Wednesday, September 01, 2010

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." And don't forget common criminals and charlatans.

So everyone is trying to get attention these days. Everyone wants to start a revolution. From politicians to well funded and organized disgruntled citizens, they are all channeling their inner Nat Turner. Some of them hold marches and some of them take hostages. WTF was up with James J. Lee, today? Apparently this nut job had problems with humans multiplying, and where the world was heading. (Welcome to the club, James, but you don't see the rest of us taking hostages and strapping bombs to our bodies.) And, if I am going to be fair, I have to rip wackos on the left as well as those on the right. My man seemed a little left leaning; a classic "tree hugger" gone mad. If that's the case maybe it's time the left started paying attention to some folks as well.

"Discovery officials are familiar with the suspect and his past protest at the building, Leavy said, at Lee's trial, The Gazette of Montgomery County reported, Lee said he began working to save the planet after being laid off from his job in San Diego.

He said he was inspired by "Ishmael," a novel by environmentalist Daniel Quinn, and by former Vice President Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."'

Poor James, he didn't have a radio and television program that reached millions like another deranged lunatic. All he had was a stinking web site which, until today, was not exactly pushing Kos and Drudge to lead the daily hit parade. I guess he found the ultimate way to get hits and get his message out, it cost him his life, but hey, here in A-merry-ca, some folks will do anything for their 15 minutes.
There are certain people whose 15 minutes should have been up a long time ago, but unlike James J. Lee, they are still around. They won't take just a few hostages in a suburban Washington building; no, these folks will take thousands upon thousands of hostages in the public square for all the world to see. But the difference between these hostages and the ones in Maryland today is this: the folks in Maryland today knew they were being held hostage; the folks who were at the National Mall on August 28, 2010, did not.


  1. Top. Field, in all honesty, this James Lee guys is the exception not the rule. Most hippie types are too lethargic and disorganized to pull this stuff off.

    James J Lee was a complete loon -- but he was also a loon with a screwball blog, not a loon with nationally syndicated radio and TV shows as well as a best selling book. He's not leading other wigged out Earth First psychos to march on DC with their granola and .45 Magnums in hand.

  2. co-sign with LAC!!!
    this is my county, and i'm not buying at all that he was a "classic tree hugger"--he was a lunatic. did you read his manifesto?

  3. maria said...

    co-sign with LAC!!!
    this is my county, and i'm not buying at all that he was a "classic tree hugger"--he was a lunatic. did you read his manifesto?
    9:17 PM

    Girl, I haven't read anything, heard anything or met anyone that crazy since a homeless guy in my hometown claimed that the mayor was a CIA plant. Hell my ex and her psycho momma were lightweights compared to this guy.

    Demand #2 was the first one that homeboy wasn't playing with a full deck:
    "All programs on Discovery Health-TLC must stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants and the false heroics behind those actions. In those programs' places, programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility must be pushed. All former pro-birth programs must now push in the direction of stopping human birth, not encouraging it."

    Wow, even NARAL ain't down for sterilizing women. But it gets worse. Point #
    11. You're also going to find solutions for unemployment and housing. All these unemployed people makes me think the US is headed toward more war.

    The problem is that he demands a TV station, not the government fixes these problems. Again, as my momma would say, that man needs Jesus!!

  4. sad thing is he didn't get treatment when he came to their attention in 2008, or if he did, it didn't stick. this guy was as a walking time bomb.

    that said, i've been disgusted with discovery ever since they announced plans for sarah palin's alaska show and those as ab would say--turbo breeders--who keep having kids with the letter J? i think he was talking about them. what they are doing is child abuse. their kids are raising each other, and they keep pushing them out.

    it's gross.

  5. I'm just waiting to see how long it will take some of the people on this thread to turn this into a 'Black man vs. Black woman' or 'Black people are the worst' conversation.

    I know the odds are against them being able to do it on this particular post but somehow I'm sure they will overcome the odds.

  6. Maria and LAC, I am ust trying to be "Fair And Balanced" :)

  7. Anonymous10:10 PM

    "If that's the case maybe it's time the left started paying attention to some folks as well."

    Good idea, Field. Unfortunately, some of you lefties will merely write this left wing guy as just crazy, but not really a 'true' left wing person.... I bet some of you protesters running back and forth from NYC to DC probably knew his ass.

    Maria and LAC you two are in a dream world not of this planet. So you can knock off the BS about tree huggers, cause there aren't any. Lefties are as every bit as mean-spiritied as Satan.

    Lee was NOT some 'exception' in the party he belonged to. Hell, you folks even tried to sneak in a sex offender into Congress recently...remember?

    If anything, Lee is probably your typical IMMORAL LEFT ATHEIST these days. That's why Dems are going to lose BIG. You have no moral boundaries and you don't believe in anything bigger than yourselves.

    Just on this blog alone, some of you are so insane psychiatrists don't even have a rating for you in the DMZ IV. Some of you are so crazy that you are 'off-the-chart.

  8. Anon. 10:10 pm, here I was trying to find a Kumbaya moment and you go and get all mean spirited with us "lefties" That ain't right!

  9. The Christian Progressive Liberal10:17 PM

    See, I live one mile from the Discovery Channel building, and Colesville Rd was on lockdown until 6:00pm.

    Mr. Lee is DEAD. The Montgomery County Po-po, with assistance from Maryland State Police, shot him and he died on the way to the hospital.

    The hostages got out safely. All that's left is to defuse what Mr. Lee left behind because one of his canisters started smoking when they shot him.

    I want to know how the Reich-Wing is going to spin this and blame Obama for the fact that people in this country are snapping and can't take anymore bullshyt.

  10. Anonymous10:19 PM

    LAC, "Again, as my momma would say, that man needs Jesus!!"

    What the hell do you folks know about Jesus?

    You are anti-God, as maria and some of the rest of you have consistently said. That makes some of you the sickest craziest self-centered fools on the planet.

    You fooled Americans with your claims to have a 'faith' in 2008. But that was just to get Obama elected. But now, EVERYONE knows your game.

  11. Anonymous10:22 PM

    "Anon. 10:10 pm, here I was trying to find a Kumbaya moment and you go and get all mean spirited with us "lefties" That ain't right!"

    LOL. you are funny. Try a kumbaya moment when the right screws up. More people would be inclined to believe your sincerity.

  12. Whitey11:25 PM

    Yeah, I don't think his attitude about immigrants is exactly "left" there FN. Show me lefties going off the edge.

