Friday, April 08, 2011

Love and marriage, love and marriage.....

"Love and marriage, love and marriage Go together like a horse and carriage This I tell you brother You can't have one without the other Love and marriage, love and marriage It's an institute you can't disparage Ask the local gentry And they will say it's elementary"

Man I used to love to hear o"l blue eyes" sing that song. But I digress.

Anyway, the "local -republican- gentry" in Mississippi doesn't think that certain types of marriages should be "elementary":

"MISSISSIPPI-According to Public Policy a recent poll determined that 46 percent of Republican voters in Mississippi want to have interracial marriage banned. We asked voters on this poll whether they think interracial marriage should be legal or illegal- 46% of Mississippi Republicans said it should be illegal to just 40% who think it should be legal. For the most part there aren’t any huge divides in how voters view the candidates or who they support for the nomination based on their attitudes about interracial marriage but there are a few exceptions." [Source]

It's all Obama's mama's fault. If she hadn't had Barry with that black man they probably wouldn't hate the idea of race mixing so much. You know how much those folks hate O.

Anywhoo, we have more serious issues to worry about. (Sorry OJ!) After midnight tonight we won't be able to go to any federal parks, and if you were planning a trip to Europe and you haven't gotten your passport yet you might just be out of luck. Yes friends, thanks to wingnuts and their extreme views on certain social programs, tonight your government just might stop working. This is not cool if you are one of the over 800,000.00 federal workers who might not punch the clock come Monday morning. Not to mention the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to defend their country.

Still, it's too bad that the legislators in Washington will still get paid. If they didn't, I bet we wouldn't be having this debate.


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gibson8:03 PM

    Anywhoo, we have more serious issues to worry about. (Sorry OJ!) After midnight tonight we won't be able to go to any federal parks, and if you were planning a trip to Europe and you haven't gotten your passport yet you might just be out of luck. Yes friends, thanks to wingnuts and their extreme views on certain social programs, tonight your government just might stop working. This is not cool if you are one of the over 800,000.00 federal workers who might not punch the clock come Monday morning. Not to mention the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to defend their country.

    Still, it's too bad that the legislators in Washington will still get paid. If they didn't I bet we wouldn't even be having this debate.

    Come on stop the madness. Extreme views ehh? You mean you don't know this whole thing is because we have to borrow more money to keep operating the government at the huge levels and entitlements it is currently being operated on and that the democrats did not for the first time in US history, no not did not, they refused to put forward a budget last year as it would have told everyone what they were spending and caused even more losses in the election.

    Obama is the one who refused to stop playing games and will veto the troop funding bill, because he thinks it is going to work politically, it isn't this will destroy the irresponsible democratic party. People are not stupid and know who is spending, who did not even put a budget out last year and so on.

    At some point liberals have to grow up and accept fiscal responsibility, you tell me why we have to as taxpayers pay for Planned parenthood and borrow more money to do this seeing as how broke we are right now it is absurd to do so considering Planned parenthood turned a profit of 63Million last year. They made 63m and you want me to keep paying for it?

    Also, the founder of planned parenthood was a strong supporter of Black Eugenics and this was the whole reason it was founded, you should read up on that before walking the party line.

    Besides Planned parenthood did get caught willing to aid sex traffickers who exploit young girls and women and they lie to congress saying money does not finance abortions when their own clinic director Abby Johnson blew the whistle that they do.

  3. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Where's the debate on interracial marriage? Where in Mississippi?

    Why was only Mississippi polled?

    Why wasn't Democrats or Independents polled?

    This is nothing but a messaging poll for Democrats.A half ass attack on Haley Barbour.

    And of course, fields is more than happy to carry the water for the team.

    Shame... Shame... Shame....

    "Not to mention the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to defend their country."

    To bad Democrats care more about abortion than "the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to defend their country."

    And of course, if Democrats had the onions,they would have done this budget when they controlled Congress.

    And than there's Chris Matthews--

    “You know, sometimes, Gene [Robinson], he has that, he didn’t have it right there but a minute ago he had that great smile, that little boy smile of his which is so winning. Mark [Halperin] noticed it too. He brings it out. I don’t know if it’s technique.”

    WTF?????? Little boy smile???

    Does Chris Matthews have little boy fantasies? Someone call the Secret Service.

  4. Wesley R8:48 PM


    Republicans play the same games over and again. They run up the debt, and when they lose power they talk about Democrats spending too much.
    The election in Wisconsin reminds me of what Bobby 'The Brian' Heenan used to say; 'When in doubt, Cheat". The Republicans know all about that. Take note whats going on now. They are trying to find ways to limit the number of people voting in 2012.

  5. It doesn't matter to me who marries who. Just as long as they are human. In some cases that may be questionable.
    Field you can get your passports at the post office now and they will be open. At least the paperwork will be piling up somewhere.

  6. Anonymous9:08 PM

    This comment from the prior post deserves to be posted again:

    AB replied to Kid's name calling:

    "racist retarded kid:


    I am still laughing. AB laid Kid out. ROFL.

  7. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I personally think that Mississippi has come a long way, even further than Alabama. There are NO interracial marriages in that state...NONE. The last bm that fooled around with a ww was a couple of years ago and he turned up dead.

  8. Anon283109:24 PM

    Although interracial marriage is not my cup of tea, I am not going to knock the next black man's or black woman's preference; it's none of my business.

    However, I do believe a tint of black self-hatred exists when a black marries a white. There are some exceptions, but for the most part many of the blacks in these relationships reek weakness.

    As far the looming government shutdown is concerned, it is rooted in lies. Federal funding does not pay for abortions. But the wingnuts insist on perpetuating his lie.

  9. Anon283109:31 PM

    "Also, the founder of planned parenthood was a strong supporter of Black Eugenics and this was the whole reason it was founded, you should read up on that before walking the party line.

    Besides Planned parenthood did get caught willing to aid sex traffickers who exploit young girls and women and they lie to congress saying money does not finance abortions when their own clinic director Abby Johnson blew the whistle that they do."

    Yes, Margaret Sanger was proponet of Black Eugenics. But what is Planned Parenthood's MISSION TODAY????

    They provide other services besides abortion such as birth control, prenatal care, pap smears (which can detect early stages of cervical cancer).

    Why do wingnuts, all of the sudden, give a shit about black people when it comes to advancing their agenda. Republicans probably supported Black Eugenics back in the day.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. fn:

    thank u!

    anyone who has never protested against gay marriage bans should remain silent

    hatred and injustice are contagious

    special rights = equal rights for hated people

    hypocrisy is as sinful as hatred

    and silence is consent

  13. tyrese is a man i love!

  14. Anonymous10:05 PM

    You love Tyrese after he said that sexist enabling bull? Alicia, you're a hypocrite sycho idiot.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. "Come on stop the madness. Extreme views ehh? You mean you don't know this whole thing is because we have to borrow more money to keep operating the government at the huge levels and entitlements it is currently being operated on and that the democrats did not for the first time in US history, no not did not, they refused to put forward a budget last year as it would have told everyone what they were spending and caused even more losses in the election."

    No, republicans will not agree to keep the because they want to stop funding Planned Parenthood and attach it as a Rider on this latest (kick the can down the road) budget deal.

    See what Wesley R said.

  17. faceless scared sexist assnon:

    did he lie???

    only brave REAL men tell such REAL RAW sexist truths!

    Mothers rear daughters and raise boys.
    Girls are bred to be humane. Boys are bred to be wild. Girls are ordered to be virgins while boys are encouraged to be whores. Girls' friends are screened while boys are allowed to run buck wild. Teen pregnancy is the fallout. Girls have sex with boys they love, as instructed, and give birth to their babies. These same boys perpetually sow wild oats, as instructed. This toxic and genocidal imbalance will continue until we teach girls to cherish their selves, lives, freedoms, and sexual prowess precisely as boys do. Boys must be taught that there is nothing divine about being players, and that their sperm is equally divine as girls' wombs.

    I believe that millions of young men are absolutely ruined by their coddling and doting mothers, as much as or more than they are ruined by their toxic/absentee fathers. As an African-American, I know black moms best. Yet, I also know that this tendency to spoil sons is an epidemic that crosses all boundaries of race and class.

    Five of my dearest female friends and I lament about this sexist tragedy often. I am a native of Chicago, Illinois. One of my friends is a black Southerner, one is a white Southerner, one is a Sudanese-Arabic, one is an Italian native New Yorker, and the other is a Bajan-Canadian. We are from six very different cultures. Yet, we share the exact same perspectives on this issue.

  18. yes i do i adore the brave beautiful sexy gifted tyrese

    he expertly sings/acts/dances...

    he looks like a king and he speaks BRAVE truths about sexism and sexual double standards that cowards like u hide/deny!!!

    bravo tyrese!!!!!!!

    Grandchildren created by sons are loved unconditionally.
    Boys are allowed to breed with subhuman "baby mamas" from hell. Their demon seeds are loved and embraced unconditionally. If these children are male, they are especially adored. Girls who choose to breed with similarly subhuman and demonic "baby daddies" are usually harassed and rejected. Their children are loved reluctantly and nominally. Daughters who are inept parents are criticized and despised. Boys who are inept or even absentee parents are excused and defended.

  19. Anonymous10:29 PM

    He wasn't just telling the truth, he was gloating about it. Idiot. I don't know why you pollute this blog. Go away.

  20. Anonymous10:34 PM

    AB, I trust that you honor Prop 8? It is the "law", you know. There are biblical considerations regarding the great institution of marriage between a man and a woman.

    They just want to simply keep tradition of marriage alive and to be loyal to our great Judeo-Christian religion. I see nothing wrong with that.

    Hell, even the majority of Dems has to agree and bow to the Conservatives, the GOP and the Tea Party on that. I bet Field secretly supports the traditional institution of marriage according to the bible.

  21. lying assnon:

    i disagree
    he said it was unfair

    but MOST men do gloat about it

    where is your face/blog????

    YOU go police that!

  22. assnon:

    god creates homos in EVERY living species

    only haters give us human ones special laws to deny us human rights

    NO religion should rule ANY law

    most gays have BETTER marriages

    and most haters ignore TONS of biblical laws for hets


    why should it be that ONLY us gays live by biblical marital laws?????

    These vicious black gaybashers get stranger every day. Black people brazenly ignore their bibles completely unless they are referring to homosexuals. Black people who dare to order homosexuals to obey nonexistent biblical marital laws for homosexuals simultaneously disobey biblical laws that order married heterosexuals as follows:

    Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women. (Genesis 29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5)

    Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Samuel; 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chronicles 11:21)

    A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deutoronomy 22:13-21)

    Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden. (Genesis 24:3; Numbers 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10:30)

    Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the Constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to permit divorce. (Deuteronomy 22:19; Mark 10:9)

    If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be
    otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Genesis 38:6-10; Deuteronomy 25:5-10)

    Divorced people may not remarry without being considered adulterers. (Matthew 5:31-32) (Mark 10:4)

    Adulterers shall be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10) …

  23. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Lol, what was that? You wished you had "hos" in different area codes. Must be why you're a lonely mentally ill fool who can't stay off this blog and stop making a fool of yourself.

  24. kudos to tyrese!!!

  25. assnon:

    are u smoking friday night weed?????

    i am not agreeing with it

    it makes me proud to be a lesbian

    it simply proves that tyrese is telling the truth!!!!

    the fact that YOU cannot handle THAT TRUTH has NOTHING to do with me and my monogamous wife!

    good luck with that asap!

  26. Anonymous10:45 PM


  27. your fear of the truth is foolish


    many gays have great marriages

    and tyrese told the truth about how and why many men cheat

    handle both u faceless scared hater


  29. The Word11:01 PM

    "many gays have great marriages"

    That's simply not true. Gay marriage is illegal. I'm sure lots of homos get along just fine for a while, but there are no "great marriages" among gays. It's just not possible.

  30. @FN:
    Hate to point out the obvious, but the Feds have been operating on CR's for half of this budget cycle.

    The time to get a budget done was last year, and the D's had no excuse. They had a majority in the house, a majority in the Senate, and the WH.

    What they didn't have was any real leadership, or courage to make unpleasant decision.

    The lack of a budget is shameful, disgusting, and is ALL a clear reminder of the FAILURE OF LEADERSHIP of the Donkeys.

    As the Donald says, this is what happens when you hire a guy who's never done a deal in your life.

    Shame, shame, shame on the D's.

  31. tw:

    common law marriages are real for hets and gays

    check the stats for hets who are legally divorced

    and wtfu u homohating morom

    These are the words of Reverend Martin Niemoeller. They were his explanation of why he spoke out against the Nazis. He spent eight years in concentration camps for leading The Protestant Church's opposition to Adolph Hitler. The Nazis imprisoned him at Sachsenhausen in 1937 for criticizing the Third Reich. He was freed from Dachau in 1945. He died at the age of 92 on March 6, 1984.

    "They came after the Jews, and I was not a Jew, so I did not object.

    They came after the Catholics, and I was not a Catholic, so I did not object.

    They came after the trade unionists, and I was not a trade unionist, so I did not object.

    Then they came after me and there was nobody left to object."

  32. The Word11:09 PM

    "common law marriages are real for hets and gays"

    You are simply mistaken, you might know that if you were at all educated.

  33. Re: Inter racial marriage survey.

    Not even sure if this "story" is true, but if if is, it points out the problems with the ever-expanding Nanny state that the current Donkeys seem to be so enamoured with.

    If "you" don't agree with something, then the obvious solution is to ....pass a law banning it.

    Sad and pathetic.

