Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Barbie, Dan, Eric, and Rahm.

WTF is going on in A-merry-ca? Are you telling me that even if you are a black doll you can't get equal treatment with your white counterpart? Barbie, if you need a good civil- rights lawyer, call me, I can refer you to somebody. Wal-Mart knows they are wrong for that. Shame on you Wal-Mart!

But I am not going to stress about Black Barbie tonight. There is too much other stuff going on.

For instance, I see that folks have caught yet another old white guy in a racial faux pas. This time it's the venerable television journalist, Dan Rather:

" Rather spoke about how he feels Republicans will regard Democrats, especially Obama, in the fall election.Rather said the GOP would say, 'Listen, he's a nice person, he's very articulate. This is what's going to be used against him. But, he [President Obama] couldn't sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic."'

OUCH! Dan I think it's the watermelon part that got you in trouble. You know the stereotypes about us Negroes and watermelon. But I am not mad at you, so don't bother to call Rev. Al. I see what you were saying. Actually, you didn't go far enough. The republican's narrative has been, and will continue to be, more racially charged and insensitive. So relax. They will feign outrage and demand that we are as hard on you as we would be on the Glen Becks of the world, but it ain't happening. Why? Because we know that when they are alone with each other, the shit they say is a lot worse.
And finally, I have to talk about this Eric Massa ( I swear you can't make this up. The guys name is Massa) character. So he says Rahm Emanuel- all 5 feet of him- stepped to him in the shower and started poking him in the chest. (Eric, are you sure that was his finger?) Seems he ticked off old Rahm because he wasn't acting like a loyal dumbocratic soldier. And, apparently, Rahm doesn't like the guy too much.

"He added that Emanuel confronted him in a shower once over his opposition to one of Obama's budget proposals. "I am showering, naked as a jaybird, and here comes Rahm Emanuel, not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest, yelling at me,...

...When I voted against the cap and trade bill, the phone rang and it was the chief of staff to the president of the United States of America, Rahm Emanuel, and he started swearing at me in terms and words that I hadn't heard since that crossing the line ceremony on the USS New Jersey in 1983," Massa said. "And I gave it right back to him, in terms and words that I know are physically impossible."

"Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil's spawn," Massa said. "He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive."

Yep, no love lost between Rahm and my man Eric. But why come out about Rahm now Mr. Massa? Could it have anythng to do with the ethics violation swirling over your head? Oh field, the man is battling cancer, that's why he is resigning. Battling cancer? Or his sexuality?

"Later in the day, Massa released a statement saying that after discovering he had a recurrence of cancer, he learned he was the subject of an ethics complaint by a male staffer who felt "uncomfortable" during an exchange with Massa. The exchange reportedly had sexual overtones. "

So why is he really leaving public office? Cancer? The Chicago style politics of the Obama crew? Or, because of more stories to come from this ethics violation hanging over his head?

My man has already been embraced by some on the right (He was on Glen Beck's show tonight.) because they sense an opening to go after his O ness and his boyz. I wish them luck with Eric. But I am sure he will turn on them as well. Here is hoping that he doesn't tell us that Glen Beck confronted him naked in the shower. That imagery would prevent me from holding down my food for days.


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    My guess is that Walmart can, and does, charge more for the white Barbie (more demand?) If that is true, it make more sense for them to drop the price to try and move the product.

  2. Getting confronted whilst naked in the shower is worse than getting confronted by an overweight, white lesbian and a hairy, non-deodorant using East Indian woman while lying on a futon (read: on the floor) for being a racist. Yeah, my shirt that read "The Blacker the College, the Sweeter the Knowledge" really was offensive. Hm.

    Ok, perhaps this didnt really tie in with your post, but I just had to put something up and be the first commenter! Yea!


  3. Ah, dammit, Im second! Drat my show typing, verbose self!


  4. WTH AND WHAT A HOOT --- (in a perverse coininkydink sort of way) did you know today is barbie's birthday? well of course back in those days barbie only came in one plastic hue.....

    massa and rahm.....no you can't make this stuff up

  5. Taking people to task in the Shower?! Rahm Emanuel is going old school mafioso. Hey, every White House needs a good knee-capper to keep the Congress in line, but Rahm is just too Chicago for the DC limelight.

    If Obama wants to keep what little credibility he has left (and saying he has any invites the usual trolls, but whatever) he needs to dump this guy -- quick.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. From a business stand point, and based on the store location, I'm sure they placed the black dolls on sale because they weren't selling like the white ones. Shoot, I say good. Maybe some poor little black girl might now be able to get a new doll when her financially struggling parents or her auntie sees the sale. Maybe some white parents might actually buy their daughters a black doll to help promote diversity appreciation.

    Where I live in the Carib, black dolls sell faster, so any dolls placed on clearance that didn't sell would most likely be white dolls. The only problem I've had with our (K-mart) and other larger stores, they don't seem racially/geographically sensitive enough to send more black and non-white dolls catering to my predominantly black and black-hispanic region. That's annoying.

  8. This guy Massa (I can't believe that's his name!) should just resign and retreat back into his hole.

    As for Dan Rather: why is anyone even listening to him? He should go back into the hole he was in for the past five or six years.

    And Walmart? I try to avoid shopping in that store like the plague.

  9. OK so do we give WM an economic pass? So how do we tell Black Barbie she is only worth half of White Barbie? Doesn't she have rights as well? :)

    Lola, I see you are still crazy.

    What to do with Rahm. Does his O ness really need this guy? I am guessing he just might.

  10. Trapped in SC9:04 PM

    About Rahm, Obama needs a wartime consigliere, someone who will do all of the shit mr. hopey changey doesn't want to do, kinda like in that Denzel movie "Ricochet", where when his character hit a rough patch, he called up Ice-T. Rahm Emanuel is Ice-T.

    As for Dan Rather, I will accept an friend who says boneheaded shit before a enemy who damns me with faint praise. Rather probably regretted it the moment he said it.

    Eric Massa is gay. Period. That's why he is trying to turn his narrative away from how much he subconsciously loves dick to how much he hates health care.

    And why are we surprised that black barbies are worth less than white barbies? To some people, REAL-LIFE black women are worth less than white women.

  11. Trapped in SC said...

    About Rahm, Obama needs a wartime consigliere, someone who will do all of the shit mr. hopey changey doesn't want to do, kinda like in that Denzel movie "Ricochet", where when his character hit a rough patch, he called up Ice-T. Rahm Emanuel is Ice-T.

    As for Dan Rather, I will accept an friend who says boneheaded shit before a enemy who damns me with faint praise. Rather probably regretted it the moment he said it.

    Eric Massa is gay. Period. That's why he is trying to turn his narrative away from how much he subconsciously loves dick to how much he hates health care.

    And why are we surprised that black barbies are worth less than white barbies? To some people, REAL-LIFE black women are worth less than white women.

    Trapped SC, PREACH!!

  12. "And why are we surprised that black barbies are worth less than white barbies? To some people, REAL-LIFE black women are worth less than white women."

    TSC, the thing is, there are different angles you can view this. It really doesn't surprise me the black dolls are on sale, but I want to believe it might have been based on inventory. I don't think the black dolls were selling as fast as the white ones (that alone is the unfortunate issue). This should not be a shocker for a predominantly white or non-black society/country/continent - again unfortunate.

