Saturday, April 23, 2011

I don't know Dilbert, you might have some issues.

I think I want to jump in on this Dilbert Keli Goff feud. (Well, not Dilbert, but his creator)

Seems Keli (and others) took umbrage with actress Gwyneth Paltrow saying that she worked her behind off to get where she is in Hollywood and her fame is not a result of nepotism and privilege. (Quick question for Keli: Are you getting paid over there at Huff Po?)

".... I know I'm going to sound like a suck up, but you're gorgeous, have a great career, two beautiful children, married to a big rock star. It all looks so effortless. You're well spoken. It just rubs people the wrong way. You look perfect.

[Paltrow]It's funny because I'm so not. Of course, some of it is luck. My parents had money and they sent me to a good school, but it's like, what do you choose to do with that? You can rely on that and not do anything with it or you can say, "How am I going to justify that good fortune? How am I going to say my parents didn't waste their money on me?" I just think I'm really all about hard work and I honestly feel like anyone can have or do what they want as long as they put their mind to it. "

Well Gyneth, you do work in Hollywood, and having the right connections certainly helps.
So I can see where Keli is coming from on this one.

"In an age in which America’s class-divide is greater than it’s ever been, our patience has simply waned for the George W. Bushes and Gwyneth Paltrows of the world — people who were born on third base and act like they hit a triple. America was founded on the idea that everyone has equal opportunity to carve out their piece of the American Dream, but increasingly that’s becoming less and less of a reality. And there’s something infuriating about listening to people born into the Dream — silver rattle in one hand, silver spoon in the other — lecture the rest of us on how easy it is to obtain — if we’re just willing to “work our asses off” like they do. "

OK, so Missy says she worked her pampered behind off to get where she is, and Keli disagrees. No problem so far, right? Just two women having a a public debate about class, privilege, and hard work.

But then Dilbert's creator decides to defend Missy by saying the following:

"It’s worth noting, in the interest of context, that Goff was born with a few advantages herself. She’s beautiful, smart, and apparently had the resources she needed to make it through NYU and go on to get her Master’s Degree at Columbia University. If you ask Goff what made her successful, would she credit her hard work and leave out her other obvious advantages? Or would she answer honestly and say, “I worked hard for what I’ve achieved, but it didn’t hurt that I’m a brilliant, smoking-hot African-American woman in 2011.” I’m just saying that people don’t generally talk about their advantages. To do so would be…wait for it…gloating. " [Source]

Of course, because we all know that if you are a "smoking -hot African American woman in 2011", A-merry-ca will give you sooooo much. Those are always "obvious advantages". I am trying to figure out which one gives you a larger advantage. Being black? Being beautiful? Being a woman? Or just being smart?

Here is the thing: If Keli has all of the above qualities, she should succeed, and it would be
a travesty if she did not. If Paltrow is a good actress, and A-merry-cans find her attractive, (I don't know why, but hey, to each his own.) she should -and did- succeed. But for her to deny that her connections gave her an advantage over other aspiring actresses in Hollywood is ludicrous.

It's probably why Goff took her on for denying the obvious.

But why the defense of her from Scott Adams? Who, by the way, has had some issues of his own, lately. (Can you say sockpuppet boys and girls?) I think it's Interesting. It leaves me to wonder: If it was a melanin challenged writer dropping her two cents (no pun intended, Keli) about Ms. Paltrow in the Huffington Post, would we have heard from Mr. Adams?

I think not.



  2. Arthur11:20 PM

    "Being black? Being beautiful? Being a woman? Or just being smart? "

    All are obvious advantages in 2011 America.

    You may be thinking that, yes, opportunity is real in America, but it’s certainly not the only thing. Luck, discrimination and birth affect life outcomes, too. In my case, I was born into a family with little money but was lucky to have parents who valued honesty, thrift and education. Others weren’t so lucky.

    Good parents are one kind of luck. Studies have emerged showing that life is easier for beautiful women and tall men who don’t lose their hair. And even if you’re short, bald and unattractive, you can still game the system. We have all had lazy colleagues who have brown-nosed their way to some success, with less merit than us.

    Since equality of opportunity is not universal, doesn’t this invalidate — or at least weaken — the romantic notion of meritocratic fairness? Of course not. You’re living in a dream world (or you have tenure) if you really believe merit doesn’t matter. Everyone can think of times when things went well as a direct result of hard work. We can also come up with cases in which we were punished at work or in life for laziness, incompetence, free-riding or stupidity.

    And even if only a portion of the outcomes in life were due to merit, we should still gear our system to the part that is under our control. Otherwise, we have no incentive to be industrious, honest, innovative and optimistic — and there’s no reason to teach these values to our kids, either.

    Most important, if we reject the ideals of opportunity and meritocratic fairness, we will end up with a system where outcomes are simply based on luck or political power — it would become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    We are not a perfect opportunity society in the United States. But if we want to approach that ideal, we must define fairness as meritocracy, embrace a system that rewards merit, and work tirelessly for true equal opportunity. The system that makes this possible, of course, is free enterprise. When I work harder or longer hours in the free-enterprise system, I am generally paid more than if I work less in the same job. Investments in my education translate into market rewards. Clever ideas usually garner more rewards than bad ones, as judged not by a politburo, but by citizens in the marketplace.

    There is certainly a role for government in this system. Private markets can fail due to monopolies (which eliminate competition), externalities (such as pollution), the need for public goods (such as education, which is indispensable in an opportunity society), corruption and crime. Furthermore, most economists agree that some social safety net is appropriate in a civilized society. When the government focuses on these things, it assists the free-enterprise system.

    But when a government that has overspent for years turns to tax increases instead of spending cuts simply for the sake of “fairness,” it weakens free enterprise, lowers opportunity and impoverishes us in many ways.

  3. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Sockpuppets? Oh My God...FN is turning Moldish!!

    Lawdy noes, wees in fer a shitsterm now

  4. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Who'e Gwyneth Paltrow? and what a weird name...

  5. Anonymous11:43 PM

    dear Mr. Field, I am sure you will be tickled 'pink'(no pun intended)- to know that your zealous support of illegal immigrants has paid off. Below is a quote from an article about the success of one of your immigrants.

    Of course, it was due to "very hard work" on the part of the immigrant. No one can say this immigrant did it because of connections like Paltrow. As a bm who fights for illegal immigration you should be very proud. Your support is paying off.:) From Huffington Post:

    "ANCHORAGE, Alaska — For years, the man known as Rafael Espinoza was widely respected as an exemplary police officer who was popular among his peers in Alaska's largest city.

    All that ended this week when authorities discovered he was really Mexican national Rafael Mora-Lopez, who was in the U.S. illegally and stole another man's identity, officials charged.

    "His reputation here is one of a hard-working officer, one who was very professional," Anchorage Police Chief Mark Mew said Friday at a news conference announcing Mora-Lopez's arrest. "The problem, obviously, is he is not Rafael Espinoza."

    Happy Easter, Field.

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    DesertFlower, "Who'e Gwyneth Paltrow? and what a weird name..."

    I am surprised at you. Now you KNOW she is one of the most gorgeous and sexiest women on the screen. BTW, what ever happened to your buddy Granny? Did she 'Desert' like a 'Flower' in the desert? just proves that you can't trust bw.

    Next time select a 'trustworthy' friend. Black men make very trustworthy friends.

  7. Mack Lyons12:01 AM

    Scott Adams has a right to his opinions, but the phrase "stay in your lane" comes to mind.

    Mr. Adams, stay in your lane. That way you can keep writing those witty office-based comics of yours without having to stop and pull your foot out of your mouth on a regular basis.

  8. Anonymous12:12 AM

    "stay in your lane" = don't disagree with black people?

  9. Anonymous12:15 AM

    FYI. Gwenyth Paltrow DOES work her ass off, and doesn't look for handouts or special privileges. Because her parents were 'successful' parents in 'parenting' and raising her does not take away her own hard work and efforts. You might call attention to the 'loving' and 'kind' upbringing Gweneth had.

    A lot of black parents could learn that tenderloving care towards a child is far better than sticking a gun in their hand to take to kindergarten or to shoot their Mom at home with.

    It's funny how Blacks seem to know so much about living the "White privileged life" as effortless and easy, with the 'right' connections. Yet, they don't know jackshit about raising their own kids. Such shameless sick-minded "jealous" folks who are unwilling to put forth any effort themselves.

    Btw, I am Black, so save your progressive liberal black dem bs for SPC or Slappz.

    Field, I am disappointed in you. On the eve of Easter you show your true colors of mindless mickey mouse shit. Whether Gweneth's parents are rich or not, she worked hard to get where she is and you have no right to judge or diminish her efforts.

  10. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I am surprised at you. Now you KNOW she is one of the most gorgeous and sexiest women on the screen. BTW, what ever happened to your buddy Granny? Did she 'Desert' like a 'Flower' in the desert? just proves that you can't trust bw.

    Next time select a 'trustworthy' friend. Black men make very trustworthy friends.

    Well I Googled the Gwyneth, and saw a spindly,skeletal,palefaced young woman with stringy yellow hair and,well, need I say more? Just another of the boring elite palefaces of Americas Hollywood. *Yawn* so ugly...

    I'm wondering what happened to Granny also? Does anybody know?? and Val of 'Commentary by Val' is gone too!!! I wish i could find out!

