Thursday, October 22, 2009

He is baaaack.

"452,327: the number of deaths due to heart attacks in the United States in the year 2004.
20: the percentage of all deaths due to heart attacks in the United States in the year 2004.
1.2 million: the average number of heart attacks that occur each year.
38: the percentage of all those who die from a coronary heart attack.
15.8 million: the number of heart attack patients who survive.
8.9 million: the estimated amount of angina patients in the United States.
400,000: the number of new angina cases each year in the United States.
233,000: the number of women who died from cardiovascular disease each year.
14 million: the number of Americans afflicted with some form of heart disease or angina.
50: the percentage of deaths that occur one hour after a heart attack when not treated.
60 billion: the amount of dollars spent on heart attack treatment and prevention each year.
20: every 20 seconds, a new heart attack occurs somewhere in America.
60: every minute, another heart attack death occurs."
[Link here]

Dick Cheney has a bad heart..... I am just saying.

Over at Jack & Jill Politics, Christian Progressive Liberal is just saying a little something as well:

"I really, really wish this cretin would OD on six packs of STFU. I mean, he orchestrated wars that America had no business being in, so he and his cronies at Halliburton could get fat paid, while torturing prisoners, and raping female employees sent to Iraq to help make that money.
But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, he wants to provoke the current POTUS into hurrying up on
what to do about Afghanistan.

Hey, didn’t you and GeeShrubya try that approach seven years ago, when you invaded Iraq? You did what it supposedly took to win, and guess what?
Obama has to continue fighting the war you dipshyts started. And you have the good-God audacity to Complain.
Eff you, you rotten GOP Bastard; I guess you and your partners are missing all those no-bid contracts that paid millions while feeding our troops rotten food, and making them drink water that smelled and tasted like ass that those contracts were supposed to provide, in terms of goods and services.

So, you think Obama is “dithering” about Afghanistan. Well, jackass, maybe if you and your boy Georgie had done some “dithering” instead of “you’re either with us or agin’ us”, Barack Obama wouldn’t have to spend his first year in office restoring American good will abroad because you and your boy spent eight years alienating our country abroad and pissing away any good will we had – about 200 years’ worth...." [More]

Oh yes, my old friend Dick. And just where would the political debate in A-merry-ca be without him?
*Pic courtesy of Daily Kos.


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    FN--i sent you an email describing how you could put a feature on the blog to collapse comments so that people could see who was posting, and click on them to read. it would be easy to see how many times someone posts.

    i hope you do this, as i can't really bear reading here anymore either. one poster as you know keeps insulting people and using vile language, and at some point those posts could be a liability for you.

  2. fn:

    i swear he never left

    he has been our real prez since 2000 and he will be so until 2016

    he just switched puppets
    from gwb to obama/gwb 2.0

    and he and his cousin obama have fooled millions!

    the feud is all show!

  3. I can say with the deepest, most heart felt sincerity.....

    I do not give one flying fuck what Dick Cheney thinks. And, I am not one to usually celebrate the passing of a soul... but, Field, beer's on me when he goes!

  4. I'm with Jody.

    (now back to filing my grievance).

  5. Jody:

    I don't drink but I should be ashamed of myself for saying this but I'll even drink one with you.


    I love you babygirl. You keep it real and you have keen judge of character skills.

  6. Anonymous10:02 PM

    The day Dick Chaney leaves this world is the day...Angels will sing...But with Americas bad luck this fool will live to a hundred...

  7. Here's my thing: there have been many anti-war protests in recent weeks as far as Afghanistan is concerned. Somehow, they've failed to make the news cycle as they did when Bush was in office.

    Oh yeah, my thing...

    Fuck what Cheney says, how about progressive bloggers and or people speak out about what's going on in Afghanistan? The fuckin Obama Honeymoon is over, and it's time for us to step up and hold his ass accountable for continuing this fake Taliban, but it's really about oil war.

    See the documentary "The Oil Factor" to understand where I'm coming from. How long are we going to ride on what the last fucker did in office? Frankly that shit is sickening to me, especially when the new guy in this instance is doing more of the same.

    *drops mic and steps off stage*

  8. Oh yeah Field, racism called. He said you're slippin on the whole Megan Williams recantation thing.

    Yeah man, racism is laughin at our Black asses for supporting her kidnapping/rape/torture story.


  9. Rippa... was at the demo against the war last saturday...and at all the ones in years' past.... I absolutely agree... Obama needs to be pressured and keep the pressure on. to end the war in Afghanistan and Iraq... he gets no pass from me on this.

  10. When Dick Cheney dies he will fly with the angels.He won't be burning in hell like Ted Kennedy.

    Yep, another black woman, another false accuser.

  11. Eureka10:27 PM

    Love your blog. Great post. Why Cheney is running his mouth is anyone's guess. Since he was so unpopular at the time he left office, he has nowhere to go but up.

    Cannot stand him. Why Kennedy is dead and this scumbag lives on (despite his alleged bad heart) is something I cannot understand.

    President Obama has to clean up the mess Cheney and Idiot Boy Bush left behind.

    I thank God every day that Obama and not CRAZY Pailin won the election. We all know what would have happened to old man McCain had he won. Pailin would have killed him and said that God told her to do it. She's so power hungry.

    Anyways, Field Negro - your website is always very interesting and well-written. Keep up the good work.

    (But please, feel free to delete people who try to derail your comments section by posting multiple inane, unreadable, rambling monologues!!).

  12. I love you too Granny, I'll try to behave from now on though. I think I cause too much bacchanal on this blog sometimes. Too many angry bitter people are gunning for me now. :)

    Btw Field, I don't know much about politricks, but, when the evil one eventually shoots the bucket, will the tax payers still have to pay for his discarding? Even so, I should at least be able to watch and enjoy it on TV.

  13. rippa:

    you will ONLY see all those war protests on FOX news

    obama controls all other tv news

  14. @Jody: That's what I'm talking about! Where are the voices of Obama supporters as far as Afghanistan is concerned?

