Friday, April 01, 2011



  1. I wonder what the democratic collage looks like?

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Tsk,tsk,tsk, ;)

  3. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Poor, poor victim. How sad that public figures receive caricatures. It is just so terrible. Boo hoo. Weep. Cry.
    Note how not one has a Joker face or Hitler imposed. See that it is just ribbing. And how the wailing, weeping and gnashing of teeth begins.
    If you are interested in growing up...some Lefty blogs do have such things for the Ds. But that would mean admitting the fake meme of victimhood was lying. False equivalence can only be sustained by a constant diet of denial and lying. After a time, it becomes clear the tactic makes you untrustworthy. Clinging to it in the face of evidence indicates divorce from Reality...or that the person is a lying con.
    I know, st reagan did it for years...but he had very wealthy backers and a coterie of sycophants.


  4. Anon283108:19 PM

    The caricature mosaic of Republican leaders is funny.

    However, Eric Cantor's language that if the Senate doesn't vote on a bill, then that bill becomes law is funnier.

  5. Anon283108:24 PM

    Speaking of caricatures and the grotesque, what ever happened to Constructive Feedback?

  6. Anonymous8:48 PM

    A Ship Of Fools and a leaky boat :-)

  7. At last, proof has surfaced of Mold's academic credentials.

  8. Anonymous9:50 PM

    at last somebody like a loser who calls themselves dr queen has revealed where they got their diplomas from thats why the number of degrees changes so rapidly with a diploma mill u can get a degree a day muah muah muah aint even ha no advanced degrees yet calling urself a doctor ure a gottdam disgrace wannabe scientist!!!!!

  9. Anonymous9:51 PM

    the absolute nerve of such a qoohole to defame charles drews image by using it as a rogue sockpuppet avater filth piles theyre all filth piles eye tell ya

  10. Anonymous10:20 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Wanted for war crimes said...
    moldilox, did you use to post has grandma standing for the truth.

    She also had a sexual obsession with Reagan and she also stalked FOX NEWS.

    Anonymous said...
    Poor, poor victim. How sad that public figures receive caricatures. It is just so terrible. Boo hoo. Weep. Cry.
    Note how not one has a Joker face or Hitler imposed.


    Democrats mustn't had the time to do that.Maybe next year.

  12. "Anon28310 said...

    Speaking of caricatures and the grotesque, what ever happened to Constructive Feedback?

    8:24 PM"

    He's still keeping tabs on "Street Pirates" here:

  13. If I'm not mistaken, CF was the unfortunate victim of the street pirate also known as the punk assnon, LOL!!

    While he was waayyyy over the top with some of his extra long comments, he often made some very salient points regarding the black community.

  14. Anonymous10:54 PM

    shut up AB

  15. Tomato cans, every last one of them. Once those idiots canalbalize each other, then the one left standing won't have enough cash and will have his or her faults for 44 to exploit

  16. Wesley R11:57 PM


    One of the best post ever! Let the pictures of the nuts to all the talking.

    Did you see the NCAA dunk contest? A young man that goes to a DIII school in Jacksonville Illinois won it. He's 5 foot 11 with a 50 inch verticle. One of my former athletes texted me today to let me know he could take him out. My man is 5foot 10 or 11 range and high jumped 7 foot 4 and 1/2 this indoor season. That would be a very good matchup.

  17. Wesley R12:17 AM


    I forgot, The best basketball of the final four will be if The UCONN Women and Stanford Women make it to the title game. Stanford broke UNCONN's streak earlier this year so it will be something to see.

  18. Field why are you refusing to make these guys honoray field negroes? Those guys are awsome and I think some of the negreos in Philly may find their skills handy.

  19. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Nyuck, nyuck.
    How does pointing out FOX lies equal stalking? Oh...if you tell the Truth to a is them.
    As far as st reagan and sexual obsession...I only show that his hagiographic sycophant followers/worshipers have the deviance in that regard. I just indicate he was a con-sumate salesman who sold many white folks the drop in wages, benefits and 'getting them uppity miggers'. It would help your understanding if you realized that everyone not born bush/Koch/Quayle wealthy would be on 'Welfare'. To st reagan..Social Security, GI Bill, VA, FHA, TVA, REA...that is all 'Welfare' as the government provides the service (after we voted to have the service and to tax ourselves to have it). The only Troo Peeple/Citzens are those who can pay for the item with inherited cash. Using that model, st reagan's salesspeeches make a lot more sense. As does the elimination of unions, the fire sales of public property, the continued appointment of loonies, and the misuses of government power.
    False equivalence is the only meme you have? Because so many bush and st reagan people had non-degrees that you thinkerate all persons do? This may be a shock, but there is such a thing as expertise and competence. Not just the thin veneer of your experience...but the real deal. You should try it sometime. I realize that it might be difficult to have an honest visage to the pretending has been so lucrative for some. Yet, you should speak to what you actually know. Grinning like the village idiot (bush) as you repeat nonsense only serves to highlight that the behaviour is that of a youth who was Left Behind, is angry that they were and seeks to have someone else pay for the circumstance. could keep pretending.


  20. "However, Eric Cantor's language that if the Senate doesn't vote on a bill, then that bill becomes law is funnier."

    Yes, that is funny. But it's scary, too.

    Wesley, I stopped watching the women's tourney when Baylor and my girl Brittney Griner got knocked out.

    Dr. Queen, it's just one man, so it will be a very short collage.

    7:01 AM

  21. Parents beat crossing guard in Lansing, Michigan when the 73 year old guard stops their son from beating another student. Can anybody guess what color the parents are? Here's a hint: they would be honored guests on this blog.

  22. A Pennsylvania man murdered his twin brother and his parents -savagely stabbing them to death.-
    Care to guess what color he is?

    Here is a hint: He would NOT be an honored guest on this blog.



  23. Dr. Queen, it's just one man, so it will be a very short collage.

    You really think Prez Obama is going to go unchallenged? It's hard for me to believe the Dems don't want someone else to run instead.

    Personally, I wish he wouldn't run again. I've been holding my breath he'd survive being the first president to claim his blackness since he was elected.

  24. Anonymous9:21 AM

    The biggest April fools day of the all??

    Barack Hussein Obama,Jr. mmm mmm mmm.

    To think this guy got 52% of the country to believe in hope and change.

    Jokes on you suckas.............

