Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A bedtime story from the Field. Because we have all been so stressed lately.

With all this craziness going on in the world: Oil spills in the Gulf; our Miranda rights being eroded; protest in the Middle East; and a mass murder in England-in a place called White-haven no less. I think we should just lose ourselves in a little bed time story. (Did I mention that Al &Tipper broke up after 40 years? WTF?) I know it's a little early for bed, but hang with me, just so that we can get our minds off all this madness.

So once upon a time, in a land far away, there were these people called P's. And they came upon this land and loved it so much that they decided to stay. It was easy to stay because they were escaping all kinds of evil things in their own country such as religious persecutions.

But alas, there were already people in the land, and these people's way of life didn't exactly fit in with their own. It was different. So, unfortunately, they fought with these people until they eventually got the upper hand and drove most of them out. Except, of course, for designated areas where they allowed the native people to live and set up their own laws.

Now as these people's land became fruitful and multiplied, it became a great nation in all the world, and other people wanted to come to their land. Even people who shared the very same land with them many many years ago. But alas, they said no. Those people could not just come on their land. They had to have special passes and permits and they had to be accounted for.

Soon, other people in the world started growing envious of them, and they started plotting to do terrible things on their land. They were frightened and afraid of these evil people who wanted to destroy them, so they put in very strict measures to protect themselves. They even went to war.

And alas there was another land, far far away, whose people wanted to do the same thing with their land. But many people in the great land said no. How dare they do that? They should allow others to come into their land and co-exist with them.

But how could that be? Said the people from the other land. You did not co-exist with the people you drove from your land. Why can't we enjoy our land and do what we have to do to protect ourselves? Because our land is different than yours. They said. In our land people are free. In your land those people are not free. Yes, but some of those people want to kill us as well, said the people from the little land far far away, why can't we protect our land from them? Because, said the people from the great land, there are some who believe that those people have more rights to the land than you do. Yes but....didn't the people who were first in your land have more of a right to your land than you did? Aren't you guilty of the same thing? Said the people from the little land. So why are your people so down on the people from our land? Because we set the rules, they said. Besides, those people who are trying to destroy our land are probably the same ones who are trying to destroy you? We think that if you are nicer to those people they will be nicer to us.

And then we all lived happily ever after.


  1. I don't know about a bedtime story but certainly, in many ways, a fairytale ;)

  2. George9:18 PM

    The comparison between Israel and the U.S would be more apt if the U.S government was still killing native americans as official policy, or bombing Mexico indiscriminately, or turning Indian reservations into de facto concentration camps, or shooting mexican children for throwing stones. Of course the U.S is still very evil, but not in a way that is comparable to Israel.

    If you want to compare Israel to another country, the most appropriate one is South Africa during Apartheid, but of course that comparison would expose your hypocracy when it comes to racial oppression.

  3. George:

    "the most appropriate one is South Africa during Apartheid,"

    Would you care to explain this analogy?

    Israel has not stopped fighting the Arabs because the Arabs have not stopped trying to destroy Israel. The Palestinian Arabs need to accept that Israel is there to stay, that they need to stop killing, plotting to kill, wanting to kill Israelis and destroy Israel. They need to understand that compromise is not a dirty word. It is the way civilized people resolve their conflict. When they have undergone that paradigm shift, all the hardships that they suffer will fall away. like a scab from a healed wound.

    However as long as there are people like George, egging them on and accusing them of betrayal if they so much as think about compromise, there will be no peace.

    I defy George to deny what I have just attributed to him. I defy him to present here and now what he thinks is a just solution.

  4. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Give it up, Field. Admit your mistake. Stop trying to weasel out of it. Israel is a rogue state that is murdering Palestinians. End of story, now go back to sleep.

  5. Anonymous9:49 PM

    The posts here ripping Israel a new asshole has really done me a lot of good. Here it was that I thought the press had hidden all the crap it does totally from the public and it's good to see that's not the case. The next step is to call our congress on the damn carpet for being in the pocket of AIPAC. To date, there's not been one word of condemnation raised from any congressperson I'm aware of---the Black Caucus and none of the rest of them. If you had any doubt that that the congress is "unpurchased", then every doubt should be removed now. We've gotten confirmation that our legislators are owned lock, stock and barrel and can't speak for fear of reprisals. It doesn't matter if they're dem, repub or tea party....all of them have been bought.

    Look for Israel to create a "terrorist" incident where they're "attacked" by some Arab group so they can steal back some of the momentum against them. The only thing now is that bullshit won't work any longer.

    This is truly a happy day. I'm sorry to see the loss of life, but this incident will set the stage for the end of the Nazi like behavior Israel has been engaging in. Their leadership should really be brought up on war crimes.

  6. Anonymous9:54 PM

    ^ Black Caucus is a joke so I don't expect them to ever take the lead on any issue. But here is some more illuminating facts:

    "This data comes from the American Near East Relief Association (ANERA), which provides relief to Gazans to the extent permitted by the Israeli (and American) authorities. ANERA is neither "pro-Israel" nor "pro-Palestinian." It has no political agenda at all. It merely determines what human needs are and tries to respond to them.

    From ANERA:

    8 out of 10 Gazans depend on foreign aid to survive.
    The World Food Program says Gaza requires a minimum of 400 trucks a day to meet basic nutritional needs - yet an average of just 171 trucks worth of supplies enters Gaza every week,

    Clothes that were held in the port of Ashdod for over a year were released into Gaza but arrived covered with mold and mildew, unusable.

    95% of Gaza's water fails World Health Organization standards leaving thousands of newborns at risk of poisoning.

    Anemia for children under the age of 5 is estimated at 48%.

    75 million liters of untreated sewage are pumped into the Mediterranean Sea every day - because piping and spare parts are not permitted.

    During the 2009 bombing:

    More than 120,000 jobs were lost as Gaza's industrial zone was destroyed... 15,000 homes and apartments were damaged or destroyed... 1/3 of all schools were destroyed.
    None of these can be rebuilt, because construction supplies are kept out by the Israeli authorities."

  7. FN,

    Please spare me this fiction and nonsense..Today is not the time for defensive story telling.....

    You insult us all today with your denial and posturing..You lost of objectivity today is tragic and saddens me..

    I am just a Black man from off the block living in a place where 2 holocausts took place notmin Europe but here in America...

    Yet your silence and din ability to correct your bias in here is sad from this point forward I will call your Wayne Bennett you not a field negro today..You are just another schwartza..

  8. George9:59 PM

    Centrist, you really do not understand the situation. The palestinians have attempted to appease the Israelis, almost every palestinian diplomat accepts a two state solution, but Israel will not accept it. Their goal is to make the whole of Palestine a 'jews only' state, this is not controversial, the stated aims of Zionism are to create a state solely for one race of people and they do this by the oppression and harassment of any non-Jews who refuse to leave. Moshe Dayan himself said to the palestinians 'we will make you live like dogs, and you will leave'. Its disingenuous to say that Palestinians refuse to compromise, the representatives of Palestine: the Arab League, Fatah and even Hamas agreed a cease-fire but it was broken by Israel. Hamas have tried to negotiate the return of kidnapped IDF soldiers in return for imprisoned palestinian children but Israel have refused outright. It is impossible to negotiate with Israel because they will only accept the complete destruction of Palestine and the exile of its people. You are supposedly a centrist, why do you demand that the oppressed must extend the olive branch without any concession from their oppressor?

  9. George10:05 PM

    by the way, those of you who would like to read the perspective of a Jewish anti-Zionist who actually lives in Gaza then this blog is very enlightening:


    I recommend that Field and Centrist read it, both of you seem like you need to read a first-hand account of the atrocities in Gaza rather than reading the sanitized versions in the New York Times and Washington Post.

  10. There is a part of me that understands why Wayne Bennett aka FN takes on this apologist posturing for Isreal...As a black immigrant from a nation that was colonized by white folks many Black folks from the islands have the same attitude of Wayne Bennett they are not nigger crazy Blackfolks like domestic US niggers like me,....

    I understand Wayne's bending and need to validate and be noble for white jews it happens a lot to Black folks whose essence and culture has been castrated by whites..Unlike Wayne instead of declaring my bias for whites I simply harbor a mistrust.....

    It is what it is the diease of white racism stings even hard niggers like me still..

  11. "Give it up, Field. Admit your mistake. Stop trying to weasel out of it. Israel is a rogue state that is murdering Palestinians. End of story, now go back to sleep."


    "The comparison between Israel and the U.S would be more apt if the U.S government was still killing native americans as official policy, or bombing Mexico indiscriminately, or turning Indian reservations into de facto concentration camps, or shooting mexican children for throwing stones. Of course the U.S is still very evil, but not in a way that is comparable to Israel."

    OK, let's play, let's take your logic all the way to its conclusion. Or killing innocent Iraqis, or Afghanis...

    Just trying to get some moral clarity here. There seems to be a lot of selective morality going around.

    Just a few weeks ago a Pakistani suicide bomber killed 8 people. (Including a child) *crickets* Oh, that's right, it's another religion doing the killings. The one we are supposed to be cool with because of that whole faux revolutionary chic thing.

  12. "There is a part of me that understands why Wayne Bennett aka FN takes on this apologist posturing for Isreal...As a black immigrant from a nation that was colonized by white folks many Black folks from the islands have the same attitude of Wayne Bennett they are not nigger crazy Blackfolks like domestic US niggers like me,...."

    I am glad a part of you understands Trasher. Since, if I am not mistaken, you didn't exactly come here on the Mayflower, no? I mean, in a way, you were colonized too, right?

    Just asking. You know us slaves have to stick together. You picking cotton and me picking sugar cane. ;)

  13. "Hamas have tried to negotiate the return of kidnapped IDF soldiers in return for imprisoned palestinian children but Israel have refused outright."

    George, is there a link to this statement?

  14. Centrist, do you think that anyone can negotiate seriously about sharing a pizza when one party continues to eat the entire pizza?

    Of course not.

    As mentioned you would do well to learn more about what's going on in Israel and the occupied territories. Israel is not a democracy as we in the US would understand the term. 90% of all land within the state of Israel is reserved for rent, lease or sale to Jews and Jews alone. Does anyone think that Jews would accept such conditions applied to them anywhere in the world?

    It is abundantly clear through continued settlement activity that Israel does not want peace with the Palestinians. It wants them gone. If it could get away with a Final Solution it would. Israeli politicians-including Netanyahu- and intellectuals have openly talked of population transfers and demographic threats-by which they mean anyone who is not Jewish-primarily Arabs. Again, what other so called "Western" nation could have public discourse like this. Although they despise one another Netanyahu, Lieberman and their ilk are the ideological soul mates of the folks at Vdare or Stormfront. They just differ slightly in WHO they think is superior and inferior.

    However I still remain convinced that if apartheid South Africa could be forced to change (at least on the surface) and accept one man/woman one vote in a unitary state then so can Israel. Because of the incredible number of settlements (linked by Jewish only roads -no Jim Crow there right??) , I don't think a two state solution is possible. One state, two peoples, equal rights. It's all that's possible now.

  15. Field,

    Without taking sides on this issue (personally, I think neither side really wants peace anyway), I will say this:

    it seems to me that your argument, that "America profits off of imperialism and the suffering of PoC, and therefore we should not be complaining about another country doing the same thing" ignores the possibility that many of the people who decry Israel's violent and paranoid tactics make the same complaint about the United States.

    I may not waste energy taking sides on an issue that neither party wants to resolve, but I work very hard to educate people about the genocide of native people in what is now the United States, as well as the legacy of (and continued!) oppression of PoC.

    It seems to me that you are saying, "it is alright here, so it should be alright over there."

    I say that it is not alright anywhere.

    But keep doing your thing, Field; you definitely made me think more deeply about the situation with some of your previous posts. I just thought this one was off the mark.

  16. Wayne you are correct us slaves got to stick together you brown nosing puckering up for white folks...Me running around telling folks how you done gone and become a good negro...

    Shucks next thing you know you go run and tell master I don't like his white ass:-)

  17. The Americans killed & cheated the natives from their land
    why can't we ?

    2 wrongs never make a right.

  18. George10:50 PM

    here you go Field:

    "Oh, that's right, it's another religion doing the killings. The one we are supposed to be cool with because of that whole faux revolutionary chic thing."

    yet again you conflate criticism of Israel with criticism of Judaism. I am not the first person to say this to you, but it bears repeating: ISRAEL DOES NOT REPRESENT JEWS.

  19. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I agree with first thing. The US does (and has done) some terrible stuff, and so do other imperialist countries. We should condemn both.

    I'm a Jew, but I don't think it's right for the Zionists to just take a strip of land for themselves and then block out all of the former inhabitants. It has become increasingly apparent that what Israel wants is unbridled expansion.