    @LaIncognita: You said "Bacchanal" in your response to Granny. You got Trinidadian roots or wha gyul? D'is how we does talk (LOL).

  15. @Alicia: I swear my inner "9/11 truther" conspiracy theorist was thinking the same thing. But I wouldn't go as far as to say he "controls" the "liberal media" or what passes for coverage from them. But it is somewhat ironic isn't it?

  16. rippa


    he has 100% control of msnbc and abc

    90%+ control of nbc (-SNL but he is working on it)

    and maybe 85% of nbc

    ONLY FOX is telling any truth about obama

    that is why their ratings are soaring with anti-neocons like me

  17. oops

    i meant 85 of cbs

    rushing thru commercials at cnn now

    more asap

  18. rippa

    hannity and bill are warmongers!
    and still
    FOX news is showing those protesters


    War via Bush = Bad

    Same war + new wars via Obama = Good



    Sheehan is one brave mother of one felled soldier among thousands of American casualties of the brutal and illegal war in Iraq. Admirably, she dared to relentlessly dog George W. Bush/King Shrub after her son was murdered in Iraq.

    Now that she has finally seen how Obama truly plans to only escalate that very same war, Sheehan will heroically and belatedly begin relentlessly dogging Obama too.

    Sadly, I do not expect to see any sincere media coverage of Sheehan’s war with Obama. Unlike Bush’s Nazis, Obama’s Nazis rule all media. Televised or not, Sheehan may become a righteously jagged rock in the ritzy sands of Obama’s upcoming opulent beach vacation. Stay tuned…

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Eureka,
    Cheney's Borg.

  21. Representative Joe Wilson's wife was diagnosed with Swine Flu.

  22. Oh yeah, I forgot Rep. Greg Walden, R-Washington also has Swine Flu.

  23. @Granny: Would it be wrong if the necessary health care they need was denied by some strange force? lol

  24. rippa:

    peep ALL of this at youtube
    other pts

    on jay z/obama/freemasons/the nwo etc

  25. Man, Cheney is like a zombie vampire, you just can't get rid of him!

  26. Rippa:

    Yeah, it would be something if their claim was rejected. Hey, I mean they rejected a woman for being overweight,a child for being to small, and rape victim too. The reason for rejecting the rape victim was they considered rape a pre-condition. BTW, the Joe Wilson's wife is overweight so does that apply to her too.

  27. GSFT, I read about two rape victims being denied coverage.

    One was denied because after she has been raped she was given anti-HIV drugs at the hospital as standard operating procedure. After she switched jobs the insurance with her new job noted that she had taken the anti-HIV drugs and told her that she would have to stay HIV negative for three years before she would be covered.

    The other rape victim noted that she had PTSD and the insurance considered this a pre-existining condition.

    Obama and the Democrats need to invite these people to testify to put a human face on the problems with health care.

    Considering the bright spotlight that is on the health care insurance industry one would think they wouldn't be so damn bold but oh well.

  28. Roderick:

    Sorry it took so long for me to reply to you but the google wouldn't let me post.

    Back months ago I had warned people in what would happen and how a lot would be exposed about health care insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and the dung would hit the fan. I can't remember what I said word for word because I was saying it as it was coming to me.

    If you go back and read the archives when I think we were discussing the bank failures, if I remember correctly, you'll see what I said back then. It is coming to past just like I said it would. I keep telling people that Bush/Cheney did more damage to America than folks think they did. Americans don't know it but we're barely standing on crutches and only by the grace of God.

    It is still some more stuff coming out in the future but I can't say right now because it's not coming to me clear enough because I can't concentrate because I have a headache from all that confusion in here earlier today.

    I told folks that before Bush/Cheney's term was up people would practically kick them out the White House. In a sense, basically, that is what people did. The day after the elections was over with people acted like Bush was no longer in the White House and that the inauguration had done come and past. President Obama had to tell them that there can only be one President at a time.

    If people only knew how big a mess they left, they would be stunned into a stupor. It will take some time to straighten all of the mess they left behind out and some they won't be able to. They left a big mess. It's that bad!

  29. Rippa
    while there have been protests against the Afghanistan war. they did not rise to the level or in the numbers that happened during Bushes administration. and they have been covered. During Bushes administration there were huge huge simultaneous protests in every major city around the world and in this county. and they got no coverage.

    Yes i hate the war and i want us out. but there is no comparison between bush and Obama.

    We all knew Obama was a politician and his election was something joyful to behold. but on the following day it was our duty to hold his feet to the fire.

    lets not play into the white mans game of sitting around and bitching and pointing fingers.

    it is past time to organize organize organize.participate participate participate

    and stop the hate. we all have a unique voice that has value in all of these discussions

    isn't anyone watching Amy Goodman/Democracy Now.

  30. @Rippa.
    Think you might find this interesting.

  31. "but, Field, beer's on me when he goes!"

    Irish Pub on Walnut?

  32. Rippa, you are right, I am trying to cut his O ness some slack but....I will give him time and see what he does with this next decision on Afghanistan.

    As for Megan Williams;can you say Tawana [sp?] Brawley? But I am not going to give the racist the pleasure of dwelling on it. Not enough people crying wolf as far as I am concerned. When there is a cry we still have to respond.

    "When Dick Cheney dies he will fly with the angels.

    That Angel better hope that they don't have duck hunting in heaven or he won't be flying for long.

    "He won't be burning in hell like Ted Kennedy."

    Hell will be a picnic compared to having to spend years in Washington with republiklan politricksters. I think old Ted might welcome the relief.

  33. Irish Pub it is!-:)



    They ORIGINALLY were sold on the notion that by supporting the Progressive establishment taking control over the key institutions in their community that THEIR LIVES WOULD BE BETTER.

    * Their Schools
    * The Public Safety On Their Streets
    * The Local Economic Engine
    * The Lifestyle Choices That Are Supported

    WHEN THESE FORCES GET INTO POWER and there is no logical reason why these points should not be improved in these same places - YOU HAVE A POTENTIAL CRISIS.