  25. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Given the Manichean choice between a right-right centrist corporate pol with christmole tendencies...and a Geezer who chose a wite supremacist with the demonstrated inability to be the mayor of a small town....we, the citizens of the US, chose an AfAm to rub your faces in your inferiority and inadequacy...and did so gleefully and with full knowledge that it would irk you and your fellow racists...forever.
    No matter how much you bleat and moan and whine...he was the vastly superior candidate BEFORE we include the joy of having an AfAm telling Goobers what to do. AfAm is your superior. And ALWAYS will be. Your place in history is assured. ;)


  26. @Wfwc

    Yes I think thaat the President made some mistakes. First he should have taken Fox off the air. In Canada there's no Fox because bigotry and racism is illegal. Second he should profile terrorist, that means putting a gate around the "Grand ole Opry", arresting people that wear overalls and sleep with their sister and only have half their teeth.

  27. I finally saw Bagdad Cafe. I give it a thumb and a half up. I would have given it two thumbs, but it got a bit goofy in the end. It was like ebony and ivory living in perfect harmony. It turned the stereotype of the mammy upside down. The big German woman got the job done. For old school flicks I recommed The Little Foxes with Bette Davis. The black people didn't have the biggest roles, but they were treated with respect and racism was confronted straight on. Some movies really hit the spot back then, so much that the HUAC went after Hollywood. Sidney Poitier was very good. Belafonte had some acting skills, but he seems to have been blacklisted a bit or was more interested in belting out tunes.

  28. The Hobama nickname has to be the stupidest of all time. Another thing, if I was a conservative, I'd be embarrassed by Fox News and people posting on the internet. You'd think they'd be able to come up with something better than the but, but, but Clinton schtick. Obama being black was great news at the time. He broke a barrier. But now it's time to move on. He deserves and is receiving legitimate criticism. However, it is historic truth that those middle of the road to the right are the world's worst enemies. There is no real left voice in the media. These jackasses claim Obama is a socialist. Obama would have been considered a Republican back in the day. This is why he's acknowledged as the better of two evils. It was either him or outright fascism.

  29. if this blog is an indication of the state of race relations in america, all hope is lost.

    whites posting items to show that only blacks commit crimes.

    black women posting disgusting racist comments about any white female liberals who post here, accusing them of trying to date black men. attacking any black male who happens to agree with their positions.

    black female conservatives alining with white female conservative racists who openly flaunt their "superiority" and insult rather than debate those who disagree. and attacking white male progressives with accusations that they're pedophiles, and, the ever-popular "wigger."

    i need to find a place where there is a real dialogue. there is important shit going on and no one is paying attention. at least not over here.

    how many people know that the life expectancy of a black male is only 70 years? and going DOWN? that the life expectancy of a white female is 80 and going UP? wtf is this ok? the disparity should provoke outrage. it's from a study that just came out.

    i just don't understand 99% of this shit that goes on with this blog. 99% of the comments are from two totally insane ranters. people who should be working together aren't, and people are acting against their own best interests.

    weird fucking times we live in. the whole middle east is convulsing in a birth pang of democracy...and's "hobama" this and "garlique" that and "buceta breaf..."

    so discouraging.

  30. "how many people know that the life expectancy of a black male is only 70 years? and going DOWN? that the life expectancy of a white female is 80 and going UP? wtf is this ok? the disparity should provoke outrage. it's from a study that just came out."

    And it's obvious this statement is an indication to one of the more important issues that you care about. Typical. So what's the angle of your outrage? Black men are dying younger and leaving behind their poor lonely white widows?

    The life expectancy of black men is nothing new, Maria. In fact, it used to be lower. As for white women living longer (as compared to other women?), nothing new again. White women have always laid back in the shade. But even in modern times, they have more emotional/financial support, societal protection and medical care that women would need to out live men. What's your point?

  31. my "point" was contained in the entire post, which you choose to excerpt and highlight, derisively, to prove YOUR point.

    problems that are "nothing new" but continue, and worsen, aren't of any interest to you.

    thanks for posting. i forget to mention all the nasty comments that come from you.

    i'm gone.

  32. i think her point is you are a stupid cunt, she didn't say any of this was new information, but she does have a passion for positive race relations. you on the other hand are bitter and angry and give black women a bad rap. not all of us are this way maria. i would choose maria any day to hang out with over a sad "woman" such as yourself. in your hatred you are becoming what you most despise.


  33. Anonymous12:38 PM

    maria ,your selective outrage is duly noted.

    In fact,you have been guilty of some of the samethings you are talking about now.

    The old Liberal "participating in the same behavior your complaining about" won't help your case.

  34. my truly final comment:

    "Life expectancy at birth increased to 78.2 years in 2009, up slightly from 78.0 years in 2008. Life expectancy was up two-tenths of a year for males (75.7 years) and up one-tenth of a year for females (80.6 years). Life expectancy for the U.S. white population increased by two-tenths of a year. Life expectancy for black males (70.9 years) and females (77.4 years) was unchanged in 2009.

    got it now, LA? i pulled out the stats i did b/c they show the most disparity.

  35. Maria, you're welcome.

    And Anita, next time try to be original. I don't want people to accuse Maria of creating her own sockpuppet.

    Socrates, I hope you're having a blast of fun with their timing.

  36. Anonymous12:47 PM

    FakeAnon, it is the wingnuts who do projection. Lying again.

    White women had it good? Maybe the wealthy. Triangle Shirtwaist miss your memory? How about the Lowell Girls? And...child birth killed millions. One of the most poignant pieces I've ever read was written by a woman who hit menopause...and now could be safe from 'death by patriarchy'.
    Funny how wingnuts cling to the they imagine it.


  37. Maria, I have no problems comprehending report statistics, but I am unable to comprehend the angle of your point.

  38. Anon283101:18 PM

    So that's where Constructive Feedback resides these days-- on his blog where no one

  39. Anonymous1:23 PM

    My instincts tell me that the life expectancy of black males is probably right. Dealing with haters and keeping stuff bottled up is stressful.

  40. La♥audiobooks said...
    Maria, you're welcome.

    And Anita, next time try to be original. I don't want people to accuse Maria of creating her own sockpuppet.


    Geez LAA, exactly where do I begin with your standing ovation for two of the BEST posts ever!!!!!!!! That post at 12:10, you bedda' say it! Now allow me to add this;

    Maria you ain't shit because you can quote some stats on health disparities (that's what those stats you cited from the internet are called). I've been addressing those issues as a Komen volunteer and research scientist in cancer for YEARS, years before you crawled out from under the trailer you grew up in and bucked the overalls for a pair of Levi's.

    But alas, you and your buddy "anita" AKA anita something to do all day other than change diapers and read Field's achieves all day long, have now formed an alliance?

    I guess every severe psychopath needs a friend!

  41. Anonymous1:46 PM

    What I like about the GOP and the Tea Party is that they truly are EEOC type people. Just look at the collage Fiel posted. It's fully integrated whereas there is no such collage for the racist Dems.