  20. Wayne,

    I have learned a lot today reading your posturing and loyalty oaths to white jewish folks..I guess that is the edge sugar cane negroes from the islands distingush themselves for the master ..

    Yall be thos forgiving gentle noble negroes always making excuses and telling white folks yall different them cotton niggers like me..Hell you even recite a pledge for them Wayne of how you going always defend them whenever for whatever...

  21. Man, this post has so many damned generalities, I cant keep your "facts" straight!

    Look, dude, what the US did to the indigenous people here isnt/wasnt right, and what Israel is doing to the Palestenians (sp?) isnt right either. And Israel doesnt have to live by "our" rules, but they should base their policies on human rights - for all.


  22. "it seems to me that your argument, that "America profits off of imperialism and the suffering of PoC, and therefore we should not be complaining about another country doing the same thing" ignores the possibility that many of the people who decry Israel's violent and paranoid tactics make the same complaint about the United States."

    "First thing", that's almost a fair point. Almost

    Yes, Israel is a benefactor, one could argue, of A-mery-can imperialism. But I think we can all agree that the goals of the two nations are different. Whether you choose to like how the Israelis protect their interest or not.

    "It seems to me that you are saying, "it is alright here, so it should be alright over there."

    I say that it is not alright anywhere."

    No, this is not what I am saying. Sorry if I came off that way. I am marely trying to point out the hypocrisy of some folks.

    And, before I totally agree with you, we have to agree on what "it" is. (Hate to sound like Bill Clinton)

    Don't worry Trasher, I won't tell on you. I am pretty sure "master" is not too worried about you. I am sure you always keep a smile on his face. ;)

  23. BNasty11:05 PM


    Temani (dance) is a line dance based on stationary hopping and posturing, such as can be done in a confined space. The Tsa'ad temani is a common dance step in Israeli folk dancing.[5] It is frequently incorporated in public dancing at Israeli weddings and celebrations.

    STOP THE JIGGIN...I mean the Temani.


    "It is hard to deny that the release of 20 female prisoners, along with the children they bore in captivity, is a stunning public relations victory for Hamas both within and outside of the occupied Palestinian Territories.

    Out of the estimated 75 women held in Israeli prisons (2008 estimates), the released women were drawn from every party of the Palestinian political spectrum – an equal number for Hamas and Fatah, as well as number of representatives of smaller factions of the PLO. The de-facto authority in the Strip made a clear statement about unity by these actions, as they have in the past by demanding the release of the jailed Fatah and PFLP leaders in exchange for Schalit earlier in the year. While the official Palestinian representatives, the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, are seeming to waffle in their demands for a settlement freeze or the pursuit of the Goldstone Report, Hamas looks to be the stronger party through their drawing concessions from Israel."

    "Hamas accused Israel on Sunday of trying to extort it into releasing abducted Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit, after a ministerial panel approved a bill to worsen conditions for Hamas prisoners jailed in Israel."

  24. Ok George, I saw the link to "Sabr".

    "yet again you conflate criticism of Israel with criticism of Judaism. I am not the first person to say this to you, but it bears repeating: ISRAEL DOES NOT REPRESENT JEWS."

    Broken record. Why are you tellng me this? Please read my post again. I NEVER SAID THAT ISRAEL NECESSARILY = JEWS. In fact, I made it a point to write that Jews are not monolithic in their politics or views about their government (the ones who live in Israel) or Israel. This must be some new talking point.

  25. First of all, I have to disagree with you on this one Field. The Israeli government has been hostile towards their neighbors, whether provoked or unprovoked, since inception. Funny, how you brought up the Native Americans because Israel is more analogous to the colonization of the so-called 'New World' or the Trail of Tears. That is my opinion, based upon my research into the topic.

    That being said, I would like to defend your right to an opinion. Simply because most of us don't agree with you, doesn't make you a sellout.

    Thrasher, no offense, but please don't starting acting like certain folks on this blog -- attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you base solely on hyperbole. Its beneath you.

  26. coffee and cigarettes11:39 PM

    "Just trying to get some moral clarity here. There seems to be a lot of selective morality going around.

    Just a few weeks ago a Pakistani suicide bomber killed 8 people. (Including a child) *crickets* Oh, that's right, it's another religion doing the killings. The one we are supposed to be cool with because of that whole faux revolutionary chic thing."

    Sorry field but i fail to see how palestine has anything to do with a Pakistani bomber.

    To support human rights for palestinians and dignity for life in gaza does not equate to supporting islamic extremism or groups like HAMAS and Hezbollah.

    Yes, Im outraged at the oppression happening in Gaza. I'm also outrage at the terrorists who kill in the name of their religion. For me personally, there is no selective outrage. The difference is that the terrorists are individuals, while Israel is a democratic state whose policies should be in line with standards set by the international community. And we can try to direct and change these policies when they fail to meet basic human rights criteria.

    HAMAS/Hezbollah are the same kind of people as the Netanyahu crew, as Bush/Cheyney, as No Slappz. If Netnyahu or No Slappz were born Palestinian I can bet they would be HAMAS members too.

    Nobody considers islamic extremism to be revolutionary say that those who support palestine turn a blind eye to religious extremism is completely wrong. Why can't we be outraged at both?

    If you want a Muslim womans prespective on this issue, written just before Flottilla, here's Mona Eltahawy:

    "There is no need to choose in our condemnation. Surely, we can condemn both the mockery of justice that is Guantanamo as well as North Korean concentration camps? Surely we can call for an investigation into the actions of both Israel and Hamas? An Afghan schoolgirl recovering from Taliban poison is not relieved that her assailants are fellow Muslims.

    Wherever they occur, human-rights violations, like those perpetrated by the bloody tyrant Macbeth, should be universally condemned."

  27. The Man12:05 AM

    I read your opinion piece yesterday and was utterly amazed. Then today you start up again.

    For a person to say he is "The Field Negro" means standing up for the oppressed and to power. On most occasions you do just that, but not this time. I'm perplexed.

    Yesterday, you started your blog with a picture of someone carrying a sign against Israel. I guess this was an attempt to pull on the sympathy strings of your audience. Then, you feigned "fair and balanced" by saying you didn't have all the facts.

    Your next statement was a Ms Jenkins "Don't say nothing bad about dem protesters" and then point the audience to slanted sites to discredit/demonize those on the ships.

    you then use a source, word for word, that is not likely to be viewed as credible to further attempt to persuade your audience of the evils of those on the ship.

    Lastly you use the word Khaybar to paint those on the ships as unreasonable and war mongering terorist. Is the word Khaybar worse than nigger?

    If you are the head Field Negro, then why are you using the same tactics as Fox News and Drudge? One-sided half truths.

    Don't get me wrong, I know this blog journalistic credibility is zero, but what about your personal credibility? Just because you watched a video of a Jew getting his hands sawed off, doesn't make the oppression of an entire race justified.

    I once say a deal on ABC News back in the 80s. This kid was throwing rocks at a Israeli check point. He was doing this despite they being heavily armed. Of course, the Israelis shot the kid dead, but his friends took his place with a slingshot. That's Field Negro Behavior.

    In closing, if someone shot a missle into a crowed market trying to get one guy, but killing innocent women and children. If someone bulldozed my home. If someone lobes artillery into hospitals, schools, etc. Then when I caught up with that someone, I would cut his hands off too.

    I mean, what would Nat Turner do?

    Field, get a conscious.

  28. Some of the posts above make me shake my head and I can't even get into them. But one question I have is where is the Egypt and Jordan on this. If Israel is mean bitch to the Palestinians then they're the deadbeat daddies.

  29. You know what I wasn't going to get into some of the post from black people reflexively siding with Palestinians but I lied. Both sides of this conflict have engaged in acts that are an embarrassment to decency, so lets not pretend the bulldozers come in a vacuum. The kidnapping of a soldier and refused repatriation on routine patrol by a organization that wants to be considered a govt. The Qassam rockets? The whole reason Isreal ended up in the West Bank and Gaza is because there neighbors attacked them in mass in 1967. The strain of anti-semetism that runs through our community is a worry to me cause Jews were the one standing with us when were demanding to be treated like human beings in this country.

  30. Field,

    Why exactly do you say the Miranda was eroded? Can you break that one down for me?

  31. Wayne,

    Sorry to disappoint you unlike you when they see me coming neither one of us is smiling...


    We had this encounter once before please refrain from telling me how to post..I don't recall telling you how to post and one other thing please stop pandering to me as well..

  32. Wayne's posturing has nothing to do with being objective or principled ..Wayne's posture is a tragic legacy and stain our how racism continues to stain our essence and future..

    Wayne's aka FN thinks he is being noble by defending Israel's inhumanity...In our Black culture Black folks like Wayne are the offspring of white racism it creates a pathology within the victims of oppression that feels honored and rightous in defending the oppressor from the savagery of the oppressed..

    Wayne aka FN with a dna in the islands feels since he is not like the common niggers who see no difference in the inhumanity of Israel and racists of the world feels empowered by his quest to be a good negro in defending these chosen white folks from the evil of the muslims, arabs, yada, yada, yada, etc..

    Interesting but tired theme Wayne aka FN has protrayed of late..

    But I understand I have observed these wounds and stings before of noble Black people like FN who have been contaminated by the pathogen of racism/oppressor..

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Thrasher your a fucking idiot and dangerous. Wayne (and mine) ancestors were slaves just yours. We pick the sugar cane for British tea and you picked the cotton for his shirt. This idea that our history is any less painful than yours is frigging retarded.

  35. What I find in Wayne's aka FN posturing and running interference for Israel's inhumanity is the level of passion he is expressing..

    I will admit I am troubled I have yet to observe this same posturing and passion for the loss of dignity and humanity to many folks have lost fighting the inhumanity of nations like Israel, USA, England, ..I will admit Wayne's was embrassed and shamed by his fellow cousins in Jamacia but he did defend them with the same passion he has for a white western power like Israel...Interesting..

  36. JP,

    I never compare the inhumanity of our holocuasts ..I only discuss the reactions to the opressor by slaves here in America and slaves in the islands..

    Apparently you like the maturity to have that painful discussion..

    I understand many of my island comrades react like you do so no surprise here..

  37. Anonymous12:54 AM

    For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences- either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us- and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that you did not join the Lacedaemonians, although their colonists, or that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.
    -Thucydides, from the “History of the Peloponnesian War”, 431 BC.

    As the wealth of generations is wasted, and the cold winds of reality begin to blow again, the strong will do as they will, and the weak will suffer as they must. The time for this nonsense is almost over, and the foolish and weak nations will be the ones to pay. Choose your side wisely.

  38. JP,

    On a certian level even Wayne aka FN agrees with my paradigm by naming his blog "field negro" he knows there was a difference for slaves in the big house and slaves in the field..

    Stop posturing for once and confront these brutal truths...I t will liberate you from the tired dogma and narratives that shape your 2nd hand analysis....I expect more from you and Wayne and others in here..We are now in 2010...

    We define reality and truth now not the oppressors any more..

  39. [quote]our Miranda rights being eroded[/quote]

    Miranda Rights eroded my backside!!

    Filled Negro what is your shipping address? You more than anyone else on this GodforsakING blog needs a shipment of the first 4 seasons of "The First 48 Hours". In watching such a marathon you will see that the upstanding people of the community need to worry more about:

    * The LIES that murderous street pirates tell when they DO talk to the PoPo

    * The SILENCE that they maintain, sitting there as the cops ask them questions, never uttering "I plead the 5th" or "I am expressing my RIGHT to remain silent" or even "I want my lawyer and then I'll talk". Some are too IGNORANT to know anything about civics and constitutional rights. Instead they know that IF THEY SNITCH THEY GET KILLED back in the hood by the swarm of Street Pirates who again - DON'T GIVE A DAMN about the US Constitution and AINT' bound by the rules that the police are.

    Seriously Filled Negro you need to be focused about the terror and pain that STOP SNITCHING has on so many lives than you need worry about Miranda. Miranda and the rest of the "Sex In The City" cast are doing quite fine.

    Seriously man. Go watch "The First 48 Hours" and "Gangland". You will then see how the people who live a "I Don't Give A WHAT" life live.

  40. Field, dear, I'm amazed that you've put yourself through this for three days straight. Your viewpoint and the comments have been most interesting.

    I'm chuckling now, thinking how much more fun you'd have had buying Mrs. Field some sexy lingerie, a whip, and handcuffs for yourself.

  41. Hey Filled Negro (and even my friend "Long-Billed Detroit Thrasher"):

    Why didn't you write this story from the perspective of the NATIVE AMERICAN?

