Monday, December 27, 2010

Some guys have all the luck.

I see that O and the family are taking a well deserved Christmas vacation in Hawaii. O, we are all jealous of you. I can't think of a better place in A-merry-ca to kick back with the fam. and enjoy the holidays. Folks on the east coast must be hating on you right now. "Why does our president get to spend his vacation in paradise and we have to shovel snow from our driveway?" I am not sure the president's approval ratings will be up much come spring. Misery , after all, loves company.

Here is hoping that O can take this time to kick his nicotine habit for good. The White House says that my man has been cancer stick free for nine months, so it's all good from where I sit.

Believe it or not, the wingnuts actually tried to make an issue of O's cigarette issues. It's as if the entire country didn't already know that he likes to puff on the regular. They (the wingnuts) played it as if he was trying to keep a secret from all of us. Not.

The man has been up front with his addiction issues and that is a good thing. Others who have had issues with nicotine addiction can take heart that the most powerful man on earth is going through the same struggles that they are.

Finally, thank you O for reaching out to the owner of my birds and congratulating him for giving "7" a second chance. Some folks will hate on you for it but screw em. It's nice to see that you are standing up for someone and not tossing them under an oncoming Greyhound for once.


  1. Field, hate to bother you while you're on vacation, but I wonder if you've heard of this: The text of the mother's letter is at - scroll down to see it).

    The consensus seems to be that it's true. And crazy.

  2. "I see that O and the family are taking a well deserved Christmas vacation in Hawaii. O, we are all jealous of you. I can't think of a better place in A-merry-ca to kick back with the fam. and enjoy the holidays."

    He sure does deserve a break.

    Well, well, well.

  3. Did frat boy ever come clean about his drug and alcohol addictions.

    Wait, the alcohol addiction was a youthful indiscretion (I thought youthful indiscretions were mulligans for the 21 and under crowd, not the 40-something crowd?)

    The cocaine issue was skirted and never addressed.

    And the wingnuts are fretting over some damn cigarettes?

    I fret over cigarettes, but for different reasons. Cigarettes, a known carcinogen, are marketed, but marijuana which is not a carcinogen is deemed bad.

  4. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Have you seen the Christmas card Mitt Romney sent out this year with he and his 14 grandchildren?
    Google that and you can read the message, sounds like Mitt might run in 2012.
    BTW, Romney and family are currently helping Maui's economy. Yes, the whole clan, that is Mitt, wife, 5 sons and their families are reported to be on Maui according to the Maui News a few days ago. No paparazi photos have shown up yet so I guess they have security too.

    Aloha from Makaii

  5. Anonymous6:15 PM

    "I fret over cigarettes, but for different reasons. Cigarettes, a known carcinogen, are marketed, but marijuana which is not a carcinogen is deemed bad."

    Marjuana ruins brain cells and certainly liberal progressive FN folks like Mack Lyons and PilotX can't afford to lose ANY brain cells.

    The Conservatives are merely helping to save the progressive liberals from themselves.

  6. PilotX6:38 PM

    He may have given 7 props but we all know he's a fan of da Bears who by the way handled #7;-)
    Just saying.
    I am starting to like the "O" man little by little. He pushed me over the top by signing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007 last week.

  7. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Dear Mr Fields, your Gov Rendell is outraged about the Eagles game being moved to Tuesday. He claims there was no reason for it because there is no blizzard happening in Philly.

    What's with you folks and your Eagles?

  8. "Marjuana ruins brain cells and certainly liberal progressive FN folks like Mack Lyons and PilotX can't afford to lose ANY brain cells."

    Don't you just love it when the haters are busy chugging down bottle after bottle of Haterade™? Besides, the only argument you can offer against marijuana is a moral one, which could and should be applied to both cigarettes and alcohol, both which seem to be legally and corporately-sanctioned vices approved for the fair American public. Explains why DUI/DWI-related offenses are treated as less of a big deal than, say, having an eighth of a ounce of low-quality Mexican weed on your person.

