Saturday, September 25, 2010

What if the "anointed one" is touching someone else?

As Sunday morning fast approaches, I am sure that there are 25,000.00 faithful souls in suburban Atlanta who cannot be looking forward to going to church tomorrow morning. I can't say that I blame them; "these are truly the times that try men's souls."

People have been asking me to write about Bishop Eddie, but as I have said in the past, it's just too damn easy. Some things really do speak for themselves.

Still, one of my favorite bloggers wrote on the subject, and I did a little cut and paste job from her post.

"What does James H. Bell, Tyrone Forbes, Edwin House, Bruce Curtis Leon Dupree, Clarence Garrison and Willie L. Jefferson all have in common? They are pastors that have been arrested for sexual abuses against their parishioners. And in some of the cases, several have been convicted.

It is a fact that sexual abuse goes under-reported in communities of color. Now let's take that fact and apply it when it comes to outing a pastor, deacon, bishop, or other clergymen and women who serve as high power figures in black communities. Not only is it complicated, but in some instances it can be dangerous.

The recent Eddie Long church scandal has magnified an oft-overlooked flaw in the black community. We exempt our "leaders", and more readily, our religious leaders from moral or ethical scrutiny. And when this happens, we participate in our own oppression.

With the past 10 years of sexual abuse cover-ups, lawsuits and scandals becoming a mainstay in the Catholic church and among white clergymen, there is a notion among some black church members that their black pastors are absolved from this sin. It is as if their pastors' erections are somehow different, more divine, thus are stuck in the right orifices.

And in some instances, the victim at the church becomes the predator or the enemy in the eyes of church members---resulting in a collective exile, or one that is self-imposed due to the rejection from people they thought loved them as children of Christ.

It is no wonder why George H. Bush sought out leaders of predominately black mega-churches during election time. Not only do they hold the purse-strings of parishoners, but they control the consciousness of a powerful voting bloc. And just like the teabaggers, these folks vote for someone who is totally against their interest, all in the name of not passing out condoms at schools..."
[More here]

Oh Lawd eco. soul, stop stepping on our toes.

What bothers me probably as much- if not more- than the salacious nature of this story is the monetary aspect of it. Who is watching the very long dollars that flows through the hands of these preachers and their minions, and where is the accountability to their flock?

The folks over at New Birth Missionary Baptist would do well to remember the following scripture:

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them."

OK, maybe that's a bad choice for a scripture. The fruit part was uncalled for. But you know what I am trying to say.


  1. The only thing that pisses me off about Eddie Long is being one of the most homophobic pastors in America and yet he's on the down low.

    Bad gay. No toaster for him.

  2. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Field, Eddie Long followers don't want to hear the fact they are spending time on the websites right now trashing the

    It's like these poor lost souls at New Birth refuse to even for a second think that it could be possible their pastor touched those boys. They have turned people like Eddie into their Idols/Gods at some of these churches...

  3. After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  4. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Field, this sounds like some of your lefties are trying to take EL down because he is against gay marriage. What will the left wingnuts think of next?

  5. Jackson11:49 PM


    Leave it to these followers of the Bishop to cling onto his every word and 'blindly' trust in everything that he preaches. How these folks can still think there is no way he is guilty even after a forth accuser has come foreword. I realize that people should be presumed innocent until proven guilty but the fact that the story and the facts seem to incriminate the Bishop more with each passing day just seems a little too damaging to ignore.

    All these silly Negroes just don't know when to throw in the towel and admit they were duped by another 'pulpit pimp'.

    I pray that all those poor lost souls can find a way to open their eyes and 'see' what is really happening all around them.

    When I heard the attorney representing some of the other boys had received phone calls from 30 more men that said they also were abused by the Bishop I guess all I can say is there is no way that this could be anything close to a frame up job.

  6. Field, this sounds like some of your lefties are trying to take EL down because he is against gay marriage. What will the left wingnuts think of next?"

    Say hello to Bishop Eddie for me tomorrow morning. *shhhsh*

    "After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands."


  7. Anonymous12:01 AM

    anon, "It's like these poor lost souls at New Birth refuse to even for a second think that it could be possible their pastor touched those boys. They have turned people like Eddie into their Idols/Gods at some of these churches..."

    Of course Eddie Long is like a guru to 25000 Blacks at New Birth. That's always been the case in large megachurches. In a sense, Eddie Long represents the Divine and that church is a way of life for many in Atlanta. When you go below the Bible Belt, this is the way they worship.

    I doubt Bernstein will be able to touch Long. There just isn't enough evidence to take him down.

    Even if more come forward, it won't make a difference when it comes to the Black Church and Black Culture. That's where reality and morality routinely get swept under the rug.

  8. I've heard that people are actually flying in to Atlanta to go and hear Long speak tomorrow morning. I just can't figure out why. Why spend all that money to go there to hear a pedophile make excuses for himself?

    When it's all said and done Eddie Long will still be the pastor of that church. He will deny everything, then pay those young men off and his lemmings, I mean parishioners, will be right there giving him more money every Sunday morning.

  9. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Right on, anon. Preach it! All these so-called FN, who are ATHEISTS, just want to see a man of God get sunk by some lying ass negroes. Forget it, it ain't going to happen. I don't care how many posts Field write about Long, it won't make a difference because Long is INNOCENT.

    Of course, all you black atheists want to find him guilty without a trial. Field, are you a lawyer who believes in a fair trial? you sound more like an unmerciful prosecuting atheistic attorney who wants to find him guilty without a trial. Where did you get your law degree, Wal-Mart?

    Yeah, you dictator left wingnuts are a bunch of hypocrites yourselves. YOU are the real pimps! You are a bunch of heartless and faithless people who want to destroy New Birth. Well, we'll see.

