Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bye for now Lou. We will see you again really soon.

Lou Dobbs finally got tired of the liberal weenies over at CNN and decided to take his mike and roll. (Have you seen Lou lately? I am guessing that he literally rolled out of the CNN offices.)

Yep, it seems that he is going to be working with the folks over at Telemundo.....OK, sorry my Hispanic friends, that was a lame attempt at a joke, but the guy really is leaving CNN.

Now, apparently, Lou is weighing his options. fox news I wonder where he will end up? fox news It must be really hard for him fox news with all these options out here. fox news But I am sure somebody will pay him fox news to go on the air and make a fool of himself fox news and a mockery of the truth.

I guess now that we are in the age of niche news, (I think they call it "advocacy journalism" these days) if you are a cable news personality you go where your ideological soul mates are. fox news I just hope that wherever Lou goes he will try to take the truth with him this time. Because he sure didn't like it very much when he was at CNN. Whoever takes Lou fox news will have to be able to work with an on air personality who doesn't mind stretching the truth a little bit fox news.

"CNN President Jon Klein in a statement hailed Dobbs' "appetite for big ideas, the megawatt smile and larger than life presence he brought to our newsroom."
"With characteristic forthrightness, Lou has now decided to carry the banner of advocacy journalism elsewhere," Klein said. "We respect his decision."'

Wait, did he say that he has an "appetite for big ideas"? That was a Freudian Slip, right?

No, but seriously, it should be interesting to see where Dobbs ends up fox news. I am sure that his ego -not to mention his twisted view of the world that he wants to share- won't allow him to be off the television for very long.

Lou, we can't wait to have you back.


  1. Yaaay, now if only Larry King would finally drop dead. OK...that was uncalled for.

  2. Gregory9:32 PM

    AMF, Lou.

  3. Field,

    Lou will be on fox news.

  4. Adios Lou.
    @Sandra: Are you serious? Eh make senses.

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Lou didn't get his teeth fixed to sit and talk on the radio. Lou will be back on tv at faux new.

  6. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Something tells me that he is not leaving on his own accord, but if he wants to tell another version to make himself feel better then that is fine. Denial is a great defense mechanism. My brother actually watched that show, but I do not think he will miss him.

  7. Anonymous9:57 PM

    This is what happans when you don't toe the liberal media line.

    God bless you Lou.

  8. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "No, but seriously, it should be interesting to see where Dobbs ends up fox news."

    LOL@the way FOX NEWS drives you libtards nuts.

  9. @Field: You wrong that picture of Sammy and MJ in the side bad. For real very wrong. XD

  10. Gregory10:11 PM


    Fox Noise drives "libtards" crazy, just like Pravda used to drive you wingnuts crazy.

    Is that simple enough for you?

  11. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Will Obama have to have another beerfest at the house?

    But than again, its nothing new for black men to beat white women.

  12. he's like 90, so he won't be on too much longer

  13. anon 9:59

    Not every liberal has cable.

  14. I hope they deport his ass back to Mexico. Oh my bad; it's his wife who's a Messikan immigrant.

    Real talk: he's not going to Fox because Geraldo has that on lockdown. He already said he told his execs that if Lou comes to Fox he's gone.

  15. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I liked Lou so much better when he was a financial reporter, but that was back when Aerosmith broke up for the first time.

  16. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Lou's stances on many economic issues don't jive well with Fox. I'm not sure if he'd be welcomed.

  17. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I doubt the ink on his new contract at Fox has even started to dry. All I have to say is "adios pendejo"!

  18. bguerrero1:11 AM


    says it all. No balls,no guts, no brain cells. Just idiocy rolling around an empty skull. Typical for his brand.

  19. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Will Obama have to have another beerfest at the house?

    But than again, its nothing new for black men to beat white women.

    Again, typical for a rottened toothed, white trash idiot trying to sound as if his two brain cells are firing and making sense. Only to himself...and that is suspect.

  20. LOL I immediately thought the same thing. That fat mouth shutting up? Please.

    He'll be even worse at Faux News.

  21. Anonymous3:59 AM

    @anon 10.12 -- I guarantee you white men have done a hell of a lot more beating on white women than black men in this country. Funny how the only time conservative white men (and a whole lot of men in general for that matter) ever care about women (of any color) is when something happens to women that can be exploited for the white male conservative's agenda. Who the heck do you think you're fooling? The GOP won't even support EQUAL PAY for EQUAL WORK. Cares about women, my ass.