  13. pierced11:25 PM

    @The Christian Progressive Liberal:

    I'm in Anne Arundel County - did you hear this guy "made it rain" in front of the Discovery Channel Building back in 2008.

    People knocking each other over to get to the loot - this guy was really loony tunes.

  14. James Jay Lee was an extremist YES, but I do not believe he was "mentally unstable" or "mentally ill" as the media portrays ALL PEOPLE who take drastic action in support of their ideals to be. Do I support his agenda? No... HOWEVER, I think the "mentally ill" label is stuck on ANYONE who is passionate about their beliefs in order to discount the kernel of truth that may be found within. And, there WAS some truth in this man's manifesto. But, that will be overshadowed by the "mentally unstable" label, just like they did in the cases of Omar Thornton (whose actions were backed up by FAR MORE truth than Lee's) and Colin Ferguson. Using the label "mentally imbalanced" allows the public to discard ALL of the persons ideology DESPITE any veracity contained therein. To me, a person who is willing to sign up to be a soldier and kill or be killed for so called "American values" is just as "mentally unstable" as James Jay Lee.

  15. Oh, and this dude was really not left wing or right wing, if you read his manifesto, he pulls from both ends of the spectrum.... his ONLY concern is the environment, not liberalism or conservatism.

  16. coffee and cigarettes12:06 AM

    Anon 10:10 and 10:19 pm...

    I don't need the reward of heaven and fear of hell to give me moral boundaries! I'm fine doing good things for the sake of doing good..not because I think i will get some kind of award in the afterlife.

    Anon if you act ethically only because you think you'll be rewarded and you refrain from doing bad only because you fear punishment..well that doesnt speak very highly of your actions does it. And if you need a book to tell you what is right and what is wrong, well then I'm slightly worried about your own inner moral compass.

    And NO, i don't need anybody higher than me. Call if self-centred, but I have love for all of humanity not for an abstract notion of a god. NO I dont feel the need to worship a diety..if you do thats cool, unlike YOU i respect that and I won't pass judgement.

  17. coffee and cigarettes12:08 AM


  18. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Yeah, that's the way Lee felt..exactly like Coffee & Cigarettes. If there is no after life, then there is no point to this one.

    If humans are the alfa and omega of the universe, then anything goes. That's why it's important to take the country back out of the hands of immoral people like you who think they are the beginning and end of the universe.

  19. Have you seen this story yet Mr. Field?

  20. coffee and cigarettes1:02 AM

    since religious people have been responsible for things like the crusades, the witch hunts, slavery, justfying slavery and sexism based on biblical quotes in the past..and for 9/11, the invasion of Iraq, the taliban regime, the FDLS community, unequivocal support of israel no matters its actions, south african apartheid, molesting thousands of young boys etc more recently..i really wouldn't talk if i was you.

    Notice i said religious people and not religion. Religion can be twisted and used to suit peoples own ends, perversions and selfish desires..and it can also be used for good and kindness. it just depends on the person following it. That is why there is a difference between christians like yourself and christians like LAC or mell. just like there is a difference between athiests like many on this board and then athiests like No Slappz.

  21. Anonymous1:15 AM

    "That is why there is a difference between christians like yourself and christians like LAC or mell. just like there is a difference between athiests like many on this board and then athiests like No Slappz."

    I am not a Christian, but you sound like you know a lot about God even though you don't believe in God. That's odd and self-centered.

  22. Whitey1:54 AM

    Has anyone else noticed that the people who've figured out what God thinks find that he agrees with them?

  23. "Has anyone else noticed that the people who've figured out what God thinks find that he agrees with them?"

    Yeah, funny how that works. God is an A-merry-can, and he doesn't like lefties.

    "If there is no after life, then there is no point to this one."

    Ahhh yes there is; the "point" is that you are living in it, NOW. And I don't think he really believes what he says. You are right, folks like this guy might actually believe in what they are doing.

    Liz, thanks for that link.

    Joanna, I think Beckkk is mentally unstable.

  24. no mentally stable person would have done what he did!

  25. i'm speaking to joanna, but beck fits...

  26. James J. Lee had a cause he was willing to live for, and to die for. Some might call that a total commitment, a commitment that led to a Phoenix-like ending for him--a willingness to be consumed by the fire of his convictions, with the outside chance that those convictions might rise from his ashes with a new life.

    He was wrong, of course.

    His convictions will be buried alongside his body--such is our attention span in this digital age, where the competition is fierce for our hearts, and minds.

    For all of Glenn Beck's pretend passion, and his holding back of fake tears, I don't see him giving his all, as did James, at all, for that in which he believes, if he believes in anything at all, other than the money he gets to deposit in a bank account with his name on it.

  27. you can die for your convictions without taking out others with you. he held innocent people hostage with enough propane to kill lots of them. is this ok?

    i guess i'm not getting why this lunatic isn't getting condemnation for what he did. he's no martyr to the cause of environmentalism.

  28. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Using the label "mentally imbalanced" allows the public to discard ALL of the persons ideology DESPITE any veracity contained therein. To me, a person who is willing to sign up to be a soldier and kill or be killed for so called "American values" is just as "mentally unstable" as James Jay Lee.Joanna

    Mentally unstable means mentally unstable! Joanna you're so into being non judgmental that you actually believe that lunatic fringe MURDERER wasn't crazy? Craziness means you disregard the innate rights of others to suit your goals. That is why slavery was immoral AND crazy and that is why the DC sniper was wrong, each believed in stripping the innate rights of others to suit some ideological and or commercial framework.

    People who willingly oppress and or MURDER others ARE mentally unstable. People who care about the locale in which they live are concerned citizens. Just because you may not agree with US foreign policy does not make people who sign up as soldiers mentally ill. Without them who would defend the country against incursions?

    BTW, some DO equate his particular brand of environmentalism with the extreme left. I used to live in San Francisco and there is an air of misanthropy in the air with many people. I routinely heard things like "There are too many people on the planet", the self same people who say that are quick to talk shit about people who have kids like the resident lesbian asshole on this blog, calling people 'breeders' and stuff like that. And SF is not a kid friendly city either. All of this to say that the mentally ill label is appropriate when describing people who disregard the rights of others. That guy deserved to die.

  29. Ooops I forgot to sign my name 813AM

  30. field, you posted:

    He said he was inspired by "Ishmael," a novel by environmentalist Daniel Quinn, and by former Vice President Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."'

    So this nut was inspired by Al Gore and Daniel Quinn, while Poplawski was inspired by Glenn Beck.