    Hey, if "you" decide for whatever reason, that "you", personally, don't want to date/marry someone with different pigmentation than you, than that's YOUR choice -- and one you should impose on everyone else.

    Some people choose not to date other people because of their religion, etc.

    Whatever. Reducing the pool of potential soulmates is always foolish, IMO, but people are still FREE to make their own choices to not date/marry certain people because of ethnicity, religion, skin color, economic situation, education level, etc etc etc....

    What they are NOT free to do, is make THEIR choices everyone else's.

    Silly and sad, all at the same time.

  34. Sorry, "one you should NOT impose on everyone else".

    Migraine is making it difficult to compose coherently.

    Sorry, all.

  35. The Word11:14 PM

    "scared we will be better wedded role models than YOU!"

    Your ignorance is astounding. How long have you been able to read?

  36. tw:

    i just expertly read you

    got a clue?

  37. @FN:
    Your "Killadelphia" counter is at 88 today.

    That's uncomfortably close to 1 per day.

    I've never asked before --

    Is the "Killadelphia" counter for ALL murders in Philly, or just the deaths of blacks?

  38. Heterosexuals who dare to paint marriage as some elite, institutional utopia forget soaring divorce rates. They forget droves of battered spouses, alive and dead. But, most of all, they forget the hypocritical politicians (including weak, waffling “Slick Willie” Bill Clinton) who are legally married adulterers/pedophiles/whoremongers/ closeted gays/habitual divorcees/etc.....They DISGRACE marriage far more than any loving homosexual spouses EVER could!!!

  39. The Word11:19 PM

    "i just expertly read you"

    I thought so. A high school drop out, are we? I applaud the effort, if not the results.

  40. The Word11:21 PM

    "adulterers/pedophiles/whoremongers/ closeted gays/habitual divorcees/etc..."

    Did your husband leave you for someone samrter?

  41. karen:



    please pray for the troops and their poor families!

    The Republican crazies are in a celebrity death match with sleepwalking Democrats. It is a fabricated drama amounting to not much of anything in terms of the nation’s well being. The stakes are supposedly the shutdown of the United States government at midnight this Friday. But the most pressing issue isn’t discussed on Capitol Hill.

    Why can’t anyone in a position of power mention the unmentionable?
    The Republican crazies are in a celebrity death match with sleepwalking Democrats. It is a fabricated drama amounting to not much of anything in terms of the nation’s well being. The stakes are supposedly the shutdown of the United States government at midnight this Friday. But the most pressing issue isn’t discussed on Capitol Hill.
    Why can’t anyone in a position of power mention the unmentionable? There have been no net new jobs in the United States since 2000. There were 137 million employed citizens that year. There are 139 million employed citizens today. This comes into clear focus when you consider the size of the workforce for 2000 and 2010; 143 million versus 154 million respectively. There are actually fewer jobs in proportion to the workforce.

  42. too witless:

    cc that silly bs to that het serial divorcee/legally married & divorced
    charlie sheen et al...

  43. @AB:

    Thanks.... a deal has been cut, so apparently, life will go on. Although neither side had the courage to really tackle entitlements and the legacy that leaves for our children and grandchildren.

    At my daughter's class tonight, I had so many parents come up and express their support and righteous anger that the O Admin was willing to cynically exploit military pay as a bargaining chip.

    Many voted for O in 2008, because he promised to bring the troops home.

    My husband joined in 1986, to DEFEND this nation for enemies foreign and domestic.... not to wage a war of empire and hegemony for the benefit of bankers and the politically connected.

    Notice none of THEIR children are being sent to die? And our Nation is just as unprotected and vulnerable as ever.

    The gutless boy-King has lost many voters who wanted to believe.

    ha! wv=feklss

  44. karen:


    if gwb was prez

    america would be looking like egypt
    especially now

    shame the passes that hobama and his regime are being given...

    since 2008
    for decades

  45. amen karen!

    many who loved hobama once
    are waking up
    thank god!

  46. Gibson11:51 PM

    field negro said...
    "Come on stop the madness. Extreme views ehh? You mean you don't know this whole thing is because we have to borrow more money to keep operating the government at the huge levels and entitlements it is currently being operated on and that the democrats did not for the first time in US history, no not did not, they refused to put forward a budget last year as it would have told everyone what they were spending and caused even more losses in the election."

    No, republicans will not agree to keep the because they want to stop funding Planned Parenthood and attach it as a Rider on this latest (kick the can down the road) budget deal.

    Who kicked the can down the road since they starting spending your future great grandchildrens money to fund their friends last year? Why did the democratic majority, congress senate and white house for the first time in US history refuse to pass a budget and now that they have to they cry no we have to keep borrowing its all the adults fault for not wanting us to spend and borrow into oblivion even though the american public wants spending to stop?

    See what Wesley R said.

    Well, Wesley did not say much, he spun it around and pointed a finger never talking about the problem, typical democratic spin response, no meat all accusation attack the adults.

    Anyway again, Boener caved and they passed the temp increase in the debt ceiling with only 38billion in reductions, so they can borrow more to pay for all these wonderful things, repeat continue to borrow more so we can continue to borrow money from our great, great grandchildren...

    Wesley, your wife must love you, when you get in debt that you know you can never pay, I am sure you just as here tell her ahh don't worry go out and spend some more that will help, its all your fathers fault.

    I guess when you talk to some people 14 trillion in debt is just a finger pointing game. Someday it is really going to hit the fan with all of these useless people working so hard to pass the blame but no one looking to solve the problem. Well, those that have solutions are attacked and ridiculed (for no one can talk about the facts) like calling the only politician with a plan- Ryan Herman Munster. I guess some people just dont understand the well isn't endless and we are scraping the bottom of the drippings right now. What the hell, I say again if you cant beat em join em and start spending right along with them, then it will crash faster and there will be no option but to become responsible adults.

  47. Gibson said..."I guess some people just dont understand the well isn't endless and we are scraping the bottom of the drippings right now. What the hell, I say again if you cant beat em join em and start spending right along with them, then it will crash faster and there will be no option but to become responsible adults."

    Someday a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets.

  48. @Gibson:

    You don't understand.

    Using "Obama logic" , when you run out of money, you just apply for another credit card.


    Problem fixed!

  49. ditto!

    even the troops are waking up!

  50. Anonymous12:12 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. 10:35 PM
    Blogger alicia banks said...
    god god creates homos in EVERY living species
    Yeah, God creates homos. But what kind of dark, demonic force created the likes of you?

  52. Anonymous12:18 AM

    "Man I used to love to hear o"l blue eyes" sing that song."

    Awwwww, that's so sweet! Pardon my getting personal Mr Field, but it's just that you sound like a wonderful husband, and I admire that very much. God Bless you and your family.

  53. "but it's just that you sound like you're a wonderful husband,"

    He's not.

  54. Anonymous12:21 AM

    God also created the murderers, rapist and the scums of human kind. That doesn't make what they do right.

  55. homohating assnon:

    i am homosexual

    YOU are homicidal
    u seek to kill what u fear

    2. Nothing is more threatening to a capitalist patriarchy than two women who
    legally share their love and wealth. It is the ultimate spiritual and physical threat to
    current powers. Also, homosexuals must be demonized as aimless whores who
    produce and acquire nothing. Legal marriage would destroy these useful myths.

    3. Homohaters are arrogant about their ignorance. They know nothing about the
    science of homosexuality. Homosexuals are born in every living species: plants, insects,
    animals, and humans. Sexuality is NEVER a choice. Homosexuality is my LIFE.
    Being a columnist is my lifestyle. Likewise, being a homohating politician is a

    4. A vote for DOMA is a vote for homosexual equality. All humans ARE equal.
    Homohaters have never been able to accept this fact. For women, poor people,
    Africans, gays...inequality is mandatory for subjugation.

    . Homohaters know that homosexual unions, child support statistics, and parenting
    skills are superior to droves of their own. Fewer of our children will end up on
    death row and in psychiatric wards. We are uniquely qualified to teach our children
    superior lessons about pride, self esteem, invincible character, independent
    thinking, and unconditional self-love. Warriors breed warriors.

    8. Finally, if homohaters admit that homosexual marriages are "OK", more men
    would immediately become bachelors by circumstance, not choice. Especially
    pathetic politicians who abuse and neglect their wives. The worst gaybashers are
    always the most sexist and abusive men.

    6. Slick Willie and his peers know that most homosexuals are better spouses than
    they are themselves. They don't want us to show them up in divorce courtrooms as
    they assume we all do in our bedrooms.

  56. witchy bitchy mammy maid agm:

    massa created you

    my cousins killed your cousins via voodoo in the fields

    i am very sorry we did not get u all
    u STILL disgrace our race!!!

  57. fn:

    cos is a rich race man

    i forgive him
    and i love him anyway

    donald has STILL not lied on hobama!


  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. hypochristian lying evil envious mammy maid agm:

    u r ignoring many faceless demons herein

    that is not good/nice/godly/fair/angelic/buybull like etc...

    Whenever I am slandered by those who view my complex spirit through the limitations of their own blinding cowardice, sexism, homohatred, pacifism, and arrogant ignorance, I recall the poetry of Ossie Davis, in his eternal eulogy to the equally maligned Malcolm X:

    “Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain...and we will smile...They will say that he is of hate, a fanatic, a racist, who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle! And, we will answer and say unto them: Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever touch him, or have him smile at you? Was he ever associated with violence or any public disturbance? For if you did, you would know him. And if you knew him, you would know why we must honor him...He was and is a Prince, our own Black Shining Prince!...who didn’t hesitate to die, because he loved us so...”

    Like those who know Malcolm, those who know me know that my eloquent fury is only one small part of my superior whole. Those fellow warriors who share my cypher know that my love, soulfulness, kindness, warmth, and passion are far greater than my righteous anger. Like Malcolm X, I will continue to be regal in my rage. And, I will continue to love all those who love me...Power to the People!!!

  61. god bless all unpaid soldiers...shame!!!

  62. Karen1:25 AM

    " One of Boehner's priorities, a program that lets District of Columbia students use federally funded vouchers to attend private schools, was included. "

    So glad to see that Boehner stuck to his guns, and had the courage to do right by these young folks in DC ... which Obama threw under the bus as soon as he swore the oath of office.

    The other funding cut issues will have to wait until 2012, when R's and the Tea party have control of both houses and the WH.

    Kudos to Boehner for being pragmatic.

    A giant raspberry to Teh Won for being AWOL.

    Notice anytime there's some tough choices to be made, Teh Won suddenly remembers a "family vacation" that's been "promised and planned"? Disgusting.

  63. Blogger alicia banks said...
    hypochristian lying evil envious mammy maid agm:
    witchy bitchy mammy maid agm:
    massa created you

    Envious of you? You! A woman who bares a striking resemblance to the alien in the movie, Predator. Oh you are off the Thorazine for sure. Now listen up! You've been here all day. You're stinking up the place. So go on now, gather your other online personality Karen, get that glass of water, and take your meds. As a matter of fact, take the whole damn bottle.

  64. Joanne2:21 AM

    Interesting piece. I noticed your photo and it seems that when interracial marriages or relationships are discussed in print--it's usually a black man with a white woman showcased. It seems that the concept of white men wanting to marry black women is inconceivable for most people. Just one observation among many examples.

  65. karen:

    so far so good

    keep praying...


    ignorant lying hating transparent blind batty mammy maid agm:

    u have slave eyes that match your slave name

    massa taught u how to see my regal flawless african beauty too

    u doth protest too much

    i get that envious bs a lot from faceless fugly euro permed bleached fools like

  66. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Joanne said...

    Interesting piece. I noticed your photo and it seems that when interracial marriages or relationships are discussed in print--it's usually a black man with a white woman showcased. It seems that the concept of white men wanting to marry black women is inconceivable for most people. Just one observation among many examples.

    yeah joanne eye trip off that too cuz he aint never talk about other mens that like black women like a hispanic man or a asian man that like that swirl and white mens especially europeans obsess on black womens but a lot of this shyt on this blog is played out from like ninety eighty nine or something what about a filipino man and a woman who is mixed with cambodian and black what are their kids and are they marrying interracially since theyre both asian pacific islanders? this is some ignint shyt

  67. Yeah Joanne, as a black woman who dated a white man, I asked myself that same question when I saw the pic

  68. @Karen you raised some very good points!

  69. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Does so-called Hobama get points for supporting the repeal of DADT? No, he just gets bashed by a vitriol-spewing homo.


  70. "@Gibson:

    You don't understand.

    Using "Obama logic" , when you run out of money, you just apply for another credit card.


    Problem fixed!"

    Yes, I guess when W was spending all that loot on his war they were just printing money in Washington to fund it.....

    Wingnuts are so predictable.

    Thank you Desertflower. :)

    Oh ohhh, I see that one of my exes discovered the blog. :(

    Folks, don't mind that Mrs. Negro poser.

    Come on Anon. we talked about your language before. What gives? I am going to have to call the Prez. Of Anon. Inc. on you. I hate deleting comments, don't let me have to keep doing it.

  71. Karen7:51 AM

    " Yes, I guess when W was spending all that loot on his war they were just printing money in Washington to fund it....."

    "Wingnuts" are predictable?
    Actually, sadly, you're the one who has become predictable. In spite of your assertions to the contrary leading up to the election, now that Teh Won is occupying "1600" , you reflexively rush to defend any and all of his actions simply because he's black. Or mocha. Or something. Whatever it is, he definitely isn't "white", and apparently, that's good enough for you.