  11. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Oh, and I also read that someone called "Blythe" (where do they get these names lol!) Danner, is her mother and has acres and acres full of tigers and other wild cats because she "likes to have tea in the morning and watch them roughhouse" K-A-R-A-Z-Y! But what can you expect?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous12:57 AM

    hey dont hate on her cuz she came from some wealth or is cute in her way to each his own but dont hate on her and where is granny she been gone a while now

  14. Desertflower said...

    "Who'e Gwyneth Paltrow? and what a weird name..."

    A long-legged knobby-kneed very unattractive ditsy bird who named her child "Apple".

  15. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Desertflower, "Well I Googled the Gwyneth, and saw a spindly,skeletal,palefaced young woman with stringy yellow hair and,well, need I say more? Just another of the boring elite palefaces of Americas Hollywood. *Yawn* so ugly..."

    You have no taste but since you are a woman of color, I would expect you to have negative things to say about any white woman. That's because you come from a linage of jealous insecure woman. It's in your genes, you just can't help but be jealous. Btw, it's one of the seven deadly sins and karmically speaking is the reason you are not White. I am sorry you screwed up so badly in previous lives to not end up White. But maybe next time?:)

    Desertflower said, "Oh, and I also read that someone called "Blythe" (where do they get these names lol!) Danner, is her mother and has acres and acres full of tigers and other wild cats because she "likes to have tea in the morning and watch them roughhouse" K-A-R-A-Z-Y! But what can you expect?"

    Are you talking about Granny? I didn't know Granny came from money.

  16. "If you ask Goff what made her successful, would she credit her hard work and leave out her other obvious advantages? Or would she answer honestly and say, “I worked hard for what I’ve achieved, but it didn’t hurt that I’m a brilliant, smoking-hot African-American woman in 2011.”"

    What he really wants to say... Affirmative Action and being a shrewd black female who must have prostituted her body.

    These subtle bigots always use code words.

  17. Anonymous1:24 AM

    LAA said, "A long-legged knobby-kneed very unattractive ditsy bird who named her child "Apple"."

    Lordie Lord, why are all the FN women beating up on sweet little Gweneth on the eve before Christ arose? Now we are ALL children of God and here you folks are dumping your sister the day after Good Friday and now the morning of Easter. Now, that is some poor wicked timing. It will probably cost you a few more lifetimes in the black race, just like the one you are in now. That means you are going to have to do this shit all over again-the whole nine yards. That includes this blog with Slappz and SPC and Mr. UTS.

    Are you ready? I just want you and Desertweed to know that no matter how many times you must live the same lives over, I still love you both. Please get yourselves up and attend church tomorrow. It's a special day. I bet even Field is going.

  18. Anonymous1:25 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    These subtle bigots always use code words.

    Yes you do.

  19. Anonymous2:03 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "What he really wants to say... Affirmative Action and being a shrewd black female who must have prostituted her body."

    Since you are not shrewd and don't have a smoking body, be thankful for Affirmative Action. It's all you got.

  20. Anonymous2:06 AM

    yeah it is always interesting when given the opportunity to say something nice about another woman desertflower lashed out in insults and so did laa as usual these are sad women who do need some love in their lives so what if she has knobby knees yall jess hatin cuz she more successful then u

    dont hate celebrate open up ur hearts to love rather than anger and jealousy it is Easter for Gawds sakes!

  21. Anonymous3:04 AM

    HAAHAHAHAHA! "Desertweed"! I love it! Anonymuz you're really funny tonight! I don't mind having a good laugh even if it's on me! I'm a good sport that way! And yes LAA she sure is knobby kneed! Apple...I tell you, I wonder about them...Maybe when she has a boy she'll name or spinach? LOL! Poor Glyneth, I mean Kleenex, oops, sorry, Glenish, whatever! This is fun here tonight, but I gotta go and get my beauty sleep (I know Anonymous, I need it ;). Please pray for me Anonymous on this holy day, you seem like such a devout person, and I will pray for you. Happy Easter to all.

  22. Anony 1:24 am, it's too early in the morning to be cracking me up like that. Well, I don't mind being in the black race over again, I was fearful Karma would have brought me back as Maria. Anything but that. And hey, I love you too :)

    Anony 2:03 am, I see that you're now playing it safe, yeah go with the "you are" for good measure. And I know it's you, the angry ultra-sensitive melanin challenged homophoner. Don't even lie. I'm happy for you. LOL.

  23. "Poor Glyneth, I mean Kleenex, oops, sorry, Glenish, whatever!"

    You know you are so wrong. LOL!

    Yes I have a sense of humor too, I love to laugh! It must be our Puerto Rican heritage, with all the heat one has to endure, you need a sense of humor and air-conditioning. You enjoy your beauty rest. :)

  24. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Oh, and I also read that someone called "Blythe" (where do they get these names lol!)

    CokeQuisha was already taken..

  25. Anon283107:33 AM

    The word meritocracy should never come out of a white person's mouth, here in America.

    That term lacks credibility in this country.

    I work in the defense sector, and I have seen good-ol-boy-nepotism at its finest, albeit ugliest.

    At my job, I am training a white who clearly doesn't know shit about IT server-based systems. After eight months, he's still asking me questions about tasks I spoon-fed him months ago. He'll probably be my manager one day.

    Don't fucking talk to me about meritocracy, because you don't know what it is let alone practice it.

  26. field, you wrote:

    Seems Keli "took umbrage" with actress Gwyneth Paltrow saying...

    English lesson number one:

    "Taking umbrage" is what the recipient of the criticism does. Not the critic. To use the idiom correctly, you should have written that Paltrow "took umbrage" in response to Keli's comments.

    You wrote:

    If Keli has all of the above qualities, she should succeed, and it would be a travesty if she did not.

    English lesson number two:

    Travesty? No. Look up the word. A travesty is a farce. Obviously you're stuck on "travesty of justice."

    If someone has her ducks in a row but is denied some benefit that seems to have been legitimately earned, that is a tragedy.

    As for Paltrow's claim:

    ...that she worked her behind off to get where she is in Hollywood and her fame is not a result of nepotism and privilege.

    She's either delusional or hopeful that by repeating her silly claim enough times she herself will eventually believe it.

    Bruce Paltrow, her father, was a huge producer of highly successful TV shows for 20 years. He learned an important lesson early in his career. The lesson was to always help people related to people who had helped him. Paltrow started a lot of careers, including Denzel Washington's career on St Elsewhere.

    In the mix was Steven Bochco, who worked with Paltrow on a few successful series, like Hill Street Blues, and who also believed in the Paltrow doctrine of employing the relatives of people who had helped him.

    Thus, in the history of Hollywood, it's hard to find a person more blessed by the god of nepotism and DNA than Gwyneth Paltrow.

    Moreover, her "success" proves that almost anyone who puts enough effort into studying the acting craft can perform well enough to satisfy an audience.

  27. "In my case, I was born into a family with little money but was lucky to have parents who valued honesty, thrift and education. Others weren’t so lucky.

    Good parents are one kind of luck."

    Arthur, those were actually pretty good points.

    I hear Granny is working on a book.
    Let's hope she doesn't use an editor like slappy. Something who thinks it is a grammarian but is actually quite ignorant.

    Slappy, I am quite aware of the meaning of those words and I use them in the context that I see fit. I will also make up words and how to use them as I see fit whenever I please. When you are on my blog you read by my rules, if you don't like it, feel free to explore the World Wide Web where other grammarians like yourself actually publish blogs.

    It might make that umbrage in your brain (look up the other meaning) a little less scrambled.

    Dear Prez. of Anon Inc. please see what Anon 11:43 PM said. He is mesing with me on this holy day.:)

  28. Keli Goff's Huffpo piece on Paltrow is, all in all, pretty silly stuff.

    Nepotism means very little in the US simply because ability, or lack of it, will eventually sink or cap someone's trajectory.

    Who cares if Gwyneth has gotten some roles that others could have performed equally well? Moreover, when it comes to movies and TV, Who You Know has always mattered. Thus, it's almost impossible to find a production totally free of the buddy system.

    Because Paltrow is a beneficiary of Friends Helping Friends To Get Acting Jobs, it's more than likely Paltrow herself has extended the same favor to others, who may well have more talent than she.

    Just like Obama and his original crew of White House hacks.

    In any case, TV and movie performers can fake it with ease. They get do-overs.

    Are there any performers who work on stage -- live -- who are lousy, but nevertheless long-running?

    Are the kids of the Rolling Stones, the Beatles or any other famous groups also successful musicians? Maybe one kid, who's a minor talent.

    Writers? How many famous writers have kids who become famous writers? Very few.

    Athletes? More common here, but still there are few.

    As for college, well, the legacy system at the Ivy League colleges ended in 1970 when they dropped their ban on female students. Till then almost all Ivies were men-only, and the women went to the Seven Sisters, or the female schools attached to the men's schools.

    Meanwhile, there's nothing wrong schools looking out for their own interests by admitting some students who can somehow benefit the school.

    Moreover, as we all know, when it comes to admissions at Ivy League schools, those schools add 200 bonus points to the SAT scores of blacks. Thus Affirmative Action lives on in the admissions departments of the nation's finest private universities.