    This group or people suffered from "genetic annihilation" and now lives on a reservation and/or has assimilated in to their INVADERS culture because they failed to enforce THEIR BORDERS and their IMMIGRATION RULES.

    They lacked the power of THE THREAT OF VIOLENCE in enough proportions that was necessary to enforce their WILL upon the people who desired to occupy the contested land mass upon the other group of people who thought otherwise.

    Do you ever wonder from the Native American perspective Filled Negro?

    * Did they have an embedded group within them like La-Raza and NAACP-who warned them about RACIALLY PROFILING the WHITE FOLKS that were coming in by boat from Europe?

    * Did they figure that the new set of White folks that walked across what is now called "Ohio" was the SAME WHITE FOLKS who they ate Thanksgiving Dinner with as Pilgrims and thus were the ORIGINAL WHITE FOLKS who had citizenship per the time they spent here? Why didn't they realize that these were NEW WHITE FOLKS as they didn't had the black Pilgrim hats and the big buckles on their pants and shoes?

    Had they merely taken the time to make note of the PROFILE of those who WHERE the "O.P's" (Original Pilgrims) they would have seen that these Scotsmen who had the little skirts and carried the scotch hard liquor were NOT the same White folks that they broke bread with.

    Do you see Filled Negro - Progressive theory breaks down once it confronts a band of individuals who DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK!!!! You practice "War Is Not The Answer" while THEY are "putting a cap in that azz".

    * The White "Settler" didn't give a damn
    * The Street Pirate doesn't give a damn
    * Israel doesn't give a damn what you think
    * Iran doesn't give a damn what you think
    * Al Queda doesn't give a damn what you think.

    Only the Yoda-like figure named Mellaneous and others are attempting to make a reference upon some MORAL baseline as a means of WILLING people to behave themselves accordingly.

    The world has shown that the LION must set the general rules for the tundra and the other creatures have to live according to his time clock or they are eaten.

    YOU are going to be the lion or the gazelle. As an EQUAL HUMAN BEING you have the ability to be cast as either.

  42. I feel bad for you Filled Negro.

    Even Anon #125 is seeing that you are bing "Tavis Smiley'ed". (Or did I call it "Skip Gated"?).

    When you roll with the flock that practices such assassination against those who disagree - YOU had better make sure that you GO WITH THEIR FLOW all along lest you receive their wrath.

    But this brings up a larger point for you, Tavis and Prof Gates to consider: WHY is it that your friends are so terminally UNACCEPTING of DISAGREEMENT amongst their ranks? I thought that you all valued DIVERSITY?

    I challenge you, Filled Negro, to foster an improved STRUCTURE among your fans. Not asking you to foment unified THOUGHTS.

    Instead you need to foster a system by which DIFFERENCES IN OPINION can be accepted without the "wolf pack" type attacks that presently take place, mostly because those who are INTOLERANT can't accept views that differ from their own and the group's.

    With this new system, Filled Negro, there is a greater chance that upon the domination of the group's viewpoint over a particular plot of land and yet the main problems CONTINUE - then the group's acceptance of "constructive feedback" would force them to shelve some of their most entrenched thoughts BECAUSE real world evidence has shown that it has FAILED to deliver what they had expected.

    Thus they have to CHOOSE:

    * Do they want to promote their own IDEOLOGICAL ENTRENCHMENT?


    * Do they want to promote the PERMANENT INTERESTS that they have CLAIMED to be driven by, willing to change the METHODOLOGY if the current climate calls for it?

  43. Gregory1:40 AM

    A few points.

    First, European engagement on the North American continent did not begin with the Pilgrims. They weren't even the first English settlers and the Spanish had been in St Augustine, Florida, since 1565. That is 19 years before the settlement in Newfoundland and 42 years before the Jamestown settlement.

    Second, the concept of reservations for the aboriginal inhabitants took about 200 years to emerge, if we are talking about the area that would become A-merry-Ca. Keep in mind that the European experience in Meso-America and South America were somewhat different and perhaps more brutal.

    The number of aboriginal inhabitants, Indians if you will, who died as a result of European incursion into the New World are far higher that you and I probably learned in school. It is a number that dwarfs the Holocaust, perhaps as high as 150 million. They died from diseases unknown to them prior to 1492, outright slaughter, starvation, etc etc. It was outright genocide. The bottom line is that this is not a good analogy for the situation in Israel.

    I've been off the air for a few days, so this comment needs to cover your last three posts. For what it's worth, "facts" in that area of the world are not like "facts" here. What constitutes a fact is often determined by your viewpoint. While that may be true here, it is even more true in the ME.

    If you will forgive the continued Buffalo Springfield references, nobody is right when everybody is wrong. I'm speaking from personal experience in that region when I say that it is incredibly complicated. If it were as easy as one side or the other "acting reasonably" then this mess would have been cleared up long ago.

    Just my $0.02.


  44. Anonymous2:08 AM

    "The number of aboriginal inhabitants, Indians if you will, who died as a result of European incursion into the New World are far higher that you and I probably learned in school. It is a number that dwarfs the Holocaust, perhaps as high as 150 million. They died from diseases unknown to them prior to 1492, outright slaughter, starvation, etc etc. It was outright genocide."

    More realistic (less politcal) estimates put the number of pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Americas at between 20 and 30 million. It was not an "outright genocide". Contact between New and Old world populations was inevitable, and regardless of whether that contact was one of conflict or entirely peaceful, the loss of life due to epidemics would have been of the same scale.

  45. marci3:12 AM

    this post typifies why i like to read your blog fn.. keep up the good work...

    Sutra 1:17
    Concentration upon a single object may reach four
    stages: examination, discrimination, joyful peace and simple awareness of individuality...

  46. RIPPA--SCOTUS said when you are read the miranda rights and decide to keep silent you have to say, "i'm keeping silent."

    The Supreme Court has given police greater latitude in questioning suspects, cutting back yet again on the famous Miranda decision. By a 5-to-4 vote, the court ruled that a properly warned suspect, who remains largely silent for hours of questioning, has not invoked his right to remain silent -- and that even a one or two word answer to a single question can be used against him at trial.

    Copyright © 2010 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.


    The Supreme Court has ruled that a criminal suspect who wishes to remain silent will first have to speak up. In a five to four vote on a case involving the Miranda Rule, the justices said that simply refusing to answer questions is not enough to invoke the right to silence. NPR legal affairs correspondent, Nina Totenberg, reports.

    NINA TOTENBERG: The ruling came in the case of Van Chester Thompkins, convicted in the shooting death of a man outside a Michigan mall. When Thompkins was arrested and advised of his rights he refused to answer questions for close to three hours. Police said their questioning was more like a monologue until one of the detectives asked Thompkins, do you pray to God to forgive you for shooting that boy down?

    Thompkins, his eyes welling up with tears, said yes. That answer was used at trial to convict him of first degree murder, but a federal appeals court said using the answer had violated Thompkins' right to remain silent and threw out the conviction. Yesterday the Supreme Court reinstated it.

    Writing for the five-court majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy said a suspect's silence is not an invocation of the right to remain silent. Instead, the suspect must explicitly speak up to invoke that right. And if the suspect answers a question, even after three hours of silence, that answer amounts to a waiver of his right to remain silent.

    Justice Sonia Sotomayor, in her first major dissent since joining the court, accused the majority of turning the landmark 1966 Miranda decision upside down. Contrary to the specific requirements set out in Miranda, she said, now suspects will be legally presumed to have waived their rights, even if they have given no explicit waiver.

  47. In a footnote, Sotomayor listed a half-dozen lower court decisions that she said exemplify how difficult it is for a suspect to actually invoke his right to remain silent. In a case from Louisiana, for instance, a court construed as ambiguous the statement, OK, if you're implying that I've done it, I wish to not say anymore.

    Perhaps because yesterday's Supreme Court decision will likely lead to more such decisions, it was greeted derisively by criminal law professors from right to left. Harvard Law Professor William Stuntz, a conservative, had this take on the decision.

    Professor WILLIAM STUNTZ (Harvard Law Professor): The doctrine makes no sense. It provides lots of protection to suspects who don't need protecting, to the best educated and to recidivists who know how to game the system. And it provides no protection to the people who need it most. It's dumb law.

    TOTENBERG: Stanford Law Professor Pam Karlan, a liberal, asked where the line will be drawn in future?

    Professor PAM KARLAN (Stanford Law School): What about the case where somebody is questioned for 12 hours, or 14 hours, while they resolutely say nothing, and eventually they just get worn down.

    TOTENBERG: But in law enforcement, the reaction was quite different. Former Newark police captain Jon Shane, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, says the ruling will make life easier and simple for police on the ground.

    Professor JON SHANE (Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice): Theyre telling them now, in this decision, that someone's silence does not mean that they are protected, necessarily, by the Miranda warning. That's a good thing.

    TOTENBERG: Nina Totenberg, NPR News, Washington.

  48. field, i wonder how much of your opinion has to do with your possible run for office.

    maybe you think condemning the use of force in international waters would hurt you with white jewish financial backers?

    the native american analogy is flawed and irrelevant. the actions of the past, now abhorred and disavowed, cannot be used to justify the same wrong actions of the present.

  49. maria, thanks for giving that to Rippa for me. Destructive wingnut, I wouln't expect you to understand.

    "When you roll with the flock that practices such assassination against those who disagree - YOU had better make sure that you GO WITH THEIR FLOW all along lest you receive their wrath."

    Don't feel bad Destructive,I am my own flock. Nope, not a sheep. I will always have my own opinions, and I will always freely express them, no matter who or what it offends. Even my faux revolutionary friends.

    Skippy and Tavis can't say that. :)

    "I challenge you, Filled Negro, to foster an improved STRUCTURE among your fans. Not asking you to foment unified THOUGHTS."

    Nice try. But people are entitled to their opinions. There is no structure. The fact that they disagree with me is proof positive that they too have their own opinions. That's a good thing. Just because they happen to disagree with you most of the time does not necessarily mean that there is some kind of unified thought police going around. Come on Destructive, you are better than that.

    Gregory, as usual, you make a reasoned comment, but I didn't come to my position on the Middle East overnight. Unlike some people, I have actually studied this conflict and tried to look at it objectively, and thus my conclusion is the same.

    O lawd Kit now you are trying to get me in trouble. Let's talk about the Middle East, shall we?
    Trust me, that's an easier road to go down. :)

  50. No maria, my opinions are not influenced by $. Trust me when I tell you, that is the last of my concerns.

    And the analogy is not flawed. It's typical of some people to try to say that what happened to the Native Americans is history and so is no longer relevant. (Americans are good at pretending that stuff didn't happen) But read the post again. That is but one example, and it speaks to a bigger issue. )Think Iraq, and other wars.) Not to mention this notion of American exceptionalism and American foreign policy in that region.

    It's amazing how folks put on blinders to suit their argument.

  51. frawmwg6:55 AM

    FN, I cannot wait for you to run for office. Then I can share the contents of this blog (all filed away) to the media. What fun that will be. You have said some very racist things, that I am sure you will look back upon with regret one day. If you are ballsy enough to run. Until then, I download and zip.

    Maria did not gesture it was really about money, but political status.

  52. "FN, I cannot wait for you to run for office. Then I can share the contents of this blog (all filed away) to the media. What fun that will be. You have said some very racist things, that I am sure you will look back upon with regret one day. If you are ballsy enough to run. Until then, I download and zip."

    Thanks! That's good to know. I hope you have them in alphabetical order.

    I might have to call on you sometime. I also know the numbers to some very good reporters who might be able to help you get that information out. Wait....but why would they need you? Never mind.

  53. it's really the two wrongs theory.

  54. [quote]The Supreme Court has given police greater latitude in questioning suspects, cutting back yet again on the famous Miranda decision. By a 5-to-4 vote, the court ruled that a properly warned suspect, who remains largely silent for hours of questioning, has not invoked his right to remain silent -- and that even a one or two word answer to a single question can be used against him at trial.[/quote]


    You are a likely viewer of "The First 48 Hours" and you just happen to note that BLACK PEOPLE are the most frequent VICTIMS OF MURDER in this and other crime series that are shown.

    You see how certain people who DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE LAW nor the PEOPLE THAT THEY'VE JUST MURDERED function.

    You see that in the interview room that even a STREET PIRATE has emotions that occasionally flow through the SCAR TISSUE THAT IS OVER HIS HEART.

    When the MURDER SCENE PICTURES are shown in front of his face and the "DEAD HOMIE" is in front of him it triggers something within. Some pound their chests and then say "I miss you Ray Ray" as they STILL play honor the "Stop Snitching" rules.

    For a person like Maria and Judge Sotomayor their level of ABSTRACTION between what happens in the court room and what happens on the MURDEROUS STREETS has not been synergized within their minds.