  22. he was told to cut out his opinions on TV and go to radio or quit. he choose to quit. this was not of his own choosing.

    about the president of CNN's quote, what is the guy going to say, he's an asshole and we won't miss him?

    i have no doubt that all the boycotts of CNN advertisers was a factor. whether they had a financial impact or not, the PR damage to CNN was high.

    he was too hard to avoid. if you watched CNN he had an hour of primetime. it's very easy to avoid limbaugh and the like. i don't even know where they are and i honestly don't know where fox is on my cable box.

    i was thrilled to read about his.

  23. i can't really bring myself to care. i don't watch tv. this guy was an asshole, or so i read around the blogosphere. well, let's hope he got fired in an ugly blowout with his boss, then. whatever. unless they replace him with an out latina radical, it's not really important to me. there are so many of them on the teevee landscape, so many hateful, ignorant racist sexist corporate apologists. yeah, one is gone.

  24. Kenyan queen7:34 AM

    Toying with a blog post idea on 'Racism's ambassador exits CNN'. In the meantime also feast your eyes on people's hate for people who are not pale skinned as captured throughout on the blog:
    God help humanity!

  25. "I liked Lou so much better when he was a financial reporter, but that was back when Aerosmith broke up for the first time."-Rock

    Thanks for the reminder. He was mostly all about financial matters like you'd see on CNBC. As time went by, he switched up to what he is/was now...

  26. SickupandFed8:56 AM

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  27. uptownsteve9:16 AM

    Just like Mark Furhmann, Don Imus, Geraldine Ferraro and Glenn Beck before him, Dobbs will find happiness, riches and comfort in the employ of the redneck advocacy channel, Fox.

  28. The CONS claim that Glenn Blech forced Anita Dunn out of her position when she was only going to be there for a while anyway. But now they're saying Dobbs isn't being forced off CNN because of real action taken by real people, like the folks at, et. al.

    Yeah, right.

  29. Anonymous9:56 AM

    as Lou moves to a position of even greater influence and fame on FoxNews, the only truthful news channel on tv, we can all be proud of and thankful for Lou.

    The black and brown racists will howl like the bunch of shrieking assholes that they are.

    One day, Lou will run for office and be elected easily. Then it's time for mass deportations of all illegals. Just watch our crime rate drop then :) Viva Lou, an American Hero!!!

  30. Anonymous10:07 AM

    flat-headed black racist Wayne Bennett and his admirers are all invited to Lou's victory party, when he announces his new prime time show on the much beloved FoxNews.

    Oh, but please leave your illegal drugs and weapons at home, because you will naturally be frisked at the door... seeing as how you are all lowlifes. Just sayin'

  31. rottnkid10:27 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Will Obama have to have another beerfest at the house?

    But than again, its nothing new for black men to beat white women.


    I beat mine every other night around 9ish. You care to watch?

  32. uptownsteve10:45 AM


    Mine beats ME up!

  33. rottnkid10:56 AM

    I'm working on that myself

  34. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Wow, Uptown Steve, "Mr. Black" is a white woman lover. Doesn't that just figure? Man, you can't even make shit like this up.

  35. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Funny how the only time conservative white men (and a whole lot of men in general for that matter) ever care about women (of any color) is when something happens to women that can be exploited for the white male conservative's agenda. Who the heck do you think you're fooling? The GOP won't even support EQUAL PAY for EQUAL WORK. Cares about women, my ass

    Why is it then that black women are far more likely to be killed by black women, than white women are by white men?

  36. uptownsteve11:27 AM

    Beats having an affair with your right hand Anonymous.

    You should try it.

  37. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Sorry, I actually like black women.

  38. rottnkid11:40 AM

    Why is it then that black women are far more likely to be killed by black women, than white women are by white men?


    Come to Chesterfield Virgina and you'll see how the white girls live. I work with 10 white females and 6, count them 6, have babies out of wedlock. 2 of the Fathers are in jail because they can't or won't pay their child support and 1 of them has another child on the way. Did I mention all the fathers are also white? No jungle fever on that side of town - trust me. 2 months ago a white girl came to my job to fight another white girl over a dude, walked inside the building asked for 'ol girl by name and was knuckling up when she came around the corner. This is the same shit you hear about all over America but the parties involved are always black. You can't make this shit up. Now I would like to thank all the white girls I work with by keeping it hood. From the hood to the good it's all the same.