    Did Keli Goff get a few bonus points by the admissions department at NYU? She'll never tell.

    But we know Princeton added a bunch of points to the SAT scores of Michelle Obama. And both got special consideration by Harvard Law.

    Obviously if their SAT and LSAT scores had been high, those facts would have slipped out by now.

    Maybe Keli should look into that story.

  29. field writes:

    Slappy, I am quite aware of the meaning of those words and I use them in the context that I see fit.

    Inasmuch as you misused both "umbrage" and "travesty", you don't know the meaning of either word, but your mistakes were not uncommon.

    Second, you've said that you practice the Humpty Dumpty form of word definitions which Humpty said to Alice:

    "A word means exactly what I want it to mean. Nothing more and nothing less."

    Coming from someone who purports to be a judge, this is a disturbing way of thinking.

  30. White folks like slappy LOVE to pull Afirm Act out their butts to explain their own lack of succes. Has ANY Black person every taken an AA exam while in college? NO!

    Anyone with half a brain knows that legacy is the BIGGEST factor in who gets admitted to colleges and universities, which of course means that whites have been the biggest beneficiaries.

    I guess you people aren't satisfied unless you get EVERYTHING!

  31. "A word means exactly what I want it to mean. Nothing more and nothing less."

    Very good. You are catching on.

  32. Gwenth is one unattractive scarecrow and that Grammy preformace AND the catsuit she wore was absolutely dredful!

  33. And shout out to my fellow Caribbean Latinas!!

    Trinidad is also in the house!

  34. NSangoma9:47 AM

    That big nose MoFo; smoking hot, she is not:

    That big snozz supposedly means good head; mayhap that is why she is considered by some to be smoking hot.

  35. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Gwenneth daddy is a rich Hollywood Jewish director. She had a nose job her mom is blythe danner they have done flics together. A typical life? I don't think so. We don't need anymore oprah types kissing white elite woman asses in public. I don't even read huffpo anymore.

    Kelli is a huffpo slave.


  36. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    White folks like slappy LOVE to pull Afirm Act out their butts to explain their own lack of succes. Has ANY Black person every taken an AA exam while in college? NO!

    Anyone with half a brain knows that legacy is the BIGGEST factor in who gets admitted to colleges and universities, which of course means that whites have been the biggest beneficiaries.

    I guess you people aren't satisfied unless you get EVERYTHING!

    9:27 AM

    Well, you could also "test" in. Next time you try for something don't list your race as Black, see if your grades will get you in. Then you will be complaining its not fair that there aren't enough black people represented, but of course it isn't your IQ that is the issue, no it's whites all know each other and they lock you out. Uh-huh, did you ever think people can see and hear your ghetto trash from about 10 miles away? No one who speaks and thinks like this has ever gotten into anything by merits, it was all affirmative action or we know, we know, but give her a pass.

  37. "A word means exactly what I want it to mean. Nothing more and nothing less."

    To this, field responds:

    Very good. You are catching on.

    Field, I see that you don't even understand the phrase to which you responded. And again, by your statement, you emphasize how you live in a Lewis Carroll world that is detached from reality.

    Moreover, when you looked up "umbrage" you found that it, like many words, has more than one meaning. But, as always, you tried to move away from the fact that you didn't know the definition of the word to the irrelevant fact that it has at least three meanings.

    So much discovery all at once is a lot for you, it seems.

  38. anon 9:48 writes:

    Gwenneth daddy is a rich Hollywood Jewish director.

    Gwyneth's daddy is dead.

    But he was a director, producer, rich and Jewish. From Brooklyn, too.

  39. Anonymous10:15 AM


    Happy Easter to you and Mrs Field and all of your readers!

    Have a blessed day!


  40. dr queen asks:

    Has ANY Black person every taken an AA exam while in college? NO!

    Every day. Every day. What are the most common college majors for blacks?

    Sociology, anthropology, black studies.

    In what subject do blacks most often earn a Phd? Sociology.

    Thus, blacks are most commonly evaluating other blacks in sociology and black studies programs. It's a buddy system.

    Whereas, there are very very few blacks in most engineering schools. Almost no blacks in physics and chemistry. More in biology.

    In other words, where there are some objective standards that cannot be ignored or massaged, the black presence is low.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Anonymous said...
    Well, you could also "test" in. Next time you try for something don't list your race as Black, see if your grades will get you in. Then you will be complaining its not fair that there aren't enough black people represented, but of course it isn't your IQ that is the issue, no it's whites all know each other and they lock you out. Uh-huh, did you ever think people can see and hear your ghetto trash from about 10 miles away? No one who speaks and thinks like this has ever gotten into anything by merits, it was all affirmative action or we know, we know, but give her a pass

    Don't you find the ghetto thing is getting kinda old? EVERY black woman that will tell off a White person is "ghetto" so your statement has about as much merit as me saying you're intelligent assnon! Or do you really believe being "ghetto" as you call it, would be received well AND rewarded in the form of a graduate degree by a fine institution like Georgetown University? Yeah, uh huh.

    As I see it, the election of Prez Obama with his Ivy League self and his Ivy league wife, has deeply angered underachieving racist white folks like nothing I've ever seen before. EVERY Black person who is high achieving is apparently a beneficiary of AA, even the ones that attended HBCU's.

    And what of this talk of "test scores"? Asians outscore EVERY racial group, but I don't see racists White folks insisting that university classes be filled with them ONLY?

    And for the record underachieving White racist (UWR for short), because I've worked for and published with some of the top people in my field, my CV combined with my education, typically "opens doors" for me. And being able to effectively back it up is what leads to PAID NCI fellowship opportunities to earn a Doctorate degree from a top university LOL!!!

    So don't hate the playa', hate your parents/cousins for passing on such an academically weak gene pool to you!

  43. Anonymous10:31 AM

    LAA, "Well, I don't mind being in the black race over again, I was fearful Karma would have brought me back as Maria. Anything but that. And hey, I love you too :)"

    LOL. Well, I don't think your karma is that bad. But I bet Maria isn't laughing and probably has a few karmic choice words for you. lol

    Btw, anon 2:03am is not me.

  44. The black racist negroes are always insisting that there is no such thing as reverse-racism, or by extension any kind of reverse-prejudice.

    Being Easter, we see once again that Jesus is banned from the tv networks, as has been almost entirely so for decades. Is that because all religion is banned? No, as always we have the story of Moses being broadcast every year.

    That reminds me of how for decades the ACLU fought to keep religion out of the public schools. But the ACLU is silent as public schools have established Muslim prayer rooms. Their hypocrisy shows that 'separation of church and state' was really just an anti-Christian campaign all along.

    I know there aren't any real Christians on this atheist-liberal-racist site, but one or two of you people might see the hypocrisy involved anyway.

  45. Black News Today:

    South Carolina visitor, 24, shot and killed on Brooklyn street while talking on cell phone
    BY Mike Jaccarino and Joe Kemp

    Sunday, April 24th 2011

    The motive for the shooting was unknown, but a cousin of the victim said it must have been mistaken identity.

    A 24-year-old man from South Carolina was shot and left to die on a Brooklyn street Saturday, cops and witnesses said.

    A gunman walked up to the unidentified victim as he chatted on a cell phone on Nostrand Ave. near Glenwood Road in East Flatbush about 7:45 p.m. and shot him in the torso, cops said.

    "I left for a second," said the victim's cousin, adding that the man was visiting relatives. "When I came back, he was on the floor and bleeding."

    The wounded man was rushed to Kings County Hospital, where he died. The motive was unknown, but the cousin said it must have been mistaken identity.

    "He didn't know anyone up here," the cousin said. "My family wants answers from me, and I simply don't have any."

    No arrests had been made as of Saturday night.

  46. Anonymous10:37 AM

    DrQueenK, "Gwenth is one unattractive scarecrow and that Grammy preformace AND the catsuit she wore was absolutely dredful!"

    I see beauty, acting and art is too much for you to take. It must be due to a lack of identity which you keep changing ever so often on FN. Poor thing. Still dreaming about taking classes at G-Town?

    What happened to your job at the National Institute of Health? Did they fire your ass for incompetence?

  47. Anonymous10:38 AM

    No reverse-racism?!? Even Bill Gates has his Millenium scholarship fund that is available to ANYBODY EXCEPT WHITES.

    Who says that racial discrimination is illegal? It's legal and openly practiced if it's anti-white.

    Yes, Wayne Bennett does live in a Lewis Carrol world.

  48. dr queen writes:

    And what of this talk of "test scores"? Asians outscore EVERY racial group, but I don't see racists White folks insisting that university classes be filled with them ONLY?

    Wow. Your black delusional sensibilites are all revved up.

    First, white do not object to asian success in the least. My kids are well aware of their academic competitors and they enjoy the challenge.

    Second, because asians are nailing the SATs and getting top grades, they are getting into and filling the freshman classes at lots of colleges.

    However, because discrimination on the basis of race is illegal at state colleges, asians are abundant. They cannot be denied admission on the basis of there being "too many of them."

    On the other hand, private universities -- the Ivy League and other top top schools -- can and do discriminate on the basis of race. They deny admission to overly qualified asian students to make room for less qualified students who help the school fulfill their goal of "diversity."

    Asians account for about 5% of the US population, substantially less than blacks who account for about 13%.

