Thursday, May 06, 2010


***There was a story here, but I removed it because the subject of the story reached out to me and asked me to.****



  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Is there a father or a father figure that could help with this?

  2. Damn,remind me of a few girls I knew in high school. Not saying that they were black either. Then again, anybody that was a pre-Madonna or had THAT attitude(You guys know what I mean) is generally not going to care about attendence.

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Women like this need an organization like "Big Brother, Big Sister," growing up. Or perhaps there is a need for father figures for young black women? Is there any type of organization like that? Is it equally important for young black women to have a male figure to look up too?

  4. Gregory8:11 PM

    Atiya was late 60 times, not absent 60 times. If this is the only thing preventing her participation in the prom then this is silly.

    What struck me about the story is that both of her great-grandmothers are alive. Either her families are very long lived or Atiya may be the first woman in several generations to leave high school without a baby.

    As for Rekers, chalk this up to more conservative hypocrisy. Making this even more hilarious is the fact that is where Ted Haggard also hooked up with his prostitutes. Maybe the site should change its name to

    However, there is more to the story. Rekers has an institutional history that makes this story even more outrageous. From Wikipedia (yeah, I know, but it works for this):

    "The Family Research Council (FRC) is a conservative, Christian right group and lobbying organization. It was formed in the United States by James Dobson in 1981 and incorporated in 1983 with George Alan Rekers and Armand Nicholi, Jr.. The group was designed to be a lobbying force for conservative legislation on Capitol Hill. In the late 1980s, the group officially became a division of Dobson's main organization, Focus on the Family, but after an administrative separation, FRC officially became an independent entity in 1992. Its function is to promote what it considers to be traditional family values. It contains a 501(c)(4) PAC known as FRC Action. Tony Perkins is the current president.

    The FRC promotes socially conservative views on many issues, including divorce, homosexuality, and abortion."

    Field, if you haven't read Republican Gomorrah by Max Blumenthal, then I would highly recommend that you check it out when you have the time.

  5. "Is there a father or a father figure that could help with this?"

    Anon, where the hell is her father?

    Gregory, thanks for the 411 on that article, I will check it out.

  6. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I am suspecting that the mother has an obsessive compulsive disorder and needs therapy to treat it. It is a form of anxiety caused by a trauma such as the very one mentioned. If she could leave earlier, it would cause a great deal of anxiety in the mother and trusting someone else to take her kids to school is out of the question. She has a day-care center near her home so that she is able to take and pick the kids up from school. She is not very far from her children. The school should make an exception giving the circumstances, but I do not know what she is going to do if her daughter decides to attend college away from home. The woman does exhibit sounds of this anxiety disorder.

    As for Alpha Dog Rekers, I saw the skit on the Colbert and it is classic irony. Colbert delivered a social commentary as all comedians do. He brought out a certain truth of which is the hypocrisy and irony. I couldn't make this story up and the website is just perfectly makes for utter mocking.

  7. Hello Field,

    I have to agree with Gregory... "Atiya was late 60 times, not absent 60 times. If this is the only thing preventing her participation in the prom then this is silly". Late? How late and what did she miss. apparently she did enough to maintain her average.

    Yep, silly to the tenth degree. I know rules are in place for a purpose. Heck, without "laws" were would we be. however, what is the purpose of a prom? I mean, if she actually graduated, then, hey, no harm no foul. Don't punish the child after the act! Silly silly silly!

    On the Colbert tip, I personally do not see anything wrong with him making fun of a serious issue. I mean, really. A choir boy might be a good example of "right" but a choir boy can not relate to the "struggles" of many individuals,and therefore can not lead anyone out of a "fire"/storm.

    Some may call it hypocrisy to speak negatively on a subject/behavior that they are presently engaged in. However, hypocrisy may be a good word to describe that behavior, but the facts remain the same.

  8. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Rules are rules for a reason. She shouldn't even graduate in my opinion. Late 60 times ? Hey mom, get some help and quit perpetuating your dysfunctional familial history and past upon your daughter. More of the sorry "woe is me" crap that's accepted in society today.

  9. Having hear about some of the student body, I want to know if she was the only one. I cant believe she was the only late student.

  10. Anonymous8:54 PM

    She was probably the only one who wasn't raised with enough shame to whine and cry to a news outlet about what's commonsense and a common repercussion at nearly all high schools in the country for coming to school late 60 times in one year.

  11. Hathor, that's a good question,and I am not sure what the average is for lateness at that school. I do know that Saul is one of the better public schools (they specialize in agriculture, I think)so the kids there, for the most part, should be on their game.

    CareyCarey, I too like Colbert's humor. I wasn't ripping him for making fun of this guy. In fact I am glad he did.

  12. Anonymous8:59 PM

    When I went to high school, if you were late more than three times ( unexcused and a mother's irratinal phobia being an unexcused absence) you couldn't participate in any extracurricular activities.

  13. agentX9:20 PM

    Once again, conservatives prove to be raging hypocrites on social issues.

    It's no longer a stereotype, it's just a fact- any time someone opposes homosexuals, they're homosexual themselves.

    Lindsay Graham....I'm looking at YOU. We know you're for rent from Big Oil, but who you got holding your 'teabagz'?

  14. Gregory9:22 PM

    Just a thought, but I'm wondering if her teachers or school administrators did anything to find out why she was late so often. Maybe after the 20th or 30th time she was late they might be curious and ask for an explanation. Certainly someone must have noticed.

  15. I agree with Gregory's first paragraph.

    I know somebody might come along and say the mother's excuse is a cop out, but I think it's sadly legitimate. Like what Henna said, I also think the mother is suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder and she may be in need of therapy. I have never been raped, but I can relate to the mother's anxiety on a similar level. I also think there is a connection to the absenteeism of a male "protector" in the home that heightens the anxiety level and maybe distorts the dissuasion making of some single mothers who desperately want to protect their children, and themselves from others who do target them.

    Side note: I've also notice that some single mothers tend to seem more aggressive or even combative among their neighbors/neighborhood, perhaps to over compensate for not having an adult male in their household, it's psychological smoke screen. And that makes sense if you also notice people around the neighborhood tend not to provoke or disrespect a household full of women and children when there is an adult male presence among them.

  16. The mother has been through a terrifying traumatic experience and probably never sought help in the form of some type of therapy for some reason, embarrassment, shame, or none was offered. It has caused her to become overly protective of her children. She doesn't want them to go through the same experience.

