Friday, September 25, 2009

Funny, she doesn't look that "strange" to me.


I swear sisters get no love here in A-merry-ca. By now I am sure that everyone has heard the story of Mitrice Richardson. (Wait, she isn't blond haired or blue eyed, so maybe not.) Ms. Richardson was arrested by LA County's finest after allegedly not paying a restaurant their money for a nice meal in upscale Malibu. (Whatever happened to just washing dishes and working off your debt?)

So now, of course, all you black folks are focused on the police aspect of this case, and rightfully so. But what bothers me about this story is the behavior of the folks in the restaurant that night:

"The missing woman, who worked as an executive assistant and lived with her grandmother in Los Angeles, holds a degree from Cal State Fullerton and planned to go to graduate school to pursue a doctorate in psychology. On Wednesday, Sept. 17, she drove to an upscale restaurant in Malibu, 40 miles from her home, where staff said she was behaving oddly, at one point sitting down with a table of six and engaging them in conversation.

Jeff Peterson, the restaurant’s owner, said her erratic behavior was noticed by customers and employees. “There was something a little strange about her,” he told CNN. “She wasn’t
mentally ill, not ranting or raving. You couldn’t put your finger on it.”

When Richardson was presented with an $89 check, Peterson told police, she said she had no money and couldn’t pay. According to Sutton, her daughter called her great-grandmother, who offered to pay the bill over the phone, but the restaurant said they couldn’t do that. Instead, Peterson called the sheriff’s deputy out of concern for Richardson’s safety, he said."

"There was something a little strange about her"? Really? How about she might just have had a few drinks too many? And Mr. Peterson, you didn't call the po po out of concern for Ms. Richardson's safety, you called the po po because you wanted your damn $89!

Why couldn't you have waited for her great-grandmother to show up? If that was "missy", you would have made a nice comfortable bed for her in the back, called her great-grandmother, and made her some hot tea or "co co" while you and your staff waited for great-grandma to show up. Oh field, there you go with the racial angle. Well....

As for the cops leaving her out in the middle of nowhere; hey that's par for the course here in A-merry-ca, so that doesn't really surprise me. That kind of shit is not even worth blogging about anymore:

"Richardson’s parents say she should never have been released at that hour with no
transportation or money. Michael Richardson said deputies told him they were not running a baby-sitting service. He told Lauer he was also told that there was no room to keep her at the jail, but the father said he checked police records and discovered that there was only one other prisoner at the jail that day between 1:30 a.m. and that afternoon.

“It’s all inconsistencies,” Michael Richardson told Lauer. “I’ve talked to them several times.” He said he was first told that deputies told his daughter she could sleep in the lobby. Then, he said, he was told she was offered a bed in a cell. Then he says he was told about the alleged overcrowding."

"Overcrowding" in a Malibu jail? Yeah right, and Lark Voorhies is up in the Poconos this weekend preparing for a rendezvous with the field. Give me a break!

Anyway, to be continued. Let's see how this story plays itself out. In the meantime a family is missing a loved one, and unfortunately, it seems like it could have all been prevented.

Let's just hope that this story has a happy ending. In spite of all the efforts by the players involved to make it a sad one.

Story here:

Pic courtesy of The Daily Voice.


  1. This is a horrible story, field. I posted it as well, after Monie mentioned it, but I don't have many readers (understatement!)

    Why can't people just have a little kindness? Even police. Especially police. Damn it to hell.

  2. Field, thank you for blogging this story (thanks Monie).

    You are right to focus on the Restaurant owner. It also sickens me how he's now fixing his story so he doesn't come out looking like the bad guy, he's putting it all on her. And you are right, he would not have done this to a young white female. Even if he wanted to, he would never risk mashing other white toes in his business. But what I find just as disgusting is the fact that if he did, only then he would have had hell to pay from society. Nothing to pay for a black female, and I'm sure he knew that.

    This is so sad. My mind is taking me to a negative place, unfortunately.

  3. btw, I don't trust those police officers either.

  4. It's been a week since she was last heard from. I am really worried about her.

    And what the police did doesn't surprise me either. and then they don't understand why Black people are always suspicious of them.

    I really hope this gets some TV coverage, that might bring in some clues as to her whereabouts.

    Thanks for this post Field. We, Black people, may not have any traditional National media but we have thousands of blogs that can make a difference.

    @Race Traitoress

    Thanks for posting about this.

  5. @La♥Incognita

    I agree about the police. Somethings up with them. Maybe the family needs to bring in the Feds on this one otherwise all we're gonna get is the local police trying to cover their butts.

  6. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Why don't people ever stop to think that if someone is behaving strangely and it's not just alcohol strange that maybe something is wrong? She could've had an interaction with an RX or any number of things. This is just sad. All it takes is a little f'ing humanity.

    Oh and I posted a link in the lynching story. It gets worse. The rumors were right. He was stripped and lynched. My guess is before an audience. The left better wake up and realize we're being sent a message.


  7. Monie, what the police officers did made no sense, I was even wondering if she even walked out the precinct at all. Yes, I always appreciate the black blogging community, it's crucial for us since Nancy is all booked.

    Maybe she should have been engaged to a white man and getting married next week.

    btw Field, it doesn't take much for a bigot to think a black person is acting "strange". If you show any hint of disappointment on your face, you will likely be accused of getting ready to be combative and making a scene.

  8. Anonymous11:30 PM

    @La♥Incognita -- "Strange" is like "ladylike" or the less common "gentlemanly." IOW, not behaving, or dressing right, having the wrong gender or pigmentation gets you those things thrown your way. "Why don't you act like a lady?"

    "S/he was strange." What do you mean? "Strange, not right." Ummhmm.


  9. hey field! long time no speak but i'm coming back. been keeping up with your blog though of course, i just can't comment back from my cell phone :(

    am on a laptop now so wanted to drop a line and tell you i'm still loving you and i changed my blog url so you can drop in when ya can :)


    formerly honey indigo
    @honey's indigo days

  10. They found drugs in her car so she was high and drunk.

    Plus she was propositioning sex from people.

    The police was called. A drunk and high black person is a danger to everyone.

    The police didn't charge her and she demanded to be released.She walked out and down the road.

    The local news reported that a drunk black woman was seen sleeping on a porch.

    Most likely she ran into a pimp and he has her.He will either kill her or force her into prostitution.

    Since the leading cause of death among young black woman are black men,the pimp has killed her already.

    La♥Incognita said...
    Maybe she should have been engaged to a white man and getting married next week.

    If she was engaged to a white man, her drunk black ass would have never been on the streets at 10 at night.

  11. @La♥Incognita

    The cops keep changing their lie, I mean story. I just read one of them saying that Matrice was offered a bed in a cell but she declined it.

    So now that's three different stories from the cops. First they told her to get out (I believe that one, then that they said she could sleep in the lobby and now that she was offered a cell bed.

    Yeah maybe Matrice has some White friends who can make some noise and get more media involved.

    Nancy Grace is such a joke.


    The amazing thing is the police say that she was behaving normally. According to them she was not intoxicated nor did her behavior seem out of place. That restaurant person is a LIAR.

    Everybody is trying to cover their butts on this because everybody was so wrong.

  12. Dont_Chimp_Out, Your pic and your handle are sooo appropriate.

    "Plus she was propositioning sex from people."

    I know you are just kicking yourself because you weren't there. Who knows, maybe you could have finally gotten laid.;)

    Monie, thanks again for reminding me about this story. RT, thanks for blogging this as well. I will be over to leave a comment on your fine blog.

    Hi honey indigo, we missed you. I got you on the new link.

  13. "Richardson’s parents say she should never have been released at that hour with no transportation or money."

    I so hope she's found unharmed. I can't agree more with her parents. She deserved and deserves protection the same as the rest of us. It is so wrong that when someone winds up on the accused side of the law that they suddenly become a target. I'm sick. I'm hopeful.

  14. Anonymous12:43 AM

    "I agree about the police. Somethings up with them. Maybe the family needs to bring in the Feds on this one otherwise all we're gonna get is the local police trying to cover their butts."

    my guess is that the police have told a whopper of a lie. i hope the feds will get involved, and so should the mayor.

    the white house blog ought to be bombarded by concerned citizens about this young lady. charges of neglect by the police should be filed. and "why" the restaurant could not accept a credit card payment over the phone from her grandmother.

    the entire episode stinks and it is obvious that there is a trail of lies from the restaurant to the police station. there is no good reason for the way the police treated her. they did not act in the best interest of her physical safety, instead they endangered her life.

    how inhumane they are!

  15. I saw the story on the Today show, I agree with the attorney for the parents. If her last name was Lohan or Spears, the police would have escorted her home. Unfortuately, I feel something went wrong at the police station and that she never did leave. The police have changed the story many times to the parents. The police also will not release information on the alleged 3 calls Miss Richardson placed from the station. I believe this sad situation isn't going to end well.

  16. I let King 5 Seattle know about this by leaving them a "news tip". Seems like a pitiful poor way to help someone out; I get the feeling they'll blow it off. It feels the same as speaking to an automated phone system. We'll see.

  17. Hi Field,
    I've been following your blog for a while, and though the last few posts have been pretty well glib, this one gives a pretty good sense of who you are (I think). I hope she comes out all right. Not much more that I can do beyond that.
    Chimp, nice tight little piece of moronocity. You should write for Greg Gutfield.
    La♥Incognita, it's tough not to go to a negative place, but fight the urge. It's the difference between people who are human and people who are polarized. Cheers for thinking twice, enough to pause anyway.

  18. Oh Field, will you put the race card away already! This was grade C racism at best. At least she was allowed to eat in the retaurant. You blacks keep it up and the good white officers of the Malibu PD will get their feelings hurt, tune out her parent's cries for help stop looking for the young lady.

    ...Unfortunately, It may be too late.

  19. Field Hand G from Senile KKKarolina.1:25 AM

    This reminds me of a time I was the victim of a hit and run accident. I had no money on me, and it was about 30 degrees outside. The cops took me to a pay phone and dropped me off. I was about 20 miles away from any relative or friend, and I was in a place not too friendly to Negroes. Ah, SC is such a wonderful place.

  20. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Ventura County and the LAPD aren't much different. That's why the only thing that surprises me is that this story made the light of day.

  21. I don't know any of the facts and apparently the Sheriff's Office and the restaurant owner either don't know or are not saying.
    Speculate along with me for a minute. When I heard this I was struck by two things immediately.

    1. How many women, especially young attractive African women go to a restaurant by themselves? Not the ones I know.

    2. How many middle class women go out to a restaurant with no money or credit cards, especially if they are driving their own car?

    Could it be that she was at the restaurant with someone that maybe added a little something to her drink that caused the unusual behavior? Did that person then duck out when she began to act in a way other than he expected?

    Was he waiting to see what would happen when she was released?

    I hope like her parents do that she is just hiding out with a friend out of embarrassment or maybe just went crazy. When you have a child missing, no matter how old, you start asking God to send her back in any condition, only just be alive.

    Been there for only a day, but it was as close to Hell as I ever want to get!

  22. This is a strange and suspicious incident. It reminds me of the time that someone close to me was arrested in a similar situation. Unlike Mitrice, he was white, in his 50s, and suffering from alcoholic "wet brain."