  42. And if you want to know WHY Black men have lagged all these years in life expectancy all you need to do is first look in the mirror. And I ain't talking only about my grandfather and great-grandfather who were BOTH killed my angry, white law enforcement mobs last century. I ain't talking about Emmitt Till who very likely wasn't even looking in the direction of that ugly ass white women who accused him of whistling at her.

    I'm talking about the white man's obsession of protecting the white women's vagina for the sole purpose of creating "only" white babies. Given that they feel you're the only women on the planet that can create white babies (although I think Halle Berry did it a few years ago), protecting it has cost MANY a Black man his life. And if you really believe the prison stats are accurately reflective of the numbers of black men who are criminals compared to white men, then you need to stop smoking that meth ASAP.

    So when I say look in the mirror, I mean only for a second. Because it's clear the white man has long since lost his obsession with your vagina!

  43. And for clarity, the vagina I'm referring to is Maria's.

  44. hater wigga slob marley:

    hobama is a corp whore

    I invented that name for that corp whore hobama!


    how dare u credit fox news fool!

  45. amoral wigga slob marley:

    hobama is an increasingly amoral corp whore INDEED!!!


    Moral men do not pretend that other countries have any monopoly on media censorship. They do not completely ignore the devastation of BP Oil’s toxic tragedy in the Gulf. They never accept campaign funds from amoral oil companies while pretending to sincerely bash the oil industry. Moral family members do not chose one segment of their kin to systematically starve. Moral family members do not slay kin who are fishermen, teachers, and farmers, as they exclusively save and embrace kin who are banksters and CEOs.

    Moral men do not speak of innovation as they ignore innovative genocide. Moral men do not praise living soldiers as they ignore countless corpses, or droves of walking soldiers with dead spirits and broken souls. Moral men do not herald a fictional recovery as they ruthlessly ignore a very real depression for millions, who are swiftly becoming poorer each day. Moral men do not pretend that America is not racing towards a new serfdom for the masses, as they simultaneously rush to garner corporate tax breaks for billionaires.

  46. dq and laa:


    maria and uts are both proud court jesters and original mfs who slander and betray black women each day herein...shame!!!

    Read this powerful, therapeutic, and eternally relevant book today. Here are a few excerpts from “Don’t Play in the Sun: One Woman’s Journey Through the Color Complex” by Marita Golden:

    "I would have to write myself into being visible in a world dedicated to turning me into a phantom.

    “Oscar told me tonight that he really liked me a lot, but that I was too dark for him to ever take home to his family as anything other than just a friend.”

    Colorism knows no class boundaries in the Black community.

    I am reeling with a sense of déjà vu as I recognize the kind of courtly contempt that I have sensed on other occasions, especially from older, colorist, class-conscious Blacks, who, finding themselves in social situations with a short Afro-wearing, brown-skinned woman like me, can barely contain their disappointment that a woman of my achievements (as an author and a professor) looks the way I do.

    The young men would readily admit that they rarely used the word “pretty” to describe even the most attractive dark girl.

    “Black women are now heavily into plastic surgery…we’ve launched a frenzy of lightening and whitening that I don’t understand…I woke up one morning and suddenly half the Black women I know are blondes.”

    Black men and women still often choose their mates to ensure that their offspring will have “good hair”.

    Hair is history. Hair is religion. Hair is politics.

    You do not have to have braids down to your hips to be a pretty girl.

    But the near rapturous anointing of [Halle] Berry as a safe and acceptable symbol of beauty and sexuality is rooted in Whites’ perception of her as much more White than Black.

    Brothers everywhere, it seemed, were jumping into bed with Miss Anne.

    “I think it is symbolically very significant that Michael Jackson, after introducing a vehicle, the music video, that promotes colorism and the supremacy of White standards of beauty, proceeds to remove any and all vestiges of his identity as a Black man.”

    We are always alone when we find the truth.

    Dark skinned Black girls had better have attitude. That’s the only thing that saves them in a world that pretends they’re not there or tries to erase them.

    I love this anger that has driven me to write this book as a prayer, a scream, and a poem to my sisters dark and light…for every book that I have ever written has sprung from a question or a wound."

  47. This is a dumbass blog, Maria. Field Negro is interesting. But the comment sections are twisted and a very big waste of time. It's a shame. Because I went back to some of the earlier entries, and it was much better. Field Negro obviously doesn't have a clue as to how to be a good host. You're a good person. Kepp your chin up and good luck in finding a nice blog. This isn't it. Field's a good read, but the initial intent has been shattered. I saw he got written up by a major newspaper. Now it's just a receptacle for the crazies. Conservatives shouldn't be here. Conspiracy freaks into Alex Jones and Jeff Rense shouldn't be either. This blog is dead. Hey Field, you're a good guy, but you fucked up.

  48. more on the white babies that men like uts and whore like maria covet exclusively


    These racist lies are being plastered all over America because racists fear a rapidly encroaching black and brown planet. These deceitful tricksters cannot be openly racist and post photos of white babies on similar billboards with messages that read: “PLEASE MAKE MORE WHITE BABIES ASAP!!! & PLEASE STOP MAKING INTERRACIAL BABIES!!!”. So, they are clandestinely duping dumb misogynist hypochristian voters by wooing them all into making certain that white babies can never be legally aborted. They are brainwashing black and brown voters into outlawing abortions so that more white babies will whitewash America ASAP.

    When abortion is outlawed, even more young blacks will still be breeding themselves into perpetual poverty. And, more white babies will be born by legal force. These are the ONLY actual aims of this racist lying ad campaign…SHAME!!!!!!!

  49. Alicia Banks, whoever you are, you are at one of the lowest rungs of consciousness. You speak more for white supremacists than you do for black people. You write as if you're a fricken internat fake. It's tough to believe you're not paid to post.

  50. REALLY crazy ghost faced socrackerish wigga slob marley:

    i feel confident that FN agrees:


    peace out u eminem rasta asap!!!

    who died and made u black blog critic
    u pissy poser???


    mareally a pud magnet for even fake bm like slob marley:

    ever notice how all of the sorriest mfs who post here revere and adore u???

    trash attracts trash u dreg bimbo!!!

  51. only a hobama nazi wigga fool like u wigga slob marley thinks that anyone who does not join u in sucking off hobama is a neocon...

    carry on u lying moron

    do hobama and do u fool


    A section of Black America has lost their minds – literally – unable to make contact with reality since November 2008. Despite the horrific and disproportionate damage suffered by Blacks in the Great Recession, a psychologically impaired group of African Americans believes they are better off than before the recession began, and that the future is bright. When Obama entered, their powers of reason exited.

