Friday, January 01, 2010

Day 1.

It's finally over. 2009 and the decade that started off with an attack on our homeland, and ended with our financial bubbles bursting in the air, has finally come to an end. We almost lost a great city, and, sadly, we did lose some of our beloved icons. In many ways, A-merry-ca will never be the same. If you have a job you are one of the lucky ones. If you are black and have a job, you can really count your blessings. And speaking of black; A-merry-ca elected a black president, and came closer to fulfilling her incredible potential. We are still at war, and there is no end in sight. There will be many painful days to come. Not only are we at war in far away places, but we are fighting domestic terror in the cities of our homeland as well.

And yet, we move on. We have our distractions to keep our minds away from our real problems and the things that really matter. We have Tiger, and Lindsey, and Brad, and Angelina, and....well, you get the picture. There is no problem too large that a little superficial distraction can't cure. It's the A-merry-can way.

Unlike most of you I won't start this year with a resolution. I try to treat every I day like the start of a new year. If you think about it, every day is the start of the rest of your life. Every day that you are alive is a milestone.

Some of you will no doubt have goals: Get a new job; find a new mate; get into school; or get that home or car that you always wanted. Whatever your goals; go for it. If you are reading this post I am guessing that you are going to give it 110% That's what field Negroes and honorary field Negroes do.

It's 2010. ( I like that. It has a nice ring to it.) I am pumped. I will have so much to write and share my opinions about. And, hopefully, you all will be there with me; checking me when you think I am wrong, and adding clarity to my position when you think I am right.

So, to steal a quote from my man "Jigga", "Let's go get em".


  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Happy New Year, Field, from this 57 yr old, average, non-guilty White male in Cali,ensconced deep within the "WSZ", who has garnered some knowledge, appreciation and, hopefully, some empathy from this blog. While I'm not about to throw it back, I do appreciate that I , and those like me, are the beneficiaries of White Privilege and should not arrogantly assume that we have either earned or deserve ALL that we've got...Peace.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Happy New Year, Field!

  3. Heremakhet11:58 AM

    HNY Field --- looking forward to many more provocative and thought-provoking posts in the Ten and beyond. P.e.a.c.e.

  4. Every day is the start of the rest of your life. Every day that you are alive is a milestone.


  5. Happy New Year FN! Be well.

  6. Happy New Year, Field!

  7. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Happy New Year, Field!
    I've really enjoyed reading your blog since learning about it over a year ago. As well as the thoughtful comments from your readers (even some of the trolls). Thanks to all for the chance to see and appreciate different perspectives.


  8. May we all have a blessed and productive 2010.

  9. Happy New Decade!!!

  10. Happy New Year Field. One of my goals are to stop lurking on your site and join in on the intense conversation. I will do better you'll see. Much love to ya and your efforts in helping make some sense out of the strange situations.

  11. Like LaTonya, I'm going to stop lurking and join in the conversation. Happy New Year!

  12. Happy New Year! I get renewed and inspired by folks like you who share their words with us, get us talking and thinking, and give us a place to talk with each other. Thanks!

  13. Happy Motherfucking New Year, holmes!

  14. Happy New Year everyone.

  15. Mack Lyons4:00 PM

    Happy New Year, Field. Let's hope this year ends up better than the last.

  16. it's a new year
    but I'm not happy
    got a little drunk
    feelin kind of crappy

    but by tomorrow
    all should be okay
    at least with me
    but not the USA

    two wars a raging
    economy in the tank
    yes I'm pointing fingers
    we all know who to thank

    Congress almost worthless
    damn political clowns
    I feel like Rocky Balboa
    after going many rounds

    yes I'm feeling punchy
    we've taken some heavy blows
    what lies in the future
    no one really knows

    Field you keep a writing
    I'll keep reading along
    that will make me happy
    your words will make us strong

  17. Happy New Year Field... and finefroghair... I am so glad you have found this site... It is delightful to have a bit of poetry in the mix!

  18. Happy 2010 to Field and all my fellow FNs and HFNs.Looking forward to reading and sharing news, knowledge and provocative commentary from all.

  19. Finefroghair,

    I had a good laugh when I read your first poem referencing one of Fields comment section hijacker. I co-sign with Jody, I am looking forward to reading your comments in poetry.

  20. Happy new year, FN(S)!!!

  21. DuchessDee7:50 PM

    Day 1, i like that FN.
    I am gonna keep on steppin.

    Cheers!!! HNY to you and yours.

  22. Field, I don't always comment, but I DO always read. Thank you for keeping ME thinking; I plan to stick with you for as long as you're willing to write.

    happy 2010!


