"RICHMOND, Va. – A staff sergeant erred when he banished dozens of soldiers to their barracks and ordered them to clean up after they refused to attend a Christian concert on a Virginia Army base last year, an investigation concluded.
When the Army learned the soldiers were punished, the company commander apologized to them the next day, according to the investigation's findings, released Tuesday to The Associated Press.
The sergeant's actions in May 2010 at Newport News' Fort Eustis were not consistent with the voluntary nature of the concerts, Williams said.
The command did not find sufficient evidence to indicate there was any malicious intent and therefore deferred any discipline down to the battalion command,' Williams said.
Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which first reported complaints by the soldiers, described the investigation's conclusion as typical for the military.
'Blame some lower-ranking enlisted guy who didn't know any better,' he said in an interview. 'That is just a completely inappropriate and disgraceful statement.'
Weinstein called the Christian concerts 'an absolute attempt to establish fundamental Christianity in the military.'
Williams described them as "nondenominational with no particular religious affiliation."
Two soldiers who were punished told the AP they felt pressured to attend a performance by the Christian rock group BarlowGirl, as part of what was billed as the 'Commanding General's Spiritual Fitness Concerts."' [Source]
Finally, I need you all to help me with something. I am sure you have heard about Evan Emory by now. He is the man who thought he was being funny by tricking a school into letting him sing for a bunch of first graders, and then, thanks to some new age trickery, dubbed in some explicit lyrics in the songs and posted the video on the web. [I would show it to you, but I don't think it is available anymore] It was a hit with his friends and on You-Tube, but, unfortunately for him, not with the authorities.
So here is what I need to know from you: The DA in Muskegon, Michigan is throwing the book at him, and I want to know if you think it's excessive. My man is looking at 25 years in the big house and having to register for 25 years as a sex offender. (Talk about a practical joke gone wrong.)
Now what he did was appalling, and if I had a child in that class I would want to go all Mike Tyson on him my damn self. But did he actually abuse these children with his digital prank? Or is this uncharted territory calling for careful navigation on our part? Let me know what you think.
The only punishment them Godless soldiers got was cleaning up?
ReplyDeleteIf this was a Muslim concert,and some Allahless soldiers didn't want to go,they would have been tortured and beheaded.
Re: Evan Emory: he didn't *sing* the explicit/inappropriate lyrics in front of the kids, correct? Did he use their images in the video without their parents' permission?
ReplyDeleteI don't think the proposed punishment is the way to go; I'd like to see something a little more creative and that might teach him a lesson about exploiting other people. How about garnishing his income and donating it to a children's charity? Or having him do some community service that benefits children but doesn't involve direct contact with them? I think about five years of either would get the message across nicely.
"Or is this uncharted territory calling for careful navigation on our part? "
ReplyDeleteYes. It does deserve some careful thought. But while we're thinking about it he can go to prison for a few years.
Unfortunately the military has more than a few putrid people , who given authority over others, also want to direct their spiritual life. So it goes.
There are reports about Air Force Academy cadets being proselytized by evangelicals. I hear the AF is a hotbed for evangelicals. Normally that would be ok but some of these cats have their fingers on the button and may want to start a holy war to bring Jeezus back.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOk, I just hunted down parts of the original video in order to better understand.
ReplyDeleteField, what Evan Emory did was akin to a sexual predator indeed. He may call it a "prank", but there is no doubt he obtained some type of gratification by infiltrating and abusing the trust of that school and those children. He inappropriately abused those children without even touching them. He exploited and took advantage of their trust and innocence, without regard.
It seems to me, this might be another form of sexual child abuse that society has yet to identify and document. It gives the abuser/s the same psychological (or physical) arousal and power, but in this case, another creative form. Even though Emory edited the video with the vulgarity at a later time, while he watched it I'm sure he found it very stimulating, not too different from the other pedophiles. A line has to be drawn.
They need to make an example out of him, fast. These people are too dangerous and determined. Pedophiles and other sexual predators are no joke. In my opinion, sexual predators of all sort need to be annihilated from human existence at any given opportunity.
PilotX, "There are reports about Air Force Academy cadets being proselytized by evangelicals. I hear the AF is a hotbed for evangelicals. Normally that would be ok but some of these cats have their fingers on the button and may want to start a holy war to bring Jeezus back."
ReplyDeleteYou are full of it, PX and it is clear that you know nothing about the military-but neither does Field. I mean what the hell? a spiritual concert never hurt anybody unless you are afraid of your own shadow cause you have given your soul away to the devil.
It would not have hurt those troopers to go for an hour of spiritual fitness. Their lives will be on the line someday and they will wish they had gone. There should be NO punishment to the Sargeant for trying help his men. The trouble with Americans they are such ingrates and PX is one of the biggest of all.
Re: Emory the child sex abuser: he should be locked up forever. That's the problem in America..too many and too much sexual abuse of vulnerable children.
ReplyDeleteSPC, "The only punishment them Godless soldiers got was cleaning up?
ReplyDeleteIf this was a Muslim concert,and some Allahless soldiers didn't want to go,they would have been tortured and beheaded."
Exactly. Hell, they would have to clean up chores anyway. And you can bet that Sgt. is going to be their whining asses biggest nightmare from here on out. What a bunch of whimps.
You are right about Islam. If that had happened, they would have been stoned by the Muslim community and THEN beheaded! That's how they do it in Islam. They don't play. There is None of this crap of running to the commander and whining about having to go to services.
I spent 20 years in the USAF and you'd be surprised at the number of biblethumpers running loose. I worked for a person who kept asking me when I was going to church with her. I tried to put her off thinking she'd get the hint but she kept on so I finally told her that she was making me uncomfortable and I would like for her to stop. She said it was my soul. It felt just like that short guy who keeps hitting on you when he knows you're not interested.
ReplyDeleteSandy248, "She said it was my soul. It felt just like that short guy who keeps hitting on you when he knows you're not interested."
ReplyDeleteShe was right. It is your soul who needs redemption and restoration. Unfortunately, you don't know it. You are not alone, esp on THIS blog. They either are afraid of their own innerwardness or they have a deep-seated anger or fear of God.
You probably were uncomfortable because you are afraid of your own inwardness and you probably still are. That's too bad because you will never know yourself. But again, you have plenty of company on this blog.
In order to opine or pass judgment on Evan, I would have to see the video and see just how lewd or sexually explicit it was, because, who knows, maybe he is a sexual predator.
ReplyDelete25 years is too much, but this has to be investigated. It could be a prank gone wrong, but how could he be so stupid? In that case maybe a hefty fine should be imposed.
Anonymous PilotX said...
ReplyDeleteThere are reports about Air Force Academy cadets being proselytized by evangelicals. I hear the AF is a hotbed for evangelicals. Normally that would be ok but some of these cats have their fingers on the button and may want to start a holy war to bring Jeezus back.
10:02 PM
What you posit is a hypothetical.
In contrast to Major Nidal Hasan, who was allowed to openly proselytise for Islam, declare himself a "Soldier of Allah" and vent his hatred for Christians and America.
And we all know how that turned out.
How many soldiers have evangelical Christians opened up on, while shouting allegiance to JC?
