Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tipping and the Klan.

I found the following story involving Mrs. Field's alma mater and Ole Miss interesting. [Oh my, this can't be good for recruiting all those black athletes.] I wasn't in the least upset, because I happen to agree with Dr. Boyce Watkins whose article you are about to read.
"I was intrigued by recent reports that the Ku Klux Klan had a rally on the Ole Miss Campus recently. It might surprise you to know that I am essentially unconcerned by their presence on campus. Don't get me wrong, Klansmen are incredibly ignorant. Also, we cannot deny their historical reign of terror over people of color in America. But I can also give you a list of reasons that we should stop paying attention to the KKK.

1) They thrive off of attention: The KKK has very little power. They don't do very much anymore, and even in this rally, it appears that there were only a few members present. The truth is that the klan only has power because we give it attention. They are like a grease fire: The more water you put on it, the more it grows. But if you starve the fire of oxygen, it eventually dies out. The klan must be starved of attention, and then they will go away. They only remain relevant because we want them to be.

2) The KKK distracts us from real racism: While Ole Miss can proudly brag about how they ran the KKK off their campus, they then turn around and face a college campus that doesn't hire very many African American Professors and doesn't graduate black athletes at a very high rate. But they are not alone in their campus segregation. According to a survey we conducted on YourBlackWorld, over 1/3 of all black college students have never had a single black professor, and over 60 percent of them have only had one or less. That should embarrass our universities and be the source of absolute outrage among African American students. Rather than fighting against Klan members they will probably never see again, the Ole Miss students should focus on dealing with the professors in the classes that they attend every day. Also, we are allowing the campus to brag about something that is not worth bragging about. For campus administrators to fight against the KKK and simultaneously support systemic racism via the lack of campus diversity is like them saying, "I am completely against rape, but I plan to molest you every single day."

3) The KKK has freedom of speech just like everyone else: Whether we like it or not, the KKK has the same liberties that most of us have as Americans. As long as they are not out encouraging people to kill African Americans, they are protected by the constitution. I want to protect the klan's right to speak because that also gives me the right to speak. The last thing we want is to live in a country where the government decides whose opinions should be heard. The Klan has a right to exist. I don't support the KKK, but I also have major problems with Ole Miss. The university was built on a foundation of racism and like most campuses, they are probably not being very progressive in terms of fighting it. But in order for us to accurately fight against the disease of racism in America, we must be intelligent about our targets. The KKK should not be a meaningful part of that dialogue." [Story]

I agree 100%. So take that all of you people who think that all I do is chase racism. I could care less about a few Klansmen on the Ole Miss campus. (BTW, the guy in front under the white sheet looks rather portly. Are they sure that's not Haley Barbour?) I am more concerned about all of their secret sympathizers in state houses across the country and in the halls of congress, than I am a few marchers in Klan costumes.

Hell I am more pissed off about a story from my home state, where it seems that it's cool to lock up people even after you give them lousy service.

Oh come on field, you are a lawyer, the restaurant's policy is that there is a MANDATORY 18% gratuity. It is a built in cost, you have to pay it. Why? As my man Lamont Hill said, that is incredibly oxymoronic. -Kind of like intelligent conservative- How can something be a mandatory gratuity? I mean why should the actual cost of the goods that I am purchasing not be enough? And what if the service really did stink? Wait.... "You can't give us terrible, terrible service and expect a tip," said Pope, a 22-year-old Moravian College senior who's a Pottsville native, according to the Lehigh Valley Express-Times. They had to find their own napkins and cutlery while their waitress caught a smoke, had to ask the bar for soda refills, and had to wait over an hour for salad and wings, they told NBC10. " See, the service did stink. Why add the cost of the service that stunk and tell me that I have to pay it? Remind me never to go to the "Lehigh Pub" in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Oh field, you are just saying that because you black folks don't like to tip. No, us black folks, like white folks, and all other kind of folks, don't like to get ripped off. Having the cops run down this couple and arrest them after giving them lousy service in your establishment, smells like a rip off to me.

That's where the Klan should have been marching; in front of the "Lehigh Pub". Unlike those poor patrons, I am sure that they wouldn't have been arrested.


  1. I absolutely agree on both stories.. I have long said if counter protesters and the media looking for a confrontation would stop showing up at their rallies... the KKK would be so deeply disappointed... they are counting on it to make them feel relevant.