    It's not like they made the black dolls cheaper strait off the assembly table, then that would be an issue, but I believe it was a sale. Now, if they had to initially make black dolls more expensive over white dolls, then this too would be cause for concern. It would question racist motives to exploit/rip off black consumers, or to deliberately make the black dolls less financially accessible and therefore less favored by many. Just my opinion.

  13. I meant "straight" off the assembly table, it must be time for bed.

  14. Cal Soldier10:00 PM

    You should check out what Massa (what a name) did on Glen Beck today. While Massa's still got issues, he's still from the Northeast, and wouldn't entertain Beck's idiotic fantasies. To quote:

    "Stop calling fellow Americans names. Calling fellow Americans names. Pejorative, insulting, socialist, communist, whatever the case may be - colorful names designed to emote emotion (sic)," said Massa.

    "You can be a progressive and a fiscal conservative. I know we're going to have an argument, but you can be," said Massa. "But you can't show up at a Tea Party rally and claim that the entire budget deficit happened this year."

    Oops! Crackhead Beck didn't see that coming!

  15. ditto fn


    walmart was racist and a liar

    dan was racist and told the truth

    therein lies the dif for me

  16. mellaneous10:12 PM

    Field you sure can dig. The Walmart thing is interesting cause if I like the black doll for my kid I am kind of glad its on sale.

    This was in your link:
    Wade said that when white dolls outsell black dolls, it's usually because black parents are more likely than white parents to buy their children dolls of a different race.

    "Most white parents wouldn't think to buy a black doll for their child, even if they believe in equality and all those things," she said.

    The last statement is more indicting than Walmart selling the black doll for less.

    Its just business as some folks would say. Good ole capitalism.

    Trapped in SC said,
    "As for Dan Rather, I will accept an friend who says boneheaded shit before a enemy who damns me with faint praise. Rather probably regretted it the moment he said it."

    And you know this about Dan Rather umh how?

  17. mellaneous10:14 PM

    Trapped in SC said, "To some people, REAL-LIFE black women are worth less than white women."

    I feel you on this one Trapped. But they loved them some Precious.

  18. Farman10:15 PM

    This isn't the first Wal-mart faux pas on racial issues, didn't they sell some other toy with some crazy stuff surrounding it a while back? Well, it being based in Arkansas has to be considered.

    Trapped in SC was right on about why Rahm is in his position.

    Dan hasn't been the brightest bulb as of late.

    Massa? Is he the one that groped David Brooks under the table at some meeting a few years back? Brooks would never say who it was. I figured some Republican. What I want to know is why these guys are showering together?

  19. If Massa was under suspicion for sexual harassment why would he bring up the shower imagery. Rahm still has his dancer's body.

  20. Trapped in SC10:53 PM

    My point about Dan Rather is that even though he may have said things, a la Harry Reid, that may be idiotic or simply wrong on its face, I do not see malice there because there is no history of it.

    When Neil Cavuto says that "lending to minorities and risky folks is a disaster" without giving statistics to provide the viewer with some sense of objectivity, you get the sense that this could be a light into how he may feel on a personal level.

    When Bill O'Reilly is shocked that no one is cussing his ass out in a Harlem soul food restaurant, that tells me a lot about his baseline perception of black folks.

    I don't feel that with Rather. I could be totally wrong, but I don't think that I am.

  21. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "What to do with Rahm. Does his O ness really need this guy? I am guessing he just might."

    Rahm is Obama's alter egeo. that's why he hired him. Dan Rather was right....Thus far, Obama hasn't be able to sell much of anything to Congress, even with a Democratic majority in both houses!

    But as TSC said, Rather said something stupid and I bet he realized his mistake the moment he said it. Dan has been known to put his foot in his mouth from time to time.

  22. agape20101:20 AM

    Good for Rahm for taking the guy to task in the shower - the one place he cannot prove it really happened. If Rahm denies ole Massa just looks crazy :)

    Honestly I think the Wal Mart incident has everything to do with money and nothing to do with the color of the doll. Wal Mart is all about profit.


  23. Hathor you need to quit.:) Cal Soldier, I didn't know it went down like that. Priceless.

    "Massa? Is he the one that groped David Brooks under the table at some meeting a few years back? Brooks would never say who it was. I figured some Republican. What I want to know is why these guys are showering together?"

    LOL@ Farman.

    Not buying the inventory argument with Wal-Mart. Don't they have sme kind of fancy computarized inventory system where they just ship goods from one store to the other? Why would inventory be an issue with Wal-Mart?

    Now what mell said about some of these Negroes only buying white dolls for their kids is troubling. It's true, but it's still troubling.

  24. Filled Negro:

    You just reminded me that I need to make a blog post entitled: "Massa (D-NY) is gone!!! What we gonna do about our community's health care if wez get sick?"

    Not to my original post

    Filled Negro!!!
    *Spanning the globe to find the smallest racial slight!
    *Using the power of the network of Snarling Fox White Leftists who listen to the news so he doesn't have to and syndicating their propaganda
    *Expertly knowing the palate of his fans and adding the right touch of seasoning to the CHUM that he feeds them

    This is our HERO - Filled Negro.

    HEY FILLED NEGRO - do you mind if I properly frame the Barbie issue for you?

    * In China approximately April 2009 - a factory manager looked at a production plan

    * He orders two workers - telling one to mix a batch of plastic epoxy with a WHITE coloring agent.

    * He orders the other worker to mix a batch of plastic with a BROWN coloring agent

    * Both large batches of plastic are sent through INJECTION MOLDING!!

    * After the plastic is cooled off these "sewing machine" looking things punch strands of hair into the PLASTIC that is now shaped like a female. They largely use the SAME NYLON to represent the hair of both production runs, only the COLOR of the nylon is different (Black vs Golden Yellow)

    * Chinese workers with little paint brushes and stickers - paint PLASTIC figurine in the area that looks like the lips and the eyes and the fingernails of a human.

    * Quality control checks the dolls

    * They are packaged up in cardboard that has been previously PROOFED for proper ENGLISH because NONE OF THESE WORKERS SPEAK ENGLISH

    * These packages are PACKED IN BULK and LOADED ON A CARGO SHIP.

    * After more than 2 months in the container having taken the voyage and sitting on some loading dock - they get put into a truck and sent into a store - JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON.

    * These PLASTIC FIGURINES - one with brown coloring agent and the other with white are put on the shelf of various WalMart stores for sale during Christmas.

    * Now that it is after Christmas WALMART WANTS TO GET RID OF BOTH PRODUCTION RUNS OF DOLLS. They price them based on SALES VOLUME and INVENTORY ON HAND - just as they might do SNEAKERS, PANTS OR A DIFFERENT FLAVOR OF COFFEE which sell at different rates based on the CONSUMER TASTES.

    But with all of that said, Filled Negro - I am going to take you away from your proclivities:

    1) WHAT is the difference between these dolls beyond the decision that CHINESE worker made for COLORING agents?

    2) Is the VALUE of this piece of PLASTIC which you take RACIAL OFFENSE TO determined by the PRICE set by WALMART'S computer system OR is it one in which YOU MAKE NOTE OF THE NUMBER OF BLACK PEOPLE WHO HAD BEEN EMPLOYED in the design, production and marketing of these two PIECES OF PLASTIC?

