Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The thrill is gone.

Hip Hop Mike is happier than a house slave at an Antebellum dance tonight. Can't say I blame him. Looks like a clean sweep for the rethugs in Virginia ,and poor John Corzine is running for his political life in Jersey. The folks in Jersey might just be stuck with Chris Christie, the republican, for the next four years. (That's if he doesn't eat half of the state by then.)

But fear not Obamaholics, don't listen to the pundits, this is not a referendum on your boy. A-merry-cans still like him personally. They are just a little skittish about his policies right now. Make no mistake folks; without a movement to rally around, or a charismatic leader to lead them, people in this country who vote to the left of most issues are just never motivated to come out and vote. It's why I wouldn't be surprised to see the rethugs win everything in sight tonight. Throw in the fact that these are off year elections, and we still have a bad economy (thank you frat boy) and no one should be surprised.

Still, having said all of that, you Negroes in states like Virginia and New Jersey who didn't vote today should be ashamed of yourselves. Politics isn't about your gut emotions like your church, it's about issues. But field, what difference does it make? To some poor guy working at a dead end job and trying to feed a family on $10 an hour, it doesn't matter whether it's Corzine or Christie. Three or four years form now he will still be in the same dead end job. This is the political reality in A-merry-ca, field; the system is rigged.

Yes, but what about "Yes we can"? What about "Hope"? What about "We are the change that we have been waiting for"? Was it all just talk? Folks just caught up in the emotion of some awesome speeches? His O ness came to jersey stumping for Corzine, and the people came out to see him, but you just knew in your heart that they weren't going to come out and vote. They never do.

Only if his O ness himself was at the top of the ticket could their votes have been counted on. So what field, why should they have vote for Corzine? Look at all the corruption from democrats in New Jersey over the past few months. Yes, but you won't be hearing that from the folks over at Radio Rwanda and their minions. This will be all about the tea party movement and the real A-merry-ca rejecting that big government, Obama, and his power grab for our health care system.

Here in Philly we have a very important race to replace our current District Attorney and the voting was today. I guarantee you that we probably had a turnout of about 10% of the eligible voters. Yet, Joe Citizen will will be crying about the DA's office for one reason or another about a year from now. Sorry, don't want to hear it, vote next time.

This just in: The AP is reporting that Christie is the winner in Jersey!

O man, it's time to pull out the ear plugs.


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    My cousin, Anthony Foxx has won the Mayoral race in Charlotte, NC.....Go Anthony!!!!!!!!!

  2. StillaPanther211:29 PM

    Brother Field....Thank you for the encouragement on the sidebar. Today it was like a ghost town at the polls here on the Penninsula in Virginia. There was no ummph at all. A clean sweep for the other boys on the state level. Buttt, on the local level, there was/is some joy in "Mudville". The local Democrats fared well with some new blood that should have some impact on our crime, so they have promised. I hope so because we still have not seen the total breakdown of most neighborhoods. By the way... those Repubs DID stack the deck with outside candidate that knows nothing about Virginia. Money and strategy ruled the day. I also saw voters' fatigue. WE WERE BOMBARDED WITH TV/MAIL/robo callsssss. Sorry about results ...glad it's over

  3. Princefan11:50 PM

    Yeah, no one showed. I was the only negro that I saw who came to vote except for the negros signing people up and checking creds. Just me and the Latino folks in my district at the polling place.

    You have to have money to move in these corrupt NJ circles and try to poli a spot like Corzine or you have to go the lawyer route if your broke. Go to law school either Seton Hall, Rutgers or Princeton or somewhere in NYC. Then try to get a government job with the justice department and hope somebody notices you there. Then you can do anything you want.

    The temperature just ain't right and people are not feeling this voting stuff, we spent our energy and used some much needed vacation days from work on Obama. People probably feeling like nobody really wins, its the money that wins.

  4. It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

    Don't let FOX News get you down. Two governorships does not an insurrection make.

  5. Anonymous1:04 AM

    It doesn't make an insurrection but it sure doesn't look good for the 2010 midterms. Ughhhh

  6. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I am neither Dem or Repub- but IMO, Democratic voters are voter dead-beats. Dem voters LACK desire, commitment, involovement, persistence and follow-thru.

    The Republicans are just the opposite: they have desire, commitment, involvement, persistence, and strong follow-thru.

    After Obama was elected, Obama supporters went right back to sleep. I have empathy for Democratic candidates because they have to count on apathetic lazy Democratic voters. Dems say they want 'change', but they don't want to do anything to bring about that 'change'.

    Obamaholics actually think Obama is supposed to do it all by himself. You are such a lazy sorry ignorant bunch. You won't even go vote to help make 'change' possible.

    Republicans are going to win by Democratic voter default. Dems are such pathetic losers.

    The year 2010 is going to be a landslide for Republicans...

  7. Field, I wasn't going to post tonight, but I couldn't help myself. Hope you, and everyone else, are uplifted.

    Here in the state of WA, looks like R-71, domestic partnership rights, will pass (it's close, controversial and a loooong story). And R-1033, a financial straight jacket for govt., is going down. I'm not sure what the turn out actually was, but I think it was above average given the intensity and coverage these two issues generated.

  8. Okay now, before everyone starts picking out the headstones for the Democrats in 2010. Let's give a BIG round of applause to Capt (ret.) Bill Owens who beat that "creepy Barney Fife looking" Doug Hoffman in NY tonight.

    Owens won in a district that the Republicans have held for YEARS. And not even a glowing pink glove endorsement from the Quitter Queen herself could put Barney...oops, Bill over the top.

    The NY race was the one that the White House was watching closely. I think it was a given that NJ and Virginia were going Republican this time around.

    But even if that bumbling idiot Michael Steele comes out later this morning trying to brag about the Obama effect. Not even he can deny that the Republicans have some very serious problems on their hands heading into 2010 with the "baggers, birthers and Beck/Rush ditto-heads" splitting the Republican party down the center and pushing out the Moderates.

  9. Hip Hop Mike is happier than a house slave at an Antebellum dance tonight.

    Now that's the quote of the day, Field.

    Living in Asia sometimes makes me feel less connected to the local and state elections.

    Seriously, Obama needs to stop playing nice and get socieo on these rethugs. Take them out...Ailes, Limpballs, Murdoch, Buchannan, Oraly and claptrap. The lives of millions of people who are pigmently gifted depend on his success. There are white supremacists working overtime to bring it back to the Tilden Hays Truce. They have the broke and uneducated to do their bidding. I say he needs to grow a pair, do right by GBLTs and make people fear him. To hell with playing nice and fair. Do you all really think that's what the establishment does?

    He can still turn it around.

    We may be witnessing the emergence the independents. I can't stand either party. You pick your poison, blatant vs. covert hatred and hostility. And let's not forget the class warfare.

  10. Take them out...Ailes, Limpballs, Murdoch, Buchannan, Oraly and claptrap.

    I mean politically neutering them when I write "take them out." One think I learned the past few years, anyone can fall, and everyone is hiding something.

    ...Not that I would cry if a if Limpballs ODs or Murdoch gets a coronary.

  11. Anon 1:11a.m., I hate to say it, but you are probably right.

    "Today it was like a ghost town at the polls here on the Penninsula in Virginia"

    StillaPanther2, isn't it sad? I keep thinking about all those people voting in iraq in the middle of the frat boy's war. My people my people. *shaking head*

    Princefan, way to break it down about Jersey. As most of you know,it's not one of my favorite states.

    Brenda, thanks for the good news. (Matw, you too.)The Palin candidate lost. I swear if that clown had won...I hear the guy was at a debate and didn't even know anything about basic local issues.

