he once was. I will always love his wonderful music and dancing. Likewise, I will always loathe the gruesome, phony, devious, ghastly, ghoulish, twisted, anemic, Caucasian pedophile that he has surgically and chemically chosen to become. Those white supremacists who initially claim that they cannot understand my repulsion and resentment need only envision Elvis Presley choosing to physically morph into Naomi Campbell. Then, they tend to feel my pain.

  42. uptownsteve9:58 AM

    "elvis never changed his face/race etc!!!"

    Elvis had a nose job.

  43. A Person of Interest9:59 AM

    Trust me Alicia. Everyone here feels your pain, on a daily basis.

  44. Michael Jackson was taught to hate himself by his father. As an adult, it seems that he was never able to overcome the psychological scars and spiritual void created by his crazy father.

    I wasn't feeling MJ's white wives, white children, and white complexion, but this tragedy has reminded me of all of the fond memories he gave to me and to the world. And for that...I thank MJ.

  45. Think folks are celebrating MJ for his contributions (i.e., his music).

    Yes, he had an unhealthy love for things "white." But that should not be part of his commemoration.

  46. A Person of Interest10:07 AM

    I didn't know Elvis had a nose job.

    Some folks believe Elvis was a Melungeon. Y'all ever heard of the Melungeons?

  47. i wil not be one of the hypocrites who pretends that mj was some afrocentric saint just because he he is dead

    i will always tell the WHOLE truth about the 2 mjs

    and us:

    1 nose job compared to the butchery of mj's entire face is akin to comparing a firecracker to an atomic bomb

    all of the jacksons have had nose most euro celebs
    but all of the brothers still look black and handsome...jj is still black and gorgeous...

    mj looked like a white female vampire!...there is no comparison

  48. Anonymous10:13 AM

    "I do not believe this. If given the chance, many of us would excommunicate those who are an embarassment to the race."

    That would be a lot of excommunicating. And why is it that one person can shame the entire Black race? There will always be humans who do embarrassing things. The Black race is the only race where the bad actions of a Black person shames the entire race. That is why you hear folks say, "the Black race is cursed."

    No other race goes through that kind of unrealistic nonsense. That in itself tells a lot about how Blacks feel about their race. It is very hard being Black because we of the harsh negative ways we judge ourselves. It's much worse than the Whites could ever do.

    Whites did a lot of damage to Blacks during slavery, Jim Crow and discrimination. But today Blacks do it to themselves more than anybody else could ever do. Now that's self-hatred. MJ was damaged by Blacks just like millions of other Blacks were.

  49. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I said it before, and I'll say it again. No one is going to love us but US. Self love and pride begins with what you learn from home. Black folks need to stop being brainwashed and wake up.When your eyes are open they will never be closed again. It starts with black parents teaching their children that we are beautiful. When you know the truth about who you are, no amount of subliminal brainwashing can bring you down. The only ones damaging black children today are their ignorant black parents. I've seen and heard black mothers cursing at their baby boys, and mentally, emotionally and physically abusing them from the time they bring them home from the hospital they are calling their black bous little "mother f- - - - -s." Aand black parents are still referring to hair as "good hair" and "bad hair." And black women will spend a whole pay check at the Korean store for fake ass straight hair then go to the hair dresser and spend another whole pay check to have it glued, sewed, or cemented in. And I was also at that 1973 concert at Madison Square Garden in NYC and it is true that about 1/3 of the screaming audience was WHITE GIRLS! GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS. WHITE FOLKS HAVE ALWAYS GOTTEN US TO HATE OURSELVES WHILE THEY STEAL AND COPY EVERYTHING WE DO AND TAKE CREDIT FOR IT. WHEN THEY GET A TAN THEY'RE TRYING TO GET BROWN. WHEN THEY PUT COLLAGEN IN THEIR LIPS THEY ARE TRYING TO GET BLACK LIPS. WHEN THEY PUT ON FAKE ASSES THEY'RE TRYING TO COPY OUR ASSES. WAKE UP BLACK FOLKS. WE ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

  50. janeo:

    what you posted is sheer poetry!
    thank you

    and unlike the ugly evil hater apoi

    i sincerely mean this:

    i cried when i read it because i deeply felt your pain

    god bless you my beautiful black sista

    Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.
    ~ Kahlil Gibran


  51. A Person of Interest10:21 AM

    That's the problem with you militant lesbian feminists:

    No damn sense of humor.

    Well, ONE of the problems, anyway.

  52. self love does begin at home

    black self hatred is rabid and real
    media trump parenting

    mj's self hatred had much more power over most kids' minds than any parents

    classic videos on colorism:

    classic books:

  53. One person can shame any bloc of which he is a member, not just the black race.

  54. uptownsteve10:30 AM


    I really wish you would stop making these blanket indictments and condemnations of the black community.

    Direct your ire at those individuals who are acting up or not holding up their end.

    But for God's sake stop acting like black folks's are born with some sort of dysfunction gene.

    There are many of us, I believe the majority, who are doing the right things for the right reasons while nobody but our families and friends are watching.

    You know what the main difference between a concerned black person and a self-hating Uncle Tom is?

    The first identifies problems amongst some within the community and seeks solutions.

    The second whines about the existence of problems and assigns them a color.

  55. Lisa J10:32 AM

    @ RIPPA, holla! You are on the money. I don't know why people don't believe the vitiligo thing. If it was really possible to bleach your skin like that medically just 'cause you wanted it, then why haven't other rich black celebs done it? The man had a disease. And as for the new nose jobs, ever heard of people being addicted to plastic surgery and body dysmorphia? It happens to people of all races, and people who look fin or are good looking have horrible complexes about their looks and many will use plastic surgery again and again. I don't hear people talking about Joan River's "self-hatred" for all of her plastic surgery and face lifts. Double standard always for black folks. Even from you guys. Throwing stones at the man no he is gone. I think his death made people remember how much he meant to them at sometime or another in their lives. And if he hated blacks so much, then why were blacks 90% of the people in most of his videos? Hmmm? Oh and I'd say the overwhelming majority of tv networks in this country are white entertainment television, as are most rock stations and country stations.

  56. Anonymous10:34 AM

    MJJ was no different from many people of color in this country who want to be the ideal of perfection as presented by the media: white is right. Asians lighten skin, round eyes and marry whites to dilute the Asian. Hispanics get nose jobs, dye hair and such. the self hate that MJJ had for himself was pitiful, but it is something that he learned from Joe and Katherine who learned it from their parents, a sick and twisted form of hate that happens all around the world. just this past week they put the Williams sisters off the main courts at Wimbledon in order to let lesser ranked players play on the show courts and when asked the line came out that beauty gets the best court, two blond chicks over two black women with an impeccable Wimbledon pedigree.

    But, maybe now he is at peace as a frail white woman who was not happy on earth.

    A Banks you mean well, but child where do you get some of that stuff????

  57. You know what the main difference between a concerned black person and a self-hating Uncle Tom is?

    The first identifies problems amongst some within the community and seeks solutions.

    The second whines about the existence of problems and assigns them a color.

    So based on this definition, Cosby and Juan Williams are concerned black citizens as opposed to self-hating Tom's?

  58. Not to mention that MJ donated 300 million to black charities; so much for him hating us.

  59. apoi:

    rememeber when malcom x died?

    and ossie called out all the hypocrites in his eulogy?