    As to the restaurant patrons... a bunch of the lawyers in my building were reading this on Friday and they all wished they could represent the couple in that case.... the consensus is it's a slam dunk win. They should plead not guilty and fight it, hope they do.

  2. Nothing short of typical, sadly, in the old confederate south. I believe it was them or alabama state that had "confederate heritage day" on campus one year. Smdh. And ask ms field when the Tigers last had A homecoming queen happened to be a sista. Speaking of sistas.... Check this chick who is a black coservative who upheld the confederate heritage

  3. .. Ps the arrest was very un-necessary. That stupidity on the behalf of the restaurant will follow that kid for the rest of his life! Couldn't he just have lef a message

    I would definately sue if I didn't have to debate in my head whether to finish paying off student loans/books or a retainer fee...

  4. *left
    damnEd iPhones

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Field, what's with the Klansman in the black robe? It looks like a bit of an oxymoron.

  6. Krystal...I am ashamed for Mrs.Field.I am guessing that LSU has never had a sis as homecoming Queen.I will have to ask her.:)

    Jody,when is your firm's Xmas party?You guys always throw a good one.

    Yes Anon.that oxymoron line was funny.

    Now back to my iggles.I have a feeling they are going to lose tonight.I might have to watch the MLS finals instead.

  7. Anonymous10:33 PM

    When you have black men killing other blacks in the numbers you do today, what use is the Klan? They can't compete with that.

  8. How can they not realize how ridiculous they look? I read they tried to yell back at the protesters but couldn't be heard through their hoods. LMAO

  9. The real threat has always been KKK members that wear a suit and tie!

  10. Dark Frosty11:54 PM

    @krystalxlyte Yeah, that's written by Elizabeth Wright, a conservative black women and apologist for white racism. On top of running the anti-progressive website Issues & Views, she has also written for the white supremacist site VDare. This puts her in good company with such as people as Jared Taylor, Sam Francis, Steve Sailer, Michelle Malkin, Peter Brimelow, Pat Buchanan, Marcus Epstein, and many other avowed, disgusting racists.

  11. Anonymous1:35 AM

    The so called "Fourth Klan" is not the Klan that most of you are familiar with. Today, former Klan leaders like David Duke and Don Black are mixed in with Neo Nazis, Klansman, militia members, and white collar intellectuals. The Klan member in the black (very possibly influenced by the black of Hitler's SS) also has a skull and crossbones patch on his robe--the symbol for the SS.

  12. Anon.1:35am,thanks for the education...I think.

    Blinders Off,I totally feel you on that one.

    Dark Frosty and krysalx...thanks for the 411 on the slave catcher.It's always good to know who and where they are.:)

  13. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Anon, "The Klan member in the black (very possibly influenced by the black of Hitler's SS) also has a skull and crossbones patch on his robe--the symbol for the SS."

    Thanks for that information. Is there any meaning behind the red robe?

  14. uptownsteve9:04 AM


    "Speaking of sistas.... Check this chick who is a black coservative who upheld the confederate heritage"

    A friend of mine sent me this link last year.

    Lawd there are some really sick black folks out here..

    Racism has truly done the J.O.B. on some of our heads.

  15. Black Folks need to control the electrol vote in the entire black belt, and leave California, Texas, Florida, and New York to the Hispanics, Latinos!

    The Klan is the least of our problems, its the modern day white citizen council like the tea baggers that we need to concern ourselves with!

  16. The only people we need to be concern with is US,it's not White folk,Asian folk etc etc who is causing havoc on my street!Let's clean our own house before trying to clean someone else.

  17. [quote]I absolutely agree on both stories.. I have long said if counter protesters and the media looking for a confrontation would stop showing up at their rallies... the KKK would be so deeply disappointed... they are counting on it to make them feel relevant.[/quote]

    My friend Jody - when Hip Hop Concerts that place people on stage who verbally assault Black people (and women) in the same way that might be heard by these Klansmen the problem is less about the LACK of protesters and more about the people who chose to pay $75 per ticket to hear a person insult them upon the stage.

  18. uptownsteve10:59 AM

    My house IS clean you sick assed Tom.

    Why don't you get out on your street and protect it if it's someone is wreaking havoc?

    Your battle doesn't seem to be on this blog so get busy.

  19. uptownsteve11:09 AM

    This BigMac clown is really annoying and of course we all know Uncle CF.

