Friday, April 16, 2010

America's number one fans: Not!

I love my hometown, I really do. But here in Phillly we have a problem when it comes to our behavior. There is nothing brotherly about how we treat each other, or worse, outsiders. I am speaking, of course, about our sports fans. Let's just say that we have some issues.

I don't think that there is a fan of an opposing team in A-merry-ca that enjoys coming to a game in Philly. And honestly, I can't say that I blame them. The stories about throwing snowballs at Santa? It's true. The holding cell and court room for unruly fans in the stadium? True. Fan killed outside ballgame? True. Cheering when opposing player gets a career ending injury? True. All of these things of course are bad. But what happened at a Philly's game a couple of nights ago takes the [Tastee] cake:

Seems that one of our typical knuckle dragging fans, while loaded with alcohol, decided to force himself to vomit by sticking his finger down his throat, and heaving in the direction of an entire family. You read right. He literally used his vomit as a projectile to assault a family. This scum bag belongs under the jail, and fortunately that is exactly where he ended up. (Well, not under it, but you get the picture.) Oh, did I mention that the children he vomited on was part of an off duty policeman's family? Nice.

"Matthew Clemmens, a 21-year-old from South Jersey, took boorish behavior at a sporting event to an all-time low at Wednesday's Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park, authorities said.
Police said that Clemmens shoved his fingers down his throat and vomited on the 11-year-old daughter of off-duty Easton Police Capt. Michael Vangelo, then slugged the cop in the head several times. 'It was the most vile, disgusting thing I've ever seen," said Vangelo, 'and I've been a cop for 20 years.' The revolting display followed several innings' worth of slurred curses, spilled beer and spit that Clemmens and another man directed at Vangelo, his two daughters and one of their friends, said Philadelphia police spokesman Lt. Frank Vanore.
There was no motive known for the continuous harassment - except, perhaps, sheer stupidity." [Story here]

Wait, did that article say that the "knuckle dragger" was from South Jersey? Well that explains a lot. Still, he is a Philly's fan, so unfortunately our fine city has to take ownership of him.
A-merry-ca, let me apologize now for what I am sure will be more of the same in the future. Please don't hold this type of behavior against us. Hey, we gave you Benjamin Franklin, cheese steaks, and the liberty bell; how bad can we be?


  1. Mack Lyons10:04 PM

    Hmm....guy has a pretty big shiner on his right eye there. I wonder if Philly's finest prettied him up a bit before the photo shoot?

  2. Kevin from Yuma10:09 PM

    Foul behavior by this dude. I lived in the fine city of Philly back in the late 80's and Philly had a bad reputation for poor sportsman ship back then; however, I went to several Eagles games as a Skins fan and never was given any trouble. Never had any problems at Philly's games because I was rooting for them.

  3. That is jive-like kinda nasty.


  4. We are not a polite people....we Phillies fans.... but this asswipe does not represent how we act. Yeah, we boo people..alot... and yeah, we get impatient with the corporate promo crap that goes on at games.. we came to watch baseball, not corporate sponsors.... but this guy's behavior is indefensible and I don't think I have heard one person trying to defend him. Throw the bum out of the stadium for life and let the chips fall where they may in the courts.

  5. @Mack Lyons

    I thought the same thing. He's lucky he didn't get killed before going to jail!

  6. "I went to several Eagles games as a Skins fan and never was given any trouble. Never had any problems at Philly's games because I was rooting for them."

    There you have it Kevin, you were rooting for the home team. :)

    ch555x & Mack, I think that shiner is courtesy of some other fans that this scum bag was fighting before he got arrested.

  7. That child is going to be scarred for life. I hope his charges include assault/ abuse of a minor.

    Hopefully he'll be watching baseball games from prison cell for the next decade or so.

  8. mellaneous11:16 PM

    Field this must be a Pennsylvania thing. Check out Rothlisberger. He has been accused of assaulting women I think 3 times now. Its odd that he hasn't been called on it already by the league. The latest accusation say he was walking around with his penis out. I thought it was an exageration but folks who were there confirmed it.What's wrong with dude?

    And since I haven't really been watching the news do you know if this story is leading the sports news, as it surely would be if this was no.5 or another big time black star.