  23. Anonymous10:16 PM


  24. Happy New Year [Decade] to everyone of you wishing me the ame and showing me love.

    I have mad love for everyone of you.

    And does anyone speak Mandarin? At leat that's what I think that is...

  25. Finefroghair, how do you do that?

  26. Happy New Year Field!
    I look forward to an exciting 2010--sharing and learning in the field. Thanks for all you inspire.

  27. Thanks Doc L. BTW, can you diagnose what is wrong with Rush? :)

  28. Physically or otherwise? Though not a violent man and generally a non-profane one, I must confess to cursing his behind and hoping he was on his way "south".

    I didn't hear him today, nor have I watched the video of his press conference, but from what I read of the transcript of it he is selling a bill of goods. I'm not a Cardiologist--the heart's only purpose from my perspective is to get blood to the penis. But if he was having some spasm of his coronaries, something is wrong. And just because a work-up is negative, doesn't mean nothing is wrong. He's been a smoker, and still likes his Cubans and has been obese(he's lost almost 100 pounds recently I think). So almost by definition, he has some heart disease.

    He said the country's health care is just fine. He is right. The care is great. It's just that the system is screwed. He can pay for whatever he wants and not worry about any health plan bureacrat telling him what treatment or medicine he can or cannot get; what hospital he can go to and what doctor he can see. But I'm preaching to the choir.

    I'd like to say its the arteries to his brain that are in spasm. But his are working just fine--allowing him to laugh all the way to the bank. He knows what he is doing. It's the folk that believe his foolishness that need their brains examined.

  29. BigBlackRod11:41 PM

    To all of us of a certain age (45-55): Happy New Year. But, if you look back to our elementary school days, aren't we supposed to have flying Jetson cars by now? PEACE.

  30. Fuck it, field........................lemme make this statement re: his O'ness. First, I usually just lurk your blog, but I gotta make a point about his O'ness. If shit continues as it is now, we're all in big trouble. Obama MUST succeed in his first term. In fact, if he doesn't find a way to generate JOBS, especially with the mid-terms looming, we'll be strapped with a BLACK lame duck president by this time next year. And here's the problem with that: Obama being black (and hypothetically and potentially) a one term president, places black folk in a dangerous situation because the racist (and conservatives) among us will have a field day. Remember what happened after Jimmy Carter? I'm saying it'll be so much worse than that that we may even wish Reagon was back before this shit is over!

  31. Happy New Year, wow, I am so sorry, I almost forgot to say that.
    Today is a show in New York, here's hoping we all have a good time:)))

    Whats with this new comment field, Field?

  32. StillaPanther23:51 AM

    Brother Field....Happy New Year as well. Glad this period is over, I am tired of seeing the images of one group of people (over 400 year history in America) being handed out toys for their kids, a meal, or even a house from Habitat. No other group is seen by me during the Xmas time other than these 400 years inhabitants receiving handouts . By the way, when these people on the news and newspaper be getting things, II am sure they have tapped their family members out. It is crazy for a grandmother to be taking care of nine kids and have to have some white person give the kids toys and coats. I think welfare be giving money during this whole year and maybe grandmother is not being fiscally proper. Thanks for the vent. Too many images for so many years. The same images from the 50s....ignored the Black Panthers....PS that is not a knock on the whites...the giving..That's what you all do. Moral of story... our miseries don't take a holiday..neither will I.

  33. agape20105:22 AM

    @ FN:

    "Unlike most of you I won't start this year with a resolution. I try to treat every I day like the start of a new year. If you think about it, every day is the start of the rest of your life. Every day that you are alive is a milestone."

    With age brings wisdom (or choose to remain foolish).
    When you get to be a certain age, each day is a resolve...therefore no need to make resolutions at the beginning of each new year....better to have goals.

    I am counting my lucky stars (just an expression) that I WAS TOLD about your blog from a 72 year young women living in St. Louis and still holding it down for her community and city. She teaches me and I am priveleged to learn..for had I not desired wisdom...I would not read your blog!

    Much continued success in all your future endeavors to you and yours...

    so u thank we kin git on da Opra sho' n takeit to da streets fo'real dough main...i'm sayin fo she git off da tv...whut chu thank :)

    PS...2010 for a reason and a purpose :)

  34. happy new year, everyone, and FN. it's been nice to read your comments here, trolls aside.

    technically, the new decade begins next year, but no one really orders them that way these days.

  35. Anonymous9:02 AM

    New Years Resolution???

    I'm gonna not use the word "Nigger" anymore.

