Monday, April 04, 2011

Breaking "Man Rules".

I can't figure out who is crazier, the wack job pastor who burned the Koran at his church, or the lunatics in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are killing and maiming people because he did it. Maybe we should send the good Pastor to Afghanistan to act as our Ambassador over there. Dope!

Anyway, tonight I want to take a little break from the serious stuff, and ask some of you reading this to give some relationship advice to my man Steve Nash. Steve is a superstar b-ball player in the NBA, and he is....I take that back. He was married to a supermodel. (His first mistake.) Now, apparently, the rumor is that Steve filed for a divorce immediately after seeing his blushing baby boy, Mateo. Well, actually, the next day. I guess he needed some time for the shock to set in.

The following excerpt is from "Here is a quick look at the Steve Nash baby situation before I tell you the new rumors. Steve Nash and his wife had a third baby, Matteo, in November 2010. The next day after the birth, Steve Nash filed for divorce from his wife. Rumors began to swirl that his new baby turned out to be black, which neither Nash or his wife are racially.

Rumors for a couple of month have been that Leandro Barbosa was the father, but that was soon proven false due to Nash posting pictures of Barbosa and him with Barbosa's real kid on Facebook.

Here is the scoop and hot rumor that has begun today. Jason Richardson is now the player in question to be the father of Matteo. Back in December, a month after the birth, Jason Richardson became an ex-teammate of Steve Nash when he was shipped to Orlando in a multi-player deal. Alejandra, Steve Nash's ex-wife, says that the divorce is not from the children and that her and Nash were separated for a couple of months before the birth..." [Source]

This reminds me of another story that came out late last year. Apparently one of LeBron's teammates when he was in Cleveland was doing some one on one drills with his mom, and that was one of the reasons that my man gave the Cavs his tail lights to look at. Oh, and let's not forget that debonair Frenchman, Tony Parker, and his off court work with a teammate's wife.

Now if these stories are true, this is definitely not cool. That is a "man rule" that you just don't break. I mean getting it on with your teammate's wives and mothers? Come on now, all these groupies out here and these guys choose to get their jiggy in house. *shaking head*

I guess I am just old fashion. Even among us regular folks -who aren't high profile athletes- It should be taboo to hit on your friends significant other. Some things you just don't do.

But hey, maybe that saying "all is fair in love and war" is true.



  1. Hitting on a close friends wife or other is just hitting below the belt. We used to look up to these sports figures and others. Now they act like it's the last day on Earth. How about just getting a couple of Chili dogs, set down and watch the big flash in the distance?

  2. "I can't figure out who is crazier, the wack job pastor who burned the Koran at his church, or the lunatics in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are killing and maiming people because he did it."

    Really Field, you can't figure that one out?

  3. Dealing with the wives/mother's of your teammates "guarantees" you disease free sex, right?

    And I hear that Florida wack job is dealing with some good 'ol American death threats.

    Guess it turns out that goobers ARE good for something.............

  4. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I can't figure out who is crazier, the wack job pastor who burned the Koran at his church, or the lunatics in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are killing and maiming people because he did it.

    Yeah whats crazier,burning a book or murder?

    Thats such a hard question.One thing fo sho though,that crazy pastor has been proven right.

  5. AB said:
    Guess it turns out that goobers ARE good for something.............

    .........and so are Korans, at least on a cold night.

  6. Anonymous8:17 PM

    too bad black boys have such crummy role models. :(

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Good time to bring out the baby dad dad study---

    According to the Michigan study, 59% of all black women with two or more babies used multiple men to father them.

    For Hispanics the rate is 35% and for whites it is 22%.

  8. Lebron James: I am twice the player you are.

    Delonte West: Yah, but I f***ed your mom.

    Lebron: Damn.

  9. Are the previous 3 or so posts supposed to be a lame ass attempt to cover up for the fact that cousin goober is indirectly making things difficult for the right wingnuts?

  10. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Dr. Queen said...
    Are the previous 3 or so posts supposed to be a lame ass attempt to cover up for the fact that cousin goober is indirectly making things difficult for the right wingnuts?

    Ummmm how is "cousin goober" indirectly making things difficult for the right wingnuts?

  11. "Really Field, you can't figure that one out?"


    "Dr. Queen said...
    Are the previous 3 or so posts supposed to be a lame ass attempt to cover up for the fact that cousin goober is indirectly making things difficult for the right wingnuts?"

    No Dr. Queen, it's called a racist twitch. The racist automatically revert to putting down those bad Negroes no matter what the subject. Don't you know that by now? Frankly, I find itall rather amusing. :)

  12. Delonte West is playing very well for my hometeam Celtics. He is also our secret weapon against LeBron, if that rumour is true.

    The best was when KG and James mixed it up a bit in the stands, and LeBaby was crying at his mom to stay out of it.

    Steve Nash has been one of the more entertaining players because he's white. Just kidding.

    Field, it's not old-fashioned to think it's wrong for people to cheat. I respect Nash for ending it right away and not hedging. Yet if there wasn't a new kid involved, maybe they might have reconciled?

    It looked like perhaps Boston and Philly were going to meet up in the first round, but I think we'll hold off the Heat for the 2nd seed and end up with the Knicks. Jermaine is back and has no swelling in his knees. We had quite the scare with Shaq last night, but it was only a calf strain. And a week or so before that it looked like we lost Nenad Krstic. Phew.

    We want the rest of the country to keep thinking the Celtics are over the hill. Pierce and KG are playing very well. Ray's a bit tired, but he has a few weeks to rest up. Rondo is looking more like his old self the last couple weeks. I think even Shaq will be able to play when and if we face teams with big frontcourts.

    I don't think Miami makes it out of the second round. I don't think Chicago can beat Boston. It'll be like when Jordan used to lose to Bird. It's just not their time yet.

    The Lakers only chance against the Celtics is if our centers are still hurting. I think those two are going to the Finals, though for the first time in years, there could be a few real upsets.

    Philly's been impressive. Good job. But sorry Field, it's just not their time yet either like the Bulls or Oklahoma. Well, I just thought I'd get in a post before the internet fake Banks shows up and ruins the thread.

  13. field negro said...
    No Dr. Queen, it's called a racist twitch. The racist automatically revert to putting down those bad Negroes no matter what the subject.

    Racist twitch!?!?

    Field, imma need you to write a book of wingnut racial colloquialisms, LOL!!

    And I'll take a 5% cut for giving you the title!

  14. Oh yeah, Go Lakers.......Again!

  15. Wesley R9:48 PM


    I picked Boston to win the whole thing at the start of the season for a couple of reasons;

    1) There is no way Stern will let LeBron get in the NBA finals after the way he left Cleveland high and dry.
    2) Miami isn't as good as Boston, or The Bulls.
    3) The last game of the NBA Finals last year look a little shady. Check all the foul shots the Lakers got in the 4th Quarter. So Stern owes boston one.
    I've been saying the NBA playoffs is rigged for years. The refs control too much of the game.

    But! Boston may have opened the door for the Bulls when they traded Perkins. We'll see.

  16. Gloria James10:06 PM

    @sockrates: If you know as much about basketball as you seem to know about politics, we can can count on a Miami/Chicago eastern finals.

  17. field wonders:

    can't figure out who is crazier, the wack job pastor who burned the Koran at his church, or the lunatics in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are killing and maiming people because he did it.

    Burning trash, or killing people? Hmmm. What to do? What to do? Burn some trash or kill a lot of people. It's so hard to decide these things.

  18. Gloria James10:26 PM

    Hey Wesley R, how come every time my boy's team plays the Celtics, Delonte ain't around? I got something important to tell him.

  19. Wesley R10:48 PM

    Gloria James,

    Wow, I never noticed that. We all focus on the East but the West is loaded. Denver (thanks to the Knicks), Portland (I didn't know they had all of those guys), and Oklahoma City (with Perkins) will make the West playoffs very interesting.

  20. Anonymous11:11 PM

    nasty disgusting ghetto trash hoochies like wannabe scientist do things just like the article mentioned

  21. A non-black whitish wife had an affair, had unprotected sex and brought a bastard child in her marriage, yet all of a sudden the moral of the story is about "men rules" for men. Interesting.