    He went into a restaurant in downtown Seattle and tried to leave without paying the bill. The police were called, and they arrested him. He was booked into the King County jail overnight. I talked with several people at the jail and managed to have him kept there for another day, hoping that he'd go into the DTs and be taken to an inpatient rehab hospital to dry out.

    But the DTs didn't kick in, and they told me they had to release him. But that was after he had spent two nights in jail, where he was watched over by a compassionate set of medical personnel. I picked him up at the jail, and at his request dropped him at the Greyhound station so he could take a bus out of town.

    I wonder why the restaurant wouldn't accept payment for the check over the phone. As long as the great-grandmother had a valid credit card, it should have been a simple matter. From the story, it seems like they were concerned for her welfare. Or, maybe they were afraid to simply take payment and let her leave in what seemed to be an impaired condition; the liability laws in California are very strict, and the restaurant might legitimately have feared legal liability if she had gotten into her car and had an accident.

    What is DAMN strange, though, is that the police would have released her after the great-grandmother had promised to come get her in the middle of the night -- and that they would simply allow her to wander off when they knew her car was a long ways away.

    If she was intoxicated or impaired, she should have been kept at the station until the great-grandmother got there. It would hardly have been rocket science to find a way to make that happen. If she was not intoxicated and insisted on leaving, then she should have been given a ride back to her car, and the deputy should have stood there while she called her great-grandmother to inform her of what was up.

    At the very least, this sounds like negligence, indifference, incompetence, and dishonesty. Oh yeah, and stonewalling too. I don't blame the people who are asking pointed questions about whether the young woman was treated that way because she was black. I wonder how white non-celebrities are handled in similiar situations in Los Angeles County. I know up close how one such case was handled in Seattle: with a hell of a lot more sensitivity and common sense.

  23. Our criminal "justice" system needs serious repair. I'm talking about things like no safety for inmates in a cell or a young women who gets picked up for a tab. Punishment as prescribed by the law (whether you agree or not) is one thing, punishment by neglect (or worse, even if it is legal) is entirely a different matter. Links to groups against this sort of abuse appreciated.

  24. "Strange" is like "ladylike" or the less common "gentlemanly." IOW, not behaving, or dressing right, having the wrong gender or pigmentation gets you those things thrown your way. "Why don't you act like a lady?"

    "S/he was strange." What do you mean? "Strange, not right." Ummhmm.

    She sat down at a table of six people she didn't know and started talking to them. I don't care who you are, that's weird. People in her life confirmed that something was mentally wrong.

    By the way, this does NOT mean that the police are any less culpable here. Other way around. They are supposed to protect and serve. That young woman needed protection that night, and didn't get it. Her family needed service, and didn't get it.

  25. mellaneous2:25 AM

    Hey Field;

    whats up my brother? This story put a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. It sounds very inhumane to have released a woman who was clearly not in a right state of mind. If the police released her into the night that would be incredibly cruel. But something more sinister may have occurred as someone suggested. The police may not be telling the truth and someone at that station may have done something to her. I hope they find her and she is alright can you imagine if it was one of your kin? This is so sad on so many levels esp. the total lack of human concern for another human being.

    Imagine how sad the Chimp guy has to be to make light of something so serious. I am going to pray for him because Field there is obviously something wrong with him. I mean what kind of human being makes light of someone else's possible tragic misfortune?

    And by the way I can't link it but I am here in Minneapolis and three white guys went on a ramapage last night and attacked two black men and forced one to strip in a Minneapolis suburb.Look up under most popular or in the local section the story is titled, "Beaten robbed a victim of hate."

    liberation then peace

  26. Anonymous2:30 AM

    @grinder -- I was talking about the usage of those terms generally. If you'd ever had it happen to you then you'd understand that a lot of these terms mean "you ain't like us and how we think you should be."

    Judging from her behavior earlier in the day, I think there's a good chance this young woman is experiencing a mental problem. She's at the age for disorders to surface for the first time.


  27. La♥Incognita said... "This is so sad. My mind is taking me to a negative place, unfortunately."

    Despite what you've been told: Take your mind any damn place you please. It is, after all, your mind. Embrace the totality of yourself. What you resist, persists.

    @Race Traitoress:

    Didn't know you had a blog; expect a visitor, as soon as I can break away from here.

    Mine is up and running again.

    I responded to you on the previous blog entry; hope you get a chance to read it.

  28. I responded to you on the previous blog entry; hope you get a chance to read it.

    That printed out of place. That was for La♥Incognita.

    Word verification: redned.

  29. Her mother acknowledges the young woman had been acting strangely, so it's not surprising if she seemed "off" in the restaurant. A young coworker of mine about her age slipped gradually but rather quickly into full-blown post-adolescent schizophrenia starting with just that sort of oddly offbeat behavior.

    But that restaurant manager - the grandmother was probably offering a credit card number. If a patron is not expecting a bill for food & has stayed around until the bill arrived, clearly she's in lala land & not there to rip the place off.

  30. After reading this my first thought if the grandmother offered to pay the bill then why would that different that ordering a pizza over the phone and paying for it with a credit card? Okay they don't accept credit cards over the phone,but if someone has offered to come in and pay, couldn't they have said something to the effect that we'll give you an hour to get here or were calling the cops and letting them handle this? They didn't do that and the cops show up and I would agree with a poster up the thread that said this young lady probably needed the protection of the police but they saw an easy shot to take at an minority in the age of Obama so they haul her off without at least asking the restaurant owner if there was someway this bill could be settled without getting the police involved. Nope the restaurant owner was (in his mind) going by the book and the police were going by the book. And as far as the police behavior during her time there is fishy at best and I'm betting all the officers involved are getting lawyered up as we speak. But dang FN why didn't she just stay right outside the police station right after they released her? I really hope that she is found okay because it appears she was on the verge of a mental breakdown brought on by some tramatic event (breakup with boyfriend perhaps? Hmmm if she had one where is he? Maybe they were suppose to meet at that restautant?) But she does have some questions to be answered about her behavior that night but the only thing she might of done wrong was not have any money to pay the bill but she did offer the means to settle the bill.

  31. This is nothing new for the LASD. I'm familiar with that stretch of road and there is no way she should have been released at that time of night without a ride home.

    Back in the day when Sybil Brand was still used as the LA womens county jail, they would release women at all hours leaving them vunerable on a long stretch of road in South LA. If memory serves me right I believe there was a SD civilian employee or officer sexually assaulting women.

    I hope this gets the same attention as the girl in Yale. Most of all I hope she is found safe and well.

  32. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Richardson is black, and the area where she was arrested is predominantly white. Lauer asked Terrell if he thinks there is a racial aspect to the way Richardson was treated.

    “I’ll let the public decide that,” the lawyer replied.

    ok, and your/his point is? if it were reversed then maybe the girl would have been in danger.

    look like so many times when something bad happens (don't get me wrong they need to find her quikly!) we're not focusing on the primary cause of all this....

    When Richardson was presented with an $89 check, Peterson told police, she said she had no money and couldn’t pay.

    if she would have not gone into a resturant and charged up a bill with no money!?! i mean what the hell!!

    ok i come to your house tell you i'm gon'a but your car BUT wait i an't got no money so i'll just bring it back it'll be ok....


  33. I hope she is found unharmed.

  34. she never would have been arrested if she hadn't been black. period.

  35. Anonymous9:37 AM

    But what I find just as disgusting is the fact that if he did, only then he would have had hell to pay from society. Nothing to pay for a black female, and I'm sure he knew that.

    Hey, your own men don't give a shit about you-why would you expect anyone else too?

    African Americans account for a disproportionate number of intimate
    partner homicides. In 2005, African Americans accounted for almost 1/3
    of the intimate partner homicides in this country.2
    • Black women comprise 8% of the U.S. population but in 2005 accounted
    for 22% of the intimate partner homicide victims and 29% of all female
    victims of intimate partner homicide.

    How come no article on that? The VAST majority of black women are clipped by their own men. Almost guarnteed somebody black is behind this one.

    Oh... because there's no white people to blame!

  36. Bigmac in Pittsburgh10:38 AM

    Some of the posters on this site need to start praticing the gospel of grace,why in 2009 we sprew so much hate towards each other is unexplainable.Have some of you forgotten your history since you were issued a plantation Visa card?

  37. Leota210:45 AM

    Thanks for posting this Field. I hadn't heard this nightmare.

    Funny--my adult brother and a bunch of his buddies got stupid at a bar once. The police chose not to hold them but would NOT release them until another adult came to the station to get each and everyone one of them. I guess in case something happened to them between their release and appearance at home--the cops are covered. They even got weird when one of them-- who lived basically across the street from the station pointed to his house--they wouldn't release him without an escort either.

    My brother doesn't live in Cali--but hell--this story stinks to hell! And if it's true--the cops behavior still sucks--so does the restaurant owners.

  38. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I haven't heard anything about this woman and this is said...where are the search groups? Wtf?

  39. What happened to the 6 people she was originally sitting with???

  40. I heard it on the Today show yesterday. She wasn't originally sitting with six people. Supposedly she was alone, then walked over to a table full of strangers and started talking to them.

    There's any number of reasons she could've been acting strange. The first thing that came to my mind was low blood sugar, but since she'd just eaten that's probably unlikely. She had marijuana in the car and supposedly that's why they took her to jail.

    I do know it's commonplace to release folks from jail in the middle of the night. I've had it happen to several clients and they had no transportation and no way to get home. But when they want you out they kick you out. How you get home is your own problem.

  41. "A drunk and high black person is a danger to everyone." - Don't_Chimp_Out

    So, was she a danger to everyone because she was drunk and high? Or was it because she was a drunk and high BLACK PERSON?

  42. God, this story is horrible! :-(

  43. Anonymous12:34 PM

    In my restaurant you pay before you eat .
    No money no belly fool* and act crazy.
    Only fools will c anything racial about it.

  44. Leota21:09 PM

    Anon 12:34
    "In my restaurant you pay before you eat."
    Okay--you have a McDonalds franchise--what of it?

    I don't give a good goddamn---eighty nine dollars (when the owner could have been paid by a credit card over the phone) shouldn't get a woman released into the middle of the night onto a darkened road with no transportation.

    And your sympathy for a missing young woman no matter her color is boundless (nonexistent really.)

  45. "In my restaurant you pay before you eat.
    No money no belly fool* and act crazy."

    And in some restuarants you eat BEFORE you pay. What's your point?

    "..where are the search groups? Wtf?"

    Come on now Cheron; search groups for a sister? Come on now.

  46. field negro said...
    "..where are the search groups? Wtf?"

    Come on now Cheron; search groups for a sister? Come on now.

    Where oh where is color of change?

    Where's the NAACP?

    Where's all these groups that are looking out for black people??

    You can lead boycotts, protest marches,but can't take a few hours and search for a sista?

  47. she never would have been arrested if she hadn't been black. period.

    If you scroll up to my first comment in this thread, you will see my account of a white man, someone close to me, who was arrested for eating and not paying.

    So, was she a danger to everyone because she was drunk and high? Or was it because she was a drunk and high BLACK PERSON?

    California has very strict laws with respect to restaurtants and their liability for what intoxicated customers do after they leave. I vividly recall an office Christmas party in L.A. where we were given two drink tickets and warned not to pool them or share them.

