Friday, August 14, 2009

He is an Eagle dog-gone it!

Michael, as someone who considers himself somewhat of a clothes pony, let me say for the record, that I loved the suit. Your press conference today was perfect. You said all the right things, and sounded articulate doing it. You looked "Eagle Nation" and the rest of A-merry-ca in the eye, and declared yourself a changed man. You apologized for your past wrongs and vowed to be a model citizen.

Personally, that's all I needed to see. You paid your debt to society in spades, and you deserve a second chance. As a member of "Eagle Nation" I can unequivocally say that you will help our football team as well, because our back up quarterbacks stink, and at some point in this coming season I can assure you that "5" will go down.

Rick Pitino, that scum bag, must be the happiest man in A-merry-ca right now, because the Eagles signing you took him off the front page and out of the headlines. He should send Jeff Laurie half of his check from Louisville next year. But I digress.

Now, as I suspected, the white folks here in "Eagle Nation" are not pleased. (Yes, this has broken down along racial lines here in Philly. So what else is new? Blacks folks are welcoming him with open arms. My pet loving white friends, on the other hand, not so much.) They don't think Mike has been punished enough. They see Mike as nothing but a cold hearted dog murderer, and poor Fido can't come back. One woman was crying on the radio this morning (C-R-Y-I-N-G-) because of the way her dog was looking at her last night after the news. "It's as if he knew" is what she told the host.

Now you white folks have got to quit this madness: He killed a fucking dog! A dog! Dogs are no different than chickens, fish, and cows when it comes to the food chain pecking order. I know we don't eat them but some people do. And yes they make nice pets (give me a dog over a cat any day) but they don't contribute shit to society but give people from dog food companies jobs...well, OK, there are the seeing eye dogs and rescue dogs, but they are still dogs.

If Michael Vick had killed and abused little black babies not one of the people in an uproar now would give a flying fuck. There are players in the NBA and NFL who father multiple children and don't take responsibility for them, and no one cares. If those same players had abandoned their dogs the way they did their kids there would be hell to pay. Right here in Philly there was a popular baseball player who battered his wife, and the public outcry from the Philly faithful was nothing like it is now. I wonder why?

A friend of mine is a season ticket holder, and he wanted to see if he could get better seats under his plan. He called the Eagles front office to see if anyone had canceled their season tickets (this was around 1:00PM today) and not one person had canceled. Not one. So where are all the people here in Philly who have vowed to rip up their season tickets and not watch another Eagles game? Could it be that they were all full of shit? It could be I guess, or maybe they all just want a chance to boo Vick in person. One loud F- YOU for Fido.


  1. BluTopaz9:24 PM

    You really can be a racially divisive asshole sometimes.

    Not all Black people are welcoming this monster with open arms, as much as you would like to believe it. Not everything is a race issue, and it does not take any coin out of your pocket if there are people who don't want to support this man.

  2. Well, I hate to counter your rant, but as a white, female, dog loving (who owns a cat!), die hard eagles fan, I agree with you. Vick paid his dues and then some, and like any other person coming out of prison, he deserves a second chance. And, that seems to be the consensus of my white pals, too. I think more white folks than you think are taking the same position.

  3. "If Michael Vick had killed and abused little black babies not one of the people in an uproar now would give a flying fuck."

    That's a broad stroke of the keyboard there.

  4. BluTopaz9:28 PM

    And speaking of full of shit, when is the Obama win run going to occur, it's almost 2010.

  5. Anonymous9:30 PM

    field, no he should not be punished as much as if he had killed a human, I suppose - but, still. Killing any animal, unless one is starving and intends to eat that animal, just doesn't have any moral ground, as far as I'm concerned. He shouldn't have done what he did. You and I will have to agree to disagree on this one. I just don't think humans get to go around gratuitously killing the so-called "lesser" critters for no reason except that we can. It speaks to our - interestingly enough - "inhumanity". Having said that, yeah, he's paid his dues. If he truly learned what he did wrong, that's a very good thing, and there can be redemption, IMHO.
    Sarah Deere

  6. uptownsteve9:35 PM

    Donovan McNabb deserves major kudos for lobbying for Vick signing with the Eagles.

    And yes Field you're right.

    The feelings about Vick's reinstatement, for or against, has largely fallen along racial lines.

    At least down here in DC.

    What else is new in Amerryca?

  7. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Run Field run! Or are you full os sh-t?

  8. Yo FN,
    Enjoy the Tailgating bruh. Vick brings the ladies to the game. Dat dude can have the claps, chicks wanna see his black azz run around. We were blessed to have his highness for 7 years, and boy it was a great ride. Dudes were a lil depressed about the whole dog thang, but thanks to Matty Ice there's a lil more diversity in the parking lots now, if you know what I mean. I've been to a lot of stadiums following Vick, and Atlanta was definitely Chocolate City. Tell your boy to be patient, if those idiots start selling tickets, it'll be the ladies that'll be picking up those fumbles. Enjoy. We'll be seeing you on December 6th. You best believe I'll be there. With a Philly jersey, as well as most of the bruthas here. That'll be the only time you'll see the opposing fans don the jersey of another team. We gotta pay homage. The brutha took one for some BS.

    PETA (Punks Eating Truth & Ass)

  9. Yeah raping dogs,hanging them from trees ain't big deal.Shit been happenin' to us negros for hundreds of years.

    Funny how you white dog lovin mofos ain't cryin' bout dat shit.


    After a hard day of slingin rock i wents to the Costco to buy my little field negro in trainin' a "Cuddle With Me" doll.

    Dats when i done saw the most racially insensitive shit i ever seen.

    It was a little black babydoll named "lil monkey".Not only that,but the black babydoll little monkeys around it.I almost went crazy negro in the store.Shit was fucked up.Its bad enough us negros have to search hard for black babydolls,now they sayin black babies are monkeys. Shit be fucked up.

    Guess what they called the white babydolls??

    "pretty pandas" Pretty fuckin pandas!!

    Shit like dat jusa make a negro wanna go off!!

  10. I wish Vick lots of luck and success--in his football stint as an Eagle and in his personal life off the field.

    In contrast to many folks, I think he got off extremely easy--not for the animal cruelty charges. But for the potential financial/tax evasion/money sheltering charges he *could* have faced. He should be grateful to PETA and the rest of the animal enthusiasts for keeping the national attention away from what really could have gotten him into hot water.

    So much of the vitriol against him had nothing to do with animals and everything to do with him being a wealthy Black man. Now that he will be back doing what he loves, I hope he can get past that and make the best of his life. Not many folks have the opportunity to make millions of dollars coming out of prison.

    Go Eagles!

  11. Save the whales, but kill the niggers.

    Ted Nugent KILLS animals.Sarah Palin KILLS animals.

  12. MR R:

    I'm extending you an invited to come visit me. I'll give you a grand tour of our fair city. You know so you can get to meet some black people and we can talk over our difference.

  13. Hey, I'll even throw in a welcoming committee on befitting a person of your stature.

  14. PPR_Scribe said...

    I wish Vick lots of luck and success--in his football stint as an Eagle and in his personal life off the field.

    In contrast to many folks, I think he got off extremely easy--not for the animal cruelty charges. But for the potential financial/tax evasion/money sheltering charges he *could* have faced. He should be grateful to PETA and the rest of the animal enthusiasts for keeping the national attention away from what really could have gotten him into hot water.

    So much of the vitriol against him had nothing to do with animals and everything to do with him being a wealthy Black man. Now that he will be back doing what he loves, I hope he can get past that and make the best of his life. Not many folks have the opportunity to make millions of dollars coming out of prison.