    Regarding the "money printing", and "war", no, once again, that's O's baliwick. Under O (which means, essentially NO leadership), the Fed has undertaken money printing of almost incomprehensible proportions.

    Your site does not allow embedding of video, but google Marc Faber's most recent interview on MSNBC and listens to the statements he makes about the reasons for QE2, and most likely, QE3, its reasons, and its effect on the poor and middle class. Revenge, indeed.

    Secondly, on the "war" issue: yeah, once again, Teh Won make W look like junior varsity. With callous and willful indifference, Teh Won has expanded operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and is now apparently bombing the hell out of BOTH sides in Libya for good measure. The value of winning a Peace Prize for doing nothing apparently is it gives you a blank slate to escalate war and terror on poor people in far off lands without rebuke, all the while defanging the "anti-war" movement at the same time.

    O's got a good gig going. He's an overseas terrorist, projecting war and bloodshed on countless innocents, while acting out the domestic terrorist fantasies of his mentor, Bill Ayres, on the middle class here.... all without missing a tee time, with a Greek chorus of progressives doing the dirty work of "praising the black Caesar".


  72. Hmmm, Karen, methinks you protest far too much about O.

    And yes, for the record, I do cheer for him a little harder because he looks more like I do than the other 44 Presidents we have had. But I am still critical of him when he does things that I do not believe is right. Unlike you, I don't blindly hate him or love him like some others. Somehow I feel strangely detached from all this hand wringing over his policies here in A-merry-ca. Maybe it's because it has been no worse (and in a few cases better) than any of the previous policies we have had in the past from one of A-merry-ca's white male leaders.

    Now some white folks, on the other hand, hate him for the very reason that you are accusing me of liking him: The color of his skin.

    Whether you want to call it mocha, tan, bronze....or whatever, to quote my man Francis Holland, there is some serious "Color Arousal" going on in A-merry-ca.

    His policies will not cause the end of A-merry-can civilization as we know it. And life will go on after O. We will elect a white male leader, and we will all be comfortable again. So relax. The republic will be fine.

  73. @Karen

    GO TO HELL! He was eight years old when Bill Ayers was in the Weather Underground. Just admit that you hate him because he's black and that the Koch brothers are paying you to sandbag him.

    Karen I wish the POTUS was "Black Caesar". What do the character that Fred Willamson played in Black Caesar, and Colin Powell have in common? Unlike the President they were able to shoot back at their enemies.


    The aiding of teen sex traffickers Media Matters proved that it was a LIE. It's true that Planned Parenthood started out to promote Black Eugenics and the Republican Party to free slaves, now the rolls are switched. Planned Parenthood tries to free women from the slavery of their bodies and the Republican Party promotes black Eugenics in all of their policies.

    Maybe Black people and Women should declare themselves corporations. Republicans don't bother corporations, just ask the Koch family.

  74. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Isn't it IOKIYAR for bush and st reagan to set records for not working...but terribly horrible if an AfAm takes a vacation with their family? Hmmm.. Wishing for Dixie?
    Deficits did not matter when bush and st reagan ran up the bill...but when the AfAm is there...bringing down the is eveel. Explain to me again why you were cheerleading the Goobers who spent us into this mess...but whine like spoiled children when the President looks somehow uniquely different?
    Love the sliding scale for standards.
    Love how Goobers beleeverate Planned Parenthood is stealerating the precious bodily fluids of chattel property. Without once askerating a man! Egads. What is this world coming to when a woman can make choices concerning her own body?
    Ummm...hey, moron. Lila Rose and OKeefe lie to you. And you swallow it ALL...willingly. Like being the subordinate? But only to people who have lied to you often?
    I think what upsets the psychopaths is that there is decent medical care for women at reasonable prices. The abortion is a fake for the stoopids.


  75. "Isn't it IOKIYAR for bush and st reagan to set records for not working...but terribly horrible if an AfAm takes a vacation with their family? Hmmm.. Wishing for Dixie?"

    Well Mold, here in A-merry-ca, we like to keep our blacks working.
    It doesn't look right when they get so much time off and still get paid. I mean we are so used to seeing them work "fo" free. :)

  76. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The racist negro brain at work: whenever a negro gets criticized, just point out something that whitey did. That way, you never have to actually address a single criticism... or use your tiny brains.

  77. Anonymous9:21 AM

    are you black racist negroes too stooopid to realize that 'kid' is a white college boy?

  78. Anonymous9:26 AM

    haha, Karen you can't argue with black racists. They own the victim card, and play it at every single opportunity. Black racism as shown by Wayne should be regarded as an incurable mental disease.

    We see the re-election strategy for Obama: any criticism of him is 'racism'. Obama no longer has to play the card himself, he has hordes of negroes racists to do it for him.

  79. The biggest problem Prez Obama has is that when the Dens were in charge he STILL couldn't get the budget passed. Black, White, or Yellow not doing so points to a leadership problem and that's very unfortunate for him.

    Prez Obama keeps forgetting that his father's race strongly dictates the fact that he has to pay ALL, NOT half, of the "Black tax" just like any other Black person.

  80. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I want to congratulate you Mr. Field, on this blog! Not only is it very informative/educational, as in the info and links to the wonderful articles posted by yourself and all. But you have here some of the most intelligent trolls I have seen on any blog or forum. Their comments, although sometimes insulting, reveal as well that these posters are indeed witty and intelligent when they want to be. I know many may not agree with this, especially if they have been burnt and been the brunt of insulting remarks, as I have been also, but I say give credit where credit is due.
    And as you so wisely say Mr. Field, that these commenters show the many aspects of the culture we live in. But I say where there is dialogue, there is hope! And you definitely have dialogue here!

    Thank you again for taking the time and effort to make this wonderful blog/space possible, which I know must put a strain on your free time as well as your patience, and for reading through all of the comments and always having a great answer for everyone. I enjoy it very much!
    Much deserved Kudos to you, and much continued success sir!

  81. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I was just perusing a blog that listed the main difference between Liberals and being that Liberals work...and cons want someone else to..preferably for little or nothing. While simplistic, I could not find any fault with their interpretation of the Data.

    Umm...the majority of Rs polled want marriage to be illegal. Now why is that? Because one is property? Because it irritates them to see happy people?

    Love how the gibbering idiots come out and declare they hate that women get health care at a reasonable cost. Then spew about how revrunt BillySueWeenyBob can't get thet free Federal money for his home fer Wayward Teenage Girls. Yep. Exactly equal...mooching welfare scam versus maternity care. Nothing to show for our tax dollars versus healthy women and children. has gawd sprinkled on it!


  82. Florio11:50 AM

    mold: "I was just perusing a blog that listed the main difference between Liberals and being that Liberals work...and cons want someone else to..preferably for little or nothing. While simplistic, I could not find any fault with their interpretation of the Data."

    Um, that's because you are an IDIOT who can't interpret data and always comes to the opposite conclusion to reality. You project the pathologies of your side onto to those you hate. There are viler internet personas around, but no stupider. Congratulations.

  83. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Try again silly boy. I have the credentials to back what I the years of experience...and you have...talking points and cheaply reproduced fake debate tactics.
    Still, I did note you offered not one shred of evidence to counter the idea the blog poster raised.
    I'd wait...but I think you don't have any.
    It is nice to know that the issue of Liberals working and cons wanting others to toil is valid. Thank you.


  84. Anonymous11:59 AM

    If you want some humour about the cretins war on women...
    Not all Rs are goat-assaulting, Vitter-wearing, Foley-aping sleazes...but far too many are.


  85. @Anonymous 9:21

    No I'm not white and Field can "vouch" for me. Am I'm suppose to take being called white as a complement? I speak well too.

    @Anonymous 9:26

    If there was a "race card" that means whites have the other 51 cards in the deck. You couldn't last for 5 minutes being black. Paul Mooney has a joke where he has a white kid go up to his mother with chocolate frosting on his face. The boy says "mommy I'm black". She slaps him and tell him to go to his father. He says the same thing to his father and get slapped. He goes to his Grandfather and the same thing happens. He finally goes back to his mother and she asks him what he learned? He says "I only been black for 5 minutes and I already hate white people".

  86. kid said...

    "GO TO HELL! He was eight years old when Bill Ayers was in the Weather Underground."

    But he was 35 when his political career was launched from a gathering in Ayers' home, 34 when Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams From My Father for him, in his late 30's when he worked for Bill Ayers at the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago.

  87. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Keep trying. It will ease the pain of beleeverating bush was competent. Or that you are a Goober sucker who fell for the wingnut lie about Ayers being the author. And that ONLY Ayers and Obama worked at the Annenberg. Well, you ARE used to wingnut welfare...where a Fondation is Brietbart and Okeefe.
    All the Obama issues of Libya, Gitmo, continuing the bushWars and bushMess, the lack of accountability for the war criminals and banksters...and you want us to fall for your personal delusions that you can 'retake' the 60s? -snicker- No wonder the girls dated men...and not you. Drug dealing hippies have have an ability to be utterly gullible.
    Oh, it's too late. The 60s done come and gone and you lost out. No 'do-overs'.


  88. Anonymous12:23 PM

    What is it about marriage that so infuriates some Rs? Why are they opposed to gawds most sacred ownership agreement? Why, every work-averse lad wants a cook, maid and unpaid sex worker. Isn't that what patriarchy is all about?
    It is all about the priorities.


  89. Eastsider12:25 PM

    kid: "If there was a "race card" that means whites have the other 51 cards in the deck. You couldn't last for 5 minutes being black."

    If it makes you feel better, I never thought you were white. That one card is a trump. You would never make it five minutes being white.

    I know plenty of black people, and in our discussions about life, I never cease to be amazed at all the ways I subisidize their lives. Their kids are coddled in school, given better grades than they deserve, free lunches, free books, given huge bonus points on ACT/SAT scores when it comes to applying to colleges, finanicial aid not available to whites, people available to fill out all the forms and do the applications for them, free tutors, housing subsidies, preferential hiring, freedom from firing (for fear of lawsuits), lower job requirements, utlity bill subsidies, --it goes on and on and on. But I'm sure you know that, even it you refuse to acknowledge it.

    Five minutes would be pushing it, kid.

  90. Enjoyed reading all the comments about mixed marriages.
    Love my wife, love my children, we have been together as a family over 27 years and counting, it's all about Love, I hope you can find it.

  91. Kid, you are a good guy, and one of the only reasons to read Field's comment sections.

    You did a great job on this FN entry from April, 2009.

    Now someone has said you are a white dude. Maybe someone will soon say we are the same person. Astroturfers or crazies always use such cards, whenever points are raised that transcend who made them.

    I'm sorry if I came off as being someone reinventing the wheel. I now see Banks was figured out well before I had ever heard of her mere weeks ago.

    No lefty, revolutionary thinker would support Alex Jones. I doubt a proud black lesbian would use phrases such as homo or nigs. There was also a poster on that thread named FlyNMy40s. When you click on its blogger profile, it turns out to be Dr. Queen. Yeah, the astroturfer(s) like to portray well-educated blacks as being racist and right wing. Like Psi-N-Tst. Hmmm. Psi-N-Tst. FlyNMy40s.

    Here's a link to some other comments by "Alicia Banks."

    Alicia Banks: quincy jones is just the 1st to confirm that mj did not have vitiligo!!!

    lisa was actually the 1st to do so

    That was the same schtick as "Focused Purpose" or whatever that other username is.

    Alicia Banks: because mj's business was to be a poster child for white supremacy that has poisoned the minds of millions of demented black kids!!!!

    A black leader speaks of millions of demented people from her own race? A lesbian speaks of homos? A lefty adores Alex Jones, William Cooper, and Jeff Rense? I don't think so.

    Alicia Banks:

    i love how he axed joe

    mj got the last blow in their ongoing war

    yay for mj!

    Alicia Banks is no scholar. And wtf was she doing writing fake ebonics? Why does Field Negro allow obvious astroturfers to ruin this blog?

  92. Eastsider, your comment is full of more shit than a sewage treatment plant!

    The ONLY way you could know so many black people "on the system" is if YOU are also "on the system". Furthemore that crap ass statement about SAT/ ACT scoring is beyond a pack of bullshit lies. It's just another dumb ass excuse for why you and the other poor ass cr*ckAers you live around are dumb as rocks and looking for excuses for why you can't expand your single wide into a double!

  93. "Or that you are a Goober sucker who fell for the wingnut lie about Ayers being the author"

    Actually, it has now been proven that Ayers wote "Dreams" for Obama, and he has admitted it, several times, at first in a somewhat joking way, but now as his disillusionment with his protege increases, more and more directly.

    I wonder if all his adoring fans in the liberal blogosphere will look at him differently after they realize it was not he who wrote the "brilliant" Dreams. not that they won't stop shilling fopr him, but their heart might not be as much in it anymore.

    Everything about Obama is a fraud.

  94. You'll Have to Take Me Out, First12:53 PM

    OT, but this isnthat scummy Socilist's/Communust Mold's view of the things IT would like to see fo the USA:

    "The failure of the euro will signify the failure of the European ideal, and that is why eurocrats fight so hard for it. What should have been a club of free-trading nations over-reached itself, and sought to unite people with little or no common culture, politics, language or economic history into one coherent federation. It could never work. The generation that thought it could is either dead, senile or (in Chris Patten’s case) governing the BBC. The dream is over: it only remains to be seen how much more German money will be squandered before everyone finally admits it.

