Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some not so pretty words from the "pretty boy".

Now that "pretty boy Floyd has disposed of yet another opponent , ( I can't wait to see the Mayweather Pacquiao fight. The two of them should wear masks when they go into the ring, because they will be making a killing.) and is still considered pound for pound the best boxer on the planet, I think it's a good time to revisit something he said before the fight:

"If you're rich, you're a rich n-----," he told ESPN. "If you're poor, you're a poor n----. If you're smart, you're a smart n-----. At the end of the day, they still look at me as a n-----.""This country needs to be more positive," Mayweather continued about the United States.

"We're in a recession, we're at war and we continue to be negative. The fans in the UK showed me more love than in my own country. That's crazy. ... Sometimes I'll sit back, I'll be in my theater sometimes, and I'll think, 'Imagine if I was the same fighter that I am, and I was the same person that I am, and I was from another country. Can you just imagine how big I'd be?' "But I wouldn't change my life for nothing in the world. There's nothing like being young, black and rich. But there are certain things you think about. If Floyd Mayweather was white, I'd be the biggest athlete in America. The biggest, the biggest. I know that for a fact."Mayweather continued, saying that the media never says anything negative about Oscar de la Hoya, and if there is something negative, it gets swept under the rug. Plus, he called out HBO boxing analysts Larry Merchant, saying he knows nothing about boxing, and Emanuel Steward, calling him an Uncle Tom. ''

Now now Floyd, it's not nice calling other black folks names....

I swear you Negroes are so ungrateful. A-merry-ca gives you riches you could never dream of in any other country, and still you bitch and moan. Of course if you were white you would get more love. Duh! This is a white country. White folks can't relate to you. You are young; black; rich; and arrogant. Why should they?

And the only reason you have the nerve to say that the white man plays down De La Hoya's troubles is because you are jealous of him. When did the golden boy ever get in any trouble? OK there was that one time. But De La Hoya isn't even white. At least I don't think he is. I think he is Mexican. Although I hear the Mexicans don't like him too much. I think it's because they think he thinks he is white. Floyd, instead of ripping De La Hoya, maybe you should be taking a page out of his book. I bet you would get more love here in A-merry-ca.

"Sometimes I sit back, I'll be in my theater sometimes..." See, that's what the white man is talking about; you have a theater in your house, and the rest of us are still watching the wall mounted plasma. So instead of wondering why they look at you as "just another nigger", kick back in your home theater, break out some popcorn, and slip in that last Ricky Hatton fight. It looks like you took out some of your frustrations on him. I guess it's just too bad for you that he wasn't an American.
*Pic courtesy of Laura Rauch of the AP.


  1. Field, I am from Floyd's hometown and the media here barely gives him a mention even during his title bouts. They go wall to wall on local sports and even the Detroit teams, but he gets the page A12 treatment at best. His words were on point.

  2. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Of course, Floyd forgot to mention that most of the fans think he's an asshole, and rightfully so.

    "At least I don't think he is. I think he is Mexican"

    There are white Mexicans Field. They are Spanish Castilians. Vincente Fox is an example of the aforementioned. Just turn on Telemundo sometime and you'll see allot of white Mexicans.

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Well, this chump must be a broke n-word since how big a Fool does one have to be to spew that bile word over the airwaves/ Oh yeah, the same 'rich" one who has his Maybach repoed due to non-payment and was dumb enough to take out a 16% loan on said car..

    These clueless chumps leave so much to be desired.

    As for 'white" Mexicans, the Mexican government says they are 10% of the population and can only be deemed "white" if they can trace their full lineage back to Espana, other than that, they are "mestizo." And most of the TV stars in Mexico are not from Spanish backgrounds alone, many are of Italian, French and even German back grounds, they have to appear as "white" as all out since Mexcian TV has a huge market in Eastern Europe, and, they don't want to see the mestizo's, same trick US movie and TV networks pull to keep POC who want to act out of work.

  4. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Is this the same Floyd Mayweather who was on trial for assaulting his girlfriend in 2003, convicted for failure to pay child support for his three illegitimate children in 2007, and was convicted of battery for a fight with two women at a Las Vegas night club in 2004?