    Thus, there are simply not that many asian students. But they do seem to rise to the top. Why? Hard work and good results -- in the tough subjects.

    Maybe their success offers a good lesson to blacks who believe the game is rigged.

  49. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Dr.QueenK said...

    And for the record underachieving White racist (UWR for short), because I've worked for and published with some of the top people in my field, my CV combined with my education, typically "opens doors" for me. And being able to effectively back it up is what leads to PAID NCI fellowship opportunities to earn a Doctorate degree from a top university LOL!!!

    Show us what you have "published".

    Don't forget affirmative action has opened the most doors for you.

  50. Anonymous said...
    No reverse-racism?!? Even Bill Gates has his Millenium scholarship fund that is available to ANYBODY EXCEPT WHITES.

    Who says that racial discrimination is illegal? It's legal and openly practiced if it's anti-white.

    Discrimination against white males is legal

  51. Negro Logic10:52 AM

    Did any of you black racist negroes watch the Survivor tv show this week? The contestants always squabble. One white guy criticized a black guy's idea on how to apportion the rice. He said, "if that's what you think you must be crazy".

    Well, of course the negro claimed that "you just called me a nigger". He ranted and had a tantrum for a long time, ending by making threats of violence. He even grabbed the camp's machete and stomped around with it.

    He explained that "crazy" meant "nigger". You see, the rules of negro logic say that in any conflict between a black and white, the white is automatically a "racist" and the black is an innocent victim.

    Did the black guy get penalized at all? Of course not! He's a negro and has special privilege. The host even sympathized with how rough it must be to be a negro. Violent threats are A-okay if they come from negroes. That's what we expect, after all. Reverse-racism rules everything in the establishment of this backward country.

  52. no_slappz said...
    Whereas, there are very very few blacks in most engineering schools. Almost no blacks in physics and chemistry. More in biology.

    In other words, where there are some objective standards that cannot be ignored or massaged, the black presence is low.


    In other words, where there are few ROLE MODELS, there will be fewer numbers, which is why I MENTOR other future underrepresented minority (URM) Engineers, Scientists, and Physicians.

    For some strange reason, RWP's (racists White people) like YOU seem to be under the delusion that attending schools with people like you in majors like science and engineering has been just groovy for minorities. Well personally, I think educational integration was the worst thing to happen to Black folks and not just because we now have FEWER black kids who want to be Scientists, Doctors, and Engineers than we EVER have! Poor RWPs' are the worst which is why after I graduated from a top SEC school, I vowed to NEVER attend another university full of and run by Hicks.

    And to finally shoot to hell your stereotypes, DH has a Master's and is an Engineer, and I'm a Scientist working on a PhD in a Science field. I'll bet you and your spouse don't have an IQ higher than our teenage daughter, whose returning to Engineering camp at a top engineering university this summer.

  53. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Paltrow has worked no harder than an undocumented worker, who is labouring incredibly long hours, for barely a subsistence wage, but admitting that would mean recognizing her privilege, which is something Paltrow is really loathe to do.

    People don't misinterpret her life when they critique the way that class and Whiteness has created abundant opportunities for her, and the fact that she reduces this to jealousy,"

    How many racists who attack Paltrow have ever SEEN HER MOVIES? This is about class and race?

    Why isn't it about Class and Race with people like Hallie Berry?

    Oh, that's different, you say? HOW?

    Paltrow is a great actress. Ever seen Shakespeare in Love? How about Proof?

    Her husband is rich. She is rich.

    AND? This isn't about being white.

    So you black ladies have a different view of beauty--so what!

    That doesn't make her ugly. It makes YOU ugly to articulate it!

    She HAS worked hard. Try looking up her credits. So what if some doors were opened for her. AND? If she stunk as an actress she wouldn't be working. At all. Period.

    Jealous much? Desert Flower, you aren't fooling anyone.

    All day long all if you just hate on whites, especially women. This is just one more example.

    Who cares what you think of Paltrow?

  54. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Desertflower, "HAAHAHAHAHA! "Desertweed"! I love it! Anonymuz you're really funny tonight! I don't mind having a good laugh even if it's on me! I'm a good sport that way! And yes LAA she sure is knobby kneed!"

    That's what I love about you. You just laugh it off. You ARE a good sport that way. But you are beginning to piss me off talking about my girl's knees on Easter. That's enough to make Christ not want to show up today. Yeah, I got a feeling you and LAA are going to pay karmically for this in lives to come. Yep. you will be sitting your ass in PR for the next ten lifetimes and Laa will be in VI.

    You two just don't seem to learn the lessons life gives two keep flunking the test. Hell, even Slappz is learning something in class. well, maybe.

    and poor dr. queen is doing so badly in this life, she won't even qualify to come back as a human. She is SLOW. Her next life will probably be a giant black turtle with a large "G" for Georgetown on it's shell. Hey, turtles have a connection to biology and science. Lawd have mercy.

  55. What are the most common college majors for blacks?

    Sociology, anthropology, black studies.

    When I was in college, the people that I knew who couldn't cut it in any other discipline ended up in Sociology and the related fields. So that fits very well with negro students.

    I see, for example, that Dr Queens' arguments consist almost entirely of insults and accusations of "racism".

  56. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Dr.QueenK said...

    And for the record underachieving White racist (UWR for short), because I've worked for and published with some of the top people in my field, my CV combined with my education, typically "opens doors" for me. And being able to effectively back it up is what leads to PAID NCI fellowship opportunities to earn a Doctorate degree from a top university LOL!!!

    Show us what you have "published".

  57. Anonymous said...
    Show us what you have "published".
    Don't forget affirmative action has opened the most doors for you.


    That's what you hicks don't get. A Black person could NEVER prove anything to you because you don't think logically.

    If you did, maybe so many of you wouldn't be underachievers in the first place.

  58. Anonymous11:07 AM

    SPC, "Discrimination against white males is legal"

    Oh my goodness! I had no idea this was happening. Well, just be patient. Things will get better over time. Suck it in and be patient. I bet the change will happen during your kids generation. That's racial progress in the good ole USA. Hold on, SPC. Hold on.

    Hopefully Field will do a post about what's happening to wm. As you know, he doesn't like shit like that-esp on Easter, cause everybody knows that Jesus was a divine wm.

  59. dr queen wirtes:

    As I see it, the election of Prez Obama with his Ivy League self and his Ivy league wife, has deeply angered underachieving racist white folks like nothing I've ever seen before.

    The sad part is how you believe that Obama and his wife would have gotten into the schools they attended had they not been black.

    As Michelle said herself, she was shocked that Princeton admitted her because her "board scores were so low", which is another way of saying she got at least the standard black bonus of 200 points on her SATs.

    Her senior thesis is online and available for anyone to read. They acted too slow to keep that one private.

    The thesis is average. Average is okay if a student is average and is attending an average university. But Princeton is the top of the top and Princeton students routinely produce truly impressive work. But not Michelle.

    Meanwhile, no one seems to know the SAT or LSAT scores of the Obamas. However, when there's talk about how intelligent people are, the talk generally includes some form of proof, like a few test scores or some actual work they produced.

    The Obamas? Nothing. Zero. Zip. Hmmm. Why is that. It's been said that during his tenure as head of the Harvard Law Review Barack set a record for publishing NOTHING.

    Meanwhile, he doesn't write his speeches and there's good reason to believe his books were ghost-written, possibly by Bill Ayres.

    Of course that stuff doesn't matter if a president rises to the occasion and proves himself as a capable leader.

    As we know, this is the tragedy of Obama. Actually, field, his administration is a travesty. Here the concept of "travesty" fits.

    The clown who said he was going to end US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq has instead said, More War.

    He wants to love Islam and muslims, but now he's realizing he has to kill a bunch of them to stop them from killing other muslims. Libya is looking like his Waterloo.

    He says we're going to save money on energy, and he says we're going to do it by spending 10 times as much on energy sources that don't work.

    He says we've got to stop this crazy economic activity, and he says he's going to stop it by spending way way way more than Bush, the person he said spent too much.

    We're way into a political farce, a travesty, which might end in tragedy, unless this doofus gets the Jimmy Carter treatment in 2012.

  60. Amoeba for brains, got a job? A career? A future in Marine Biology?

    Have a BP shrimp cocktail and sat down somewhere, LOL!!!

  61. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Dr. Queen, "That's what you hicks don't get. A Black person could NEVER prove anything to you because you don't think logically."


  62. no_slappz said...
    The thesis is average. Average is okay if a student is average and is attending an average university. But Princeton is the top of the top and Princeton students routinely produce truly impressive work. But not Michelle.


    I thought her thesis was excellent!!!

    Just like white folks couldn't recognize the greatness of the film Malcolm X and award Denzel the Oscar he so rightfully deserved, RWP's like you are critical of ANYTHING that causes you to look in the mirror and examine how barbaric people like you have been over the course of human history.

    Mrs. Obama told the TRUTH and white folks like you can't handle the truth!

  63. DrQueen says: And to finally shoot to hell your stereotypes... and I'm a Scientist working on a PhD in a Science field.

    In the dim perception of a negro mind, it seems perfectly acceptable to make claims anonymously. (It's not bad to post anonymously. But then you give up the right to make personal claims. It'd be like going on a weightlifting group and claim to deadlift 800 pounds. You'd be laughed out of there if you anonymously made the claim without anyone being able to substantiate it.)