Nice to see nothing's changed since I've been away.
ReplyDeleteNo matter where you go, there will always been people who don't respect the age-old adage of not discussing politics, money and religion in polite company or the workplace.
Like the co-worker who, even though it was a company policy to "ban" all political materials during election season, insisted on strutting around in her pro-Obama gear, forcing her political beliefs on her co-workers, and going so far as to put a large photo of "the first family" on her desk the day after the election.
What she succeeded in doing with her rude and boorish behavior was alienating herself from the rest of the work team, and made it easy for people to justify letting her be one of the several people who needed to be cut during the downsizing that later came.
Field that prankster should get whatever someone gets for a practical joke gone wrong and some community service. C'mon that judge needs to live a little and this is from someone with an almost three year old boy;)
ReplyDelete"How many soldiers have evangelical Christians opened up on, while shouting allegiance to JC?"
ReplyDeleteThe interesting thing about this comment is that many US citizens are clearly unaware of how things are viewed by other folks in other lands.
The statement above actually reflects how many Afghans and Iraqis and Pakistanis view the soldiers that have shot down their kinsmen- as Christians, from a Christian nation.
From the perspective of the invaded the bombed and the occupied thats exactly what is happening, while folks here preach about radical Islam and folks doing things because they are motivated by it, the folks in the Arab world see the "Christian" soldiers as doing the same thing and they despise them for it.
@Karen- Karen I don't think the example you gave of the problem that can occur when you discuss, politics or religion in the workplace was a good one. In fact the bosses don't really mind your politics as long as it's a position that supports them doing whatever they want to you and paying you as little as they can get away with.
ReplyDeleteBut are you sure your co-worker wasn't let go because they were part of that group that are the proverbially last hired and thus the first fired?
Do you actually realize what you said? According to what you said the real rub, or final straw, was having a picture of the President on their desk. Since when is having a picture of the family and president of your country seen as offensive?
Don't answer that it was rhetorical!
@Religious anon- what chance do you think self righteousness and smugness have of convincing someone to examine their beliefs and of turning their life over to God.
Don't answer its rhetorical!
But are you sure your co-worker wasn't let go because they were part of that group that are the proverbially last hired and thus the first fired?
ReplyDeleteDo you actually realize what you said? According to what you said the real rub, or final straw, was having a picture of the President on their desk. Since when is having a picture of the family and president of your country seen as offensive?
Try reading the paragraph again very s-l-o-w-l-y, with your agenda in your pocket.
Key buzz words to this reading comprehension riddle are..
"Even though it was company - Policy - to - ban - ALL - political - materials"..... presumably so people who were at work, could actually work without arguing or discussing politics.
Like the co-worker who, even though it was a company policy to "ban" all political materials during election season, insisted on strutting around in her pro-Obama gear, forcing her political beliefs on her co-workers, and going so far as to put a large photo of "the first family" on her desk the day after the election.
Emory's actions were disgusting, distasteful and a disqualifier for any future events having to do with children. But 25 years? Even actual child molesters who have dozens of victims under their belt don't get sentences this long. Ditto the requirement to be registered as a sex offender for the next 25 years of his life.
ReplyDeleteIn the end, I'm pretty sure he'll get a shitload of community service. And he'll stay away from schools and children's events for a rather long time.
Guy like the "Digital Doofus"...I just don't know.
ReplyDeleteIf I was a judge I would make him an offer: the abuse trial thing (in my younger days there were such persons as "smut peddlers" about whome we were warned, and who were prosecuted under certain statutes when caught) and take his chances, or rather than jam up the system offer a couple of extra judicial deals:
A) One night in a cell with a known 'Bubba' who knows he did some kind of 'short eyes' thing, and we forget the whole thing, or if I were feeling benevolent
B) See if he agrees to let the bailif with the biggest feet and longest legs give him a couple of good swift kicks in the ass to sort of jog the judgement centers of his brain.
The other...
It wasn't a big factor when I was in, very few people cared about things like religion in the military.
Now, though, it is being used as a tool the way race was sometimes used in my day.
The big attraction of religion, especially christianity, is group identification and unit cohesion on the surface, it seems to be a societal "default".
Also, it demands "surrender" to authority in all forms, is replete with centurians giving and following orders, and "faith".
And, since more people are going "career" due to the economic situation, this is the unspoken thing you better do to get along.
And as always, people will use it to punish, seperate, and a measuring stick of "fitness" of the people around, and especially under you.
Remember Brothers and Sisters of Islam
ReplyDeleteKeep your women in line ensuring they obey you and your holy commands from God.
The Quran in Sura 65:1, 4
If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.
As Salamu Alaykum
Funny how some weep fake tears over the fauxtrage of Muslim lands...then howl with anger over the denial of imposition of christian theocracy upon unwilling service people.
ReplyDelete'Karen' is trying to pretend the AF doesn't have a christroach problem. They have actually begun disciplinary actions against evangelicals for disobeying direct orders, proselytizing against policy, promoting based solely on religion, downgrading fitness evaluations because the subordinate declines to join a 'church'...
Having been in the military, I can state quite boldly that there are many, many atheists, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Christians serving our country. I can also wonder why so many chickenhawks who never served thinkerate that forcing their particular brand of superstitious ignorance on others is justified and moral. The old crap about 'atheists and foxholes' comes from those who never watched the randomness of war, the evidence of...if no God...then at least one that doesn't give a poo and the certainty of death.
You sign away a great many rights and freedoms to serve...Freedom of Conscience and Religion should never, ever be part of this trade. We don't live in lands where apostasy, heresy or blasphemy are Death Penalty crimes. The US is a place where religio-crazees are free (mostly) to worship any way they please...but they have to leave me the -bleep- alone.
Evan Emory seems to be getting burned to satiate the need to sacrifice a goat. Yes, he needs his punishment. Yes, he used kids to further his 'career'. Wonder why the excess?
Wow...boilerplate Gooberish...just like the 'I was the onliest one werkin' in th' union plant an' they tole me ta slow down'
ReplyDeleteThe Gomers must thinkerate the Letters To Penthouse are real.
Note the glee the writer has over a person losing their job for...having a view not entirely consistent with the writers'. Note that the writer never once mentions competence or skills.
What is pro-Obama gear?
What is meant by 'forcing her political beliefs on her co-workers?
Is this co-worker AfAm and seeing pride in the History of electing the first AfAm President in the US?
Methink 'Karen' tells us only part of an alleged story.
Note how is a 'Liberal' who violates company rules...and no others.
Note that the person is oddly singular. What workplace is this? Focus on Male Patriarchy?
See how the it is spun so that the 'female' is wearing pro-Obama gear..which is what, exactly?
How does one 'force beliefs' upon co-workers? Is it stomping Goobers in debates? Is it wedding a same-sex spouse? Is it refusing to join the local scam/church/tax fraud?
Oh, and the soooo convenient end. Like JesusBaby came down from Boston and smote the transgressor. How about, the boss was a christian and used 'at-will' to end the employ of the only person who could read?
Is it just me or are wingnuts so isolated they don't have their own anecdotes?
mold said...
