Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sometimes I am so proud of my people.

“we wouldn't ask why a rose that grew from the concrete for having damaged petals, in turn, we would all celebrate its tenacity, we would all love its will to reach the sun, well, we are the roses, this is the concrete and these are my damaged petals, dont ask me why, thank god, and ask me how” ~ Tupac Shakur~

For all intents and purposes Gary, Indiana is as concrete as it gets. It reminds me of the city of Camden which is just across the bridge from where I sit typing this post.

But out of Gary comes what can only be described as a beautiful rose. Her name is Katie Washington, and I just love telling her story.

"For the first time in the 168-year history of Notre Dame University, an African American has been crowned valedictorian.

'I am humbled,' said 21-year-old Gary, Indiana native Katie Washington to the Northwest Indiana Times. “I am in a mode of gratitude and thanksgiving right now.”
Washington has been accepted to five schools, including Harvard, but the biology major and Catholic social teaching minor will take her 4.0 GPA to Johns Hopkins University next fall, where she plans to pursue a joint M.D./Ph.D.

'Katie works so hard,' Washington’s mother Jean Tomlin told the newspaper. 'I told her when she went to Notre Dame, ‘You are representing your family, your church and the city of Gary. Make us proud.’ University officials said they couldn’t recall ever having a black valedictorian, and don’t keep record of their race."

Katie, you have made your family and your city proud. And now, you can add a black man from Philadelphia to that mix. [Story]

Thanks for the story Reena.


  1. Great job, Katie! Thanks for posting this Mr. Field. It's nice when my sisters get publicity for doing the great stuff that we do. The MSM only likes to point out Black women's flaws these days.

    If the MSM did a story on Katie their angle would be that with all of those degrees that she's never going to find a man to marry. Steve Harvey would be interviewed in the piece as well.

  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    you forgot to mention that in addition to being manless and unmarried, she'll have herpes and be broke - with a negative net value of assets.

    little does she know it all goes down from here.

    she should have stayed in the hood.

  3. Val, this is why I blog. So that our friends like Anon 10:15 pm will come out of the woodwork and expose themselves.

    I think that old saying, "There is nothing a white man with a penny hates more than a n*&&$r with a nickel" is apropos here. Don't you?

  4. Congrats to Katie!!!

    She makes us all proud! (Gee, is that how a "real" Scientist should present herself and behave? Who would have thought from reading certain commenters on this blog.... )

    "And now, you can add a black man from Philadelphia to that mix."

    Or whoever else is in her equivalence... I don't think there are any street pirates attending college :)

  5. Many congrats to her! MD/PhD, now that's what I'm talking about!!

    It's just too bad that most of the negative shit she's gonna get tossed her way is going to come from people who look JUST LIKE HER. You know statements like "why is she posing in front of that microscope" or every better, " that background in that lab must mean she ain't doing nothin important".

    I'm just trying to figure out how much it costs to rent a lab and microscope for the purposes of posing and taking pictures.

  6. Oh yeah Field, Katie looks soooo gorgeous and exquisite in that photo! I'm glad you blogged about this and posted her picture too before someone else stumbled on it, and decided to pass it off as their own. Good looking out Field.

    ...and you know, her lab looks clean and sophisticated too.

    Ok off to bed now :)

  7. Nice.... and thanks for posting the uplifting news that is indeed out there. Congratulations to this lovely young woman.

    And I will tell you of another...this one's for you UnConn...
    LaAudiobooks wrote
    "And now, you can add a black man from Philadelphia to that mix."

    Or whoever else is in her equivalence... I don't think there are any street pirates attending college :)

    In fact there is... on paper, he would be the street pirate UnConn loves to rail about... mom a crack addict who died from AIDS when he was a boy... dad worked hung in there when he wasn't in jail for drugs, this boy had to raise his younger brothers. When he was a teen, the streets had their attraction... that is until he was shot 5 times. He survived, turned his life around and next month he is graduating from Temple Law School and is in the running to be the Valedictorian of his graduating class... already has a job lined up with the DAs office..... But if UnConn had his way...he would be just another statistic locked up, with they key thrown away.

    UnConn.... this is what redemption and hope looks like.

