Thursday, October 15, 2009

Up Up And Away.

To say that what was playing itself out on television today was surreal would be an understatement. Not since O.J.'s famous Bronco ride has so many people been glued to the news channels to see unscripted reality TV. You all know the story by now: We were told that there was a six year old boy floating away in what looked like a big birthday balloon slash spaceship as it blew across the windswept Colorado plains.

My co-workers were beside themselves: workers and litigants watched in awe from the television in the courthouse lobby. Field you will not believe this. There is a poor little boy floating away in a hot air balloon. God that poor child! -That little six year old owes me some reports- So I went out and watched right along with them. Right until the over- sized birthday balloon landed softly with a thud in what seemed like the perfect spot. But, alas, there was no boy. And then everyone started to think the unthinkable; what if he had fallen out? Of course the news reports didn't help. It was one confusing and contradictory report after another. In hindsight it seems that they were all just as confused as we were.

Fast forward five hours, and we all know by now that the little guy is safe and sound. Seems he was right there in his garage hiding through the entire ordeal.

Now you know I have to keep it real with you, so that's what I am going to do.
First, who the fuck has a hot air balloon just parked in their back yard? Are these people crazy? A balloon? Ahhh honey, I have to go to the grocery store, I think I will take the balloon. No problem dear, just make sure it has enough helium in it.......unbelievable! And, to make matters worse, they have little children. Did it ever occur to these people that this might be a dangerous situation? Thank goodness the little rug-rat didn't really go Fifth Dimension on us and try to fly away in daddy's beautiful balloon. Still, just the fact that everyone involved thought it was possible just goes to show how foolhardy these damn people are. I say call DHS/ Child Protective Services on their asses to investigate. They do it with poor people all the time, these suburban loons don't get a pass.

Oh, and while we are at it, let's bill them for the cost of the rescue operation that went out to save their little six year old and the disruption that they cost local air traffic. BTW, that little six year old better be glad he is not in a black family, because if he was, falling from a damn balloon would be the least of his problems. As it stands, he will probably just get "time out" and no video game privileges for a week.

"When the Heene family aren't chasing storms, they devote their time to scientific experiments that include looking for extraterrestrials and building a research-gathering flying saucer to send into the eye of the storm," according to the show. "

Which begs the question; if they can't find their damn six year old in the garage attic, just how the hell are they going to find "extraterrestrials"?


  1. LOL,
    we watched it too, and when it finally "landed" my kids kept saying, "hey, they are hitting that balloon with a kid inside", i figured at that point the kid was hiding in a corner somewhere, didn't think of the attic though, LOL.

  2. Anne Frank must be rolling in her grave.

  3. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I think about this story up until an hour ago. This is what happens when you work for public radio. I got home, turned on Hardball and said what look like the Jiffy pop container when all the corn is popped, suddenly I this urge to eat popcorn, but roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and spinach was probably the better dinner option. This is truly a WTF moment because this story went well beyond its shelf life. Field, I think your blog about is far more entertaining the actual story. Why do I get a feeling that this a work?

  4. I was reading the Jack & Jill blog when posters started cussing because of this event cutting off Obama/NOLA coverage. LOL! This event may seal it for me in regards to watching the MSM for random news. It wasn't any better before, but come on! This wasn't even an event to warrent "breaking news".

    The first thing that popped in my head was where is the coverage for actual situations where kids are in danger? SMH!

  5. "BTW, that little six year old better be glad he is not in a black family, because if he was, falling from a damn balloon would be the least of his problems."

    Ha-ha..this is true!!!!!

  6. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Oh, Mr. Field; lolololol!!

    Somehow, I knew you were gonna write about this, and I wasn't disappointed...and your comment about Little Knucklehead being lucky he's not in a Black family was right on target. After I heaved a sigh of relief that the crumb snatcher wasn't dead, the very next thing I thought was, "Mom and/or Dad need to tap that...butt". Come to think of it though, somebody needs to tap theirs!



  7. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Check this out.

  8. I guess the wife swap stunt wasn't enough for these people. Yeah right. we don't need another Kate and Jon replacement. Nice try. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    I say bill their ass, and call in CS to grill the kid for the truth.

  9. Shit fields i jus glad that balloon didn't fly over a inner city.Negros would have pulled out they 9's and put a 1000 holes in that balloon.Than those same negros would have went Reginald Denny on that kids ass.

    Thank God opps Obama for small miracles.

  10. I look at the coverage..

    1st question:

    Why was the kid not in school? Guess he was home school or the parent didnt want the child to go to public school.

    Second question:

    Is the attic or the garage so big that a 6 year old could not be found?

    Yeah right, I smell a rat, this was a great opportunity for a storm chasers to get some alot media attention.

    3rd question:

    Do that family need to visit by CPS? HELL YES.........

    4TH question:

    Who should pay for all that waste time and money? Not the taxpayers

    5th question:

    Who is going to profit from the mini stunt? It better not be that family..They was already on Wife Swap.

    Last and no forgotten..I am glad the child was found, however, it the child was any other race beside white, the FCC, National Security, Faux News would be blaming President Obama.

    Extra comment:... The 15 years old that was set on fire this week. Why wasn't those boys pictures on the tv yet unlike the Black children all the time?