    Is Free Speech too dangerous for Americans? Does it provoke violence by people on the fringe of society?

    Or can we acknowledge that crazy people exist and sometimes commit violence?

  31. coffee and cigarettes wrote:

    just like there is a difference between athiests like many on this board and then athiests like No Slappz.

    Add another descriptive to the list. I've been identified as a woman, a Jew, a black, and now -- an athiest.

    Seems I am versatile, a handy example of whatever example you need. A rare type of human chameleon.

  32. no_slappz

    However you ARE a Jew Slappy.

    You tried to finesse me when I quizzed you for an answer but you're Jewish.

    A regular "Uncle Jake".

    And for those who are unfamiliar with the term, an Uncle Jake is the Jewish equivalent of the Uncle Tom.

    A confused self-hating creature who adopts the negative language and attitudes of the dominant society toward his own community and other minorities.

    No_slappz claims that he would be proud to be a Jew if he were but he says he isn't. Even though he is. Self-hatred.

    Then we all know his toxic attitude toward blacks.

    Identifying with the larger society.

    Distancing himself from so-called "outgroups"

    Getting his "whiteguy" card punched.

  33. uptownsteve, you wrote:

    No_slappz claims that he would be proud to be a Jew if he were but he says he isn't. Even though he is.

    Wow. Okay, you tell me what my background says about me.

    My paternal Austrian great-grandfather was Jewish. He came to the US in the late 1800s and landed on the Lower East Side. My grandfather -- his son -- was born to two Jewish parents in NY City. My paternal grandfather was a non-religious Jew.

    He met my grandmother in the Bronx. She was a Lutheran who'd been born in Sweden and had moved to the US as a child. Not a Jew.

    Eventually they got together but never married. Their relationship produced my father. Thus, if you believe in Jewish genes, he was half Jewish.

    When my half-Jewish father was 21, he met my mother, an Episcopalian whose entire family came from England. No Jews.

    When my father was about to leave NY City for army boot camp, my mother told him she was pregnant. They were not married. As a result, she surrendered me for adoption.

    I was adopted by an Episcopalian couple and raised accordingly. Meanwhile, I knew nothing of my Jewish roots until I was in my 30s.

    So how Jewish am I? If you accept the theory of Jewish genes, then to me it looks like one-quarter.

    If nurture and environment are the prime determinants, then my Jewishness drops to zero.

    What do you think?

  34. I knew that you would jump all over my last post slappy.

    This is like shooting fish in a barrell.

    You see, I've run into a lot of your type on these boards over the years.

    Especially on sites like and

    Malcolm X once said that you could blindfold him in front of an audience and just by the hypersenstivity and shrillness in their voices he could tell you who the Jews were.

    I know, I know.

    You're not really Jewish.

    You're just a regular white guy.

  35. "Apparently this nut job had problems with humans multiplying, and where the world was heading. "

    Wasn't he a 'descendant' of China? Yeah he would know. And why didn't he do it over there?

    I'm also sick of the multiplying irresponsibly and destroying the planet etc etc., but James J. Lee wasn't any different from the 9/11 suicide bombers. Good riddance.

  36. uptownsteve, you wrote:

    I know, I know. You're not really Jewish. You're just a regular white guy.

    It's okay with me if you think I'm Jewish. But to make your view work, it appears you believe there are Jewish genes. I think there are too. It also seems you believe in the "one-drop" rule of Jewish blood.

    Anyway, regarding Malcolm X, the Professor Higgins of the Jewish voice -- he probably said "oy vey" the moment those black Nation of Islam shooters blasted him with shotguns in the Audobon Ballroom.

  37. fn:

    just as it petrifies me that anyone can watch the evil serial deeds of hobama and claim he is disliked ONLY because he is black...

    i am equally petrified by anyone who would look at the droves of poor abused neglected children all over the world today and somehow surmise:

    "we need more unwanted babies so badly that i must personally police wombs and kill other former babies/adults for attn etc"



  39. lac:

    you love to bash hippies.

    is it because they are all clearly smarter than you?

  40. no_slappz

    "Anyway, regarding Malcolm X, the Professor Higgins of the Jewish voice -- he probably said "oy vey" the moment those black Nation of Islam shooters blasted him with shotguns in the Audobon Ballroom."


    Yitzak Rabin probably said "what da fuck" when the Orthodox Jew put one in his head.

  41. ditto c&c:

    only stupid evil people need religions to tell them what to do and who to hate etc

  42. ie

    as usual in all arenas, diced icy icy is the most evil and the most religious person herein.

    i rest my case.

  43. hey uts:

    clueless lost mongrels like you could learn a lot from jews:


    financial wisdom


    reverence for heroes and martyrs like huey and malcolm and mumia...


    how dare u bash them!!!

  44. coffee and cigarettes10:40 AM

    Well ns you have stated your disbelief in religion quite a few times when its been brought up. maybe your just agnostic. whatever. or maybe you are religious, but you just enjoy being an asshole to others so much that you change your beliefs dependent on what would be the best arrogant response

  45. uptownsteve,

    Neither Rabin nor his assassin claimed to know the vocal and linguistic characteristics of American blacks. That knowledge has no value.

    But Malcolm, like most blacks, was in awe of Jews, unable to understand how Jews could advance while blacks got nowhere. So it seems he went negative. As negative as it's possible to go. He went muslim.

    It's hard to go more negative than following the lunacy of islam. If there's one faith that guarantees its followers will go backwards, it's islam.

  46. uts:


    rich jews teach their children every detail of the holocaust & "never again"...

    you teach your gated hood rich kids how to keep green lawns & "go hobama"...


  47. coffee and cigarettes,

    With respect to labeling my relationship with religion, the best label is probably -- agnostic.

    However, I am anti-muslim. It is a religion/government that has been the ruination of billions of people and every nation in which it dominates. The widespread misery it creates says all that needs to be said.

  48. ns:

    malcolm DID understand that jews had unity and white skin!!!

    they were never taught to hate themselves for centuries like black americans


    to be fair,
    the NOI has very little to do with islam.

    and malcolm denounced the NOI to the point of their collaboration with the cia in his murder

    you really have MUCH to learn about malcolm.

    fix that asap!

  49. ps:

    all religions were created by sexist human men

    i hate all religions equally

  50. no slappz

    "Neither Rabin nor his assassin claimed to know the vocal and linguistic characteristics of American blacks"

    Nor did Malcolm claim to know such about Jews.

