Monday, December 07, 2009

School should be for learning.

I have gotten a lot of e-mails about the story I am going to blog about. Some folks have commented about it on this blog, and some bloggers have written posts wondering why I don't have the (rhymes with stalls) to blog about it.
What are they all talking about? I will tell you. Because I do have the (rhymes with stalls) to blog about it.

It seems that recently at predominantly African American South Philadelphia High, a number of Asian student have come under attack and have been the victims of gang style "beatdowns". Now some of those Asian students are boycotting school until Philly's finest and the school district can guarantee their safety.
My first thought when I heard this story was that the media had it wrong. I am somewhat familiar with the dynamics of South Philly's Asian population, and I didn't think that it would be a stretch to say that it all could have been gang related on both sides. Or, that this was just kids retaliating for something that had happened before. But knowing that I was going to blog about it I asked around, and from what I have been hearing my initial take on the incident was wrong.

There is no excuse for the behavior of these Negroes. They need a serious intervention. You do not attack another person because of their race. You just don't.

They messed with your family member, they are from another high school, they live in another part of town and you are at war with them over turf...whatever. But race? Not cool young bucks, not cool. And Philly School District can we stop with the bull s&*^ that this is not racially motivated? Come on now, pretending that there is no problem won't make it go away. It was racially motivated, and if every one of those black kids doing the attacking were honest that is what they would tell you.

'"We are outraged," said Xu Lin of the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corp., who works with immigrant students. "The parents are very, very concerned."'

I don't blame you Xu Lin, I would be "outraged" as well.

"School officials say this week's clashes were an aberration that belie strenuous efforts to improve race relations and cultural awareness. "What gets lost in all of this is the fact that the school, the community and the students have worked hard over the past two years to foster that kind of positive learning environment," said James Golden, the school district's chief safety executive. "Despite what happened this week, that positive learning environment prevails."

Mr. Golden WTF are you talking about? A "positive learning environment"? No sir, that's not a positive "learning environment". It would be a "positive learning environment" if you were training for a heavy weight championship fight. It's not a "positive learning environment" if you want to learn in school. Damn! And people wonder why inner city schools are so f&*^d up. (I am trying to cut down on my cursing so hang with me.)

So where does this come from? First, let me say that black folks are not alone when it comes to this type of antagonistic behavior towards other racial groups. But lately, in the age of Obama, black folks have come under heightened scrutiny for their actions. It's why this is a national news story. We represent the same group that the president of these divided states comes from, so our group is under much more scrutiny now. See what those blacks did, they are just as racist as everyone else. Now that they are in power [snicker snicker snicker] there is no telling what they will do. This is a favorite tactic of some conservatives because they can use it to deflect from their own racism.

But I digress. Back to my question: Where does it come from? Home? Ignorance passed down from generation to generation? Peer pressure? Maybe. A sick form of jealousy? These kids come from neighborhoods where the only people they see with businesses are Asians. Is there some hidden resentment for that? Or is it just a lack of exposure to other cultures? These kids have barely left the confines of their own neighborhoods -and they are in high school now. Forget China, these kids have never been to Chinatown and it's in their own damn city.

I would suspect that the behavior of these students (and I use that word loosely) can be traced to a little of all of the above. Whatever it is it's wrong, and it needs to be checked. The school board has suspended ten students. Let's hope that if there is a real racial problem at Southern High, these suspensions will be just the tip of the iceberg.

"Using Lin as a translator, ninth-grader Chaofei Zheng said Friday that he wants to get an education, make friends and improve his English. He said there are nice students at the school and that he doesn't understand the reason for the attacks."

Chaofei, neither do I.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "Or is it just a lack of exposure to other cultures?"

    Nah ... too much exposure to one culture ... violence. Today asians, tomorrow could be short kids, the next day girls ... just senseless beatings anyway around

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Tension between Asians and African Americans has been around at least since the LA riots, and likely long before. Remember this?

    Every time I want to go get a fucking brew
    I gotta go down to the store with the two
    Oriental one-penny-counting motherfuckers;
    They make a nigger mad enough to cause a little ruckus.
    Thinking every brother in the world’s out to take,
    So they watch every damn move that I make.
    They hope I don’t pull out a Gat, try to rob
    Their funky little store but, bitch, I got a job.

    So don’t follow me up and down your market
    Or your little chop suey ass will be a target
    Of a nationwide boycott.
    Juice with the people, that’s what the boy got.
    So pay respect to the black fist
    Or we’ll burn your store right down to a crisp.
    And then we’ll see ya…
    ‘Cause you can’t turn the ghetto into black Korea.
    ----"Black Korea" by Ice Cube, from the 1991 album, Death Certificate.

  4. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Can't wait for the resident pro-black Kathy to explain this racist behavior. Oh, I forgot. Blacks have no power, so it can't be racist. LOL

  5. NSangoma9:52 PM

    Of course those po' coloured students are not the problem, the Chinkz are the problem.

    The colouredz at the school have very high GPA and also very high standardized test scores. Higher than some private schools in that area and state and nation.

    It is the low achieving Chinkz who want to bring down the school's high academic standards and high test scores. You let one Chink in, and its like the proverbial fly in the buttermilk; fucks the whole thing up.

    Not residing there, I'm sure that this is the cause of the fighting. Black students trying to maintain their high graduation rates and low pregnancy rates from an onslaught of Chink drug dealers and Chink baby mamas of low academic achievement and low morals and low self-esteem, from single-parented Chink homes.

  6. My brother, we could charge it up to a lack of exposure, lack of differing cultures, but I honestly think it's a lack of proper training. I honestly think, when it comes to this, it starts at home. It starts with having the people who are taking care of you (parents) teaching you right from wrong. There can be plenty of other issues as well, but to me, it all starts with showing some damn respect to a fellow person.

    Also, have you heard about Nnamdi Asomugha, and his efforts to get kids from the hood into college? This is certainly FNOTD-worthy:

  7. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Field, I'll just come out and say it all races have racist tendencies. I remember attending a mostly all Black school and the few White Kids attending there being attacked daily.
    This really sweet White girl who was a good friend of mine was punched in the face by a thug for just being White in his presences. I have seen Darker Blacks attack light skinned Blacks with just as much hatred shown to those Asian students you talked about. And when others tried to report the attacks as racially based our school principal would ignore the complaints.
    I have seen racism at an all White school too. But racism in mostly White school system is different then in a mostly Black school at least it was for me. I was ignored in the White school system and stereotypes was placed on me by other students. While at the Black school they seem live up to those stereotypes like it was badge of honor.

  8. Anonymous10:10 PM

    If young African Americans do not respect each other how in the hell do you guys think they will respect someone of another race?!!!

  9. SoulOn Ice, thanks for reminding me about the lack of proper home training. But if you think about it,where ar they going to get it from? The person at home was them only 16 or 17 years ago.

    And thanks for the heads up on that FN.

  10. "If young African Americans do not respect each other how in the hell do you guys think they will respect someone of another race?!!!"


  11. Maybe it's part of the Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder, with a touch of racial totem pole resentment among minorities in America. Who knows.

    Either way it's wrong to attack people based on race (or gender). However, I know very well that Asians are no where innocent when it comes to black and Asian relations in America. I would prefer to hear both sides of the story.

  12. Probably those same kids beat down some black kid too, who they thought were different; but being the "for profit" school system, just as the "lets get all the state funding" schools system, its sees, hears or speaks no evil.

    Probably the instigator likes the power, selects the perfect thuggish students to do his dirty work. I would bet the instigator had concerned parents and may even do very well in school and was taught right from wrong. This scenario played out against my son (different school).

  13. SmashedtheTinyBlackBox11:32 PM

    I am about to share my opinion based on having been the target of racially motivated bullying, a parent and a Christian (no, not the nutty westboro, gay hating type). This may offend everyone's sensibilities, including the educators.

    The administrators disciplined only based on pr. It's quite likely they've previously blamed the targets of the bullies. I wouldn't be surprised if the administrators are bigots themselves and agreed with the targeting of the Asian students. This is just from my experience of dealing with admin. as a bullied ethnic minority student. The students, who know this is wrong, will be complicit through their fear and silence. After all, they're glad it's not them that getting harassed. There's always more to the story.

    Charge these bully psychopaths with a hate crime. Hate crimes shouldn't just be for murder. I feel they should be for vandalism, assault, fraud in some cases. I know, the kids think it's cool to go to jail or at least get arrested. There's no shame in having a record....proposed solution below.

    Yes, we know most of the parents in this area have absconded from their duties in raising proper young men and women. I know, society at large is rude, offensive and ill bred. I'm focusing on our own here for a minute. It's a fact that parents who are bullies raise children who are bullies. Apple->Tree. From my experience there is no reasoning with these people. None. All they understand is violence.
    They harass other kids, the elderly now even their teachers. Counseling them doesn't work.

    Therefore, bring back the paddle for violent offenses, whether it's teachers, other kids etc..

    "Not my Johnny! You ain't touching a hair on his head!"

    Fine. Johnny keeps others kids, who are entitled to be safe in public school in perpetual danger, physically and mentally. At this point I am far more concerned about the victim and Johnny. The victim and the other kids are entitled to have a REAL learning environment in safety.

    Either Johnny gets 6 from ol'hickory like they do in my home state; I'LL ADD IN FRONT OF THE VICTIM IF THEY WISH, or he is instantly, permantly expelled from public school.

    "But I pay my taxes too! Johnny is entitled to a Free and Appropriate Education."

    If Johnny and his craptastic parents aren't willing to co-operate, then why should the rest of society suffer? The burden is now on Johnny to find a nice military or alternative school. It might be the time to look into homeschooling.

    "Violence begets violence."

    Maybe so, maybe not. The victim needs a sense of justice being served to heal. Pie in the sky karma doesn't cut it. Public humiliation goes a long way as a teacher.

    "You said earlier that the admin blames the bullies, frequently. How do we not have the wrong person punished?"

    How about cutting top admin pay, which whould be going to the good teachers anyway and installing cameras. I mean, there's already metal dectectors. Oh, and teach your kid to avoid all appearances of evil.

    If I were dictator tomorrow, this goes into effect Yesterday.

  14. Anyone who thinks there isn't a whole lot of racism among blacks is either stupid, lying, or both. This isn't the first time blacks have gone on the rampage against Asians. When I lived in Washington, D.C., some black preacher -- a "man of God," so to speak -- threatened to cut off a Korean grocer's head and roll it down the street like a bowling ball.

    What causes this? It's the reaction of semi-civilized, jealous thugs who "attend" school but don't even pretend to make any effort to learn a single thing while there.

    There are bullies in virtually every school, but this is beyond bullying. Well, one thing we can be sure of: Those Chinese students will get the last laugh. They'll excel in school, get good jobs, and leave their thug classmates in the dust, and filth, and idiocy that they come from.

    p.s.: If this was a posting about white trash thugs in East Dogshit, Tennessee doing this to (name the race) students, I would be saying the same thing.

  15. p.s.: Credit to Field for stepping up to the plate here.

  16. Common human decency. It’s about realizing that many Blacks suffered the same kind of attacks for simply being Black. There is just no excuse--- just like there is no excuse for Black kids willing to kill an innocent Black child in Chicago—“by putting that n*gger to sleep”. This is unconscionable and we look all the more pathetic for this behavior. It has to stem from somewhere—and we have to put in the effort to stem the tide. Just as Blacks were about integrating schools=---under horrific circumstances—despite the low income area-these Asians students are also attempting to integrate and they are being met with the same kind of bullying and apathy.

    Still, Asians and Whites, already feel they are superior to blacks and they see as nothing more than the worst kind of animals, thus the concerted, organized violence like this only strengthens that engrained belief. This is why POC solidarity is such an unmitigated myth. So if you think Asian/Black relations are hostile now-this will solidify whatever pathetic incremental ally building that was put forth in the earlier part of this century, as nothing more than decaying dust.

    But lately, in the age of Obama, black folks have come under heightened scrutiny for their actions. It's why this is a national news story. We represent the same group that the president of these divided states comes from, so our group is under much more scrutiny now. See what those blacks did, they are just as racist as everyone else. Now that they are in power [snicker snicker snicker] there us no telling what they will do. This is a favorite tactic of some conservatives because they can use it to deflect from their own racism.

    Yes of course its easy to brush aside and laugh at it—but a lot of average joes/jane are going to feel the ripple. Blacks simply cannot be human—due to our history in this country and the overall negative impression around the globe—Blacks must fight against their base natures and to rise above hate and be trans human—magical Negros that are able to fight self hatred, internalized racism, and group racist ideology—all with a smile on our faces. But shockingly that is not the case—we have the potential to exact pointless hatred at groups we feel we can overpower, whereas other groups can be judged as individual or if group politics is involved it’s a mere fluke that has nothing to do with their proposed genetic inheritance..Thus, this incident will only illustrate Black hypocrisy and whatever claims of racism that we level at society will only be greeted with sneering disgust and this incident and the growing violence will be evidence that has been touted ad nauseam for centuries (and on this blog of all places), that include our bestiality, low IQ, low morals, and inherent super predator genes—backed up with the usual stats and pseudo science.