  5. "Floyd forgot to mention that most of the fans think he's an asshole, and rightfully so."

    Yeah, but the larger and more obvious point here is that assholistic behavior is a MUCH more forgivable offense if you are an athlete of any other descent besides African.

    I'll say it one MORE time, Brett Favre would not have done a minute of jail time for what Michael Vick did.

  6. Body massage10:17 PM

    I'll say it one MORE time, Brett Favre would not have done a minute of jail time for what Michael Vick did.

    You mean like how the AA community will accept assholic behavior at enormous rates from its own men, but not from men of other races?

  7. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Floyd has a point. Some people in this country only see the color of a person's skin and not their achievements.

    As for DeLaHoya, he's a vendido for "assimilating" into society and downplaying his ethnicity. He plays nice, doesn't speak out for Hispanic causes and therefore he's The Golden Boy. Kind of like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods.

  8. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Kind of like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods.

    At least he is not with a white woman, unlike jordan and Woods.

  9. Mack Lyons10:44 PM

    "I'll say it one MORE time, Brett Favre would not have done a minute of jail time for what Michael Vick did."

    True, but PETA would have went after him twice as hard, making sure his image and career were TOAST. I bet they held back out of fear of royally pissing off the Black Community.

    If PETA wanted to do something constructive, they should go and try to break up the dogfighting rings run by them ol' crackers down in Louisiana. That'll be a one-way trip pretty much.

  10. Oh c'mon, it's just a matter of time he'll catch on and get a white woman. This way he can show them he's wiling to give back and expend his personal resources into the white community. They love that. you know.

    Reminds me of Tim Duncan (spit), the basketball "hero' from my area. See how white folks just love Timmy and dem. Well at least compared to Julian Jackson (boxer) who dared to marry a black woman - see where that got him.

  11. Boxing is a very popular sport in America, but it is no longer the mainstream attraction it was. We've had superstar fighters in America, black & white. But boxing does not attract casual fans & viewers here anymore. Too much competition. If Mayweather were white, he wouldn't be the kind of sports star in America he thinks he would be.

  12. Yeah, maybe white America should make his car payments. Reparations are due.

  13. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Or his child support payments.

  14. Field Hand G from Senile KKKarolina.2:53 AM

    I just arrived home from Philly. I attended a funeral which was dubbed a "celebration of life" for one of my all-time favorite relatives. I spent a lot of time in North and West Philly, and had a wonderful lunch near Penn. University (BTW, WTF is up with Wawa not selling beer?). Anyway, for fun, I considered shooting you an email while I was there, but I must admit, our fam. is completely UNHINGED ! Just imagine me times 120 people JUST LIKE ME, plus a lot of booze, and you'll understand why I didn't attempt to make a "surprise" stop by FNH (field Negro Headquarters). I stayed at the Econo Lodge near the airport, and was within walking distance of the sub/shuttle. Wow, last time I was in Philly was in 1996, but this time was it. BRO, WE BALLED OUT OF CONTROL, AND I'M SURE THAT ALL OF NORTH AND WEST PHILLY IS GLAD WE ARE GONE. P.S. There are some Native Jamaicans in my family, so, well, you know what made some of our "amateur comedians" perform at their best for the past three days :0)

  15. Mayweather has a point. However boxing is down for everyone. The current heavyweight champions are all Caucasian and get little attention in the US.

    As far as DelaHoya , he did have to settle a 62.5 million palimony/child support case with Shauna Moakler, who is Caucasian.

  16. Philjaz5:42 AM

    What Floyd said was on point. I think he is an excellent, focused, extremely talented Athlete. He is also an arrogant, immature jerk! He calls himself 'Money', that reminds me of Allen Iverson's 'Money Bagz' tattoo.

    Floyd and AI are clueless. Why brag about your money when there's some rich White guy probably writing your checks. Do you think he brags about his money on a daily basis? I don't think so. BTW Floyd, what's with the Che Guevera T-Shirt (he wore in a 24/7 HBO episode), wasn't he a communist?