  8. Jody, thanks for sharing that story. It's so inspiriting, he'll make some white girl proud.

    Oh, and Field, I love Katie's microscope too, it looks so high-tech and becoming. They should make those the standard in all labs. Look, she's even wearing professional gloves. Some people could learn from that picture the next time they try to set up a photo-op.

  9. Now that's a good story Jody!! Thing is these type stories aren't as rare the MSM would have us believe, though we'd all love to see more.

  10. Brains and beauty are a fabulous combination in all our glorious shades!

  11. Anonymous11:09 PM

    This is awesome. Congrats, Katie!

  12. Congratulations Katie. It does my old wheezing heart good to know that a young woman of your intellect would choose medicine as her profession. But Notre Dame, what took you so long?

  13. @Mr Field

    Yep, that old saying is very appropriate these days.

  14. So glad you posted this -- I am so proud of Katie and her family -- they are fierce, too!

    For the Anon commenter of 10:15 -- here's a song for you --> Hi Hater

  15. Suzanne11:36 PM

    God bless her!!! I like her attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving. This is a young woman that will add so much to our society and be a role model for others. She makes me proud and I don't even know her.....

  16. Whoa! She is utterly dynamite! Thanks for posting this FN. Many prayers for her success.

  17. Gregory12:36 AM

    Wishing Katie Washington "Congratulations" hardly seems adequate. She will go far in this world and maybe, just maybe, make it a better place. Thanks, Field, for posting this story.

    As for Anonymous @ 10:15, thanks for being a buzzkill. You obviously need attention and will do anything to get it. Sad, just sad.

  18. Kudos, Katie, kudos!

  19. As I had indicated a few days ago when I saw this story:

    This is a great accomplishment for Katie Washington. Clearly she was focused on her mission in life and she has some good adult guidance in her life.

    I can only imagine the tens of thousands of other "Katie Washingtons" who have the same potential for such greatness if they had the same adult consciousness directing them, tapping their inherent equality of God given intelligence that they have been allocated.

  20. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Dear Mr. Field,

    I would like to add my own Best Wishes and Congratulations to Katie Washington. I would also like to add (not to take ANYTHING AT ALL from her accomplishments) that Black people in America have been accomplishing GREAT things for generations...and so, Katie is just adding to the great things that have been going on for eons.

    This is not an unusual thing for Black Americans. I don't want anyone to get the impression that we are underachievers---quite the contrary. We are a great people.


  21. Congratulations young woman!

    makes me smile just looking at her accomplished self.

    she's FN OF THE MONTH.

  22. This is a feel good moment and a wonderful start to my day.

  23. Geneva Girl2:39 AM

    That's so happy that it made me cry! Good on her! I'm going to show it to my daughter.

  24. agape20102:41 AM


    My new shero...


    SueCitySue is right...blacks make great accomplishments all the time :)


    Thank YOU FN for putting Tupac in the mix on this...I'm getting my book out now to read some of his wonderful poetry :)


  25. Of course SueCitySue is right, and there are many other stories like the one Jody told you in places like Philly. (Hell, I have worked with some kids who have become those stories) So yes, I hope the Destructive Wingnut is taking notes. I know this story pains him. :)

    LOL@ "I am not star Jones".

  26. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Congrats!!! I hope she gives up the Ph.D part though...just adds 2 years till you get your M.D. and doesn't really add to your earning power. Ph.D's only useful if your gonna limit yourself to pointyheaded academic hospitals.My money says shes doin Radiology, Dermatology, or Anesthesia in a lily white suburb 8 years from now...
    Not that theres anything wrong with that, she's hot...


  27. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Congratulations Katie,

    Are you an agent to distract and keep African Americans in slumber?If you really are a black man,and an attorney,and still fixated on brand racism,then we have a problem.I would have loved Obama to be truely that black president who was long overdue.But you need to check his parents' background to see the bigger picture.Obama was conceived to bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER.When you are fixated on brand racism,Bill Gates,an illuminati is eliminating the black race with vaccines.Sterilising us,Retarding our brains with drugs,injecting us with cancer inducing drugs,Here is a video of him being frank about it. .I can't believe how ignorant you are.The nazis are still carrying out their agenda.

    Stop chasing racism and swallow your pride.Don't be blinded by race.

  28. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I think MAMM might be taking notes.... lots of notes.

  29. Anonymous8:20 AM


    i'm anon 10:50. sorry sarcasm escaped you the moment(s) you read, typed your response.

    i'm a bf.