    Countries who have bail-outs must survive for years afterwards on austerity measures. They will never have the industrial power of a Britain or France, let alone a Germany, so to stay in such a strong currency means permanent privation. Portugal will soon have an election, but so what? Ireland just had one, and it was irrelevant who won. The most important thing a country has – the right to set its own economic policy – was forfeited by the Irish, and the Portuguese, when they joined the euro. All aggrieved people in those countries can do if they want a different policy is write to Frankfurt and ask politely – or riot. And I fear there will much more of the latter before this charade comes to its inevitable end.

    Some of us in Britain have resisted the EU in all its manifestations because what is politely called “loss of sovereignty” actually means “loss of democratic rights”. Our votes as electors become pointless. As the eurocrats become more desperate to hold things together, more and more unreasonable demands will be made upon us – whether we are in the euro or not. That is the nature of dictatorships such as the EU. We do not vote for the commissioners who initiate, on the advice of their unelected advisers, the policies they inflict upon us. Napoleon and Hitler tried to unite Europe, but neither did so with the pretence of democracy. As Europe’s currency fails, and a last desperate attempt is made to save it, the price will be our freedom."

    The End.

  95. Eastsider1:01 PM

    Dr. Queen said...
    "The ONLY way you could know so many black people "on the system" is if YOU are also "on the system".

    A fallacy of logic that reveals your cognitive deficit. I am quite succesful and begrudge no one what they can earn on their own, but you negroes apparently are in denial about all the handouts that make your life what it is.

    Case in point: I really don't see how a white person who was as much of a lowlife of obvious modest intellect as you could ever pretend to be a "Dr."

    The gravy train can't go on forever. Enjoy it while you can, "Doc".

  96. Mississippi Mudcat1:04 PM

    Now, I actually LIVE in Mississippi. I never heard of such a poll.
    blscks aren't high on interracial marriages eeither, down here.

    Why don't y'all leave us all the fuck alone?

    But....I DO KNOW this....blacks down here frown on interracial marriages, too.

    I can take a "poll", and get any f-ing results I want.

  97. Anonymous1:07 PM

    anon dont worry u aint wrong clearly this shytlicker aint a doctor she is some ignint ghetto welfare queen collecting a check talking bout i is a doctaw bytch please u aint foolin nobody ya ignint sack a cat bucetas

    and so called alicia banks who dont know her ass from a hole in the ground talkin bout she a radical radical what exactly? radical maniac with an obsession with black men especially our president

    socratic wite fella talk about shyt he aint understand like eye done said before there is blacks who aint self hating who listen to alex jones and rense for reasons u cant possibly imagine cornfed lily but at least u tryin to understand and thats what its all about

  98. Anonymous1:09 PM

    and mississippi mudcat is rite them nuckas out is ole miss aint want no mixing jess as much as the lilies aint want no mixing the whole state is bassackwards and the people are nuts for thinking that way but leave em the phukk alone it aint jess lilies that want to protect their bloodlines beleeverate that


  99. Anonymous1:10 PM

    100 nucka

  100. @ East, the fact is that a Black person could smell your racist perspective a mile away, so I seriously doubt anyone would have such a conversation about how they're using the system with someone like you.

    And since my family's income is in the top 5% of ALL US income earners, it's far more likely that we're supporting YOUR lifestyle than the other way around. In fact, I'm certain of it.

    So continue to ASSUme ALL Blacks have some US endowed "gravy train", all this really does is definitively prove you're nothing more than a racist piece of $hit!!

    As for my Field Negro moniker, don't fret your greasy little overalls about it. I know from personal observations how difficult it is for some whites to accept that there are Black's that are addressed as Dr.. This is why the day after I earn my "Dr" title from Georgetown University class of ~2017, EVERY person I come across like you will be REQUIRED to address me that way as well!

    I'm just getting in some early practice with it all now, LOL!!!

  101. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Let me see...the proof of Ayers being the author is...a bunch of wite liars telling the Goobers this. Wow.
    If you repeat it enough...the dullards accept it.
    But it is far more that the majority of the US voters chose the AfAm over the cranky geezer and the MILF who was anointed by the gawd-fearin, work-averse. Funny.
    Now you seek any fantasy to ease your pain. It won't happen. Forever, you must live with the knowledge that everyone considered Obama the superior.
    And still does.


  102. Anonymous1:37 PM

    AB, "many gays have great marriages"

    I don't know of ONE single gay marriage that is a great marriage. Nor do I know of a gay marriage where the marriage is better than a het marriage and neither do you.

  103. socrates said...
    There was also a poster on that thread named FlyNMy40s. When you click on its blogger profile, it turns out to be Dr. Queen. Yeah, the astroturfer(s) like to portray well-educated blacks as being racist and right wing. Like Psi-N-Tst. Hmmm. Psi-N-Tst. FlyNMy40s.


    And people think child molesters have no rights........

    As I've admitted to about 3 times within the past few weeks, I'm STILL fly-n-my 40's, mid 40's to be exact. I am also STILL a PSY-N-TST, and quite educated most recently thanks to Georgetown University, where I'm returning this fall for "mo edumacation", LOL!!

    Unlike you with your fake ass multiple personas on Field's blog, with equally fake ass positions, my message is THE same as it was when I first joined in the discussion on Field's blog in 2009. I'm a centrist, conservative on some political points, liberal on others.

    So why don't you "astroturf" your ass back over to your own sorry, non participatory blog with your multiple personalities.

  104. Gibson1:54 PM

    field negro said...

    You don't understand.

    Using "Obama logic" , when you run out of money, you just apply for another credit card.


    Problem fixed!"

    Yes, I guess when W was spending all that loot on his war they were just printing money in Washington to fund it.....

    Wingnuts are so predictable.

    c'mon Field. How can you say "wingnuts are so predictable" when you know you aren't going to look at the problem but then shave your finger on the trigger to use the "It was the Evil Bush that did it" standard reply? Don't you have to make certain assumptions when you do something like this?

    1) Be a hypocrite because you are saying wingnuts are typical and then you use the everything obama screws up is Bush's fault tactic. Damn nearing three years later, you still use this without being even a little ahamed...whoo thats weak.

    2) Then you have to assume I disagree with you
    3) Then you have to assume that all conservatives can be bucketed like you think democrats must (for Obama or you are a Tom if you are not)
    3) This tactic assumes the person trying to talk about the points will have a brain fart with the excuse and forget about the problem that still needs a solution.
    4) Being able to finger point and walk away means nothing but look mommy, it was his fault so I don't have to worry about it. Completely selfish and childish.

    I guess we will forget all about Bawney frank, community organizers blackmailing banks to make loans that were known to be out of the park risks, yet Fannie and Freddie would back those loans in the interest of social justice with our tax dollars and how the housing bubble was caused that resulted in our economic crash and then forget about all the things Obama did to really make it so much better...

    Anyway, here some good news for you, while you are writing about the democratic distraction and lack of responsibility passing a budget at all last year to hide the literal thieving....

    The federal debt increased by 54.1 billion in the JUST the eight days preceding the deal made by Obama, Reid and Boener last night.

    Thats right, took 8 days to make a deal to cut 38.5 Billion and they spent 54.1 Billion in those 8 days.

    The debt was $14.2101 trillion on March 30, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and $14.2642 on April 7.

    Since the beginning of the fiscal year on Oct. 1, 2010, the national debt has increase by $653.4 billion.

    But we know, it was all someone elses fault, the video and actions of others are made up and its ok we can just keep spending and spending and name calling and will all Magically work out or we can just blame someone was his fault, damn thats a relief! I may have a tough time, but I will have a real strong pointing finger....

  105. Anonymous1:58 PM

    kid said...
    @Anonymous 9:21

    No I'm not white and Field can "vouch" for me. Am I'm suppose to take being called white as a complement? I speak well too.

    @Anonymous 9:26

    If there was a "race card" that means whites have the other 51 cards in the deck. You couldn't last for 5 minutes being black. Paul Mooney has a joke where he has a white kid go up to his mother with chocolate frosting on his face. The boy says "mommy I'm black". She slaps him and tell him to go to his father. He says the same thing to his father and get slapped. He goes to his Grandfather and the same thing happens. He finally goes back to his mother and she asks him what he learned? He says "I only been black for 5 minutes and I already hate white people".

    This is you say your mind works like one big joke? allright, you made me a believer.

  106. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Hmm... can you explain exactly how you personally subsidize the lives of AfAms. Not just in your fantasy of supposed superiority in income and status. You pretend the children are 'coddled'. Do you have proof? Or is it this another lie? You pretend their grades are unearned and undeserved. Golly Gomer...heard that one back in the Reconstruction days. Seems you recycle the same lies as your owners did. Free lunches are based on income. And I find it odd that you assume that only AfAms receive this. What, never heard of Idaho? How about Pennsyltucky? Must take all your manly heroic bravery to pick a fight with an undernourished child. As far as 'free books', your School District pays for the texts. Unlike you, they don't do a check on the colour of the student. You are lying about the 'bonus points' for ACT/SAT scores. This has been shown false for years. Does it make you feel better to lie? Why are you not whining about the Legacies? They don't have to have ANY qualifications...yet gain entry. Financial aid is based on income. Perhaps you are writing from ignorance? Oh..did you know from attending a college that there are staff who help all who need a hand filling out the forms...wait...your fantasy tells us you never went. Tutors are available to all. Housing subsidies are income-based. Preferential hiring...that must be why you were not hired...and Neil DeGrasse Tyson was. Again, you are lying. Pretending that AfAms are not fired only shows that you live in a fantasy. Does it make your very low socioeconomic status more bearable? Utility bill help is income based.
    Pretty much you want to beleeverate that AfAms are somehow lesser than you and get all these free goodies...and you don't. Sure.
    Why then, are you not wailing your whine about the theft of tax monies from the productive Liberal States to the parasitic con States?


  107. faceless foolish hobama nazi coward:

    only a blind fool like you would expect a gay person to be happy to have the right to be murdered for oil and drugs while their gay spouse who is NOT legal will NEVER receive a dime as a war widow...

    the same way equally dead het corpses do

    all humans should have the right to wed before they have the right to die for global oil and drugs

    and only homohating drones like u deny that fact!

    wtfu u cowardly dl fool

    I found it very curious that your thorough and surgical dissection of King’s human flaws conspicuously omitted his renowned womanizing. As a lesbian with a spouse who has no individual legal rights to our marital assets, Obama’s similarly notorious, yet far less clandestine and bisexual serial adultery is far more offensive to me. I deeply resent that Obama is a cheating down-low “brother” who dares to bromance a posse of homohaters, even as he denies monogamous lesbians like my spouse and I the very same human marital and civil rights that he shares with Michelle.

  108. But he was 35 when his political career was launched from a gathering in Ayers' home, 34 when Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams From My Father for him, in his late 30's when he worked for Bill Ayers at the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago."

    Yes, and we all know how radical those "Annenberg" folks are.

    Wingnuts are funny.:)

    Eastsider, I see you. Michael Douglas did a wonderful job ofplaying your character. Just another miserable white man in A-merry-ca who can't make it, and blames those black folks for taking away his job, his woman, and his home. *shaking head*

    I am going to play UTS on you:

    Show me one link where a black man took a white person's job.
    Or, if you know that person, have him (or her) post here. If they live in the Philly area I will personally try to see to it that they get their job back.

    Take all the time you need, I will wait.......

  109. faceless homhating haint:

    who made u the prez of gays?

    how dare u speak for us u witless hater?

    We are enraged at Obama for his failure to deliver on any significant component of our diverse political agendas. Much like your political advisory skills within your grossly offensive missive to homosexuals, Obama has failed us miserably. His broken promises to date include: the eradication of the military’s bigoted “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy; enacting the “Matthew Shepard Hate-Crimes Bill”; and securing insurance benefits for gay spouses of Federal employees. Obama’s failure to repeal the hateful “Defense of Marriage Act” is literally the tip of the iceberg fashioned by a series of Obama’s iciest political betrayals.

    Initially, Obama cavalierly embraced the gaybashing homosexual Donnie McClurkin, as they wooed votes from ungodly homohating black church folks on his hypochristian campaign trails. Then, Obama legendarily honored rabid homohater Rick Warren by allowing him to deliver his inaugural prayer as a sacred slap in the faces of millions of homosexual voters. Next, Obama proceeded to begin a third passionate bromance with macho jock gaybasher Tony Dungy, who millions of gays believe may have driven his own homosexual son to suicide.

    What I find even more offensive than your bastardization of the legacies of Baldwin and Douglass is your blatant omission of any mention of McClurkin, Warren, or Dungy in your uniquely unintelligent directive. Silence is consent. I see that your own silences are as selective and shady as Obama himself.

  110. fn:

    i do not recall you criticizing hobama ever without blaming repubs

    please remind me?


  111. Gibson2:07 PM

    Kid Said....


    The aiding of teen sex traffickers Media Matters proved that it was a LIE. It's true that Planned Parenthood started out to promote Black Eugenics and the Republican Party to free slaves, now the rolls are switched. Planned Parenthood tries to free women from the slavery of their bodies and the Republican Party promotes black Eugenics in all of their policies.

    Kid, whatever helps you sleep at night justifying who you support. But how did media matters (George Soros created to destroy COnservatives and he US ecomomy) prove that the video we saw with in disputable evidence in different times and locations with different people was a Lie? How? Did they blame bush for the tape?
    Why is it ok with you to hate corporation yet you arent sharp enough to understand they started this "corporation" called planned parenthood to control the destructive non wanted Black Population and now make a fortune doing so. They made 64 Million in profit last year, so again, whatever helps you sleep at night ,
    No your girl wasn't really cheating, she just let the other guy only put the tip in ----See we can be like you only without the hatred and violence.