    I mean, I'm not gonna employ any Niggers in my business, I don't now, but they keep comin back, and its just a matter of time before the guys with the shiny shoes from DOJ show up...

    and Doc L, the President (Peace be Upon him) will have a heart attack before Rush does, Cigarettes and Cocaine are much harder on the Myocardium than Cigars.
    and Obama's too TENSE, I can almost see his ST segement rising everytime he speaks publicly, get a Girlfriend for cryin out loud, as long as you don't get head in the Oval Office your golden.
    And I'm not wishing an MI on Barak, cause then we'll be stuck with that Mongoloid Joe Biden, wait a minute, thats not fair...

    To the Mongoloids,

    Anyway, happy 2010 Spearchuckers, and I gotta get me one of those authentic African Calendars with the shrunken heads and coconuts...


  36. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Happy New Year, Field!

    Oooh, you make me mad when you blog about male/female relationships (seriously, dude: step outside YOU, just for a minute!) and I want to box your ears when you consistently fail to appreciate the importance of our President and have his back (although, I confess, you've evolved, so 2009 was good for something)!

    That said?

    I consider you quite valuable and your blog a wonderful place to visit multiple times a day. It means something when I say that I bookmarked your blog (along with, e.g., Daily Kos and Balloon Juice) and deleted the NYT and the Washington Post sites long ago. I don't see 2010 changing THAT (if you keep the joint jumping as you did in 2009 and continue to prove yourself more newsworthy than they ever will be again). Peace, Dahlin'!

  37. Filled Negro:

    Happy New Year to you to my Philly Homeboy. I wish you and your family a prosperous new year in 2010 and beyond.

    /End Of The Uncritical Niceties

    [quote]and came closer to fulfilling her incredible potential[/quote]

    Filled Negro:
    You are argue that the ELECTION OF A BLACK MAN as president is evidence that America is striving closer to fulfilling her potential?

    I argue that you and others have an other "Portrait Upon The Wall To Worship". Just as the Philistines who's WORSHIP CEREMONIES gave the illusion of their RELIGIOSITY - you hanging pictures of more favorable people on the wall purports to indicate our NATIONAL and RACIAL progress.

    IF the Southern States turned "Blue" (again) but this time were under control of Progressive Democrats THIS WOULD be evidence of their cleansing.

    The key problem with your world view (and Jody's) is that you have your focus upon OTHERS and how THEY MUST CHANGE as evidence of their walking closer to your Progressive God.

    YOU CAN'T tell me that the City of Philadelphia is moving closer to UNIVERSAL Justice among men!!

    YOU CAN'T tell me that the Chicago Public Schools are engaging the minds of the 87% Black and Hispanic students that enter its doors each day. They are NOT being prepared to be the enlightened leadership of America 2030.

    YOU CAN'T tell me that Milwaukee which has a Black Male Unemployment Rate that is in line with the Great Depression is a beacon of light that portends America's great future.

    Ironically the key issues that the PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISTS like you drive for are being VIOLATED in the places that you have "WON".

    The source of your HOPE for the future is that you will continue to gain ground as America sheds its regards for certain institutions and dogma.

    What YOU NEED TO DO is circle back and make note of the lands that you have control over and insure that the CROPS THAT YOU ARE HARVESTING are indeed not being strangled by the weeds that you have allowed to grow and choke off their oxygen supply!!! (Or in the case of plants - their carbon dioxide supply).

    The worst kind of Negro is a Negro with a self-masturbating world view.

  38. Is this what your man jigga was referring to?

  39. Wow UnConn.... for just one day... on a thread of wishing well, you just couldn't help yourself. SMH. Well, I wish you a peaceful, happy new year anyway.

  40. Oh snap! CF says it all right here Field:

    What YOU NEED TO DO is circle back and make note of the lands that you have control over and insure that the CROPS THAT YOU ARE HARVESTING are indeed not being strangled by the weeds that you have allowed to grow and choke off their oxygen supply!!! (Or in the case of plants - their carbon dioxide supply).

    Your way with words is powerful and critical CF. Thank you for your critical lens on this site. I get so tired of uneducated (not book educated) folks and their remarks. AB has the ability for critical analysis as well. You are the 2 reasons I keep coming back. If it weren't for you 2 this place would be a train wreck.

  41. Lookin forward to readin 2010 FN

  42. Anonymous1:51 PM

    (seriously, dude: step outside YOU, just for a minute!)

    FN cannot do that. His gift is more selfish than that.

  43. Anonymous1:53 PM

    1) This place is a great site. My white friends and I come here daily to see just how fucked up you all are.

    2) T. Findley, now that is what I am talking about. Would love to squat on those abs.

  44. We're taking down our tree today. Sad.

    Sadder still are these ignorant negroes:

  45. Anonymous2:11 PM

    To: dandy and Field

    Say it ain't so.....
    dandy you're scaring me.
    "After Carter we got Reagan>.."
    Yikes, does that extrapolate to ....After Obama we get Palin or who??