    "We may be witnessing the emergence the independents. I can't stand either party. You pick your poison, blatant vs. covert hatred and hostility. And let's not forget the class warfare."

    Not "emergence", they are already a force.

  12. This was not a repudiation of a party... either one... it was a repudiation of the person..... Corzine had to deal with corruption charges of everyone around him. And, it was still close...... In PA, Dems won all kinds of seats..... Upstate New York the Dem won... And even on gay rights it was a mixed bag. Maine was a setback, but Washington State was an advance.

    Again, this election was about local circumstance, not whole sale party politics on either side.

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    About last night...

    Scozzafava gave the race to the Democrats. Hope she's proud of herself. Like to know what Obama promised her.

    Scozzafava should be charged with bestiality. She has screw every RINO in this country.

    Hoffman losing was a good thing. This will pretty much end the talk of a third party candidate .

    Obama lost some political capital in campaigning for Corzine.

    Last night Obama did get a win. Obama is against gay marriage and Maine voted to repeal the gay marriage law.

    Last night we won where it counted. Republicans swept Virginia turning it red again. A Republican is the New Jersey Governor.

  14. In my area, we learned that just *one* vote really CAN make a difference. A local village was voting to either stay or dissolve into a nearby town, and with the voting public it was a NO to dissolution by ONE vote. Yes, ONE vote. Each side got thousands, so it's not like 20 people went out all day. The 100+ absentee ballots will decide it, but it was unreal to me when I saw the numbers pop up that one single solitary person made a difference in that village's fate, for the evening.

    Our local mayoral race was very close too, by 300 votes, and 600 absentees will decide it.

    Democrats hung on to a lot in my area.

    I feel a strange thrill seeing Democracy work like that. Gives me a *little* more faith in the system. A tiny bit less cynicism.

  15. Anonymous8:19 AM

    oh field just follow the drinking gourd. did they do that it Jay may ka?

    you know nigs don't vote.

  16. Anonymous: Scozzafava gave the race to the Democrats. Hope she's proud of herself. Like to know what Obama promised her.

    Roderick: The Republicans threw her under the bus first so what did she have to lose?

    It's funny that the local Republicans picked her to run then some outsiders like Sarah Palin interjected themselves and pulled enough support from her and toward the conservative party candidate so that she had to drop out because she ran out of money.

    Anonymous: Scozzafava should be charged with bestiality. She has screw every RINO in this country

    Roderick: right from Rush's lips to Field's blog. How creative.

    No wonder they call you dittoheads

  17. Smashed The Tiny Black Box: Seriously, Obama needs to stop playing nice and get socieo on these rethugs. Take them out...Ailes, Limpballs, Murdoch, Buchannan, Oraly and claptrap.

    Roderick: Sadly I think that Obama actually believes the substance of the speech he gave at the 2004 Democratic convention. What he said may occur within a hundred years not now.

    He wasted way too much time at the beginning of his presidency trying to be bipartisan only to have the Republicans spit in his face and the fiasco of compromising with Olympia Snow who represents a state that he won by 12 percentage points was politically stupid.

    Now he has to deal with the so called Blue Dog Democrats who are scared shitless after yesterday and probably won’t vote for the House health care bill. Of course this is just another example of Obama’s go-along-to-get-along style of leadership along with the utter failure of Pelosi and hapless Reid.

    When the Blue Dogs started talking nonsense about not going along with the health care bill Obama, Pelosi and Reid should have had a come to Jesus meeting with those fools and told them that if they blocked it they would have their chairmanships taken away and they wouldn’t get any campaign funding for the next election cycle and they were free to switch parties.

    The thing is that the Blue Dogs are in a catch-22. If no health care reform is passed or if they vote against it they will lose the votes of their Democratic core and if they vote for it they will ignite the Republican vase against them.

    I know that sounds extreme but Obama should have put the fear of god into them and he wouldn’t be facing certain defeat on health care which will embolden the Republicans even more than last night’s elections.

    Now Obama is going to have to limp through the last three years of his presidency ( no I don’t think he will be re-elected—too many broken promises and inability to govern) with a rebellious Democratic caucus and batshit crazy Republicans who think they’ve won something. But it’s all on Obama because he brought his C game and not his A game.

  18. tanse8:49 AM

    Obama is hot, I'd fuck him.

  19. uptownsteve8:57 AM

    Roderick my brother,

    Too much pessimism.

    The VA and NJ gov races were referendums on local issues and candidates.

    The Dems won the two House races. One in a district that hasn't gone Democratic in over 100 years.

    National polls show that most Americans WANT A HEALTHCARE BILL.

    What Obama's presidency is going to hinge on is the economy and Afghanistan.

  20. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Fear is the greatest motivator to turn people out the the polls. The repubs are masters on playing on cultural, religious, and racial fears.

    Dems just don't have that. People need an emotional reason to go the polls or they don't go. Simple logic isn't enough. Dem voters tend to be lazier and less politically inclined. Once they feel they've "gotten a lead", they retreat.

  21. fn:


    so why should any wise voter of any race remain loyal to interchangeable politico drones?

    this is a fake power play to give some life to the powerless

    don't believe the hype

    there is one elite party that rules us all

    all the rest is just deliberate distractions

    do not be distracted!

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their father's conquered."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    “The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves... For now, remember: The corporations do not control our government; they are our government.”
    -Larry Flynt



  22. Tyren M.9:20 AM

    Agree with "Economy and Afghanistan."

  23. Maine repealed the same sex law--one of the whitest states in America--but I bet Savage, Sullivan et al wills till find a reasong to blame Black people for infringing and oppressing Gay rights.

  24. cyconsha9:30 AM

    You hope so Dark Moon so you can complain about it.

    Idiots come in all colors.

  25. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Field, what do you think of this story? Can Prosecutors be sued by people they framed?" Rooted in racism, it ought to scare the shit out of anyone. Money quote: "Iowa prosecutors who contend "there is no freestanding right not to be framed."

  26. dark moon

    gays are hated by all races all over the globe

    we are just hated MOST by BLACKS all over the globe


  27. just another bad republican...10:01 AM

    The Logic of the hard left's wingnuts never ceases to amaze.
    If the liberals win it is a mandate and the correct result no matter what. If the Republicans win they are universally denounced as thugs, nuts, racists, greedy bad etc.
    Personal attacks such as disparaging a Republican victor's abdominal girth is even applauded. Ironic considering the avg. Dems gluttony for other peoples' groceries and their busting bellies. Mirrors don't lie, ain't that right DeWayne B.?

    ROFLMAO, as one of the dumber commenters here often spews.

    BTW,I wonder if victimhood is genetically determined or if it is just a learned phenomena of the American ingrate?

  28. Corzine is a serious limosine liberal & I'm sorry to see him go on that basis. But he had little connection to the Democratic base in Jersey. He bought his offices (Senate & Governor) & was always kind of a distant figure. He never recovered politically from all the time he had to give to rehab after his car accident.

  29. Yankees Rule10:15 AM

    The Congressional race in upstate NY is not something to hang your hat on boy.
    The Democratic winner was a blue dog conservative, he was supported by the Republican candidate who withdrew from the race prior to the election and the Conservative Party's candidate was a rabid joke political neophyte who ponied up at the 11th hour to appease the out of touch hard liners and did not even live in the district.

    So, are you really that stupid and uninformed or just that biased?

    Yankees in 6......the "Fat Lady" will belt one out tonight brother Field.

  30. Yankees Rule10:15 AM

    The Congressional race in upstate NY is not something to hang your hat on boy.
    The Democratic winner was a blue dog conservative, he was supported by the Republican candidate who withdrew from the race prior to the election and the Conservative Party's candidate was a rabid joke political neophyte who ponied up at the 11th hour to appease the out of touch hard liners and did not even live in the district.