    CF lives in Atlanta and I really hope he will weigh in on this.

  10. Anonymous12:28 AM

    "When I heard the attorney representing some of the other boys had received phone calls from 30 more men that said they also were abused by the Bishop I guess all I can say is there is no way that this could be anything close to a frame up job."

    Bullshit. In the Black Community anything is possible when money is involved.

  11. An attack on a criminal minister is somehow always perceived as an attack on religion and Christianity. So you wonder about that person of faith. Is it so fragile?

  12. Anon 12:18 am. Now why would you say that? I am not trying to take Bishop Heady...I mean Eddie down. I am sure that the truth will come out.

    Isn't that what we all want? The truth?

  13. Field, Eco.Soul.Intellectual is the realest! Spoke to her at length the other night and had a good laugh over this mess. You should checkout the post she did before this one, and the subsequent shitstorm it created.

    Eddie Long: The 800 Pound Dick in the Black Church

  14. Hathor; I am reminded of that scripture from the good book: "oh yea of little faith.."

  15. And for all you fools talking that "attack on the black church," talk? You people are friggin silly with that bullshit. Sorry, but it seems that the black church is culpable for its current image, and nobody else is to blame.

  16. Well, I am not going to rush to justice. I mean, although I could never understand those that give money to a rich negro, on this present issue, I am waiting and listening. In fact, I just saw an interview of the bishop. Like field, I did a little cut and paste. Well, actually it's a youtube clip that just hit the air.


  17. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I see some of the good Bishop Eddie Long CULT MEMBERS have found there way to field blog already...these fools is defending him left and right through out the

    Give up already folks Rev. Eddie likes them young boys more than his wife and enjoy using your tithe money to pay for them...

  18. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I always question people like Eddie Long who vehemently are oppose to homosexuality because there is something in the back of my mind that wonders why anyone would interested in attending to other people's business. Then the light bulb comes on and sheds light on the answer because these individuals tend not to want to tend to the short-comings in their personal lives. There is some sense of I need to make myself feel better by looking down on others.

    Hello who does not know that there are a number of men who are in church who who are gay. Donnie McClurkin is another individual, but he honestly believes that he is not gay or at least is cured. This is the 800 lb gorilla in the room, and some people at the church knew that Eddie Long is into teenaged and young men. However, they turned turned a blind eye for whatever reason. As if they walking around bright-sided and believe everything is going to work out fine. Something, we need to let go of the power of positive thinking and start asking some serious questions about some of this religious leaders heading these mega-churches.

    I have a problem with prosperity minsters who tell their followers to think positively and you will prosper. I can't imagine that the power of positive thinking is working well at a time when more than 28 million people are unemployed and 1 and 7 Americans live below poverty, but think positive and it will work out. Also, if you are not prosperous, then it's your fault because you were not positive. There is a flaw in this logic and it goes along with someone telling a cancer patient that cancer is a gift. There are posters at some cancer supports with that mantra written (unbelievable). There are people who are suffering, and thinking positive isn't going to be enough to alleviate it. One would think that the role of the church and minister is to provide comfort and support to people who are in need, but mega churches seemed to not have received that text message. Eddie Long isn't going to hospitals to see the sick and shut-in. I remember a statement that Rev. Gomes made that the most important thing as a minister is to be there when a person is dying, somehow I do not believe that is something Eddie Long was doing very often if at all.

  19. Gregory1:06 AM

    Maybe Bishop Eddie took the whole "be thy brothers keeper" a bit too literally.

  20. Gregory1:15 AM

    Anony @ 12:18 wrote:

    "CF lives in Atlanta and I really hope he will weigh in on this."

    What, is "CF" actually Bishop Eddie? I always thought he might be a closet case.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Field, "Anon 12:18 am. Now why would you say that? I am not trying to take Bishop Heady...I mean Eddie down. I am sure that the truth will come out."

    Now see? this what I am talking about. From now on, I would appreciate it if you will address the divine Bishop Eddie Long properly.

  23. Anonymous1:21 AM

    This is pretty big on some of the other blogs I browse, so I'll just repost something I left at one of them:

    There's not just a silence about sexual abuse among black clergy -- there's silence about sexual abuse in the Black community, period. It's an issue that often draws disbelief, outright denial or the admonishment to "not talk about it anymore" among families. In my opinion, the reason lies within the Black community's reflexive defense of its fellow members, largely the men in the community and especially black men of any importance. We've spent so much time defending our leaders from white bigotry and the destructive criticism whites used for so long that when anyone, even people in our own community, come out in constructive criticism of black leaders for their indiscretions, it's construed as an destructive attack, regardless of whom and where it comes from. It's a conditioned response that may have served us well in the past, but it's harming the hell out of us now and we don't know how to stop it.

    For this reason and others, church members will see this as an attack by an outside source and circle the wagons around the clergy. Some of these people take the refrain about "not harming the anointed" and run miles with it, as though these men and women are absolutely exempt from critique. It stymies debate about how to best prevent cases of abuse and how to help those who have suffered from it heal as best as they can. It's something the black church just does not want to deal with and if they did, they don't quite know how.

  24. Gregory1:21 AM

    One more before I have to leave, check out this link, you might find it interesting.

    In search of Errol Flynn's Jamaica
    When the Hollywood hellraiser Errol Flynn shipped up in Jamaica, he brought with him a glittering host of stars. Much of the glamour still remains – if you know where to look

  25. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Well, Mr. Field you and your posters have proven that Glenn Beck spoke the truth about the Black Church. It is not a true religion. Black theology is junk.