    Their attitude seems to be everyone else has their acts together except black people and we of course have no right to stand up to racism and/or bigotry until every black neighborhood and every black person is perfect.

    That of course is unrealistic and a burden that is placed exclusively on black folk.

  20. DuchessDee12:17 PM

    I agree with the kid from college on tipping. the cops are out of control. giving tickets to kids in mickyd's drive thru and now locking them up for lack of tips. this weekend i recieved bad service while getting my pedicure. did i tip NO WAY. service is lousy today and I will not give you thank you money when the person giving me service dont give a damn.

  21. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Hey Field...and where was that racist College where that Cornerback from Miami got stabbed to death by a group of ummm African Americans??? Oh yeah...U.Conn
    And I don't know if thats Hailey whoever the fuck that is under the Robe... why dontcha ask Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat, West Virginia)...
    Seriously, they're more y'all murdered by each other during one lazy Atlanta weekend then the Klans killed in the last 50 years...

  22. uptownsteve1:14 PM

    Damn Frank,

    You sound just like BigMac and CF.

    You should check out a Project 21 meeting.

  23. p.r.-wise, the restaurant was in the wrong, but legally I think they're right. The 18% "service" charge doesn't mean the service has to be any good. It's part of the price.

    By the way, these were college kids. I have to wonder whether they were a bunch of obnoxious jerks while in that establishment. I've eaten in restaurants in just about every state in the country, and service of the sort they described doesn't happen unless there's a reason.

  24. [quote]Their attitude seems to be everyone else has their acts together except black people and we of course have no right to stand up to racism and/or bigotry until every black neighborhood and every black person is perfect.[/quote]

    YOU are a lying disgusting fraud WhiteBowieSteve.

    Do you or Filled Negro make a SINGLE POST about 2 months ago when the Black girl from Spelman College was MURDERED on the campus of Clark-Atlanta University?

    The ironic thing about it is that with your fraudulent, dishonest rants YOU are the one who vacates the key focus upon what is needed to resolve the problems WITHIN the Black community because you are more interested in RACISM CHASING outward.

  25. [quote]Let's clean our own house before trying to clean someone else.[/quote]


    I actually DISAGREE with you on this point - despite the lie of WhiteBowieSteve.

    We need to have EVERYONE who commits a crime treated EQUALLY with contempt.

    This must serve as the foundation before we go out to either clean up our own streets OR go outside to talk about what others are doing.

  26. CF:

    If I remember correctly, I believe the murdered Spelman coed was a topic of discussion.

  27. uptownsteve1:44 PM

    "If I remember correctly, I believe the murdered Spelman coed was a topic of discussion."

    She was.

    As were numerous other black criminals and miscreants topics of discussion on this and other black-themed blogs.

    CF just can't stand any negative talk about white folks at all from blacks.

  28. CF:Please clarify,I'm simple saying I can't complain about how another group is treating my group,when I'm doing the same.As for Mr.Bowie State I'll pray for him.

  29. uptownsteve3:05 PM

    BigMac you idiot

    "Groups" aren't doing anything to other "groups".

    Criminals prey on innocents.

    Racists attack people who are different.

    There is no such thing as behavior or ability based on racial grouping.

    Are you stupid?

  30. There is no such thing as behavior or ability based on racial grouping.

    Then why is professional basketball virtually all black?

  31. Anonymous3:47 PM

    It's not just basketball. African descendants dominate virtually all of football, and most of the running events. There are running categories that no whites have won gold medals in since blacks started competing in them.

  32. uptownsteve4:24 PM


    "Then why is professional basketball virtually all black?"

    Go 'head grinder.

    Release that inner racist.

    I see it's coming out more and more.

    If you look back through the history of the NBA, at one time it was predominately Jewish.

    As was boxing.

    And if black people are genetically superior basketball players then why are there more white Europeans and South Americans than black Africans and caribbeans in the NBA?

    And why have the Spanish and Argentinian basketball teams become competitive as well as often beating American pro teams?

    "There are running categories that no whites have won gold medals in since blacks started competing in them."

    Wrong racist.

    Jeremy Wariner three time track gold medalist.

  33. Thanks for the shout out guys. Yes slavery has tampered with nature and what I mean is that it is natural for a man to provide for his family and for a god self respecting woman to stay by her man no matter the climate. However when you're told where to go when to go and how to do it with no real choice then that's when it all gets fcukd up upstairs.