    (if only someone would keep it so similarly real at mj's funeral!..NOT!!! NEVER!!!)

    his was classic prose..paraphrasing:

    "you all are pretending you loved did thought he was a crazy feared and slandered him...we who knew him loved him for his humor/smile etc"

    malcolm loved his female children, never whined about not having a son as most sexist dads do...he loved oatmeal cookies and...

    people who truly know me or who have listened to me on the air for decades know that i am a true comedienne who laughs and plays always...i am a beloved fun teacher deeply in touch with my innner child...i am a cool femme sexy leo...a kitten and a lioness...a recluse and a rebel...and a warrior feminist who loathes your sexism and sarcasm

    you do not know me or any feminist

    but i know a sexist sarcastic hater when i see one...nahmean?

    sexism and sarcasm are never funny to me

  60. uptownsteve10:42 AM

    Cosby is a concerned black man with a record of work and philanthropy in the community.

    Juan Williams is a bottom dwelling hustler.

  61. skin bleaching is a common global practice!!!

    most can only afford creams
    the rich like mj use serums!

  62. read about the history of skin bleaching in america


    the color complex
    k russell et al

  63. why is it so hard to believe that mj lied about vitiligo when he lied about EVERYTHING else???
    even his kids' white parents???
    even the countless surgeries we all could prove just by pulling out
    our own LPs/mags/CDs?????

    all of the jacksons lie

    janet was wed for 13 years to rene and denied it the whole time!...

    wake up!

  64. Does anyone have proof to deny the assertion that Jackson had vitiligo or is everyone just talking out of their ass (i.e., uttering opinions)?

    The man had a white sploch on his penis? Could this be an indication of vitiligo?

  65. @ Empty Suit

    You said:
    " After Michael start changing his looks blacks dis' him, we talked about his nose, his skin tone, his marriage, his sexuality, his children, his songs, his antics, his voice, his allegation of pedophilia. Now we claim to be so into the history of Michael. All this is a bunch of bull!!"

    Now THAT is the truth!!!

  66. yes rudy

    that is the same penis that mj was stripped searched prove that one of his boy victims had described his penis precisely

    that is why mj rushed to film that infamous video before the description proved too detailed
    per the boy

    it was "marked"
    not "splotched"

    and we had no "proof" that his kids' were purchased caucasians until someone talked

    stand by
    his bleachers will soon talk for cash too

    see all the details of how mj is NOT splotched but brown below the waist in:

    be careful who you love
    d dimond

    i am still waiting for the detailed autopsy to reveal the we ever really see it all

  67. Wait. For YEARS black folks have disowned Michael and now he's "ours" again? Absurd.

    We do the same thing to Tiger Woods, until Ebony does its "100 Best Niggas" issue and then he's "ours" again.

    Our minds are so warped....

  68. No one is denying that he bleached his skin. Folks are denying that he had vitiligo, which could have been the reason why he bleached his skin.

    It is not uncommon for folks with vitiligo to apply makeup or bleach to even the skin tone.

    What person with vitiligo would not apply makeup or bleach?

  69. See? The first few comments bring up Michael dating white women: Instant disowning.

    We are so fucking fickle when it comes to what "being black" is. Doesn't take much for you to be thrown out, or called a House Negro.

    It's so sad about the limitations of "blackness" we put on OURSELVES. Used to be "The Man" that did that.

    One huge crab-bucket now...

  70. I surmise that blacks have always claimed Tiger. It is Tiger who claims he is Calabanesian.

    I personally do not give a damn. One of my roommates was a transfer student from Stanford and he claims that Tiger did not identify with other black students while at Stanford.

  71. uptownsteve11:11 AM

    This is so much bull$hit.

    WHO disowned Michael Jackson????

    I was called a Tom and a traitor by many blacks during the 80s when I first noticed MJ's descent into weirdness.

    The problem is that black folks often are too forgiving even when we are being dissed right to our faces.

    Anybody remember OJ????????

    The same $hit there.

    Juice did everything he could to remove himself from the black community but as soon as he got in trouble blacks were there with open arms to support him.

    YOUR mind is warped.

  72. uptownsteve11:12 AM


    "I surmise that blacks have always claimed Tiger. It is Tiger who claims he is Calabanesian."


    What are these delusional negroes talking about?

  73. people with vitligo darken light skin or cover white skin

    they do not try to bleach all of their brown skin to match a few white spots!

    that is senseless

  74. The fact that people, Black people, are caught up in this discussion about MJs skin color and "antics" as an expression of self hate is bullshit.

    If anything, this type of talk exhibits just how "Massa Charlie" has fucked our heads. Yeah, internalized oppression is a bitch.

    Here are you Negroes condemning MJ but yet all you you muthafuckas probably have permed your hair, wore a Jheri Curl or drooled over a light skinned man or woman at one point in your lives to the point that a person of darker skin was a sin.

    GTFOH with all that bullshit talk!

    Fuck what MJ looked like, what about his WORDS? His message was consistently about love. But I guess some of you missed that.

    But that's to be expected when we live in an image conscious, image driven political climate that is America. If MJ was fucked up as most people say he is? Then I guess all the Negroes who permed their hair in the 60's as entertainers were too.

    Lemme guess, none of you Negroes watched Blaxploitation flicks in the 70's because to do so would have been oh so wrong, right?

    Some of you are just too Black for me and y'all need to get a fuckin grip. Mj was just as Black as any one of us. So he didn't wear dreadlocks or a dashiki, but is that what it takes to be Black?

    *kicks over podium, drops my draws, drops mic and walks off stage yelling sexual chocolate"

  75. i do not claim tiger

    i despise him too

    When Tiger was the victim of a racist attack as a student at Stanford University, he phoned the NAACP. I guess he thought the "C" stood for Cablinasian. Actually, it stands for "Colored". And, that color is BLACK! This comical moniker itself is so revealing of Tiger's eurocentrism and denial. "Ca" is for Caucasian. It appears first for emphasis and dominance, although it is the alleged heritage which is least visible in Tiger's skin. "Asian" appears in its entirety, as a tribute to his mother. Yet "bla" is hidden and incomplete, as a diminishing insult to the blood of his Black father, the golf coach who made Tiger who he is today, thus clearly the parent to which he owes his greatest debt.

  76. What are these delusional negroes talking about?

    I do not know. Life is too short to even ponder that question.

  77. people with vitligo darken light skin or cover white skin

    Says who? I would guess that the percentage of skin damaged by vitiligo determines whether a person applies makeup or bleach. Nevertheless, that's a personal decision.

  78. @Kid
    Where did you get that info from...i just got back from the uk, and when i turned on the tellie in my hotel room the arabs had about 12 channels, and the brothers none! And my partners in London never mention anything about these channels you speak of.

    @alicia banks
    good piece on colorism in adoption, speaks volumes on deep rooted colorism still in the mental pysche of black folks, especially the Jacksons!

  79. uptownsteve11:19 AM


    I disagree my brother.

    It is a bit of a stretch to compare a 60s process to a man who completely transformed himself asthetically.

    MJ was grown and could choose to do whatever he wanted with his face, date whomever he wanted and adopt whatever kinda children he wanted.

    But what was obvious was that he didn't want to be black which is how he was born.

    And that's very sad.

  80. a perm cannot be compared to mj's white face!

    black egyptians invented wigs and perms!

    i had no problem with mj's is the white mind under his black wig that vexes me

    it took me decades to learn to love my nappy hair and lock...

    but i never changed my race and
    butchered my face to look like a swf vampire

    Legendary reggae dub poet, gifted actor, and star of the classic rebel slave film "Sankofa", Mutabaruka, said it best, in his classic rebel song “Witeman country”: “It no good to stay in a witeman country too long”... It is common to be infected with the poison of white supremacy in a racist country like America. From cosmetic commercials to supermodels, from billboards to magazines, from TV screens to movie screens, and from center stages to centerfolds, straight hair rules. It is typical to emulate such bombardment with the epitome of eurocentric “womanhood” that haunts us everywhere, even on the arms of many of our “brothers”.

    I am 34 years old. Since I was a young girl, until today, I have worn eurocentric hairstyles. From hot combs to chemical perms to wigs, I have always oppressed my hair. Today, I liberated my hair from a lifetime of cosmetic bondage via internalized white supremacy. I paid a gifted sister to lock my hair.