    IF the masses are ALLOWED TO FOCUS on their own communities - recall that THEY were the "Black Conscious Movement", working for our best interests - then THEY WOULD PRESENTLY BE PISSED AT THE RESULTS. If there are any places that are "Right Wing Free Zones" it is these places where Black folks have the final say in who will represent them.

    WHAT DOES THE PROPAGANDIST BQPFRC do to address this potential revolt?


    KEEP THEM FED BY FOCUSING ON EVERYTHING BUT what is damaging them the most.

    DON'T TALK ABOUT THE ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT IN THE SCHOOLS that are the best indicator of what the Black community will be 30 years from now. FOCUS ON DICK CHENEY!!!!! The chum that is thrown into the water will have the masses distracted for the minute. Their bellies will be full. They will be made content.

    DON'T TALK ABOUT HOW the "Bloody Summer" is now becoming the "Murderous Autumn" that are terrorizing our people - asking WHAT ARE THESE YOUNG PEOPLE THINKING!!!

    FEED THEM REPUBLICAN STORIES!!!! The image of RACISM is far more powerful with the mind of the NEGRO (and Snarling Fox White Liberal ) than any other THREAT that can be enumerated by the VITAL STATISTICS.


    Take a step back and look at your community and manage the people around you. Control what you can control. RESIST being USED by other people who have no interest in your INTERESTS but what you can do to help them achieve what is ultimately EXTERNAL to your domain.

    The fact that ON PAPER these should be the BEST OF TIMES per your current ideological biases yet IN REALITY there are several series of tsunamis heading your way BECAUSE so many issues that have been left unaddressed in your community because you have been manipulated to focus on the outside should give you pause. It should cause you to take a step back and see that ALL THAT STIMULATES THE ANGST WITHIN YOU IS ACTUALLY CONSTRUCTING THE TYPES OF INDIVIDUALS WITHIN YOUR COMMUNITY THAT WILL MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY STRONG.


    Those who HATE OTHERS because these others HATE are STILL full of HATRED themselves, regardless of the reasons for their HATRED.

    Who is profiting from this HATRED? Most certainly it is not THEM.

  35. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years
    The decline in Barack Obama's popularity since July has been the steepest of any president at the same stage of his first term for more than 50 years.

    oh, crap!!!

  36. [quote]Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years
    The decline in Barack Obama's popularity since July has been the steepest of any president at the same stage of his first term for more than 50 years.

    Anonymous YOU ARE THE TROLL!!!!

    This post is the same type of CHUM that Filled Negro throws out except from a different ideological perspective.

    Upon reading this the Progressive-Fundamentalist will go into defensive mode and seek to protect Obama.

    Anon - why don't you seriously consider WHAT YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL IS.

    Is it to antagonize the Progressive-Fundamentalist or is it to lay out the case where at least they will consider your view point to be credible.

    Attention All Progressive-Fundamentalists - I AM NOT IN THIS AS A FIGHT AGAINST OBAMA, hoping that his poll ratings go down. I am purely about PERMANENT INTERESTS as I realize that a jumbo jet that has only its left wing and engine will spin in a loop and certainly crash.

    Get in line with the FUNCTION of certain ideologies and policies, not just for the "team sport" of doing so.

  37. uptownsteve9:20 AM

    Obama's approval ratings jump back to 56%

  38. uptownsteve9:25 AM


    "Those who HATE OTHERS because these others HATE are STILL full of HATRED themselves, regardless of the reasons for their HATRED."

    Why do YOU hate your own people?

  39. Do anyone really think Cheney or the Bush's really care what you think of them? If I'm going to do anything it is to educate as many people as possiable I can so they will not be hoodwinked by another pair like Bush and Cheney.All the disparaging remarks are just that!

  40. uptownsteve9:50 AM

    Don't be talkin bad 'bout massa!

  41. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Uptown said:
    Don't be talkin bad 'bout massa!

    LMAO...SMH steve... steve

    Uptown re: CF. Brother STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS. :(

    Here is the story of Christina Turner (Roderick had mentioned part of the story above.Good post brother you made me want to hunt and find the story)who was told that her being raped was a pre-existing condition .

    John Crow

  42. bmip!

    thank you

    you made my day!

  43. do not be hoodwinked and bamboozled by 2 cousins playing on tv!

  44. Anonymous10:49 AM


    I know you are a sports type so you must have heard about ESPN's Steve Phillips and his "fatal attraction" saga. Anyway a "fieldy" Dexter Dodgers wrote an interesting article comparing the response of ESPN to Steve Phillips (white) situation;as compared to their response to the situation of former ESPN analyst Harold Reynolds(black).

    Does he have a point or is he just reaching?

    John Crow

  45. uptownsteve11:01 AM

    John Crow,

    Of course he has a point.

    It's the old racial double standard in America that is pathetically endorsed by self-hating coons like Xi and CF.

    The double standard explains why everyone knows who Jayson Blair is even though there were scores of white plagiarists busted at media outlets before and after Blair..

    Including one Mike Barnicle who STILL has a high paying gig at the NY Daily News and MSNBC.

    IT explains why the nation cringed when it heard about black Latrell Sprewell attacking his white coach PJ Carlesimo yet Rob Dibble can beat the crap out of his manager Lou Piniella in front of ESPN cameras and it hardly raises an eyebrow.

    You hear righties and Toms ranting about the poor Duke lacrosse players and how the awful black stripper framed them.

    But we hardly hear a peep about Susan Smith and Charles Stuart who killed family members and blamed their crimes on imaginary black predators.

    When the stripper lied, nobody died.

    And on and on we go.

  46. @Granny: Now that was too funny. She's overweight, has H1N1, and they'll probably deny her because they think she's pregnant (LOL).

    @Shady_Grady: Man that was an interesting article. Thanks for the link. There is definitely a shift as the author explained. And to me, this is sickening. I just wished more people would call a spade a spade (no pun intended Obama supporters - I happen to love the guy) and point out the hypocrisy that is his sell of "a war of necessity".