    He is really losing it. Check out the salacious details here.

  9. Mack Lyons11:18 PM

    That child is going to be scarred for life. I hope his charges include assault/ abuse of a minor.

    Hopefully he'll be watching baseball games from prison cell for the next decade or so.

    Dunno....I was kinda expecting "assaulting an officer of the law" to be thrown in as the very first charge, but I have no idea how they would handle that with the guy being off-duty and all. And I don't expect the boor in question to spend the next decade or so cooling his heels in prison. If we're lucky, he might get 1 to 3 years with parole eligibility in 6 months or less. Maybe one of the fans should have sprinkled some crack on him before he got arrested. And I do hope the stadium keeps his ass out for the foreseeable future.

  10. Oh and Mr Field, have you heard that the former governor of Alaska has made at least 12 million dollars since she quit on the people of Alaska?

    The media has been pretty quit about Palin's money. I really don't see how anyone could think she quit the governorship for any other reason than to make money.

    If you haven't heard about it you can read about it here:,,20360494,00.html

    @Mack Lyons

    Yeah I agree that he might not get much punishment which is why I'm hoping they throw charges relating to abuse of a child in. That might get him some serious time.

  11. A Person of Interest12:15 AM

    field, I know this was from the past thread, but I hoped you miight respond to it:

    A Person of Interest said...
    field said:

    "the bleeding seems to have stopped in the housing market."

    If you read this link, it's still looking pretty bloody to me. Downright gory...

    2:49 PM

    That's some serious stuff, for a lot of folks. Me, included...tho I'm not there yet.

  12. Oh, and as far as your post is concerned, I have one word:


    In the South, that fuckwad would have had a whole section, black,white, whatever, beating his ass before security ever even knew it happened.

  13. I've been around guys like that at ballgames. At their least obnoxious they use the most foul language & are total pigs.

  14. I am total stunned. How can this be?

    I mean here is an American citizen who has a black eye after having been engaged in a police action and yet Filled Negro and Jody fail to ask the question about POLICE BRUTALITY.

    How is it that you can look past the trollish behavior of so many others while you focus on the notions of the justice that they should be afforded yet this time you say nothing about the resulting condition of the criminal.

    Go figure.

  15. Well, I'll be darn! Did you guys notice that CF is taking up for this jerk who vomited on an 11 year old child on purpose. Now if that don't beat all. Yet no consideration or compassion for the child. A child who will probably have a mental scar for life thinking about how this jerk violated her in a unsanitary nasty way. Wow! And to think, CF told us he works with kids. Smh!

  16. Gregory1:51 AM

    Maybe CF would feel less charitable if this particular street pirate puked on his family.

    Then again, CF is professionally contrary to whatever Field posts.

  17. Gregory:

    "Maybe CF would feel less charitable if this particular street pirate puked on his family."

    I hate to say it, but I doubt that he would care since he seems to be void of those type of emotions that most humans feel called compassion and concern for others.

    "Then again, CF is professionally contrary to whatever Field posts."

    And the church says AMEN! Granny waving her lace church hankie.

  18. @Mellaneous:

    "Rothlisberger. He has been accused of assaulting women I think 3 times now."

    Strange that you should bring that up because I've been thinking along the same lines for a few days now. Odd how there is not constant spotlight bombarding the news stations day and night, 7 days a week, emasculating Rothlisberger, and calling for him to be dropped from the team and all of the same treatment that our black players receive. Nope, instead they are making excuses for him. Only in America!

  19. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Granny, you must not watch ESPN, because the Steelers are seriously considering trading him to another team because of his off-field transgressions. A Super Bowl-winning quarterback for them.

    That IS some serious business. It's not a "black thing", either. You should Google it. The Steelers have a "recent" history of this behavior...and they ain't all white.

  20. Anonymous 2:41:

    Nope, I don't watch ESPN. Thanks you for the info.

    Nevertheless, I was referring to MSM in my comment, not ESPN. And trading him to another team is not exactly the same treatment a black player would get either. If they convicted Vick over a dog and made him out a felon, surely rape is worse and a human being is worth more than a dog. I'm just saying.