    However there is a distinct character to the racism of anti-black Jews that I've encountered on these boards and I'm sure Malcolm saw during his travails.

    The self-righteousness, hypersensitivity and most of all, as Auntie AB seems to aping today, a falseand unfavorable comparison of the Jewish experience to the black experience.

    First big discrepancy, Jews were slave owners in the Western Hemisphere.

    Did blacks ever own Jews?

  51. uts/uncle ruckus:

    you are even more inept and pathetic than usual today...long night?

    u need maria!

    where is she????


    you would be the perfect kapo in a concentration camp

    happy to lord over the other jews doomed to die just because you have a special shiny gate on your cage...shame!

  52. uts:

    white men owned slaves too

    but that does not stop you from being a loyal black buck for maria in 2010 nwo does it?

    blacks like you owned slaves too...and???
    your point is???

    hobama's mammy is white and you are his slave!!!

  53. uts:

    only a black fool would degrade the jewish experience as they compare it to the colorist/turbo bred/suicidal/hobama adoring/hobama impoverished/lost legacy of the ONGOING MORE RABIDLY THAN EVER BEFORE AFRICAN-AMERICAN HOLOCAUST...

    as always,
    u will be easily slain herein as you dare to do so.

    jews survived their holocaust and run the world.

    blacks like you are being lynched and enslaved anew by hobama and loving it and him!

  54. Anonymous12:12 PM

    shut up u bullheaded buceta head!

  55. M. Rigmaiden said...
    Mentally unstable means mentally unstable! Joanna you're so into being non judgmental that you actually believe that lunatic fringe MURDERER wasn't crazy? Craziness means you disregard the innate rights of others to suit your goals. That is why slavery was immoral AND crazy and that is why the DC sniper was wrong, each believed in stripping the innate rights of others to suit some ideological and or commercial framework.

    People who willingly oppress and or MURDER others ARE mentally unstable. People who care about the locale in which they live are concerned citizens. Just because you may not agree with US foreign policy does not make people who sign up as soldiers mentally ill. Without them who would defend the country against incursions?

    Mahndisa, welcome back girl, how you been? How's everything going on the school/work front?

    Anyway, even a tree hugger like me is gonna call crazy, well, crazy. The man was obsessed with overpopulation and showed a general disdain for humanity. His comments were all over the place. And his target was of all places, a nature channel.

    The difference is that most environmentalists don't encourage violence. And for the most part, the most unstable progressive elements don't run progressive movements. There are nuts in every group.

    The difference is that most rational people will admit that this guy is one lone nutcase. There isn't a mass hysterical where people are encourage to carry weapons. You're not going to see eco-terrorists equivalent of a Tea Party anytime soon.

  56. I do not expect many people to believe as I do. However, whether I believe in the same cause as James Lee or not, I see his PASSION for his cause... he may be an EXTREMIST, but he was not mentally unstable or mentally ill. He was not a nutjob or a kook. He was a man with a message. He wanted to get that message out, and his was willing to sacrifice his life to do so. WHETHER I AGREE WITH HIS SPECIFIC MESSAGE OR NOT, I HAVE TO ADMIRE THAT. How many of us would be willing to stand up for what we believe in to that degree? How many people are willing to give their lives to make the world a better place? The reporter who interviewed him described him as calm and rational sounding. HE WANTED TO GET HIS MESSAGE OUT. He had been evaluated, and found to have NOT MENTAL ILLNESS OR DEFECT. And, since no one died, I have to disagree with whoever classified him as a murderer.

  57. i'm stunned.

    so, you think a mentally stable person would strap propane tanks to their body and walk into an office building, guns blazing and take hostages?

    joanna, you might need to see a shrink yourself!

  58. Joanna, the people we now coin as terrorist also have a cause. People who blow up abortion clinics also have a cause.

    And you don't have to murder anyone in order to be a terrorist or a menace to society. He was a potential mass murderer at best. I don't think he was "crazy" either, I think he was much more of a monster. We are talking about hostages, guns and explosives. That deliberate ordeal causes fear and trauma to innocent people.

    I would never admire anyone who would endanger other people's lives because they have a cause. We all have our own causes.

  59. I do not coin ANYONE as a "terrorist". Nelson Mandela was called a terrorist. Was he? Not in my book! The "patriot's" who rebelled against England to "found" this nation could be considered "terrorists". Do I admire James Lee SPECIFICALLY? Not necessarily because his cause it not mine... but I do not dismiss him as a "loon" or "mentally ill" because I hope some day that if it came down to it, I would have to same strength to support my cause in the face of death and hatred from others.

  60. "The "patriot's" who rebelled against England to "found" this nation could be considered "terrorists".

    Well they were. Look at what they did to the Native Americans and my African Ancestors.

    "but I do not dismiss him as a "loon" or "mentally ill" because I hope some day that if it came down to it, I would have to same strength to support my cause in the face of death and hatred from others."

    You are right, I don't think he was a "loon", but I don't think anyone should look at him as some heroic "rebel" with a cause either.

    He simply needed a "cause" to channel his own angry bitter vengeful agenda. I bet if he wasn't so down on his luck he wouldn't have cared who was multiplying or who was chopping down the trees. Like I said good riddance.

  61. Joanna a terrorist is someone who disregards the rights of others to pursue their agenda like killing people. If that enviro killer wasn't a lunatic then what was he? A misanthrope instead? I agree with LAA that fellow deserved his fate because he felt it was okay to kill others who were innocents. He gets no wall of martyrdom here! Nelson Mandela is a bad example because he wasn't championing mass murder to solve aparthied and was only considered a terrorist because he threatened social order with his rhetoric. Killers going on sprees are terrorists. Nelson Mandela is a righteous man and always was.

  62. Joanna extremists are mentally unstable as soon as they feel like its okay to kill innocents for their cause. Plain and simple. Stop making excuses for assholes. Shit, the guy who killed that abortion doctor in his church was passionate and had a good reason for what he did. I can see the passion,but still know what he did was wrong because he has blood on his hands and ostensibly that's why he hated the abortion doc. Wrong is wrong is wrong. We can all see that. Stop looking through rose coloured lenses!

  63. I am not making excuses and I am not saying he was right. I am simply saying that he should not be dismissed as mentally unstable or mentally ill. Perhaps he is not the best example. A better example would be Omar Thornton. He was written off as being mentally unstable so that people did not have to recognize his actions for what they were... a legitimate response to harmful stimuli in his environment. As for the "American revolutionaries" YES, they were EVIL men, but they are considered HEROES not TERRORIST for standing up for their beliefs, while a Palestinian man who resorts to a violent action in order to attempt to free HIS people is looked upon as a "terrorist" and deemed "mentally unstable". I am NOT just referring to James Lee in this case. I am referring to ALL PEOPLE who stand up for their beliefs in a way that is deemed unacceptable. They are quickly deemed unstable or ill to negate any legitimate point that may underlie their actions.