    In the article it did mention that she tried leaving earlier. However, she is suffering from anxiety which more than likely draining all of her energy and makes her tired all the time. She probably oversleeps and sleeps a lot too. That woman can't help it,until she gets the help she needs to overcome her fear her problem will persist. She needs some therapy to help her get over her fear or to get more in tune spiritually so that she can resolve that fear issue.

    I feel sorry for the mother and the child. The young lady has to suffer because of the trauma that her mother is going through. However,a mother's anxiety disorder affects their children too and they suffer behind it as well.

    She is a pretty girl and looks like Angela Bassett. I pray that God will open up a door for her and give her favor with all of those in authority. That he will touch their heart and give them a mind to show compassion.

  17. 2nd Street near Chew Avenue

    Map of the route from CHEW to Saul HS,+Philadelphia,+PA+19120&daddr=7100+Henry+Avenue,+Philadelphia,+PA+19128-1499+(Walter+Saul+High+School)&hl=en&geocode=FdTrYgIdsK6F-ymhRb1-CbfGiTE6v98_RTfqJw%3BFcQbYwIdmzeE-yH8d08yAEkz4imFTBr2HrnGiTHGfz_Eli27Yw&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=40.028535,-75.145798&sspn=0.054681,0.110378&ie=UTF8&ll=40.028666,-75.175323&spn=0.054681,0.110378&z=13

    I am POSITIVE that SEPTA runs from the house to the school. There must be other classmates that this girl could bond to.

    Since there are not too many TEA BAGGERS living around these parts I can't see why the mother fears that someone is going to snatch up her Black daughter. Its not like Lawrence Taylor lives near by either.

    Sounds to me like an irrational mama with too many demons.

    By the way, Filled Negro - is Moms worried what sweet little Atiya might do on prom night as she detours to Atlantic City on the way home? You know those front bucket seats can slide up pretty far these days, giving ample room in the back seat.

  18. I meant decision making, not "dissuasion" making. My fingers have the mind and speed of their own, It's been a day.

  19. Anonymous10:05 PM

    There is a more profound with my mother. It appears that she does have an anxiety disorder and the primary cause is trauma such as the sexual abuse. There is a problem within black community in dealing with mental illness and sexual abuse within the home. No one can begin to imagine the type of trauma the mother is suffering because it does not go away particularly if she did not have emotional support from other family members which I am afraid she did not. As for the mental illness, no one ever want to admit that black people suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, or OCD. The problem is that Atiya may develop some form of anxiety disorder in the future.

  20. If getting late was a problem she should have taken the girl to school first. I don't think there's any excuse for the mother's paranoia. Making the kids memorize the sex offenders in the neighborhood... I think the mother has a serious problem. You can be VERY careful without being VERY extreme.

    Field... it's funny you brought that up because I went to the site today to check it out. I didn't go pass the Terms of Agreement. To get passed all the warnings let's one knows it's all about the Gays. If that's your thing... you can't make no mistake about it. I'm tired of White Republican Conservative Christian Hypocrites! Oooo my former church just had an experience with a Fire and Brimstone preacher who was caught up in a Sexual Harassment and Embellzement Lawsuit. So embarassing for a small town

  21. You know what is strange, most men cannot relate to the psychological damage that rape does to women. They show indifference to the victim. It used to be worse back years ago. They would blame the woman for being rape and badger them so bad until to keep from going through that ordeal, women kept it to themselves.

    What is even stranger is that it is men who commit rape crimes against women. Men who do that to women tend to think they had it coming, or she wanted it. They don't understand that no means no. No sympathy for the woman in these type of cases, it is the man who is protected. That in itself is even more damaging psychologically to a victim of rape. smh!

  22. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Absolutely Granny. It's been a while since I've agreed with you. Let's celebrate...

    Take care, Szpork

  23. CF,
    When's the last time you have been in Philly?

    She would have to take 3 buses to get to Saul. Saul is almost out of the city.

  24. Szpork, you take care too. :)
    That's okay, szpork, I still like you.

  25. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Sixty tardies? What's wrong with the school system? When I went to school you were likely suspended after a handful of them.

    As for George Rekers, he will never be welcome in the LGBT community. We'd kick him where the Rent Boy split him before forgiving him.

  26. Why is it that school officials are not able to consider the circumstances of children anymore? Now it's always the rules are the rules.

    And, if Atiya has managed to get satisfactory grades and has enough credits to graduate then what the heck difference does it make now if she was late.

    Her lateness should have been addressed before not now after the fact.

  27. Hmpffff

    Ja,ja,ja, rape, bla bla bla

    Always a excuse -- never personal responsibility.

    Always a reason to be weak and victim and societally useless.

    Now will the GRANDCHILDREN be absolute social lepers.

    But they will have a excuse, no doubt.

  28. Oh, should the woman accept personal responsibility for rape too?

    Last time I checked rape is a crime perpetrated on a FEMALE victim, and that is why they have rape centers and rape organizations because it causes a lot of damage. Of course, you wouldn't understand that being that your a man, huh?

  29. Anonymous10:56 PM


    The was sexual abuse and did not want her children to go through the same thing because it is not a walk in the park. Of course it sounds irrational to you do not have the same experience as her and it is difficult for you to empathize because you are looking at from your perspective not hers. A cognitive behavioral therapist would help the mother greatly. We love to be judgmental without knowing the back story, oh the mother had no excuse but you know there some emotional issues with her that are causing interruptions that prevents her from living a "normal" live whatever that means.

  30. Funny how a man will go crazy if he finds out his wife/woman cheated on him because they feel that woman has committed the ultimate sin against man. Men sympathize with me in them type of situations. That causes psychological damage with them and hurts their male ego. Then they want all the sympathy and compassion anyone available can muster for them. They will get somewhere and cry a river.

    Gays get raped too, so, it looks like they would be able to relate to that, but I guess that is when and the only time those male hormones kick in and keep them from understanding.

  31. actually, colbert is a satirist, and i think he skewered this guy quite well. sometimes the truth comes out in the strangest ways,

  32. Anonymous11:33 PM

    there seems to be a lot of posts about gay men on this blog...hmmmm

  33. Anonymous11:35 PM

    ""....Kitt, who blames herself for her daughter's persistent lateness, survived a childhood scarred by repeated sexual abuse, and was raped as a young woman"

    BULLSHIT. Everyone is a fucking victim.