  11. Actually, the punishment was... he got to be on national TV with the whole family and interviewed! *rolling my eyes*

  12. Mesha:

    I was just getting ready to say the basically the same thing. That it was a publicity stunt to get his invention noticed.

  13. Didn't you get the memo, Field? All white people have balloons like that in their back yards. OK, well maybe not all of them. But they did run out and buy these things after Obama was elected. I don't know, something about moving out to the suburbs on another planet before minorities takje over in 2042 or sumthin.

    Off Topic: Did you hear your boy racism popped up in Louisiana? Something about denying an interracial couple a marriage license or something...

  14. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Field "Which begs the question; if they can't find their damn six year old in the garage attic, just how the hell are they going to find "extraterrestrials"?"

    Obviously you don't understand New Age Spirituality. Devoted New Agers are more connected to extraterresteials than they are to earthlings. So I understand why they might have overlooked their son.

    Also, wife swapping comes naturally among New Agers. It is part of showing unconditional love thing for all humans.

    Isn't Philly one of those New Age towns? Anyway, I'm glad the little one was safe at home.

  15. Rippa, thanks for the link. Yet another example of somebody in authority projecting their values on someone else, at their expense. I can say from experience that interracial marriage is great (as is marriage in general from what I've seen). Why is this jerk compelled to deny a couple the opportunity to give it a go? Afraid they might have a great marriage too?

  16. Field= I wanted to read your analysis about the situation in Hammond, LA -

    One of the things I dislike about Balloon Boys coverage is what should be on the headline isn't - and I cop to wondering if the kid fell out of the little open doored basket.

    That said... what up with a judge knowingly violating a constitutional ruling- thoughts?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Rippa said :
    Didn't you get the memo, Field? All white people have balloons like that in their back yards. OK, well maybe not all of them. But they did run out and buy these things after Obama was elected. I don't know, something about moving out to the suburbs on another planet before minorities take over in 2042 or sumthin. you are crazy.But you may not be totally wrong.

    Field right on about DHS/CPS getting involved if it were a black family parents might have already been handcuffs by now. I made a point on the last post that white parents are absolved of responsibility when their kids mess up; while black parents are ran over the coals ( as all parents black,white, or blue should be if they mess).
    However, upon making that point i was advised to shut up because i did not eat enough fried chicken so i was not qualified to speak on black issues. I am serious brother, thats what the dude said...fried chicken. I LMAO but WOW.

    John Crow


    It seems like it IS indeed a hoax, the kid spilled the beans.

    "Why didn't you come out?" Richard Heene said.

    Falcon answered, "You had said that we did this for a show."

  20. Sometimes you have to think like a child to find them. Child said he was hiding in a box.

    With all these references to fried chicken, I have ya'll know that it isn't just anyone's fried chicken.

  21. Anonymous12:04 AM

    ""Mom and/or Dad need to tap that...butt"."

    Sorry, it physically hurts children's bodies to hit them.

    Whites don't abuse their kids. But you come out of slavery where whipping was common and it is understandable that you want to carry on your master's legacy.

    How's that brutal philosophy working for you?

  22. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Rippa "Off Topic: Did you hear your boy racism popped up in Louisiana? Something about denying an interracial couple a marriage license or something..."

    In Louisiana? And the judge didn't throw the brother in jail? Wow! The state of Louisiana has come a long way.

  23. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Field, thanks for the nice photo of Rush. I don't think I have ever seen him look so good.

    Maybe he will own a team yet. Here's hoping.

  24. STFU anon @ 12:04

    Race baiting earns you disdain; we get your intent, and consider you accordingly.

  25. Anonymous Skeptic12:54 AM

    I was watching the NOLA town hall like some of the other commenters, and I could not believe the timing of this. Right as Obama started to take some serious questions about the state of New Orleans and the gulf coast, every damn network switched to the balloon farce. And that was that, no more Obama, no more NOLA, no more anything real at all. The networks never went back, never apologized for cutting off the President mid-sentence for a goddamn publicity stunt. Could you imagine BUSH getting cut off mid-sentence by every single network for ANYTHING, let alone this crap??? Wake up and smell the BS. Someone planned this, as that dumb kid already let slip. Call me paranoid but this is over the top.

  26. Anonymous1:08 AM

    ANON said :
    Sorry, it physically hurts children's bodies to hit them.

    Whites don't abuse their kids. But you come out of slavery where whipping was common and it is understandable that you want to carry on your master's legacy.

    Constructive Feedback boy is that you. (wink*)

    ANON said:
    White people don't abuse their children.

    Really, C'mon Son GTFOH (Ed Lover voice) you need to stop watching Seventh Heaven reruns and take a good look at Amerikkka.

    ANON said:
    How's that brutal philosophy working for you?

    Not bad i got a four bedroom three bath house.Three car garage (only got two cars in it though), and serious cash in the bank. Oh yeah and a smoking hot girlfriend.

    P.S. Did i mention my girlfriend was SMOKING HOT :)

    John Crow

  27. Sammy1:09 AM

    I don't understand where anyone would fit in this contraption, even a kid.

    That is not a basket under the so-called balloon; it looks more like an appendage to keep the balloon from sitting on the ground.

