Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Lark and the protesters.


"There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory" ~ Josh Billings~

Not me. Nope, Lark Voorhies was freaking hot! And those of you who know me and the real reason I got into blogging (To attract enough attention and to maybe, one day, get popular enough to get Lark's people to call my people.) probably know that I am one of the most disappointed men on earth right about now. (I got your e-mails and all the links) Age --not to mention her makeup person-- has not been very kind to Lark. Although, in spite of all that bad makeup, I still see something. At least I am hoping there is something. I refuse to let all these years of yearning for Ms. Voorhies go to waste. There has to be more than this.

Lark, I still want you to call me. The hunt is not over; this was a bad sighting, that's all.

Hopefully, the next time you step out, the field will be right there with you. *looking over shoulder. *

I was only going to post about Lark tonight until I read an article and saw a video of some of the artificial turf people interrupting another town hall meeting. This one wasn't about health care, but about a high speed rail thanks to the stimulus package. These clowns were all over Steny Hoyer (D-MD), ( I love that name)and kept shouting him down the entire time. What a bunch of losers. The leader of the pack was some guy named Don Jeror and he leads a group called the Fort Stanwix Patriots. (They can't be serious! They actually have different patriot groups? ) But poor Steny wasn't alone. Apparently Claire McCaskill got shouted down as well, and she joins a group of politicians who felt the wrath of the tea baggers, like Arlen Specter and Lloyd Doggett. One poor Senator who has been diagnosed with cancer was even told to "kill himself." If these people seem somewhat organized and well funded, it's because they are. There is nothing grass roots about these people. They are funded by health care lobbyist and wingnuts with deep pockets.

I know Glen Beck compared what is happening in A-merry-ca now to the "civil rights" struggle, but the only civil right these clowns are fighting for is the right to make a damn fool of themselves. There is no struggle here folks, and all these idiots are doing is working against their own self interest. It's the A-merry-can way. "Cut off your nose to spite your face." I guarantee you that a lot of these idiots don't have proper health coverage themselves, but they think that big health care cares about them, because, well, they are A-merry-cans like they are. Dopes!

Which finally brings me to what made me mad enough to post about this in the first place: The house Negro sitting right next to Mr. Jeror, (*see pic) as he went into his rant and FOX NEWS talking points. Please folks, you have to watch the video of this. The "Drop Squad" can't come fast enough for this good negro. ( I can't even capitalize Negro for her)

If anybody reading this has the name of this woman, please give it to me so that I can properly recognize her.

If you do that for me you will be number one in my book.....well, next to the people who send me the Lark sightings. :)


  1. I saw that pic of Lark with all that foundation on. (I wasn't gonna mention it to you) It's prolly not her fault. I think she's been out of the spotlight for a while so she probably doesn't have her own make-up person and had to depend on the People Magazine make-up person who was on hand. And you know they don't usually have the right foundation for us. So I'll give Lark a pass on this one. I'm sure she'll see that pic and do better next time.

    On the health-care Refuseniks: It's amazing how the GOP gets its people to go against their own interests. But as I've said before the GOP has been cultivating the stupid vote for a while now. Seems like it's paying off for them.

  2. I feel you dawg. I was on getty images looking at photos as recently as 2003 and Lark was still banging, these recent photos just ain't a good look at all

  3. M.A.C. Team Member10:58 PM

    Does Lark wear M.A.C. foundation? The wrong color is known to whitewash skin of color.

  4. Claudia11:06 PM

    I gotta admit I hadn't heard Mr. Jared's line about the dog decision before, but I hope cable news won't spend the next few weeks examining the that quip.

  5. Yeah...I saw that pic of Lark looking ghostly from the titanium oxide in her foundation. I didn't send it to you. I knew it wd hurt.

  6. Anonymous11:11 PM

    I guess every generation has their "Lark". Never fear if you live long enough you will be able to laugh at all this. I think you already are laughing of course, I'm reading between your lines a little.

    Since I'm female and a lot older than you I had my first crush on a TV star when Richard Boone played Paladin on Tv in Have Gun Will Travel. Boy does that age me! LOL
    Recently rented a few episodes from Netflix and determined that I have no idea what the crush was all about. So if you live long enough you too can rent Saved by the Bell from Netflix and chuckle at yourself.

    As for these Tea Baggers, party poopers, etc., ya notice most of them are of Baby Boomer age which means we are in for many years of this type of insanity, they are retiring by the thousands every day for the next few decades...........and have too much time on their hands.

    If they could only volunteer for a good cause but oh no, we're not that lucky.

    Aloha from Makaii

  7. Anonymous11:27 PM

    There is an interesting article on slate.com entitled scaring grandma which I think spelled incorrectly becaause I am having a senior. This is what happens when you have an ailing educational system producing ill-educated people who lack critical thinking skills and are too lazy do any researching on their own, so they rely on Glen Beck for their news source. Is it fair to say that I see stupid people?