  112. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Nice try, Gibby. Too bad it's too late to lie. We all know the FannieMae/FreddieMac spin that the economic crash was done caused by all those greedy poor false. Why are you still trying to push this lie? Does it make you less poor?


  113. proud stalker mf wigga slob marley:

    amazing how you can stalk me all over the net

    even on the best gay site online

    but you cannot master google like a 5th grader to find out that i am more real and more lethal than you can ever imagine

    the suicidal bs is all yours emenim rasta

    i am like a stepping razor
    u will be slashed always u baldheaded bored wimpy whining bitch

    i wounded u
    and u holler in pain daily


    wtf would a wigger poser with the most bitched ass slanderous pathetic "blog" online know about a "good guy"???

    retarded kid is one of the most rabidly racist uneducated fools on this blog

    and u choose to use him and your belly warmer the vdlr to insult me????

    hater morons harass in hyenas to my lioness...i get that bs a lot

    did i lie on mj???

    did i lie on joe???

    u r the liar u twisted bored obsessed racist tiny bitchy pissy blackfaced *ucking muddy human roach

    crawl on this u bitch!


  114. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Gibby, hope your Masters pay you well for lying. Especially since we have seen the unexpurgated versions...and see that Lila Rose is a pathological liar. Nice to see that you keep lying even though the lie was exposed.
    Go liars! Yeah 'team wingnut'.


  115. kindred wannabee black pedophile/racist stalker/dirty diana in blackfaced drag/lying bitch wigga slob marley:

    see MUCH more on mjj here:

    I pity the molested boys who watch Michael walk free as his mindless fans cheer him on. In addition to the immense amounts of cash and lavish gifts that they enjoy with their families, I pray that they someday find priceless inner peace.

    I pray for Michael too. I pray that the little boy I once adored finds sanity in his adult desires and wisdom in his sexual behavior. I pray that each criminal parent of each child who was or will be pimped to Michael be eternally prosecuted by karma.

    I mourn for my fellow Black Americans. We are still collectively paying for the wrath that the O.J. backlash wreaked via racism at the polls. How long and in what brutal fashion will we suffer the racist rage evoked by Michael's verdict? How cruelly ironic that two of the whitest black men on the planet can darken the lives of millions of poor black people!!!

    Lastly, I pray that Americans will wake up! I pray that they will someday rally to support deserving political prisoners and protest real issues as passionately and loyally as they support eurocentric black celebrities who pimp black fans for incomes and embrace us exclusively when they are on the way to jail.

    I hope that someday Americans will become collectively literate and intelligent and seek truths as diligently as they learn to moonwalk. Now, I await yet another tragic and painful courtroom freedom march. R. Kelly' s legal victories loom next...

  116. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    kid said...
    @Anonymous 9:21

    No I'm not white and Field can "vouch" for me. Am I'm suppose to take being called white as a complement? I speak well too.

    You speak well? Not everyone has normal standards I guess, who do you hang out with gibbons? It would be; I am also well spoken.

  117. hey faceless fugly freak stalker wigga slob marley:

    tragic how you are too uneducated and inept to locate anything about me that is not on a blog...

    even as my life is an open book and my real life has been all over the net since 1992 and all over any library since 1976

    tragic u baldheaded eminem rasta!!!

    i found your bff mf:

  118. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Poor, fat, bald wite dude finds out that being a Left Behind doth sucketh greatly. He finds it easier to pretend that somehow women and other minorities are to blame for his personal utter lack of redeeming qualities.
    Why yes, my ultrafemme nature is the proximal cause for his missing personal hygiene. The eveel cabal of literate Socialists prevents the hiring of a 'breathing certificate' holder from a homeskool to the position of CEO for Microsoft. The dateless situation is not from manly, heroic brave wite dude being such a misogynist or chickenhawk who bravely volunteers others to go die in bushWars...but the fact that I have standards. His dwelling with Moms is the result of all those lazy, shiftless others who done stole his McMansion while he was watching the glorious MILF show of Sarey and Michelle(s) in his underwears. Just like JoeNotPlumber Samuel is not his lack of drive or ability or doing the is the nebulous George Soros who swiped all the Union Plumber cards and gave them away to unworthy and lesser beings...who should all be working for wite dudes for really low wages, or free.

    I'm still waiting for proof. I did wonder if the blog poster was accurate...and to date, Liberals do the work, and cons want others to toil for low wages...or for free.


  119. uneducated unlicked unglued vdlr:

    cc this to yo massa wigga slob marley

    and help him get offline blog stalking me and get a library card too

    ask the librarians to help u 2 trifling inept illiterate mfs research my real blessed and charmed life asap!!!


    Who’s Who of American Women 2008-2011

    Who’s Who in America 2008-2011

    Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008

    Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2011

    Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006

    Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996

    Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986

    Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984

    UIUC Dean's List 1984

    UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984

    UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983

    UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982

    UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982

    [Numerous Additional Academic & Occupational Awards]

  120. Thats right, took 8 days to make a deal to cut 38.5 Billion and they spent 54.1 Billion in those 8 days.

    The debt was $14.2101 trillion on March 30, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and $14.2642 on April 7.

    Since the beginning of the fiscal year on Oct. 1, 2010, the national debt has increase by $653.4 billion."

    Gibson, I agree with you. The debt is a problem.So let's raise some revenue by raising taxes on some folks.Can we agree on that? Oh, and you are right; let's stop the finger pointing. I am willing to say that O made mistakes by caving to big banks etc. if you are willing to say W made them as well. Deal?

  121. hey kindred fake faceless masked/blackfaced dl billy jean/wigga slob marley:

    more on mjj

    Life is not fair. Not even for beloved and irreplaceable superstars like Michael Jackson. Michael died broke. Yet, those who bilked him are still being paid for bogus interviews.

    Michael was a pathological liar. Michael isolated himself behind a posse of coddlers and enablers who were paid well to lie about him even more than he lied about himself. After weeks of Jermaine Jackson incessantly denying that Michael was a drug addict, we now know that the Jackson family worked hard to secure an intervention and save Michael from his extensive drug addictions long ago…

    Larry King interviewed one of Michael’s most intimate leeches on CNN. He is dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein. “Arnie” Klein is Debbie Rowe’s former boss. He is Michael’s most recent chief plastic surgeon. And, Arnie looks a lot like the two eldest children Michael purchased.

    In case you missed this very strange public relations charade, here is a recap of some of the incredible claims Arnie made during this surreal interview:

    Arnie is not actually a plastic surgeon. He just played one on Michael’s face and nose.

    Arnie donated sperm to a random sperm bank once, which may have miraculously ended up in the DNA of Michael’s two eldest children.

    Debbie Rowe had a real sexual marriage with Michael.

    Arnie and Debbie actually care about the children whom they may have coincidentally created together. It is their mutually genuine parental love, rather than the millions they have been paid, that motivates them to be twisted key players in this strange biological saga.

    Michael had vitiligo. Arnie treated that vitiligo by helping him become the evenly whitest person in the world. Michael miraculously had no brown freckles or blotches like every other person on earth with vitiligo.

    Michael was a drug addict, but he did not die or lose his hair due to his diverse drug addictions.

    Michael had lupus and that may have killed him. Michael’s extreme drug addictions did not kill him.

    Michael wore masks only as fashion statements, never to hide his perpetual cosmetic surgeries.

    Michael’s children only wore masks as matching fashion statements, never to hide their white race.

    Michael loved being a black person. Yet, he just wanted white skin and white children and white facial features…

    see more from rare retracted truth about mjj from jermaine too:

  122. "Nice try, Gibby. Too bad it's too late to lie. We all know the FannieMae/FreddieMac spin that the economic crash was done caused by all those greedy poor false. Why are you still trying to push this lie?"

    Because it's the only one that they have on this subject.

  123. alex jones and jeff rense are rebel warriors and media legends

    see them all over my youtube channel


  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. fn:

    gwb NEVER gave 23 Trillion dollars to banksters as hobama did!

    there is no valid analogy!

    If in your belated slumber, you find that you still need a few brief reminders of Hobama’s most muscular moments to date, these may knock you awake:

    Donnie McClurkin

    Rick Warren

    Tony Dungy

    Sean Bell

    Oscar Grant

    Predator Drones

    Shirley Sherrod

    Helen Thomas

    Roman Polanski’s freedom

    An inner circle filled with Tri-Lateral Commission members

    A hand selected regime from Wall Street

    Bailouts to Banksters

    Corporate Charter Schools Cronyism for Profit

    Destruction of public schools


    Massive teacher layoffs

    Merciless foreclosure failures and lies

    Skip Gates’ Beer Dumbit

    Serial Swindleus Packages


    The surreal second pretend end of the Iraq War

    Endless bloody global wars

    Instantly Pulverized Somali Pirates

    The fatal con games of AFRICOM

    A Nobel Peace Prize after only 12 days as a war president

    Lobbyists galore

    Record pork projects

    Rahmbo Emmanuel

    Shutting down the internet

    Extreme spying on all Americans

    Locking down his academic records

    Making sure his two criminal cousins Dick Cheney and George Bush are free

    Life in prison for GITMO hostages he promised to free

    Porkulous for progeny

    Cosmic debts for progeny

    DADT teasing and nothingness

    DNA fests for cops

    Funding the Prison Industrial Complex

    Fattening the Military Industrial Complex…

    Refusing to tax the rich just as his cousin George…

    Again, HOBAMA IS NO WIMP!!! He is not evincing weakness. He is flossing treachery!!!

    Hobama’s most brutal cuts will not even begin to bleed until they are infected by the fatal poverty of our broken states. Those extremely painful trickle down state budget cuts are yet to come...Rest assured, you will all be forced to wake up to mortal wounds very soon!

  126. fn:

    hobama is gwb 2.0

    and before 2016
    hobama may become gwb 3.0

  127. Africa is a Sinkhole2:44 PM

    "Dr. Queen said...
    So continue to ASSUme ALL Blacks have some US endowed "gravy train", all this really does is definitively prove you're nothing more than a racist piece of $hit!!

    1:27 PM"

    I'll just bet your "gravy, would be a lot more tasty in Sub-Saharan Africa.Why don't you take the fine US tax subsidized degrees over there, and become the "Queen of Africa?

    Lord knows, you Brother Kings & Queens could use a hand.

    Or maybe, you're a Capitalist?

  128. Dr. Queen:


    there are millions of interracial couples that are NOT bm with ww

    the nydn used a bf and wm on its index page

    but then the article linked showed the bm/wf again

    sexist racist propaganda as always


    Why is it that when black love fails, interracial love is presumed to be medicinal or superior? Yet, when interracial love fails, individualism is lauded as a reason to quickly seek a better white person? It is not racist to love yourself and your own race. It is not racist to want your children and grandchildren to look as you did when you were a child. It is not racist to want to see your own reflection in your lover’s face. It is human to love a person who looks like you or your parents.

    Why is interracial love so often restricted to black and white unions? How many other beautiful races of persons are on the earth? Why does the interracial propaganda that bombards us never seem to promote other racial mixes as adamantly and expressly as it does black and white unions? White supremacy rules all mixed equations. Thus, whiteness must always be in the mix.

    Race is complex. Racism intensifies that complexity. Mixed race persons should see their reflections in many races. Yet, even they most often seek only the whitest lovers they can find. Because even their exotic blood is no shield from mundane white supremacy.

  129. fn:

    gwb did not bomb MQ/libya for more gold oil and drugs to bilk for banksters either as hobama is doing NOW....

    Anyone who dares to utter any valid criticism of Hobama is swiftly checked and harassed by Obama Nazis, who rush to dismiss and brand all of Hobama’s critics as racists and fools. These are fatal and tragic in which fascism has become afrocentric. Wars have become perpetual slaughters. And, George W. Bush/King Shrub’s cowboy strut has been upgraded and revamped to become Hobama’s Chi-town swag as he strolls along the same genocidal global paths.

    Hobama has only one color. It is corporate money green. Beware: that green is darker than ever before. Hobama will soon begin to show off his newest shade of green as he blacks out the continent of Africa. A sea of rainbow colored fawning fools will be waving the American flag as he does so…

    hear more rebel wisdom from the great radio icon and warrior alex jones whom i am proud to know!:

    I love rebel radio programs. Since my tweens, I have spent most of my life producing and hosting rebel radio shows as a legendary radio personality in Illinois, Georgia, and California... I will always idolize kindred rebel radio idols and revolutionary inspirations like Bob Law, Mike Malloy, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, George Noory and many more.

    I take great pride in being a stellar musicologist. I have loved my FM shows most. My favorite creation, “Les Chanteuses Africaines” has often been imitated but never duplicated. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. And, music is my most powerful inspiration and most potent opiate.

  130. hey pristine dl priestly poser mf wigga slob marley:

    we gays curse and use slang just like u alleged hets do boi

    did i lie u racist stray pestering eminem rasta dog????

    i am trilingual

    i respect the truth in any language from any source u silly bastard!!!


  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. moron slob marley:

    your links are more retarded than u are


    kid was demanding that i be prez
    and do for the poor

    hobama has destroyed the incomes and schools of the poor parents/children i have taught for decades u fool

    hobama has SLAIN poor people of all races

    see more here:

    I am a bohemian intellectual at heart. I covet no objects other than books. I cherish very few material things. I cherish nothing more than my soul.
    Most of my s/heroes were very poor. Malcolm X died broke owning nothing except a used powder blue Oldsmobile. Fannie Lou Hamer struggled with abject poverty in the still horridly impoverished Delta all of her life. A broken and addicted Huey Newton died hustling a miniscule drug deal in an Oakland alley. Harriet Tubman was too busy being a national fugitive freeing rebel slaves to take time to build her personal portfolio…

    All of my s/heroes adore poor people. They include felled warriors like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, and Ella Baker. They include living warriors who stay on the battlefields today like Mumia Abu-Jamal, Janine Phillips Africa, Elaine Brown, Tavis Smiley, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, and Dr. Cornel West.