    I don't have tv and did not know about this until late afternood so I only saw photos. I hate to be a cinic, but I just don't believe this incident was real.

  28. Anonymous1:12 AM

    ANON said:
    Field, thanks for the nice photo of Rush. I don't think I have ever seen him look so good.

    Okay then...whatever makes you "happy".

    John Crow

  29. Anonymous1:19 AM

    ANON said:
    In Louisiana? And the judge didn't throw the brother in jail? Wow! The state of Louisiana has come a long way.

    Yep they sure have they must have cut back on the white inbreeding (read nascar republiklan) since you left.

    To all my liberal white brothers and sisters i love you all. So don't take offence.

    John Crow

  30. Anonymous1:20 AM

    offense* :)

    John Crow

  31. Anonymous1:25 AM

    ANON Skeptic said.
    I was watching the NOLA town hall like some of the other commenters, and I could not believe the timing of this. Right as Obama started to take some serious questions about the state of New Orleans and the gulf coast, every damn network switched to the balloon farce. And that was that, no more Obama, no more NOLA, no more anything real at all.

    I know what you mean even MSNBC fell into that crap. I thought it was the place for politics.

    John Crow

  32. anon skeptic @ 12:54

    Did you see the balloon? It looks to me more like a science project/kid's imagination gone wild. I had a friend as a kid who jumped off the roof thinking a cape would make him fly.

    On the other hand, if daddy and mommy had set this up to disrupt the pres, then they were pretty skillful. Their timing was spot on.

    I saw ropes hanging from the balloon, and I heard that a box dropped off of the balloon after it took off. The kid probably wanted to ride the balloon but his box fell off.

  33. Anonymous1:39 AM

    This is the kind of story that makes me glad I don't watch television at work. Just another missing white kid and all three major cable outlets tracking him like Natalee Holloway. Nothing to see here. Move along.

  34. Mack Lyons1:45 AM

    "Which begs the question; if they can't find their damn six year old in the garage attic, just how the hell are they going to find "extraterrestrials"?"

    Well, if these parents are like any other parents, then they did what parents do when they can't find their kids in the usual places.

    They panic.

    They panicked, and the worst case scenario came to mind the moment that balloon went up, up and away. In their state of panic, it did not occur to them their child could have been hiding in a box in the attic. They probably checked the attic, but didn't think their kid was in a freaking box.

    "Sorry, it physically hurts children's bodies to hit them.

    Whites don't abuse their kids. But you come out of slavery where whipping was common and it is understandable that you want to carry on your master's legacy."

    Spankings aren't race-inclusive. All races use the rod to unspoil the child. You make it sound like every black parent has a leather bullwhip hanging in the closet for whenever little Tre'vonious acts up. Then again, if they did, you wouldn't have nearly as big of a gang problem as exists now.

  35. Anonymous Skeptic2:06 AM


    I don't think the Mom and Dad actually set this up to mess with the President. But they did set it up-- the kid gave it away, it was "for the show." What else could he mean but that it was a preplanned publicity stunt? As for the timing, maybe those dumb reality show parents didn't know what they were doing, but I do believe someone gave the word "GO". ALL the networks switched at once like someone flicked a switch. And none of them ever returned to the New Orleans feed or even gave the President the time of day. Who planned this? I don't know. But it WORKED. Everyone forgot about New Orleans...AGAIN.

  36. Anonymous2:21 AM

    ever since i saw this "family" on wife swap i thought for sure cps would have been called. both parents really need a psych eval and those 3 boys need real parents.

  37. anon@2:21
    ever since i saw this "family" on wife swap ...

    Wow, you just blew my mind. Didn't know that. I feel sorry for the kid with parents like that.

    Skeptic, New Orleans, and its citizens, deserved far better than they got. Let's hope the air time that O got today helped.

  38. Anonymous3:06 AM

    "ALL the networks switched at once like someone flicked a switch. And none of them ever returned to the New Orleans feed or even gave the President the time of day."

    I don't blame the networks. There is no interest in NO, except the same ole tired story which no one cares about. The kid was much more interesting and more important.

    Hell, even Field didn't bother to post about the O man in NO.

  39. I am thinking the kid was told to 'disappear' to garner some more attention for the parents...

  40. I keep telling y'all it was a publicity stunt and I am not going to take that back.

  41. That family was trying to get some media attention.

  42. Anonymous4:40 AM


  43. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Hell no, on charging folks for rescues. I know most are kidding but I consider that one of the most damaging anti-community developments in American society. That whole sentiment tears at the fabric of community and the social contract and is an absolutely despicable development. We've got enough problems without dissolving what's left of our sense of community. And I'm not just being hyperbolic either. That sentiment is dangerous.

    LOLs on most else. A black kid or poor white kid would be taken away and the parents locked up. It's become a scandal that the state of Tennessee is using foster care for juvenile punishment and now one of those foster father's is on trial for murdering (he strangled him to death) a poor white kid who never should've been sent to foster care. If he'd been middle class he'd be alive and wouldn't have faced anything for truancy and smoking cigs. And you gotta love privatization -- this started when foster placements went private. Did I mention they sent this kid to a convicted felon?!

    That all said, if this balloon case was all a stunt THEN they should be charged but only then.