  81. ps rippa:

    mj did not purchase 3 black kids with perms/wigs or light/bleached/vitiligo skin...

    he purchased 3 custom made lily white kids!


  82. uptownsteve11:27 AM


    Wouldn't even ADOPT a black child.

    So sad.

  83. Gregory11:30 AM

    There is one glaring similarity between Elvis and MJ that might not be immediately obvious and that is postmortem popularity.

    Like MJ (minus the grotesque surgeries), Elvis went through different phases as his life descended into a traveling freakshow. But the only "two" versions that really mattered was Elvis the day before he died and Elvis the day after he died. When he died on his toilet, he was a fat bloated parody of himself.

    In death, the skinny young Elvis came back, more popular than ever, with friends that couldn't be bothered to visit him when he was alive but couldn't wait to tell everyone how much they loved him when he was gone.

    I think that Michael presents more interesting to remember, from the Michael of J5 to the Michael of Thriller. The baby dangling Michael of Dubai will be relegated to a footnote, just like the TV shooting, fried peanut butter and banana sandwich eating fat Elvis.

    Like Elvis, MJ has so many "friends" now. I'm not saying they are all hypocrites, but damn, Jamie, when was the last time you visited MJ?

    Nothing revives a dead career like dying and sainthood has never been for the living.

    Just for the record, I am not comparing the two muscialy, just noting the phenom and apologies for the lengthy post.

  84. @alicia banks
    I have to agree with you sis, we ned to stop accepting folks that reject us. When I watch all these newscast of Michael's fans, I see darked skinned black girls, and adults that Michael would have never dated or married, not even women that look like his mother Katherine that he loved so much!

    Secondly, I agreed with the Tiger Woods statement you made...Tiger said on Oprah that he considers himself Cablinasian, and doesnt want to discount his mother ethnicity, yet like Jackson that negro married a white au pair!

  85. gregory

    and that is what pains me most

    have you seen all of the recent mag covers showing only the white mj?

    just as some never knew elvis became a fat insane addict because only the thin sane elvis was eulogized

    many will never know the beautiful sane gifted black boy
    mj once was because only the white insane freak will be visually revered

    i know many kids who are 10 and under who never saw mj black and cannot fathom that he ever looked like them!!!


  86. A Person of Interest11:36 AM

    Hey Alica....

    In your post at 9:52 you said you're 41.

    In your post at 11:20, you say you're 34.

    Am I missing something?

  87. anon

    i am pasting bits from columns penned over decades

    i was born 8/10/63

    why are you so obsessed with my age????

    stop majoring in the minor!!!!

  88. sorry anon

    that was my hater apoi who is curiously obsessed with my birthdate

    i shaved my head bald in 1998 to grow soft nappy flowing locks that i don now

    i never lie about my age as each day is a blessing...i often pen/announce my age

  89. Anonymous11:41 AM

    alicia banks
    you just another frustrated dark skinned angry dike!
    Get a real f**king life!

  90. A Person of Interest11:43 AM

    Hey, I was just curious. Don't get your thong in a twist.

  91. assnon

    i adore my chocolate ebony beautiful

    unlike you
    i have never wanted to be the color of toxic urine or vapid whiteness

    i wish i was even blacker...
    i adore ebony black skin
    skin so black it emits a purple/green hue in sunlight

    my mother is an ageless gorgeous ebony queen who taught me to adore my skin at birth

    my life is charmed and blessed
    thanks for your concern


  92. @A Person of Interest, I know who the Melungeons are, along with the Lumbee of North Carolina, the Yamassee, Tuscarora and many many more, including illnesses Sarquidosis and Thalasemia. It very well could be Elvis was a Melungeon.

    As far as MJ is concerned its obvious he had some mental issues of various types and his skin color hangup was one of many. But, we should consider some of the things we know he did. Some of the Black man things he did. When MJ purchased the publishing catalog containing not only Elvis, The Beatles, Neil Diamond, & The Jonas Brothers, it also contained Little Richard's publishing. Michael Jackson GAVE Little Richard back his publishing. MJ also helped finance the Million Man March in 1995 giving the NOI one hundred thousand dollars for the event.
    Its too bad he felt he had to lie about the children because white folk adopt little Black children all the time and raise them in a white American cultural context. So, now his little white children will be raised under a Black American cultural context. So dispite all his personal flaws he did some mighty Black man ish most wealthy athletes and entertainers rarely do!

  93. ps:

    note how assnon used "dark/black" as a slur???

    blacks do so routinely
    as blacks like assnon/mj see blackness/darkness as a curse

    i have never heard a white person hurl "white" as a slur


    The young men would readily admit that they rarely used the word “pretty” to describe even the most attractive dark girl.

    "I would have to write myself into being visible in a world dedicated to turning me into a phantom.
    “Black women are now heavily into plastic surgery…we’ve launched a frenzy of lightening and whitening that I don’t understand…I woke up one morning and suddenly half the Black women I know are blondes.”

    Dark skinned Black girls had better have attitude. That’s the only thing that saves them in a world that pretends they’re not there or tries to erase them.

    I love this anger that has driven me to write this book as a prayer, a scream, and a poem to my sisters dark and light…for every book that I have ever written has sprung from a question or a wound."

  94. apoi:

    i never wear thongs

    many women never do

    do u?

  95. A Person of Interest11:55 AM

    I go commando, baby.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. lincoln:


    i adore you my chocolate gorgeous brother!


  99. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Quite frankly, I did not know Michael Jackson belonged to us and was not aware that we loaned him out. Once again, we treat that man as if he was some kind of property than a human being. In fact. First of all, that so-called dedication to Michael Jackson at the BET was crap with the exception of a couple of good performances such as the O Jays and Maxwell.

    Michael Jackson belonged was suppose to belong to himself and created the music he wanted to create. I am lover of music and my taste goes across the board and probably one of the reason why I do not listen to commercial music is because it is crap with a sprinkle of some good music, but I can tell you right now I really do not see anyone from this generation that I see being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I loved MJ's music and it did not matter to me if he was straight or gay and I think he was the latter myself, but it is of no consequence to me either way.

    When I listen to music, race is of no consequence to me either and there are times when I can relate to White Strips, Prince, the Roots, etc. But Jamie Foxx with an innae song like "Blame it on the Alcohol", with a huge martini glass and Absolut bottle as stage props is something I do not relate to at all.

    As for the so skin-lightened, Michael was diagnosed with vitiligo and lupus both of which can cause major skin problems and medical treatment that further lightened his skin. I noticed the blotches to his skin in the Bad video particularly during the black and white scenes where the blotches are evident. However, it is it easier to believe a lie than the truth. The plastic surgeries did not help him, so it was all more reason to believe that he bleached his skin.

    MJ was a complex individual with some personal demons and struggles and fortunately he does not have to worry about that anymore because he is dead. We turned him into a freak because of half-truths and we believe whatever we want to fit within our comfort zone. We did not understand Michael Jackson at all and probably never will, but he left behind wonderful body of work that will go on even after we die. He accomplished those things not us, but like to take credit because he happened to be black. However, we would throw him to the wolves if he murdered 100 people. I even heard someone say that she grew up with MJ, but I grew up listening to his music. I enjoyed and appreciated his music and that is really what all of us can really do. Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson because who he was and not what we think he should have been. He was a tour de force in the music world and that is the world he wanted to belong in not because the black community would be proud of him. Music was his love everthing else was secondary.

  100. fn:

    this made me shout like i was at revival:

    "But you know what's really sad Jamie? That Mike didn't finally come home to his people until he was dead."

    and even this belated homecoming is by insane default...more akin to a mindless kidnapping than a reclamation

    mj now has no control over the black people whose race he fled and hated...who now suicidally and shamelessly embrace his final white self...

    i will never claim mj as an adult

    i mourn ONLY the loss of the balck boy who never left the black home inside my memories and he never will

    i despise that white man because he slew that boy i love so much so long ago....