  21. Conviction & Accusation are are two different things, Granny. Look at Terrell Owens. He gets traded these days like a pack of gum. One of the best Wide Receivers in the NFL...(not sure how much you know about the NFL, anyway). He's pretty much on the outs, because he can't seem to get with the "team spirit". I hope he shines this year, because with his talent, I'll take him in my Fantasy Football team.....(not sure if you understand that either, but, you'd have to play it to understand it. I KNOW I did!)

  22. agape20103:29 AM

    @ FN:

    When I was home I didn't really hang out in Philly because the people seemed so mean spirited and the racism abounded...and Jersey?...I make it a point to never interact with anyone from Jersey (even to this day). The only exception being the one or two I know that were born in Harlem and moved there as teens with family.

    And Philadelphia team owners would do well to invest in building better facilities with all the money they rake in.

    Maybe the fans would act better (NOT :)


  23. By the way, Granny. Have you ever seen a REAL dog fight? It ain't pretty. I've seen roooster fights, and even though I think a chicken is a stupid POS, I don't like that either.

    I'm a hunter, but I never want to see something like that again.

  24. agape20103:37 AM

    @ Granny:

    The local ATL news is all over this guy Roth the Rapist. They did a spot on him today...

    It seems that his bodyguard that night has been lying to the investigators which held up the investigation. Now he is under indictment and lost his job as police officer.

    They really all over this guy but he's going down. He's spending a lot of $$$ to cut a deal.


  25. I thought the DA had dropped criminal charges? Are you saying they may file new ones, AGAPE?

  26. While headlines about a fat drunk slob puking on a kid captivate readers, there's an article at the back of the news about the 8 people (of color, as they say) who were murdered and 16 who were shot in Chicago Thursday night and Friday.

    Given the outrage, it's probably time for Obama to establish a commission to examine the puking crisis.

  27. no_slappz, you are right, the violence in the Chi has been off the hook. I know Philly is bad, but Chicago has been something else so far this year. :( Sad.

    Granny, mell, and APOI, the MSM has been all over that Big Ben story. I really can't say that there has been selective outrage with this one. Although the stories about what Big Ben did is pretty outrageous. And you are right, there has been no criminal charges filed.The Steelers traded away Hollmes, but, then, he is a wide reciever not a franchise QB. I really don't think this is racial. Not where the Steelers and the NFL is concerned. Now would that hick DA have prosecuted a black NFL player? Hmmmmm.

    APOI, I think this housing market thing is regional. If you are in the Northeast, things are getting back to normal on a quickert scale. If you are out West or in some parts of Florida, I am guessing that it's still pretty bad. But thanks for the link.

    "I mean here is an American citizen who has a black eye after having been engaged in a police action and yet Filled Negro and Jody fail to ask the question about POLICE BRUTALITY."

    Destructive Wingnuts, you are an idiot. The police did not give that lout a black eye, his fellow fans did.

  28. [quote]Did you guys notice that CF is taking up for this jerk who vomited on an 11 year old child on purpose. Now if that don't beat all. [/quote]

    Granny - I could not thank you any more for displaying what I figured you would.

    Hey FILLED NEGRO - I can relate to how you feel when people call you "Pond Scum" for DEFENDING CRIMINALS as part of your job.

    You see - I DID NOT DEFEND this CREEP. Instead - as YOU and JODY often do - I had the AUDACITY to make the case that CRIMINALS HAVE RIGHTS NOT TO BE BEATEN BY THE POLICE.

    Notice how Granny and Gregorian Chant (you've got your name now dude) dismissed their typical line of thinking and instead accused ME of "defending the creep".

    The NEXT TIME we see a "Street Pirate" beaten down by the authorities after hid DID SOMETHING STUPID that deserved a behind whipping - you had better believe I will recall this point.

  29. [quote]Destructive Wingnuts, you are an idiot. The police did not give that lout a black eye, his fellow fans did.

    Filled Negro:

    You may need to jog my memory. Recall about a year ago in Philly - the video that showed a "community beat down" upon a child rapist. Were you for or against "taking the law in their hands"?

    For the record - I am glad that someone punched this fool in the face.

  30. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Granny, if he were black and roughed up by the po po you would scream racism. YOu and your lace hanky are quite predictable (and ignorant) these days...

