Friday, December 11, 2009

The Black Conservative Redux.

I am doing a mostly cut and paste job tonight because I think the post I am going to feature is very important to the discourse among black folks here in A-merry-ca. I like the fact that black thinkers are writing about where we are as a people, and how we can move forward to improve our condition.

The post is from Devona Walker over at the fine African American web site known as "The Loop". The author is concerned about the mindset of black conservatives and she writes in a thoughtful reasoned manner. It's why I wanted to post her essay and comment on her views about an important aspect of her thesis.

"We are born to a race, to a family, and that does not pre-determine how or what we think, act or believe. With that said, there is something very suspicious about many Black conservaties whose ideas I read about, and whose faces I see — often on Fox News— giving racial cover to white conservatives to go after other average Black folks or political leaders. They are so routinely paraded before us, despite the fact that they make up such a very small minority of Black political thought, it makes me wonder if it is intentional. They might not be intentionally trying to sell out Black people, but they often appear to be used in that way. And they certainly don't seem to mind.

Even though I fully understand we are not a monolithic people, in watching them, I can't help often wondering if they are sellouts, suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or just patently unconcerned with the plight of Black people?

This below clip really drives it home. [the clip is in the last link provided] We have former Vice President Dick Cheney essentially calling President Obama a traitor. And here we have a Black man excusing Cheney’s outlandish actions. Once again, a Black man providing cover for a white man as he goes for the jugular of another Black man. In this case, it's particularly concerning because Cheney is intentionally trying to characterize the president as illegitimate, and therefore nearly condoning violence."

So far so good, right? I can't disagree with anything she said so far. But then....

"House Negro vs. Field Negro

There is the whole house v. field negro dynamic that we often use to define folks like this. Quite frankly, I’m tired of it. I do not want to be defined today by something that happened in our collective history, especially if it is not useful. We do not appear to use this historical identification in any productive way, as a means to measure our progress (which is how Obama generally references the black experience) or as a means of motivation (which is something that Colin Powell has done quite eloquently).

If you consider the difference between the Black and Jewish experience, it does make you wonder how our collective identity affects our ability to rise above adversity. Jewish people tend to use their history and cement that history of oppression through religious ceremony and customs, much like the Black community does. But it appears to be something that binds them as a people yet motivates them as individuals.

I know there are huge differences between the Black and Jewish experience, and comparing the Black experience with the immigrant experience as well. Many of those non-Black minorities came to this country as tradespeople. They often represent the most entrepreneurial of their people, the ones who would venture to another country to claim their fortunes.

But I must admit that as a people we have historically appeared to use our history as a “collective grief.” We have, at times, nurtured that grief. Even now, we continue to use our historical framing as a way of discrediting folks who look like us but do not think like us. And much of this rhetoric has, especially among younger Black Americans, become irrelevant.
So the premise of the Black conservative is reasonable. There is something to be said about this “Get over it,” mantra."
[ More here.]

Since I consider myself somewhat of an expert on this subject, this part of her essay really got my attention.

First, the only thing that I can say about the "Get over it mantra" is that it's a false construct. Contrary to what the author and black conservatives like to say; progressive black folks don't go around crying "woe is me". We are way too busy trying to put in the work that's needed to better our lives and our community. Just as she suggests that the house Negro/field Negro mantra is "not useful" and, as she says, is something that she is "tired" of. I would suggest to her that I am tired of the false label of victimologist [don't look for that word anywhere, you won't find it] as well.

And with all due respect to the author, the field Negro house Negro "dynamic" is not "history", it is still happening today. (Hell she talked about some -house Negroes- in the first part of her essay.) And it's still a dichotomy that is worth exploring and trying to understand.

I would even argue that the house Negro today is worse than the house Negro that lived on the plantations during slavery. At least those Negroes would tell the field slaves, from time to time, what massa was up to, and they would even slip them food and supplies from out of the big house to the slave quarters. These modern day house Negroes (you know who you are) would never share with those they consider fields slaves. They would never do anything to help them or teach them to try and uplift their condition. In fact, they are embarrassed by them, and they like to tell their modern day massa that they are nothing like those Negroes, they are different.

Finally, she uses the Jewish people (Happy Chanukah to my my Jewish friends.) as the model black folks should use to better their condition. But that would be impossible given the inimitable nature of the Jewish experience. The Jewish religion is over three thousand years old, and it is probably the oldest monotheistic religion known to man. Black people in A-merry-ca have no religion other than the one that was given to us when we got here. Our religious history doesn't motivate us as individuals, because it was used to pacify us and keep us on the plantation.

So sorry Devona, there is nothing "reasonable" about the "premise of the black conservative". It is a tired monologue rooted in selfishness and a false sense of patriotism that only he-the conservative- can understand.

Still, overall I loved the essay, I agree with lines like the following:

"The race and class debate is not about offering an image of an oppressed people who are without fault, it is about solving issues and about understanding the full context into which many oppressed people are born and must rise above. Black conservatives, much like their white counterparts, offer no solutions. It would seem their proclamations are simply meant as a way to unburden themselves from caring. "

Well said, now let's see if our conservative friends agree with you.

*Pic courtesy of BTX3's Blog.


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Where are your solutions, Field?

  2. Here is what strikes me.

    There are 306 million Americans. 13% of them are black, making for 40 million black Americans. About 60% of them are eligible to vote, making for 24 million potential black voters.

    About 80% of them are registered, making for 19 million registered black voters. About 65% of those actually voted last year, making for 12.4 million black voters. 99% of them voted for Obama, making for about 125,000 black conservatives eligible to appear on Fox News.

    Now, let's back up a second. In any population -- black or white, it doesn't matter -- roughly 2% is clinically mentally ill, which makes for about half a million adult black genuine nutcases.

    This is only my speculation: Three-quarters of the nutcases are well-controlled by medication. The other one-quarter, at least insofar as the black population is concerned, are Republicans who made it to the polls last year and voted for McCain. They did this after a long conversation with the green creature they see over their shoulder in the mirror every morning.

    After bowing, tapping their head three times, and rotating counterclockwise 10 times while chanting, "The ghost of Abraham Lincoln commands me to get out and vote for a Republican," they head off to the voting place, walking backwards to as not to disturb the magnetic fields.

    Of those, Fox News culls a half-dozen, puts them in nice clothes, and provides a Thorazine injection and a hot meal. It's all a matter of the probability tables. Even though black conservatives are a tiny slice of the whole, and constitute only one-quarter as many people as the pool of black psychos, there are still enough for Fox News to pick from if that's what they are looking for.

    See? Statistics can be your friend.

  3. Been lurking over here for a few days and decided to venture a comment. Unless we're debating about the best way to proceed to actually fix some things in our community, the back and forth between black progressive and conservatives is really for naught. All that's really being discussed is how we "feel" and not what can be "done". In many respects, the black conservatives and black liberals sit on a stage not necessarily of their own making, but one created by someone else. In other words, it's a staged debate bought and paid for by someone else that really is diversionary mainly because there's nothing that can come out of it that can represent concrete actions plans that can address the ills of black folks.

    Knowing this, I often look at the stage and laugh, because I know there ain't nothing really there.

  4. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Who gets to decide who's in the house and who's in the field? When Malcolm X gave that speech, whites were devils in his eyes--not worthy of being allied with at all. Later, after he "saw the light" and spoke out against the Nation, he was killed by his own people. Did Malcolm go "house?"

  5. Heremakhet9:41 PM

    Field, 1nce again, very well-written piece.

    One angle that really wasn't captured was the distinction between black "conservatives" and black republikkans. I do think there is a difference.

    Love how you put the modern day house negro into context --- true indeed.

  6. Anonymous9:44 PM

    @Anon 9:39p-Don't be arrogant. FN gets to decide who is in the house and who is in the field. For instance, Tiger is a house Negro because he refused to say that he was Black and it was an insult to the Field Negroes. He also insulted FN women because he preferred white women to them.

    You see, according to Field Negroes, all Blacks must think and act a certain way in order to not be in the house. Basically, it is the way Malcolm X thought before his trip to Middle East, but after his trip to Mecca he had a different view toward ALL humans. That kind of free thinking Malcolm X Field Negroes don't like and refuse to acknowledge.

    Don't look for Field to put Malcom's speech after returning from Mecca in his sidebar.

  7. I know I have posted here before and you ended up deleting the whole post/comment. I want to say first off, I agree w/ your assessment of her article. I just always have a problem with you history knowledge. Judaism is not, and by far, the oldest monotheistic religion. It's an infant, like Christianity and Islam ( and I am Muslim). I would like you to research 3 black/pan-african historical scholars to you and leave it it at that: Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yousef-Ben Jochannan (are "Yardie" like yourself) and Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Please at least acquire these brilliant mens works and rethink how you view history as you have learn thus far. Keep up the good work, Peace and Love.

    BigJB in Philly.

  8. All the Black folks you see on the TV riding the Cheney bandwagon etc. are there for the money. You think they actually believe the shit they spew?

    As for the house/field paradigm, it will remain relevant until we no longer live in the socio-economic equivalant of the plantation system.

  9. "As for the house/field paradigm, it will remain relevant until we no longer live in the socio-economic equivalant of the plantation system."

    Well said Ernesto!

    "know I have posted here before and you ended up deleting the whole post/comment"

    Big JB, thanks for your comments, but I must correct you on something; and the folks who frequent this blog know this: I would NEVER delete your comments because of ideological differences.
    And I don't think I said that it was definitively the oldest, I am pretty sure I used the word "probably". I am not a religious scholar and don't pretend to be. But thanks for your perspective, and I will check out that link.

    "Where are your solutions, Field?"

    If you live in Philly feel free to follow me around for a week.

    But seriously, I have written ad nauseam about "solutions".

    "All that's really being discussed is how we "feel" and not what can be "done".

    Greg L, thanks for commenting. But don't we act based on how we feel? For instance, if the BC doesn't feel that the poor black folks in inner city A-merry-ca can be helped, do you think he or she will volunteer their time to say mentor a young child or their $ to a worthy cause?

    "You see, according to Field Negroes, all Blacks must think and act a certain way in order to not be in the house. Basically, it is the way Malcolm X thought before his trip to Middle East, but after his trip to Mecca he had a different view toward ALL humans"

    Please explain that view to me.

    And all blacks don't have to think and act "a certain way", but damn it they shouldn't be acting against the best interest of their race either.