  101. i love people and singers of all races...

    i am a vet dj and musicologist

    music is always colorless

    music has no race

    faces are never colorless

    faces always rep a race

    and mj chose to make his white

  102. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Very nice comment Hennasplace,

    It's nice to see people reflecting outside of the typical identity politics nonsense.

    What exactly is this black community so many here are speaking of? I guess it must be nice to reduce all groups to monolithic thinking an behavior; it makes looking at things easier I guess. So many black people in this country don't have much of anything in common with each other. I'm sure Michael Jackson could relate to that. Jamie Fox's simplistic comments about race belie the fact that there is no more black community; there is only a fractured base of a people who were only united in a mutual oppression. Classism, patriarchy, homophobia, and race politics have splintered that coalition for good.

    While so many blacks continue to operate in a "black" mindset they find themselves unable to navigate a multicultural world that requires something other than antiquated ideas about "black love" and "keeping it real." It's almost funny to see black women continuing to say" i adore you my chocolate gorgeous brother!" While the leading cause of death of black women age 15 to 45 are black men!

  103. dear lincoln:

    thank you for not murdering any black women

    thank you for getting that i do not have to make my face white like mj to appreciate other cultures

    thank you for being beautiful and chocolate...physically and mentally

    like bell hooks says:

    loving blackness in america is a revolutionary act!

  104. Born In Iniquity12:55 PM

    "But you know what's really sad Jamie? That Mike didn't finally come home to his people until he was dead." My, my, my, the TRUTH has been spoken! Wonderful blog, as usual Fam!

  105. Anon, you criticize generalizations (blacks are not a monolith), but you end your comments with a generalization (black men are a monolith).

    Go figure.

  106. Why is it that black folks are so quick to abandon their identity in favor of multiculturalism, but other cultures who supposedly embrace multiculturalism do not abandon their identity.

    Multiculturalism is tantamount to lala-land, in my opinion.

  107. SickupandFed1:05 PM


    Laughing too hard.

    Can't finish.

  108. Rudy said...

    EDIT: Anon, you criticize generalizations (blacks are not a monolith), but you end your comments with a generalization (black men are a monolith, implicitly).

    Go figure.

  109. Anonymous1:10 PM

    but you end your comments with a generalization (black men are a monolith).

    Go figure.

    That statistic is not a generalization-it is a fact. A black man is not automatically "a brother." The only brothers I have are those I'm directly related to. Nor do I choose to fetishise black men with silly talk about "chocolate" or whatever.

  110. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Why is it that black folks are so quick to abandon their identity in favor of multiculturalism, but other cultures who supposedly embrace multiculturalism do not abandon their identity.

    Could you explain to me what "black culture" in the US is?

  111. I never said that a black man is automatically a brother. Do not put words into my prose.

    You said that the leading cause of black women aged 15 to 45 are black men. That statement is a generalization. Further, statistics are nothing more than a sampling of a group to make a generalization of the group as a whole.

    One could twist interpret your cited "statistic" as the leading cause of black women is their inability to choose a decent black man with whom to live. If black women between the ages of 15 to 45 chose black men of character, I am sure they would increase their survivability, assuming there are any decent black men in America. **snickers**

  112. In my opinion, black culture is nothing more than an acknowledgement ancestry, contributions and historical experience.

    Basically, not forgeting where a black person came from.

    Yous asking of that question, speaks volumes, of which I will keep to myself.


  113. Anonymous1:33 PM


    If black women between the ages of 15 to 45 chose black men of character,

    I'm glad we can manage to blame the murdered for the actions of the murderer. Thanks allot "Brother."

  114. Can anyone provide a reputable source (i.e., CDC, AMA, AHA) that states that the leading cause of black women between 15-45 is black men.

    I ask because that age range seems odd.

    According to the CDC (a reputable source) states that the leading cause of death in ALL black women is heart disease. The other break downs are as follows:

    15-19: Unintentional injuries
    20-24: Unintentional injuries
    25-34: HIV disease
    35-44: Cancer
    45-54: Cancer

  115. Rudy,

    If black women between the ages of 15 to 45 chose black men of character,

    I'm glad we can manage to blame the murdered for the actions of the murderer. Thanks allot "Brother."

    Anytime. Interpretation is a bitch, isn't it?

    I'll give you the last word, because this discussion has run its course.

  116. Anonymous1:38 PM


    I do not think MJ abandon his identity to black music because it greatly influenced the music he created. Personlly, I agree with the culture critic Toure that the album Off the Wall was his best. Music is the thing that touches emotions and MJ managed to strike that balance in his music. Who does not at least tap their toe whenever they hear songs like Rock My World, Don't Start, or Smooth Criminal. He was a musician and creative person and I am sorry to tell everyone this, but you just can fit that into a racial box. Art and music does have the ability to transcend into another place and time. His music will stand the test of time, and Jamie Fox's music will not. MJ whether you accept or not was a talent that made it to great heights and will be hard for another in this generation duplicate. Prince is another musician is who that plain. In fact, some of his best work are from the albums like Lovesexy that were not a financial success. I like Prince because you cannot put into a musical genre because he seamlessly mixes rock, pop, r&b, rap, jazz, and classical music.

    Remember how did it make you feel when you heard Human Nature, She's Out of My Life, Ben (who could have made a song about a rat that would make you say what a great song), This Place Hotel, etc. It is all about the music for me.

    Personally, I hope that they do not turn Neverland into another Graceland because it would more of a reminder about his eccentries than his music, and did we have continue with making a freak after death. Can we give it a rest? I also think fans are crazy, but isn't fan short for fanatic. The best anyone us can do is recognize his music and personally affect it had on you.

  117. Anonymous1:39 PM

    As i recall a group called the Osmond Brothers was invented back in the 70's to protect the masses of lilly white kids from the J5.Cant have buffy lusting after some negro.

    No matter what anyone says about Joe Jackson the man raised at least 4-5 millionaires.Mike would have been a billionaire if he didn't throw away almost every penny.Yes he disciplined his kids.It was a different time.

  118. Anonymous1:41 PM

    For example, it is estimated that African-American women experience Intimate Partner Violence at a rate that is 35% higher than that of White women. In addition, a leading cause of death among African-American women ages 15-45 is homicide at the hands of a male intimate partner.

    See Wellesley College Study: Wellesley Centers for Women-Katherine E Morrison PHD

    According to the CDC- Homicide is the second leading of cause of death for black women age 18-24

  119. rudy:

    that comment re: black men as murderers was blatantly sexiat and racist and irrelavant to my love of lincoln

    i cannot believe us did not say a peep about it when he always imagines personal attacks that are classist????

    i do not fetishize anyone whom i love because they look like me and my dad!

    fetish is not synymous with self love!

    that is why white women who adore white men are never called "fetishists"

    that is why white people who embrace other cultures do not dye their faces black/red/yellow

    that is why elvis would have e
    been hated had he paid leeches to make him look like naomi campbell

    that is why whites never worship a black god as ONLY blacks worship a fictional white jesus/god....
    and that is why even mj could only become their GOD AFTER he too became white...

    mj was my god when he was chocolate like me

    i love chocolate people because i love my chocolate self
    if mj had been equally "silly" maybe he would still ALIVE and still be BLACK!!!


  120. ab: how are you able to traverse the multicultural landscape with so much love of self and people who look like you, which is supposedly an impediment if not a crippling agent.