    So, are you really that stupid and uninformed or just that biased?

    Yankees in 6......the "Fat Lady" will belt one out tonight brother Field.

  31. Yesterday's elections showed that the Dems/Moderates/Liberals biggest issues is getting their base excited and off their butts and the Right's biggest problem is going to be keeping their lunatic Teabaggers in check.

    Bob has a point -- Corzine lost the election because he's an aloof billionaire. It didn't help that a good chunk of state officials and a bunch of rabbis went to jail last year.

    The silver lining is that the Right appears to be eating their own.

    Now here's my question to folks like AB -- the 'progressives' who are thumbing their nose at the current slate of politicians. Fine, the Dens suck & have sucked of a long time. But the question is, what we going to do about it other flaming each other on a blog? Who would you have in place over Obama? Who are you going to help get into office in 2010 if you don't like your current congressman? No flaming, just a simple set of questions.

  32. Anonymous10:18 AM

    The elections in New Jersey and Virginia is the not a referendum against President Obama because they are state elections. People do not understand that national politics is very different than city and state politics. In fact, it is more important to pay attention to local and state politics because it has a greater affect on people's everyday life. I find it amazing which the demographics that's changing in this country and African Americans make up 14% of the population do not realize that they can be a powerful voting block.

    As for my Jerseyans, they are the craziest voters. They will vote for a Republican knowing full that the party is going to do nothing with reducing the budget and they are not going to cut taxes because the state needs the revenue. Although, I think Christie is in over his head because he does not know how to administrate anything. However, Christie is in office because there are more independents than democrats and republicans combined and low voter turnout. A year ago, I had to wait in line to vote, but yesterday it was business as usual by being the only person in the place to vote until another man came in five minutes later. We get the government we deserve when we do not participate and stand by and do nothing.

    I did find the race in the 23rd district in NY fascinating because they voted for a democrat and had not done so since the civil war.

  33. lac:

    the lesser of 2 evils is still evil

    i would do more than worship/coddle/excuse/adore obama!!!


    i would make obama accountable
    PRESS him to do more than pay rich bankers and bilk poor

    MAKE him keep his promises by STAYING on him until 2012

    cornel west
    as always
    said it best

    see his detailed quotes at:

    the poor are gtting poorer
    and middle class is the new poor

  34. lac posted:

    "the 'progressives' who are thumbing their nose at the current slate of politicians"

    when you learn to see obama's thumbs aimed at the noses of all poor people

    then you will be able to answer your own queries

    the turbo thumbs of his bailouts and wars LITERALLY nullify the thumbs of the FEW who see through his rock star bs/blackish mask on the NWO...


  35. Yankees Rule11:18 AM

    What exactly was fascinating about the 23rd district race in NY: the end result or the rationale behind it?

  36. uptownsteve11:31 AM


    The fact that a Democrat hasn't won there in over 100 years.

    If it's so insignificant, why are you soiling yourself over it?

  37. A huge win for Chris and Republicans in NJ. As for national implications/Obama, I could care less.

  38. lac

    we can stop blaming gwb for what obama has escalated and worsened solo!


    we can expose obamacare and reject it as the hoax that it is!...etc!







  39. uptownsteve11:59 AM


    "Who would you have in place over Obama? Who are you going to help get into office in 2010 if you don't like your current congressman? No flaming, just a simple set of questions."

    Great questions and as you can see, no answers from the flamers.

    Just like the 24/7 "black crime" ranters, when asked for solutions or even ideas, they disappear.

  40. kola/li

    got glasses you liar?

    i answered immediately...as always!

    and a second time just now

    pay attention
    catch up

  41. Anonymous12:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    National polls show that most Americans WANT A HEALTHCARE BILL.

    Than why are Democrats scared?

  42. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Dark Moon said...
    Maine repealed the same sex law--one of the whitest states in America--but I bet Savage, Sullivan et al wills till find a reasong to blame Black people for infringing and oppressing Gay rights.

    Maine is just standing behind Obama. Whats wrong with that?

  43. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Obama got bitch-slapped again, this time in VA and NJ. This is getting to be an enjoyable habit :)

    Thank goodness America is getting over the reverse-racist fog that got Obama elected.

    Gay marriage crashes and burns again, this time in Maine. It seems the privileged liberal elitists who run most everything in America can't bulldoze the masses into believing that perverts are okay.

    It's a great day :)

  44. see uts?

    obama nazis like you are focusing on bogus polls rather than the bogus politicos who are lying to you abuot their health reform hoaxes!

    the excuses = serial suicides

    the distractions = masochistic madness

    obama = gwb 2.0!

  45. assnon:

    like fools,
    perverts come in all persuasions

    nothing is as perverted as ignorance and cowardice

    you are the perfect DUAL pervert!

    thanks for sharing

  46. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Why did Obama not campaign for gays in Maine? As a teen boy, Obama worked as a gay prostitute for rich whites. Just imagine how much $$ he could get for a bj these days. Rich whites like Brad Pitt and George Clooney would pay a fortune.

    Then Obama could have used that money to buy tv ads to educate the Maine public about gay rights. Such a wasted opportunity.

  47. diito anon!!!

    obama is a closeted DL bisexual who hates gays

    obama's long time DL lover (donald young) was murdered as a campaign liability...

    obama's bffs are rabid homohaters like tony dungy/rick warren and gay gay hater donnie mcclurkin...



  48. Anonymous12:33 PM

    UTS "Great questions and as you can see, no answers from the flamers."

    Most don't pay attention to LI's questions, except you of course. Her questions are not really questions, they are flame throwers.

  49. assnon:

    proof that obama controls most media is that this his own homosexuality has been ignored/censored

    even fox has nominally touched it

    and the birthers will be vindicated in 2017 too

    obama's serial lies about his age and birth
    are also omitted from all msm

  50. ditto anon

    i cannot ignore kola/li

    i despise her and her libel/slander so!

    it is really personal
    and predates my blogging here

    i will hate her eternally
    she has earned that hatred

  51. uptownsteve12:37 PM

    When they catch Obama soliciting bj's in an airport restroom or diddling with congressional pages, then I'll entertain the thought that he is a closet gay.

    Or a closet Republican.

  52. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Hennasplace "I find it amazing which the demographics that's changing in this country and African Americans make up 14% of the population do not realize that they can be a powerful voting block."

    That's the curse of being Black, self-hating, not caring, and ignorant.

  53. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I wish people would stop picking on Alicia. She's the only one brave enough to tell the truth about Obama.

    Alicia, can you tell how KRS-1 and Griff were retaliated on, if they were, for criticizing Obama in that documentary? Are they called Toms, too?

  54. uptownsteve said...
    "Who would you have in place over Obama? Who are you going to help get into office in 2010 if you don't like your current congressman? No flaming, just a simple set of questions."

    Great questions and as you can see, no answers from the flamers. Just like the 24/7 "black crime" ranters, when asked for solutions or even ideas, they disappear.

    UptownSteven, thanks. Though we disagree on somethings, you made my point. Some folks are interested in flaming and craziness than changing things.

    One thing though, La*Incognita and I are actually two different people. Honest mistake.

    AB, you hate Obama so much and think you can do a better job. Fine, hate all day. But, here's my challenge to you and alot of the mau-mau's who populate the black blogosphere -- run for your local state assembly seat or county seat. And if you get in, dedicate your blog not the "Obama lies" but to the actual sausage making called state politics.

    OK, I've got work to do. Peace.

  55. Anonymous12:47 PM

    AB "i will hate her eternally
    she has earned that hatred"

    I can relate to your feelings about her. She is not likeable, let alone lovable. Of course, the klan that consists of Granny, Kathy, and UTS worship her. Go figure.