  34. Anonymous11:38 PM

    "there seems to be a lot of posts about gay men on this blog...hmmmm"

    What do expect from a guy with a pencil thin mustache who wears pink ties? He's a flamer.

  35. Anonymous11:41 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    "Gays get raped too, so, it looks like they would be able to relate to that, but I guess that is when and the only time those male hormones kick in and keep them from understanding."

    Jesus, you are stupid. Someone should take your computer away and give you an etch-a-sketch.

  36. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Anon: 11:35

    She is taking responsibility for actions for making her daughter late for school. I think she is a good parent who has great anxiety. She has a fear real or imagine that something terrible is going to happen to her children and made a commitment to protect them by escorting them to school every day. Her protection is heighten by the fact that she was sexual abused possibly by a family member. She developed the anxiety disorder as a way to cope. It is an irrational way of controlling her world. She is not playing victim, she is creating a way in which to cope to control the anxiety, but it is disruption that negatively affects her life.

  37. Anonymous12:08 AM

    hennasplace said: " Her protection is heighten by the fact that she was sexual abused possibly by a family member. She developed the anxiety disorder as a way to cope. It is an irrational way of controlling her world."

    You display a lovely compassion undergirded by mush-headedness - a succinct encapsulation of white female liberalism. You accept the assertion of abuse at face value and then confer complete absolution on any irresponsibility on the claimant, no matter if it is irrational or not. As if past (alleged) abuse made it impossible to set an alarm clock 15 minutes earlier. You wade knee-deep in bullshit but pretend you can't smell it.

    Bad things have happened to me, but I get up and go to work every day. We don't need your condescension in our community. It is people like you that enable dysfunctionality and keep the weak from fully adult lives.

  38. The mother's history has no bearing on this case.

    What counts is that the student passed the required courses and exams to earn that diploma.

    As for tardiness, it should have been addressed in after school detention or having a worker visit the home early in the school year to trouble shoot, not laying in wait to ambush the kid's prom with fake outrage.

  39. NSangoma1:03 AM

    Three children and she is supposed to fear "rooster".

  40. Anonymous 11:41:

    You can kiss my incredible black ass! Now!

  41. Kit:

    That was good! Yeah, I liked that.

  42. Remember that other girl that they canceled the prom because she was bringing her girlfriend? She is suing and they are letting her lead the NYC Pride Parade.

    The other black girl was told she couldn't attend her prom because of her dress. Her dress was not that bad and she had on a shawl. The articles concerning her were titled girl with skimpy dress banned from the prom. The dress was sleeveless, but they made it seem like it was way up over her behind and low cut down to her belly button.

    I think that is awful to do those kids like that.

  43. "The mother's history has no bearing on this case.

    What counts is that the student passed the required courses and exams to earn that diploma.

    As for tardiness, it should have been addressed in after school detention or having a worker visit the home early in the school year to trouble shoot, not laying in wait to ambush the kid's prom with fake outrage."

    Kit, I like where you are going with that.

    Granny, you make some great points about rape and the trauma that comes with it. I think that has to be a part of this discussion. Still, mom should realize her problem and not allow her daughter to suffer as a result of her past.

    Destructive Wingnut, I was hoping that just once you would have a lucid and reasonable argument but then you said this:

    "Since there are not too many TEA BAGGERS living around these parts I can't see why the mother fears that someone is going to snatch up her Black daughter. Its not like Lawrence Taylor lives near by either."

    And, well, the dunce cap goes back on.

    What do expect from a guy with a pencil thin mustache who wears pink ties? He's a flamer"

    Well I wear a goatee now, and actually its's a pink BOW-TIE (Brooks Brothers) but thanks for noticing. ;)

  44. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Anon 12:08

    Liberalism has nothing to do with making an observation that woman has an anxiety disorder and she can be treated for that. There are some rational fears, but dealing with those fears can irrational, and Atiya just need to learn how deal with other ways that does not interfere with everyday life. I do not understand your premise of you getting up and going to work everyday. Many people get up and go to work everyday including individuals making comments to this post, but has nothing to do with this conversation. I can say that you have an inability to solve problems because it's easier for you to pass judgment. What I can say about Atiya's mother is that gives damn to take her kids to school to make sure that they are safe. I have seen children as young as 6 years old walk to school alone and can make them vulnerable as anything can happen to them. There is a concern and the question becomes when does concern turn into irrational behavior. We should also realized that there are emotionally and mentally damaged and does affect your life, but you can find a way to cope with it. I hope that was not too liberal of me.

  45. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Whats with Black Women and there mustaches???

  46. Anonymous6:53 AM


    For Atiya's mother, she lives the past everyday. She has a need to protect her children because she does not want them to experience the same trauma she suffers. She probably does not her daughter to go away to college because she cannot protect her. I do not think she intentionally interfering with her children's life, but she is and she needs better coping. It is not that easy to say she will just have to get over it. I hope she does get some help and may join a support group. She may have strict rules on her children about being outside for too long. We are just getting a glimpse as she driving and picking up her children from school everyday. She is watching her kids like a hawk, and I do not think that they leave her sight very often. The woman did not think she could physically have children from result of her the sexual assault, so her children become even more precious to her.

  47. Hator:

    With Saul High School rating only 5 out of 10 in the survey I am not sure that it is worth the extra hassle to get there.

    Then again - it is the best HS of all of the surrounding public schools.

    This girl might be better off going to the "Jesus Is The Way Christian Academy".

    In that part of Philly I doubt that they have any "White Republican Christian Hypocrites" for her parents to worry about no Tea Baggers.

    Hey Filled Negro - at what point will you admit that you and the rest of the community were sold a BILL OF GOODS over the last 40 years that you STRUGGLED to craft the schools and political power of the city into its present form?

    WORST YET - when will YOU stand accountable for your complicity?

    Or do you figure that you can continue chasing Windmills and the people will follow as it keeps them from looking INSIDE themselves?

  48. [quote]I do not think she intentionally interfering with her children's life, but she is and she needs better coping. It is not that easy to say she will just have to get over it. I hope she does get some help and may join a support group. [/quote]


    Why do INTENTIONS matter more to you than do END RESULTS? If her daughter is negatively impacted by her mother's demons then this is all that matters.

    It is so interesting how the model that I have clipped from your comments above can be applied to OTHER groups of people who COMMUNICATE THEIR PAIN forward to their progeny. Even though their own children have not been molested - they are made to walk in their ancestor's shoe.