    All of those "10 Guilty Men" that they let go free exponentially MURDER more people thus increasing the homicide rate.

    "The First 48: Street Pirate MURDERS Mother and Father RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR KIDS!!!"

    When karma has the STREET PIRATE MURDERED on the streets his killer is not bound to no damned Miranda RIGHTS!!!

  55. Field, were the various Native American peoples right or wrong to generally resist their conquest and transfer?

    Some Native Americans did after all resist quite violently and commit atrocities. Such actions (rare though they were) were seized upon by the whites to justify the illegitimate treatment. Other Native Americans tried to avoid conflict by running away but that didn't help either.

    Two wrongs do not make a right. Hitler could not justify his plans for Jews by pointing to American treatment of blacks or Native Americans. Certainly no Jewish person or any other person of good will wants to hear the Holocaust dismissed by having others point out that lots of people get killed in wars and some of the Jews murdered probably weren't nice people anyway.

    We are all responsible for our own actions. Pointing to what others may do as justification is a dodge.


    The very people defending Israel's right to intercept these vessels are the same ones who have been insisting that Israel no longer occupies the Gaza Strip since the withdrawal of its colonists and occupation forces from the territory in 2005. If that were really the case, however, Israel would have no legal right to prevent ships entering Gaza's waters. They can't have it both ways. They can either acknowledge that the Gaza Strip remains occupied territory since Israel has it under a sea blockade, or they can acknowledge that the ships have a right to enter Gaza's port unimpeded.

  57. "One state, two peoples, equal rights. It's all that's possible now."

    One state, two people = genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Jews, if ever enforced.

    I think it is absolutely paramount to highlight the end wishes of people who advocate for this

    I find it perversely amusing and frankly disturbing that posters whose only information about Israel come from anti-Zionist and hostile sources should preach to me about the history of Israel's existence.

    I also find it fascinating that so many posters here are attacking FN's views not on their merits, not by informing themselves about the facts and records that are easily available and accessible but by trying to shame him into changing his views about Jews and Israel. I get a weird insight into some strange "univresally acknowledged" conventions into the culture and thinking of some African-Americans: that it is a betrayal of one's race and ethnicity to consider Jews (or Israelis) as decent human beings who deserve anybody's respect and consideration. How is that any different at all from KKK mentality I'd like to understand.

    How have African Americans, with their history of suffering and injustice come to think and believe such ideas, to advocate such sentiments?

  58. Shady_Grady:

    Here is an article which may disabuse you of some notions about the "illegality" of Israel's actions. It is an analysis by Ed Morgan, a professor of international law at the University of Toronto:

    "A maritime blockade is for security purposes only, and must allow humanitarian assistance to the civilian population. Since the ships sailing for Gaza were on a declared humanitarian mission, those on board had the right to expect that any humanitarian goods would ultimately find their way to their intended recipients. On the other hand, having announced its blockade, Israel had no obligation to take the ships’ crew at their word as to the nature of the cargo. The blockading party has the right to fashion the arrangements, including search at a nearby port, under which passage of humanitarian goods is permitted. San Remo specifies that this inspection should include supervision by a neutral party to prevent the unwarranted seizure of humanitarian supplies and the abuse of humanitarian assistance by the blockaded party.

    Finally, the rule of proportionate force, applicable to all armed conflict, applies equally to a naval blockade. Blockading navies are obliged to arrest a ship rather than simply fire on it, and once its soldiers are on board an arrested ship their actions must be proportionate to the threat that they meet. While Israel appears to have met the other criteria eliminating a macro offence, here the facts will have to be gathered from witnesses and videos to determine what level of force was truly needed at the spot where the paintballs met the hammers."


    If you wish to refute what he says please do so on the basis of international law, not the emotional inclinations of your illiberal mind.

  59. contentious [UN} centrist said:

    I find it perversely amusing and frankly disturbing that posters whose only information about Israel come from anti-Zionist and hostile sources should preach to me about the history of Israel's existence.

    I also find it fascinating that so many posters here are attacking FN's views not on their merits, not by informing themselves about the facts and records that are easily available and accessible but by trying to shame him into changing his views about Jews and Israel."

    you need to read more closely. that's not what is happening; everyone is arguing on merit. in contrast, field's opinion on this topic is what keeps holding firm, regardless of facts to the contrary.

    he's now saying because the u.s. abused american indians, what isreal is doing is ok. or that we have no right to say it isn't because of what we did.


  60. The British National Party (BNP) sees the UK as a traditionally White European Homeland in which there's been far too much non-white and non-Anglo-Saxon immigration. It would like to repatriate most, if not all non-whites back to their parent's or ancestor's homelands-voluntarily if possible... It is concerned about the demographic balance in Britain. The BNP has risen somewhat in popularity but is still considered horribly racist even by most conservative UK standards. But the BNP plan's don't go as far as the reality of current Israeli laws and policies.

    Why is it ok for Israel to have laws restricting land for use by Jews alone?

    Would a similar law in the UK or US be ok?

    Why is it ok for Israel to restrict marriages between Jews and non-Jews and also between Israeli Arabs and Palestinians living in the occupied territory?

    Should the US have laws restricting marriages between Jews and gentiles? Should the US outlaw marriages between brown US citizens and brown immigrants on the fear that this will make more brown families?

  61. CC, Israel has no right to blockade Gaza. The blockade is illegal under international law. Thus the attack on the humanitarian flotilla was illegal and the resultant MURDERS were also, illegal.

  62. My objection of Wayne's aka FN posturing on Israel has nothing to do with that nation's inhumanity nor depravity which took place on our soil against native americans and slaves that look like me and Wayne..

    My issue with Wayne is his abandonment of objectivity and principle ..In his initial narrative Wayne's when out of his way to inform us he was a defender of jewish people not Israel ..he issued this declaration and loyalty oath from my vantage point for a number of reasons some validate the majority not..

    Wayne at that point shold have recuse himself but no he wanted to play the role of the lone wolf holding the anti-jewish themes it is was what good coloreds do on this note he has parroted the demeanor of CF on this thread..

    In closing I have posted I understand how people like Wayne, CF react the way they do ...I know how the pathology of the oppression displays its power when the oppressed feel the need to validate itself for the oppressor..

    Israel relations with the PALS has a long history of inhumanity we all know these truths . Unlike Wayne and CF and others in here I do not have to surrender my principles to validate my worth any more I am now a free Black man not a field negro anymore..

  63. [quote] I get a weird insight into some strange "univresally acknowledged" conventions into the culture and thinking of some African-Americans: that it is a betrayal of one's race and ethnicity to consider Jews (or Israelis) as decent human beings who deserve anybody's respect and consideration. How is that any different at all from KKK mentality I'd like to understand.

    How have African Americans, with their history of suffering and injustice come to think and believe such ideas, to advocate such sentiments?

    The Contentiuos Centrist:

    Though all of them are not "African-American" (ie: Maria is Puerto Rican") you must understand that it is not RACE that is their common bond from which these viewpoints that disturb you are coming from.

    What you are hearing is LEFTIST HATRED AND RESENTMENT.

    You have to understand how they think. HATRED in and of itself is not a vice IF it can be justified under the banner of revenge. "THEY did this to us"; "THEY have exploited us for hundreds of years" provides them the cover for their HATRED.

    You have to understand my role in relation to them. While they PRETEND that they care for the "Least Of These" against the POWERFUL - when they are given a daily dose of evidence of how "The Least Of These" that they care for so much ARE GETTING THEIR THROATS CUT - they are nullified.

    You see TCC - without an AUTHORITY FIGURE or CORPORATION who does the assault - they have nothing to cleave to per their protests. They have a grievance based ideology and the worst possible scenario is for them to be ALL ALONE with their corporate and conservative enemies departed.

    For Israel - they see a minority of people on an expansive land mass that are surrounded by people wishing to imperil them. This minority is POWERFUL per their weaponry. These leftists are used to INFERIOR PEOPLE, protecting them from the POWERFUL, most times which are more numerous.

    They see the Palestinians as the oppressed minority and thus they are able to affix their ideology upon a "victim group". They are unable to note how Jordan and Syria and Lebanon and Egypt look upon the cause of the Palestinian - their unwillingness to give up THEIR LAND that was also labeled "Palestine".

    They don't realize that IF the United States turns against Israel and the nation collapses that all of the newly happy nations around the area would STILL spit upon the Infidel.

    When it comes to matters of retention of control over a landmass the very WORST consciousness that you can allow to control your policy are the LEFTISTS who confuse their resentment of the past regarding how the land was settled WITH THEIR OWN PRESENT DAY BENEFIT that they receive.

    In their own narcissism they believe that by overloading the "life raft" far beyond its capacity, NEVER SAYING NO to anyone in need gets them spiritually closer to their maker. When the boat capsizes and EVERYONE DIES don't look to these same people to BLAME THEMSELVES and their flawed and bigoted and hate-filled ideology as the cause.

  64. Lol@CF: i'm not puerto rican. i'm pretty sure we went over this.

    i am an italian-american, born here, parents born here, grandparents born in italy. 100% italian...maria is not my real name, either.

  65. [quote]In closing I have posted I understand how people like Wayne, CF react the way they do ...I know how the pathology of the oppression displays its power when the oppressed feel the need to validate itself for the oppressor..

    This from the "Long-billed Brown Thrasher From Detroit"!!!

    Here is what you fail to see.

    * DETROIT is a VALIDATION to your "oppressor" that when the Negro takes control over something he fuks sht up!! I speak OUT against fraud and corruption THE RACE OF THE SCOUNDREL BE DAMNED!!!

    * When Jesse Jackson and other leftists APPLAUDED the Supreme Court ruling that Chicago was RACIST when it was faced with 26,000 firefighter applicants and cut off the scores at 89. Enough BLACK PEOPLE were not COMPETENT to score above this point. THIS IS STRAIGHT UP "MASSA TALK". I pointed to Atlanta where BLACK FIREFIGHTERS FORMED A STUDY GROUP and they each averaged a score of 96.

    YOU are the Black Inferiorist around here (punk).

    I have NO MASSA that I need to "impress".

    I loath people who try to affix "The Least Of These" in the most damaging and IGNORANT "Racial Profiling" that one can think of: SELF-RACIAL PROFILING!!!

    This is what Carter G Woodson was talking about when he said that one can put a piece of plywood in the middle of a DDOT bus and a Negro like YOU would drill a hole in it to find his way to the back of the bus. THIS is where HE IS CONDITIONED to believe where he belongs.

    YOU need to figure out how when YOUR OPPRESSOR leaves your behind ALL ALONE it is YOU who seeks to scale the ranks of GOVERNMENT so that his azz is ENSNARED and he can NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE AGAIN.

    YOU don't need to worry about 'showing out' for the OPPRESSOR.

    YOU need to focus upon dislodging your INFERIORITY complex.

    You have already mislead your people down the POLITICAL PATH. In the VICTORY for the forces that you sold out to - THEY DID NOT WIN.

    In your pride and bigotry you are unwilling to TURN AROUND.

    (Don't come around here talking that B.S.. Everyone who is honest with themselves knows the truth)

  66. superb story fn!

    it made my day...thanks!

    truth is far more brutal and stranger than fiction indeed...

    "special rights" are ALWAYS equal rights for ANY people deemed "unequal"...
    indians, africans, blacks, jews, italians, rwandans, sudanese, bosnians, muslims, females, gays, mexicans, poor, fat, unwed, uneducated, tea partiers, homeless, foreclosed ETC...

    and the horrid hatreds shall continue across oceans of time...


  67. CC insertion of the "how can black folks be racist card" is nothing more that a cheap shot ..

    Black folks do not want the nation of Israel to be nuked or destroyed or trashed by PALS etc..

    These shallow debate devices deserved to be slammed not embraced but again people like CF and now Wayne aka FN posturing have lead to this cheap shallow tricks..

  68. CF has called me a,lol,lol I love it when my prose get folks like CF to lose,lol,lol

    BTW please read Thomas Segrue's books on the demise of Detroit it started about 50 years ago of course facts never matter to people who employ terms like punk..

    Imagine that a Black apologist calling me a,lol,lol

  69. Thrasher

    "BTW please read Thomas Segrue's books on the demise of Detroit it started about 50 years ago of course facts never matter to people who employ terms like punk.."

    Indeed Thrash the decline of most of the older urban centers began after WWII with deindustrialization, government financed white flight and loss of much of the middle class tax base.

    When middle class blacks started moving to the suburbs in the 70s after anti-discrimination laws in housing were passed, many urban centers were left with larges swaths of unemployment, poverty and dysfunction.

    CF claims he "has no MASSA to impress".


    Who else is he trying to impress with his incessant antiblack rants and baseless finger pointing?

  70. "I do not have to surrender my principles to validate my worth any more I am now a free Black man not a field negro anymore.."

    There is something very off putting about this kind of ad-homs. For one thing, like any conspiracy theory, it relies on an unfalsifiable premise. The problem is that no matter what he says and how many facts, records and verifiable factors he brings in support of his position, all you have to do to discredit and dismiss his opinions is to refer to him as a sellout for nefarious reasons having to do with his ethnicity and race.

    Is this a racist attitude or is this a racist attitude?

    Cass Sunstein once tried to explain why he admires Obama:

    "The antonym of respect is disdain or (better) contempt; the antonym of charity is selfishness or (better) stinginess. It is much worse to be disrespectful than to be uncharitable. [To] show respect is... not to attack the competence, the motivations, or the defining commitments of those who disagree with [you]. Those who show charity as well as respect tend to put opposing arguments in the best possible form, to praise the motivations of those who offer such arguments, and to seek proposals that specifically accept the defining commitments of all sides."

    It wouldn't hurt you to contemplate these parameters before you descend to the debasing sort of ad-homs you advance here.

    And beyond that, anyone who resorts to ad-homs by way of rebuttal only shows that he or she has nothing better by which to counter those arguments and facts.

    A: The earth turns around the sun.

    B: Really? Says who? You?

    A: No. The scientists do. Here is the proof.

    B: Oh yes? And you are nothing but a heretic and a godless blasphemous sinner. So there!

  71. @maria & field: So wait a minute, are you telling me that this is something new? Because from my understanding, you've always had to right to invoke your RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT by first verbally and or by signing a waiver.

    In th3 case heard by the Supreme Court. The plaintiff in this case was read his Miranda, and he never signed a waiver. And after 3 hours of interrogation where he said nothing. He decided to speak and answer a question not necessarily related to his case. However, his answer was interpreted as an implication and admission of wrong doing. That comment WAS USED AGAINST HIM IN COURT just like the Miranda instructs.

    So, I don't see this as an erosion because quite frankly, the court simply ruled in favor of the gov't as the law has always stood - nothing has changed. Hell, Mirandized or not, you still have the right afforded by the 5th Amendment to not say shit to incriminate yourself, no?

    I mean how else exactly is one supposed to INVOKE said right to remain silent without explicitly expressing to do so? Hell, after they read you your rights before questioning as they are required, a "suspect" or "person of interest" has the right (and ability) to verbally invoke said right.

    Am I wrong?

  72. rippa--i didn't say i agreed it was an erosion. i'm not a lawyer and what i've read is mixed (and what i posted). i just knew about the story so i thought i'd post it for you.

  73. [quote:shadygrady]The BNP has risen somewhat in popularity but is still considered horribly racist even by most conservative UK standards.[/quote]

    For the record, the BNP was almost completely wiped out in the recent general elections. What's left of the party (after mass defections) is now in serious trouble. They are massively in debt having spent heavily on this campaign,with a rapidly dwindling membership base (their only source of funding.) They have no M.P.'s and lost 8 of their 9 local councillors in Dagenham - allegedly their 'stronghold'.

    The BNP's chief publicity officer has since been arrested for threatening to murder the party chairman.

    These are not good times for the far-right in the U.K.

  74. CC, Are you serious? You really don't have any room to accuse ANYONE here of resorting to ad hominem attacks considering your accusation that I am showing "emotional inclinations of an illiberal mind". LOL!!!!

    You are correct though that such attacks generally reveal that the person making them can't win the argument on the grounds and thus seeks to muddy the waters, change the subject or, dare I say hurl insults. Stick to the subject.

    Perhaps you can read at the below links about WHY the Gaza blockade (and the attack on the flotilla) are illegal.

    Wow, international law experts who say that the blockade is illegal, imagine that. Perhaps since "experts" disagree, Israel will agree to go before the World Court where all of this can be hashed out. Oh silly me, I forgot!!

    Israel refuses to recognize the World Court or any other principle except force.

  75. CC,

    Please employ better logic with me and please refrain from inserting your prose into my posts..I have never posted that Wayne aka FN is a sell out..

    My posts discuss how the pathologies of oppression often make the oppressed surrender thier humanity and dignity as a result of the duress of oppression..

    It is you not me that has invoke nasty petty obsolete racial darts because of course when a person lacks the skills and depth to invoke logic and rational analysis cheap petty insults start to flow..

    Please employ better logic with me


  76. CC wrote
    "One state, two people = genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Jews, if ever enforced.

    I think it is absolutely paramount to highlight the end wishes of people who advocate for this

    That is the same argument that the right wing Afrikaners used in South Africa. So far they appear to have been wrong.

    No one here has written about wanting to see Jewish people eliminated. What most people seem to be talking about is finding a way for Israelis to live without their boot on another people's neck.

    Whether or not people want to admit it, there were non Jews living in Palestine in 1948. The choice is either kill them all, chase them all out, make them live in permanent non-citizen status, or learn to live together without oppressing and killing each other. The last choice is the only sane one. If Blacks and Whites can do that for the most part in the US or South Africa, surely Jewish Israelis and Christian and Muslim Palestinians can do so.

  77. I have intentionally inserted the factor of the difference in race relations behind Blacks who were enslaved in the islands and Blacks who were inslaved here in the states..

    This insight of course is not a newsflash in racial discussions even wayne understands this issue when he contrasts the reality of a field negro and a house negro..

    I have inserted this theme in my deconstruction of wayne's aka FN bias defense of Israel's inhumanity for Black like Wayne his posturing is not new and again it reflects the reality of the imprint of racism on those who have been stained by it..

    Fact is I expected the good negro posturing from Black apologists like CF and others on this site but not Wayne's aka FN..Again in his initial narrative he did imformed us he was not objective in his loyalty declaration about defending jewish people...Of course that disclaimer adds nothing to the issue it only signals that the balance of wayne's opinions are not objective....

  78. "Please employ better logic with me and please refrain from inserting your prose into my posts"

    I doubt I can employ any logic with you, better or not, that would ever prevail upon you to reconsider your opinions. They appear to be set in stone.

    I did not "insert" my prose into anything you said since I did not quote you; I interpreted your bilious comments about NF in the manner they deserve to be treated. All this "double consciousness" and stuff is apretty tenuous business. Your explanation that "the pathologies of oppression often make the oppressed surrender thier humanity and dignity as a result of the duress of oppression" cannot quite be applied to the case as NF is defending Israel, which if my memory serves me right, has never oppressed African-Americans.

  79. CC,

    Your last post again confirms for me you lack the depth and skill set to engaged me on this issue and others..

    Cleary your interpetation of my threshold prose reveals you simply do not have intellectual capacity to understand my talking points..

    I never posted that Israel oppressed Black folks in America yet your inability and skill set apparently compells you to reach this false inference..

    As I posted earlier my issue is not with the legacy of Israel's inhumanity towards the PALS but Wayne's posturing which is a result of being contaminated by the pathologies of the oppressed..

    Your need to indict me with your failed uunderstanding of my prose is also revealing but predictible..

    Again please refrain from inserting your dogma into my comments..I alone reserve the right to define me and speak for me..

  80. @maria: Thanks for presenting the story under the assumption that I was unaware that I had no clue of the decision.

    Actually, I was fully aware and I wanted to hear field's take on how he sees it as an erosion. Obviously I don't see it that way per my comment in response.

    I actually read the case and I happen to agree that the plaintiff - Tompkins - never invoked his right. And as was told, whatever he said WAS used against him in the court.

    In interrogation the cop asked him if he prayed to God for forgiveness after the shot and killed the victim. To which he replied yes. That one word answer was used against him in court and helped to secure a conviction. At the end of the day, as I see it, the Supreme Court didn't change anything with their ruling in this case.

  81. Anonymous10:51 AM

    They Shot and kill American citizen we still stand behind them like coward, as somebody who voted for Obama he can kiss my black ass for not standing for justice.
    At least Bush has more balls cause when they killed four contractors in Falluja he destroyed that city I noticed that the guy with more balls in the Us congress is Barney Frank it tell you something

  82. Farman11:00 AM

    If all is well and good in blockade land and if what they did on the ship was an appropriate response to what they met, then Netanyahu should have no problem with an international investigation into the matter. Yet he resists one. Why?

  83. Shady grady writes:

    "Whether or not people want to admit it, there were non Jews living in Palestine in 1948. The choice is either kill them all, chase them all out, make them live in permanent non-citizen status, or learn to live together without oppressing and killing each other. The last choice is the only sane one. If Blacks and Whites can do that for the most part in the US or South Africa, surely Jewish Israelis and Christian and Muslim Palestinians can do so."

    Whether or not people want to admit it, there were Jews living in Palestine in 1948. The choice is either kill them all, chase them all out, make them live in permanent non-citizen status, or learn to live together without oppressing and killing each other.

    The Arabs chose the first option, but failed to carry it out. They could have accepted the partition and lived to celebrate their 62 independence day, like Israel. After 1967 war, they could have accepted Resolution 242 but instead they said: peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel...

    In 2000 Camp david II the Palestinians were offered a state of their own. They rejected the offer and went on to launch a bloody Intifada.

    Israel evacuated Gaza, providing the Palestinians with an opportunity to prove to the world that they are capable of responsible self-governance. The response? 8,000+ qassams.

    Most recently Ehud Olmert offered Abbass everything Palestinian apologists pretend that Palestinians want, and it was rejected.

    Israel is waiting to the moment when Palestinians are ready to accept the principle of compromise and mutuality. Israel, however, will not commit national suicide. The 400 million strong Arab world, in control of 99.99% of the middle east, plus the oil will have to find a way of living with the idea that there is one tiny Jewish country on the edge of their world.

    I see you too have a problem with such a concept. Gee, I wonder why.

  84. [quote]after WWII with deindustrialization, government financed white flight and loss of much of the middle class tax base.[/quote]


    Its funny how the exodus of the racist White conservatives brought CHEERS from you because this allowed Progressive Politicians of all races to take control.

    If you recall - Detroit Mayor Coleman Young's attitude with respect to the exodus of those "Crackers" was like: "Don't let the door knob hit ya on the way out".

    Funny how you say "Deindustrialization" and Judge Mathis calls it "Corporate Abandonment".

    YET you support a President who "Public Enemy #1" are the CORPORATIONS.

    You all on the left went from PROTESTING AGAIN a government that you said "had their BOOT UPON YOUR NECK" over to CHEERING when a government said "We will keep the boot on the neck of a CORPORATION". Yet when Obama speaks in Pittsburgh, telling the masses that only CORPORATIONS can generate the jobs that are necessary to turn things around - YOU actually believe that this is his intention.

    Question - Maxine Waters secured $4 billion in home mortgage relief for "distressed areas" last year. Since you refer to this "Government Funded" suburban exodus for WHITE FOLKS - do you know how much was spent on that by comparison?

    When middle class blacks started moving to the suburbs in the 70s after anti-discrimination laws in housing were passed, many urban centers were left with larges swaths of unemployment, poverty and dysfunction.

    Hold on. Wait a minute.

    1) Why didn't you say anything as to WHY they departed the cities?

    2) I thought that the promised BENEFIT upon the political victory was enough to keep them settled within?

    3) Why, for a city like Milwaukee we hear Blacks crying RACISM when they leave their homes in the city and seek to find a job in the suburbs. YET you and other sellouts never make the observation that despite the CONTROL that your machine has over the CITY - it has failed to produce enough jobs to retain the residents in the city without having to seek employment with the people who LEFT to get away from them?

    Do you see WhiteBowieSteve - RACISM CHASING is more important to you than MANAGING the forces that you put into power so that they deliver upon what they have promised.

    Why the hell did you put them in power?
    Did you benefit from anything other than having their portraits upon the wall in City Hall?

  85. "Yet he resists one. Why?"

    What is the "International"? UNHR council? The UNGA?

    It's like an all white jury investigating a black suspect for raping a woman in the South in olden days. As if there is any doubt whatsoever what the outcome is?

    Goldstone Report, anyone?

  86. "Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Thursday backed U.S. President Barack Obama's proposal for an independent inquiry into a raid on a Gaza aid flotilla that left nine dead.

    "We have no need to fear any commission of inquiry," said Lieberman. "I told the prime minister … that we should create a commission of inquiry that is open and transparent."

    Observers say U.S. proposals for an Israeli commission with an American observer could help Israel avoid an international probe into Monday's mid-ocean clash, which earned Israel global condemnation, including from the UN.

    "We have an interest in setting up such a committee on our own, not due to outside pressure," Lieberman told Israel Radio.

    "We have excellent jurists ... one of whom will be willing to take it on himself, and if they want to include an international member of some sort in their committee that's alright too," he said.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is said to oppose an Israeli probe, however, in part due to objections from Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Sources in the prime minister's bureau told Haaretz it was still too early to talk of a committee of inquiry - although several ministers from the "group of seven", which advises Netanyahu, have come out in favor of an Israeli investigation.

    Other ministers, including Labor minister Benjamin Ben Eliezer and Avishai Braverman, have backed an international inquiry.

    "We acted in accordance with international law and we have nothing to hide," said Ben-Eliezer. "We have nothing to fear from an international probe."

    Meanwhile, United Nations is already moving ahead with its own examination, and the UN Human Rights Council voted on Wednesday to dispatch investigators to the region. Thirty-two countries voted in favor of a committee of inquiry, with nine abstaining and three - the U.S., the Netherlands and Italy - against.

    The decision is similar to the one that established the Goldstone Committee, which examined Israel's invasion of Gaza Strip a year and a half ago. That inquiry, led by a retired South African judge, accusing Israel and Hamas war crimes. "

  87. I hope this site does not beome a propaganda conduit for Israel...I blog here to chat about Black folks..

  88. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I hope this site does not beome a propaganda conduit for Israel...I blog here to chat about Black folks..

    Exactly. Israelis and Palestinians are not black.

  89. Gregory12:07 PM

    Off topic, but you might find this interesting, perhaps even post worthy.

    Nelspruit's brutal inequalities test of World Cup's legacy

    Nelspruit's World Cup stadium sits amid poverty and a resentment that temper local people's enthusiasm

  90. FN, your cognitive disconnect is astounding! Whoever is paying you is paying you very well in the art of obfuscation. Sadly though, doesn't look like this one went over too well with the readership. Gregory has said the most reasonable things, along with Shady Grady. A Field Negro is one who stands for the rights of everybody regardless of their belief system. Seems like you are biased towards Israel no matter what. Every time someone points out how the folks in Gaza are victimized, you come up with some way to mitigate that oppression via a cheap shot joke. This doesn't seem like Field Negro behavior to me.

    As to the Contentious Centrist, your understanding of Centrism is flawed. You are a biased bigot, not a centrist. You are using this blog to propagate your hatred of innocent people simply because they don't live in the right side of the fence.

    The world is fucked up because of people like you.

  91. CF

    "Its funny how the exodus of the racist White conservatives brought CHEERS from you because this allowed Progressive Politicians of all races to take control."

    Your tired lies and games are so obvious.

    I mentioned NOTHING about conservatives!!!!

    In fact in urban industrial areas I challenge you to produce one example of the political leadership that wasn't liberal and progressive over the last 100 years.

    "Question - Maxine Waters secured $4 billion in home mortgage relief for "distressed areas" last year. Since you refer to this "Government Funded" suburban exodus for WHITE FOLKS - do you know how much was spent on that by comparison?"

    Let's see some evidence that Waters' bill specified "distressed areas".

    I betting you just pulled this one out of your butt.

    "Why didn't you say anything as to WHY they departed the cities?"

    Because services, safety and education were all declining because of the shrinking middle class tax base.


    "I thought that the promised BENEFIT upon the political victory was enough to keep them settled within."

    Nah Rastus. Your statement is still another strawman which is part and parcel of your debate style.

  92. Anonymous12:34 PM

    A Field Negro is one who stands for the rights of everybody regardless of their belief system.

    Field Negros? Really? Are we forgetting that Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey, and Gabriel Prosser were all house slaves? This whole idea of the house negro vs. field negro is wrong. It was historically inaccurate when Malcolm gave that speech and its still historically inaccurate.

  93. OK Anonymous technically the dichotomy between Field and House Negroes is false. But it can still be used in this context, because that is what this blog is based upon or so I thought. But that isn't the issue. The issue is that Field Negrodom is associated with a liberation of the oppressed and justice for all mentality. That is the point.

  94. mellaneous12:54 PM

    Interesting story Brother Field. Do you realize that between paragraph four and paragraph 5 you forgot to insert that one reason some folks may have a problem with the state of Isreal is because of what you described as happening in the first 3 paragraphs. I think it stands to reason that the Palestinians are engaged in defensive violence and not offensive violence. Much like us black folks trying to keep white folks from killing is us in more violently racist times.

    Defensive violence is not the same as offensive violence. But you know that!

    You said in paragraph 5 that they the Arab world went after the Isrealis because of envy, I think it may be a bit more complicated than that.

    I see what you are trying to do brother Field but it seems like you are dancing a bit my brother and it feels really uncomfortable.

    I respect you and your opionions I think what made some of us really uncomfortable was how you bent over backwards to portray the folks with a very long history of oppressive activity as victims.

  95. Anonymous12:56 PM

    M. Rigmaiden,

    I wasn't trying to single you out. You seem like a nice lady. My point was that it's a very historically inaccurate concept that disrespects decent slaves who happened to live in the house. That's not something we should be promoting.


    [quote]The program would go beyond a measure included in sweeping bank reform legislation that would use $3 billion in bank bailout dollars to give the jobless fixed-rate, low interest rate loans.

    "It's going to take a long time before the $3 billion plan is approved by Congress and takes effect," said Philadelphia Unemployment Project Director John Dodds. "We have people who are up against foreclosure now. There is an urgency to do something now."[/quote]


  97. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Defensive violence is not the same as offensive violence. But you know that!

    The Arab world has often engaged in OFFENSIVE violence against Israel: The Seven Days War, Yom Kippur War, The First Gulf War; and arab states (and the PLO, as well as Hamas) have sponsored terrorist attacks against Israel-usually targeting civilians.

  98. mellaneous1:06 PM

    If you say Isreal has a right to defend themselves I get that. I don't necessarily agree that at present they are under attack, but actually the agressors in an obvious attempt to demoralize the Palestinian population and to get them to just fall off the face of the earth. But I get that.

    Whats hard to swallow is that you have always defended the poor and the oppressed on this blog.

    So the last three days you have added to my disappointment with the lack of folks willingness to see the world as it is and fight to change it.

    You set the bar high my brother and thus the dissapointment.

    I don't think folks were being patronizing when they asked if you had visited the Occupied territories or seen pictures of the latest incursion. They know like I know if you actually had seen what was left after the Gaza invasion and the Lebanese invasions it would give you pause.

    Field the bulldozing of homes because someone living in it was suspected as being opposed to your policies, the shooting of children and peaceful observers, the dropping of bombs in the middle of civilian areas, the destruction of schools, the destruction of the ability of Palestinians to feed themselves or to continue to provide a livilihood, the daily terrorism and harrassment of those passing checkpoints, is simply indefensible and anti-human.

    Even those serving in the Isreali Defense Forces have complained about the brutality of their fellows. Did you know that there is a movement by soldiers to end the required military service because of what they view as over the top?

    Its hard to believe; that you have examined all the evidence; that you have read what the Zionist themselves have said about their intentions; that you read the Isreali newspapers which actually give a fairer and more balanced report about what Isreal is doing than the US press;that you have read the writings of Isreali citizens themselves and their peace groups which are opposed to their country's actions (and their numbers are a significant percentage of the Isreali population) and you came up with the same conclusion.

    And yes I am the real deal revolutionary minded brother and I condemn all that aint right no matter who does it or what color and you know it.

    On defending Palestinian rights, immigrant rights, the rights of workers, women, homosexuals,human rights, oppressed over against oppressors and condemning religious fanaticism, terrorism and craziness and corporate plunder, unfettered capitalism, etc.

    My principles are still in tack and my soul is at peace my brother.

  99. mellaneous1:11 PM

    Anon said:

    "The Arab world has often engaged in OFFENSIVE violence against Israel: The Seven Days War, Yom Kippur War, The First Gulf War; and arab states (and the PLO, as well as Hamas) have sponsored terrorist attacks against Israel-usually targeting civilians."

    Actually anon I was referring to the Palestinians themselves and they do have the right to defend themselves, even if they do use terrorism which I find onerous, but the state of Isreal has engaged in state sponsored terrorism. They have bombed civilians, bulldozed homes, destroyed schools, murdered folks without trial who they said were their enemies and the list goes on.

    So cut it out the Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.

    If Isreal has a right to defend themselves as a state then the Palestinians surely have a right to defend themselves as an oppressed folks or should they just fall off the face of the earth as the Zionist wish for them to do.

  100. I will admit I enjoy this blog when Black folks can muse about international issues rather than the tired race chasing agenda that Wayne aka FN often posts about..

    It is interesting to observe how shallow folks ideals and principles are when you removed them from the racial landscape..

    I am impressed with maria and even a few comments by the anonymous posters who stil refused to i.d thier comments makes it tough to connect a coherent themes when so many folks post as intellectual cowards under anonymous..

  101. I recently had the pleasure of surprise when I attended a country western concert ( rap music with a different rythm)..I would close my eyes and listen to the crowd chatter and it was the same chatter I have heard at many political events...The white working class is truly under massive duress today..

    Of course when such a large segment of the population is in that state of angst it becomes a fertile ground for all manner of dogma, propaganda, disinformation and self interest at the expense of others..

  102. If anyone here is genuinely interested in learning from this incident, this article is the best strategic analysis of the situation I have yet read.

  103. I am not really interested in yet another carnage in the middle east..

  104. Gregory1:41 PM

    I'm sure the local residents feel the same, Thrasher.

  105. Rippa, I will give you the words of Adam Cohen to try and explain for you why I am against this latest SC ruling:

    "When is the right to remain silent not a right to remain silent? When you have to speak in order to claim it.

    That is the bizarre paradox that the Supreme Court, by a 5-4 vote, enshrined in the Constitution on Monday.
    (See a TIME video about Miranda Rights.)

    Van Thompkins, a criminal suspect, was not interested in talking to the police, and he never affirmatively waived his right to remain silent. But the court ruled that by not saying clearly that he was exercising his right to remain silent he had in fact forfeited the right — and that a one-word answer he gave late in the questioning could be used against him.

    The ruling flies in the face of the court's longstanding insistence that a suspect can only waive his rights by affirmatively doing so. The majority said it was standing by Miranda v. Arizona, the landmark 1966 decision that revolutionized police interrogations. But in fact, the court created yet another gaping hole in the Miranda doctrine — this one backed by what can be described as Alice-in-Wonderland logic...."

    The right to remain silent is/was just that. You could only waive your right if you said you wanted to do so. Why should he have to invoke his right to remain silent? All he has to do is remain silent? Which, BTW, this defendant should have done.

    The cops used smart interrogation tactics, so I am not mad at them. But Tomkin's statement should not be admitted.

    "@maria & field: So wait a minute, are you telling me that this is something new? Because from my understanding, you've always had to right to invoke your RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT by first verbally and or by signing a waiver."

    No Rippa, it's the other way around. Tradionally you would WAIVE your right to remain silent either verbally or in writing. To invoke your rights under Miranda, you would merely have to shut your mouth.

  106. I wonder what was Wayne's aka FN underlying agenda with his obvious pandering to the jewish folks this week with his narratives about this issue??

    I know why Black apologists like CF and others fan the marketplace for incidents which provide them fuel to indict Black folks CF and others get affirmed when they trashed Black folks to appease whites..

    Of course the same theme probably underwrites Wayne's agenda with his flawed narratives about Israel..

  107. [quote]Whats hard to swallow is that you have always defended the poor and the oppressed on this blog.[/quote]

    You have a greater offensive track record in INSURING THAT THEY REMAIN POOR though the next generation.

    Even when they are LEFT ALL ALONE the Police Authorities which often stand in the breach between civility and savagery to YOU and others are the OPPRESSORS.

    Get off of your high horse and get a clue.

    So the last three days you have added to my disappointment with the lack of folks willingness to see the world as it is and fight to change it.[/quote]

    I could have never encapsulated your problem more than the self-reporting that you just did.

    WHY do YOU need to "see the world"? YOU need to see Detroit and Benton Harbor and TAKE CARE OF HOME FIRST.
    Show that you are competent in fielding a SOLUTION and then expand this successful strategy accordingly.

    FIGHT he says.
    Mellaneous - do you not see that in your "fight" milieu you fail to see that the "FIGHT" is not a tool that you can use when you are ALL BY YOUR DAMNED SELF. Instead HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT toward DIRECTED ENDS is what is required.

    Since you are a champion "fighter", too punch drunk to know when to give up and too ideologically blinded by your torn retina YOU decide to vacate your community compound and hit the road to engage in a FIGHT.

    In desperation you must chase after your noted capitalistic imperialist adversary to ENGAGE HIM in a FIGHT, demanding that he respect the SOCIAL CONTRACT that you keep reminding him that you share in common.

    Do you see your consciousness fully distilled and articulated?

  108. [quote] fuel to indict Black folks CF and others[/quote]

    Excuse me Long-Billed Brown Thrasher:

    I am INDICTING "Progressive-Fundamentalists who are Black" NOT "Black People".

    See the graphical model:

  109. What I find more revealing about this SC ruling was that Kagan agreed with the majority ...Silence is now an expression of affirmation

    This is what happens when Obama appeases the ruling class at the expense of those in need of justice..

    Kagan remains a flawed selection by Obama yet he knew she had this ruling class mentality when you read some of her shallow soundbites against Marshall..

    I guess I must be happy with Sotomayer but it pisses me off Obama has to appease Kagan's interests in that regard he is like Wayne aka FN paying homage to the jewish collective..

  110. I guess he was lucky he didn't go for his wallet to show id.

    A U.S. citizen who lived in Turkey is among the nine people killed when Israeli commandos stormed a Turkish aid ship heading for the Gaza Strip, officials said today. The victim was identified as Furkan Dogan, 19, a Turkish-American. A forensic report said he was shot at close range, with four bullets in his head and one in his chest, according to the Anatolian news agency.

  111. mellaneous2:01 PM

    Gregory I read your posts above you have fought the good fight my brother. I can only hope that you are heard.

    Bravo brother Bravo well said. Good info.

    Thrasher you are a little hard on Field but I find myself agreeing with you today and you are starting to look at the Detroit fiasco in a way that you seemed to disagree with in earlier posts.

    Can anyone believe that CF actually made a case for amorality today or that "Might is right." I am not surprised. With every post he gets scarier and scarier he is the kind of guy who could easily become a Goebbels. Disturbing indeed.

  112. CF,

    Your point being what??

  113. Mell,

    My analysis of the 'Detroit Problem " has all been consistent..Please explain your post in detail??

  114. mellaneous2:09 PM

    CF I think Field can defend himself and as your posts earlier proved you are the clueless one. You have no moral compass and you stand always with the exploiters and the oppressors you have nothing of worth to add to the conversation since you can always be counted on to defend Massa in whatever guise it may be greedy corporations, rogue states, unscrupulous bankers, institutional racism, racist laws or cops, unjust justice systems, etc. If its wrong and powerful you have their back.

    Put Nietsche down and get a clue I can't imagine what you are telling your children.

    And I don't live in Detroit or Benton Harbor why do you insist on saying I do? And if I did I would still have the right to denounce wrong wherever it raises its ugly head.

  115. [quote]Silence is now an expression of affirmation[/quote]

    Long-Billed Brown Thrasher:

    You are clearly a CRIMINAL DEFENSE attorney and you have mastered your craft in defending them to the detriment of the person that was KILLED.

    This KILLER had enough of his emotions tweaked by the police who were interviewing him that a little bit of humanity seeped through the scar tissue that enshrines his heart and an ounce of remorse snuck out, imperiling him to all reasonable human beings - EXCEPT YOU and Sotomayor.


    "You can't be PERFECT in an imperfect world when the person you are engaging is trying to knock your head off"


    Here are the people of Detroit who SUFFER as the ABSTRACT THEORY of Thrasher and Mellaneous is allowed to fester like kudzu weed.

  116. Here is the real deal on the latest SC ruling...Justice is not enhanced when a person must engaged in a convoluted and tortured excercise to be free from an oppressive government...The 4th Amendment provides the right of people to be secure in thier persons so in other words when a person actions display the behavior on not engaging the government that person inaction should not be viewed as a willingness to engaged..

    Justice requires that people acknowledge the natural law of the person silence means silence

  117. mellaneous2:14 PM

    Thrash maybe I am confusing that with another debate. But suffice it to say that I am feeling you today, except on the point that implied that fields folks didn't have the same slave experience.

    I do get at what you are saying about folks from the Islands seeming to defer to the white man quite a bit or having an undue amount of awe and reverence for all things white.

    But then again that attitude can still be found among US native blacks as well.

    We are all descendents of slaves (well at least most of us)

  118. Here is where I stand on the issue of the justice in this recent SC ruling..I think justice occurred to Thompkins he was guilty of his crime but I don't think justice is present in the ruling as articulated by the SC...

    A person can be found not guilty that is not the same as being innocent...Innocent is a justice construct .."not guilty is a legal and jurisprudence construct"

    To often folks in the hood and the community used the wrong process to define what really took place..

    Thurgood had it right when he told Kagan make sure the outcome is based upon justice and then let the law catch up to the outcome..

  119. [quote]Can anyone believe that CF actually made a case for amorality today or that "Might is right." I am not surprised[/quote]

    Mellaneous - the ONLY difference between you and me on the subject of "He who carries the biggest stick gets his way lest the other with the twig gets beat down" is that you are in DENIAL of your receipt of the nutrition from the gastric juices from the "beast's" stomach walls.

    Walk through southern Mexico town with the sign:

    Soy americano y tengo mil dólares en mi bolsillo.

    THEN you will be rethinking about your MIGHT.

    You have no moral compass and you stand always with the exploiters and the oppressors
    you have nothing of worth to add to the conversation since you can always be counted on to defend Massa in whatever guise it may be greedy corporations, rogue states, unscrupulous bankers, institutional racism, racist laws or cops, unjust justice systems, etc. If its wrong and powerful you have their back.[/quote]

    My compass directs me to not live where PEOPLE WHO THINK LIKE YOU have prevailing control.

    If I "defend Massa" then YOU desire to set up a political redistribution system that flows from "Massa's" resources. If he ever leaves or dies - YOU SCREWED.

    In your pursuit of care and feeding for "The Least Of These" you failed to do anything to make them the UNLEAST OF THESE as God had made them.

  120. Mell,

    I acknowledge all of your talking points I should have articulate better my arguments about Wayne's slave comments with more precision...Yet as a political artist I ofetn create narratives on purpose that requires the reader to engaged them and fill in the colors and gaps...I hate spoon feeding folks...

  121. [quote]Thurgood had it right when he told Kagan make sure the outcome is based upon justice and then let the law catch up to the outcome..[/quote]

    IF only Thurgood Marshall was alive to see the outcomes on our streets that "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" hath rendered I think that He, like the "Dr King" character on "The Boondocks" would be remorseful of at least some of the things that he did.

    For Justice Marhshall I would hope that he would have grown to see that:

    * All government and corporations are not GUILTY as charged

    * That some CRIMINALS need to be locked the hell up, regardless of the technicality that took place far beyond the crime scene in which the human being was assaulted by the person he is now defending against the system.

  122. mellaneous2:31 PM

    CF are your really that brainwashed? The resources that you refer to are not Massa's resources but the resources of the people and of the earth and ultimately God's.

    The massa's of this world use their power and their money to corrupt others and to lead others still into silent complicity as they rob undeveloped countries daily of their oil, and mineral resources among other things. And they consistently rob folks in interests and hidden fees and taxes and workers of their labor. None of this belongs to massa.

    As a Christian you should know that, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullnes thereof, the world and everything in it."

  123. In the universe justice need not be an a written declaration or detailed finding by a group of people..Justice is a universal construct which is always present and often it is excercised without any official process or procedure..

    it is a universal life force an organic being that permeates life..It has the texture of certain principles like right, wrong, negative and positive yet often these tools still are not precise enough to capture the living nature of justice it is a feeling, a true, a being , a result, a outcome, a closure, a idea , it defines and creates its own space and metric..

    When justice surfaces and engages it continues the symmetry the universe requires to flow and be..

    It requires no class, status, race, shape, size, time, etc..

  124. CF,

    Nonsense Thurgood excercise his role and that is all that is require often in the pursuit of justice...

    Please refrain from using him to butress your failed understanding of many things..

    Stand on your own defined principles...

  125. Mell,

    BTW I think Wayne has deserved te pounding I have laid on him..No one is immune from the laws of the,lol,lol

    To be continued.....

  126. supla2:51 PM

    Thrasher, wheel your sad self outside and enjoy some of the day.

  127. M. Rigmaiden said...

    "A Field Negro is one who stands for the rights of everybody regardless of their belief system."

    What a remarkably self-deluded statement this is. What does it mean? A Field Negro who stands up for the rights of Jews and Israelis, as per definition, loses his claim to be be called a Field Negro, because Jews and Israelis are not included in "everybody regardless of their belief system." right? They are a breed apart.

    You are actually asserting that anyone defending Israel's rights to security is a racist preaching hatred.

    And yet the person who makes these outrageous statements tells me:

    "You are a biased bigot"

    Talk about cognitive dissonance!

    Can someone help me here? I need to understand where this person gets his education, who teaches him these travesties of logic and truth? Why can't an African-American speak on behalf of Jews? Where is the source of so much loathing and pure, unadulterated hatred?

  128. CC,

    Black people have always spoke on behalf of jews not all jews here in America are white many are Black and non-white...

    Many of my Black jewish associates however encounter lots of racism from their white jewish associates..

    This of course is not a newsflash many of my Black gay friends also encounter racism from the white gays..

    The real disconnect is that white jews in America often demand that Blacks condemn Black who are anti-jewish and anti-israel yet these same white jewish interests never demand that white jews condemn white jewish racists i.e ed koch as an example..

  129. [quote]Nonsense Thurgood excercise his role and that is all that is require often in the pursuit of justice...


    The day that I see you, Mellaneous, the NAACP and all students of "Justice Thurgood Marshall" SEEK JUSTICE by looking at certain INDIVIDUALS who are acting UNJUSTLY and getting them to CHANGE rather than your exclusive focus upon changing GOVERNMENTS AND CORPORATIONS I will believe that each of you are men of JUSTICE and not just ideologues.

  130. It is also quite true that as whites in America white jews historically took advantage of jim crow laws and still command the advantages of white privledge..

    Of course Black jews do not get to hide in whiteness like wwhite jews..

    My PSA for the day..

    To be continued...

  131. CF,

    Clearly you have no insight on the actual life of Thurgood nor the published accounts of my body of work here in Michigan..

    I live the life I profess to others..Do you have the track record and legacy to stay the same thing??

    My record speaks to this truth..Feel free to goggle me or visit my blogsite or my tv show or interview the masses in Michigan..

  132. mellaneous3:49 PM

    cut it out CF you are the ideologue on the board. Trying to put on me what you do won't work either.

    I have made my case as a fighter for whats right and justice without being ideological and you on the other hand have not.

    You defend capitalism and its minions time and time again and I have all of Field's readers as proof.

    Face it CF you have no leg to stand on. There is nothing forward thinking about preserving the status quo. Its not even Christian esp when the status quo is unjust.

  133. Do you have a problem with English comprehension? I saw that you are Quebecois so perhaps that is the problem? Or perhaps your lack of critical thinking skills due to the cognitive errors of which you are guilty? Like creating straw man arguments, misquoting me and others with whom you disagree, blaming victims in Gaza for their own misfortune etc. Work on your critical thinking and English skills.

    "You are actually asserting that anyone defending Israel's rights to security is a racist preaching hatred."contentious centrist

    No. I'm not at all and you know this. Your intellectual dishonesty speaks volumes about your lack of character. What I've said is that a Field Negro ought to care about anybody who is suffering regardless of their beliefs. And there is no reading into it. If there are Israelis who have been abused by people in Gaza, then that is WRONG. If there are people in Gaza who've been injured by Israelis that is also wrong.

    Field Negro is skewing the discussion to coddle sympathy for Israelis and negativity towards the people of Gaza and Palestinians.

    "What a remarkably self-deluded statement this is. What does it mean? A Field Negro who stands up for the rights of Jews and Israelis, as per definition, loses his claim to be be called a Field Negro, because Jews and Israelis are not included in "everybody regardless of their belief system." right? They are a breed apart."contentious centrist

    Wannabe Centrist, your comment speaks volumes about your ignorance. You don't know anything about Black Diasporic culture so don't know about the 'field Negro' handle. Get some education and stop deluding yourself into thinking you're the only one with a brain.

  134. "Thrasher said...

    It is also quite true that as whites in America white jews historically took advantage of jim crow laws and still command the advantages of white privledge.."

    You mean in the same way that Arabs and Muslims historically took advantage of Apartheid laws in South Africa?

    Yet I don't see you holding this circumstance against them. Quite the contrary.

    Even though it is a universally recorded truth that Arab societies are among the most racist against black people, you don't mind that at all. The more racists Arabs are, the more you will defend them. Is there not some pathology in that, too? You can be racist against me but as long as we are both darker in skin colour and we share a loathing for Jews then we'll be allies. Right?

  135. latina4:24 PM

    I really want to suck CF's dick. Bad.

  136. mellaneous4:24 PM

    I was reading Nicolas Kristof's editorial in the NYTimes entitled, Saving Isreal from itself and I saw this:

    "When you visit Gaza, you see that the siege has accomplished nothing — except to devastate the lives of 1.5 million ordinary Gazans. Gisha, an Israeli human rights organization, has compiled a list of goods that Israel typically blocks from Gaza: notebooks, blank paper, writing utensils, coriander, chocolate, fishing rods, and countless more. That’s not security; that’s a travesty."

    I went to the site and I found a really long list of things that are prohibited including newspapers.

    Whats going on there is nowhere near as benign as some folks would have us think.

  137. M. Rigmaiden: I take it from the proliferation of insults and invective in your comment you cannot provide a proper justification for the statements you made.

    It shouldn't matter what I know or don't know about "Black Diasporic culture". You yourself explained that a Field negro is "one who stands for the rights of everybody regardless of their belief system." I relied on your definition which aims at universality.

    And then you scolded FN that he does not deserve to call himself thus because he is defending Israel.

    Now explain to me how the two go together: on the one hand, a universal rule and on the other hand a qualification of the rule that applies to one ethnic group only.

    And if you don't mind, we'll take your contempt for me as a given. No need to inflate your comments with gratuitous insults. I'd much rather get more signal, less noise.

  138. "When you visit Gaza, you see that the siege has accomplished nothing — except to devastate the lives of 1.5 million ordinary Gazans. Gisha, an Israeli human rights organization, has compiled a list of goods that Israel typically blocks from Gaza: notebooks, blank paper, writing utensils, coriander, chocolate, fishing rods, and countless more. That’s not security; that’s a travesty."

    I am sure gisha relies on some verifiable records for making its lists of contraband materials. Yet the declared cause for the flotila was to rush in humanitarian crisis aid for a starved population, not population deprived of chocolate and writing paper.

    There is this eye witness report:

    "I must admit I was a little surprised. Because when I call down here to my Palestinian friends, they tell me about all the problems and deficiencies, so I expected that the crisis was a little more clear.

    And the first woman we interviewed in the market confirms this strange, contradictory, negative mindset:

    "We have nothing," she said. We need everything! Food, drinks ... everything! "

    It disturbed her not at least that she stood between the mountains of vegetables, fruit, eggs, poultry and fish, while she spun this doomsday scenario."

  139. mellaneous4:56 PM

    So "sitting on the fence" are you implying that Gazans should indeed be deprived of writing paper and cumin. Why praytell should they be deprived of these things?

    And wouldn't it be safe to say for some people not being able to write or use certain spices would constitute a crisis.

    The point "sitting on fence' is that its just wrong!!!

  140. When you say something is in humanitarian crisis people think of images like this:

    When you use the term "Humanitarian crisis" to describe sravation in Gaza and then there are images like this:

    it means you are lying.

  141. anon:


    wariors and traitors are all fields and all houses, all countries and all races...all religions and lands...

    there are always spooks who sit by the doors...

    malcolm was speaking in laws of averages...not exclusively:

    generally those who are most comfortable, are least rebellious


    bob marley said in a variation on that same theme:

    "dem belly full, but we hungry"...

  142. Palestinian terrorists are goaded on by the surrounding Arab world, and the Jewish government has become the gestapo. The ironies are painful.

    Support the Jewish Voice for Peace.

  143. mellaneous5:35 PM

    NO "sitting on the fence" I am not lying about anything I was trying to make the point that what may not be seen as a crisis by you may be seen as a crisis by others.

    A broad definition of crisis would be living under circumstances which make life extremely uncomfortable at best and void of life's necessities at worst.

    Just trying to advance the idea that whats going on can be minimized if you choose but what the Gazans are experiencing at the hands of the Isrealis cannot be identified as being nice.

    Whatever you want to call it ain't right.

    Why are you trying so hard to minimize other folks suffering? I thought you were a fence sitter.

    Gotta run got meetings other things to do rather than have circular arguments with folks who pretend to see both sides.

  144. CC,

    Yet again you lack the depth and skill set to debate me sorry but your deflection and "lets play the card about evil arabs and Black folks" will not work with me..

    Now you can insert that foil when we do chat about those eveil arabs and how they trash Black folks but until then it is apparent I was 100% correct in my last post about how to many white jews in our nation enjoy white privledge and hurl slurs at Black jewish folks etc...

    Please step up or I will get bored with you quickly

  145. CC,

    How about some more white jewish racist history toward Black Folks often ignored and deflected by white jews in our nation, not only did they enjoy white privledge during jim crow era and not only do they presently engagedin racist behavior towards other Black jews but in our nation when jewish doctors started thier own hospitals and country clubs ..Yep they practice the same stinkin racist they confronted by refusing to give Black doctors staff privledges in jewish hospitals and of course never having Blacks as members of thier country/glof clubs...

    Race trumps everything in our nation even the phony ideals and platitudes of jewish idealism...My people just some niggers and schwartza's pissing ontem is the white american way...

  146. CC,

    Not to worry however we can get Wayne aka FN to defend these practices and make excuses for this ugly history since he has been so proud of being the designated Black spokesperson with pride in here...

    Must be nice having good negroes and coloreds as buffers and mouthpieces for hypocrisy...I guess those brothers from the islands are better than me shucks..

  147. I am looking forward when I blog here for CF and others to be the buffers for arabs when I start to list thier legacy of racism and contempt for Black folks in America..

    I guess that is the new paradigm here for Wayne aka FN..being a spokesperson for those groups who have disdain for those bad negroes and coloreds...

    Wayne aka FN could really increase the volume of hits now with this new marketing model..

  148. [quote]Clearly you have no insight on the actual life of Thurgood nor the published accounts of my body of work here in Michigan..[/quote]

    Long-Billed Brown Thrasher:

    I am "so over" CHECKLISTS where you and the defenders of Justice Thurgood Marshall LIST what both of you have done.

    Instead I chose to go to the streets of Detroit and shout out the question:


    Save your legal position papers for those who are more gullible. Those who are impressed by language sucha as "Whereas" and "Henceforth".

    When you right your book "Respecting Other People's Social Justice Rights For Dummies and Street Pirates Who Violate Them".....I will be first in line to purchase 100 copies. No I don't want an autographed edition from you.

  149. My last post on this tired subject matter...Since according to US Census Arabs are white, Eastern Europeans are white... Wayne aka FN can start race chasing these folks along with this job as publicist for white jewish americans instead of the usual WASPS/REDNECKS ...

    Right Wayne?? I see some growth in that race chasing,lol,lol

  150. CF,

    Nice knowing you still care about me and Thurgood..of course it always great to be mentioned with such an icon..

    Of course you don't have the pedigree perhaps it explains why you have such low self esteem and self worth issues..

    Yeah I went there again..I know it is a sore spot with ya opening up that tender spot with you about self worth and related issues most Black apologists have..

    Report me to homeland security or take a page from Wayne's new profession report me to JDL or,lol,lol

  151. [quote]You defend capitalism and its minions time and time again and I have all of Field's readers as proof.[/quote]

    Ah capitalism. I do adore thee.

    Despite the fact that both Mellaneous and I make use of you - it is HE who is in denial.

    Do you see that "X" above Melleneous? For YOU to read it there was a series of electronic pulses that traveled through no less than $100 Billion worth of electronic networking equipment, secure buildings and FIBER OPTIC CABLE that was trenched through "Native American" land that was stolen.

    Send me your messages via carrier pigeons. Or if you can train the long-billed brown thrasher bird to carry messages as good as they carry water - this might work as well. Then again it might crap on my car right after a car wash. Never mind.

    So "sitting on the fence" are you implying that Gazans should indeed be deprived of writing paper and cumin. Why praytell should they be deprived of these things?

    You see - YOU DON'T GET IT.
    The more the people of Gaza REFUSE to tell the INDIVIDUALS who are causing international incidents by firing missiles into Israel and instead allow the GOVERNMENT to speak for it on the international stage the more they will be made to suffer as such.

    OK Mellaneous how about this. What if I told you that the missiles fired into Israel were CLUSTER BOMBS and that some were left unexploded, thus resulting in danger for children who play with them? WOULD THIS cause you to rise up and tell the people of Gaza to put their people into check?

    Missile Attacks On Israel By Hamas,_2008

    I have made my case as a fighter for whats right and justice without being ideological and you on the other hand have not.

    YOU being "non-ideological" is like
    the late Gary Coleman claiming that he was discriminated against admission as a player into the NBA because he had kidney problems while Alonzo Mourning was allowed to play despite his.

    "Whatchu Talk'in Bout, not being an ideologue Mellaneous?"

  152. [quote] latina said...
    I really want to suck CF's dick. Bad.[/quote]

    Ah Latina:

    If you are a "Wise Latina" you'd try to put out for Gregory or Mack Is Lying instead of me.

    Those two are easy.

  153. [quote]Nice knowing you still care about me and Thurgood..of course it always great to be mentioned with such an icon..

    I have GREAT RESPECT for Thurgood Marshall - NAACP lead attorney.

    In his ROLE AT THE TIME he represented the interests of his organization, making America a JUST system (and AT THAT TIME IN THE ORGANIZATIONS HISTORY.....the interests of Black people).

    As a Supreme Court Justice, however, he was as BIGOTED to the left as you claim Justice Clarence Thomas is to the right.

    His main legacy is "PUTTING THE SYSTEM ON TRIAL".

    This was great during the time period when this was necessary, however, as an IDEOLOGUE he failed to see when he reached the water's edge with his snowmobile and now there was a need for a JET SKI once "Progressives" began to take over the seats in which racists once sat.

    The over arching failure of this judicial theory is shown when "WE RUN THINGS NOW" becomes the rule of order(not just Black. I am talking about "Favorable Progressives" as well).

    How do YOU as a supposed conscious man watch a video like this, LISTEN to what the people are saying and STILL retain your bigoted position that some day SALVATION is going to come to the God forsaken streets that they are talking about IF you keep FIGHTING externally for "JUSTICE" or your perverted concept of it?

    Wake UP Thrasher and slap Mellaneous for me to.

  154. Anonymous8:55 PM


    Hell no and trasher knows it. And he doesn't worry about the street pirates because he is one of them.

  155. CF,

    You better step up your posts with me or I am going to start reating you as a margainal poster like CC, AB, And all of the cowards who post under,lol,lol

  156. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Thrasher, "It is interesting to observe how shallow folks ideals and principles are when you removed them from the racial landscape.."

    It's true. Other than CF, it leaves everybody empty and non-plussed. Notice that the regulars like UTS, MMM, have been extremely quiet. They must be waiting for the next racism chase so they can work their well-oiled minds.

  157. Anony..

    Ditto so is Wayne aka FN.... I hate to agree with cowards who post as anonymous but sometimes truth is just truth)

  158. It is also interesting how I silenced CC and his denial, avoidance, deflection of the legacy of white jewish racism here in America..

    It is always revealing when those who indict get indicted..

  159. No. No. I want a sequel.

  160. "It is also interesting how I silenced CC and his denial, avoidance, deflection of the legacy of white jewish racism here in America."

    You have noty silenced me by the "effectiveness" of your comments. When you declare things like this:

    "How about some more white jewish racist history toward Black Folks often ignored and deflected by white jews in our nation, not only did they enjoy white privledge during jim crow era and not only do they presently engagedin racist behavior towards other Black jews but in our nation when jewish doctors started thier own hospitals and country clubs ..Yep they practice the same stinkin racist they confronted by refusing to give Black doctors staff privledges in jewish hospitals and of course never having Blacks as members of thier country/glof clubs...

    Race trumps everything in our nation even the phony ideals and platitudes of jewish idealism...My people just some niggers and schwartza's pissing ontem is the white american way.."

    I know I'm in the presence of a KKK-like mentality. As I wouldn't make an effort to argue with a stupid white supremacist about what he thinks of Jews, I wouldn't waste time on the likes of you, the african-American version of a KKK hater.

    I'll take a wild guess here that you are a devout student of Louis Farrakhan.

  161. This is my first time commenting on your blog, though I am a regular reader. I usually agree with you on most matters and consider you to be fair. I have a problem with your analogy as the Palastenians are the indigenous peoples. On this matter I think you may want to study a bit more. I would suggest the history of post World War II Palestine/Israel, in particular you should read the Balfour Declaration and it's history. For a more contemporary view of The situation and that entire region check out "Informed Content" the blog of Juan Cole, a true Mid-east expert. This is a Post-Colonial mess with heroes and villians of every nationality. A good deed by the British gone horribly wrong. Until we look at that area with out the filter of religious, political or historical propoganda it's problems will never be solved.

  162. Brilliant! I could not agree with you more.