    Consider the game of chess, pool...white piece moves first, white cue ball stays on top..chess is not about the black queen beating the black king upside his head or killing other black pawns, nor is pool about the different colored balls taking out the other colored balls or the cue...What's fun and games to some is life or death to others. Mainly to the ones in the game who aren't given the advantage.

    an idea of merely upholding longstanding tradition and heritage is to some if not most a legacy of hate and
    oppression and what one calls retribution proportionate to not being treated as a paying guest the so called justice system sees as something punishable and worthy of a
    criminal record. Smh

  34. * good

    fact: the iPhone keyboard is ridculously horrible unless you have fingers like mr effing burns you will almost never get an email or message out right the first time(it even has the pretensious nerve to auto-capitalize the word iPhone..see?)

  35. I'm a Florida alumnae and always found it hilarious that the one Black cheerleader on the Ole Miss cheerleading squad was ALWAYS the one waving the confederate flag at football games. And I'll bet that 25 years later, that's still the case, LOL!!!

    As for the Klan, they are about as relevant as 8 track tape players. Meh!

  36. well, on the kkk on campus, i don't think that it's fair to college students to have them on campus, college students should have the same rights as granted to employees in the workplace, free of harassment, same way i think those affirmative action bake sales do not belong on campus, all students should have an environment where they feel comfortable and able to concentrate on their studies.

    on this tipping incident, the bar failed to provide service, why should the client have to pay a gratuity,(gratis means free doesn't it) and geez, arresting them for it? one time when my kid was about 3 years old, a stupid waiter gave her an adult version of a kids meal, i was confused about the salad immediately, and said so, then when the bill came, i complained about the adult price, and he had the nerve to take off the adult price, but add in a SALAD, I got so mad I told him the salad was his tip, he could eat it.

  37. well, on the kkk on campus, i don't think that it's fair to college students to have them on campus, college students should have the same rights as granted to employees in the workplace, free of harassment, same way i think those affirmative action bake sales do not belong on campus, all students should have an environment where they feel comfortable and able to concentrate on their studies.<<

    I agree. While the KKK has every right to free speech as the rest of us, I believe they do not have a right to another's soapbox, if you will, the box in this case being the college campus.

  38. jane doe7:24 PM

    To the person who mentioned David Duke. What is interesting is David Duke has become an exceedingly popular speaker in the Arab world and even in some Muslim coutries in Africa. He addressed the Parliment in Syria and was given a standing ovation and lavish praise on how he makes America look good. Apparently the Muslim world is so enthralled with how he talks about the Jews they tend to not look to closely at his history of WHITE supremecy. Apparently he doesn't really make his history of WHITE suremecy known to his Arab or African hosts. Someone commented that when in Louisiana Duke focuses on Blacks, since there is more hostility towards Blacks then Jews. They he has found a niche in the Muslim world due to his attitudes towards Jews, and has been pretty good at keeping his racial views towards non-whites from causing much of a problem.

  39. To the person who mentioned David Duke. What is interesting is David Duke has become an exceedingly popular speaker in the Arab world and even in some Muslim coutries in Africa. He addressed the Parliment in Syria and was given a standing ovation and lavish praise on how he makes America look good. Apparently the Muslim world is so enthralled with how he talks about the Jews they tend to not look to closely at his history of WHITE supremecy. Apparently he doesn't really make his history of WHITE suremecy known to his Arab or African hosts. Someone commented that when in Louisiana Duke focuses on Blacks, since there is more hostility towards Blacks then Jews. They he has found a niche in the Muslim world due to his attitudes towards Jews, and has been pretty good at keeping his racial views towards non-whites from causing much of a problem. <<<

    I am not surprised hearing this. Arabs were among the Nazis' biggest fans during WWII.

  40. Anonymous7:55 PM


    THE 200 fastest times recorded in the 100-meter dash all belong to blacks and blacks account for nine of every 10 NBA players.

    Every record at every standard distance is owned by a runner of African descent, from the 100-meter dash to the marathon. In sprinting, all of the 32 male finalists in the last four Olympic 100-meter races were of West African descent. (as of 2000)

  41. Anonymous7:58 PM

    If you look back through the history of the NBA, at one time it was predominately Jewish.

    As was boxing.