    This is at a very successful medical practice by the way.

  39. Anonymous11:42 AM


    I wasn't referring to Chesterfield, Virginia, I was referring to the country as a whole.

  40. uptownsteve11:50 AM


    Any proof of your assertion?

  41. Anonymous11:57 AM

    @rottnkid: that's what's known as "the niggerization of America". Your black culture, based on immorality and embodied in rap, has spread to normal people, too.

    Y'all used to brag that rap was so popular amongst white teens, now you see the results.

  42. rottnkid12:02 PM

    Why is it then that black women are far more likely to be killed by black women, than white women are by white men?

    11:25 AM


    If this is you Anon 11:42, I honestly don't agree with you on this. Black females - ass kicking yes, killing? No.
    And white men, not all of disrespect, they do enough damage running this country. So in essence, yes they do kill more white woman. Hell, they do more killing period whether directly or indirectly. Just my opinion.

  43. Anonymous12:02 PM

    From the University of Minnesota's Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community: African-American women experience intimate partner violence at rates 35% higher than their White counterparts.

  44. rottnkid12:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    @rottnkid: that's what's known as "the niggerization of America". Your black culture, based on immorality and embodied in rap, has spread to normal people, too.

    Y'all used to brag that rap was so popular amongst white teens, now you see the results.

    11:57 AM

    Whose "ya'll"? Rap music didn't do it. White people trying to tan all the time did it. But seriously who do you think owns the record company? Who do you think tells the artists what to rap about? Case in point - Interscope was formed in 1990 by Jimmy Iovine and Ted Field. White men. 50 cent, signed to Interscope, made a killing selling all his CD's to wiggers, but you can bet your pink ass that those 2 white men made a hell of lot more than 50. Now if you want to blame rappers then also blame the white men in power for pushing that shit. Now YOU all are seeing the fruits of your labor and it's gonna get worse.

  45. Anonymous12:32 PM

    @rottn: that's the same crappy pseudo-logic that was used about drugs: da white man brings in da crack, so it's whitey's fault. But now the crips and da bloods bring in da crack, so we don't hear that anymore. Do you always blame whitey for every single thing, always?

    Besides, I bet most record company moguls are Jewish, not white.

    And hey, tanning/sun-exposure is good to a point if it increases vitamin D. "Flathead Field" should do a blog on that, to help black people. But he's too dumb to understand it.

  46. Anonymous12:38 PM

    speaking of Flathead Field, let's see if any of you negroes has any honesty.

    Some of you must have seen the Nova episode this week on Homo erectus - the ancient pre-human noted for its tiny brain and small cranium. Now, if you look at those representations (on Nova or anywhere, like wikipedia), they look very, very much like the shape of Field's head.

    Is there even one of you who will admit it? Some of you must be chuckling at the thought - but y'all are so invested in 'us-vs-them' that you'd never admit it.

    How about if Wayne admits it himself? Nah... never happen.

  47. Anonymous12:49 PM

    A white man cannot make me pick up a gun.
    A white man cannot make me abandon my wife and children.
    A white man cannot make me touch the pipe.
    A white man cannot make me drop out of school.
    A white man cannot keep me down…
    I do none of these things by choice…
    I do none of these things because of the teachings of my father and grandfather.

  48. rottnkid12:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    @rottn: that's the same crappy pseudo-logic that was used about drugs: da white man brings in da crack, so it's whitey's fault. But now the crips and da bloods bring in da crack, so we don't hear that anymore. Do you always blame whitey for every single thing, always?


    Nah, I don't blame the white man for everything. I guess you never saw New Jack City, I blame Nino Brown for that crack stuff. Don't know anything about the Bloods or Crips other than they fight over colors, I guess you never seen the movie Colors with Sean Penn either. My point is every time bad stuff comes about in this country there's always Mr. Charlie in the mix grinning in the background.

  49. Anonymous1:11 PM

    @rottn: are you white? NJC was an entertaining movie, and that really relates to the problem. It's fun to engage in base impulses. It's easy, too.

    But to build a civilization, that requires discipline and effort and self-denial. Culture is supposed to augment that. But modern 'rap' culture is all about indulging in being an amoral pig and having fun. So civilization declines.