    @liz: Yes one can compare Obama to Bush on this issue. Under Obama $80 billion was hurried through the house with pressure from Rahm Emanuel to fund the Afghanistan war effort. Forget about the rush to bailout banks by Bush. But wasn't Obama against the "surge" in Iraq?

    @Field: I feel yuh Dread! The Megan Williams story is fuel for the (as my man Francis L. Holland puts it) "Color aroused".

  47. Anonymous11:03 AM

    My apologies guys i made mistakes in the HTML links in my previous posts.

    Here they are

    First post: Christina Turner told rape was a
    pre-existing conditions

    Second post:"fieldy" Dexter Rogers Steve Phillips/Harold Reynolds comparison article

    Sorry again should checked links before i posted.

    John Crow

  48. obama has done NOTHING but escalate EVERY mess that gwb and dc made...

    and he has ONLY made the messes they left even MESSIER!

    the obama messes SURPASSED gwb after only 6 mos in ofc, when not a single soldier had come home and the bailout bilkings began...

    the new world order is in full effect, the global MESSINESS has just begun

  49. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Field, Field, Field,
    Its America, learn the rules, We don't eat our Ex President/Vice/Presidents like friggin Idi Amin.
    And can you imagine Barbecuing Al Gore or Bill Clinton? its easy if you try Mmmmmm FAT:) And I bet Jimmy Carter would taste like moldy Beef Jerky.
    Seriously, you're Tempting the Karma Gods Big Time, theres a certain President (Peace be upon Him) that has a little weakness for the Cancer Sticks...
    Just Sayin, the Survival Rate for Lung Cancer's still really low, do you REALLY want Joe Bidens knarly fingers on the Nuclear Button..
    Maybe you do.
    and Air Nigeria's ready when you are.


  50. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Oh, and I know you're not a Medical Professional, but Cheney's had Angioplasty's out the Ying Yang, takes Plavix, ands got an ACID that gives his Ticker a little 360 Joule Jolt if it misses a few beats.
    He ain't dyin unless somebody Shoots HIM in the Heart..
    You DO know he's still elgible to serve 2 Full Terms?? Go ahead, laugh, (I love the way you N-words laugh BTW) nobody thought Richard Nixon had a chance after 1962...

    Frank, "I hope Obama DOESN'T get Lung Cancer" Drackman

  51. rottnkid12:26 PM

    Blogger alicia banks said...


    peep ALL of this at youtube
    other pts

    on jay z/obama/freemasons/the nwo etc


    You I guess I'm the son of a Devil worshiper. While your at it you might want to look at this series too instead of a 7 min sound bite. You might learn a little something.

  52. Anonymous12:30 PM

    One word for Dick, PATHETIC

  53. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Frank "He ain't dyin unless somebody Shoots HIM in the Heart..
    You DO know he's still elgible to serve 2 Full Terms?? Go ahead, laugh, (I love the way you N-words laugh BTW) nobody thought Richard Nixon had a chance after 1962..."

    Frank, as usual, you give food for thought. Cheney probably has a ticker stronger than most folks, and has a hundred ways to stay alive.

    You like the way Blacks laugh? Yep, you have some black in you, somewhere.

  54. Hey Rippa, I love Trinidad/Trinidadians, I'm from the VI islands.

    (But all yo is like family to we. I too grow up playin pan wid deh soca and deh kaiso dem. Meh people dem love all yo fete music bad :)

  55. uptownsteve said...
    The double standard explains why everyone knows who Jayson Blair is even though there were scores of white plagiarists busted at media outlets before and after Blair..
    Including one Mike Barnicle who STILL has a high paying gig at the NY Daily News and MSNBC.

    Wrong.There has been books and movies made about white plagiarists.

    Mike Barnicle was forced to resign from the Boston Globe

    IT explains why the nation cringed when it heard about black Latrell Sprewell attacking his white coach PJ Carlesimo yet Rob Dibble can beat the crap out of his manager Lou Piniella in front of ESPN cameras and it hardly raises an eyebrow.

    Rob didn't beat the crap out of Lou.That was a wrestling match at best and Lou resigned a few weeks later.

    You hear righties and Toms ranting about the poor Duke lacrosse players and how the awful black stripper framed them.

    Yet we hear black folk whine about Mumia, yet you want to put innocent white people in jail.

    But we hardly hear a peep about Susan Smith and Charles Stuart who killed family members and blamed their crimes on imaginary black predators.

    There has been a book,movie,playwright,song,tv shows,Law and Order esp, based on Charles Stuart.

    There has been 3 books written about Susan Smith,3 songs written,poems written,movies based on what she did,Law and Order,Oz,X-files,SouthPark,all did tv shows based on what she did.

    Also, she was in the news a few years back for having sex with prison gruads and her write a prison ad.

    And on and on we go.

    No, you need to stop the bullshit.

  56. Damn uptown steve,you are en fuego today.:)

    John Crow,thanks for the link.ESPN show a double standard? Noooooo

  57. rkarghhghh:

    as always

    i find your post completely incoherent

    try me again
    in english:

    say what????

  58. rk:

    there are many pts to this video

    YOU should watch them all as i have long ago

    it is filled with religious/political/social truths

    the bro who produced them is a rebel scholar and warrior i revere

    the freemasons are the rulers of of our world

    jay z/obama/gwb/dick c all included


  59. rk:

    i also find it amusing that rihanna is being called out for her new s&m/goth looks when it is actually far deeper than her critics know...

    i believe she has also become a freemason

    maybe she was inspired to hook up after that devil chris brown beat her like demon...

  60. uptownsteve1:31 PM

    "Wrong.There has been books and movies made about white plagiarists."

    Like who?

    "Mike Barnicle was forced to resign from the Boston Globe"

    And was almost immediately hired by the NY Daily News and MSNBC.

    That's white boy Affirmative Action.