  56. alicia banks: proof that obama controls most media is that this his own homosexuality has been ignored/censored

    even fox has nominally touched it

    Roderick: Maybe because it isn't true?

    Furtherore there is a gay rumor about every politician or movie star out there.

    Also Michelle doesn't seem like the type who would marry a gay man

    Ab: and the birthers will be vindicated in 2017 too

    Roderick: And why not now praytell?

    If there is proof then why wait eight years?

    AB: obama's serial lies about his age and birth
    are also omitted from all msm

    Roderick: Oh jeeze another birther.

    So the entire state of Hawaii plus Hillary Clinton who wanted to be President she could taste it and the entire Republican Party apparatus are in on the conspiracy too?

    AB, you make some good points but sometimes I wonder if you took her meds.

  57. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Alicia is cool
    But Roderick's a fool

  58. uptownsteve1:13 PM

    "One thing though, La*Incognita and I are actually two different people. Honest mistake."

    My bad.

  59. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Like house-Negroes, many leftist progressives have gone back to sleep, dealing with their own immediate petty peeves like "gay marriage", for example. Progressive leftists ignore the forest/big-picture/war. I had hoped - naively perhaps - that we would keep hammering away at burying re-pug/thugs in their holes of ignorance and bigotry.
    Wow, sistuh, you tarnish your lesbianism/sisterhood when you express hatred; when you bite the bait of the haters out there, you lower yourself as well. Shame on you. Millions of folks in A-merry-kkk-a cannot get beyond reptilian cognition. Nice people; they walk amongst us, but, sadly; they celebrate their ignorance.

    "Stupidity should be painful; ignorance - fatal".

  60. Anonymous1:35 PM

    it's terrible that these white trolls accuse Obama of being a God-cursed sodomite.

    Now I can't get out of my head the awful image of Brad Pitt and George Clooney taking turns ramming it up Obama's butt. You people are so awful.

  61. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Um I am gonna check you that anon. I am black and gay and would ram obama any day. Face fuck him good.

    Got homophobia?

  62. assnon:

    your denial and hypocrisy will never save you from obama's nwo

    why is it that you cowardly hypochristian haters are always the ones bashing those like me who bravely dare to hate you MORE and hate you BACK???


    brad is het

    george c is gay


    the birthers and tea partiers are being slandered and silenced by msm

    the 2012 election is already rigged just as the one by obama's cuz in 2004 was rigged in advance



    the obama nazis will NEVER believe anything they consider less than macho and messianic about obama

    they even deny his RENOWNED blood ties to dick c/gwb and the bilderbergs/oligarchs etc...

    my s/heros prof grif/cornel west/debra dickerson/micheal e dyson/tavis smiley/me and EVERYONE else black who dares to tell ANY truths about obama are called uncle toms... and we could not care less

    i just posted at my blog on how mlk/malcolm/ella/fannie and all of my other heros would CALL OUT the elitist obama too!!!!



    lots of strong women endure dl men everywhere every day
    michelle seems to have wisely picked a great father and hubby...
    even as a dl bro

    you and all of your fellow obama nazis lie...even if one of obama's countless DL lovers captured him engaged on a cell ph camera, these adoring fools would swear it was a dubbed fraud


    obama has much dl co in wa.
    MANY dl men rule in dc


  63. lac:

    from 2000-2008
    millions of people like me hated and called out gwb
    and not once did anyone say this to us:

    "you hate gwb so much and think you can do a better job. Fine, hate all day. But, here's my challenge to you and alot of the mau-mau's who populate the black blogosphere -- run for your local state assembly seat or county seat. And if you get in, dedicate your blog not the "gwb lies" but to the actual sausage making called state politics."

    on that pt alone i rest my case as you are now a proven obama nazi

    yes i do hate obama
    he is WORSE than gwb
    i hate obama for all of the same reasons

    you are excusing obama ONLY because he is black
    which one of us TRULY needs to
    "do better" then???

  64. lac:

    thanks for the compliment re mau mau's!

    they too are rebel warriors

  65. assnon:

    biblical sodomites were cursed for being the superpower fascists in the bible

    tons of hets are sexual sodomites

    god does not curse gays

    god does curses homohaters like you


    2. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has NOTHING to do with homosexuality. You will not even find the word “homosexual” in any version of this text. The angels came to destroy the city BEFORE they met the evil mob. Lot offers his virgin daughters to that same mob. Later, these same girls rape Lot. Lot’s wife was destroyed. If this story condemns homosexuality, then it also condones incest and gang rape. And, Lot’s wife was a lesbian. NONE of which is true.

    From The Good Book: “The Hebrew verb “to know” is rarely used in a sexual sense. It occurs 943 times in the Old Testament and in only 10 of those does it have the sense of carnal knowledge. Sodom is referred to throughout the Old Testament as a place of wickedness and is synonymous with it. But, nowhere does it state that homosexuality was the wickedness in question...Sodomite refers almost exclusively to a male prostitute...to say that homosexual conduct is wrong because the bible says it is, is not to answer, but to dismiss the question....Sex can be productive without being reproductive. Homosexual rape is never to be condoned. It is indeed, like heterosexual rape, an abomination before God. David’s sin of adultery with Bathsheba does not make all heterosexual expressions sinful!”

    From The Bible, Ezekiel 17:48-50: “The Lord says ‘Your sister Sodom’s sins were pride and laziness and too much food. While the poor and needy suffered outside her door, she insolently worshipped many idols as I watched. Therefore, I crushed her.’”

    From What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “The sin of Sodom was abuse and offense to strangers-insult to the traveler, inhospitality to the needy. The story is no more about sex than it is about pounding on someone’s front door. The bible offers NO valid conclusion whatsoever about homosexuality.”

  66. assnon:

    biblical illiterates like you know nothing about sodomites

    and you are too cowardly to admit that america is as damned as rev wright says because americans are the new sodomites

    From The Bible, Ezekiel 17:48-50: “The Lord says ‘Your sister Sodom’s sins were pride and laziness and too much food. While the poor and needy suffered outside her door, she insolently worshipped many idols as I watched. Therefore, I crushed her.’”

  67. Too funny @ but you just knew in your heart that they weren't going to come out and vote. Not from Philly, but I've shared the same sentiment with others who sit and watch as politicians, sometimes solid, rally the troops and everyone is excited except myself cause I know the truth, as you stated.

    And, yes, when the moans begin ... I kindly inform them how I cannot discuss political issues with non-voters. LOL.

  68. uptownsteve2:31 PM

    "lots of strong women endure dl men everywhere every day"

    Maybe they're "too" strong.

    Maybe they're dykes.

  69. uts:

    only weak mehn/bois like you slander all strong women as dyke

    only bimbos who fear such slurs pretend to be weak for sissies like you

    one thing is certain:

    michelle picked much better than your wife did!

  70. uts:

    here is more from audre lorde on what a poor choice your wife made!

    Today the red-herring of lesbian-baiting is being used in the Black community to obscure the true face of racism/sexism. Black women sharing close ties with each other, politically or emotionally, are not the enemies of Black men. Too frequently, however, some Black men attempt to rule by fear those Black women who are more ally than enemy. These tactics are expressed as threats of emotional rejection: "Their poetry wasn't too bad but I couldn't take all those lezzies." The Black man saying this is code-warning every Black woman present interested in a relationship with a man--and most Black women are--that (1) if she wishes to have her work considered by him she must eschew any other allegiance except to him and (2) any woman who wishes to retain his friendship and/or support had better not be "tainted" by woman-identified interests. . . .