  44. Anonymous6:26 AM

    @granny -- You're right. I just saw this and it's obvious that they're lying through their teeth. Daddy (and maybe Mommy) need to face not just fines but also charges. But Dad couldn't be more obvious about the fact that he's covering something up. Maybe, it was set-up from the beginning or maybe he decided to capitalize after it was already going but he's definitely not clean.


  45. John Crow, I love how you go after some of these trolls. But you are going to learn over time to ignore them like the rest of us.:)

    As for this story, Granny might be right. This might be all about media attention for this family.

    I have to check out that link Jordan provided. Man if it's a hoax I am really pissed for all the obvious reasons. Cutting off a Presidential news conference? Yep, here in A-merry-ca we need to get our priorities straight.

    Rippa, I am still scratching my head at that story from "The Boot", and I am all over it. I might have a post on it later. A buddy of mine is a big honcho with NAACP down there, so I am trying to get some more on it. I think the person who denied the license was a JP. My man apparently doesn't think interacial marriages will last, and he was concerned for their children. Rippa, you have to be in some serious shape to keep up with my man racism. I just can't hang with the SOB sometimes. :)

    ANON said:
    "White people don't abuse their children."

    I have some older white Catholic friends who would disagree with that statement.

    "Field, thanks for the nice photo of Rush. I don't think I have ever seen him look so good."

    You are welcome! Sorry I didn't have a nude shot for ya. ;)

  46. "Which begs the question; if they can't find their damn six year old in the garage attic, just how the hell are they going to find "extraterrestrials"? "


  47. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Field, where I live ALOT of people have Balloons, especially the chinks, I mean ASIAN-AMERICANS...When youre livin under an Authoritarian government its the one way you can get around (actually over) the spike strips, road blocks, etc.
    If y'all had figured out Balloons, you might not have been Slaves for 300 years...and he IS lucky he's not in what you call a Black "Family" cause he wouldn't know who his dad was, his Mom would be smokin crack 24-7, and the only Balloons would be the used ones his Mama's Baby Daddies pretended to use...
    Now go get your effin Shine-box...

    Frank, "Neun und Neunzig Luft Ballons" Drackman

  48. I was ticked off too. I spent most of the afternoon held up in that balloon. Well not actually, but my attention was there instead of making good progress on a report I had planned to finish that day.

    Umm, who the heck has a big helium ballon at home near small children? But after seeing the parents, all the pieces of the puzzle came together. Those folks are crazy. Child and Protective Services need to land over at their house.

  49. this entire stunt was a hoax!

    i saw the tortured little boy (who told the TRUTH yesterday) get sick and allegedly vomit TWICE off camera on tv...

    he looked beaten down and scared...he is so conflicted by his slip and his forced lies...

    even the other 2 sons are telling conflicting stories...the dad said the boys hide in that space often...but they said they never knew it existed...???

    if these were black parents they would ALREADY be in jail for making false police reports and child abuse...and they would be billed for the search expenses...


  50. and the ONLY good thing about this fiasco is that it got obama/gwb 2.0's OVEREXPOSED PERPETUALLY PHOTO OPPING FAKE MUG off tv for one moment!

    i am sick of looking at him...
    and when did he suddenly start to care about nola/katrina anyway?????

    what has he done anywhere for poor people??? even there????

    "And Obama? In response to the devastation of New Orleans after Katrina, perhaps the greatest act of racist mass murder ever to take place in this country, he declared: “I do not subscribe to the notion that the painfully slow response of FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security was racially based. The ineptitude was color-blind.” If Obama can deny the obvious racism of Katrina’s aftermath, what possible defense could he offer Black people against the less obvious but equally murderous racist workings of capitalism? "

  51. Anonymous9:44 AM

    how much would it cost to buy one of those balloons for every black racist in America? We'd fill them with just regular air at first, so we can float you southward on the water, until you reach a latitude where the winds run eastward to Africa. Then we fill your balloons up with helium and off you go - to the place which is like Utopia for you, because blacks are in charge of everything.

    At least you fatties will lose weight over there :) I hear that Zimbabwe is doing so well these days.

    You might have to get real jobs for once in your life, though... no more affirmative action easy-street for you, field.

  52. Anonymous9:46 AM

    In a twisted way i enjoy deconstructing these clowns.I will try not to get at them field.SMH but its hard not hard. :)

    John Crow

  53. John Crow,believe me,we enjoy watching you do it.:)

    BTW,one just posted above you.Man these clowns love me.

    Affirmative action?Yeah right!My grandfather had more education than three generations of your family put together.

    I hate to shatter your racial superiority delusion,but there you have it.

  54. as i said at another blog, what a fascinating example of the power of controlling the media. of which the blogosphere is an indelibly joined part, apparently.

    i haven't read nor seen a single report or story about this media circus, but for what i've read on "political" blogs (to be fair some of them are also "media" blogs, so i guess this story counts). people are talking about it, and from what i gather, it was an ugly moment for tv, its underbelly of pre-production and planning exposed for a second. came right out and showed itself, for all that few people are taking away the lesson.

    all tv is produced. it's just like a video game, or movie. it's planned, even the "live" stuff. producers don't hesitate to make up shit, to fill airtime and disseminate propaganda. it violates our cognitive space, forcing us to think about this and not that. tv "news" shows are structurally no different than comedy or drama shows. someone else is choosing what 'reality' you will see.

    as a queer person of color, i find tv offensive, and it gives me examples of the bigotry of its environment daily, hourly. i understand why people watch it, but this was a forceful reminder of tv's power to stop the economy, hold everyone's attention, direct the national gaze to one particular place. i find that disturbing.