    Millions of blind black Obama Nazis have been so hypocritical in their racist and unconditional worship of President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0. They masochistically demanded that all blacks vote for Obama to prove our blackness. Since his election, they boldly dare to insist that we never demand anything that might make Obama similarly prove his own blackness. They insist that we all suicidally pretend that all political issues are colorblind American issues in a fictionally post-racial America.

    I will never play along with such fatal racial delusion! I will never pretend that any of my heroes would ever excuse Obama for his rabid, ruthless, and colorless elitism. I will never feign that global fascism and genocide are cool just because they don blackish masks.

  133. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Try again silly boy. I have the credentials to back what I the years of experience...and you have...talking points and cheaply reproduced fake debate tactics.

    You have nothing but lies.You have been proven to be a fake.A white guy posing has a old racist black woman..How sad

    Still, I did note you offered not one shred of evidence to counter the idea the blog poster raised.
    I'd wait...but I think you don't have any.


    Also everyone has noted all your lies and never one shred of proof.

  134. Heeyuck Rich Republican3:13 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Hmm... can you explain exactly how you personally subsidize the lives of AfAms."

    That should just about say it all for that Maxist / Communist Moldy-Butt.

    Your "Reverends" sure live on the large! Last I heard, Sharpton doesn't own ANYTHING.....not even the clothes he sports around in. Where did Obama earn his money?

    Old kwiesi Mfume sipts out more babies with more ho's, but he's living the high-life too!

    "Subsidize" your own damn people! Whites don't come begging to black organizations for hand-out. (Like they would get anything, anyway). Them black rever

  135. liar wigga slob marley:

    fake ebonics???

    i am a trilingual comm scholar u illiterate unskilled uneducated envious stalker mf

    get over that too

    unlicked vdlr:
    lick dis too!!!

    2009 -- In 1976, as a 13 year old undergraduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, I discovered the inspirational and hypnotic work of a scholar named Dr. Geneva Smitherman. In 1984, her fascinating wisdom on the history of languages compelled me to compose a formal research paper. It was a linguistic analysis of “Black Vernacular English”. In 1996, as a rebel radio producer and host at KPFA in Berkeley, California, when its new moniker “Ebonics” exploded as a national controversy, I penned three columns... I repost them now as a tribute to the beloved Dr. Smitherman. To date, Dr. Smitherman remains a very special academic mentor and sista idol…Enjoy!}

    {2009 -- In 1976, as a 13 year old undergraduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, I discovered the inspirational and hypnotic work of a scholar named Dr. Geneva Smitherman. In 1984, her fascinating wisdom on the history of languages compelled me to compose a formal research paper. It was a linguistic analysis of “Black Vernacular English”. In 1996, as a rebel radio producer and host at KPFA in Berkeley, California, when its new moniker “Ebonics” exploded as a national controversy, I penned three columns... I repost them now as a tribute to the beloved Dr. Smitherman. To date, Dr. Smitherman remains a very special academic mentor and sista idol…Enjoy!}

    In 1984, as a university senior, I wrote a paper on Black English. My research was simultaneously inspirational and depressing. I had proven that it was indeed a formal grammatical language. Yet, I never expected any school board to extend it the respect it so deserved.

    Black English is a combination of African languages and Standard English. African Americans should be awarded linguistic medals of honor for its creation against impossible odds. To deter rebellion and increase fear and control, slave masters deliberately separated African slaves from fellow members of their tribes. Often, these same slave masters were functionally illiterate and ignorant of standard English themselves. From that linguistic stew of confusion, we fashioned a formal Black English.

    Black English still merges formal rules of African languages like Ibo, Yoruba, Ewe, Tula, Mandinka, Wolof, and Mende. Just as in French, many of these languages have no "th" sound. Instead, the French speak "t". Instead, Africans speak "d". Thus, "theatre" becomes "tayatra" and "them" becomes "dem", respectively.

    Many native African words are included in standard English vocabulary. For example, "goober, okra, uh-huh, and uh-uh" are all formal African words. But, as Black English is slandered as mere "slang", African contributions are also ignored. In this racist America, everything "black" is bad. (i.e. blackmail/ blacklist/blackball etc...) And, everything "African" is very Black and very bad.

    Black neocons and racist whites who slander and resent Ebonics are only behaving as always. They always reject all that is Black. These same persons revere "differences" in other languages. Shakespearean English is regarded as theatrical and scholarly. French, Spanish, and Japanese are viewed as profitable and chic. Clearly, Black English is not being rejected for its difference, but for its blackness.

  136. A. Banks Is A Nasty....BORE3:27 PM

    Put your face back in the feedbag, and spare us your obnoxious, sel-invented platitudes, A. Skanks. It gets pretty dan old.

  137. broke buffoon blackfaced wigga slob marley:

    here is more on how hobama has not done a gd thing for anyone who is poor

    cc that to your new racist broke stupid bbb the retarded kid

    u and him and the vdlr are the 2 most lost hating stooges on this blog!!!

    Hobama is poised to destroy poor people in America as never before. America is rapidly headed towards a new serfdom that will include literally no middle class. Joblessness and homelessness have already become normal for millions. Public schools have become relics. Yet, Hobama’s expertly mouthed words are designer opiates for the doomed and adoring masses. “Food insecurity” is the new hunger. “Hope and change” have become hopeless and unchanged. Without mercy or interruption, Hobama’s speech writers and teleprompters toil on.

    What did Hobama say to you in his most recent opiate oratory? Did he say what would be done for poor children felled by the perpetual and fatal bullets of abject poverty? Did he say how more than 8 million jobs that have been permanently lost would ever truly be replaced? Did he speak with any iota of real empathy for anyone who is not a bankster or a corporate CEO? Did he mention freezing any funds for the rich that he has so generously drowned in trillions of dollars stolen from public coffers? As he praised ecological ideals, did he mention even one actual dead bird, fish, crab, cricket, or cow that has suddenly died in our increasingly toxic environment where varied carcasses fall like rain?

    Hobama is a repulsively amoral hoax. All who see him with their third eye know this. All who hear what he is truly saying know this also. Hobama is the corporate owned puppet of the most corrupt political regime in America to date. It is amoral to speak of public education while saying nothing about the corporate scams of charter schools and the horrid revamping of the academic genocide of NCLB. They do not pretend to revere and recruit educators as they layoff millions of great teachers to slash salaries for novices who replace them. It is amoral to speak of taxpayers’ burdens while failing to mention their bilking by banksters, who fashioned their homeless and jobless miseries. It is amoral to praise China and make no mention of its slave labor.

    here is more on hobama and the poor from a real wm with a real face u silly eminem wigger rasta!!!

  138. Black3:29 PM

    Why does every fucking blog post have to become the alicia banks show?
    Go somewhere and kill yourself already sockpuppet!

    And P.S. give the "who's who" and other no name starving artist websites a rest already. It's tired. Any body can be a "who's who" from the comfort of their undies. It's not real or relevant, so stop it and grow up. You've been at this hack far too long for anyone here to actually believe you have a life outside this blog.
    No matter what time or day of the week it is, you're right here. Nobody with your "credentials" would be caught dead hanging out at a blogsite 24/7. Same goes for steppin' felicia, a.k.a (NOT)fly(90's word) in my 40's a.k.a psi -n- tsk tsk tsk a.k.a. dr. queen (right).
    No matter how hard you tap, real Blacks and revolutionaries don't hear you!
    We all know you are sockpuppets and politico hacks here to cause any disruption to the advancement of anything Black.
    The sad part is, you're both Black, go figure.
    You fool no one here.

  139. Anon 28310

    "However, I do believe a tint of black self-hatred exists when a black marries a white. There are some exceptions, but for the most part many of the blacks in these relationships reek weakness."

    And what is your analysis of the whites who marry blacks?

    What is most obvious about racists and Toms is that they are always attacking or belittling the actions or views of blacks and never giving equal scrutiny those of whites.

    Or rationalizing them.

    You should check your own weakness.





    GOT GOOGLE?????????









  142. Black3:35 PM

    Anyone here notice whenever the troll a.banks comments, he/she/it has a thousand links at the bottom of every post.
    Who are you shilling for sockpuppet?

  143. unlicked uneducated vdlr:

    i just received a new academic award for 2012

    got MORE hate?

    u fertile turbo breeding useless eater!

  144. Heeyuck

    "Your "Reverends" sure live on the large! Last I heard, Sharpton doesn't own ANYTHING.....not even the clothes he sports around in."

    Where'd you hear that?

    And how is the way Sharpton earns his money any different from Gingrich?

    "Where did Obama earn his money?"

    By being a public servant and an author.


    "Subsidize" your own damn people! Whites don't come begging to black organizations for hand-out.

    Nah, they just rip black individuals off directly.

    Predatory lending, high rent, overpriced goods in urban black communties..shall I go on?

  145. AB's Most Reluctant Veteranarian3:39 PM

    Not to mention that AB is a known carrier / host of Bovine veneral disease. Just thank the Lord your monitors aren't "scratch & sniff".

    The visuals are quite disturbing themselve.

  146. 2:41 PM blogger alicia banks said...
    If in your belated slumber, you find that you still need a few brief reminders of Hobama’s most muscular moments to date, these may knock you awake:

    You forgot the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby and World War II.

  147. Black dudes who ran Freddie Mae & Fannie Mac3:43 PM

    "Predatory lending" = stupid people.

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. mammy maid nig beaulah agm:

    hobama does not need your "jokes"

    he has enough REAL sins via his own solo deeds

    and there is NOTHING funny about ANY of them

    ask any somber libyan

    Can you believe that this bold bastard Hobama gave himself a B+ when Oprah asked him to grade his performance to date!?! By what insane grading curve would Hobama garner a B+? By what ruthless rubric would Hobama earn a B+? By what maddening modification might Hobama ever be given a B+?

    I would give Hobama a huge "F" for his bailouts, economy, and wars!!! The only "B" Hobama would garner would be for the following:

    Bogus grading!!!

    Being a Blackish Bastard

    Betraying soldiers

    Bilking poor people

    Bamboozling voters

    Being blackish as he Blatantly ignores all black issues

    Beguiled into thinking that reading eloquent speeches will suffice much longer

    Blessed to control most media

    Blissfully ignorant to the reality of his tanking polls

    Boldly oblivious to millions who are awakening to the realities of his

    global hoaxes

    Brazenly ignoring the historical lessons of Vietnam

    Bullying politicos who resist becoming complicit in his health care hoax

    Buffoonish catering exclusively to rabid elitist peers

    Bumbling his way into being a one term president

    Brainlessly doling out Bailouts to the same rich Bankers who are

    Bankrupting us all

    Bankrupting generations of American children later to pay rich bankster criminals

  150. Anonymous AB's Most Reluctant Veteranarian said...
    Not to mention that AB is a known carrier / host of Bovine veneral disease.
    I thought behind those keys sat a big old ox.

  151. ox tailed IQ'd mammy maid agm:

    sit your fat hater ass down hard on this

    No sane and intelligent person who reads this sobering and searing book can ever deny that the Bush family rules America’s government precisely as a mafia dynasty. Thus, Hobama is tacitly exposed as the newest kindred Don of his fascist and imperial clan. This book is a correlated overview of how Hobama’s regime was created to become even more evil than those of his cousins. Anyone who reads this book will no longer be able to ignore Hobama’s key role in expanding the powers of a global mafia as President Select.

    This book definitively proves that Hobama is an extension of King Shrub. Hobama is GWB 2.0. Hobama has made every evil deed initiated by his predecessors even more brutal. Hobama has already been worse than GWB was in eight years in many ways including:

    Hobama has more blatantly robbed and brutally ignored more poor people.

    Hobama has more brazenly coddled rich people, especially banksters.

    Hobama has executed larger bloodier wars.

    Hobama has flagrantly abused more soldiers.

    Hobama has endlessly abused more illegally captive Gitmo detainees.

    Hobama has golfed and vacationed more during crises.

    Hobama has sealed more personal and political records.

    Hobama has hosted more secrecy and privacy within his own regime.

    Hobama has erased more privacy for Americans and spied on more citizens.

    Hobama has invaded more of the Internet.

    Hobama has enacted more rabid nepotism within his regime.

    Hobama has brazenly orchestrated more Chicago thuggery in DC.

    Hobama has nominated more unqualified and corporatized Supreme Court justices.

    Hobama has engaged more sullied cronyism.

    Hobama has destroyed more public education.

    Hobama has degraded and pimped more black pathology exclusively.

    Hobama has escalated the racist and bogus "drug wars".

    Hobama is destroying more of the Gulf Coast via BP than King Shrub did via apathy.

    If you are blind and asleep like many fellow Hobama Nazi sheeple, then you somehow still amazingly doubt that Hobama is GWB 2.0. You are suffering from a fatal infection that is mental and spiritual. Fret no more as this book will cure what ails you. Please heal yourself by reading it or sharing it to heal someone you love today!

  152. Black said...
    Same goes for steppin' felicia, a.k.a (NOT)fly(90's word) in my 40's a.k.a psi -n- tsk tsk tsk a.k.a. dr. queen (right). No matter how hard you tap, real Blacks and revolutionaries don't hear you!
    We all know you are sockpuppets and politico hacks here to cause any disruption to the advancement of anything Black. The sad part is, you're both Black, go figure. You fool no one here.