    All too often the message comes loud and clear to Black women from Black men: "I am the only prize worth having and there are not too many of me, and remember, I can always go elsewhere. So if you want me, you'd better stay in your place which is away from one another, or I will call you 'lesbian' and wipe you out." Black women are programmed to define ourselves within this male attention and to compete with each other for it rather than to recognize and move upon our common interests.

    The tactic of encouraging horizontal hostility to becloud more pressing issues of oppression is by no means new, nor limited to relations between women. The same tactic is used to encourage separation between Black women and Black men. In discussions around the hiring and firing of Black faculty at universities, the charge is frequently heard that Black women are more easily hired than are Black men. For this reason, Black women's problems of promotion and tenure are not to be considered important since they are only "taking jobs away from Black men." Here again, energy is being wasted on fighting each other over the pitifully few crumbs allowed us rather than being used, in a joining of forces to fight for a more realistic ratio of Black faculty. The latter would be a vertical battle against racist policies of the academic structure itself, one which could result in real power and change. It is the structure at the top which desires changelessness and which profits from these apparently endless kitchen wars.

    Lorde, Audre. "Scratching the Surface: Some Notes on Barriers to Woman and Loving." Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1984. 45-52.

  71. uptownsteve2:59 PM

    "only weak mehn/bois like you slander all strong women as dyke"

    Only frustrated bearillas slander men they can't get as gays.

    It stands to reason that if you have dl men then you also dl women.


  72. uts:

    again...classic bs you do herein

    you are changing he subject because i have slain you

    yes there are millions of dl women
    like the dl obama

    but that has nothing to do with how YOU slandered michelle and all strong women ABOVE

    have you ever even met a real man uts?

    you prove you are not one more with each post!

  73. uts:


    as in the gay hairy bears that dl sissies like you covet?

  74. Anonymous said...
    Alicia is cool
    But Roderick's a fool

    AWWWWWW look it's Messy Jesse doing rhyme.

  75. uptownsteve3:08 PM

    "Keep Hope Alive,

    Let me hold a Five"

    Carl the Crackhead.

  76. uts:

    "Only frustrated bearillas slander men they can't get as gays." ??????????????

    i am telling the truth about ONLY wimps like you who demand that women be your wimpy clones and fear being caled dykes


    YOU slandered ALL strong het women and michelle as "dykes"

    YOUR fantasies about my nonexistent sexual desires
    have nothing to do with the punk assed homhating slurs YOU made above against ALL strong women and michelle

    i am a lesbian who does not want any man sexually
    especially a flaming perp like you

    i adore my wife
    i am 100% lesbian
    but if i was bi
    blair underwood would be the one

    NEVER YOU!!!
    you uts are no blair!!!

  77. uts:

    and if you were talking about that toxic smoker lipped big eared emaciated manorexic goofy grinning piss colored corpbot obama...

    he is no blair either!

    millions of obama nazis lust after him...not me!

    i prefer michelle!


  78. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Yankees Rule:

    Everything. The fact that Hoffman did not live in the district, he is not a republican and ran on the conservative party ticket and Republican superstars such as Pawlenty, Palin, and Fred Thompason (the last two who lost their campaign bids) supported Doug Hoffman and not the republican candidate Dierdre Scozzafava. Doug Hoffman did not even bother to familiarized himself with the local issues and complained that he was blindsided when the local paper asked him questions. He said he did not get the questions when they were printed in the paper that day, but details, details.

    What is interesting about this race is that you see the conservatives within the republican party pushing out your liberal to moderate republican, and people like Plouffe, Carvale, and Axelrod are trying to drive the message to conflate Rush Limbaugh as the head of the Republican party.

    Here is the question, will the Democrats take this opportunity and use it to their advantage. Probably not, because democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. The GOP is splintering and off course they believe that they have some momentum with the election of republican governers and ignore the trend that New Jersey and Virginia more likely than always elect the opposite party from that of Washington. When reality is that all politics is local.

    I think that the two-party system no longer serves the country. I think it is time to have nonpartisan candidates with no party affliation, but for some reason we are like cattle and just all go in the same direction without even questioning anything.


    The point in why should pay attention is that Republicans are good of taking one message, sticking with it until people believe it. Eric Cantor tried to do that yesterday in an interview with Chris Matthews on Hardball. Cantor and rest of the republicans will take the wins as a boost to mobilized their base even if the reality is that races did not have an affect on the Obama Administration, but it does not because perception is reality where politics are concerned. Look how effective they were with using the phase death panels and how it energized that base, and what did the opposing party do, we blog (no offense). As someone wrote earlier today, we can become complacent because we voted a black person into office because it simply is not enough. While we are blogging, people are getting out to protest to bring their point across thereby giving them face time on TV. Somtimes, you just have to go out and rally for your cause. That is why it matters.

  79. hennasplace said:

    I think that the two-party system no longer serves the country. I think it is time to have nonpartisan candidates with no party affliation, but for some reason we are like cattle and just all go in the same direction without even questioning anything.

    The problem is that most people believe that a vote for a third or fourth party candidate is a waste.

    Also the third party candidate is excluded from debates and has limited campaign cash. So it becomes a catch 22. How do you get support and campaign contributions if you are excluded from debates and no one knows you exist.

  80. Anonymous4:57 PM

    People will have to make enough noise about it. I would love to hear what other candidates have to say other than the two parties. We have about two independent Senators (I should say one because we have to exclude Joe Leiberman). It can happen, but people have to more attention to what is going in politics.

  81. OT fn:

    yet another baby having a baby...
    it is a global boon!


  82. today i asked somebody at work, "hey, who won last night?" and the answer was, "the game is tonight", lol.

    the win in NY's 23rd district shows that Palin is not too well liked even in woodchuckville.

  83. White people are the majority in these states, and they are responsible for the result. But if Blacks had turned out in force in Virginia, then the Democratic candiate probably would have won.

    Problem is, the Democratic candidate did as white candidates so often do: ignore Black people's voting power until the last day before the election, and then fly in Barack Obama and ask us to vote callous Democrat anyway.

    If Obama could win Virginia by a landslide, then this guy Deeds should have been able to win by a hair, but it seems like he was just a LOUSY ASS candidate.

    In light of the loss of New Jersey and Virginia governorships, can anyone explain to me why the Obama Administration wants the Black governor of NY to back out of his race for election next year? Black people have just as much right to lose as multi-millionaire white people.

    Meanwhile, Bloomberg in New York could have spent his money much better just by sending free lottery tickets to every Black voter in New York, or a coupon for ten dollars of free groceries at the supermarket.

    He spent like, what 95 million on the election (?) which comes to about ten or twenty dollars for every vote cast. He should have just used his personal fortune to give out stimulus money to voters. After all that money given to media outlets and media consultants, he only won 51% of the vote. He should have just sent checks directly to the voters who were on the fence.

  84. Anonymous5:50 PM

    kathy seems dumb as a rock. The Dem win in NY was because the Reps nominated a liberal that the base hated. That disrupted the whole race, but it did teach the Reps to not push forward a liberal again.

    kathy, where do you get your info? From black studies professors? Besides being fat and ugly with no man, you are stupid. Please don't ever post a photo of yourself.

  85. Anonymous6:03 PM

    @Francis L. Holland, let's see if you are honest or not: do you say that Obama had a gay period in his early years?

    Also, how is your overall gaydar? I say that Clooney is gay, and Pitt was sort of a gay bimbo in his early years in order to get acting jobs - though he is not actually gay now. What say you?

    Also, we know that Madonna used a strapon on her ex-husband, Guy Ritchie. Does Angelina do that to Brad? White people will not discuss these things, but black people should not be bound by de facto codes of silence.