  52. wigga slob liar:

    i am paid to be a beloved educator and save real black babies with real skin and hair like bob marley whom u disgrace even more than hobama disgraces mlk!!!

    i am also paid to be a a rebel corp staffer/media legend etc

    got any job wigga slob?

    other than telling real black men how to run their black blogs???

    eff u eminem rasta

    About Me: I am a veteran columnist, radio producer, AM and FM talk radio host, FM radio and night club DJ, musicologist, corporate trainer, educator, and administrator... I am an interpersonal and organizational communications scholar, and an award-winning educator of children and adults. I am a beloved grades P-4 teacher who resigned due to toxic students, horrid parents, and the academic genocide of NCLB. I am now a private tutor of brainy babies who are young, gifted, and black. I was the first out lesbian in America to host a prime time, daily, commercial talk radio show, in Atlanta, Georgia from 1989 until 1996. I have created, produced, and hosted rebel radio shows at WBML, WPGU, WRFG, WIGO, WGST, KPFA, KPFB, and KFCF. Those shows include: LES CHANTEUSES AFRICAINES: Featuring the Musical and Literary Voices of Black Women with Political and Sexual Diversity - OUTLOOK: Radical Talk for Revolutionary Intellectuals - SOULFUL SOUNDS OF ECSTASY: Silky Sexy Soul

    I am a radical.
    I am an educator of adults and children.
    I am a lesbian, a columnist, a radio producer and host, a musicologist, a biblical scholar, etc…”

  53. Field used to hang out at a "white" blog. It's natural for black and white to interact as human beings. That's what Bagdad Cafe was trying to say among other things. The crazy person who dominates this website comes across as some sort of divide and conquer psychological operation. It's motives seem to be a number of things. Right woos black. Gum up the works, as in disrupt freedom of speech and association. Raise the noise to signal ratio. Somehow try to get blacks to vote republican. Pick at racial scabs. I think it's paid to post, because it comes across as a caricature. But it's one that just can't possibly exist. No black person in their right mind would support William Cooper, Alex Jones, and Jeff Rense. The crowd that's drawn to them are redneck whites, period.

  54. Hey creep, I don't read your posts. You're evil. I guess you must have gotten a pretty good bonus for destroying this blog. Don't spend it all in the one shop. And on that note, I too am getting the fock out of here.

  55. inept pc retard wigga slob marley:


    your "blog" sucks like u do hobama!!!

    got envy u faceless mf???

    fix your own "blog" and leave FN's perfection unfixed u bold brazen buffoonish bastard

  56. gassed hobama nazi/faceless runner wigga slob marley:

    buh bye u felled fake rasta bitch!!!!!!!

    your own hobama nazi evil and INSTANT evil pms bs is archived herein

    lurk and learn before u spew bs next time fool
    watch who u slander and step to on the next blog u crawl upon u roach

    u might get your fake ass stomped to death again by another clone of me!!!!!!

  57. Field should get rid of the anonymous feature and set up a few rules. Then he should start deleting whoever breaks them. There shouldn't be any personal attacks or gratuitous nonsense which can be referred to as troll spam.

  58. Anonymous2:37 PM

    hey socratic wite fella ure riter then rain but field has decided to only delete comments with wordshe doesnt like he lets other comments stands u know like comments directed towards one blogger where ab and her sockpuppet clone wannabe scientist threatened to mail bomb and give cyanide to this person so not only have they destroyed this blog but they have also harassed and terrorized other bloggers here what uve seen is the tip of the iceberg

    facts dont matter to these asswypes they are into shaping perceptions of those who hold similar biases and negativity in their hearts

    yes wite fella now u know why eyeve been so mad using bad language cuz evil needs to be called out

    and aint it funny how quuntbreaf here talk about she cant blog on weekends cuz her wife but any opportunity she take to ruin this blog on a weenkend shele take it whys that ? shes a liar loser hypocrite and fiction

  59. fn:

    hope u had a happy april fool's day too!

    hobama is a fool every month
    classic ad:

  60. Hey Field Negro, maybe you are a selfish wanker after all. Allowing "Alicia Banks" to contaminate this blog shows you really don't give a shit about anyone but yourself.

  61. hypocritical wigga slob marley:

    u silly evil mf
    how dare u????

    u make no rules here

    and YOU IMMEDIATELY broke each you arrogantly and ignorantly rule u dared to suggest above!!!

    got a clue???

  62. Hey anonymous, it wasn't just your bad language. When you copy and paste the same things over and over again, that's kind of lame.

  63. Anonymous2:41 PM

    No black person in their right mind would support William Cooper, Alex Jones, and Jeff Rense. The crowd that's drawn to them are redneck whites, period.socratic wite fella opining on things he dont understand

    dont think this is true in any way black people are complex individuals just like anybody else there are many blacks who listen to alex ones and jeff rense who are not self hating in any way they simply seek alternate channels of information but u have a point about the purpose of this nasty flithy troll being here the goal of this troll is to besmirch the name of any strong powerful black man particularly the president then to post inconsistent spam whenever shes called o her poorly thought out internet identity the alter ego sockpuppets reinforce the fragility of this filth piles ego and also allows it to further harass and bully others whoever is posting under alicia banks name is a sick phukk

  64. selective psycho blind wigga slob marley:

    u have ignored MANY other posters


    u have ignored the fact that u will never make any rules here

    go rule your "blog"

    it needs a LOT of GENERIC help ASAP!!!!

  65. Anonymous2:43 PM

    copying and pasting just like buceta breaf the strategy of this filth pile is obvious it will cut and paste and spam and spam and spam to drown out any other opinions other than its own u would do well to follow this anons lead from time to time to drown out the banks drivel btw this anon was not apologizing just lamenting the presence of that nasty filth pile here day in day out talking shyt beyond shyt

  66. People will tolerate trolls as long as they are a bit entertaining. Banks is too much of a caricature. I refuse to read anything she writes. I will say your last post wasn't too shabby. She is looking for like-minded nasty people. If you see Bagdad Cafe, one of the people leaves the motel. The others ask why. The response was that there was too much harmony. Banks appears to have one motive of increasing racial tensions. But someone would have to be awfully stupid to buy into any of it.

  67. illiterate vdlr:

    stop pretending u know one damned thing about those wm rebels who will never be yo swirled baby deddies...ditto for that dl ho hobama ya fag hag!!!


    i saw u at BK!!
    git you whoppa on boo!!!
    sounds like yo buddy wigga slob marley taping it!?

  68. Anonymous2:45 PM

    hey miss educated one where r ur rogue state alteregos today? is miss karen changing diapers and home schooling her kid at church? is so called wannabe scientist running gels in the lab? wut about uts is he still senile? ure so gottdam obvious as a fraud and can only toss out insults since u can never verify anything uve said LIAR quntbreaf banks!