    Yet something tells me, if that cheating seminal saturated adulteress was instead a black woman (irrespective of her husband's race), the theme to this post would have turned quite a different angle. Not to mention, unholy words like... bitch, ho, slut and remnants of a septic tank would have surfaced in the comment section on her behalf hours ago. Interesting.

    Strange world.

  22. Dr. AB12:15 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "wa wa wa.....Strange world."

    You a strange bitch. You're the only one to go there.

  23. Anonymous12:19 AM

    funny. Pretty much all of my friends have slept together. Without the risk of having babies.

    It's like the straights keep following in the footsteps of the gays. Only the repercussions are more profound.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. They ALL broke man rule #1 - Thou shalt not f%$# your boys' girl, wife, Mom, sister(maybe), auntie..etc

    Well at least without permission.

  26. WFWC said: "According to the Michigan study, 59% of all black women with two or more babies used multiple men to father them."

    And an even higher percentage of white women throw theirs in the clinic trash. How is your silly stats germane to the post?

    And I don't know why you people even bother putting up your absurd anti-abortion billboards gearing at black women. The biggest graveyards for white and brownish babies have always been in the white womb, go ask VISA, Master Card and American Express. White women have abortions at a higher rate than any other race of women, especially when they can't figure out who's the sperm depositor.

  27. Frontenac12:42 AM

    La♥audiobooks said..."The biggest graveyards for white and brownish babies have always been in the white womb, go ask VISA, Master Card and American Express."

    WTF? Are you retarded? Or related to mold?

  28. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Dr. Queen said...
    Are the previous 3 or so posts supposed to be a lame ass attempt to cover up for the fact that cousin goober is indirectly making things difficult for the right wingnuts?

    Listen carefully, I support the pastors right to freedom in this country and to "burn a damn book" if he wants to. I do not support people killing other people for any reason, let alone to get back at someone because he "burned a book" are you really that racist that you can't see logic just because in your mind someone not like you may not agree with you?

    How is that religion of peace now?
    Or will you only and always deflect?

    FN as for racist twitch, you got it and you got it bad. You can't even call out murderers without making the transgressions of killing vs burning a book equivalant. I guess cause in your mind no black person is against radical muslims (by the way liberal, all muslims are either non practicing or radical)

    As for Queen, I honestly want to know if racist hate blinds you or are you truly stupid like others on here that you cannot tell the difference between right and wrong and to you any issues with muslims is a conservative problem. Why? are you going to do the democratic thing and let someone else fix problems while you point fingers?
    Yup, democratic/liberal/progressive/hateful/loonies.

    Go ahead go kill some christians like the muslims you support and fight other americans for do.

  29. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Never climb the branch of another mans tree or expect to get chainsawed. But then again when you are raised as a permanent victim, you do anything you gots to do to gets yours cause you entitled.

  30. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Don't forget the pastor's flock, they participated in that "trial of Islam"; send them along as Ambassador Terry's staff.

    Whether it's a man diddling his friends' wives or girlfriends, or a woman doing her friends' husbands or boyfriends, it's trashy, dishonorable behavior. & as for wives/husbands being willing: you don't *have* to walk through a door just because it's open.

  31. ?Yet something tells me, if that cheating seminal saturated adulteress was instead a black woman (irrespective of her husband's race), the theme to this post would have turned quite a different angle.


    "Don't forget the pastor's flock, they participated in that "trial of Islam"; send them along as Ambassador Terry's staff."

    Yes, I think Anon @12:44 AM is a member.

  32. @Wanted for war crimes

    You're right Wfwc I'm going to try to find me a white role model and live like him. Let's see Mel Gibson, uh oh he has two babies mamas and at least 11 kids, and is a drunk. Maybe I can choose Charlie Sheen, oops he's a crackhead, Alex Jones friend, has four kids and two babies mamas. How about a politician then? Newt Gingrich oops again. Donald Trump, no. these guys are just as sleasy as the guys in the NBA, but worst.


    Sorry it's not rumor when all the local news channels report on it. My take on it is that it doesn't phase Lebron.

  33. Did he do a DNA test. How does he know that the kid is not his. The wife looks "exotic" to me so there is no telling what race is in her tree. As all people should know, race has a way of popping up at the most inopportune time.

  34. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Write about this FN, another DL brother and his heavy denial that has been set in motion by years of Black homophobia. You got a couple of these here in the blog.

  35. field negro said...


    Come on now Field, you KNOW this thread would be significantly different if the woman in question was Black. All these racists who-ha's on this site would be having a field day (pun intended) by now.

    My only question is how many, if any of the bruh's here would "defend our honor"?

    And congrats on your popularity. You've now got poster with links to adult websites as posters/commenters (eumen).

    That goodness for an iMac. :)

  36. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Love how 'bravery' is defined in Wingnuttia. Yes, let us follow their idiocy and fete the heroic doings of burning a Koran, in a land where it is legal, and the manly manliness is thoroughly preserved by the bodies of millions of US servicepeople and the utter inability of others to be present to protest.
    Sounds more like chickenpoo.

    LAA, nice mansplainin' there. You could mention the wealth differential that allows a bushTwin to make the decision to delay parenthood...or that it is HER choice and you can either be supportive or leave. But I really like the made-up 'nummers'. Pulled from the mansplainin' usual 'sorce'.
    Dying in the womb is called a miscarriage...getting all huffy over what your gawd be doing?

    As far as the diverse genetic donors in some might wish to live in small town Pennsyltucky. While wite and pure and gawd-fearn' and can see from physical genetic markers that more than a few 50s housefraus went a steppin. Even Bristol Palin had two children..with different Daddies. Going ape-poo over wealthy athletes acting like the horny teens/young adults they silly.


  37. Anonymous7:52 AM

    With all the Nicole Brown and gold digging Brown family moochers out there waiting to steal every cent you make...the people you can trust might just be the Moms and wives and sisters of fellow players. While I would not deny the children every penny their OJ Dad makes...why should he slave away to keep wite moochers in a lifestyle they never earned? Sports groupies are a fact of the business, look at the Kardashians...famous for 'performing services' to the professional athlete. Why give up the money when there are other options?
    Plus...we expect too much. These are just folks gifted in one small area of endeavor and we treat them like demi-gods. Like the Spartans and their worship of certain proclivities.
    Why not the same breathless ecstasy over any woman's sports?


  38. Anonymous8:02 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    And I don't know why you people even bother putting up your absurd anti-abortion billboards gearing at black women. The biggest graveyards for white and brownish babies have always been in the white womb, go ask VISA, Master Card and American Express. White women have abortions at a higher rate than any other race of women, especially when they can't figure out who's the sperm depositor.

    Whats the leading cause of death among blacks?


    Over 10 million blacks have been aborted since roe v wade.

    BTW,black women are almost 5 times more likely to get a abortion than white women.

    Check the stats.Learn to use Google.

  39. Anonymous8:23 AM

    But...every Sperm is Sacred!!???!!
    Revrunt BillyJaneSideburns done tole us so.
    Let us all weep for the 'Holocaust' of AfAm women having agency.
    Boo hoo. Weep. Cry.
    Me..I will notice the crocodile concern Trolls of the witeRite trying to sneak back ownership of AfAms through the return of women to chattel status. And tell them to kiss my ample backside.


  40. With a career that relies heavily on statistics, it's always interesting to me to see how folks (usually racists white folks) like to use them to promote their "agendas". And statistics and the manipulation of statistics have been used to disparage Black people for years, especially Black women.

    Phrases like "5 times as likely" assuming that's true, mean absolutely nothing when you're comparing different sample sizes. The statistical fact of the matter is that black women simply don't make up enough of the US population to do ANYTHING more than white women in the US BASED ON THE ACTUAL NUMBERS, not have abortions, be on welfare, or contract STD's.

  41. Deliverance9:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    But...every Sperm is Sacred!!???!!
    Revrunt BillyJaneSideburns done tole us so.
    Let us all weep for the 'Holocaust' of AfAm women having agency.
    Boo hoo. Weep. Cry.
    Me..I will notice the crocodile concern Trolls of the witeRite trying to sneak back ownership of AfAms through the return of women to chattel status. And tell them to kiss my ample backside.