    Go Eagles!
    He got off easy hun? A $147 million fine.The next time someone is caught dog fighting , I hope they pay the same fine. They took his house away and he still owes money, he's broke.

  15. Anonymous10:02 PM

    kid said...
    Save the whales, but kill the niggers.

    Praise the Lord and pass the ammo!!!

  16. Anonymous10:03 PM

    "Ted Nugent KILLS animals.Sarah Palin KILLS animals."

    BUT they don't appologize for it and neither should Vick. It is over and done and heck, if the laws were different, he might never have been charged with a crime. Hell, even Dick Cheyney can SHOOT a man while trying to kill animals and no one gives a damn

  17. BTW, monkeys are cute, pandas are overweight and they have a skin a case of vertigo in some spots.

  18. Jody, I know you, and I am guesing that you and your friends do not represent the typical person in the majority population. I think you would agree with that.

    Trust me when I tell you; it has fallen along racial lines here.

    "You really can be a racially divisive asshole sometimes. "

    How dare you? Some of my best friends are white...

    I am guessing that most of you who posted above are vegetarian. If not, how do you justify killing chickens, fish, and cows to eat in the horrible way that we slaughter them?

    And are deer kills OK? (Not the ones for hunting,I mean the ones when there is an over-population, and we have to just kill them. They do it by my house all the time) How about bull fighting? Or dog and horse racing? (Those poor greyhounds)

    I will give it to the PETA people, at least they are consistent.

    Sarah Deere, of course he shouldn't have done what he did. I am not advocating that he should have. But another NFL player just killed another human being,and he did not serve as much time in jail, and will, in fact, be welcomed into the league with open arms when he returns.

    I am sorry, I just have a real problem with hypocrisy.

    As for that run, I said if a "black" president was elected I would make the run.I am not so sure we have one yet... Oh calm down Obamaholics, of course I am going to make the run. I am still working on sponsors. Just one offer from Johnson & Johnson so far.:)....let me stop.

  19. Granny to mr.r: "I'm extending you an invited to come visit me. I'll give you a grand tour of our fair city. You know so you can get to meet some black people and we can talk over our difference."

    Don't go mr. r, it's a set up.

  20. Field, not don't go spoilin Granny's welcome to mr.r. (wink).... as to my friends... true, they are not exactly mainstream thinkers.

  21. This is so much like the first O.J. Simpson trial. And once again many Black people aren't supporting Vick because they are fans or think what he did was okay. They, including me, are supporting him because we all know the attacks are racially motivated.

    If it had been Bret Farve instead of Vick not only wouldn't he had gone to jail but he would probably not even have lost his job in the NFL.

  22. Field:

    What? I'm being nice like you asked.

  23. mellaneous10:54 PM

    Hey Field that Johnson and Johnson line was funny. Though I agree that a lot of the fuss about Vicks returning is split down racial lines, I don't think its split evenly. I think there are a lot of white football fans esp ex-jocks who welcome Vick back to the game. I have heard several white folks in my area say they don't understand what all the fuss is about, 'he didn't kill or shoot anybody.'

    I feel you as usual, but the line about killing black babies was a bit harsh. We have to be more optimistic and hopeful, I mean we have to.

    liberation then peace

  24. Mack Lyons10:58 PM

    "Save the whales, but kill the niggers."

    Sums everything up in one sentence. White people can be such a predictable lot.

    "One woman was crying on the radio this morning (C-R-Y-I-N-G-) because of the way her dog was looking at her last night after the news. "It's as if he knew" is what she told the host. "

    Lady, that dog didn't know. That dog's just wondering when the fuck you were gonna put more food in the damn dish.

  25. Good diary up to the point you began rationalizing it all as "He killed a fucking dog." Because I agree Vick has paid his debt & should go back to work. But he was supporting a brutal, inhumane practice in which animals tear each other apart while humans bet & cheer. Not unlike pro football. But football players are paid big bucks. Dogs are just exploited & brutalized & die in agony.

  26. A)I dont think the protesting white folk have torn up their tickets because they arent the people who buy tickets at all. PETA and E-A-G-L-E-S! arent exactlt the same crowd.
    B)You should ask Vai Sikahema about eating dogs... yeah, I bet Sikahema aint so upset (sorry Vai, I couldn't help it. "ou ko loto tautea")

  27. brohammas:

    Now, why you go and say that part about eating dogs. I was just getting ready to eat a snack. Oh Lawd, you done ruined my snack now. *sigh*

  28. What do you mean he's paid his debt to society? What about his debt to the dogs?

  29. uptownsteve11:30 PM

    "What do you mean he's paid his debt to society? What about his debt to the dogs?"

    Canine Reparations?

  30. not4theokiedoke11:33 PM

    I have to say, and I am not a pet owner or particularly fond of dogs, that I found Mr. Vick's role in the dog fighting business despicable and revolting. I say: dogs today, women or children tomorrow. God bless him because his ass is lucky to be free.

    BTW, I am black in case you are collecting statistics.

  31. Ok, Vick didnt just kill one dog, he killed several in his dog-fighting ring. But, yet and still, I, an animal loving hussie, thinks that he has paid his dues to society (and to all those animal-rights orgs with those pig fines he had to pay) and I think he deserves a second chance. Hopefully he will never do things like that in the future...and perhaps discourage others from doing so as well. Hey, I can hope, cant I??

    And Field, if youd like to see just how much I love animals, you should stop by my blog in the next few days. Imma be doing something Id never thought Id do, and therell be pictures, too!


  32. After serving his sentence, maybe Vick should went into acting and starred in a "Family Guy"-type show. I am sure that would have been more satisfying for the haters.

    Hey, if it worked for Tim Allen, it could have possibly worked for Vick.

  33. Yeah, A.) white folks can sometimes appear to care more about protecting animal life than human life. B.) there is a certain demographic of folks who just can't wait to find a brother to persecute. And C.) He has paid his time.

    But then again, Vick's behavior seems to speak to a very specific urban and male disfunction -- cruelty.

    Btw back when I was a newspaper reporter, I did this investigative piece on dog fighting. It had nothing to do with Vick or the state of Virginia, but Latino kids in East LA. It was really disgusting. And it was even more disturbing to watch this crowd of teenagers cheering the whole thing. There were a few kids you could tell were secretly horrified as well, but they laughed too -- in this nervous, I hope nobody calls me a punk kind of way.

    He deserves another chance. But the point is, there is something going on in the hood that just ain't right.

  34. There's a big difference between killing game/food - and torturing, hanging, drowning, electrocuting, and/or killing for pleasure of fight and gambling.

    Vick has served enough jail time but I don't think he deserves his second chance yet - his memorized lines were not delivered with any genuine remorse.

    Not everything "whitey" disagrees with has to do with race. Grow up.

    Vick will blow it again b/c someone this stupid always does. And BTW, he did not sound articulate - he struggled with every big word.

  35. uptownsteve12:28 AM

    "There's a big difference between killing game/food"

    Oh really?

    You must not know about traps which sever the limbs of animals and leave them suffering in agony for days before they're captured.

    Or hunters who mount cherry pickers to mow down herds of grazing deer and elk.

    That's not sport, that's slaughter.

    And I don't what interview you watched, but I saw a very contrite and articulate Michael Vick on ESPN today who acknowledged his crime, took responsibility and humbly asked for a second chance.

    He did his time and nothing will be gained by denying this gifted athlete an opportunity to do what he does better than 99% of the people on the planet.

    Stop hating.

  36. Everything you said was true Field. I have said all along that Brett Favre would not have done a minute of jail time for this bullshit.

    And furthermore, if Mike Vick had shot a negro instead of killing a dog he would have gone to the Pro Bowl instead of prison, and everyone knows it! Fcuk the NFL for their hypocrisy.