    No black person in their right mind would support William Cooper, Alex Jones, and Jeff Rense. The crowd that's drawn to them are redneck whites, period.socratic wite fella opining on things he dont understand

    dont think this is true in any way black people are complex individuals just like anybody else there are many blacks who listen to alex ones and jeff rense who are not self hating in any way they simply seek alternate channels of information but u have a point about the purpose of this nasty flithy troll being here the goal of this troll is to besmirch the name of any strong powerful black man particularly the president then to post inconsistent spam whenever shes called o her poorly thought out internet identity the alter ego sockpuppets reinforce the fragility of this filth piles ego and also allows it to further harass and bully others whoever is posting under alicia banks name is a sick phukk

    oh wait thought u didnt talk to anons what u gone do now spam this blog with a long news story?

  69. Anonymous2:48 PM

    people will tolerate trolls if they entertain from time to time eye get that these paid astroturf mentally ill losers without enough education to justify their false handles are not the average trolls they are stupid and dont care when theyre exposed in their minds they can spam it out of existence duh!
    somebody like a loser who calls themselves dr queen has revealed where they got their diplomas from thats why the number of degrees changes so rapidly with a diploma mill u can get a degree a day muah muah muah aint even ha no advanced degrees yet calling urself a doctor ure a gottdam disgrace wannabe scientist!!!!!

    the absolute nerve of such a qoohole to defame charles drews image by using it as a rogue sockpuppet avater filth piles theyre all filth piles eye tell ya

  70. lying cowardly shameless faceless racist clueless wigga poser slob marley:

    how can u slur what u do not read u trifling bitch?

    u have immediately stalked and slandered me herein

    and u only made a ghost faced fool of yourself

    now just LEAVE as swiftly as as you ate your feet mf

    bye eminem bitch boy!!!

    bye mf!!!!!!!!

  71. Anonymous2:51 PM


    i saw u at BK!!
    git you whoppa on boo!!!
    sounds like yo buddy wigga slob marley taping it!?quuntbreaf banks

    yeah socratic wite fella this comment above clearly shows that this is prolly some teenaged acne pocked face in they mama garage eatin cheetoes

    this troll seems to read about poor blacks and their economic choices cuz its rambled a lot about perms yaki pony tails henny and blunts my ass didnt know what she was talking about since eye live away from big cities away from urban slime and decay but eyve found this qoohole must read or participate in this urban economy

  72. The Dr. Queen schtick does sound like a rerun.

  73. Anonymous2:53 PM

    hey miss educated one where r ur rogue state alteregos today? is miss karen changing diapers and home schooling her kid at church? is so called wannabe scientist running gels in the lab? wut about uts is he still senile? ure so gottdam obvious as a fraud and can only toss out insults since u can never verify anything uve said LIAR quntbreaf banks!

    No black person in their right mind would support William Cooper, Alex Jones, and Jeff Rense. The crowd that's drawn to them are redneck whites, period.socratic wite fella opining on things he dont understand

    dont think this is true in any way black people are complex individuals just like anybody else there are many blacks who listen to alex ones and jeff rense who are not self hating in any way they simply seek alternate channels of information but u have a point about the purpose of this nasty flithy troll being here the goal of this troll is to besmirch the name of any strong powerful black man particularly the president then to post inconsistent spam whenever shes called o her poorly thought out internet identity the alter ego sockpuppets reinforce the fragility of this filth piles ego and also allows it to further harass and bully others whoever is posting under alicia banks name is a sick phukk

    oh wait thought u didnt talk to anons what u gone do now spam this blog with a long news story?

    people will tolerate trolls if they entertain from time to time eye get that these paid astroturf mentally ill losers without enough education to justify their false handles are not the average trolls they are stupid and dont care when theyre exposed in their minds they can spam it out of existence duh!
    somebody like a loser who calls themselves dr queen has revealed where they got their diplomas from thats why the number of degrees changes so rapidly with a diploma mill u can get a degree a day muah muah muah aint even ha no advanced degrees yet calling urself a doctor ure a gottdam disgrace wannabe scientist!!!!!

    the absolute nerve of such a qoohole to defame charles drews image by using it as a rogue sockpuppet avater filth piles theyre all filth piles eye tell ya

  74. Anonymous2:55 PM

    socratic wite fella look at the history of the troll called psi n tnt later dr queen and previously me and my microscope

    it has claimed to have between three adn five degrees over the course of one year then it claimed to have 'mastered' science engineering mathematics and biotech it is a LIAR and all it does is threaten people here then insert wingnuttist propaganda so what if its a rerun these asswypes are terrorists that thwart free speech!

  75. Karen2:55 PM

    Dr. Queen @ 1:57:
    "I'm talking about the white man's obsession of protecting the white women's vagina for the sole purpose of creating "only" white babies."

    Well I don't agree with your premise, the statement you make has a deep truth.

    When you look at intact white families, the women in those families ARE sheltered and protected by the males - emotionally, physically, financially.

    Broken, damaged and struggling families (black and white) share a common touchstone of NOT having that sense of security, or the modeling of that behavior -- that the family should be a shelter from the storms.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Anon283102:58 PM


    I share your despair. Further, I suspect that this blog is a microcosm of what's going on in the real world.

    The groups that are at each other's throat on this blog is a reflection of real world contention.

    It's sickening.

  78. Karen3:00 PM

    Dr. Queen @ 1:57
    "...And if you really believe the prison stats are accurately reflective of the numbers of black men who are criminals compared to white men..."

    Again, an uncomfortable truth. Who gets prison time and who gets to walk depends on who has the resources to work within the system.

    And, if you're a rich white male, you can commit unimaginable crimes that create misery, pain, destruction and even death... as long as you make the "right" campaign contributions.

    I don't think Jaime Dimon, Kenneth Lewis, Lloyd Blankfein or Robert Shapiro are losing any sleep worrying about a knock on the door anytime soon.

  79. Anonymous3:04 PM

    karen showed up like clock work to distract from the uncomfortable trolls fragile ego and its lies now another rogue state personality shows up to skew the discussion the conversation is between wannabe doctor sockpuppet and ex urban mom sockpuppet very obvious

    hey miss educated one where r ur rogue state alteregos today? is miss karen changing diapers and home schooling her kid at church? is so called wannabe scientist running gels in the lab? wut about uts is he still senile? ure so gottdam obvious as a fraud and can only toss out insults since u can never verify anything uve said LIAR quntbreaf banks!

    No black person in their right mind would support William Cooper, Alex Jones, and Jeff Rense. The crowd that's drawn to them are redneck whites, period.socratic wite fella opining on things he dont understand

    dont think this is true in any way black people are complex individuals just like anybody else there are many blacks who listen to alex ones and jeff rense who are not self hating in any way they simply seek alternate channels of information but u have a point about the purpose of this nasty flithy troll being here the goal of this troll is to besmirch the name of any strong powerful black man particularly the president then to post inconsistent spam whenever shes called o her poorly thought out internet identity the alter ego sockpuppets reinforce the fragility of this filth piles ego and also allows it to further harass and bully others whoever is posting under alicia banks name is a sick phukk

    oh wait thought u didnt talk to anons what u gone do now spam this blog with a long news story?