    Yes, they were-until blacks got a chance to compete and then they now dominate both sports-being VASTLY over represented.

    WHat happened? Did whites and Jews just get lazy? Is that why they can't effectively compete with blacks?

  42. Jane Doe are you serious about David Duke? So that's where he has been getting his money from lately.

    Yes Grinder, see what UTS said. The Eastern Europeans are great basketball players. There have been great white sprinters and distance runners as well. I could go on, but you get the point. That argument is seriously flawed, and it's dangerous. Blacks great athletes, whites great__________fill in the blank.


    THE 200 fastest times recorded in the 100-meter dash all belong to blacks and blacks account for nine of every 10 NBA players."

    And 99% of the NHL is white. What does that mean?

  43. Anonymous8:56 PM

    And 99% of the NHL is white. What does that mean?

    How many blacks have access to the equipment and the training your need? How many blacks actually care to play? For decades the same argument was leveled about golf. Yet, once Tiger Woods came along he schools whites on a regular basis.

    But Field,

    Why did whites once dominate some sports (like basketball) and as soon as blacks got a real chance to compete, they dominate.

    Why cant white men jump?

  44. uptownsteve9:07 PM


    "That argument is seriously flawed, and it's dangerous. Blacks great athletes, whites great__________fill in the blank."

    You KNOW that's where they're going.

    Most competitive swimmers are white.

    I lettered in swimming in high school and know damn well that it requires tremendous athletic ability to succeed.

  45. uptownsteve9:19 PM

    "How many blacks have access to the equipment and the training your need?

    More equipment and training is required for hockey than football??

    Brent Barry and Tom Chambers won the NBA dunk contests.

    When I was growing up in NYC, George Bucci played for Manhattan College.

    White boy had a 38 inch vertical leap and I saw him dunk it right in bruthas' faces.

    He was only 6"2 and couldn't play forward in the pros.

    As the game becomes more international you are going to see more athletic white superstars like Ricky Rubio of Spain excelling in the NBA.

    "How many blacks actually care to play?"

    White Americans tend to concede basketball and the skill positions in football to "blacks being better".

    White Europeans and South Americans look at basketball sports as way to excell and you will see more outstanding white foriegners in the NBA within the next few years.

    Grevis Vasquez of Venezuela is the star of the predominately black University of Maryland (my alma mater) team and will be going to the NBA.

  46. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Well, Steve still won't answer the question. So let's talk about swimming. First of all, something like 60% of black children in this country can't swim, that's important right off the bat. Although blacks who know how to swim can swim fine, they often find, when in good shape, blacks are denser on average than whites.That's not a good thing for swimming. You do know there are physical differences exist between black and white people? Some of the biggest being the greater muscle mass and a greater percentage of power-enhancing fast-twitch fibers, a higher center of gravity and more anaerobic enzymes. This does not makes black superior in all sport activities, but it does in many.

  47. Anonymous9:24 PM


    All that still doesn't explain why whites can't effectively compete with blacks in basketball. Look at the white teams of segregation era sports and see how they disappear as blacks began to be able to compete. They even coined a term for it in boxing: The great white hope. That being the very rare white man who could come along and compete effectively with black fighters.

  48. uptownsteve9:37 PM

    "All that still doesn't explain why whites can't effectively compete with blacks in basketball"

    I seem to recall Steve Nash winning the NBA MVP award recently.

    He's a Canadian.

    "That being the very rare white man who could come along and compete effectively with black fighters."

    The Klitscko brothers seem to be doing alright.

    They're Russians.

  49. Anonymous9:40 PM

    The Klitscko brothers seem to be doing alright.

    They're Russians.

    Everyone knows the heavyweight division is dead. How many real competitors are there in that division? Once again, these guys are the great white hopes.
    And what does one Canadian mean to a league that's almost completely black? Yet, black men are only 4 or 5 percent of the population!

  50. Anonymous9:42 PM

    all of the 32 male finalists in the last four Olympic 100-meter races were of West African descent. The statistical likelihood of that happening based on population alone is 0.00000000000000000 00000000000000001 percent.

  51. uptownsteve9:47 PM


    You obviously think that blacks are genetically superior athletes.

    Do you feel that whites are intellectually superior?

    Let's cut to the chase.

  52. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Do you feel that whites are intellectually superior?

    On the average I think Asians and Jews are the most intellectually superior.