    Being an individual Black person, doing your own thing, living your life as a productive citizen is completely beside the point. We will be grouped with those who did wrong and thus are just as t fault as the animals that they believe are the sole province of Black people. This is not about self-hatred, being defeatist, and begging any group to like us. The comments that have been going on this blog for months keep mirroring this back over and over again.

  17. SmashedtheTinyBlackBox11:43 PM

    When I lived in Washington, D.C., some black preacher -- a "man of God," so to speak -- threatened to cut off a Korean grocer's head and roll it down the street like a bowling ball.

    I don't think Jesus would be down with that. Seriously, clergy like this guy, along with Anderson, Westboro etc. give Christians a bad name. Aren't the preachers supposed to love one another blah blah blah....

    Bullies are the same wherever you go. I really loathe bullying against the disabled, elderly, GBLT, or any minority in a group. Trust me, I went from a white school to an HBCU. The same thing with happen in the men's to the Korean and white kids by 5 o 6 losers. It really is the same low self-esteem, hateful mentality. Hate crime 'em.

  18. What is an "HBCU"?

  19. Here's what they ought to do: Expel the thugs AND make it illegal for them to be on the street during school hours. In other words, they have to stay home. Indoors.

  20. SmashedtheTInyBlackBox11:55 PM

    My bad, Grinder.

    HBCU is an, excuse my spelling, it's been a long day, acromyn for Historically Black College or University.

    Most were set up due to Jim Crow Laws after the Civil War. Many still are open today, but serve students of all races. Non black often get minority scholarships if their grades are good.

    When I was a student, 5 pissant bullies thought it would be fun to harass the Russian/Korean students. The admin didn't expel the dicks. They were cool with the racism. Trust me, the Korean kids were no instigators, as they worked with me in the physics lab.

    This type of shit pisses me off regardless of who it happens to.

  21. Mindyours12:01 AM

    I love how some black people try to make it seem that darker blacks are going around beating up lighter blacks as if the lighter black did not have aything to do with the beatdown...GTFOH

    As a light skinned black person I can say that the few times I seen a straight light v. dark fight the lighter person usually called the darker one a derogatory (i.s ape, tar baby, etc.) see Anon at 10:08

    Anywho, is a shame what is going on in this community. They black kids should be charged under hate crime law.

    *runs to limewire to download Black

  22. grinder said...
    "What is an "HBCU"?"

    Well I'm not surprised. You seem to comfortably versed on everything negative and atrocious regarding black society. Why bother to familiarize yourself with the positives.

  23. Anonymous12:43 AM

    " We represent the same group that the president of these divided states comes from, so our group is under much more scrutiny now. See what those blacks did, they are just as racist as everyone else. Now that they are in power "

    Um, no Field. There is an elephant in the room- is this is a looooongstanding PATTERN btw AA's and EVERYONE. AA's and Jews, AA's and Koreans in NY, AA's and Koreans in LA, AA's and Hispanics in LA, AA's and Somalian immigrants in Ohio (, AA's and Hispanics in TX (, AA's and gays, AA's and women, now AA's and Vietnamese and AA's and African immigrants in NY(

    I mean FN, there is a pattern! It involves violence and the vast majority of the time, such as in the case you blogged about African Americans will try and blame the victim, yet the violence is almost completely one sided. You don't see a pattern of violent "tensions" btw asians and hispanics, asians and jews, jews and hispanics, african immigrants and asians, etc.
    There is a common denominator and the excuses are always the same- "they disrespect us", "they exploit us", etc. Yet with pretty much every group (except hispanics and AA's in California) the violence is almost completely perpetuated by AA's. Black people acting like the KKK towards other minority groups is a longstanding pattern.

  24. jane doe12:58 AM

    " La♥Incognita said...
    Maybe it's part of the Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder"
    They weren't slaves. They don't suffer from a "trama" over something they never experienced. The only trama they suffer from is the one where they find out it's not all about them and their monstrous ego."

    "However, I know very well that Asians are no where innocent when it comes to black and Asian relations in America."
    And I know there is not one ethnic group that blacks do not get into a violent conflict with, not one. YOU are the common denominator. Blacks who look for problems invent slights in order to attack. Similar to the KKK.

    "I would prefer to hear both sides of the story."
    And let's refrain from judging the lynching of black men, the Benhurst murder, the murder of Emit Till, and the dragging death in JAsper TX until the perpetrators are allowed to tell their side of the story.... and LaINcognita is willing to hear them out. No judgements on hate crimes towards blacks until the peretrators can openly tell their side of the story without judgement. Is that okay with you Miss Cognita?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. When I was a student, 5 pissant bullies thought it would be fun to harass the Russian/Korean students. The admin didn't expel the dicks. They were cool with the racism. Trust me, the Korean kids were no instigators, as they worked with me in the physics lab.

    Geez, bullies at a college? Forget the racism. That's just crazy on the face of it, whatever the reason.

    Well I'm not surprised. You seem to comfortably versed on everything negative and atrocious regarding black society. Why bother to familiarize yourself with the positives.

    Riddle me this, Batwoman: What does LIDKS mean? See how well you know the acronyms.

  27. Anonymous1:12 AM

    @La♥Incognita said:
    Well I'm not surprised. You seem to comfortably versed on everything negative and atrocious regarding black society. Why bother to familiarize yourself with the positives.

    Zing! LOL.

    @field -- One point on the whole business angle. Kids typically don't think that way. If there is a business/proprietor angle it's more in the form of hearing about it in a negative angle from others. For example a parent saying to a child: "Daddy lost his job because that Chinese man is racist. Asians hate black people." Now that is something that might spur a kid into hate and/or hate based action when his life is hard and he blames those family based problems (no money, mom's drinking or whatever) on a specific group.

    It's not too different from past ethnic struggles we've seen in cities when one group (be they 'white ethnics,' black, or latin@) has blamed a new group for taking new jobs/hires or directly causing the loss of either their own job or large ones in the group they are a part of. Back then, when families felt hurt economically and experienced all the attendant problems that go along with economic suffering, and some, or enough, of them blamed a whole group of people who were either racially, culturally, or religiously different, the stuff spilled over into conflicts between their children in neighborhoods and schools.

    I don't think this is the sole cause of whatever is happening at the high school but it's likely a contributing factor. But the hate comes from adults -- parents, preachers, community leaders, and other authority figures -- putting a toxic message out there. A kid seeing a lot of Asians running businesses would only reinforce the toxic message s/he received but it wouldn't be a sight that on it's own terms would spark these feelings in a kid.


  28. Anonymous1:17 AM

    "Using Lin as a translator, ninth-grader Chaofei Zheng said Friday that he wants to get an education, make friends and improve his English. He said there are nice students at the school and that he doesn't understand the reason for the attacks."

    " La♥Incognita said...
    "However, I know very well that Asians are no where innocent when it comes to black and Asian relations in America."

    Yup, granted this guy can't speak english but no doubt black folks still hear slights from him. Look at his statement. That is exactly like the BEHAVIOR I saw from Asians when I was in high school... and unfortunately this thug like behavior is just the same old blacks bullying other minorities like I saw in high school. Since LaCog sees asians as "not being innocent" when it comes to asian-black relations we should have some facts. When there is violence and one person is asian and the other black how often is the perpetrator black? asian? This would tell us all we need to know... although LaCog and the rest of the black KKK would be yapping "they provoked it!" "they dissed us!" "they exploit us!"
    If LaCog were white no doubt she would be an apologist for the murder of Emit Till. I could just imagine her clamming that Emit wasn't "all the innocent".

  29. Miss Cognita just had her ass handed to her on a platter.

    Racism exists among Blacks just as it does among other groups. The culture of violence though doesn't respect race or color. Black kids are killing each other in record numbers everywhere. Hispanics are killing each other in record numbers. Drive-by shootings are usually same race-on-race crime.

    Biggest difference? There's a dozen or so Miss Cognita's trying to gloss over Black racism and violence. You don't hear many Hispanics trying to say Hispanic violence is because the Whites stole the Southwest from Mexico, but you hear plenty of Blacks blaming all their woes on slavery which ended 150 years ago.

    We have an underclass in this country that is crude, rude, and violent. It is disproportionately made up of Blacks and Hispanics. It is not because they are Black or Hispanic, it's because they're a part of that self-perpetuating underclass.

    What can we do besides carry a gun? I'm not sure. Insist on personal responsibility? It's a start. Arbitrarily abort babies on unmarried women under the age of 20? It's an awful choice, but if you don't stop children having children, we end up with an ignorant, violent society.

    We might start by shaming Black preachers who spend too much time and energy worrying about Gays getting married and not taking responsibility for the deterioration of their communities.

    We might start laughing at people who are always making excuses for ignorance and violence and who excuse behavior of thugs on racism.

    Problem is, nobody is going to do anything. Sorta reminds me of that song, "No, It Ain't My Fault."

  30. Anonymous2:11 AM

    I don't understand why this is a story. These black boys gotta worry about whether a truck with a bunch of good old boys is gonna pull up next to them everyday. Why isn't anyone writing about that?

    Also, this was bound to happen. A black man can't start a business in his own community, but an asian can operate at least 3. This type of environment will lead to this type of reaction.

    Why are they even still going to this school? They don't want to go to class, fine. Have them go somewhere else where they can't mess up the grades I say.

  31. I dunno Field, it could be all of the above. But then that would leave Hip Hop and video games out of the equation - and we can't have that, now can we?

    A part of me wants to just say that it's a societal problem and not specific to race. But nobody wants to believe we live in an ultra violent society.

    Yeah, so I'll leave Hip Hop out of it because, well, the bullshit music today should be making kids kill themselves instead of killing each other - kinda hard to wanna kill some other cat when Soulja Boy or Gucci Mane is in heavy rotation.

    But it's a damn shame that this has happened; especially after people were raising hell about Black kids being ran out of a swimming pool this summer.

    I'ono bro, maybe the Black kids saw one too many Bruce Lee flicks where Jim Kelly never got killed...

    ::Kanye Shrug::

  32. You don't hear many Hispanics trying to say Hispanic violence is because the Whites stole the Southwest from Mexico, but you hear plenty of Blacks blaming all their woes on slavery which ended 150 years ago.

    You must never heard of the Azatlan movement and how many Separatist Mexicans and Chicanos want to reclaim the land that was stolen from them, by the White man—and the majority of the violent gangs area Mexicans with a huge bulk of them in California followed by the Central American gangs. Check out the website Brownpride and you will see the same fallacious arguments of separatists, crime, racism and the failure that you blame Blacks for indulging.

    Also, Blacks are not simply crying about Slavery---Jim Crow (domestic terrorism, the North which suppressed economic growth and wealth building in the Black community), and proper rights have been guaranteed to Blacks only within the last 40-45 years. Therefore the gains that we have made—have been quite frankly astronomical compared to other parts of the world in which many people are still fighting for basic rights. Look at your own European history—it took you all 1500 years to grant rights to all citizens instead of serfs and peasants dying in the feudal system and even afterwards huge wealth disparities and religious fighting—guaranteed Europeans would continue to be at war with each other—or else the need to flee to find America would have never been conceived. Its only now in the past 50 years—after WWII—that Europeans attempted to stop killing each other—all though that didn’t stop Albanians, Bosnians, and gypsies to be cleansed severely after the “great War”.

    Advocating state sanctioned abortions? That’s been going on now for years as well, since poor Black women (your target population) are disportionately more likely to be pushed into and submit to abortions than any other race. Mortality rates take care of the Black population anyway since we are least likely to live as long as Whites or Asians due to infant mortality rates and our expected life span of 70-- that is if we don’t die from cancer, AIDS, and a host of other complications. Black women are more likely to die from various Cancers than any other race of women—therefore we have successfully satisfied the continued culling of our race for you.

    Again those useless gestators, Black women, will most likely die of Cancer or Aids, while also having aborted several super-predators and wastrels for the benefit and safety of Whites and Asians future.

  33. Anonymous2:39 AM

    "These black boys gotta worry about whether a truck with a bunch of good old boys is gonna pull up next to them everyday. Why isn't anyone writing about that?"
    Give us a link. Are you suggesting that there have been over 30 attacks on African Americans by whites in one city over the last few months? Link please.

    "This was bound to happen. A black man can't start a business in his own community, but an asian can operate at least 3."
    Yup those Asians really have a WORK ETHIC. They gotta be punished for that. An asian man can figure out how to run 3 businesses but a black male can't figure out how to run 1. Pathetic.