    I hear this argument about the government will pick your doctor and what kind of treatment it is willing to pay for, oh and the government is going to kill grandma. Homeland Security is coming to pick her in a black van and send her up stream like the eskimo do to their elderly. First of all, the insurance company is telling you pick a doctor from their network or you will pay out of network. Secondly, the insurance tells you what procedures or treatments it is willing to pay, and lastly, you have choose another doctor because your employer just changed health insurance company again and your doctor is not a participator.

    I get the feeling these protesters do not go to the doctor because they would know this information. I went to my doctor back in June because I had temp of a 102, it was the flu and I sat waiting for someone to see me for almost four hours from 4.19 to 8p. I paid $48 for a tamiflu prescription of 10 pills to take for five days. I had to pay 25% of prescription meaning 10 pills cost almost $200. I was annoyed because I left work sick and on vacation, and made homemade chicken soup,

    The argument that is brought does not any sense to me, and doubt that they even understand it.

  8. Makaii, thanks for the advice. But memories die hard. :) Oh well, there is always Debbie Morgan.

    MAC in the house. I think Mrs. Field uses that stuff. If any Philly folks are reading this, help me out. Is that the store on Walnut Street with black letters? Yeah I think those guys could help Lark.

    YG... I still think Lark has it, as Monie said, she might have just had a bad night.

    Kellybelle, you are a true friend. Unfortunately, some of these other field hands were not so kind. :(

    hennasplace, these folks ARE telling grandma and grandpa that the government is going to put them down once they become too old and expensive to keep alive. You know, kind of like the HMO's do now. I think these folks are called "deathers". I swear I can't keep up anymore.

    And yes,this is all about big insurance. They stand to lose a lot of money if even a half decent health care plan goes through.

  9. grinder11:47 PM

    I don't get it. Was Lark seen at one of these protests?

  10. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Field, some of the sistas on your blog who have problems with BM being in IRs, should take note in the video how that sista is practically sitting under Jeror. Looks like she is having the time of her life with a handsome wingnut. Just sayin.

  11. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I can't help it I'm choking while laughing.....Help Grinder out.......or is that his sense of humor???


  12. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Nope. It wasn't grinder. It was a brotha paying back those sistas who keep giving us brothas shit. I knew our day would come. That's for the video with that sista and those wingnuts, Field. It was a great lead-in...a slam-dunk! Whoopie!!!

    Thank you Makaii. I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope all brothas on this blog are rolling on the floor and those sistas are tearing and burning up those T shirts they never wore.

  13. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I blame Martin Lawrence for Lark coming out of the house looking like Casper the friendly ghost. You also can blame it on the goose.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Ah Field

    It hurt me to send the email but true love goes deeper than mere surface beauty- I was sure you'd see past that paste she wore that dreadful day. Reminds me of seeing my high school sweetheart some 15 years later three times what I last envisioned her being :(

    Voorhies is still a SBTB vixen but alas it may be hidden under that ghostly foundation... Anyhow, here's to you and future expectations!

    Major D

  16. grinder2:32 AM

    I am completely clueless, at least about this. Will someone do the long division? I didn't know who this "Lark" was until I looked her up on Google images. So what's the connection? Seriously.

  17. It's crazy how people are paying
    $6.67 per pill, $200 for a 30 day supply, and just think how bad it is if they need more than one prescription. That's ridiculous! Insurance companies are dictating to the doctors which medicines they can and cannot prescribe for patients or which services a patient can and cannot have.

    I keep telling folks that it's a lot shady business going on in the medical field starting with the pharmaceutical companies and Insurance companies, and politicians. That's one of the major reasons they don't want the health care plan to pass. The second reason is they want President Obama to fail.

    President Obama is going to have to learn that sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. The strongest fire I know is the TRUTH. I would start exposing them left and right and making it all public knowledge that spreads like a wild-fire. I wouldn't leave no stone unturned either.

    The President has been getting 31 threats a day. That's ashame that we have people who hate so much that they want to take a person's life. Barbarism!

  18. Field Negro G2:39 AM

    After Mary Katherine Ham kicked me off of the Townhall website (she appears on The O'Reilly Factor once a week),and after a subsequent nasty email exchange with her, you're the one who inspired me to make the "big jump" into the blogosphere, so I'll definitely drop my vote for my fello "field hand."

    P.S. Man, you aint scared of dropping dat knowledge? Massa gone be mad a you...no, PLENTY of teabagging massas are already mad, I'm sure.

  19. Grinder:

    LOL! Lark has done nothing wrong, she is a beautiful woman. No, she is not involved in the protest. She's just, I guess you could say, someone's fantasy.

  20. Anonymous2:52 AM


    I don't think that is the REAL grinder. Notice some earlier posts. Someone pretending...remember recently someone also pretended to be you.

    aloha from Makaii

  21. Thanks Makaii:

    That's ashamed that we someone on here that is an identity thief posting on here. Makes you feel violated. Smh!

  22. I think I've found an icon that I might put next to my name.

  23. okay, let me see, is the icon showing?

  24. Why isn't it showing up on the post?

  25. Anonymous3:14 AM


    It is ok and showing up just fine.


  26. oh well, back to the old drawing board. I'll have to keep on searching.