    "The Conservatives are merely helping to save the progressive liberals from themselves."

    Which is akin to a stranded hiker being "helped" by a pack of hungry wolves. Some "help" that is.

  9. Oh, and DJ Cipha. Isn't he a Dominican chap? Don't those folk have a thing against their Haitian counterparts on the other side of Hispaniola? Just askin. I'm just waiting for FP and LAA to light his ass up for his dumbass comments.

    *makes popcorn*

    Even the anons can have a bite. I'm in a good mood.

  10. Good message Field and thanks for
    recognizing the loss of Teena Marie.
    She was a Honorary Field Negro and made no bones about it. She stayed true to the end with grace and humility. We've been going down memory lane today playing her songs on You Tube.

  11. Co-sign on making Teena Marie HFN,
    Field--a lovely gesture.
    Her tunes have been playing in my head all weekend.She will be missed.

  12. Wesley R.8:38 PM


    I heard Lady T. would sell out the venues everytime she came to Philly. And I just told someone on Christmas that I was looking forward to her next CD because I really enjoyed her last one, Congo Square. Big Lost!

  13. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Teena Marie had a beautiful voice that was one of a kind. I will miss her. This aspect of life when death comes unannounced, I don't like. But when one's time is up in life, your time is up. Teena did a lot in a very short period of time. May God bless her.

  14. PilotX9:21 PM

    Sorry to once again go off topic but check out some of your fellow yardies holding it down in the T-dot.
    I was the featured speaker a few years ago at their holiday event. They do good work getting some of our youth interested in aviation.

  15. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "She was a Honorary Field Negro and made no bones about it."

    Yup and the slut did a great service to random black guys, one of them knocked her up too.

  16. Anonymous9:27 PM

    anon 9:21p "Yup and the slut did a great service to random black guys, one of them knocked her up too."

    You don't have much of a heart, do you?

  17. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "Yup and the slut did a great service to random black guys, one of them knocked her up too."

    This comes from a half-human ugly beast with 666 and a swatstika on his/her forehead. Your mother must have died from complications when she gave birth to you.

  18. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "You don't have much of a heart, do you?"

    Not for sluts. They say she died of natural causes, but she's not at that age, she probably died from complications of aids from all that [clears throat] servicing.

  19. Yesterday Comrade Obama and the Bitter Half treated the nation to this uplifting Kwanzaa greeting:

    "Michelle and I extend our warmest thoughts and wishes to all those who are celebrating Kwanzaa this holiday season. Today is the first of a joyful seven-day celebration of African-American culture and heritage. The seven principles of Kwanzaa — Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith — are some of the very values that make us Americans."

    Actually, these are the values that would make you not American, but Symbionese. They are the same concepts symbolized by the seven deadly cobras in the flag of the socialist Symbionese Liberation Army.

    Kwanzaa was invented by 1960s black power radical Ron Everett, aka Maulana Karenga. Even in the swamps of hippie era radical politics, Karenga stood out as a particularly unsavory character. His United Slaves outfit murdered rival Black Panthers, and Karenga himself was convicted of torturing women, using vices and hot soldering irons among other implements. Kwanzaa was created explicitly to divide Americans by alienating blacks from the Christian holidays that unite us.

    The President continued with his Kwanzaa blessing:

    "As families across America and around the world light the Kinara today in the spirit of umoja, or unity, our family sends our well wishes and blessings for a happy and healthy new year."

    Hopefully the irony of pandering to racial separatists by calling for unity in Swahili isn't lost on any but the most clueless moonbats.

    What makes Kwanzaa so pathetic is its total lack of authenticity. The name of Kwanzaa and of each of its principles are all Swahili, a language not spoken by anyone brought to America in the days of the slave trade. The culture of East African Swahili speakers is profoundly alien to the cultures of West Africa.