    So he shows that he just doesn't have thinking ability. It's obvious that any degree he might have or will acquire is 'earned' on the affirmative action plan :)

    It's a modern phenomenon that negroes who get AA acceptance into schools, then get AA grades from liberal teachers, then get AA jobs, will ultimately go on to claim how smart and accomplished they are. It's a farce.

  64. "I know there aren't any real Christians on this atheist-liberal-racist site.."

    Flattery will get you nowhere.

    "Moreover, when you looked up "umbrage" you found that it, like many words, has more than one meaning. But, as always, you tried to move away from the fact that you didn't know the definition of the word to the irrelevant fact that it has at least three meanings."

    Actually it's more like five, but I am sure you already knew that Mr. Google.

    And speaking of Google, I see that Anon@ 10:38 AM has mastered it as well. You know my name, we are impressed. That must have been really hard for you to figure out.

    Slappy, thanks for the black news of the day. But until you can find someone equivalent to this guy, you might want to lay off the news updates for awhile.

    Yes, he actually ATE his victims. I think he has his own room in the evildoer hall of fame.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. "Paltrow is a great actress. Ever seen Shakespeare in Love?

    Dear Prez. of Anon Inc., your people are messing with me again. Please tell them to stop it. :(

  67. Oh boy, I just looked at Queen's profile. He claims he didn't get any AA preferences, but yet he works for the GOVERNMENT! Haha, that is funny. The feds were the first to institutionalize reverse-racist hiring.

    Then he makes a veiled gun threat. That is SO NEGRO of him :) Do you hold the pistol sideways, too? Hehe. You'd better take it with you when you visit da hood to mingle with your homies.

    No wonder so many of you negroes are in prison.

  68. dr queen complains:

    And to finally shoot to hell your stereotypes, DH has a Master's and is an Engineer

    This type of response is central to your delusion. Coughing up ONE example does not refute the general condition. Very, very few blacks get engineering degrees. By offering up ONE example, you provide statistical evidence that the stereotype is accurate.

    Anyway, what type of engineer is your husband?

    ...and I'm a Scientist working on a PhD in a Science field.

    Again, a lone scout in unfamiliar territory. Meanwhile, I get the feeling this Phd is in some kind of hybrid field that isn't really science, but is some form of data study.

    I'll bet you and your spouse don't have an IQ higher...

    I can tell you the IQ figure that was on the last IQ test I took, which was in high school. But inasmuch as this is the internet and I can make any claim I want, it has little meaning.

    Anyway, the number is not low, and, in fact, it's high enough that, statistically speaking, the Bell Curve says it's in the right-hand tail.

    ...than our teenage daughter, whose returning to Engineering camp at a top engineering university this summer.

    Ignoring your strident lunacy for a moment, I hope the kid does well. However, given your attitude, the kid is undoubtedly carrying some baggage.

    But as far as I can tell -- and I know something about this stuff because I graduated from engineering school -- these camps are all about overcoming deficiencies. Are there any white or asian kids in the camp? Probably not. They are usually organized for the benefit of black and hispanic kids who need some extra work so they're ready for the heavy doses of calculus and physics in freshman year.

  69. Quoting from Queen:

    first he quotes a critic: "Show us what you have "published".
    Don't forget affirmative action has opened the most doors for you.

    then queen replies:

    That's what you hicks don't get. A Black person could NEVER prove anything to you because you don't think logically.

    In the realm of dim perception, Queen cannot see that posting any articles with his name on it and also proving that name is indeed his, would EXACTLY constitute proof. Yet he can't see that. I'm beginning to think he's a high school kid who is 'fronting' (if I have used the correct negro-speak).

  70. Dr.QueenK said...
    Anonymous said...
    Show us what you have "published".
    Don't forget affirmative action has opened the most doors for you.


    That's what you hicks don't get. A Black person could NEVER prove anything to you because you don't think logically.

    So you do what mold does.Make shit up about yourself and come online and talk down to everyone.

    Whatever helps raise your low self esteem.

    Everyone now knows your a fraud.

  71. Anonymous11:36 AM

    LOLOLOLOL! anon 10:55 hahaha! What a comedian! I have to laugh because you are truly funny!

    But I don't mind sitting in PR, and I'm sure LAA doesn't mind being in the VI either. We are where we want to be. No place is perfect, but here for all of it's imperfections (which come from the ruling class as usual)it's the closest thing to paradise I know :D

    And not to worry, I'm sure the Good Lord loves ole knobby knees, er..I mean the beauteous Glenwitch Poultry very much! And her kids, Apple and Butters too! God loves us all!

  72. no_slappz says; Coughing up ONE example does not refute the general condition

    just as the black racist negroes here also regularly try to counter evidence of the tidal wave of black crime by posting some instances of white crime. They have no conception of the concept of rate. Then they congratulate each other on how they win the argument.

    Btw, congratulations deservedly go to no_slappz, he does make excellent arguments - such as with Michelle's acceptance to Yale and camp-for-engineering-students.

  73. field writes:

    Yes, he actually ATE his victims. I think he has his own room in the evildoer hall of fame.

    It seems whenever it's necessary to find an evil white person, one name that pops up is Jeffrey Dahmer's. How many decades ago was Dahmer killing and eating? He's one guy. One sick guy who was killed in prison. No one is mourning his loss.

    On the other hand, there were tribes of cannibals in Africa, and Idi Amin was reputed to have been one who enjoyed the pleasures of dining on a fillet of soul.

    Meanwhile, cannibalism was part of the West Indian tribal culture, so while your kettle is boiling you ought not to call the pot black.

  74. Anonymous11:39 AM

    How many racists who attack Paltrow have ever SEEN HER MOVIES? This is about class and race?

    Why isn't it about Class and Race with people like Hallie Berry?

    Oh, that's different, you say? HOW?

    Paltrow is a great actress. Ever seen Shakespeare in Love? How about Proof?

    Her husband is rich. She is rich.

    AND? This isn't about being white.

    So you black ladies have a different view of beauty--so what!

    That doesn't make her ugly. It makes YOU ugly to articulate it!

    She HAS worked hard. Try looking up her credits. So what if some doors were opened for her. AND? If she stunk as an actress she wouldn't be working. At all. Period.

    Jealous much? Desert Flower, you aren't fooling anyone.

    All day long all if you just hate on whites, especially women. This is just one more example.

    Who cares what you think of Paltrow?

    10:54 AM

  75. Wayne Bennett writes: And speaking of Google, I see that Anon@ 10:38 AM has mastered it as well. You know my name, we are impressed. That must have been really hard for you to figure out.

    Geez, Wayne, it's your blog and right there in the sidebar it says, "Its author, Wayne Bennett..." It's there every day, didn't you know you put it there?

    You just made yourself look silly.

    Btw, there are other search engines besides Google. Saying "Google" instead of saying "search engine" makes you look un-savvy, like you're brainwashed by the hype of the corporation.

  76. Shakespeare in Love is a terrific movie. Paltrow's performance was just fine, and a lot of other people would have performed just as well.

    Meanwhile, all she did was read lines written by someone else. The screenwriters and directors are generally the brains behind these productions.

  77. BRNs said...
    In the dim perception of a negro mind, it seems perfectly acceptable to make claims anonymously. (It's not bad to post anonymously. But then you give up the right to make personal claims.

    I'm certain it would be easier for you to believe I was more like you, holding down a minimum wage job at the local Harris Teeter, than educated in a well paying career. Jealously tends to work that way, so I'm not surprised.

    Carry on!

  78. no_slappz said...
    It seems whenever it's necessary to find an evil white person, one name that pops up is Jeffrey Dahmer's. How many decades ago was Dahmer killing and eating? He's one guy. One sick guy who was killed in prison. No one is mourning his loss.

    No not just Dahmer. Hitler, Columbus, Ted Bundy, the Unibomber, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Tim McVeigh, and the Anthrax mailer.

    But honestly, these folks don't really represent you because you're Jewish and Jews ain't NEVER been "white". And I outta know because I have Jewish relatives named Jacobi out of NYC.

    Know any?

  79. "Geez, Wayne, it's your blog and right there in the sidebar it says, "Its author, Wayne Bennett..." It's there every day, didn't you know you put it there?"

    Well, yes, that was exactly my point. It doesn't take much research to find out who I am.

    But my bad, I thought you were trying to impress us with the fact that you actually knew my name. That was you, right?

    "Btw, there are other search engines besides Google. Saying "Google" instead of saying "search engine" makes you look un-savvy, like you're brainwashed by the hype of the corporation."

    Hype? 192 billion dollars is hardly hype. Besides "search engine" is not a part of our lexicon the way Google is.

    But do your thing, to each his own. Feel free to use the words "search engine" on your blog.

    I am sorry slappy,"one sick guy"? There is actually more:

    It seems that those tribes in Africa aren't alone. ;)

  80. Wayne writes: Yes, [Dahmer] actually ATE his victims. I think he has his own room in the evildoer hall of fame.

    The black racist cult of Yahweh ben Yahweh had an inner circle who advanced by not only murdering whites, but also were required to cut off body parts as proof. Extra points were earned for murder and mutilation of white women and children.