    How America has always worked.

    "Rob didn't beat the crap out of Lou.That was a wrestling match at best and Lou resigned a few weeks later."

    Yeah right. And Latrell was just massaging PJ's throat.

    Dibble had Piniella in a headlock and was slamming his fist into his skull.

    Oh I forgot. When white guys fight it's just a scuffle.

    When a black fights a white it's attempted murder.

    Just like in Jena, LA.

    Oh and how could I forget Prof Leonard Jeffries of CCNY who was pilloried in the NY press for month as a "black racist" and forced from his chairmanship of the AA department.

    Yet at the SAME TIME and at the SAME SCHOOL white supremacist Michael Levin, who gave lectures about the "Inequality of the Races" before racist organizations, remained a tenured professor who got a free pass from the NY press.

    Anonymous, I know how much the truth offends you.

    Thanks Field.

  61. us:


    obama's ratings bumped up as soon as cheney dissed him

    when voters realize that he and cheney are playing them as a duo

    they will bump back down twice as!

  62. Off-topic----

    Thank God for Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, abortion kills more black Americans than the 7 leading causes of death combined.

    Here's the list of the leading causes of death for blacks in 2005.The top seven causes of death are listed below, totaling 198,385 fatalities.

    1……….Diseases of heart—74,159
    2……….Malignant neoplasms—63,165
    3……….Cerebrovascular diseases—17,541
    4……….Unintentional injuries—13,652
    5……….Diabetes mellitus—12,970
    7……….Chronic lower respiratory diseases—8,229

    Total: 198, 385

    Abortion killed 203,991 blacks the same year.

    I will be writing a check to inner city Planned Parenthoods and i may start supporting Democrats.

  63. rk:

    i do not know you

    unlike the buybull homohaters herein who slander me
    i would never call you a devil


    i can tell you that any teacher knows that jay z and his ilk produce rap music that is demonically HYPNOTIC to millions of kids who hear and rap it the detriment of their brains and souls...

    and jay z's new video is clearly visibly evil
    even to those who deny freemasons rule the illiminati etc...

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Anonymous1:56 PM

    why does this blog always have to be about alicia banks?

  66. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Because alicia banks is this blog.Without her,this is just another moonbat website.

  67. Anonymous2:11 PM

    FN do something about this alicia person.

  68. anon thanks!



    FN is a lawyer, a warrior, a soldier, a sage, etc

    but most of all, FN is a GROWN MAN
    and this is his blog!!!

    how dare a faceless wannabee whining cowardly bitch made fool like you make any such flagrantly disrespectful DEMANDS of him???!!!

    how dare you buck up like his daddy/police chief on this blog??!!!

  69. Field: am loving the "cheney's got a gun" photo op I myself am waiting for that tin man to foil over an go to compost but everytime I see this walking Henry kissenger/Satan incarnate pop up over cnn I question the existance of our "justice" system the longer this tin man goes unprosecuted as a war criminal and is free to cross the freaking street among decent civilians. It is apparent that nothing is sacred And that there is no justice in the world with the evidence this murderous reptile still drawing breath.


    Repeat after me:
    1. Trans Afgan Oil pipeline
    2. Haliburton is going to build it
    3. Cheney the tin man controls

    afganistan is way different from Iraq, at least there is some a concept of federal gov. In afganistan the contol ends outside of Kabul. The entire time we were occupied in Iraq. And for what? See no. 1,2,3 above.
    outside of Kabul. The rest of the country is largely controlled by local tribal leaders with more interest in their own group. Then there is also the matter of terrain. Afghanistan has outlasted the great powers, Britain and Russia, that attempted to establish control there, because the mountainous geography makes it perfect for those determined to resist. The definition of "success" leaves the question of whether that success is either 1-achievable or 2-worth the cost.

    If dithering means taking the time to look outside the neocon box on this, I say great.

    the more he looks, the more he is going to realize that this "war" is just another fiasco. So keep on dithering Mr. president. And when you finally get to where i am on this we will all be delighted that you took the time, because that will mean our soldiers will be coming home and not doing the dirty work for the neocons any more.

  70. *cheney controls Haliburton

  71. Damn uptown steve,you are en fuego today.:)

    John Crow,thanks for the link.ESPN show a double standard? Noooooo

  72. Thank God for Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, abortion kills more black Americans than the 7 leading causes of death combined.

    Here's the list of the leading causes of death for blacks in 2005.The top seven causes of death are listed below, totaling 198,385 fatalities.

    1……….Diseases of heart—74,159
    2……….Malignant neoplasms—63,165
    3……….Cerebrovascular diseases—17,541
    4……….Unintentional injuries—13,652
    5……….Diabetes mellitus—12,970
    7……….Chronic lower respiratory diseases—8,229

    Total: 198, 385

    Abortion killed 203,991 blacks the same year.

    I will be writing a check to inner city Planned Parenthoods and i may start supporting Democrats.

    1:36 PM

    Pretty disgusting but not surprising that a White man or whatever thing you are would find this information reason to celebrate with the use of stats to fuel your supremacy. But then I realize that White men in general barely have a heart or any discernable conscience to speak of—so your glee totally fits your predisposition for perversion and inherent psyhopathy.

    Oh and why don't you join a couple of other unapologetic racists on the last thread about Black inferiority and the fact that we are racially cleansing ourselves? I am sure the stats that they keep posting about and their vast knowledge of black dysfunction that they are lathering on and on about will also make you quite happy.

  73. Anonymous4:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Mike Barnicle was forced to resign from the Boston Globe"

    And was almost immediately hired by the NY Daily News and MSNBC.

    That's white boy Affirmative Action.

    Jayson Blair was a affirmative action hire.And he was fast-tracked because he was black.

    Things even out.

    Yeah right. And Latrell was just massaging PJ's throat.

    No blood,bruising, or marks.

    This was in 1992.Most people were just getting cable,there wasn't 3 cable news companies,and no bloggers.Lets don't let that fact get in the way of you bullshit rant.