  55. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I'm getting angrier and angrier with this father. I didn't see it unfold and get emotionally wrapped up in it like so many around the world did so I don't think I'm lashing out because I feel had. However, I saw the Blitzer/Larry King clip where little Falcon answered about "we did this for the show" or whatnot and his father's subsequent response.

    Today, we hear about this kid throwing up twice -- in two separate interviews -- when asked about that particular statement. Now, that tells me that his father has scared the living daylights out of him. For this child to get physically ill at this question --twice no less-- to me means he's been threatened and coached.

    Regardless of whether the whole thing is a hoax or the kid just said something weird, his dad has taken him aside, scared him, intimidated him, and told him something to the effect of "when we're interviewed today you'd better get this right." I know this in my bones and I'd like to do extreme things to at least one of this father's most precious "assets" for what he's done to this child. Children do not get so nervous that they throw up over a question like this unless they're seriously afraid and any man who'd scare a child like this is less than dirt.


  56. First of all, it amazes me how such a ridiculous non-story captured national attention. I'm happy the little boy is safe, but really either these parents are some of the dumbest procreators on earth or they're complete media whores.

    That being said, its a silly national distraction. I'd rather read about some goofy mountain man chasing a hot air balloon than watch Republican tea baggers compare healthcare reform to Autwitz.

    Speaking of news, did anyone catch Racheal Maddow on last night? She was going in on that wingnut media whore from Americans for Prosperity. Their movement is as 'real' as the wannabe starlet's boobs.

  57. Anonymous10:47 AM

    i can hear lil gran right now...

    bring me a switch

  58. I thought those people were extra-terrestrials when I saw the beginning of Wife Swap the other night by accident and they were on.

    I don't know if it is a hoax, but it's pretty crazy nonetheless.

    As for the crazy dude down in LA, he doesn't know that half the population of America is interracially mixed? Good lord.

  59. An epiphany!
    Anyone daring to disagree with the word of the great Field is a troll! And his lock step soldiers, Jimbo Crow and uptownsteve are the "enlightened" defenders of the word. So it has been spoken.
    Regretfully, you have no idea how destructive and divisive your message of hate and insecurity is to America--Black and White.
    It is hard to comprehend the degree of unyielding hate that ignorance about tragic irony.

  60. Greetings all,

    I'm sorry to pop any balloons, (and a little sorry for the pun) but the days of Walter Cronkite are long gone. Which sucks. We are now left with shock value and/or news shows that attempt to "entertain". Too much fluff, too much yelling.

    However, there is an alternative: "The News Hour with Jim Lehre." It should be on your local PBS station every week night.

    As for entertainment: How about those Phillies? (sp??

  61. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Well I feel this supports my assertions about the kind of man this father is. The video the kids shot has surfaced and you can watch dad freak out. I wish the newscasters didn't talk over what he's saying in the footage. This man has definitely scared his kids to death.


  62. Field,

    You stated: "First, who the f**k has a hot air balloon just parked in their back yard? Are these people crazy?"

    I am having one of those "White people, please stop embarrassing me" moments again.

  63. Anonymous1:33 PM


    "Shit fields i jus glad that balloon didn't fly over a inner city.Negros would have pulled out they 9's and put a 1000 holes in that balloon.Than those same negros would have went Reginald Denny on that kids ass.

    Thank God opps Obama for small miracles."

    Ain't that the truth! And they would have done it from jim crow's shack... I mean from john crow's house with his "extraterrestial smokin hot female." HaHaHa

  64. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Mr. John Crow, I appreciate your deconstructing remarks about my comments. After your last friendly comment yesterday, I took you at your word that you wanted peace and brotherhood. I see that you were full of shit.

    BTW, I am NO Troll. I have been on Field's blog much longer than you have. YOU are the REAL Troll because your name isn't John's JIM CROW, and you know it.

  65. Anonymous2:46 PM

    @Jim-John Crow: "Not bad i got a four bedroom three bath house.Three car garage (only got two cars in it though), and serious cash in the bank. Oh yeah and a smoking hot girlfriend.

    P.S. Did i mention my girlfriend was SMOKING HOT :)"

    "If" you have the imagined wealth you say you have, it still doesn't make you much of a human being.

    You see, 'net worth' rarely equals 'self-worth'.

    People like you remind me of empty Negroes who need to talk about the things they 'claim' to have because inside, you feel inferior, and hate yourself for being Black.

    BTW, there are some on this blog who have a lot more than your phony dumb ass could ever imagine. They just don't talk about it because they have no need to, BECAUSE they 'actually' HAVE IT!

    Only an egomaniac with an inferiority complex brags about what he doesn't have. Get it, el stupido?

    BTW, you sound like "smoking Joe Frazier" when you brag about having a "smokin hot girlfriend." You must be one ugly SOB.