  86. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Field your BLOG has become CONTAMINATED! for some of the word's being used are that of REP/CON! notice how they seem to CLUSTER together! it begin with Alicia and a few other's, these people are WHITE RACIST! notice how they write with HATRED! you have allowed these RACIST WHITE FOLK'S to SABOTAGE your BLOG! these people are SHREWD! don't you know, when you are in the presence of a Demented! RACE of people, they have a STENCH to them!

    This so called (ALICIA) person take's over your BLOG! notice how LONG her writing is! this is done to RUN people away from commenting! and it work's!

    Now, the President need's to go RAMBO on these REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVE! these folk's want his BIRACIAL BEHIND out of the WHITE HOUSE! these folk's are not PLAYING! I think he need's to go and have a LONG TALK with REV. WRIGHT! I think the President need's to be Refreshed in the HISTORY of how far, the WHITE MAN will go, to keep POWER!

    I think he has forgotten he is dealing with WHITE FOLK'S! doe's he know their HISTORY? these folk's don't give up without a fight! this is who they are! these folk's want him OUT of the WHITE HOUSE! this is not about POLITIC'S! this is about POWER! WHITE FOLK'S don't know nothing about being SUBMISSIVE! and they ain't trying to learn!

    The President can DO and should do, what ever it take's to get that HEALTH CARE BILL PASSED! what is his Problem!

    The President has WHITE BLOOD flowing threw his VEIN'S! and to be honest, that's the side he need's to begin to OPERATE in! that's the side that SHOULD be Corrupt,Cutthroat and Vicious! after all, who can beat the WHITE MAN at his own game? another WHITE MAN!


  87. Damn, you guys are going hard core tonight, LOL!!

    UTS, that comment equating strong women to dykes was foul. Foul as in the oNLY men I ever hear make statements like that are those who give off that bisexual vibe. I'm just saying..........

    About the election, I'm not suprised. The Dems didn't just get triflin, which is why I disassociated myself from them many, many, many years ago!

    I like Obama and I wsih he would have ridden this last election out and went for 2012. By 2012. he would have had more time to get experience on the national level and he could have avoided the inevitable: Being named as the worst presidents in US history. The timing of his tenure in the white house is unfortunate because no matter what he does, his administration is going to bear the brunt of all of the second GB's mistakes (wars in the middle east), not to mention the health care reform fiasco and recession/unemployment. Being a Black president simply makes that FAR more likely.

  88. FYI, anyone that can "run" from a blog by the strong comments of people who aren't even talking to you, is an *ussy!

  89. Anonymous6:27 PM

    @Francis L. Holland, let's see if you are honest or not: do you say that Obama had a gay period in his early years?

    Also, how is your overall gaydar? I say that Clooney is gay, and Pitt was sort of a gay bimbo in his early years in order to get acting jobs - though he is not actually gay now. What say you?

    Also, we know that Madonna used a strapon on her ex-husband, Guy Ritchie. Does Angelina do that to Brad? White people will not discuss these things, but black people should not be bound by de facto codes of silence.

    A. Are you retarded?
    B. None of your business

    Your post reeks of idiocy. Gay then but not now? What is gay to you? How do you define it? Cause I am not sure getting a bj from a guy to a guy is gay..it's an act of sex. I think there is a big difference. Nonetheless, you are retarded.

  90. divaster6:42 PM

    FN, you suck for not moderating your blog.



  91. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Why is Africa in a state of chaos wrought with corruption? Is the evil white man responsible for all black failure world wide or just in America?
    Oh and BTW, how is it that a black man came to be the president of the United States of America in the 1st place?
    Is your being a victim a genetic fuck up or aberrant learned behavior from others of your same ilk?
    You sound as dumb and hate filled as UTS, Kathy and Crazy Lyin' Granny.

  92. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Reason and balance show your azz for what it is....hate filled and ignorant. PERIOD.
    Hate begets hate.....if you live by the sword so shall ye perish bro.

  93. @Iseeisee:

    Check you mail and reply.

    @Anonymous 6:45:


  94. When a blog post about the election morphs into an ignorant, juvenile discussion of gay sex and accusations of who is or is not gay, I just have to shake my head. Sad, Field, truly, blog killing, sad.

    Yes, all of you crazies above, you have the right to write whatever you want. Sad thing is, you hi-jack Field's blog almost every day... Go back and read the comments from 2008 before you arrived.... there were ADULT discussions/disagreements, thought provoking commenters....

    But this! This is just garbage.

  95. Anonymous7:20 PM

    it's time that people start showing more respect, and especially to Alicia. Most of y'all are boring, but she livens up the place. That is the damn truth so shut up.

  96. Preach it Jody!

    Amen Jody, amen, and amen again!

  97. Field it is a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of filth. Nonetheless, it is your blog. However, I don't believe that this is truly what you want your blog to represent.

  98. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Jody, don't be so negative. Please go watch some dull white tv show like Charlie Rose if you can't handle spiritedness. And don't forget to lift your pinky when you sip your tea.

    This blog is growing and getting more readers all the time. Now go chase the neighborhood kids off your lawn.

  99. Anonymous7:32 PM

    However, I don't believe that this is truly what you want your blog to represent.

    Brotha nigga never said what he wants this blog to be. I have been asking for weeks now.

    Head on back to the bat cave now Granny.

  100. downes7:33 PM

    Last post was me: Downes. Not posting as anon.

  101. Field:

    It's a game to them, They're kids! Instead of it being like Jody said, "there were ADULT discussions/disagreements, thought provoking commenters...." they think it is a place for their brand of fun and games.

    Why you won't do something about it is beyond me and others because this is not what you are about. You are an adult professional man and before all of this mess came on here we had professionals sharing different viewpoints. Maybe, you don't realize it but it was making a difference, and it was instrumental in voters getting out to vote, passing along much needed information, and getting many other important things done. Now it has become a gateway for childish BS.

  102. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Anon5:50p "kathy, where do you get your info? From black studies professors? Besides being fat and ugly with no man, you are stupid. Please don't ever post a photo of yourself."

    Thanks for the reminder of what Kathy looks like. She couldn't stand the photo of BSweet and went nuts questioning BSweet about her photo. Now I know why. Because she had a great figure and took care of herself. But Kathy is a fat bleached turd with the mouth of a drunken sailor, and a jealous one at that. Ugh!

  103. downes7:47 PM

    Granny, go tell it on the mountain and then head back to the bat cave. FN does not care. Haven't you seen the pleas for weeks now for him to man up. Nigga cannot do it. And he's really not too smart Granny. It's the commentators that make this place. Certainly not FN.

  104. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Where is the Jamaican Crusader, come save us from ourselves...help help help.

  105. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Now it has become a gateway for childish BS.

    Like the post about the alien costume. The posts are childish and stupid Granny cakes. This blog serves no purpose than for FN himself. It fills some void or something. Who knows.

  106. apple8:12 PM

    didn't he say the other day (or infer) it was about hits anyway. i like the poster who referred it to a train wreck or reality tv show.. that's the only reason I come here, to watch the daily soap opera. no wonder blacks get no respect, look at yourselves.

  107. hey apple, who is making most of the comments? white people from the rethuglican party, huh?

    to the annoying asshole that says i am fat and ugly, in your dreams, pal, you wish:_))

  108. apple8:27 PM

    Kathy, my guess is they are African American just like you and me. However, I don't engage in childish games like many of the people on here. xoxo

  109. Granny Standing for Kathy8:28 PM

    Kathy is not dumb and ugly. I love her and she is beautiful. Her chocolate breasts are quite supple.

  110. my gf, who lives in Jersey, said the choices were horrible

    both equal piles of crap running to replace an even bigger pile of crap that had to be flushed

    Va? well, I'm in DC

    it is a commonwealth = so no surprise they go RepubliNazi again

  111. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Jody-"Go back and read the comments from 2008 before you arrived.... there were ADULT discussions/disagreements, thought provoking commenters....