  27. No, it's really me. I'm confused by the mention of this "Lark" along with the protesters. What's the link? And what's the deal about "Lark" anyway? The pics on Google Images looked pretty hot. What happened, did she have a close encounter with a meat cleaver or something?

    I'll start posting through my actual account from now on. Blue letters, lower case.

  28. okay, how does this icon look?

  29. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Granny, it looks fine. The other one looked ok too.

  30. Thanks, I think I'll keep this one. But for some reason I can't see any of the icons tonight. Usually I can see everyone's icon.

  31. I wrote a post about a British violinist I love & she heard about it & commented on my blog thanking me. Don't ruin my fantasy by telling it might have been her publicist.
    Would any of those shouting "patriots" discuss health care one on one with a legislator? I doubt it, 'cause they probably don't understand what they're shouting against.

  32. This is a health care tea party movement.


    This is what I think of tea parties.

  33. Granny,I loved the first one, but the second one looked good too. Either way, you are still my favorite granny. :)

    Sorry grinder,my mind works like that sometimes. I know it takes some getting used to. And yes, Lark is a very attractive woman, but did you see the link with the post? Even Lark can have a bad day. :(

    Bob, I am sure t was her.

    Anon 1:27 AM, you stop it this minute! You are ruining my Lark jones.

    Major D,life is full of disappointments,but some are harder to take.

    Field Negro G, that clown Ham kicking you off was the best thing that could have happened to you, because it motivated you into getting your own blog.

    I am sure you will kick butt. We need more bloggers like you out here. Thanks for the kind words and for your vote.

  34. My question to them is what is it that you want? Do you care that so many of your fellow americans have no health care coverage? Are you noticing the insurance companies already kill people by denying them coverage? Are you fine with bridges falling down and levies breaking? Why is it that you speak of tyranny when it comes to funding human needs, but not war?

    If these mental giants are so dead set against funding social programs because they think they are "socialist" then I have a proposal..... stop using social programs. No social security or medicare or medicaid for them. No going to hospitals if they are sick. No driving. No buses, trains or airplanes. Stop eating and drinking anything you do not grow yourself. No public schools or state colleges. No voting. Do not call the fire dept if your house is on fire. Do not call the police if you are being, robbed or assaulted. No watching tv or listening to the radio. And finally, stop breathing because the evil EPA is intruding on regulating your air.

  35. DuchessDee9:19 AM

    Kudos to Obama, Clinton and Gore!! Bringing home the two journalist is serious FN behavior.

  36. So field your saying this woman should be kidnapped,deprogramed or murdered because she's black and disagrees with Obama?

    Thats a bit to much isn't field? I see how ya'll treat blacks who dare step off the Democrat plantation but calling for their murder??

    "But poor Steny wasn't alone. Apparently Claire McCaskill got shouted down as well, and she joins a group of politicians who felt the wrath of the tea baggers, like Arlen Specter and Lloyd Doggett. One poor Senator who has been diagnosed with cancer was even told to "kill himself."

    But field we're just doing what Obama told us to do.Obama said we should "get in their face" dats what we be doing.

  37. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Co-sign, Jody! Now if only our congresspeople had the cojones to tell them the same thing.


  38. Hey, folks, Lark is what, 50? she has beautiful legs, a beautiful face and figure, and if she were to change her makeup (which, as someone said, she may not have done herself if she was at a photo shoot), she is a gorgeous woman. None of us freezes in time, and we can be especially unkind to women in the media who don't look 20 when they are 50. On that same page, folks are ragging on LaToya for showing her midriff "at her age." But LaToya is trying to live up to all those unrealistic expectations. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
    Makes me want to give Lark a hug.

  39. enchi9:27 AM

    good call jody! couldnt have said it better myself.

  40. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Field, once again Affirmatively Ignoring the Real Criminals, like the 4 Strappin Bucks who let Emmit Till decompose in a dilapidated shack instead of underground with the White Folks... Did you hear about the former Champion Pro Boxer gunned down in the A-T-L last week?? Nope, cause he wasn't really a Champion, just Evander somebody's sparring partner, gunned down for $4 in Lottery Tickets by a Yute by the name of Damario Ware, 20 yrs old, not even old enough to legally purchase a Foaty, yet elgible for one of Georgia's State Financed Lethal Injections... Jesus, The A-T-Ls gettin so bad even Tu-Pac would say "Shee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeittttttt, Y'all some Violent N-words" if he hadn't been murdered by the Mossad 13 years ago...

    Just wonderin, you ever take in a Phillies game??? They're lookin pretty good for a repeat... And if you go on Saturday they wear those funky Throwback Negro Leage Unis...
    In fact, MLB'd probly be open to callin em "Field Negro Unis" if you proposed it to em, probably pay you a pretty penny too...


  41. Momo, Lark is in her late 30's. She was a teen in the 80's when saved by the bell was on.

    Field, don't worry she is still beautiful, just bad, bad makeup. She'd have looked better with none.

    Grinder, don't you ever look at the side pictures and noticed that Field has a "have you seen this woman" one with Lark Vorhies, aka Lisa Turtle? And didn't you see all the comments a week or so ago telling Field to check out People Magazine b/c she was going to be on there?