  121. because i cherish the DIFFERENT beauty in all...universally

    i am a textbook francophile
    i speak french fluently...i love the culture/cuisine/history/music etc

    but i have never ever wanted surgery to look like a french person


    Contrary to rumors, libel, and slander, I do not hate all interracial couples. I truly believe that love is always rare and always a gift. As a lesbian, I would be a hypocrite to reject any love between any consenting adults. I am no hypocrite. However, I am a realist.

    Many people that I adore would never have been born if not for interracial lovers: Bob Marley, Huey Newton, Halle Berry, Shemar Moore, Chico DeBarge, Lisa Bonet, Sade, Frederick Douglas... Many people I admire have wed or dated white persons: Quincy Jones, Alfre Woodard, Lena Horne, Pam Grier, Marlon Riggs, Lani Guinier, Labi Siffre, Alice Walker...

    Like all African-Americans, I have Caucasian ancestry. And, I am related to white persons by marriage. Some of my dearest fellow warriors and friends are white. And, some of my fiercest enemies and detractors look just like me! As all warriors, I have always judged my enemies exclusively by their actions.

  122. ps rudy:

    mlk was an afrocentric humanist just as i am:

    I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law.
    - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    I have no respect for persons who are textbook examples of the perils of white supremacy. They want their children to be yellow with straight hair. They actually like the ghastly visage and bleached skin of Michael Jackson. They romanticize and covet the creation of Sicilian Italians by the racial suicide of the Moors. They hate and nullify blackness as they embrace whiteness.

    I exclusively adore all people who adore themselves. One must truly love and appreciate themselves and their own cultures to be interculturally competent and racially sane. I was born in 1963 and reared in a cosmopolitan area of Chicago, Illinois known as Lakeshore. I grew up appreciating racial, cultural, and sexual diversity. I still embrace a rainbow of persons and a melting pot of personalities in my life. However, I never translated a love of other cultures into a hatred of my own African one. I never had to stop loving blackness to embrace multiculturalism.

    To date, the most racist persons I know are obsessed with interracial sex. The most radical and liberal persons I know all love people who look like them. They do not sexualize their revolution. They do not reduce liberation to their libidos. They do not taint their sincere social activism with sexual lust. The fever we share comes from a passion for justice not “the jungle”. We share a hunger for the abolition of global oppression, not apolitical global orgasms.

    I take extreme and eternal pride in being a sacred and afrocentric exception to self-hating homosexual and African norms. We must ALL love our Black African selves. We must control our own black images. We must demand racial honesty in all arenas. We must keep it real and keep it really black. Bell Hooks is a sage and a savior as she pens superb and intellectual manifestos about black love.

    Loving blackness is indeed the ultimate revolutionary act. The revolution will not be televised. We Africans who truly seek liberation, know exactly how to collectively fade our own personal screens to BLACK...

  123. Anonymous2:21 PM

    LUV "Our minds are so warped..."

    I am glad someone else sees the craziness of our thinking besides me. It's pretty sick.

    And for you folks complaining about folks finding faults w/o solutions...The first step toward a 'solution' is to 'identify' the problem. Because you can't change anything that you can't identify.

  124. rudy:

    your question is so racially revealing

    it is akin to those who say

    "i am not a racist because when i look at you i do not see color"

    that is an accidental confession of racism

    one who is truly not racist WILL see my color and love me still

    i see all colors....i love all and my own


    one of my fav films is
    "a time to kill"
    an atty can only make a white jury grant justice to a raped black baby ONLY when he forces them tp see her body as white

    shame but true!

    i have taken hell from racists for many years because i felt pain for nicole simpson just as i did for


  125. Anonymous2:29 PM

    ab does sound like she took her meds this morning.

  126. rudy: ps

    and this logic extends to all hatreds


    men can only relate to rape in prison when men rape them etc...

    common law het spouses can only relate to gay couples when they too are robbed of empires by hateful kin of their own het lovers after death etc...

    non-black people can rarely relate to the depths of white supremacy because there is no real equivalent reality for whites

    ie re most men and rape:

    Most men seem unable to fathom such elementary logic about sexual relations. Funny how some men seem to exclusively grasp this truth when they imagine such scenarios with homosexual men...On my radical and revolutionary AM show “Outlook”, rape is a favorite and frequent hot topic of debate. Once in Atlanta at WIGO, a Morehouse college athlete called in and set the show off with his rabid misogyny and his arrogantly ignorant and boldly remorseless celebration of routine gang rapes in athletic dorms. I will never forget that caller. He is the primary reason that I was not surprised to read of the recent brutal gay hate crime that occurred on that very same campus. Sexism and gaybashing are deeply interrelated...

    Most men can only relate to the sexual vulnerability of vaginal penetration when they can imagine themselves being penetrated by a gay man. I often ask them to imagine that they are drunk and mutually experimenting willingly with a gay man...This anal penetration becomes painful and they ask the gay man to stop and withdraw....He refuses to do so and forces them to remain prone until he has ejaculated within their wounded and rigid bodies. Then I ask: "Is that rape?"...Only then do they answer "Yes".

    Only when they envision this imaginary incident do they suddenly understand how easily and rapidly routine consensual sex can move into rape...These epiphanies on the air always remind me of my favorite scene in the superb film "A Time to Kill”. Sam Jackson is freed only when racist jurors are forced to envision his wounded black daughter as a white girl. Only then does her human pain matter...only when she has white skin. Likewise, men can only regard the pain and abuse of women when they are similarly mistreated by another man....

  127. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Luv-"We are so fucking fickle when it comes to what "being black" is. Doesn't take much for you to be thrown out, or called a House Negro.

    It's so sad about the limitations of "blackness" we put on OURSELVES. Used to be "The Man" that did that.

    One huge crab-bucket now..."

    Thank you Luv. You are right on. You validate what I said @3:12p.

  128. ab: I am just posing a question based on anon's comments, that's all.

  129. my only medicine is reality

    if only mj could have chosen that med over demerol etc...

  130. rudy

    it was an excellent question

    and real


  131. grinder2:41 PM

    To date, the most racist persons I know are obsessed with interracial sex. The most radical and liberal persons I know all love people who look like them. They do not sexualize their revolution. They do not reduce liberation to their libidos. They do not taint their sincere social activism with sexual lust. The fever we share comes from a passion for justice not “the jungle”. We share a hunger for the abolition of global oppression, not apolitical global orgasms.

    I don't see why "sexual lust" is any kind of "taint" on anything, social activism or otherwise. The apolitical global orgasm sounds pretty cool to me, as long as I don't wind up with an STD out of it. Or, if I were straight, a litter of pups.

  132. more medicinal reality on mj:

  133. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Would white america be offended if Richard Pryor had been the "COMEDIAN" to make the joke???? I doubt it!!!

  134. Anonymous2:50 PM

    @Anon 1:11p-"Why is it that black folks are so quick to abandon their identity in favor of multiculturalism, but other cultures who supposedly embrace multiculturalism do not abandon their identity."

    That is an easy question to answer. Blacks have been shamed so much that they hate their identity. The slogan during the 60's and early 70's, "I'm Black and I'm proud" came about because we were ashamed of who we were. For a while, it looked as though we were going to climb out of our shame. But it didn't last long. That slogan has been replace through rap and hip hop with the endearing phrase "you are my n****r." That's pretty dysfunctional. But it is indicative of where the Black race is at.

  135. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Anon-"No matter what anyone says about Joe Jackson the man raised at least 4-5 millionaires.Mike would have been a billionaire if he didn't throw away almost every penny.Yes he disciplined his kids.It was a different time."

    No Jo Jackson didn't 'discipline' his kids. He 'abused' his kids. There is a difference.

  136. Anonymous3:03 PM

    @Anon 1:41p "According to the CDC- Homicide is the second leading of cause of death for black women age 18-24".

    Homicide is the first leading cause of the death of black men.