    But this! This is just garbage."

    Yes, it is true. Unfortunately, things change over time. Blogs are like world powers: "they rise and they fall". Imo, FN blog of what it 'was' yesterday, and it 'is' today, is a mirror of where an immature America is headed morally and ethically.

    I appreciate FN blog. It's ugly, but it mirrors the truth of who humans really are, and how self-destructive and ill-willed they truly are. Humans have been dancing to a macabre beat of death since the beginning of time. It continues to get worse because we find more mind destructive ways to hurt each other verbally, physically and mentally.

    It's perverse, but most humans are like beetles who love to live in cow dung. It takes self-restraint, self-discipline and a relentless desire to rise above this low-grade level of consciousness that is casting a great shadow over America.

    Yet, as the comments show almost daily, most are most comfortable living in cow dung. But who knows? Tomorrow is another day and nothing stays the same.

  112. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Apple "Kathy, my guess is they are African American just like you and me. However, I don't engage in childish games like many of the people on here. xoxo"

    Apple, FYI. Kathy is White.

  113. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Granny "Maybe, you don't realize it but it was making a difference, and it was instrumental in voters getting out to vote, passing along much needed information, and getting many other important things done. Now it has become a gateway for childish BS."

    Field, how does it feel to have granny laying a guilt trip on you? Now you are responsible for votes? LOL

    @Granny, you are the most self-righteous person in the blogosphere. Why don't you use your OWN blog to fill the void you feel Field has missed? That way you won't have anyone to blame but yourself.

  114. Maybe I missed something, but why is Granny being attacked all of a sudden?

    And I too miss how this blog used to be, before certain newcomers.

  115. gays are hated by all races all over the globe

    we are just hated MOST by BLACKS all over the globe

    I’m not disputing homophobia in the Black community, being as I see some form of it from clients every day, however homophobia is not unique to the Black community and is a stigma and a taboo in most cultures globally. Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, and Whites etc are not any more accepting of gay people as Black. In fact, gay bashing etc is usually restricted to same race interactions—after all Mathew Sheppard was tortured and killed by White men not Black or those gay bashing Jamaicans.

    I think it’s quite hypocritical to keep on forcing down this destructive meme that Blacks are the only extreme homophobic race on the planet. With the exception of Ancient Greece, Rome some parts of Micronesia and parts of Thailand, what culture on this planet is truly accepting and kind to Gay people and will unequivocally accept their right to marry.


  116. La♥Incognita said...
    Maybe I missed something, but why is Granny being attacked all of a sudden?

    And I too miss how this blog used to be, before certain newcomers.

    Yes, I also concur. Civil discourse for some folks on this blog is a foreign concept.

  117. IseeIsee had them down pat in what she said in her post at 6:04. What she said is true. They are not black people, nor are they gay. That's a front! Yes, they are neo-cons, shrewd and evil too!

    Nevertheless, their plan is not gonna work. It will backfire right smack dab in their face.

  118. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I just took a look at dried up old granny's blog. She gets an average of maybe 5 comments per boring article. It's laughable. Now she wants to create the same here. Censors never learn.

    But if field did censor here, maybe that'd have quite some unintended consequence. If AB then opened up her own blog, she'd likely get all or most of field's traffic. I'm not sure if that'd be good or bad, though. Regardless, the point is that people tend to go where they are not restrained like children. Those making criticisms of childishness are indeed the mentally immature ones themselves, for they learn not the lessons of history.

    Learn to have tolerance for people who are not exactly as you'd like them to be.

  119. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Granny, how dare you criticize field for how he runs his blog! Your anally fixated neurosis is intolerable. Field should censer YOU right out of here.

  120. Anonymous10:21 PM

    La Incognita-"And I too miss how this blog used to be, before certain newcomers."

    Everything and 'everyone' changed in this country when Obama was elected, including the entire blogosphere. There won't be any returning to the "good old days." Americans are meaner, uglier, self-centered, and more racist than ever before, including you JAWS.

    So if you and Granny want more positive change on FN blog, start with yourselves.

  121. LOL! In spite of what you think, my blog does alright. I have more readers than you think and evidently you was one of them. Since you counted the number of folks who posted. LOL! Hey, but that's okay, I understand.

    Oh, I do tolerate people, I just don't tolerate childish games and those who have no respect for themselves or others.

  122. anon10:09
    Maybe you should do some investigative reporting.

  123. BTW, fyi, I'm not dried up, nor do I have one wrinkle on my body, and my muscles are tight. I guess, it's because I stayed in the habit of exercising. You know weights, treadmill, etc., and people in my family age slow physically. It's called good genes.

  124. Anonymous10:39 PM

    anon10:09p "Learn to have tolerance for people who are not exactly as you'd like them to be."

    I co-sign anon. Re: Granny, you are probably right about her blog. If she had more commenters maybe she wouldn't be so blind and would have less time to judge everyone here.

    For instance, Granny said, "Oh, I do tolerate people, I just don't tolerate childish games and those who have no respect for themselves or others."

    Little does she realize that she still is being intolerant and disrespectful of those who think differently from her! Some people can't see the forest for the trees.

  125. Anony 10:39:

    However being tolerant does not include disrespecting people's wives, being explicit in describing sexual preferences down to little details, and racism.

    Nope, I'm sorry but it doesn't include those.

  126. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Justice58, this your good Yankee friend from Monday. I haven't had the chance to watch the game tonight.

    Could you be a sweetie pie and tell me the score?

  127. BTW, I see more than the forest and trees. You'd be surprise what I see.

  128. "There won't be any returning to the "good old days." Americans are meaner, uglier, self-centered, and more racist than ever before, including you JAWS. "

    Anony, I've been knowing it was you all this time. It's a pity you're still angry at me when it's you who keep exposing yourself as an eunuch. You do more instigating on this blog than anyone. And It's a crying shame how you still insist on taunting and bickering with women folk. Please hurry find the path to your journey.

  129. LaIncognita:

    Your discernment is getting keen. (wink)

  130. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Granny "However being tolerant does not include disrespecting people's wives, being explicit in describing sexual preferences down to little details, and racism."

    I seem to remember you talking about Glen Beck's momma, and putting swastikas on the forheads of white folks. Have you exempted yourself from your own rules?

    How do you feel about hypocrites?

  131. That wasn't disrespect that was pulling the cover off of what he is.

  132. now disrespecting people's wives with all of those sexually explicit comments and giving out detail descriptions of intimate sexual preferences and racist remarks that different.

  133. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Granny "That wasn't disrespect that was pulling the cover off of what he is."

    Sure, Granny.

  134. LaIncognita had you peg right.

  135. Anonymous11:14 PM

    trying to hide from the truth that anon showed your hypocrisy, granny?

  136. Whose truth yours? Because I am not the one playing these little hide and seek deceptive games. YOU ARE!

  137. Iseeisee:

    Did you send a reply yet?

  138. Anonymous11:24 PM

    La incoherent-"Anony, I've been knowing it was you all this time. It's a pity you're still angry at me when it's you who keep exposing yourself as an eunuch. You do more instigating on this blog than anyone. And It's a crying shame how you still insist on taunting and bickering with women folk"

    You are getting your anons mixed up but your name is still JAWS.

  139. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "Three or four years form now he will still be in the same dead end job." You nailed it, Field.

    Voting is pointless. We're never going to win. Hope? Change? We're still in Iraq and Afghanistan while the O-man looks like the cat that just got the cream. I hate him for that. Just another disgusting warmonger that has never done a day of fighting himself, but he's more than willing to keep our guys out there getting wrecked.