ReplyDeleteHaving been in the military
More delusions of grandeur,mold??
Liberals are so hysterically hypocritical.Liberals spend day and night forcing their beliefs on all Americans,than they try to shut down any voices they disagree with.
Yet,Liberals get their panties in a bunch over a none story like this.
SPC, you project quite well. This means you accuse Liberals of doing what you do. Ummm...why do you? Isn't there enough of Liberals own faults to highlight? You act like the closet case in high school calling everyone else a homo.
ReplyDeleteI did serve....did you? Or are you one of the 101st Keyboarding Chickenhawks?
pilotA, you wrote:
ReplyDeletei do not care what the number of Black students at ole Miss are today, yesterday or in they year 2079. I want to know the increase in Black enrollment from the years 1965 to 1969!
AS I said, starting in 1962 with ONE black student and ending in 1969 with 232 black students, I thought the trend was obvious.
Anyway, there was a slow increase from the day James Meredith entereed Ole Miss till 1965 when Haley Barbour was a freshman.
When Haley got to Ole Miss in the fall of 1965 the number of black students was 12.
mold said...
ReplyDeleteI did serve....did you?
Please provide us with proof.
ReplyDeleteYou wrote about the electric Cessna 172.
Here's what's ahead. Possibly a single plane will be built and that's it.
A plane weighed down with batteries is not in the cards.
Moreover, those silly solar panels on the wings could not capture enough electricity to power that plane.
If you understood anything about the energy it takes to fly the plane and how little solar power is obtainable from solar panels covering such a small area, you would know the panels could not power the plane for a second.
Thus, you might then realize that a plane with batteries estimated to give it a proposed two-hour flight time would never get off the ground in any commercial or practical sense.
No one has to provide you with proof, SPC. You are scum, pure and simple...
ReplyDeleteEvan Emory didn't do anything to those children besides film them without their parent's consent. Calling him a sexual predator is extreme overreaction. He's a douche-nozzle, but that's not a crime.
ReplyDeleteOh, and NS... you are no better than that piece of crap (I mean SPC, in case you have your usual case of the 'head in ass' disease).
ReplyDeleteSPC, already did. I still decline to 'out' myself. Why is that important to you? Will you be MalkinStalking? Your bravery stem from threats, veiled or open, to personal safety?
ReplyDeleteDid you serve? Easy-peasy.
Slappy, since when are you an aeronautical/electrical/electronic engineer? Call me cynical but a person using the DoubleWide Institute Centre for Climate Denial as a 'sorce'...might wish to do a tad more research before repeating wingnut fakery. It took me only a few moments to see that Climate Deniers listed were paid PR flacks for oil firms...and had zero credentials in the field. Oh, lecturing in Meteorology...is teaching freshmen the same basics we see on the Weather Channel...fronts, cloud names, terminology...pretty much any person with a basic BS degree can do it. It is NOT Climate Science. But it sure done fooled the rubes.
Like calling a person's sister a 'thespian'.
anon 9:23, you wrote:
ReplyDeleteOh, and NS... you are no better than that piece of crap (I mean SPC,
No better than SPC? You mean I am SPC's equal? Okay. Thanks for the compliment. Coming from you in the manner presented, it's high praise.
Farrakhan and the elected Democrats who embrace him:
ReplyDeleteFarrakhan to headline live broadcast from Wilson Center
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, will headline a live town hall meeting and broadcast of The Bev Smith Show entitled "The Disappearing Black Community and How We Can Get It Back."
The broadcast will take place at the August Wilson Center for African American Culture, Downtown, from 7 to 10 p.m. March 11.
Also appearing will be Congressman James Clyburn, D-S.C., and Melanie Campbell, President and CEO of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.
Ms. Smith is a nationally known radio broadcaster who has an evening program.
Anon I read what Karen said but like Mold I think she didn't tell us the entire story. I am familiar with rules and policies in the workplace as well. I am familiar with them not really being enforced until someone the boss doesn't like breaks them and "then" and only then are they enforced.
ReplyDeleteAnd a picture of the President of the US still should not come under the violation of no politics in the workplace.
You see this is why its difficult for us to advance as human beings in this country everyone wants to pretend that everything is on the up and up and all rules are applied fairly and equally when we know thats a lie.
Karen may be right but it also is possible that her co-worker was targeted because of who or what she supported and she could have simply been let go as it appears was the case because she had some of the lowest seniority as I pointed out before, last hired, first fired.
I have no agenda that seeks to see folks harmed my agenda is to wake folks up and help them look reality in the face and them hopefully work to change it, when its not consistent with real democracy.
mellaneous said..."You see this is why its difficult for us to advance as human beings in this country everyone wants to pretend that everything is on the up and up and all rules are applied fairly and equally when we know thats a lie"
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree, Affirmative Action causes much harm. Race should have nothing to do with getting into college and getting hired. It goes against American ideals and basic principles of fairness. We need to eliminate racial privileges that hurt whites and cripple blacks.
Democracy in former Islamic dictatorships:
ReplyDeleteRomeo and Juliet meet Allah, Muhammad and his followers:
CAIRO—Clashes that broke out when a Muslim mob attacked thousands of Christians protesting against the burning of a Cairo church killed at least 13 people and wounded about 140, security and hospital officials said Wednesday.
The Muslims torched the church amid an escalation of tensions between the two religious groups over a love affair between a Muslim and a Christian that set off a violent feud between the couple's families.
The officials said all 13 fatalities died of gunshot wounds. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.
The police have yet to fully take back the streets, something that has left space for a wave of violent crime and lawlessness in some parts of the nation.
mellaneous said...
ReplyDelete"Anon I read what Karen said but like Mold I think she didn't tell us the entire story. I am familiar with rules and policies in the workplace as well. I am familiar with them not really being enforced until someone the boss doesn't like breaks them and "then" and only then are they enforced."
Isn't it ironic that this idiot paraded around showing her support of an idiot candidate whose election resulted in the implementation of his idiot policies leading to her losing her job!
Mua ha ha ha!
I can't believe there are so many sexual abuse apologist on this blog, considering sexual crimes are so high and rampant in the black community. Maybe that's why.
ReplyDeleteno_slappz said...
ReplyDelete"The Muslims torched the church amid an escalation of tensions between the two religious groups over a love affair between a Muslim and a Christian that set off a violent feud between the couple's families."
The details are more interesting, and all the action starts in the family of the Muslim woman who made the mistake of falling in love with a Christian man:
"The father of the Muslim woman was killed by his cousin because he did not kill his daughter to preserve the family's honor, which led the woman's brother to avenge the death of his father by killing the cousin. The village Muslims blamed the Christians."
Which led, as usual, to a mob of thousands of Muslims availing themselves of the opportunity to attack and destroy a church, desecrating its crosses and relics along the way. So far, the Muslims have killed two of their own and 9 Chrisitians. Some "feud".
Islam, the Religion of Peace.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSPC, already did. I still decline to 'out' myself. Why is that important to you? Will you be MalkinStalking?
"MalkinStalking" You mnean Ms. Malkin exposing Liberal Parents who use their kids has political shields?