    Why is it that in the case of this mother you are rather clinical in your suggestions that she SEEK HELP? You are clear that there is a need to PREVENT THE MOTHER'S DEMONS from jumping "synapse between generations". No longer able to project forward.

    Yet when it comes to some other issues of past assaults there are some people who's entire strategy is to gain present relief by showing all of the "soft tissue injuries" that HISTORY has placed upon them. Since these injuries are "soft tissue" they don't appear on any xray. Thus only the BEHOLDER can tell the world that he no longer needs a neck brace because the pain is gone. For others the neck brace is a family heirloom, passed on from generation to generation. Used for their strategic purposes.

    Do you believe that progressive matriculation toward the HEALED STATE is the goal for EVERY ailment which is psychosomatic??

  49. This is ridiculous. Is school about learning or just forming little drones that will follow all rules? How about her teachers weight in. She's going to graduate. So clearly she was able to work things out with them. Maybe they didn't think it was that big of a deal. Maybe they had bigger issues to deal with. And don't give me that prepare for life BS. There are maybe two people in my office of 70 or so that actually show up at 9:00 a.m.

  50. Atiya Lanier deserves to go to her prom. Going to the prom is like citizenship and voting, if you are officially a student at the school, you are entitled to attend.

    Perhaps her lateness affects her grades for in-class participation, but gee whiz, so what?

    As for her mother, well, whatever the truth of her story, it is irrelevant.

  51. CF,
    I was not speaking about the school, but some of the student body, which info I had gotten from a teacher that worked their. Perhaps his expectations are different than yours.

    School administrations in Philly don't always work very well. Especially to inform you of what's going on. Kit was right and how is discipline effective the last days of school. What in the hell would they would have done, if she had no intention of going to the prom. This kind of information would not impress me as a parent, because I would want to know what would they do with a real troublemaker, like someone who carried a weapon, expel them on the last day of school? Would they do this so they could keep their good rating?

    I don't really think you should speak about the schools in Philly whether they are good or bad since apparently you have not had to deal with them. Stats don't mean a damn thing.

    Then again - it is the best HS of all of the surrounding public schools.

    Surrounding high schools? There is only one other public high school near Saul, Roxborough. Private high schools are not as near as that site shows. If you look on the map you will notice Fairmont Park separates the schools, so a birds eye view isn't like driving between them. I think this may have been part of Philly you never really were in. Saul is specialized like the Creative and Performing Arts high school. It is not a district high school.

  52. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Like your oppressors you have no heart! Why haven't you commented on the hypocrite. Attack the victim(s); no compassion whatsoever. May God deal with your heart.

  53. [quote]There are maybe two people in my office of 70 or so that actually show up at 9:00 a.m.[/quote]


    * Good thing you are not a POLICEMAN or emergency callers will have to WAIT until you clock in

    *Good thing you are not a Physician because that heart attack victim will have to just take some aspirin until you decide to come into the emergency room

    * Good thing that you are not on an assembly line because the people who DID SHOW UP ON TIME will have to pull the chord until you decide to show up in your work station

    The bottom line is that some of the responses on this message thread are evidence of the type of skewed sensibilities that undercut our ability to address HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT problems within our communities and cities.

    The school had the AUDACITY to make the case that attendance at the Prom is not a RIGHT but a PRIVILEGE.

    The fact that she is in line to graduate means LITTLE in proving that she is a good student in absolute terms. Some "A" students in the context of one school are shown to be "C" students in higher quality schools with more rigorous academic standards.

    For some of you - we can't ever have a conversation focused on the IMPORTANT STUFF because you are always distracted by the issue of "RAY RAY being kicked off of the basketball team because he failed the English course". His trajectory to college has been dashed by the SCHOOL'S audacity to actually enforce its own rules!!

  54. [quote]Like your oppressors you have no heart![/quote]

    Hold on a minute Anon #40!!

    MY oppressors have no skin color or ideology that they are bound to.
    My adversarial oppressors instead operate off of:


    What does "having a heart" mean other than YOUR ability to hijack the RULES based upon YOUR ability to connect with the "offender". Likewise, Anon#40 - when YOUR enemy breaks the rules you use this same spirit that you have to exploit this as an opening to SCREW HIM.

    Why not make it CLEAR over time what the RULES ARE. If you notice a pattern during the march toward graduation THEN you APPLY YOUR 'HEART', inspecting what the problem is and working to achieve differentiated outcomes that are IN LINE WITH THE RULES?

    What message does this case send to OTHER STUDENTS that are watching? If they had a "momma with drama" going on in her brains they too can receive special treatment??

    Why haven't you commented on the hypocrite

    Anon #40: The next time I make my TOP 10 LIST OF FORCES WORKING TO IMPERIL BLACK PEOPLE and then make note how FEW OF THESE ever appear on the "Self-Chumming" menu of Filled Negro - I want you to say to Filled Negro:

    * Why haven't you commented on the National Guard in Chicago?

    * Why haven't you commented on the report from LSU telling of the negative impact of Illegal Immigration upon Black workers?

    * Why haven't you commented on how the nation of Greece has a large social entitlement burden like the one that the Progressive-Fundamentalist seeks to construct in America?

    SIMPLE ANSWER Anon #40 - the hypocritical White Republican Conservative gay guy HAS NO BEARING on the PRIORITY ISSUES that I am focusing on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is merely another SELF-CHUMMING "Kibble and Bit" thrown out by Filled Negro to obfuscate.

    Do you prefer the kibbles or the bits? I believe that there is a $1 charge for an unmixed batch.

  55. CF,
    I always thought that the Junior Class sponsored the prom, not the school. They also decided who could attend, for example 10th grade boys were invited in my school, so there would be more available dates. In Philly the proms are not on the schools campuses as in my time. It is not an extracurricular event, it is a social event.

  56. [quote]I don't really think you should speak about the schools in Philly whether they are good or bad since apparently you have not had to deal with them. Stats don't mean a damn thing.[/quote]



    Hathor - why do you seek to attack ME for being critical of the RESULTS but have little to say about the forces that GOT INTO POWER, primarily based on their promises of how they are going to REVOLUTIONIZE the schools - if the community VOTED FOR THEM?

    What is the consequence that must be suffered for failure in your view Hathor? That I should STAY SILENT about what is going on?