    Lisa J

  42. Anonymous12:41 PM


    Your take on the Health Nuts calls for another quote from Josh Billings:

    "It's not ignorance does so much damage; it's knowin' so derned much that ain't so."

    Mahalo for your taking the time to write every day and introducing new thoughts and old thoughts on everything and anything all at once.


  43. Lark: I do not know what those idiots on Bossip and other blogs are talking about, because Lark is still pretty.

    Obama: I have never seen so many white folks galvanize in opposition to a president. This is truly an unprecedented point in our era.

    Category I/Clout List: Field, this is off topic. Did you hear about the University of Illinois' "clout list"? I wonder if University of Michigan has one, and if folks whose children are on that list are vociferously against Affirmative Action.

  44. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Hey Field:

    I guess this guy must be from the house....eh?


  45. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Foes to show, Field...


    Will make you ugly!

  46. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Anon was BTx3

  47. Plese get off Joe Jackson's ass. This man raised every single one of his children from number 1 to number 9 -- took a class to learn art welding after jermaine was born so that he could get a second job to support his wife and kids. they learned music, because he wanted to keep them busy and off the streets. they are one of the few hollywood families that are not drugged out (michale douglas' son got busted yesterday)with babies littered all over the place and seem to be very spiritual. Marlon is building a slavery museum in Africa for god's sakes! Michael forgave his father in 2007 and we should do the same. In a speech to Oxford University in 2001 Michael said that he came to accept that his father came from a "place" where jim crow ruled and that he realized his father's behavior was geared towards not wanting his sons to be "subjugated" by anyone, and that's why he was so hard on them. I'm a chocolate sister and had to contend with color issues on my father's side of the family -- everytime one of my father's brothers would see me -- they would tap me in the nose and say hey "big nose." It was backwards, and hurtful -- Joe obviously exhibited this same self-hating behavior to his son. It happened and is still happening in a lot of black families. Thank god many of us have evolved. Michael loved his father despite his failings, because ultimately his father's love for him eclipsed the insensitive things he did. I love my mom too, despite the fact that she treated badly in comparison to my two light skinned older sisters -- requiring my aunts and grandmother to always intervene on my behalf. Leave JOe Jackson alone -- or find me a black man today with nine children at home and working two jobs.

  48. Sorry grinder,my mind works like that sometimes. I know it takes some getting used to. And yes, Lark is a very attractive woman, but did you see the link with the post? Even Lark can have a bad day. :(

    Aha, I went back and looked more closely. On my screen the links in your postings aren't highlighted very vividly and are consequently easy to miss. Now I see. No criticism intended. My question was along the lines of, "Huh?"

    Grinder, don't you ever look at the side pictures and noticed that Field has a "have you seen this woman" one with Lark Vorhies, aka Lisa Turtle? And didn't you see all the comments a week or so ago telling Field to check out People Magazine b/c she was going to be on there?

    I've looked at this site so much that I don't much look at the side stuff. My bad.

  49. uptownsteve3:30 PM

    "or find me a black man today with nine children at home and working two jobs."

    Will a black man with two kids and a job and going to grad school suffice?

  50. History Dude3:47 PM

    How about a white guy with no kids, a job, and going to grad school?

  51. Anonymous3:56 PM


    One should always read the "side bar" of an attorney's blog. If you have ever served on a jury you may have heard that term.

    Field even thanked you for some help with his blog some time ago, if I'm rememebering correctly--in the side bar.

    Aloha Makaii

  52. Yeah, I'll read the sidebar more thoroughly from now on. I wish I had read the "thank you." Damn.

  53. History Dude4:08 PM

    Now you too can get your own Kenyan birth certificate! Fun for the whole family!


  54. These crazies are popping up, Beck is calling this a civil right's struggle basically for middle age white folk, and you can't find ammo anywhere. Time for me to get out the counrty before the race war begins...

  55. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Eddie, "These crazies are popping up, Beck is calling this a civil right's struggle basically for middle age white folk, and you can't find ammo anywhere."

    You have a point. The collective consciousness of America has been darkening and deteriorating. It's a dangerous fearful state of mind that once triggered, could spin out of control. Unfortunately, no one actually believes it could happen in America. They are wrong.

    Pray that our country will not drop into that hell-hole.

  56. UptownSteve,

    In the midst of some of this mud-slinging, I wanted to say....

    Inasmuch as a south Chicago midwestern white man can tip his hat to a good brother on the east coast, I tip mine to you.

    I am in my mid-30's, married 14 years, raising three myself. I work full time and I have completed one course in grad school and (gulp) I signed up for another class this fall.

    Man alive, it is tough getting started and staying motivated to follow through (at least for me).

    My sincere hope is that your graduate schooling advances as far as you desire to do.

    All the best,


  57. UptownSteve,

    Typo here....

    My sincere hope is that your graduate schooling advances YOU as far as you desire to do.

  58. Hey Field, Um, does Lark and the Joker have something in common? :)

    And, does Mrs. Field read this blog? I'm ah fixing to have a long convo with her one of these good days.