  17. "BTW Floyd, what's with the Che Guevera T-Shirt (he wore in a 24/7 HBO episode), wasn't he a communist?"

    Yeah, that would be a contradiction of sorts.:)

    Field Hang G,sounds like you partied hard, but I am not mad at you. I am just glad you (or your family) didn't have to call me for professional reasons.

    "I'll say it one MORE time, Brett Favre would not have done a minute of jail time for what Michael Vick did."

    Things that make you say hmmmm.

    Co-sign with Roc about "golden boy". And he is a business partner with my homie B-Hop.

  18. Hey Field, I got an award for you other at my joint. Not like you need another but it's there!

  19. ditto fn:

    i love floyd!


    the fact that he is not chocolate skinned, afrocentric, loves a a black wife, and enjoys a beautiful extended black family also garners him no love in eurocentric, colorist america...

    i love oscar too, but he is indeed the oj of his latino race...

  20. fn:

    great review on fm and the bout here:

  21. Anonymous10:30 AM

    If it wasn't for y'all N-words Pro Boxing would have died when Tyson bit off Holyfield's Ear...
    I haven't watched a bout since Larry Holmes kicked that pussy "The G's for Gay" Gerry Cooney in 1982...Man, if I'd put that $50 in a good no-load agressive growth mutual fund...
    MMA and Pro Wrestlin's where its at...
    How those Eagles doin?? But Vick's suspension will be over soon so you got that goin for ya...
    Maybe Rush Limbo was right.


  22. uptownsteve10:43 AM


    There was a time when Jews dominated boxing.

    I guess Ponzi schemes beat than ass whuppins.

  23. Anonymous10:44 AM

    the fact that he is not chocolate skinned, afrocentric, loves a a black wife, and enjoys a beautiful extended black family also garners him no love in eurocentric, colorist america...

    Uhh... He's the father of three ILLEGITIMATE children that he was convicted of NOT paying child support for. You honor that? That's setting the bar lowwww

  24. assnon:

    stop putting your mindless words into my mouth

    i never mentioned anything about fm's typically fertile/philandering flaws or ANY "honor"

    so why did you?????

    i love lotsof imperfect people

    how flawless are you????

  25. Anonymous11:20 AM

    how flawless are you????

    I take care of my own at least. I don't have children with women I have no intention of marrying and then not supporting properly, even though Mayweather is a millionaire, many, times over. I don't expect perfection from people, but some things are inexcusable.

  26. assnon:

    what does your rant about basic parenting 101 have to do with what i posted about fm???

    i did not mention "honor/parenting/infidelity/bastard children..."?

    i love him for his magnetic charm/confidence and boxing skills only!

    if you have issues with things i did not even mention, why attack me rather than initiating your own thread accordingly?????????

  27. DuchessDee11:33 AM

    Field Hand G, glad you enjoyed our city. why did it take you so many years to get back here. please stop seeing family only at weddings and funerals. take time to enjoy one another while you can see hear and touch.

  28. uptownsteve11:46 AM

    I'm always suspicious of these athletes who claim that it's soley racism behing the reason that other athletes get more media exposure and endorsements than they.

    Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Sugar Ray Leonard before them proved that photogenic black athletes with are accepted by the mainstream buying American public.

    I remember Jerry Rice bitching during the early 90s that he didn't get his due from corporate America vis-a-vis endorsements.

    Then someone pulled his coattails and said "Jerry, you better learn how to talk if you want endorsements."

    Now I see Rice in commercials well after his NFL retirement.

  29. I see you caught that Wrestling vibe at the end to.

    As to mayweather/pacquiao fight. I do not think it will happen. I have two reasons. One, mayweather fought at a very heavy weight. I am sure it was to see how he felt and moved at that weight against someone he perceived correctly could not generate power to hurt him should he not be able to move.
    his calculation is Pacquiao cannot move up to a heavy weight to fight him effectively.
    Two, this was confirmed in my mind when the wrestling circus took place after the fight was over. mosley jumping into the ring while mayweather was being interviewed and the interviewer played along. the only thing missing was "the have your people call my people and let's make this happen" speech; I may have missed it not being up on fighter swagger talk.