  37. uptownsteve12:39 AM

    "He deserves another chance. But the point is, there is something going on in the hood that just ain't right"

    Oh puh-leeze.

    Cock fighting, dog-fighting, pig chasing by dogs and alot of other barbaric shit is CULTURAL in the rural south and west.

    You think this stuff is a "hood" thing?

    I was mustered out of the Coast Guard in 1989 by spending my last 6 weeks in the service in South Florida.

    I was taken to a cock fight in Homestead, FL by a white shipmate of mine who was from Florida.

    About 100 men (90% white and/or Cuban) in a pit betting on gladiator chickens biting each other to death.

    I asked to leave. It was grossing me out.

    He said "Wanna see a dogfight"?

  38. He got off easy hun? A $147 million fine.The next time someone is caught dog fighting , I hope they pay the same fine. They took his house away and he still owes money, he's broke.

    Yes, he did get off easy. Interstate, non-licensed gambling ring? "Extracurricular" income that was not reported on his tax forms? You do not eff with God and the IRS. Al Capone should have been a lesson about that.

  39. Gregory12:47 AM

    Personally, I think Vick is an asshole and a serial fuck up. However, I am open to having my opinion changed.

    I also think that any team who that gives him a "second" chance should be given the benefit of the doubt. I sincerely hope that Vick succeeds, proving me and millions more wrong. Redemption stories are always the best stories.

    In perspective, compared to scumbags like Mr R, Vick can't be all bad.

  40. Anonymous12:50 AM

    "He killed a fucking dog! A dog! Dogs are no different than chickens, fish, and cows when it comes to the food chain pecking order."
    I'm supposed to believe that if you had a coworker who brought lunches containing dog or cat meat you probably would see it the same as someone bringing a sandwich containing fish, cow, or chicken? BS. Furthmore I bet if you had a coworker who did what Mike did and this coworker was a WHITE WOMAN, you wouldn't be so nonjudgemental. I'm sure you would label her a total freak. If Paris Hilton did this you would not be grasping at straws to justify it. He tortured animals to death you idiot. And he did it for money. That is not the same as going fishing. Duh. And if he were NOT a black male you wouldn't write blogs trying to defend him or demonize his enemies.

    "If Michael Vick had killed and abused little black babies not one of the people in an uproar....."

    Blah, blah blah. EVERYTIME black folks want to get black people off the hook they compare it to a situation that has nothing in common with it, then suggest, either dirrectly or indirectly, that the person who raised objections is a RACIST. FN, put that race card DOWN. I don't see black folks caring about the thousands of black women killed or maimed by their black partners yet you black males start showboating when Don Imus called some Nubian queen "ho". Gee, as though black males are half as enraged when a black women is killed by a black man.
    Suggesting that Vick critics don't care about black children is just a "the best defense is a good offense". It is a way of shutting up criticism, in this way by suggesting the critics priorities are skewed, and racist. Your prioprities are skewed and racist- you spend all this time defending an ass like Vick when there are all those poor black children. You claim Vick haters don't do enough for black kids? Um, unlike Vick defenders, they do????
    It's ironic that you claim that Vick critics don't care about black children when the word "baby daddy" would not be so prevelent
    if black males did.

  41. Drivel...

  42. PPR_Scribe said...

    He got off easy hun? A $147 million fine.The next time someone is caught dog fighting , I hope they pay the same fine. They took his house away and he still owes money, he's broke.

    Yes, he did get off easy. Interstate, non-licensed gambling ring? "Extracurricular" income that was not reported on his tax forms? You do not eff with God and the IRS. Al Capone should have been a lesson about that.

    12:40 AM
    That crackhead Capone(yes he was, he freebase)got to keep his money.The right takes Draconian measures out on black people.When Akon did a "rape" video Michelle Malkin and company came after him. In Trinidad dancing with a 14 year old(he didn't know her age) in a bar grinding is considered rape, which is why "legally" Malkin and her friends went after Akon. They made him lose his telephone company contract.When they want to penalize a black guy , they can.

  43. uptownsteve1:05 AM

    Oh another racist rant by the Anonymous puke.

    I suppose you white boys honor and respect your women exclusively eh?

    Ever heard of the Peterson boys?

    Scott and Drew?

    And as far as killing kids, you folks lead the league.

    Andrea Yates.
    Marilyn Lemak
    Ellen Feinberg
    Casey Anthony.

    The list goes on and on.

    You really don't want to go here Jethro.

    Go out in your parking lot and burn Al Sharpton in effigy.

    It'll make you sleep better.

  44. Anonymous said...

    " ... If Paris Hilton did this you would not be grasping at straws to justify it."
    Well she wears those fur coats. Ted Nugent is a bigot , a racist, homophobic,misogynist animal killer. He makes DVD of it.They only want to penalize the broth. BTW, how long should someone go to jail for cockfighting?If it's like that then Col.Sanders should have gotten the electric chair.

  45. This is the God honest truth , dogs have more rights in America than black people. People brings guns to the Presidents rallies and get put on television. If it was that asshole St. Ronnie they would have killed him.Where's the outrage for that shit. what about the death threats on Michelle Obama and her kids.Someone say imaginary bullshit about Palin kids (including Palin) and people go apeshit.

  46. sorry field, but this sista aint happy about vick being reinstated at all.

    and it's not just the fact that he killed a fucking dog, he financed a multi-state dog fighting ring. so he not only killed dogs, he engaged in gambling, racketeering, and fraud. that's why his ass got sent to the federal pen. that's some stuff i'm not in the mood to cheer about no matter how far he throws a ball.

    btw, thanks for the second shout out for my blog.

  47. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Fuck all the white folks that don't want Vick to earn a living. Dog don't have rights like humans.

    Leave the man alone. He is an Eagle now.

    Go Vick

  48. Anonymous1:59 AM

    So people who don't welcome Mike back with open arms don't care about black children, FN? Really you are taking the Kayne rant and streching it way too far.

    Is it hypocritical that Mike Vick critics dont also spend their time helping poor black kids? No more so than 99.99999% of the world How much time do you think Mike Vick, before he was arrested, spent helping poor black kids vs. being involved with dog fights?

    Here is another perception- instead of dissing on all those people who criticize Mike Vick instead of helping poor black kids why not dis on all those men who spend time participating in dog fighting instead of helping poor black kids. Imagine if all those men were instead reading to a child. Funny how FN is more concerned about the lack of civic duty by Vick critics than he is by men who are involved in dog fighting.

  49. Glad Mike Vick is back in the NFL and jealous that he is an Eagle and not a Raider.

    There is a double standard when it comes to Black athletes. Vick served his time and should be allowed to play football. He is a football player. I'm glad he is back.


    BTW, it is not "Eagle Nation", it is "Raider Nation." Get your own slogan. We'll see the Eagles in "Raider Nation" on Oct 18th.

  50. Anonymous2:12 AM

    "maybe they all just want a chance to boo Vick in person."

    If so I can IMAGINE the outrage from you FN. No doubt it would be referred to as a "lynching". I remember when Johnny Rocker was booed and torn apart by the crowd for saying that in New York a lot of people don't speak english.
    Why should anybody not expect a crowd to be even more hostil towards a man who tortures to death animals? Look at the hate Rocker got... it was worse than Vick!! Yet god forbid anyone utter an unkind word....

  51. uptownsteve said...

    "What do you mean he's paid his debt to society? What about his debt to the dogs?"

    Canine Reparations?

    11:30 PM
    I bet the dogs will get theirs before we ever do.