    " This type of environment will lead to this type of reaction.""
    We've been hearing that for almost 1/2 a century. First it was the Jews, then the Asians, then the Hispanics, then the gays, then the Asians again, and the African immigrants them to. Each and everyone has been a victim to your "reacton" similar to how your people were once victimized by the "reactions" from the KKK. Like always, it is exceeding revealing how often black people justify hate crimes by claiming they are "reacting" or "provoked". You never hear black folks talking about how racism is a "reaction" to blackj behavior or that volence towards black people was a result of blacks "provoking". It is telling that black folks claim to be unable to control themselves (and use the "reacting" excuse) then wonder why negative steretypes exist. Funny, you are unable to control yourselves so often. Maybe YOU are the problem.

    "Why are they even still going to this school?"
    They can't afford private school and they aren't going to just drop out of high school and become losers. They care about LEARNING. The question is why are the thugs allowed to stay in school, they are obviously just a burden to the students who are there to learn.

  34. SmashedtheTinyBlackBox2:41 AM

    We have an underclass in this country that is crude, rude, and violent.

    Klebold and Harris bore gifts of lead to their Columbine classmates. I know, those two white boys were just crazy. Like in every other school shooting case....typically white kids with the "it's so hard being me in the burbs" sense of entitlement. Crazy, misunderstood, I don't think so. Violent. Definitely.
    You see Houston, we also have the same cretins in the upper class. Paris Hilton needs an etiquette class and 6 more inches of cloth on all of her outfits. It's all white, so it's alright. I guess. The AIG goldy sax crowd, laugh at the peasants will robbing the bank and pen point. That's real moral. Dick Cheney and the neocons are too timid to do the violence they subject other to without second thought.

    Blacks blaming all their woes on slavery which ended 150 years ago.

    No we don't. Yes, I'll speak for everyone here, as improper as it is. Limpballs claims that crock. He preys on whites that are scared of the future and know nothing of ANYONE'S history, let alone theirs. You have to look back, anyone does really, to understand where you are today and why. It's the white supremacists, closeted or open who claim that "Africans were Largely responsible for slavery. The Pope, kinds and queens of Europe only took them up on the offer." And don't forget my all time favourite, "Slavery was a benign system. It wasn't that bad. Look at Jefferson and Hemmings. You ungratful negroes wold still be in the wild..." or some ignorant garbage like that.

    Arbitrarily abort babies on unmarried women under the age of 20?

    Do you apply this to everyone or only "those people." Smells like eugenics to me. What, no freedom fries for you!? Seriously. Kids having kids is awful, no doubt. We've all heard that stats and facts ad nauseum. What what about being pro-choice? That means you put up with the legal choices you don't agree with. There's always adoption. If we make laws more favorable and private to adoptive parents, then Brangelina and Madge won't have to pick up another from Seychelles. O, wait...

    if you don't stop children having children, we end up with an ignorant, violent society.

    America is already violent (just look at the tv programming alone) and ignorant (public ed rankings in 1st world).

    We might start by shaming Black preachers who spend too much time and energy worrying about Gays getting married and not taking responsibility for the deterioration of their communities.

    Do you attend a black church in a war zone neighborhood? Preachers, right or wrong can talk about GBLT folks of day. Why? Freedom of Religion and Speech. Do you like freedom? It applies to even those with whom you disagree. Should Rhema Praise and John Hagee take control of the methheads in their communities? Hmmm. Maybe being a victim of bad pastors and mega money ministries knows no colour. Many black preachers are giving and reaching out to the most downtrodden. Like with most of fox news, limballs or msm, you good republicanneoconjuedochristianwhateverthe rightwingtebaggerlabel du jour never ever hear about again...

    Problem is, nobody is going to do anything. Sorta reminds me of that song, "No, It Ain't My Fault."

    Wow, we are versed in hip hop, aren't we?

    Next time try laying your garbage again on someone who knows nothing of their history and culture. You might have better luck your "talking points."

  35. Mack Lyons3:01 AM

    Thus, this incident will only illustrate Black hypocrisy and whatever claims of racism that we level at society will only be greeted with sneering disgust and this incident and the growing violence will be evidence that has been touted ad nauseam for centuries (and on this blog of all places), that include our bestiality, low IQ, low morals, and inherent super predator genes—backed up with the usual stats and pseudo science.

    The first thing one group does to another that they wish to destroy is to dehumanize them. This is how slaveholders could justify putting other men in bondage, because they rationalized those mens' supposed inferiority. This is where the idea that blacks only amounted to 3/5ths of a human being came from. Hell, sometimes they weren't even considered human.

    Sometimes I wonder if A-Merry-Kans are subconsciously itching for a race war of sorts to break out, so they can somehow justify implementing the "Final Solution" on those problematic Negros, as well as any other ethnicity that bothers them. The current tactic of allowing self-destruction isn't working fast enough, plus it's leaving a tremendous amount of collateral damage along the way. I guess they though it was going to be a simple job, similar to how A-Merry-Kah managed to marginalize and shrink the ranks of Native Americans, leaving them to die out naturally and/or become absorbed into the greater white collective, leaving only a sanitized "guided tour" version of their history, something that can be treated like a tourist attraction.

    Today's tactic seems to consist of letting ghetto blacks act a fool as much as they like while presenting such fool-ass behavior as a representation of black behavior as a whole, thus allowing other groups to become so disgusted by their behavior that they end up becoming indifferent towards black concerns and black cries for help and assistance. They also end up becoming indifferent....or even end up being relieved when plans to exterminate the "black problem" get thrown into play. Essentially, let the black race burn itself to cinders and when the ashes are finally blown away, people end up relieved because the fire finally burned out. Not even the KKK could come up with a plan like this.

    Our only hope is to pull our collective heads out of our asses and realize that we're being set up for one hell of a hard fall. Ain't gonna be no mo slangin, flossin, trappin or bangin, because they ain't gonna be no mo of yall left to do dat. It's gonna be a lot like being the last person left in a housing project, with the bulldozers and backhoes coming closer each and every minute.

  36. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Wow Field now you've got Louis Farrakhan posting under a pseudonym. Impressive!

  37. Mack Lyons3:18 AM

    Blacks blaming all their woes on slavery which ended 150 years ago.

    A unique thing about most A-Merry-Kans is that they are the types who are more willing to let bygones be bygones and not hold decades or centuries-long grudges, unlike some other cultures. Problem is, well.....there are bygones and there's "sweeping shit under the rug". How A-Merry-Kah handled slavery qualifies as the latter.

    And that's why whites just don't get it. It's easy to simply hold out your hand and utter "let's let bygones be bygones" when you were the one subjecting another to horrendous amounts of abuse. The person or people you've abused won't see it that way. Especially not when after the bulk of those abuses ended, they were still constantly reminded of said abuse and generally treated like shit in other ways. Whites simply don't get this.

    I'm starting to believe that whites DON'T want to get it. To do so would mean burdening their collective conscious with it. Better to just sweep it all under the rug and forget about it, all while wondering why blacks are still mad at them after all these years.

    And by the way, had whites not collectively abused blacks in such horrific ways, then the discussion of pertinent issues such as crime, education and employment won't be so fucking acrimonious. Because when those issues pop up, both sides end up viewing them through a racial prism. For instance, when whites talk about "crime prevention", blacks end up interpreting that into "nigger extermination", all because whites used law enforcement and the guise of "crime prevention" to harass, displace and even exterminate blacks from some areas.

    Whites poured this dirt into a bucket of water. Now come to find out they gotta mop up the room with a bucket of dirty water. Guess God don't like ugly, don't he?

  38. Mack Lyons3:21 AM

    Wow Field now you've got Louis Farrakhan posting under a pseudonym. Impressive!

    The bad thing about this commenting software and the ability to post anonymously is that you sometimes don't know if someone is addressing you or someone else.

    I don't want to assume (and therefore make an "ass" of "u" and "me"), so the only advice I'll give this guy is to come from under this anonymous cover and put a proper nickname to his or her future posts. It'll make him or her look less of a troll, at least in theory.

  39. Klebold and Harris bore gifts of lead to their Columbine classmates. I know, those two white boys were just crazy. Like in every other school shooting case....typically white kids with the "it's so hard being me in the burbs" sense of entitlement. Crazy, misunderstood, I don't think so. Violent. Definitely.

    Good point. Damn good point. You don't hear a whole lot about "white dysfunction" when that shit happens, do you? Although, on second thought, you DO hear a lot about "suburban alienation," etc etc etc.

    Now if they said "white suburban alienation" then a lot of whites would go batshit defensive. I wouldn't though. Every time one of those happens I think about white trash in 4,000 sq ft houses. Really, I do.

    I mean, what's the difference between Kleibold shooting a bunch of white kids in Colorado and some black kid in the 'hood walking up to another black kid in the 'hood in Philly or Baltimore or Chicago and blowing his brains out?

    About the only thing I can think of is that a whole lot more of it is happening among blacks, but still, it's not as if whites aren't doing this crap.

  40. Anonymous3:23 AM

    @Dark Moon -- Are you conservative? Your post was a bit confusing to me. You mention Atzlan, brownpride, black women targeted and coerced into having abortions and dying of cancer or AIDS while as you say, "having aborted several super-predators and wastrels for the benefit and safety of Whites and Asians future." I'm not trying to be rude but a lot of what you're saying sounds like too much FoxNews and Limbaugh. The whole abortion genocide theory is a common conservative argument that tries to convince black folks that democrats are secretly aiming to kill them and therefore black folks should vote republican. Am I reading you wrong? Missing an ironic reading or rhetorical device?


  41. Anonymous3:26 AM

    "And that's why whites just don't get it. It's easy to simply hold out your hand and utter "let's let bygones be bygones" when you were the one subjecting another to horrendous amounts of abuse."

    No dumbshit I wasn't the one subjecting you to a horrendous amount of abuse, and neither were my ancestors. Bitter black people don't f-ing get it- WE OWE YOU NOTHING. I have done nothing to you and neither did my ancestors. YOu want me to kiss your ass because of something people with a similar skin tone to mine did to people with a skin tone similar to yours? Uh, NO. There is not an injustice the white man perpetrated today that is not still being perpetrated in Africa. Gee, how are you going to forgive your fellow black man for 2000 years and counting of slavery? HOW are you going to forgive your fellow black man for the horrendous ways gays and women and ethnic minorities are treated in Africa? Apparently forgiving people of your own skin tone for a multitude of injustices is not a problem. Take your emotional baggage elsewhere.

  42. Limbaugh, etc. couldn't possibly care less about black abortions. For them, this is entirely about controlling the sexuality of white women in the teens, 20s, and 30s.

  43. Anonymous3:44 AM

    @grinder -- Conservatives present the argument that "choice/legal abortion is really a genocide against blacks" all the time. Depending on the conservative it's usually about either politics (keeping and/or gaining republican votes based upon opposition to abortion) or control of women's bodies (the religious and/or pro-patriarchy types). The last class doesn't give two shits what color the woman is as long they control her and her decisions.


  44. Anonymous3:47 AM

    "Amina Velazquez, a 17-year-old senior who is black and Puerto Rican, said said Asian students tend to stay within their own groups, making it hard to get to know them.
    "We just need to get them out of their shells more often," she said.
    Velazquez, a member of the school's student government, suggested that if Asian students participated in more activities, they would be further integrated into the school community. She noted that for some, language barriers make interaction difficult."

    The problem isn't Asian people not being extroverted enough to appease their black co-students or their need to intigrate, It's the need for black students to leave these people the fuck alone. She claims the laguage barriers making interaction difficult causes black people to get violent? She has a fuck of a lot of nerve. Just leave them alone. When I was in high school there were many asian students who didn't speak english well and weren't extroverted and tended to hang out with other asian kids and I didn't care, and neither should this bitch. Why is she scrutinizing these asian kids when there is so much teen pregnancy, high school dropouts, drug use, and crime among HER people? It's the black students who need to learn that it's not all about them. These asain kids committ very little crime, perhaps that it the sort of intagration their black peers resent. It's the black students who need to up their game and suggesting how the victims can make themselves more likeable to the black thugs is offensive.

  45. Anonymous3:56 AM

    @Mack Lyons -- I agree with your overall point regarding dehumanization but the 3/5ths rule was about control over both congress and the electoral college -- the balance of power between North and South politically. The North didn't want to count any slaves in the census because that meant the Southern states would get far less in terms of representatives and the North would rule congress. The South wanted ALL slaves counted because they wanted maximum power. The compromise of 3/5ths balanced power between North and South by counting 3/5ths the total number of slaves as citizens.

    If slaveholders had had their way EVERY slave would've been counted.


  46. Anonymous3:57 AM

    It is interesting that when black people committ hate crimes they are quick to offer solutions on how the victim can appease them.
    I can't imagine if these were white on black hate crimes that a white member of the student government would be listing off all the ways black folks could make themselves more likeable to the whites who hate and attack them

  47. It is interesting that when black people committ hate crimes they are quick to offer solutions on how the victim can appease them.