  30. As a boxing fan, I agree with Floyd. Yes, he's a prick, but he would be the David Beckham of US if he weren't an arrogant black kid.

    That being said, LeBron James is the David Beckham of the States because he's a fairly humble and congenial black guy.

    Look Ali was flamboyant and a trash talker. But he was also fairly congenial with the press and new when not to be a jackass.

    Black & Brown folks have a double standard in American media. But you don't have to a gutless wonder like Tiger Woods or De La Hoya to be likeable, either.

  31. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Floyd has gained a new fan, ME. He called it on point, but he said it in public! While MANY say it behind closed doors. Floyd is alright with me.

  32. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "I'll say it one MORE time, Brett Favre would not have done a minute of jail time for what Michael Vick did."

    True, but PETA would have went after him twice as hard, making sure his image and career were TOAST. I bet they held back out of fear of royally pissing off the Black Community.

    If PETA wanted to do something constructive, they should go and try to break up the dogfighting rings run by them ol' crackers down in Louisiana. That'll be a one-way trip pretty much.

    Fuck PETA! They were worried more about saving animals then HUMANS during Katrina.

  33. uptownsteve2:06 PM


    "True, but PETA would have went after him twice as hard, making sure his image and career were TOAST. I bet they held back out of fear of royally pissing off the Black Community."

    Would you have any historical reference at all to substantiate this an entity held back protest for fear of making black folks mad.

    And what do you mean PETA "held back" on Vick?

    Are you insane?

    PETA called Vick a psychopath and protested his NFL reinstatement.

    AFTER he served almost 2 years in prison.

  34. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Anon, "True, but PETA would have went after him twice as hard, making sure his image and career were TOAST. I bet they held back out of fear of royally pissing off the Black Community."

    Well, I guess Vick would have gotten 'life' in the slammer if they had REALLY gone after him, huh?

  35. Mack Lyons3:05 PM

    "Well, I guess Vick would have gotten 'life' in the slammer if they had REALLY gone after him, huh?"

    No, but getting signed on with the Eagles probably would have been that much harder. I'm actually surprised Vick's career bounced back from a 2 year Fed bid.

  36. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Black men...always trying to get some sort of affirmation from the "ebil white man".

    Epic FAIL Floyd. Now go sit in the corner of your theatre. You deserve some time out.

  37. Just to give you some perspective:

    * 1925 - Ku Klux Klan – 35,000 KKK members marched on Washington
    * 1963 – March for Freedom with Martin Luther King – 250,000 marched
    * 1969 – March to end the Vietnam War – 600,000 marched
    * 1993 – Gay and Lesbian Rights – 800,000 marched
    * 1995 – Million Man March – 600,000 marched
    * 2004 – March for Women’s Lives (Pro-Choice) – over 1 million marched
    * 2009 – Obama Inauguration – over 1 million celebrate
    * September 12, 2009 – Tea Party Hillbilly Rally - 78,000 marched but only 3 seemed to know what they were marching about.

  38. "You mean like how the AA community will accept assholic behavior at enormous rates from its own men, but not from men of other races?"

    Umm no, black folks eventually abandoned O.J., while the caucasian community would never disavow a crooked cop like Mark Fuhrman.

    What I am referring to is the obvious double standard bewtween white athletes and black or hispanic athletes. Since you wanna be extra tone deaf on this issue I'll give you some specific examples:

    1984 Olympics. Carl Lewis taken down by the media for being an uppity negro while Mary Lou Retton, who would have won exactly nothing if the Soviet bloc had participated, becomes "america's sweetheart".

    Jose Canseco vs. Mark McGwire, both of them heavily juiced and the media KNEW it, yet look at the difference in treatment they got from said media.

    Barry Bonds: a classic victim of CLS (Carl Lewis Syndrome) for being perceived as an uppity negro by white sportswriters.