    New information can emerge that will change the picture, but at the moment I don't see any sign that the restaurant acted badly here. In my opinion, the L.A. sheriffs got plenty of 'splainin' to do.

  48. p.s.: In the office Xmas party example above, the party was held at a local restaurant.

  49. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I wonder if she was in the middle of a psychotic break. Drunk or high could equal self-medicating.

    The mentally ill in this country aren't that well, plus being black on top of that... I hope she's okay.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. @Grinder

    "If you scroll up to my first comment in this thread, you will see my account of a white man, someone close to me, who was arrested for eating and not paying."

    It's reductive to site examples of this sort.

    It's also disingenuous to say the least. If you think that there is actually a fair comparison to be made between how Black women have been and are treated by law enforcement and how White men are treated then I know you aren't seriously trying to engage in this conversation.

  52. I will be VERY interested to learn more about what the sheriffs have to say for themselves. The more I think about this, the worse it sounds for them. I really hope they find the girl, alive and well.

  53. Monie, did you actually read what I wrote above? I suggest you try again, because it supports the suspicion that there was racial discrimination in the L.A. case.

    Yup, it's true. In your eyes I am a disingenous white devil bastard, but I'm real suspicious of the L.A. authorities. Chew on that one.

  54. @Grinder

    Jeez man can we have a discussion without the racial Hyperbole? White devil? Come on. Have you ever seen me throw that kind of stuff around.

    If you had left it at your first paragraph that would have been nice but you didn't did you. That speaks more to how you feel than what I said.

  55. Jeez man can we have a discussion without the racial Hyperbole? White devil? Come on. Have you ever seen me throw that kind of stuff around.

    You made it crystal clear that this is exactly what you think of me. This racial shit cuts both ways.

  56. "breakup with boyfriend perhaps? Hmmm if she had one where is he? Maybe they were suppose to meet at that restautant"

    Or girlfriend.

    Her myspace page is still up:

    Says she was a lesbian...

  57. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Field, aren't you a Shyster?? and first time I ever heard y'all complain about bein let OUT of jail... and let me see if I can remember my Dragnet Trivia...Its called "Theft by Conversion" a petty crime, but one thats important to nip in the let niggers eat for free next thing we'll have an illegitimate nigger president...
    You wanta eat for free you gotta at least put up some effort, sneak out like I used to...There's a reason I don't go to a certain Mickey D's in Baltimore...


  58. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Monie "It's also disingenuous to say the least. If you think that there is actually a fair comparison to be made between how Black women have been and are treated by law enforcement and how White men are treated then I know you aren't seriously trying to engage in this conversation."

    Monie, you need to read that comment again because your judgment is waaay off. Your defensive prejudice is showing.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. "Yup, it's true. In your eyes I am a disingenous white devil bastard, but I'm real suspicious of the L.A. authorities. Chew on that one....

    ...You made it crystal clear that this is exactly what you think of me. This racial shit cuts both ways."

    I don't see where she thinks you're a "white devil bastard". It's crystal clear that you have a complex. Apart from your usual white defensiveness, you can't even have a discussion without being self-justifiable and paranoid with projection.

    I also agree with Monie about your 'comparison', I saw it as well. You claim to acknowledge the racial aspect of it, but you still covertly tried to down play it, including the gender angle. It was like a slap in the face.

    Leota2, I find it strange that in this day and age he could not have taken that payment over the phone and secured the authorization at least. I'm now wondering if the machine was down, and Mitrice was given a hard time all because she didn't have the actual cash or check. The articles were not specific when they said she didn't have "money", was that limited to just not having cash?

    I'm only throwing this out, because this has happened to be on several occasions. I was inconvenienced, but I was still trusted to go to the machine and back. (Of course I live in a small black community).

    This man was a distrustful bigot, he simply made up his mind to call the cops on her, period.

  61. ok, what i was wondering is, where were the white anti=racists who stood up and said, no, we are not going to let the police take her, or the white anti-racist police who said, no we won't let you throw her out in the middle of the night?
    white people like to say they are anti=racist, but where were they when this happened?

  62. Anonymous10:35 PM

    @grinder -- Both Monie and La♥Incognita are trying to speak truth gently to you. Accusing Monie of thinking you a white devil is actually pretty symptomatic of some of the communication problems you run into here. With that statement/accusation, you made the conversation about you just like you did with your initial example. It's natural to draw on personal experience but when you compare the experience of yourself and your white male friend with the experience of black women you (likely unintentionally) dismiss the importance of being both black and female in the custody of police -- two attributes that make one especially VULNERABLE in such a scenario. And you also make the conversation about you by redirecting the conversation to a white male experience.

    Again there's nothing wrong with adding your personal experiences but if you truly want to communicate, rather than lecture or talk about yourself to anyone who will listen, then you need to start meeting these incidents on their own terms and that means acknowledging and discussing more than the white male experience. Meet and talk about the black and often female experience. You don't have to black or female to do this but you do have to be willing to wear the mask of blackness and/or femaleness -- see through these eyes rather than your own.


  63. @grinder -- Both Monie and La♥Incognita are trying to speak truth gently to you.

    Excuse me, but I actually laughed out loud here when I read that line! Ha ha ha ha! I'd say something like, "You've got to be kidding," but I know you're not.

    It's natural to draw on personal experience but when you compare the experience of yourself and your white male friend with the experience of black women you (likely unintentionally) dismiss the importance of being both black and female in the custody of police -- two attributes that make one especially VULNERABLE in such a scenario. And you also make the conversation about you by redirecting the conversation to a white male experience.

    Okay, I get it. The white devil has nothing to say, even if he notes that his white friend was treated with more dignity and suggests that the black girl was neither protected nor served by the police.

    But, no, I am a white devil, so you've got yourselves so twisted around a tree that you can't even recognize when someone is supporting you. Part of me is laughing at this, but another part of me is pissed, and another part of me is sad.

    You don't have to black or female to do this but you do have to be willing to wear the mask of blackness and/or femaleness -- see through these eyes rather than your own.

    You, and Monie, and La Idiot are telling me that a white devil has nothing to say about this. And then I'm sure at other times you will turn right around and wonder why no white devils will speak out.

    We'll riddle me this, Anon: If speaking out in support of a complaint like this causes someone to be called a racist, just why in the hell would you ever expect anyone to do it?

    Wow! I've seen some pretty crazy shit on this blog, along with some pretty good stuff by the way, but this thread is turning into the #1 strange one in my time around here.

  64. "Meet and talk about the black and often female experience. You don't have to black or female to do this but you do have to be willing to wear the mask of blackness and/or femaleness -- see through these eyes rather than your own.


    10:35 PM"


    j, thank you, yes, i think trying to see through the eyes other than your own lens is such an important message.

  65. grinder,
    what u probably don't realize is that, what you sound like is you are downplaying the severity and horror of what actually happened.

    also, with your anecdotal evidence, you don't seem to realize that comparing bad treatment to a fellow white MAN, can not ever compare to throwing a young woman out in the middle of the night.

  66. Anonymous10:50 PM

    @grinder -- You're one hypersensitive fellow. Whenever you decide to open your eyes you'll see that no one's nailing you to that cross you so like to hang from but you.

    Nothing in your response comes close to anything I was saying. I can't answer questions so skewed nor do I understand why you want me to dislike you.


  67. Let me restate this.

    I came here and told you that a white man with a severe alcohol problem (oh, and by the way, in the interest of brevity I didn't give a complete description -- he looked like something the cat dragged in) was kept in custody and watched over by the jail's medical personnel and then released to my supervision.

    This was in contrast to a mentally ill black woman who was dumped out onto a road in spite of a relative's plea that she be held until she could come get her.

    Having given you this ammunition, and having agreed that something stinks pretty badly at the L.A. County Sheriff's department, what do you do? In so many words, you call me a white racist bastard.

    Holy shit. You must really, really hate white people with one hell of a passion.

  68. "New information can emerge that will change the picture, but at the moment I don't see any sign that the restaurant acted badly here. In my opinion, the L.A. sheriffs got plenty of 'splainin' to do."

    grinder, this was you who wrote that, right?

  69. Minimizing it, you say. What part of the following did you not understand:

    "At the very least, this sounds like negligence, indifference, incompetence, and dishonesty. Oh yeah, and stonewalling too. I don't blame the people who are asking pointed questions about whether the young woman was treated that way because she was black. I wonder how white non-celebrities are handled in similiar situations in Los Angeles County. I know up close how one such case was handled in Seattle: with a hell of a lot more sensitivity and common sense."

    That's the final paragraph of what I first wrote. I used the guy up here as a contast to the woman down in L.A. You people want me to "wear the mask of femaleness and blackness?" What does that mean? Am I supposed to reprise Flip Wilson's Geraldine character? But seriously, what does that mean?

    Why am I, a white man, supposed to be something I am not in order to talk to you? What makes you hate white people THAT much, anyway?

  70. Yes, kathy it is. Did you see everything else I wrote about the restaurant? Or are you conveniently ignoring it because I am a white devil who you hate?

  71. grinder,
    you don't find an 89.00 bill for one person, (acting strange) is suspicious?

  72. Come on, folks, please put it out there. You and field are forever complaining about the lack of honesty on racial issues. Trust me, I might not like what I hear, but I still want to hear it.

    You've just told me that a white man's perspective is worthless here. That's the message I am taking away. And it certainly raises the question of just what the hell the point is in having a forum like this.

    field, let me know. If this is a black blog for black people, I'll live. I don't bullshit you, so don't bullshit me.

  73. Anonymous11:05 PM

    @grinder -- You haven't been called anything of the sort. What you're being told is that you're downplaying, albeit unintentionally, the experience of being black and female in this scenario. In short, there's no comparison between the two because the layers of vulnerability that gender and race add are too much. No one is chastising you for saying he was treated better. What folks are saying is that the comparison doesn't fit and trying to make it fit overlooks and downplays gender and race. The two experiences aren't the same.


  74. nobody asking you to be who you are not, i think j meant to try on the lens of empathy.

  75. you don't find an 89.00 bill for one person, (acting strange) is suspicious?

    In and of itself, not at all. It's pretty easy these days to run up an $89 restaurant tab, especially in Malibu, which isn't exactly a low-rent district.

  76. You haven't been called anything of the sort. What you're being told is that you're downplaying, albeit unintentionally, the experience of being black and female in this scenario. In short, there's no comparison between the two because the layers of vulnerability that gender and race add are too much. No one is chastising you for saying he was treated better. What folks are saying is that the comparison doesn't fit and trying to make it fit overlooks and downplays gender and race. The two experiences aren't the same.

    Quit lying. The truth is that you don't want to hear from any white people. That's what is going on here. You are absolutely no different in that regard than some people in the place where I grew up. You are two sides of the same coin.

  77. Anonymous11:08 PM

    @kathy said: nobody asking you to be who you are not, i think j meant to try on the lens of empathy.



  78. Thanks --J

    grinder, your story example could have been meant to swing in confusing directions. So, based on your pattern history of racial defensiveness and dismissive comparisons, it's difficult to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    Then again, you're a "white devil" by your own admission who thinks I'm an idiot. It doesn't matter to me what you think.