    And eating all of that sprat fish instead of fried chicken won't erase your 'ugliness' or your self-hatred.

    Michael Steele and JL Peterson are looking for you...they could use a few good men like you. I am glad you selected me to attack. I love a good fight, but you are rather weak. Until you build up some stronger mental muscles, I suggest you leave Anons alone.

    Try Frank or MrR, they'll help your black ass to get up to speed quickly.

  66. The personal and/or hyperbolic attacks that have come to reflect the comments section here are a mirror image of the lack of thoughtful political or social discourse in our society. Sad.

  67. It is one thing to walk softly and carry a big stick but quite another to trample through the woods like a crazed buffoon whacking everything in sight that doesn't look or act as you desire.
    Anon proficiently demonstrated one's risk in such buffoonery as he fed crow to Jim/John.
    For those who live exclusively by the sword so shall they be slain.
    Hate breeds hate so be careful what you wish for......

  68. Thank goodness the little rug-rat didn't really go Fifth Dimension on us and try to fly away in daddy's beautiful balloon.

    LMAO!! I wonder if the Fifth Demention is near CPS?

    In any event, that kid will hell of a show and tell story on monday...what will these people put their kids in next?

    (other than in the garage where he's probably homeschooled away from the rest of those lesser informed and uninnovative... inner-city breeds. with more normal childhoods)


  69. ditto xi!

    just as:

    respect begets respect

    debate begets debate

    name calling begets name calling

    "thoughtful discourse" begets
    thoughtful discourse

    "hyperbolic attacks" beget
    hyperbolic attacks...

    "We declare our right on this earth to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary.”

    malcolm x

    ditto for blogs

  70. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Xi said:
    An epiphany

    Gee you know a big word

    Xi said:
    Anyone daring to disagree with the word of the great Field is a troll!

    Yep pretty much

    Xi said :
    And his lock step soldiers, Jimbo Crow and uptownsteve.

    After about 8 years of war the word "soldier" as become synonymous with bravery, sacrifice, and a willingness to fight and die for ones principles and convictions. And to defend those who are oppressed and require the same freedoms we enjoy."soldier" i consider that a compliment and i am sure steve does too.

    Xi said:
    Jimbo Crow

    Ummm... I don't think your grand dragon is going to appreciate you assigning his name to a hardcore black leftist.Try ANONs Jim Crow its much more catchy.

    Xi said:
    Regretfully, you have no idea how destructive and divisive( a ) message of hate and insecurity is to America--Black and White.
    It is hard to comprehend the degree of unyielding hate that ignorance breeds.

    I know what you mean. I felt the same way when i saw this

    I tried field... i really tried.

    John Crow

  71. rippa 10:42 PM


    you know they got those with a rebate from their 'Fox and Friends' membership
    and all the proceeds go to the 'grassroots' 9/12 movement and the RNC private --extortion *ahem* charity just so it doesn't look too hard if they don't actually give anything, or if they are not willing to share, of course.

    Other than that I love Louisiana, I have seen more mixed couples and children in Monroe and Bossier City (places closer to the Texas border) than in N.O. alone. I love it there because me and bf don't get stared at like unicorns like in Dallas and the food..ayeee!!!!

  72. Jimbo Crow,
    Very weak bro. Try harder next time and I'll try not to use words you have to look up.
    Have a great weekend in your fantasy world after you wash Field's car while pretending your Bentley Azure is tucked safely in your 3 car mansion on the hill.
    Later bro....

  73. "The personal and/or hyperbolic attacks that have come to reflect the comments section here are a mirror image of the lack of thoughtful political or social discourse in our society. Sad. "

    @Jody: WELL SAID!!

  74. @J,

    Thanks for the links, I think you are right, these kids seem scared, the parents were looking for the attention to make money, I feel sorry for those children.

  75. field are you gonna be posting about Obamaland tonight?

    Seems like 115 hood rats got knocked up at this one high school.

    Some have said the pursuit of public assistance was a big reason.

    Thanks Obama!!

  76. Jimbo Crow,
    The racist photo of Obama you referenced is despicable and indefensible. It demonstrates ignorant hate that only an angry insecure redneck might find funny.
    So in light of that despicable behavior, how do you think white folks, who don't fit into that horrific mold, feel about the pejorative comments you levy against them routinely?
    You are no better than the fool who published that photo...perhaps we should call you the insecure angry ignorant blackneck?
    You miss the whole point of the issue at hand. Your black and white world of hate is devoid of abstract thought or compassion and forgiveness.

  77. Anonymous6:46 PM

    ANON said
    You see, 'net worth' rarely equals 'self-worth'.

    Good point you can remind Rush of that while you are "power-washing" his balls tonight.

    ANON said:
    you feel inferior, and hate yourself for being Black.

    (sigh*)SMH that is a house negro. I am field negro if u have been on this blog longer than i have ( as you claim) you should know that. I think Rush's "creamy saucy" is affecting your brain. Friendly advice...DON'T SWALLOW.

    ANON said:
    Get it, el stupido

    Bilingual i am impressed

    ANON said:
    You must be one ugly SOB

    The fact that you said Rush looked great. By your standards i am ...PURRDY (inbred for pretty so you could understand of course)

    ANON said:
    And eating all of that sprat fish instead of fried chicken won't erase your 'ugliness' or your self-hatred.