    3) If the lower price of this brown piece of plastic enables WHITE HUMANS and BLACK HUMANS to choose IT OVER THE higher priced doll, thus allowing MORE GIRLS TO HAVE BROWN SKINNED DOLLS to beautify AS THE WHITE DOLL remains on the shelf - have YOU been insulted still?

    Man RACISM CHASING sure does make one MYOPIC.

    I wonder how many CHINESE people are sweating that NO CHINESE DOLLS ARE ON THE SHELF?

    They GOT OUR MONEY. This is all that they are worrying about.

  25. [quote]I do not see malice there because there is no history of it.[/quote]

    Low & Country:


    You not only evaluate the INDIVIDUAL'S history of malice you ALSO assign the person the indictment that the GROUP that he identifies with AND THEN you check your own personal IDEOLOGICAL and POLITICAL ADVANTAGE in attacking him to your choice to do so or REMAIN SILENT.

    What you NEED TO DO is to look at the various forms of ATTACK that can be registered. The White man calling you "N" (that is IF you are Black - a point that I have not firmly established yet) is no different than the White man who claims to CARE FOR THE NEGRO yet in his ASSUMED INFERIORITY OF BLACK FOLKS - the policies that he puts forth RUINS our COMMUNITY COMPETENCY - instead making us DEPENDENT.

    This is not only HATRED of us its DESTRUCTION leaps forward for GENERATIONS, requiring overt action to scrape it out of our consciousness.

    Certain Negroes see such a person offering them "food in the soup line" and yet patting them on the head as a FRIEND who cares deeply for them.

    The inspection needs to take place 5, 10, 30 years from now to see if THEY ARE STILL IN LINE. This to me is HATRED. CONTEMPT to the worse degree. For if HE STOPS DOING WHAT HE IS DOING - you perish for neither he NOR YOU thought to do any differently than maintain your incestuous relationship where he was on top and you got fed.

  26. barbies are evil. PERIOD.

  27. ps fn:

    for the RARE record (smile):


    massa is a shady lying DL fraud and he needs to be ousted!

    rahm is 2 for 2 for me!
    massa is a retard too!

  28. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Was Dan racist, or was he pointing out conservative racism. And if it's the latter, is he wrong? Or should he be commended for having balls to call the Reps out?

  29. Anonymous9:18 AM

    . I figured some Republican.

    why would it be a republican doing the groping field?

  30. CF

    Why don't you just cut through all the bombast and repetitive drivel that you post daily and get to the essence of your philosophy.

    "Negroes are Negroes worst problem and if there were no Negroes then Negroes would be fine."

  31. speaking of dl fraud politicos

    mass has LOTS of co in dc
    obama included



  32. AB

    I saw "Outrage" on HBO last week.

    Michael Signorile, a gay political radio host, claimed that almost half of Capitol Hill staffers (from BOTH parties) are gay.

    That's amazing.

  33. uts:

    what is even more amazing is how many MORE gays are quietly EVERYWHERE than we know...


    i believe that a minimum of 30% of all persons are gay...30%het..and 30% bi...which makes the gays sometime 60%


    what i hate most about closeted
    gays is that it helps haters like dicedicicy pretend we contribute nothing to society etc

    ie MILLIONS of ideal parents are secretly gay...even married to hets...but dicedicyicy et al make adoption and marriage illegal because they see us as all junkies and drag queens in bars and hookers etc and their tv shows reinforce that...

    just as most black people have neer seen/sold/used crack...
    most gays are normal people who live normal boring sexually frustrated lives/monogamous/celibate just like most hets...

  34. uts:

    russell simmons has also said that at least half of the hip hop stars are bi or gay too

    even long before the awesome macho ll cool j bravely wrote about his own secual confusion and
    his sexual abuse by a stepfather

    wendy williams has built her own career outing stars like redman/method man (both married dads), remy ma, alicia keys,
    big tigger, and others...

    so many great gay black lives are hidden from history...langston hughes/lorraine hansberry/george w carver etc

    great black gays that ECLIPSE the lives of gaybashing fools

    we are everywhere
    we always have been and we always will be



  35. dan rather's non-apology:

    All this is the backdrop for what I said on the Matthews show. I was talking about Obama and health care and I used the analogy of selling watermelons by the side of the road. It's an expression that stretches to my boyhood roots in Southeast Texas, when country highways were lined with stands manned by sellers of all races. Now of course watermelons have become a stereotype for African Americans and so my analogy entered a charged environment. I'm sorry people took offense.


    saw outrage. estimate is too high. no way he would know that. he never worked on capitol hill.

  36. AB

    "russell simmons has also said that at least half of the hip hop stars are bi or gay too"

    Like who?

    Simmons wouldn't dare name names like Signorile did, even if he had proof.


    I don't believe Rather's remark had race connotations.

    Watch out for the okey doke from the right.

  37. Anonymous10:27 AM

    i believe that a minimum of 30% of all persons are gay...30%het..and 30% bi...which makes the gays sometime 60%

    That's an interesting analyses, but I've never seen any kind of proof for such a figure.

  38. anon:

    how can anyone ever prove what people hide?

    see more:


  39. uts:

    NOT naming names has never proved or DISPROVED anything

    gays hide because of hatred

    they are forced to conspire in their own demise

  40. uts:


    if u need names so..

    2 women are obsessed with naming names




  41. [quote]"Negroes are Negroes worst problem and if there were no Negroes then Negroes would be fine."[/quote]

    Shake Your Booty WhiteBowieSteve:

    This would logically mean - that I want to exterminate myself. Wouldn't it?

    In truth I want to take the CONSCIOUSNESS that flows in your blood stream and infects your brain like a parasite and merely add some pesticide to it so that YOUR MIND MIGHT BE FREED from the tapeworm that clogs your brain.

    Look in the mirror at your eyes Steve - the parasite worms are visible to all who see through them.

    It is not the "Negro" like you in PHYSICAL FORM that I have contempt for. There is nothing wrong with you GENETICALLY.

    The problem resides with your THOUGHT PROCESS. Somewhere along the way after being INDOCTRINATED by operatives all of your life you learned that there is PROFIT to be had and INFLUENCE over others if you connect with them via their GRIEVANCE.

    Tell me Steve - the CHINESE FACTORY WORKERS merely used different colored powder to make the DISTINCTIONS IN PLASTIC between one INJECTION MOLDING and the other one.


    Is it possible that your CONSCIOUSNESS IS PLASTIC with a "Made In China" sticker on it?

    I can't take you, Filled Negro or "Low And Country" any longer.

  42. fn:

    kudos on the new lawn jockey
    armstrong williams!!!

    i hate him!
    he is another gaybashing dl neocon poster boy



  43. A Person of Interest11:07 AM

    What's Rahm doing in the Congressional showers in the first place?

    Don't they have them in the White House?

  44. CF

    "This would logically mean - that I want to exterminate myself. Wouldn't it?"

    No just the 95% of us who don't think like you.

    Then you can proclaim your undyling love for Massa (Not Eric) with no rebuttals from us bothersome blacks.

  45. ab said:
    gays hide because of hatred

    they are forced to conspire in their own demise

    i don't buy this. most hide because they can't accept themselves. if you've seen outrage, you should refer to the struggles that mcgreevey had. they aren't forced to do anything.hypocrisy has many faces.

  46. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The Law of Supply and Demand is racist and must be repealed!