    "@Anon 9:39p-Don't be arrogant. FN gets to decide who is in the house and who is in the field. For instance, Tiger is a house Negro because he refused to say that he was Black and it was an insult to the Field Negroes. He also insulted FN women because he preferred white women to them."


  10. Greg L10:46 PM

    "Greg L, thanks for commenting. But don't we act based on how we feel? For instance, if the BC doesn't feel that the poor black folks in inner city A-merry-ca can be helped, do you think he or she will volunteer their time to say mentor a young child or their $ to a worthy cause?"

    At some level our feelings do influence actions. I'm just not seeing much in the way of action in our communities. The debate between black conservatives and progressives might actually mean something if it could improve on something that was actually being implemented by either side. As it is, there is little being implemented by either camp and that really reduces us down to only talking about the differences in our "feelings". So if some black conservative says that a voucher program would be effective in addressing poor education while a liberal says we need more tutorial programs, what empirical evidence can be pointed to based on what's actually being done or attempted to say one approach is better than the other?

    Basically, both camps are talking and arguing about philosophy. In my opinion, it's diversionary and a little like fiddling while Rome is burning. The "feelings" of either side are inconsequential unless translated into action plans to address our community's ills.

  11. BigBJ,

    I think it is the software that causes the comment to get kicked out. I can't prove it, but I think when two or more comments are posted at the same time the others get kicked out. There isn't a queue.

    It happened to me, today. I re-posted the same comment later, no problem.

  12. Black conservative checking in to say that I disagree with most other Black conservatives....but I also disagree with most Black liberals as well.

    Yeah, I guess its safe to say that I think for my own dam self!

  13. "We are way too busy trying to put in the work that's needed to better our lives and our community."

    Good line there Mr. field Negro sir. This is why at times I am irritated by people like Constructive Feedback.

    They are quick to posit that we're stuck on stupid and will never advance because we're content with the mindset that of a victim.

    Well, if this were true, how can the advancements made by Negroes be justified as "advancements" without giving credit to the work done to get there. Advancement that even their Black asses benefit from!

    Oh yeah the Jewish thing? I'm sorry, but Jewish people like you mentioned do not represent a race of people as far as the social construct of race is concerned. At the end of the day they are still white, and by virtue they do posses a certain privilege that is often overlooked.

    They owned the slaves ships for crying out loud! And, there was a time when they worked together with people of color on issues of the day. But, this has long since been jeopardized by the hi-jackings of the conservative movement over the years. That said, is it any wonder why they currently have the largest lobbying body in the country in the form of AIPAC?

  14. Anonymous11:59 PM

    A message from a real Field Negro:

    Today’s generation of young Black people do not know the enemy as their fathers and grandfathers knew the enemy. We have thought that we could get along with the enemy in peace, but the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that there can be no peace between us and our former slave masters and their children as long as we do not go along with the status quo. When we demand Justice, Freedom and Equity, we excite the worst in our slave masters and their children, and they come against us. These cases of The Jena 6, Megan Williams, Martin Lee Anderson, Sean Bell, and Genarlow Wilson—they are just a smidgen of what is going on throughout America by evil White people bent on teaching us a lesson.

    Well, what lessons must we learn? We are in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. What lesson must we learn? We must unite or suffer the consequences, for these events are going to multiply at such a pace that every Black person in America will see the face of a beast that has been masquerading as a friend.

    Louis Farrakhan

  15. Cal Soldier12:09 AM


    I consider myself fairly conservative, but I can't watch Fox for more than 10 seconds. As the primary campaign continued last year, I watched in horror as Fox became more and more blatant in their dog-whistle, code-word hatred.

    For example, is it a coincidence that the term "socialist" became popular with Fox once Mr. Obama won the Democratic nomination for president? Any one who's picked up a dictionary knows full well that Mr. Obama didn't promote, nor has he attempted to impose, any type of socialist agenda. The reality is that "Socialist" is only a substitute for the N-word.

    That's why I can't tolerate Amy Holmes, Juan Williams, and the rest of those house negroes -- all they do is give Fox's propaganda a sheen of legitimacy.

  16. mobile6812:10 AM

    To grinder:
    I'll give you props for having compassion for those house negroes by hypothesizing that their behavior could be caused by being on some medication. Too funny.
    These HN's now are a whole new breed like FN so eloquently said. In my 40+ yrs have I never thought that, considering all what black folk in this hemisphere has gone thru, I feel more in fear in the presence of my own than of the kkk. Side-eyeing and back-watching is beginning to takes it's toll on this sister.
    At least the HNs back in the day was kinda forced into that situation. What excuse these modern day HNs could possibly have? I can excuse bebe and dem because I know where they're coming from. I can even excuse the kkk for a minute for the same reason.
    But these so called educated-assimilated-king's english spouting-modern day HNs? They're willingly and conscienceously settling for crumbs.
    Do any of them have companies listed on the fortune 500 or 100? OR ever been listed among the most weathiest in forbes mag OR run any significant philanthropy bearing their names? If they were balling like that, thay wouldn't have the time to do what they do for fox. They would rather point fingers than give a helping hand, even though somebody gave them a helping hand at some point in their lives.
    The mere fact that we have ANY HNs left in this day and age could be attributed to global warming or overuse of antibiotics and steriods in the chicken perhaps. Just another speculation in trying to justify this behavior.

  17. Anonymous12:17 AM

    You never mention that above all the House negro/field negro speech is an anti-integration speech. That same sentiment has been echoed in recent years by Cosby, who recognizes that integration has robbed blacks of much of the will to control and regulate their own communities. Liberals fail because they actually think the white system will help them to the mountaintop--it will not.

  18. Anonymous12:26 AM

    I'm sorry, but I do not agree that "there is nothing "reasonable" about the "premise of the black conservative". It is a tired monologue rooted in selfishness and a false sense of patriotism that only he-the conservative- can understand.". It is incredibly dismissive of the individual experiences and beliefs of other black people. So if someone chooses to be black Republican or Conservative because their deeply held religious beliefs are more important to them than their political ideology they are selfish? I'm certainly not a Republican but still,wow what an assumption. I respect the identities and rights of others enough to make such absolute statements about my brethren.
    -Otherwise I generally agree with you. I think it's my first comment in like a year.

  19. Anonymous12:33 AM

    I guess supporting that war-mongering chickenhawk Obama makes someone more legitimate as an African?

    I don't get it, but I don't think you should be selling it.

  20. Pls. Excuse my spelling and grammar folks. Long day. Long rant.

    For the love of money some folks would do most anything...

    "They might not be intentionally trying to sell out Black people, but they often appear to be used in that way. And they certainly don't seem to mind....I can't help often wondering if they are sellouts, suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or just patently unconcerned with the plight of Black people?..."

    That's just it. They don't care. They are probably getting paid or compensated, one way of another.

    House negroes are self-loathers...self-loathing makes you do stuff like this..." Once again, a Black man providing cover for a white man as he goes for the jugular of another Black man. In this case, it's particularly concerning because Cheney is intentionally trying to characterize the president as illegitimate, and therefore nearly condoning violence."


    here is the whole house v. field negro dynamic that we often use to define folks like this. Quite frankly, I’m tired of it. I do not want to be defined today by something that happened in our collective history, especially if it is not useful.

    House vs. field is only not relevant to those who do not understand the history or psychology behind the terms. A tree is known by it's fruit, a house or fielder is known by their actions. It's simple. We must use these terms because behaviors of housers harm us all. We can use this social pressure to correct detrimental, traitorous behavior. Yes, sadly there are separate teams, regardless of how you look at it. I don't like the untrue implication that our history is irrelevant. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it and lose what little they have.

  21. Finally...

    If you consider the difference between the Black and Jewish experience, it does make you wonder how our collective identity affects our ability to rise above adversity

    European Jewish folks didn't have their identity removed with such force and permanance in the U.S. Some blacks who ended up in the U.S. through slavery might have been Jewish, but for another time. Jewish folks look out for their own only for the most part, as well they should. Never again, meant never again for Jewish folks. We don't. Through the warped way Christianity is practiced in the U.S. and through house negro self-loathing...we keep saying AGAIN! It's purely behavioral. EOS.

    Even now, we continue to use our historical framing as a way of discrediting folks who look like us but do not think like us....So the premise of the Black conservative is reasonable. There is something to be said about this “Get over it,” mantra."

    To get over something, to even forgive, something has to be acknowledged. If we forget our history, or in many people's cases, continue to forget and "get over it" the cultural decline will continue. We can all agree to disagree. We all have different ways of solving problems, but to go to the people who openly mock you and hate your very existance daily and say "I'M WITH YOU!" as these FAUX News "black conservatives" do, is traitorous and self-loathing to the max. It's like that nutty Rabbi who went to Iran to say that Israel shouldn't exist and go Al Queada. Self-loathing and NUTTY!

    My solutions....You need a fresh prospective for this new generation. Separate your kids from the harmful, whether it's tv programming, relatives, public school, ignorant people of your race and especially other races. Environment is key, folks. Your kids have you because they do not yet have discernment. Teach them the truth about their ancestors and history. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE. Teach them to make themselves, not passa, grandmamma, Cousin Cleon, or "being down" the priority. Then the local black community can and will be the priority. Aren't we supposed to avoid even the appearance of evil? Our society is out of wack largely because of the tolerance of evil. So far, my method is working with my kids. I'll let you know the results when their adults.

    Again, we don't all have to love Obama. I hold a mix of liberal, conservative, moderate, tolerant and bigoted views. It just depends on the topic. Damnit, don't go to those who openly hate your guts. That's just insane. It's the information age, find a black host who doesn't hate you because of your pigment level. Even better, make your own media platform. It's been done before.

  22. Anonymous1:21 AM

    As the great ancestor John Henrik Clarke once posed in a lecture I was blessed to attend: "what are black conservatives conserving?"

  23. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Thank you ANON:11:59, FINALLY! the year is 2009 and yes the SLAVE MASTER yet Reign's and so doe's his Seed's! but, SEASON'S come and SEASON'S GO!!!!

    The best thing the oppressor has chose to do, is show his FULL face, for this work's in the favor of all Minority's! especially AFRICAN AMERICAN'S!

    The case of the Black REP/CON, well, these people on the front page seem to be around the same age, so they are REAPING from the STRUGGLE and BLOODSHED of a past generation, these FOUR people have NO root, the ROOT must be Embedded, and with these African American's, they have found a way to Detach and Denounce their inner Blackness!