  30. Anonymous8:35 AM


  31. Field, I agree...Congrats Katie. May you continue to make us proud

  32. You've made us all very proud Katie.

    I have tears in my eyes as I type.

  33. Farman9:19 AM

    Sweet. What a beautiful smile, too.

  34. CONGRATUALTIONS to a phenomenal achievement based on well deserved merit.
    And for all the excuse makers and victims out there: Katie demonstrates that if one is given an equal opportunity and makes the requisite sacrifices; great achievement and success will follow.
    "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity".

  35. Field,

    Great story.

    "All the scholar ladies...All the scholar ladies...."

    I grew up roughly 30 miles from Gary (on the Illinois side) in a town that is somewhat similar (old, run-down, rust belt midwestern town).

    I can only imagine what she endured and overcame to get to that point.

  36. Great post. Old school black man here. I would be willing to work two jobs plus over time and have her dinner ready and her bath drawn when she comes home from work/school. Alas, time has passed me by.

  37. Congrats Katie. Its wonderful to see a young sister achieve.

    But, I'd like to note a small caveat to this story. Yes, this young sister achieved highly a prestigious school -- but she also comes from a family of achievers. She's from a family of doctors, nurses and engineers. Education was part of her home culture.

    Her achievement is exceptional by any standard -- Lord knows I didn't break the top 20% in college. But I would also expect a child from a family of educated middle class folks to excel, regardless of race. Yes, she grew up around some craziness in Gary, Ind. But I'm sure she didn't have to, as Biggie once said, eats Sardines for dinner.

    Why bring this up? Because it shows how home culture influences our achievements. We need to, as a community, where stories like Katie are the norm and the glowing exceptions only.

    PS: Please don't take my comment to take away from this sister's intellect -- you have to serious grey matter to get into John Hopkins Medical Research Scientist program (that's what the MD/PhD program is called) God Bless anyone getting an MD/PhD. I thought about it in my mid 20's, until I realize that I'd be over $300K in debt (even with grants) and in school until I was in my late 30's. I wouldn't have a proper job until I was at least 42. Also, you'd virtually be forced into a specialty or into research, more likely the former, since you'd be way overqualified and too far in debt to work as a primary care physician.

    I have a few friends going that route. In fact, my old roommate is at John Hopkins right now and the head of my alma mater's African Student Union just finished his PhD in Psychology/MD program at Albert Einstein in the Bronx. These guys are utter driven and eerily smart (they'd make nerds like MR and me look like special needs children).

  38. LAC, many of my buddies have gone onto get their PhDs. I don't know if age should make a difference if that's what you want to do. Education is a life long experience. It seems like you wanted to go farther but talked yourself out of it. Will you go back for a PhD or graduate studies?

  39. I know I will go back at some point. I cannot stay at home forever!

  40. MR, what's up girl? Yeah, I've gone to multiple graduate classes to get my masters in Comp Sci. The main issue is that either get laid off or start a new job in the middle of my degree program -- so I'm always on a stop and go schedule. And since school X doesn't accept grades from school Y, I'm always starting over.

    I'm trying to at least stay in one place for 2 years. I love learning, but I realize that my skill sets are in IT and public policy, not necessarily in medicine.

    MBA in 2011 is a definite, only because I need it to advance at my job, but I'll definitely get a second masters in computer science or biomedical imaging. I simply refuse to be one of those ignorant IT Directors who has to have a 25 year old explain things to him all the time.

    Also, Claremont Graduate school has this awesome PhD in Information Systems for working professionals -- so that might be an option in a few years.

  41. MR,
    The way age makes a difference is that you may be paying off your college loans into your retirement. I am.

    You can never know if your health will hold out to enable you to retire later.

  42. She earned that honor.

    Very proud moment in her life. I am sure there are more to come.

  43. Thanks LAC. That is what I wanted to hear. It bothers me when I hear people talk themselves out of options due to age. Notwithstanding Hathors points. The truth is that if we didn't have to pay for education, I'd bet many of us would be in school for life. That is how I'd roll for certain!

    After being a physics student for a number of years and also stopping and going, I can say that the best and brightest sometimes don't get phD's and you see some phD's and ask yourself "How in the hell did why in the what?...That incompetent person has a PhD?" That's all I am saying...I've learned that being a student means two very different things to people:

    1. Means to an end...and these students do whatever to pass the classes and get ahead. They will regurgitate what the teacher said if they know that is what he or she wants.