  47. poppycock11:40 AM

    gays hide because of hatred

    they are forced to conspire in their own demise

    i don't buy this. most hide because they can't accept themselves. if you've seen outrage, you should refer to the struggles that mcgreevey had. they aren't forced to do anything.hypocrisy has many faces.

    Why do you think they have trouble "accepting themselves" couldnt have anything to do with the blatent HATRED many are taught as soon as they come out the womb, no?

  48. Anonymous11:41 AM

    In case of Walmart, the capitalist market dictates that a product that lacks demand must either be removed from the market or the price reduced to increase demand for the product.

    In the end blacks need to take some responsibility here.Let us be honest how many blacks you know buy their black daughter a white barbie doll. Hell forget the doll, how about the shoe, the book bag, the writing book, the pencils the video games.Lets be real if a black person walks into the same Walmart and has to chose between a black barbie and a white barbie 7 out 10 time that black person is going to buy the WHITE barbie. So why should the Walmart take all the blame.

    Sorry long rant was long I need to post again for the other issues.

  49. pc:

    thanks ditto!


    that was a really arrogantly ignorant typically gaybashing denial

    who would choose to be despised by most of their own kin/employers/profs/churches/peers/adoption agencies/etc???

    they hide to avoid all of that!

    see more:




  50. maria:

    tons of gay parents hide as long as they can...then when they do come out and become honest...DAILY!

    they lose custody of kids that have parented perfectly and adore

    that is yet another reason why gays who love and want their own children HIDE!



  51. http://www.amazon.com/What-Makes-Family-Brook-Shields/dp/B000TRB9SQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=video&qid=1268239982&sr=8-1

  52. http://thenewgay.net/2010/03/13-love-stories.html

  53. maria:

    in 2010, gay couples who seek to rent apts/buy homes are STILL often treated worse than blacks in 1950

    yet another reason why they hide!

    wake up!

    you have no right to "not buy" what u never endure!


  54. Constructive Feedback said...
    Filled Negro:

    3) If the lower price of this brown piece of plastic enables WHITE HUMANS and BLACK HUMANS to choose IT OVER THE higher priced doll, thus allowing MORE GIRLS TO HAVE BROWN SKINNED DOLLS to beautify AS THE WHITE DOLL remains on the shelf - have YOU been insulted still?

    Man RACISM CHASING sure does make one MYOPIC.

    I wonder how many CHINESE people are sweating that NO CHINESE DOLLS ARE ON THE SHELF?

    They GOT OUR MONEY. This is all that they are worrying about.

    7:51 AM


    I was thinking the same thing, maybe more white parents will persuade they're kids into getting a black Barbie, if anything, to expand their collection. But the line - They GOT OUR MONEY. This is all that they are worrying about - That hurts me more than anything. I try not to "give" them any money but we are in America.

  55. maria:

    see funeral film clips at link below

    why would anyone choose to have their parents abuse them so???


  56. alicia banks said...

    what is even more amazing is how many MORE gays are quietly EVERYWHERE than we know...
    alicia banks said...

    russell simmons has also said that at least half of the hip hop stars are bi or gay too


    True. True. True. My cousin is a gay male living in the D.C. metro area and he has often said he has his fun share of "stars" - His words.

  57. i did NOT say gays don't face discrimination. they do. you do i am sure. i am not bashing anyone. that's a superficial and wrong take on what i said.

    i AM saying that self-acceptance is part of the struggle about whether to come out and i AM saying that a gay politician who is trying to hide the fact that she/she is gay FOR WHATEVER REASON is not FORCED to take virulent anti-gay stances. if anything, that brings more attention to themselves.

  58. rk:


    and the most gay are the ones who pen the most gaybashing lyrics etc...tragic!

    shug knight outed dr. dre who was once femme in a band before NWA


    anyone who saw johnny gill back when he was stacy lattisaw's flaming bff would KNOW that he and gaybasher eddie murphy have been dl lovers for yrs!

    arsennio hog was a unisexual neat drag queen in hs
    also an ex of eddie m



  59. ok maria

    i misunderstood u


    i agree

    i thoght u were saying hating does not make them hide

    fear is no justification for being a rabid gaybasher

    most of us are closeted
    at some pt
    i was until i was 21
    but i was very publicly pro-gay while posing as het
    like alice walker was before she wed and divrced tracy chapman


  60. rk

    rushing as always

    excuse all my typos

    i meant:

    arsennio hall was a unisexual near drag queen in hs
    & he is also an ex of eddie m

  61. Anonymous12:19 PM

    As for Rahm he is the "spawn of the devil"

    A agent for the hospital lobby told me from about June of last year that there would be no public option.How does she know? Is she a modern day Nostradamus?

    Actually no she said that Rahm (with Obama's consent)made a deal with the hospital lobby that there would be no public option if the hospital lobby did not oppose "reform".So the hospital lobby agreed. So when you Obama talk about wanting the public option...HE IS LYING!!!!.

    Why would hospitals( private) oppose the public option?

    Let go to class:
    Some people know that the largest health insurer in America is Kaiser Permanente.What most would not know is that they also own and operate several private hospitals.In fact one the conditions of most Kaiser plans is that you can only use their hospitals to get treatment. Diabolical huh?

    Anyway one the provision of the public option is that a person could go to any hospital or doctor that they wanted.Ergo many person who hate the Kaiser hospital restriction could join the public option get insurance at a lower rate plus use any hospital they choose. Thus cutting into Kaiser Permanente's two bottom lines.

    Screwing over Americans for corporate interest is the type of change Rahm believes in.

  62. maria:

    there is a whole new gen of gay youth who are far braver than all of us...who come out earlier and will never be like massa

    and that is hopeful/blissful better for ALL of us/het or gay


  63. jc:


    rahm is a lethal evil chi-town thug

    but massa is still lying on him


  64. Anonymous12:25 PM


    I am not saying that Kaiser is solely responsible for the death of the public option if you do checks you would find that insurance companies have shares in hospitals or that their boards are manned by the same people.

  65. Anonymous12:27 PM

    @ AB:

    You may be right, but a choice between the word of Massa or that of Rahm. I choose Massa.

  66. jc:

    we agree to disagree

    i choose massa because his ENTIRE life is a LIE!



    see flamer jg here


  67. rk

    "True. True. True. My cousin is a gay male living in the D.C. metro area and he has often said he has his fun share of "stars" - His words."

    I live in the DC area, have worked with a lot of gays and they are always claiming to have slept with some celebrity or politician.

    I take it with a grain of salt.

    In fact one gay guy said to me that every man is actually gay. You just need the right person to bring it out.

    I'm not a homophobe but I do believe that alot of gays are caught up in self-serving delusions.

  68. Anonymous12:46 PM

    You are nearly retarded. Just keep your trap shut on gay issues. YOu end up looking so damn stupid.

    Just as bad as you appear on Black issues.

  69. Anonymous12:51 PM

    "In fact one gay guy said to me that every man is actually gay. You just need the right person to bring it out."

    I co-sign that UTS. I've heard that innumerable times from gay men. Now I have no problem with people doing their own thing in the bedroom, but don't feed me that line of bull.

  70. I have to agree with AB and Assnon. Maria is not gay nad not black, how can she "buy it". Good way of playing nicely AB, but making your point!

  71. Well Assnon 12:51 if you brothers would stop bending over for it, then perhaps they wouldn't have anything to talk about then would they? But you black boys love cock, but masculinity in our community is so convoluted, you cannot admit it.