  64. And Maria, by claiming I need to see a shrink you are displaying the classic tactic I am speaking of... question the mental stability of anyone who holds strong beliefs that are different from your own.

  65. Joanna, I defined mental illness and what I'm trying to figure out is why it's such a bad term to you. Somebody isn't right in the head if they think its okay to shit on you to get something for themselves; they are called AMORAL and in other contexts sociopaths which are considered character flaws and mental illness.

  66. uptownsteve, you wrote:

    First big discrepancy, Jews were slave owners in the Western Hemisphere.

    stevie, you just love fiction. Where did you get that gem?

    Did blacks ever own Jews?

    Inasmuch as blacks have owned almost nothing since arriving in the Western Hemisphere, you can correctly conclude they did not own Jews.

  67. Yes Jews owned Blacks as slaves you liar! Go to and look up the Altheimers of Pine Bluff Arkansas. They were German Jews who owned slaves and their ancestors both mixed and white Jewish are alive to this day and some acknowledge the connection. NS is a pitiful lying creature who makes shit up as he goes along.

  68. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I'm sure Joanna wouldn't mind if someone with a passionate hatred of body piercings beat the crap out of her, and ripped those piercings out, either.

    Scary to know people like her might be standing right behind you in the checkout line.

  69. joana, you wrote:

    while a Palestinian man who resorts to a violent action in order to attempt to free HIS people is looked upon as a "terrorist" and deemed "mentally unstable".

    You are a moron. Palestinians are free, except from the torment of islam.

    The Gaza Strip is a palestinian country with its very own government -- a totally incompetent government that in its charter states its goal of destroying Israel and driving all Jews out of the middle east.

    Arab muslims who live in Israel have the same rights as the Jewish citizens of Israel. So exactly what terror do you think they need freeing from?

  70. M Rigmaiden- Just to clarify I mentioned Nelson Mandela being defined as a "terrorist" to explain one of the reasons I DO NOT use the term "terrorist". Anyone who takes action based on their strongly held ideals is deemed a "terrorist" at some point, usually unfairly.

    Anyway, as to the "mental illness" thing. It is a bad term to me because it is used to negate the contributions of people whose minds may word differently or whose opinions vary from the norm. Psychiatry is used largely to control free thinkers and tell individuals who have been diagnosed as mentally ill that they are "less than" the rest of the population. The label "mentally ill" is used to demean and diminish individuals and allows LEGAL DISCRIMINATION against a certain subgroup of people. Shall I continue?

  71. m rigmaiden writes:

    Killers going on sprees are terrorists.

    No. Killers going on sprees may "terrorize" everyone in the area, but they are NOT terrorists.

    Terrorists are part of a group or belief system that has goals. Those goals usually involve changing things, often in political terms.

    The nut at the Discovery Channel has one or two of the prerequisites for being a terrorist, but not all.

    He was not part of any group and he was not advancing any belief system other than his own loony ideas. That makes him a lone, obsessed nut. Nothing more.

    As his family members said, he had for years shown signs of derangement and mental instability.

    Al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization and its members are terrorists. They share a common cause and they have shown they are willing to die for their cause. It's good they're willing to die, because that means they accept their fates when they meet the US military, which is also staffed by people who believe in their mission.

    But being a lone nut with a grievance is not enough to qualify as a terrorist.

  72. Gregory3:52 PM

    Check this out, you may find it quite amusing.


    Elsewhere, did you see where Glen Beck was busted for his outrageous lie that he held George Washington's original inaugural address is his twitching little hands?
    Glenn Beck's George Washington Whopper

  73. joanna--by any chance would you happen to be a scientologist? some of your beliefs about mental illness and psychiatrists strike me as similar to their's.

  74. Joanna, don't conflate pop psychiatry and the damage it causes with those who are legitimate practioners of the craft and who can guide a person out of difficulties. Best believe people who have been traumatized do have a mental condition like ptsd this is not an imagined illness; it is very real. And there are techniques that are non medicinal that have been effective in treating this malady but its a sickness in the mind alright. This is from personal experience.

    And yes, the media, the pop psychiatry bandwagon and the powers that be have also used the field as a tool to degrade people who think outside of the box. But you're conflating two issues.

    Anyone who blatantly disregards the innnate rights of others IS MEnTALLY ILL! If you have a conscience you won't feel right about taking innocent lives.

    If you want to cite an example of someone with honor and integrity that has passion,think about the Buddhist monk who set himself on fire over Vietnam. He didn't harm anybody else but himself and he did it to prove a point. He did not trample over the rights or lives of anybody else but himself.

    That guy had integrity.

    The other guy you cite was a self absorbed misanthropic narcissist ie he was mentally ill.

  75. So ns what about those Arkansas Jews who owned slaves? You didn't say shit about that you liar. You aren't worth responding to anymore.

  76. i disagree strongly that "the left" bares responsibility in any way for this. go over to the Friendly Atheist and read the report there from someone who actually knew the guy. Bottom line: he was mentally unbalanced and happened to hold a few leftist and also some not so leftist political positions, but he's not representative of some group or movement on the left. it's obvious that the corporate and right wing media are going to use this to scream "eco terrorist!" and "liberal fascist!" 100 times a day until everyone is really really scared of them, however. sorry to see you fall for it. "the left" is not organized from the top down, given fax blasts or what to think and say on any given issue, and funded by billionaires. it's made of up of diverse people, including the occasional mentally unhealthy person. the right is quite a different thing, and in terms of their control of the media, this story is proof. one "leftist" "terrorist" "proves" there are more out there. lots and lots of them. which is counter to reality, in which most domestic terrorists have right wing views.

    no one or organization on the left is actively calling for the takeover of the discovery channel. seriously, that's so absurd it's laughable. there ARE right wing organizations calling for the destruction of the federal government, abortion clinics, etc. talk about this guy all you want, but recognize his politics were all his own. if he had a party, it's the "crazy people" party.

  77. actually ns:

    since there is no pure race

    and blacks owned slaves who may have had jewish blood

    it is possible that blacks owned mixed race jews


    nelson mandela is a sell out

    a legend who was once a warrior

    but today
    a sell out

    from bloody shanty towns per his ex wife queen winnie
    to blood diamonds per naomi campbell..