    2.Learners...these students don't care how long it takes...they are on a quest. Often don't meet educational deadlines, probing, questioning the teacher and obsessing on the material.

    I've been a #2 for a very long time, but practicality necessitates that I learn how to do #1 as well.

    I will post something on my blog about this issue maybe tonight or tomorrow. You'd get a kick out of it!

  44. BTW You'd think that they would have an online phD programme for comp sci at this point! Comp sci at a phD level might challenge you a whole lot more and me more gratifying than an IS degree, imho;)

  45. MS,
    I worked as a student for doctoral Industrial Psychologist candidates. I notice that there was not a nickles worth of difference in their research. The university was sort of a PhD factory. At my sisters graduation I look at the PhD's awarded and the titles of their dissertations and even in Physics it was hard to distinguish between

    In some fields I think it is hard to get a job(not career) without a PhD.

    If I was independently wealthy I would do #2 too.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Anonymous1:09 PM

    hathor is so negative.

  48. ? Hathor is attracting trolls? Hathor is just sharing her experiences, nothing is wrong with that! We have to temper idealism with practicality!

  49. MR, I'd avoid most online programs like the plague -- they're typically diploma mills. There are more reputable online programs now from real schools (not, say, U. Phoenix), but they are few and far between.

    I'd prefer an IS PhD over a pure computer science only because a Comp Sci PhD, though academically rewarding often does not focus on the type of systemic and behavioral questions found in the IT world.

    Also, I'd have to quit working to get a Comp Sci, where as most IS programs can be done part time.

    My goal is to be a leader in both the business and academic world and Comp Sci degrees tend to be a little esoteric in real world application.

  50. being proud of human beings feels nice, doesn't it?

  51. Interesting perspective LAC. I realize that some online schools aren't legit, but I wasn't referring to them! Unfortunately, due to budget cuts and retirement the CSU system out here no longer offers an online CS degree. CSU Chico offered it up until last year and they fed directly into Hewlett Packard and other places in the Silicon Valley. It was a wonderful programme to say the least. Florida Tech offers programmes in Comp Sci online but I don't know if they go to PhD. However, they are legit and funnel directly into the NASA center out there.

    It is interesting that you speak about esoteric aspects of comp sci but it also depends upon your interests. My husband applied for a job at UCSD's supercomputer center a few years back. He'd been at the university as a statitician and programmer analyst for many years. They offered him the job with a twentyK CUT over his current salary because he did NOT have a CS degree. Even though he's published numerous papers where he did the analysis etc. So I guess it depends where you want to work and what you want to do. Right now, he works for a non profit insurance company in California and is a software engineer. Every now and again tools from CS academia need to be implemented.

    He was telling me that he had a very large data set that was millions of records long and he had to do some manipulation and was figuring out how to do that.

    I thought of quantum field theory and the Maxwell tensor because of course, you can store all your data in the tensor and then do operations on it to get what you need.

    He considered the notion and sure enough a colleague suggested working with OLAP cubes. So sometimes the arcana of school can help but clearly experience is key in your field.

    It does sound like you are more into public health concerns from looking at your posts, so an IS programme makes sense for your situation:)

  52. Whatever you do, I wish you success. You ought to post on your blog things that you've worked on and continue to interest you. It keeps the mind going and attracts people who are interested in what you have to say:)

  53. assnon2:01 PM

    AB isn't around so we have to pick on somebody.

  54. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Hathor said...
    so what?


  55. StillaPanther22:40 PM

    Brother Field...these are the moments an old Panther can enjoy. I know it could have been different (social). Oh well, thanks for this smiley moment.

  56. The impact of building casinos in Massachusetts on communities of color, and what this says about the political and economic leadership of our communities are the topics of discussion on the PBS show Basic Black, which you can watch TONIGHT at 7:30 p.m EST LIVE at or on channel 2 in Boston. You can also participate in a live chat at starting at 7: 20 pm.

  57. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Thanks for the post, FN, an excellent example of why so many of us return to this blog. Just wish we had more people like Katie's mother - reminding our children of who and what they represent: The best in all people; we are the descendants of the original man and woman.