    What do these present circumstances say about THEIR attacks upon the PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATIONS who failed but were RUN OUT OF POWER? Do you think that the new establishment is going to say: "NOW that we are in POWER we see how difficult of a challenge it is to deal with the schools in Philly. Let's let the past be a bygone era. Come back in to town, WE WILL YIELD A SIZABLE PORTION OF OUR POWER and instead implement a more OPEN and EFFECTIVE set of solutions for the benefit of these KIDS rather than for our egos and Ideological/Political advantage".

    You can't have it both ways Hathor.

    Our children deserve better.

  57. [quote]They also decided who could attend, for example 10th grade boys were invited in my school, so there would be more available dates. In Philly the proms are not on the schools campuses as in my time. It is not an extracurricular event, it is a social event.[/quote]

    As I recall it - the night that I went to Atlantic City after my mother warned me not to - the SCHOOL created a "Home Coming Committee". Though it was off campus the school was the ultimate responsible party.

    Just let one of these young people get injured in a car accident after the prom and someone find that alcohol was being served in the boys bathroom of the hotel ballroom where the function was held. I ASSURE YOU that the SCHOOL would be sued by the parents and their trial lawyer seeking 33%. They won't care about the deficit conditions in the budget of the school as they seek their millions into their personal bank accounts

  58. Ohh this boy is nauseating.

    And relentless.

    Let's try this again.

    CF, If the GOP was running Philly public schools what would be their first move to improve them?

    If the GOP were in the Mayor's office in Philly, how would they deal with the street pirates?

    He's not going to answer y'all.

    All he can grunt is "black people bad. white people good."

  59. CF,
    You see, I don't think you have a clue about what happening in the Philadelphia school system.

    You go to a national web site to find info about Saul, which was not enough info to determine much about the school.

    You don't have a child or never had a child in this system.

    I also like to know just at what point you thought that I was praising the Philly school system.

    I know whats at the heart of the problem and it isn't which ideology is in power. It has to with the will of Philadelphians of wanting to stand up for children. Their mantra that too much money is being spent. That money isn't the problem. Brilliant students had to contend with and Asbestos ceiling falling down in their school until it was finally condemned. I wonder about the long term health consequences of that. Heating systems that don't work. 120 year old schools that are barely being maintained. If you don't think that even small children don't notice how they are being treated, think again. Many of the city think the rest are hoodlums and of course don't deserve anything.

    What makes charter schools successful is what the state refuses to do in the regular public schools. I have seen renovations of commercial buildings that would put to shame some of the new construction of public schools.

    Charter schools have limited enrollment and get resources that the regular public schools don't. Even some have sponsorship from private industry.

    The bureaucracy built into this system wasn't started or maintained by an ideology of those in power. The citizens have not challenged they way the school board is set up, it allows their representatives come up with the changes. I am not just speaking of Black folk, its all.
    The citizens don't want to do the work.

    Don't even get me started on parental involvement, that is only possible if you are a compliant parent. Can't challenged the teachers.

  60. CF,
    Why do you think there were campaigns for teenagers to not drink after the prom? There have been many accidents where the students have died on prom night and NO lawsuits.

    You haven't been paying attention, but maybe its different where you live.

    What I was trying to point out is that, graduating, your grades or behavior usually has not been a criteria for attending the prom. That another one of my gripes, is that schools don't know how to adequately met out punishment. As I said, how does punishment at the end of the school year affect behavior. This seems like she's being made an example for other students. I even wonder if this is in the student handbook, which lays out what is expected and the consequences. The parents are also expected to read this too.

    In some schools one gets the same punishment for all offenses, so there is no incentive to act better. With kids rationale, why not skip class if they are going to get the same punishment for being late for school. If you are skipping class, how does suspension remedy that. In a child's mind he's getting what he wants. In school suspension, I feel would be more effective, but then you have to have an spare adult in charge, which cost money.

  61. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Frank Drackman said...
    "Whats with Black Women and there mustaches??? "

    Maybe you should ask your mama.

  62. Let her go to the prom!!!! The world will not end

  63. "Frank Drackman said...
    "Whats with Black Women and there mustaches??? "

    Nah, Frank is just trying to convince himself that the person who violated him in the joint was a deep voiced mustached woman.

  64. ditto to all fn!

    ask any teacher how many students are late DAILY and snoring by 9 am....shame!!!!

    NOTHING can excuse an irresponsible parent or a lying fake holy gaybashing DL homosexual...nothing!

    this child and her mom need lessons in scheduling/alarm clocks/sacrifices as badly as that DL slug needs lessons in honesty and morality and buybull bs!!!!

    have a great weekend,

  65. Hator:

    If you have never "heard me" before please HEAR ME on this one.

    You don't hear ME arguing that the party in power in Philly MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

    What you hear me arguing is for those who SOLD US THIS BILL OF GOODS as they got into power with this claim to BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

    Hathor - THEY GOT INTO POWER while the drama remains.

    The challenge is for the RANK AND FILE, upon hearing these claims about what a PARTY or IDEOLOGY will do for them to snatch the microphone from the clown that makes such a claim because later on he is going to expect that YOU should be living vicariously through HIS victories.

    I get the sense that you are more pissed at me - who doesn't live in Philly - for being critical of the aggregation of ADULTS in the city more than you are inclined to be critical of these adults in the city who have FAILED to manage the HUMAN RESOURCES who have some impact upon the education and character building of the young people in question.

  66. ps:

    she should NOT go to the prom!!!

    who else will teach her about priorities/consequences/obligations?....not mom!!!

    i also see tons of sorry trifling kids go to college ONLY to plegde greek orgs and then drop out

    michelle obama will speak to an entire nursing class that flunked out at uapb this weekend in ar...shame!!!!


  67. Happy Mother's Day everyone and God Bless Mothers everywhere!

    "My Mother said to me, "If you are a Soldier, you will become a General. If you are a Monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a Painter, and became Picasso".

    Pablo Picasso

    "As I have discovered by examining my past, I started out as a child. Coincidentally, so did my brother. My Mother did not put all her eggs in one basket, so to speak: she gave me a younger brother named Russell, who taught me what was meant by "survival of the fittest."

    Bill Cosby

    "I remember my Mother's Prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life".

    Abraham Lincoln

    "Only God Himself fully appreciates the influence of a Christian Mother in the molding of Character in her Children".

    Billy Graham

    "My Mother said I must always be Intolerant of Ignorance but understanding of Illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more Educated and more Intelligent than College Professors".