  72. Trapped in SC12:59 PM

    First, your filth-encrusted ferret paws posted something about....

    "In truth I want to take the CONSCIOUSNESS that flows in your blood stream and infects your brain like a parasite and merely add some pesticide to it so that YOUR MIND MIGHT BE FREED from the tapeworm that clogs your brain."

    Then, you posted this drivel:

    "I can't take you, Filled Negro or "Low And Country" any longer."

    Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please..................................................................................................

    Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

    Go to your blog(s). I see that you have about eight of them. But, alas, no comments.

    You don't know what you're talking about. You think you do. Hell, you have convinced yourself of that fact. Don't be an uninformed dummy that has to search for a way, any way possible to denigrate blacks and the black experience by euphemistically calling it "Constructive Feedback".

    People like you make up one percent of one percent of one percent of one percent of blacks in America. Your logic is weak, and most of your "arguments" aren't even remotely plausible or grounded in reality. You are a black wingnut, a Tavis Smiley for the right, a jealous fraud. A black man who can rest on the laurels of the people who were killed directly or indirectly for your benefit while at the same time being hypocritical enough to believe that you did it all by yourself, because Thomas, Larry, Shelby, or James told you so.

    When or if the revolution ever comes, you will be the first motherfucker they hang. You do know that, don't you?

    But we need people like you if for no other reason than to remind us that "every brother ain't a brother".

    If you want to impress some of us, stop using caps lock for every other word because you think it deserves emphasis.

  73. kaiser is a non-profit, staff model hmo that has its own hospitals, never been a secret, not diabolical in the least. that's the way it operates, it is roundly praised for excellent, cost-effective care.

    it is not the largest insurer in the country by any stretch. it's fifth or sixth under humana and cigna. it is the largest NON PROFIT.



    i've never read a word saying kaiser was against the public option.

    got a link?

  74. Anonymous1:04 PM

    When or if the revolution ever comes, you will be the first motherfucker they hang. You do know that, don't you?

    What revolution and how will be hanging CF?

    every brother ain't a brother

    What does it take to be a "brother" ?

  75. OpenWide1:31 PM


    To be honest, I thoroughly enjoy your posts. You and AB are the only 2 on here with any real intellect. I hope you don't go. However, if the blog has become that frustrating for you, then I understand.

    For all you CF haters. FN always talks about "learning" from each other. Do you really want a blog filled with everyone who believes the same thing?? Then what reason does this blog truly serve if that is the case.

  76. ow:


    ditto on cf!
    even i agree with about 95% of what cf posts



    there are even more het fools in the world thn gay ones

    NO one forced their sexuality on anyone like hets on gays...there is no comparison!!!

    i know many gays who enjoy harassing and teasing hets
    and i never condone that

    but MILLIONS more deny ALL gays are homosexuality in MILLIONS more ways...

    when gays like u whine about gays harassing them it sounds more pathetic than whites who whine about black racism or men who whine about fatal violent women







    i am usually very nice

    i am always nice when i am allowed to be...smile


  77. uts:

    i meant:

    but MILLIONS more deny ALL gays OUR
    homosexuality in MILLIONS more ways...

    like u whine about gays harassing them it sounds more pathetic than whites who whine about black racism or men who whine about fatal violent women

  78. jc:

    ditto to all re rahm

    i hate him

    but i hate massa more

    rahm is ruthless and a bully

    but i think massa is lying to cover his own shady waffling etc...

  79. mroe on massa's lies


  80. cinco1:49 PM

    These kind of people are so tiring but they're not going away sorry to say. They have to stay in the limelight no matter what. Just retire quietly and go away at the same time.

  81. rk:

    tupac oute dre too:


    and big boi outed missy e who is (like queen l and rock hudson) is married and totally out off camera:


  82. cinco1:52 PM

    FN where has the substance of your blog gone???? I had a hiatus and come back to worse than before I left....same old shit writers with their incoherent, rambling blathering trying to make friends in cyber space....

  83. rk:

    see dre in his disco femme days:


  84. rk/uts:

    classic book with amazing gay tales

    many names named here:



    and mary wilson outed diana ross and cindy birdsong's lesbian fling:


  85. rk:

    david bowie's and mick jagger's ex-wives continuously outed them as a gay duo for decades



    and corey haim died last night from an overdose

    for yrs many have said michael jackson molested them both

    they both accidentally outed all 3on their own reality show

    i will blog on this later this pm

  86. they/3 =

    corey feldman
    corey haim

  87. mellaneous2:04 PM

    Trapped in SC you may be on to something.

    AB is the only reason you dislike Armstrong Williams is because of his gay bashing. I can find so many other problems with his politics and self-serving Black bashing.

    AB- just curious I didn't know all the stuff about who is gay or bi and who isn't. It didn't make a difference to me. Is there a reason you put all these folks business in the streets so to speak (lol)

    Do you really agree with CF 95 percent of the time? I don't think so. He just makes sure to try to avoid your wrath.

    I really didn't like the implications of CF saying that Trapped should put pesticide anywhere near his brain.

  88. cinco:

    i hear this herein a lot

    that people blog "to make friends"...


    have u ever met anyone from a blog?

    i think this is a bold faced lie

    but if it is true than there are a lot of sad and lonely people online...

    i thought that was what dating sites and live chat rooms were for...no????

  89. did u miss my link about armstrong?

    scan up

    i hate him for MANY reasons listed there

    cf and i know that republicans are clones of dems

    and that dems do and have done most damage to blacks

    that is why i love cf overall

    like uts lamented no names named?

    those who hate gays are hopeless
    when we are silent u pretend we do not exist
    when we are out u r annoyed
    and that is why we ignore u

  90. mellaneous2:07 PM

    Open Wide- take this in for food for thought.

    If you are a consistent reader of this blog then you would know that CF seldom listens to anyone and makes assumptions based on his own very myopic world view, while accusing others of doing the same. He seldom will agree to disagree and he hardly ever concedes a point, or acknowledges when someone has answered a challenge.

    And the other fact is that he blabs often without knowing what he is talking about, often placing political and social realities into some stilted and mechanical or engineering or business construct that does not fit in any real efforts to plan for a just and adequate society. It somehow fits for him as he twists everything that's said into some odd/conservative/narrow/anti-black/anti-poor paradigm.

    You are right we can learn from one another but we have to be open some folks simply are not.

    However, you contradict yourself if as you said only two folks have any intellect on this blog (which is patently disengenous)why are you insisting that folks learn from one another? I mean you can't learn from dummies. It sounds like you have already made up your mind. How would that in any way represent learning from one another?

    and BTW CF is a classic contrarian!

  91. the main reason i despise armstrong is he is a rabid gay gaybasher like maria lamented

    the second is that he is a greasy posterboy coon for neocons

    and third is that he is fluent in ebonics while bashing ebonics

    Just as Armstrong chronically speaks ebonics while simultaneously bashing its validity, he has been bashing homosexuals while sexually harassing a male producer. Stephen Gregory, LA Times columnist and former producer of Armstrong’s D. C. radio show “The Right Side” (a comical misnomer), has filed a lawsuit that alleges he was ruthlessly sexually harassed by Armstrong for over two years. The details of this lawsuit are too vulgar to detail herein. If you desire them, you may obtain a copy of the suit/affidavits c/o Attorney Mickey Wheatley at 202-387-4331.