  78. ns:

    as you study malcolm

    add black wealth to your list

    blacks own far mroe than you know

    and as we typically tend to be selfish and envious like uts and mostly rabid, you will find very few unfied empire as jewish dynasties...

    you will find MUCH black wealth
    both current and historical

    and much of it is torched and destroyed by poor selfish and envious whites like

  79. M. Rigmaiden- Are you referring to Omar Thornton as a "self absorbed misanthropic narcissist"?? A man who was being TORMENTED by coworkers and attempted to go through the proper channels on numerous occasions to report the harassment? Who, as a LAST RESORT, killed the people who DROVE HIM to the desperate act of suicide? It seems to me that if things are that bad that you have to resort to the extreme measure of killing yourself, it is NOT an irrational act to take out the people who BROUGHT YOU TO THAT POINT. Make no mistake there were NO INNOCENT VICTIMS at Hartford Distributors.

  80. maria said...
    "you can die for your convictions without taking out others with you. he held innocent people hostage with enough propane to kill lots of them. is this ok?

    "i guess i'm not getting why this lunatic isn't getting condemnation for what he did. he's no martyr to the cause of environmentalism."

    Maria, I could have gone for James' jugular, but don't you think that his actions spoke for themselves, and that he was self-condemned?

    Rather, I pointed out, perhaps what's not so obvious: for all James sacrificed to make his convictions known, his actions came to naught:

    "His convictions will be buried alongside his body...."

    I pointed out why, making a larger point about the state of our society: We're caught up in matters that, when taken altogether, allow us to avoid those issues for which he supposedly died--the condition of the planet and our contribution to it.

    We don't wish to be bothered with that: We have Dancing with the Stars, and Jersey Shore to distract us: "such is our attention span in this digital age, where the competition is fierce for our hearts, and minds."

    Further, I made a somewhat oblique, and not so oblique, statement about another who is grabbing the headlines, Glenn Beck.

    For all the large numbers of humanity who watch Beck daily, and who were moved to come to Washington, D.C. at his behest, supposedly to be enlightened, they, too, were distracted by the glitz, and the neon lights of celebrity.

    These Beck followers came to see a man who's already shown, at least to my satisfaction, that he's not a man of conviction, but that didn't stop the crowd from sidling as close to him as was humanly possible--as Field pointed out--to be his willing hostage, with nothing more than the platitudes we hear from televangelists on any given day.

    It's not surprising that John Hagee was in the audience, probably Beck's spiritual mentor.

    And one, such as Beck, without the convictions of James, could, by sacrificing less, command what James couldn't, notwithstanding James' mental state, and unfortunate actions:

    "For all of Glenn Beck's pretend passion, and his holding back of fake tears, I don't see him giving his all, as did James, at all, for that in which he believes, if he believes in anything at all, other than the money he gets to deposit in a bank account with his name on it."

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. ns:

    busy day
    excuse all the typos


    blacks own far MORE than you know

    and as we typically tend to be selfish and envious like uts and mostly rabid, you will find very few UNIFIED empires as jewish dynasties...

  83. Anonymous4:58 PM

    stay on topic u ugly cow and stop trying to divert discussions to ur likes dumbass
    buceta breath wannabe intellectual coward

    *parola chrick*

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. joanna said: "who, as a LAST RESORT, killed the people who DROVE HIM to the desperate act of suicide? It seems to me that if things are that bad that you have to resort to the extreme measure of killing yourself, it is NOT an irrational act to take out the people who BROUGHT YOU TO THAT POINT. Make no mistake there were NO INNOCENT VICTIMS at Hartford Distributors."

    let me see if i understand what you are saying: he had the right to murder people who are said to have been racists and treated him badly? also, it wasn't a last resort, if he had never filed a grievance claiming racism. he was about to lose his job, and he snapped.

    so killing is rational if you feel aggrieved about certain things?

    how far would you take this? is it ok to kill if say your neighbor leaves trash on your lawn, cuts down your hedge, vandalizes your car? honestly, where do you draw the line?

    isn't murder always WRONG and against law, except in self-defense, in which case it's not murder?

    don't mistake what happened here. had they gotten the discovery guy out alive, my guess is attempted murder and kidnapping would have been among the charges.

    and you didn't answer my question about whether you were a scientologist or not.

    i would equate the discovery channel guy to the guy who drove his plane into an IRS building a few months ago. he killed himself and one person-- black man, incidentially.

    if you read his "manifesto," some of it definitely made sense.

    but did it free him from accountability for the death and destruction he wrought on IRS workers?

    and when people snap to call attention to their claims, the claims lose importance, they, in fact, do nothing but hurt their own "cause."

  86. Joanna it is clear that we don't see eye to eye on this issue and that your views are so out of phase with mine that we ought not engage each other on this matter. And I actually meant that the James Lee guy was a misanthropic narcissist but I also feel that the guy you reference was guilty too. Nobody ever has a right to kill anyone else. Killing people is not a right and it inherently strips them of their humanity.

    You're trying to prove a point that makes no sense.

  87. and when people snap to call attention to their claims, the claims lose importance, they, in fact, do nothing but hurt their own "cause."Maria

    You're right as rain on this Maria. Enough said.

  88. 'It seems to me that if things are that bad that you have to resort to the extreme measure of killing yourself, it is NOT an irrational act to take out the people who BROUGHT YOU TO THAT POINT"

    I am not arguing or disagreeing with anyone, I just want to point a few things out. It seems to me one should find another job or move on before things get to the point where you would go on a mass shooting.

    While I agree there may not have been "innocent" victims in that case (or maybe there was, bullets have no specific targets), I suspect its also a combination of interpersonal confrontations in which Thornton may also have blame to take. Something of that drastic magnitude does not happen over night. Anger management problems and egos can be a killer (no pun).

    It could have been a loved one in that building. Again, it wasn't overnight. Thornton had other choices, it didn't have to go that route. When people can't get their way for what ever reason, this is what can happen. Devil's advocate: Feelings of being wronged or harassed can also be subjective. Where do you draw the line.

  89. No Maria I am not a Scientologist, and yes, M. Rigmaiden, I guess we will have to agree to respectfully disagree, but I appreciate that we can debate and discuss without resorting to personal attacks....

  90. no_slappz

    "stevie, you just love fiction. Where did you get that gem?"