    Maya Angelou

    "You don't have to deserve your Mother's Love. You have to deserve your Father's".

    Robert Frost

    The Father is always a Republican toward his Son, and his Mother is always a Democrat".

    Robert Frost

    "When I was born I was so ugly the Doctor slapped my Mother".

    Rodney Dangerfield

    "The greatest Destroyer of Peace is Abortion because if a Mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between".

    Mother Teresa

  68. i blame parents for an entire generation of coddled slackers who feel entitled to all perks with O toil/effort/actual earned rewards!!!

    i see millenials in corp america daily who want to be late to the ofc each day & still be CEO in 2 wks!

    see more:

  69. [quote]CF, If the GOP was running Philly public schools what would be their first move to improve them?

    If the GOP were in the Mayor's office in Philly, how would they deal with the street pirates?

    WhiteBowieSteve is a Pharaceutical Sales Agent for GSK. He has been pill pushing "little blue pills" into the urban areas of America. He TOLD THEM - If you purchase my blue pill and injest them YOUR PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED. He also told the desperate crowd who was looking for attention: "There will be a salesman from Merk. They sell a RED PILL that also claims to cure you. Here are some studies that show that their pills give Black people and other urban residents kidney failure, heart disease and high blood pressure. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING THAT THEY SAY!!! My blue pill is all you need."

    Fast forward 40 years.
    Our friend WhiteBowieSteve has one "Sales Person Of The Year" from GSK. He is invited to speak at their national sales convention that takes place every 4 years. He is will represented in their state conferences as well.

    His success has been that HE COMES FROM THE URBAN COMMUNITY and knows them well. He TELLS GSK what the PEOPLE ARE THINKING and what GSK MUST DO to get more of his people to TAKE THEIR PILLS. This has been VERY, VERY profitable for Steve.

    Then some "Curious Negro" named "Constructive Feedback" came along. He noted that despite the monopoly of Blue pills in Philly, Baltimore, Detroit and beyond WHITEBOWIESTEIVE still pushes the sales of his blue pill by pointing out the DAMAGE that the RED PILL has upon Black people. He doesn't even sell the benefits of the blue pill any longer. CS did a longitudinal study BEYOND the easy "Check list" of benefits that Steve has made on the benefits of the BLUE pill. This pill has been found not to be a CURE but instead a MAINTENANCE TREATMENT that mitigates the gross impact of the ailment. It does not strengthen the body to the point of CURE. Steve has not promoted an exercise regime instead he has been selling PILLS.

    In the face of being called out for his actions - WHITE BOWIE STEVE is only able to ask: "WHAT WOULD THE RED PILL HAVE DONE has the community been addicted to it?"

    A more honest broker would call for a cease of consumption of BOTH PILLS while those who had primary concern for the patient figured out a more ORGANIC solution that was more comprehensive:

    * Lifestyle changes
    * Dietary consumption changes
    * Community based enforcement of standards
    * Grass-roots scientific study of the people to come up with custom solutions
    * Cultural based means of extending this new consciousness into the young people

    Since we hear NONE OF THIS from Steve - we must conclude that he is HAPPY with the present condition for he PROFITS GREATLY in that he is an agent for the machine that is STANDING STRONG despite the continued aliment

  70. Alicia Banks and Laurel.

    This might get interesting.


  71. CF,
    I wonder if you read anything anyone writes.

  72. Anonymous11:59 AM


    It is about finding the root causes, so you can create a solution. We tend to react to everything with finding any solutions to the problem. I think the girl should attend the prom, and the school should have found another creative solution to the tardiness problem. For people who are suppose to be educational professionals, you would think that would use cogntive behavior methods to prevent tardiness other than you can't attend the prom. The purpose of cognitve behavior is to provide goal-oriented tools to change a certain behavior. I get an indictation that the principal did not telephoned the Monica when the problem with tardiness as they saw became chronic. No one problem to ask why because we have adopted some kind no tolerance policy. Some of these rules are not well thought out like the muddled dress code, or substracting a child's grade for not wearing a uniform and that rule applies from pre-k to high school where a uniform is required. Somehow I doubt that 6year-old Tracy dressed herself with a parent noticing she was not wearing a uniform. Rules also have exceptions. Would it make a difference if she was late so many time is because her mother had cancer and going through treatment and it's just the two of them? These are just some thoughts.

  73. Anonymous12:12 PM

    And she's baaa-aaaack... NOOOOOO!!!

  74. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Granny, "She is a pretty girl and looks like Angela Bassett. I pray that God will open up a door for her and give her favor with all of those in authority. That he will touch their heart and give them a mind to show compassion."

    Careful, Granny. Atheists are taking over America and are attacking people who pray or believe in a God that doesn't exist. Ever hear of Dawkins and Sam Harris? They are very popular today.

  75. Anonymous12:55 PM


    "Well I wear a goatee now, and actually its's a pink BOW-TIE (Brooks Brothers) but thanks for noticing. ;)"

    A 'pink' bow-tie from Brooks Brothers? Are you admitting to being gay? You need to go to church.

  76. Anonymous1:46 PM

    The fact that people are marginalizing 60 tardies is another example of how we don't value education AT ALL. That's over six tardies per month without factoring in school breaks and holidays. Factoring in time off, it's over seven. This is not accetable. Mom's excuses are lame I decided when she said she tried leaving earlier but that didn't work either. Huh? My BS alarm went into the red zone on that. I'm surprised they didn't kick this kid out of school.

  77. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Interesting gossip piece on Rekers and the "Top Ten" outing, but it does make one question the timing AND the double standard?

    Why is there not the same level of interest in "outing" Obama? His visits to Man Country are legendary in Chicago, and there was the whole Larry Sinclair thing.

    How will the AA community reconcile that -- turning out in droves to vote for The Lightbringer, The Chosen -- while voting Prop 8 too -- talk about inner conflict !!

  78. [quote]I wonder if you read anything anyone writes.[/quote]

    My dear friend Hathor:

    I DO read what you type.
    I think that YOU believe that I should be bound to your narrative of events in my responses.

    Hathor - thank goodness for geo-mapping tools.