    As for those anti health care protesters, I hope they... as well as their loved ones stay employed and damn good healthy for the rest of their miserable lives. The universe don't like ugly, neither does good ol' Murphy's Law. Too much spitefulness and selfishness in this world.

  59. @Jody - I think it's more a matter of what they DON'T want--kwim? If their arguments made sense, I might believe that they have a serious beef with universal health care. Since, as you pointed out, they don't, it looks like a red herring to me.

  60. "Pray that our country will not drop into that hell-hole."

    I am afraid it mkight be too late.

    Jody, you nailed it!

  61. Anonymous said...

    Eddie, "These crazies are popping up, Beck is calling this a civil right's struggle basically for middle age white folk, and you can't find ammo anywhere."

    You have a point. The collective consciousness of America has been darkening and deteriorating. It's a dangerous fearful state of mind that once triggered, could spin out of control. Unfortunately, no one actually believes it could happen in America. They are wrong.

    Pray that our country will not drop into that hell-hole.

    5:49 PM
    The scary part is that the blood letting has started.

    OT, Hey Field have the three families of the dead policemen in Pittsburgh got lawyers yet. They should consider suing Glenn Beck and FOX.Even the murders family should consider suing FOX.

  62. all dissent keeps all politicos in check!

    more power to them all!

  63. Hey Field like Prince said, there must be something in the water.This was written from a guy that did three murders in Pittsburgh.He blame it on black people:

    ..Planned to do this in the summer but figure to stick around to see the election outcome. This particular one got so much attention and I was just curious. Not like I give a flying fuck who won, since this exit plan was already planned. Good luck to Obama! He will be successful. The liberal media LOVES him.

    Amerika has chosen The Black Man. Good! In light of this I got ideas outside of Obama's plans for the economy and such. Here it is: Every black man should get a young white girl hoe to hone up on. Kinda a reverse indentured servitude thing. Long ago, many a older white male landowner had a young Negro wench girl for his desires. Bout' time tables are turned on that shit. Besides, dem young white hoez dig da bruthrs! LOL. More so than they dig the white dudes!

    Every daddy know when he sends his little girl to college, she be bangin a bruthr real good. I saw it. "Not my little girl", daddy says! (Yeah right!!) Black dudes have thier choice of best white hoez. You do the math, there are enough young white so all the brothers can each have one for 3 or 6 months or so...

  64. amazing kid:


    that man told many truths about ojs etc

    “The sanity of society is a balance of a thousand insanities.”

    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Sexism and violence are increasingly rabid American sports. From the media’s ruthless slayings of Hillary Clinton to the recent rash of celebrities, like convicted felon Chris Brown, who routinely beat and rape lovers/spouses, misogyny is rampant in all arenas.

    The newest superstar woman hater is a murderous coward named George Sodini. He chose to slay and wound random women as they danced in a public gym. He gunned them down after turning the lights out and slaughtered them in the dark, just before taking his own miserable life. Clearly, this insane killer hated women and himself.

    Why is it that so many broken men feel the need to break others? Why must they be homicidal and suicidal simultaneously? Clearly, this deranged man was broken long before he entered the gym to murder female strangers. But, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Just as the infamous "Unabomber" Theodore Kaczynski, the demented Columbine duo of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold , and the abused legend Valerie Solanas, Sodini left a profound manifesto.

    Shockingly, Sordini’s blogs are filled with much truth about interracial sexual obsessions, religious hypocrisy, “holy” hatreds, “divine” insanity, dysfunctional familial relationships, excruciating loneliness, corporate ruthlessness, financial insecurities, sexual frustrations, alcoholism, tortured celibacy, chronic masturbation, intense boredom, brutal objectification of females, sexist hatred, deep emotional angst, death wishes, and much more.

    Peruse the morbid musings of one sexist maniac. You will be amazed at the universal logic in the unique ranting of this lethal lunatic:


    See more on Sordini’s sexist massacre here:


  65. uptownsteve9:29 PM

    Hey Adam THANK YOU.

    My 22 year old son is in grad school at GWU in December and dad just figured at 49 maybe he should get his too.

    I brought it up only because I get sick of all the black male bashing by many of the BLACK WOMEN here ie....."how many black men today do you see 'doing anything positive' blah, blah, blah".

    I'd really like to know what the whiners themselves are doing that's so wonderful and for the betterment of themselves and the community.

    Peace to you as well.

  66. History Dude9:39 PM

    Sexism and violence are increasingly rabid American sports.

    Not American but human sports. Killing female babies in Asia, keeping women from driving in Saudi arabia, not allowing women to go to school in afghanistsn and pakistan, mass rapes of women in the Congo as war strategy, and on, and on, it's a misogynistic world.

  67. hd:

    ditto hd:


    but this crime was an american tragedy....thus the specification/limitation in context...

    see much more on global misogyny at my sites


  68. Alicia does the name James Taylor Sistrunk ring a bell to you?He was my father. He was shot four times in the back during a robbery.YOU FUCKING MADE FUN OF HIM. I knew I said that I was not going to respond to you.My brothers found his body. Since he was black the police let his murderer out when he was 21.I had to pick out his clothes at his funeral. I was 13.My brother had a breakdown.I didn't say shit about your family did I?