  79. nobody asking you to be who you are not, i think j meant to try on the lens of empathy.

    Bullshit. I was asked to "wear the mask of femaleness and blackness." I displayed the "empathy" you demanded in my very first posting, when I wrote: "I know up close how one such case was handled in Seattle: with a hell of a lot more sensitivity and common sense."

    In a subsequent post I wrote: "That young woman needed protection that night, and didn't get it. Her family needed service, and didn't get it."

    The problem here is that a contingent on this blog hates anyone who isn't black. Period. End of story.

  80. It doesn't matter to me what you think.

    If it doesn't matter, then you spend an awful lot of time talking about what doesn't matter, La Idiot!

  81. "You people want me to "wear the mask of femaleness and blackness?" What does that mean? Am I supposed to reprise Flip Wilson's Geraldine character? "

    grinder, for the record, I found that statement to be very offensive and unnecessary on several levels. If you don't agree, you should take your time to really think about it.

    And btw, no one called you any names.

  82. grinder,
    for the record, i am white.

    agreed, i think grinder's statement was unwittingly offensive, and yes, nobody called him names, he called himself a "white devil", lol.

  83. @La♥Incognita, Kathy, j

    Thanks for wading in. I was totally confused as to how my statement had been so misconstrued by Grinder.

    But it's obvious that the three of you understand exactly what point I was making.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. @Grinder

    Once you threw "White Devil" out there the conversation pretty much had no where to go but down.

    I'm not sure if you were trying to obfuscate my point with your anger or what but any chance of our understanding each others point was pretty much shot to hell at that point.

  86. grinder, for the record, I found that statement to be very offensive and unnecessary on several levels

    But La Idiot, you don't care what I think, remember? Make up your mind.

  87. Once you threw "White Devil" out there the conversation pretty much had no where to go but down.

    Right. There can be no sarcasm from white devils here. Only from the Pure and the Black.

  88. I am still waiting for the detail on what was "suspicious" about an $89 restaurant check in Malibu.

    Oh, and there is a plausible explanation for the restaurant not accepting a credit card number over the phone from someone they don't know: Potential fraud.

    Not that anyone here will consider it, because I am a white devil and anything from a white devil will be dismissed as the works of the white devil.

    Well, out here in white devil-land, if a deadbeat declares that she can't pay the tab, and then has someone you've never met phone in a credit card number, if you're the restaurant you might think twice about that.

    Why? Because if it's a stolen card, and the charge is reversed, the restaurant doesn't get paid. Credit card fraud is rampant. Businesses get screwed all the time, and restaurants operate on thin margins to begin with. One in 10 of them go out of business every year. They can't afford to be sitting ducks.

    So, unless some new information emerges to show that the restaurant did something wrong here, I don't see any culpability on their part. The L.A. County Sheriffs, on the other hand, are a very different story.

  89. grinder,
    you are making the assumption that the restaurant believed that the credit card was stolen, why?

  90. grinder,
    i say bull, if this was some kind of 5 star restaurant that charged 89.00 bill for one person, then they could have taken the card number and billed it, with that little number on the back of the card, right?

  91. (white devil land) lol!

  92. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "Why? Because if it's a stolen card, and the charge is reversed, the restaurant doesn't get paid. Credit card fraud is rampant. Businesses get screwed all the time, and restaurants operate on thin margins to begin with. One in 10 of them go out of business every year. They can't afford to be sitting ducks."

    Of course. I can't blame them, it makes good business sense. Besides, they aren't accustomed to having customers who can't pay their bills in Malibu.

    Now, what the police did, however is inexcusable.

  93. "if a deadbeat declares that she can't pay the tab, and then has someone you've never met phone in a credit card number, if you're the restaurant you might think twice about that."

    If he had such "concern" for her as he stated, he could have made the exemption. I bet he has done it many times before when Buffy called her daddy for help. So now, while she was being hauled off the jail, did he get his money then?

    And I see she's now downgraded to being a "deadbeat". You really are disingenuous and spiteful.

    --J, Kathy, Monie.. thanks for trying. Goodnight.

  94. kathy, you obviously have a serious reading comprehension problem. What part of "plausible explanation" don't you understand?

    From the restaurant's viewpoint, Mitrice was a deadbeat. She makes a phone call. Hands the phone to the restaurant manager. Or maybe the relative called the restaurant separately -- we don't know.

    The deadbeat's friend, identifying herself as the deadbeat's relative, says, "Let me read you my credit card number." If you're the manager and are NOT suspicious of that, you are unqualified for your job.

    Next time I'm out at a restaurant, I'm going to ask the manager how he or she would act in a similar situation. Of course, if I were to tell you that the manager told me that they'd never accept payment over the phone, you won't believe it anyway.

    Now, as for the restaurant in question, the story field linked to didn't name it. So I went to the trusty white devil Internet and did a search. It was Geoffrey's, which is on the Pacific Coast Highway. Aha, Geoffrey's. I ate there a couple years ago.

    It wasn't all that great of a meal, but the tab for two was north of $200. I suspected Cuisine by Sysco, myself. You know about Sysco? They're the big prefab food guys in the plain white trucks who deliver boil-in-a-bag food to some surprising places.

    A $90 tab at Geoffrey's? Fallin' out of bed. Oh yeah. But don't take my word for it, 'cause I'm just an unempathetic racist white bastard who spends half his life in restaurants. What would I know?

    Besides, they aren't accustomed to having customers who can't pay their bills in Malibu.

    Oh God, I bet you that the restaurants in Malibu have seen it all. This is the Hollywood crowd, mind you. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in their staff meetings.

  95. And I see she's now downgraded to being a "deadbeat". You really are disingenuous and spiteful.

    From the point of view of the restauranteur on that night, it's exactly what she was. Just like the friend of mine in Seattle, who was near and dear to me. You think I blamed the restaurant for having him arrested? Hell no.

    And, by the way, at least in Seattle the way that one is usually handled is that the arrest record will be put in legal limbo if someone steps up and pays the bill. If the person doesn't get arrested again, then it vanishes.

    That's what I did in my friend's case. I paid the bill. Accompanied him to court. Talked with his court-appointed lawyer. Sat there while the black woman judge took one look at him, and the paperwork, and said in the kindest way, "I wish you the best luck."

    See, up here there is still a brotherhood of the civilized. Apparently this is not so in the wilds of Los Angeles County. That's a real shame, to put it ever so mildly.

  96. i say bull, if this was some kind of 5 star restaurant that charged 89.00 bill for one person, then they could have taken the card number and billed it, with that little number on the back of the card, right?

    You really are clueless aren't you? What's to prevent the person on the other end of the line, who I remind you is unknown to the restaurant except as someone identifying herself as a relative of some who (from the restaurant's viewpoint at the time) is a deadbeat and a wacko, from reading the security code off the back of the card?

    The reason for those codes is so clerks and waiters can't steal credit card numbers from the imprints. If someone has a stolen card in their hand, or has obtained two matching numbers (the one on the front and the one on the back), the security code does NOTHING to prevent fraud.

    My main credit card gets defrauded about every 18 months. Fortunately, my bank is onto it and catches it before I do. In fact, they're a little trigger happy, and I've been in more than one situation where the card has been declined because of some computer that thought my legitimate purchase was "unusual."

    In fact, it happened two weeks ago. I was in Canada and tried to buy two Hudson's Bay blankets, and the card got rejected. Fortunately, I had a second card with me. Used that one, then called the first bank and straightened it out, and they turned my card back on.

    Imagine that. A credit-worthy white devil's card was invalidated. Will wonders never cease. What sort of dream world are you living in, anyway?

  97. Monie, La, J, good night now,and thank you, yes, he has now downgraded her to a "deadbeat"

  98. Wow! Just WOW!


  99. grinder, yes i am clueless and live in a dream world, thanks for all that info on credit cards for deadbeats and white devils, lol.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Oh, and kath? Here is Geoffrey's dinner menu. Still think an $89 check is "suspicious"? Where do you go for your special occasions? Wendy's?

  102. Anonymous1:13 AM


    Anyone with half a brain can see that the story about how your white friend was treated by the police only magnified how wrongly the LAPD treated the young black lady because of her color.

    Bottom line is this:

    You won't be applauded or given the benefit of the doubt by the kind of people on FN blog tonight. They are going to pile on you no matter what.

    They do that to all Whites who think for themselves-unless you are an ass kissing white girl with no mind of her own like Kathy. They are not interested in dialogue with Whites nor are they interested in learning anything new. They are only interested in telling you what's wrong with you.

    Why do you waste your time with such small people?

  103. They do that to all Whites who think for themselves-unless you are an ass kissing white girl with no mind of her own like Kathy. They are not interested in dialogue with Whites nor are they interested in learning anything new. They are only interested in telling you what's wrong with you.

    There's a significant contingent here that fits the description, anon.

    Why do you waste your time with such small people?

    Well, in any particular argument you get drawn in. But you make a pretty good point in general. Thanks for the reality check.

  104. sudzy8:09 AM

    FN, have you done a black man on black woman post? I have been looking for that one.

  105. Anonymous8:41 AM

    "And Mr. Peterson, you didn't call the po po out of concern for Ms. Richardson's safety, you called the po po because you wanted your damn $89!"
    Funny, how often black folks call whites (and jews and asains) greedy when they demand to be paid for their services. HIs motives aren't important. The reality is if she wasn't crazy then she was pathologically entitled. If you think she was sooo sane then you have to ask yourself did she think being black entitles herself to free food. If she was disturbed the cops should have been called. So either way, FN you're wrong.

  106. Anonymous8:43 AM

    It also sickens me how he's now fixing his story so he doesn't come out looking like the bad guy, he's putting it all on her. And you are right, he would not have done this to a young white female.

    He's not the bad guy. It shows a lot about black folks that when white people don't let you steal from them you think they are the criminal. And that "if it was a white woman" bs is just that, bs.

  107. jane doe8:53 AM

    she never would have been arrested if she hadn't been black. period.

    Right, she was arrested for being black, because being a theft is NOT a crime. Ebonic logic at its best.

  108. EcoSci9:52 AM

    LA ain't all sunshine and surf, believe me. I know. I'm from over there.

  109. Anonymous10:30 AM

    yap, yap, yap how many here go into mcD's without any money and plan on eating a $10 meal without paying?

    no one, no one has answered that, reason: most reasonable law abiding people DON'T!

  110. You know Filled Negro I'm "feeling you" on this one. I can appreciate your concern that this Black woman might receive the "Southern Treatment". You know how THEY used to do it. Set a Black prisoner out of the jail in the middle of the night while the KKK buddies of the police officers wait outside to lynch her. I understand your fears Filled Negro.


    [quote]Malibu residents tend to be politically left of center, like much of Los Angeles County. 60% of Malibu voters chose presidential candidate John Kerry in the 2004 election, compared to 39% for incumbent President George W. Bush.[/quoote]

    [quote]Federally, Malibu is located in California's 30th congressional district, which has a Cook PVI of D +20 and is represented by Democrat Henry Waxman.[/quote]

    But I understand Filled Negro. YOU don't feel comfortable with the racial sentiment of a congressional district UNTIL they hit D+35 on the Cook PVI rating.