    I can't imagine if these were white on black hate crimes that a white member of the student government would be listing off all the ways black folks could make themselves more likeable to the whites who hate and attack them

    Hey, you racist, blacks were once slaves so sit down and shut the hell up. Damn racist.

  48. Filled Negro - I realize that this was a difficult post for you. I won't antagonize you too much because it might dissuade you from making additional honest assessments through introspection.


    Why is it that you chose to 'keep it tight' in this case? Normally when there is a White on Black assault you and other racism chasers go "far and wide", attempting to extrapolate that the attack at hand is proof that the White subspecies of man has a certain proclivity to hate and thus the Republicans and Conservatives key in upon this resentment.

    WHY NOT HERE Filled Negro (and RiPPa)?

    Where is the specificity of the innate tendency for a group that has the power of numbers to attack and suppress the odd man out who is different?

    Ironically some of you have spent so much time INFERIORIZING us Black people that when you see an example of our EQUAL HUMANITY and the flaws within that must be start talking about swimming pools.

    [quote]Damn! And people wonder why inner city schools are so f&*^d up.[/quote]

    Filled Negro our president is of the opinion that only bad things come from schools that are majority Black and thus integration is required to allow the Negro to be improved by an academic culture that is not the one that is defaulted to when HE is the majority. I struggle to understand WHY you can bring yourself around to stating this about "inner city schools" yet you are still disinclined to focus on WHO is running them and the lack of will and ability for them to enforce an "academic culture" within?

    [quote]This is a favorite tactic of some conservatives because they can use it to deflect from their own racism. [/quote]

    "Racism" as with law breaking is addressed as the incident happens. You and other Racism Chasers have made sanctimonious condemnation of this behavior ABSENT the CONDITIONALITY that we ALSO view OTHER PEOPLE'S RACISM. WHY DO YOU NOW MAKE SUCH A CONDITION?

    These kids come from neighborhoods where the only people they see with businesses are Asians. Is there some hidden resentment for that?

    Filled Negro - please recall that in Uganda when Idi Amin purged all Asians and East Indians from the nation MOST OF THEM were merchants as well. The resentful among the native Blacks would peer inside of the pane glass window of the store and their eyes would burn in seeing what they saw.

    After the purge THEY took over the seats in these stores and things crashed and burned shortly there after.

    YOU SEE, FILLED was NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK. It was ONLY because they merely saw the END OF THE SUPPLY CHAIN for goods: the retail store. They failed to address the entire system of manufacture and delivery of goods:

    * Transportation
    * Wholesaling
    * Warehousing
    * Commodity trading

    What was in theory an ADVANCEMENT turned out to be a death spiral due to limited perspective and lack of management skill

    Instead of unifying behind RESENTMENT and leveraging it for political purposes Filled Negro (and Jody and RiPPa) why don't you manage the ability to translate a people's desires into fully OPERATIONALIZED systems that DELIVER IT. (Instead of confiscate it)

  49. NSangoma7:22 AM

    Whiskey - Tango - Foxtrot!!

    Negroes, what the fuck!!

    The problems is Nigguhz; Nigguhz, Nigguhz, Nigguhz.

    There are black children who attend school until they are 18-years old for no other reason than their mamas will not get a welfare check for them, until they are 18, unless they are in school.

    These Nigguhz, do not really want to be in school; they are only there to fuck shit up!

    Fuck duh Chinks, these Nigguhz were messing things up for serious Black students long before the Chinese students arrived.

    Get 'dem Nigguhz up out of there!!

  50. Jamdown7:45 AM

    Not really interested in why this is happening - more interested in what is being done to stop it.

    No students shoudl be subjected to physical or mental violence. Period. What is the school doing to stop the situation?

    Just shows that some Black students are anti-education and don't value obtaining an education and doing better in life. They shoudl be expelled from school so that those who want to learn can do so.

  51. uptownsteve9:12 AM

    Well this discussion turned out exactly how I figured it would.

    A lot of caterwauling about "black racism", "jealousy", "anti-education" and other new millenium racial catch phrases.

    This is essentially about a group of thugs at South Philly High School picking on kids who are different.

    The same thing happened at Damascus High School a couple of years ago in MD.

    Only it was black kids getting beat up by white AND ASIAN kids.

    I hope the thugs at South Philly get punished severely.

    However stories like these just make the Grinders and Cultural Strategists a little more secure in their anti-black resentment.

  52. ditto fn!!!

    there are excellent students of all races in all public schools
    most students of all races have NO interest in learning!!!

    they come to school to beat each other down and beat teachers down and wild and woo and clown and eat.....

    schools have become LITERAL jungles where ANY student who is different in ANY way (ie smart/gay/asian/too skinny/too fat/hispanic etc) is at the mercy of heathen spawn

    the toxic children of EVEN MORE toxic parents rule all

    this toxicity begins in the womb and at home via genes/drugs/amoral rearing/absentee parents/jailed parents/weary old grannies/horrid foster parents/hedonism on tv...

    we are doomed because the turbo bred pups of illiterate human dogs have taken over the entire world, including ALL of our public schools


  53. Sometimes I wonder if A-Merry-Kans are subconsciously itching for a race war of sorts to break out, so they can somehow justify implementing the "Final Solution" on those problematic Negros, as well as any other ethnicity that bothers them. The current tactic of allowing self-destruction isn't working fast enough, plus it's leaving a tremendous amount of collateral damage along the way.

    Mark Lyons
    I have mentioned this on another post, when the anomie anonymous and the usual suspects love to post the Justice stats and pontificate ad nauseum about awful Black people with rampant black crime, which equals to black depravity, low morals, and their subhuman qualities as to why blacks are less human than Whites or Asians. Since Blacks are such as offensive stain on humanity, then those who feel so strongly about our continued destruction of human civilization should be able to garner enough support and do what is necessary. However it’s far easier to spew racist crap on a blog in relative anonymity then to do something about it—since we are such awful sub humans.

    The thing is—I don’t want other races to get it or understand our struggle. I don’t want their help—since it will only reinforce the adage that we are a child race that has contributed nothing to civilization. The Madoff’s, AGI, etc who have raped and destroyed untold number lives on a global scale don’t get the withering contempt that is often accorded Black people. I do think that we are to put a more concerted effort in our own communities—but then Blacks have been wrestling with this problem for years and we have hardly been sitting on our hands popping out babies en masse waiting for a continued government bailout. As I mentioned above, the kind of progress that Black Americans have made is actually unparalleled in human history and I am quite proud of what we have accomplished—given the short time line. We can do more but then our progress is judged differently than other races, ethnic groups and cultures that have some of the same problems and are still mired in hatred, disempowerment, and stagnation.

    guess they though it was going to be a simple job, similar to how A-Merry-Kah managed to marginalize and shrink the ranks of Native Americans, leaving them to die out naturally and/or become absorbed into the greater white collective, leaving only a sanitized "guided tour" version of their history, something that can be treated like a tourist attraction.

    This imagery is actually fitting and I honestly think that is what most non-Blacks want to see. A paltry percentage that is effectively neutralized and thus easy to dismiss and ignore.

    Am I reading you wrong? Missing an ironic reading or rhetorical device?


    No I am not a conservative and Yes it was sarcasm. I was answering Houston (read his post)—who seems to be advocating forced abortions –a form of eugenics—and I was explaining –since he seemed so concerned —that Black people have been aborting in far greater numbers relative to our small population than White women—and the fact that the ones aborting is his target group of contempt-- poor Black women. We are effectively culling our numbers just fine without him having to advocate for such a loathsome solution. And I am actually pro choice. Afterall, we are hardly the biggest minority group anymore. And due to a host of mortality issues that are unique to Black people—those who would gleefully see our eradication may be thinking its not happening fast enough.

  54. uptownsteve9:26 AM

    Dark Moon,

    "The thing is—I don’t want other races to get it or understand our struggle. I don’t want their help—since it will only reinforce the adage that we are a child race that has contributed nothing to civilization. The Madoff’s, AGI, etc who have raped and destroyed untold number lives on a global scale don’t get the withering contempt that is often accorded Black people. I do think that we are to put a more concerted effort in our own communities—but then Blacks have been wrestling with this problem for years and we have hardly been sitting on our hands popping out babies en masse waiting for a continued government bailout. As I mentioned above, the kind of progress that Black Americans have made is actually unparalleled in human history and I am quite proud of what we have accomplished—given the short time line. We can do more but then our progress is judged differently than other races, ethnic groups and cultures that have some of the same problems and are still mired in hatred, disempowerment, and stagnation."


  55. repri9:32 AM

    Why is it that you chose to 'keep it tight' in this case? Normally when there is a White on Black assault you and other racism chasers go "far and wide", attempting to extrapolate that the attack at hand is proof that the White subspecies of man has a certain proclivity to hate and thus the Republicans and Conservatives key in upon this resentment.

    I wondered the same thing. A MUCH different tone than most.

  56. ingem9:35 AM

    Tiny Stupid Box:
    If the poster were not white, you would not have "tried" to slam him like you did.

    This nigga knows you.

  57. heralding the achievements of a FEW will do nothing to help the black masses

    only elitists boldly ignore a million lost souls as they revere one shining prince

    they praise rosa parks while most blacks cannot even afford a bus pass...they revere DR. mlk while most black men never graduate from high school...present reality trumps history

    the black middle class is smaller than ever before and being nullified by the blackish obama daily

    the toxic black poor is becoming more lost/destitute/violent/toxic/lethal/doomed/sabotaged/illiterate/permanently unemployed/locked up etc...than EVER BEFORE!

    and black elitists still find some ruthless and magical way to toast each other even as they look upon the death of an entire parched race...& the MOST elite blacks intermarry and literally breed themeslves out of existence

    yes fn
    we are doomed indeed!

  58. uptownsteve9:41 AM

    "the black middle class is smaller than ever before and being nullified by the blackish obama daily."

    You're nuts.

    I guess the black middle class was larger during Jim Crow, eh AB?

    When was the black middle class larger?

    When have blacks ever earned more?

    When were there more black college grads and professionals?

    Don't rant AB.

    Answer the questions.

  59. uts:

    you are arrogantly ignorant

    the black poor grossly outnumber the black middle class

    obama has gutted hbcus

    our high school grads are fewer than ever and illiterate

    and you really have to ask???????????????????????


  60. Anonymous9:54 AM

    grinder, "Hey, you racist, blacks were once slaves so sit down and shut the hell up. Damn racist."

    Grinder, I swear you are starting to sound more and more like that black yahoo UTS! LOL.

  61. uptownsteve9:57 AM

    AB the black poverty rate is 22%.

    You're obviously off the meds today.

    ta ta

  62. Anonymous9:59 AM

    AB, "uts:

    you are arrogantly ignorant

    the black poor grossly outnumber the black middle class

    obama has gutted hbcus

    our high school grads are fewer than ever and illiterate

    and you really have to ask???????????????????????"

    Uts is an embarrassment to the human race, let alone Blacks. Wonder what that nut does for a living? Couldn't be much. Maybe hauling garbage? He seems to be able to understand that.

  63. uts:

    WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

    Startlingly, almost half (45 percent) of black children whose parents were solidly middle class end up falling to the bottom of the income distribution, compared to only 16 percent of white children.
    Achieving middle-income status does not appear to protect black children from future economic adversity the same way it protects white children.
    Black children from poor families have poorer prospects than white children from such families. More than half (54 percent) of black children born to parents in the bottom quintile stay in the bottom, compared to 31 percent of white children.

  64. uts:

    reality is my only med

    and you need a pill for:

    your blindness
    your moronism
    your rabid elitism
    your deep denial
    that crusty green gizzard where your heart should be!


  65. uptownsteve10:02 AM

    anonymous posters are pussies.

  66. Leave it to Jane Doe and her arian ilk to parallel the mass lynchings and murders of black people, down to the scope of senseless school yard beatings of students.

    "And I know there is not one ethnic group that blacks do not get into a violent conflict with, not one. YOU are the common denominator. "

    Was this statement supposed to be a Jedi mind trick? Such a baffling and desperate theory coming from a person wearing the skin of historically renowned global oppressors. You damn well don't care about Asians, this is just another example of your well known exploitation tactics to serve your own racist agenda.

    Smashedthetinyblackbox, you made some great points. I guess Houston got his (rhymes with stalls) handed to him on a silver platter.

    In no way was I excusing the behaviors of these black students, wrong is wrong but I prefer to get more information. I always tell people, it is my right, to reserve the right to give black people the benefit, if I so choose. No one else gives black people the benefit of anything.

    When white students and their "eager to please" Asian counterparts mass murder in schools, society quickly exempts and isolates their behaviors to mental illness, bullying, stress, or a tooth ache... Notice they are never called violent animals along with their entire race who is sent damned to hell along with them. Not even their mother's ability to parent becomes in question.

    Furthermore, all over America there are Asian gangs who execute unspeakable mayhem among the innocent. As soon as it spills over to white land, we'll be hearing a different tune.