    When a black fights a white it's attempted murder.

    When a white fights a black its a hate crime. So BAMM!!!

    Oh and how could I forget Prof Leonard Jeffries of CCNY who was pilloried in the NY press for month as a "black racist" and forced from his chairmanship of the AA department.

    Yet at the SAME TIME and at the SAME SCHOOL white supremacist Michael Levin, who gave lectures about the "Inequality of the Races" before racist organizations, remained a tenured professor who got a free pass from the NY press.

    And how could you forget Kamau Kambon and other blacks speaking about killing all white people at different schools.

    Anonymous, I know how much the truth offends you.

    You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

  74. uptownsteve4:15 PM

    "Jayson Blair was a affirmative action hire.And he was fast-tracked because he was black."

    Any evidence that Blair was any less qualified or talented than his peers produce it here.

    "This was in 1992.Most people were just getting cable,there wasn't 3 cable news companies,and no bloggers.Lets don't let that fact get in the way of you bullshit rant."

    And what the fuck does this have to do with anything?

    "And how could you forget Kamau Kambon and other blacks speaking about killing all white people at different schools."

    You keep missing the point Jethro.

    Is Kambon presently in the employ of any university?

    Levin sure is.

  75. uptownsteve4:48 PM

    "When a white fights a black its a hate crime. So BAMM!!!"

    Not in Jena, LA.

    As a matter of fact if you're from Pasadena, MD and white you and 5 of your buddies can stomp a black boy to death and not spend a day in jail for it.


  76. Anonymous4:52 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Jayson Blair was a affirmative action hire.And he was fast-tracked because he was black."

    Any evidence that Blair was any less qualified or talented than his peers produce it here.

    If you can read check out the The Siegal committee's investigation.

    Howell Raines acknowledged at a meeting of Times news staffers, and managers that Blair had gotten the breaks he had enjoyed because he was black.

    "This was in 1992.Most people were just getting cable,there wasn't 3 cable news companies,and no bloggers.Lets don't let that fact get in the way of you bullshit rant."

    And what the fuck does this have to do with anything?

    Are you really asking that question?

  77. uptownsteve4:58 PM

    And the breaks that white plagiarists like Rick Bragg and Ruth Shalit got were due to...........?

    "Are you really asking that question?"

    I see you can't answer it.

  78. Dark Moon said...
    Pretty disgusting but not surprising that a White man or whatever thing you are would find this information reason to celebrate with the use of stats to fuel your supremacy.

    90% of blacks support the Democrat party.The Democrat party overwhelming supports the #1 killer among blacks here in America.

    So blacks are supporting their #1 killer.Go figure.

    But then I realize that White men in general barely have a heart or any discernable conscience to speak of—so your glee totally fits your predisposition for perversion and inherent psyhopathy.

    Yep white men have no heart.I just can't understand why we keep saving you from yourselves.

  79. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Damn....Michelle O' is fyyuunnnn!!! And the O-man's smile is opaque... The caption could read, "You beez one fine sistuh; you know it and I definitely knows it."
    And I think that most of A-merri-kkk-a would rather see her arms!

  80. Yep white men have no heart.I just can't understand why we keep saving you from yourselves.
    Yeah. Yeah. The great white savior—with beer guts, liver spots, and balding pates in all. I know you all are so much more civilized and superior then Blacks because “hey look at Africa.” “And how about the Justice stats” “and the Bell Curve—damn we keep saving those low IQ thugs and they keep bringing down the national curve”.

    So since you keep saving us from ourselves (aren’t we doing a lot of the work for you anyway?) and that must be truly exhausting for such superior beings, I would suggest you start making preparations as I mentioned in the last thread… and exterminate us all. Then you all can skip into that perfect White light that has no Blacks. So get going.

    There are a lot of mad white people, so your burgeoning army is waiting.

  81. Dark Moon said...
    Yep white men have no heart.I just can't understand why we keep saving you from yourselves.
    Yeah. Yeah. The great white savior—with beer guts, liver spots, and balding pates in all. I know you all are so much more civilized and superior then Blacks because “hey look at Africa.” “And how about the Justice stats” “and the Bell Curve—damn we keep saving those low IQ thugs and they keep bringing down the national curve”.

    Awwwwww you sound so bitter.Need a hug? What a grapette soda ?

  82. uptownsteve,

    It seems that among your list of plagiarists, you forgot Alex Haley and his best-known work -- Roots.

    Mischief of this nature is no big deal to me since writers are always stealing stuff from each other. But there are egregious cases.

  83. "historian" dolores kerns goodwin, another famous white plagiarist.

  84. "despite the fact that all of her alleged attackers pleaded guilty and are serving jail time." from the linked article.

    How can she recant? They must have done something to her or they would not have confessed. These were "white" guys.

    Is the local district attorney doing anything about this? It seems like some one is harassing this young woman again. Sigh!

  85. Dark Moon, why is it wrong to use statistics to back up a point?

    I have read and reread Obama mmm mmm good's posting and I could not see any celebration of those wretched stats.

    I read that he was supporting Planned Parenthood to prevent some future black women from dying from bad abortions?

    Please explain what I missed. I support Planned Parenthood.

  86. maria, you wrote:

    ""historian" dolores kerns goodwin, another famous white plagiarist."

    Ah. Another country heard from. Goodwin gave foot-noted attribution to Lynn McTaggart, but failed to put quotation marks around some of her text.

    That's a lot different from Haley, who outrightly copied the work of another author and was sued as a result. Haley paid the other writer over $100,000.

  87. assnon:

    if you only see one person posting vile language on this blog

    then you need no more collapsing

    your pc/eyes have already collapsed
    into total malfunction!!!

    you are all good....

  88. Mack Lyons7:32 PM

    "...i hope you do this, as i can't really bear reading here anymore either. one poster as you know keeps insulting people and using vile language, and at some point those posts could be a liability for you."