  92. mellaneous2:10 PM

    cf and i know that republicans are clones of dems

    I have never heard CF espouse this he seems to side with Republicans more often than not and definitely sides with their way of thinking.

    I don't think you agree as much as you think. And I really don't believe that this narrow self hating guy is not homophobic. But I could be wrong.

  93. mell:

    did u miss when he preached about have dem black leaders have destroyed cities?

    and he slew utsin colorism too



  94. and he slew uts re colorism too

  95. mellaneous2:14 PM

    AB ditto on Armstrong!! BTW ask CF what he thinks of Armstrong. May surprise you a bit. The neocon black basher is kind of quiet.

    CF CF CF come out and playyyy!!
    Please tell AB how much you disagree with her assesment of Armstrong. Are you man enough to tell the sister you really aren't her ally or do we have to go to past posts and out you.

    Holler later have to run

  96. mell:

    i agree with u too

    i ignore cf when he refuses to listen

    like about nclb/recess in schools etc

  97. mell:

    i never said he was an ally bro!

    i have very few of those herein

    he is a solo contrarian

    but i just think he is usually dead on about politicos

  98. mell:

    i voted for hillary

    but i bust all politicos and trust none of them!


  99. "AB is the only reason you dislike Armstrong Williams is because of his gay bashing. I can find so many other problems with his politics and self-serving Black bashing."

    Armstrong Williams is well known around DC as a gay predator who actually had to settle a harrassment suit out of court with his former physical trainer.

    "and he slew uts re colorism too"


    CF just did what he always does, attack and vilify black folks while making excuses for white racists.

    And AB if you think for one second that a self-hating buckdancing Tom like CF is with a dark-skinned black woman, let alone a FAT darkskinned black woman, you're even more blind than I thought.

  100. uts:

    u do not have to be married to a fat black woman to prove you are not a colorist

    u r living proof of that:



    see more on the toxic rot of ALL politicos who are ALL ruled by corps here


  101. uts:

    have u ever seen cf or his wife?

  102. Supportive Mom 4 Ever2:30 PM

    those who hate gays are hopeless
    when we are silent u pretend we do not exist
    when we are out u r annoyed
    and that is why we ignore u

    very true.

    My son is a gay and when he was coming out in HS, the majority of his friends became white due to the fact that our community is so homophobic and beat him up, threatened him etc. I went to parent meetings that supported LBGTQ rights (not queer FN) and most of those supporting gay youth were white. AND WE LIVE IN A PREDOMINATELY BLACK COMMUNITY. This told me a lot about those who share my skin color.

    As my son grew older (he's 23 now) and started to go out to various places, he would always share with me how many black guys hit on him and these guys were married with kids!!!!!

    I just wanted to call attention to what AB said above. It's very true. And very sad.

  103. sm4e:


    u made my day sista

    your son is blessed to have u

    many bgm date wm and evade black ones because of such black macho torture and abuse...

    i said yesterday that lee daniels adopted his black neice and nephew and is a wonderful married dad who was severely beaten (like ER) by his own macho black dad...and his husband is a wm

    and i have seen many bm driven away from bm in the same fashion...tragic!

    when i lived in atl, i met many beautiful black het men who only dated wfs because they grew up rejected and dogged by yellow bf colorist clones of uts

    ALL hatred breeds such permanently detaching scars

    god bless u and your son!

    a gospel star tonex is enduring the same black abuses now


  104. "have u ever seen cf or his wife?"

    Nope and don't have to.

    How many black conservtive men do you see with black women period?

    Outside of J.C. Watts I can't think of one.

    And I KNOW you're not trying to talk smack about my wife.

  105. i have lived in many cities on all us coasts but NONE has been as rabidly colorist as atlanta and memphis...not even nola!

    that is why spike lee made school daze

    he was equally mortified by the colorism at morehouse



    are u from atl?

  106. uts:

    i have never seen yuor wife

    that is why i am wondering why YOU are degrading cf!!!

  107. uts:

    millions of black neocons have black wives

    like hobama
    u lie

  108. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Listen to a brother speak some truth:


  109. sm4e/uts:


    like single women

    gay men often lament how much married macho bm sexually harass them!

    evem b scott laments this often:



  110. blackstocking2:51 PM

    On Barbie prices- the black dolls are usually higher than white ones. Supply and demand. Some of us will only buy the black doll and are willing to pay more. This has been my experience with the "holiday" and other special edition dolls.

    On Obama, Rather & Watermelons: between His missteps, soem white folks paranoia and racism, Obama is a one-term President. He is first and last black president for the next 100 years- but that is subject of my screenplay.

    If they don't use his performance against the rest of us, I'll eat my hat.

  111. more on colorist bros like uts:


  112. ab

    I'm not sure if you are in a ranting mood today or what but if you take a look at the computer reproduction of a picture my wife and I took that I posted here, it is obvious that she is a beautiful darksinned woman.

    I live in the DC area and there is nowhere more colorstruck in the world.

    In fact I was never referred to as "dark" growing up in NYC but when I got to DC in 1980 I found out that if you don't pass the paper bag test then you are officially "dark".

  113. blks:

    kudos on your screenplay!

    they will...obama made racism worse from day 1!


  114. uts:

    then u really need to chill on the gabby disses...

  115. Anonymous3:00 PM

    "when I got to DC in 1980 I found out that if you don't pass the paper bag test then you are officially "dark"."

    I hope you wore that paper bag over your nappy-ass head!

  116. "then u really need to chill on the gabby disses"


    "I hope you wore that paper bag over your nappy-ass head!"

    Nah, I actually passed the comb test (hair didn't get caught up in the teeth of the comb).

  117. anon12:46,

    You don't even have to say anything about gay people to be considered a gay hater.

  118. sm4e:

    this is a great realistic bgm drama

    shockingly, even most of the great actors out on the show are dl/closeted in real life




  119. hathor:

    that is even more pathetic than the avg gay hater

    you sound like frank now


    you speak about your hair with such pride

    i see it as evidence of ancestral rape..nothing to be proud about

    native africans call beautiful nappy hair "the proof"

    i love that!

  120. And as far as these negroes yapping about how homophobic the black community is......

    I dare you to go swishing your behind around some white marines, in a trailerpark or in a redneck bar.

    Come back and talk to me then.

  121. Anonymous3:15 PM

    AB: "native africans call beautiful nappy hair "the proof""

    So what they call that mop on top your head?

  122. uts:

    it would be an honor to snap that comb!

    nappy hair is the only perfect circle in the universe

    and i adore my soft silky nappy hair

    i am proud to be locked for life




  123. "you speak about your hair with such pride"

    I proud of who and what I am.

    "i see it as evidence of ancestral rape..nothing to be proud about"

    Nah, paternal grandmother was half black, half Catawba Indian.

  124. assnons are unbeweavably bald headed/filled with lupus from lye perms etc...that is why they hate the regal manes of us who are locked!


  125. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Catawba Indian = Irish

  126. uts:

    that is nothing rare
    most of us have indian blood
    and caucasian too

    my own grandfather was full blooded cherokee
    but i do not brag about comb tests

  127. Anonymous3:21 PM

    AB: "that is why they hate the regal manes of us who are locked!"

    I would suggest one of uptown's paper bags. Or in your case, one of those giant leaf bags.