  52. Kate-A said...

    There's a big difference between killing game/food - and torturing, hanging, drowning, electrocuting, and/or killing for pleasure of fight and gambling.

    Vick has served enough jail time but I don't think he deserves his second chance yet - his memorized lines were not delivered with any genuine remorse.

    Not everything "whitey" disagrees with has to do with race. Grow up.

    Vick will blow it again b/c someone this stupid always does. And BTW, he did not sound articulate - he struggled with every big word.

    11:57 PM
    I'm fucking sick of dogs having more rights than niggers.That's bullshit. No one said shit today about Malia and Sasha, but I fucking got their back.Fuck a damn dog, how about black people?

  53. evita2:19 AM

    I heard some crazy white dude on the radio complaining about how Michael Vick was BEFORE this situation. All I could think was he's a freakin football player!

    Vick apparently asked the Humane Society for an opportunity to assist them in their dog fight campaigns in urban settings. The caller was pissed off at the Humane Society saying he was the worst possible representative- ever. Like this white dude knows ANYTHING about what appeals to the people Vick did this stuff WITH. Idiots.

    I think he is genuinely sorry- he's going above and beyond. Michael Vick paid his debt to society.

    Dog lovers- why not spend half the money you spend on doggie beds, outfits, custom hair cuts, etc and spend on buying a HUMAN something to eat. Pay their gas bill. Donate it.

  54. Anonymous2:21 AM

    I was very pleased that Vick signed with the Eagles. The only thing I was not happy with was the contract money. He should have gotten what I would call "FUCK YOU WHITE BITCHES" money. You know what I'm talking about. Kiss my Black ass money. We don't give a fuck money. SO he slaughtered a few dogs. white males have been doing that shit for centuries and still do it today. Get yours Vick, That what I say and all you white boys can bowdown and kiss our Black ass.

  55. Anonymous2:21 AM

    White folks care more about dogs than black people?
    Oh, cry me a river.
    According to the Christian Science Monitor "Today, 27 million people are enslaved, more than at the height of the transatlantic slave trade". Yet you black folks are more concerned with the welfare of Mike Vick.
    Apparently Mike Vick, a multi-millionare black male who committed horribly violent crime is more worth of your sympathy than the 27 million people who live in bondage.

  56. Hey Kate-A:

    To quote Goodfellas,"where's your shine kit".

    "...Vick will blow it again b/c someone this stupid always does. And BTW, he did not sound articulate - he struggled with every big word."

    Yes those "black" people always act like that.What the fuck are you, Hungarian?He can't have class and decorum like the racist, sexist, homophobic, Ted Nugent that sings about "Wang Tang Pootang". Ted also wanted to put guns into Secretary of State Clinton and the President's orifices.You're right Vice don't have class like sound like a tom.

  57. Anonymous2:26 AM

    "So he slaughtered a few dogs. white males have been doing that shit for centuries and still do it today."

    Black males have been raping and enslaving for centuries and still do it today. Yet when a black male (or female) is raped or enslaved by a white person we don't hear black folks goin "So what? We've been doing that for centuries and still do that today". Although you do.

  58. Anonymous said...

    White folks care more about dogs than black people?
    Oh, cry me a river.
    According to the Christian Science Monitor "Today, 27 million people are enslaved, more than at the height of the transatlantic slave trade". Yet you black folks are more concerned with the welfare of Mike Vick.
    Apparently Mike Vick, a multi-millionare black male who committed horribly violent crime is more worth of your sympathy than the 27 million people who live in bondage.

    2:21 AM
    He's not a millionaire, he's broke thanks to Michelle Malkin.Blacks get ripped off of their money all the time.That's the plan.

  59. Anonymous said...

    "So he slaughtered a few dogs. white males have been doing that shit for centuries and still do it today."

    Black males have been raping and enslaving for centuries and still do it today. Yet when a black male (or female) is raped or enslaved by a white person we don't hear black folks goin "So what? We've been doing that for centuries and still do that today". Although you do.

    2:26 AM
    What's the name of the black male that enslaved someone? Please give me details.

  60. I don't agree with dog fighting or killing animals just out of cruelty, but the man has been to prison and has had to pay for the lifetime care of dogs: health care for dogs! We can't get people to even agree on a health care bill, but we can punish a man by making him pay for the care of dogs. Your grandma may have to choose between medication or rent, but a dog somewhere can get all the medical attention it needs. David Banner was right: America is sick.

  61. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Kid-"I'm fucking sick of dogs having more rights than niggers."

    Are you using the word "niggers' to mean the same as Blacks people?

    If so, then you don't think much of Blacks. You are a self-hating tom and a disgrace to the Black Community.

  62. Anonymous2:42 AM

    What mike did was brought to the light, I wonder how many people are doing the same thing, this has been going on for year's! this is nothing new! Black folk's have picked up BAD habit's along the way! whoever thought we would hear about a BLACK SERIAL KILLER!

    Micheal Vick paid his due's to SOCIETY! but, the White society want's him to be locked up for life! and they will not rest until they get their POUND of FLESH!

    This come's down to RACE! they hate the fact that, he will be out of jail and will be making money as well! know that's the problem! they wouldn't bother him if he had a job in a Supermarket!

    Michael will be punished trust me! they will try to make his life a Living HELL!

    A animal's right advocate said (THEY wanted VICK to have a brain TEST) now this was a White man a little older than VICK!!!

    So in other word's, Black Men that commit such a crime as VICK, has to be missing a LINK! never mind WHITE SERIAL KILLER'S that kill and CHOP up folk's and EAT THEM! well I guess they are just a little MENTALLY ILL! and they can't help it! they had a bad childhood!


  63. Anonymous2:44 AM

    @2:32 You are surprised to learn that black folks have enslaved someone? I hope you are joking.
    In the USA there were plenty of black slave owners. In African, even more so. Most people know the first two. Lesser known is that North Africans enslaved over a million Europeans they captured during pirate missions. This slavery was not in "retaliation" for africans enslaved by europeans.
    All of these are easily found on the web. Here is a starting point for the last, a least known-

  64. @IseeIsee

    Alright Now Say That!

    Granny standing up waving her lace church handkerchief.

    BTW, here another one of those addicted to tasers police stories.

  65. Anonymous2:48 AM

    "Micheal Vick paid his due's to SOCIETY! but, the White society want's him to be locked up for life! and they will not rest until they get their POUND of FLESH!"

    Affirmative Action and reparations are the Pound of Flesh black folks won't let go of

  66. Affirmative Action is the Civil Rights Act. So, are you saying we should give up our rights? BTW, I don't want reparations, all of my ancestors got their forty acres and a mule, well more like 80 something acres and didn't no on give it to them either. They brought it themselves.

  67. Anonymous said...

    Kid-"I'm fucking sick of dogs having more rights than niggers."

    Are you using the word "niggers' to mean the same as Blacks people?

    If so, then you don't think much of Blacks. You are a self-hating tom and a disgrace to the Black Community.

    2:41 AM
    Only punk ass, bitch ass mother fuckers post Anonymous.White people are trying to get black people to riot. Why is FOX on the air?I used those words to make a point. You know I ain't a fucking tom,just ask Greta van Susstern she hate my ass.

  68. Anonymous said...

    "Micheal Vick paid his due's to SOCIETY! but, the White society want's him to be locked up for life! and they will not rest until they get their POUND of FLESH!"

    Affirmative Action and reparations are the Pound of Flesh black folks won't let go of

    2:48 AM
    The only black person I know of that made it because of Affirmative Action sits on the Supreme Court.Like the Staples say"When will we get paid for our work?"Even Madoff's wife got to keep some things.

  69. Anonymous3:19 AM

    "White people are trying to get black people to riot."