    Read up slappy

  91. fn:

    the vulgar retarded dl stalker mr may be unable to see your posts.

    she is glaringly unable to follow and comprehend topic flow...
    that may be why she never has anything to say about what you post herein...

  92. MOST manifestos of MOST alleged "psychos" are filled with sanity...

    that includes those of valerie solanas and the genius unabomber ted kaczynski

  93. Yes Joanna it is all good. Only those with limited mental capacity resort to personal attacks! Your perspective is different to say the least but at least you've articulated it. No harm no foul;)

  94. ted k was actually prophetic about a lot that is now mainstream tech news...

  95. m rigmaiden, you wrote:

    So ns what about those Arkansas Jews who owned slaves? You didn't say shit about that you liar.

    You'll have to document your claim. Based on the information you gave and the spellings in your post, you are mistaken.

    Not that it matters. Is there some reason any person with sufficient finances should have avoided the ownership of slaves during a time when slavery was legal?

    In any case, there were not many Jews in the US until the 1800s. With respect to immigration trends, they were arriving when slavery was ending.

    So it's not clear why it matters to you that one family that might be Jewish might have owned some slaves.

    On the other hand, uptownsteve seems to be the type nitwit who thinks one example of something defines an entire group.

    That seems to be part of black-think.

  96. mr:

    thanks for the confession!!!

    your very own archived personal atatcks herein are legendary...


  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. NS you can investigate for further information on the county of origin of the altheimers and slave registries. It isn't that hard, if you're literate and have reading comprehension skills.

  99. ns:

    you have uts pegged expertly!

    i am just waiting for him to post

    "my jewish slave owning bitter lonely rich sbf pal..."

  100. Alleged intelligence doesn't prevent one from making typos does it?

    your very own archived personal atatcks herein are legendary...

  101. alicia banks,

    black wealth -- in the aggregate -- does not exist.

    The handful of wealthy athletes and other entertainers have a collective wealth that is more than offset by blacks who have no net worth as evidenced by their depending largely or entirely on government support.

    In between is the black middle class. It exists, but its net worth is marginal.

    A leased or financed car is NOT an asset. It is a liability, as is a mortgage.

  102. mr:

    see u fake fool?

    no it does not.

    especially employed ones too busy to spellcheck, turbo multitasking, and rushing all day like me.


  103. ns:

    only racists believe that all rich black men are ball players.

    millions of blacks own stock and land just as whites do.

    quietly and individually unlike you jews who tend to enjoy flaunting your public media empires etc...

    i get that!

    must be nice!

  104. ns:

    many wealthy blacks could teach you jews some financial tricks...

    i know all about cars and real estate anchors.

    that is why i own my car and my modest homes.


  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. m rigmaiden,

    It really means nothing to me if there were a couple of Jews who owned slaves in the US. I do not know why it has meaning for you.

    Except it feeds some pointless useless anger of yours.

    In any case, just so you know, the "Altheimer" name might be Jewish. Or it might not. It's a German name. That's about all you can be sure of. But, if you were taking bets, the odds suggest it is more likely a Jewish name than not. So what?

  107. ns:

    my grandfather was lynched for flaunting his wealth

    so i was deeply taught never to lease or buy a new car/live extravagantly

    i am 47
    and i have never owned or lease a new car...

    have u?

  108. ps:

    like emmet till

    he was lynched by envious poor cowards like uts and maria

  109. Regarding tree-hugger terrorism --

    One form involved driving large nails into trees marked for cutting by loggers. The chains on chain-saws would snap when the hit the big nails.

    The intent was to terrorize the loggers into not cutting the trees.

    Of course trees are now seen as carbon storage systems, which work best when cut and used to build houses. Then new trees are grown to absorb more carbon.

    Thus eco-terrorists will have to start killing homeowners if they want to preserve the trees.

  110. alicia banks, you wrote:

    my grandfather was lynched for flaunting his wealth

    Since you brought it up, I have to ask for the details. It is my inclination to doubt the story as you have shaded it.

    How old was he when he died? Where did he live? How old were you at the time? Who told you the story?

    so i was deeply taught never to lease or buy a new car/live extravagantly

    Yeah, well the only people attacking blacks in nice cars are other blacks. Usually it's got something to do with a drive-by shooting.

    i am 47...and i have never owned or lease a new car...have u?

    Yes. I pay cash for cars. I carry no debt.

  111. ns:

    i am not a liar like you

    as you have lied on malcolm/rich blacks etc routinely herein...

    i also carry no debt and lvie below my means

    see the link above

    isadore banks is all over the net

    and he was also jewish

  112. ns:

    you are arrogantly ignorant


    every day racists like you in uniforms arrest and harass blacks doing nothing except driving expensive new cars like rich jews...

    i am certain some of these racist cops are jews also


    ps to all the fantasia bashers

    i told u these 2 yellow celebs get away with ghetto madness daily

  113. much more on isadore here

  114. No_slappz... Are you REALLY trying to say you believe the following three items??, Because to me their falsity seems so patently obvious.

    1. That Muslims have the same rights as Jews in Israel.
    2. That Jews were not HEAVILY involved in the slave trade in Europe and America.
    3. That owning slaves was OK because it was legal at the time.

  115. joanna,

    There are close to 7 million Israeli citizens. About 1.5 million are arab muslims.

    Israel is a democracy, and the same laws apply to all. Except for one law I can think of.

    All Jewish citizens must serve in the Israeli military. Muslims no. They do get to volunteer, however, and they do form an important group because they speak arabic.

    You come across as an anti-Semite.

    That aside, were Jews involved in the slave trade? Inasmuch as it was a legal business, I suppose you can find some examples. Very possibly there was some financial backing provided by Jews. That's hardly news.

    Financing and insurance are two likely ways in which Jews were involved. So what?

    I like number 3:

    3. That owning slaves was OK because it was legal at the time.

    Since 1973, when abortion was legalized in the US by Roe v Wade, there have been about 74 million abortions.

    To me that sounds like 74 million murders.

    But hey, abortion is legal, so abortion isn't murder, is it?

  116. Ah, yes, the standard "Anti-semite" tactic. Slap the anti-Semite label on anyone who does not agree with the oppressive racist policies of Israel and the US undying support for them. Notwithstanding the fact that contrary to popular belief Semitic and Jewish are not synonyms, I am NOT and Anti_semite, I am an Anti-Zionist, there-is a huge difference.

  117. alicia banks,

    According to the link to the CNN article, there were a number of reasons and a number of people who might have killed your grandfather.