  31. I just now saw this on HLN and I was shocked. I swear to God if one of my sons did that, I'd never speak to him again. Mine wouldn't because they were raised properly but WTF???
    Fan behaviour, behaviour in general is pathetic.

  32. Gregory11:50 AM

    Alright! Clayton Bigsby gave me a nickname! I am *somebody* now.

    It's a good thing he announced on this blog, rather than his own. Otherwise nobody would know about it.

  33. CF, I don't support police brutality against anyone. But in this case, I think that the cop was thinking like a pissed off parent who just watched some fat slob from Jersey Shore puke on his kid at a ballgame. Black or white, this guy deserved to get his ass kicked by a parent then hauled off to jail by the cops.

    As for your HHNOTD, Field, that's not shocking. The governor of VA is trying start of Confederacy month and shot down a 10 year old gay rights rule in the state college system. This guy also wrote a masters thesis on how working women are destroying the American family. He's an old school redneck, pure and simple.

  34. "This guy also wrote a masters thesis on how working women are destroying the American family. He's an old school redneck, pure and simple."

    Damn, I didn't know that. Well there you have it.

  35. See LAC that is where your support of institutions shows again. I think the cop should have whipped that guys ass for messing with his family then left him there. Why should the cops get involved if the guy already got a beat down? So they can further abuse him and put his offenses on record? Naw. That is a matter I'd handle myself.

    Good example of why I am so irritated with cops in my neck of the woods. A couple of years ago some trashy people moved into the house across from my parents. The neighborhood is nice but these people were loud and obnoxious. After a while folks went in and out all the time and then the police started showing up there every single night for whatever drama going on.

    One night I was on my parents front lawn smoking a cigarette and a police officer across the street at the trashy people's house tried to call me out.For what exactly? On my parents property? Minding my own business? I HATE the POLICE. SERIOUSLY the ONLY thing police officers have ever done is instill terror in my neighborhoods or act as bullies with the law on their side.

    I don't believe police should have guns or tasers or any weapon that can cause deadly force. They often dont have the compassion meter to know when to use those types of weapons.

    Why are you so trusting of the police LAC? Were they that responsive to crime in your old neighborhood back east?

    Even more so interesting is that you live in LosAngeles and trust the police. You'll learn yet...

  36. Matthew Clemmens is a disgusting pig! Lock him up for a LONG time!

  37. [quote] He's an old school redneck, pure and simple.[/quote]


    Do you find it odd that the "offensive" thesis of the then candidate governor for Virgina was poured over for the content that could be used to derail him.

    YET each and every Tuesday the "lyrical thesis" of the "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" are released and on display at "Best Buy" and "Borders Books and Music". Despite their content that has:

    * Abundant use of the N-word
    * Threats to kill any Black man that dares "step" to them
    * Calling women out of their names
    * Telling about the glories of drug dealing in their own community.........

    for some reason they can't manage to get PEOPLE LIKE YOU to treat their words as EQUAL to those said by a "Confederate" or a "Tea Party" supporter.

    Care to tell us why you think this is?

  38. Anonymous2:16 PM

    You do realize, of course, that there is a link between cheese steaks and projectile vomiting?

  39. Fields says:

    :"APOI, I think this housing market thing is regional. If you are in the Northeast, things are getting back to normal on a quickert scale. If you are out West or in some parts of Florida, I am guessing that it's still pretty bad. But thanks for the link."

    I'm very afraid the worst is not over. They're just buying time, to see who can get out of the US with the most money. I wish I could talk to you, face to face, because I think you really detest them all as I do.

    Hell, the whites have the Tea Baggers.....where are the blacks? We're all gonna go down this hole together. Optimisim is sweet & cuddly, but not realistic. Look back throgh history.

    (Oh, Lord....if there is a God in Heaven, I was NOT summonimg the Les Bovine)

  40. Whether a lack of parenting skills is the primary problem here- is a matter of debate. After all, American popular culture is powerful influence. From Animal House to Howard Stern to Jackass- this behavior is very much encouraged. So, as vulgar as it is, I’m not surprised.

    On the other hand, Constructive Feedback has his bloomers in a knot because he thinks we don’t show the same outrage when anti- social behavior is exhibited by African Americans. He is wrong of course. Approximately two years ago, I saw a crawl-line on CNN. It basically said that "BET was surrounded by protestors." There have always been protestors, always! But it will never receive major television coverage. We all know why, don’t we?