    2:45 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    people will tolerate trolls if they entertain from time to time eye get that these paid astroturf mentally ill losers without enough education to justify their false handles are not the average trolls they are stupid and dont care when theyre exposed in their minds they can spam it out of existence duh!
    somebody like a loser who calls themselves dr queen has revealed where they got their diplomas from thats why the number of degrees changes so rapidly with a diploma mill u can get a degree a day muah muah muah aint even ha no advanced degrees yet calling urself a doctor ure a gottdam disgrace wannabe scientist!!!!!

    the absolute nerve of such a qoohole to defame charles drews image by using it as a rogue sockpuppet avater filth piles theyre all filth piles eye tell ya

  80. Karen3:07 PM

    @Anony 3:04

    As much as you love your sockpuppet theory, I am who am I. I've corresponded a few times with FN, who kindly returned my e-mails to him ... even though he promised a shout out to my friend's Mission & he never did. :(

    But, no, I'm not a sockpuppet for anyone.

    Thanks anyway.

  81. Anonymous3:08 PM

    anita said...

    i think her point is you are a stupid cunt, she didn't say any of this was new information, but she does have a passion for positive race relations. you on the other hand are bitter and angry and give black women a bad rap. not all of us are this way maria. i would choose maria any day to hang out with over a sad "woman" such as yourself. in your hatred you are becoming what you most despise.


    wow even anita uses the c word to describe that qoohole alicia banks and her rogue sockpuppet alteregos

    it wasnt this anon cuz ida spelt it with a k! all they do is pick on maria she revealed personal information about herself and ever since then theyve mercilessly attacked her and tried to silence her voice

    maria keep ur head up like the socratic wite fella said a lot of these people are crazy just crazy and this anon is sane enough to see that theyre trying to bring ur spirit down throwing these daggers clenase urself through prayer and take a break from the computer if u get so worked up then come back and so some real damage

  82. Karen3:09 PM


    Thanks for the info. I googled Bagdad cafe (1987?) and it sounds like an interesting flick. Will have to check and see if it's available on Netflix or Amazon.

  83. Anonymous3:10 PM

    of course ure a sockpuppet for buceta breaf and her loser crew u show up when invoked to skew the discussion u only communicate with someone who has the iq of a gnat and the class of a dime store hooker then u insult the desires of black men golly from where eye stand u look the same as the other rogue sockpuppets just use kinder words but ure still saying the same absolute GARBAGE

  84. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Karen said...
    Dr. Queen @ 1:57:
    "I'm talking about the white man's obsession of protecting the white women's vagina for the sole purpose of creating "only" white babies."

    Well,we know black males kill and abuse their wite vaginas' and rates 9x times has high has white males do their black vaginas'.

  85. Karen3:14 PM

    "then u insult the desires of black men..."

    Your self-esteem issues and projections are not my problem.

  86. Anonymous3:20 PM

    anita said...

    i think her point is you are a stupid cunt, she didn't say any of this was new information, but she does have a passion for positive race relations. you on the other hand are bitter and angry and give black women a bad rap. not all of us are this way maria. i would choose maria any day to hang out with over a sad "woman" such as yourself. in your hatred you are becoming what you most despise.


  87. Bagdad Cafe ia at youtube at least for now. It has a predominantly African-American cast, but there are some whites, such as Jack Palance and the German lady with the sweet smile. It's pretty good.

  88. I don't know why trollbreath keeps mentioning Eminem as if he's some kind of poser. Sure Elvis stole music, but Eminem from what I have gathered grew up in a predominantly black section of Detroit. He was never a poser as trollbreath implies and came up with some solid original tunes. I'm not going to call her the C word, but she's definitely a no-good whench or playing one for a seedy agent provocateur paycheck.

  89. socrackerish wigga joke slob marley:

    do you have any idea how old that classic film is???

    you are leaving way too slowly

    ditto for your belated discovery of that classic film

    the theme song has been my FM show them since 1988!!!

    at&t used it in many ads also

    how late r u fool???

    and how racist of u wigga to assume that we have not already seen it??

    whoopi goldberg even starred in a failed tv show of the film

    get ANY clue u ignorant late bold racist bastard!

  90. Anonymous3:48 PM

    But...Senator Simpleton made bad words about it should be acceptable! Well, Senator Simple thinkerates he all funny...but like all wingnuts, he is the only one in the room laughing at his feeble and elderly geezer attempt to be the bee knees.
    While most gangsta rap is whine-filled witeboy pouting...metal with different costumes...Eminem is what makes rap a genre.
    Even today, he is a macher.


  91. racist unmasked nakedly racist poser hater liar wigga slob marley:

    eff u
    u eminem rasta bitch

    From Publishers Weekly
    There's an old remark to the effect that if you toss a Harvard boy in a locked room with a ghetto kid for a month, well, who'll come out sounding like whom? This collection, edited by Village Voice critic Tate (Flyboy in the Buttermilk), attempts a sociology of that transaction, as repeated perpetually throughout American culture. Contributors including Carl Hancock-Rux (on Eminem), Hilton Als (on Richard Pryor) and Renee Green (on a complex of film and social theory) advance considerations more specifically directed than Norman Mailer's classic "The White Negro."
    Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

    From Library Journal
    How does the majority, dominant, power-holding culture appropriate elements of the disenfranchised minority culture? In myriad ways, according to this collection of new essays edited by Village Voice writer Tate. From Picasso and Pollock to Steely Dan and Eminem, the white imitation of black ways has profoundly "colored" Western culture. Despite the book's subtitle, this work is as much about the varied emotional and intellectual responses of black thinkers to this phenomenon as it is about cultural appropriation per se. Ranging from Hilton Als to Jonathan Lethem, the contributors include professors, artists, musicians, and writers, and their essays embrace research (on the Left and the "Negro Question"), theory (on the primal history of thugs), and personal reflection (whether an impassioned account of sexual jealousy or reserved observations on James Brown and Malian youth), plus snippets of verse and drama. The degree of formality in the language varies enough to be distracting. The collection's stylistic diversity and idiosyncratic selection of topics create a provocative, if rather trying, reading experience. Recommended for substantial academic and public collections on race and American culture.
    Janet Ingraham Dwyer, Worthington Libs., OH

  92. Karen said...
    Dr. Queen @ 1:57:
    "I'm talking about the white man's obsession of protecting the white women's vagina for the sole purpose of creating "only" white babies."

    Well I don't agree with your premise, the statement you make has a deep truth.

    When you look at intact white families, the women in those families ARE sheltered and protected by the males - emotionally, physically, financially.