  69. kiddie:

    you are a psychotic and blatant liar


    you are off your meds

  70. [quote]On the health-care Refuseniks: It's amazing how the GOP gets its people to go against their own interests.[/quote]


    I would love for you to detail two things for me:

    1) How exactly would voting FOR this present incremental plan to shift to a Single Payer Health Care system be in MY BEST INTEREST?

    2) Do you believe that the voting patterns of the Black community in Philly, Baltimore, DC, Newark, Chicago, Detroit, St Louis, Memphis has proven to be IN THEIR BEST INTERESTS when it comes to:

    * Education
    * Public Safety
    * Local Economic Health
    * Healthy Lifestyles?

  71. [quote]This is what happens when you have an ailing educational system producing ill-educated people who lack critical thinking skills and are too lazy do any researching on their own, so they rely on Glen Beck for their news source. Is it fair to say that I see stupid people?[/quote]


    Did Filled Negro publish the story that ran about 2 months ago about the School District Of Philadelphia's SOCIAL PROMOTION policy?

    If you are talking about "incubating ignorance" look no further than Philly and other large school systems.

  72. breakdown.I didn't say shit about your family did I?

    9:42 PM
    alicia banks said...


    you are a psychotic and blatant liar


    you are off your meds

    9:43 PM
    There's a reason why Field don't edit his blogs.Go back and read it for yourself.Like they say about Prego, it's in there.What you should worry about is what Massa Alex Jones being played like a stratacaster with the fake ass birth certificate.You need to get back on your meds.

  73. Constructive Feedback said...

    [quote]On the health-care Refuseniks: It's amazing how the GOP gets its people to go against their own interests.[/quote]
    Hey Wile E.Coyote aka Kraftwerk head, when will you get your membership in the Klan. Ninety percent of the shit you broadcast is in harmony with the Klan .Fuck you!

  74. In response to JODY:

    [quote]Do you care that so many of your fellow americans have no health care coverage?[/quote]

    Jody - I care that my view is that the present talking point which asks "What is the moral standing of a nation that allows an individual to go BANKRUPT in pursuit of health care. is going to one day turn into the statement of "What was the rationale logic of a nation that went bankrupt in pursuing universal entitlement as it abstracts the demand from the people from the need for them to productively add to the pot from which they draw upon?

    Jody - I am opposed to this slow creek to "Multiple Tax Payer Paid Health Care". I SUPPORT increased funding for the public hospitals. Those without insurance should be given access to a public hospital that practices SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE. Leave the existing private hospitals alone and stop trying to confiscate people's ability to have a private insurance policy.

    [quote] Are you noticing the insurance companies already kill people by denying them coverage?[/quote]

    Jody - this is the most intellectually dishonest posting that I have ever seen you make.

    I notice with you and others it is important to get you to shift from ATTACKING THE PRESENT SYSTEM over to being forced to be MORE HONEST about this new system that you propose.

    In my research - the Health Care insurance industry makes about $10 billion a year in profits. Despite all of the MAGIC MONEY that you and Bill Moyers and Nancy Pelosi claim that you are going to extract out of the system by getting rid of the evil Insurance companies - THE NUMBERS DON'T STAND.

    You want to give 47 million people health care. Improve the care for people who already have care yet you MAGICALLY believe that there is going to be a deficit neutral impact?

    Stay off of the Oxicontin girl.

    Did you know that when Medicare was sold to America in the mid 1960's the cost of the program projected for the year 2000 was actually 8 TIMES LESS THAN the amount that was actually spent when the year 2000 came?

    With the fact that the "Cash for Clunkers" money needed to be increased by 66% after only a month - I am not ready to believe that the Federal Democrats are being honest or accurate about the costs of this health care takeover scheme.

    Are you fine with bridges falling down and levies breaking?

    Ho hum Jody.

    Did the bridge in MN collapse due to a DESIGN FLAW (the plates were too thin) or was it due to lack of maintenance due to lack of funds?

    What about the failure of the levees in LA can be attributed to budget issues Jody?

    I take it that you did not ever read the story of how the Industrial Canal in NO got a METAL WALL for a levee instead of an earthen levee. Since earthen levees require 6 feet of width for every 1 foot of height it seems that there was a PROTEST where the ACTOR-VISTS claimed that "The US Army Corps of Engineers was attempting to STEAL BLACK LAND by condemning property to build a levee.

    How long are you going to remain in this macro state of denial Jody?

    Does the fact that General Motors went bankrupt due to these Progressive drives to extract more resources out of the bank not cause you to see the irony that now the "President Of The Union" - Obama now OWNS GENERAL MOTORS and yet now he wants to eventually take over the Health Care system of the nation. Is not BANKRUPTCY in this nation's future Jody?

  75. [quote]Hey Wile E.Coyote aka Kraftwerk head, when will you get your membership in the Klan. Ninety percent of the shit you broadcast is in harmony with the Klan .Fuck you![/quote]


    You are young.
    It is so easy to debate against you.