    The media conglomerates own the record companies, television shows, and radio stations that produce the trash. MTV and BET are products of the giant, Viacom. CBS is also under the Viacom umbrella. It previously housed the Howard Stern Show. Therefore, you can rest assured, that protest against media forms will receive no coverage. There is only one thing that’s taken serious by American corporate power. You know it. Money!

    Perhaps one day we will find the courage to stop making corporations rich that disrespect us as individuals and demean our culture. Until then, expect more like Matthew Clemmens.

  41. [quote] He is wrong of course. Approximately two years ago, I saw a crawl-line on CNN. It basically said that "BET was surrounded by protesters." There have always been protesters, always! But it will never receive major television coverage. We all know why, don’t we?


    YOU clearly are easily appeased.
    Let someone you favor show you a CHECK LIST of what they have done and he can meet your threshold. I bet if someone who you don't like showed you a checklist that was twice as long - YOU WOULD NOT BE MOVED.

    In both cases though the key question that you NEED to ask is:

    Despite all of this movement - HAS IT EFFECTIVELY WORKED to mitigate the issue at hand?

    Despite the fact that FAR, FAR, FAR more Blacks watch Mtv/BET/Springer/Maury than we do FoxNews - mention the list to Black people and the most acute response will be triggered by:

    * Fox News
    * Sarah Palin
    * Michael Steele
    * Tea Parties
    * Rush Limbaugh.

    As I say Myma - the infinite universe has turned around on itself. Some people see their tail lights in their windshield and they know not what to do.

    For so long they sought POWER.
    Now that they control the key institutions in their ECO-SYSTEM they are suffering because they FAILED to build up proper management skills necessary to bring forth that which they were longing for.

  42. [quote]Perhaps one day we will find the courage to stop making corporations rich that disrespect us as individuals and demean our culture.[/quote]


    I am watching a DVD in the background of this laptop that I am talking on.

    Right now I am watching a series of "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" - all of whom are STRUGGLING TO GET A RECORD CONTRACT with one of these EVIL CORPORATIONS.

    Myma - it seems to me that BEFORE THEY EVEN GET TO A CORPORATION - the CONTENT that you find so offensive has been formulated.

    Are you sure that it is the CORPORATION that is disrespecting our culture?

    This rapper on right now is talking about:

    * Platinum chains
    * Spinner Rims
    * His money is right
    * Banging (girls) all night

    Another one just held up his gun.

    This group is pissed at Lil Wayne for dropping them from his own label. He had better watch his back after he gets out of jail.

    BG, formerly of the "Cash Money Millionaires" doesn't like Baby any longer. Is this how "murderous beef" starts?

    BG made the distinction between "Gangster Rappers" and those who are just "Studio" who have no street experience.

    Are you sure you merely want the corporation to CENSOR what is already there?

  43. Gregory5:07 PM

    Speaking of hooligans, this is your periodic footy update and reminder. Looks like the race for the EPL title is still on, following ManU's victor over ManCity and Chelsea's loss to the Spurs today. Your boys in blue looked very much like their nickname today (the Pensioners).

    Champions League semis, 1st leg, play this Tuesday and Wednesday, 1445 Standard Philly Time.

    InterMilan v Barcelona is Tuesday's match, Bayern v Lyon on Wednesday.

  44. mellaneous6:34 PM

    news from across the Pond. Does this sound eerily recognizable?

    From todays NYTimes on line:

    LONDON — Few people in the working-class neighborhood of Barking seem willing to proclaim unalloyed enthusiasm for the ultra-right-wing, anti-immigration British Nationalist Party. But get past “hello” in any conversation and their feelings come spilling out.

    “I’m not a racist, but they’re letting so many of them in,” complained Bill Greed, 66, speaking of foreigners. “They come and sign on for benefits. A lot of the children in schools don’t even speak English. There’s so many illegal ones that the government can’t even find all of them.”

    The B.N.P.? “I agree with what they’re saying, but not with how they go about it,” Mr. Greed said.