    WTF dude what is your deal with fried chicken. I mean i like chicken...but for fuck sake i grew up on an island (you know a piece of land surrounded by a body of water) it would be pretty inconceivable (unless i was allergic) for me not to like fish.And again i state your "fried chicken test" is not valid scientific measure of whether someone is "black" enough...LMAO

    ANON said:
    Until you build up some stronger mental muscles, I suggest you leave Anons alone.

    Ok son listen here...I FEAR NO MAN.So as long as there ignorant, racist, vile propagandist like you in this world. Be sure THIS FIELD NEGRO will come at you. Whenever and wherever you decided to disseminate you lies, hate, and fear you can be sure i will be there to BITCH SLAP YOUR ASS.
    As for mental muscle. I expend more brain cells pissing in my toilet that than i do deconstruction your dumb ass. So son don't flatter yourself.

    John Crow

  78. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Xi said :
    Jimbo Crow,
    The racist photo of Obama you referenced is despicable and indefensible. It demonstrates ignorant hate that only an angry insecure redneck might find funny.
    So in light of that despicable behavior, how do you think white folks, who don't fit into that horrific mold, feel about the pejorative comments you levy against them routinely?
    You are no better than the fool who published that photo...perhaps we should call you the insecure angry ignorant blackneck?
    You miss the whole point of the issue at hand. Your black and white world of hate is devoid of abstract thought or compassion and forgiveness.

    I already broke down in a comment in field's last post that a field negro does not hate whites but has pride in himself/herself and his/her race.I also said that black pride should not be equated to black supremacy.
    And i know you read it because i saw your comment after that (*quack , quack* you remember that part of your post...bitch) so don't come on here and give people the impression that i have made racially charged comments against whites, and that you are some grand advocate of racial harmony.
    Now if had read the link you would realized it said a racist republiklan ad (not white,blue or red ...republiklan) so what that means all republiklans (white,black,asian, or latino) were responsible or supported the ad.
    You see Xi a field negro is not a racial warrior ( despite what rush and faux news would like to claim of liberal blacks), but a ideological one. So we don't hate "whites", we hate republiklans(of all colors)because of what they stand for. The CON-servative agenda is a anathema to the field negro because it represents discrimination and inequality. GET IT!!!


    John Crow

  79. Anonymous7:39 PM

    The CON-servative agenda is a anathema to the field negro because it represents discrimination and inequality. GET IT!!!

    Thats funny coming from someone who belongs to a party{Democrat Party} that was founded on discrimination and inequality.

  80. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Jim Crow- "Ok son listen here...I FEAR NO MAN.So as long as there ignorant, racist, vile propagandist like you in this world. Be sure THIS FIELD NEGRO will come at you. Whenever and wherever you decided to disseminate you lies, hate, and fear you can be sure i will be there to BITCH SLAP YOUR ASS.
    As for mental muscle. I expend more brain cells pissing in my toilet that than i do deconstruction your dumb ass. So son don't flatter yourself."

    First, I am not your son-but I might be your long lost father. Secondly, I am quite sure that you FEAR NO man because you haven't the slightest idea of what a "man" is, or what it takes to be a man.

    Third, I KNOW a FIELD NEGRO when I see one, and Mr. Jim Crow- YOU are NO FIELD NEGRO. From reading your comments you constantly contradict yourself, as Xi has so aptly said.

    FYI: FIELD NEGROES say what they mean and mean what they say. In other words their actions validate their words. However, Mr. Jim Crow-YOU represent double-minded double-talking racists who hate Whites AND your own race. You probably wish there were MORE Whites on the planet for you to hate. Billions of Whites aren't enough for your hatred, you need trillions!

    Admit the truth: You are a hater and an Uncle Tom through and through every fiber of your being and soul. Mr. Jim Crow, you have no idea about the 'heart' of a human being, let alone a true Field Negro.

    I know you expend brain cells everytime you piss because that's where your mind and IQ resides. Like most teenage boys and/or sex addicts, your empty-clueless brain that sits on your shoulders is nothing more than an appendage of the head of your penis.

    BTW, 'Bitch Slapping' is an offensive term to ALL women. Either you are unaware of that, or you just don't care. Son, I recommend that you drop that ghetto offending term from your already limited vocabulary.

    RE: your girlfriend: Son, your "smokin hot girlfriend" is probably spending all of your money and having enormous headaches when in bed with you....That's a clue that she is running on your brain-cell-pissing dumb ugly racist ass. And, HE is probably White! Hahahaha, ROFL.... Racism is a bitch, isn't it?

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Michelle10:17 PM

    I think la-incognita was the first to call it, its funny they do remind me of john and kate, they wanted us to fall in love with poor falcon and his brothers. The parents couldn't even pull away from the camera interview to help falcon when he was throwing up. Allot of people are not buying this, the city needs to find out if this was a hoax and charge the parents with the tab. I feel sorry for the poor kids and the mother looks like she's battered.

  83. SisinMD8:32 AM

    "The personal and/or hyperbolic attacks that have come to reflect the comments section here are a mirror image of the lack of thoughtful political or social discourse in our society. Sad."