  128. Supportive Mom 4 Ever3:23 PM

    swishing your behind

    Stereotypes like that are the norm in our community. Thank you for confirming the narrow mindedness.

    My son does not "swish" as you speak. I am sorry you feel that way about others. Perhaps you are more life CF than you claim. Statements like that perpetrate hatred and bias. I would think a minority you would know better.

  129. assnons are obsessed with bags for 3 reasons:

    they are fugly

    they are a 2fer

    they have plastic jheri curl bags glued on

  130. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Cherokee = Mexican.

    It's nothig to be ashamed of. People just want to say their mix is Indian, but it's all good.

  131. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Lots of groups are homophobic, but to use that to try to negate the fact of the amount of homophobia in the black community is quite ignorant. Even for you.

  132. sm4e:

    what is really comical to us gays is that most gay men are dl and macho jocks and gym rats who would beat these skinny het/fat weakling het smoking and beer swilling gaybashers down!

  133. Supportive Mom 4ever

    Anonymous posters are phonies liars and cowards.

    I believe that you are a black woman with a gay son about as much as I believe Republicans want people of color in their party.

  134. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Supportive Mom 4 Ever said...

    "I would think a minority you would know better."

    How condescending!

    BTW, I'm pretty sure your son does "swish" when you're not around.

  135. uts:

    it is always hard for racists and gaybashers and colorists and sexists et al like YOU to believe that everyone does NOT think as they do!!!

    what else is new?

  136. Anonymous3:27 PM

    "Anonymous posters are phonies liars and cowards."

    As opposed to dudes who post under the name "uptownsteve". How brave is that?

  137. assnon:


    most black men do not sell drugs

    and most bgm do not swish

  138. "Lots of groups are homophobic, but to use that to try to negate the fact of the amount of homophobia in the black community is quite ignorant. Even for you."

    How is the amount of homophobia greater or any different than that of any other community?

    And if you cannot answer that question in detail then it will be a stark demonstration of YOUR ignorance.


  139. Supportive Mom 4 Ever3:29 PM

    You don't have to believe anything. However, it does not change fact and pain. I know some white folks who don't think racism exists. But that does not change the fact that it does.

    I never asked you to believe. However, as a mother with a gay son, your swish statement is very offensive to me. Nonetheless, it is homophobic and should offend anyone who supports equal rights, social justice, and inclusivity. However, it is typical as a black man that you should make that I guess. Unfortunately.

  140. uts:

    you are arrogantly ignorance

    black gaybashers are GLOBALLY the worst gaybashers in the world


    TONS of black celebs who are deeply padlocked in thec loset and will never be ellen/elton

    corrective rapes in south africa

    legal murders of gays in jamaica

    MOST black church sermons on ANY given sunday





  141. Supportive Mom 4 Ever3:32 PM

    How condescending!

    How so??


    And all blacks eat watermelon right?

  142. queen l and her wife
    eddie m and johnny g can never do this:


  143. Supportive Mom 4 Ever3:34 PM

    Thank you for the detail.

  144. sm4e:

    my pleasure

    ALL gays are denied god by gaybashers

    but ONLY black gaybashers deny us our black race TOO!

    uts is a liar!


  145. Supportive Mom 4 Ever3:36 PM

    I had not read those. I appreciate the information you share. I can only speak from my experience, but UTS does not want to hear that.

    I do hope his children do not hear him talking like that.

  146. Anonymous3:36 PM

    "And all blacks eat watermelon right?"

    Yes. Everybody eats watermelon, because watermelon is good.

  147. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "I do hope his children do not hear him talking like that."

    And I hope they don't have to see anybody swishing around the neigborhood!

  148. ps:

    and that rabid holy hating black fool dicedicyicy actually blamed gay kids for black het kids' turbo babies

    i have NEVER heard any white gaybasher retarded or rabid enuf to go there either!!!

    uts is a liar!


  149. assnons are haters who bash swishing gays as they ignore swinging guns/murdering het gangs!



  150. "It's nothig to be ashamed of. People just want to say their mix is Indian, but it's all good."

    In fact in the Southeast US during the 19th century many blacks and Native Americans mixed.

    No brag just fact.

    Still one more reason why African-American skin color and hair texture ranges so widely.

    Read all about it.


  151. sm4e:

    thank u!

    the appreciation is mutual

    hates have no desire to learn a thing!

    they adore the ignorance they spew and wallow in it!

    they are hopeless poison in ALL arenas!

    and most of the fools who bash gays have never even talked to one real gay person

  152. Anonymous3:44 PM


    Some of us refer to UTS as Stupid Steve. He's the polar opposite of CF.

    CF: Blacks are bad, blacks deserve what they get.
    UTS: Blacks are the greatest, they are never wrong, we are college presidents and everything...

    Don't listen to him. He's homophobic and proved that today through his use of language.

    I rarely ever post. And always post anonymous. Because putting a made-up name out there is so much braver???? ha ha.

  153. uts:

    i know it

    i just to do not wear the rapes of my grandnothers like a scout's badge as u do

  154. anon:

    i appreciate you and i agree!

    and using any name just makes it easier to denote your posts from all the assnons!

  155. I asked anon, AB, or SM4ever to prove with evidence that the black community is any MORE homophobic than any other community.

    Not your anecdotes or emotional outbursts but PROOF which you can't provide because it doesn't exist anywhere but the recesses of your imagination.

    A lot of white folks don't like black people period so you expect somebody to believe they are going to be more accepting of a BLACK GAY????


  156. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I am not even gay (and to my knowledge don't know anyone personally who is), and I am thankful that AB is speaking up. I know at my black church, I hear every Sunday how bad "those people" are. Never sits right with me. Blacks used to be known as "those people" too. Maybe it's time I try a new church.

  157. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Reading the numerous posts of Alicia Banks on this site brought me to the conclusion that she is a fairly unbalance individual. Then I followed a link to her website, which now leads me to believe she is certifiably insane.

    AB: Seriously girl, there are medications available today that be of some help. give sanity a chance.

  158. Blogger uptownsteve said...


    "True. True. True. My cousin is a gay male living in the D.C. metro area and he has often said he has his fun share of "stars" - His words."

    I live in the DC area, have worked with a lot of gays and they are always claiming to have slept with some celebrity or politician.

    I can understand your point/reservations, but I'm inclined to believe my cousin as the reason for that is he's good looking, articulate, light, bright almost white..lol - And he's very well paid. So I can guess that he travels only in "exclusive" circles.

  159. utterlyblind:

    ignoring my proof does not make it go away

    see the links you fool!

    your whole world evolves around what white people think

    black gaybashers hate black gays more than whites hate all blacks


    many white adore black grandkids
    adopted and mixed

    while black kids reject and murder their own black kids daily!!!

  160. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Maybe UTS is right, maybe all communities are totally equal in hating gays. I am sure that's it. Let's not look at the historical significance of the church on one's outlook. Let's not look at the black communities strange obsession with masculinity, let's not look at Jamaica for GOD SAKES.

    I think UTS is right. It really is a perfectly equal amount of quantifiable hate from each community. Thanks UTS. You is so smart.

  161. assnons show how fugly ENVY is each day!

    assnons have NO blogs!!!...they are too busy surfing and policing those of others!

  162. AB,

    You can only surmise. My image here is only an illusion, as all of us. But I guess if you don't live in the real world and illusion is sufficient for you.