    Grinder, as White men continue to come out of the CLOSET, they will no longer be able to Reproduce, this mean's a Decline in the White population, less children! why do you think you are the new MINORITY? oh, and that WAR BUSH started, I wonder how many WHITE men and women have been killed? Dead people CANNOT REPRODUCE! but, may they rest in peace, for this was not to their doing!


  24. Anonymous1:55 AM

    BLACK CONSERVATIVE'S have decided to keep the Tradition of the HOUSE NEGRO alive! but, they call it being MONOLITHIC! I think I Spelled that big fancy word right, for you see, I am just a FIELD NEGRO! and I don't want to make any of you HOUSE NEGRO'S ASHAMED of me, after all, we are NOT all the same anymore, we have RAISED above being called, OUR PEOPLE, My people, or We as a people, some say (CAUBLASIAN)!

    Sign, NEGRO, COLORED, BLACK, AFRICAN AMERICAN, and GOD only know's, what name my PEOPLE will come up with next!

  25. mellaneous2:23 AM

    What up Field? Just wanted to back you up on the revelance of the Field/House Negro analogy. It is still relevant and probably always will be as long as we struggle with racism in this country, because ultimately the role of the House Negro is to give aide and comfort to our enemies.
    The expression can be applied to class as well. Folks who believe that this country should be able to do whatever it wants to other folks and other countries represent a type of House Negro.

    And folks have missed Malcolm's point altogether. The Field/Negro House/Negro analogy still held up after his trip to Mecca and after he began to adopt an internationalist perspective because there will still Black folks lining up on the side of US imperialism against the interest of Black folks here at home and abroad. This analogy wasn't limited by Malcolm's political progression. He was right on the first time he said it.

    And John Henrik Clarke had it right, what do these conservative black folks have to conserve, since ultimately a conservative is one who is trying to conserve his/her economic status.

    The person who commented about the new conservatives having nothing to gain got it wrong. These folks are not coming on news programs for free and the more well known conservatives like Shelby Steele have made a ton peddling backward racial ideology and making racists comfortable.

  26. agape20103:10 AM


    Lofty black people in lofty white often do I have to see this? I come to your blog for entertainment purposes only and have been highly entertained.

    Yet now, I have to be reminded, once again, of the mentality of lofty black folk sittin' in lofty white folk places.(both dem and repub...never for a split second think that Clinton was the black man's friend...even in Arkansas). I remember when Angie came to DC from The 'Sip...Mississippi that is...she was a dem makin not alotta dough.(but I digress)

    I have 3 simple words for you...Willie Lynch Papers.

    You already know!

    To compare the black diaspora to the Jewish diaspora is such a misnomer. Jews were already living in their countries and homes before they were put into ghettos (yep, that's where that word/term came from) only to be rounded up easily for killing (and any others deemed "unfit and unworthy to procreate" by the Germans).

    And just where did the idea of genocide originate? Rght here in the good ole boy land of "deys free an wese aint" USA.

    Having said that...where were our African ancestors being rounded up our homes as our country as well. Our plight is different because we were chained to a ship to cross oceans to become living property for the exclusive means of making money and building a country. (who set up Phillie's already know!)

    There can never be a comparison in this country to anything that African slaves and now black servants have been through, going through or will see in the future.

    This country will always and forever be a fight between blacks and whites (never dem and repub) and not to the exclusion of either never helping the other.

    The doctrine of republicanism has changed over the years, as has the doctrine of democratism (new made up word). Our (black) history of politics in this country was republican (let us do it ourselves). However, when the republicans were infiltrated by the dixiecrats...well...what you see is what you get...and vice versa.

    For any black person in this country to now align themselves to any political party without a written contract stating what that party will do is ludacris! And you still have to keep your eyes on them to fullfill their end of the bargain...and that only works when you are talking on a city or county level (where the rubber meets the road).

    Blacks that espouse any political affiliation in this country and adopt themselves as the "i bedda fiaght fo my massa" is a house n*gga for any white person in this country..and is ...GETTING PAID TO DO SO.(all money aint good money tho') Trust...and never think otherwise.

    There are some sayings on The are a few:

    1. Black trumps party every time. Those that don't know this are not "insiders".
    2. Politics is all about me and my friends can run the government better than you and your friends.(what you thought it was?)
    3. If you are young, black and must be lookin' for a job.

    laawd hammm mursy Jesus...lemme git down offun dis heah box!

    Now can we go back to our regularly scheduled program and talk about...Crouching Tiger...Hidden Dragon. (to quote a line from LAincognito) :)

    PS - By the by...I saw one of your blogs posted elsewhere (don't ask). The one you did about "Are black women driving black men away?" Let me respond to that while I am a word...No... weak black men are drving themselves away. You gotta be strong to be with a black woman...and iffun you aint...hasta la vista babay!



  27. agape20103:12 AM

    @ Grinder:

    Very entertaining! Will you please do my stats for my dissert? LOL!


  28. agape20103:26 AM


    You have given me my mantra for 2010:


    Too funnah! Thanks!


  29. NSangoma7:59 AM

    Tomming for Dollars; BTX3, is a Negroe (sniff, sniff) after my own dear heart. Snort, snonk, sniff.

  30. "I don't get it, but I don't think you should be selling it."

    Well if you don't get it, how do you know if it should be sold or not?

    Anon. thanks for reminding me about that Henrik Clarke quote. Talk about irony.

    Greg L, I feel your frustration with the talk and no action dilemma with our folks. Yes we do love to talk and hold meeting,and talk and hold it's frustrating.

    BTW, I also support vouchers in public schools.

    "So if someone chooses to be black Republican or Conservative because their deeply held religious beliefs are more important to them than their political ideology they are selfish? I'm certainly not a Republican but still,wow what an assumption. I respect the identities and rights of others enough to make such absolute statements about my brethren."

    How could your religeous beliefs lead you to conservatism? Isn't that kind of oxymoronic?

    mobile68, you got me going today, thanks!:)

    "For any black person in this country to now align themselves to any political party without a written contract stating what that party will do is ludacris! And you still have to keep your eyes on them to fullfill their end of the bargain...and that only works when you are talking on a city or county level (where the rubber meets the road)."

    Thank you agape2010, always keep your eyes on the poli-trickters. ALL OF THEM! Dumbocrat and rethuglican.

    What did Bob Marley say about them? "never grant a politician a favor, they will try to own you forever". Yep, that's the truth.

    BTW, agape2010, that field Negro you refer to is NOT ME. He is a brother with a site called "A FIELD NEGRO" (as opposed to THE field Negro)I suppose immitation is the greatest form of flattery so I am no mad at him.

    I wish the brother luck,
    but please don't confuse us.

    @Smashed The Tiny Black Box & mellaneous: Preach sons!

  31. @Grinder. LMAO. That's a much better explanation than most I've seen.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. " You gotta be strong to be with a black woman...and iffun you aint...hasta la vista babay!"

    I was just planning to lurk on this thread. but....

    Hey Agape2010, I have to tell you with respect, these type comments usually bothers me as a black female. Why do men have to be "strong", or be whatever in order to be with a black woman? Why are we as black people, especially black women buying into these atypical stereotypes that make us seem more complex or unreachable than any other race of women? Just a thought.

    Anyway Field, I have always appreciated you for your dedication on this blog, as well as your honesty, patience. and fairness as a black male. Not every male field negro has positive concerns and interest for both the black genders in his heart.

    I say this because - It's troubling to stumble on another site that also borrows the "field negro" moniker which in my opinion was created to over compensate the damaged self-hating ego of a black male/s who has self-serving agendas.

    It becomes further evident when there's a openly dedicated photos page which under-handedly honors other black men for dating outside the black race. And also doing this by further stigmatizing black women to covertly justify their own lust for non-black skin. Not every field negro is a "Field Negro", buyers beware. Did you also notice this while you were there Agape2010? It's a shame.

    Thanks, I won't derail your thread any further :)

  34. Jesus was a Black jew according to my ancestors research . I do not tired of the Jewish/Black analysis in part because none of the white jews I know acknowledge Black jews etc..

    I like the ability to employ the FN/HN paradigm. It is functional device.

    Black conservatives( please check out my narrative on thier site ) Clarke wa correct conserving what?

  35. The problem is FN,

    if the polls are right, and Republicans get no more than 10 percent of the Black vote, then no more of 10 percent of the Black pundits should be Black Republicans. they get WAY more facetime than their representative numbers. Period.

    the fact that I can see Slave Catcher Ron Christie on tv damn near every other day with his foolishness, but can't EVER see someone like Ron Walters or Ron Daniels...something's wrong there, and it's DELIBERATE.

    Black conservatives get paid to talk ABOUT Black people TO White people. Period. They certainly aren't in the trenches, in the Black community, trying to put their 'theories' into actual real-life solutions in the 'Community'.

    and, as frequent poster ptcruiser over at P6 says:

    until Black Republicans go into a MAJORITY BLACK DISTRICT and successfully sell their platform to BLACK voters and WIN?

    they're just blowing smoke and should be paid no mind.

  36. splutchr9:58 AM

    . Black people in A-merry-ca have no religion other than the one that was given to us when we got here.

    FN: You are not part of this "we". You are not from America. You seem to forget thqt. We share a skin color, but a very different historical legacy. Chum.

  37. Anonymous10:02 AM

    and I am Muslim

    careful bro, we got some muslim-phobics in here. you would think a black blog would rear less discrimination, but I have found the opposite to be true.

  38. But seriously, I have written ad nauseam about "solutions".

    You are kidding right? Insinuating that solutions (which are the only thing that can save us) can be written too much about is beyond me. Especially with the fluid nature of this blog (many leave many come etc.).

    Also, do you ever apologize? I have lurked for months now. You have made some outlandish claims, and mistakes and have been called out on them, but never apologize. I hope you are not "one of those types of mens". Most recently you used the word queer, even when "some" queer readers loath the term. It was offensive. But you did not apologize. AB gave you a pass, but does that make it okay? I don't really think so. I would never use that term. I would never want a white person to use a term that our community (nigga) uses. I guess I have to questions your intelligence, motives, etc.

  39. "In many respects, the black conservatives and black liberals sit on a stage not necessarily of their own making, but one created by someone else. In other words, it's a staged debate bought and paid for by someone else that really is diversionary mainly because there's nothing that can come out of it that can represent concrete actions plans that can address the ills of black folks."

    It is the same if you insert "non-wealthy" people for "black".