    I completely agree. Field it may be time to start moderating your comments section. These trolls are too much it's tough to wade through the junk for comments of actual substance.

  84. Anonymous12:38 PM

    'I completely agree. Field it may be time to start moderating your comments section. These trolls are too much it's tough to wade through the junk for comments of actual substance.'

    It's tough being a black or white American, and being a decent human being at the same time isn't it? LOL.

    Maybe you can offer your list of rules to Field on how posters should communicate with each other. Then Field could post it in his sidebar!

    It would be very helpful to us who are NOT trolls and those who are.

    In case you haven't noticed there are plenty of resident folks on this blog who personally attack others with vile condescending insulting words, and I don't ever recall you complaining about them.

    BTW, what is your definition of a troll, Sis? And why are you silent about abusive non-trolls? Why do you discriminate?

  85. OT:


    this killer kop is being setup to get as much help being freed as possible

    oscar grant's public executioner was just given a legal gift!


  86. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I've since seen video of this family. They have no politeness or consideration for anybody, they're selfish and immoral and have no thought ever of right-vs-wrong. They respond to any criticism of their animal-like behavior with viciousness. They even made a rap video, filled with sleaziness.

    Yep, I think they're black.

  87. Anonymous8:19 PM

    ab "oscar grant's public executioner was just given a legal gift!"

    In Cali they want to give white murderers of Blacks every chance to go free! After all, Blacks murder Blacks every day and most of them go free. So what's the problem?

    ab, remember the Rodney King incident when they moved the trial to Orange County? The cops went free. Of course, there was a riot afterwards. And, of course, when Negroes riot, they burn up their own neighborhoods-so there is no lost to Whites.

    It's a win-win situation for: guess who?

  88. Anonymous8:22 PM

    "They have no politeness or consideration for anybody, they're selfish and immoral and have no thought ever of right-vs-wrong."

    Anon, how about giving a link to that video of the immoral family you are talking about?

  89. anon:

    the problem is that blacks who murder blacks become LONG TERM/PERM/SERIAL fodder for the prison industrial complex...

    while white killer kkkops go free

  90. Anonymous3:22 AM

    AB "the problem is that blacks who murder blacks become LONG TERM/PERM/SERIAL fodder for the prison industrial complex...

    while white killer kkkops go free"

    I don't see that changing much under Obama. Do you?

  91. Stop engaging race baiting trolls!

  92. field, the sheriff calls this thing a hoax:

  93. Field, apparently law enforcement in this case are calling this whole episode a hoax the family perpetuated to get their own reality show. The parents could be facing jail time over this.

  94. anon:

    it will actually worsen under obama

    and he will enact martial law more than ever before

    he is even policing tv/snl/new etc


  95. keith:

    not sure who you are slurring



    denial, lies, and cowardice FUEL racism

    telling the truth about racism does not make anyone a racist

    racism will only lessen when we ALL learn to tell raw truths about it...

  96. Nothing like a white child in distress to distract the masses!

  97. this killer kop is being setup to get as much help being freed

    Dont stress sis this is all they are trying to do is stress us out,our day is coming i promise you for ever original man they kill we will slay 20 of thier children hang on be strong!
    It will get mad worse before it gets better.

  98. nolove:


    the new world order is in full effect with the blackish obama at its

    we will feel its wt harder than ever!

  99. @alicia banks

    You seem to be suffering from Narcissistic personality disorder

  100. Anonymous1:52 AM

    some of you white folks is heck a lucky some of you got raised by some of our black mama because most of your own maternal and paternal parents are just plum numbnut CRAZY!

    Imagine pimpin' your children for media hype moments... if i was in law enforcement in the CO i would refill that damn flying saucer stick the parents in it and up up and away it would go right over the Pacific Ocean.... with a 7.11 bag of potato chips and no water between the parenting elements...but the CO state had better make them pay BIG fines for wasting emergency services time and effort away from folks who really needed those community services.

  101. Anonymous4:56 AM

    the new world order is in full effect with the blackish obama at its
    Barak might be okdokin you fools
    watch eric holder everbody got all in knots over barak becoming pres,Eric Holder is in a postion to help our people,few know the awesome power of his office,he can hold court any place in america the moors are saying some real legal type stuff about reperations & moorish law stuff could come up & freak everyone out!

  102. fn:

    these parents may finally be arrested as black parents would have been days ago!

  103. keith:

    you seem to be suffering from the delusion that quoting intelligent terms gives your sensless drivel meaning...not!

  104. Not at all, I am merely stating the nature of your condition.

  105. keith:

    the nature of your condition is far more vapid, urgent, and pathological


    you have made no point!

    you and your comical random name calling mean nothing to me and contribute nothing to this

  106. keithablowwannabee:

    your narcissism is evinced by your unsolicited analyses and your psychoses is evinced by your feigning to be a psychiatrist

    thanks for being exhibit A for psychotic narcissists with chronic presonality disorders herein!

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. The type of mental disorder which you suffer from should not be taken lightly. I advise you to seek professional help.

  109. Anonymous2:02 AM


    "You seem to be suffering from Narcissistic personality disorder"

    Please explain it if you can.