    I hate to spell it out for you, Field, but if you don't get a handle on some of these characters floating around here, they're gonna drop a load of shit on your plate that you won't be able to scrape off.

    Free speech is good and everything, but you can't let people hide behind the idea just so they can launch all kinds of bullshit without consequence.

  89. sorry, i meant DORIS.

    and you're wrong--she was involved in more than one instance. doris also paid--we don't know how much--and lied about it. and btw, i don't know what country you are writing from, but i'm from the same one as field.

    "A true moral exemplar wouldn't duck the "plagiarism" label, as Goodwin has. And a true moral exemplar wouldn't have hidden the evidence of her plagiarism for many years, acknowledging it only after the press found out about it. That's exactly what Goodwin did. Goodwin's best-known borrowings were lifted from Kathleen Kennedy: Her Life and Times, a biography of JFK's high-spirited sister. The author Lynne McTaggart discovered the plagiarism in the late 1980s, threatened legal action, and reached a quiet settlement with Goodwin's publisher, Simon & Schuster. Goodwin didn't come clean even about her "inadvertence" until news of it broke last year in the Weekly Standard. More to the point, Goodwin left the plagiarized portions intact in subsequent editions of the book in question, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, until the Weekly Standard revelations compelled her to fix them."

  90. alicia--you called LA a diseased whore, you called someone else--repeatedly -- a c-nt and me lots of names.

    perhaps because you post so much you have no idea what you're writing.

    and most of the time, neither does anyone else.

  91. mareallystupid:

    your post proves that your major malfunction is even more dire than assnon's

    i stand by every slur i post

    and your documentation of such slurs herein is GROSSLY incomplete and sporadic

    your selective math/counting is equally flawed

    fix all that lying bs asap

  92. i'm stupid, right, whatever.

  93. I'm just wondering about the selective free speeh going on here. It's OK for people to call AB and kinds of vile names, but when she digs in those collective asses and attacks back, everyone gets their Granny panties in bunch. Well dam, talk about hypocrisy!

    Obama mmm mmmmm, black folks usually like a bucket of chicken with their grape sodas, so next time, don't forget the chicken, LOL!!

    Interesting stat on blacks, Dems, and abortion. Guess I'm that 10% who isn't a Dem, is in fact Conservative thoguht NOT Republicanm and who only supports abortion under the extenuating circumstances.

    As for "Dick", there's only ONE I'm interested in and it doesn't have a dam thing to do with Chaney!!!!

  94. [quote]
    Why do YOU hate your own people?[/quote]

    I don't hate Black people.
    I DETEST YOU!!!!!

    You are the main ringleaders who work hard to build an army of "aggrieved fighters" rather than seeking to make your people STRONG with the hopes of one day no needed the "GOVERNMENT OPTION" because they know that BLACK FOLKS NEED HEALTH CARE and thus

    * They will EDUCATE Black people to fill the ranks of the PRIMARY CARE Physicians

    * They will address the Piracy Problem so that fewer Black folks will have news passage ways opened up in their bodies for their blood to leak out upon the side walk.

    In WhiteBowieSteve's world THESE PIRATES are more credible than I am BECAUSE they are not Black conservatives.

    Instead of considering the risk to Black kids by the high speed chase - Steve is inclined to look at how 400 years of slavery made these Pirates turn to a life of crime.

  95. there is no hypocrisy -- no one has called her vile names.

  96. Anonymous9:40 PM

    uptownsteve is white?

  97. maria said...
    there is no hypocrisy -- no one has called her vile names.

    I'm going to assume you're new because if you don't think that names such bitch and references to her sexual orientation are vile, then it's no wonder the world is in many ways such a fcuked up place to live.

  98. No one can convince me Dick Cheney is still alive. He has been dead (or should I say more accurately "undead") for years. He survives only by having crude oil mixed with the blood of dead soldiers pumped into his veins via a specially-designed pump manufactured by Kellog, Brown and Root.

    Hey, here's the perfect Halloween gift:

    Cheney/Satan 2012!


    Dick Cheney as a Walmart greeter

  99. Anonymous12:26 AM

    CF "You are the main ringleaders who work hard to build an army of "aggrieved fighters" rather than seeking to make your people STRONG..."

    Yes!!! UTs cannot afford to help make his race strong because they would all be stronger than Steve.

    That's why his sorry ass tries to keep every Black down.

  100. kissmablackazzfukthatshit1:52 AM

    damn field!!...i'm sorry bruh but this crazy bitch ain't doing nothing but thread-jackin'...which ain't no diffrent from niggas car-jackin' m'fukas shit on the street. one crazy thread-jackin'ass m'fuka! Whatchu trying to do...put an end to field's blog bitch! Take ur self-aggrandizing act some fukin' where else bitch! I don't believe you really a lesbian sista...but some crazy cracka tryna sabotage my boy field's blog...and yeah, yeah go on with another moronic tirade about how you done did this and that...BITCH, don't nobody here give a flyin' fuck about dat shit!!

    m'fukas just tired of you thread-jackin' BITCH!!

    sorry to all my peeps who may have been offended by this public service announcement...but i'm callin' names NOW!


  101. you assume wrong.

    co-sign with kiss. thank you.

  102. maria, you wrote:

    "and you're wrong--she was involved in more than one instance."

    Like I said, plagiarism is not the crime of the century, and all writers are guilty of it at some point. This is a minor matter, made even smaller by the fact that sales of books in this category are few.

    Though I like some of what Goodwin has to say about a few things, I have read only one of her books -- Wait Till Next Year -- her book about the Brooklyn Dodgers.

    A more relevant issue is why there are so few black writers and why the good ones are given too little attention.

  103. fly
    i love u

    ab hater posse:

    you weak and wicked haters expose your arrogant ignorance and brazen double standards more with each post

    all of you blind, liars, envious, illiterate, inept, unfair, masochistic ETC!!!....