    Of course, it takes us to urge it on cause it's not like stealing luxury goods is something blacks would do without any encourgament or anything.
    We LOVE it when you commit crime for several reasons. 1) It allows us to see what we've worked hard for destroyed. 2) It means we may have the honor of being a victim of violent crime. 3) It means that our tax money that might have gone into things that benefit us will now go to pay for the damage done by looters. 4)It allows us to
    exercise our denial by us "good" whites pretending we don't think blacks are disproportiantely involved in crime. 5) It allows for us to pretend not to be angry, since it is taboo to be mad at black people
    6) It means we get to pay for people in prison. Along with the prisoners food, education and heath care. Often better than we get.

    Yup, there is nothing I love better than to see a black male walking out of a store with 10 pairs of Nike's that he just didn't purchase.
    There is nothing better than seeing black folks voicing their outrage at societal injustices, such as their team winning, by stealing luxury goods. See examples bellow:

  70. 1. Black folks pay taxes too.
    2. Black folks work hard too.
    3. Whites complain that we don't have enough prisons. Now you complaining because they cost money to run them.

    Yup, I agree it's ashame the folks steals. Yup, it sure is. Here is another thief. Smh!

  71. IseeIsee, did you get that problem fixed with your e-mail?

  72. AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "White people are trying to get black people to riot."

    Of course, it takes us to urge it on cause it's not like stealing luxury goods is something blacks would do without any encourgament or anything.
    Yea right, blacks aren't civilized like you mother fucker. Only redneck, white trash, peckerwood,ofays want to murder a mother and her two little girls.Call a black person a socialist or a communist so you can legally lynch them.Don't want to be caught using the N-word.

  73. It's getting a little hot in this room Granny thinking I'll turn on the fan in the room so folks can cool off a little bit.

    Granny-->fanning as I hit the switch for the fan. Click! Yeah, now that ought to do it for now. Whew! Wiping the sweat off my forehead and brushing and smoothing my hair back with my fingers. Going to sit back down in my corner and finish the last my popcorn and diet pepsi.

  74. Sorry Granny.But when you turn on the radio, television, the paper, it seems like they have different rules for black people.People can bring guns to Obama's rallies, but not Dubya or St. Ronnie.They can threaten his daughters lives , but not Dubya.It's getting sicker and sicker.On the radio I heard Medved, Gibson,Prager, and Gallagher joke about the guy carrying a gun.You can't make jokes like that about St.Ronnie.It's getting worst.They made a Latina Justice apologize for being Latina. what is this world coming to?

  75. Kid:

    "what is this world coming to?"

    The End!

  76. Granny:
    I hope not.It said a new heaver and a new world, not the end of it.

  77. It also says that you cannot put old wine in new wineskins because they will bust.

    Likewise you can put an old world into a new world either because it will not be new. In other words, that's like slipping on a new pair of pants over some dirty underwear.

  78. Granny, that was deep. I had to think about that one.

  79. I'm glad to see black folk don't mind someone who rapes, tortures,and kills dogs all while laughin' about it.

    kid said..
    Yea right, blacks aren't civilized like you mother fucker. Only redneck, white trash, peckerwood,ofays want to murder a mother and her two little girls.Call a black person a socialist or a communist so you can legally lynch them.Don't want to be caught using the N-word.

    Ronald Davis,Jasper Frazier,Donte Hobson,Tommy Warren,Zarumin Coleman
    would like to remind you kid that negros murder mothers and their 2 children to.

    kid said...
    This is the God honest truth , dogs have more rights in America than black people. People brings guns to the Presidents rallies and get put on television. If it was that asshole St. Ronnie they would have killed him.

    You remember that Democrat who shot Reagan??They didn't kill him.

    But lets don't let the facts get in the w2ay of your insane rants.

  80. FBI statistics say that most blacks kill blacks, whites kill whites and so on.You are most lightly to get killed by a family member.Your chances go up if you own a gun.

    ALL THE BROTHERS LOVE HINKLEY ! Too bad about Brady.

    Ronald Reagan was a Bitch!BTW, he's still one.I don't like him or his mama.Why the hell do you come here. You're not going to change anyone's mind. Go to Jess Lee Peterson's house, maybe he can kiss your ass.You ain't got nothing coming here.

  81. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Field, somethin we can finally agree on Brutha!!!!I've been a Fal-Coon fan since Joe Namath still had an ACL, and my only problems with Vick were his play selection in the Red Zone and that he gets in a rhythm with his cadence calling that gives the defensive line a milisecond headstart...
    Amen, it was effin DOGS, and if you don't let em bite each other they'll be bitin YOU, or Your neighbor, or your kid. I've killed about 20 over the last few years, just for barking at 2am, and with good Ole' Prestone, its got that sweet taste dog's love. You'll love #7, Field, hope your not a big McNab fan, cause He's about to find out what the Bench feels like... See you in Atlanta Dec 6th you Negro!!!!...


  82. Pit bulls seem to be like loaded guns. Some people just aren't content to admire them for their capabilities. They have to shoot the damn things.

    Which is why less people should own pit bulls and guns.

    It is a shame that a really great dog became an accessory of the "look at me, I'm a tough guy" crowd.

    That said, Vick has paid his penance. He lost his job, millions of dollars, did a stint in the pokey. What else do you people want? And I'm not even an Eagles' fan.

  83. Damn Field, were you savaged by a dog as a kid or something?

    I'm a cat person myself. But just because someone loves dogs doesn't mean they hate black people.

    It's a shame you chose to mar an otherwise great blog with such a stupid post.

  84. Meyer_Lansky11:31 AM

    Field. Keepin it 100 everyday. And it didn't just break up along racial lines in Philly. It's like that everywhere.

  85. Anonymous11:47 AM

    KID SAID, "I'm fucking sick of dogs having more rights than niggers."

    I hope you mean "niggers" and not black folks. That's what racists call all black folks.

    Kid, who are you calling "niggers?' Someone above asked you before and you didn't answer. Please answer the question.

  86. History Dude11:54 AM

    Like many athletes, Michael Vick is none too bright. How in the world can you make millions of dollars and be in the public spotlight and run a dogfighting ring? My guess is he came from a place where that was culturally acceptable. No one told him about the explosive consequences if it ever became public.

    Even Vick's brother was a screw up. People like that need minders watching them so that they don't self destruct on the ride up. Apparently, the Vick brothers didn't have anybody like that in their lives.

    But the guy already wrecked a portion of his career and lost millions-let him be.

  87. Break it down on racial lines my ass. That big fat white guy- Ed Schultz- on Air America was defending Vick yesterday. More like it broke down on class lines- Joe Punchclock was more inclined to give Vick a second chance than Nancy Soccer Mom.
    And then to just shrug off such a vicious case of animal cruelty is fucked up. I believe that people deserve a second chance, but to trivialize a violent crime to defend your arguement is beyond the pale.
    I am sure you can find more egregious examples ( such as the death threat to Pres. Obama and his family)of racist assholery than some old white lady crying over Vick's dead dogs.

  88. Anonymous12:15 PM

    White folks can kiss my black ass. Vick shouldn't have ever went to prison for killing a damn dog. The bitches wanted to take his money and break him. The mean hateful mofos are angry because Vick is going to make more money and breath air. Fuck white folks.

  89. Woo Hoo! We got the Vick! Go Eagles!!!!!

  90. sandra...the other one.12:40 PM

    We'll never know what is in Vick's heart. And I'll never truly know what is in yours; but one thing I know for sure is killing and maiming is not a good thing and it doesn't matter what color you are. And I also know that people selectively decide who is worthy of redemption....