    Not every sperm is sacred MOLD/Socrates, your a true testament that abortion is a good thing in some cases, in order to avoid a life of pain and others having to support the mentally incapacitated.

  42. KingsHaveBalls9:13 AM

    Dr. Queen said...
    With a career that relies heavily on statistics, it's always interesting to me to see how folks (usually racists white folks) like to use them to promote their "agendas". And statistics and the manipulation of statistics have been used to disparage Black people for years, especially Black women.

    Phrases like "5 times as likely" assuming that's true, mean absolutely nothing when you're comparing different sample sizes. The statistical fact of the matter is that black women simply don't make up enough of the US population to do ANYTHING more than white women in the US BASED ON THE ACTUAL NUMBERS, not have abortions, be on welfare, or contract STD's.

    You have a career that relies on statistics? Or are you looking to start one? If you haven't started yet you should seek another profession quick, like escort service or housecleaning. Your inability to interpret data is glaring. Either that or you are just a liar which would fit as you are a dimmycrat. Somehow I suspect its the former and you don't have the "constitution" to logically interpret data and correlate facts without letting your inherent personal biases interfere.

    Fitting that you are a self named "queen" fitting. If you had balls you could be....well a woman with balls.

  43. Anonymous9:17 AM

    If you think denying someone a job, government contract or entry to college because of the color of their skin is immoral and criminal, but giving someone a job, government contract or college admission because of a different color of their skin is “social justice,” you might be a socialist.

    If you want to abandon capitalism and put the economy under the controlof government bureaucrats, even though virtually every city, county, state and federal department run by these same bureaucrats is insolvent and bankrupt, you might be a socialist.

    If you think it’s OK to give constitutional rights to terrorists, but not to the bondholders, shareholders and secured creditors of GM and Chrysler when you stole the company from them and awarded it to the unions that bankrupted them, you might be a socialist.

  44. Anonymous9:21 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. fn:

    Q: what happened to fidelity/birth control and dna tests???

    A: pookies' rules rule all!

    that means:


    and all of these cheating germy swirling amoral whores and fools are LEGALLY married as they clown and wild...


  46. Anonymous9:22 AM

    So your saying the CDC,who has reported Abortion data since 1969,is racist and manipulating its statistics to disparage Black people?

    Wow!!!!!! How can Obama allow this to happen?Oh wait, Demcorats have also been manipulating statistics to disparage Black people for hundreds of years..


  47. Dr. Queen:


    the only rules ALMOST as rigid and pervasive as pookie rules are oj/uts!!!

  48. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Umm..the mathematical illiteracy of wingnuts is well known. But they do love to pretend to having the credentials. Shame they never do the actual work.
    Lying that unions bankrupted companies is just base falsehood. It shows you have no Data...or point.
    And are an easy mark for Sarey, Bachmann, the gweat st reagan....
    Even besser, the knowledge never sets matter how many times the scam is pulled.
    someone has to be the Patsy...and you done volunteered...and take pride in being the Goober.


  49. Wanted for war crimes said...
    So your saying the CDC,who has reported Abortion data since 1969,is racist and manipulating its statistics to disparage Black people?

    Obviously your pea sized brain won't allow you to understand the definition of the term "rate". And no I won't waste my precious time trying to school your dumb ass.

    And I'm an Independent you racist, stereotypical, moron!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. laa:


    oj/uts rules cloud all...


    a bf whore is a "skank"

    a wf whore is "creative in bed"

    ancient self-hatred rules are even stronger than pookie rules...

    but pookies rule all!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Dr. Queen:

    notice how that dl butch psycho the vdlr is now posting in our meshed name?????

    even before we post a word???

    JUST how obsessed can one unlicked uneducated turbo breeding stalker pookie from the loony bin become?


  54. alicia banks said...
    la bf whore is a "skank"

    a wf whore is "creative in bed"


    This THIS is some funny 'ish, LOL!!!!

  55. the black abortion billboards are just racist tricks

    they will dupe black voters into outlawing the murders of white babies

    the SOLE aim is to whiten a RAPIDLY swirled/black/brown planet


    the would be removed as racist if they read:



    no group of humans is more sexually perverse or buck wildly & amoral carnal than het men

    they make us gays look chaste


    high hefner
    het strip club owners
    bob guccione
    larry flynt
    any rich het porn industry ceo
    any gonzo porn mogul
    any global sex slave trafficker
    " " child " " "
    any divorce atty
    any het pimp
    most cheating husbands

    you gaybashing liars get more retarded each day

  57. alicia banks said...
    Dr. Queen:

    notice how that dl butch psycho the vdlr is now posting in our meshed name?????

    even before we post a word???

    JUST how obsessed can one unlicked uneducated turbo breeding stalker pookie from the loony bin become?

    AB this has got to be the sickest most unrelenting shit I've seen in a VERY long time. How long has it been now, 2 years of the same ol' shit?

    If I lived in Cali, I would have done 2 things by now: 1) With the assistance of my hacker DH, got a restraining order 2) Purchased some gold dot hollow points for my Glock.

    I grew up just a little too close to the 'hood to take this 'ish lightly because it is in fact INSANE.

  58. anon:


    dl thug butch gay pookies like the vdlr rule all closets!!!

  59. Dr. Queen:


    i cherish the day!!! court!!!

  60. homohating assnon:

    het male nymphos and pervs rule all


    ask any internet sex cop

    ask any het internet sex site webmaster

    ask any sex crime detective

    and ask chris hansen at msnbc!!!!!

  61. WFWC said: "Check the stats.Learn to use Google."

    I see that you're another internet browser educated bigot. Well Google also have stats showing that a higher percentage of white republicans have become increasingly delusional, vindictive and have shown more blatant racism since America elected the first black president.

    "Whats the leading cause of death among blacks?


    That's the first. I would have thought you'd bring out your usual favorite... "black on black crime, and complications from obesity". You people are never consistent.

    "Over 10 million blacks have been aborted since roe v wade.

    And what's the numbers for white women? Go ahead and use a comma between the digits. And the ratio percentile should blow you away as well.

    So it seems that black women are procreating at a higher rate, and yet the percentage for abortions are even higher? I wish you people would stop pulling these contradicting jedi stats from out your racist condescending colons. What is it with this obsessive need to quote stats to black people. It seems to be a trend by certain people on this blog. It's annoying.

    In America alone, white women have the highest rate of abortions, contrary to your belief. I told you, go check VISA, Master card, Federal Express, Discovery and the "stats" of those ATM machines near abortion clinics/private doctor offices. And if you include the percentages from world wide countries, I won't be surprised if the stats are even higher.

    And I don't know why you people [in America] pretend to care about black women having abortions, wouldn't that make less negros in America for you to deal with?

    Or perhaps by aborting these unwanted black embryos, black women/black people [in America] would have a better chance to focus, advance themselves and compete economically with the rest of the white population.

    I got you people a long time ago.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. and since the swirled pookies have ruled all

    MORE white women have abortions

    because it is MUCH cooler to do a cute black/latino boy than it is to have to rear a blackish/mulatto/biracial baby solo

    white abortions have increased in droves via swirled pookies!!!!

    ask any hs teacher

  65. laa:


    they can never count the white abortions because then their bogus racist mission would be exposed!

    they are only pimping dead black babies to save white ones...shame!!!

  66. "So your saying the CDC,who has reported Abortion data since 1969,is racist and manipulating its statistics to disparage Black people?"

    Is that what you're going based on? Do you think all abortions get reported? And all these "stats" are actually collected from every clinic and private doctor's office?

    Don't even bother to answer.

  67. "too bad black boys have such crummy role models. :("

    Yeah, where's Charlie Sheen when you need him?

  68. "because it is MUCH cooler to do a cute black/latino boy than it is to have to rear a blackish/mulatto/biracial baby solo

    white abortions have increased in droves via swirled pookies!!!!

    Exactly AB. And remember, white (and other non-black) women also dump the ones they don't abort "anonymously" on the foster system. And these blackish unwanted babies get counted in more OOW "black" baby stats that gets thrown on black women. These people make me sick.

    (FP, thank you for reminding me about that).