    NO one has been more vulgarly and ruthlessly attacked on this blog as me/my wife/parents/eyes/locks etc....

    mareallybrazenliar knows this
    and so do all who have been paying attn

    THE only real problem here is that i am MEANER and VILER than every ab hater COMBINED!!!!

    i have slain all these mangy dogs in packs and i always will!!!

    whining to FN about banning me is ALL they can EVER EVA EVAH hope to do...
    BRING IT YOU FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. kma:


    and your vocab is so nice and impressive

    your illiterate psycho rant reminded me of that crazy muslim that damon wayans played so well on "in living color"...ha!

    i do not have to be white/male/het to slay fools like you

    u made my day early
    you made my day

  105. alicia dear, stop this madness you are breaking your mothers heart. she sacrificed so much, and to hear you talk like this it breaks my heart

  106. Anonymous11:07 AM

    AB is so rude CT. She keeps talking about slaying and shit, and we just laugh at her. But some people do convince themselves of some crazy things. She will come on here in a little bit, use words like vile and stuff, talk about slaying and winning and the rest of us just chuckle. She falls into it all the time. FN used to have a good blog here. We still have some smart folks (and I don't mean smart by big words and slams) like Granny, La Incog, US, Fly, Ern, CF, Rippa, and many more. But AB is a bully I think. She doesn't see how her posts are different from others, which is sad. FN has even posted some hipocritical posts (which he used to never do). I hope he's not getting caught up in it too. He's our leader, and we look for his reasoning as being level. I know we all hope that he keeps a high standard to his posts and does not become a hippocrit. In my opinion there is nothing worse. If we allow our brethren to act like that, then we become just as bad as our oppressors.

    How do you know AB?

  107. "ct"

    my serial posse beatdowns and routine slayings are documented
    the truth is its own defense

    you have never met me
    but i DO love how you keep proving that i endure a lot of unique bullying on this blog

    NO one else has ever pretended to know someone and their parents?????? wtf?????



    you are flagrantly fabricating EVERYTHING you refer to as always

    and even dissing FN as you do so

    and you call ME rude???


    get a grip and a life

    your comical delusions about me and my mom are only real to you and your aliases herein

    assnon = cuntychung = etc...

    you are schizo too bitch!!!

  108. cuntychung:

    funny how your silly list included some of the worst bullies herein

    all just happen to be stars of the ab hater posse too?
    how coincidental you lepton!

    i love cf and fly and rippa tho!

    just spare me the foolish bias and selective bs

  109. Anonymous11:38 AM

    See CT, it's that easy. AB, I put below some of your discourse where you were rambling under different aliases. Please don't confuse me for CuntyChung (whoever that is). I don't know Kola either. But then again, most of what you write is hard to understand. It's kinda cute how you respond. Go back and re-read, and respond again. That tickles me.

    Anonymous said...
    OMG AB, you are so transparent, I am cutting and pasting these to a word document...I want to remember this night...the "bully" goes down. purr purr kitty kitty pussy lover.

    9:22 PM

    anon3 said...
    and aren't you supposed to be with your queen, CT says you don't spend enough time with her cause of your gadgets...hmmmmmm....and you say she does not know you...whatever!

    9:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    ab "assnon:

    YOUR wt

    your IQ

    watch dem typos fool!!!!"

    ab, that was great, ROFL. Keep slaying those mindless idiots, my sister.

    Anon 9:20p

    9:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    yes ab assnon keep it up ;)

    9:29 PM

    sara said...
    leave ab alone she will slew all you rabid jealous shrews!

    victory is mine.. u flee bag infested dogs.

    come over to her blog... read her post on obama nazis. read everything! .

    you will see her intelligence as she write her eloquent fury... she is a lioness... i roar with slaying you fools.

  110. friedchicken11:42 AM

    I roar and slay too. Just like the dyke does. Well, I like pussy like the dyke does. This ab is a hoot. I just went to her website...she's an intellectual, don't mess with her lioness furry. Cute. Is it her mom who posts on here too? Is she nuts too? Just saying...crazy begets crazy from time to time.

    Peace my bros and sisters.
    Stop the hate and masturbate.

  111. the day that niggers like all of you lying hating assnons/schizos spend a mere FRACTION of the time seeking knowledge that you EXHAUSTING yourselves envying and cursing those like me who have already gleaned the wisdom and purpose you covet.....

    that is the day
    the revolution will come

  112. Alicia sweetheart. You have a right to be mad. That ASSNON is very rude and needs to stop that. But try not to sound so superior when you talk. You are not, you are a black human like the rest of us. Don't hold yourself up because you are "smart". It's a very subjective term (i.e. according to whose knowledge base? show cultural capital? etc.). Confident is one thing, but "already gleaning wisdom and purpose"...honey, I taught you better than that.

  113. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anon11:38am-you are wrong in your assessments. The Anon you think is AB is NOT. There are a few Anons and others who support AB and detest you and others who gang up on AB. You are just too dumb to realize it.

    "ab, that was great, ROFL. Keep slaying those mindless idiots, my sister."

    This quote does not belong to AB.
    Stop being a moron.

  114. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Sure AB...and Obama cares about us black folks. Good try.

  115. Anonymous1:04 PM

    "Sure AB...and Obama cares about us black folks. Good try."

    Nice try, Kathy.

  116. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I think it's granny....just kidding, it's so Ab. She keeps the hits high for Field...kinda like Amarosa on teh apprentice...a freakshow that people liked to watch.

  117. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This game is over. Goodbye, snake.

  118. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Vile wretched snake I will slay you dead.

  119. uptownsteve9:30 AM


    "You are the main ringleaders who work hard to build an army of "aggrieved fighters" rather than seeking to make your people STRONG with the hopes of one day no needed the "GOVERNMENT OPTION" because they know that BLACK FOLKS NEED HEALTH CARE and thus"

    Oh negro you just spew the same nonsensicle horse$hit over and over.

    I live and work in a community of black strivers and achievers.

    Professionals, business owners, and educators.

    I know this is difficult for you to perceive with your head stuck perpetually between white buttcheeks.

  120. Anonymous11:37 AM

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