    As I have always said, everything Glenn Beck has said will come to pass...HONESTY, INTEGRITY, AND GOD. These are the pillars that Mr. Beck talks about, which are lacking in the Black Church.

    Now this is evidence that Beck isn't against Blacks, he just speaks the truth! We must ALL want to face the truth.

  26. Anonymous1:40 AM

    "There's not just a silence about sexual abuse among black clergy -- there's silence about sexual abuse in the Black community, period. It's an issue that often draws disbelief, outright denial or the admonishment to "not talk about it anymore" among families."

    Such shame causes moral depravity in the Black Community. And this leaves Blacks without a moral compass. Hence, Blacks are a lost race where anything goes. Goodness and doing the right thing is not known, nor is it desired.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. "As I have always said, everything Glenn Beck has said will come to pass...HONESTY, INTEGRITY, AND GOD. These are the pillars that Mr. Beck talks about, which are lacking in the Black Church.

    Now this is evidence that Beck isn't against Blacks, he just speaks the truth! We must ALL want to face the truth."

    Some "truths" are actually falsehoods if you scratch deeply enough. With this one, you don't have to scratch that far or for that long. In your mind, the Black church is clearly inferior to the righteous and pure Protestant institutions that epitomize "ordinary" Americans and "American values". So what say you? Are you waiting for Blacks to forsake their religious institutions and saddle up with "mainstream" ones in a silent, secondary role that is pleasing to the conscious of "ordinary" Americans?

    "Such shame causes moral depravity in the Black Community. And this leaves Blacks without a moral compass. Hence, Blacks are a lost race where anything goes. Goodness and doing the right thing is not known, nor is it desired."

    Usually, writing a group off as "lost" opens discussions for "redemption". If I'm not mistaken, "redemption" in this case is the Black race admitting to their "faults", as determined by white America. Then and only then can they lay their heads upon the feet of white America, which will then proceed to "take care of them" once again. At least until white America grows tired of managing such an "infantile" race and proceeds to "end the suffering, for their own good".

  29. Sorry I deleted the wrong post, I meant to delete the one at 1:47 in response to Errol Flynn, but instead I deleted to first one about the black churches. Sorry the Denist have me here floating on Hydrocodene. :)


    I think pedophiles, sexual predators and various yahoos run to religious organizations either because of the easy prey, or because they initially tried to seek God to heal them of their knowingly evil thoughts/ways. I don't know, but there are a lot of wackos and sexual predators in the religious field.

    I remember when I was 16, I was more than ready to take my drivers test, even on a stick shift. However, my mother allowed this Preacher who had a driving school to convince her to send me to him for lessons before the test.

    I had such a hard time trying to drive the car, I had to fight to keep that Preacher man's hand off my lap. I got out the car and walked home. He showed up to my house later to collect his money, and my mother didn't believe me of course, because he's a man of God.

    I always saw the "black" church as a racket that preyed on the vulnerability and resources of black women, especially the single and the older black women. Imagine if all those black women had to leave the black churches and put their money in a bank. Many of them might actually be able to afford yearly mammograms, pap smears or even be able buy their own homes in a few years.

    I'm convinced, if a man wants to obtain free secretaries, free food, free house cleaners, free sex, all he has to do is find the nearest church.

  30. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Dear Mack, I was only agreeing with your comment about the Black Community. I am Black, not White. Redemption? Forget it. As you said, "It's a conditioned response that may have served us well in the past, but it's harming the hell out of us now and we don't know how to stop it."

    Yep, it's true. We are a spiritually sick people. And I am not sure if we were ever healthy spiritually, psychologically, or emotionally.

  31. Anonymous2:18 AM

    LAA, you had a bad experience with a preacher. that doesn't mean the church is like your experience at 16 with some dumb horny preacher.

  32. Anonymous2:55 AM

    I am very disappointed that Field went to bed early without letting everybody know when he is checking out. That is being rude about a very important subject such as Eddie Long and New Birth. Long touches millions, not just 25000.

    Field, if you would go visit Long and just talk to him for a few minutes, you probably would join his church and defend him with your last breath. Shall I send you a one-way ticket to Atlanta?

  33. Field isn't a young gay man, anon2:55am. why would he want to chat up long? and krist jeebus, get a frakking nym. you're probably too stupid to know what i mean by that.
    but real Christians aren't anonymous cowards, ever.

    i'm that rarest of beings: a black atheist with a master's degree in Divinity. i know people like Long, they infest "the Black church" (which is rarely defined specifically and exactly, these days). let's all please stop kidding ourselves. the "black church" mostly ceased to be noble and effective in social justice decades ago. most preachers today are ignorant con artists and little else.

    i got no problem with Eddie the Chickenhawk (he seemed to be a generous Power Daddy, after all), it's the preaching against homosexuals that pisses me off. he must have been hard as a mutha underneath his church robes on the days he gave that sermon. but thanks to "teachings" like his, i know lots of african americans this morning will have the reaction "those dirty queers tricked him into sin!" instead of "wow, maybe i should think more critically about my faith and the people who call themselves christian leaders."

    i pity believers, i really do. at least when i give someone money to entertain me, i know what i'm really getting (passing pleasure but nothing that lasts). but seriously, my people, wake up. as others have said, real Christian leaders spend most of their time with the poor, being poor, and ministering to the suffering. yapping on and on every sunday about which group to hate next, and how smug middle class black atlanta should feel about itself is the very opposite of the true spirit of Christianity. everyone in that church this morning knows this, and the reason they'll be showing up today will be for the purpose of having a big old mass hypnosis session that the contrary is true. but then again, that's what going to church usually is. it's not my kink, but denial of reality must be a powerful addiction.

    i just watched "the DL chronicles" on DVD. all you defenders of Long should rent it. bottom line: guys like this are the ones bringing AIDS to our community. Eddie may not be poz, but far too many like him are. i'm pretty sure Christ wouldn't be pleased to know he's being used as a cover not only for hypocrisy, but murder and death.