    I agree with another poster who said that there is a difference between conservative blacks and 'republikkkan' blacks. If you've ever known someone from Tuskegee, Al. or Anne Arundel County, MD. you will see this.

  40. David Harmon10:38 AM

    Jews are successful *now*, because they've been tempered by *over 2000 years* of oppression. "Not one alone has arisen against us to destroy us. Rather in each generation, there are those that rise up against us to destroy us." (From the Haggadah, the Pesach service.) Even so, Jews still have our own equivalents of "house Negroes" -- just look at Senator Lieberman, selling his soul for power! (Not to mention the corruptions of power that have poisoned Israel....)

    Blacks have had only a fraction of that time to grow and develop their strength -- less than a tenth, if you count from the end of slavery. Getting from slavery to strength is a long slog, and you're not nearly done with it yet. And it's not going to be about revolutions, or "taking down the Man", either. That classic line "by any means necessary"? It always reminds me of that old joke about a professor and his curvaceous student: "You'll do ANYTHING for a passing grade?" "Yes, Professor, anything!" "Well, then... STUDY!"

  41. Even so, Jews still have our own equivalents of "house Negroes" -- just look at Senator Lieberman, selling his soul for power!

    I spit out my cereal and almost needed a Heimlich upon reading this. I caaaannn't BUHLLLIEEVVVE you said that! Totally was not expecting to read that. Maybe it was just me, but that was my shock value reaction of the day.

    Seriously, though, David. I think you may misunderstand the meaning and context of "by any means necessary." Malcom was not about just randomly killing white oppressors. It was about defending yourself and taking action to allow one's children to thrive. It's about securing human rights. In many areas of America during and before Malcom's time, we were in survival mode. Example/Sample, see Rosewood, Fl. Look up the term gator bait. Riots in Oklahoma.
    No one, that is educated or not crazy, denies the reality of past Jewish oppression. I see "Never Again" and "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!" in similar ways. I feel that we-black people/ should look out primarily for our interests as Jewish people mainly do. If you don't who will?

    That Life of David Gale quote insuates that those of us who want to improve black situations want to do so by cheating and harming others, and it cheapens our suffering and glourious accomplishments despite oppression....much like the rethugs and tea baggers like to cheapen the gravity and evils of the Holocaust. If you understand American history and the psychology of it's people, you see why there are way too many house negros that sell us down the river. I promise you that today, "our" demented housers do far more harm than yours in way you can never comprehend.
    Even so, it is our problem to address only. We deserve safety and lack of oppression just as much as anyone else. We are no less special or magical or chosen. I, for one am not going to sit around and wait for 2000+ years to pass by. I would be grieved if my descendents looked for the pie in the sky fantasy. Mine are going to have a prosperous future because of my actions in the any means necessary.

  42. Greg L11:21 AM

    "It is the same if you insert "non-wealthy" people for "black".

    I agree with another poster who said that there is a difference between conservative blacks and 'republikkkan' blacks. If you've ever known someone from Tuskegee, Al. or Anne Arundel County, MD. you will see this"

    I acknowledge that there are various camps of black conservatives. Some have legitimate points of contention while others do not. Same applies to liberals. My point is this: the stage (national TV) that this debate takes place on is owned and financed by someone else which effectively makes it not a debate at all but a show. Often the purpose of shows is to offer diversionary entertainment and that's how I view it. It can't be taken seriously and to take it too seriously is like giving credence to a reality show that we know ain't real in the first place. If it ain't real, why evey pay attention to it?

    That's not to suggest however, that the should not be a debate of ideas and stuff that we think would or would not work. There is room in the African-American community for a diversity of views if we're debating how to best execute initiatives that will directly address problems rather than how we "feel". To do that however, requires a change of venure. In other words, that debate has to occur on "our stage"

  43. "FN: You are not part of this "we". You are not from America. You seem to forget thqt. We share a skin color, but a very different historical legacy. Chum."

    We obviously don't share the same amount of brain matter, either. Using a word like "chum" to end your comments was do we say...ignorant.

    As for the other part of your post, you have obviously bought into the I am an A-merry-can and you are not narrative. Here is a little news flash for you; we were all brought here from the same place, my people just got off the slave ships a little sooner.

    BTW, the West Indies is a part of the Americas.

    More time in your history books and less time on this blog might do you some good.

    "Also, do you ever apologize? I have lurked for months now. You have made some outlandish claims, and mistakes and have been called out on them, but never apologize."

    Will you be willing to accept it on behalf of all the people I offended? If so, let me think about it and get back to you.

    La~incognita, i must confess, I have not really checked out that site. But I have been getting e-mails from folks who were slamming me on pictures that I allegedly posted over here which weren't true. Finally someone called my attention to the site and told me the cause of the confusion.

    Again,I wish the brother luck, everyone is entitled to do whatever. This is, after all, A-merry-ca.

  44. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Field, I thought you had coined the phrase, "patio Negro." Where does that fit (if at all)?

  45. Field, this poster has a point, your queer post was very divisive.

    "Also, do you ever apologize? I have lurked for months now. You have made some outlandish claims, and mistakes and have been called out on them, but never apologize."

  46. PS good history lesson for the chum.

  47. Field, I thought you had coined the phrase, "patio Negro." Where does that fit (if at all)?"

    Yes Anon, I did. And quite frankly, that was out of frustration because I honestly can't figure out just where some of these Negroes stand.

  48. Damn Field

    Yu have to yell fire or something. I was in the house spying on these folks. You came and threw gasoline and matches on the house. My ass still hurts.

  49. " Yu have to yell fire or something. I was in the house spying on these folks. You came and threw gasoline and matches on the house. My ass still hurts."

    Sorry Robert M,after they put out the fire I need you to go back in there. I think they are planning something. :)

  50. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Jewish people tend to use their history and cement that history of oppression through religious ceremony and customs, much like the Black community does. But it appears to be something that binds them as a people yet motivates them as individuals.

    I had a problem with this part of the essay.The Jews are largely "homogeneous" people because their life is centered around a singular religion, religious customs, and language for centuries. Black people don't have a singular religion or language.In fact there are more things that divide us than unite us.

    Malcolm X had it right in his Ballot or Bullet speech when he suggested that black people need to leave all religion at the door as once black people talk about religion there is an immediate divide. He suggested that blacks needed to unite around a black nationalist philosophy.

    Just a note this speech was after he went to Mecca and separated from The Nation.There is no "lets unite with the white man" stuff in it to making X a "housie" has some have suggested on this thread.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anonymous1:56 PM

    @ La Incognita

    I saw your response on the previous thread and all i can say is ouch sister.

    For the record i don't consider myself "biracial", but black. Like i have said in previous threads "biracial" is a word used by people who don't want identified with being black. I get the anger but read the post before the one to my response to your comment. Besides my comment was to illustrate that black people don't care about tiger (like me most consider the "caublasian" comment a diss) because they don't consider him black. Ergo not a "black issue" to require a condemnation of him in the first place.Let the whites and other "caublasians" do that.

    Sorry for going off thread people

  53. Cosign with Rippa, STTBB and anon 11:59 PM 1000%..the Jews whom we rescued in WWII at the end of the day were considered white in amerrykkka and even more so than ever are now part of the structure of worldwide European control and white supremacy.

    (However to embrace that notion nowadays is considered "anti-semetic"...nevermind the number of TV stations, banks et cetera owned by Jews that would back up that idea...)

    But even here in amerrykkka it is so and where the proof lies in the pudding is in the evidence of the scarcely publicized non confrontation of those who romanticize Nazi-ism and the killing of Jews in well over 300 of the organized hate groups such as the Aryan nation in amerrykkka as not to jeopardize the 'privilege' of having and maintaining a white identity.

    However they will go after Farrakkhan and black nationalists, scholars alike and credit them with an 'anti semetic' agenda in a heart beat...

    Which leaves me wondering and questioning from the statement Ms. Walker makes about taking the experience of the Jews and applying it to our own with her being a black conservative: what exactly would she us believe?

    What is the motive behind the values that Ms. Walker has at heart and what is it that some black conservatives are trying to get us to believe when looking at the role of the Jews in the history of the slave trades and understanding that they played no more and no less a part than the Europeans slave traders and therefore contributed to the matter of white supremacy?

    Did the superiority complex magically skip over the Jews and not get transferred along to them and get embedded into their psyche over the course of slavery as they engaged in the slave trade practice for them not to hold the same prejudice as whites against us?

    Did they not come to see blacks as inferior at some point in the duration of the slave trades?

    It is still relevant [sic] long as we struggle with racism in this country, because ultimately the role of the House Negro is to give aide and comfort to our enemies. The expression can be applied to class as well. Folks who believe that this country should be able to do whatever it wants to other folks and other countries represent a type of House Negro.

    AMEN! So Ms. Walker, for the sake of cultural survival and otherwise had better get un-tired with the house vs. field nomenclature because the grim reality of it is as far as the very enemy she sleeps with is concerned, she is either one or the other and could care less about how she wants to be defined...

    Its how amerrykkka is able to deter who they can get to shuck and jive to whatever tune that is played and who they can oppress… more and more blacks old and young are questioning and challenging the influences on our lives, and doing so is my proposed solution.

    They are quick to posit that we're stuck on stupid and will never advance because we're content with the mindset that of a victim…Well, if this were true, how can the advancements made by Negroes be justified as "advancements" without giving credit to the work done to get there. Advancement that even their Black asses benefit from!

    Again I say amen! I find it typical (which is sad) that much of the rhetoric and statements made by white apologists like Ms. Walker et al. resembles much of the pro establishment anti black-nationalist sentiment commonly found among black conservatives.

    Good job field and to those here and abroad who make no exceptions to hold these people in contempt and accountable when it comes the exploitation of our people no matter what color!

  54. uptownsteve3:54 PM

    Anonymous pussy,

    "Who gets to decide who's in the house and who's in the field?"

    Who is in the house or the field is readily apparent.

    As Field pointed out, the house negroes are those who gleefully provide cover and excuses for white racists and white racism.

    "When Malcolm X gave that speech, whites were devils in his eyes--not worthy of being allied with at all."

    Wrong again Jethro.

    Malcolm gave this speech in 1964 after he returned from Mecca.

    He no longer subscribed to the theory that whites were "devils" but was still very aware of white racism and it's denial of black humanity.

    " Later, after he "saw the light" and spoke out against the Nation, he was killed by his own people."

    Malcolm was killed by NOI thugs because he went public with Elijah Muhammad's infidelities and hypocrisies.

    "Did Malcolm go "house?"