  58. Interesting points made about the role of culture in academic achievement. The beef I have with Black folks these days is that while they are attending college, they aren't majoring in subjects, Science, Engineering, Medicine, IT, that will be in high demand in the future.

    Personally, I think a LOT of majors need to be consolidated or even eliminated. For example, is it really "necessary" to have both a Sociology and Psychology BS degrees when an individual needs at least a Master's in those areas to be realistically employable?

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Anonymous6:03 PM

    "But I'm sure she didn't have to, as Biggie once said, eats Sardines for dinner."

    Sardines don't get no respect, like Rodney Dangerfield. But they're delicious and healthful.

    Last U.S. Sardine Cannery to Close:

  61. Yep, I am extremely proud of Katie. The haters cannot play the quota/affirmative action card.

    Next topic:

    Does a person in the IT industry really need a PhD, MBA, etc? Anything over a master's degree is an overkill, in my opinion.

  62. Congrats to Katie! This is an awesome story, thanks for posting it FN.

  63. mellaneous6:31 PM

    Field it was mighty nice of you to honor this young lady. She sounds like she has her head on straight.

    Brother Field this also saddens me because it reminds me of a young friend who is about as talented as Katie. But she has some deeper issues and has chosen to take the long way home so to speak.

    She has a BS degree from a prestigous private college, but she refuses to use it and seems afraid of success, chosing instead to tend bar so she can be the center of attention for drunks,lascivious old men, weirdo's and women chasers.She lacks self esteem though she is talented, smart, kind hearted and beautiful. She is pregnant now and the assumed Dad (yeah its that deep)is a loser and of course she has always known it, but its why she's with him.

    I have worked so hard to help our young people overcome hurdles and resist measures and barriers placed in their path by the system, to hold them back ,that when I see a young person who I know chooses not to take advantage of their opportunity, its just heart breaking.

    Jody- thanks for the post about the young man. You sound pretty spiritual for an old peace and justice, jaded eastern lawyer (lol)You know you sounded like me.

    I keep preaching that no one is beyond redemption,which is why I had so much trouble with the mother in Precious and the writer of the book who said that some folks are beyond redemption.

    There is no such thing.

  64. field,

    Katie Washington should take her victory lap. She's looking at a great future.

    But your Tupac quote takes things in another direction.

    Looks to me like he ripped off the opening of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

  65. SueCitySue

    "This is not an unusual thing for Black Americans. I don't want anyone to get the impression that we are underachievers---quite the contrary. We are a great people."



    Rest in Peace BEN HOOKS.

    He was a warrior.

  66. Anonymous8:30 PM

    where's maria at to show some love for little ms. katie is it cause she's black?

  67. That's a really nice story. I wish her well. I hope she will take her talent and run with it. This country needs her, and more like her.

  68. Mell... if I have always considered myself spiritual, just not religious...and, thanks for thinkin it, but I am not a lawyer, I am a legal manager or as I call it a "lawyer wrangler." My job is to keep their feet to the fire and remember the defendant is the most important person in the mix... not the other lawyers or judges. I remind them that for them, it may be one of many cases, but for the defendant, it is the only one and their life is on the line... in short, I am the client advocate.

  69. "@field...

    i'm anon 10:50. sorry sarcasm escaped you the moment(s) you read, typed your response.

    i'm a bf."

    Sorry Anon. 8:20 a.m., the wingnuts and trolls have dulled my sarcasim meter. :)

    Damn mell. that's a messed up story. Keep working on that young lady.

  70. MMM only someone who is an educational elitist would not place value on the so called soft sciences like psychology and sociology; they are different fields. Society would be boring if everybody studied hard science. Humanity thrives from its diversity.

    I wish that more people showed interest in the sciences but I don't disparage others for majoring in other fields.

    What is wrong with the joy of learning and transmitting these values to future generations? Some people have gifts in the humanities and if we eliminate those courses of study, we are taking that away from them and from the richness that these disciplines bring to our society.

    You've also mentioned that you've 'mastered' mathematics, chemistry and biology. How can one 'master' these infinitely complex topics?

    I am very curious because I have never heard a scientist say that they've mastered any discipline.