  91. He should donate time and money to help animals.

  92. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I wonder what else Vick is capable of doing?

    Serial killers,serial rapist,and sexual sadist like to torture and murder animals to.

  93. I have a dog, and I think everyone ought to get over Vick. In fact, I think the prison term was too harsh. He should have gotten a whopping fine instead, on the order of $500K or maybe a million bucks, or whatever would really hurt. But prison? Too harsh for an offense that's a lot more common than people know.

    Come on, he's a football player. Modern-day gladiator. We don't pick or watch these people because they are English gentlemen. They are brutal monsters, or at least most of 'em are. Like Vick be Vick. And Vick, lay off the dogs. You want to beat someone up? I know of some specialty clubs that would love to have you as a member.

  94. according to your link, the French & Germans also like to eat dog meat.
    eating dogmeat didn't get forbidden in germany until 1986.

    But, the general thought is to say that "others" eat dog meat.

    plus, the buddhist temple near where i live does not allow any meat on their grounds, and they only serve vegetarian lunches.

    i don't like to watch dog fights, i don't like a lot of things that violent men seem to enjoy. u notice there is hardly any women at those type of events.

  95. PETA Killed 95 Percent of Adoptable Pets in its Care During 2008

    Hypocritical Animal Rights Group’s 2008 Disclosures Bring Pet Death Toll To 21,339

    WASHINGTON DC – Today the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) published documents online showing that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) killed 95 percent of the adoptable pets in its care during 2008. Despite years of public outrage over its euthanasia program, the animal rights group kills an average of 5.8 pets every day at its Norfolk, VA headquarters.

    According to public records from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA killed 2,124 pets last year and placed only seven in adoptive homes. Since 1998, a total of 21,339 dogs and cats have died at the hands of PETA workers.

    Despite having a $32 million budget, PETA does not operate an adoption shelter. PETA employees make no discernible effort to find homes for the thousands of pets they kill every year. Last year, the Center for Consumer Freedom petitioned Virginia’s State Veterinarian to reclassify PETA as a slaughterhouse.

    CCF Research Director David Martosko said: “PETA hasn’t slowed down its hypocritical killing machine one bit, but it keeps browbeating the rest of society with a phony ‘animal rights’ message. What about the rights of the thousands of dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens that die in PETA’s headquarters building?”

    CCF Research Director David Martosko said: “PETA hasn’t slowed down its hypocritical killing machine one bit, but it keeps browbeating the rest of society with a phony ‘animal rights’ message. What about the rights of the thousands of dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens that die in PETA’s headquarters building?”

    Martosko added: “Since killing pets is A-OK with PETA, why should anyone listen to their demands about eating meat, using lab rats for medical research, or taking children to the circus?”

  96. I don't know if all of that is true but if it is.....

  97. @Monie,
    most likely, PETA is just the same as pro-life people who kill abortion doctors, extremists without common sense and logic, same people who would fight abortion rights but defend the death penalty.

  98. Anonymous said...
    I wonder what else Vick is capable of doing?

    Serial killers,serial rapist,and sexual sadist like to torture and murder animals to.

    No more or less than anyone else. The only difference is the catalyst.

    Oh, I forgot that does not apply to you and the self-righteous folks.

  99. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "They made a Latina Justice apologize for being Latina. what is this world coming to?"

    Well Jesse Jackson and his posse destroyed Michael Richards career for talking about black folks the way Jesse Jackson talks about Obama.

  100. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "A animal's right advocate said (THEY wanted VICK to have a brain TEST) now this was a White man a little older than VICK!!!"

    Whites who are descendents of slave holders who raped, whipped and lynched Blacks should definitely have a series of brain tests because they carry the gene of inhumane madness.

  101. Anonymous4:06 PM

    kid: "Granny, that was deep. I had to think about that one."

    Kid, what is your IQ, 10?

  102. Anonymous4:07 PM

    @4:03- Blacks are also descendents of slave holders who raped, whipped and lynched every bit as much as the white man. Blacks have been doing this before they ever saw the white man.

  103. Why the hell do people post under Anonymous? Make up a fake name like the rest of us. Makes following who is who a lot easier.

  104. While I don't believe in killings dogs, I also don't believe in the punishment he received either.

    Was there are reason you said he 'paid for it in spades' - it seemed like a rather deliberate choice of words, when I don't like it when white people (as I am), call black people 'spades'.

    Just curious.......

  105. Ya'll just make sure the second chance ya'll want to give Vick ya'll give to every other person in this country that commits a crime .

    Cause ya'll is double standards can piss a mofo off.

  106. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Mr.R. why don't you kill yourself you childmolesting bastard. Didn't think I knew about that one did you?

  107. What, Mr. R is a child molester? not surprising, but is he still in prison or did he get another chance?

  108. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Hey Mr. R, I was sayin Y'all when you were still a gleam in your Cracker-Ass Daddy's eye, Niggaz are sayin we're the same person, MOFO, so if you won't tell anyone I've got a wooden dick, I won't tell anyone about the splinters in your Mouth... You sum kind of PETA turd-burglin Panzy?? Go take your AIDS drugs cum receptacle breath, and save your queer posts for your faggot dungeon and dragon boards...


  109. Anonymous5:26 PM

    If black men spent as much time defending women and children from thugs as y'all do defending some dog torturer like Mike Vick it might be possible to respect you. But it's not.

    I don't see no black folks complaining about how hard of a time Michael Richards has had finding employment. Ironic, Mike Vick has an easier time getting a job than Michael Richards. Vick has more supporters than Richards. Yup, this really IS a hypocritical society.

  110. anonymous 5:26, sounds like you are making comparisons about a dog abuse confiction, the loss of assets, ect, to an asshole comedian who nobody is interested in watching, the reason Richards can't find work is cuz he is a hollywood has been, the only work he might find would be on Hollywood Squares where they send all the boring losers.If Richards was funny or interesting, he would have no trouble finding work. He got heckled cuz he was blah blah blah, and does he take responsiblity for what he said, no, nor really.

  111. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Anon4:07p "@4:03- Blacks are also descendents of slave holders who raped, whipped and lynched every bit as much as the white man. Blacks have been doing this before they ever saw the white man."

    "In America"--Whites raped, whipped and gleefully lynched and burned over 5000 Blacks. Nothing can diminish that American historical fact. NO Blacks in America did such atrocities. It was Whites, who today are looking for ways to minimize that atrocity like you are. Whites did it, period.


  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. MR.R said...
    Anonymous said...
    Mr.R. why don't you kill yourself you childmolesting bastard. Didn't think I knew about that one did you?

    I thought you was asleep.My bad.You looked so hot in your spongebob pjs.

    Frank Drackman said...
    Hey Mr. R, I was sayin Y'all when you were still a gleam in your Cracker-Ass Daddy's eye, Niggaz are sayin we're the same person, MOFO, so if you won't tell anyone I've got a wooden dick, I won't tell anyone about the splinters in your Mouth... You sum kind of PETA turd-burglin Panzy?? Go take your AIDS drugs cum receptacle breath, and save your queer posts for your faggot dungeon and dragon boards...

    Damn Albert....All that nigga cum and years of roid abuse done gots to yo head negro.

    "Niggaz are sayin we're the same person"

    These niggas your buttmates?Naw they be knowin' yo asshole and mouth anywhere.They been fillin' them holes for years.

    Speakin' of aids dugs have you been checked lately??I know the prison health system ain't that great but the high hiv rates among prisoned negros should worry you.All that negro cum can't be good fo ya.

    Later ya'll....

  114. Anonymous said...

    KID SAID, "I'm fucking sick of dogs having more rights than niggers."