    I've posted ~ 1% of my real life success in response to racist assnons and others, yet you feel compelled to step to me with this bullshit?

    Tell you what "Black". That crustacean tinged aroma that seems to be emanating from your pelvic area isn't due to your recurring need for flagyl (this time). You simply need a "bucket" to be a complete niggerish thought.

    So why don't you "bitch up" and go back to using your other Field Negro username. And stop blaming me for the fact that you aren't aging worth a damn!

  153. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...

    Anonymous AB's Most Reluctant Veteranarian said...
    Not to mention that AB is a known carrier / host of Bovine veneral disease.
    I thought behind those keys sat a big old ox.

    miss ann is too funny and right on the nasty filth pile smell like bovine secreted wastes to me nasty disgusting buceta heads!

  154. Dr Queen:


    and do they ever stop for a moment to defend the INCREASINGLY INDEFENSIBLE hobama?????

    hell no!!!!

    these mf OBSESSED STALKING morons think slandering me/u will help hobama win in 2012????

    these uneducated lifeless losers/hating assed ghostfaced PR stooges who INFEST this blog are the best press agents i have ever had


    i am breaking view records at my blog because of that mammy maid pimp wigga slob marley/eminem rasta HUE hefner and his stable of fellow psycho suckas for their minstrel massa!

    i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    they are too stupid to debate me
    and too stupid not to make me shine and soar...WINNING!!!!!


    the record blog hits keep coming!

  155. Some of you multi personality "anony" posters are dumb as hell if you think it isn't easy to figure out what your other Field Negro user names are.

    Simple minded, chicken shit, mofo's, LOL!!!

  156. Anonymous4:06 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  157. Anonymous4:07 PM

    sure wannabe scientist wannabe i is a dawcktaw queen muah muah muah ya ignorant piece of shyt if u have as much edumacayshun as u claim to have and u got a job why u posting here all the time using gutter language and talkin about stuff that is beyond ur pay grade? answer cuz ure an ignorant lying sack of catcunts!

  158. alicia banks said...
    these mf OBSESSED STALKING morons think slandering me/u will help hobama win in 2012????


    Like I've said many times before, there's only ONE regular poster of this blog that does absolutely NOTHING all day but change shitty diapers/wipe snotty noses and has both the motivation AND time to stalk us at the same time.

    Just. One. Jack. A$$.

  159. ie

    this wigga slob marley fool just gave fn and i a pathetic NEW "blog" site all our own and he is the free grossly inept "webmaster"

    like i needed another????


    thank u blackfaced HUE hefner
    and thank your stable of ignorant nig bimbos too...including that new bottom bitch trick the retarded kid!

  160. Anonymous4:09 PM

    ever notice how every time qoohole banks shows up to defend hr fragile ego the loser wannabe scientist comes to say some vulgar things and maybe launch a few threats? that must be the henchmen rogue state alterego then it starts spamming just like today its so predictable and obviously unintelligent

  161. Anonymous4:10 PM

    A victory for Republicans is a victory for America.

    I wouldn't want to be Harry Reid..

    From Ace---

    And on Obama's tactics:

    "Andthe President was also a terrible negotiator for Democrats. He kept applauding the Republican plans. Boehner got billions in budget cuts in each of the last two CRs. Each time, Obama went on television and praised them! Meanwhile, Reid is standing there trying to portray each successive budget cut as "extreme." It happened over and over.

    And it'll continue. The White House is already praising the budget deal. You know, the one that cuts four times as much spending as the one that Reid called "draconian."

    The best salesman for future budget cuts has been, ironically, the President himself."

    Obama should switch parties and become the first black Republican to be elected president.He's done so much for us.He knows which side has the best ideas for America.

  162. Blogger alicia banks said...

    Can you believe that this bold bastard Hobama gave himself a B+ when Oprah asked him to grade his performance to date!?!

    Can you believe this bold heifer Alicia- in a pathetic attempt to showcase her skills as a writer- listed a bunch of vanity press publications. How stupid do you think we are?

  163. Anonymous4:12 PM

    just as eye told yall it started spamming but under another alias now its clearly the same shyteating monster stank breaf banks who always ruins this blog it really brings comfort to ur clueless ego to think that only one anon hates all of u and ur alteregos but no there are many of us who cannot stand u and post whenever we feel like it far more than one an army of anons ever notice how every time qoohole banks shows up to defend hr fragile ego the loser wannabe scientist comes to say some vulgar things and maybe launch a few threats? that must be the henchmen rogue state alterego then it starts spamming just like today its so predictable and obviously unintelligentstoopid shill propaganda blog nobody comments on it but u nobody reads ur dumbed down drivel cuz nobody cares people only visit ur blog cuz its a freak show into the mind of a mentally disturbed sociopath hater nobody is scared to debate u qoohole u havent the intelligence to debate anyone u barely are able to post anything wihtout losing ur mind each day

    take the stelazine and get the phukk out of hereloser

    sure wannabe scientist wannabe i is a dawcktaw queen muah muah muah ya ignorant piece of shyt if u have as much edumacayshun as u claim to have and u got a job why u posting here all the time using gutter language and talkin about stuff that is beyond ur pay grade? answer cuz ure an ignorant lying sack of catbucetas!

  164. Anonymous4:16 PM

    miss anne she thinks were as stoopid as she is the bluffs been called the lies have been exposed yet this psycho insists on perpetuating the same lies as if repeating them will somehow make them true its phukkin pathetic but also makes a person wonder if she is a troll or jess crazy or both

  165. Anonymous4:17 PM

    the conversations u have with ur sockpuppet alteregos show how truly pathetic u really r ya qoohole! miss anne she thinks were as stoopid as she is the bluffs been called the lies have been exposed yet this psycho insists on perpetuating the same lies as if repeating them will somehow make them true its phukkin pathetic but also makes a person wonder if she is a troll or jess crazy or bothjust as eye told yall it started spamming but under another alias now its clearly the same shyteating monster stank breaf banks who always ruins this blog it really brings comfort to ur clueless ego to think that only one anon hates all of u and ur alteregos but no there are many of us who cannot stand u and post whenever we feel like it far more than one an army of anons ever notice how every time qoohole banks shows up to defend hr fragile ego the loser wannabe scientist comes to say some vulgar things and maybe launch a few threats? that must be the henchmen rogue state alterego then it starts spamming just like today its so predictable and obviously unintelligentstoopid shill propaganda blog nobody comments on it but u nobody reads ur dumbed down drivel cuz nobody cares people only visit ur blog cuz its a freak show into the mind of a mentally disturbed sociopath hater nobody is scared to debate u qoohole u havent the intelligence to debate anyone u barely are able to post anything wihtout losing ur mind each day

    take the stelazine and get the phukk out of hereloser

    sure wannabe scientist wannabe i is a dawcktaw queen muah muah muah ya ignorant piece of shyt if u have as much edumacayshun as u claim to have and u got a job why u posting here all the time using gutter language and talkin about stuff that is beyond ur pay grade? answer cuz ure an ignorant lying sack of catbucetas!

  166. hobama IS the most repub president in history already!

    ditto for his repub idols ronny raygun
    and abe lincoln

    ditto for his kinder cuz gwb

  167. Anonymous4:19 PM

    miss anne she thinks were as stoopid as she is the bluffs been called the lies have been exposed yet this psycho insists on perpetuating the same lies as if repeating them will somehow make them true its phukkin pathetic but also makes a person wonder if she is a troll or jess crazy or both

    the conversations u have with ur sockpuppet alteregos show how truly pathetic u really r ya qoohole! miss anne she thinks were as stoopid as she is the bluffs been called the lies have been exposed yet this psycho insists on perpetuating the same lies as if repeating them will somehow make them true its phukkin pathetic but also makes a person wonder if she is a troll or jess crazy or bothjust as eye told yall it started spamming but under another alias now its clearly the same shyteating monster stank breaf banks who always ruins this blog it really brings comfort to ur clueless ego to think that only one anon hates all of u and ur alteregos but no there are many of us who cannot stand u and post whenever we feel like it far more than one an army of anons ever notice how every time qoohole banks shows up to defend hr fragile ego the loser wannabe scientist comes to say some vulgar things and maybe launch a few threats? that must be the henchmen rogue state alterego then it starts spamming just like today its so predictable and obviously unintelligentstoopid shill propaganda blog nobody comments on it but u nobody reads ur dumbed down drivel cuz nobody cares people only visit ur blog cuz its a freak show into the mind of a mentally disturbed sociopath hater nobody is scared to debate u qoohole u havent the intelligence to debate anyone u barely are able to post anything wihtout losing ur mind each day

    take the stelazine and get the phukk out of hereloser

  168. alicia banks said...
    this is why i ban all assnons always!



    I also finally figured out a VERY easy way to by-pass all the stalking posts and I do it by clicking on the icon on the top far left of the post.

    Works like a charm, it's just too bad there's no way to do it permanently!

  169. envious pressless agm/vdlr:



    why is it always useless worthless uneducated unaccomplished nigs like u always daring to dismiss superiors???

    macy gray sang a classic song about sorry hater mfs like u

  170. Dr. Queen:


    the kitten in me will do that

    but the lioness will still slay most lying hating mfs is in her nature


  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. Here's what it look's like when you screen out the BS:

    Icon Anonymous said...
    Icon Anonymous said...
    Icon Ms. Ann G. Myma said...

    Absolutely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen on this blog, ROTFLMBAO and LOL, smiley face!

  174. alicia banks said...
    but the lioness will still slay most lying hating mfs is in her nature



    I no longer have the energy, choosing instead to apply my lioness to studying for the MCAT!!!!

    Deuces for now!

  175. there is also a classic scene where tupac goes off on a hater vdlr clone/joe the film
    "poetic justice"

    tupac was felled by haters like the vdlr


    i miss and mourn tupac daily
    and he would be calling hobama OUT!!!

    tupac loved the poor blacks hobama has slain and betrayed...shame!!!

    Tupac shared the blood of regal revolutionary ancestors. Yet, this son of Black Panther warriors always seemed to be lost in lesser battles. His vision blurred by capitalist greed and trivial rivalries. His direction skewed by immaturity and absent fatherhood. His spiritual ascension grounded by worldly chaos.

    Tupac could have kept better company. But he could never have been more gifted as a griot/actor. He could have fought superior battles. But he could never have been a more fearless warrior. He should have lived longer. But he could never have lived more memorably. In perhaps his most prophetic and autobiographical song, "I Ain't Mad at Cha", he says "I ain't happy here". I know his soul lives eternally in a superior place. I sincerely hope he is happy there...

    Unlike the rest of us, Tupac never masked his imperfections. He never camouflaged his confusion. He never apologized for his rage. He was honest and real in an industry and a world where such ethics are liabilities. Tupac loved African people. We will never forget that love, because we will always love him just as much.

  176. Blogger alicia banks said...
    it is clear she is obsessed with being a lickless hairless dl nig butch maybe this wm is her blackfaced wigga eminem rasta alter ego with some virtual locks....

    Oh you described yourself so well. Thank you.

  177. Dr. Queen:

    u will slay that exam sista just as i slay these illiterate envious fools herein

    they are like vitamins and fang sharpeners for me!

    regal victories loom!!!

  178. weak witless agm/beaulah:

    more proof of your proud illiteracy!

    i am not the vdlr

    but u do need to loosen that hanky on your fat bald tiny slave brained is waaaaaay too gd tight!!!

  179. Anonymous4:45 PM

    So...where's your proof? Still waiting. Funny how you have none. And I do know this is your juvenile attempt to paint me with your colours. Too bad it fails. I do list websites and ancillaries...when it is not common knowledge. Common. Like Gravity. Like Evolution. Like easily accessed Facts and Data.
    Do your own work. It is about time you did.

    So..according to your inability to show any proof to the contrary...Liberals work, and cons like to have others toil for little, or free. Gave you all day. Should be easy to offer something...unless the blog poster was accurate.

    Revrunts on the Teddy Haggard? Swaggart? Grant Storms? Lonnie W. Latham? Billy Hargis? Jim Bakker? Peter Popoff? Morris Cerullo? Bob Moorehead Roy Clements? John Paulk? Kent Hovind?
    George Alan Rekkers? Stephen Green?
    ......The list is actually longer, but I hope this suffices for those who pretend that they want proof...when they actually don't like it when someone who does know..speaks out.
    I left out all the personal anecdotes. These include the Catholic society of conservative pedophile priests and their enablers...the local pastor who ministerates to underage girls...the conservative homophobic hellion who has boys-only camp outs several kilometres away form oversight...the audits that show the christian skool is getting 98% of their funds parasitically off the School District but doesn't want to account for the funds...

    Again, still waiting for proof. All you have is the 'you gay' retort...and that only works on your fellows.
    Where's the proof?


  180. proudly illiterate link hating book hating research hating fugly envious turbo breeding nigs like the vdlr and agm doom our entire race

    these SOULLESS BRAINLESS LIFELESS fools betray every slave who fought and died to read and become educated


    We have lost far too much for far too many generations. These losses remind me of a classic poem by Alice Walker entitled "Women". It praises uneducated rebel ancestors who defiantly revered the education of their progeny. We must save ourselves now as we did then:

    by Alice Walker

    They were women then
    My mama's generation
    Husky of voice
    Stout of Step
    With fists as well as
    How they battered down
    And ironed
    Starched white
    How they led
    Headragged Generals
    Across mined
    To discover books
    A place for us
    How they knew what we
    Must Know
    Without knowing a page
    Of it

  181. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Just read where some Heeyuck wanted the government to ask her permission...from her personally...before funding Planned Parenthood. Because she is Entitled Pwincess. And she wants, like any two year old with a new word, to say NO.