    It appears that the following high schools are on HER side of Fairmount Park:

    * Olney High
    * Girl's High
    * Hey! - Central High is coed now
    * King High
    * Edison High
    * Frankford High

    WHY is the mother taking this girl so far away from her home high school Hathor?,+Philadelphia,+PA+19120&geocode=CcHC5-t5nBIkFdTrYgIdsK6F-ymhRb1-CbfGiTE6v98_RTfqJw&q=high+school&f=l&sll=40.038244,-75.12507&sspn=0.008461,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hl=en&start=0&ll=40.034449,-75.133781&spn=0.067688,0.154324&z=13

  79. I haven't read what your commenters have stated. But I totally have sympathy for this girl and her mother. In Los Angeles, I lived in Sherman Oaks and my son went to the best elementary school in whitey oaks. Going to school functions was kind of like a game of trying to spot B-movie actors you know. There were quite a few familiar celebrity faces. But I really couldn't afford the Oaks. I paid $1,300 a month for a two-bedroom guest house and it just got ridiculous after a while. so I moved down to LB an hour away, but didn't want to yank my kid out of school. I tried and failed to get him to school on time. We would leave the house before the sun came up. We would sit in rush hour traffic for hours on the way home. So event. I had to yank him out. Now he's in the Long Beach school district. One day walking him to school I found a syringe in the grass at his school. Parenting is tough. Single parenting is a real motherfucker. Sure, Mom should have talked to the school and faced it head on. But hindsight is always 20-20

  80. A Person of Interest2:50 PM

    "alicia banks said...
    i blame parents for an entire generation of coddled slackers who feel entitled to all perks with O toil/effort/actual earned rewards!!!"

    You're blaming the parents for teachers?

  81. You all know you love me and my quotes:)

    Alicia Banks?

    I think she's pretty cool and as real as they come.

  82. laurel:

    ditto my sista queen!
    i love your posts....

    the cowardly ugly assnons herein ineptly feign confusion merely to spark more confusion...shame!

    they are amoral anti-intellectual masturbators with atrophied arthritic tiny "brain" muscle..





    hobama's bisexual whoring (just like vera baker) are old ancient news in chi town

    and i have been outing him for years!
    i have beeb

  83. anon:


    i have not read this new bio but it is getting rave reviews and i hear it does include some legally tame/veiled revelations re: hobama bisexuality...

    it is on my belated backlogged book list!:


    best of all:

  84. hillary is also renowned as bi in ar and ny

    she was outed long ago here per bubba:

    the fact that politicos control all media is proven by what is leaked and what is censored by dual selection/secrecy etc

  85. and bubba has a black son named danny williams

    old news in ar
    censored by all except kkk nationally

    to date, danny is a better secret than stron thurmond's black daughter

  86. I believe Atiya should be allowed to attend the prom, under such circumstance. At first I wondered how in the world did she expect to enjoy Prom festivities when she probably should be disciplined, in some manner, for all the tardiness.

    Isn't it funny how once a person understands the story behind the story - we are then able to emphasize, and perhaps become more accepting?

    America itself should try it.

  87. Bless you Alicia. I sincerely meant what I said.

    Keep holding it down in Chi-town:)

    "Biology is the Least of what makes Someone a Mother".

    Oprah Winfrey

  88. ditto laurel!

    have a wonderful weekends

    love all the quotes!

    amen to O
    we have WAY too many absentee/toxic bio moms!

  89. CF,
    I believe that Olney high is her district High School. The other schools including Saul , there would be an application process under the city's desegregation magnet program, which include test scores, GPA and behavior record. Perhaps Saul had the curriculum that she wanted. Not every school you mentioned has a magnet program. Girls high is not but Central is. Edison is not somewhere you would send your child if you were as fearful as the mother. Not every school that you apply may accept you. Some schools have auditioning as an addition to the other criteria, for art magnet programs. One criteria that's not spoken about, but since this is under a desegregation order there are many white students that come form private schools into the program for high school, so to balance things, some public school students get bumped.

    This is why you shouldn't make assumptions about what happens in Philadelphia. The only reason I know this, is because I had a child in the school system.

  90. agape20107:13 PM

    hennasplace said:

    "There is a more profound with my mother. It appears that she does have an anxiety disorder and the primary cause is trauma such as the sexual abuse. There is a problem within black community in dealing with mental illness and sexual abuse within the home. No one can begin to imagine the type of trauma the mother is suffering because it does not go away particularly if she did not have emotional support from other family members which I am afraid she did not. As for the mental illness, no one ever want to admit that black people suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, or OCD. The problem is that Atiya may develop some form of anxiety disorder in the future."


    And...since the cuts in education there are far fewer school counselors...and the schools that have them are overloaded with paper work...

    This really could have been prevented by the 4th or 5th time the young lady was late for school..


  91. agape20107:26 PM

    @ FN:

    "This type of hypocrisy is getting old."

    Hypocrisy is what Jesus disliked most...and me too for that matter..


  92. So Destructive Wingnut, staying with your analogy; should we now try the red pills that YOU are selling? Why should we when the red pills created the same results as the blue ones at a higher cost?

    Anon 10:33 and UTS are both so cooold. Be nice to Frank, it's Mother's Day weekend.

    "* Why haven't you commented on the National Guard in Chicago?

    * Why haven't you commented on the report from LSU telling of the negative impact of Illegal Immigration upon Black workers?

    * Why haven't you commented on how the nation of Greece has a large social entitlement burden like the one that the Progressive-Fundamentalist seeks to construct in America?"

    You just did. Isn't A-merry-ca great?

  93. Filled Negro:

    If you scour my 6 blogs and find me A SINGLE TIME in which I ASKED ANYONE TO VOTE REPUBLICAN (except for Bobby Jindal)

    I will

    1) DELETE EVERY POST ON MY BLOGS from the Internet - no backup

    2) Give all of my computers to people who are trapped in the "Digital Divide"

    3) NEVER post on the Internet again

    That's just it Filled Negro - when I play the FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION role where I get YOU and other "Democrats who are Black" to document the benefits of your antics - me being CRITICAL OF THE FORCES THAT HAVE MOST CONTROL OVER THE BLACK community and who calls YOU OUT for prioritizing the words of a WHITE MAN living in Wyoming who doesn't like Negroes - then you make the case that I am asking you to become a Republican.


    1) Arizona is like SELMA ALABAMA

    2) Chicago is in a STATE OF EMERGENCY.

    Which of these stories did YOU pick up on Filled Negro?

    WHICH of these two stories have a far greater DEADLY and NEGATIVE impact upon BLACK PEOPLE?