  67. [quote]
    There are black children who attend school until they are 18-years old for no other reason than their mamas will not get a welfare check for them, until they are 18, unless they are in school.

    These Nigguhz, do not really want to be in school; they are only there to fuck shit up!



    You make this claim not knowing what the hell you are talking about and only based upon stereotypes.

    You don't know how many of these families are on Welfare.

    WELFARE does not translate into VIOLENCE, RACISM and THUGGERY.

    What you need to be focusing upon is the prevailing culture and ideology that is present within the spaces that they live.

    Instead of you selling out in support of the political establishment wh not make note of how despite having a favorable (to them) monopoly the people's permanent interests are being failed.

  68. uptownsteve10:13 AM


    Speaking of Asian gangs, we have plenty in the Washington, DC area. Specifically in Arlington, VA where they deal drugs, sake down businesses and beat the crap out of outsiders.

    You don't hear much about them in the media because of the "no snitching" code in the Asian community.

    On top of the fact that a lot of folks just plain don't want to believe that their "model minority" can be just as trifling as anyone else.

  69. Damn Field, everytime I come here it seems like there are more and more trolls. This is a sad story. I hate hearing about my people putting down other minorities b/c of race. I always hope that these kinds of incidents are the exception not the norm in these situations. Kids can be stupid and horrible, all races of kids. I think way too many folks on here are showing their animosity towards black folk show by extrapolating this incident into an over-arching black people are out to get everyone thing. Silly.

  70. lisamj:

    i am a veteran educator

    by choice
    i have spent my entire professional life in poor public schools
    where i was needed most

    i am telling you what i see/have seen with my own eyes

    most asian students are behaved respectful and brilliant

    as someone who reveres education and attended a university at age GRIEVES my soul to admit that most black students are not

    pbs aired a recent special on the legacy of the little rock 9

    the pre-ap classes at central hs are vastly white
    most black students choose not to stress themselves with harder math and sci etc


    our denial will nevet save one black child...

  71. we all do best what we do most often

    black kids excel at sports, singing, and dancing because that is what most do while asian students are mastering math and sci..

    see much more on the SELF-INDUCED racial disparites in academia

  72. uts:

    your juvenile stupid antics herein repulse me

    as ALWAYS
    you deliberately distract and degrade all convos with your mindless tangents

    you major in the minor always!

    we are discussing black thugs
    so you harp exclusively on asian thugs

    we are discussing the black poor
    so you harp on the black elite

    fn specifically blogged about asians abused by blacks
    so you harp on those asians who abuse blacks

    your tangents will change no truths nor save one black or asian child who goes to school to learn rather than be a punching bag

  73. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Field, didya take even ONE friggin history class back in Haiti???
    Yesterday was December 7th, Pearl Harbor, or as we called it when I was a kid, "Slap a Jap" day.
    And we never slapped any japs, cause there werent any in North Dakota, no Knee-Grows either.
    So cut your young Bruth-as some slack, there just keepin a great American Tradition alive...
    OK, doesn't explain the other 364 days of the year...


  74. 'You don't hear much about them in the media because of the "no snitching" code in the Asian community."

    And let me tell you, it's even more methodically structured than the one in the BC. While whites are beholding them as the role minorities, the thugs and dregs of their communities are flourishing under the radar

  75. Anonymous11:08 AM

    You said it Laincognita...
    You know how many times those damn Asian kids block the aisles at Barnes & Nobles readin their fancy schmanzy Calculus and SAT preparation course books without payin???
    And that Korean Kid at Starbucks??? I KNOW he's puttin some Cum of sum yung guy in my Venti Caffe Mocca...
    But you just TRY and find any other demographic group that'll dryclean 2 shirts for $3.99 on a SUNDAY??? Heck, even the Liquor Stores are closed...
    Screw the "Back to Africa" movement, I want those Chinks back in Tokyo, where they BELONG...

    Amen Brutha,


  76. Frank, in the state pen. I thought they revoked your passport and shipped you back to Israel to fight your neighboring countrymen.

  77. I think this has been over analyzed too much. Bulling persist in schools between all kinds of groups including gender, It may not be the beat down, but it may be the nude picture posted on the internet. Young people have committed suicide from not being able to cope. It is the the responsibility of the school to take action when it becomes aware and sometimes it is not out of the blue. There has been some parent or student complaint, but ignored as not being serious.

  78. Anonymous11:54 AM

    The thing is—I don’t want other races to get it or understand our struggle. I don’t want their help—since it will only reinforce the adage that we are a child race that has contributed nothing to civilization.

    That's fine, but why is nothing being done? These problems are getting worse and not better.

  79. AB said:BUT
    most students of all races have NO interest in learning!!!

    what a load of bullshit. MOST students of ALL RACES?

    you're a teacher--of what? hatred? intolerance and a lesson for why some people -- thank the LORD -- don't reproduce?

    as i've said before, the thought you teaching children is frightening and sickening. yet one wonders with your four jobs how you could possibly find the time!

  80. Anonymous12:08 PM

    UTS "Speaking of Asian gangs, we have plenty in the Washington, DC area. Specifically in Arlington, VA where they deal drugs, sake down businesses and beat the crap out of outsiders"

    UTS, besides being an idiot, you are a depraved liar, retarded, and need psychiatric medication--simply because your crippled mind is unable to concentrate and follow the subject of Field's post. The scale of your ignorance is astonishingly profound.

    You are not in the elite, nor are you even middle class. Neither class thinks, talks or behaves like you are. You don't even fit in the ghetto. You come from 'the beyond'-where cretins are disgustingly repulsive, inhumane, and disconnected from humanity.

  81. uptownsteve12:10 PM

    "That's fine, but why is nothing being done? These problems are getting worse and not better."

    This is a pile of $hit.

    There was far more inner city violence and school violence twenty years ago than it is today.

    Check the stats for yourself.

    But this is part and parcel of the racist routine.

    "Negroes were fine till until the liberals got to them in the 60s. Now everthing has gone to hell in a handbasket for blacks. And now that a nigga's in the White House who knows what the hell will happen?"

    That's your view in a nutshell isn't it Anonymous pussy?

  82. Anonymous12:11 PM

    uts "You don't hear much about them in the media because of the "no snitching" code in the Asian community."

    I DO believe you are projecting about yourself.

  83. uptownsteve12:15 PM

    Anonymous pussy sez,

    "UTS, are a depraved liar,"

    Oh really?

  84. Anonymous12:42 PM

    UPTOWN STEVE said "This is essentially about a group of thugs at South Philly High School picking on kids who are different."

    Yeah, like the KKK picked on people who were "different". The Jasper 3 picked on that guy for being "different" . According to news reports asians were repeatedly shaken down and were sought out by some black students, who even were classroom to classroom looking for asians to attack. What a bunch of Nazi's. No Steve they weren't picked on for being "different" any more than black men who were lynched were.

    "The same thing happened at Damascus High School a couple of years ago in MD.
    Only it was black kids getting beat up by white AND ASIAN kids"

    Give us a link Steve. Like usual, no doubt your story is not exactly accurate.

  85. We don't know if the Asians students can't speak English, or whether they are immigrants, but the assumption is that the Asian students are foreign. For all we know, they were born in Philly, and so were their parents. It's very easy to make that sort of assumption, that is a stereotype that Asian Americans face all the time, "where are you from?" "no, where are you Really from", "do you speak English?", "How did you learn to speak English so well?".

    Why would there be clashes in the Bronx if it had to do with race alone as the factor?
    My opinion is that anti-immigration factors also played into this attack, as well as that the school probably ignored complaints prior to this clash.

  86. Anonymous12:55 PM

    "'You don't hear much about them in the media because of the "no snitching" code in the Asian community It's even more methodically structured than the one in the BC. While whites are beholding them as the role minorities, the thugs and dregs of their communities are flourishing under the radar."

    They do a great job "keeping to under the radar". Where I live African Americans and ASians make up the same percentage of the population (about 7%). Blacks have committed 80% of the total murders, asians 0%
    Asians have the lowest crime rate of any ethnic group, including whites. Yeah us white people DO have a prejudice- we prefer people who don't mug old ladies to people who do. Sorry it's a white thang I guess.

  87. To point of the blog -- I have enough Asian friends and have seen enough hood race riots to know that the Philly BOE needs to nip this crap in the bud, NOW!!! No child, no matter color, religion (how many Muslim or Sikh kids were harassed after 9/11?) or sexual orientation should fear going to school.

    Now to my girl AB and all the other folks screaming 'model minority'. I went to an Ivy, where 1/5 of the students were of Korean or Chinese decent. A few college friends of mine who studied political science hipped me to a few things about Southeast Asians and education.

    1. Only the middle and upper middle class really go to school in non-western countries. In India, you're more likely to finds kids living 'Slumdog Millionaire' than you will the Network support geek with a MS in Computer Engineering from Mumbai. In non-Western countries, formal education is a well guarded luxury.

    2. Because of our immigration laws, you've got to have serious hustle to get here from any place other than Western Europe. So only the Asian families with the most grind are going to make in the US. And more than likely, the parents came to the States to pursue a college degree. Asians and Africans leave their 'cousin Pookies' back in the homeland. Black folks don't have that 'luxury'.

    Also, consider that a lot of your Asian friends from college (if you grew up in the 80's) were probably the children of engineers, nurses, teachers or scientists.

    3. Asian American communities are lot more close knit than AA or Hispanic communities. They have no choice -- Asians are less than 5% of the population. And because of point 2, they rarely tolerated the trifling stuff Black kids do in school. When my Asian friends acted up in high school, they'd getting shipped back to the rice farming village their parents came from.

    In short, the reason why Asian Americans (and alot of Caribbean and African kids) are so 'gifted' in school is because our immigration and foreign political forces act as schewing and filtering process. Simply put, if you only let smart, middle class Korean and Indian families into the States, chances are their kids are going to be brainiacs in school.

    Does this mean that Black kids shouldn't work hard or that Black folks don't care about education? No. What it does mean is that if the only Black children in the US public were the sons of famous authors or workaholic small business owners, our educational stats would probably look alot different.

  88. Anonymous1:03 PM

    First of all: I wish people - especially my Negro cousins - would get their heads out of their as...s about O'-man's "obligation to do something for us...since we(WRONG!!!)elected him.
    Second: Beasts and thugs come from several racial/cultural groups, i.e., the recent multi-racial gang-rape of the girl in Richmond Cal. Our only hope is that the parents of the victims - in both/all cases - will secure legal representation and vigorously SUE the sh...t out of their respective school/districts for the abysmal and inexcusable failure to provide the protection and "learning environment" that all students deserve and WE pay for.

    G. flash

  89. NSangoma1:20 PM

    Constructive Feedback, baby sis; I was on the other side of the Jena-6 issue too. And, I was right about those
    Nigguh-ass-motherfucking dogz.

    I am on time about these Philadelphia PA high school Nigguhz, too.

    Constructive Feedback, did you not move away from Atlanta GA, to get away from Nigguhz. That is, you did not want your precious Black babies going to school with Nigguhz. Or, am I mistaken about your punk-ass, Constructive Feedback.

  90. uptownsteve1:22 PM

    "Yeah, like the KKK picked on people who were "different". The Jasper 3 picked on that guy for being "different."

    No racist. The Klan and the goobers in Jasper actually murdered black folks.

    Just because they were black.

  91. uptownsteve1:26 PM

    "Constructive Feedback, did you not move away from Atlanta GA, to get away from Nigguhz. That is, you did not want your precious Black babies going to school with Nigguhz. Or, am I mistaken about your punk-ass, Constructive Feedback."

    Yeah. He tried to move into Forsythe County but the crackers wouldn't sell to his black ass.

    No matter how much he Tommed they still saw nothing but a nigga.

  92. NSangoma1:33 PM

    you punk-crybaby-Negroes won’t be liking dhis at all,false,false,n,n,n:null;

  93. mareally clueless:

    i am a revered award winning educator

    parents and students adore me
    that is why they pay me well to tutor their kids now

    what have you ever done for any child????

    talk to any public school teacher and they will tell you the same

    you cannot handle the truth because you hate me as much as MOST students hate to study and learn

    i care about your ignorance and hatred EVEN less than most kids care about learning

    i find the time to wk 4 jobs because i do not waste time on envy as you do

  94. you hate children. some kind of teacher you are. i am sure the ones you teach DON'T want to learn if you're the "teacher."

    envy? of what? LOL!!!

  95. lac:

    as i said
    public schoool is ruined by children of all races

    but ALL the stats and ANY public school teacher will confirm that the most ruined students typically look like us...

    i am always amused by fertile abandoned bitches like mareallyawasteofflesh
    who dare to dismiss lesbians like my wife and i who are childless by choice
    yet devote our entire lives to countless children

    my wife is a superb counselor who heals the most damaged children...usually born to abusive whores like mareallyabreeder

    and i have taught so many babies to empower themselves to become more than envious breeders like mareallyaturbostat...i have taught then that they do not have to repeat the anchoring errors of their toxic illiterate parents

    yet every day we are judged by dreg clones of mareallyahaterhypocrite just because we do not have babies or chase abusove men to impregnate us befor we dump our stray babies off on teachers and counselors as mareallyabrazenbitch does...



    Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008

    Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006

    University of Arkansas at Little Rock MAIOC
    Summa Cum Laude - 4.0 Cumulative GPA 2001

    Arkansas Teacher’s License
    PRAXIS III SCORE = 57/57

  96. mareallyhallucinating:

    i do not hate children

    i hate heathens
    as those like you who spawn them

  97. mareallyawannabee:

    my students excel and adore me

    that is why i win national awards for my teaching...for teaching BOTH adults and children btw

    envy much?

  98. lac:

    asians i knew in college have nothing to do with the asian children k-12 i mentioned

    nor those beaten down in fn's original post herein

    i never said asians were flawless

    but REACHING to point out any flaws in any other race will do nothing to erase the GLARING flaws and doom of the average black child in any avg public school


  99. when one is seeking to become better


    "THEY are just as bad or worse than me"

    does nothing to help one improve

    this is why blacks fail collectively...
    we are too busy excusing rather than demanding excellence

    the admin of
    private schools demand excellence and have 0 tolerance for lazy bad, proudly dumb kids/slacker parents

    they do not coddle and excuse and enable like the admin at public schools...

    and therein lies the problem
    and our racial and national doom

  100. mareallyindenial:

    micheal baisden recently hosted a great show on teen violence in schools... the WORST critics of kids were CURRENT student peers who called in....

    visit any public school
    wake up

  101. uptownsteve2:21 PM

    lawd help this child.

  102. Excellent points LAC. To expound on your points--US immigration policies have always had quota systems and only let in people who could actually pay for or were professionals of need. Immigration is expensive and unless you can claim asylum many Asian groups have the means to sponsor their own into this country—a luxury that many people do not have. The Exclusion Act of 1882 effectively halted Asian immigration to a trickle due to Yellow peril and even then US immigration policies were notoriously racist against Asian immigrants, which is one of the reasons why the Asian American populations have remained relatively low. If whites were so enamored with Asians and thought their work ethic was so great—wouldn’t America have loosened restrictions on Asian immigration long ago and thus the numbers may well have rivaled Ethnic Whites during the 20th century. Asian immigration and the image of the model minority has always been tightly controlled and manipulated.

    It wasn’t until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and then the immigration act of 1965 that actually loosened immigration laws, but not enough to where they let anyone in—they only let in First and Second tier professionals into America, which once again was heavily skewed to Asians that were already well educated from high born and or middle class families and not some genetic predisposition to be traditional whiz kids. Even now the Immigration policy only lets in the best which is why there has been a brain drain in non-western countries such as China and India and why there has been a reversal of those either heading back to China or India or recruitment of First and Second Generation Americans are going back to exploit opportunities back into these home countries.

    Also, Asians are not a monolith. You have the Laotians, Cambodians, and some Vietnamese groups that are struggling with poverty, crime, low expectations and lack of opportunities. These folks are often poorer then their North East Asian counterparts, and are often asylum seekers. They are already regarded negatively by East Asians (Blackbodians) and thus are more likely to struggle than Chinese, Japanese or Korean immigrants.

    And the supposed anti-intellectualism of Blacks? Of course there are Blacks that don’t value educations but then neither do a lot of Whites or America as a whole—who incidentally don’t try for math and science either which is why collectively we can’t compete with India, China, Japan or parts of Europe—despite being a first world country. Is that the whole fault of Blacks who only make up 12% of the population—or is it intrinsic to a larger problem—that Americans don’t value education—particularly the harder sciences as they should and thus the fallout of Average American not being able to compete will continue to impact the middle class. Blacks have been feeling the burn—our group is often a barometer of future trends and although our middle class has stagnated, it will become an endemic problem when the White middle class continues to stagnate and then shrink due to corporatism and globalization that has shifted inexorably to the east.

  103. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Hey Steve, its "Forsyth" County, without the "e" at the end. And if you'd ever been there, ain't been no crackers since Michael Jackson had kinky hair...Its decidedly upscale, heck I can't even afford to live there. Biggest town's called "Cumming" theres a joke somewhere...And the only ones not sellin to Niggaz are the Russian/Bosnian/Korean/Vietnamese who've taken over, they've got some standards after all...


  104. lac:

    elite kids (asian and black)
    typically do not join gangs or clown at school

    it is also a fact that most black students are not elite


  105. uts:

    you need way too much prayer to waste time praying for anyone...


    "lawd help me be less easily slain by that child"

    would be a far wise plea...

  106. Anonymous2:31 PM

    from Forbes.Com Forsyth(no "E" on the end) is the 13th wealthiest county in the US, and has the highest household income in Georgia...
    Demographics: 95% Whities, 0.7% African American(there all at the "Popeyes" on Buford Highway) 0.25% Native American (guess thats Jimmy "Tonto" Bravefeather down at Autozone) of course that doesn't count the 15,000 Mexicans hangin out in all the various convenience store/shopping center parking lots...


  107. uptownsteve2:33 PM

    What do you know about Forsyth Frank?

    They don't like Jews either.

  108. "In short, the reason why Asian Americans (and alot of Caribbean and African kids) are so 'gifted' in school is because our immigration and foreign political forces act as schewing and filtering process. Simply put, if you only let smart, middle class Korean and Indian families into the States, chances are their kids are going to be brainiacs in school."

    LAC, loved reading your entire comment.

  109. uptownsteve2:41 PM

    LAC and Dark Moon

    Excellent points.

  110. Also, Asians are not a monolith. "You have the Laotians, Cambodians, and some Vietnamese groups that are struggling with poverty, crime, low expectations and lack of opportunities. These folks are often poorer then their North East Asian counterparts, and are often asylum seekers. They are already regarded negatively by East Asians (Blackbodians) and thus are more likely to struggle than Chinese, Japanese or Korean immigrants"
    Dark Moon, I think you make excellent points made in your comment.

  111. Uptownstevieboy,
    Rather than quoting the insightful Dark Moon why not try reasoning like the man instead of ranting like a little bitter bitch?

  112. ALL of the racial gaps are getting wider!

    wake up!!!!

    Education plays a crucial part in reproducing African-Americans' lower economic status in their kids. Schools are primarily funded through state and local taxes, which leads to dramatic differences in the education available to kids in wealthier and poorer communities. That goes a long way in explaining a phenomenon long observed in American education: Black children excel until the middle grades, and then their achievement levels begin to decline. At younger ages, large numbers of African American kids are enrolled in early childhood programs like Head Start, but by the middle grades, the picture changes. According to the Urban Institute's annual report on the state of black America, black children got 82 cents on the white education dollar last year. You get what you pay for, and twice as many black children as white kids are taught by instructors with less than three years of experience.

    The wealth gap in America is the accumulated legacy of generations of institutional racism at work. Black kids are starting from behind and aren't afforded much chance to catch up.

    Obama is fond of saying that people of all races have problems. But of course, the data show that Blacks have a lot more problems than others. Between 2001 and 2007, African American poverty rose eight percent, while only five percent more whites slipped into poverty. White children increased their enrollment in pre-school programs by three percent during that period, while Black kids’ participation in pre-school declined by one percent.

    Accordingly, the widest Black-white gaps are now seen in states like Wisconsin, Nebraska, Illinois, as well as Connecticut, which in the last two decades have also seen the most dramatic increase in income inequality than any other state.

  113. uptownsteve2:54 PM

    Anonymous pussy...I mean XI

    How many times do I have to flush to get rid of you?

  114. Self induced racial disparities in K-12 public education is crazy. I spend each day trying to convince my students "being smart" does not = "acting white". As a group, education is not valued (and I have spent nearly 30 years in various inner city schools). It's hard to empower a community, when they are not receptive to the power of education. I am black, proud and very fortunate I made it to where I am today. But I still think, we are the most fucked up group of people out with some serious, serious issues (no, this is not racial self-hatred). I have hope for better things. AB's posts are so true, I can always tell when someone has actually spent time in the ghettos and not just posting lip service that they think or wish were true.

  115. but ALL the stats and ANY public school teacher will confirm that the most ruined students typically look like us...

    And until we can admit facts such as this, we will never heal as a group. Until we can call out our issues, weaknesses, and evils (and calling them out is not self-hatred) we will NEVER heal. I think this is why the statistics are so damning to AA's. We refuse to admit the sad truths and without this admission, we won't grow and cannot fix the wrongs and make them right. But God forbid we admit them, a white person might hear. And that keeps us fearfully ignorant and silent.

  116. hope:

    thank you!!!

    most elitists never even visit public schools

    and they snub/scapegoat/dismiss the public school teachers who KNOW

    what excuse will they use when the middle class is SOON nullified???

  117. uptownsteve3:36 PM


    Speak for yourself okay?

    I am sick and tired of sorry buckdancing self-hating negroes like you who are ready to racialize failure and dysfunction but INDIVIDUALIZE success.

    I am also sick of tired ass negroes who are great at ranting about problems and assigning them a color but never have the slightest idea or clue as to a solution. (Yeah, I know. Pray for an answer.)

    We have a dysfunctional and self-perpetuating inner city underclass.

    I've always said that nothing short of a Marshall Plan for urban America is going to change the conditions or behavior of the ghetto.

    But I will not EVER allow any white racist or Uncle Tom to assign the disease of dysfunction to Black America as a whole.

    Too many of us are striving and achieving.

    I see it everyday.

    I think people like you and AB obsess with black dysfunction because you are miserable in your own personal lives and when to conflate your misery on everyone else.

  118. hope:

    clearly it is uts who is miserable

    that is why he takes every fact about the reality of poor blacks as a personal insult to his own black gated community

    and why he never ever drives thru a ghetto


  119. Alicia,
    You wrote that schools are funded by property taxes, and because of that, there is a huge disparity, you said, you get what you pay for, right?

    One solution would be to restructure funding, so that all children are given access to quality education, not low paid young teachers, or horrible teacher aids, or unqualified substitute teachers, or crumbling schools with poor heat, lousy windows, no air conditioning, crappy used books, no computers, and the unwillingness to allow parents to come in and volunteer, these would all make a big difference, imo.

  120. uts:

    real happiness comes from giving of yourself to those who need you most

    your proud and EXCLUSIVE interactions with your own elite kin and the jack and jill club set will never make you any less miserable than you are

  121. cck:


    and that was a pasted edit included with its link

    and they agree

  122. ok Alicia, so you agree, then why do you blame Black people for these disparities in education?

  123. have i visited a public school? where do you think my children are enrolled?

    nothing you've said changes the fact that it is not true that most children of all races are not interested in learning.

    you're not making sense, and hurling ridiculous insults (now i'm a "heathen? LOL) but then, why should today be any different? like bragging that you have teaching awards...puleeze...who cares about your lies?

  124. cck:

    as it relates to the topic though

    toxic parenting trumps poberty

    slaves'/sharecroppers' school shacks were even more dilapidated
    and still they excelled
    without gangs

    because their poorer parents were richer in spirit
    and better at parenting

    i was in the delta of ar recently speaking to hs teens about suicide...
    i was in awe of their is akin to arenas in other cities...

    the principal told me:
    "would you please tell them being from chicago might make them appreciate what they take for granted"

    even the most palatial school will not stop an amoral student from wilding

    by Alice Walker

    They were women then
    My mama's generation
    Husky of voice
    Stout of Step
    With fists as well as
    How they battered down
    And ironed
    Starched white
    How they led
    Headragged Generals
    Across mined
    To discover books
    A place for us
    How they knew what we
    Must Know
    Without knowing a page
    Of it

  125. cck:

    i blame black people who pretend that those disparities have anytthing to do with respect and discipline

    see above

    too many black students clown in wonderful schools every day

    go see for yourself

  126. mareallyaliar:

    there are exceptions to every rule

    your children have found an oasis/utopia

    if that was the norm, there would be no BOON in pvt/charter schools

    wake up

  127. mareallymasochistic:

    stop hurling names and slurs at me first

    stop hating on me

    and only then will i stop slaying you

    thin skinned people should not hurl knives as you always do

    i am a ninja, i will filet you always

  128. I am black, proud and very fortunate I made it to where I am today. But I still think, we are the most fucked up group of people out with some serious, serious issues (no, this is not racial self-hatred). I have hope for better things.

    Honesty like that gives me hope. No one ever once solved a problem by ignoring it. It takes courage to write what you wrote. Hang in there, and keep trying. It will be you and others like you who will rebuild damanaged black communities through your tireless efforts and example.