Slappy, since when are you an aeronautical/electrical/electronic engineer? Call me cynical but a person using the DoubleWide Institute Centre for Climate Denial as a 'sorce'...might wish to do a tad more research before repeating wingnut fakery. It took me only a few moments to see that Climate Deniers listed were paid PR flacks for oil firms...and had zero credentials in the field. Mold
Funny you should mention pr flacks and oil firms.
The people who are responsible for pushing the global warming hoax are ex oil executives.
Global warming should be look at for what it is-- big business.They want to replace traditional sources of energy with energy sources that they have invested money in.
Look at Al Gore,People within our government and European governments.The people who push this hoax have millions invested in alternative energy.
Lets don't forget global cooling.....New York isn't looking like Daytona to me.
Was this beheading the work of a muslim in Afghanistan? Pakistan? Iran? No. Buffalo.
ReplyDeleteMuslim TV exec gets 25 years for beheading wife
March 9, 2011
"I deeply regret that things came down to what they came down to":
"... and I truly wish there would have been some alternative mechanism."
Playing the victim to the end, after one last-ditch attempt to delay the inevitable, as the prosecutor observed, by trying to switch attorneys before sentencing.
An update on this story. "Hassan sentenced 25 years to life,"
by Emily Lenihan for WIVB, March 9:
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - Wednesday morning, Muzzammil Hassan was sentenced in the beheading of his wife Aasiya.
Judge Franczyk sentenced Hassan to 25 years to life behind bars. The judge also granted an order of protection for Hassan's children, so Hassan must avoid all contact with them.
The prosecutor said his children are so afraid of him (rightly so), they asked for protection.
She also noted that Hassan has written a number of letters, expressing regret, but still immediately denying responsibility and claiming victimhood.
Rev Wite, so...we should judge all christians by the actions of the Westboro Baptist Scam? Or by the conservative Catholic priests? Or by the Scamtologists? Or by the 'child bride' Mormons? Or by the Waco Koresians? Or by Jim Jones Chiruch? Or by Larry Craig? Or....
ReplyDeleteSPC, I love your heroic bravery when it comes to 10 yo children being stalked by creeps. What is it that draws wingnuts to go after kids? Make all the excuses you want...MalkinStalkers went after the kids.
Climate Change is Science...but you confudiate that with Cap and Trade...which is a business model. Are you really that unaware of the difference? Is your world such that all degrees are the same?
Traditional..Hand power? Mules? Camels? Sail? Hydro? Oh..you think Goobers should drive compensatory SUVs forever, amen. Umm ..Peak Oil. The reserves are depleting...making fossils expensive. Coal is way dirty and nuke has issues. But, that confuses Gomer...who beleeverates that the free ride will go on.
Efficiency in energy usage is good business. It's partly why the Euros kick butt in a number of fields. It's an Engineering thing, you wouldn't understand.
They invest based on ideas like Peak Oil..and that nuclear can not cover the need. That Coal is too filthy. That not every Goober needs an SUV.
Slappy..you forgot to mention he was a wingnut who could not handle the idea of a woman not being owned by him.
ReplyDeleteKeep wetting your 'Vitter' over the fact that Muslims exist...and live in the US.
I'll keep laughing at you.
Oh...did you 'forget' to be askeered of the Amish man who gutted, then 'processed' his wife? With your NotLogic...we should be watching the hordes of Amish. They live differently...they don't worship they way 'we' do. They set themselves apart and use an Ordnung to settle things. EEEK!
anon said, "Isn't it ironic that this idiot paraded around showing her support of an idiot candidate whose election resulted in the implementation of his idiot policies leading to her losing her job!"
ReplyDeleteYes it is odd. But you have to understand my people, and HOW they think. MOST of the folks on FN supported Obama and were very proud that he was elected. They ACTUALLY thought a CHANGE HAD COME that was going to improve their lives. Well, we know that hasn't happened. In fact, it's going to get worse.
One of the hallmarks of FNegroes like the ones on this blog, is that they spend an inordinate amount of time trying to police the wm while the bm screws them royally.
Every Black person knows plenty of black folks who have screwed them WORSE than any White person could ever do. Yet, you will NEVER hear about it, esp on FN. Field will NEVER blog about it, but he WILL blog about the shortcomings of Whites.
Mell, Mack, PilotX, Granny, Diaspora, uts, TSC, Rippa and a host of others will NEVER of their disappointment and hurt felt about Obama. They will NEVER speak of the incredible heartless wrongs Blacks have done to each other.
Mell has a point about WHAT Karen failed to mention in her comment about the black employee's story-- mainly because Karen probably isn't Black. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning:
Karen left out what is well-known in the experience of being Black:
That is, the black employee set herself up to look like a fool by blindly assuming that a bm would CHANGE things for the better for Blacks. Which, ONCE AGAIN, has been proven wrong-AGAIN-by the Obama administration, as evidenced today by the HIGHEST jobless rate among Blacks. But THAT is a COMMON CLASSIC EXAMPLE of what happens to Blacks who are blinded by "skin color". You can go back as far as Obama's run for the Presidency on FN and Diaspora, TSC, Field, Granny, uts, Rippa, and a line of others who could only see Obama's skin color but refused to acknowledge the obvious--that they were, AS USUAL, left out in the cold.
Remember: "similar color of skin, does not mean we are kin." There are people with white skin who care and treat Blacks better than people with black skin. I am sure many Blacks can relate...except those two lost souls called Mell and Mack.
Mold Said...
ReplyDeleteSlappy, since when are you an aeronautical/electrical/electronic engineer? Call me cynical...
Nah, how about we just call you Dick. It fits YOU better .
The old crap about 'atheists and foxholes' comes from those who never watched the randomness of war, the evidence of...if no God...then at least one that doesn't give a poo and the certainty of death.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure about God, but you convinced me there is a Devil. God would never be so evil to make someone as hateful and stupid as you.
Well, Mohammeds god might, he likes little girls who haven't bled yet, just like you do.
mellaneous said...
ReplyDeleteAnon I read what Karen said but like Mold I think she didn't tell us the entire story. I am familiar with rules and policies in the workplace as well. I am familiar with them not really being enforced until someone the boss doesn't like breaks them and "then" and only then are they enforced.
And a picture of the President of the US still should not come under the violation of no politics in the workplace.
You see this is why its difficult for us to advance as human beings in this country everyone wants to pretend that everything is on the up and up and all rules are applied fairly and equally when we know thats a lie.
Not sure I agree with that, what if someone decided to put a picture of Bush on his/her desk and offended the ObamaMite? I run large workplaces, no politics means no politics with no exceptions. It does cause problems.
Frankly it is always the ones who think they are better then everyone else that are sure the rules don't apply to them because of whatever is in thier head.
As for the rest of what you guessed Karen was saying.....Seems like you either had a private conversation with her or are guessing a heck of a lot.
No one is excemted due to special circumstances and adults wont even ask.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIt would not have hurt those troopers to go for an hour of spiritual fitness. Their lives will be on the line someday and they will wish they had gone. There should be NO punishment to the Sargeant for trying help his men. The trouble with Americans they are such ingrates and PX is one of the biggest of all.