    As they prepare for the national election on May 6, Britons everywhere identify immigration as one of their biggest concerns. But in few places is the issue so urgent, or the electoral choices so stark, as in the borough of Barking and Dagenham, on the eastern edge of London. With little support for the Tory or Liberal Democratic Parties here, the race is between the unpopular ruling Labour Party and an emboldened B.N.P. capitalizing on its rival’s weaknesses.

    Once Barking and Dagenham were white, blue-collar bastions, with 40,000 people employed at a huge Ford factory. Now 35 percent of the residents are from ethnic minorities, up from 5 percent 10 years ago. The factory has given way to a diesel engine plant with one-tenth the work force. Unemployment stands at 8 percent.

    The influx has put a serious strain on services, particularly housing. Mick W., a 20-year-old maintenance worker who did not want to give his last name because he is employed by the Borough Council, said his family waited a decade for decent public housing while immigrants with large families leapfrogged ahead.

    “I don’t mind the ones who come and get a job,” he said, “but all they do is claim, claim, claim.” The B.N.P.? “I can’t see them running the country, but I support what they stand for.”

    The B.N.P. says it stands for many things, but chief among them is an implacable belief that Britain belongs to indigenous white Britons. Until a judge struck down the provision last month, the party had a whites-only membership policy. It favors an immediate end to immigration and the repatriation of people of foreign descent.

    In 2006, the party won 12 of the 51 seats on the Barking and Dagenham Council, its strongest showing anywhere in the country. This time, it hopes to secure 14 more seats, enough to take control of the council, its 300 million pound annual budget and its 9,300 employees. It is also working to unseat Margaret Hodge, the Labour stalwart who represents Barking in Parliament.

    Ms. Hodge’s opponent is Nick Griffin, the B.N.P. leader. A well-dressed, well-spoken Cambridge law graduate, Mr. Griffin, 51, has denied that the Holocaust took place, and also said that Hitler “went a bit too far.” In 1998, he was convicted of distributing material likely to incite racial violence.

    But in recent years Mr. Griffin has taken care to moderate his public statements as his party seeks mainstream electoral success. Last year

  45. Gregory, WTF is wrong with Chelsea? Am I missing some injuries. Is the Ivory Coast striker (Can't remember his name: Drogba?)still on the pitch? Didn't they lose to Everton the other day? They haven't been beaten by them, in what, ten years?

    Destructive Wingnut, I think you are a closet Hip Hop Head. :)

  46. BTW Gregory, check out this goal from a recent the Inter Milan game.,234865

  47. Constructive Feedback said...

    Are you sure you merely want the corporation to CENSOR what is already there?

    Despite the fact that FAR, FAR, FAR more Blacks watch Mtv/BET/Springer/Maury than we do FoxNews - mention the list to Black people and the most acute response will be triggered by:


    I agree with you Mr. Feedback. There is no doubt that we participate in our own oppression. You are also correct about the behavior already existing. However, I stick by my opinion- that this conduct is validated and encouraged by corporations.

    There is a documentary that debuted on Frontline in 2005. It was called the "Merchants of Cool."
    It actually reveals agents of corporations searching for the most heinous behavior, specifically, to market to youth.

    You can watch it or download it at:

    I would encourage all on the blog to check out this site. It contains just about every documentary you would want to see.
    It use to be or still is- part of the Canadian Broadcasting Company. And! It's all free!

    There is also a 39 minute short titled, Sex Crimes and the Vatican." It is a bit slow but informative.

  48. Gregory7:23 PM

    Drogba was on the pitch today but visibly injured. However, since Ancelloti had already used his subs, Drogba had to remain on the pitch or Chelsea would play short. That happened later, when Terry was sent off after getting two yellow cards in the space of something like ten minutes.

    Maicon's goal was a stunner. I will be starting the rumour that he is transferring to Liverpool. Speaking of goals of the season, did you see Danny Rose's goal against Arsenal earlier this week?

    Danny Rose Wonder Goal

    The kid was nine minutes into his Premier League debut when he made the best goal, arguably, of the season. He may as well quit now because he will never get another like it.

    So, the Spurs beat both Chelsea and Arsenal at home in the space of seven days. It looks like White Hart Lane is turning into the graveyard of the big four.