    Ali got the same treatment (and worse) back in the '60s. It's only when he got Parkinsons and was no longer "threatening" that they gave hime some respect.

    is where i found the list and i take her word for it.

  40. Anonymous5:59 PM

    E De Grave said...
    Just to give you some perspective:

    * 1925 - Ku Klux Klan – 35,000 KKK members marched on Washington
    * 1963 – March for Freedom with Martin Luther King – 250,000 marched
    * 1969 – March to end the Vietnam War – 600,000 marched
    * 1993 – Gay and Lesbian Rights – 800,000 marched
    * 1995 – Million Man March – 600,000 marched
    * 2004 – March for Women’s Lives (Pro-Choice) – over 1 million marched
    * 2009 – Obama Inauguration – over 1 million celebrate
    * September 12, 2009 – Tea Party Hillbilly Rally - 78,000 marched but only 3 seemed to know what they were marching about.

    Please provide us with proof of these numbers or did you pull them out of your ass?

  41. amnonysmus?

    I looked it up.
    Now you try.

    Sorry about the off topic.

  42. francis7:04 PM

    "That being said, LeBron James is the David Beckham of the States because he's a fairly humble and congenial black guy."

    Kobe Bryant was that "humble and congenial black guy" in a-merry-ca too until he poked that white girl.

    Now what the hell is he...just another n-word with 4 chips. Let's see how understanding a-merry-ca is when Bron Bron fuck's up.

  43. Dude is what, 40-0? Now if a white man comes along and knocks Floyd the f&#k out before he reaches 50, he WILL be a national hero. :)

  44. Ref Sidebar

    Wendell Porter should be a household name and shouted loudly to those who are extolling the beneficence of the free market.

  45. francis7:50 PM

    Why shouldn't Floyd run his mouth? He's young, rich, and very talented...40-0 I believe.

    Everybody else is running their damn mouths, including "The meme which shall not be named" and most have far less talent than Mayweather.

    In addition, Floyd has to step into the ring and face his opponent after talking shit. Which is more than I can say for all the other LOUD MOUTH, OPINIONATED, SHIT TALKERS in a-merry-ca

  46. Dude is what, 40-0? Now if a white man comes along and knocks Floyd the f&#k out before he reaches 50, he WILL be a national hero. :)

    I am way out on a limb here, so please consider this a genuine question and not a rhetorical one: Aren't all the superstar boxers heavyweights?

    By superstar, I mean the ones who become known beyond the limited number of people who are fans of the sport.

    I can only think of a few boxers who's names I recognize. Joe Louis, Muhammed Ali (after changing his name from Cassius Clay), and the German guy, Kurt Schmeling, oh and Mike Tyson. I'm pretty sure they were all heavyweights.

    Have there been any boxing superstars below the heavyweight class. Mayweather is arguing that he ought to be a superstar, but I wonder if his light weight is what makes him unlikely to ever break out into the national consciousness.

    His complaint sure seemed to be tied to his financial troubles. Who knows, maybe they'll have to repo his Rolls or his Ferrari to pay off the remaining debt on the Maybach. At 16% interest, Floyd, I suggest taking care of this sooner rather than later.

  47. Oh yeah, and there was the guy that Cassius Clay (when he was using that name) beat to become world champ. Sonny Liston. Another heavyweight, if I recall correctly.