  69. laa:



    what sane person would look at the chaos that rules the globe today and say

    "we need more humans" in any race????

    other than racist white fools
    fear being the minority in the usa that they have always been all over the planet!!!

    we need less rainbow global pookies & smarter humans in general!!!!

    there is a science to breeding great brainy babies

    pookies have randomly and wrecklessly destroyed that science for decades!!!!!


  70. alicia banks said...
    and since the swirled pookies have ruled all

    MORE white women have abortions

    because it is MUCH cooler to do a cute black/latino boy than it is to have to rear a blackish/mulatto/biracial baby solo


    AB, you bedda' PREACH!!!

    Tell you what I've observed. Wealthy white women "do" men of color, poor white women have babies with men of color.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. La♥audiobooks said...
    And these blackish unwanted babies get counted in more OOW "black" baby stats that gets thrown on black women. These people make me sick.


    Ohhh, I never thought about this, so maybe we should ask one of our resident racists.

    Why are biracial babies born to white women "not counted" in THIER OOW birth rates?

  73. only stupid black voters will be forced into outlawing white abortions...

    the same lobotomized hobama nazi fools who still love hobama will make sure MORE black girls breed themselves into hopeless unchanged poverty


  74. Dr. Queen



    ask the swirled lana turner
    and barbara walters

    they did the elite legally married hos boxer joe louis and senator edward brooke, respectively, but NEVER had hobama babies!

  75. "white abortions have increased in droves via swirled pookies!!!!"

    Of course you have evidence of this. Probably not.

    And if by some cosmic chance one of you sistas gets knocked up by a white dude, you're definitely having the baby.

    Name him "Chase" and say he's the most beautiful thing in the world.

    Check out Robin Givens and her two off-white kids.

    Where they daddies at?

  76. Dr. Queen:

    princess di was murdered because she was breaking that rule

    she was pregnant by dodi

    and the royal nazis would never let a brown sire claim the throne!

    even though there have been black queens in the royal family

    no black/brown prince will ever be allowed to reign...

  77. Dodi Fayed was White.

  78. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Wonder why there is a fakery of women using credit cards and ATMs for abortions. could even hear how those uppity women should never have incomes. Because one person has 'documentation' of Commnist...umm abortions. Such science-like statements are surely not made up.
    Try your Gooberish on those who haven't used the facilities, young virgin lad.
    Oh..and support those activities that lessen the need for abortion. Such as Science-based Sex Ed, equal opportunity for women, access to birth control, and education.
    I will point out that those of us in the UMC will always be able to tell you to FU...check out the bushTwin visit to South Africa. Or review Saratoga Springs...or Hot Springs AK...or private hospitals located throughout the world. All you do is force your daughter to bear your child...must be the plan, eh Lot?


  79. Anonymous10:57 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    In America alone, white women have the highest rate of abortions, contrary to your belief. I told you, go check VISA, Master card, Federal Express, Discovery and the "stats" of those ATM machines near abortion clinics/private doctor offices.

    no what? i did not know visa,master card,federal express,and discovery kept abortion stats.

    oh wheres oh wheres do you go to check peoples cc statements?

    who knews there was atm machines near abortion cinics?

    me thinks there mus bes sum truth to it cause it reallys striken many nerves.


  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. uts:

    u r a moron coon

    dodi was a dark skinned egyptian

    darker than hobama

    and egyptians are blacks u illiterate LOST foolish euro original mf!!!

  82. Anonymous10:59 AM

    UTS, actually...things are better. Visit any wite Pennsyltucky hoveltown and you'll see a lot of 'mixed' kids. That is a HUGE change. I can recall watching slightly darker teens be called their face. we know...wingnuts lie.


  83. uptownsteve said...
    Check out Robin Givens and her two off-white kids.

    Where they daddies at?


    Cleofus, aka UTS, what's your 'effing point?

  84. pilotX wrote:

    Why is it inaccurate moron? I did not include race, you did.

    The statement to which I responded was made by -- a black male. Thus, he himself presented his claim on the basis of race.

    Your reading and comprehension skills are horrible but we already knew that you racist.

    The problem is not with my reading and comprehension skills -- they're excellent. The problem is with your logic and your immersion in the black alternate universe.

  85. more on the racist hit that killed princess di and dodi

  86. uptownsteve said...
    Dodi Fayed was White.

    Not to the royal family whom I agree, had Princess Di killed rather that have the future King of England have a Black half-brother.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. AB you are so on point!

    Dr.Q: "Why are biracial babies born to white women "not counted" in THIER OOW birth rates?"

    Could you imagine the numbers if they did?? LOL.

    "The most dangerous place for a white and blackish baby is in the WHITE womb"

    Who are these people fooling?

  89. The Duke False Arrest and Prosecution Case:

    Someone claimed two of the group from the Duke Lacrosse team prosecuted in the false rape case are now felons.

    Nonsense. Total nonsense.

    Perhaps some other player or players from the Duke Lacrosse team were arrested for some minor crime. But not the defendants who were acquitted after the jury refused to believe the lies of Crystal Mangum.

  90. again uts:

    u r a racist moron

    robin adopted 2 of the very swirled abandoned babies we discuss...

    u r too ignorant to realize u r only PROVING our valid pts u fool

    she has never been a bio mom

  91. Dr. AB11:09 AM

    Dr. Queen said...
    "alicia banks:

    princess di was murdered because she was breaking that rule

    she was pregnant by dodi

    and the royal nazis would never let a brown sire claim the throne!

    even though there have been black queens in the royal family

    no black/brown prince will ever be allowed to reign..."

    Dodi was not in the line of succession for anything except Harrods. Princess Di died of terminal stupidity.

  92. oj euro fool uts:

    and the fact that someone as drop dead gorgeous and intelligent as robin g has to rear two of someone else's abandoned sons solo is nothing u should be smirking and bragging about u silly nig

    if a rich black queen like robin is a single mom by choice

    what snowball's chance in hell does a dumb broke turbo breeding serial baby dedddy having fool like the vdlr have of finding even a frog/prince....or king?????

  93. Anonymous11:13 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    And I don't know why you people [in America] pretend to care about black women having abortions, wouldn't that make less negros in America for you to deal with?

    make less illegitimate baby negros dat jesse jackson has to pay dat support fo.


  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. broke peasant fool assnon:

    any royal family member lives on a lifetime of regal dole

    especially the lazy male ones

    royal post or not

    including this brown baby they killed rather than pay

  96. Dr. AB11:14 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Dr.Q you are so on point!

    AB: "Why are biracial babies born to white women "not counted" in THIER OOW birth rates?"

    Could you imagine the numbers if they did?? LOL."

    Oh, so THATS what happened to Obama's birth certificate! They didn't count little black bastards.

    You bitches need to stop trying to think and make me some biscuits.

  97. hungry hater assnon:

    any biscuit i give to stray dogs like you is always laced with arsenic mf

    eat up sexist woofer!!!!

  98. Is there anyone out there who can interpret or translate what Mold said? I'm willing to pay two mules and a chicken for any assistance. I'm that determined.

  99. laa:

    i swear molded mumbling moron speaks a language that is more incohrent than nell!!!

    and even her racist jargon is uniquely retarded and unitelligible!

    i have no idea wtf this fool is saying ever!!!

  100. LOL @ LAA and AB!

    Now my stomach hurts because I've been laughing so hard!!

  101. cc to lac:

    i found hobama's jobs!!!...NOT!!!

  102. idris is a bm i adore!!!

  103. AB

    "robin adopted 2 of the very swirled abandoned babies we discuss..."

    How do you know their mommas were white? Maybe it was the daddy.

    And why doesn't Robin adopt black babies?

    Same reason why she doesn't date black men unless they are worth $100 million.


  104. Anonymous11:34 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Is there anyone out there who can interpret or translate what Mold said?

    Direct translation is impossible and would not yield any useful information anyway. mold usually says: People I disagree with are stupid, lazy and inferior. They are prone to superstition, bigotry and irrational hatred. She then backs this up with allusions to completely unfounded internet rumors or ideas that have sprung entirely from the dark recesses of her mind in lieu of any facts, and then accuses her opponents of not being capable of understanding or acceptance of said "facts".

    It's a weird transferrence of insecurities illustrative of a tenuous grasp on reality.


  105. uptownsteve said...
    Same reason why she doesn't date black men unless they are worth $100 million.