    I may be an honorary member of the KLAN but I'll tell you what: NOTHING THAT I HAVE DONE IN THE PAST 3 MONTHS have made BLACK PEOPLE CRY like the Thug Pirates that you hate less than you hate me.


    You see Kid. I realize that I am in a long term, strategic battle against bigoted and ignorant forces such as yourself.

    Ironically YOU are more like the bigoted White establishment of the past. (You see Kid - unlike YOU when I call you a name - I TELL YOU WHY YOU LIVE UP TO IT).

    Back in the day the bigoted Whites did not want to allow anyone to make note of the murdered and assaulted Blacks to dash the claim by the ESTABLISHMENT that they are doing "a hell of a job" in their control over the institutions of the town. In fact, Kid , they ATTACKED anyone who dared bring these assaults to light.

    YOU are just like these bigoted people seeking to defend the SYSTEM in that you are so interested in defending the Black Political Establishment and the Democratic Machine that you can't bear to make note of the FAILURES that are taking place in the Schools, the Streets, the Job Markets where Black people look to CASH IN upon their LOYALTY TO ONE PARTY AND ONE IDEOLOGY!!!

    YOU are the IDEOLOGICAL BIGOT Kid!!!!

    I am simply making the case of the COST of this continued BIGOTRY and the abstraction from the PERMANENT INTERESTS of our community that YOU represent.

    You would prefer that I NOT show "Black People Crying" just as racist newspaper did not cover assaults upon Black people and the consequences.

    SIT DOWN KID!!!!!!

  76. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Well it's good to know we have a Black President! and he has access to who the trouble maker's really are! he can get Secret Service to do a background check on each and every person at those Meeting's, and he need's to make someone find out who that Black lady is! what a disgrace to the race! she is fighting against help for her own people! as well as causing problem's for the President!!

    The sad thing about this is, it is RACIST White American's that are on the Rampage!!! the shame is, we have older White American's that are leading the pack!! how can you protest against a helping hand!

    These people look as if they don't have a quarter, nickle or a time!! but, yet these people are running around America screaming about (SOCIALISM) will destroy America, well, these are the remnant's left behind by their forefather's, and God only know's what we are in for next!

    Socialism, is what, part of America is built on! these people are a bunch of Angry Racist! can someone tell me why I see White, White, and more White's at these KLAN meeting's!!!! because this is what they are! these people are full of RAGE, because we have a Black President!!!

    This is not about the HEALTH CARE BILL!!!! and this is not about the FREEDOM of SPEECH! this is about the FREEDOM to be a Undercover RACIST!!!!!

    What person in their right mind would fight against getting GOVERNMENT help in case they were to lose their job? what person would come against Health Care in case they were to lose their Health Insurance? well, I will tell you who? people that don't know wrong from right!

  77. Constructive Feedback said...


    You are young.
    It is so easy to debate against you.

    I may be an honorary member of the KLAN
    That says it all.

  78. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Anon10:15p "...he need's to make someone find out who that Black lady is! what a disgrace to the race!"

    Doesn't she kinda look like she could be a lost cousin of Clarence Thomas?

  79. Anon 10:15, it's hard to take you seriously when you misuse your apostrophes. (Or, in your case, apostrophe's.)

  80. [quote]I brought it up only because I get sick of all the black male bashing by many of the BLACK WOMEN here ie....."how many black men today do you see 'doing anything positive' blah, blah, blah".

    I'd really like to know what the whiners themselves are doing that's so wonderful and for the betterment of themselves and the community.


    You still don't get it.

    I have NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH your ability to manage YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS. You have constantly reminded me over the years that YOU live in a safe community in Bowie MD and that all is gravy among the Black people on that side of Prince Georges County.

    My problem with you is that while YOU have a high standard for the people you love and have direct influence over - YOU tend to INFERIORIZE others, failing to extend these same high standards and expectations upon them.


    You keep asking those of us who are OUTSIDE OF these dysfunctional communities to be the primary "helpers" of those within. I have no problem with this EXCEPT that I note that YOU have little specificity about what you ask of the people who are in need of help.

    I reject this "Talented 10th" BS from DuBois that you seem to operate off of. I see that ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE 100% EQUAL. To have tiers only means that the rest of the 90% are at a lower tier and that people like you are happy when YOU are their voice and THEY are loyal in thinking the way that you want them to think.

    WhiteBowieSteve - when YOU and others who have the prevailing viewpoint in our community manage to develop policies and strategies that EFFECTIVELY transform the "Unskilled 90%" (the inverse of the Talented 10th) into the "Talented 90%" VIA THE CONTROL THAT YOU HAVE OVER EVERY SINGLE INSTITUTION THAT PROVIDE CIVIC SERVICES TO THEM then I will yield to your superior knowledge.

    Today all I see is that you and a good portion of the people on this blog are IDEOLOGICAL-FUNDAMENTALISTS with goals of strengthening the government's control over our community rather than STRENGTHENING OUR COMMUNITIES at the periphery and projecting the COMMUNITY'S RESULTING POWER forward.

    What exactly has the Black community received from the growth in the MACHINE that you support Steve?

    As I see it - we successfully got WHITE FOLKS to stop killing us. Now it is the Black Pirates who are doing the slaughter.