    Here's a news flash for you Karen, you see exactly what you just outlined in intact Black families too.

    That's what kills me about the lies some people hold onto about Black families, strong Black men ARE out here and cherish their families as much as anyone from ANY other racial group!

    Don't believe the statistical hype!

  93. Anonymous3:57 PM

    trollbreath that is funny! non ure getting into this anons head that why eye call her buceta breaf cuz breaf is how it is pronounced in some demographics but as usual it has spammed this blog

  94. Creepy reader of all i post/sorry trifling blackfaced trick stalker wigga slob marley:

    i am better than u will ever be in every way

    and i am the worst nightmare sorry psycho mfs like u will ever dream

    u r the faceless scared wench bitch

    and u have been wrecked by the real black revolutionary warrior that is me fool

    get used to that!!!

    we are slaying hobama nazis wenches like you all over the world!!!

    No, Barack Obama isn’t white, but he may as well be. He is president precisely because he assured voters that he would not change the complexion of their belief systems. If he didn’t fulfill the deeply ingrained belief that might makes right as long as America, a country thought of as white, is in charge of world affairs, he would never have become the president.

    Foreign interventions conducted by the United States should be taboo. Our system is not designed to be in any way humanitarian. Its motives are to say the least suspect and no matter how evil its enemies are made out to be, the evidence of past history should make us suspicious of the arguments in favor of war.
    The liberal hawks, like Obama, have no concern for Libyan civilians who are enduring bombing, and exposure to depleted uranium shells which create cancers and birth defects for years to come. This is not conjecture, but has been seen in Iraq and ought to be a reason for anyone who claims to be on the “left” to oppose the actions which bring it to pass.
    The true anti-war activist, not just anti-Republican activist, has to raise its voice. The true anti-war movement must reawaken itself and hit the streets in the hundreds of thousands, just as they did in 2003 before the invasion of Iraq. That moment can be recreated, and in a deeper, more honest way, now that a Democrat is the head killer in charge.

  95. Cowardly bold ghostfaced goon racist wigga slob marley:

    only a TRULY BOLD mf would dare spew lies about a renowned revolutionary queen like me

    on a black blog

    and slander the bm who owns and rules the blog

    while simultaneously adoring 2 racist thieves like elvis and emenim

    shame wigga mf

    and only nigs like uts would be silent about that as u do!!!!


  96. Anonymous4:09 PM

    wannabe teacher wannabe lesbian womanist radical nobody sockpuppet fraudulent loser liar proof proof proof oh wait there is none kuntbreaf wannabe scientist supposedly has a secure job why can it logon to unsecure sites like blogger then if its at a secure lab? wannabe scientist calls itself a doctor but it aint ha no doctoral degree no p h d no j d no m d no nuttthing so why so why so why does it continue to lie calling itself a queen when clearly it has as much class as a dime store hooker from 1986 chriflin chricks chriflin chricks chriflin chricks
    we all know you are having nig buceta lickin moron

    hey imbecile supposedly educated one wheres proof that ure so smart again?

    howre those publications in journals going?

    what do ur peers think about ur scholaly research ya liar?

    oh wait there is none just a bunch of lies and self referential links ya qoohole! gods forbid if ure unqualified uneducated ass has anything to do wit kids of any kind

    According to a recent report published by the Education Trust, there continue to be high rates of unqualified teachers in American schools.

    Many are teaching "out-of-field," meaning they are forced to teach in subjects that they are not certified in or did not major in in college. Schools face budget cuts, or lack teachers in certain subjects, and remaining teachers have to make up the slack -- teaching in unfamiliar areas.

    The report states,

    But even more worrisome are the disparities in access to qualified teachers between high-poverty and low-poverty schools. Although No Child Left Behind required states to ensure that students in low-income communities were not disproportionately taught by inexperienced and unqualified teachers, the requirement did not create significant change.

    The report finds that across the nation, high-poverty secondary schools have a rate of approximately 21.9 percent of classes taught by "out-of-field" teachers, whereas low-poverty secondary schools only have 10.9 percent of classes taught by "out-of-field" teachers.

  97. Anonymous4:10 PM

    karen showed up like clock work to distract from the uncomfortable trolls fragile ego and its lies now another rogue state personality shows up to skew the discussion the conversation is between wannabe doctor sockpuppet and ex urban mom sockpuppet very obvious

    hey miss educated one where r ur rogue state alteregos today? is miss karen changing diapers and home schooling her kid at church? is so called wannabe scientist running gels in the lab? wut about uts is he still senile? ure so gottdam obvious as a fraud and can only toss out insults since u can never verify anything uve said LIAR quntbreaf banks!

    No black person in their right mind would support William Cooper, Alex Jones, and Jeff Rense. The crowd that's drawn to them are redneck whites, period.socratic wite fella opining on things he dont understand

    dont think this is true in any way black people are complex individuals just like anybody else there are many blacks who listen to alex ones and jeff rense who are not self hating in any way they simply seek alternate channels of information but u have a point about the purpose of this nasty flithy troll being here the goal of this troll is to besmirch the name of any strong powerful black man particularly the president then to post inconsistent spam whenever shes called o her poorly thought out internet identity the alter ego sockpuppets reinforce the fragility of this filth piles ego and also allows it to further harass and bully others whoever is posting under alicia banks name is a sick phukk

    oh wait thought u didnt talk to anons what u gone do now spam this blog with a long news story?

    people will tolerate trolls if they entertain from time to time eye get that these paid astroturf mentally ill losers without enough education to justify their false handles are not the average trolls they are stupid and dont care when theyre exposed in their minds they can spam it out of existence duh!
    somebody like a loser who calls themselves dr queen has revealed where they got their diplomas from thats why the number of degrees changes so rapidly with a diploma mill u can get a degree a day muah muah muah aint even ha no advanced degrees yet calling urself a doctor ure a gottdam disgrace wannabe scientist!!!!!

  98. Anonymous4:10 PM

    100 nucka

  99. Dr Queen:

    do u see mareally miss anne's honorary dl butch house boy vdlr scratching for her promotion on the back of tha flea bitten fleeing scrub wigga slob marley???

    a Classic Case of Coon on Coon Crime

    Classic shame!!!!!!!