  111. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "Funny, she doesn't look that "strange" to me."

    If she's not insane then she's a criminal. Enough said. I've waited tables and there is a big difference btw someone who left their wallet in their other pants and someone who eats then says afterwards they have no money. You always call the cops on the later. Sorry, FN, but restaurants don't have time to babysit criminals, even if they are young and cute and black. This woman probably got a free pass on a lot of her bizarre behavior cause no one wanted to rock the boat BECAUSE she is black. It is funny to see all these comments form black folks who do not understand some simple shit- the restaurant managers have no time or obligation to babysit this freak or put up with lame ass drama to avoid being called racist, and if you don't pay for something you use the cops will be called. I don't blame the restaurant for not taking a credit card over the phone- how would they know it was really her grandmothers? To eat then afterwards say "I have no money but my grandmother will give you a credit card number over the phone" reaks of sketchiness. Ghetto behavior. And not even legal. If something is paid for a restaurant tab by credit card it has to be signed or else it is not a valid tranacton. DUH

  112. Sad story, but why did she go into a restaurant (an upscale one at that) when she had "no money"?

    Also, why didn't the restaurant owner or police just let her family pick her up and pay the bill?

    Hope she is found and that she has not been harmed. I smell a lawsuit here!

    Haven't read all the posts, so maybe my questions have already been answered.

  113. According to the L.A. Times, the relative's offer to pay the check over the phone didn't fly because the credit card companies require a restaurant to get a signature. The newspaper says that the restaurant asked the relative to fax her signature, but the relative had no access to a fax machine.

    According to the restaurant, the woman then said she was from Mars and began to speak a made-up language. Sort of like La Idiot and some others here, who, given that they are related, should have stepped up to pay the bill for their fellow Martian.

  114. The story had more detail about the sheriff's department. They say that the woman, Mitrice Richardson, was invited to stay in the station's lobby, but declined. Maybe she was not kicked out into the night, then.

    As for the $89.21 restaurant check, it turns out that Mitrice was not only mentally impaired that night, but that she had expensive tastes. Ordered Kobe beef steak. You know, the stuff that comes from hand massaged Japanese cows and costs a whole lot more than a standard, downscale American steak.

    Maybe the next time Kathy visits her local Wendy's to celebrate 30 years of politically-correct robothood, she can order herself a Kobe beefburger for $50.

    And, as I had guessed, the staff at Geoffrey's Malibu, the scene of Mitrice's dine-and-dash attempt, became concerned not just about her failure to pay the check but about her ability to drive. You know, that restauranteur liability thing I had mentioned. But I'm sure that the restaurant, like me, is full of white devils who don't know what they are talking about.

  115. p.s.: The L.A. Times is a white devil newspaper, so we can't trust that story. They're obviously in league with the restaurant and the sheriffs.

    And none of them are too smart to begin with. Martian, my ass. Made-up language? Bullshit. Mitrice was actually reciting The Iliad in the original Greek, and the people at the table were Hollywood talent agents who had promised to pay the check.

    But when the bill came, like all white devils they reneged on the deal and had Mitrice arrested and labeled insane. When it all went wrong, they planted that fake story in the L.A. Times.

    Happens all the time.

  116. Anonymous5:07 PM

    "You are right to focus on the Restaurant owner. It also sickens me how he's now fixing his story so he doesn't come out looking like the bad guy, he's putting it all on her. And you are right, he would not have done this to a young white female."

    He's putting it all on her cause it is. Black folks want to be treated like adults... then you whine that the restaurant owner didn't properly babysit this 20-something year old woman. If you think young white women can go into a restaurant, run up a $100 tab, go around to different tables and sit down and chatter away, then when the bill comes say "I got no money but I'll put granny on the phone and she will give you a credit card number to charge it to" you are outta your nappy head.

  117. Anonymous5:09 PM

    BTW, she was released because 1) they had no legal authority to hold her any longer and
    2) she demanded it

    She was an adult who made a decision she had the legal right to make. Maybe she did have a cell phone to call family or friends and chose not to.

  118. trying again5:13 PM

    Hey Field, have you written a post about black on black crime? Especially black men on black women. I have been looking for that one. Please don't delete me, there are man black folk on here wanting to know your take on it man.

  119. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Whether she was crazy or had a few drinks too many is irrelevent, the restaurant manager had every right to call the cops.
    And suggesting he was greedy for wanting his $89 reminds me of how blacks talk about Korean grocery store owners and Jewish landlords.
    I never hear black folks talkin about those greedy people who walk into a restaurant and want a free meal, or loot korean grocery stores, or who shoot cab drivers, or spend all their rent money partying. No, but when blacks demand high quality merchandise for free they are not greedy, it's the person who refused to provide it who is. Ebonics logic

  120. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "It is funny to see all these comments form black folks who do not understand some simple shit- the restaurant managers have no time or obligation to babysit this freak or put up with lame ass drama to avoid being called racist, and if you don't pay for something you use the cops will be called."

    You have to understand that lots of folks here like LI and Kathy have no idea what it's like to eat in an upscale restaurant. McDs, Wendy's, or Taco Bell is normal to them and a classy restaurant would be on the order of Boston Chicken. They can only "guess" what should happen in an upscale restaurant when a black person doesn't have any money. Of course, their solution is to get away without paying anything without any consequences. Basically, people like Kathy and LI think white people are always wrong, period-when Blacks are involved, no matter what.

    You see, "principles" are not important. That's why everyone piled on grinder last night for even thinking fairly.

    Folks of lower mind like LI and Kathy believe it's ok to rip off a restaurant that is dumb enough to trust its customers to pay AFTER they have eaten.

  121. Anonymous8:01 PM

    SHE screwed up and now she's paying the price.

    Seems pretty direct to me.

    Remember what your parents told ya?

    "Don't do that!"

  122. [quote]Hey Field, have you written a post about black on black crime? Especially black men on black women. I have been looking for that one. Please don't delete me, there are man black folk on here wanting to know your take on it man.[/quote]

    Trying Again:

    Filled Negro is a CRIMINAL defense attorney. Why would he want to attack his main client base.

    Here is the type of "Non-White White Supremacy" that negroes like Filled Negro are infected with that allow our people to get killed off with abundance:


  123. trickster2068:33 PM

    One poster wrote what women would go out to eat at night by herself. Lots of them. I see them in NYC all the time. They live in WestSide and come downstairs and eat (sometimes in their jeans).

    And $89 isn't that bad. Shyte, P Diddy's place is expensive as hell.

    I wonder she was a black woman acting strange because she was talking to a bunch of white folks she didn't know. Where are they?

    As many celebrities that live in Malibu, you know those little purses don't carry credit cards all the time and they don't get a po po call.

  124. Anonymous said...
    "SHE screwed up and now she's paying the price.

    Seems pretty direct to me.

    Remember what your parents told ya?

    "Don't do that!"

    Now, close your eyes and picture her white.

    Btw, she is not here to defend herself. Why call her names and condemn her when you don't even know what faith she met that night, does she deserve that? (And who steals and take advantage of others more than white people?). You obvious white bigots prove to lack human compassion for her regardless. You are not fooling anyone.

    CF, you don't even care what happens to black people, much less black women in the black community in or out. You didn't even have the decency to partially defend this black female against the anony bigots who are practically praising over her possible demise (even grinder's racist nasty punk ass would have done it for a white female in reverse). You well know she most likely met a heinous fate that night in the hands of men. Stop the exploitation and stop the posing, because we all know you don't really give a fuck. I am really trying here.

  125. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I live in Malibu, and yes those little purses are holding credit cards, and no the po po would get called if I were to say, when presented with the check, "I got no money, I'll call grandma and she'll give you a credit card number and you'll charge it to that". This is called COMMON SENSE.
    And you ask where those white folks are? Uh, avoiding speaking ill of this freak to avoid the death threats that would no doubt head their way if they said a disparaging thing about this idiot

  126. ditto fn:

    i have not heard any word about this one from nancy grace...

    most young black girls are ignored when missing!

    most black women/teens are ignored even more!


  127. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Now, close your eyes and picture her white.

    I just did. And she is still responsible for picking up that f-ing tab. You say you're trying? WELL TRY HARDER, FOOL! Paying the bill is not optional and this idea of taking a credit card number over the phone is both shady and illegal.

  128. Anonymous8:52 PM

    i have not heard any word about this one from nancy grace.


  129. Anonymous 8:50, you seem too comfortable focusing about an unpaid bill in Malibu to make it easier to tear her apart.

    Where is Mitrice right now? Do you care about that? It's a serious question, and I'm curious to hear your response.

    And of course you live in Malibu.

  130. Anonymous9:10 PM

    @8:57 to comfortable focusing on how to blame whitey to make it easier to play the race card.

    Where is Mitrice right now? Does she have a history of abusive relationships? Of taking rides with strangers? This could indicate where she is but it might mean the finger would be pointed at someone who is NOT white.
    Do you or FN care about her? Of course not, like a previous blogger noted you are only interested in things where white people can be blamed. FN even goes so far as to label the restaurant manager greedy for not giving her a free $100 meal. No, you and FN don't care about black folks unless there is a way to blame white folks in the process.

  131. "You have to understand that lots of folks here like LI and Kathy have no idea what it's like to eat in an upscale restaurant. McDs, Wendy's, or Taco Bell is normal to them and a classy restaurant would be on the order of Boston Chicken. They can only "guess" what should happen in an upscale restaurant when a black person doesn't have any money."

    lol, we don't know what it's like to eat in an upscale restaurant, i don't need to guess, but that is funny.:)))cuz you are acting so white, lol.

    " Of course, their solution is to get away without paying anything without any consequences. Basically, people like Kathy and LI think white people are always wrong, period-when Blacks are involved, no matter what."

    Yup, you are right about that, when i see white people changing their thinking, I let you know.
    Someone under duress, like this person, who, btw, is someone's child, deserved better treatment, can u understand that?

    "You see, "principles" are not important. That's why everyone piled on grinder last night for even thinking fairly."

    Actually, principles are very important to me, where are yours?

    "Folks of lower mind like LI and Kathy believe it's ok to rip off a restaurant that is dumb enough to trust its customers to pay AFTER they have eaten."

    so now, i have a lower mind, and the victim was ripping off a restaurant? wow. thank you so much.

    6:41 PM

  132. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Btw LaIncognita, if you and FN have such bleeding hearts for injustice why hasn't either of you gone off on a rant about Cameron Todd Willingham, an innocent man executed several years ago for a crime he didn't commit? I haven't heard ONE word about him from either of you. Is it cause he's white?

  133. Anony, it also sounds like you don't believe her disappearance has anything to do with being arrested in Malibu. It's telling you would think that. And, you have not answered the question. Regardless of who is behind of her disappearance or for whatever reason, Do YOU care about the fact that Mitrice is missing?

    For the record, I think white males are the core cause of her disappearance that night - she was in "Malibu" after all.

  134. Anonymous9:38 PM

    no he don't care that Mitrice is missinh because he's a racist bastard.

  135. La,
    "For the record, I think white males are the core cause of her disappearance that night - she was in "Malibu" after all.

    9:24 PM"
    that bears repeating, you are so right about that, i think that too!

  136. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Kathy "Actually, principles are very important to me, where are yours?"