  71. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Shoe looks like she's going to be a real good looker too. Good for her and Gary, Indiana. It's interesting that for a brief period of time, Gary was almost a modern day black utopia. It's quite tragic what has happened there since the downsizing of the US Steel industry in the area. Let's do what we can to support young Carrie and Gary.

  72. Mell, I only read excerpts from the book upon which Precious was based. It was soul murder to me. Some people who are child molesters and child rapists DO seem beyond redemption.

    Even Jesus said something about people who harm children or make them do wrong would be better off drowning in the depths of the sea with a millstone about the neck. That sounds like it would be hard for someone who knowingly and seriously makes efforts to harm children.

    I am not sure for people who are mentally ill.

  73. In Philly area "Eyes on the Prize" NOW on PBS.

  74. M. Rigmaiden said...
    I am very curious because I have never heard a scientist say that they've mastered any discipline.

    You asked me this question before and I didn't answer it then and I won't know. I consider you the FN blog intellectual harlot so defending/explaining myself to you would be like begging a skin head for a hair cut.

    What I do know is that because more than a few of my "fans" are neck deep in the throngs of ignorance and jealously, my posts REPEATEDLY change connotatively and denotatively.

    So interpret as you will. In the meantime, I'll continue to celebrate my acceptance to a PhD program in Sciences and the full ride fellowship I was awarded to fund it a few hours ago.

  75. Anonymous9:38 PM


    Sure, I am loling at that one.

  76. Does anyone have an extra grain of salt near by?

  77. SpamHater9:57 PM

    No likey shoes. Now fuck off.

  78. La♥audiobooks said...
    Does anyone have an extra grain of salt near by

    Probably on the folding tray next to your cot, between your dildo and weave.

    Success truly is the best revenge against a hater like you, Lacks!

  79. Boy these ladies are fierce.

    LOL@ SpamHater. SpamHater, I
    hate the spam, too.

    Hathor, thanks for the 411 on that program.

  80. MMM, can you give us an example paragraph with both connotative and denotative statements?

  81. Anonymous10:32 PM

    give her a sec to google it up.

  82. Lacks, I'm sure I can do it quicker than it takes you to wash the glue residue from your scalp. Do you know that word, residue? It has many connotations though in this case it doesn't refer to the material left in a certrifuge tube after centrifugation, in your case it's a combination of the lard and dirt that accumulates on your scalp along with glue when you wash your horse tail, oops, I meant weave.

  83. Not_RJ, if I only wanted be a VP of IT at ABC Pharm or CTO at XYZ County Hospital, you're right -- anything beyond a masters is overkill (thought a double masters in CS and Business are perfect).

    However, having seen the farce that are information technology and computer science program and the dearth of minorities in many local colleges, I realize that I also need to teach at the community college and state college level.

    A little history about my wonderful days in the Ivies. I had a chemistry prof in college, one of the few Black female lecturers at my alma mater. That woman stuck with me and push me to complete my BS degree, even after the physics profs told me to drop out of college.

    My goal of being a CS or IT is really my way to payback that professor and the ancestors by helping the next generation.

    I see it all the time, young ambitious Black and Latino would be scientists are forced out of the natural and applied sciences because their inner city schools didn't prepare them for the rigor of college. Its up to those of us who went through and got through by hook and by crook to reach back.

  84. @Anonymous/ 10:15 PM last night

    Sorry if your comment was misunderstood.

  85. MMM, "certrifuge" isn't the correct spelling. Not trying to be a spelling Nazi, but since you claim to have a much higher education, most people will hold you more accountable.

    You know, I thought your dildo spoof was funny yet again, at least you added in something new like weaves. I guess when you're a hyper-sexualized female, anything pertaining to the male genitalia will always be in your mantra for comebacks. When all else fails...

    As for wearing weaves, I would have guessed all this time you'd be the one so inclined, just a guess. Now, I don't know much about hair, but since we're on hair tips, you should style your hair to better suite having a higher forehead. And try to ease off those chemical relaxers, or clip your ends more often, your hair lacks an even volume and it's thinning at the ends. Yes, it is that obvious.

  86. Whoa! LAC, I totally agree with you. I am sad that you had such a wretched experience with profs telling you to drop out of school. When I transferred to SF State, the physics dept was small and very intimate. The profs were pissed if you did not do well and would do EVERYTHING to ensure that you got the material. It is the difference when you go to a school that emphasizes teaching. As to giving back...I totally agree with you which is why I take a lot of joy in tutoring.