10:54 PM
ChickenHawk.. I bet you never spent a day in the military and if you did, you probably pissed in your BDU's the minute some TI/DI was up in your grill..Hell, you probably never even made it out your "civis".
Anonymous said...
Exactly. Hell, they would have to clean up chores anyway. And you can bet that Sgt. is going to be their whining asses biggest nightmare from here on out. What a bunch of whimps.
This isn't the 1950's when your DI/TI can just beat up on you and get away with it. Can guarantee you that the DI was transferred. And speaking of wimps what was your MOS or AFSC? Ahh, let me guess..You're a Chicken Hawk too..
11:06 PM
Sandy248 said...
I spent 20 years in the USAF and you'd be surprised at the number of bible thumpers running loose. I worked for a person who kept asking me when I was going to church with her.....
11:36 PM
And @Sandy248 - ooo Rah! I was a 90850, what was your AFSC?
I was in the Air Force for 8 years and the only time I was "forced" to go to Church is when I was in basic training back at Lackland and I wanted to get the hell out the dorm on Thanksgiving - so I took my ass to church because you couldn't go home on vacation while in basic..lol
Went to Desert Shield/Storm, stationed in the UAE. Chaplin came around asking if we, the Airman, needed "spiritual" words when the "war" started, we were in the movie/TV tent at the time..He was getting in our way of the screen. If he wasn't a Captain he would've gotten booed or shoved out the way.
AyaDunTolHer said...
ReplyDeleteRemember Brothers and Sisters of Islam
Keep your women in line, make sure they know that they are worth but half of men in this life.
Quran Sura 2:282 says:
And let two men from among you bear witness to all such documents [contracts of loans without interest]. But if two men be not available, there should be one man and two women to bear witness so that if one of the women forgets (anything), the other may remind her. (Maududi, vol. 1, p. 205).
The foundational reason for having two women witnesses is that one of the women may 'forget' something. This verse goes to the nature of womankind, and implies that a woman's mind is weak.
This hadith removes any ambiguity about women's abilities in Sura 2:282:
The Prophet said, 'Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?' The women said, 'Yes.' He said, 'This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind.' (Bukhari, emphasis added)
As Salamu Alaykum
Anon 1:18 said
ReplyDelete"Karen left out what is well-known in the experience of being Black:
That is, the black employee set herself up to look like a fool by blindly assuming that a bm would CHANGE things for the better for Blacks. Which, ONCE AGAIN, has been proven wrong-AGAIN-by the Obama administration, as evidenced today by the HIGHEST jobless rate among Blacks. But THAT is a COMMON CLASSIC EXAMPLE of what happens to Blacks who are blinded by "skin color". You can go back as far as Obama's run for the Presidency on FN and Diaspora, TSC, Field, Granny, uts, Rippa, and a line of others who could only see Obama's skin color but refused to acknowledge the obvious--that they were, AS USUAL, left out in the cold."
Anon I don't know if you are one of the ones who picks on me on occassion for speaking out on issues, esp. racism, but this seems awfully cynical.
But though there is some truth to what you say about Obama and of course you know that I didn't support him or any of the other candidates of the twin parties of US capitalism-- but it wasn't because of his blackness that he failed folks.
It was because of his politics, which weren't progressive at all and if fact they aren't even liberal. Folks who expected more did that on their own. Listening and watching what he done in the past was a good indicator that he was not going to do anything different from any other politician who is beholden to this system.
Thus occupation continues, unlawful killing of international enemies (Pakistan) continues, prisons are still filling with primarily people of color, Wall Street ran off with bags of money, corporations are still allowed to do their thing unchecked and he even made sure that the private health insurance industry would thrive and the list goes on.
And every once in a while his administration throws black folks a bone. Attorney General Holder talking about his people and not getting caught up in what was a non issue anyway.
Its a good trick get folks excited about something making it appear that they are on your side, while not changing anything at all.
Anyone care to guess the race of the accused?
ReplyDeleteAffidavit: Texas girl's assault recorded on cell phones
From Aaron Cooper, CNN
March 9, 2011
11-year-old girl allegedly gang raped
A video was circulating among students in Cleveland, according to documents
Defense attorney says as many as 28 people could be involved
Police say they've known about the case since December
(CNN) -- An alleged sexual assault of a Texas girl involving nearly 20 people was recorded on cell phones, and a video of the alleged incident was circulating among students in her school district, according to court documents obtained Tuesday.
As of Monday, 13 adults and five juveniles had been arrested as part of the investigation, authorities said. A defense attorney for one of the suspects told CNN affiliate KPRC that the number of suspects could increase.
"I don't know the exact number of people involved," James Evans said. "I've heard as many as 28 or more."
The case has sharply divided the community, according to CNN affiliate KHOU, which reported the girl was 11 years old.
Darrel Broussard, assistant police chief for the Cleveland, Texas, Police Department, said Monday that the investigation into the incident "is continuous," with more significant developments possible. Cleveland is about 50 miles northeast of Houston.
"There have been leads during our investigation that have alerted us to other possible persons of interest," Broussard told CNN. "The investigation is ongoing."
The 18 individuals charged thus far are between 14 and 27 years old, he said. Those who are adults were indicted last month on a charge of aggravated sexual assault of a child.
On Friday, the Cleveland Police Department announced that four students in the Cleveland Independent School District had been arrested on charges of aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14.
The juveniles appeared Monday in a Liberty County court in the town of Liberty.
Police noted that some but not all suspects are students at Cleveland High School.
Mike Little, the district attorney in Liberty County, said police would likely decide whether more people would be charged.
He offered few other details, saying Monday, "We are very careful about pretrial publicity."
The incident allegedly happened November 28 at two residences in Cleveland, according to a search warrant affidavit obtained by CNN on Tuesday.
The girl told a school district police chief about the incident, who notified Cleveland police on December 3, the affidavit said. The chief then interviewed employees of the Cleveland Independent School District who had heard of the incident, according to the documents.
The girl told a forensic interviewer from a child advocacy center that one suspect called her "and asked if she wanted to ride around" on that day, the affidavit said. Three of the suspects picked her up and took her to one residence where a fourth suspect lived.
The fourth suspect told her to take her clothes off, she said, adding that "he would have some girls 'beat her up' or she would not be taken back to her residence if she did not comply." the affidavit said.
The girl said she engaged in sexual acts in the bedroom and bathroom of the residence. While in the bathroom, she said, she heard one suspect on the phone inviting other people over to have sex with her, and said when she came out of the bathroom four men she did not know were there, the affidavit said.
Anon 1:36 good point, but I still think it would be harsh to fire someone for having a picture of the president on their desk.
ReplyDeleteGosh...it's just like when I pointed out some 'vet' hadn't served a day in 'Nam.
ReplyDeletePretending to expertise that is obviously not there...you should leave to pundits. They don't have citizens nearby to express surprise that a bushWar cheerleader would decline to serve.
RottnKid, the number of unemployed christians has filled the mil with beleevers. This, though, was about the Chain of Command not stomping proselytizing flat...and giving a more than tacit admission they approved. It also makes it worrisome that the O-corps could be entirely Goober.