    LOL. You keep making up those lies.

  137. anony 10:40: you keep using anonymous, cause you are a timid, scared, chicken with no backbone. you don't bother me, i just laugh.

  138. Now, close your eyes and picture her white.

    So says La Idiot tonight. Last night, La Idiot signed on with the Bitches Brew who insisted that the white perspective was irrelevant here. La Idiot & Co. will say anything that comes to mind at the time.

    lol, we don't know what it's like to eat in an upscale restaurant, i don't need to guess

    So, kathy, was that sarcasm or are you admitting that you don't have any idea what you're talking about when it comes to "suspicious" $89 dinner checks in restaurants you could never afford?

    For the record, I think white males are the core cause of her disappearance that night - she was in "Malibu" after all.

    Not that it shocks me, but La Idiot didn't read the L.A. Times story. So, for the benefit of people who can read, a reprise:

    "At the sheriff's station, Whitmore said, Richardson chatted with a custody assistant. After Richardson was released, the custody assistant suggested that she stay overnight in the station lobby. Richardson declined the offer. When the assistant asked if she had a ride, Richardson said she didn't but she had come to Malibu to meet up with friends, Whitmore said."

  139. so now, i have a lower mind, and the victim was ripping off a restaurant?

    Yes on both counts.

  140. Anonymous3:10 AM

    For the record, I think white males are the core cause of her disappearance that night

    For the record, your racism is noted.

  141. nigforcigs7:29 AM

    field no offense my nigga, but she the article said she was acting strange, not looking strange, don't mix up the wording to make a point, your posts are going downhill my nigga

  142. Anony, you still didn't answer the question. Despite what you felt about the restaurant situation, the fact that her disappearance didn't even trump whatever ill feelings you have shows that you were bias driven from the start.

    grinder, how does all of that show how a white male/s may not be involved in her disappearance? You are the only idiot displaying your insular logic. Stop insulting other people's intelligence. You were never sincere to begin with, you always get made.

    Go ahead have the last word, it's important to you. I am finished with you now. You are too simple and incorrigible for a debate.

  143. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "how does all of that show how a white male/s may not be involved in her disappearance?"

    how does all that show how a black male/s may not be involved in her disapperance? What is facinating about Ms Incogs ebonic logic is that she assumes white people are guilty till proven innocent (and even then won't let go) and assumes black people are innocent even when proven guilty.

  144. Anonymous12:54 PM

    you still didn't answer her question about ms. Richardson.

    tick tock....

  145. Anonymous2:21 PM

    LI-"grinder, how does all of that show how a white male/s may not be involved in her disappearance? You are the only idiot displaying your insular logic. Stop insulting other people's intelligence. You were never sincere to begin with, you always get made."

    I find it amazing that you have accused grinder of 'insular logic' while displaying your own sick logic that white men had to be involved in Richardson's disappearance because she was in Malibu.

    Then you accuse grinder of being insincere. No. It's you who is insincere and an insult to human intelligence.

    Fyi** grinder is leagues above you when it comes to intelligence. There is no comparison.

    As far as Anon answering your question, what's the point? You wouldn't understand anyway so it's a waste of time.

  146. this whole story seems very strange. she's a young, attractive black woman in Malibu alone at night. There's no telling what could have happened to her. From experience I know that LA is a very "different" place, and when it comes to sisters it just seems (in my opinion) like people think that we are fair game and property. The notion of the white man's rite of passage still rings true when it comes to sisters - but many sisters in inter-racial relationships like to act like the old rite of passage doesn't exist. Believe me - it is alive and well. Not too mention that there aren't too many white people who are proud to have a black president. More and more I see and feel the racial tension in America more than ever before. I hope they find her alive and well.

  147. grinder, how does all of that show how a white male/s may not be involved in her disappearance? You are the only idiot displaying your insular logic. Stop insulting other people's intelligence. You were never sincere to begin with, you always get made.

    La Idiot, you have made a point of saying -- more than once, mind you -- that you don't care what I have to say. Therefore, every time you respond to me, you prove once more that you are too stupid to remember your own words.

  148. Anonymous2:49 PM

    "La Idiot, you have made a point of saying -- more than once, mind you -- that you don't care what I have to say. Therefore, every time you respond to me, you prove once more that you are too stupid to remember your own words."

    It is true that LI has commented several times in the past that she doesn't care what you have to say. But obviously she did not mean it. Everyone can see that La Incognita cares a great deal about what you say and think.

    In fact, she appears to be obssessed with you. She can't let go...must be love.

  149. In fact, she appears to be obssessed with you. She can't let go...must be love.

    Yikes! I have me a stalkerette?

  150. Anonymous3:30 PM

    "when it comes to sisters it just seems (in my opinion) like people think that we are fair game and property. The notion of the white man's rite of passage still rings true when it comes to sisters"

    More black men commit violent crime against white women than white men commit against black women so give it a rest. "Rite of passage"? Get your mouth off the crack pipe. I've seen black men treat their white girlfriends like dogshit and use the race card to guilt them into tolerating it. Some black men date white women cause they feel they can be abusive to them in a way they wouldn't dream of treating black women.

  151. grinder,
    i checked out your menu, guess what, they don't show any prices that i can find, maybe you have the "white devil land" version?

    the restaurant most likely called the police to get their 89.00, not for Richardson's safety, just as Field posted.

    maybe you don't remember this, but some of those upscale restaurants (at least in NY)wouldn't even allow a woman in without an escort in the 1980's, which is why i personally found her 89.00 bill to be suspicious, it's a way to get rid of somebody you don't want around.

    and don't you find it curious that she made to calls before she left the police station, but her cell phone was in her impounded car? gee, i always thought that when a car is impounded, you have to go to where ever they have it, and pay the impound fine.

  152. maybe you don't remember this, but some of those upscale restaurants (at least in NY)wouldn't even allow a woman in without an escort in the 1980's, which is why i personally found her 89.00 bill to be suspicious, it's a way to get rid of somebody you don't want around.

    This is 2009 and we are talking about a restaurant in Malibu, but you are suspicious because (you claim) that some NYC restaurants wouldn't serve unaccompanied women 25 years ago? Shit, you're even crazier than I thought.

    Yeah, and you didn't see prices but look at the descriptions of the items and then look at the setting of the restaurant. You're going to tell me than an $89 check is "suspicious?" Yeah, if your special occasion hangout is Wendy's. The woman has a fuckin' Kobe beef steak. I have a big budget and I don't even buy those things because of how ridiculously expensive they are.

    And what's this with an $89 check being a way to get rid of someone? WTF are you talking about? Oh, and calling the cops doesn't get the restaurant any money back. It reports a crime and disposes of the criminal. If they simply let her go without paying, they'd have even more incidents like this because they'd become known for handing out free meals.

    Kathy, you've finally slipped the tether. You are barely even coherent.

    and don't you find it curious that she made to calls before she left the police station, but her cell phone was in her impounded car? gee, i always thought that when a car is impounded, you have to go to where ever they have it, and pay the impound fine.

    No, I don't find it curious. There are always details that a newspaper report leaves out. The account that field posted was less comprehensive than the one in the L.A. Times, which I'm sure is less comprehensive than all of the paperwork would show.

    If the woman left her cellphone in her car, but was able to make some calls from the sheriff substation, then obviously someone permitted her to use a different phone. It's not rocket science, Kathy.

    As for the "impounded" car, the account posted by field was contradictory on that point. It said the car was impounded, and said that the car remained at the restaurant. It's a minor detail that doesn't affect the main story.

  153. Anonymous4:33 PM

    "the restaurant most likely called the police to get their 89.00, not for Richardson's safety, just as Field posted."

    The restaurant is a business and its business isn't babysitting crazy black women.
    Again, what is so facinating about this comment is how when black folks take something and refuse to pay for it they label the person demanding payment "greedy". Funny, I don't hear FN, Kathy, or LaHalfwit, suggesting maybe this black woman was greedy for taking something and refusing to pay for something.
    The restaurant manager does not need to prove his motives were the woman's welfare. He was running a business and this woman committed a crime against his business. And now he's the bad guy, not the black woman who committed the crime. Is it because he is white?
    If a white woman went into a black owned restaurant ran up a $100 bill, refused to pay for it, the cops wouldn't be called? I'm sure FN, LaWhattheF, and Kathy would be calling the black owner greedy and questioning whether he was concerned enough about the emotional wellbeing of the white female thief, right?

  154. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "t's just hope that this story has a happy ending. In spite of all the efforts by the players involved to make it a sad one."

    "the efforts by the players involved to make it a sad one." Bullshit. This woman used bad judgement from beginning to end. Trying to blame every white person this woman encountered for her downfall is bs. Restaurant managers are not social workers and the police were obligated to let her go when she declined to stay the night. She was not a child and they were legally obligated to respect her wished.

  155. If a white woman went into a black owned restaurant ran up a $100 bill, refused to pay for it, the cops wouldn't be called?

    You might recall my anecdote above, in which a member of a class of people held by many here to be the most privileged in America -- white men -- was arrested for trying to skip out on a dinner check here in Seattle. Which, by the way, was eighty and something dollars.

    The restaurant manager does not need to prove his motives were the woman's welfare. He was running a business and this woman committed a crime against his business.

    I totally agree with that.

    the police were obligated to let her go when she declined to stay the night. She was not a child and they were legally obligated to respect her wishes

    I'm not so sure about that one. The grandmother had offered to come get her, but they released her anyway. Now, they did tell her she could stay in the lobby, but I'd like to know more about why they didn't keep her overnight.

  156. If a white woman went into a black owned restaurant ran up a $100 bill, refused to pay for it, the cops wouldn't be called? I'm sure FN, LaWhattheF, and Kathy would be calling the black owner greedy and questioning whether he was concerned enough about the emotional wellbeing of the white female thief, right?

    Then the story would be all about the vicious and racist white, uh, it rhymes with "rich.'

  157. Anonymous5:04 PM

    "The restaurant manager does not need to prove his motives were the woman's welfare. He was running a business and this woman committed a crime against his business."

    so why did the restaurant owner make a statement that he was concerned for her?

    and obviously, you have never used public transportation, where all kinds of people forget their commuter passes, or leave their money at home, do they get thrown off in the middle of the night?

  158. Anonymous5:15 PM

    "so why did the restaurant owner make a statement that he was concerned for her?"

    You would have to ask (or is it axe) him. He doesn't need to have his motives cross examined by you.
    He commited no crime- SHE DID

    "and obviously, you have never used public transportation, where all kinds of people forget their commuter passes, or leave their money at home, do they get thrown off in the middle of the night?

    My best friend is a bus driver, and most people who feel paying is optional are black.
    Having said that, riding public transportation is not the same thing as going into an expensive restaurant running up a $100 tab, then saying "The people at the next table will pay for this, put it on their tab" (which she did according to the LA Times. Then when they said they didn't know her she said "I have no money, but call this number and Granny will give you a credit card to charge it to". Uh yeah.
    She didn't forget her wallet, she had initially tried to get the bill put on someone else's tab without their permission. Classy!!!!!

  159. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Kathy "maybe you don't remember this, but some of those upscale restaurants (at least in NYC)wouldn't even allow a woman in without an escort in the 1980's, which is why i personally found her 89.00 bill to be suspicious, it's a way to get rid of somebody you don't want around."