  34. Gimme some a dat Old Black Magic.

    My Boyfriend's Back and There's Gonna Be Trouble.

    Yeah. The latest from Brooklyn. From Bedford Stuyvesant, where the 15-pound girl was killed by her mother.

    This week it's an almost 3-year-old black boy viciously and brutally beaten to death by mom's boyfriend.

    Why? Because, as the boyfriend said, "he messed sayin his ABCs."

    So, of course, the boyfriend had to kill the kid.

    Tell me again how black violence is some kind of myth passed around by whites.

  35. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I am going to write this not as a defense to Eddie Long, but to the terminology correct. Long according to the reports was coercing teenaged boys which means he is into ephebophilia, an sexual preference for adolescent sexual partners. Considering long was using tactics such enticing these adolescents with cars, I venture a guess that these individuals were over the age of 16 at the time, and that means Long will probably not face any sexual assault charges by the state since the age of consent in Georgia is 16. I suspect that there are some under the age of 16. However, if he used church funds to pay for these gifts he enticed the teenagers into a sexual relationship, then we are talking about charges of solicitation of prostitution because essentially he was going to pay these teenagers in lieu of a car or whatever gift to have sex with him and misappropriation of church funds.

    I have to write that I concur with Mack Lyons assessments of the black community willingness to sweep the topic of sexual abuse including incest under the rug. It is not talked about and quite frankly it is taking a toll on the community.

    We have to question these people running these mega churches. Being Skeptical is not a bad thing.

  36. Money, sex and power -- three benefits of running a religious operation.

    It's hilarious. The Catholic Church is the most homophobic anti-gay institution on Earth. At the same time, the priesthood is a gay bath-house.

    Obviously the Pope knows he's the head of a gay organization but, as all Pope's do, he lies about it.

    How about those priestly costumes? The robes, the hats, the jewelry? And how about those shoes?

    The College of Cardinals? One of these days the Village People will get back together and add a priest and a cardinal to the group.

  37. Eddie Long coerced and seduced lots of people into sexual relationships. That's what he does and that's much of what his scam church is about.

    It's worse than a Ponzi Scheme. In a Ponzi Scheme, money from new investors is used to pay off earlier suckers. But Long decided it's better to pay off no one and keep it all for himself.

    The money makes a one-way trip up the pyramid into his pockets.

  38. Field, would the term "bumbaclot batty boy" be appropriate here for Mr. Long? Or is that too harsh?

    Marley sung "I feel like bombing a church now that you know the preacher is lying"...

    Seriously though Eddie Long's private life is his. But when he lies to himself and his followers and uses his flock for both sexual release and monetary gain, that's not quite living according to gospel.

    Of course he MAY be innocent and those pics sent to the young men MAY be a big misunderstanding.

  39. "Gas, cash or a$$, no one rides for free".

    Someone should check Long's mansion for some drums of unleaded gasoline. We know he already got the other two gifts and he seems kinda greedy.

  40. Lyons posted:

    "There's not just a silence about sexual abuse among black clergy -- there's silence about sexual abuse in the Black community, period. It's an issue that often draws disbelief, outright denial or the admonishment to "not talk about it anymore" among families. In my opinion, the reason lies within the Black community's reflexive defense of its fellow members, largely the men in the community and especially black men of any importance. We've spent so much time defending our leaders from white bigotry and the destructive criticism whites used for so long that when anyone, even people in our own community, come out in constructive criticism of black leaders for their indiscretions, it's construed as an destructive attack, regardless of whom and where it comes from. It's a conditioned response that may have served us well in the past, but it's harming the hell out of us now and we don't know how to stop it."

    now i will make just a few adjustments so that the heart of the matter is better exposed:

    There's not just a silence about sexual abuse among black clergy -- there's silence about sexual abuse in the SO CALLED Black community, period. It's an issue that often draws disbelief, outright denial or the admonishment to "not talk about it anymore" among families OR IN PUBLIC. In my opinion, the reason lies within the Black community's reflexive defense of its MALE members, largely the MALES in the SO CALLED community and especially black men of any RECOGNITION. BLACKS ROUTINELY SACRIFICE THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE COLLECTIVE FOR INDIVIDUALS. We've spent so much time defending BLACK MALES from white bigotry and the destructive criticism whites used for so long that when anyone, even people, PARTICULARLY BLACK WOMEN, WHO MUST REMAIN SILENT AND DILIGENT AT ALL COSTS, in our own community, come out in constructive criticism of black MALES for their indiscretions AND SHAMEFUL IRRESPONSIBILITY AND IMMORALITY, it's construed as an destructive attack, regardless of whom and where it comes from; ESPECIALLY FROM BLACK WOMEN AND WHITE MALES--THOSE THAT FOLKS FEEL MOST COMFORTABLE DEMONIZING. It's a conditioned response that may have served us well in the past, but it's harming the hell out of us now and we, COLLECTIVELY, REFUSE to stop it DESPITE ALL THE RED FLAGS THAT INDICATE THAT SURVIVAL MANDATES THAT WE MUST.

    folks that are so obsessed with what gay/homosexual folks are doing, are in fact themselves repressed gay/homosexuals and still wrestling with their sexuality. the so-called black community is FULL of these folks, both male and female.

    it is not just the homosexuals that are repressed and in denial that spread disease in the so-called black community. anyone suggesting that is scapegoating homosexuals. IF folks would ever honestly look at the amoral behavior of heterosexuals in the black community, they would see the practices that lend themselves to the spread of disease. the only time this is done, is when it is time to assign ALL responsibility and accountability to black women and girls.

    this is ONLY a "scandal" because of the homosexual aspect. it is no secret that the so-called black community is rampant with eddie longs, that prefer male AND female, young and old victims. those not "preaching the word of God" are just as vigilantly protected and excused. i could start listing but i have other things to do with my day...

    the end. end of story.