    Sadly though, since there aren't many Blacks in my area I have not had much contact tutoring Black kids. So giving back to me means any kid in the community that needs help in math. I know you mean the same thing but it really makes a difference when you are a Black role model for other minority children in the sciences. It changes their perspective.

    I have only had one Black student the whole time I've tutored out here and he couldn't even finish the programme not because he wasn't smart enough but because his parents didn't place a high enough priority on education in the first place.

  87. As to the comments made by MMM, Congratulations on your recent acceptance to a PhD programme. I was wondering, since you said you have advanced degrees in Chemistry and biomedical sciences, if you have phDs in those areas or Master's degrees?

    As to calling me an intellectual whore, that is interesting. A whore sells themselves for money and an intellectual likes to broaden their minds. What a complex statement you've made, I call it a quandry "You don't know how to insult me so you compliment me at the same time." Why thanks my dear.

    Hopefully one day you will overcome your bitterness and realize that you don't have to talk to people as if they are stupid. And you needn't look your nose down on other fields. Apparently some of the humanities could have benefited you with spelling and written expression.

    You seem to be another example of someone who is a bit out of balance where you value only certain things and other things like interpersonal communication skills, hair maintenance routines and social skills give way to arrogant self puffery.

    As to you 'mastering' natural sciences and mathematics I am so shocked that anyone would say that, I legitimately am curious as to what areas you've 'mastered'.

    Tell us curious other Black scientists and scientists in training how you've been able to prepare and perhaps share some secrets to maximizing our brain power.

    Hey, here's a paper that I've had trouble understanding because I haven't taken grad level GR. Can you break it down for me...since you've 'mastered' mathematics and natural science?

    On the Relation between
    Operator Constraint –, Master Constraint –,Reduced Phase Space – and Path Integral Quantisation, Thiemann et al

  88. And LAA is right; your hair does look over processed. You have a color and a relaxer which does double the damage to your follicles. Since you've 'mastered' the natural sciences, surely you can come up with a potion to rectify your split ends?

  89. i work in college/grad admissions. Hopkins is an excellent choice, given her interests. good for her.

    gary is a hellhole. i'm sorry but it's true. good for her, for making rich people remember that human beings live in gary too, just like in rich burbs.

  90. LACoincidental said...
    I see it all the time, young ambitious Black and Latino would be scientists are forced out of the natural and applied sciences because their inner city schools didn't prepare them for the rigor of college. Its up to those of us who went through and got through by hook and by crook to reach back.

    Just about every Black person I know, especially those of us who attended predominately white universities, has been been severely discouraged from pursuing careers in the sciences, math, engineering, medicine, ect. One example from my past, after I was the only person of color 1 semester to test into the advanced general chemistry course, the prof told me I would never become a Scientist or Doctor. And while I did struggle as an undergrad for personal reasons, when I finished my MS in Chemistry from a top 5 school, I visited him and left him what a "special" note and copy of my diploma.

    These days I don't get nearly as discouraged as I used to, although I did recently have one PI at my institution doubt my abilities as Director because I don't have a PhD (yet, LOL!!!). Like you said previously, all we can do is keep pressing on, just making sure we have replacements that look like us lined up when we retire.

  91. MR, you've got that Chinese Chia pet look on lock, so I don't know how in the HELL you can talk about someone else's appearence, LOL!!

  92. [quote]My job is to keep their feet to the fire and remember the defendant is the most important person in the mix... not the other lawyers or judges. [/quote]


    What about the VICTIM who was assaulted by the DEFENDANT?

    Where does she matter in your stack ranking?

  93. MMM you didn't answer my question and the reason is that you aren't qualified or competent to do so. The only thing you've done is insult me based upon a picture that you cannot even see.

    Clearly you have lied, obfuscated and demeaned others for your own egoism. And clearly you don't know the first thing about science in any capacity.

    What a shame. I was really hoping that you would explain the nuances of that paper to me, since you've 'mastered' mathematics and all.

  94. MMM how does getting a masters in chemistry mean that you've mastered mathematics or biomedical science? You are a hopeless liar and a fraud and nothing that you say should be believed by anyone here.

  95. MR said... "MMM how does getting a masters in chemistry mean that you've mastered mathematics or biomedical science? You are a hopeless liar and a fraud and nothing that you say should be believed by anyone here."