    In your dreams, racist.

  55. uptownsteve3:57 PM



  56. Greg L4:03 PM

    I know I'm new here to this particular blog and I appreciate the discussion, but I just thought of something that might drive the points home I mentioned earlier about the issues between black progressives and conservatives. My contention is that this is back and forth is occurring on the national stage on a stage not of our making, but of someone else's.

    The powers that be in the country have always had proxy wars that serve a larger objective. Proxy wars are conducted by both sides paying combatants and fooling the people into believing that the battle in front of them actually comes from the community when it in fact does not.

    I believe determining whether something actually emanates from the community is simple question of tracing the money. Once you venture into this sort of questioning, several questions immediately present themselves:

    1. How are the combatants getting paid?
    2. Are they getting paid by the African-American community or are they getting paid by someone else?
    3. If the source of payment is not from those who they purport to represent, how can they possibly represent your interests?

    There is not one national progressive group or individual from the NAACP, Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson who is getting paid by black folks. On the conservative side there is not one talking head on Fox or anywhere else who's getting paid by black folks.

    What we have here is a proxy war. A staged debate that not designed to solve a damn thing in our communities.

  57. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession.

  58. uptownsteve5:25 PM

    "There is not one national progressive group or individual from the NAACP, Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson who is getting paid by black folks"

    Black folks don't contribute to the NAACP, PUSH or the National Action Network?

    If not, who does specifically?

    One of the reasons why Sharpton is so hated by white folks is because they can't control him.

  59. Anonymous5:30 PM

    When historically the United States Government has been NO Friend to the Black people (slavery, segregation laws, etc.), why would we want to empower them with more regulation and more authority over our lives such as with expanded entitlement programs that the Democrats are known for? Are we really THAT incapable of taking care of ourselves? Conservatives are for small government and personal freedoms. (forget Cheney/Bush, I am talking about an ideology) I say, get the government out of our lives and let us take care of our families.

  60. Filled Negro - you can't even see the gross irony in this passage:

    "We are born to a race, to a family, and that does not pre-determine how or what we think, act or believe. With that said, there is something very suspicious about many Black conservaties whose ideas I read about, and whose faces I see — often on Fox News— giving racial cover to white conservatives to go after other average Black folks or political leaders.[/quote]

    Filled Negro - as we look at various cities such as Chicago, Newark, Philly, DC and Baltimore that are chock full of DEMOCRAT politicians with a significant portion of them being BLACK - the more stunning thought for me is how QUIET the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist RACISM CHASERS are over the fact that DESPITE this favorable arrangement on paper - YOUR GRIEVANCES REMAIN.

    You need to focus on WHO YOU ARE PROVIDING COVER FOR because it is doing far more MATERIAL DAMAGE to the Black community.

    Here are two articles that showcase how

    1) The argument from the author doesn't make sense from a PROPORTIONALITY perspective.


    [quote] They are so routinely paraded before us, despite the fact that they make up such a very small minority of Black political thought, it makes me wonder if it is intentional. They might not be intentionally trying to sell out Black people, but they often appear to be used in that way. And they certainly don't seem to mind.[/quote]

    Filled Negro - did you see the recent series from huckster Greg Palist in which he made use of New Orleans BLACKS as "poster children" for use in his leftist agenda? Why is it that you are not observant of how frequently the "poor, ignorant Black" .

    Don't you get tired of this shtick Filled Negro?

    You focus more of your analysis upon Republicans and Black Conservatives than you do the people WHO ARE ACTUALLY IN POWER OVER OUR COMMUNITIES?

    * How is the new superintendent of the Philadelphia Schools doing? Did she get rid of that policy that promoted "social promotions" and thus teachers were changing 63s into 70s so the kids didn't fail?

    * Did you see the MSNBC series "Locked UP" which did a 2 segment review of the Cook County Jail in Chicago? I saw 95% Blacks and a few Hispanics and Whites. With Chicago being run from local/state/federal by the Democrats why don't YOU see this jail situation as a failure of the system that blankets Chicagoland?

    Do you see Filled Negro that you are the biggest "chum thrower" on the Internet. YOU need to feed your Field Negros and Nigresses what they want to read about their ideological adversaries so they don't dwell on the fact that YOUR FAVORED IDEOLOGY CONTROLS ALL OF THE KEY INSTITUTIONS THAT THEY LOOK TOWARD FOR CIVIC SERVICES.

  61. [quote]Unless we're debating about the best way to proceed to actually fix some things in our community, the back and forth between black progressive and conservatives is really for naught.[/quote]

    Greg L:

    I hear you but I can't agree with you.

    It is a joke to mention "Black Progressive" and "Black Conservative" in the same sentence.

    The other - as Filled Negro says - has no power what so ever.

    This is ONLY a matter of INCUMBENCY and those who seek to RUN FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY that comes with it.

    Greg L - I see myself as serving the function of the "Food and Drug Administration". We as a people have been SOLD a prescription on that which would CURE US if we take heavy dosages of it (and that which would kill us).

    To-damned-day there is not one voting district in America that has a 35%+ Black voting base AND any Republicans in control. There only needs to be 15% + 1 of the White/Hispanic vote supporting the Democrats for them to totally dominate.

    I simply can't agree with you about the Progressive vs Conservative. Instead I am telling Filled Negro and RiPPa and Grinder and others: "YOU ARE CORRECT - the Black Conservative could not even be voted in as dog catcher in the Black community - YOU RUN THINGS!!!!!".

    The problem is that they are not inclined to take RESPONSIBILITY for these conditions. Their only goal is to dismiss the integrity and credibility of those who disagree with them.

    Ultimately it will take the BLACK RANK AND FILE who is tired of being USED to force the "Democrats who are Black" outside of our racial nucleus where they use their skin color to enter this "secure and sensitive area", working mostly as agents for their ideology and party.

    What am I to do?
    I am watching this. I realize that "majority rules" but just as a Black man who keeps getting judged by the "All White Jury" who has a 100% conviction rate - I REFUSE to sit silent and play by THEIR rules.

    THEY need to be forced by all Black people with consciousness and integrity to PRODUCE OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE INSTITUTIONAL SEATS.

  62. [quote]Conservatives are for small government and personal freedoms. (forget Cheney/Bush, I am talking about an ideology) I say, get the government out of our lives and let us take care of our families.[/quote]

    Anon - I am for LOCAL GOVERNANCE.

    We receive our:

    * Education
    * Public Safety
    * The Majority of our Employment

    from LOCAL FORCES.

    Most Black Progressives will attempt to rebut this claim by noting that back when we had "local governance - Black folks were lynched".

    What they FAIL to make note of is that TO-DAMNED-DAY Black people are being shot, stabbed, burned and drowned (watch "The Shift" and "The First 48 Hours" on A&E to see it all) and yet the ONLY reason why this is less of a concern to them is because when WHITE FOLKS did these assaults upon us it was a more SUPERIOR threat in their line of thinking.

    The progressives now control the local economies of most large cities. Having failed to deliver and in the context of the jobs that they have destroyed - they seek to NATIONALIZE their economic entitlement system.

  63. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "One of the reasons why Sharpton is so hated by white folks is because they can't control him."

    You must be joking. White folks don't hate Sharpton.
    And people who don't like Sharpton--of all races--feel that way because he doesn't control himself enough. He's too knee-jerk and gets involved in stuff for his own fame.

  64. Rikyrah strikes again!!!! (This is why we have 'trust issues')

    [quote]if the polls are right, and Republicans get no more than 10 percent of the Black vote, then no more of 10 percent of the Black pundits should be Black Republicans. they get WAY more facetime than their representative numbers. Period.[/quote]

    Rikyrah - I know that you believe in "proportional voting" but how do you make sense about your claim?

    WHAT FORCE is going to regulate this balance in your view? Once the quota is reached - WHO should turn away the "Black Conservative"?

    WORSE OF ALL - aside from the Conservative network - Fox News - WHY ARE THE OTHER WHITE LIBERAL NETWORKS booking more Black Progressive-Fundamentalists?

    the fact that I can see Slave Catcher Ron Christie on tv damn near every other day with his foolishness, but can't EVER see someone like Ron Walters or Ron Daniels...something's wrong there, and it's DELIBERATE.

    Rikyrah - why aren't you more concerned that Democratic campaigns target Black people with more GET OUT THE VOTE ads than they do ISSUE ads because they know that the Negro is in the bag. Get the average Black person in a voting booth and once the curtains are closed - they'll likely do as the Democrats expect REGARDLESS of the conditions of their home communities.

    THIS is what you should be worried about.

    Black conservatives get paid to talk ABOUT Black people TO White people.

    Wow. Rikyrah - each year the National Urban League produces a "State Of Black America" report. WHERE DO THEY TAKE IT? Into the streets of Black America? Into our schools?

    NO - they take it to the LEGISLATURES at the state and the federal level to talk about the woeful state of the NEGRO and how we are a mere fraction of the WHITE MAN.

    You always hearken back to the Black census being 3/5ths of White. YOU NEED TO BE wondering why the NUL has WHITE FOLKS as the "1.0" in their index. Thus being PERFECTION.

    [quote]They certainly aren't in the trenches, in the Black community, trying to put their 'theories' into actual real-life solutions in the 'Community'.[/quote]

    Woah Woah Woah Rikyrah. Please define the characteristics of this "real Black Community" that you speak of?

    IF I, a Black resident father am AT HOME caring for my kids and guiding them - am I selling out?

    Now get this - when I leave my family and drive to a mentoring program to cover for an ABSENTEE BLACK MAN that you don't make the same demands upon am I being "more Black" than he? WHY THEN DOES HE (the absentee dad) NOT RECEIVE AS MUCH AS YOUR VENOM AS DOES THE BLACK CONSERVATIVE?

    It is clear to me that you, Filled Negro, WhiteBowieSteve and others view a Black person with an IDEOLOGICAL difference as more of a threat than you do the Black man who is an ABSENTEE FATHER or a Street Pirate (you want to spring them out of jail - right Rikyrah) or a Potty Mouthed Rapper who got rich calling Black women "HOES" and now he wants to be a player in the Democratic Party (Luda).

  65. buckydent@mailinator.com6:20 PM

    The vast vast majority of American Jews are descended from folks who came to the US long after the Civil War.

    For a commenter to tar folks like me, saying Jews "owned the slaves ships for crying out loud!" is wrong both morally and factually.

    Who wants to work with folks who live in a universe of hate, particularly one based on lies?