    Meanwhile, it's clear some myths were made.

    In the 1990s there were a number of arsons in black churches across the South. It was immediately assumed that white racists were starting the fires.

    However, when the culprits were caught -- surprise, surprise -- they were black.

    every day racists like you in uniforms arrest and harass blacks doing nothing except driving expensive new cars like rich jews...

    No one is arrested for driving an expensive car, unless it does not belong to the driver and the owner wants it back.

    The other day, outside my house there was parked a beautiful new S-class Mercedes. A big one.

    The driver's door was open and the driver was sitting in the seat with his feet on the curb. A young black male, maybe 25, with his cap askew, sitting, waiting, for what I do not know.

    I live in a good neighborhood that is racially diverse. But no one drives S-class Mercedes.

    Anyway, I thought the car was either the property of someone else -- not stolen -- just not the property of the driver. Or this guy was completing a drug deal, which has happened in my neighborhood because the streets are tree-lined and such stuff can go on without attracting the cops.

    As I walked down the street, he started the car and drove off. The engine made a great sound as he gunned it.

  118. joanna,

    In fact, by claiming you are an anti-Zionist, you have given away the fact that you are an anti-Semite.

    The fact that you claim you are an anti-Zionist but know nothing about Israel is another giveaway.

    Just so you know. There was NEVER a nation known as Palestine. It is a region on the globe, like the North Pole.

    It is a region but not a sovereign state, which means there is no such thing as a Palestinian. There are arab muslims who were living on the land in question. The last state they lived in was best described as the Ottoman Empire.

    However, they successfully created the myth of Palestine. Anyway, the only goal of the arab muslims who call themselves Palestinians is to destroy Israel and drive all Jews out of the middle east.

    The muslims have no intention of reaching a peace agreement. They have been offered a Two-State solution repeatedly since 1947. Every time they say NO. I believe them.

    Inasmuch as you side with the muslims and the muslims want all Jews driven from the middle east, it's more than obvious that you and the muslims are anti-Semites.

    By the way, in islamic nations, women are slaves. Is that what you want? More slavery?

  119. Loved the debate between Joanna, maria, LAA,and M Rigmaiden. Agreeing to disagree respectfully and dropping knowledge. That's always good in my book.

    Gregory, thanks for that link. My man Glenn. *shaking head*

    Oh lawd!I can't live with myself, n_s and I actually agree on some issues having to do with Israel. :(

  120. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Only those with limited mental capacity resort to personal attacks!

    MR, you first came in a a martyr, then beget your own personal attacks and now you are back to martyrdom. Are you actually serious in thinking that we don't remember hte personal attacks you have thrown. Are you stupid? Or retarded?

  121. Loved the debate between Joanna, maria, LAA,and M Rigmaiden. Agreeing to disagree respectfully and dropping knowledge. That's always good in my book.FN

    Thanks FN. Sometimes its hard not to fall to the level of blog trolls with the insults and all but we are all adults here; there really isn't time for those bs childish games.

  122. . Are you stupid? Or retarded?Anon

    Neither just a work in progress who isn't ashamed to admit when I'm wrong and not ashamed to put others to task when they come with some bs. Happy now?

  123. gregory, you wrote:

    Well, if you wish to be technical, there was never a modern nation-state known as Israel until 1948.

    No kidding? Wow? Who knew?

    What the heck has that got to do with creating two states to accommodate both religious groups?

    National boundaries have been redrawn many times over the centuries and in the middle east there were NO sovereign nations until well into the 1900s.

    The sovereign state of Egypt was created about 1952 -- a few years AFTER Israel.

    Meanwhile, Great Britain controlled the Mandate of Palestine.

    The problem in the middle east boils down to islam. The koran is said to be the infallible word of their crazy muslim god and their crazy muslim god orders muslims to hate Jews. So they do.

    It's going to take a re-write of the Koran to change things. But, that would violate the teachings of their crazy god, so it will not happen.

  124. Anonymous7:49 PM

    "...if I am going to be fair, I have to rip wackos on the left as well as those on the right." Here, here; unfortunately the left is just as plagued with crazies as the right.

  125. uptownsteve, you wrote:

    Read up slappy...

    stevie, you're sending me to a site for those black clowns?

    As I said, you love fiction.

    It's always amusing to debate those screwballs when they dress up in their costumes and start needling people in Times Square.

  126. Gregory8:20 PM

    The post that slappy referenced seems to have disappeared. Blogger is working its magic, it seems.

    My point is that just because there has never been a nation state known as Palestine does not mean there never will be, with Israel as the example. Prior to 1948, Israel existed only in Bronze Age mythology.

  127. ns:

    like all racists, you are willfully ignorant and deeply in denial

    just like the KKK dogs who slew my grandfather, you will pay with your karma


    the blatantly racist bs you post to this blog daily will only tighten the karmic rope that will indeed lynch you...

  128. gregory,

    Since 1947 efforts have been made to create a Palestinian and Israel state.

    But the problem is always the same. Israel wants to create two states. But the Palestinians want only one state. A state with no Jews and no Israel.

  129. ns:

    just as you generally refuse to see your own racism and bigoted lies...

    you specifically refuse to see that cnn article clearly states that my rich grandfather was killed because he refused to sell his many of black men

    that is the legacy of the poverty you pretend is some innate racial flaw rather than fiercely designed by murderous racist liars like you!

    see much more on my grandfather and the articles that detail his land theft and murder at my blog link above

    the feds have an entire unit assigned to these realities you

  130. Anonymous6:33 PM

    ur grandpa was also an adulterer who had known liaisons with white women and folks was hatin on him there u dont even know ur family history u lyin lunatic!

  131. alicia banks, you wrote:

    you specifically refuse to see that cnn article clearly states that my rich grandfather was killed because he refused to sell his many of black men

    First, the article says the motive for murder might have ties to refusing to sell his land. No conclusion was stated. Just a "maybe."

    Second, when it comes to assets and murder, you have to consider a few obvious facts -- such as the beneficiaries named in his will. Or likely beneficiaries who were not named. Or the disinherited.

    Killing for the sake of enrichment in families with assets usually involves another family member.

    Meanwhile, based on what was written, he had a lot of kids and maybe some of them felt cheated. Who knows?

    The Menendez brothers killed their parents to cash in. They're not the first, nor the last.

    If you believe he was killed for his land, then the list of suspects are those who got the land after his death.

    Even if someone dies intestate, the assets of the estate are divided among those with rightful claims -- family members.

    Certainly not the KKK.

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