  41. All you house niggas up in here are being played played played. It's like someone yelled fired, locked the door and yawls dumb asses are trampling over one another. If you stop for just a second, you'd realized you're being used like a 5 dollar whore. For every Eddie Long church, there are thousands that have no resemblance to his.

    Most of the comments in THIS church (today), are coming from the mouths of pitiful pawns.

    Just like the fools up in Eddie's church, all of you are say the same things, just like the puppet ass house niggas that don't step out in the field. From what I've heard in the masters kitchen, most of you thick lipped negros do not go to church, so you're just talking out you ass. Your whimsical banter and opinions, are just as mis-directed and foolish as those that say all niggas are thugs, triffling, on drugs, and have several children, because the media (massa) says so.

    Then, of course, the good old house nigga jumps up and says "YOU RIGHT BOSS, DEM NIGGAS SHO IS BAD"

    Look, Eddie Long and his type of church is not an anomaly, but they, by no means represent the millions of black americans in the USA.


  42. agentX11:41 AM

    Stereotypes strike again, Field.
    Let's look at the evidence.
    #1: Against gay marriage
    #2: Popular preacher
    #3: hyper-Conservative

    Oh yeah, he is gayer than Versace ever was. The script practically writes itself now. Ken Melhman, Terry Hackett, the guy in Florida, now this putz.

    It's always the loudest in the choir who is trapped furthest in the closet

  43. "I always saw the "black" church as a racket that preyed on the vulnerability and resources of black women, especially the single and the older black women."

    That's precisely why there needs to be churches headed and run by black women. After all, black women are the heart and soul of the church. Nor are they the ones taking sexual advantage of the young and vulnerable. How many black women are even running churches?

  44. "Tell me again how black violence is some kind of myth passed around by whites."

    First of all it's a myth because it's not true. Most blacks are not violent. Secondly, inner city black violence is a recent phenomena. Prior to the 1960s African American crime rates in these areas were unexceptional.

    Now what about the myth of white peacefullness? Between 1900 and 1915 on thousand blacks that we know of) were lynched in the south.

    Before rioting was deemed a "black thing" it was indeed a white thing. Race riots against blacks were American as apple pie. Here's a few examples: Atlanta Riots (1906) East St. Louis Riot (1917) Omaha Riots (1919) Chicago Riots (1919) Tulsa Riots (1921) Rosewood massacre (1923) Detroit Riot (1943) Zoot Suit Riots (1943)

    During the 1960s police, governmental officers and white citizens colluded with the Klan to murder and kill blacks and non-blacks challenging Jim Crow. That included the tactics of murdering children and blowing up churches

    The more you type Slappz, the more I realize you don't even know the history of your own country. Do you even know your not a real white person? Jews have historically seen as below real whites in this country. Hell, the Klan would have loved to hang you from a tree yourself. Pick up the book "Working Towards Whiteness" sometime; it'll give you a much needed education.

  45. Anonymous12:47 PM

    hat's precisely why there needs to be churches headed and run by black women. After all, black women are the heart and soul of the church. Nor are they the ones taking sexual advantage of the young and vulnerable. How many black women are even running churches?

    12:02 PM There are some pretty grimy female pastors as well. I can say there is one I know who was having a fling with a Deacon and had a baby without her husband. Thing is power tends to corrupt , its human nature. There are plenty of Rev. Eat-mores in every religion. I had one kept on wanting me to come to her home for Bible study LOL.Studied for about 15 min. you can fill in the blanks.


    And all you house niggas pay attention to Well's (12:44 PM). You might learn a little something and thus, get of of massa's kitchen.

    ***Standing up and giving Well a thunderous applause!***

  47. "Well, Mr. Field you and your posters have proven that Glenn Beck spoke the truth about the Black Church. It is not a true religion. Black theology is junk."

    And I just love that white theology of Haggart, Swaggart,Jones, Jim Baker....should I go on?

    "It's always the loudest in the choir who is trapped furthest in the closet."

    Maybe that's why they have to be so loud in the choir. They need somewhere to vent.

    "Field, would the term "bumbaclot batty boy" be appropriate here for Mr. Long? Or is that too harsh?"

    Hmmm, that's a bit harsh. The swearing before the slur only adds to it. Allthough I do think (if this is true) the Bishop is a serious hypocrite and a fruad.

    n_s, did you hear about the white guy who took out his entire family in Kentucky this past week? of ocurse you didn't, you only look for black crime. *shaking head*

    "When the Hollywood hellraiser Errol Flynn shipped up in Jamaica, he brought with him a glittering host of stars. Much of the glamour still remains – if you know where to look"

    Thanks for that link, Gregory. Yes places like Port Antonio are the bomb. Folks never really get to see the East Coast of the island because they fly into Mobay and see places like Ocho Rios and Negril and that's it. But the East Coast is off the hook. Naomi Campbell and some other celebs have places there.

  48. Well, Long's response to the allegations is already out on the web. There are no surprises! The congregation is typically reacting like the trained seals that they are. Long, of course, is rapping himself up in his narcissistic holy cloth.