    Negro please!! Last time i checked Mike Tyson was Black!! But after being married to HIM, can you blame her for getting her swirl own?

  106. pookies are killing our entire race in a myriad of ways....shame!!!!!

    rest in peace
    chauncey bailey
    another black man i loved!

  107. Dr. Queen:


    nigs like uts and mike t BRRED swirlers and lesbians!!!!

  108. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Gee, how is it that white boys who hire a woman for 'certain activities' are absolutely innocent of any and all wrongdoing?
    Is it because they asked for the birth certificate? Or was it the 'family values' being mentioned?
    After magical thinkeration only takes the utterance of the words imbued with much meaning.

    I'm still waiting for any wingnut to sign up for the bushWar or the ObamaMistake. Waiting. I'll even offer them the websites for enlisting or accepting a commission. More waiting. While we are waiting for wingnuts to back their breathy pronouncements of studly warriorness...could we not ask why so few of the 101st Screaming Keyboarders neglected to walk the walk.

    If you have difficulty understanding my ye the services of a public School teacher. I'm quite certain they will be able to make simple issues...even more available.


  109. Dr. Queen:


    the cool gorgeous apha male brad pitt dated robin g after mike

    he helped her heal

    psycho mike t ran him away

    see more:

  110. brad pitt is further proof that ALL women love REAL alpha males

    even lesbians wed them like angelina jolie did!!!

    ditto for


  111. Mold, maybe folks could understand what you write if you could decide on which assononymous identity you want to represent.

    Being at least 4 different "its" MUST be incredibly difficult.

  112. Dr. AB11:45 AM

    Dr. Queen said...
    brad pitt is further proof that ALL women love REAL alpha males

    too bad the only alpha male you could get was a rottweiler!

  113. Dr. Queen:

    one kudo to mike t

    he truly has wxcellent taste in beautiful smart black women!

    all of his wives have been queens...even the newest

    i have no idea what they see in or poor

    but HE has superb tastes!!!

    which is more than i can say for uts and his nicole/maria

  114. excuse all my typos...hectic day!!!

  115. Pygmy Fricassee11:46 AM

    " alicia banks said...
    Dr. Queen:

    even though there have been black queens in the royal family

    10:53 AM"

    Heh. Yeah. Idi Amin was the King of Scotland, too.

  116. whoopi11:48 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    "And why doesn't Robin adopt black babies?"

    Because when they grew up, they would punch her and her momma.

  117. proudly ignorant assnon:

    your arrogant ignorance is more vulgar than the vdlr!!!

    your denial will never remove one african from the royal DNA

    get over that!

  118. racist assnon:

    i see white kids punch their moms all oveer tv etc


  119. Mike Tyson11:54 AM

    alicia banks said...
    racist assnon:

    i see white kids punch their moms all oveer tv etc

    Someone shoulda punched your mommma!

  120. Anonymous11:55 AM

    holy crap, 'War Crimes' is about the only sane person here. I don't know how he stands it.

  121. racist clueless albino palefaced pookie original mf assnon:

    all of us and
    u too came from a black woman fool

  122. palefaced punch drunk pookie:

    a faceless foolish coward like u will never punch!!!

  123. Queen Orderly

    "Negro please!! Last time i checked Mike Tyson was Black!!"

    And at one time worth $100 million.

    Did you miss that part the first time?

    "But after being married to HIM, can you blame her for getting her swirl own?"

    Yeah, she should dated Charlie Sheen or Phil Spector.

    I think some of you sistas are totally traumatized mentally.

    Can you please explain to me why you feel that black women who date white men are justified but black men who date white women are betrayers??!???!

  124. Anonymous11:58 AM

    DrQ..I only use one nom de Internet. Statements otherwise are untrue.
    As far as translation...why? Is it too much to ask that readers be on Grade Eight, General?
    Note that not one has provided they cannot. All they have is blustery fury...the Trashie yowling at the World.


  125. atomic dog12:00 PM

    uts: "Can you please explain to me why you feel that black women who date white men are justified but black men who date white women are betrayers??!???!"

    Because the only kind of men AB/LAA/DQ can get have four legs!

  126. uts:

    you are a HORRID liar

    i love many men with white/latina wives and praise them often


    ving rhames
    quincy jones
    ellis cose

    like hobama, u lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. Anonymous12:03 PM

    UTS...because the poster is a homely, hygienically challenged wite dude?
    Forget the pretense and follow the evidence. Who else benefits? Like gutting social welfare...the ONLY people who get any good out of it are the excessively wealthy. Less tax, more servants, and cheaper labour rates.
    All the spew about fweedom and capitalisms seem rather specious when one takes but a quick look at the Scandinavian lands.


  128. Chimpout of the Week12:04 PM

    To be fair, there is a viral video showing some lowlife white slut (from some reality show) attacking another girl, right on camera. She was deservedly arrested.

    Oops, wait a minute... it turned out she's a jungle-jumper. Okay, that figures. And I'm sure her negro "boyfriend" is known around for drugs and other crimes. Maybe he'll be her pimp one day soon.

    You see, jungle-jumpers are not considered really white. And if any of you middle-class non-criminal negroes take umbrage, note that the skanky jungle-jumpers wouldn't have anything to do with you anyway. A few decades ago, that type would be getting gang-banged at the clubhouse by the motorcycle gang. These days, they are to be found in the crack house with the cool 'thug' negroes. They are slowly switching to mexican criminals.

    Yet you are proud of that fact, that skanky white sluts go with negroes? You negroes are weird. See you tomorrow.

  129. Atomic

    I know dat.

    I just want to hear their justification.

  130. Anonymous12:06 PM

    yes, steve is a notorious liar. he has no moral fabric.

  131. Cleofus, I have NO PROBLEM with Black men dating White women in large part because I once dated a White guy and find hypocrasy unappealing.

    What I take issue with is the idea some Black men have that White women are "better" than Black women.

  132. uts:


    beta male oj bitches like u are hated no matter what!

    i would hate you if u wed janet jackson or pam grier!!!

    my 2 sexy idols!

  133. uts:

    i adore bill cosby

    he was once renowned for his white call girls and mistresses

    like that blackish hobama
    u lie boy!!!!

  134. anon:


    uts has no honor and no brain!!!

  135. no penis has racial or political loyalty

    ask any racist slave master with black concubines and villages of bio kin house nigs


    a black mind will do!!!

    i adore black men with black minds...unlike that chalk white brained coon colorist sexist elitist fool uts!!!

  136. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I am sorry FN, but I just don't understand how you can't decide who is more f'ed up.

    Yes the Pastor from Florida is a complete nutjob, I agree. But burning a book has nothing on murdering, maiming and decapitating people who had nothing to do with the event a whole world away. To me and most others it is quite easy to see who is nuttier.

    I am not American and I do not reside in America. I cannot understand for the life of me of how you Americans defend SOME of these guys that are wishing death to you and yours. And no they do not seek to selectively kill white Americans. They wish death to ALL Americans as they have displayed over and over again.

    You always see some of these radicals burning effigies of the US President while buring and stomping all over the US flag while chanting "Death to America" and proclaiming that "Islam and Sharia Law will dominate the world." You all act like you have nothing to fear from these lot despite their unadulterated hatred for you due to your values (the ones which allow you to freely express your disdain for whites and what not) which they seek to destroy.

    How can you not differentiate between some red neck pastor burning a book of fairy tales and a bunch of barbarians cuting the heads off innocent people?

    When will some Americans realize that the threat is real and that these wingnuts are seeking to more damage to you and your way of life way before any right wing republican? I am guessing it will take a massive event that outdoes 9/11 to understand that these guys aren't playing and they mean what they say.

    Cue: Name calling and racist

  137. Anonymous12:14 PM

    jus because yous are to stupood to understand what i sayin' than go backt o skool.nothing worse than a bunch of uncoot goobers.

    black women shod bes proud to have white men that want dem to have their baby.


  138. Dr. Queen:


    a queen with a white mom
    the daughter of amiri baraka/leroi jones!

    sista warrior lisa jones broke that down long ago


    do not slur me and stand on my back to make yourself good or tall enough to date a wf!!!!


    a lot of once sane people like alice walker and amiri got tricked by hobama
    ONLY because they saw the faces of their biracial children in his swirled hoaxed face....shame!!!!!