  66. [quote]until Black Republicans go into a MAJORITY BLACK DISTRICT and successfully sell their platform to BLACK voters and WIN?

    they're just blowing smoke and should be paid no mind.

    And you are content with this logic aren't you?

    The Black Establishment ran out the old White power structure that had:

    * Failed to protect our communities
    * Failed to educate our children

    Instead of you "running the present Progressive regime out of office" YOU tell the Black Conservative critic to "put up or shut up" while voting to strengthen those who are presently FAILING YOU.

    The only recourse that I have for you and others is to allow you to remain entrenched in your own IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY and stop pretending that you have any RACIAL BEST INTERESTS IN MIND.

    The results that are rendered within are in line with what the prevailing powers have delivered per the character of their ideological leanings. In as much as they are unwilling to change - THEY TO CONTENT THEMSELVES WITH THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE DONE ALL THAT IS NECESSARY TO REMAIN AS THEY ARE.

  67. Greg L6:24 PM

    Black folks don't contribute to the NAACP, PUSH or the National Action Network?

    If not, who does specifically?

    One of the reasons why Sharpton is so hated by white folks is because they can't control him.

    Each of these organizations receives a significant portion of their support from corporate donors. If you'd like, I'll obtain and post excerpts of their tax filings establishing that. Sharpton & Jackson both receive the bulk of his money from media jobs, speaking fees and etc, none of which is paid by black owned media.

    He who writes the checks controls the agenda. It is any wonder then why they never speak to real issues? Again, I'm not getting into the progressive vs conservative argument here as you'll find the same thing with Ron Christie and the rest of the guys on the conservative side as well.

  68. Greg L6:51 PM

    "The problem is that they are not inclined to take RESPONSIBILITY for these conditions. Their only goal is to dismiss the integrity and credibility of those who disagree with them.

    Ultimately it will take the BLACK RANK AND FILE who is tired of being USED to force the "Democrats who are Black" outside of our racial nucleus where they use their skin color to enter this "secure and sensitive area", working mostly as agents for their ideology and party."


    Again, I agree with much of your analysis. Clearly, our leadership has failed us but beyond that "we" have failed us mainly because we lack the mechanisms to hold them to account. We voted them in office and walked away. Well, if you put the fox in the henhouse and walk away, don't expect to have any chickens when you come back.

    The problem is not one of philosophy. It is one of organization. We are not organized with the appropriate structures in place to exert power in our community and over our own let alone projecting power out to deal with everyone else. Because we are not organized in any reasonable manner, there's a low hurdle that anyone can jump over to assume some sort of leadership position and do/deliver absolutely nothing.

    There are historical reasons for African-Americans lack of affinity for the republican party even though that's where we started. The Compromise of 1877 ending reconstruction was the opening blow that began the African-American exit from the party with Goldwater's presidential run and Nixon's southern strategy being the death blows for African American association with the party. Any republican party inroad into the African-American community must overcome this hurdle anyway. I agree that the dems have just taken advantage of us for the most part and we've gotten nothing for our vote.

    But the reason we're in the state we're in gets back to the total lack of organization and the structure to demand what we need from the knuckleheads getting off the corner to the do nothing politician taking up space. We're not organized to demand anything from anyone on a sustainable basis.

  69. [quote]Black folks don't contribute to the NAACP, PUSH or the National Action Network?[/qutoe]

    Greg L:

    When YOU see the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive Fundamentalist Racism Chasers going after Sharpton, Jackson, Rainbow PUSH, National Action Network the same way they do Black Conservatives THEN you can believe their claims that they are of diminished importance and they don't take any lead from them.

  70. [quote]We are not organized with the appropriate structures in place to exert power in our community and over our own let alone projecting power out to deal with everyone else. Because we are not organized in any reasonable manner, there's a low hurdle that anyone can jump over to assume some sort of leadership position and do/deliver absolutely nothing.[/quote]

    Greg L:

    Your views closely match my demand for TRANSPARENCY. Some prefer "majority roll over" and "unity enforcement". We are "good Blacks" if we don't ask questions.

    Instead I have called for the delineation of our "Permanent Interests" and then a transparent "Congressional Budget Office" type organization that maps the progress or lack there of in a given ideological theory.

    IF our community is serious with advancing our racial interests rather than retaining an ideological bias then this objective analysis would force a change in direction.

    There are historical reasons for African-Americans lack of affinity for the republican party even though that's where we started. The Compromise of 1877 ending reconstruction was the opening blow that began the African-American exit from the party

    I don't agree with this analysis. Indeed the GOP got President Rutherford B Hayes for agreeing to remove the Union Troops from the South. This doesn't logically explain why Black folks would be motivated to gravitate to the PARTY OF SLAVERY & JIM CROW - the Democrats.

    In Louisiana - the Colfax Massacre saw Black people shot dead in a courthouse that they sought to defend after an election victory - only to have the racist Democrats kill them and take office.

    In South Carolina and other states the "Red Shirt" rifle club were Democrats who purged Black Republicans out of office.

    This legacy is not enough to keep Blacks out of the party so I don't believe the 1877 compromise was a motivating factor.

    [quote]with Goldwater's presidential run and Nixon's southern strategy being the death blows for African American association with the party.[/quote]

    I don't agree with this either. This is about as relevant as Black Republicans claiming that MLK Jr was a Republican. IT IS NOT IMPORTANT TO THE CHALLENGES OF TODAY. I can't tolerate Black Republicans when they argue with this past in mind.

    Any republican party inroad into the African-American community must overcome this hurdle anyway.
    I agree that the dems have just taken advantage of us for the most part and we've gotten nothing for our vote.[/quote]

    The real problem is that we seek to VOTE AWAY PROBLEMS that are not, in fact, solvable by the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN.

    The pressing problems that we have today are resident in the "COMMUNITY CULTURAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND COMPETENCE Domain". This domain has largely been abandoned because the needed forces have been focused on the political power grab.

    Now after so many "Portraits on the Wall" of favorable elected officials that are supposed to serve as EVIDENCE OF OUR RACIAL PROGRESS - the grievances remain.

    With the author of this article and Filled Negro more interested in what the GOP or Black Conservatives are doing - there is little chance for INTROSPECTION.

  71. Greg L7:58 PM


    I absolutely hate this blogging platform for two reasons: 1) It's cumbersome and 2) The response that I just typed was lost.

    Your response is thoughtful and I'll respond in the minute.

  72. Greg L9:55 PM


    My response.

    >>>>Your views closely match my demand for TRANSPARENCY. Some prefer "majority roll over" and "unity enforcement". We are "good Blacks" if we don't ask questions. Instead I have called for the delineation of our "Permanent Interests" and then a transparent "Congressional Budget Office" type organization that maps the progress or lack there of in a given ideological theory." <<<<<<

    Agreed. One can not manage what is not being measured and, worst yet, you’re not going to have anything to measure until you’ve set a strategic direction as to where you’re going. I have two observations:

    1)Any more towards real accountability of our political leadership will be met with resistance by them and others as there’s a vested interest in the situation that exists. Although our leaders fail to serve our interests, they do represent and serve the interests of others. So, both the leaders and those who support them financially have an interest in the status quo and will resist.

    2)Among our permanent interests is economic development in our communities and that can’t occur until crime is significantly reduced and folks feel safe. So, one of the first things that must be addressed is this issue of crime. Given that much of the crime is drug related, it should be noted that there is an economic interest and structure around crime in the African-American community as evidenced by the prison industrial complex, on the one hand, and the importers/purveyors of illegal drugs on the other. The chaotic conditions that exist politically, socially and economically are ideal for these economic interests. They too have an interest in the status quo and will resist.

    Basically, we up against a lot more than some lazy do nothing “liberals” and failed ideology. The organizational matter is made far more difficult due to this and any planning really needs to seriously factor this in. This is not a simple matter of an ideological battle or theory. There are serious economic interests who do not wish to see anything change. In other words, there are also permanent interests in the status quo in the African-American community. This is what we battle and we need to be clear on that.

    >>>>>>"I don't agree with this analysis. Indeed the GOP got President Rutherford B Hayes for agreeing to remove the Union Troops from the South. This doesn't logically explain why Black folks would be motivated to gravitate to the PARTY OF SLAVERY & JIM CROW - the Democrats.... This legacy is not enough to keep Blacks out of the party so I don't believe the 1877 compromise was a motivating factor.

    with Goldwater's presidential run and Nixon's southern strategy being the death blows for African American association with the party.

    I don't agree with this either. This is about as relevant as Black Republicans claiming that MLK Jr was a Republican. IT IS NOT IMPORTANT TO THE CHALLENGES OF TODAY. I can't tolerate Black Republicans when they argue with this past in mind."<<<<<

    Agreed that neither of these issues is relevant to the more pressing issues we face. I have a significant difference with your conclusions on both issues, but it’s not important.

    >>>>>"The real problem is that we seek to VOTE AWAY PROBLEMS that are not, in fact, solvable by the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN....Now after so many "Portraits on the Wall" of favorable elected officials that are supposed to serve as EVIDENCE OF OUR RACIAL PROGRESS - the grievances remain." <<<<<<<

    Agreed. When one has true power, the scales upon which one measures effectiveness and success are expanded. The color of one’s representative is immaterial as long as he or she represents your interests well. Others do it to us all time as evidenced by the black liberal and conservative talking heads sitting on a stage bought and paid for our consumption.

  73. Greg L:

    Filled Negro is like an African Dictator. He knows the sentiments of his loyal followers and strokes them via the selection of his posts.

    Thus far this year he has talked more about his idelological and political adversaries than he has detailed the benefits received by the forces that are actually in power over the key institutions that are impacting the people.

    He is not about to submit his monopoly power to a transparent process that has him focused more on "National Republicans" that make an offensive Obama joke while ignoring the murdered Black man in Philly, DC, Chicago or Miami.

    They are nearly 100% political and thus the Democrats love them because they are cheap and easy as they don't ask for much for their undying loyalty.

  74. Yom tov, holmes! I will drink a motherfucking hannukah schevitini in your honor!

  75. Anonymous12:21 AM

    CF "He is not about to submit his monopoly power to a transparent process that has him focused more on "National Republicans" that make an offensive Obama joke while ignoring the murdered Black man in Philly, DC, Chicago or Miami."

    It's too bad there is not one black blog dedicated to black on black crime and murders; and what it is doing to our race. It is almost a collusion among Blacks to ignore and not talk about the devastation happening to our community....Amazing!