  48. Anonymous3:08 AM

    The owner of this column is a house negro with a few field negro tendancies, and know he is going to dele my comments but he will have read them: There is very nothing that a black person can do or say about white supremacy that I will every go against my Brothas & Sistahs. As for personally attacking anyone unprovoked physically I don't advocate. That being said, Floyd Mayweather is a BOXER, I challenge anyone to look up in the history of boxing anyone who ever said 'I think or I will probably lose' the bout. ALL athletes, especially the ones that go mano e mano/woman to woman, MUST have an usually strong character to participate. Floyd just puts his entire confidence on the line and speaks his mind, not knowing whether he will lose or win, I let you in on a not so little secret, most other's don't do this because they want to have an out to save face, Mayweather is clearly not into vanity of step and fetch in case I don't get you. I can't see him going on an "I's sorry MASTAH tour for any reason" and that's Black Power in the public spot-light, he doesn't whisper behind closed doors of how it is and how it should be like 95% of BLACK public figures. By the way I have yet to see a WHITE public figure dumb it down for you, but they will dumb it down about you. And if Oscar De La Hoya doesn't consider himself white, then the Pope wasn't in the young Nazi Party. Here in Las Vegas not only do Mexicans consider themselves white, they will form a gang just to kill a lot of blacks, because they know it okay with Amerkkka, even black men on the west coast are VERY VERY colorstruck, so Mayweather is telling the truth with a capital "T", mexicans, asians are so of the most prejudice people out here towards black people as they have learned anyone can come to country & step on & over blacks enmass. Mayweather surrounds himself with BLACK PEOPLE more or less and if were white & fought & won against all the nay sayers, it would definitely be a national icon by now. You know that Steelers quarterback was accused of rape, it accusation was covered up & came back out, but I hear no nightly lynch mobb on that, the double standards examples are so obvious & up front to continue that when a popular known Black public figure speaks DIRECT, UP FRONT basically their experiences with shuffling & hoe-Bama-ing it, they are considered as using a race card, wake up BLACK PEOPLE! That racialist deck of cards does not have a BLACK one in the deck, it's a WHITE Supremact Deck it's stacked, they use reverse pyco. to keep up in the game that we are LOSING, SHAME on you fielf negro to let your sports bais get in the way of accepting the time & tested truth the Floyd spoke, a vERY VERY rare quality in any Black public figure now a days, kneegrowssssssssssssssssssss


  49. Aren't all the superstar boxers heavyweights?

    Not at all. Sugar Ray Robinson is still considered by some to have been the greatest of all time. You have fighters like Jake LaMotta, Manny Pacquiao, Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, Hearns, Prince Naseem, Tito Trinidad, Duran, Kelly Pavlik, Roy Jones, Rocky Graziano, Bernard Hopkins, Alexis Arguello etc, most of whom are at least somewhat well known outside of the boxing fandom and some of who were superstars. Post Ali, with the exception of Tyson, I don't think there's been a superstar heavyweight.

  50. What year is this?
    When was the last time any boxer was the biggest thing in the USA?
    Sure you may get a bum deal but ya gotta admit a big part of that is your sport's high point was more than 40 years ago.

    DeLaHoya may get a pass but still, he was never the biggest thing in America...
    Football, baseball, basketball, NASCAR, hockey.... and ultimate fighting.

  51. justanotherpoorfaggot11:25 AM

    mayweather is a homophobe and a hypocrite. His obsession with De la Hoya has more to do with rumors about his sexuality than anything else, and that's why I don't give a shit about him. It has nothing to do with his race. Maybe if he didn't treat other minority groups the way he complains about being treated, more people would give a damn.

  52. Sugar Ray Robinson is still considered by some to have been the greatest of all time. You have fighters like Jake LaMotta, Manny Pacquiao, Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, Hearns, Prince Naseem, Tito Trinidad, Duran, Kelly Pavlik, Roy Jones, Rocky Graziano, Bernard Hopkins, Alexis Arguello etc, most of whom are at least somewhat well known outside of the boxing fandom and some of who were superstars. Post Ali, with the exception of Tyson, I don't think there's been a superstar heavyweight.

    Of all those non-heavyweights you've mentioned, the only names I recognized were Jake Lamotta (because of the movie, whose name I forget), and Sugar Ray Robinson. I don't think boxing produces many superstars.

  53. Anonymous6:13 PM

    ""If you're rich, you're a rich n-----," he told ESPN. "If you're poor, you're a poor n----. If you're smart, you're a smart n-----. At the end of the day, they still look at me as a n-----.""This country needs to be more positive,"

    Maybe this country would be more positive towards him if he stopped making false accusations of racism. That might make American more positive towards him.

  54. @Grinder

    Yes boxing as a whole is down right now and has been for perhaps at least the past two decades. In general boxing does not produce a lot of superstars these days.