  139. Queen

    "What I take issue with is the idea some Black men have that White women are "better" than Black women"

    But you just finished saying how can you blame Givens for "swirling" after dating Tyson.

    Isn't that suggesting that white guys treat women better?

    Or maybe you don't even know what the hell you mean.

  140. Dr. Queen:

    skippy gates' half white daughter elizabeth broke that oj/uts thing down too when she slew tiger woods!

  141. Yes, they are all white. But then, Tiger himself declared that he was, “Cablinasian,” and not in fact African American in the first place, so the fact that he would clutter his little black book with blondes is hardly news. Not to mention that these women also all hold jobs that demand a particular amount of sex appeal—the more they flirt, the better they get paid. What was Tiger going to do? Moderate a debate between his wedding ring and his penis over his moral obligation to his wife, all while getting lap dances from a young, free-spirited barmaid or even greater pleasures from a woman who played a Horny Housewife? I think not. I’m not saying it’s right; I’m just not saying I’m surprised.
    The controversy over black men lusting after white women has been woven into racial discourse (and spurred rant after rant) since before slavery was abolished in 1865, thus forcing the modern debate around this otherwise harmless reality into deeply sensitive and shameful territory. After all, it was only 1955 when Emmett Till was murdered for whistling at a white woman. This conversation about black men and white women is still a sore subject. All the more reason to have it.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. uptownsteve said...
    Isn't that suggesting that white guys treat women better?

    Or maybe you don't even know what the hell you mean.


    Damn Cleo, where's your brain today?

    I MARRIED a Black man, so obviously I think Black men are better FOR ME!

    And I know for a fact that NO MAN has the market on good or bad behavior, so stop confusing me with those "Becky's" you sowed your oats with before marriage.

    My point was that after everything Robin G went through with Mike, she was probably desperate for something "different". And I ain't mad at that, so why are you!

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. retarded uncle ruckus uts:

    it means that good and bad men come in all races u fool


    brad pitt is no charlie sheen

    and u r no idris!!!!

    just like good and bad women do

    even as u oj fools pretend that angelic beckies rule all virtues!

  146. black men disre white vigina12:26 PM

    don't dis the black man's desire for white vagina.

    don't dis a black man for treating his white vagina better than he treated his black vagina yesterday.

    if black vagina would take a day and shut the hell up, the black man may start lovin the black vagina again.

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. racist foolish assnon/uts:

    cc that lying bs to wf elin woods

    who spoke VERY LOUDLY while swinging that long golf club

    ya heard?????

  149. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    holy crap, 'War Crimes' is about the only sane person here. I don't know how he stands it.

    I'm just doing the Lord's work.

  150. Sexist black men prefer that all women be nothing like Malcolm. They prefer that we be silent and not expressive. Smiling not angry. Cooing not crying out for revolution. As slaves to white supremacy, they prefer that sisters be chocolate caricatures of Miss Ann. She stood by and watched silently, or assisted, as white men abused black slaves. Today, many white women STILL stand by and watch, or assist, as white men wield Proposition 209, the welfare bill, the crime bill, biological warfare, chemical warfare etc... As always, their silence is CONSENT, their assistance is EVIL, and such collusion is WRONG!!!

    Yet, their silence and support for evil white men is revered by weak black men who are arrogantly ignorant strangers to angry white women like Gloria Steinem, Andrea Dworkin, Gloria Allred, and Valerie Solanas. Such “brothers” dare to feel betrayed or “emasculated” exclusively by sisters like me and Jill. They have an aversion to our anger as they hypocritically, and simultaneously, dare to be angry with us. They ignore the racists who run this brutal world, as they reserve their anger exclusively for sisters. We are easier targets for their misdirected machismo.

    Too many brothers expect sisters to suffer in silence. They expect us to quell our anger, by any means necessary. As females, we are expected to smile incessantly, even when where there is NOTHING to smile about. Angry white men express their anger daily via racism, sexism, police, and politics. Angry white women express their anger daily via elitism, feminism, and sex with black men. Angry black men express their anger daily via sexism, violence, and sex with white women. How dare ANYBODY expect black women to be emotionless androids in this mix!!! WE WILL EXPRESS OUR ANGER ALSO!!! HOWEVER WE CHOOSE!!! Our survival DEPENDS upon our doing so.

  151. Queen

    "My point was that after everything Robin G went through with Mike, she was probably desperate for something "different". And I ain't mad at that, so why are you!"


    That skank and her Mother from Hell lied about being Givens being pregnant to get Tyson to marry her and then ripped Tyson off for millions of dollars!!!


  152. hey racist assnons/nig uts:

    eff u
    For those “brothers” who have a problem with sisters because you prefer Miss Ann, go hang out with O. J. Simpson. He needs some company these days. I refuse to mimick Nicole for your comfort!!! Just as black kids sit together in cafeterias because they grew weary with the myths and madness of integration, sisters are WEARY with the myths and madness of SEXIST men. If we cannot be with real black men like Malcolm, we would rather be alone. To all of you court jesters posing as “African kings”, KISS MY ANGER!!! TWO TIMES ON EACH CHEEK!!!

    For every single mother, there are MORE absent fathers! For every exhausted grandmother, forced to rear her grandchildren, left by selfish, abusive, incarcerated, or murdered children, there are MORE grandfathers who have been absent for DECADES! For every Black woman who dates white men exclusively, there are FAR MORE brothers who date white women exclusively. Whoopi Goldberg is bashed for dating rich white men, while O. J. Simpson is praised as some hero for marrying (and murdering) a teen-aged waitress who was a high school dropout.

    I adore REAL black men. And , they love me too. They are friends, family, and heros who are NEVER haunted by the truths that I pen, because they live as shining exceptions to them. To those brothers who are my enemies, whom I disrespect and loathe with passion and glee: If the shoes that you find herein fit you, then lace them up and STEP OFF!!!

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. uts like hobama

    u lie

    mike tyson BEGGED robin to wed him and STALKED her internationally until she said yes

    u lie nig!!!!!!!!

    BOTH have admitted that!!!

  155. AB

    "Too many brothers expect sisters to suffer in silence."

    No chance of that happening though.

    "They expect us to quell our anger, by any means necessary."

    The question is, who are you angry with and why? Maybe your anger is totally irrational and misplaced. Ya Think?

    " As females, we are expected to smile incessantly, even when where there is NOTHING to smile about."

    Whose fault is that?

    You make your own happiness in this world.

    If you're constantly miserable it's nobodys fault but your own.

  156. uts:

    a nasty self loathing conked head colorist fool like u calling robin a skank is akin to the vdlr calling molded/nell inarticulate...

    oj nig pleez!...

  157. uptownsteve said...
    That skank and her Mother from Hell lied about being Givens being pregnant to get Tyson to marry her and then ripped Tyson off for millions of dollars!!!


    Damn straight, ass wippin's ain't free negro, not to mention he wasn't faithful!!

    But I guess you think Eli Woods' vagina is well worth the millions Tiger had to pay her ass?

    Oh how I'd like to bitch slap you right about now, LOL!!!

  158. trajan12:48 PM

    ANON @12:13 SAID: "I am not American and I do not reside in America. I cannot understand for the life of me of how you Americans defend SOME of these guys that are wishing death to you and yours. And no they do not seek to selectively kill white Americans. They wish death to ALL Americans as they have displayed over and over again. "

    Well, it's like this. Blacks view the white man as their primary enemy, and therefore identify with America's enemies. This has been going on since vietnam, when Muhammed Ali said the viet cong weren't his enemy.

    Liberals view conservatives as their primary enemy. During the Bush years, they actively tried everything they could to sabotage the war effort. Harry Reid even went before the cameras and declared Iraq "lost". Democrats would rather America lose a war than Republicans gain a political victory. They are vermin.

    What you are seeing globally is an alliance of convenience between Islamists and Leftists. Both see their primary enemy as Western culture. Leftists facilitate mass immigration and interfere with anti-terrorism actions in order to weaken their societies, change the culture, and make World Socialism easier to achieve.