    Btw, NJC is ostensibly a story about how things go bad, like when he kills his brother, but almost nobody notices that part. They emulate all the bad parts instead.

  50. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Wow trolls really know how to go off topic.

    As to the post, Lou will not be allowed at Fox News the GOP needs the Hispanic vote.Besides Geraldo and Stossel went in on him about his blatantly anti-Hispanic views on Fox. I am sure the Fox heads would not have allowed that if they were planning to bring him over.

    Dobbs was losing it anyway.I had always considered him a bit loopy because of his "immigration position"(read keep those dirty "wetback" Mexs out...gee his wife must love his dumb bum...she is Mexican by the way), but it was not until he jumped on the "birther" paddy-wagon that i knew it was time to give grandpa his medication.

  51. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Boring day here, especially with all the "I agree" brainless posts. FN's stuff is trite and predictable. It's the commenters that usually make this place.

    Hathor seems smart. Constructive Feedback is way smarter, and nobody seems to be able to counter his reasoning.

    Sure, you've got the little twits like maricon that are just dull as can be, but there has to be chaff with the wheat. Maybe mexicans are just less colorful than blacks.

    That Jewish guy is funny, too :)

    (Yes, I know that maricoon is really a PR, but it'd be good if his crybaby, weakling ass were deported to Tijuana - so we should try to make him into a mex.)

    I hope when I come back tomorrow that it will be less boring here.

    P.S. JohnCrow is as dull as can be, too. He uses "troll" and insists "stay on topic" like some nanny-boy. So I guess negroes can be stultifying tepid. See everybody tomorrow. Same time, same place.

  52. rottnkid1:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    @rottn: are you white? NJC was an entertaining movie, and that really relates to the problem. It's fun to engage in base impulses. It's easy, too.

    -----------------------------------Nope, not white. I was born in 1970 in CT and saw a lot of the problems crack presented in the 80's since I was so close to NY. Hell, I used to skip school to go to NYC for the day. I grew up on rap music from literally the beginning to where it is now and I do agree that the music has declined in it's moralistic value ever since around 95 I guess. Some could and will argue that point. The problem is what type of rap music being presented to the public by the white man. Used to be you can listen Rakim, Beastie Boys, Arrested Development and others and actually get something out of it mostly positive. And yes this was on the radio. NWA came about and shed a different light on urban problems that most kids never heard or seen in the rest of the US. Kids wanted to be like them. Now here we are. NWA made money and lots of it - independently. Mr Charlie once again saw an opportunity. Took over the record companies and saw that "gangsta" rap made more money than "conscious" rap. And guess what dominated the 90's rap culture? They don't care young black males except to exploit them. Now the problems are spilling over to the white community. Don't hate the player, hate the game. And white people are losing. Like I said just my opinion.

  53. John Crow,
    The Obama administration is the key proponent of the "birther issue":
    1. Obama has submitted appropriate proof of his natural birth citizenry or he would not be sitting in the Oval Office.
    2. Obama could easily quash the "birther issue" by providing irrefutable evidence of his birth to the public.
    3. Obama chooses not to provide his birth credentials to the public.
    4. Obama promotes the "birther issue" as a beard to mask the real issues while accurately painting the "birthers" as extremist kooks.

    As far as FOX bringing Lou Dobbs or anyone else on board, that decision will be based on ratings. FOX is in business to make money as are all the other for profit networks.

    All the networks are guilty of racism; but the degree to which a particular viewer is offended is directly proportional to his/her racial identity.

    Your support of age discrimination is endemic in America and crosses all racial lines. Elder Americans are ridiculed and warehoused in the United States while they are revered and appreciated for their wisdom and experience in most other cultures, differences and aberrations notwithstanding. This is a very sad reflection on all of us as a people regardless of race.

  54. This is what happans when you don't toe the liberal media line.

    God bless you Lou.<<

    Does that include using a racist source to spew myths and nonsense about immigrants in this country?

  55. "2. Obama could easily quash the "birther issue" by providing irrefutable evidence of his birth to the public."

    Is he supposed to show the video or what?

  56. FO,
    Producing a certified birth certificate rather than suppressing it's discovery would more than suffice. That was my point. The "sheeple" are just as misinformed as the "wingnuts"....and that's just how Obama likes it.