  163. anon:


    that is why uts blatanlt ignored all the proof we posted

    many WHITES adore their black grandkids
    adopted and mixed

    while black gaybashers reject and murder their own black kids daily!!!


  164. "I know at my black church, I hear every Sunday how bad "those people" are."

    Even the organ player?

    Or the choir director?

    You don't go to no damn black church.

  165. simplyfabulous3:55 PM

    good looking, articulate, light, bright almost white..lol

    Stop right there!!!!!!! Light has very little to do with it. In the gay community skin tone is very UNIMPORTANT.

    Example: Some white guys will not date a black person (regardless of tone). Because some are racist. However, if one is not racist, the tone does not matter as much.




  167. AB

    You didn't produce any "proof" so stop it.

  168. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Hathor your post structuralist mumbo jumbo is about as important as my dog's poopoo.

  169. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I rarely agree with Uptown Steve, but I will say he is an honest guy and seems fairly intelligent. Compared to a lot of the posters on this site, he is only marginally paranoid about white America. It is certainly more satisfying to debate with someone who is sane and knowledgable then to carry on, say, some of the (ahem..AB)loonier characters on this blog.

  170. Anonymous3:58 PM

    anon 3:49 to UTS

    Yes, yes I do.

  171. uts:

    wake up!!!!!!!!!

    the SAME married dl pastors who SEX UP the organ players/choir directors preach the most hate filled gaybashing sermons!!!

    hobama's murdered gay lover was the choir director!!!


  172. Anonymous4:01 PM

    No ASSNON 3:57 UTS is homophobic. Read up. We don't need racists, colorist, or homophobes in our community. We need to purge out these hateful people.

    Now I just looked at UTS pic, and his wife is Fuggly. I bet that is why he's a hater, cause his wife one ugly woman. Like put a can of spam on her puss to get some action kinda ugly.

  173. assnons are loony and cowardly that is why they hate on my for the truths i share!

  174. uts:

    u think blatant lies are truths

    and u think denial is debate

    both are delusions

  175. Anonymous4:04 PM

    anon @ 4:01 (aka Alicia Banks)

    Do you need to accuse someone of being "homophobic" before you insult them so crudely? Jesus.

  176. AB your heading back into "focusedpurposed" land with your anti-black (male) ranting and demonization.

    I really don't have the patience for it anymore.

    If you sistas think that white folks love you so much and black men are your enemies, then more power to you.

    I just find it very sad to live your entire existence under a total illusion.

  177. assnons are schizo as they cc posts and then cc those posts as those of others...shame!!!



    as always

    YOU are the only one locing whites and blacks who look white herein!!!!

    i am ONLY lamenting black hatred of black gays by black gayubashers like YOU!!!!

    pretending to be unfocused/off topic will never win any debate!

    your "tactics" are as dumb as u are!

  178. utterlysorrymf:


    "If you sistas think that white folks love you so much and black men are your enemies, then more power to you."


    this bs has NOTHING to do with black gaybashers or the PROOF black gaybashing fools like YOU ignore!!!

  179. Anonymous4:13 PM

    "assnons are schizo as they cc posts and then cc those posts as those of others...shame!!!"

    Your signature "assnon" was the tipoff. LOL.

  180. uts:

    black "men" like YOU are our worst enemies...especially when we are gay!!!!

  181. assnons have such tiny lives that their tinier silly games online actually amuse them....sad!!!

    i never post as assnon!!!

    i never even invented a radio name!

    my birth name is ab and that is the only name i ever use anywhere because unlike assnons i am no coward!!!!

  182. Supportive Mom 4 Ever4:16 PM


    Perhaps you should look more at yourself and deal with your own hatred and homophobia before you go slamming AB for speaking words of truth. You bash her because they shatter your little glass facade of truth. You seem to be a very nasty person. I hope your children or grandchildren are much different than you are.

  183. Anonymous4:17 PM

    we all use assnon stupid

  184. sm4e:

    uts is the weaknest neocon nigger i have ever seen anywhere online

    he has never had an honest day of debate herein ever

    he is shady and dirty to everyone on this blog!

    he is inept at debate so he evades/dodges/feign blindess/ignores links after he demands them etc

    this bs is routine with him that is why cf slays his ass each day!!!

  185. assnons use "assnons" so they can be schizo morons in stereo!!!

  186. Anonymous4:21 PM


    I can just see Steve going down on his ugly gal, eating all the spam and then running out the back door for a smoke

    GOOD ONE!!!

    Maybe that is why he's so bitter.

  187. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Just read UTS bio

    Fiercely proud black man concerned with the uplift and advancement of my people and community.

    Loved this statement, until it occurred to me that you only mean the straight men in your community. Everyone else is just below you.

    What would Jesus say about that???

  188. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Just read UTS bio

    Fiercely proud black man concerned with the uplift and advancement of my people and community.

    Loved this statement, until it occurred to me that you only mean the straight men in your community. Everyone else is just below you.

    What would Jesus say about that???

  189. ALL black churches and every other
    place in america are filled with dl gays!!!



  190. simplyfabulous said...

    good looking, articulate, light, bright almost white..lol

    Stop right there!!!!!!! Light has very little to do with it. In the gay community skin tone is very UNIMPORTANT.


    I was just kidding, we mess with each other all the time because we actually like each other, not just because we're family. That's why my statement stop before completing it. It was my little inside joke. I will say this though, even though I'm not gay, I am human and I will disagree with you on the skin tone thing in the gay community. I'll bet it is of some importance to some. Gay, straight, preferences are there - I promise you that.

  191. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Jesus, but the queers are catty today!

    Homos are due tolerance, but not approval. And I don't approve of fudgepacking!

  192. rk

    "I am human and I will disagree with you on the skin tone thing in the gay community. I'll bet it is of some importance to some. Gay, straight, preferences are there - I promise you that."

    You got that right.

    As a matter of fact I'll bet a limb that if AB has a significant other, they're either high yellow or white.

    She sprays her self-hatred and insecurity all over this board.

  193. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "As a matter of fact I'll bet a limb that if AB has a significant other, they're either high yellow or white."

    If AB has a significant other, it runs on D batteries!

  194. Anonymous4:48 PM

    because us heteros don't fudge pack?

  195. Anonymous4:49 PM


    You and your cousin seem close. How do you feel when you hear homphobic statements?

  196. assnons are lewd rude and crude yet demanding that the rest of us speak like ghandi!



    i date brown/ebony clones of myself exclusively!

    nothing is as sexy as blue black skin to me...

    as ALWAYS uts you are dead wrong!

    my wife's skin tone matches mine!!!

  197. assnons brag abuot their boring sex lives as they bash millions of hets who adore anal sex and ignore millions of gays who hate it!

  198. Anonymous5:07 PM

    "i date brown/ebony clones of myself exclusively!"

    There's a sight I hope I never see,

    One AB's too much for me!

  199. utterlyingfool:

    "She sprays her self-hatred and insecurity all over this board."

    YOU wish!!!!!!!!!

    your love of white folks and money and rabid colorism prove YOU are the insecure lost nigger here boy!

    u hate me because i adore me and am so secure that i refuse to ever be broken by the sorry likes of u!

    dirty proudly ignorant lying evils mfs like u r the reason millions adore the film precious

    YOU are utterlyMARYJONES you silly bitch!!!!

  200. assnons wish the could be ONE ab!

    assons are wannabee mes!