    WHICH of these two are you sensitive about - seemingly - because it would force you to note that in CHICAGO with 1 evil racist Republican in its board of 50 Aldermen is a FORESHADOWING OF THE EMPTY RESULTS that we can expect if you get your ALL DEMOCRATIC fantasy in the future USA after the Republicans all move to Jamaica, Haiti, Cayman, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, and Curacao.

    THEN you'll be complaining that they took all of the boats out of the USA and left you with none.

  94. [quote]Isn't it funny how once a person understands the story behind the story - we are then able to emphasize, and perhaps become more accepting?

    America itself should try it.

    Don -

    Is it possible that with your type of ACCEPTANCE that there will be a whole lot more neck braces sold in America for people to tell the authorities about their soft tissue injuries?

    I hope that America NEVER becomes YOUR type of America. Otherwise we are screwed regarding our ability to have discipline and the rule of law.

  95. Gregory8:39 PM

    If we scoured all six of your blogs we probably wouldn't find more than a dozen comments. Obviously that is why you spend so much time here, where people might actually read what you write.

    Or not. I suspect that most people automatically use the scroll button on their mouse when they see your shiny plastic avatar.

  96. [quote]If we scoured all six of your blogs we probably wouldn't find more than a dozen comments. Obviously that is why you spend so much time here, where people might actually read what you write.[/quote]

    Hater Gregorian Chant - my marquee blog gets between 300 and 600 hits a day.

    I am content that I am getting my message out.

    If I can get PEOPLE LIKE YOU to begin to ASK QUESTIONS of those who you live vicariously through I have accomplished my mission.

    I suspect, however, that you have more problem with my 6 blogs than you do with a Million Selling Young Jeezy album.

  97. Gregory10:43 PM

    All those visitors and no comments. At least people talk back to you here, even if it is mostly inquiries about your mental health.

  98. "If you scour my 6 blogs and find me A SINGLE TIME in which I ASKED ANYONE TO VOTE REPUBLICAN (except for Bobby Jindal)

    I will.."

    Come one Destructive Wingnut, even you are smarter than that. Of course you are not going to come right out and say vote republican, you simply parrot their talking points. That's enough.

    Hey, if it walks like a duck....

  99. This is a lot of bullshit. If the girl got her grades and passed her courses, then no good can come of refusing her participation in the prom.

    If the point here is to encourage this girl to come to high school classes on time, it won't work. She has already graduated.

    When I was a teenager in junior high school I missed three out of every five days of school, because I didn't have any nice clothes to wear and I couldn't wake up for school on time . . . Still, I got all 'A' and 'B' and graduated from junior high.

    When my idiotic high school insisted that I appear on time, and every day or fail, I had to leave high school and start studying at a community college at the age of thirteen. Colleges don't take attendance or seek to punish those who are late for school.

    I think the school system that made this decision should go . . . fumigate and flagellate itself.

  100. getting up earlier may not solve mom's problem because leaving the boys at school 20 minutes earlier, just in case traffic is extra slow, may mean leaving them unsupervised outside a locked up school building.

    if she's worried about her kids' safety, no way in hell would she do that.

    yes, mom probably needs some kind of therapy, and if we had a decent and humane health care system, and a truly good social safety net, she could [and probably would] get the help she needs.

    as it is, it sounds like she's doing a remarkably good job given the constraints she's operating under.

  101. [quote]All those visitors and no comments. At least people talk back to you here, even if it is mostly inquiries about your mental health.[/quote]

    Gregorian Chant:

    A lot of people thought that Ida B Wells and Marcus Garvey were crazy for going against the ESTABLISHMENT order of the time. Sadly the establishment order of today includes members with a tan.

    FILLED NEGRO - Why does it bother you that I might be a closet Republican but it matters little that the "out of the closet" "Democrats who are Black" are able to take over an increasing number of key institutional elements of our community and not suffer any consequences from you despite their failures?

  102. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I don't believe the article is telling the whole story.

    At every school I have taught at 3 to 5 tardies earn a detention. 60! Surely the school raised this issue before this event.

    If I were the girl's first period teacher and she was tardy 1/3 of the time... (More than 20 minutes tardy counts as an absence), she would fail my class.

    The mother has a problem, but you are just making excuses. You have to get to school on time.

  103. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I just looked at the Daily News-- Sure enough the mother and daughter were sent letters concerning the issue.

    you need to open mail from your child's school.

  104. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sixty tardies would be an annoying disturbance to the homeroom class.She's graduating, so to me the prom is just a snack before the big party...and, at least she was not denied the right to participate in the graduation. I, too, agree with those that feel like excuses should not be given after 60 absences/tardies from homeroom. Mom came up with an elaborate tale to explain away the problem...Sorry, rules are rules and where was the truancy officer or the school's disciplinarian offices phone call to the child's home.Sometimes you have to pay the piper and deal with the mess you made.JMO l

  105. There are a lot of things that keep kids from prom. Our local high school would not let singles attend. Then there are the single sex couples that are denied entrance to the prom that you read about in the news.

    Prom is a just a stupid, silly fun thing that can be a great big deal to kids at that age. Any child that can pony up the money etc should be able to go, regardless of relationship status, propriety of clothes, or grades. This is just one night and it really happens after the real deal of high school has happened. If schools can use it to force attendance or grades before hand maybe using prom as an incentive would make sense.


  106. While I feel bad for her mother and understand her paranoia, it's stupid to think you can take your child to school late. I am sure if she sat down with the principals she could have worked something out. Apparently not.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  107. Ok, I am atiya lanier and I do have a father figure he's been around all my life! But my father lives in another city so if he took me to school, I would really be late!
    When it came to being late we understood it was a problem but we didn't know that I was unable to go on prom until April!
    My dress was half done, the principal never talked to us about the problem
    And children in my school that are failing up to 3 or 4 classes are allowed to go on prom!
    So we'll accept Failure before we accept lateness?
    I'm passing all my classes and I never been expelled or suspended but kids that have been can go?
    Even though i miss a small part of ADVISORY every morning,
    I still worked hard to get through school these four years
    and i deserve to be able to go on prom as an incentive to all the hard work and effort i put in to graduate!

  108. Hello Atiya,

    My name is CareyCarey, and my friends call me Darnell. I am so proud of you.

    But don't take this personally... before the crazy folks arive, and since is blog land, could you or would you prove that you are the real Atiya. I mean, we have a few fools running around and so lets get that off the table. And be forewarned, some folks are going to come at you. So get ready, but I am with you.

    You're a brave young lady, and I agree with you.