  57. uptownsteve3:06 PM

    I thought I heard tapshoes.

  58. ditto bi:

    i do not believe that innocent people pay MILLIONS to their harassers....not directly as black mail/extortion not indirectly via attorneys

    i did not believe that about mj
    and i do not believe that about obama

    if obama had nothing to hide about his birth, then
    a team of attys would not be bilking him for millions to help him hide it...

  59. rottnkid3:13 PM

    Your support of age discrimination is endemic in America and crosses all racial lines. Elder Americans are ridiculed and warehoused in the United States while they are revered and appreciated for their wisdom and experience in most other cultures, differences and aberrations notwithstanding. This is a very sad reflection on all of us as a people regardless of race.

    Elder people are revered in this country for they're wisdom and experience - They're in a tiny box called Capitol Hill. All jokes aside, you're right. I worked in a nursing home for a number of years and you should see the number of residents who didn't have family visit them - except when they died.
    My guess is that we as Americans can't take the time off and spend time with the family or friends. We have to make that money! My Girlfriend is from Germany and she talked about some of the vacations her family would take. You're talking 3 and 4 weeks at a time. In her country employers are mandated to provide vacation time and not just for the standard "I work my ass for 5 years" 2 weeks either. Results are more productivity and more family time. And before you all start, I'm not leaving the U.S. I like my redneck racist neighbors too much to do that.

  60. world net daily is full of shit. now i finally understand what planet "AB" lives on.

    In its "exclusive" and completely false report that the Fort Hood shooter "advised Obama transition," WorldNetDaily exploits the murder of American soldiers to sell books smearing Muslims.

    Near the end of the WND article, "senior staff reporter" Jerome Corsi takes the opportunity to plug a book published recently by World Net Daily Books and co-authored by professional Islam hater P. David Gaubatz. Corsi writes:

    According to an explosive new book, "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," Hasan is just the tip of a jihadist Fifth Column operating within the ranks of the U.S. military - which is too blinded by political correctness to see the threat.

    At the bottom of Corsi's article is a "special offer" to
    "Get 'Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America,' autographed, from WND's Superstore." That "offer" links to the "WND Superstore," which sells Muslim Mafia at the "discount price" of $22.95.

  61. Lou Dobbs finally got tired of the liberal weenies over at CNN

    There are Liberals at CNN? Where are they?

  62. mareallyamoron:

    wise persons who do actual research respect any truth from any source/all sources

    only obama nazis like you dare to believe a single word the hoax that is obama utters

    only you obamabots reject the few media that he does not control

    i get that

    u get this:

    the truth is its own defense
    from any source

    obama's fans abc tv/msnbc etc could learn a LOT from the real journalists at wnd....u get over that!

  63. AreallybigBuffoon:

    the real journalists at WND? hey, guess what, honey, i am a real journalist.

    you are nuts.

    oh, damn, old news.

    they're LIARS. and you believe them.

    yup, truth is a defense (actually, THAT"s the correct phrasing) not how you've mangled it

    except you're too delusional to know truth from lies, and you try to spread them here.

    but no one believes you.

  64. "FO,
    Producing a certified birth certificate rather than suppressing it's discovery would more than suffice. That was my point. The "sheeple" are just as misinformed as the "wingnuts"....and that's just how Obama likes it."

    A). It's already been provided. I don't believe he has had the opportunity to drop by everyone's home who disbelieves it because they haven't touched it, however.

    B). It doesn't matter what his birth certificate says, his mother was an American citizen when he was born, so he is an American by default. It would not matter where he was born.

    C). Get off the crazy train. It takes sharp turns at very high rates of speed and is unsafe.

  65. WND= Wing Nut Daily

  66. mareallysilly:

    wnd = wench nullifies discussion

    try debating the issues?


    how about that stellar accounting of obama's own attorneys' fees so expertly detailed by wnd in that link you so blatantly ignored above...???

  67. fo:

    so why do YOU think obama is racking up these specific legal fees?

    for fun?

  68. mareallytinierandteenierdaily:

    you sound like the typical anorexic delusional bimbo herein

    spare me

    a real journalist would be at least nominally competent at debate herein

    all you do is flaunt your jungle fevered drones like stackssluts and hurl juvenile names

    you never debate a thing herein
    as even a freshman at any junior college taking journalism 101 might do...