  49. agape20107:25 PM

    @ APOI:

    FN answered the charges filed. However, now that it was discovered that someone in his camp lied about Roth the Rapist's whereabouts to protect him as well as downplaying the nature of the crime...maybe charges can be filed.,234872

    Don't be schocked when you see the cops picture (as I was). What I do know is that Georgia is not allowing this invesigation to close...I do believe charges are forthcoming.


  50. Gregory7:30 PM

    It is distressing to see the gains made by the BNP in recent years. They pulled a "David Duke" and have re-branded themselves. No longer the skinheads in Doc Martens, they are trying to pass themselves off as legitimate pols. However, their message remains the same and it is based on racial animus and fear of the Other. Kind of like the 'baggers.

  51. mellaneous7:37 PM

    CF said:

    "YET each and every Tuesday the "lyrical thesis" of the "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" are released and on display at "Best Buy" and "Borders Books and Music". Despite their content that has:

    * Abundant use of the N-word
    * Threats to kill any Black man that dares "step" to them
    * Calling women out of their names
    * Telling about the glories of drug dealing in their own community........."

    CF enough of this already!

    Hip Hop music like other art doesn't create the conditions that they are talking about or displaying. No doubt it may not encourage good behavior and glorify bad behaviour but it does not create the conditions from which it arises.

    Art reports on what it sees. Its really silly to continue to blame HIp HOp music for the conditions in the inner city black communities.

    Yes much of it is misogynist and violent, but so are the many of the movies that are offered up as entertainment by Hollywood and other entertainment outlets on a regular basis.

    While none of these forms of art or entertainment elevate the state of humanity they can't necessarily be blamed for the violence that folks commit.

    It didn't cause this guy to puke on a little kid.

    Why don't you ever explore the possiblity that the US governments supposed eye for an eye policy may indeed serve as justification for the Hip Hop artists insistence on an eye for an eye?

    If you are concerned about the ruination of young women, then why don't you call out the Porn industry, which ruins young girls every day, while being promoted by big business.

    I think you said you have teen children, why don't you talk to them about HIp Hop music and its lyrics and why they listen. And for the record it is not all negative. And I think what you keep referring to as Hip Hop is really ganster rap.

    And you ought to ask yourself, why do the kids who put out the negativity that you mentioned are indeed promoted by record companies and the groups like "Dead Prez," which denounce the conditions in the ghettos and US injustice can barely get a record deal.

    Try as you might to make it the villan, HIp Hop is not why some children will go to bed hungry tonight, or some family in Afghanistan will be mourning a lost of a family member who was just driving down the street.

  52. mellaneous7:42 PM

    Gregory I was a little surprised about the blatantness of these guys racism. I knew about the British Nationalist Party, but they initially had been beating the anti-immigration drum much like some of the other right wing parties in Europe have been doing.

    I guess the racism goes hand in hand. It goes to show that racism is endemic to capitalism. Its why it is never too far from the surface. And if one looks really closely they are always backed financially by someone or something with deep pockets.

  53. Gregory7:56 PM

    I think racism can be endemic to any political philosophy or economic system. All that it requires is ignorance and the willingness to teach children to hate.

  54. "Danny Rose's goal against Arsenal earlier this week?"

    DAMN! Was that his left foot?
    Thanks for the link.

    Ms. Ann G, nice try trying to reason with the Destructive one. Good luck with that.

    Mell. don't ever be surprised about racism anywhere.

  55. This is messed up. He embarrasses me as a S. Jersey Native (transplanted to DC). I swear we aren't all like that. What a creep. Who throws up on an 11 year old little girl. Total lack of home training. That boy must have been raised by wolves.

  56. Yep. This is pretty vile. It's bad enough that he vomited on the child but then had the nerves to assault the cop as well. I am pretty much she paid for it all down at the precint. And not in the form of a jail sentence or heavy fine either. Although that will be the next form of punishment once he steps foot inside of a courtroom.

    I remember when Philly fans booed Destiny's Child during an All-Star game performance. It was too funny. That pretty much said it all.

  57. Wow this reminds me of the fight my brother n law and sister got in at a Bears game many years ago. The only that happen was when the security man hit their friend on the head with a walkie atlkie after he complain that someone threw their beer on my sister. my sis friend was unconscious when the police tried to arrest him.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate
