So Chelsea got married today, and who cares? I know I don't.
What I do care about is the fact that yet another black poli-trickster is giving the clowns over at Radio Rwanda fodder for their next news cycle. Honestly, would it kill some of these black pols to just say no to the green- backs every now and then? I don't care if what they are doing is legal. I don't like the smell of ethical lapses. They should be way above such things.
Maxine Walters, like Harlem Charlie, did some good things in the past. And, because of that, I would sure hate to see these latest ethical issues taint their entire legacy. I guess if you are in Washington long enough it's inevitable that some of the stink from a very foul political system will get on you.
But I'm out. Back to civilization tomorrow.
Field, here is my comment in the previous thread:
ReplyDelete"Well, Maxine Waters is being charged with unethical practices in her job, much like Charles Range. At this rate, there won't be any Blacks left in Congress. It's very sad." anon 4:47 PM
You could have acknowledged the info.
How can Field acknowledge those who are too lazy to use a name on their comments?
ReplyDeleteThe Cheshire cat is getting married, who cares.
ReplyDeleteLaaudio, LOL! Oh what can I say. LOL!
ReplyDeleteHow you doing Granny?
ReplyDeleteI might be coming down with a little cold from change of climate, but other than that kid I'm doing great and you?
ReplyDeleteIs beck diggin into this with all his Goldline crap going on?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, is there one politician that isn't in this for the money and above reproach? I don't know anymore.
ReplyDeleteWe anons need to check your birth certificate because you seem a little weak-minded to be an American. We had a meeting and decided by a majority-anon vote that you are probably a foreigner and should be required to produce a birth certificate and have it posted in Field's sidebar.
We also would like to see Field's certificate, but it would be a waste of time trying to get it. Field is kinda like Obama when it comes to birth certificates..:D
Please tell me you wore argyle socks and knickers on the golf course... If you wore that I might forget about your Broad St. run promise.
ReplyDeleteOK, Anon. you are acknowledged.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hurt your feelings.
BTW, Gregory and I don't need no stinking birth certificates.
LOL@brohammas. Sorry bro, I won't go the Payne Stewart route. :)
La~audio is soooo cold. :)
Really, have we learned nothing from the Shirley Sherrod story? Nothing has happened regarding Walters that merited this comment: "would it kill some of these black pols to just say no to the green-backs every now and then? I don't like the smell of ethical lapses."
ReplyDeleteBased in published accounts, there is a good chance she did nothing wrong:
Waters came under scrutiny after former Treasury Department officials said she helped arrange a meeting between regulators and executives at Boston-based OneUnited Bank without mentioning her husband's financial ties to the institution.
Her husband, Sidney Williams, held at least $250,000 in the bank's stock and previously had served on its board. Waters' spokesman has said Williams was no longer on the board when the meeting was arranged.
Waters has said the National Bankers Association, a trade group, requested the meeting. She defended her role in assisting minority-owned banks in the midst of the nation's financial meltdown and dismissed suggestions she used her influence to steer government aid to the bank.
"I am confident that as the investigation moves forward the panel will discover that there are no facts to support allegations that I have acted improperly," Waters said in a prior statement.
On the face of it, there is nothing wrong with arranging a meeting between regulators and a bank. Would it kill some bloggers to reserve judgment until all the facts are in?
Waters and Rangel are good examples of what happens when a politician is in office too long without any meaningful opposition in their home districts. They all become complacent, start thinking rules don't apply to them, and the next thing you know they're being featured in stories about scandals of various sorts. It happens every year, sometimes it's Dems, sometimes it's Repugs, but it's as predictable as the sun coming up in the east -- years of accepting favors (or just plain cold cash)catches up with a Congress critter.
ReplyDeleteWaters has been getting singled out for many years by various nonpartisan watchdog groups like CREW as being one of the most corrupt members of Congress. I'm moderately surprised it's finally caught up with her.
Is it just me or are some people literally breaking their necks trying to find something, ANYTHING, to hang on the necks of black politicians?
ReplyDeleteI swear there's a concerted march towards discrediting blacks in office, with the current HNIC serving as points Alpha and Omega for the Teabagging faithful. If they can get rid of all black politicians except for the precious few willing to jig and shuck for the GOP while taking out Obama, that's the cherry on top of the fucking sundae for them.
Forget bringing back the Confederacy -- the Teabaggers want to bring back post-Reconstruction.
ReplyDeleteBrush that chip off your shoulder. Folks are literally breaking their necks to find something, anything wrong with ANY politician, it's the name of the game.
I'm more Pennsylvania Wilds myself however you gotta visit Centralia just to see the earth slowly reclaim itself
ReplyDelete@Anon - point taken. Folks are literally killing themselves to take out any politician, on real or made up crap. Its the French Revolution-esque environment caused by two wars and a lingering recession. Things aren't right in A-Merry-KKa, and (mostly white) folks are out for blood, whether it be moderate Congressional leaders, liberals, Latino Day Laborers, Obama's family, gay marriage, the Arab Deli owner down the block, whatever. "Whitey is pissed and somebody has gots to die!"
ReplyDeleteBut to Mack's point -- there appears to be a special focus on sniping of Black leaders who support Obama. Again, the GOP's goal is to do what God allow the Devil to do to Job; they'll do everything they can to harm him politically but they won't dare harm him physically. And if they can't find dirt on the President (does the man even have an overdue library book) then they'll go after his friends and allies.
Politics is a contact sport -- fun to watch and sometimes more fun to play, but will leave you battered if you're on the playing field.
There is a focus to end the careers of black politicians. It is interesting that it is happening during Obama's Presidency. Of course, Blacks have been weak politically for a long time until Obama surfaced and caused a freak political unification of Blacks.
ReplyDeleteNow is the time to weaken Blacks politically by getting rid of the Rangels and Waters and anybody else with political power.
Right wingers are very strong when it comes to doing that. They are strong because Dems are so weak and corrupt. One by one the Repubs will eliminate black politicians. By the end of Obama's tenure, there won't be anybody left with any power!
Don't blame the political system for these people's lack of character. Like the old saying goes: "If everyone jumps off a bridge, are you going to do it too?"
ReplyDeleteIf Maxine is guilty, then let her head roll!
"If Maxine is guilty, then let her head roll!"
ReplyDeleteAmen. It's time for her to go anyway. Btw, what has she done for her community and the Black Caucus anyway? for that matter, what has the Black Caucus done over the past 50 years? NOTHING.
Fire them all!
Absolute power corrupts. Color has nothing to do with it. We should have voted for term limits long time ago. We get the politians we deserve. It's a money thang!
ReplyDeleteMack Lyons:
ReplyDeleteYou are on target with your assessment, it is post-reconstruction all over again. The South came up with a way to get rid of all black politicians the same way they are doing it now during that time period too. President Obama ran on in a sense a President Lincoln theme, and it is the same game the Southern Politicians played back then to get rid of black politicians so that they could bring in Jim Crow. Nothing has changed in their stragedy. The GOP is not very creative as far as originally goes, but they are creative in smearing, slandering, race baiting, and lying. All folks have to do is go back and review history for the period of post-reconstruction and they'll see it for themselves, but they won't because it's too simple, right in their face, and right under their nose. And MSM is in on it.
You don't see or hear them blasting Vitter or Ensign right now under the microscope. In fact, they're making sure those two stay out of the light by throwing out two black substitutes. Maxine was already investigated, nothing was wrong, and they know it.
Brother Brohammas, LOL, you know that Field is hoping that we forget about that. LOL!
ReplyDelete"Absolute power corrupts. Color has nothing to do with it. We should have voted for term limits long time ago. We get the politians we deserve. It's a money thang!"
ReplyDeleteto many, it could look like it is a 'black thang'.
Right, it could look like a black thing. But instead of just getting mad, why not try a different perspective. Because of our history in this country, we are stuck in an angry, reactive, victim mode. My thing is to try and not be so emotional (reactive) and see things through a different screen. All behavior is learned. Everything is relative to the total context in which they occur. Just getting mad does nothing to heal and transcend the pain/past.
ReplyDeleteTI got married.
ReplyDeleteLAC: "But to Mack's point -- there appears to be a special focus on sniping of Black leaders who support Obama"
ReplyDeleteBullshit. The democrats control all branches of government and the vast majority of the media. Both of these cases have dragged on for a long time and appear to have merit.
There appears to be a high tolerance of corruption among black/liberal voters when it comes to black/liberal politicians. I guess the rationale is "as long as I'm gettin' mine, it's ok if you take some for yourself".
Reap what you have sown.
That's BS!
ReplyDelete"Brother Brohammas, LOL, you know that Field is hoping that we forget about that. LOL!"
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Granny, I know you won't forget.
anon, "There appears to be a high tolerance of corruption among black/liberal voters when it comes to black/liberal politicians. I guess the rationale is "as long as I'm gettin' mine, it's ok if you take some for yourself"."
ReplyDeleteIt's true, but you have to understand the black culture. there have been decades of political corruption in the black community, from Wash, DC to Baltimore to Detroit to Oakland...all across urban America where there is a concentration of Blacks. We have learned to live and accept the corruption. Those street pirates are a classic example: we accept them.
Finally, all you have to do is go back to other posts about Rangel and you will find posters who have said in words "exactly" what you are talking about. Agape2010 was a big supporter of Rangel and approved highly of his crookedness. But agape2010 wasn't the only one. There were others with the same mentality.
But again, you have to understand their moral compass of what they think is right, which is as long as Blacks get theirs, then it's ok for the corrupt politicians to take some for themselves. IT'S EXPECTED AMONG BLACK LIBERALS/DEMS!
Bush and Cheney's administration gave a new meaning to corruption, and they got away with theirs as if nothing happened. Was their corruption expected among WHITE WINGNUTS/GOP and are you really projecting how the folks on the right think; therefore, because this is the way the folks on the right minds works, it somehow means that everyone must think like that too. Puleeeeeeze, everyone is not as scandalous as rightwingerm, Fox We Make It Up News, and Teabaggers the people who the corruption logo belongs too and represents.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the GOP/RIGHTWINGERS, Fox We Make It Up News, and the teabaggers have yet to reap what they've sown. Trust me, when the time to reap comes theirs is gonna be a doosie and no one is gonna feel sorry for them either. I guarantee you that!
ReplyDeleteAhhh, Field...come on now you know granny might forget, maybe. *wink*
ReplyDeleteWell, for NOW, it's those corrupt black politicians who are reaping what they've sown. No need to futurize, let's just stay in the present, where God operates. HE doesn't like what black politicians have been doing from Detroit to Washington DC. And, I must say I am sick of them too.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I understand why you are want to minimize what they have done by looking at right wingers. It's cool. But the reality NOW is black politicians are dropping like flies. Why? For the very reasons anon10:20p and anon 11:48p spoke to.
Thank goodness there are some of us willing to face up to the wrongs of black politicians WITHOUT trying to justify and cover it up with 'past' and 'future' wrongs of right wingers.
The fact is, Waters and Rangel screwed Blacks...as far as I am concerned they should be driven out of politics cause they are worse than white racists.
Field is not going to make that run, so forget it. Philly lawyers don't do stuff like that...they just never tell the truth.
ReplyDelete"Well, for NOW, it's those corrupt black politicians who are reaping what they've sown. No need to futurize, let's just stay in the present, where God operates. HE doesn't like what black politicians have been doing from Detroit to Washington DC. And, I must say I am sick of them too."
ReplyDeleteWell why doesn't "God" just fix the problem and we won't need poli-tricksters?
"Bush and Cheney's administration gave a new meaning to corruption, and they got away with theirs as if nothing happened."
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly were the corruption allegations?
I am bothered this both Harlem Charlie and Sister Maxine's alleged ethicial lapses....What bothers me is that I feel that the inevitable charges of "racism" are coming (in fact, they have already started). Ethical lapses are ethical lapses and I don't care who does it. In this instance, you have 2 folks with relative "power" in a truly unequitable system...they [possibly] get caught with their hands in the cookie jar over some
ReplyDeleteb.s. (that quite possibly advances their own personal financial situtation and not the greater good---let's keep that in mind) and they cry racism, and of course, a significant portion of their constituents follow behind (along with the other members of the peanut gallery)...This is all troubling to me. I am willing to wait to hear all of the facts before rushing to judgment, but as with the post on Diddy, I am declining the charge of racism on this one. Field- can you get those cards back!?!?!?
ReplyDeletei love mw
but she is human
she has messed up before with assata shakur...
she will endure and recover
shame that cheney can start an illegal endless war EXPRESSLY to make billions via halliburton/bilk the gulf with BP
and catch less hell than maxine...
no justice
just us
ReplyDeletewake up!!!!
kings come in all races and they all trump all court jesters
"Well why doesn't "God" just fix the problem and we won't need poli-tricksters?"
ReplyDeleteHE is fixing the problem. That's why so many black corrupt politicians are losing their jobs.
I don't think Black politicians are any more crooked than White politicians, but I do think a lot of the Commenters here a too quick to white wash (pun intended)the crimes of the Black professional political class. Does the media focus too much on it? Probably. I'm still more offended by the billions given to Halliburton and Brown & Root during the course of the Iraq war than I am by any penny-ante game being played by Wranger or Waters.
ReplyDeleteI've got bigger political problems. My mayor is Ron Dellums. His first act as mayor was to get his salary increased by $100,000 a year because he just didn't think he could live on $150,000 salary.
"I've got bigger political problems. My mayor is Ron Dellums. His first act as mayor was to get his salary increased by $100,000 a year because he just didn't think he could live on $150,000 salary."
ReplyDeleteLove your show, but you got it wrong this time. I know the lady and I have witnessed her stand up for folks, particularly our folks that no one cares about. Full disclosure, she did it for me and my organization when the media, the Administration, and what felt like the world wanted to destroy us. She was skeptical and abrasive at first, but once she was convinced, she never backed down even though we as a non-profit gave her no advantage in helping us. Who do you think single handedly forced the $4 billion in NSP money for foreclosures. Who do you think was responsible for the new requirements that the bankers have to have minority contracting inclusion policies with teeth in the Financial Reform bill? I am not an apologist, but you make enemies trying to carve the pie more fairly. Her actions on behalf of black bankers is entirely consistent with her advocacy on behalf of black and minority interests. Love your work. Keep it coming.
Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!