  69. mareallytrifling:

    mangling is what happens inside your brain each time you embarass yourself herein by daring to jump up and die at me...

    i suspect you have never been to college as only those who lack creativity and embrace mundanity
    celebrate "standard" phrasings

    intellectuals stamp all phrases with their own unique literary footprints

    you are visibly intellectually barefoot, so that escapes you...i get that

    and, clearly, i need no standard phrases to slay standard morons like you

  70. 4 response to my one: another sign! i've never been to college? oh, too funny. you're really scraping the barrel now!

    "truth is a defense" is a term of law that has to do with libel, as us real journalists know...

    i'm not reading anything you write anymore.

  71. mareallywaytooeasy:

    you are generally incompetent i see...even at counting too

    not to mention that i was originally responding to bi when you interjected your incessant taunting like the mindless pointless stalker/hater you are...


  72. mareallyrevealingilliteracy&envy:

    why restrict any relevant phrase to its standard legal context???

    i liberally and accurately use that renowned phrase as a general reference to all political/factual truths...

    furthermore, this is a casual blog
    not a rigid court of law

    you are a toxic clueless wannabeeme, not a lawyer like fn...

    how dare a moronic layperson like you object!

  73. Anonymous6:13 PM

    alicia banks, you must be butta cause you be on a roll!!!

  74. Rumor has it that Lou will bid on the presidential nomination next time.

  75. Lou Dobbs is probably blaming President Obama for getting canned.

  76. Anonymous - did you say AB looks like a buttered up roll? She is pretty greasy in that pic right? I see you working.

    I thought they discontinued Furbies... Why is there a greasy, broken one posting 50,000 replies on this blog daily?

  77. "Rumor has it that Lou will bid on the presidential nomination next time."

    Now that would be too much to ask for.

  78. Thanks for the love Yawdie! Respect!

  79. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Greg, you are being too kind. That nasty sow wishes she looked as tasty as a buttered roll. Funny that her cheerleader repeated the same mantra so soon. I guess s/he is running out of material.

  80. of course, anyone who disagrees with Asinine Bitch gets attacked. too funny, i'm a moronic lay person.

    right-o-i'm not a professional loon like you.

  81. The nation of Germany apparently should have taken some advice from Lou Dobbs regarding their unchecked immigration.

    Germany seems like a model of what the USA will one day become:

  82. Big up Ensyan1! Yu a carry de swing on your site.

  83. Anonymous8:27 AM

    John Crow,
    The Obama administration is the key proponent of the "birther issue":
    1. Obama has submitted appropriate proof of his natural birth citizenry or he would not be sitting in the Oval Office.
    2. Obama could easily quash the "birther issue" by providing irrefutable evidence of his birth to the public.
    3. Obama chooses not to provide his birth credentials to the public.
    4. Obama promotes the "birther issue" as a beard to mask the real issues while accurately painting the "birthers" as extremist kooks.

    *yawn* paddy-wagon trolls

  84. mareallymasochistic/assnons/

    emaciated jungle fevered tricks like mareallytrollingforojs and the euro impotent nigger boys who covet, defend, and lick her pale & bloody gaping fatal wounds herein...never cease to amaze and repulse me

    only truly ugly juvenile hating souls spend so much time insulting beautiful superior african queens like me...with my luscious long natural soft locks devoid of the grease in mareallyreeking's nasty mangy mane
    and the doo rags donned by her dimwitted pet niggas

    grease is what mareallyrustybrained needs to lube her empty dome

    grease is what gregchokingchicken uses to empty himself at home

    grease is what the assnons need to spruce up their rusted cowardly spines

    NUNYA nasty nincompoops will do a thing to defend/debate obama because just like you fake ignorant fools he is EQUALLY indefensible!!!!

    grease is what our ashen and dry economy needs to recover from the dry rot and torching that is obama...

    white sluts like mareallywantstomakeanobamababy are too busy stacking ineptly endowed black stud drones to deal with that hard green fact about the blackish obama

  85. anon:


    notice how the oj pom pom squad that is ALWAYS cheering on cue for mareallywantstobeme/maREALLYneedstheirhelp
    is always the first to call someone else a cheerleader?

    what hypocrisy!!!!
    akin to greasy slimy nigger drones attacking a cocoa buttery skinned flawless scholarly black beauty like me
    for a needy ashen white pale invisible cowardly gruesome uneducated dreg like mareallyacavebitch

  86. mareallyagdfool:

    there is no greater joke than a racist female doorknob dog like you calling me a bitch

    it is flagrant projection and horridly disrespectful

    like you calling me an inept inarticulate juvenile uneducated debater or a whiny witless white whore etc...