    How you became suspicious of an $89bill (in 2009) in Malibu based on escort requirements for women (in 1980) in *NYC restaurants is beyond the 'mind of God'.

    Kathy, you are one dumb bunny. I don't know who is the bigger idiot, you or LI. But your ignorant assinine comment proves my previous comment about You:

    "You have to understand that lots of folks here like LI and Kathy have no idea what it's like to eat in an upscale restaurant."

    Again, $89 is not unusual, especially in Malibu. But I understand that you cannot relate to the experience, nor can you accept reality.

    Your brain is not firing on all is badly malfunctioning...too much alcohol and drugs in your life?

  160. and obviously, you have never used public transportation, where all kinds of people forget their commuter passes, or leave their money at home, do they get thrown off in the middle of the night?

    I have used public transit for many years, in several cities. I can't remember the last time I saw a free rider. I will admit, though, that I tended to use the "white" lines. Is fare jumping common among blacks, then?

  161. "My best friend is a bus driver, and most people who feel paying is optional are black"

    that's boloney, people who feel that paying is optional in public transportation come from every color. one little anecdotal evidence from your "friend" is hardly proof of the truth.

    Grinder, and anymous forget that it wasn't that long ago that women couldnt even get into some of these upscale restaurant without an escort. the 89.00 bill from a menu with no prices is very suspicious.
    what she said in the newspaper, well, that's easy, she isn't around to tell her side.

    for a mere 89.00, she isn't around to tell what happened.

  162. anymos 5:28
    "How you became suspicious of an $89bill (in 2009) in Malibu based on escort requirements for women (in 1980) in *NYC restaurants is beyond the 'mind of God'."


    maybe you have never been refused entry to a restaurant based on gender? huh?
    sure things change, like laws, but peoples minds, hmm, not so much.

  163. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "Uh yeah.
    She didn't forget her wallet, she had initially tried to get the bill put on someone else's tab without their permission. Classy!!!!!"

    Amazing. Only folks from the streets would try to do something like that. But Kathy supports people like her because they are of the same 'unprincipled' lower mind.

  164. it wasn't that long ago that women couldnt even get into some of these upscale restaurant without an escort. the 89.00 bill from a menu with no prices is very suspicious.

    Wow, kathy, shall I call you La Idiot II? They don't have prices on the menu posted on the Internet to avoid discrepancies with what's printed at the restaurant itself, in case they raise prices. And what is the relevance of some restaurants that (you claim) wouldn't serve unescorted women in New York City a quarter-century ago?

    what she said in the newspaper, well, that's easy, she isn't around to tell her side.

    Which "she" are you talking about? Mitrice wasn't quoted in the newspaper, so she didn't "say" anything there.

    for a mere 89.00, she isn't around to tell what happened.

    Yeah, okay. So what? Would it have been better if the bill had been $129?

  165. maybe you have never been refused entry to a restaurant based on gender?

    Actually, I was in a lesbian bar in the late 1970s and they refused to give me a beer. So, kath, how is that relevant to Mitrice's disappearance?

  166. By the way, will anyone please print a list of the black-owned restaurants giving away free food to white people? Thank you.

  167. Anonymous5:59 PM

    grinder "By the way, will anyone please print a list of the black-owned restaurants giving away free food to white people? Thank you."

    Only certain Whites get the list. You must be within 5 IQ points of Kathy. Otherwise, you don't qualify. And please, unless you can truly think like Kathy without laughing and looking sincere, I recommend that you don't try to cheat.

  168. Grinder,
    it's really not about a restaurant giving away free food, it's about a restaurant's collective behaviour, and the subsequent outcome.

    they said she was acting strange, she was sitting with other customers, they were assured by the grandmother that she would pay the bill, yet, they still called the police. it's not that hard to check out somebody's name from a restaurant, since they probably use caller id, and they can just google that.
    if anything, the restaurant used poor judgement, and that judgement contributed to the disappearance of somebody's love one, a daughter, a college grad, who was sheltered,a beauty queen contestant, yet you call her a deadbeat.

    Grinder, I had enough of you. your last few comments about white lines in public transportation and black restaurants giving away free food are ridiculous tangents.

  169. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "maybe you have never been refused Kathy entry to a restaurant based on gender? huh?
    sure things change, like laws, but peoples minds, hmm, not so much."

    In Chicago, women had no problem walking into an upscale restaurant or any restaurant without an escort. Women certainly had no problem in LA.

    I find it hard to believe that in 1980 women had that problem in NYC. Either you have the wrong year, or you are just full of shit.

  170. anyonymous 6:13

    you are completely wrong, women were not allowed into some restaurants without an escort, and men were not allowed into some restaurants without a jacket and tie, in fact, some restaurants kept extra jackets and ties on hand for their male clientelle.

  171. 27050 Agoura Road
    Agoura, CA 91301-5336

    Is the address of the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs station. It is in a semi rural light industrial location. (Please Google satellite view.) This is Agoura, not the Malibu that you think of along the Pacific Coast Highway.

    One of the restaurant web sites said $$$$. I have not been to Geoffrey's, but for the other ocean side restaurants there like Gladstones, Dukes etc $89.00 per person sounds reasonable.

    Having actually been there some months ago; I would say that at that time of night there would have been no one much around; empty office building and long blocks; which is very bad for an obviously young woman alone.

    What she did or not has no real bearing on the the fact that she has been missing since Thursday.

    Her grandmother was on the phone at the restaurant. Was she also aware that Matrice was at the sheriffs station? She might not have been. Also given the background that she has been given, she might have been too embarrassed to call her grandmother, or parents to come and get her at the police station.

  172. Please note fuzzy antecedent: "Having actually been at the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff's station some months ago;"

  173. anymous 6:13

    just wanted to add, in addition, restaurants in all male clubs did not ever allow unescorted women into their clubs, and even in 1997, i had to get a male signiture on a contract with a formerly all male club to use their facilities. things have now changed.

    i really don't care if you think i am full of it or anything, i am tired of your insults.

  174. they said she was acting strange, she was sitting with other customers, they were assured by the grandmother that she would pay the bill, yet, they still called the police. it's not that hard to check out somebody's name from a restaurant, since they probably use caller id, and they can just google that.

    Kathy, if you dig that hole any deeper you will come out in China. Can you read? Seriously, can you read? The L.A. Times story explained that credit card companies require a signature; that the restaurant told the relative to fax a signature; that the relative had no access to a fax. At that point, the restaurant called the cops. Kathy, can you read?

    if anything, the restaurant used poor judgement, and that judgement contributed to the disappearance of somebody's love one, a daughter, a college grad, who was sheltered,a beauty queen contestant, yet you call her a deadbeat.

    The restaurant did not use poor judgment at all. They had a deadbeat customer who ordered $89.21 worth of food and didn't pay the bill. The customer was acting weird. Claimed to be from Mars and speaking a made-up language that only she and you could understand.

    If the restaurant hadn't called the cops and had sent her on her way, it would have been stupid and irresponsible, and maybe legally problematic had Mitrice, the non-paying, whacked-out customer, then gone and hit someone while driving her car.

    I find it hard to believe that in 1980 women had that problem in NYC. Either you have the wrong year, or you are just full of shit.

    There was a restaurant in Boston, Locke-Ober, that had such a policy until 1971 when women demonstrated and had it overturned. I used to eat there in the days before the liberal puritans had the state prohibit tobacco in all public places.

    One night I was sitting in the first flood dining room, where smoking was permitted. I finished dinner and lit up a cigar, and pretty soon a woman came over and asked me to put it out.

    "If you didn't want smoke, you shouldn't have been seated in this room," I said. "The non-smoking section is upstairs."

    I didn't add that Locke Ober never should have ended the ban on women, but I was thinking it at the time. In any case, I doubt that any restaurants in New York City were refusing to serve unescorted women in the 1980s, unless possibly Kathy is talking about some private club that she heard about somewhere.

  175. Lady-Cracker

    Maybe 89.00 is accurate, and maybe it's not, I well remember going with two other young women to a quite famous bar/restaurant, we each ordered ONE drink, and the bill was 90.00, we had to take out all of our money that we had for the whole night, and charge the rest, then we left.

  176. "There was a restaurant in Boston, Locke-Ober, that had such a policy until 1971 when women demonstrated and had it overturned. I used to eat there in the days before the liberal puritans had the state prohibit tobacco in all public places."
    why is your anecdotal experience valid and mine not?

    oh forget it, grinder.

  177. Grinder, I think La incognita meant many times that she doesn't care what you think of her, referring to the names you always call her. I've been following this blog for over a year and I picked that up a long time ago. I don't always agree with her, but I always like reading what she has to say. She's always upfront in her mission and I respect that. You shouldn't be so disrespectful with the name calling, you lower yourself when you do that.

    OK so. I have eaten in many upscale restaurants in that same area and better elsewhere. I can count on my fingers how many times I forgot my credit card or checkbook in another purse. I'm a white female in my prime, I don't know if it's mostly my age over my race why I don't get the boot. But-- I can honestly say a manager of a restaurant once allowed me to write a promissory note, and one photo copied my ID. Other times I was able to call my husband or a friend. By experience, I can't fully agree with you Grinder and some of the anonymous posters who said restaurant owners call the cops on everybody. I'm sure her race played a biggie in this. We should be concentrating on this poor girl's whereabouts and stop the fighting. I have two twin daughters around her age, this would devastate me. I hope they find her soon and in good health.


  178. Maybe 89.00 is accurate, and maybe it's not

    It's not. The actual bill, according to the L.A. Times (which Kathy did not read because she's just as stupid as La Idiot) it was $89.21. Or maybe Kathy thinks the L.A. Times is a white devil newspaper?

    i had to get a male signiture on a contract with a formerly all male club to use their facilities.

    Maybe they simply wanted the signature of one sane person who would be financially responsible for any damage you did?

  179. I can count on my fingers how many times I forgot my credit card or checkbook in another purse. I'm a white female in my prime

    Not exactly your "prime" if you are always forgetting your money.

    I can honestly say a manager of a restaurant once allowed me to write a promissory note, and one photo copied my ID. Other times I was able to call my husband or a friend.

    Either you were known to those people or you are lying, that's what I think. As for the phone call, how do you think Mitrice reached her great-grandmother? Mental telepathy> Vulcan mind-meld?

    We've been told her cell phone is in her car, so obviously the restaurant let her use their phone. Which, considering that she had claimed to be a Martian and was speaking a language known only to her, Kathy, and La Idiot, I believe to be generous.

    Or maybe just prudent. Someone was probably crossing their fingers and saying to themselves, "Please let's have someone pay the bill and get E.T. out of here."

    We should be concentrating on this poor girl's whereabouts and stop the fighting.

    That's what I was doing until a certain Bitches Brew here chastised me for not acting like a black woman (?!) and calling me a racist. I think you are protesting to the wrong element here.

  180. trickster2067:09 PM

    Dara: I believe you, I'm black went out to eat by the comedy on the westside. Went to a one of those upscale restaurant had two martinis and an appetizer. My card did not go through. They didn't call the cops, I gave them my job number and told them I would be back. I paid them later on during the week. But I had gone there several times before maybe that's why I didn't get the cop treatment.