    I hope you mean "niggers" and not black folks. That's what racists call all black folks.

    Kid, who are you calling "niggers?' Someone above asked you before and you didn't answer. Please answer the question.

    11:47 AM

    If you are so fucking concern then take FOX off the air.They treat us like it everyday. BTW bitch I already answered it.You must be a white neo-con bigot.

    FOX says it every day. When kids in New York got money for school supplies,John Gibson said they were handed "reparations" and welfare.See he said nigger twice.Then words like urban, inner city,reverse racism.How long are you going to play this stupid game of you're not a bigot as long as you don't say the "magic word".

  115. Anonymous said...

    "They made a Latina Justice apologize for being Latina. what is this world coming to?"

    Well Jesse Jackson and his posse destroyed Michael Richards career for talking about black folks the way Jesse Jackson talks about Obama.
    Richards never had a career. If 12% of the population can break the majority then he wasn't that good to begin with. You forgot about that Seinfield money. Not what did Michael say again. If he was Dog or Don Imus he would have gotten a promotion for saying that as usual.
    3:55 PM

  116. Anonymous said...

    kid: "Granny, that was deep. I had to think about that one."

    Kid, what is your IQ, 10?

    4:06 PM
    What's yours you white mother fucker?Don't say shit until you are not anonymous coward.

  117. Anonymous said...
    If black men spent as much time defending women and children from thugs as y'all do defending some dog torturer like Mike Vick it might be possible to respect you. But it's not.

    I don't see no black folks complaining about how hard of a time Michael Richards has had finding employment. Ironic, Mike Vick has an easier time getting a job than Michael Richards. Vick has more supporters than Richards. Yup, this really IS a hypocritical society.

    You made one critical and flawed assumption-- wanting your respect. I do not want your respect. I want you to leave (this blog that is).

  118. America's favorite sadist courted by the NFL, CBS, Sportswriters, and the public.

    Yes folks, there is much money to be made torturing dogs. The Philadelphia Eagles have agreed to put the sadist Michael Vick on their roster. They have signed a contract with him. He will earn lots and lots of money for torturing and killing dogs. CBS has an exclusive interview with him during prime time. Just what our nation needs as an idol.

    I fully expect that he has been well coached and will always say the right things, but that will only serve to camouflage his innate sadistic character. I fully believe that nothing will change the character of a sadist, so I expect that it is only a matter of time before he brutalizes again. I also think that his next victim will be a human and not an animal. But because he is also a coward, his next victim will most likely be a woman or a child. He has learned his lesson though, he will be much more cautious and we may never find out about his next victim.

    There is only only one way for the public to protest this and that is to boycott CBS and the other networks that broadcast NFL games. Boycott them, write their advertisers and promise to boycott them and continue that until the networks and NFL discover they are losing revenue because of this sadistic cretin. Don’t show up at the parks, don’t buy their food and drinks. Money talks and unless we all do something this sadist will soon have millions of dollars. Sadly, I doubt the American public will protest very much at all.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I am not opposed to him earning a living. There are lots and lots of public toilets that need cleaning on a daily basis and that is a job equal to the kind of person he is.

  119. The Crater Lake Hermit said...
    America's favorite sadist courted by the NFL, CBS, Sportswriters, and the public...

    Michael Vick is paid for his athletic ability, not torturing dogs.

    Of course you would like to see Vick cleaning toilets. It irritates you that these athletes (especially the black ones) earn astronomical amounts of money for playing a kids game, while you probably toil endlessly for a salary that pales in comparison.

    Vick has a job, because of the free market (i.e., he has a skill that is in high demand); the same free market that you people claim should not be disrupted by government intervention. But it is okay to disrupt the free market to punish a black man. That's typical of you people.

  120. You The Crater Lake Hermit said on your page that you have a black and Hispanic son. A real parent don't mention their kids race.Bigots use that to give them Carte' Blanc to attack black people.I read your blog and you sir are a bigot.

    Is the dead son you mention life worth more than a dogs?then you said you people, fake bigot.

  121. hey Crater Lake,
    nothing is wrong with cleaning a toilet, that is a good job, but Michael Vick's toilet is too good for assholes like u. U smell like shit, go wash your ass, then clean out ur mouth with a mop, I not want to read ur blog, i get sick enough as it is.

  122. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I just saw a rerun of GLENN BECK'S show! JESUS! this man has to be taken off the air!

    This Crazed Man is claiming that the President has plan's to (ELIMINATE PEOPLE) the way HITLER did! that's why White Folk's are carrying on like this!

    White folk's are afraid the President will (GET THEM) for their forefather's Crime's against HUMANITY! that being (SLAVE'S)these people know what their ANCESTOR'S did was a CRIME before GOD and MAN!!!! boy they must be running scared!!! and it show's all on them!!!!

    When I hear people talk against VICK'S RIGHT'S to live in a free SOCIETY! trust me these people are basically White, and we have a few Black folk's thrown in for GOOD MEASURE! well, we have to be patient with our people, they have become side tracked along the way! they need a touch of the DROP SQUAD!!!!

    MONIE: I'm sure that report is true, they have to kill most of the DOG'S and Cat's they find on the street but, you know what? they keep the one's that they may be able to find home's for, and they kill those DOG'S and CAT'S as if it was a every day thing for them! and some of those animal's look HEALTHY!!!! but, they don't want to be bothered with, them so they give them shot's so they can die!!!!

    GRANNY my computer act's up sometime!

  123. Anonymous10:38 PM

    CRATER LAKE HERMIT! you should be boycotted!!!! and if you are half HISPANIC! some of your people have those CHICKEN FIGHT'S! so should they be BOYCOTTED? when will Black and HISPANIC'S learn not to jump on the BANDWAGON with WHITE FOLK'S, White men treated SOTOMAYER like a DOG!!!! did you BOYCOTT them! NO! and now you want to raise up as if this is the WORST CRIME you ever heard of!!!

    You know what! we will not be BOYCOTTING SQUAT!!! so you can forget about that! VICK will do his JOB and be left alone! and if you think for one minute we are going to allow you to make his life MISERABLE, then think again!!!!

    Now if you are half Black, you should go some place and hide your FACE! who are you to tell Black folk's how to bring a Black Man DOWN!!! have you lost your MIND?

  124. Well, I hate to counter your rant, but as a white, female, dog loving (who owns a cat!), die hard eagles fan, I agree with you. Vick paid his dues and then some, and like any other person coming out of prison, he deserves a second chance. And, that seems to be the consensus of my white pals, too. I think more white folks than you think are taking the same position.

    Same here only I own two dogs (never was much of a cat lover) and I love the Saints. ;)

    My thought is, you either believe in rehabilitation or you don't. You put a man/woman in prison, fine them, let them serve their debt to society and then tell them, no, sorry you can't make a living now, well, it doesn't really work that way. I suspect what people do not like is that he's going to be rich again. Tough. Football is his job. If he were a garbage man, they'd likely let him earn a living then I bet.

    So, yeah, lot of this probably is falling out along racial lines because I think I've read before that more whites own dogs (that could be an outdated statistic, I have no idea). Thing to keep in mind though is that there's always going to be extreme outliers on both sides who get crazy and some of us try to keep things in perspective - or at least see another view. Hell, half the things I'm generalized for on this blog (by your readers for simply being white) I'd never imagine thinking (or doing). And then I read what a shithead I am and I'm, like, Damn! ;)

  125. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, except for Mr R.

  126. LOL! Y'all was going at it before I sign on to the blog. All I did was speak, and everyone got quieter than a church house mouse. Puts me in the mind of children acting up, their parents walk in on them, and they get real quiet like nothing happened. LOL!