    Jazz stylist and author Abbey Lincoln managed to capture this exact same offensiveness as exhibited by heterosexual white women, in her enraged classic essay entitled “Who Will Revere The Black Woman?”, published in the renowned womanist anthology The Black Woman, edited by Toni Cade (1970):

    “We are the women whose bars and recreation halls are invaded by flagrantly disrespectful, bigoted, simpering, amoral, emotionally unstable, outcast, maladjusted, nyphomaniacal, condescending white desperate and untiring search of the “frothing-at-the-mouth-for-a white-woman, strong backed, sixty-minute hot black”.... We are the women who, upon protesting this invasion of our privacy and sanctity and sanity, are called “jealous”, and “evil”, and “small-minded”, and “prejudiced”...

    When a white man “likes colored girls”, his woman (the white woman) is the last one he wants to know about it. Yet, seemingly, when a Negro “likes white girls”, his woman (the Black woman) is the first he wants to know about it. White female rejects and social misfits are flagrantly flaunted in our faces as the ultimate in feminine pulchritude. Our women are encouraged by our own men to strive to look and act as much like the white female image as possible, and only those who approach that “goal” in physical appearance and social behavior are acceptable. At best, we are made to feel that we are poor imitations and excuses for white women.

    Evil? Evil, you say? The Black woman is hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, resentful, frightened, and evil! Who in this hell dares suggest that she should be otherwise? These attitudes only point up her perception of the situation and her healthy rejection of the same.”

  87. Mack Lyons11:15 AM

    "Toying with a blog post idea on 'Racism's ambassador exits CNN'. In the meantime also feast your eyes on people's hate for people who are not pale skinned as captured throughout on the blog:
    God help humanity!"

    South Africa Sucks? Man, that place gets bounced from host to host to host. It's like the internet version of the flu -- one year you try to kill it dead, and it mutates just enough to survive the next.

  88. that stupid rant was reposted from your may comments on this very blog.

    and from her own blog:

    37 posts from October 2009 - ALICIA BANKS's Blog on Vox - 10:05am
    Jazz stylist and author Abbey Lincoln managed to capture this exact same offensiveness as exhibited by heterosexual white women, in her enraged classic ... - Cached -

  89. Not that I've gotten a chance to read the millions of comments you're getting from this, but in a way, I'm sorry Lou is leaving. As you've mentioned a few times in this blog, it's important to have those who have these extremist views right in front of activists, because unfortunately, too many of us are comfortable with the idea of post-racialism, and Lou was always a nice wake-up call, especially if we're concerned with diversity issues. For Lou to go to Fox News, it just means that we can put him somewhere to the side and not turn to his channel. I respect the strategy in that we can help sink that whole channel at once. On the other hand, we almost miss the idea to know exactly what proponents of Dobbs' agenda are saying by not tuning in to his foolishness, and waiting for MSNBC and The Daily Show to break these things down for us might leave us handicapped in the near future.

    Happy that he's not making money from CNN anymore, but he'll keep making it. Let's hope bloggers like you continue to be the much-needed watchdogs of these agents of hate.

  90. mareallywantsto beawritertoo:

    here's more

    you are my greatest inspirations herein!


    Carrie Prejean is the hypochristian gift that keeps on giving to those of us who know that all gaybashers are bigots and phonies! Could this fabricated homohating icon get any more fabulous? Dyam!!!

    Homosexuality is genetic in every living species. Yet, only human animals gaybash. And, only humans get egg on their goofy gaybashing faces every time they do so. Without exception, ALL rabid gaybashers are gay.
    The latest news in this increasingly embarrassing and hateful saga is that Carrie Prejean’s very own legally married (and legally divorced) biological mother has a lesbian lover! No lie lives forever! Truth is stranger than fiction!

    Could Carrie be just another genetic DL lesbian shouting down her own clandestine carnal truths? Time will tell as this sorry saga continues…

    See more here:



    YOUR mom do black dudes too?

  91. lou dobbs is laughing all the way to the bank