    That said Sugar Ray Leonard, Duran, Hagler and Hearns were HUGE in their day and I would bet they (Leonard especially-little surprised you don't recognize his name) are still well known outside of boxing circles. Well Hearns would be if he could speak.

    Trinidad and Pacquiao are as gods in PR and The Phillipines. But the only point I'm making is that any of those guys, superstars or not, were far better known than any heavyweight champ of the era who wasn't named Ali or Tyson. Today's boxing draws, superstars or not do not come from the heavyweight division.

    I wonder if Floyd truly believes what he says or if this is one way of motivating himself.

    Boxing needs a reduction of weight classes, a reduction of ring organizations, removal of the stranglehold that HBO/Showtime have on televised bouts and more frequent fights. That might perk up interest.

  55. Shady, it comes down to what constitutes a "superstar." My definition is that a superstar is someone who's somewhat well-known to a whole lot of people outside of their element.

    Michael Jackson is a good example. I'd bet that, even before he died, there were many millions of people who knew who he was without being able to name a single one of his songs.

    You're obviously a boxing fan -- which is just fine by me, no insult intended at all -- but I don't think those people you named are well known outside their circle. As for "Sugar Ray," I knew there was a boxer called Sugar Ray Something. Never knew there were two of 'em.

    I think we agree on one thing, which is that boxing is much less a part of the "mainstream" media-driven culture than it was in the past. I don't know why this is the case; it's not as if our society has become less brutal. Other way around, if you ask me.

    In any case, I think it's a biiiiiiiiig stretch for anyone to argue that Maywether isn't a superstar 'cause he's black. Hell, I think most if not all of the boxing superstars (and there have been some) since WWII have been black.

    From the outside, Maywether strikes me as a whining overindulged financial deadbeat. There are plenty of black superstars from various points on the compass, including the current president. It's absurd on its face to say that Maywether has been snubbed for being black.

  56. field,

    I think Floyd just set up a shack out here in the field with the rest of us. Can we go over and sit in his theater, too?

  57. "It's absurd on its face to say that Maywether has been snubbed for being black."

    Read what I wrote up at the top. The local papers in his home town give more ink to high school sports than to what many people consider the best boxer in the world today. This isn't an isolated incident, either. This story is repeated throughout history and throughout the country. Did you ever hear the phrase "great white hope"? Wake up and smell the racism.

  58. You know what? I actually had to go look up "great white hope" to see what it came from, and it turns out that it was about the search for a white man to beat Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion.

    The search took place between 1910 and 1915. After that, no black men were allowed to compete to be the heavyweight champion, until Joe Louis took the title in the late 1930s.

    As the risk of being called a smug and sanctimonious white bastard, I really think the United States has made some progress since 1915, don't you? I think Mayweather's grudge is bullshit. No one can demand superstardom simply for being really good at what they do.

    When it comes to superstardom, mere talent is what the engineers call a "necessary but not sufficient condition. You've got to have something else, and it's something no one can really put their finger on. Go ask Oprah, or Derek Jeter, or Wilt Chamberlain, and so on.

    This ain't because Mayweather is black. In the meantime, he really does need to pay off that loan. Now. At 16%, that interest is going to leave him without much more than a one-bedroom apartment somewhere.

  59. Floyd knows what he's doing. He enjoys being hated. It's the only way he can build up his confidence in the ring. He doesn't want to be loved and admired in the way De la Hoya or Arturo Gatti were. That would mean people have would have too many expectations of him. Sounds too much like role model figure. He wouldn't want that. That would mean he'd have to act like a model citizen.

  60. Kelvin. Sounds like you have the best answer. While the rest of you swirl some where around the fringes of whats really going on. I know the emotive freight of whats going on as we all do more or less but Kelvin was pretty much spot on in regards go Floyds psyche. Besides Mayweather knows America will never love him and its blatantly true and he realized that HATE can fill as my seats as love can-especially in A -merry -ca when a black man ( think Jack Johnson) is involved.