    They were a followup to the black racist "Zebra Murders" cult in SF years earlier.

    However, the tidal weave of black crime mainly involves murders associated with robberies. You know the negro mantra: "gettin paid".

  81. Negro Logic12:07 PM

    Wayne says: "Geez, Wayne, it's your blog and right there in the sidebar it says, "Its author, Wayne Bennett..." It's there every day, didn't you know you put it there?"

    Well, yes, that was exactly my point. It doesn't take much research to find out who I am.

    But my bad, I thought you were trying to impress us with the fact that you actually knew my name. That was you, right?

    I see what is meant now by the way that Wayne tries to weasel out of mis-statements.

    Why on earth would anybody try to impress with knowing your name when it is right there for all to see every day?

    Oh, never mind, Wayne. Negro Logic has its own mysteries.

  82. "Why on earth would anybody try to impress with knowing your name when it is right there for all to see every day?"

    You know,I was wondering the same thing.

    "However, the tidal weave of black crime mainly involves murders associated with robberies. You know the negro mantra: "gettin paid"."

    I thought that was Wall Street's mantra.

  83. Anyway my racist white friends, I enjoyed our little palaver, but I am off to play nine before it rains here, and to get some bun and cheese from my favorite Jamaican eatery.

    Carry on.

  84. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "but I am off to play nine before it rains here, and to get some bun and cheese from my favorite Jamaican eatery."

    Have fun and bon appetit a tous!

    Thank you for the info on Granny!

  85. Mack Lyons12:41 PM

    ""stay in your lane" = don't disagree with black people?"

    "stay in your lane" = don't give out unwanted opinions that expose the jackass/asshole in you unless you want your career/brand affected.

  86. Anon283101:20 PM

    Which one of you posted the link that showed a white "female" getting beaten by two black females?

    Well, looks like the question, "Were the black females provoked?" was warranted.

    Turns out that the white "female" is not exactly a female. She a transgendered individual and the black females were angered that the transgendered individual used the Women's restroom.

    Technically, the black females have a right to be angry, because a confused male entered a Women's restroom.

  87. Anon283101:22 PM

    When I served in the Army, the phrase "stay in your lane" meant, you shouldn't talk about or attempt to do tasks that are either above you skill level or not officially assigned to you.

    Only an idiot would say that it means you cannot criticize black people.

  88. Dr Moquisiah SmellyQeefa2:02 PM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    Anonymous said...
    Show us what you have "published".
    Don't forget affirmative action has opened the most doors for you.


    That's what you hicks don't get. A Black person could NEVER prove anything to you because you don't think logically.

    If you did, maybe so many of you wouldn't be underachievers in the first place.

    Yes, everyone is racist, everyone is an underachiever. Now cut the bullshit and show us what you have published, put up or shut up or are you Mold?

    Show us what you have published. What was the topic? Where were you published? Note being a participant in a weave contest, or an aids patient study or the effects of using ebonics is not consdered "published

  89. Anonymous2:27 PM

    "Well, looks like the question, "Were the black females provoked?" was warranted."

    It was LAA who asked, as usual. Thanks for the followup tip the violent reaction makes sense now.

  90. Ms. Queen: As I see it, the election of Prez Obama with his Ivy League self and his Ivy league wife

    Michelle Obama is a textbook case of AA. Admitted to Princeton, she floundered in material way over her head. (Read her senior thesis sometime, it's a hoot). But they let her in anyway, and passed her along. Instead of being grateful for her entre into the highest strata of American society, she seethed with resentment, vowing to not to become too "white".

    Despite her prestigious degree, the best should could do was a $100K/year job at a hospital. Until her husband got elected senator, of course, when her salary got bumped ip to $350 K/year.

    Still she hated America....

    This is the evil of AA, even for the recipients.

  91. Arthur said...
    The system that makes this possible, of course, is free enterprise. When I work harder or longer hours in the free-enterprise system, I am generally paid more than if I work less in the same job.


    Oh please, just stop it! You lifted this article from Arthur C, Brooks, the president of the conservative right-wing think tank, American Enterprise Institute. He is yet another kook influenced by the big daddy kooks Milton Friedman, Irvin Kristol, James Q. Wilson, and the author of the racist Belle Curve, Charles Murray.

    Get out of here.

  92. Negro Logic said...
    "Violent threats are A-okay if they come from negroes. That's what we expect, after all"

    This is true; We do expect blacks to be more likely to react violently. It seems blacks also feel they are supposed to be quicker to violence. Why?

    Society gives tacit approval to black on white violence as somewhat justified/excusable due to past injustices. I really think this attitude greatly increases the number of attacks on whites. Of course, if it goes too far and a crime is committed, there is no approval, and if the offender is caught, they go to jail. So it's a bad lesson for everyone.

    Kids in school get a constant curriculum on the white man's guilt. Slavery and segregation need to be taught, but some other things happened as well. Through their single-minded focus on racial grievance, our schools teach racial acrimony and in the end promote violence.


  93. Balu said...
    Michelle Obama is a textbook case of AA. Admitted to Princeton, she floundered in material way over her head. (Read her senior thesis sometime, it's a hoot)

    You what I think is a hoot? It took Sarah Palin 5 years and 5 schools to get a journalism degree. You know what else? John McCain graduated 5th from the bottom in the Navy Academy. May I tell you something else? White woman are the main beneficiaries of Affirmative Action, not black people.

  94. Dr Moquisiah SmellyQeefa said...
    Show us what you have published. What was the topic? Where were you published? Note being a participant in a weave contest, or an aids patient study or the effects of using ebonics is not consdered "published

    Do your Hee-Haw Homies laugh at your jokes where you come from? Because white women wear more fake hair than ANY woman on the planet.

    And my work on gp120 WAS published many years ago, so as a Black woman, I really just made your last statement relevant.

    Now go to wikipedia to find out why.

  95. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Desertflower, "Thank you for the info on Granny!"

    dear DesertFlower, would you and Field mind 'sharing' the info about Granny?

  96. Balu,
    AA shouldn't bother you since Michelle Obama isn't president, but not wanting to be white as an aspiration, probably does.

  97. Dr.QueenK said...

    Do your Hee-Haw Homies laugh at your jokes where you come from? Because white women wear more fake hair than ANY woman on the planet.

    And my work on gp120 WAS published many years ago, so as a Black woman, I really just made your last statement relevant.

    Now go to wikipedia to find out why.

    3:46 PM

    Than you should be able to post a link than.

    Why do black women feel the need to post sh*t they make up?

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Dr.QueenK said...
    SouthParkConservatives said...
    Than you should be able to post a link than.

    Why do black women feel the need to post sh*t they make up?


    I think you have me confused.

    I don't buck and dance for racist white folks and it perplexes me you think I can be baited by a group of largely uneducated white people, into "proving" myself. The ill treatment of OUR President is all the proof I need that to a bucnch of hicks, there is NO such thing as "proof".

    Unlike so many of you, I HAVE a VERY real, VERY successful life, much like many of the other Black folks on this blog. And as far as I can tell, NONE of them have EVER posted "proof" of their accomplishmnets to a bunch of racist idiots either.

  100. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Prove whites created high culture? their contribution to this modern society is crumbling as we speak. their greed, thievery, murderers etc. that's their contribution.

    White people are not neccessarily " smarter and more resourceful"; the historical fact is that your ancestosrs murdered and raped their way in this country into prosperity when they killed millions of Indians and enslaved Africans. Your modern day success stories are the direct recipients of the bounty gained from the .blood and suffering of other human beings. There is a difference between cunning and "smart". Sorry, if the truth hurts!

    It is quite common for members of certain groups -- such as veterans and college applicants whose parents attended the university -- to receive preferential treatment. We should be no less willing to grant such preferences to racial minorities.

    African American and Hispanic parents are significantly more likely than whites to emphasize the value of higher education, not less.

  101. Anon283104:42 PM

    For you people who harbor contempt and resentment of AA and its "recipients," I say you have a right to harbor such feelings. However, I must ask this question:

    Where was your indignation when Affirmative Action was (probably still is, under the radar) white?

    I think that's a fair question.

  102. Dilbert’s (Scott Thomas) theories on women are well known throughout the Feminist Blogesphere. The fact that he was once a member of Mensa , speaks volumes about the genius class. If you followed Field’s links or familiar with Scott’s fight with Women’s Groups, you will find a man that lives in a very small world. He is a narcissist of course, who spent most of his career in the white male world of Corporate America. Scott appears to be rattled about folks, mainly women, not knowing their place. I wonder how he feels about the black president. The paragraph below is telling about that! As one feminist blog pointed out, “Scott feels he is being punished for being male and white.”

    Scott’s Walmart Wisdom:

    “I saw an interview the other day with the woman who is the lead plaintiff for the class action suit against WalMart. Her complaint is that WalMart discriminated against her for being a woman. The thing that fascinated me is that somehow she managed to discern that the discrimination she experienced was because of her gender and not the fact that she’s also obese, unattractive, and African-American. Based on the interview, she also seems to have a sketchy command of grammar. I couldn’t judge her height or personality, but those are two more factors that have a big impact on career advancement.”