  53. uptownsteve9:49 PM

    "Everyone knows the heavyweight division is dead."

    Does that mean that big black guys don't box anymore?

    The lighter boxing divisions are dominated by hispanics.

    What does that mean?

  54. uptownsteve9:53 PM

    "On the average I think Asians and Jews are the most intellectually superior."

    And of course you feel that whites are intellectually superior to blacks, right?

    CF and BigMac, he means you too.

  55. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Does that mean that big black guys don't box anymore?

    Blacks have been gravitating away from boxing for awhile-better opportunity in other sports and boxing is declining in popularity. Besides, the greatest boxers ever are black; Ali, Forman, Lewis, Sugar Ray leonard, Tyson, Hagler, Roy Jones jr.

    The man now is Floyd Mayweather, he takes out the whites (Hatton) and the Hispanics (De La Hoya)

  56. uptownsteve10:04 PM

    Answer my question.

    Do you feel that whites are intellectually superior to blacks??

  57. Anonymous10:06 PM


    Whites have denied blacks the means to compete on an even keel in schooling for generations-hell, longer than that, entire eras!

    Now, why can't white boys jumps? Or run, for that matter.

  58. uptownsteve10:21 PM

    So, according to you, Asians and Jews are intellectually superior and blacks are athletically superior.

    So what are whitebreads superior in?


    BTW, I appreciate you acknowledging the crimes committed against black folks.

  59. Anonymous10:24 PM

    So what are whitebreads superior in?

    Genocide, war, thieving, manipulation, etc.

  60. Anonymous12:49 AM

    UTS, when does school open again? I can't wait for your crazy ass to go back to school.

  61. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Most people are aware in their heart of hearts that blacks are physically superior, especially black men. They don't want to say it though because they don't want the old "blacks aren't as smart" argument being brought up. Black men are bigger, stronger, and more masculine. Just ask a black woman, or a white woman who's been lucky enough to know.

  62. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Anon1:54a "Black men are bigger, stronger, and more masculine. Just ask a black woman, or a white woman who's been lucky enough to know."

    Well, if you are right then black men aren't as smart or intelligent, either.

  63. I loved that exchange between Anon and UTS. Folks, this is why we blog.

  64. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Give UTS credit. This thread died faster than any I've ever seen after the blacks in sports topic was raised. Uptown was the only one with balls enough to debate it. I know UTS believes in black superiority, but he can't voice it because of political correctness. That's not his fault though.

  65. Anonymous6:57 PM

    "I know UTS believes in black superiority, but he can't voice it because of political correctness. That's not his fault though."

    You must be kidding. Uts, the racist, has political correctness? LOL

    You are right about the sports angle and intellectual superiority. 'Most' liberal Whites run for the hills when the topic comes up.

    Too bad folks like CF, AB, and the followers of Fox News are away for Thanksgiving because this thread would still be going!

  66. Anonyracist, you might be interested in reading this book Black Skin, White Masks.

  67. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I don't see how that book sheds any light on white physical inferiority.

  68. Anonymous8:28 PM

    You are right about the sports angle and intellectual superiority. 'Most' liberal Whites run for the hills when the topic comes up.

    That's because white liberals are cowards and they are afraid.

  69. obviously you haven't read the book, d-bag,
    bye now.

  70. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Don't read the book, it is junk. Any book that Kathy recommends is junk. She doesn't read too well anyway.

  71. Anonymous9:39 PM

    For the record, kathy is white.

  72. Kathy, you get a big shout out for propping Franz Fanon. As for Asians and Jews being intellectually superior, bullshit I say. It all boils down to your environs and your family culture. There are/were tons of intellectually briliant "Black" people. We all don't rap, sing and play sports you know. Just like all asians don't know martial arts and I know a few Jews who don't know how save a dime of their money

  73. Anonymous2:22 AM

    this is fucking stupid.

    i really dont care for stupidity but gosh.

    im white and proud of it.
    yall will prolly call me racist but negroes are racist in themselves.

    just like when they see a white cop they automatically assume that hes gonna fuck with them? come on now

    this is all i gotta say though.
    in my opinoin theres a difference between black people and niggers.

    black people actually give a shit in life and work for there money

    niggers cant get a grip on life and think everybody even black people owe them something

    so grow the fuck up yall are racist jus like every other race can be.

    iggnorat fools u knw who u are