What happens when christian heroes deciderate that the eveel athiest Chinee are too eveel to be on the same planet as gawd-fearin' christian Patriarchs? Maybe Goobers thinkerate they are all that...but the Viet Nam experience should give pause to a rational person.
ReplyDelete"I can't believe there are so many sexual abuse apologist on this blog, considering sexual crimes are so high and rampant in the black community"
Higher than the white community?
Love to see you prove it.
Does the Boston Archdiocese ring a bell?
Brooklyn Rabbi accused of being serial molester of teenage boys
ReplyDeleteAnybody you know Slappy?
Mell, the fakestory was to demonize eveel Liberals, to have some think that it was OK to 'lynch' those who had different political views, and to push an anecdote...much like the 'Welfare Queen'.
ReplyDeleteThe holes are enough for a Mack...and the spin is obvious.
It scans like the union workplace fake.
All 'authors' use the same words..verbatim
Chumpy 'works'..but by self. Really? In a shop? Why is that?
Fast is not always good...see Mike Holmes. All the crap Chumpy did need to be fixed. OT...there's the money for the vacation. It's rude to tell the Boss's spoiled moron they are untalented...you are then a 'hater'.
Why is it only the Randian Galt who boasts of their godlike powers? Umm..maybe I am simple..but I think that it would be like Vick or BigBen..there would be lots of people being awestruck by the magnificence.
For folks who whine that there is Sharia Law...they sure are eager to have the christian version applied here..to others.
Mold, "The old crap about 'atheists and foxholes' comes from those who never watched the randomness of war, the evidence of...if no God...then at least one that doesn't give a poo and the certainty of death."
ReplyDeleteDo YOU give a 'poo' about the 'certainty' of death? The saying, "There are no atheists in foxholes" didn't come out of a vacuum-and it sure as hell isn't crap. It was born out of the human experience.
It's about human beings having HOPE in something bigger and greater than themselves. You see, hope is the spiritual platform from which faith, religion, God and spiritual experiences of the heart springs from.
And war and death of love ones, friends, etc...often brings up that Reality. Apparently you watch the 'radomness' of war in the news, movies and on TV-- but I have experienced war. It's not what you think or watch in the media. You have chosen to shut out the possibility of a Higher Power than yourself. That's ok, but don't call it crap because YOU don't even know WHY you 'exist'- or even know what life is all about-to call it that. You are 'ignorant' of that. Yet, you seem to have a peculiar way of thinking:
you unknowingly think of your ignorance as knowledge. That is amazing, yet it proves that human ignorance knows no bounds.
"Two things infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."--Einstein
ReplyDeleteThere ya go Karen, see if this meets your criteria of "hypothetical". Mikey Weinstein would disagree.
"Mell, Mack, PilotX, Granny, Diaspora, uts, TSC, Rippa and a host of others will NEVER of their disappointment and hurt felt about Obama. They will NEVER speak of the incredible heartless wrongs Blacks have done to each other."
ReplyDeleteWhy should we there are enough uncle ruckuses like yourself that are gladly willing to point out every little fault of Black people for their white massas. I wouldn't want to hone in on your act, you do it so well.
philly archdiocese suspended 21 priests YESTERDAY on sex abuse of minors.
ReplyDeleteHey Slappz, guess what color this idiot was.
Oh no Maria, you must be mistaken. Only Mooslims pose a threat to us good mericans.
ReplyDeletepilotX, seems you were shooting for comedy.
ReplyDeleteYour article stated:
Man breaks into Portland house, calls 911
Man breaks into Portland house, calls 911
March 8, 2011
Police responded to a residence in southwest Portland on Monday evening after a man called 911 to report that he just broke into the residence and that the owner arrived home.
The caller told 911 that he was concerned that the homeowner might have a gun.
When the homeowner arrived home, the suspect was in the bathroom taking a shower.
The homeowner, accompanied by his two German shepherds, asked the suspect what he was doing in the house and the suspect then locked himself in the bathroom and called 911.
The homeowner also called 911 and told the dispatcher that he found a man in his house.
The suspect, 24-year-old Timothy James Chapek of southwest Portland, was booked into the Multnomah County Jail on a charge of first-degree criminal trespass.
Well, now that we know you consider showering without permission the criminal equivalent of blacks gang-raping an 11-year-old black girl, everything is clear.
"Lets don't forget global cooling.....New York isn't looking like Daytona to me."
ReplyDeleteBecause we all know climate forcings happen overnight. What a maroon. All people pushing global warming hoax are ex-oil execs? It seems all people pushing a disbelief in climate change are funded by the oil companies (follow the money). We all know oil companies have the planet's be interst at heart.
Mold said...
ReplyDeleteRev Wite, so...we should judge all christians by the actions of the Westboro Baptist Scam? Or by the conservative Catholic priests? Or by the Scamtologists? Or by the 'child bride' Mormons? Or by the Waco Koresians? Or by Jim Jones Chiruch? Or by Larry Craig? Or....
When is the last time a Christian mob attacked a community of non-believers? Do Hindus do this? Buddhists?
Muslim communities all over the world perpetrate attacks on people of other faiths every day. Last month alone, there were 134 Jihad attacks taking place in 20 different countries which killed 565 people.
Since 9/11, there have been nearly 17,000 terror attacks in the name of Islam.
Of course all religions have adherents who do bad things in a misguided interpretation of their faith, but come on, Islam is in a league of its own.
Consistently trying to make a moral equivalence between the religiously motivated actions of Christians and Muslims is an idication of willful stupidity.
PilotX, I would guess the 'writer' was not AfAm. It was more about how incompetent AfAms are as a whole..rather than the known non-issue of Obama's right-right politics.
ReplyDeleteI did wonder why we had to be told by Massa how to feel about Obama...and the underlying assumption that AfAms were as stoopid as wingnuts. The needing of Massa to TELL us about wrongs done by those of similar colour was strange. As if I was not aware of being myself...but had to be TOLD by some stranger about my life.
Is this person seeking a 'dog' to kick?
This compulsion to TELL others...is it from their own lowly socioeconomic status...that of expendable labour? Is it a form of mental illness? I really can't recall asking anyone to TELL me things I already knew...or knew to be false.
Well, now that we know you consider showering without permission the criminal equivalent of blacks gang-raping an 11-year-old black girl, everything is clear.
ReplyDeleteNever said that. I didn't know we were playing tit for tat. Maybe I don't share the same fascination with child gang-rapes that you do. We all know whites would NEVER rape anyone, wait what happened to Mrs Recy Taylor.......... if you want I'm sure you can google some info about white gang-rapists if that's your thing, I'm kinda not into that kinda stuff but I'm not judging.
@mold. I get my anons mixed up. So that was the racist white dude and not the shuffling Tom. Damn I wish they would use their names, Cleetus and Uncle Rukus. That would make things so much easier.
ReplyDeleteYou offered the response. Hence, you played, and your playing positioned you as I pointed out.
By the way, the number of blacks on the Ole Miss campus in the fall of 1965, when Haley Barbour was a freshman was 12.
Rev Wite, you might want to read your US history. christian mobs are known to historians...