    Of course, we do know that Life isn't fair.

    All the Aloha to all who come to the Field's site and Mr. and Mrs. Field too for the this wonderful New Year.
    Makaii on Maui

  46. Happy New Year!
    Let's Go!

  47. logic4:40 PM

    Christopher Chambers, you are a LECTURER, not a PROFESSOR. Big difference.

  48. cinco5:04 PM

    @ finefrog; I co sign with others your poetic words are refreshing and add to the variety of creativity here on FN's blog. Be well.

  49. [quote]Wow UnConn.... for just one day... on a thread of wishing well, you just couldn't help yourself. [/quote]


    I like you but you must be BROKEN out of your BIGOTED WORLD VIEW!!!!

    Here is the deal Jody:

    IF YOU can convince even one of those STREET PIRATES that you defend in Philly to BE NICE FOR ONE WHOLE DAY and NOT ASSAULT OTHER CITIZENS OF PHILLY because of the new spirit of CONSCIOUSNESS set up by you and Filled Negro (and Granny)

    I will agree to spend the ENTIRE 2010 posting about how WONDERFUL you and Ernesto are.

    Jody - If you can't even deal with a RATIONAL and RESPONSIBLE Black man like me - WHAT MAKES YOU THINK that you (and Filled Negro) are experts on how to handle those who live an "I Don't Give A WHAT" LIFE?

    It appears that your view of the LAW no longer models THE PAINFUL TRUTH ON THE STREETS OF PHILADELPHIA!!!!

    You are functionally seeking to have the COURT SYSTEM to show RESPECT for a person WHO DOESN'T GIVE A F#**#!!!!

    When you can impart some line of thinking upon them to the point where they are planning a STREET PIRATE ATTACK they think of YOU and choose not to:

    * Kill
    * Assault
    * Rape
    * Steal From
    * Burglarize

    a fellow resident of the city - I will be the FIRST ONE singing your high praise and signing up for YOUR VERSION of how the world works.

    Sell what you are selling to THEM first. THEY NEED YOU. I am not in the buying mood. I gave at the office.

  50. [quote]. If shit continues as it is now, we're all in big trouble. Obama MUST succeed in his first term. In fact, if he doesn't find a way to generate JOBS, especially with the mid-terms looming, we'll be strapped with a BLACK lame duck president by this time next year. [/quote]


    YOUR WORDS ARE IGNORANT but symptomatic of the problems that we face.

    Instead of YOU cleaving to your PERMANENT INTERESTS and evaluate OBAMA and the PROGRESSIVE ESTABLISHMENT on their success in bringing you closer to them.......YOU (ignorantly) make the case that YOU MUST INSURE THAT OBAMA IS SUCCESSFUL lest your ideologically adversaries gain some footing.

    Do any of you have a clue? Seriously?

    I label you "Bigots" but this is claimed to be offensive. I ask you to find me a better description for you?

    [quote]And here's the problem with that: Obama being black (and hypothetically and potentially) a one term president, places black folk in a dangerous situation because the racist (and conservatives) among us will have a field day[/quote]

    (OK - I have calmed down and chosen not to write what I was going to)


    If I take you on a tour of some of the areas of this nation that are most solidly controlled by DEMOCRATS - do you figure that BLACK PEOPLE AREN'T in a "Dangerous Situation" all without a REPUBLICAN having set foot in the area in years?

    Some of you are going to get me on hypertension drugs.

    You all want to be IN SERVICE to a Benevolent LEADER who provides for you so bad.

    He can only RUN UP THE FEDERAL DEBT by spending money where the government operates as a VENTURE CAPITALIST.

    You know all of those evil corporations that you hate and that you drove out of what is now called the Rust Belt? They DON'T CREATE JOBS but they address MARKET DEMANDS. They are ASSEMBLY POINTS of resources - Human, Raw, and Financial Resources. From their efforts COME DEMAND FOR LABOR.

    I struggle to understand Dandy - WHY do you expect something that this machine has NOT DONE locally to become true when they do a NATIONAL takeover?

  51. Happy New Year, Brother Field. I think we should all resolve to ignore the trolls and maybe they will go away.

  52. Field:

    Would you, in 2010, do something to manage comments to your blog posts? I come to read you and SOME of your posters. The others? Not so much.

    You're likely more popular now than ever before. Accordingly? New levels, new devils. You've got a vermin problem that needs extermination or, at least, mitigation.

  53. Happy New Year!!

    I'm excited about 2010 as well.

  54. As always wonderful. Added to bookmarks.