  103. Anonymous4:59 PM

    If you want to see how utter preposterous Pwincess G her to the rest of the cast of Glee. Or listen to her rich wite wail about how lesser breeds just don't appreciate how tough she didn't have it.
    Note how she never had to 'pay her dues' so many not-rich and not-wite entertainers have to. Even the circus of American Idol and SYTYCD have what you call 'starving artists'..because they don't have money. She starves...because it all trendy and kewl and faux-tistic.
    Again with the lie about the extra 200 SAT points. Keep beleeverating it...and I will continue to laugh at your gullibility.
    As far as Michelle Obama not being college material...funny how the person telling us this is a...maybe...a High School graduate...maybe. And that a person with zero credentials is making the unverified claim her work is not adequate. What does a wingnut know about academic standards? Are they credentialed?
    Still, Pwincess G protests that we look at her 'hard work'...just like bush used to. Gosh, I feel so sorry that they both have to get out of bed each day and show up for tasks. Wahhh.


  104. Dr.QueenK said...
    SouthParkConservatives said...
    Than you should be able to post a link than.

    Why do black women feel the need to post sh*t they make up?


    I think you have me confused.

    I don't buck and dance for racist white folks and it perplexes me you think I can be baited by a group of largely uneducated white people, into "proving" myself. The ill treatment of OUR President is all the proof I need that to a bucnch of hicks, there is NO such thing as "proof".

    In other words,you can't.Just another BF posting here with self esteem issues.

    Unlike so many of you, I HAVE a VERY real, VERY successful life, much like many of the other Black folks on this blog. And as far as I can tell, NONE of them have EVER posted "proof" of their accomplishmnets to a bunch of racist idiots either.

    The ones that post the most sh*t on this blog are you and mold.

    Yet when someone wants to question what you claim to be,

    you become defensive

    you refuse and inslut

    you cry and play victim

    Typical of frauds....

  105. Anonymous5:07 PM

    AnnG, thank you for that bit of accuracy. Might I add that McCain would have been dismissed but for the benefit of having Daddy and Grandpappy as ringknockers. Sarey needing 5 schools is also her 'degree' is one not to be confused with 'journalist'.

    Sociology is not what the high school gradjamates are selling you. It sounds good to them to pretend they know about the subject. But they miss the concept.


  106. Anonymous5:09 PM

    SPC, fibbing again. I won't be 'outed'. Wastes my time.
    But, I do give the information, to the initiated. For you...I plainly state. Why does Truth bother you?
    Are you allergic to Truth?


  107. Anon28310 said..."Where was your indignation when Affirmative Action was (probably still is, under the radar) white?"

    I'm guessing most of us were children, or not even born, as that (on the radar) was pre-1960's.

    ANY irrational discrimination is wrong. "Whites only" was wrong. "Legacy" admissions/hires are wrong.

    Affirmative action only helps the unqualified. There are many bright and hardworking blacks whose success will always be denigrated as having been facilitated by AA. Likewise blacks look at white prosperity as the ill-gotten gains of a rigged system. Not only does it give others a reason not to respect your success, but it also can make a member of the protected class doubt themesleves.

    "Legacy" advantages do not help white people; they help the very few rich and connected (granted, most of whom are white). I don't doubt many businesses preferentially hire whites. I do know almost all major corporations and the government go to great lengths to hire and promote minorities.

    Blacks feel whites benefit from "white privilege" and whites feel blacks benefit from affirmative action. These perceptions corrode faith in meritocracy. To the extent we allow/condone discrimination for any reason, we invalidate the whole concept of merit.

  108. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Anon28310, you are correct. It was IOKIYAR because the ones getting all the good stuff were wite. Now, it is taboo...because some folks getting goodies are brown.

    SPC, still miffed that you got served...and you want 'payback'. And the only way you know how is to stalk or threaten or harass. Duh. Abortion cowards are old news for me. And their heroic manly bravery of threats, stalking and harassment is typical.


  109. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Rev Wite, again with the lies. AA allows those with qualifications to be considered. You lie and say it is a bush-style is more that the kids not born with silver spoons get to play with their peers.
    But, it must be terrible for you to have to accept that AfAms are your natural superiors. Get used to it.


  110. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I did note that the sockpuppet theme was studiously avoided by all those who have issues with being sockpuppets.
    Shame. Are they not proud for inventing friends and supporters?
    On the tells us why so few people were upset when glorious genius wite Adams was allowed to 'go Galt'.


  111. Blogger Rev. Right said...
    Affirmative action only helps the unqualified. There are many bright and hardworking blacks whose success will always be denigrated as having been facilitated by AA.

    Oh please give me a break! Your racism with a heart is killing me. How stupid do you think we are?
    Try this bit of truth:


    Myth: Affirmative Action is "reverse discrimination" — let's stop giving special rights to certain groups while others are left out.

    Fact: Affirmative Action is fair!

    Affirmative Action levels the playing field so people of color and all women have the chance to compete in education and in business. White men hold 95% to 97% of the high-level corporate jobs. And that's with affirmative action programs in place. Imagine how low figures would be without affirmative action. Of 3000 federal court decisions in discrimination cases between 1990 and 1994, only 100 involved claims of reverse discrimination; only 6 of those claims were found to be valid.

    Myth: Nobody else gets special consideration when applying to a college or for a job. Why should all women and people of color?

    Fact: Lots of people get "special" consideration when applying for jobs or to schools.

    Veterans often get preferences in workplaces and on campuses — which usually benefit men more than women. The children of alumni get preferential treatment over others in admission to college. Friends help friends and acquaintances get jobs. Affirmative Action helps open doors for women and people of color who often don't have those connections.

  112. Origidog5:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Rev Wite, again with the lies. AA allows those with qualifications to be considered. You lie and say it is a bush-style is more that the kids not born with silver spoons get to play with their peers.
    But, it must be terrible for you to have to accept that AfAms are your natural superiors. Get used to it.


    I don't know if the anonymous poster at 5:27 pm is retarded or just racist or both. There REALLY isn't any difference between Blacks and Whites. We're all just as intelligent or ignorant, moral and immoral, this and that. So why do Blacks and Whites SEEM to live differently in our society? Liberals have stigmatized Blacks in America.

    Let a man earn a job through hard work, education and striving and this man will appreciate his job. Give the man a job and he will turn on the person who gave it to him and come to despise him. Let a person earn a spot at a College and they will study hard to earn good grades and keep it, give the spot to a person because of the color of their skin and they'll squander it, because few will value something given, over something earned....this is in our nature as human beings, it has nothing to do with skin color.

    Take the color out of it.....I'm White, you let me go to Harvard for free and accept me with a 2.0 GPA and allow me to pass courses "cuz I'm White and your trying to "help me"", and guess what, you don't think I'll KNOW that I'm there and that I don't deserve to be there, and that I'm being coddled and passed along and treated completely differently from the other students? and guess what? I will start to resent the heck out of you for treating me this way! Furthermore, you let me into the Law School and pass me through to graduation, even though I don't at all deserve it and have not earned it and then what do you have? A lawyer who has a Harvard Degree but isn't worth a pinch of salt...who is going to hire this "lawyer"? Am I doing the White community any favors by "representing" them in court? Heck no!....I'm not qualified! and who made that so?.....YOU....the idiot liberal that gave me a "pass"......thanks for nothing, liberals.

    This is the sad irony, Blacks and Whites REALLY are not different, treat us all fairly, no "passes" for anyone and we'll all rise to the occasion by hard work and perseverance. It is the liberal who keeps screaming that there isn't a difference between the races and then immediately turns around and treats the races completely differently!...who are the true racists?

  113. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Everything Aunt Jemima just wrote is wrong. AA is reverse discrimination. It is not fair. Bias does not level the playing field. Blacks get special consideration when applying for college andfor jobs. If it's not special enough, Eric Holder will sue them. Affirmative action doesn't reward something you've done, like serve in the military. Just what you look like. You can't defend it anymore. It's wrong. AA defines blacks as inferior. Those who want it admit they can't compete. Sad.

  114. Anon283106:21 PM

    Affirmative action only helps the unqualified. There are many bright and hardworking blacks whose success will always be denigrated as having been facilitated by AA. Likewise blacks look at white prosperity as the ill-gotten gains of a rigged system. Not only does it give others a reason not to respect your success, but it also can make a member of the protected class doubt themesleves.

    Affirmative Action only helps the unqualified??? Absolute statements like that are very difficult to prove.

    However, as an opinion, you are entitled to this position.

    Have some unqualified folks benefited from Affirmative Action? Of course, slugs in any arena will slip below the radar.

    I could care less if my peers "respect" my accomplishments. However, they can neither deny or dismiss tangible contributions to the team, because they benefit from those contributions. Further, "qualified and accomplished" recognize "qualified and accomplished."

    I do not look at "white prosperity", in general, as "ill-gotten gains." However, I do look at a white (or a black, which rarely occurs) getting a position based on who he/she knows as ill-gotten.

  115. Now we know why those two young ladies whupped on that white chick in McD's - she was looking at her man!

    I knew she deserved it.

    But too bad for the black chicks, the victim turns out to be a tranny! Trannies rank higher on the victim scale! Now they is in t-rouble!

  116. Rev. Right said...
    I'm guessing most of us were children, or not even born, as that (on the radar) was pre-1960's.