    You know why some many of us veterans turn to swallowing bullets? Because we've seen this country as the world sees her, and we know it's hopeless.

    Quit voting, start saving, and then expatriate. This country is no good for anyone.

  140. Anonymous11:45 PM

    granny, "Whose truth yours? Because I am not the one playing these little hide and seek deceptive games. YOU ARE!"

    Is it True that you put swastiskas on the foreheads of white people? Do you REALLY consider yourself tolerant of others?

    You have been playing hide and seek with the truth through your own denial for quite a while. But it is always different in your case, right?

    Anyhoo, it's getting close to my bedtime. You have a good night, granny.

  141. R Maldonado:

    Thank you for service. I want to the war to end too and still remember Vietnam. I lost a couple of my relatives in Vietnam. One was twin. Now, his twin brother only son is over in Iraq fighting, and their other brother's daughter is too and she is the sole support of her two children. I have other family members on both sides of my family over there fighting. A few of my relatives made the military out of a career.

    Nonetheless, President Obama didn't start this war. Bush did! He started it for profit and revenge. However, I do feel that President Obama is getting some bad advice regarding the war and that some lies are being told too.

    Anonymous 11:45:

    Thank you, you have a good night too.

  142. sorry for the errors. I was typing too fast. :)

  143. Justice58, this your good Yankee friend from Monday. I haven't had the chance to watch the game tonight.

    Could you be a sweetie pie and tell me the score?"

    Anon, I will do it for Justice, it's 7-3. And congrats! See you next year.

    Granny,Jody, et. al, keep fighting the good fight. Eventually trolls, like the flu,will go away.

    R. Maldanado, thank you for your service!

  144. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Yes, but what about "Yes we can"? Field, "What about "Hope"? What about "We are the change that we have been waiting for"? Was it all just talk? Folks just caught up in the emotion of some awesome speeches? His O ness came to jersey stumping for Corzine, and the people came out to see him, but you just knew in your heart that they weren't going to come out and vote. They never do."

    Field, I agree with you, and it hurts to know that Obama gave it his best, but his supporters did not. Yet, these very same people will criticize Obama for not delivering what he promised. How did we get to this crazy warped way of thinking and blame? How do we move forward with 'change' as the goal without changing ourselves?

  145. Anonymous 12:25:

    Thank you. Finally, someone who has a little faith and that has not given up hope. Your post was a breath of fresh air to me. All this doubt around me was about to smother me.
    Thank you!

  146. Yankees Fan,

    I thought the same thing, but apparently the Baby Ruth candy bar first appeared on the market more than 17 years after Ruth Cleveland died in 1904 of influenza at the age of twelve. From this piece in Snopes, it seems that the confection was named for George Herman Ruth.


  147. [quote]Make no mistake folks; without a movement to rally around, or a charismatic leader to lead them, people in this country who vote to the left of most issues are just never motivated to come out and vote.[/quote]

    Filled Negro - Your are clueless as to how your flawed views simply exacerbate the problem.

    DIDN'T YOU ALREADY "VOTE YOURSELVES A PAY RAISE" as a region for the past 60 years? Look at the Rust Belt now!!!

    Notice in your edition of events you never ONCE mentioned anything that could pass as:

    * Self-Academic Development
    * Community FINANCIAL Co-Ordination

    Both of these are "Blaming the Victim" or "Pull yourselves up by the bootstrap' suggestions - per the ideological bigotry and blindness that covers your mind's eye.

    Your theories are little more than refined versions of organized THEFT using the government as the agent of confiscation. There is little INTRINSIC need for the person seeking gratis to do anything of productive value to obtain these flows for his benefit.

    You operate based upon your contrived notion of RIGHTS. You seek society to bestow this upon a person.

    The worst possible scenario is to see a group of people infected with the theories that you have be caught ALL BY THEMSELVES, seeing to obtain this benefit absent a "host" to latch onto.

  148. [quote]The local Democrats fared well with some new blood that should have some impact on our crime, so they have promised. I hope so because we still have not seen the total breakdown of most neighborhoods.[/quote]


    Do you mind if I ask you a line of questions to accompany your comments above?

    1) You say "do something about your CRIME"? At the time when the community's concern for CRIME was at its peak - Was there any change in their voting patterns where the incumbents who presided over this CRIME wave were PUNISHED for failing to keep the community safe?

    What I am not getting out of your rationale is as follows. IF the success of THESE DEMOCRATS who won the other night is going to "help out your crime situation'.......what did the present INCUMBENT local Democrats who they will be replacing do about the crime? Did they suffer any for failing you?

    I am ONLY asking you to write down the "Formula" or "Rules" that you apply as you seek to improve the "Permanent Interests" of your communities.

    2) Might it be, StillAPanter2 that instead of putting forth a "Human Resources MANAGEMENT" strategy where the present Street Pirates can be transformed into productive citizens you and Filled Negro and others are more interested in empowering a political entity that has failed to do as you have expected it to do?

    3) Is it possible that the solution does not reside in the "POLITICAL DOMAIN" which my friend Filled Negro operates within? Instead there is a "Cultural Consciousness Domain" which for too long as been neglected as our sold out Black leaders cut deals to empower the Democrats?

    I simply don't understand how some of you all think.

    I seriously believe that some of you never thought that you'd see the day in which after decades of purging your ideological adversaries out of power in the places that you had the voting power to do so..........that you'd now be burned because despite having FAVORABLE PEOPLE IN POWER in the key institutions that provide your people "Civic Services" - your failure to learn how to MANAGE WITHIN because you were focused upon "Protesting Against External Threats" has rendered you impotent against these internal threats.

    Filled Negro said that the Left needs a "confidence man" to inspire them.

    NO!!! You all need to learn how to parcel out MANAGEMENT DOMAINS and make those within this "Calling Circle" to take responsibility for the upkeep within.

  149. [quote]How did we get to this crazy warped way of thinking and blame? How do we move forward with 'change' as the goal without changing ourselves?[/quote]

    Excuse me Anon:

    Since it was OBAMA - the POLITICAL FIGURE that precipitated this change - why is it surprising to anyone that the INTROSPECTION that you speak of is ONLY linked to OBAMA and/or the POLITICAL PROCESS?

    What about the year 2005 did this need for CHANGE not exist?

    Do you see the key flaw?

    Why is anyone surprised when this unravels as it was so contrived in the first place?

    People don't want to CHANGE.
    They want to be SERVICED, via the resources that will now rain down upon them.

  150. Anonymous7:00 PM

    CF="Why is anyone surprised when this unravels as it was so contrived in the first place?

    People don't want to CHANGE.
    They want to be SERVICED, via the resources that will now rain down upon them."

    CF, I am afraid that you may be right.

  151. La♥Incognita said...
    Maybe I missed something, but why is Granny being attacked all of a sudden?
    It's called those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!

    I LOVE the blog and can appreciate comments by most of the people who comment here. Frankly, I'm glad those who have regularily gotten their asses licked are finally getting a does of the shit they've been dishing out!

    Don't start nothin' won't be nothin', that's my motto!!!

  152. [quote]Maybe I missed something, but why is Granny being attacked all of a sudden?[/quote]

    Leave my friend Granny ALONE!!!

    She has earned the right to talk.
    This doesn't mean that you have to agree with her. You don't need to attack her though.

  153. Anonymous11:41 PM

    CF "Leave my friend Granny ALONE!!!"

    You are a merciful and forgiving person--a very good Christian. I like your suggestion for human management in the BC, also.

    However, you must have missed Granny's insults to others who disagreed with her. There has been a karmic wave of resentment building against her for sometime and some of it is now coming to fruition.

    Do you think so many people are retaliating for no reason? When it comes to selecting friends, I think your "selector" is broken.