  182. and i would bet cash money that each of their demon seeds reads FAR below grade level too....shame!!!!

    Excerpts from Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors by Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint:

    "We remember the injustice of how slavers brought our people to America, but we have forgotten the brilliance of our response - how we sneaked around late at night and taught ourselves to read, taught ourselves secret signals to resist, taught ourselves pride and will and love. We have to draw on that history of persistence.

    [The elites] are buying things for their kids $500 sneakers for what And won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics!

    The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting.

    One advantage that African-American kids have over most people in the world is the ability to speak English. It's the international language of business. To be a success anywhere on the globe, you have to speak it. But we're letting this advantage slip away too. Many of our kids don't want to speak English. In our day, we used to talk a certain way on the corner, but when we got into the house, we switched to English.We used to blame the kids for talking this way until we heard some of their parents. Some black parents couldn't care less.

    Most black employers we know want to see the entire community prosper. But even they don't want to hire boys who can't dress properly, and who speak as if English were a second language. When we see these boys walking around the neighborhood, we imagine them thirty or forty years down the road wandering around just as aimlessly, and we want to cry.

    A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher.

    A working parent can also introduce [children] to a rather simple device that all of us hate but that most of us have learned to live with an alarm clock. Getting up when you're tired and going to school or work is not something that comes naturally to anyone. It's something that kids have to learn at home.

    There are whole blocks with scarcely a married couple, whole blocks without responsible males to watch out for wayward boys, whole neighborhoods in which little girls and boys come of age without seeing up close a committed partnership and perhaps never having attended a wedding.

    Certain people tell us that we are picking on the poor. Many of those who accuse us are scholars and intellectuals, upset that we are not blaming everything on white people as they do. Well, blaming only the system keeps certain black people in the limelight, but it also keeps the black poor wallowing in victimhood."

  183. Anon283105:03 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Anon 28310

    "However, I do believe a tint of black self-hatred exists when a black marries a white. There are some exceptions, but for the most part many of the blacks in these relationships reek weakness."

    And what is your analysis of the whites who marry blacks?

    What is most obvious about racists and Toms is that they are always attacking or belittling the actions or views of blacks and never giving equal scrutiny those of whites.

    Or rationalizing them.

    You should check your own weakness.

    Oh, I have given equal scrutiny to those whites. In my opinion, whites that marry blacks are probably doing it out of sexual curiousity and or doing something novel tantamount to adopting a Chinese baby.

    In a white racist society such as America, whites will always think they are better than blacks. For example, the ugliest, fattest and most pasty white female rejected by her men thinks she's good enough to pull a handsome black man.

    UTS, I shouldn't have to explain that to you.

  184. Anon283105:07 PM

    Further, I USED to consider AB a raging lunatic for railing you UTS. Now, I think I will reconsider my position. Maybe she does have a point.

  185. Anon28310 said...
    In a white racist society such as America, whites will always think they are better than blacks. For example, the ugliest, fattest and most pasty white female rejected by her men thinks she's good enough to pull a handsome black man.

    UTS, I shouldn't have to explain that to you.

    You DO understand Cleofus, right? And understand from experience,LOL!!!

  186. Anonymous5:19 PM

    The black man's love of white vagina is fierce.

    White vagina is the best vigina they is.Even if the vagina is the ugliest, fattest and most pasty white.

    Even a "handsome' brutha can't refuse the white vagina.

  187. This comment has been removed by the author.

  188. Eastsider5:32 PM

    Ms. Queen said: "This is why the day after I earn my "Dr" title from Georgetown University class of ~2017, EVERY person I come across like you will be REQUIRED to address me that way as well!"

    Oh, just as I thought, you are not really a doctor. Good luck with getting that degree, I'm sure they'll make it as easy as possible for you, but that may not be enough. But as you struggle to do higher math, just keep thinking about that piece of paper that once in hand, will allow you to control how other people address you.

    "Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd...........smiling"

  189. Dr. Queen:

    U SLEW OJ UTS!!!!


    regal BAM!!!

    u made my day!

  190. hear more classic rebel radio wisdom from LEGENDARY warrior icon jeff rense...

    classic shows on gwb and his MORE brutal blackish clone hobama linked below!!!


    stop letting racist hobama nazi nigs and wigs who infest this blog pimp and distract you by making you listen ONLY to the tjms and making u hate books/research!!!...

    research alex jones/jeff rense/william cooper for yourselves

    they do not lie on hobama!

    the morons who slander them herein simply are too adoring and illiterate to handle the rebel truths these wm tell about that blackish hobama

    Obama is not a socialist. Those who call him a socialist do so only to distract us from his genocidal global script as a rabid and ruthless elitist. He has only been a socialist for rich bankers to date.

    Obama is not an anti-Semite. His elitist puppeteers know that all wealth always trumps all racism by their own design.

    Obama has not murdered any Jews, blacks, or homosexuals in concentration camps (to date). But, Obama’s legendarily bilked trillions have financially slain millions of persons for decades to come. Obama has decimated poor blacks as never before. Yet, amazingly, poor blacks are his most suicidally loyal worshippers. Obama’s brazen serial betrayals against gay voters and his ongoing bromances with brutal gaybashers like hypochristian Rick Warren and homohating homosexual Donnie McClurkin have murdered the spirits of millions of homosexuals…

    In the tragic case of Obama, stark distinctions are politically insignificant differences! Our denials will never protect us. Obama is indeed petrifyingly similar to Hitler in many ways:

    Obama is blindly worshipped. Hitler was blindly worshipped even as he gassed Jews in ovens. Even as Americans are increasingly homeless, unemployed, and hungry, Obama is increasingly worshipped unconditionally. Obama has not saved one home or job. Yet, his adoring fans endlessly excuse every failure he botches and every blatant lie he tells.

    Obama is grossly coddled and unchecked by all mainstream media. Hitler rigidly controlled media and fabricated truths as he implemented genocide and fiscal chaos. His fans that rule media have blatantly ignored truths about Obama. Truth is always the initial casualty of war. We who seek any truth about Obama lost the media war long ago.

    Obama’s fans are suicidally loyal clones of Nazis. No one dared to speak against Hitler without dire retributions. I am an afrocentric scholar who has dedicated my entire life to global African truths and social justice. Yet, I have received worse hate mail than Clarence Thomas or Michael Steele since I proudly voted for Hillary Clinton. Fortunately, Obama’s horrid antics to date have made each moronic missive and harassing incident become poetic justice.

  191. alicia banks said...
    Dr. Queen:

    U SLEW OJ UTS!!!!


    regal BAM!!!

    u made my day!

    It's pretty easy to slay Cleofus AB, LOL!!!

  192. gaybashing assnon:

    slavery and lynching were legal once too


    the vdlr is a retarded tiny cobra
    but even her IQ may be higher than yours


    Murderous gaybashers exist and are religiously sanctioned in every human race. Yet, I remain convinced that racism and sexism combine to create a uniquely hot hatred of homosexuals within most black gaybashers globally. I have penned many columns, hosted countless talk radio shows, and engaged in heated debates with diverse friends on the subject of black gaybashers for decades. I have elaborated ad infinitum about precisely how racism and sexism combine and degenerate too many black men who regard themselves exclusively as life support systems for penises, and too many black women who regard themselves exclusively as concubines/breeders for these aforementioned black macho men.

    This toxic combination of psychoses fashions turbo gaybashers in blackface, who passionately regard homosexuals as literal nullifiers of their very existences. Their twisted insecurities are expressed as fatal gaybashing/self-defense mechanisms in the paranoid and insane wars that their hatred fuels against sexual truths in general and homosexual persons in particular. Combine those toxins with the additional madness created by the oceans of blood awash upon the hands of droves of black pastors, who continue to preach lies about God and the bible to their mindless and robotic flocks. These evil and bigoted pseudo-christians truly regard gaybashing and murdering homosexuals as divine acts!!!

    To this toxic mix, blend in the arrogant ignorance of uneducated masses that know and desire to know absolutely nothing about the universal scientific nature of homosexuality in literally every living species. All of these ancient ingredients mesh into a perfect and pervasive recipe for social poison that festers deep within the core of global black cultures and ferments into a potent emotional and psychic venom that the diaspora of African gaybashers spew like legions of deadly cobras.

  193. Eastsider5:48 PM

    field negro said...
    But he was 35 when his political career was launched from a gathering in Ayers' home, 34 when Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams From My Father for him, in his late 30's when he worked for Bill Ayers at the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago."

    "Yes, and we all know how radical those "Annenberg" folks are.

    Wingnuts are funny.:)"

    The point was, Mr. Negro, Obama's denials that he ever knew Mr. Ayers are demonstrable lies, and that hanging around with an admitted terrorist is still not cool, even he hasn't set any bombs lately.

    "Eastsider, I see you. Michael Douglas did a wonderful job ofplaying your character. Just another miserable white man in A-merry-ca who can't make it, and blames those black folks for taking away his job, his woman, and his home. *shaking head*"

    I'm doing just fine thank you, although I don't know how many more negroes I can support. Y'alls kind of expensive. I think it's mostly the shoes and the hair care products.

    "I am going to play UTS on you:

    Show me one link where a black man took a white person's job.
    Or, if you know that person, have him (or her) post here. If they live in the Philly area I will personally try to see to it that they get their job back.

    Take all the time you need, I will wait......."

    You're going to play that childish game of UTS's? Really.

    You socialists are zero summers when it comes to splitting up the economic pie; how come you don't think giving someone a job that they aren't best candidate for doesn't take that job from someone else?

  194. dumb homohating animal assnon:

    wtfu...u dl/dimwitted lying fool!

    -The film “Jurassic Park” is based on ACTUAL scientific study. Millions of viewers missed the actual bisexual frog used to clone all those female dinosaurs. These exclusively female dinosaurs bred.

    -Many animals can change their sex at will. Many animals are bisexual. Many male animals become pregnant. Many animals have multiple sex organs. When such animals mate, both parties are impregnated simultaneously. (Research oysters, frogs, sea lions, cardinal fish, sea horses, river bullhead fish, mouth brooder fish, angler fish, lyre-tail coral fish, ten-spiked stickleback fish, orange sea perch, slipper limpets, roman snails, banana slugs, ravens, emperor penguins etc.)

    -Many animals are homosexual. Many homosexually mate for life. (Research dolphins, monkeys, pigeons, dogs, cats, graylag geese, pink flamingoes etc.)

    -There are many all female animal societies. Many of them reproduce females exclusively, by parthenogenesis. Many of them have sex for pleasure with fellow females. Many animals strictly segregate themselves by gender. (Research desert grasstail lizards, lions,whiptail lizards, water snails, rare birds, elephants, bees, ants, and spiders etc.)

    -There are even homosexual plants. (Research Jack-in-the-Pulpit etc.)

  195. Pete McMeat5:52 PM

    AB: "The film “Jurassic Park” is based on ACTUAL scientific study."

    Is that how they made you? Some kind of missing-link lesbian?

  196. Eastsider said...
    Oh, just as I thought, you are not really a doctor. Good luck with getting that degree, I'm sure they'll make it as easy as possible for you, but that may not be enough. But as you struggle to do higher math, just keep thinking about that piece of paper that once in hand, will allow you to control how other people address you.

    And you're just as I thought, another red neck cracker (RNC) who has problems with Blacks who are more educated and in a higher income bracket than you are. And I used the term cracker meaning NO OFFENSE to the saltines I LOVE in my tomato soup, I'm just thrilled that there aren't many like YOU in metro DC because you simply can't afford to live here!

    It's just unfortunate WV is "commuting" distance!

  197. wigga slob marley:

    u covet your own hobama baby

    u see that yellow face in that corp green hobama

    that blinds you too

    u have many hobama issues eminem rasta hue hefner mf...

    There is so much about this pending presidential election that inspires deep reflection. Colorism is perhaps the most repulsive ingredient in the recipe that flavors this exciting political season. The very same sexist media that slew Hillary Clinton now prey upon Michelle Obama. The same racist media that slandered Bill Clinton as a clone of Jesse Helms, now degrade Barack Obama as "Curious George", from Georgia to Japan.

    I have always liked Obama much more than I do most of his sexist and colorist fans. I revere Obama’s choice of a beautiful and brilliant spouse who happens to be darker skinned than him. Like Malcolm X/El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz chose to love the ebony Dr. Betty Shabazz, Obama chose his chocolate queen Michelle. I feel the same sense of pride when I look at photos of both regal black couples. I cherish visions of their black embrace in the White House.

    All of the “–isms” are on full display during this presidential campaign, as glaringly so as flag pins upon lapels. Colorism sparkles most brightly in the frenetic frays. Its shine urged me to revisit an old book list.

  198. Eastsider5:58 PM

    Ms. Queen said... "And you're just as I thought, another red neck cracker (RNC) who has problems with Blacks who are more educated and in a higher income bracket than you are"

    First off, I don't have a problem with other people's succes, and second, and most importantly, you are NOT more educted or in a higher income bracket than me, and I really doubt you ever will be. People like you rarely make it.

    Try scoring a touchdown first before you start spiking the ball.

  199. Dr. Queen:

    ditto for that uneducated inept soCRACKERish stalker wigga mf slob marley!!!!!!!

    u r on a regal roll!!!