    So is that your piss poor excuse, you weren't around to get the benefit your ancestors got and STILL get from having white skin, so now you're mad? I'll bet your mammy and pappy aren't mad!!

    Wanna know how many anti- AA conversations I over heard while walking the hallowed halls of Georgetown University??

    NONE!!! Not one EVER!!!

    White folks with money understand the importance of diversity in a way poor white trash NEVER will. You people have been deluded by the right, into thinking AA and middle to upperclass Blacks are your "enemies"when your true enemy is your own lack of education/ambition/power/money.

    In other words, two of those ideals are under YOUR complete control but you're too stupid to achieve, and the last two are things you'll never have because white folks with money will NEVER let your poor white trash a$$es into the game.

  117. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Anonymous said...

    dear DesertFlower, would you and Field mind 'sharing' the info about Granny?

    3:49 PM

    Mr. Field said at 8:45am that he'd heard that Granny was busy writing a book.

    Congratulations are in order! and certainly would like to hear more about this!

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. Anonymous7:36 PM

    (Here's a really different kind of comment I ran into elsewhere - for what is is worth. Willy)


    America's founders spoke highly of the Bible, even without teleprompters. But Barack Hussein Obama, even with teleprompters, studiously avoids the following Bible verses and the other related information:

    Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): "It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury - how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!"
    Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under "a servant who becomes king."
    And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: "let thy words be few...a fool's voice is known by multitude of words."
    Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he's destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
    Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!
    For some stunning info on Pres. Obama and his fellow subversives, Google "Michelle Obama's Allah-day," "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "David Letterman's Hate Etc.," "Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham" and also "Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Joan Rivers, Sarah Silverman." Also Google "Prof. F. N. Lee's ISLAM IN THE BIBLE [PDF]."
    PS - Since Christians are commanded to ask God to send severe judgment on persons who commit and support the worst forms of evil (see I Cor. 5 and note "taken away"), Christians everywhere should constantly pray that the Lord will soon "take away" or at least overthrow all US leaders who continue to sear their conscience and arrogantly trample the God-given rights of the majority including the rights of the unborn. Do we need a second American Revolution?
    PPS - For a rare look at the 181-year-old endtime belief which has long neutralized millions of American patriots by promising them an "imminent rapture" off earth - which has diverted them away from being prepared to stand against all enemies, domestic as well as foreign - Google "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty," "Pretrib Rapture Diehards," "Edward Irving is Unnerving," "Pretrib Rapture Secrecy," and "Pretrib Rapture - Hidden Facts" - all by the author of the bestselling nonfiction book "The Rapture Plot" (the most accurate and highly endorsed documentation on the pretrib rapture's long-covered-up-but-now-revealed beginnings in Britain in 1830 - see Armageddon Books). Also Google "Stamping Out Harold Camping."

  120. Dr.QueenK said...

    Wanna know how many anti- AA conversations I over heard while walking the hallowed halls of Georgetown University??

    NONE!!! Not one EVER!!!

    Listen in on other peoples conversation much?

    Its another sign of low self-esteem.Being obsessed with what others are sayin' and thinkin'.

    White folks with money understand the importance of diversity in a way poor white trash NEVER will. You people have been deluded by the right, into thinking AA and middle to upperclass Blacks are your "enemies"when your true enemy is your own lack of education/ambition/power/money.

    In other words, two of those ideals are under YOUR complete control but you're too stupid to achieve, and the last two are things you'll never have because white folks with money will NEVER let your poor white trash a$$es into the game.

    Yesssssss Queen is dead on.Us white trash will never belong and we're to stupooooof to "achieve".

    Queen is really hating herself today.

  121. Struck a nerve with Dr. Queen.

    It is illuminating that you view white people who aren't rich as trash. Also that you think you are fashionable accessory for those rich white people who can appreciate it to have around, like a piece of designer furniture in the faculty lounge.

    Upper and middle class blacks aren't "my enemies". Actually, they are my neighbors. People like you are the enemy of everyone who works for what they have.

    It's always those who get the biggest boost who squeal the loudest. Thanks for illustrating that point, Dr. Queen.

  122. Anonymous7:47 PM

    People like you are the enemy of everyone who works for what they have.rev wite


  123. Rev. Right said...
    It is illuminating that you view white people who aren't rich as trash. Also that you think you are fashionable accessory for those rich white people who can appreciate it to have around, like a piece of designer furniture in the faculty lounge

    Actually Rev Wrong the nerve that was "stuck" is obviously yours.

    So you've got Black middle class neighboors? Do you want a cookie and trophy now?

    When white folks "go here", it always comes across like you're trying to show how racially "open" you are when in actuality, your condescending way of speaking of your neigboors only highlights your ill perceived racial superiority over people like them.

    For the record, Black people succeed at places Like Georgetown because Georgetown is an insitution which recognizes and rewards talent irrespective of color which folks like you can only observe from the sidelines.

  124. Rev. Right said...
    Struck a nerve with Dr. Queen.

    It is illuminating that you view white people who aren't rich as trash.

    Lets be clear here.

    I view RACIST white people who aren't rich as trash.

    In fact, rich white people view you as trash as well, LOL!!!

    Another name for these people is the Tea Party!

  125. Dr.QueenK said...
    "When white folks "go here", it always comes across like you're trying to show how racially "open" you are when in actuality, your condescending way of speaking of your neigboors only highlights your ill perceived racial superiority over people like them."

    Not my neighbors, just you.

  126. Rev. Right said...
    Not my neighbors, just you.

    And luckily for me, you could never afford to be a neighboor of mine.

  127. Dr.QueenK said...
    "I view RACIST white people who aren't rich as trash."

    That's not exactly what you said before, but it's still messed up.

    Racism is a function of how much money you have? Interesting theory.

    It's clear you are a racist snob. How's that working out for you professionally?

  128. Rev. Right said...
    It's clear you are a racist snob. How's that working out for you professionally?


    Georgetown graduate degree, NCI fellowship?

    Bloody well, mate!

  129. Fake AA DR NastyQueefa9:02 PM

    Dr.QueenK said...
    Rev. Right said...
    It's clear you are a racist snob. How's that working out for you professionally?


    Georgetown graduate degree, NCI fellowship?

    Bloody well, mate!

    I think you forgot to include racist ghetto negro bullshit artist. You have been measuring your dick with others here all day, . Don't bullshit me and tell me you are just to humble to post a link on your "published" paper now that you are being called on it. That does not fit your cock is bigger then others mentality. As for your surprisingly vague hint about having work published on aids research many years ago in studying gp120, unless your name is Peter Kwong who actually solved the crystal structure of gp120 complexed to D1D2 CD4 and a neutralizing antibody in 1998 I would say you are another classic mental case bullshit artist like MOLD.

    So tell us, are you really just like MOLD with several alter egos and your name is Peter Kwong pretending to be a black ghettoized woman who despite her obvious inferior speech and critical thinking patterns is uneducated (well could be AA education) claims to be highly educated?

    Post a link or admit your a loony liar. Or were you one of the patients that Peter Kwong took aids specimens from and you think this makes you a research scientist?

    Put up or shut up, we don't believe any of your lies including the one about your not wanting white womans hair or anything like that. We know better Dr Neil and Bob, or is that what you do?

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. So how long did it take for you to google all that looser, LOL??

    See how I have you jumping through virtual hoops, looking up things on the internet. I bet I could make you bark like a dog too, LOL!!

    BTW, you're not really so dense at to believe that only ONE person on the entire planet has worked on gp120 are you? Well damn, no wonder you couldn't get into grad school, you have NO IDEA how scientific research works ameoba girl!

    Here's a news flash for ya'. At any given time there are probably hundreds to THOUSANDS of investigators working on "hot" diseases like HIV.

    Now scurry along little person. It's already way past your bedtime!

  132. Anon283109:56 PM

    Since the term queefa has appeared numerous times recently, and suspecting that there is some sort of insult underlying the bastardization of "Dr Queen" as Dr. Queefa, I had to consult the urban dictionary.

    All I can say is eeewl.

  133. Anon28310 said...
    All I can say is eeewl.

    The real question is did you say that with 3 snaps and a pinky finger up?

  134. Anon2831010:06 PM

    No the real question is whether you'll be queefing your live-in-dude-playing-daddy-to-your daughter tonight.

    I won't be validating any more cheap barbs tonight.

  135. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "It leaves me to wonder: If it was a melanin challenged writer dropping her two cents (no pun intended, Keli) about Ms. Paltrow in the Huffington Post, would we have heard from Mr. Adams?"

    And would so many blacks claim Mumia Al-Jamal was innocent if he was a white woman who killed a black cop? Ever wonder that?

  136. YurtleDaTurtle1:17 AM

    ^ No, because if it had happened more likely than not said white woman would claim that she was brainwashed and of course there would be a pity party for her. Or she could just claim that a black person shot the cop and everyone would believe her and scoff about those oh-so-violent blacks killing the honorable policeman and not even caring that he looked just like them. Not that I have much time for the police in the first place.

    Also, Scott Adams is a tool who like many other comic strip creators before him took a one-note joke and ran it into the ground. He has contributed to the general lameness of the comics section and his philosophy is to basically tell workers to grin and bear it because hey, your boss and you are in the same boat. You know your comic sucks when the dialog can be replaced with anything and it automatically becomes 100x better.