    And for such a character as her to demean the very importance of "soft science" Psychology degrees of any level, should be pure irony.

  96. i don't know what is true about her. i can tell you one thing, if anyone at any NIH institute--where she claims to work--read any of her vulgar comments, she'd be hauled off into their ethics office and reprimanded in a new york minute!

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. I NEVER said I currently work at the NIH, I was a FELLOW at the NIH years back ( FYI Lacks, a Fellow in this case doesn't mean a dude okay snookums?). And no one would haul me off anywhere for my so called vulgar comments because it's call free speech BITCH!!!!!

    You trying to guess where I work is fruitless (not meaning real fruit Okay Lacks) because if you were smart enough to work where I do as anything other than the janitor, you'd also know that talking about it specifically would be career suicide.

  99. Besides the fact trying to impress a bunch of idiots is idiotic, LOL!!!

  100. right, idiots who say that because they got accepted to a PhD program that they are already a Dr.

    i am not spending a minute trying to figure out anything about you. you don't matter.

  101. Yeah Maria, MMM has acted as a liar and a fraud. I have absolutely no patience or good will towards LIARS. Any fool knows that you have to be conferred with a PhD before you get called Doctor. Maria already told you this. Next, whenever asked anything remotely about a scientific concept all you do is toss about insults on people's genitalia or appearance. Grow up you immature person!

    Lastly, to say that you have 'mastered' these disciplines is tantamount to one of the most assinine things I've ever seen in my life!

    I showed you a paper that was slightly over my head and asked for some analysis. Nothing but an insult.You are a liar and a fool. If you really do work for a lab, which I seriously doubt, but if you DO I hope they discover your incompetence in short order.

  102. Now if we can just get Essence to put this high achiever on its cover! Let's show young girls that they don't have to shake their booties to become successful,but instead can use their minds.

  103. Interesting point about Essence covers. While they have featured a number of Black women Scientists and Physicians in their magazines, I cant recall if they've ever featured one on the cover.

    The one possible exception is Dr. Mae Jemison, the first Black female in space, who is also an Engineer and Physician by training.

  104. Anonymous11:52 PM

    MR and LAC = get over your haughty selves! LOL.
    You come across as pretty arrogant expecting people to jump through hoops just because you dare them to. If you two would simply focus as much on your own shortcomings as you do on those you seem to perceive in others...??!! Any mirrors out here in the field? Geez...

    MAMM = Kudos for standing your ground, misspelled words and all. They bark commands like kids playing 'red rover' games. I wouldn't waste my time giving them information either - or attempting to DISPROVE or PROVE anything "publically" (@FN...had to go there!!) said about me. It would be about my choice to participate in something more m-e-a-n-i-n-g-f-u-l.

    Congratulations, Katie. May your future be as positive as your past has been. Keep up the diligent work.

  105. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Sorry that 11:52 post was to MR and LA-Audio.

  106. Yeah Anonymous whoever you are whateva. She is the one who insults people due to their skin color and routinely tells people that they aren't 'smart enough' to study her area of expertise.

    When called on what areas shes 'mastered' she cannot answer without cussing someone out. YOU are in the wrong on this not me nor LAA.

  107. Anonymous said...
    MAMM = Kudos for standing your ground, misspelled words and all. They bark commands like kids playing 'red rover' games. I wouldn't waste my time giving them information either - or attempting to DISPROVE or PROVE anything "publically" (@FN...had to go there!!) said about me. It would be about my choice to participate in something more m-e-a-n-i-n-g-f-u-l.

    Thanks Anon! At some point a person has to make a decisions about what they choose to engage in. And I decided 2 things make my focusing ONLY on what's positive more prudent than ever. First, I've got more blessings going on in my life right now is ways I didn't even have to pray for, so the least I could do is my part to keep the positive vibe going. The second is that my "role" with the Gov't is changing and damn if I'm gonna have to answer for comments made on a internet blog to a bunch of nincompoops, LOL!!!

  108. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I am very proud that this beautiful sister of a moorish back ground has been finally chosen, her dedication to her craft has made us proud. Its the first time they cared to recognise the greatness in our people. I am almost sure others have made the grade and due to racism within the ranks, they were passed by. So queen thank you for being the example of greatness.