  137. I TOLD YOU ALL SO!!!!!!!!!

    quincy jones is the first to confirm that mj did NOT Have vitiligo!!!!

  138. Jazzy3:11 PM

    Michael is dead, the book is closed on him, let's not speak negatively concerning him. RIP MJ

  139. There is an uncut version of Michael Jackson's Black or White,
    where he dances symbolically as a black panther, go to about the
    7 minute mark to watch this incredible performance, you can see Michael Jackson's anger in this video.

  140. A Person of Interest3:21 PM

    Good grief. I leave for a little while, and all of a sudden butt-sex becomes a topic of conversation.

  141. RiPPa said...
    The truth is: everything as far as Black culture and in this case music has been stolen by White America. If any of you have a problem with that, come to Memphis and meet me so we can talk about Elvis. Matter of fact, forget that. Just give Little Richard a call and tell him that shit.

    *drops mic and walks off stage*


  142. How was MJ loaned to white people??Like a pimp who loans his ho out, or a master who loans his slave out?

    Either way its nice to see black folks taking MJ back into the black race.If you could just take Darius Rucker back everything would be kool.


    Ya'll not getting Tiger back,he will forever belong to us white folk!!

  143. Maybe if MJ had been raised by a strong Black man, he could have become a strong Black man.

    Where are the strong Black men?

  144. hey fly

    joe is evil and abusive

    but his other kids are far more sane and black than mj

    mj had tons of issues that cannot be fairly blamed on joe

    joe has other children and women
    they are all black

    joe has had a nose job but no bleaching etc

    joe is fertile and makes his own kids

    joe was a great manager for decades


    shame that none of the white leeches who coddled, enabled, and slew mj are getting NONE of the hate and blame that is being placed on joe...

    see the whole excellent qj pc here:

  145. Off Topic--

    Does anyone know why that stimulus is suppose to kick in?? Almost 3million jobs have been lost since Obama took office,and 16 thousand jobs a day has been lost since the stimulus bill was passed.

  146. mr. r:

    i will raise u darius if you take back justin timberfake

  147. mr r.

    obama nazis have taken over most media

    so obama will keep spinning away bleeding jobs...regardless


  148. Rudy said...
    Can anyone provide a reputable source (i.e., CDC, AMA, AHA) that states that the leading cause of black women between 15-45 is black men.

    Between HIV and homicide, this sounds pretty reasonable to me.

  149. WOMAN STOP!3:52 PM


  150. A Person of Interest3:53 PM

    Alicia said:

    "mr. r:

    i will raise u darius if you take back justin timberfake"

    Now, that was funny Alicia.

    But, no thanks, y'all can keep him...please!

  151. No doubt, MJ had demons. But how can he be "blamed" for his demons when it's so clear that between his abusive childhood and lack of self-esteem, that he had deep seeded mental issues?

    When are Black folks going to stop blaming the obvious victums of mental illness for suffering from mental illness?

  152. Anonymous4:06 PM

    MR.R said...Does anyone know why that stimulus is suppose to kick in?? Almost 3million jobs have been lost since Obama took office,and 16 thousand jobs a day has been lost since the stimulus bill was passed.

    I use to wonder that too but my husband last month got hired at a local firm. It was all do to the stimulus money they were able to hire more new people. So, YES IT'S WORKING!!!...The reason why it has not started in some states is because the freaking republicans keep slowing down the release of the money. Plus, the stimulus is a two year work in progress. Your ass will not see it work in just six months folks. Get Realistic about this Shit!!!

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. fly:

    oj had demons from his gay dad who beat his mom/thug childhood etc...

    elvis had demons from his compulsive mom/the death of his twin at birth/impoverished childhood too...

    but no one absolved oj or elvis

    and i will not absolve mj for his white supremacy either

    we agree to disagree

  155. Anonymous4:21 PM

    ab, whos teaching the kids if you're always on this blog?

  156. anon

    you need glasses

  157. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Ok, so its summer time, that it? Dont you have summer school or workshops to go to?

  158. FlyNMy40s said...
    Rudy said...
    Can anyone provide a reputable source (i.e., CDC, AMA, AHA) that states that the leading cause of black women between 15-45 is black men.

    Between HIV and homicide, this sounds pretty reasonable to me.

    Reasonable assumptions based on instincts and opinions are cool. But I prefer hard facts. With you being scientist and all, I am sure you can appreciate that.

    Now on to my point:

    According to the CDC, these are the percentages that accounted for deaths of black women in 2004 (the lastest data on record):


    15-19: 1.7%
    20-24: 5.5%
    25-34: 13.5%
    35-44: 12.0%


    15-19: 19.2%
    20-24: 14.6%
    25-34: 8.7%
    35-44: 3.5%

    Since the CDC does not track an age group of "15-45," I took the liberty of averaging the percentages that is age group encompasses.


    HIV: 8.175%
    Homicide: 11.5%

    These two causes account for 19.675%.

    What about the other causes that accounted for 80.325% of deaths of black women.

    Using your logic, if black men wer the cause of 19.675% of deaths among black women, then 80.3% of the deaths were not inflicted by black men.


  159. curious mind4:35 PM

    ab, do you have a soft voice or a heavy deep voice? I'm ttying to picture it when I read your comments.

  160. very soft...i am a singer

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

  161. curious mind4:45 PM

    Do you have a link to one of your radio performances or a blogtalkradio link so I can hear your voice?

  162. i will soon

    stay tuned to my blog

    til then

    send me your ph number:

  163. Alicia said:

    "mr. r:

    i will raise u darius if you take back justin timberfake".

    Wow your tough.If we can keep Charley Pride than its a deal!

  164. Dailyfare4:54 PM

    Field writes: "That Mike didn't finally come home to his people until he was dead."

    Huh? What does this mean?

  165. Rudy said...
    I took the liberty of averaging the percentages that is age group encompasses.

    You can't average percentages because you introduce too much experimental error into the values you get. And please don't put statistical facts into my mouth which weren't stated by me. I said the data presented by another commenter sounnded reasonable not that they were verifiable facts.

    Let me make my point on this clear. If more Black men were mongamous, HIV wouldn't be the leading cause of death for Black women between the ages of ~25~45.

    And FYI, heart disease is the leading cause of death for ALL women, followed by cancer. In other words, most Black women need to loose some weight, since being overweight significantly increases the incidence of both heart disease and cancer.

  166. Dailyfare4:58 PM

    For those of you that don't think Mr. Jackson did anything for the "community" - think again:

  167. curious mind4:59 PM

    I live in a mental institution, they don't allow phone calls.

  168. alicia banks said...
    very soft...i am a singer

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

    Now you KNOW this is just way too much success for your jealous fan club to bear, LOL!!!

  169. fly:

    (big confident grin)...thank u my fierce warrior sista!

    see how assnon has been trying to bait me all day?

    even after i posted my entire daily schedule just yesterday herein????

    morons cannot multi-task

    and it is really hard to hold a laptop/blackberry while you are cooking fries for a living

  170. ps fly/cm:

    i have had many sexist gaybashers hate me with a passion just because my voice is so sexy and feminine

    as if a gruff butch voice would be easier to handle combined with a brain

    one rabid sexist gaybashing dog once went berserk about me "wasting" my voice on a wife has never seen it as a waste

    my students adore my soothing voice and it makes me an expert storyteller

    i have had black republikkkans
    call in during audible cardiac arrest hating me for my ultra liberal views...

    i'd ask them why they torture themselves and they would reply:
    "i love your is liquid sex...etc"

    ignant black and white bama fools have also harassed me on the air in atlanta as secretly a wf...simply because of my chicago accent and diction..when
    EVERY black person i grew up with in chicago sounds just like me

    i have been told often that i sound like janet jackson

    but i sound like my mom
    my dad cannot tell us apart by ph...

  171. omg

    debbie row is getting a restraining order against joe!

  172. alicia banks said...
    morons cannot multi-task
    and it is really hard to hold a laptop/blackberry while you are cooking fries for a living

    Oh you need to stop, LOL!!! I thought about those statements of us being on FN's blog all day which is pretty much the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Then you reminded me that when you can AFFORD a laptop, blackberry, and have internet service in your home as opposed to going to the library, you can blog any dam time you please, LOL!!!

    And I'm still waiting to get some fries with my shake, LOL!!

  173. not to mention:

    they must be here to see us here right?

    MANY others who post as much as i do on MORE topics than i do are never scolded!


  174. classic mj toon:

  175. america is the most free country in the world
    freedom is incomplete and costly!


    happy folly day to all herein!
    happy 4th of you lie!

    here is a classic open letter to mj by ferai c:


  176. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Michael Jackson was Black? Since when?

  177. Um, I am not putting words in your mouth. You said, "between HIV and homicide, this sounds pretty reasonable to me.

    I am simply challenging the belief that black men are the leading cause of death of black women.

    Let me make my point on this clear. If more Black men were mongamous, HIV wouldn't be the leading cause of death for Black women between the ages of ~25~45.

    That's a valid point.

    With which parties are these promiscuous black men playing?

    Black men are not solely culpable for HIV being the leading cause of death among women between 25-34 Single black women in the aforementioned age group who get infected are also culpable.

  178. Anonymous9:27 PM

    ab- "MANY others who post as much as i do on MORE topics than i do are never scolded!"

    There is no one who posts as much as you do. No one is that self-centered. BTW, your voice sounds like Daffy Duck. I know. So you and your alter ego by the name of FlyNMyFarts ought to shut up.

    You two need to go get your GED so you can get a job. You have too much time on your hands. And for heaven's sake, go get laid. It will enhance your life.

  179. Black men are not solely culpable for HIV being the leading cause of death among women between 25-34 Single black women in the aforementioned age group who get infected are also culpable.

    Fact check. HIV is more easily trasferred from men to men and men to women, than women to men for reasons I shouldn't have to explain. Black women are primarily getting the disease while involed in heterosexual relationships with Black men. Black men these days are getting the disease because they're on the "down low".

  180. Alicia Banks,
    Just checked out your profile. When checked your favorite movies I see you have The Lunatic listed. You are the only other person that I know besides Ms. Ensayn to have seen that movie. Its a classice!! Everyone one should see that movie even if they have to turn on the captions to understand the Patois, ur, I mean Patwa! LOL I missed your radio career here in the ATL I came after you were gone. But, I have had the pleasure to study with and train with the late Ebon Dooley at WRFG.


  181. es1:


    i loved and miss ebon...

    he was always down with me at wrfg...

    you made my day


  182. yes

    i love ecclectic independent films!

    joey breaker

    i another great one
    bob marley's daughter cedella stars

    and the star of the lunatic wows again as a psycho thug in


    i am hosting a movie marathon this weekend with friends...

    i am a true film buff!

  183. Fact check. HIV is more easily trasferred from men to men and men to women, than women to men for reasons I shouldn't have to explain. Black women are primarily getting the disease while involed in heterosexual relationships with Black men. Black men these days are getting the disease because they're on the "down low".

    Fact check: Aside from breakage, condoms prevent the spread of HIV.

    I understand why married black women are not demanding that their husbands wear them, assuming they are among the black women afflicted by this disease. They placed trust in their husbands.

    But why aren't single black women demanding that their partners use them? Down-low, up-high, whatever, where is the self-efficacy?

  184. Fly...Instead of assuming based on your tone, I will ask the following for clarification: Do black women infected with HIV share any (even a modicum) of responsibility for their acquiring of the disease, or are black men 100% culpable?

  185. @RiPPa - I don't get your angle...Michael deliberately and intentionally surrounded himself with "whiteness." There was no reason to have 3 white kids, other than the fact that he wanted 3 white kids. He didn't have to marry two white women, but of course, it was his life and his CHOICE. That's the whole point -- he definitely CHOSE whiteness. And as a cultural icon, people took note of his actions.

    Those consistent, extreme choices are not the same as relaxed hair...women with relaxers can still create styles that compliment thick, full hair and are not easy to achieve with thin, blonde hair. My point is that relaxers do not equal self hate. It certainly is not equivalent to multiple plastic surgeries and the removal of ALL PIGMENTATION. This is an unreasonable comparison.

    I've read others who mention a double-standard: white people aren't criticized for tanning. Newsflash: ALL cultures have beautification rituals. But when white people tan, believe me, it is not to "assimilate" into the socially contructed racial category of "black."

    @ uptownsteve -- I agree with your posts!

    Oh, and I DO NOT claim Tiger Woods or OJ.

  186. If Jamie Foxx had meant his statement as a comment on a prodigal son, why on earth would he give a musical tribute? I believe it is all about the music.

    We would give up his music just to satisfy our lust to call out a "self hating Negro" We care more about celebrity than genius. Never have I ever heard a discussion of Einstein's theory along with how badly he treated his wives.

  187. Anonymous1:12 AM

    "We were scientifically created by the white man...the Negro is a product of western civilization-not only western civilization but western crime...there is no such thing as a Negro language...there is no such thing as a Negro country...our identity was wiped out over 400 years. We are like no other people..there is no other people on earth like you and me. We are the product of the white man's greed and hate...what I say is not racist but historically true."

    "Every effort we make to unite among ourselves on the basis of who we are...they label it racism!...If we want to form something that's based on black people getting together, the white man calls that racism. And mind you, some of these white-minded negroes do the same thing. They say, that's racism...I don't believe in anything that's "all black". These negroes are confused...they think the only way they can belong to something that's going to be progressive or successful, has got have the white man in it. Many of them think that but its a trap because he knows its impossible for us to go forward unless we come together. They trick us by telling our leaders that anything all black is reverse will hurt intergration. These are traps he creates...if you speak angrily about what has happened to our people, he calls it emotionalism...pick up on that...the cracker's got a rope around your neck and accuses you of being emotional. He cowardly murders four beautiful black girls on Sunday church and you're supposed to act politely. You're supposed to be respectable and responsible when you holler about what they done to you....the average black american who has been brainwashed never wants to be accused of being emotional."

    Guess who said these most profound statements?

    As a blog reader, and not much of a writer, I couldn't help but add this to all the previous comments made here. Some of my peeps here are right on target about "our" issues...we have become fractured and desperate people who have somehow lost our moral and historical compass.

    Forgive us Brother Malcolm because we have failed you miserably.

  188. Gregory2:12 AM

    Another perspective on the tanning "controversy", if you are white like me then there is no easier way to lose five pounds than to get a tan. The spare tire looks smaller when it is a lovely shade of brown.

    Just my $.02.

  189. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Amen RiPPa, amen. Michael kept it real y'all. Letting them buy him for a fool but not sell him for a fool, as my country grandma would say. Damn people, folks all over the world are feelin' the love, givin' him props. . . and at the end of the day, Miz Katherine Jackson is the queen!

    Jamie didn't mean no harm, his awkward (?) comment was just a way to stress that black America was setting the proper tone and context in which to honor his achievements on BET before the madness ensued.

    As for the "white" kids, y'all, Paris got that permament tan, and that same hair as Victoria Rowell's daughter. Just compare Paris' skin tone with Maya's, and you'll see what I'm sayin'. And Maya's a black woman's daughter. . .

  190. I'm so glad I located this blog. Some interesting conversations going in the house. MJ was an interesting person who always left his audience guessing and wanting more; both, in his on stage presence and his physical characteristics. Can any one of you "field negroes" say that purchased his music because of his looks? I didn't think so. Not long ago black folk weren't allowed to put their faces on the cover of their own albums (for those of you who know what those are) for lack of sales. That still stands true today; some white people are often more apt to buy the "face" rather than the sound. Its' very possible that MJ (just as a lot of us do but not to that extent) made business decisions to change his appearance in order to attract a larger market. How many of you put on a tie when you go to work or a nicer suit when making important business decisions. MJ's idea of more sales in order to be the best in his line of work was changing his appearance and therefore enabling him to attract a larger audience. t I'm so sorry that he felt he had to that, but I guess it worked as you can see after he started his transformation... Well you know the rest of the story.

  191. To be fair to all races, you can take certain features from all races which are considered "appealing". Yes, the black race has the lips, hips, cheek bones, ass and class. The European race has the hair, nose, ability to tone their skin, and maybe not too much else, as well as Asians (not the nose). Thanks to the makers of weave and plastic surgery we all have the ability to transform our looks to their own preference. So to those of you that think beauty is solely born, not any more, it can be bought. Our children need to be taught that anyone can be appealing to the eyes, but TRUE beauty and love will always come from within. I've currently in Africa; 95% of the women you see have weave in their hair. Why?

  192. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I could go really hard in this section! But I'll try to sum it up in just a few sentences.

    Who gives a damn if they were angry? They ARE the reason he's gone...trying to be of their image to be accepted while denying himself and being rejected by some of his own. The bottom line is he is the one and ONLY! And I agree with Jamie WE NEVER ASKED HIM TO CHANGE THEY DID!



  193. Isn't it amazing that anyone that distances themselves from Blacks get accepted by Whites. Tiger Woods?
    I believe a part of Michael Jacksons popularity came from his physical denouncation of Blackness.

  194. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Why are Blacks getting such heat for showing love for Michael no that he's past? Each group should be catching heat, especially Whites. How many Whites (including White media) made fun of his appearance each time he was in public? Making fun of his nose, skin, voice, and calling him a pedophile. Hell, Nancy Grace is still thanking God that Michael is dead. But the pig isn't too ashamed to play his songs when a little White girl goes missing.

    Blacks are being no more hypocritical that Whites.

    I found this on a Racialicious thread about Michael's appearance and found it interesting:
    "I agree with Restructure, having known quite a few folks with the vitiligo and from looking at pictures of Michael in the early 80’s, the changes of his complexion on parts of his arms and hands were nearly identical to that of vitiligo patients. Also as far as his hair is concerned, according to his makeup artist he recieved very severe burns to at the top his head when he had that accident making that pepsi commercial. Who knows maybe that is why he may opted to wear wigs, because he wasen’t able to grown the hair back, as far as the style went well hell i dunno he might have just liked it lol. As far as the rhinoplasty I don’t count for second that his fathers constant voicing of his dislike for his nose (well basically his appearance in general) influenced his feeling about it. I watched an interview where he stated that the first time he got work done on his nose was because he had broken it, and after getting it reconstructed he opted to get surgery on it again because it effected his voice in a way he didn’t like. So perhaps maybe him being perfectionist that was continued to get rhinoplastly in attempts to get the perfect singing voice, who know’s? Unfortunely since he’s gone we’ll never know. Here is a portion of his interview with Oprah discussing his relationship with his father :"

  195. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Correction: Blacks are being no more hypocritical than Whites.

  196. Rudy said...
    I understand why married black women are not demanding that their husbands wear them, assuming they are among the black women afflicted by this disease. They placed trust in their husbands.

    And I do NOT understand why married Black women do not REQUIRE their husbands wear condoms. Better safe than dead is my motto.

  197. When the words came out of Jamie Foxx's mouth, I knew he'd kicked up a discussion for both sides of the fence. We have a tendency to "not speak ill of the dead" and to also believe that if you love somebody you don't see their faults. Michael had a helluva lot faults despite his magnificent talent. But he was a sad soul with a broken psyche. I forgive him, but I'm not going to lie and say he loved his blackness.

    On other BET mess, Field, I posted at Examiner on Li'l Wayne's performing with the young girls to a song that would be insulting to most grown women. I had to send out an S.O.S. to ask some of us with intelligence to come and speak about what was wrong with the performance so I wouldn't have a long list of "Li'l Wayne's our culture. Stop hatin'" from people claiming they're black. Never know on the Net. And I guess some people would like to see it as freedom of speech issue. I see it as lack of self-respect issue.

    Seriously, some of the comments from Wayne's supporters made me want to cry. It wasn't just that they didn't see anything wrong with the lyrics and the image he presented with possible connotations of pedophilia during prime time television viewing hours, but that the people can't spell. I don't mean that they have typos. I mean they consistently don't spell words correctly. Some of them I suspect are still in middle and high school, but ...

    Frederick Douglas and every dead black person who fought for the right to be free and to learn to read and vote must be spinning in their graves.

    Aside from Li'l Wayne's performance, BET sucks and I'm sorry I wasted my time watching the show, with the exception of seeing the O'Jays and whatever benefit I may have if using it as an anthropological exercise.

    Thank you for your comments on my New Orleans and colorism post at my personal blog. I like the Wild West nature of your comments section.

  198. Anonymous4:51 PM

    VP-"Aside from Li'l Wayne's performance, BET sucks and I'm sorry I wasted my time watching the show, with the exception of seeing the O'Jays and whatever benefit I may have if using it as an anthropological exercise."

    I agree with you. BET has 'always' sucked, IMO. BET has always given me the impression that substandard half-human booty programming was good enough for Blacks because that's who they were. I resented BET for that. It is shameless, mediocre, and painfully embarrassing. It represents 95% ignorance and 5% intelligence.

    Nordette, your article in the Examiner was outstanding. Thank you. I found that MJ's handwritten note on hotel stationary to be very powerful.

    I am still pained by his life and sudden death--and doubly pained by the racial ugliness that came gushing forth in our own race about skin color, self-hatred, and hatred of being Black. IMO, the white race could not have been as hurtful.

    But maybe something positive will come out of it. Maybe we will come to understand how those menacing forces erupts and tear at us. And maybe we will at least try to be more accepting and embracing of each other regardless of skin color, hair, eyes or lips. Blacks cannot afford to remain divided forever.

    I found Lil Wayne and his followers to be too hard to listen to or read. It crawled from the bottom of a sewer plant to the stage. There is no consicience or sense of appropriateness or sense of right or wrong. If that is what is appealing to our race, then we are surely headed to hell.

  199. Hey Field I would like to say something for us as black people to think about. Now remember we came from 400 years of oppression and servitude, with that in mind, my question is do you think that we as a people, have somehow neglected Micheal Jackson? Why did we not rallied around him when he was so so falsely accused of child molestation the way we rallied around OJ? Did we somehow added to him untimely demise? Thats just a thought....I wanted to share that with you and the readers of this blog. I think that we as a people should always rally and support our fellow blacks especially when they are being falsely accused by society, I think 400 years of oppression is's time for us to live in peace...long live the King of Pop.... RIP Mr. Jackson

  200. Yeah I'm kind of new here but I just wanted to add a little something to conversation. Did you know that Michael Jackson has a scholarship for African-American students?

    Did you also know that:
    1. Donated all the proceeds from "We are the world" to UNICEF, which mostly went to helping African children.

    2. Donated his portion of "Victory" Jackson brothers tour to United Negro College fund.

    3. Donated all of his portion of his European "Bad" tour to the United Negro College fund.

    4. Donated all of his portion of his Asian and European "Bad" tour to the United Negro College fund.

    This also a list of the work he has done:

    I'm a young MJ fan and I was very sadden by his death but I don't think he had the ain't black hatred some of you guys think he did. I do think he had a lot of self-hatred which he himself admitted. Also I would like to add he has dated Stephaine Mills and was engage to another black woman back in the 80s. Of course people will not let you all know that. RIP Michael and I truly mean that.