    See video of Long's morning sermon:

  49. Anonymous1:54 PM

    chicago dyke-"i'm that rarest of beings: a black atheist with a master's degree in Divinity."

    Now that's one sick confused dude who has no idea what he/she is doing. yet chicago dyke goes around calling others stupid. LOL

  50. Anonymous2:06 PM

    anon1:54p--"Now that's one sick confused dude who has no idea what he/she is doing. yet chicago dyke goes around calling others stupid. LOL"

    You nailed it. the dude is 'crazi-er' than any preacher, priest or minister on the planet. Not only that, he proudly tells folks on a blog that she's an atheist with a minister's degree. Lord, have mercy.

    Hmmmm. I wonder what Mellaneous, ISEEISEE, members of the Black Church and the Black Community think about that?

    Chicago Dyke needs to STFU.

  51. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Chicago Dyke, "Field isn't a young gay man, anon2:55am. why would he want to chat up long? and krist jeebus, get a frakking nym. you're probably too stupid to know what i mean by that.
    but real Christians aren't anonymous cowards, ever."

    I didn't say Field was gay. In fact, it never entered my mind until YOU mentioned it. But of course, you are gay and that's usually foremost in your sick mind.

    And how would your atheist chicago dyke ass know anything about what Christians do? I agree with anon2:06p. You should "STFU".

    My 'frakking nym' is "Anonymous". But you should call me "Mr. Anonymous".

  52. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Eddie Long is being one of the most homophobic pastors in America and yet he's on the down low

    This is often the case, and not just in the clergy.

  53. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Constructive Feedback already weighed in on it in his blog...pretty pathetic.

  54. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Constructive Feedback already weighed in on it in his blog...pretty pathetic.

  55. Whitey4:12 PM

    And yet another virulent anti-homo get's caught with boys in his mouth. It's as if the entirety of the "Masculinity Gospel" is Club DL. Anymore, I just assume that anyone harping on the gay is trying to talk themselves out of it. That so-called pastor fred phelps from the purported westboro Baptist "church" springs to mind as one destined to fall hard under the dead weight of accumulated boys.

  56. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Long is innocent and you folks have found him guilty based on bullshit. You would think that progressives, esp. Blacks, would want to assume that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. It's a good thing that the Dems will be voted out in Nov.

  57. Long is innocent and you folks have found him guilty based on bullshit."

    How do you know he is innocent? What are you basing your conclusions on? I certainly hope it's not based on what those in similar positions have done in the past.

    Thanks for the link Ms. Ann.I also saw some of it on CNN. I might really have to do another post on the good Bishop.I mean, honestly, "David"?

  58. Off topic. Vick looks good running my birds today.

  59. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Field, "How do you know he is innocent? What are you basing your conclusions on? I certainly hope it's not based on what those in similar positions have done in the past."

    did you watch the video? well, it spoke of his innocence. He is not the man portrayed in the media and on your blog. You have been attacking him as though he was guilty. What makes you think his accusers aren't lying?

    Field said, "Thanks for the link Ms. Ann.I also saw some of it on CNN. I might really have to do another post on the good Bishop.I mean, honestly, "David"?"

    You should leave the good minister alone. He has done a lot of good things but I haven't seen one damn post about the good things he has done. Bishop Long is INNOCENT. I know it doesn't make any difference to you, because you have already condemned him. Whatever the outcome, you will find him guilty.

  60. Character Corner Radio in partnership with Pink Cotton Entertainment presents: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE Part II: REACTION TO BISHOP EDDIE LONG’S PUBLIC ADDRESS OF SEX SCANDAL

    Date: Sunday, September 26, 2010
    Time: 7:30 PM (EST)
    Place: Blogtalkradio
    Call-in Number: (347) 989-0587
    Click here to listen to the show and participate in the chatroom.

    We will discuss reactions to Bishop Eddie Long’s public address of sexual misconduct allegations against him brought by former members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.

  61. "You should leave the good minister alone. He has done a lot of good things but I haven't seen one damn post about the good things he has done. Bishop Long is INNOCENT. I know it doesn't make any difference to you, because you have already condemned him. Whatever the outcome, you will find him guilty."

    *shaking head*

    Go Iggles!

  62. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Field, "*shaking head*

    Hotdog, I got the response I wanted. Don't forget the devil'a favorite trick.

  63. mellaneous8:10 PM

    What up Field?

    Since I am in the church I felt compelled to say something while I am also going to wait for all the evidence to come out to pass any serious opinion.

    I have to say it doesn't look or sound good at this point. But either way whatever Long does is no way an indictment on all black churches.

    But I have to admit that I have a bias against Long because he preaches a prosperity gospel which I believe from my understanding of the gospel is actually contradictory to its message. And it bothers me that Long's message is so self serving for the black middle class.

    But I agree with the posters who have pointed out that too much exploitation does take place in the black church, especially sexual exploitation by clergy. But I think the worst thing that happens in most main stream churches is that they don't preach the whole gospel. There is too much prosperity gospel being preached as well as too much personal piestic religion while there are is all this hell being caught by a large part of black society.

    These churches spend too much time condemning folks and preaching against what they can't really change anyway and not enough time trying to make sure that the hungry are fed and the homeless are housed or just making sure that their parishioners get their fair share of this worlds goods or even defending their folks against the injustices of this system.

    The black church's focus is just too narrow considering all the needs that our community has. And to be fair some churches are doing their part but too many support and advocate for the status quo, which is clearly flawed. And forget concentrating on human rights church folks and black folks don't say a peep about the illegal and immoral US adventurism in the world, not even Iraq or Afghanistan.

    But having said that, its not just the black church that is falling short of fulfilling the gospel, the so-called white church is in the same boat. I think it just makes sense that the black church would be more in tuned to its social justice responsibilities.