    And if credit card require signatures how are we buying stuff through the internet?

  181. My card did not go through. They didn't call the cops, I gave them my job number and told them I would be back. I paid them later on during the week. But I had gone there several times before maybe that's why I didn't get the cop treatment.

    BINGO. If you'd been there before, your name was probably in their computer. And depending on what time of day it was, they might have been able to call your employer to verify that you worked there?

    And can I presume that you weren't acting crazy in general? Did you flatly refuse to pay the bill? Did you tell someone that you were from Mars and start speaking gibberish?

    And if credit card require signatures how are we buying stuff through the internet?

    Read the L.A. Times story! The credit card companies require restaurants to have a signature. If there's no signature, the restaurant will lose the money in the event of a dispute.

  182. I think La incognita meant many times that she doesn't care what you think of her, referring to the names you always call her. I've been following this blog for over a year and I picked that up a long time ago. I don't always agree with her, but I always like reading what she has to say. She's always upfront in her mission and I respect that. You shouldn't be so disrespectful with the name calling, you lower yourself when you do that.

    La Idiot has made is clear that she considers me a white devil, and has written several times that she doesn't care what I think. I could choose not to take her literally, or I could hold her to her words. I have decided to hold her to her words.

    I don't call her "names." I call her one name, and I think it fits.

  183. Grinder,
    YOU are the one who called himself white devil and said that you lived in white devil land.

    "If there's no signature, the restaurant will lose the money in the event of a dispute."
    the key phrase here is "in the event of a dispute." Grinder, see they could have tried to charge her grandmother, but they didn't. even though they had her on the phone, which can easily be verified through caller id.

  184. Grinder, you are rude and hopeless. I did not mean any harm and I did not disrespect you, so do not disrespect me. I gather you are in your late 50's but your behavior and mentality does not match. I know La incognita can defend herself but I think for her age she seems even more intelligent and mature than you. I feel sorry for you and I think you love the attention. Loser!

    Trickster206, that happened to me on another occasion, my card couldn't go through and they let me walk to my car for hidden cash. The more I think about it, they would never allow a black woman to get away with that. it's always the restaurants that I've never been to before. My husband and I love to travel and we hardly eat to the same restaurant twice unless its real good.

  185. Anonymous7:36 PM

    "In any case, I doubt that any restaurants in New York City were refusing to serve unescorted women in the 1980s, unless possibly Kathy is talking about some private club that she heard about somewhere."

    Kathy must be smoking that weed laced with powdered delusion again.

    One thing I haven't been able to figure out, regarding LI. She has attacked you and called you names in the past, but when you give it back to her, somebody says you are being mean. What is that about?

  186. Anonymous7:42 PM

    grind ass and the anonymous is the same person. stupid ass racist always trying to start shit on this site. go back to storm front.

  187. I know La incognita can defend herself but I think for her age she seems even more intelligent and mature than you. I feel sorry for you and I think you love the attention. Loser!

    Speaking of name-calling!

    it's always the restaurants that I've never been to before.

    You routinely scam free food from restaurants that don't know you? All I can say is that you must be good. Real good.

    grind ass and the anonymous is the same person.

    field has written in the past that he logs the IP addresses of commenters here, which you can do if you buy software for that. If he is logging I.P. addresses, then he can step in anytime he wants to certify that, for whatever faults I might have, commenting anonymously isn't one of them.

    One thing I haven't been able to figure out, regarding LI. She has attacked you and called you names in the past, but when you give it back to her, somebody says you are being mean. What is that about?

    This is always a pitfall when you decide to fight back hard. It's the old saying about not fighting with pigs because the pigs get angry and you get dirty.

  188. the key phrase here is "in the event of a dispute." Grinder, see they could have tried to charge her grandmother, but they didn't. even though they had her on the phone, which can easily be verified through caller id.

    One of these days you will learn something, but I guess Mondays aren't your learning days. I noticed that the great-grandmother had a different last name, so I wonder what caller I.D. could have really proven.

    Beyond that, from the point of view of the restaurant that night -- that white devil restaurant that charges $89.21 for a drink and a hand-massaged Kobe beefsteak in a ultra-high rent location -- Mitrice was a babbling whackjob and the great-grandmother could have been anybody.

    If the restaurant had put the charge through without a signature, the person on the other end of the line could have disputed it when the bill came, and that would have been the end of it. The restaurant would have been out the money.

    Call it reparations, Kathy? Free meal in any upscale restaurant for every babbling black "Martian" who can get away with it? Sorry, my heart ain't quite that bleedin'

    I hope they find the young woman. She's mentally ill and needs help. But I don't think the restaurant acted badly. The sheriff is where the action was. I think it counts in their favor that they offered her a spot in their lobby, but I do wonder why they didn't simply hold her in a cell until the relatives could get there.

  189. Anonymous8:07 PM

    "for a mere 89.00, she isn't around to tell what happened."
    So Kathy's solution is if a black person steals from you and you call the police and they go missing shortly afterwards you are at fault for reporting the theft. I guess Kathy's solution is not to report crime.

    "it's about a restaurant's collective behaviour, and the subsequent outcome."

    The restaurant was victimized by a black theft, called the police, and the woman went missing shortly after she left jail. The outcome is a result of HER actions from beginning to end, not the police and most certainly not the restaurant's. It was an f-ing restaurant not a daycare service for f'ed up black women who want free food and drink

  190. Anonymous8:12 PM

    @Dora, I pray that Mitrice is found safe and unharmed. I wake up everyday with that hope in mind, and I am sure others feel the same way, including grinder.

    There is a reason that LI earned the name JAWS and it wasn't because she is miss personality.

    Even ab hates LI and has told her so, and has proceeded to prove it with a barrage of degrading descriptors that has sent LI running for cover for days. I don't recall people attacking ab for squashing LI. It only happens to grinder.

    Could it be that there are some folks on this blog with ill-willed intentions against grinder? He never starts the fight but he is pretty good at ending it. Btw, he does not deserve such treatment and I am glad he is standing up for himself-and winning!

    Now, if LI and her sidekick 'snowflake Kathy' were to apologize, maybe grinder might cut them some slack. :)


    "grind ass and the anonymous is the same person."

    Nope, I am not grinder. Any good reader can tell that we are not the same, bro.

  191. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Kathy, if you are so upset about women not being allowed entry into some places a quarter century ago then go protest Nation of Islam which encourages this kind of segregation.
    as to your other points
    "she was sitting with other customers"
    uninvited, and she tried to pass on her charges to them, without their permission. that is a crime
    "they were assured by the grandmother that she would pay the bill"
    this was after she tried to get her bill put on someone else's tab without their permission- a crime. Her grandmother was not their to sign for the charges.
    yet, they still called the police.
    see above
    it's not that hard to check out somebody's name from a restaurant, since they probably use caller id, and they can just google that.
    It's still illegal to take a credit card that doesn't belong to the person unless their is written PRIOR authorization.
    if anything, the restaurant used poor judgement, and that judgement contributed to the disappearance of somebody's love one, a daughter, a college grad, who was sheltered,a beauty queen contestant, yet you call her a deadbeat.
    Her behavior that night WAS deadbeat behavior. And you whinning that they used poor judgement by not giving some black criminal a free meal? If she was a college grad and beauty queen one would expect a bit more common sense and manners. SHE alone showed poor judgement.

  192. Anonymous8:30 PM

    "I can count on my fingers how many times I forgot my credit card or checkbook in another purse."
    that doesn't bode well for you
    I'm a white female in my prime
    you are "in your prime"? ha ha. Damn, I'd hate to see what your decline will look like!
    I don't know if it's mostly my age over my race why I don't get the boot.
    Maybe it's neither. Maybe they know you as that poor women with early onset alzheimer's. I'm a white female in my mid 40's and I would not presume that I could go to restaurant after restaurant and "forget" my wallet and they will let me "pay it back later". You are pretty lucky, or entitled. I would not expect it.
    But-- I can honestly say a manager of a restaurant once allowed me to write a promissory note, and one photo copied my ID.
    Maybe you live in a small town? Maybe the bill wasn't $90?
    Other times I was able to call my husband or a friend.
    OMFG- this happens to you a lot! Are you sure you can count on your fingers all the times this has happened? You must have 50 fingers lady! You seem to have made this a habit. What's wrong with you!

  193. OMFG- this happens to you a lot! Are you sure you can count on your fingers all the times this has happened? You must have 50 fingers lady!

    Either that or she's gotten 10 five-finger discounts.

  194. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Name correction @8:12p. I meant to address you Dara, instead of Dora. Sorry I misspelled your name.

  195. Speakin' of empathy, compassion, and caring for black victims, is anyone here going to shed a tear for Derrion Albert, an honors student beaten to death for the crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Nah, didn't think so.

  196. Grinder, you know that the restaurant wasn't "white devil", who you kidding, you work for restaurants, and you are just trying to cover your ass.

    You also wrote:
    Call it reparations, Kathy? Free meal in any upscale restaurant for every babbling black "Martian" who can get away with it? Sorry, my heart ain't quite that bleedin--------

    reparations, you have got to be kidding me, right? yes, i think you love all the attention you get from your stupid posts, grinder.

    Grinder, one last thing, before i throw up, there are many,many white people who would have had sym
    pathy for Mitrice Richardson, and who would not have allowed her to be taken away from the restaurant and with the police, I know that in my heart, I feel sorry for you, cause you are sick.

    yes, not enough white people, but Jodi, RT, Dana, would not have stood by like you!

  197. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Kathy "Grinder, one last thing, before i throw up, there are many,many white people who would have had sym
    pathy for Mitrice Richardson, and who would not have allowed her to be taken away from the restaurant and with the police, I know that in my heart, I feel sorry for you, cause you are sick."

    There were whites there who did all they could do. They were the managers of the restaurant. Just because they didn't do it Kathy's way, didn't mean they didn't care.

    FYI, the manager of the restaurant did his job in the right way. What do you know about upscale restaurants? Let me answer that for you>>NOTHING! you are the one who is sick.

  198. hey fake anoymous,923 leave ur name if you are real.

    if something bad happened to gay men, i would actually stand up and say, hey, that ain't right, and i would fight tooth and nail for you, but you rather find reasons to perpetuate hatred.

    Perpetuate hatred! You Grinder.

    yes, i sorry for getting tired of this stuff, and i try very hard not to use bad language tonight.

  199. This comment has been removed by the author.

  200. Grinder, you know that the restaurant wasn't "white devil", who you kidding, you work for restaurants, and you are just trying to cover your ass.

    I don't work for restaurants. Well, wait. When I was 16 years old I worked in a pizza joint.

    who would not have allowed her to be taken away from the restaurant and with the police

    Mitrice stole a meal. She deserved to be taken away by the police. The issue is what happened next.

    if something bad happened to gay men, i would actually stand up and say, hey, that ain't right

    Patronizing much, kath?

    By the way, I think you're an unfeeling, rude, unempathetic homophobe. Why? Because you have failed to adopt the persona of a white, middle-aged gay male. How dare you!

    Oh, given the humorlessness of my opponents here, I guess I'd better say that the second paragraph above was sarcastic.