    Muslims have learned leftist victim tactics, and use Western tolerance as a pry bar to open the gates. The fact that the first ones they would gut if they ever took over are the very liberals helping them is lost on the quisling left. (I hear Muslims don't like homosexuals much).

    Liberals, who hate nothing more than religion when faced with Chrisitanity, are much more tolerant when it comes to protecting all sorts of anti-liberal pratices (clitorectomy, stoning of gays, honor killings, subjugation of women) when the religion in question is Islam.

    Interesting isn't it?

    Who is using who? In the end, I'll put my money on the Muslims.

  159. sad mad oj original mf uts:

    we are angry with beta male bitches like you who did miss anne while we were raped nig...and still do so while we are slain racially politically financially etc!!!

    we hate u weak mfs for your ONGOING slander and betrayls

    and because u still revere becky whores as gods u lying euro fool!!!!

  160. Sheeit, steal $10 million from me and you'd be lucky to escape with just an ass whuppin.

    It never ceases to amaze me how these protofeminazis can rationalize any dirty $hit that certain women do.

    "Oh how I'd like to bitch slap you right about now"


    And I guess you would really expect me to just grab my face and say "I deserved that".

    I'm telling you brothers, these types like AB, FP and Queen, belong in padded rooms.

  161. uptownsteve said...
    And I guess you would really expect me to just grab my face and say "I deserved that".

    Trust me Cleo, if I slapped you, you'd like it, LOL!!!!

  162. lying court jester oj nig uts:

    real bm kings never deny that oj pookies rule ALL!!!!

    This book is a celebration of exceptional achievement, revolutionary defiance, and infinite potential. It is a soulful manifesto for sole survivors, and a poetic lament for the soulless. The following excerpts capture the magic of Cose’s literary prose and the depth of his wise vision:

    "Many [black men] have developed an arrogance when it comes to the opposite sex, and consequently behave in ways that make women feel extremely angry and insecure...only a fool - or someone totally ignorant of American history - could blame black women for being hurt or upset when their men go off with women of other races...There are still many of us who are somewhat color struck.

    Those who love us...are our salvation...”

    “...the vague entity called society ...had created colonies, labeled ghettos, where young boys like myself learned every conceivable lesson in being cool, but were kept ignorant of the way the larger world worked and of the skills we would need to survive in it...

    Virtually every bright kid who bumps up against the typical ghetto school system is bound to be bruised by the encounter...many of us equate acting a fool with ‘acting black’ are lost without a decent education......there is a breakdown of intergenerational empathy - and a diminished parental ability to educate.

    The joke, of course, is on us. For while the white hipsters of the fifties, and the wiggers of the present can shed their “Black” identity whenever they tire of the charade, many of us have taken this hopped-up thuggish character to be the essence of who and what we are.

    ..we desperately need to promote archetypes other than rappers, thugs, and ballplayers, of what it is possible and desirable for us to be.

    The very fact that a so-called revolutionary group [The Black Panther Party] could embrace a man [Eldridge Cleaver] who ‘practiced' rape on black women says volumes about the misogyny that has long existed in our midst.

    ..somewhere between coddling wrongdoers and destroying their spirit, lies a better way...Obviously, in many eyes, the lives of ordinary blacks are not quite as precious as those of ordinary whites...we will create more of the very monsters that we most fear, by condemning more and more souls that could have been saved to prisons, where their only choice is to mold themselves in the image of those who are truly beyond redemption.

    Pimping is easier (psychologically at least) than proving ourselves - than wining acceptance - in arenas such as the classroom, where we have been told that we do not belong.

    More and more black women are deciding to go it alone, or look beyond the black community for suitable mates, or to see men principally as providers of sperm, as so many see themselves.

    ...what is often characterized as behavior directed at black women is just the way some black men treat all women...when it comes to women and children, we as a group are guilty of just about everything of which we stand accused. And we damn well know it. "

  163. trajan,

    Face it dude.

    De White man's days are numbered.

    But there is always Iceland.


  164. beat male bitch coon uts:

    i would never hit u

    especially with my fist

    like sean connery
    i would ONLY slap u with my open hand

    and dare u to raise up!

    got a song for u mf:

  165. @trajan: Brilliant

    According to the liberal creed of moral relativism, all religions are the same, except that Christianity is bad because of the Crusades, and Islam is good because Arabs have slightly darker skin. Also, it's okay to burn Bibles, but burning the Koran is an affront to God. Time Magazine, the liberal establishment's outpost in the dentist's office, explains through "World Editor" Bobby Ghosh to Hardball bench player Chuck Todd:

    "the Koran is directly the word of God, not written by man. It is transcribed, is directly the word of God. That makes it sacred in a way that it's hard to understand if you're not Muslim. So the act of burning a Koran is much more — potentially much, much more inflammatory than —

    TODD: Directly attacking — directly attacking God.

    GHOSH: — than if you were to burn a — burn a Bible.

    Hopey Change and "fundamental transformation" aside, this is still America. We can burn any book we like — even the one book our liberal overlords least want us to burn. If Muslims don't use it as a pretext to murder people, they'll find some other pretext, because violent intimidation is the only thing that keeps their evil cult alive."

  166. trajan1:06 PM

    @ ANON 12:13:

    "uptownsteve said...

    Face it dude.

    De White man's days are numbered."

    See what I mean? This is what "multiculturalism" means.

    A house divided can not stand.

    That's the whole point.

  167. Packing My Bags1:09 PM

    Hope you Negroes have been stocking up on your gold! 'Cause the US Dollar ain't gonna be worth toilet paper before too long.

    What y'all gona do when that happens?

    I'm moving to Iceland with my gold. Hell, there will be plenty of countries just begging white folks to move their with their stash.

    Talk about white flight! The Democrats might finally build a fence, keep all the whites, and their money, from leaving. Just like the good ole USSR.(and other wealthy KNOW the rich negroes are gonna follow us....they always do!)

  168. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "I can't figure out who is crazier, the wack job pastor who burned the Koran at his church, or the lunatics in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are killing and maiming people because he did it."

    It was bad enough when those fuckin' Christians were just dropping bombs on their children. Burning their holy book was the straw that broke the camel's back. I don't blame em. Get the fuck out of Afghanistan and Pakistan (and Iraq, and Libya, and Yeman) and you have little to fear.

  169. So what are you saying trajan?

    Blacks and whites can't live together?

    That's very interesting since it was whites who went around the globe invading the homes of people of color.

    Can you say "Chickens coming home to roost"?

  170. "I'm moving to Iceland with my gold. Hell, there will be plenty of countries just begging white folks to move their with their stash."

    Puh-leeze Goober.

    The gold you have are your front teeth.

  171. trajan1:17 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Can you say "Chickens coming home to roost"?"

    When the house is burnt down, there won't be a place for anyone to roost. Even you chickens.

    And the winds they will blow.

  172. Packing My Bags & My Dentures1:17 PM

    Well, my teeth just jumped uo to about $1,450 an oz. today!

    Glad I bought them back when they were $773!

  173. Packing My Bags & My Dentures1:55 PM

    Just how long do you think this can last, UTS:

  174. CryoVet1:56 PM

    Leaving the country? That ought to raise the general IQ a couple dozen points. Once again, I'd just like to comment how foolish you right wing, racist cowards sound; 'Liberal Overlords', Christian hating liberals (paraphrased), 'Whites' as the 'Primary Enemy', nauseum.
    You are losing the battle and the war, racists. You are contemplating running because you think that American exceptionalism is a birthright, not a standard to continue striving for. You are crying because you believe that equal rights for all require you togive up something of yours. And, you are lost already, because, in your ignorance, you believe that the world will not change if you act as a roadblock.
    Goodbye, good riddance, and it'll be good for my children to see you in the history books for the selfish cowards you are.

  175. Packing My Bags2:00 PM

    No, CryoVet, I'm tired of seeing my tax money wasted on a bunch of losers.

    If that makes me selfish; then so be it.

  176. angivadl2:01 PM


    Your children will die in rags as will you. Your ignorance and hatred doom them to it.

  177. CryoVet2:02 PM

    And, on topic, no man (or woman) should ever cheat on their partner. Period.
    Before you walk through that open door, you better make damn sure that you close that door you just came through.