ReplyDeleteReligion of Peace.. UPDATED: New information has been developed in the past six months that conclusively shows "Glen Reinsford" is in reality Peter Oliver, who lives on Highland Club Dr. in Marietta GA. Oliver also goes by the name of Linda Lucile Oliver, and a lengthy list of both male and female names. Oliver has a criminal history of 55 convictions for robbery, felonious assault, burglary, theft, bad checks, etc., and a few stints in prison, all for which we have the documentation. We also have Oliver's bankruptcy filing where he lists himself as "Peter Oliver, also known as Linda Lucile". Mr. Oliver is a self-employed locksmith for a company called "AA 24 Hour AAA Locksmith." It's easy enough to find Oliver's correct address in the Marietta, GA telephone listings under the locksmith company's name, as he works out of his home.
Oh...ROP likes money..please send cash to unknown person who does unknown things with your money...so much besser than having eveel gubmint spend it on roads, schools, lights, sewers...and the eveel gubmint has public records and oversight. But ROP is a good christian man....;)
PilotX, names...names are for those willing to at least take the heat for their opinion. I don't mind getting grief on a board...but after seeing the brave heroic manly studs stalk abortion patients...(the ones without support...wonder why that is?) or the MalkinStalkers of 10 yo children..I have no desire to have that much stoopid near me.
ReplyDeleteIt gave me pause to wonder how gutless one has to be to not even assume a nom de Internet. Then I realized...not only is their courage severely lacking..but the whole point is to be a PITA. Well, it sure beats dating girls/boys..to them. And they can brag about their non-exploits to...umm...who would listen?
Goobers, it is less about race and more about the trauma and issues with the 11 yo child. Just because you feel justified using a small child as a political prop...does not mean I do.
ReplyDeleteSorry Gomers, but I worry more about the kid...and less about how you spin this atrocity.
And yes...wites do this too.
@ Mold: You've been had again.
ReplyDeleteNice try.
Awwwwww Slappz, I know Steve hurt your feelings and you lashed out. I know how your type likes the little boys no? Marias post lets us in on your secrets too. Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteUh, thanks again for getting me those numbers a month later. I'll be sure to send you a link when Cessna's electric plane is in production so you can feel even lower or are you just used to being wrong?
Hey it's my buddy Rev. Right. You find that info about Ayer's fingerprints being on that bomb yet? Or were you mistaken?
ReplyDeletePilotX said...
ReplyDeleteHey it's my buddy Rev. Right. You find that info about Ayer's fingerprints being on that bomb yet? Or were you mistaken?
No, as usual, you were mistaken. You need to work on your reading comprehension skills.
What I wrote said that Ayer's fingerprints were found all over the bomb making factory. That is the truth.
Also, it's hard to lift fingerprints off a bomb that has already exploded.....
ReplyDeleteRev Wite, your 'sorce' is rather skimpy. Like it was hurriedly pasted together. The others are paid flacks...so far. Wonder why they are so interested in covering up valid data about the person? Why the spamsites? So far...the only anti-Sutter stuff is from liars.
ReplyDeleteNow...why would all the liars band together and lie about the same person?
Rev Wite, are you sure one can't lift prints off exploded materials? Or are you just pretenderating so you can 'lynch' another academic like Ward Churchill? Must have made your Left Behind day...
ReplyDeleteOh, I did read his works. All the wingnuts had was lies and innuendo.
What are you on?
ReplyDeleteAss-non Tom grunts
ReplyDelete"Yes it is odd. But you have to understand my people, and HOW they think. MOST of the folks on FN supported Obama and were very proud that he was elected. They ACTUALLY thought a CHANGE HAD COME that was going to improve their lives."
The sad thing about this silly ass-kissin Tom is that he saw firsthand the butt screwing the Repubs gave EVERYONE but the superrich over the period 2001 thru 2009 but he's ready and willing to vote for them AGAIN.
And he questions OUR intelligence???
pilotX, you wrote:
ReplyDeleteI'll be sure to send you a link when Cessna's electric plane is in production...
AS I said, for the obvious reasons of physics, chemistry and, undoubtedly, the FAA, the plane will NEVER see production.
Meanwhile, the fact that you believe this experimental aircraft is heading for the commercial market tells me you really know nothing about the basic science of powered flight.
Gollee Gomer, all them folks agin' Sutter all have the same last name. Must be kinfolk doin' the Lord's Work.
ReplyDeleteWhat a ton of poo! Wading through wingnut fauxtrage at some chubby guy for mentioning that the wingnut is a wingnut. And it is the End of The Universe for the chubby guy to just say this. Worse than all offenses ever!!
To be fair..chubby guy is missing stuff. But the detractors are sockpuppets, 'kinfeuders', crapsites...by comparison he seems rational.
Rev. Right said...
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's hard to lift fingerprints off a bomb that has already exploded.....
Shhh dont talk complicated things to PilotX. Logic is for white people or buckdancing toms who dont know the truth because they black.
What kind of Maroon says, hey did you find the prints on the bomb that exploded?
The sad thing about this silly ass-kissin Tom is that he saw firsthand the butt screwing the Repubs gave EVERYONE but the superrich over the period 2001 thru 2009 but he's ready and willing to vote for them AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteAnd he questions OUR intelligence???
Coon, you cannot question what is not there . You always reference ass plugging, butt screwing, fucking little kids..what is up with that and YOU?
UTS, change did come. We no longer had to worry about Goober running the US. And all those wite-supremadorks had to eat mighty helpings of crow. And an AfAm was in the White House...and NOT as Staff. I likes those changes!
ReplyDeleteWe also had more outspoken Goobers like Addison Graves Wilson. We saw the rise in 'dog whistles' as humans detest racist scum. We liked that male escorts were no longer frequent 'visitors'.
Well..if we keep electing Fascists...we will have wingnut Heaven...which will be followed by the obligatory fumigation of stoopids and wingnuts. Look at how the wingnuts cower knowing that charges could be laid for their actions.
Ass-non Tom
ReplyDeletePlease tell us. What happened to you in your life to make you hate your own reflection so much?
Why do you hate being black so much?
Have you really bought into the "white is right" line?
Do you really believe Slappy or for God's sake Sarah Palin are superior human beings?
Get up off your knees and be a black man, FOOL.
Proud and strong.
It's 2011 idiot. That Ruckus crap is so played.
uptownsteve said...
ReplyDeleteAss-non Tom
Please tell us. What happened to you in your life to make you hate your own reflection so much?
Why do you hate being black so much?
Have you really bought into the "white is right" line?
Do you really believe Slappy or for God's sake Sarah Palin are superior human beings?
Get up off your knees and be a black man, FOOL.
Proud and strong.
It's 2011 idiot. That Ruckus crap is so played.
Project much there Mr Coon?
It's 2011, get up off your Hands and knees, playing the incompetent bimbo is so 1960's. If you were proud and strong you would not need to find so many excuses and reasons for each and every one of your failures, of course anyone but yourself, I know, I know if an incompetent man aint got a cause, what does he have?