  100. Anonymous4:12 PM

    hey miss educated black proud female why u so quick to call people nigs and wigs? that dont sound like rhetoric from a proud and black female to me hey miss edumacated wheres that proof of ur 250 iq again? eye mean u said it u claimed that it was ur iq despite the korean dude outshining ur lies and now u cant say shit in return except throw another ad hominem since u lack the capacity and intelligence to do better ure nothign but a fraudulent qoohole lickin imbecile

  101. hey wigga slob marley:

    enminem rastas unite!

    wigga kool aid is thicker than Coon blood:

  102. Anonymous4:15 PM

    people will tolerate trolls if they entertain from time to time eye get that these paid astroturf mentally ill losers without enough education to justify their false handles are not the average trolls they are stupid and dont care when theyre exposed in their minds they can spam it out of existence duh!
    somebody like a loser who calls themselves dr queen has revealed where they got their diplomas from thats why the number of degrees changes so rapidly with a diploma mill u can get a degree a day muah muah muah aint even ha no advanced degrees yet calling urself a doctor ure a gottdam disgrace wannabe scientist!!!!!

  103. Anonymous4:17 PM

    gee quntbreaf now u so called proud to be black woman is calling people coons? for every racialslur u use there is an entry logged in a ledger with ur exact quote miss educator u obviously are unemployed and if not now u will be soon!

    alicia banks said...

    hey wigga slob marley:

    enminem rastas unite!

    wigga kool aid is thicker than Coon blood:

  104. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Karen said...
    "then u insult the desires of black men..."

    No one's insulting the desires of black men to have white vaginas.

    Black vaginas are the least desired vaginas of them all-even with black men.

  105. alicia banks said...
    Dr Queen:

    do u see mareally miss anne's honorary dl butch house boy vdlr scratching for her promotion on the back of tha flea bitten fleeing scrub wigga slob marley???

    a Classic Case of Coon on Coon Crime

    Classic shame!!!!!!!


    AB girl, I haven't laughed so hard as I have these past few days reading your killer comments!

    I mean it's so painfully obvious that we are amoung the many other "brains" of this blog/folks with real usernames. And the sense of humor is an added bonus!

  106. wigga slob marley:

    Check this Coon!!!

  107. That's absolutely Cooncastic AB!!!

  108. Dr. Queen:

    you are always my Classic Cerebral inspiration

    i stay in awe of u!

    much respect and sistalove!!!!


    when someone tells me about any elder warrior i do not know
    i research them

    these proudly illiterate apolitical new pookies like the vdlr & Crackerish Clueless wigga slob marley just diss slur/lie about/hate on anyone who is elder/unknown/not listed at


    this is why i Consummately hate all global rainbow pookies like these 2 resident retards with a deep red hot red passion ETERNALLY!

    I am 47. But, I spend most of my time in the company of people between the ages of 6 and 25. As a veteran educator of adults and children, I experience a dual surge of panic and pain when I often feel like an alien among them. It is far more than a mere generation gap. It is a haunting and gaping spiritual and ethical cavern that feels like a political and emotional canyon.

    I hear the spiritual detachment I feel in the soulless voices of young “musicians”. Soul music mandates that singers have souls. Too many of our youth have lost their souls or seem to have been born and reared without them.

    I revere all of my students. Those students who revere education are the ones I adore most. They inspire me and give me hope for the future of our world. I learn from them as much as they learn from me. They are the oxygen I need to revive me from all that suffocates my spirit within our toxic world.

    It grieves my soul when I see young people of all races and classes who have no respect for anyone, including themselves. I see them everywhere. They are ruining private and public spaces nationwide. They are ruining public education. They are torturing fellow tenants in housing complexes nationwide. They are terrorizing elders in communities globally. They are destroying customer service in all arenas. These rude, loud, inhumane, fertile, turbo breeding, inept, illiterate, abusive “parents” define a generation that only educators and other front line entrenched social workers truly know. The panic and pain we endure is one of passion and proximity. The loss we lament is our collective pride.

  109. eminem rasta wounded whipped witless wigga slob marley:

    nick slapped enema like i slapped u!

    got evil shamed Company u Crucified wench bitch??????????

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. eminem rasta queenless blaCkfaced COURT jester COON wigga slob marley:

    maria Carey slapped that racist CLONED Crazy bitch Celeb enema too!!!

  112. Anonymous5:39 PM

    ab said, "maria and uts are both proud court jesters and original mfs who slander and betray black women each day herein...shame!!!"

    maria is not a court jester, she is a beautiful queen. you are just jealous of her beauty and brains. don't blame maria, blame God for not giving you half of what he gave maria.

  113. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Any institution that would allow you to teach kids and young adults needs to have its accreditation reviewed and possibly rescinded.


  114. Socrates thanks for your concern, but things are just fine in the fields.

    There is only one or two Af. American blogs (that are not corporate or gossip) more popular than this one, and, in spite of what you might have heard, the blog gets more popular every day. We are linked to major newspapers, websites, and over 500 individual blogs. (So says Technorati)
    So the haters and naysayers are not being very successful in their attempts to bring me down.

    It's been five years and the blog gets stronger every year. People say they will never be back, and yet they lurk. So it's all good.

    Again, I appreciate your concern, but you really need to focus your energy on someone who needs your help.

  115. fn:

    kudos king!!!


    Dr. Queen:

    here is more on lieberman by another brave wise wm with a face

  116. Karen said...
    Again, an uncomfortable truth. Who gets prison time and who gets to walk depends on who has the resources to work within the system.

    Here's the deal, I "get it", OJ's a$$ is guilty as hell. But one "OJ" in a black lifetime is hardly enough as far as I'm concerned.

    One need only take a trip down death row to see what I'm talking about.

  117. field negro said...
    So the haters and naysayers are not being very successful in their attempts to bring me down.


    You better believe it! The more the haters hate, the more blessed you get!

    Hell, if I get blessed any more I'm gonna burst right outta my skin!

    So haters, hate oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hate on, 'til the break of dawn!!!

    Okay, that last line was kinda corny!

  118. Mannfred6:52 PM

    maria said..
    "i need to find a place where there is a real dialogue. there is important shit going on and no one is paying attention."

    Ahem, if you were there, Maria, it would not be a place with "real dialogue". You are an unthinking conformist, spouting politically correct opinions formulated by people you want to impress by repeating them. You have been posting here for a long time, yet have never said a single word with any originality. Your absence would be addition by subtraction.

  119. Anonymous6:57 PM

    is this sockrates guy for real?

    what a maroon!

  120. Karen7:29 PM

    @Dr. Queen @3:55:

    You are right. I should have simply typed, "intact families".

    Healthy families all exhibit the same traits.

    And yes, there are many strong, wonderful black men out there too doing right by their families.

  121. Karen7:30 PM

    @Dr Queen:

    I don't know we got to including OJ.
    That's too much of a leap for me.
    Not the point I was trying to make.

  122. Karen said...
    I don't know we got to including OJ.
    That's too much of a leap for me.
    Not the point I was trying to make.


    I know that was a reach, but my point is simply that OJ is the ONLY Black man I've ever heard of that got away with killing a white woman (at least at first since he's in jail now).

    And when the subject moves into white v-jay jay's it's pretty impossible to not think of OJ.