  178. Nehru2:07 PM

    Packing My Bags said..."Talk about white flight! The Democrats might finally build a fence, keep all the whites, and their money, from leaving. Just like the good ole USSR.(and other wealthy KNOW the rich negroes are gonna follow us....they always do!)"

    That is the pattern of history. Light skinned peoples build wealth, and then dark skinned parasites come to live off them. Eventually, the system collapses and must be started over somewhere else.

  179. BDMan2:09 PM

    CryoVet said...
    And, on topic, no man (or woman) should ever cheat on their partner. Period.
    Before you walk through that open door, you better make damn sure that you close that door you just came through.

    I just walked out your back door. Your wife is a juicy girl!

  180. Anonymous2:09 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    So what are you saying trajan?

    Blacks and whites can't live together?

    That's very interesting since it was whites who went around the globe invading the homes of people of color.

    Can you say "Chickens coming home to roost"?

    If it wasn't for whites people of color would still be wiping their asses with their right hand after they've eaten their neighbors.

  181. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Hitting on friends wives or moms shouldn't be done but, shit happens, such is life. When that crazy, hazy, undefinable cloud blankets you, you might as well give up, 'cause it's like quicksand, the harder you struggle the quicker you sink. Now tell me it's not true ;)

  182. CryoVet2:12 PM

    PMB, you're selfish.
    Angivadl (?), there is no hate in me. And, as far as ignorance, I have travelled and am open to the world, my opinions are based on true experience with other cultures. You and PMB are just angry children crying because there is no more safety blanket for just being white.
    Also, since there are no tears or sobs in my post, I will assume you made a typographical error.
    Finally, in the vein of good will towards all; good luck with that whole 'wishing strangers and their children dying in poverty' thing. ;v)

  183. Dr. AB2:15 PM

    Desertflower said...Now tell me it's not true ;)

    It is for whores.

  184. angivadl2:19 PM

    cryingVet said.."good luck with that whole 'wishing strangers and their children dying in poverty' thing. ;v)"

    I don't wish it, I just see it.

  185. Packing My Bags2:20 PM

    "CryoVet said...
    PMB, you're selfish.

    I have every right in this world to be "selfish", if I choose to be so.

    Besides, maybe I'm not so "selfish" after all. Maybe I would just rather be able to CHOOSE who I wish to receive my generosity....rather than allow our incompetent government to make the decision for me.

  186. Anonymous

    "If it wasn't for whites people of color would still be wiping their asses with their right hand after they've eaten their neighbors."

    Oh geez. When the fuck are you leaving?

    Stop talking about it and DO IT!!

  187. needs slaps:

    my fav music is jazz crooners
    like nancy wilson
    my fav singer


    i also really love country music
    just like sexy king karl malone
    the most beautiful man in the nba

    the judds are very cool wfs


    here is more for your rich white pookie survivors file

    u r welcome byddy!!!

  188. racist assnons/needs slaps:

    more on the vdlr's white clones

    file this under:

    violent feral fertile wf pookies who rule all tv!

  189. CryoVet2:36 PM

    Typical right wing, make the statement and then attempt to make a bad attribute acceptable by introducing some vague entity into the equation. For the record, how you regard your particular actions / reasonings is of little or no concern to me. I only responded to your original post.
    As far as my prospects and "seeing", since the future predicting track record of right wing wing racist cowards is pretty spotty, I'm not feeling any concern about your prognostication (scrabble high score)

  190. angivadl2:51 PM

    cryingVet: "I'm not feeling any concern about your prognostication"

    Didn't think you would. That was kind of my point.

    Happy trails.

  191. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Wow..strawGoober arguments between sockpuppets. And then they says how much super they is to AfAms. Sure.
    As far as wealth creation..when you are essentially the offspring of illegals brought to the US to decrease might wish to read some more first. Oh...why did the whites do the Empire thing? Was it to spread the glorious nature of MILFy goodness from Sarey and Bachmann? Or was it to steal the wealth of others.
    Still waiting for the evidence...anytime will be here...the wingnuts promised. Oh...wingnuts lie.


  192. Steve2:59 PM

    Jim Crow never applied to Italians or Poles. Anti-miscegenation laws didn't apply to southern and eastern Europeans. Black people should get upset about all this "How the Irish Became White" mythmaking.

    In America, the government rewards racially ambiguous people for declaring themselves nonwhite. And you get more of what you pay for. Blacks and Natives have a much greater moral claim for special status than anyone else. White people should just get on board and concede that the descendants of American slaves and American Indians will always be legally privileged, but nobody else should be. So, either get rid of the category of ethnicity, which is currently reserved for Hispanics, or open it up to everybody.

  193. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "I can't figure out who is crazier, the wack job pastor who burned the Koran at his church, or the lunatics in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are killing and maiming people because he did it."

    Really? If someone burned an American flag in Florida and American ex-patriots living in Australia hacked to death 10 Somalian immigrants over it. Could you then figure out who is crazier?

    "Maybe we should send the good Pastor to Afghanistan to act as our Ambassador over there."

    Because insulting Islam is not a crime here. I've heard other people say the same thing. If someone offends Islam we should deport them to a coutry that executes people for insulting Islam? If someone denies the Holocaust should we deport them to Germany where they could face prison time for it?

  194. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Gee...since our government is ourselves...isn't whining about our choice to have a social safety net a bit...odd?
    Essentially a Heeyuck wishes to be an Entitled Pwince and have each and every decision run by his mighty studly Deciderator. I don't recall asking him to be the arbiter of all that is government. Did we anoint him at some be able to pick and choose what laws he would deign to follow?
    I really like how he places his most august personage above all those icky poor people who are 'brown' and 'lazy' and 'unworthy'. Must be there is more than one class of US citizen...Pwincely Perfect Plutocrat-wannabee Peckerwoods...and those lowly folk who work for a living.

    Tell you what 'armchair expert'...go work in a Welfare Office in your State and see who gets the barely subsistence incomes and why. Just from what you spout, you have literally no clue. I offer you the opportunity to gain work experience and evidence.


  195. toucan joe3:06 PM

    @anon 3:01:

    Don't look for intellectual consistency here.

  196. memo to mindless mongrels:

    hobama is just not that into you...even in his new prez select ads!!!

    hobama nazis wtfu!!!!

    Then there was Alice, a black woman from Michigan with only this to say: “President Obama is one person—plus, he (sic) got a job. We’re paying him to do a job, so we can’t say, ‘Could you take some time off and get us all energized?’ So we better figure it out.”

    As the only African American featured in the video, and compared to the optimistic voices from everybody else, Alice’s argumentative tone struck an odd note. The message that comes across, whether intended or not, is that black folks better motivate themselves to vote for Obama again because he’s too busy to ask for our support. It’s not the most inspiring selling point. Moving forward, a better tactic might be to acknowledge the jobs and housing crisis disproportionately facing African Americans and illuminate what he’s actually doing about those issues.

  197. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I like how the crazy is revealed...and that some wackies are totally upset over it. How dare FN show that chickenJones is as crazy as others. Doesn't he know that he is WITE!!

    As far as wite enclaves of gold standard silliness...we already have those. For some reason they all depend on Welfare payments and the enforced labour of women and children. Whether christian Identity, Moron polygamists, or suburbs...their incomes are either stolen or fantasy.
    Go ahead, show me where I am wrong.


  198. marcus s is a man i love!!!

  199. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Circular (wingnut/witey/right wing) reasoning is not logical matter what the priest/revrunt said.
    And don't get to win simply by thinkerating you joined the 'right team'. Try doing the work...and not just repeating what some scam artist sold you as 'responses'.
    Or...remain stoopid. Darwin Awards are snark...but are based on a Reality that is harsh and unforgiving to the Goober and Heeyuck.


  200. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I like how the crazy is revealed...and that some wackies are totally upset over it. How dare FN show that chickenJones is as crazy as others. Doesn't he know that he is WITE!!

    People who burn a book are not as crazy as people who hack innocent people to death, regardless of race or religion of the people involved.
    People say that Jones actions will resulted in a Hitler-Germany like atmosphere because burning books is "what the Nazi's did".
    The Black Student Union at my college burned the school paper because they thought it was racist. That was 20 years ago and I'm pretty sure none have more on to genocide.