Only a man who tries to browbeat someone else into thinking like he does no matter how much damage it does is coon enough to manufacture fake hate. Hows that reflection look to you? Get past the skin, cause that dont mean shit other then its a wrapping for whats inside and guess what Coon, you didn't earn that either it was just an accident of birth. No leave get up from all fours, it aint right to hear about a brother takin it from behind and then claimin he strong, it makes you crazy you know!!!
Hows it feel to know you are nothing but a shithead and your skin color aint gonna get you a pass this time?
Your like a whiney little bitch, wahh, wahh, wahhh. I want, I want, well fuck that you aint gettin nothin. Now stand up, be proud take pride and accountability in yourself and what you do. I did, I aint you. I aint responsible for your coonery, you are.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteUTS, change did come. We no longer had to worry about Goober running the US. And all those wite-supremadorks had to eat mighty helpings of crow. And an AfAm was in the White House...and NOT as Staff
Yeah Mold. Preach!! How that working out for ya? Country bout to fold aint it? Afreeeeeekaaaa here we come....woohoo. We can all become a nation of janitors. Damn 35% of the public income is from government. Woohoo, who payin for dat? How long you think that gonna last ehhhh rocket scientist?
Hey assnon,
ReplyDeleteI'll make a bet with you.
If you can find one time on this board where I made excuses for anything I've done or blamed any action (or failure) of mine on "whitey", I will leave this board forever.
If you can't, then you leave.
UTS, what would let you assume the FakeAnon was AfAm? They write like a whine-filled petulant wite. One who thinkerates they are a Rugged Individual...who depends on no one. Sort of a wite-Trash fantasy...not one for AfAms.
ReplyDeleteHate to say it...but the worst one so far is the 'I has rapping skillz'. Umm..not even when I am drunk, son.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletePilotX, names...names are for those willing to at least take the heat for their opinion. I don't mind getting grief on a board...but after seeing the brave heroic manly studs stalk abortion patients...(the ones without support...wonder why that is?) or the MalkinStalkers of 10 yo children..I have no desire to have that much stoopid near me.
It gave me pause to wonder how gutless one has to be to not even assume a nom de Internet. Then I realized...not only is their courage severely lacking..but the whole point is to be a PITA. Well, it sure beats dating girls/boys..to them. And they can brag about their non-exploits to...umm...who would listen?
In other words,mold is a coward who makes stuff up so she can feel better about herself.
"The only punishment them Godless soldiers got was cleaning up?"
ReplyDeleteHe should not have been punished at all for his beliefs- or non-beliefs. - Is this where A-merry-ca is heading? (I know I know, the Muslims do it!)
Wait, I forgot you are a wingnut. You try to impose your beliefs on others.
Carry on.
La~Audio, I feel your frustration. This man was an idiot and who knows what else. But I agree with what someone above said; I think the charges were excessive. The kids weren't watching his You Tube Video, their parents were. I think probation, community service, and a fine is a fair sentence.
SPC, keep doing false equivalence...it works so well for Left Behinds.
ReplyDeleteField, thanks for placing the blog back on the tracks. We in the US have a long history of atheists serving (Revolutionary War onwards..) and we have that Constitutional Freedom from Religion.
Dude has a need to be punished...but the penalty seemed weird. Priests got less. Any ideas on why so nasty?
But did he actually abuse these children with his digital prank?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking as someone who worked as a criminal prosecutor for a decade, I think this one may have been a tad overcharged. The latest news suggests their working on a deal that would keep him off the registry and he would serve a few in county with some probation and CS. Maybe cooler heads prevailed. Or maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age.
Steve-o said...
ReplyDelete"maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age."
That's what uptownsteve keeps sayin' to his wife.
ReplyDelete3:57 PM
Right on!
"But did he actually abuse these children with his digital prank?
Speaking as someone who worked as a criminal prosecutor for a decade, I think this one may have been a tad overcharged."
Rabbi Lebovits was actually sentenced to 10 to 32 years and I'm sure it wasn't for just smooches on the cheek.
Be for real.
PilotX said, "Never said that. I didn't know we were playing tit for tat."
ReplyDeleteThen what was your point? Because your response was completely UNRELATED to what anon said. Yet you addressed your comment to anon. What's up with that?
But that's been your pattern of thinking and MO. In your wish to respond, you become 'overwhelmed' with emotions, which puts you in a fog, causing you to lose 'track' of what was said. It's quite typical of a brother with a lack of self-restraint. You, like most of my brothers, need therapy. But, like so many, you are too much of a coward to do so. Isn't that right, uts?
ReplyDelete"UTS, what would let you assume the FakeAnon was AfAm? They write like a whine-filled petulant wite. One who thinkerates they are a Rugged Individual...who depends on no one. Sort of a wite-Trash fantasy...not one for AfAms"
Mold I think this Anon is the former "XI" who is one of the sickest, sorriest, self-hating Uncle Toms on could encounter.
The writing style and hysteia is the same and unfortunately he is black.
uts-"Hey assnon,
ReplyDeleteI'll make a bet with you.
If you can find one time on this board where I made excuses for anything I've done or blamed any action (or failure) of mine on "whitey", I will leave this board forever.
If you can't, then you leave.
steve, you say the same thing over and over again. That's an indication of a weak mind trying to appear strong. It doesn't work.
uncletomSteve said, "Ass-non Tom
ReplyDeletePlease tell us. What happened to you in your life to make you hate your own reflection so much?
Why do you hate being black so much?"
Did I say I hated being Black? No, I did not. You have made that up in your own image. Look in the mirror at yourself and you will see the REAL person who has spent a lifetime trying to cover up his self-hatred and low self-esteem. It is getting harder and harder to deny the truth, isn't it, steve? Don't worry, you have mold, pilotX, mellaneous, mack and other so-called FNs for support. Nothing like a little low-esteemed 'cult' to keep you based in delusion.
I assume you understand what the word "delusion" means? probably not.
uts, "Mold I think this Anon is the former "XI" who is one of the sickest, sorriest, self-hating Uncle Toms on could encounter.
ReplyDeleteThe writing style and hysteia is the same and unfortunately he is black."
Oh really? which anon are you talking about dumb downtown steve? And what do you know about being a man? your own wife has to take care of your sorry ass.
I'll assume that you can't meet my challenge.
ReplyDeleteNot that I'm surprised.
This case is a horrible abridgement of first amendment rights. Was there a single unclothed kid? Nope. Was there a kid slapped or groped? Nope.
ReplyDeleteThis kid should fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, WIN and sue the city again for every buck they've got. Field, you should get in on the lawsuit- it'll be a quick buck for you.
We should be putting the Koch brothers away for 20 years for molesting our democracy. But you won't hear those parents or the people on this blog saying that.
Also, it's hard to lift fingerprints off a bomb that has already exploded.....
ReplyDeleteUhhhh, wasn't it YOU that said his fingerprints were found on the bomb? Just checking.
Notably, Ayers' fingerprints were found at the bomb-making factory, along with an assortment of anti-personnel weapons, stabbing implements, C-4 plastic explosive, and dozens of Marxist-Leninist publications.
ReplyDeleteOK, Rev. Right here's what you said. now prove his prints were found at the bomb making "factory". It was made in th ehome of one of the members and he wasn't there. Are you making stuff up again?
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