  129. taechers and students are FLEEING public schools in droves!!!
    just as i did

    it is a record global exodus

    due to precisely what fn lamented today: violent kids who would rather fight than study

  130. ditto hope:

    all wounds heal best in open air

    i second grinders' kudos

    you made my day

  131. alicia banks said...
    elite kids (asian and black) typically do not join gangs or clown at school
    it is also a fact that most black students are not elite

    So..Alicia -- that was the point.
    Most Asian immigrants since the 60's are members of the elite from their home country and are prepared to move into the American middle class the moment they step off the boat. And as you pointed out, rich kids with well educated, hard grinding parents have better things to do with their time than smoke weed and baby make.

    Most Asian kids you'll meet in American public schools (and what most folks think of when spitting this 'model minority' stuff) aren't Vietnamese working class kids living in the hood like my old project manager and his brother in New York. Nor, are they struggling Fillipino kids like my home girl from back East.

    No, most Asian kids in American public schools probably have a mother whose a biology researcher or doctor and a father whose a finance whiz. Or something else that would just seem bizarre and outlandish to the average blue collar Black kid.

    To this day, white folks are shocked that with my Ivy league degree and IT experience, that my parents worked in factory for 40 years. And that I'm not Jamaican or Nigerian.

    Asian american success in America is the exception, not the rule, for non-white ethnic minorities.

  132. "i blame black people who pretend that those disparities have anytthing to do with respect and discipline

    see above

    too many black students clown in wonderful schools every day

    go see for yourself"

    "too many black students clown in wonderful schools every day"

    & "go see for yourself?"

    Alicia, we just don't agree, however "go see for yourself"?

    If I didn't go see for myself, either as a graduate of a public school years ago, or as a parent today, than I probably wouldn't be making a comment at all.

  133. lac:

    i get that

    but my pt is

    NOT being elite is no excuse for being a dumb beast bully etc

  134. uptownsteve4:00 PM

    "your proud and EXCLUSIVE interactions with your own elite kin and the jack and jill club set will never make you any less miserable than you are."


    AB, you don't get it and you never will.

    The black people in my community are just like the black middle class all throughout America.

    We are mainly first generation college grads, grew up in the inner city to working class parents.

    Sweetheart, I grew up at 167th and Anderson Ave in the Boogie Down Bronx.

    I came from the last generation of inner city blacks who had men in the home.

    These men weren't highly educated or refined. They were tough, hardworking and wouldn't hesitate to go upside your head if you messed up.

    That's what separated those of us who made it out of the hood from those who didn't.

    Nowadays you go into the inner city and you don't see MEN.

    You see old ladies, young girls with babies and young boys jostlin or hustlin.

    You say I've never been to the 'hood???? LMAO!!!!!!!

    I would love to take your delusional ass on a tour of North Philly (got family and friends ther too. 16th and York) or SE DC.

    You don't know anything about the streets and it's obvious.

  135. cck:

    anyone who really knows how FAR parenting and schools have declined would never defend MOST public schools or deny my factual claims...

    we are in a national crises where grad rates at most public high schools are 50%+ and the dropout race at morehouse is a disgrace and...and ALL colleges, even ivy leagues, are lamenting that freshmen cannot compose a basic paper

    many herein are so bury hating me that they cannot even comprehend the truths i tell...tragic

    we are doomed...

  136. uts:

    it is not where you are from

    it is where you ARE and where you go

    YOU said you only care about your own family

    YOU deny the misery of the poor

    YOU have painted the horrid elitist image i have of u


  137. uts:

    i do not take simply tour the hood

    i live and linger and teach and mentor within it



  138. uptownsteve4:08 PM

    "Honesty like that gives me hope. No one ever once solved a problem by ignoring it. It takes courage to write what you wrote. Hang in there, and keep trying. It will be you and others like you who will rebuild damanaged black communities through your tireless efforts and example."

    Grinder loves any black who reinforces his racism.

    Grinder, Hope isn't trying or exhibiting any efforts.

    He/She is just peddling the same old tired negrophobia that makes racist like you smile from ear to ear.

    "But I still think, we are the most fucked up group of people out with some serious, serious issues"

    Yeah, I bet you loved that part.

  139. uts

    "We are mainly first generation college grads, grew up in the inner city to working class parents."

    i get this
    new money = snobs
    old money = used to it

    i am 4th generation college educated

    i have never lived in the hood

    maybe that is why i do not avoid it as you do

    maybe that is why i really care to bless others rather than snob and dismiss them as u do

    i do not need to stand on them to feel tall like you do...ya know?

  140. "anyone who really knows how FAR parenting and schools have declined would never defend MOST public schools or deny my factual claims..."
    Alica, I didn't defend public schools, I offered my opinion on ways to solve some of the problems that I see in public schools.
    I also believe that public schools and private schools should be recruiting more men, and more PoC, in one local public school nearby, there is only one Black teacher in the entire school. I realize that this may not be true everywhere, but I still think that my above comment on possible solutions, and the inclusion of men and PoC in the field of education are some ways to begin at solving these problems.

  141. cck:

    i agree

    many black boys will behave ONLY for male teachers

    but the low salaries will always be a detereent to primary breadwinners

    my dad loved teaching
    but he became an ed exec to take care of us...

  142. today. But I still think, we are the most fucked up group of people out with some serious, serious issues (no, this is not racial self-hatred).

    Spare me. I am also one of those people that not only live in these neighborhoods but I also work in them. I work with damaged people every day that are Black, but I also see middle class Blacks, average working Joes/Janes, single mothers, child free couples, bohemians, and strivers and artists, thus I can see the diversity of experience in MY community. I am also fortunate enough that I have gumption will and determination, but I refuse to believe that we are the most fucked up race on the planet. Can you not see that our overall success considering where we have come from cannot be overstated and the fact that we have to deal with issues that makes the finish line that much harder to reach does not in any way reflect our inherent, genetic dysfunction that is unique to Black people.

    Do you realize how many Blacks are 1 to 3 generations from poverty and only 5-6 generations from being former slaves? Can you accept that building wealth will take that much longer due to virulent and institutionalized racism, but that many Blacks are quietly working toward their goals? Acknowledging our success rate is not being delusional or sticking our head in the sand. Being a teacher do you not see that Blacks have traditionally grappled with working toward uplift? Our canon of thinker’s artists and social reformers show that. Its truly pathetic that somehow it’s a win when you admit Black failure. We are the one group that ties itself in knots and whine and woe is me in public about Black failure. When has a White, Jewish, Asian, Hispanic person very felt the need to go to a publi confessional and admit that their said group is the most fucked up race on the planet and not look like a blithering masochist.

    I see the problems--but I don’t see a community fucked up beyond recognition--like you see and I refuse to indulge in castigating myself on an anonymous blog just to make a few bloated racists chime in and gloat and feel good. There are many of us working for our communities, but as usual you don’t hear about it because many of us are working toward the goal and don’t toot our own horn. If we had entertained useless racist and prognosticators who love to tout Black failure, we would have died out long ago. I have already outlined the social and health dysfunctions that impact our community, but for every black bully, thug, or pregnant 16 year old, you do have gifted and average kids quietly striving toward success. The Black experience is complicated—because Black people are complicated and as strange as it sounds--human.

  143. "slaves'/sharecroppers' school shacks were even more dilapidated
    and still they excelled
    without gangs

    because their poorer parents were richer in spirit
    and better at parenting"

    Now, Alicia, I know you love bell hooks, do you think she would say that same thing?

  144. cck:

    columbine was a palace

    black people are uniquely strong and uniquely sabotaged globally

    we should be both proud and driven to save more of us as not one of us was ever intended to survive....

  145. absolutely bell would agree

    she is an inner city prof

    who can handle all truths

    she loves strong moms too...

  146. uptownsteve4:24 PM

    Once again, thank you Dark Moon.

  147. cck:

    plantations had their own social ills

    but they also had no:

    rap videos



  148. Dark Moon,
    Thank you so much for your post at 4:19!

  149. dark moon:

    i praise and tutor those who are young gifted and black

    but i never allow that to blind me to their INCREASING rarity...

  150. dm:

    the black race is unique in many ways


    we uniquely pay black menmillions to degrade black women in song and videos

    do you lament that uniqueness too?

    we will never fix any wound in whispers or silence

    nor will those other silent whispering races...

    harping on exceptions will never fix any norms

  151. He/She is just peddling the same old tired negrophobia that makes racist like you smile from ear to ear.

    It's she Mr. Steve. I guess I shake my head and wonder how you can feel the way you do, just as you do the same at me. However, I will say that I have worked with literally thousands of parents and children over the course of my life. I see first hand daily the drugs, the kids having kids etc. A few make it out (like you), but for those few a hundred more do not. But continue the cycle. My husband was an alcoholic for years, but until he recognized this, and admitted it and owned it, he could not be helped. There are great things our community is doing and great accomplished people too. But as Alicia has shared, they are few in numbers compared to the other. But those few in numbers (such as yourself Mr. Steve, continue to keep hope burning bright.). I wish you the best.

  152. hoedown4:41 PM

    we uniquely pay black menmillions to degrade black women in song and videos

    do you lament that uniqueness too?

    we will never fix any wound in whispers or silence

    As a black sista, how can anyone argue with this? We need to call it out! Preach it.

  153. hd:


    i just live in the real world sista

    i keep it real

    i hate the moronic delusional selective fantasies that elitists spin

    obama is an elitist doing the same with thicker smoke and bigger mirrors each day

    i am sick and tired of fantastical bs about the american dream that has become an american nightmare for all races who are not rich...

  154. Grinder loves any black who reinforces his racism.

    Grinder, Hope isn't trying or exhibiting any efforts.

    He/She is just peddling the same old tired negrophobia that makes racist like you smile from ear to ear.

    Typical hyper-defensive crap. This reminds me so much of what I was hearing out of the gay community between 1981 and 1984 when people had their head in the sand about AIDS.

    That changed and it changed fast when people started dying like flies. What the hell will it take with you, UTS? And not just you, but a lot of black people. These are your people, and a lot of them are in crisis, and you want to sit back and point fingers everywhere but where they ought to be pointed.

    "Hope," stick to your guns. You are the solution. Count on it!

  155. uptownsteve4:49 PM


    Are you actually suggesting that the MAJORITY of African-Americans are dysfunctional?

    People like you don't get any respect from me.

    You're living proof that aborigines fucked kangaroos.

  156. no uts:

    your beastly apathy would be proof of that

    not to mention your savagely arrogant ignorance

  157. uptownsteve4:52 PM

    Yo grinder,

    A lot of your people are in crisis as well my friend.

    It boosts your feeble ego to lecture black folks but I got news for you.

    I lot of us live better than you.

    I think that's why you hold on so hard to the notion of blalck dysfunction.

    It gives your worthless life value.

  158. uptownsteve5:06 PM

    BTW grinder,

    Black folks are Americans and the ghetto is an American creation created by American racism and the US government (remember white middle class flight, all paid for by Uncle Sam).

    Now it's very convenient for racists like you to make this a black problem for blacks to solve when it was racist America that orchestrated the whole thing in the first place.

    Corralling poor people of color (cuz it's no damn different in hispanic barrios or many Indian reservations) in crowded substandard housing, no opportunities and poor education.

    And it's black folks (even the ones who busted their asses and had to be better than whites to get as far) who are now responsible for fixing it???

    Why are white queers so friggin racist?

  159. UTS- No one claims that white folks are without problem. I can assure you if the scenerio FN described was white-on-black those kids would be held 100% responsible and the whole community would be tared as racist. But since they are black we heard people blaming the victim. NEVER, when black folks are on the receiving end of hate crimes does anyone make a list of how it's the fault of the victim and how the poor white perpetrator was driven to it. But when it's the other way.... well, see LaCogs posts. Disgusting.

  160. uptownsteve5:15 PM


    Nobody made excuses for the thugs who beat up the Asian kids.

    I hope they are expelled and punished.

    But as usual, racists and Toms have to take any example of blacks behaving badly and smear the entire community with the Willie Horton gene.

    It's garbage.

    I will no accept any self-serving lectures from white racists like Grinder or self-hating Aunt Jemimas like Hope.

    You have a personal problem with crime or drugs, get help.

    I personally feel no affinity or responsibility for a crackhead in SE DC.

    If someone told Grinder that he was culpable everytime a black is discriminated against, profiled, or jailed for something they didn't do, you'd go deaf listen to his wails.

    But the arrogant racist has the nerve to tell me that I won't accept the ugly truth about MYSELF because there is dysfunction in the ghetto.

  161. and putting aside all the lunatic AB blunderbussing about how this is about HER teaching "elites" and how of COURSE obama is to blame...blah, blah, fucking blah....

    i've just go to ask:

    why in the world does it take courage or balls to come out against kids beating up on kids!?

    i find that appalling.

  162. and putting aside all the lunatic AB blunderbussing about how this is about HER teaching "elites" and how of COURSE obama is to blame...blah, blah, fucking blah....

    i've just go to ask:

    why in the world does it take courage or balls to come out against kids beating up on kids!?

    i find that appalling.