  127. Granny,it's called respect.And you have earned it as far as I am concerend. Remember that EF Hutton commercial? :)

  128. psst ... kid, take your meds

  129. Anonymous8:34 AM

    psst...grinder,leave the blog you racist bitch!

  130. I will be rooting for the Eagles for the first time in my NFL viewing history. Vick should get a second chance. NEVER should have gone to jail in the first place.

    and, oh yeah...


  131. grinder,leave the blog you racist bitch!

    In a word: No.

  132. ditto!
    kudos to philly
    welcome back mike!

    he was betrayed by thug "friends" and kin

    he never returned their venom or cowardice and he has held his head up and paid his dues with dignity

    chris brown beat rihanna worse than a pit bull fighter...and will never even spend a day in jail...

  133. I am seen excerpts of the CBS interview with him. None of the questions were similar to: "When you were electrocuting the dogs and they were screaming in pain and agony and your buddies were laughing and slapping you on the back, how aroused did you get?"

  134. I'm very hapy Vick is getting another chance. Besides, I've always been an Eagles fan!

  135. @ Monie

    CCF Research Director David Martosko said: “PETA hasn’t slowed down its hypocritical killing machine one bit, but it keeps browbeating the rest of society with a phony ‘animal rights’ message. What about the rights of the thousands of dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens that die in PETA’s headquarters building?”

    I called PETA after reading your post and asked them about these numbers. They did, in fact, acknowledge that they do euthanize animals and do not attempt to hide the fact. They are not an adoption shelter and between 4-5 millions animals are euthanized every year in this country. PETA explained that they offer a humane alternative to the gas chambers that are used in North Carolina. Or instead of taking your pet out back and shooting it, starving it or some other means they will other a humane alternative. They also euthanize elderly pets for many who can't afford to put them down at a vet's office. PETA also euthanizes injured wildlife.

    PETA has never claimed that they will find a home for every animal. But if a life must be ended it can be done so in a humane manner. So, to call them a "slaughterhouse" is incorrect. And the CCF sounds like some right wing sham that tries to discredit animal rights groups.

  136. FN, I love you most of the time, but you are big time fulla shit here. Torturing animals for money and amusement is different from providing food for people. Ther are huge outcries against abuse of factory farmed animals AND abuse of children of all collors. Truth is, you wouldn't give a fuck if Vick were white, and he did brutal despicable things no matter what color he is. And professional sports, now THERE'S an important occupation.

  137. I do believe anyone who has served ther time deserves to get another chance, however.

  138. Anonymous3:45 PM

    FN- If you can't comprehend the difference between mangling animals to death for entertainment and how the food industry often treats animals raised as livestock poorly to save money I can understand why you have certain problems in life, problems that you incorrect classify as steming from racism.
    Ask yourself- would you be seeing this in the same light if it were Paris Hilton rather than Mike Vick? I don't think so!!!!!!!!
    So why don't YOU help those poor black children instead of wasting your time harassing PETA.

  139. Anonymous3:45 PM

    FN- If you can't comprehend the difference between mangling animals to death for entertainment and how the food industry often treats animals raised as livestock poorly to save money I can understand why you have certain problems in life, problems that you incorrect classify as steming from racism.
    Ask yourself- would you be seeing this in the same light if it were Paris Hilton rather than Mike Vick? I don't think so!!!!!!!!
    So why don't YOU help those poor black children instead of wasting your time harassing PETA.

  140. Anon.3:45PM,would you belive me if I told you that I don't have a single problem with my life? I'ts the assholes on this planet who I have to share it with that bother me.(Present company excluded of course)

  141. Miranda7:35 PM

    OK, all you Eagles fans..if you in the "A" for the Eagles-Falcons game at the Dome, you are officially invited to partake of granddaddy of them all tailgates with the 2 Live Stews! Come one, come all!

  142. DuchessDee9:15 PM

    Well if other nations can have cock fighting, bull fighting well why not dog fighting. I just know that We blacks fall underneath the dog. Michael Strayhand killed a man and is doing community service. what gives....

  143. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I will be going out and buying my Eagles cap this weeked and I live in Tennessee! I will the first pro football cap I have ever purchased.

  144. I'm late to the discussion here, but wanted to say that I found the 60 Minutes interview with Michael Vick to be tedious, at best. I thought he presented himself very well, but Jim Brown was an asshole, IMO.

    Vick got a much harsher punishment that he deserved, also IMO. I'm not condoning what he did, but some people get less time for killing a person.

    Sorry if I'm repeating someone else's comment earlier--I haven't read them all yet.

  145. Anonymous1:58 AM

    You say some people get less time for killing a person? Well then protest that. Many people have served more time for tax fraud and other nonviolent crimes and I don't hear you supporting them.
    The only reason any of you are supporting him is because Vick is black.
    Would any of you be saying the same thing if it was Paris Hilton that did this? HELL NO

  146. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I think I may have found a new blog to follow. Great piece, its right on target.

  147. Filled Negro:

    Please document this as one of the few times that I agree with you on anything. Vick served his time and he deserves the opportunity to move on past the "Ghetto Thugish" period of his life as he is guided forth by the good graces of Tony Dungy, having cut loose his loser friends.

    [quote] as a white, female, dog loving (who owns a cat!), die hard eagles fan[/quote]

    Jody is a WHITE GIRL!!!!!

    I actually had you pegged as a young Latino woman who is passionate about what she believes.

    I have to hand it to you Jody - you, like Ruth Bader Ginsberg proof that, on occasion - liberal White females are able to articulate "Black Inferiority and Grievances" more than some of our own can. Though Kid and Filled Negro do a heck of a job at this as well.


    What were your thoughts about 10 years ago when Baltimore Raven Ray Lewis who KNEW THE TWO MEN who stabbed the two Black males to death during the SuperBowl afterparty in Atlanta, providing a ride away from the crime scene in his limo. They all were found "Not Guilty" of the murder yet - IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY - Ray Lewis never suffered any lasting scars.

    For the record - I DO NOT LIKE RAY LEWIS because of this.

    Despite having direct association with the cover up of two Black men who were left in the gutter to die - more Progressive-Fundamentalists hate Clarence Thomas for presiding over a legal system that executes Black males more than they do Ray Lewis who literally had blood on his garment after he escorted KILLERS away from a crime scene.

    WHITE AMERICA ain't the only group of BIGOTS that don't give a damn about "Black murders"

  149. Anonymous4:11 PM

    "If Michael Vick had killed and abused little black babies not one of the people in an uproar now would give a flying fuck."

    Of course not- PETA doesn't love black people, especially lil black babbies. Unlike Mike Vick and his black cohoorts who spend time torturing animals to death when they could have been saving black babbies from neglect and abuse. Oh, but lets not blame black males who spend their free time torturing animals to death rather than doing good for their people. Lets blame PETA. Pitiful yet predictable mindset FN

  150. As a football fan and white person I would just like to say, I could GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE DOGS OF THE WORLD.

    He paid his debt, more than ANY white guy would have. FAR more.

    It's fucking over, already.

    And the CRYING? Give me a fucking break.

  151. Field, I have to agree and disagree with you on this one. I am a dog lover and I abhor dog fighting. Period. It is cruel and it is abuse. Michael Vick's crimes were vicious, abusive and cruel. You wouldn't want your steak killed like that. They are, after all, all God's creatures. Conversely, he has paid his debt to society. He got tougher time than most animal abusers, I think because he's a role model, much less because of his race. He's the highest profile person they've gotten. He seems genuinely remorseful and I think the man grew up over this incident. I hope I'm right. So in conclusion abusing animals=bad debt paid=good. Staying out of trouble in the future=priceless.