  20. sistermoon10:37 PM

    Regarding POTUS and #7 - I'm still amazed at the amount of hateration that continues to be generated toward Michael Vick. He's done what our society asks all convicted criminals to do: Serve his sentence without incident, and obtain gainful employment and live a law-obiding life when you return to society. If this were Michael Vick the truck driver, this wouldn't even be a topic of conversation.

    "No paparazi photos have shown up yet so I guess they have security too."

    No paparazzi photos have shown up because no one cares what Mitt Romney is doing.

    May I add to the props for Teena? "Fire and Desire", "Portugese Love"... "Square Biz"... There will never be another like her. RIP, Vanilla Child

  21. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I can think of a better place than HI, to vacation and live, San home town. Absolutely beautiful and located near the Mexican border (Tijuana; fun times) and Los Angeles. NO SNOW EVER. Sunny and 66-80 degrees year around.

    The downside, the friggin Chargers and Padres.

    We go to places like Philly just to come home and tell people how cold it was.

  22. PilotX11:28 PM

    Thanks for the info Van but I'll keep my holiday thanks. Ann Coulter screeches about Kwanzaa every year. If you don't like it don't celebrate it and those seven principles are important for Black Americans. If you can come up with a better holiday that includes both religious and non-religious folks and can unite us around uplifting principles then have at it, if not leave the rest of us alone. Thanks.

  23. Seriously PilotX? You are way too smart for Kwanzaa.

    What the hell is wrong with Christmas? It has both religious and secular elements that "includes both religious and non-religious folks and can unite us around uplifting principles".

    Come on man, Kwanzaa? Celebrating a holiday dreamed up by this Karenga dude is like partying with Fred Phelps.

    In May of 1971 Karenga stood trial for torturing two dissident members of his cult. Both Deborah Jones and Gail Davis described how Karenga had demanded that they strip naked. The naked women were then whipped with electrical cords and beaten with a karate baton. Detergent and a gushing hose were forced into their mouths. Ms Jones had one of her toes clamped in a vise. Karenga's goon squad forced a hot electrical soldering iron in to Ms Davis' mouth as a form of revolutionary discipline. The torturefest went on for two long days.

    Karenga was convicted and served more than three years in a California State prison.

    Ron Karenga's legacy is the ultimate chump holiday, one that defines black people as an alien nation. At the very heart of Kwanzaa lies the Cult of Color which fashions a revered fetish from the accident of race. Kwanzaa is nostalgia for a yesterday that never existed. Worse yet, it's an invitation to embrace a failed system of economics that has impoverished everyone who has been stupid enough to attempt it.

  24. "Not for sluts. They say she died of natural causes, but she's not at that age, she probably died from complications of aids from all that [clears throat] servicing."

    Pretty classless of you to speak ill of the dead that way, especially under the rather cowardly "anonymous" moniker. I'm sure your wife did her fair share of....ahem...."servicing". At least until she found out about your bad habit of "servicing" other men. I think the whole "giving" and "receiving" bit was too much for her to take.

    I don't celebrate Kwanzaa, but I do recognize it as an effort made by an otherwise flawed human being to give Blacks something that they can wholeheartedly own, as opposed to sharing holidays that are culturally biased towards the White majority in this country. But go ahead and continue denigrating the holiday by making tenuous links between it and the odious conduct of Karenga. I guess it's the whole "fruit of the poisonous tree" angle you're going for. Knock yourself out.

    "Regarding POTUS and #7 - I'm still amazed at the amount of hateration that continues to be generated toward Michael Vick. He's done what our society asks all convicted criminals to do: Serve his sentence without incident, and obtain gainful employment and live a law-obiding life when you return to society. If this were Michael Vick the truck driver, this wouldn't even be a topic of conversation. "

    Of course it wouldn't. He's a famous Nigger, and famous Niggers always have to be put in their place whenever they offend the delicate sensibilities of White folk.

    Meanwhile, you have an abundance of cock-fighting and dog-fighting in the white trash areas of the rural South and very little of it garners any attention. And nearly none of it garner federal sentences.