    I also disagree with those who try to stress that sexual violence is under-reported in the black community. In truth its underreported in all communities.

    And I disagree with those who condemn all of Christianity while ignoring the thread of Christianity that actually tries to make a diffence in the world and change the world for the better because of and through the inspiration of the gospel,especiall the advocates of liberationist theology.

    And for those folks who run around condemning the black church because it practices black theology have no idea what they are talking about. The vast majority of black churches are conservative socially and politically and don't preach liberation or black theology. Most black congregants don't want to hear the whole gospel they want to be comforted in their pursuit of all things material and their total embrace of Americana.

  64. mellaneous8:10 PM

    What up Field?

    Since I am in the church I felt compelled to say something while I am also going to wait for all the evidence to come out to pass any serious opinion.

    I have to say it doesn't look or sound good at this point. But either way whatever Long does is no way an indictment on all black churches.

    But I have to admit that I have a bias against Long because he preaches a prosperity gospel which I believe from my understanding of the gospel is actually contradictory to its message. And it bothers me that Long's message is so self serving for the black middle class.

    But I agree with the posters who have pointed out that too much exploitation does take place in the black church, especially sexual exploitation by clergy. But I think the worst thing that happens in most main stream churches is that they don't preach the whole gospel. There is too much prosperity gospel being preached as well as too much personal piestic religion while there are is all this hell being caught by a large part of black society.

    These churches spend too much time condemning folks and preaching against what they can't really change anyway and not enough time trying to make sure that the hungry are fed and the homeless are housed or just making sure that their parishioners get their fair share of this worlds goods or even defending their folks against the injustices of this system.

    The black church's focus is just too narrow considering all the needs that our community has. And to be fair some churches are doing their part but too many support and advocate for the status quo, which is clearly flawed. And forget concentrating on human rights church folks and black folks don't say a peep about the illegal and immoral US adventurism in the world, not even Iraq or Afghanistan.

    But having said that, its not just the black church that is falling short of fulfilling the gospel, the so-called white church is in the same boat. I think it just makes sense that the black church would be more in tuned to its social justice responsibilities.

    I also disagree with those who try to stress that sexual violence is under-reported in the black community. In truth its underreported in all communities.

    And I disagree with those who condemn all of Christianity while ignoring the thread of Christianity that actually tries to make a diffence in the world and change the world for the better because of and through the inspiration of the gospel,especiall the advocates of liberationist theology.

    And for those folks who run around condemning the black church because it practices black theology have no idea what they are talking about. The vast majority of black churches are conservative socially and politically and don't preach liberation or black theology. Most black congregants don't want to hear the whole gospel they want to be comforted in their pursuit of all things material and their total embrace of Americana.

  65. field, you wrote:

    n_s, did you hear about the white guy who took out his entire family in Kentucky this past week? of ocurse you didn't, you only look for black crime.

    Yes. I read about the Kentucky murder/suicide.

    The story about one Kentucky hot-head who wiped out his family changes nothing. Blacks commit more murders than whites. Period. It's that simple and that bad.

  66. Oh that megalomania!

    In order to justify that 3 million dollar salary, the 5,000 foot square home, the bodyguards, the Bentley, the custom made suits, Gucci sunglasses,diamond bracelets, and Rolex watches, Bishop Long once said:

    “We’re not just a church, we’re an international corporation. We’re not just a bumbling bunch of preachers who can’t talk and all we’re doing is baptizing babies. I deal with the White House. I deal with Tony Blair. I deal with presidents around this world. I pastor a multimillion-dollar congregation.”

  67. Anonymous8:22 PM

    But I have to admit that I have a bias against Long because he preaches a prosperity gospel which I believe from my understanding of the gospel is actually contradictory to its message. And it bothers me that Long's message is so self serving for the black middle class."

    I'm not a big fan of the prosperity gospel, either, since most churches that practice it seem more interested in worshiping money than worshiping God.

  68. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Mell, "And for those folks who run around condemning the black church because it practices black theology have no idea what they are talking about. The vast majority of black churches are conservative socially and politically and don't preach liberation or black theology. Most black congregants don't want to hear the whole gospel they want to be comforted in their pursuit of all things material and their total embrace of Americana."

    Glenn Beck did research on Black theology and found it lacking in true Christianity which is what Mr. Beck and Sarah Palin follow.

    Mell, I am comforted to know that most black churches don't follow black theology. We must follow the "Way" as instructed by the great Church.

  69. mellaneous writes:

    These churches spend too much time condemning folks and preaching against what they can't really change anyway and not enough time trying to make sure that the hungry are fed and the homeless are housed or just making sure that their parishioners get their fair share of this worlds goods or even defending their folks against the injustices of this system.

    Seems the black church operates in the same fractured fashion as the islamic religion. Black Christianity is whatever the local pastor, reverend or minister says it is, just like islam, which is whatever the imam says.

    Meanwhile, that part about "...making sure that their parishioners get their fair share of this worlds goods..."

    Fair Share of the World's Goods? What the heck does that mean? Free stuff for American blacks provided by everyone else on the planet?

    The black church's focus is just too narrow considering all the needs that our community has. And to be fair some churches are doing their part but too many support and advocate for the status quo, which is clearly flawed. And forget concentrating on human rights church folks and black folks don't say a peep about the illegal and immoral US adventurism in the world, not even Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Oh. As always, you clowns blame the US for the role this country plays in the world. As if there is a single black nation or black organization that has reduced or stopped the grotesque brutality perpetrated by black tyrants against black populations in virtually every black nation on the planet.

  70. Thanks Carey,

    No_Slappz just needs his history lessons.