    A few weeks ago when 18 Black people were shot in one weekend in neighboring Baltimore which has 100% Democrats running ever seat of institutional POWER I bet that YOU said to yourself "I am glad I don't live in Baltimore. Those Republicans sure have screwed that city up." (Or was that what Jody and Filled-Negro said?)

  81. uptownsteve9:26 AM


    "You keep asking those of us who are OUTSIDE OF these dysfunctional communities to be the primary "helpers" of those within."


    My point is just as the US government was the primary engine which lifted the white urban ethnic and white southerner into the middle and professional class with education, housing and business incentives, (read "When Affirmative Action was White") why hasn't that been done for the urban dweller of color?

    And if you believe this has already been done, produce specific examples to make your case..

    I'll wait patiently for your response.

    Can you answer

  82. I am afraid it mkight be too late.

    You think there's going to be a "race war?" I don't.

  83. uptownsteve3:33 PM


    You really don't believe that Beck, Limbaugh, Horowitz et al aren't trying to rile the rightwing loonies up for some violence?

  84. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Anti Health care is pro-Genocide of black and brown babies since 30,000 die a year from lack of pre-natal care...

    The House (or Porch) Negro crew are willing accomplices in this murder.

  85. [quote]My point is just as the US government was the primary engine which lifted the white urban ethnic and white southerner into the middle and professional class with education, housing and business incentives, (read "When Affirmative Action was White") why hasn't that been done for the urban dweller of color?[/quote]


    We now have a standard point of reference to prove that you are a fraud.

    I READ "WHEN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION WAS WHITE" several years ago. I saw Cornell West tomming with other White Liberals who were making the argument about how WHITE FOLKS benefited from exclusive programs. I purchased the book right afterward.

    Ironically this book is the best documentation about the RACISM OF WHITE LIBERALS than it is an indictment of all White folks.

    When it came time for White folks to throw the Negro under the bus in order to obtain his progressive entitlements - the loyal Negro was jettisoned.

    Racist Democrats like Strom Thurmond put clauses into this legislation that you are speaking of which exempted jobs prone to be worked by Blacks from these entitlement.

    The Whites had the dual goal of granting progressive benefits to the White folks while maintaining the social and economic classes in the nation.

    I am not surprised that you could read this book Steve and see this as ONLY an indictment on White folks but not learn how the "White Liberal Snarling Fox" works despite your willingness to caucus with him politically.

    Here is the ironic point though Steve. Whereas you point to the exclusive access that the GI bill have provided to White folks as they purchased homes in "Levitown" - you are oblivious to the fact that TODAY Black folks have control of many of the cities that the White DEPARTED and many of the "first ring suburbs" that the WHITE FOLKS used this government money to build up and construct the interstate system to gain access to.

    To bottom line it for you Steve - the Masters Whip that was handed over to Jim Crow is more powerful as it reaches back from 50 years ago into the PRESENT than is the INJURY suffered to a 6 year old boy entering the 1st grade this year who was born in 2003 AND indoctrinated into his present state by his PARENT(s).

    I am convinced that you are infected with "Non-White White Supremacy" as the force of White folks is more powerful than the 100% Democratic Party Control of Baltimore - just as an example.

  86. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Here we ge, Ditto bitch and unconstituted asscrack!

  87. Anonymous8:45 PM

    @grinder "You think there's going to be a "race war?" I don't."

    Don't you think that tensions are mounting? No one seems to be trying to avoid a clash; no one seems to be making an effort to improve race relations.

    The daily threats on Obama's life don't help, either.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. You really don't believe that Beck, Limbaugh, Horowitz et al aren't trying to rile the rightwing loonies up for some violence?

    I assure you that I notice what they are doing. I don't like it, find it disturbing, and am paying attention. But I don't think there will be a "race war."

    I think the overwhelming majority of Americans want to live in peace. I don't think we are going to turn into Yugoslavia or Iraq. I don't think America is going to give the racists and haters the satisfaction of a "race war."

  90. History Dude3:41 PM

    You really don't believe that Beck, Limbaugh, Horowitz et al aren't trying to rile the rightwing loonies up for some violence?

    The right wing loonies who are most likely to push for a race war aren't Republicans and they aren't watching Fox. They are militant separatists, facists, and white nationalists. Dealing with them is a hole different can of worms.

  91. The right wing loonies who are most likely to push for a race war aren't Republicans and they aren't watching Fox. They are militant separatists, facists, and white nationalists. Dealing with them is a hole different can of worms.

    I might at least partially agree that they're not Republicans, but I disagree on the not watching Fox News part. I think these people are Glenn Beck's main audience.

    But what really matters is that, if some whackjob militia pulls some domestic terrorism, the sane majority of America, black, white, Latino, and Asian, stand as one and refuse to descend into "racial war."

  92. Anonymous10:23 AM

    What kind of Society are we living in when FOX news get's to be considered a legitimate part of the 4th estate? So fucking ridiculous. Shows you the taste and mindset of AMerica and as long as that is the case then this country will always be left behind and ignorant. It is like a repeat of the dark ages.