  25. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Mack Lying-"Meanwhile, you have an abundance of cock-fighting and dog-fighting in the white trash areas of the rural South and very little of it garners any attention. And nearly none of it garner federal sentences."

    That is a lie. you constantly make up shit against white people. You are nothing but a low life racist. FYI: Whites don't engage in dog-fighting and dog killing. That is reserved for folks like YOU.

  26. Mack Lyons said...
    "I don't celebrate Kwanzaa, but I do recognize it as an effort made by an otherwise flawed human being to give Blacks something that they can wholeheartedly own, as opposed to sharing holidays that are culturally biased towards the White majority in this country. But go ahead and continue denigrating the holiday by making tenuous links between it and the odious conduct of Karenga."

    So I guess the key to a harmonious future is for every racial and ethnic group to have their own holidays and traditions that they celebrate separately. That's a good plan, Mack.

    Yes, and why worry one's self over the conduct of Kwanzaa's inventor, Mr. Karenga? Maybe once Christmas has been dismembered sufficiently, German Americans can start celebrating Hitler's pagan winter holiday, and maybe there's something Mussolini came up with for Italians.

  27. PilotX1:24 AM

    Well Van every other ethnicity I know of celebrates their own special days. The Italians celebrate Columbus day, the Mexicans celebrate Cinco De Mayo, there is Chinese New Year ect. Point is people tend to denegrate Black people when we try to celebrate our uniqueness but turn a blind eye to all other ethnicities. You can point out that Marxism is a failed system but the teachings of common work and the need for community are a few of the things that helped us survive here. Christmas is fine for those who want to celebrate it but I choose my own holidays and I like Kwanzaa for the same reason most non-Black people dislike it. Yes I do have a special and unique story that is mine. You are free to participate or not but I dig it. UJIMA!
    BTW I don't believe in Santa Claus or that the invisible sky daddy knocked up a western Asian teenager.

  28. "That is a lie. you constantly make up shit against white people. You are nothing but a low life racist. FYI: Whites don't engage in dog-fighting and dog killing. That is reserved for folks like YOU."

    I didn't figure you to be a sociopathic liar, but you always end up discovering something new about the anons these days.

    BTW, dog-fighting is not something that is confined to a single race or nation. I guess you forgot that in your zeal to score points against me. Anons tend to forget a lot of things in the heat of battle.

  29. PilotX5:27 AM

    "Once Christmas has been dismembered sufficiently". Wow, what we have here is a real life Christmas warrior huh? Don't worry O'Reilly Jr., X-mas seems to be alive and well. That does seem to be the flavor, Kwanzaa is usually attacked by one of two types. 1. White people who in a paternalistic vein want to control who and what we admire. Give it up, we be free now. 2. Religious types that want you to worship their god(s). Either way makes no sense in a free country in which people are free to decide what holiday to celebrate and why. Get over the fact that some people choose not to participate in the pagan ritual converted to a Christian holiday. So bah humbug. Go bother the Jews and Muslims I hear they don't celebrate Christmas either.

  30. PilotX5:39 AM

    Check this

  31. Dear Mr Fields, your Gov Rendell is outraged about the Eagles game being moved to Tuesday. He claims there was no reason for it because there is no blizzard happening in Philly.

    What's with you folks and your Eagles?"

    Yes, the Gov. is a huge Eagles fan. (He even does a television wrap up show after games) I agree, he might need to pull back a bit and concentrate on governing. I hear that quite a few folks are upset,though. We were supposed to have 18 inches of snow and apparently we only had 8.

    classybf and Carolyn, I feel you about Lady-T. Girlfriend had some pipes.

    Damn, folks have haters even in death. Anon. 9:21 PM, you need Jesus.

    "What makes Kwanzaa so pathetic is its total lack of authenticity..."

    Yep, kind of like Christmas. ;)

    Silk and Pilot X, I will check out those sites.

    Sup Makaii? Did you hang with the first family? :)

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