    Did you know that during the New Deal that Southern Democrats who began to fear Roosevelt's programs that benefitted blacks also hated Jews. Yep, too many Jews in Roosevelt's administration for the solid south. Here was one of their little sayings that they mocked Roosevelt with.

    You kiss the negros. I'll kiss the Jews, Will stay in the white house as long as we choose.

    It's pretty scary that so much of the rhetoric that comes out of your mouth came out of the same mouths as rabid Jew haters. Don't you know that negro hating has historically gone hand-in-hand- with kike hating?

    Is there a term for house negro that would translate to the Jewish experience. If so, Slappz should be the prime candidate. Hell, I bet you would have stuffed your brothers and sisters right in the ovens if it would have gotten "real white people" to accept you as one of their own.

  71. "Yes. I read about the Kentucky murder/suicide."

    Wrong n_s. There was no suicide. The perp was arrested. You must be thinking of another case. I am sure you have quite a few to choose from.

  72. well,

    Your knowledge of Jews and the Jewish experience is zero.

    Meanwhile, with respect to attitudes and actions from 70 years ago, they really do not matter.

    Obviously you think of being Jewish as a racial issue defined as blackness once was. The old One Drop Rule.

    Do you believe there are Jewish genes?

    Frankly I do. The intellectual and creative achievements of Jews stand out when Jewish success is compared with all other races and ethnicities. Seems to me something special has been happening for a long time.

    However, anyone can convert to Judaism. No one can change races. But converting to Judaism does not produce Nobel Prize winners.

    The sadder parts of your comments are tied to the way you think Jews feel some desperate need to get away from being tied to Judaism. I can assure you, they don't.

    It's obvious that's how you see yourself with respect to blackness. Thus, you have some serious personal problems.

  73. field,

    The Neace family, where dad lost his temper after his wife burned the eggs, so he shot her and everyone else in the trailer, then killed himself.

    As I said, blacks win the blue ribbon for murder by recording more kills than whites. Simple and true.

  74. Slappz,

    If we go back to the founding of this country until now, have blacks killed more whites than vica-versa?

    Did blacks bring whites here in chains? Did they rape their women en masse and deny them human rights? Did they isolate them from the rest of society and see to it that they went to the worst schools and had the worst jobs? Did blacks keep whites from voting? And when they pushed for their own rights did blacks form terror groups to kill children, blow up churches and generally terrorize?

    How many whites killed by the Nation of Islam? How many blacks killed by the Klan?

    Is it a coincidence that when hate crimes started rising in 2008 that they rose for blacks, Catholics, and Jews?

    Whiteness is made up any way Slappy; it has zero basis outside of social construction. Haven't you ever read the findings of the Human Genome Project?

    Essentially thought Slapz, you're a (wannabe) white bigot. Yet look who the vanguards of white bigotry are? The Klan, Aryan Nations, Storm Front etc. All people who parrot the exact same things you do; yet, they thinks of jews as every bit as repulsive.

  75. Anonymous11:49 PM

    When all the chips have fallen for Eddie Long in this caper, where will it leave Berniece King?
    She and Eddie kicked H. Belafonte to the curb during Coretta King's funeral at the request of GW Bush.

  76. slappy,
    What is a Jew? Is the answer based on a religion, or is it genetic? Do you have to have genetic markers, or do you just have to go to temple and practice the faith? Which is it?

  77. needs slaps:

    your delusions will never
    define any debate herein

    i am certain you are not counting the millions of enslaved africans killed by whites for centureies in america
    and across the globe

    nor the millions of blacks who become criminals via institutional racism/poverty/genocide/chemical poisonings/toxic food & water via environmental racism etc/global racism and elitism via us exported toxic dumping/blood diamond and bloodier gold trades etc

    your erroneous math is as deeply flawed as your bigoted soul

    your ancient racist sins are not tangerines
    you cannot erase or edit them in sections

  78. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Actually Slappy, if it wasn't for the Egyptians and Persians, the jews would have remained the quarrelsome fratricidal,homicidal,bandits and thieves that they were in the
    Middle East. Their greatest leader was Moses and he was EDUCATED by the Egyptians.
    Had they not been yoked into slavery by the Babylonians, they would have amounted to nothing because it was that experience that permitted them to have an understanding of who they were and what they had to do.
    Now they emerge after wandering from that Babylonian slavery into Europe after hundred of years babbling about how special they are because of nothing more than historical lies about their betters. Thanks to that criminal and beast Constantine 1 who made their washed out religious garbage "official",people give them the benefit of the doubt and allow them to abuse and take advantage of everyone else.

    You see slap, intellect is a variable, it isn't an absolute factor with regards to certain people as "you special folks" insist on putting it. Application and effort gives the necessary result. The ability is within every race and or people not just "YOU".
    We have seen how the jews functioned under pressure as opposed to nowadays in which they are permitted to get away with every crime.

    It's good to be special in your own mind slap, just don't try to pass it off as a reality to others who see you for what you really are.
    If you were really special, the coffins worms would have indicated it not to mention accident and disease.
    Maybe you can parallel your take on the negro with the increasing cases of physical defects and mental illness with the present crop of Jews, because it seems that every time you look at one there seems to be some sort of genetic damage . Now I do not think something like that would be possible with a chosen people! Do you?

  79. A caller into my last show said it best: "We (Black folks) went from Masta to Pasta." That is, we went from Slave Master control to Pastor control.

  80. Hey, Negro. What is up with comment moderation?

  81. Attorneymom,

    I plan on listening to your next show, and calling in. I believe you said it's going to be on sexual abuse and/or child sexual abuse.

    I have an opinion on that subject.