  76. @Anonity: "It's too bad there is not one black blog dedicated to black on black crime and murders; and what it is doing to our race."

    What's amazing about it? Where's your blog devoted to revealing the real face of black America?

    Words are cheaper by the dozen.

  77. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Tersi-"What's amazing about it? Where's your blog devoted to revealing the real face of black America?"

    I don't blog, nor am I much of a writer. How about you blogging the "real face if black America?"

    Btw, whether you think my words are cheap or not, the truth still remains: the are no black blogs that deal with the horrendous black on black murders and crimes.

  78. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Tersi said, "What's amazing about it?"

    If you must ask, then no explanation will reach you.

  79. Anon. 12:49am, please see my "Killadelphia murder count" on the side bar. I am not sure that we can make it plainer than that.

    Greg L, welcome to the debate, and you make some good points. However, you will soon find that the [un]constructive one is just a partisan hack dooing exactly what he constantly accuses me of doing.

    His discussions always lead to trying to find republican solutions for our problems. Note his twisted sense of history, blaming the dumbocratic party for historical atrocities knowing full well that those same people would be republicans today, and ignoring "the Southern Strategy" that his party so skillfully mastered.

    When the [un]constructive realizes that this is not a political debate but an ideological one, he will be netter able to reach the those who he so desperately wants to influence.

    LOL@ Comrade PhisioProf. Thanks bro.

  80. [quote]It's too bad there is not one black blog dedicated to black on black crime and murders; and what it is doing to our race.[/quote]


    There IS a Black Blog dedicated to the MURDERS OF BLACK PEOPLE!!!!

    "Electrocuted While Black"!!!!

    This is the AFROSPEAR blog dedicated to the POLICE killing BLACK PEOPLE with Tasers!!!!!

    It is almost a collusion among Blacks to ignore and not talk about the devastation happening to our community....Amazing![/quote]

    Anonymous - the foundation of my study of Black people is the observation that BLACK PEOPLE ARE 100% EQUAL TO ALL OTHERS. As such we have the same proclivities as others.

    Thus just as WHITE FOLKS in the past were protective of the SYSTEM in which they could articulate their provincial pride and benefit in the system while looking past the MURDERED BLACK PEOPLE that this same system produced......the same is the case with the Progressive Political Establishment that runs the urban areas today.

    Can you imagine the leaders of Montgomery County MD or Chapiqua NY saying "We have made advancements in our public safety. This year ONLY 100 of our citizens were murdered whereas previously we had 10 each year"?

    Racist "Racial Normative Thinking" has us believing that when there is a cluster of Black people - there is going to be a HIGH MURDER RATE.

    NOT ONE SINGLE murder is in the books yet for the year 2010 (next year). Every city starts out with ZERO. The sad fact is that because the Establishment is more focused on building up POLITICAL POWER that will PURPORT to translate into public safety (after they "Boil The Ocean" and take over the economy and schools). Yet we only need to look at the present areas of their control.

    Until the political activism is linked to the painful truths WITHIN OUR COMMUNITIES and the management lines made small enough to be manageable - we will continue on this CHASE (akin to a "carrot dangling on the stick") and the ONLY beneficiary to this scheme is the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

    It will take some major proof for me to believe that people like Fillled Negro would prefer to see a Democratic Party that must content with a resolute Black voting base who REFUSES to be used than he is inclined to retain the present order where they gain national power by playing us because of our grievances.

  81. [quote]Greg L, welcome to the debate, and you make some good points. However, you will soon find that the [un]constructive one is just a partisan hack dooing exactly what he constantly accuses me of doing. [/quote]


    Filled Negro is bothered because I am ATTACKING THE INCUMBENT FORCE WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. His calculus says "When the Democrats are attacked - the GOP moves in".

    To him the THREAT that I might be a Republican and seek to turn Philly GOP Red is A BIGGER THREAT than what someone walking in North Philly at 11pm with a $20 bill hanging out of his back pocket faces.

    My ONLY goal is to get Filled Negro and other IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTS to own up to their INCUMBENCY over the key institutions that Black America looks toward for civic services.

    IF you can find one time where I have asked anyone to vote Republican - I will never post on this blog again and will shut down my own blogs.

    Anon. 12:49am, please see my "Killadelphia murder count" on the side bar. I am not sure that we can make it plainer than that.

    This means WHAT?
    The Klan used to have tick marks on the number of Nigras they killed. Should we pat you on the back for keeping a ticker of dead Black people in Philly? I am not following you.

    [quote]His discussions always lead to trying to find republican solutions for our problems. Note his twisted sense of history, blaming the dumbocratic party for historical atrocities knowing full well that those same people would be republicans today, and ignoring "the Southern Strategy" that his party so skillfully mastered.[/quote]

    What is "my party" Filled Negro?
    Your claim about the "Southern Strategy" is just as tired as Negro Republicans claiming that MLK was a REPUBLICAN.

    * How many Black kids in PHILLY today go to failing public schools BECAUSE of the Souther Strategy? Instead it is the "URBAN STRATEGY" of the Progressive-Fundamentalists that are failing them.

    * Between the original sales prices for homes in Detroit being $125,000 in the past and TODAY them selling for $7,500 - how much of this can be attributed to THE SOUTHERN STRATEGY?

    Face it Filled Negro - YOU HAVE NO SOLUTIONS for our community TO-DAMNED-DAY. You can only get Black folks exited to have MORE BLACK PORTRAITS UPON THE WALL showing the elected officials. This is supposed to represent our RACIAL ADVANCEMENT. Yet we must ignore the results in our schools, on our streets or in our homes.

    When the [un]constructive realizes that this is not a political debate but an ideological one
    , [/quote]

    Filled Negro: In the label "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser" that I have coined do you see PARTISANSHIP or do you see you and other ideological bigots pegged to an IDEOLOGY? I know what I am dealing with in you.

  82. [quote]
    he will be netter able to reach the those who he so desperately wants to influence.

    I moved this one off on its own.
    Lets follow Filled Negro's logic.

    He is seeking to shift MY desire to "influence Black people" as being SUPERIOR to my people's desire to FIX THE PROBLEMS that they are presently heard GRIEVING about.

    This is why I believe that fundamental to this debate is the assumption that "the FLOCK is inferior" which is held by some people.

    Filled Negro believes that my bond to my RACE should have ME committed to FIXING THE INFERIOR FLOCK, coming up with a MARKETING MESSAGE that can attract the Negro. If I fail to make the package attractive enough the Negro will scorn me.


    I believe in the 100% EQUALITY OF EVERY NEGRO!!! Thus each Adult must tow the line in support of the community goals. By definition I require COMPETENCY, EDUCATION AND STRENGTH distributed at the PERIPHERY. Others see a strong center with loyal "rank and file" who don't ask many questions. We are now looking at the consequences of this theory.


    * Safe Streets
    * Quality Schools
    * Thriving Local Economies
    * Healthy Outcomes

    Which of these can Filled Negro point to are being fully addressed in the Black districts that are controlled by people favorable to him?

    Filled Negro THIS LIST is the ONLY thing that I need for you and I to agree to.

    Beyond that we only need to submit to an UMPIRE who is a fair judge that brings transparency to the appraisal.

    From there we can have our own METHODOLOGIES - Progressive or Conservative

    Then you can go off and identify a VEHICLE by which to propel you - (Political Party, Cultural Group, etc)

    You have chosen the Democratic Party as YOUR VEHICLE for the transformation of the Negro. Despite the abundant evidence of to-damned-day you are UNDETERRED that if you "keep trying harder" the Negro will achieve salvation after that "NEXT election" if he votes as you note.

    I counter that there are TWO DOMAINS - An American Political Domain and then a "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competency Domain". The second has been largely abandoned because people like you have put all of the resources in the former.

    In closing - Filled Negro if you don't hear me on anything here me on this:

    I DO NOT FELL THE NEED TO MAKE A BIGOT AGREE WITH ME!!!! You agreeing to what I have modeled is NOT my prerequisite any more than our ancestors needing to get the Klan to shake our hands.

    Look at what voting for people who are LIKABLE in the context of our consciousness held during our aggrieved state. It sure has worked out like gangbusters......for the Democrats. What about your community?

    It is the Black rank and file who must commit to achieving our PERMANENT INTERESTS and thus adopting this TRANSPARENCY that I have mentioned.

    You don't need to like me. You only need to be held accountable to a higher authority.

  83. Stacks11:34 AM

    (un)constructive weezebag:
    Do you always have to write a fucking set of encyclopedias to make your point?
    Just answer the goddamn question in one post like a normal human being you stupid lawn jockey!

  84. Stacks - I realize that some people with your reading level have difficultly. I will consider making an "executive summary for you.

    Do you find it ironic that it was racist White people who originally made use of "lawn jockeys" to denigrate Black people but now you and other progressive-fundamentalists have coopted its use to impale Black people who you disagree with?

    Is it possible that you have adopted other tactics of our long time, racist adversaries?

  85. Stacks12:53 PM

    Is it possible that you have adopted other tactics of our long time, racist adversaries?

    I was gonna ask you the same thing coon.

  86. Tersi1:07 PM

    @anonity: "I don't blog, nor am I much of a writer. How about you blogging the 'real face if black America?'"

    I'm not the one bitching about the dearth of these kind of blogs, you are.

    And your only solution is to get someone else do for you what you're not willing to do for yourself.

    Step up! There's a lot of room at the front of the line.

    If you're not a writer, learn. If you're not a blogger, become one.

    Excuses are cheaper by the dozen.

  87. buckydent@mailinator.com1:58 PM

    Golda Meir said the Middle East will be peaceful once the Arabs start loving their children more than they hate Jews.

    Perhaps certain communities here will have peace once their members love each other more than they hate Republicans.

  88. [quote]I was gonna ask you the same thing coon.[/quote]

    The second irony is that certain people pattern after their long time racial adversaries by making use of slanderous names that Black men were called prior to being lynched.

    Stacks is no doubt seen as more of a "Real Black man" than I am to some people. Come to think of it Young Jeezy would be seen as such to these people as well.

    Clearly the "All White Jury" is the problem and I should not concern myself with verdict that it renders upon me.

  89. Anonymous5:37 PM

    TErsi said, "I'm not the one bitching about the dearth of these kind of blogs, you are.

    And your only solution is to get someone else do for you what you're not willing to do for yourself."

    No, I am not looking for anyone to do anything. I merely commented on it. You're the one bitching about my comment. People comment all the time. no need to get your ass all puckered up about it.