  163. american dream peddlers must be stopped

    america is no utopia

    and no race of children are angelic

    but the assaults on the poor
    and the sins of poor parenting
    are WORSE than ever


  164. mareallyblind:

    clearly you have missed the pts

    i do not teach kids to be elite
    i teach them to be smart and reject elitism

    you missed lots of asian bashing
    scan up

  165. mareallyablackmalestalker:

    i get that you lust after obama

    that is how i lust to educated brainy black babies

    your jungle fever drives you just as my love for educated blacks drives me

    and my passion to see ALL blacks of all classes to succeed is just as endless as your passion to see yourself succeed in bed with obama/any random bm clone


  166. ABreallystupidandfoolingnoonebutyourself: you said you mentor ELITE children.

    i doubt that. at what school and in what capacity?

    i don't need to scan anything: it doesn't take balls to say kids beating kids is wrong.

  167. mareallytrollingforojs:

    "and putting aside all the lunatic AB blunderbussing about how this is about HER teaching "elites" and how of COURSE obama is to blame...blah, blah, fucking blah...."

    can you really not see your own envy here?


  168. i "lust after obama." and i have "jungle fever."

    LOLOLOLOLOL...get back on the meds, please.

  169. mareallyadumbcavebitch:

    i never said that

    elite kids need not to live in the ghetto

    YOU LIE!!!

    wipe all that blurring envy out of your hating eyes and perhaps you may read my posts with superior comprehension

  170. mareallyapsycho:


    elite kids tend not to live in the ghetto


    this is your MO ho:

    1. slander alicia

    2. feign offense when alicia slanders me back

    3. ineptly debate alicia

    4. blatantly lie on alicia

    5. repeat steps 1-4

    spare me you shrew

  171. Mack Lyons5:52 PM

    No dumbshit I wasn't the one subjecting you to a horrendous amount of abuse, and neither were my ancestors. Bitter black people don't f-ing get it- WE OWE YOU NOTHING. I have done nothing to you and neither did my ancestors. YOu want me to kiss your ass because of something people with a similar skin tone to mine did to people with a skin tone similar to yours? Uh, NO. There is not an injustice the white man perpetrated today that is not still being perpetrated in Africa. Gee, how are you going to forgive your fellow black man for 2000 years and counting of slavery? HOW are you going to forgive your fellow black man for the horrendous ways gays and women and ethnic minorities are treated in Africa? Apparently forgiving people of your own skin tone for a multitude of injustices is not a problem. Take your emotional baggage elsewhere.

    With that kind of response, I must have struck a nerve somewhere. And redirecting the blame from whites to other external boogey men found in a country your people love to shit on will not work here, either. Time to brush up on your troll tactics.

  172. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Frank, "Hey Steve, its "Forsyth" County, without the "e" at the end. And if you'd ever been there, ain't been no crackers since Michael Jackson had kinky hair...Its decidedly upscale, heck I can't even afford to live there."

    Uts doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. He is ignorance who thinks it is knowledge, a very sick mind.

  173. you said you tutor "gifted."

    repeating: where? what school? are you a volunteer or are you paid?

  174. mareallyilliterate:

    scan up

    i may need to add a step:

    4.5 feign interviewing alicia so as to garner more to envy about her


    you are late and lost as usual

  175. Anonymous6:07 PM

    elite kids (asian and black)
    typically do not join gangs or clown at school

    it is also a fact that most black students are not elite

    What you trying to say, bitch? Your uppity nigger ass is better than those decidedly "non-elite" children? I think you best go do your house nigger shufflin' somewhere else. Wifey didn't want to eat the forest again? lol

  176. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Dear Field,

    The Tiger Woods story continues. How can you possibly ignore it? Please give more attention to this story. It deserves it.

  177. Field, you are my man, but i believe you watch too much teevee. is this a "national" story in the SCLM? if so, well, it's being used a propaganda. i'm all for you covering local issues and so this qualifies, but when you say the story is going to receive a lot of attention,i can't help but wonder if you've considered that angle. of course from now until when obama leaves office we'll hear no end of "wilding" stories about black youth. the media is a racist institution. it's what they do. just as they rarely report on groups of white kids beating down black kids, like what happens frequently in areas where i live. race may or may not play a role, and let's face it: that's what teen boys do. it's not "news."

  178. chastity6:29 PM

    american dream peddlers must be stopped

    Love this one. So very true. I just stopped in this site today. A few words from someone who has no background context:

    1) Why are a couple folks attacking Alicia? Her posts seem very smart to me.

    2) Uptown: I hope your mother taught you better than to speak to ladies that way did (kangaroos...).

    3) Again to Uptown, I wonder what your little world looks like. We all know there are professional black people. But c'mon look around beyond your ebony utopia.

    4) Grinder: You seem like you have a good grip on reality and a good head on your shoulders.

    As does Alicia.

    5) Maria: You seem angry to me.

    That's it. Just my rumblings.

  179. and Field, and everyone here who is sane, i'd like to introduce you to a revolutionary tool for haloscan users. it's called "bensonmum." i won't bother to explain it, but please check out the website, and install it. it's free. it's utterly *destroyed* troll infestations at another blog i read.

    use it, and they will go away. it took less than a week for trolls to disappear at the place where i discovered this, and they were almost as bad as they are here. when you can see them, and don't respond to them, they go away. then a website is civilized again.

  180. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Here I thought Fields subject had brought out new and varied comments from many readers when I saw there were 177 posted so far today (12/8); but lo and behold it is AB scratching and biting with everyone.
    Spare us the drama.

    Aloha from Makaii

  181. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Is it just me, or does he seem to be saying it is wrong out of one side of his mouth, yet making excuses out of the other?

    The authors first reaction was that of "No way could it be that these african americans attacked unprovoked" Then he moved onto how racial attacks are uncool (yet somehow turf wars, retaliation, etc.. is okay??) THEN he adds that african americans are only one of many that have racial motives (so? does that make it okay) and then all the while saying it is uncool, he lists justifications for this behavior.
    I am aware that this is a blog, and therefore bias is expected. But, 'cmon.

  182. It's these types of eloquent and thought-provoking two-for-one reads which leaves me thoroughly convinced of one glaring fact:

    There is but one Field Negro.

    Love this!, especially @ There is no excuse for the behavior of these Negroes. They need a serious intervention. You do not attack another person because of their race. You just don't.

    Yes, we should all remain on standby for a real racial problem.

  183. assnons:

    you are all retarded as you are cowardly and illiterate


    you may all also really be mareallyreaching

  184. "chasityAB" you seem really angry to me.

    did you learn to say that in therapy? LOL! obvious deflection--projection.

  185. A lot of your people are in crisis as well my friend.

    True enough. Meth is mainly a white problem to my knowledge, and it is a real killer. No question about that, and no evading the truth either.

    Why are white queers so friggin racist?

    UTS, your comment didn't exactly surprise me, but thanks for making it. Seriously, thanks. I'd rather have the turd right out there on the table so there is no doubt about what stinks in the dining room.

  186. [quote]black kids excel at sports, singing, and dancing because that is what most do while asian students are mastering math and sci..[/quote]

    Alicia Banks:

    Don't' hurt me girl.

    Black kids EXCEL at what is CULTURALLY supported within the Black community.

    IF the Black Community prioritized other behaviors and values in the context of our greater demands - we would see a difference.

    After years of accepting leadership that focused on EXTERNAL enemies it is now time to BRING IT BACK INSIDE - having our people's priorities function as the primary means by which CHANGE will come.

  187. hi chastity:


    i have many haters and stalkers here because they are unable to handle my raw truths/debate me.

    & because some are envious/sexist gaybashers...

    see my bio:


  188. I should also point out that meth is a huge white gay male problem. It is all over the place in the white gay male community, and there are a whole lot of us who know it and who are tackling it head on. I don't see a whole lot of denial in my tribe about meth. Too much usage for sure, but even the people who use it know they're fucked up.

    I haven't yet heard anyone try to tell me that we should go easy on meth in the gay community because a lot of the users started out as damaged people. I have had direct experience with meth users, and my own policy is very simple: "One strike, and you are out." And I have implemented that policy in the face of considerable heartache.

    No one ever solved a problem by ignoring it. Ever.

  189. ditto cf!

    school talent shows tend to overflow
    and mandate extra traffic cops


    parent teacher conferences are sparsely attended
    and usually never by the parents we need to see the most!

    many black students attend schools in lovely bldgs and still act like bullies and fools all day
    or evade ap courses etc...

    as i stated earlier,
    we are indeed our own worst enemies in academia

    but parents would rather blame ONLY teachers for the failure of their wild kids....

  190. Black kids EXCEL at what is CULTURALLY supported within the Black community.

    Well then let's get a bunch of black people supporting jazz, huh? There are lots of tragedies in the naked city, and one of 'em is that the people who gave us Saint John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerld, Thelonius Monk, and on and on and on, are now giving us Jay Fucking Zee.

    What's even worse is that whites have decided, in the time honored tradition, to co-opt hip-hop, so where we once had Dave Brubeck, Elvis Presley, and Bill Evans, now we have Eminem.

    Surely some people here can agree that this truly sucks, and not in a good way.

  191. chastity:

    some of the assnons envy me sexually too

    ref the blind blue balled uneaten buffoon assnon at 6:07


    marie sounds angry because she rabidly hates me and actually wants to be a het clone of me with a big black stud hubby for her bastard kids



  192. Alicia said "too many black students clown in wonderful schools every day"

    I always wonder why some of these black children we so quick to chastise aren't given the benefit of having one of those ADDs and ABCs. You know, the ones that so many white children are being tested, diagnosed and treated for.

  193. "Well then let's get a bunch of black people supporting jazz, huh? "

    Grinder, black people were not meant to be on this earth to entertain white people.

  194. kola:

    you really need to visit public schools and talk to teachers

    no children are more OVERmedicated and OVERalphabetized than poor black children...especially black boys


  195. [quote]school talent shows tend to overflow
    and mandate extra traffic cops[/quote]

    Alicia Banks:

    Here is a story from my past that should interest you, Filled Negro and Grinder.

    My most favored teacher to this day is Mrs Rose Martin from the Overbrook Elementary School in Philadelphia.

    Each year Mrs Martin held the "Black Poetry Panorama" for her sixth grade class.

    We were charged with purchasing denim pants and a denim jacket and then augmenting them with glitter.

    Our class was responsible for delivering a series of "Black Conscious" skits in this 2.5 hour long show that everyone looked forward to. It was done at the auditorium of Overbrook High School. We practiced and practiced for months to execute upon our prescribed roles in the various skits.

    This was the highlight of the community. People who had performed in the show 20 years ago would come back to see what the "young bucks" were doing. All of the parents and their siblings from the community were there.

    Once Mrs Martin retired - so went the program.

    Various schools in Philly and other areas that are struggling need to get back to this type of cultural interaction with the community to build up a stronger bond.

  196. you are truly a vile, despicable and delusional creature.

    my children are NOT bastards.
    i am NOT here trolling for black men. i am not a whore, or a slut--among your many insults to me. and as you vulgarly accused me before of having "swirled children," i repeat again they are not biracial.

    as usual you sling ridiculous, repetitive shit because you're too stupid to discuss the issues with any depth. and you still refuse to back your claim of being an award winning teacher.

    this isn't your blog. stop acting like it is.

    and i have seen YOU hit on young black women...a young woman who posted her totally came on to her.

  197. Uhm, to Grinder's point -- jazz artist were the 'hip-hop' of its early day -- rebellious 'race music' for mostly of dope dealers, gang bangers and party goers. Good clean civilize white folks wouldn't be caught listening to jazz in the early part of the 20th century. No different than rock music in its early inception and no different than Hip-hop today.

    Just because you don't like Hip-hop or Jay-Z (I'm not a big Hova fan myself) doesn't negate his talent or hip-hop as music.
    You're elitism and ignorance of hip-hop culture is shining through, grinder. I'm just saying.

  198. chastity9:00 PM

    Alicia, love your blog. Keep speaking the truth. We need more educated folks talking about the issues of race, class, sexuality and all the intersections within.

    Hope: Girl, you have a heart of gold. Folks like UTS will never feel with the depth and compassion you do as evidenced by your service in the schools. My cousin is a teacher in Atlanta, she hates it due to the mess she deals with daily from kids and parents. And I am sorry UTS called you those nasty names. Obviously his mother did not teach him better than that. I hope his boys don't talk to women like that. And I hope his wife does not either.

    FN: It's about time you blogged about this. Should have as soon as it came out.

  199. "Black kids EXCEL at what is CULTURALLY supported within the Black community."
    uhh, Grinder, i read your list, and honestly, what i thought was, who makes you or me an expert on music or "culturally supported"?

    just wondering...

  200. chastity and hope, how charming, lol., taking off now.