    If you don't like what I say, take a valium and go to sleep. I will continue to comment on FN blog without starting a blog. Field provides the forum for me to comment. That is enough for me.

    Hope you can live with my comments without bitching about it, you poor child.

  90. Tersi6:07 PM

    @anonity: "Hope you can live with my comments without bitching about it, you poor child."

    Tsk! Tsk!

    No need to lose your cool. This was your call to action. You passed it on to another, anyone, but yourself, because you felt that you're ill-equipped.

    This was your assessment, not mine. I challenged you to rise to the occasion, to fulfill the need you perceived.

    And what did I get for my trouble: "no need to get your ass all puckered up about it."

    Now, who's being childish. I threw down the gauntlet, and you chose to be miffed, rather than pick it up.

    Again, I challenge you:

    Step up! There's a lot of room at the front of the line.

    If you're not a writer, learn. If you're not a blogger, become one.

    This time, don't cop out. You take on the chore you sought to delegate. That's what separates the boys from men, and girls from women.

  91. Greg L6:38 PM

    FN & CF,

    I really enjoy the back and forth between you two. Both of you make good points and I look forward to continuing to engage. As I said, I'm new to the blogosphere and have a blog myself. I'd appreciate it if both of you would consider adding me to your blogrolls and visit my site. Here's my latest offering entitled "Spending 90% of the effort on 10% of the problem"

    I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

  92. Greg L:

    I actually like Filled Negro. He is a Philly homeboy.

    He also has more INFLUENCE than he would admit - however he is clearly misusing this influence to assist forces that ultimately aren't interested in the Permanent Interets of our community.

    Not even the evidence that THEY ARE IN CONTROL TO-DAMNED-DAY of our key institutions and we still suffer from results below our needs is enough to cause him to dislodge from his present entrenchment.

    I can't understand how an evil, soled out "Black Conservative" can be insignificant as he has no respect or power within the Black community and yet so frequently the target of discussion amongst the Black Progressive-Fundamentalists.

    The truth is that when an establishment force controls the politics and the MEDIA they also control the sentiment of the people. Thus by choosing a target of attack - they can also keep the "rank and file" from going after the people with actual power.

    Filled Negro and AfroSpear constantly going after Black Conservatives is no different than White Racists of the past scapegoating their problems upon all Black folks. The only benefit to be achieved is the UNIFYING effect that it has among the minions who seek to be lead.

    (Steve will read my words and claim that I just called ALL BLACK PEOPLE 'minions' rather than the subgroup of Blacks that are inclined to follow along)

  93. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Tersi, "If you're not a writer, learn. If you're not a blogger, become one."

    Again, not interested. You do it.

  94. uptownsteve9:31 AM


    "When YOU see the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive Fundamentalist Racism Chasers going after Sharpton, Jackson, Rainbow PUSH, National Action Network the same way they do Black Conservatives THEN you can believe their claims that they are of diminished importance and they don't take any lead from them."

    Why should the black community at large "go after" Sharpton and Jackson?

    Whatever you think of them, they are fighters for black people whereas black conservatives exist merely to be black mouthpieces for white resentment and bigotry.

    You reall don't get it, do you?

  95. i hate black neocons...

    but ALL are telling NECESSARY truths about obama!

    i am happy to see ANY black face see through the blackish obama
    and his corp green lies

  96. OH LAWD, I haven't read the rest of this post or the comments yet, and I never watch that Fox Mess for my mental health's sake but I'm pretty sure that the Fox commentator shown in the upper left hand corner of the pictures, Angela McGowan, used to live next door to me about 10 years ago! This explains much. I'm just sorry I didn't know cause then I' might not have been so nice :-) (kidding) or I would have staged an intervention or something! DC is a crazy place. Does anyonone know if this woman was a former Ms. DC? That, her telling me she worked in tv on-air, the BMW convertible coupe she drove and all the old white men I saw her with are all I remember about her. I guess she is the same lady featured on the side roll on your blog, Field, but it just clicked now.

  97. Tersi2:35 PM

    @LisaMJ: "Does anyonone know if this woman was a former Ms. DC?"

    Check this out: "Angela McGlowan, political analyst and Miss District of Columbia 1994"

  98. Yep, it must be her! Dang. Good thing we aren't neighbors now. I might have to ask her to respond to Field's challenge on the blogroll.:-)

  99. This is Devona Walker -- you got me on the Jewish connection. Didn't think about it that way. We are younger as a people, if we are talking about the experiences that we know --our Black American experience.

    But I was not trying to compare experiences or progress, just referencing how we use that experience. With Jewish people, it seems to be an affirmation, "Never again" kind of thing but with black folks, and I hope I don't sound like a house negro, it sometimes gets translated into "don't even bother trying."

    I take your point, that it is not a historical reference point with us, but an ongoing experience. And I also take the point that for many of us it is not something we can get over.

    When I was dissing on the house negro v. slave negro dynamic I wasn't thinking about your blog, but the broader definitions and the danger of allowing our history define/limit our future and the fact that we don't always use it productively. You are right. We must know our history. I personally just want to be defined by it. Maybe that's naive.

    BTW, I think your blog is funny, smart and cathartic. Folks come here and read things they were thinking. And I am by no means a Black conservative just trying to understand where they are coming from.

  100. [quote]Why should the black community at large "go after" Sharpton and Jackson?

    Whatever you think of them, they are fighters for black people whereas black conservatives exist merely to be black mouthpieces for white resentment and bigotry.


    When you hear Jackson and Shartpon calling Black people "THE LEAST OF THESE" you feel comforted don't you?

    You need to ask yourself WHY are they always in the "fight mode" even when in a place like Chicago, for example, their party and ideologies rules all of the institutions and yet THERE IS STILL A 'FIGHT'.

    Who are they really fighting on behalf of?
    WHAT are they fighting for?

    You likely believe that Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow and the klan at HuffPro see you as fully equal human beings. Don't you?

    Did you listen to the Snarling Fox White Liberals back in Nov 2008 when the balance of Black people FAILED to vote as the White Leftists WANTED them to vote in California regarding Prop 8?

    I guess you didn't notice the number of White Liberals who's attacks on Black people's intelligence sounded very much so like the stereotypical views that are supposed to be exclusively held by their White Conservative brothers and sisters.

    Answer me this WhiteBowieSteve - as we look at the Black Communities that Sharpton and Jackson have the most traction in are these Black people STRONGER and more SELF-SUFFICIENT after being fully exposed to the "Progressive Treatment" or are they APPRECIATIVE yet more "dependent" than ever?

    The key people repeating WHITE RACIST ASSUMPTIONS are people like YOU who assume the inferiority of Black people and thus you seek the wholesale economic integration yet DEPENDENCY upon the national government, selling this as your "social justice rights".

    In truth you know that where your God-forsaken ideology has taken strongest root - the Negro is left most "on his own". Having come face to face with this horror of not having been prepared - you now seek to direct the forces that had taken over the local institutions to now go after the National and then redistribute resources, raining them upon the local communities.

    Well all except Bowie MD. We all know that it is the closest thing to paradise there.

    Repeat after me WhiteBowieSteve: "ALL Black people are equal. We don't need to be in a 'calling circle' with other people who would escape from it as soon as they have the chance, causing our living standard to collapse if they did. This is merely a consciousness that was hoisted upon us by individuals with a certain agenda to use us".

  101. Devona, I feel you. Keep writing sister. I disagreed with some parts of your essay, but it's all good as far as I am concerned. I am glad you wrote it.

    We are talking to each other and engaging in positive dialogue and that's the important thing.

    Hell even the [un]constructive one has some things to say that are worth listening to. What's that saying? A broken clock....:)

    LisaMJ, thanks for reminding me about my challenge to our girl Angela. Yep, I am still waiting. I even have a promoter down in D.C. ready to go. :)

  102. [quote]We are talking to each other and engaging in positive dialogue and that's the important thing.[/quote]

    here is were you are CLUELESS Filled Negro.

    You can talk all you want and MASTURBATE yourself with the belief that you are the SOLUTION rather than part of the PROBLEM.

    YOU HAVE THE INCUMBENT POSITION AND THEORIES in these places where our people are hurting the most.


    IT IS incumbent upon YOU who made promises about how our communities would benefit IF we put your theories into power to

    1) Own up to the present condtion

    2) STOP ALL FUTURE SALES OF YOUR DRUG as it needs to be pulled off of the market and reformulated.

    It has the unintended sideeffect of causing LIGHT HEADEDNESS among the users.

    You would not have accepted this if the Klan had tried to reach a compromise in the assaults upon our people.


  103. Anonymous12:04 AM

    @CF, I appreciate your comments. They make a lot of sense and if the BC is to survive we must think differently from the same old pattern that Field operates from.

    The trouble is, folks on this blog aren't listening. They are like sheep following the leader to slaughter.

    But the black race has been like that for decades. No wonder we are headed for extinction.

  104. [quote]They are like sheep following the leader to slaughter.


    They are not SHEEP.
    They are thinking people with EQUAL MINDS.

    Like any other human beings they have a balance of thoughts and emotions.

    One of them is the POWER of feeling a bit of euphoria in turning the knife in their enemy.

    EXAMPLE #1: This "Monster's Inc" picture from Filled Negro:

    Filled Negro resides in metro-Philly. To his consciousness more endorphins were released by firing off this shot at these evil conservatives than in getting organized and actually get the people that he helped put into power in the Philadelphia Schools to BECOME EFFECTIVE!!!!

    Those people who you referred to as "sheep" are really no different than the majority of "White America" who lived as Black people were being assailed in the "Jim Crow South". The stream of messages that projected Blacks in a certain way catered to their lusts and ultimate diversion. Similarly Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin - despite having words that are MILD compared to Young Jeezy and the Street Pirate Hip Hop artists prove to be favorable targets in the same way.

    Rush Limbaugh nor Newt Gingrich can be blamed for a single failing or violent school in Philly.

    Ironically the Street Pirates SING SONGS that are acted out in the halls of the school

    BUT WHICH OF THESE TWO GROUPS does Filled Negro choose to put on his "Right hand frame of shame"?

  105. Anonymous1:52 AM

    CF, "BUT WHICH OF THESE TWO GROUPS does Filled Negro choose to put on his "Right hand frame of shame"?"

    I wonder why Field doesn't address those apparent contraditions?


    These Blacks Are Less Offensive Than Are Black Conservatives
